#bronycon reflections
plantsucc · 3 months
pony reflection hours.
I finished Jenny Nicholson's video about Bronycon finally, and decided to check if Equestria Daily still exists. amazingly it's still up. I went to check out the article that featured my art once - I realised THIS MARCH marked 10 years since I had a moment of Horse Fame!! XD
my old username was ArtFlicker and I was featured in an Artist Spotlight. it's nice to be reminded of what people actually see or saw in my drawings. (ignore the she/her pronouns - I was about 14, didn't realise I was a trans guy yet, and wouldn't acknowledge it for a few years at least. :P)
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I explored gender through pony genderbends / genderswapping and shipping. it made me ask questions about society and probably made me who I am today. made me ask why does society treat you different depending on what you were assigned at birth? if a character were the opposite sex, what would change in both their body and their upbringing? (I didn't know about trans or nonbinary options yet. I think they call it cisswapping these days?) I also genderbent straight ships gay because... boys. I liked boy characters! and BL. and I got to explore the new dynamic. like if they're gay now, suddenly their relationship is unacceptable to some people, and actually illegal in many places. even though everything else is the same, suddenly it's transgressive? really makes a teen realise that they're living in a society. the whole thing made me think more deeply about gender and in turn stereotypes, inequality and oppression.
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(some gay (M/M gay not lesbian gay) Rainbow Dash genderswaps + gay-fied/un-straighted SoarinDash. I drew more of Pinkie Pie/Pokey Pierce but I show them in every post where I mention my Pony Past, so here's a rare selection of Rainbow Blitz instead)
um okay, it doesn't need to be that deep, everyone just seemed to love my cute shippy art, which I really appreciated. I put a lot of work into it and it was great fun. I think I put more work into these than I do my art nowadays... I want to go back to finishing things digitally but I don't know how anymore. it's like it's harder now. then again, 4-legged characters who don't even need clothes were very easy to design, draw and pose. should I return to that??
a nice comment similarly delving into love for my messy art. I guess maybe I'm too obsessed with (even romanticising and envying) the idea of clean line art being superior and my own being permanently "worse" for being a mess.
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the date was 12.03.2014 and the Artist Spotlight was written by Calpain. thanks again. :)
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The Last Bronycon, the video essay, was kind of hard to watch through, for personal reasons. it's like I'm coming to terms with my cringe past. but I cringed at the brony fandom for years after I left not because "embarrassing to be hyped about the colorful kids show," but because of the oversexualization and homophobia that seemed to plague the fandom.
at first, Equestria Daily didn't even accept M/M shipping fics, because they were allegedly """out of character,""" while F/F or F/M shipping fics AND suggestive fan art was allowed without question. it was meanspirited and conservative, typical for a "cishet dudes" kind of community. very typical for a "fandom originating from 4chan" kind of community... I'm over my hatred for bronies in general but THAT part is what I'm ashamed of when it comes to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
and yet it was a mostly good experience for my first big fandom. I made self-discoveries, lifelong friends and I got a good grade in shipping and art according to the fandom overlords of EqD. normal to want and possible to achieve. XD I didn't even realise the fandom had quieted down. the MLP:FiM fandom was SO prominent, it was everywhere in the 2010s. it was a very 2010s moment and I didn't even realise it until it was over. it's very similar to Homestuck in that way, because I don't see Homestuck cosplays anymore either, but in my mind it still feels MASSIVE even though I was never part of that fandom.
they're not Annoyingly Prominent anymore and the absence feels kind of... bad? painful?
I miss it? it's like, wow, you REALLY don't realise what you have until it's gone.
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(looking at my ponysona makes me want red hair again)
now for huge fandoms we have just have fffffucking Gensh- nonono I'll probably feel the same about that one in 10 years, just like I hated Homestuck at first and appreciate them now! I'm self-aware!! I am!
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idontevensais · 10 months
So. Let me set the scene. I'm in the shower pondering over the mysteries of life when a phrase echoes around unbidden. See, there's this YouTuber, Jenny Nicholson, who made a video about bronies and the last bronycon. In the video she drops a phrase that has been living rent free in my brain and has just resurfaced: "furry radicalization." For a quick explanation, essentially she posits in the video that men aren't socialized to have nonsexualized fondness for female characters and that their uncomplicated thoughts on the characters in My Little Pony eventually turned into “but can I have sex with it??”
Now to be clear, I'm not a furry. However, I look back on my life—my interests through the years and my interest in the gay bear subculture—and I do wonder, how did I escape the radicalization efforts.
As a little kid I was a huge fan of Beauty and the Beast, there was something so compelling to young me about some large powerful beast that was actually a person. I got older and suddenly werewolves were peak awesome, think Van Helsing, Underworld, even Harry Potter and Twilight. (I know, my taste is stellar). Look at these powerful creatures losing control and fucking shit up, fuckin raddddd. And then older once more and I find myself in and attracted to those in the bear subculture. And I reflect now and I think, how close I was to entering the ranks of furries.
I’m think about this all and try to make sense of it—because that's what you do in the shower—and I wonder maybe I have been touched by it or at least adjacent ideas. I mean I can't say for certain—I'm in the shower after all and who wants to research into the thought process of furries. But I can't help but notice that while I find big hairy men attractive, something about the bear moniker adds a certain something to it…
At this point I'm panicking, oh god have I been touched, tainted, poisoned by them and their furry ranks? The shower spray turns cold as I the fear grows. I furiously start thinking about various anthropomorphized characters and am like “do I want to have sex with these characters????” 
Characters flash before my eyes: the Beast, Scar, Prof. Lupin, Baloo, Sonic the Hedgehog, Mr. Resetti, Bowser.
Nothing. I sigh with relief—I do not want to have sex with them.
I hear a banging at the door. My husband is yelling at me to get out of the shower. I get out, dry and dress, all while pondering the rollercoaster of emotions. I get dressed and open up the door.
“Finally, Jesus babe, you took forever. I need the mirror to adjust some stuff on my fursuit so we can get going to the meetup.”
I laugh and let him have the mirror. Thank God I'm not a furry or anything.
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entity437 · 1 year
music i heard in april 2023 that was notable (accidental brony edition)
(i went on a spree of going through top brony music lists and the pony music archive, so here we are)
a really quite sweet (and catchy) song about both enjoying youth and the desire to grow up to see what you become. I especially love the synth just before the final chorus which just has such a powerful feeling of triumph and understanding; like everything has finally clicked.
while the original choral version still holds up today, I feel this stripped back version to be more appropriate for the subject of immortality: a life becomes more introspective with time. furthermore, the more simple vocal and guitar arrangement lend the song a cozy lullaby-like quality which is especially potent when framed by the mlp fandom. the original came out 9 years ago, with the fandom arguably at its largest and most energetic, then this version came out a year after the last episode of the show and the last bronycon. the song then now serves as a melancholic reflection on the goodtimes past, and an acceptance that the community will never truly disappear.
a deeply cerebral rendition of the bats song, playing out like an internal debate between the cold and logical (applejack), and the kind and empathetic (fluttershy) parts of the mind. this imagery is greatly assisted by the sparse and ethereal instrumental which provides a solid ambient groove. the vocals also sound somewhat robotic or uncanny, making everyone sound exceptionally serious and pointed with their statements.
for this song i adore the vocals and the caracterisation they provide. It begins tame, like lyra is talking about something taboo, though she quickly grows too excited to care about this. as the listener seemingly shows a level of interest in the topic, lyra quickly reels you into their world by selling you on the advantages and achievements of humanity in comparison to the pony world. lyra then begins just throwing facts, fiction, and justifications for humanity wildly at you, becoming so empassioned by anthropology that she denounces her ponyhood to the world for the hopes of experiencing even a slice of the human experience. so uhh, a perfect encapsulation of my experiences with ancient history.
possibly my favourite chrysalis song so far, with the vocal effect for the lead singer working great for the (relatively) alien but regal queen, the choir embodying the power, numbers, and dedication of the hive, and the grandiose orchestral hip-hop instrumental putting the changelings into an imposing opposition for the more conventional sound of the ponys. Additionally, the instrumental switches between more positive (0:35), conspiring (1:04), and fiersome (3:02) tones repeatedly, making the song effectively depict chrysalis regrouping the changelings, briefing them on those they face, and rallying their strength, confidence, and morale before their next battle.
similarly cerebral as was BATS!, however rather taking a confidence in it's conflict than idly basking in the theory of conflict. This is due to how the characters are presented, with Chrysalis's confident "this day IS going to be perfect" overpowering the "this day WAS going to be perfect" and further dispirited statements of the crestfallen Cadence. Where the tables are turned however is the instrumental, with it's piano making clear the situation's generally unclear outcome, but with the chiptune synth raising the possibility that things may sway against Chrysalis's plan. The triumph of Cadence is then foreshadowered by the synthy piano growing in volume and the natural piano disappearing, reflecting uncertainty has turned in the favour of the true princess. although, doubt can always surface even when confident as is shown by the natural piano closing the song.
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earthnashes · 7 years
Back from Bronycon!
Finally got back home and feel like I need to crash like a rock, but I wanted to say hello to everyone and reflect back on my time at Bronycon.
It was AWESOME! As usual I had the time of my life at Bronycon, it never fails at that aspect. I had so much fun vending with my bros @heartsymod, @dojero, @askdrakomod, and @kikity1414! It was their first time vending; I hope you guys had as much fun as I did. ^.^
This year it was actually calmer for the vending area aside from Friday; everyone was just brimming with excitement and it definitely showed! The rest of the week was pretty chill although I myself constantly felt tired; my wrist was hurt (I was actually drawing too much) and I think I might’ve caught something of a cold but even with those, the convention was great.
ALSO HOLY COW the voice actor of Flash Sentry, Vincent Tong, actually walked around the Vendor’s Hall and he stopped by some of the booths, including ours! He’s such a chill dude; I honestly didn’t recognize him at first but thankfully someone pointed him out; he signed my Flash Sentry print. Then M.A Larson walked around the Hall with... an M.A Larson mask on, and he offered me a pair of wings. That was definitely something I wasn’t expecting but is charming nonetheless; I love this convention. x3
I think the best parts aside from vending with da squad was seeing so many familiar faces coming to greet me and new faces stopping by the booth. Eveyone was just so sweet, honestly I didn’t quite know what to do with myself. xD Some of those folks included @rarilight​, @deil-grist, @couchcrusader, @midnightrt, @tambelon, @ask-dolly, @jykinturah-art, and so many more!
All in all? Despite being a bit sick with a bum wrist and all, it was a fantastic trip and I can’t wait to go back next year. For those of you who stopped and said hello thank you so much for finding me; the week was so fun in no small part because of you all. If you didn’t go to the convention this year I hope to see you next year!
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onenettvchannel · 4 years
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FLASH REPORT: VivziePop Announces a Newest YouTube Originals from a Spin-off Web Series of Hazbin Hotel in the Mid-Year of 2021 [#OneNETnewsEXCLUSIVE]
SIDE NOTE FIRST: The following is an extremely sensitive news article. OneNETnews does NOT really condone, endorsing or promoting this web series programme on YouTube, in relating for purchasing an explosive weapons and paraphernalia in any matter. READER's DISCRETION is STRONGLY ADVISED!
FREDERICK, MARYLAND -- Two years before the Spin-Off of Hazbin Hotel's first pilot episode run, it was released over to YouTube at the end of October 2019. This spin-off is much way different from the original series herself, after A24 was secured the rights for the adult animated TV Series in America. A Salvadoran-American animator and producer in Frederick, Maryland named Vivziepop a.k.a. Vivienne M. Medrano. She's an enthusiast horror person before it becomes an adult animation almost a decade before in early 2010s but, she is actually not attended any of this convention like BronyCon for example in a Left-Northwest of Baltimore; under it's TV Series of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, far from her hometown.
But today, Helluva Boss (shortened as Heck-of-a-Boss) is a newest spin-off from Hazbin Hotel. The original pilot was released at the end of November 2019, while the first 2 episodes was released exclusively on YouTube as a televised web series. SpindleHorse Toons is an independently responsible animated production company on her founder was made by VivziePop alone during her career of YouTube.
A first teaser was released as planned on a New Year's Eve of 2021.
Our exclusive sister YouTube affiliate named XProjectOriginal obtained this Spanish review and impressions stated from this trailer but, there is no synopsis from the description of the show regarding from this YouTube Original web series of Helluva Boss. XProjectOriginal was told exclusively to OneNETnews in a referenced roughly translated Spanish dialect... "This is for the adults and i have to talk about Sex and Drugs for this web series. This was very unusual because obviously, they are much doing things stronger, funnier and a darker humor which many people like 4chan and Social Media for example, does not like this show to yourself at all. An expletive offensive language, graphic violence and disturbing sexual references is possibly necessary. This series is much really dang good by the way, but not for everyone for most people."
According to XProjectOriginal from his review & impressions, the Immediate Murder Professionals (IMP) from the assassinated company of Heck employees will do their jobs in a slain-titive way. Blitzo is a founder and a manager of IMP, Moxxie is an Assassin and Weapons Expert, Millie is an Assassin Bruiser & Loona is a Receptionist person in dealing with your worst problems. He adds on his reaction at the end of a latest teaser trailer of Helluva Boss, the first season will be released possibly by Summer 2021 for Episode 3 and more.
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Judging from this trailer in our Research Team of OneNETnews, expect this first season will be a tons of intense drama and violence, suggestive sexual themes & offensive coarse language with a limited number of censorships per episode. Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) was classified here in the Philippines to Rated SPG. And in America at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), that'll be a Rated TV-MA-DLSV when appeared after a serious disclaimer before the episode starts, under the TV Parental Guidelines.
If you're looking for a wrong choices in Heck by any necessarily reason... This YouTube Original web series is just for you. The first season of Helluva Boss premieres possibly this Summer 2021, streaming ONLY on YouTube. Televised distribution rights may vary with caution.
SOURCE: *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helluva_Boss *https://hazbinhotel.fandom.com/wiki/Vivienne_Medrano *https://hazbinhotel.fandom.com/wiki/Hazbin_Hotel *https://hazbinhotel.fandom.com/wiki/Helluva_Boss *https://youtube.fandom.com/wiki/Vivziepop *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TV_Parental_Guidelines#TV-MA and *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Movie_and_Television_Review_and_Classification_Board#Strong_Parental_Guidance_/_Striktong_Patnubay_at_Gabay_(%22SPG%22)
SEVERELY HONEST DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed from this news article are not those from the SpindleHorse Toons. It does not promote any of it’s suggestively disturbing issue in a certain matter. Furthermore, the assumptions of this news article will NOT state, intervene or reflect those of our news reporters. The station, management, interwebs and the network. Thanks for reading, stay safe and may the Celestia blesses you. Later!
-- OneNETnews Team
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ponett · 5 years
Welp... it’s over. After nine years, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is over. I just got done watching the series finale with Anthony and, just like I knew I would, when the credits rolled, I cried my eyes out
I should probably say something, huh. I’ve been sharing thoughts like this mostly on Twitter lately, but I started using Tumblr to blog about MLP, so I don’t think it would be right to post this anywhere else
I have a complicated relationship with MLP:FiM. It’s a show that got really hit or miss after the second season, and it has a fandom so toxic and so full of edgy libertarians that it scared me off from formally participating in fandoms for the rest of my life. But it’s also probably my favorite TV show of all time. There are other shows that are much better written, that have more to say, that are more consistent, even including several other cartoons from the same decade. But I think I’d be lying to myself if I said it wasn’t my favorite show
No other piece of media has had as massive of an impact on my life as My Little Pony
I grew closer to some of my closest high school friends because of our shared enthusiasm for the show. I started PonyPokey with Jake and Derek and made a bunch of bad videos and got invited to be on a wildly disorganized BronyCon panel with Jenny Nicholson in 2012. (We went on stage immediately after Lauren Faust’s panel. I barely said a word due to stage fright.)
After years of being too afraid to share my art online, I started putting more effort into learning digital art so that I could draw ponies. It started out rough, but with the drive to improve, I quickly got better. I started Fluttershy Replies. For the first time, I had an audience. I had people who cared about my work and supported me. Even as times have changed, many of you have been following me since way back then
Around the time I came out as bi in 2012, I got really into MLP shipping. Writing sappy comics and drawing sappy art became an outlet for my years of pent up feelings, and helped me sort out a lot of stuff. My Little Pony also completely changed the views on femininity that had been beaten into my skull since childhood. Suddenly, it wasn’t this strange, alien thing to be afraid of. MLP, at its heart, is a show about how there’s no wrong way to be a girl. That’s an incredibly powerful message. Rarity wasn’t a vapid snob. Fluttershy wasn’t a background character who got made into the butt of the joke. Pinkie wasn’t a ditz. These were characters written to be empathized with. And writing about my own feelings from the perspective of Fluttershy felt... right. It took me a few years to fully process those feelings, but eventually, I realized the truth. I was a trans woman. And a cartoon about horses was the first step on my path to realizing this
In 2013, one of the roughest years of my life, I decided to download RPG Maker on a whim to give myself a distraction. Naturally, my first instinct was to make a game where Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash kiss. What was initially supposed to be a short, Fantastic Game-esque playground of silly little jokes spiraled out of control and became Super Lesbian Horse RPG, a game that I poured my heart and soul into over the course of a year. And then, a couple years later, my desire to preserve the ideas from my copyright-infringing fangame also spiraled out of control, as all my creative projects do, and became SLHRPG’s successor: Super Lesbian Animal RPG. SLARPG isn’t really a reskinned MLP fangame anymore--it’s more like a new game inspired in part by my old project. The story has been drastically rewritten, the characters changed, the levels and gameplay redesigned. Most of the cast of the new game wasn’t in the original project in any form. There’s much, much, much, much, much more new content than old left in the game. And the original game had already strayed so far from the canon anyway. But I’m also not sure it would exist without MLP
I made a bunch of friends online, including close friends I still have to this day. I met the people like Bee and Thomas who I’m still working with on SLARPG. Most importantly, because we both blogged about MLP and had some mutual friends, I met Anthony, the love of my life. We’ve been together for five years now and supported each other through good times and bad. This is the lamest, corniest, stupidest thing I will ever say in my life, but he’s the Rainbow Dash to my Fluttershy
So what about the finale itself? (spoilers, obviously)
I have... mixed feelings on the finale. There were some things that really annoyed me in there. But also, like I said, I cried, so I think it’s safe to say they did good overall
I think the thing that stuck in my craw the most was Discord. Which I guess shouldn’t be surprising. I’ve been saying for years now how I hate Discord, how he spits in the face of everything the show stands for. He’s an obnoxious elderly manchild who constantly causes problems on purpose and torments his so-called friends the second they stop paying attention to him. But they have to put up with him and give him infinite second chances, because he’s a god and Celestia said they had to reform him
The overarching plot of the final season is that Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra, Tirek, and Cozy Glow (a Darla Dimple-esque filly villain from season 8) had teamed up with Grogar, a “new” villain taken from G1. While this goes on in the background, Twilight is making her preparations to become Celestia’s successor, as we’d known would be her destiny since the day she got wings six years ago. The villain team-up stuff was genuinely fun, and a highlight of the season for me. But then, in the three-part finale, it’s revealed that Grogar was actually Discord in disguise, and that he’d been intentionally trying to orchestrate a big attack on Twilight’s coronation so that she and her friends could save the day and get a big confidence boost going into her reign as princess. This is like... one of the most bafflingly stupid plot twist of all time. It’s literally the end of the show, and Discord has learned nothing. He’s “nice” now, but he’s still intentionally causing huge problems and putting everyone’s lives in danger to solve his problems. He freed four different villains they’d already defeated just so Twilight could beat them again, and in the process they literally blew up the goddamn castle in Canterlot and nearly killed everyone. And yet... they still forgive him, because they have to
I did, however, think that the last two-part adventure episode was fun overall. It tied a nice bow on much of the series, bringing back a bunch of old friends (including cameos from the movie cast!) to band together and save the day. Of course, in the end, they beat the bad guys with a big rainbow laser and sealed them in a statue. You know, even though a previous season finale was all about how solving their problems with a friendship laser and sealing the villains away never worked. Also, Cozy Glow might be evil, but she’s still literally a child? And now her petrified body is on display in the center of Canterlot? What the fuck????
I’m complaining a lot, but again. It was fun overall. It was nice to have one last big adventure, and to have the mane six reflect on how they’d grown since Twilight moved to Ponyville
And then we got the actual final episode. And boy did this one hit me HARD
I’m so glad that they ended on a quieter episode about the main cast’s friendships, because that’s what the show is actually about. The two-part adventures to save Equestria every season are fun, but that’s not the real show. We all came back every week for Twilight and her friends
There are things I can complain about here, too. Spike being a buff adult dragon with the voice of a child is fucked up. I’m still not used to seeing Twilight be Celestia’s size. But more than anything, I was always worried that we’d get a Harry Potter ending, where all the characters are paired off into arbitrary marriages so they can all have kids. Thankfully, this didn’t really happen. The only one who had a kid was Pinkie, who apparently got married to Cheese Sandwich (Weird Al’s character) at some point. Like, they literally shared two episodes together, with no hint of romance? But then they got married and had a kid off-screen??? What the fuck???? A lot of people also think that Fluttershy ended up with Discord, and I know I’m massively biased against that ship, but... I mean, they teased the FlutterCord shippers, but there wasn’t really any actual textual evidence that they were any closer than they had been previously. Y’all weirdos who ship Fluttershy with an obnoxious elderly man can interpret that as being “canon” if you want, I guess, but it’s not
The other relationship that shocked everyone in the finale was Applejack and Rainbow Dash, who... appear to be a couple? It’s definitely hinted at. I have... very, very mixed feelings about this. I mean, okay, obivously I’m the big FlutterDash fangirl. But I think AppleDash is cute, too! The problem is that, like... they’ve barely interacted in years? Like, they had a lot of episodes together in the first two seasons, but then the writers barely ever had them interact past that point. I can’t even remember when the last time we got an actual episode focusing on them was. And no, the one where Rainbow takes Granny Smith to pony Vegas doesn’t count
Like... yeah, it’s cute. It’s a nice gesture. Lyra and Bon Bon getting married in the background was also cute. But we can do so, so much better in 2019. We have so many explicitly canon lesbian couples in cartoons. Couples that actually kissed, or got married, or showed feelings for each other. Rainbow and AJ barely even fucking talked to each other in the final few seasons. I dunno, it just feels very hollow to me. Even the Equestria Girls crew admitting they were pushing RariJack felt more substantial to me, because at least they were given on-screen chemistry and lots of canon interaction
But in the end, complaints aside, the finale was about Twilight moving back to Canterlot, and worrying that her friendships would fade because of it. Honestly, I think this is what the finale of the show always would’ve been. It was the perfect story to end on. And boy, it hit really close to home
And then the last song happens, reflecting on how things have changed, but how they’re all still friends. And we see all the other friends they made along the way. And the camera zooms out, and the book from the opening of the very first episode closes, bringing the entire nine-year saga full circle
And then I started sobbing really hard in Anthony’s arms
I dunno. I just got done nitpicking a lot, but I still think that the last episode was a good and very emotional ending for the show
I’m going to miss this show dearly. I know it will be back in a new form, and that the leaks indicate that it’ll still star slightly different versions of the Mane Six. I’m also used to shows like this getting rebooted. Hasbro cartoons are honestly lucky to last past three seasons. FiM, on the other hand, got over 200 episodes, a theatrical film, a few specials, some shorts, a bunch of comics (which I still need to read), and a spinoff human AU series that was also really great. There’s no shortage of content, and I’m sure I’ll be returning to the series for years to come. I’m also glad that the show managed to go out on a high note
But still. It was a constant presence in my life for nearly nine years. Even as the quality got really hit or miss, even as they took the premise in strange directions, even as the crew of the show grew more and more dominated by men, it was still a show I could rely on to always be there, 26 episodes a year. I’ll miss it. I hope what comes next is just as good, if not even better. I also hope it’s gayer
I was going to end my ask blog, Fluttershy Replies, around the time the show ended. I’m not sure if I’ll do that just yet. I don’t know. I think that might be a bit much for me to process emotionally. Too many doors closing in my life in quick succession. But I do want to do more with it. These characters will be special to me for the rest of my life
I mean shit, I haven’t even drawn StarTrix yet. I’ve still got a lot of work to do with these horses, folks
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riftwingdesigns · 5 years
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I just sent out my August newsletter! If you signed up and don’t see it, or if you aren’t getting it, please message me with your e-mail address and I will add you to the list.
This month’s challenge reflects on Bronycon, a snippet of which is as follows:
“I was absolutely thrilled to present two panels at the last Bronycon two weeks ago. I closed my Assertiveness presentation with the above lyrics, which are from a song of the same name. It was very important to me to show that the lessons from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic exist in other shows like My Hero Academia, and that it's up to us to take those lessons and become even better - to go beyond - Plus Ultra! The full video is also up on YouTube if you want to watch that presentation. :)
“The end of Bronycon is neither the end of bronies (fans of My Little Pony) nor the end of brony conventions. It is a chance to stop, reflect, and consider the effect of what that ending is. For me, the end of Bronycon signals a growth of so many fans. I heard stories from some that overcame their inner demons, that left toxic relationships, and others that found blossoming relationships. The positivity, equality, and desire to do good is what Bronycon left us with. “
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necromarecy · 5 years
its that time of year again
well technically yesterday was, my birthday, at the time of posting this but its w/e i know nobody really checks this account regularly enough 4 it to matter
wish i had something profound to reflect on or at least some big resounding thought to ramble on about this time but alas no luck,
things are about the same as they ever were, even less time spent drawing this year, what a drag
maybe once i start getting more of my energy back from sleeping alright and eating slightly better and, money for a proper tablet, and such
I dont think anyone really cares about ponies anymore! especially grimdarkish ponies.. and that’s okay i knew the time would come for that, I just don’t have much else im good for right this minute. I’ll be at bronycon for all 4 days! it was very narrow of an opportunity considering its the last one and im still very not in a good place, i owe almost all of it to my fantastic gf who planned and saved up a lot!! things just kinda came together for it with friends and plans which is weird, im used to more of the falling through type
im 21 now! legal drinking hoorah, we’ll see what shenanigans inevitably surface from that im sure
anyways that’s about all I’ve got for this year if it matters, I’m so very tired, and tumblr and the fandom are so very dead, i suppose i didnt help much in that regard, but I’ll likely still keep doodling ponies until my death bed for what it’s worth
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I know that I have been making a lot of posts about my feelings towards the mlp fandom losing popularity, and with this whole tumblr ban going downhill. I’ve been so occupied with it all that I have been disregarding the purpose of my own blog.
Many that I have talked to online have said that my feelings, and opinions towards keeping the fandom alive are all in vein. The last season starts in a few months, and from what I have been told, funding to bronycon has shrunk enough that 2019 will be the last one they have.
I have been told that if the show goes on, it will lose it’s authentic experience. I have been told If the show goes on the fandom will become stale. I do agree that these things are true, and changing these opinions are next to impossible. But I have so much pride, so much commitment with this fandom not just because it has been my first, but because it has given me the missing happiness I’ve been searching for in my life.
I have always told myself since I was a kid that I would be nothing because I rarely expressed my mind. I often asked myself if i ever had a chance of seeing the world for what it is, and I constantly judged myself. I told myself I couldn’t be anything because I can’t be everything.
Now as I have grown up to be the adult that I am, I still feel the same way because I still have another 60 or 70 years or so to find my own way with what little courage I have. I learn to get a job, make a living on a career and live a long time then one day quietly pass away as an elderly man reflecting on his past memories.
I may be young, but I’m only young once. I have to make the most I can from it. I must do what i feel is right even if others disagree. I have only been in the fandom just over two years now, and I still need to explore everything I can while it is still happening.
everything that has happened in the last year is the evidence that it is all going to end... and soon. For me to admit that... is like getting stabbed in the heart. I know that this painfull feeling is something we will all experience, and I’m not anyone special for feeling this pain. But I must fulfill my goal with this once in a lifetime experience.
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aboutthemponies · 6 years
The last BronyCon is in 2019! Thoughts and reflections
I am one of the luckiest in the fandom.
I thought I was unlucky at first; when I didn’t get in to university in California, I thought “Well, there goes my chance to get to BABScon for three years” only to be able to go to school in New York State, spend all three of my summers on the East coast, and make it to BronyCon during each one.  Every year for the last three years my life has been filled with a great joy that I sometimes forget is indeed possible here on Earth.
When I attended BronyCon this last weekend, I knew it was likely my last; after all, my time in college would come to an end in 2019, and post college, I have no guarantee of where I’ll be for the next few years of my life. Maybe I’ll go to grad school in a new state; maybe I’ll get at job where I’m interning, maybe I’ll return home to Colorado, maybe I’ll apply for Teach For America a second time and actually make the cut. The future is often uncertain, but it also follow patterns.
I remember my first year at BronyCon in 2016, one of the panelists warned that the show would end one day, maybe not tomorrow or the year after, but eventually, there would come a time when it was no more. We’ve always known that the number of MLP episodes and the number of BronyCons are finite; all that’s changed is that we now know precisely how finite they are: the last MLP:FiM season will be season 9, and the last BronyCon will begin on August 1st, 2019.
The forces which have determined the final season count to be nine are vastly complicated, but the forces which have determined the number of BronyCons are much more understandable. To see what I mean, here’s the attendance numbers for BronyCon since its inception, courteous of Wikipedia:
YearAttendees LocationJune 2011 100 NYC Seminar and Conference CenterSeptember 2011 300 Chinatown ManhattanJanuary 2012 850 Hotel Pennsylvania NYCJune 2012 4000 Meadowlands Exposition Center NJ2013 8407 Baltimore Convention Center 2014 9607 Baltimore Convention Center 2015 10011 Baltimore Convention Center 2016 7609 Baltimore Convention Center 2017 6319 Baltimore Convention Center 2018 5465 Baltimore Convention Center
The main take away from these charts is that from 2011 to 2013, the convention more than doubled its number of attendees each iteration, and from 2013-2015 continued to grow. But 2015-2016, the Con lost 2000, and lost 2000 more by this year. This is not to say that the 5,465 people who attended this year are insignificant, but we also need to factor in the convention location. With BronyCon essentially quadrupling in size over half a year in 2012, the convention was moved to Baltimore because the 61,000 square feet of Meadowlands Exposition Center wasn’t enough. The Baltimore Convention Center, by contrast, has 1,225,000 square feet making it 20 times larger! This consequently means it’s going to be a lot pricier hosting the con there rather than a smaller space, which means they need attendance rates to be high enough to break even. Keep in mind, that there’s some sort of contract between BronyCon and the Baltimore Convention Center, which may legally bind the con exclusively to that convention center. Thus, now that attendance has fallen, the con might have its hooves tied and no longer be able to sustain itself. If that’s the case, it makes perfect sense why BronyCon would choose to party like there’s no tomorrow rather than face a slow, inevitable demise.
However, since we ourselves don’t know the exact state of BronyCon’s finances and contracts, we cannot know for sure if there was a possibility to keep BronyCon alive for a few more years, or whether going out with a bang was the only option. What we do know is that as is, BronyCon would continue to diminish in size as long as the fandom does so. But by marking BronyCon 2019 as the final BronyCon and bumping its length to four days, it’s setting itself up to be one of the craziest fandom events ever. It does, however, come at the cost of potential future BronyCons.
This is a tradeoff we all see throughout our lives: do we choose to maximize our happiness in the present, or do we plan carefully to maximize our happiness in the future? Different people will call this shot different ways, but if you ask me, the MLP:FiM fandom is in the present, not the future. We know FiM will end in 2019, so in 2019, we need to party like there is no pony tomorrow. Because while MLP will live on into G5, the magic of G4 is only with us here and now, and in 202X when G5 takes the world by storm, there’ll be a new G5Con we’ll be celebrating at instead.
One more season of pony.
One more BronyCon.
For the love of Celestia, I hope I can attend it, and I hope you all can too!
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onenettvchannel · 4 years
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FLASH REPORT OVERNIGHT: A former Brony streamer of The Brony Network, was now arrested in a Late-Night Curfew during the Nationwide Protest of George Floyd's Death? [#OneNETnewsEXCLUSIVE]
FORT WORTH, TEXAS -- During the nationwide curfew and a protest of George Floyd's death in America, a former Brony streamer was now going undercover for a while and his own documentary assignment was exclusively streamed LIVE on YouTube in his hometown of Fort Worth City.
Aerial Soundwaves is on the scene exclusively to 91.7mhz DYPV-FM PonyvilleFM (an affiliation of OneNETradio & OneNETnews). The actual real name of BN_King... is Jose Martinez as an undercover pre-protest suspect when he is clearly determine if he is a Black person or not.
For those you don’t know about this person to him, a Brony who has a male fandom between the Brothers and Ponies under the 4th Generation of My Little Pony, known as the Friendship is Magic in October 2010 until the final season by October 2019.
This was aired on The Hub and later rebranded after the Discovery Kids and before Discovery Family. OneNETtv Channel (DYDZ-TV 8) was selectedly aired in some seasons until the FINAL Season in a LIVE Telecast the same time at 11am EDT / 11pm Manila / 10am CDT. It is also simulcast on our sister affiliated station to The Brony Network and the regional stations of Discovery Family in Metro Cebu (KLVY-TV 3) & Molave (KXRL-TV 9).
Here between near the Pedestrial Crossing of PMG Digital Agency & Enterprise Rent-a-Car in 2830 West 7th Street in Fort Worth, Texas... A local male police officer from the FWPD (Fort Worth Police Deparment) rans over quickly to BN_King (Jose Martinez) and he is reportedly booked to custody at the TCSD (Tarrant County Sheriff’s Department) at the Taylor Street on Monday late night at 2:12am (Texas local time) for 24hrs.
In a tweet statement to The Brony Network:
"I got wrongfully arrested this past Sunday night (Texas local time)... I was out in the West 7th Street in Fort Worth past 10:30pm (Texas local time) and I so happen to stumble a police blockade with protesters I thought I checked it out... It is goes past a full hour all heck started to break loose and I wasn't gonna take any part but surely streamed the insane stuff that was going from some guy throwing a fire cracker to thugs throwing rocks at windows it was started to get hot..."
"It was past MIDNIGHT (Texas local time) and i was ready to head out as i've seen enough of the carnage but unfortunately as i was heading back to my vehicle i was in the middle of a crossfire as cops are making arrests on people in the streets and at that point i was too. After that, I was taken into custody without questions and went to the cities sheriffs department where we gotten processed and left in a closed with ex-communicated with the world (including my folks & boss at work) until we we're let out 24 hours later with no charge."
"In the end, i'm fine with mixed emotions, mostly depression & anger with alot of tiredness around, be the 1st and last time i'll ever attend to protesters that could turn bad, then again not all as I was a the wrong place and at the wrong time. Now that's something no mainstream news media won't show but I did stream archived for the world to see."
BN_King (Jose Martinez) was told exclusively to 91.7mhz DYPV-FM PonyvilleFM (an affiliation of OneNETradio & OneNETnews)... An illegal arrest was made from the FWPD (Fort Worth Police Department) & TCSD (Tarrant County Sheriff’s Department) as a temporal civilian during the nationwide protest and a curfew in his own unedited documentary and he's requesting to turn his mobile YouTube LIVE Stream off. His personal violation was amended by the Republic Act #9344: Section 4.9R or Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006. He is now in jail as an Arresto Menor for 24hrs. on Monday and later bailed free-of-charge the next early morning in this same city on Tuesday (Texas local time).
This was his first historical curfew violation around the Dallas-Fort Worth area at 8pm (Texas local time) during ONLY the nationwide protest of George Floyd's death. Similar to a CNN Reporter named Omar Jimenez... He does the same thing first without any questions to the Minneapolis Police during the morning news show called New Day.
At the BN_King's Discord Server, the netizens was slammed onto his arrest from this reaction that night.
BN_King (Jose Martinez) has issued a final statement a few days later...:
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With that said, he is officially remain innocent (as a former Brony streamer) until proven guilty with a lighter violation of Republic Act #9344: Section 4.9R or Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006. He is worse to know, what does the world sees the mainstream media without the ID... will be silenced under the Black Lives Matter movement for the Internet Freedom of the Media and the Press.
This POLICE REPORT is brought to you by the Equestria Daily (for the latest Pony, Music & Entertainment news), Meraculous Herbal Oil (available exclusively in the Visayas & Mindanao), Xanthone Plus Herbal Capsule (available nationwide ONLY in the Philippines), NUJP (National Union of Journalists of the Philippines), NAB (National Association of Broadcasters), FCC (Federal Communications Commission), NTC (National Telecommunications Commission) & KBP (Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng Pilipinas)
SOURCE: https://twitter.com/MrBNking/status/1158846772489457665 [Real Name himself at the Bronycon 2013] https://twitter.com/MrBNking/status/1267769581466247168 [BN_King's FIRST Arrest in Fort Worth City] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQkzL9rvVrc [Protest Night in Fort Worth, TX when BN_King was arrested and streamed LIVE on YT] and https://discord.gg/DR75Wjy [BN_King's Discord Server, under the "bnchat" & "pol" section]
SEVERE HONEST DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed from this news article are not those from The Brony Network. This temporal pre-protest suspect does not imitate in any matter in the media/press. Furthermore, the assumptions of this news article will NOT clearly state, intervene or reflect those of our affilated news reporters. The station, management, interwebs and the network. Thanks for reading and stay safe everypony.
-- OneNETnews Team
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