jrspore · 2 years
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Finished commission for @dojerodesigns
Thank you so much for commissioning me ^<^
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snowysaur · 7 years
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commission for @dojero!
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jellybeanbullet · 7 years
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A lil commission done for @dojero! Much hair! Such locks!
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heartsymod · 7 years
Back from Bronycon 2017!
Heyo, I’m back from vending at Bronycon!
It was definitely an eye-opening experience.
Some of you may know that I’ve been struggling with tendinitis and various other issues for over two years and it has severely damaged my morale and motivation to draw. It’s been so hard to feel like I’m capable of achieving anything as an artist when my body is fighting against me, when everything I do causes me pain. I haven’t believed in myself for a very long time. I have gone to physical therapy, though, and since then I’ve been getting better. It’s hard work, and improvement is slow, but it is real. In the months leading up to Bronycon, I had lots of doubts. I didn’t think I’d be a successful vendor, I didn’t think I’d be able to make enough art or pull my weight within my group of friends. As we each started preparing and ordering our prints, I realized I might not be so bad off. My prints looked good, I had a decent amount on content for my condition, and when we finally got to Baltimore and set up our booth I started feeling excited for myself for the first time in a long while. The convention itself went amazingly. By no means did I sell out and make bank, but I did break even with the help of my friends, and that was more than I’d been hoping for. People actually bought what I had to offer! That gave me a special feeling of pride, something I hope I never forget, because it’s the feeling that tells me I can be a successful artist despite my physical limitations, I can believe in myself.
I wanna give a special thanks to my friends who vended with me. @askdrakomod, @dojero, @kikity1414, and @earthsong9405, you guys are the greatest, and I’m so grateful that you all made it possible for me to have this amazing experience! Especially @askdrakomod and @dojero. You guys are the fucking best and I love you!
TL;DR: I finally believe in myself as an artist and want to make a name for myself as one, and I have the best girlfriend and best bff in the fucking world
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*Unamused noises*
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hartenas-den · 8 years
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Okay, so every year on Valentine’s day I usually do something cheesy and this year’s no different as I want to express my love, not for ones I wish a life with, but love for friends who are there when you most need them.
I’ve had a little bit of a rough year since last Valentine’s Day and my close friend circles aren’t as strong as they used to be, be it because of us drifting apart or just lack of time to hang out as much as we used to.
I really started to feel lonely but then I was welcomed with open arms into another group that were composed by tightly knit friends since years ago and for them to allow me to hang around really has meant a lot to me, so I guess that in short so is all that I want to say is thank you! 
@askdrakomod @heartsymod @dojero
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laurelhach · 8 years
your family raises sheep?
ja mate, we have between 15 and 60 head (counting lambs there) at any time
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rabbureblogs · 8 years
Could look into pasties if you really want to wear that shirt. They're usually reusable too :)
I honestly think pasties look dumb for every day purposes.
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ask-mercutio-floof · 7 years
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I’mma good boy!!!!! @dojero
Danky for teh ask!
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earthnashes · 7 years
Back from Bronycon!
Finally got back home and feel like I need to crash like a rock, but I wanted to say hello to everyone and reflect back on my time at Bronycon.
It was AWESOME! As usual I had the time of my life at Bronycon, it never fails at that aspect. I had so much fun vending with my bros @heartsymod, @dojero, @askdrakomod, and @kikity1414! It was their first time vending; I hope you guys had as much fun as I did. ^.^
This year it was actually calmer for the vending area aside from Friday; everyone was just brimming with excitement and it definitely showed! The rest of the week was pretty chill although I myself constantly felt tired; my wrist was hurt (I was actually drawing too much) and I think I might’ve caught something of a cold but even with those, the convention was great.
ALSO HOLY COW the voice actor of Flash Sentry, Vincent Tong, actually walked around the Vendor’s Hall and he stopped by some of the booths, including ours! He’s such a chill dude; I honestly didn’t recognize him at first but thankfully someone pointed him out; he signed my Flash Sentry print. Then M.A Larson walked around the Hall with... an M.A Larson mask on, and he offered me a pair of wings. That was definitely something I wasn’t expecting but is charming nonetheless; I love this convention. x3
I think the best parts aside from vending with da squad was seeing so many familiar faces coming to greet me and new faces stopping by the booth. Eveyone was just so sweet, honestly I didn’t quite know what to do with myself. xD Some of those folks included @rarilight​, @deil-grist, @couchcrusader, @midnightrt, @tambelon, @ask-dolly, @jykinturah-art, and so many more!
All in all? Despite being a bit sick with a bum wrist and all, it was a fantastic trip and I can’t wait to go back next year. For those of you who stopped and said hello thank you so much for finding me; the week was so fun in no small part because of you all. If you didn’t go to the convention this year I hope to see you next year!
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midnightrt · 7 years
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I got my first commission ever from @heartsymod, @askdrakomod, and @dojero! I hope it came out pretty!  I was actually drawing this traditionally at Bronycon ‘17 at their booth! It was really fun to draw and I’m definitely glad they asked me to do this. I loove the results!
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dragonfoxgirl · 7 years
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@dojero Well, he's already a tree with a face on it. @scythemaster892 it wouldn't be as intimidating.
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laurelhach · 8 years
That's wild! How long has your family been raising them?
18 years? that’s a guess, but it should be close
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