kikity1414 · 2 years
2019 Anniversary Animation! 
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kikitys-closet · 6 years
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heartsymod · 7 years
Back from Bronycon 2017!
Heyo, I’m back from vending at Bronycon!
It was definitely an eye-opening experience.
Some of you may know that I’ve been struggling with tendinitis and various other issues for over two years and it has severely damaged my morale and motivation to draw. It’s been so hard to feel like I’m capable of achieving anything as an artist when my body is fighting against me, when everything I do causes me pain. I haven’t believed in myself for a very long time. I have gone to physical therapy, though, and since then I’ve been getting better. It’s hard work, and improvement is slow, but it is real. In the months leading up to Bronycon, I had lots of doubts. I didn’t think I’d be a successful vendor, I didn’t think I’d be able to make enough art or pull my weight within my group of friends. As we each started preparing and ordering our prints, I realized I might not be so bad off. My prints looked good, I had a decent amount on content for my condition, and when we finally got to Baltimore and set up our booth I started feeling excited for myself for the first time in a long while. The convention itself went amazingly. By no means did I sell out and make bank, but I did break even with the help of my friends, and that was more than I’d been hoping for. People actually bought what I had to offer! That gave me a special feeling of pride, something I hope I never forget, because it’s the feeling that tells me I can be a successful artist despite my physical limitations, I can believe in myself.
I wanna give a special thanks to my friends who vended with me. @askdrakomod, @dojero, @kikity1414, and @earthsong9405, you guys are the greatest, and I’m so grateful that you all made it possible for me to have this amazing experience! Especially @askdrakomod and @dojero. You guys are the fucking best and I love you!
TL;DR: I finally believe in myself as an artist and want to make a name for myself as one, and I have the best girlfriend and best bff in the fucking world
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sleepymrshmllow · 6 years
what are your favorite game grump animateds?
oh gosh great question, i have a lot dgshj here’s some of them!Self Love by Michael Nanna The Grump VariationsON THE WALL by TopSpinTheFuzzy EYE by SherbiesAppropriate Story by iscoppieSculpting a Masterpiece by  kikity1414Salamander Goo by Penniless RagamuffinAnimate-A-Grump Heeding the Call by ShoocharuDon’t Do Anything by SmallbuI HATE SUBWAY by Brandon TurnerTHE ZOMBREX by Scribble NettySandstorm by AndrewkfulGhost Ship C’mon by TopSpinTheFuzzyShot and Missed by OryozemaVocal Warmups by Mike BedsoleCourting Helena by Yotam PerelMochi Likes Butt Pats by Brandon TurnerMy Dick’s Fallin’ Off by ShoocharuThe Tooth Fairy Truth by DinnerJoeShipping Shenanigans by smallcakes (technically this is a kkg animated but arin is in it and i just love it a lot dfsgsd)What’s Updog? by OryozemaThat Monkey Stole My Hat!! by Temmie ChangDon’t You Know Who I Am? by kikity1414Jimmies by Yotam Perel
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sailornilsdraws · 5 years
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Had to godtier some dnd PCs y’all. So we got Thief of Void Yen, Sylph of Life Hawthorne, Mage of Heart One, Knight of Time Sel, Knight of Breath Theo, and Heir of Hope Yue Liang!
Hawthorne belongs to @scribblingnarration
One belongs to @kikity1414
Sel belongs to @mr-neighbor
Theo belongs to @malatrix-san
And Yue Liang belongs to @echos-bizarre-adventure
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earthnashes · 7 years
Back from Bronycon!
Finally got back home and feel like I need to crash like a rock, but I wanted to say hello to everyone and reflect back on my time at Bronycon.
It was AWESOME! As usual I had the time of my life at Bronycon, it never fails at that aspect. I had so much fun vending with my bros @heartsymod, @dojero, @askdrakomod, and @kikity1414! It was their first time vending; I hope you guys had as much fun as I did. ^.^
This year it was actually calmer for the vending area aside from Friday; everyone was just brimming with excitement and it definitely showed! The rest of the week was pretty chill although I myself constantly felt tired; my wrist was hurt (I was actually drawing too much) and I think I might’ve caught something of a cold but even with those, the convention was great.
ALSO HOLY COW the voice actor of Flash Sentry, Vincent Tong, actually walked around the Vendor’s Hall and he stopped by some of the booths, including ours! He’s such a chill dude; I honestly didn’t recognize him at first but thankfully someone pointed him out; he signed my Flash Sentry print. Then M.A Larson walked around the Hall with... an M.A Larson mask on, and he offered me a pair of wings. That was definitely something I wasn’t expecting but is charming nonetheless; I love this convention. x3
I think the best parts aside from vending with da squad was seeing so many familiar faces coming to greet me and new faces stopping by the booth. Eveyone was just so sweet, honestly I didn’t quite know what to do with myself. xD Some of those folks included @rarilight​, @deil-grist, @couchcrusader, @midnightrt, @tambelon, @ask-dolly, @jykinturah-art, and so many more!
All in all? Despite being a bit sick with a bum wrist and all, it was a fantastic trip and I can’t wait to go back next year. For those of you who stopped and said hello thank you so much for finding me; the week was so fun in no small part because of you all. If you didn’t go to the convention this year I hope to see you next year!
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sunniapplepie · 7 years
Tfw ur friend's GG Animated is on the main channel 😃😃😃😃 @kikity1414 THIS IS AWESOME, YOU DID AN AMAZING JOB!!
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malatrix-san · 7 years
May or May not Have Been Tagged...
1. Always post the rules 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. Tag 11 people (or however many you want)
1. What is your favorite song of all time?  Super sonic racing
2. What time period, aesthetic style or art style is your favorite from history? I like the 50′s art deco style both when it was new and when shown as today (think bioshock degradation) and then the 70′s and 80′s advertising/corporate art and simple designs
3. If you had to die tomorrow, who would you spend today with? As many of my friends as I could gather. One last day of hanging out.
4. What is your opinion on The Sims franchise? They had a good starting idea and there is a middle ground between most of their products between really good gameplay and good graphics. It’s all EA though...
5. What is the worse injury you have ever sustained? For physical injuries, my knee gave out when playing tennis one day and has never fully recovered. If I’m on my feet for too long, my knees start to give out and I can actually pinch nerves and my patella can slide around.
6. Who do you want to fight in a Denny’s parking lot? @bloodredx​ even if it is her home turf
7. Who is your shoulder to lean on? @thefantasticmagicianthysto​
8. How many frogs is too many frogs? When they start to crawl into my clothing or try to get stepped on, whichever comes first.
9. If you could go anywhere for free, where would you go? Probably Japan.
10. Have you hugged a tree lately? I talked to my mom, that’s as close to trees as I’m getting for a while.
11. What do you think of pugs? They are cute, but I know of the inbred breathing problems of some of them. I’m neutral on them because I like cats more than dogs.
My questions:
1: What is your favorite car and why?
2: What is your favorite videogame (played or watched playthrough)?
3: Opinion on the sonic franchise?
4:  Easiest person to talk to?
5: Hobby, pastime, useful skill you would like to pick up/start?
6: Favorite genre of art or art medium?
7: What trivial action that is irrelevant now but you regretted for a long time?
8: What hat do you like wearing?
9: Do you like racing videogames?
10: What are your favorite two genres of music?
11: Do you get the stamped pennies at museums and tourist attractions?
All the people I can think of that isn’t weird of me to ask...
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kikity1414 · 2 years
Hello! I have returned!
Not gonna lie, it feels good to be back actually. ☺️
A little sad about what’s going down on Twitter. I befriended so many extremely talented people, and followed tons of artists/animators. Now it feels like going back to square one, and it’s been extremely difficult finding everyone’s accounts on here. I hope I find y’all soon!
I will be updating my blog soon. I have a lot of art I need to post, so stay tuned!
Good to be back! 😊
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gamegrumpsindex · 4 years
Anaelle Le Coz*
Andrea Hveem*
Austin Pettit
Ben Berliner*
Caroline Ramsey*
Catherine Litvac*
Chris Marks*
Christian Dobbins*
Courtney Vonada*
Dalton Brown*
Diogo Dornelles*
Ed Peppe*
Emski Stay
Em Stema*
Evan Huber*
Ham Firouzan*
Imogen Scoppie*
India Swift*
Jake Doubleyoo
Jake Guevara*
James Bear*
James Cunningham*
Jamie-Lee Reynolds*
Jason Perdue*
Jey Pawlik*
Josh Hano*
Kirby Otaku*
Lemony Fresh*
Marc Cruz*
Meredith Nolan*
Methavee Markwell*
Michael Doig*
Michael Morarity*
Michael Pacheco*
Mike Bedsole*
Mike Patten*
Mitchell Gonzales*
Nic ter Horst*
Omar Romolino*
Penniless Ragamuffin*
Perry Hull*
Rad Feenix*
Renee Violet*
Rhea Santos*
Ricardo Caceres*
Rosemary Danadoodles*
Ryan Boyes*
Sammy Torres*
Sandra Andersen*
Sean Adams
Sean Cunningham*
Shadow Fenrir*
Sheree Reeves*
Steff Egan*
Steven Duffy*
Tom Gran*
*= Participated in Animate-A-Grump
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truffle-troopers · 8 years
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Megan, you gotta little something-something on you...
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spice-mouse · 9 years
kikity1414 replied to your post:kikity1414 replied to your post:kikity1414 replied...
Yeah, with that song you have to learn drums, accordion, and keyboard. Not worth it haha!
Well drums and keyboard I very slightly know already but accordion skills will be obtained at some point in the future!
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kikitys-closet · 6 years
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kikity1414 replied to your post:How the fuck do we have 9 Huniepop videos
Dear lord! We did that many?!
Yes, and we are not even done. and they take up SO much space! I'm going to try to speed edit them, but I have to censor the titties. That'll be fun.
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foxgirlkira · 10 years
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I decided to make a bigger version of the drawing I did before!
They look like stickers! How cute! :D
Starting from the left going to the right: Courtney, Wren, Michael, Elija, Megan, Christine, Nikka, and last but not least myself (Francesca)
Truffle Troopers’ Youtube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIeEtvLGGOm57miUcW-8TiQ
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sailornils · 10 years
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Teeny demon pirates
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