#Don't use my first name‚ that's disrespectful! But Also don't google me
keeps-ache · 1 year
just remembered that one time i got last-named on the internet and i my brain broke for like 15 seconds while i tried to figure out who they were trying to summon with 'Ache'
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syyskirjat · 6 months
Sueños de piedra (ch1)
Okay, I promised (to myself) to check out whatever media won the ultimate obscure blorbo tournament ( @who-do-i-know-this-man (I wasn't sure whether to tag you or not but in the end I figured I might as well, hope you don't mind I guess))
Turns out that it's a guy from a 2015 Spanish YA fantasy book
And turns out there's a free sample available! Which is lucky for me because I'm currently very broke
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Sueños de piedra by Iria G. Parente and Selene M. Pascual
I don't speak Spanish so I'm gonna rely on the translator quite a lot lmao (well I understand some Spanish actually, but definitely not enough to read a whole book)
The title translates to something like "Dreams of Stone" I think?
Once upon a time in a kingdom far, far away, a prince rewarded a wizard for helping rescue a young girl in trouble. Charming. Too bad none of this is true. In reality, the prince dreams of glory and revenge; the magician, with her spells not always being a disaster and the young woman in trouble, with fleeing from a past that torments her... and from the memory of the man she has killed. Once upon a time...
(Yes this is just Google Translate, sorry)
Okay so, prince, magician and a damsel in distress? Prince wants revenge for something, who knows what, magician is having trouble doing the magic, and the damsel is in fact a killer? Ok ok
The dedication goes as follows:
To all those who embark on a direct journey towards their dreams every day. May you always reach your destination.
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Okay so Marabilia is a place? That's apparently also the name of this book series. Is this like the kingdom then? So it consists of three islands, two small ones and one big? Or is it supposed to be a continent? It definitely seems too small to be a continent
I know the blorbo is called Arthmael de Silfos so I'm guessing he's from the Silfos area in the north of the big island then. I can see what's probably a city called Duan and a forest called "Merlon Forest". We also have different towers around the big island, one of which seems to be called the Tower of Black Magic. (I didn't even need to use the translator for those yay xD)
Okay the first chapter is called Arthmael so I guess we're meeting our blorbo already, which is nice
— Let me make it clear: are you going to give my crown to a bastard?
Okay..... the very first line and I already think Arthmael might be a bit of a spoiled brat (I assume he's in fact the prince)
Apparently Arthmael just found out that he has an illegitimate older brother but I guess this brother's mother is noble anyway so it's legit? I dunno yet. Arthmael thinks this guy is blackmailing his father somehow and is already considering poison as a solution
And anyway, what kind of a name is Jacques for a king?
lmao, so much shade to all the kings called Jacques
Okay so Jacques's family is very powerful and loved by the people of Silfos and the king fears a civil war if he disrespects his claim to the throne. Alright. Kinda weird since based on Arthmael's thoughts, this society has a similar attitude to bastards as in European history, but okay then. I wonder if Jacques is even actually the king's son or is this some kind of a ruse?
Arthmael is very cheeky and even references his dad's love life directly to his face, his dad is not very happy
The king tells him to just be a good boy and hopefully they'll find him some crown princess to marry so he'll get a kingdom that way
I guess these different areas on the map are kingdoms then, that makes sense. They look like very small kingdoms but this is a small place in general.
Arthmael doesn't seem to mind this idea except that there's only one possible princess like that in Marabilia and that's Ivy de Dione. Not sure what's wrong with her.
Well, who knows? Maybe, if I wait a few moons, some other bastard, in Verves or Idyll, will come out from under a rock and come offer me her hand.
Somebody's very snarky, that's cute
Arthmael is very haughty about how the people have always known him as the crown prince and accepted him as such, Jacques laughs and asks what has he even done for the people. He's like well he hasn't really done much yet because he was planning to do things once he became king, but he's been supporting the local business (taverns) and employing servants (lmao). Also apparently there are some girls he's seeing...
Apparently Jacques's family are big traders and business people (despite being noblemen) and create lots of jobs, and also big on charity, so everybody loves them
Arthmael is jealous of how proud his dad looks when Jacques says this, and how he's never looked at him like that
Well, I guess you're kind of a little shit so it makes sense, Arthmael
— If the smartest thing is to become the idol of a few starving people in order to be king, I can do it too.
Oh my god, this little brat
He declares that he's going to be a hero, to overshadow the charity of Jacques' family, because heroes are remembered by history while philanthropist aren't
So he plans to become a storybook Prince Charming, saving damsels in distress etc.
Jacques finds this understandably hilarious, the king is not amused
Once Jacques leaves, the king again offers to arrange a marriage to Arthmael, specifically with the princess of Dione
I'm almost tempted. I have never been to Dione, but they say that their ships are the lightest and fastest, and that sailors come to their shores from the other side of the sea, speaking strange languages that only they understand. Who come from lands where women wear short dresses, if they wear anything at all. Places where war is so normal that, as soon as a child is strong enough to pick up a sword, they push him to the front lines.
Alright then, I see what he fixates on
Was there anything wrong with the princess then or?
Barbarians. I remove the thought from my mind.
Oh okay. What a charming young man /s
Dione is like right next to Silfos according to the map btw, is this like one of those neighbourly feuds?
Okay he says it's because he doesn't want a foreign kingdom, he wants to keep his home, which is fair I guess
The king is like what do you want me to do, kill Jacques and his pregnant wife? And Arthmael is just like yeah great idea, because he's a dumbass. The king is like wtf
Apparently Jacques' family is from that Duan city that I noted earlier, and his mother died a few days ago and apparently "her loss is greatly felt"
The king regrets spoiling Arthmael too much, and talks about how Arthmael doesn't understand anything about suffering or anything and only cares about girls
Arthmael is already considering faking his death to make them all feel sorry, because of course he is, he's exactly that kind of guy
He says he doesn't want to go try to charm the princess, he'd rather just go off on his own (also there's a whole bit about how only a man can rule Dione or something and the king of Dione won't accept his daughter to become a ruler)
His dad tells him no, just stay here and be a good boy, don't make everybody gossip about drama in the royal family
Arthmael is like hey you managed to hide your bastard son for years, you can hide my disappearance
They fight a bit more but then Arthmael just storms out, grabs a few things from his room and leaves
a change of clothes, a bag of coins, my sword, and my favourite cloak. I do not need anything else.
Okay then, good luck I guess
To be a hero you only need a brave heart. Or so they say.
I feel like you also need to not be a selfish prick but maybe that's optional
Okay end of first chapter!
Our blorbo seems like a real brat!
But I guess the point is probably that he needs to learn some lessons along the way, or something like that, idk. I'm sure there's a reason for why whoever entered him into the tournament likes him so much
I'm guessing the damsel in distress is not the princess? Probably? She wasn't called a princess anyway. TBH she's the character I'm currently the most curious about. The next chapter is from the point of view of someone called Lynne and I hope that's her. Could be the magician too though I guess? No wait, I think the magician is a guy. Altho idk maybe Lynne could be a guy's name, I don't fucking know.
I'm guessing that Arthmael will try to rescue the damsel so he can be a hero, because that's what heroes are supposed to do, but then it'll go wrong somehow? And then the magician will get involved somehow, I have no clue.
That's all my predictions I suppose. Altho I'm guessing that Jacques might turn out to be a villain somehow, I didn't get the vibe that he was particularly great either, just not as much of a brat as Arthmael, and it would then be something for Arthmael to do when he gets back home. Then again maybe the book will surprise me, who knows. To be honest, it would feel a bit like a cop out if it turns out that the guy he hates actually is evil, but it could be handled well, and it's not like I like Jacques either so far. He seems extremely sus too
No guesses as to what the title refers to yet, it could be anything
Idk, like I said, the damsel's storyline is the one that interests me the most rn, it might actually get me to read further (good job, blurb, you got me)
I still have a surprisingly good amount of the free sample left, there's actually nine chapters here, so idk, maybe I'll keep going? We'll see
I'm pretty happy with how much I was able to follow the text even on my own, altho I definitely had to rely on the translator. I would not have had the patience to try to translate all of this myself. But I definitely understood multiple full sentences! Yaaay xD
Apologies to fans of this book series, I hope I didn't seem too rude
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zestingbloodorange · 2 months
Iraq and Egypt aren't your aesthetic to use everytime you want "fantasy" flavor for your project and entertainment but refuse people from those countries to work on it because of your biases or because you genuinely hate us or whatever. This situation with people fancasting for iwtv and I also don't have any hope in the show runners to do the SWANA region justice in writing and in casting because when it comes to us it's ok to use us with no respect and never gives us opportunities or completely ignoring the origins of the character because people refuse to learn about the place and culture they're from. that's just the normal for the world and especially the west so it's not just about iwtv.
It is very disgusting to see the amount of characters anne rice wrote to be from the SWANA region and went on to white wash them and how she wrote them to be as characters. and now people are picking anybody from the west but people from said countries because well at least they're not exactly like how she described their looks... like I could bet that the entire production doesn't have more than like three people from any country in the SWANA region on it and this is me being generous and you don't even want people to play characters from their own countries ?? as if we get those opportunities in first place...lol. the amount of people I've seen demanding for them to not be played by people from those countries mentioned in a very disrespectful manner because they want certain actors in mind. I'm not even in fandom spaces and I keep clicking not interested when it shows up I shouldn't have liked some edits because this happens in every fandom people are weirdddd and louddd about it.
and this insane amount of new people who have come into the conversation and people gaining so much followers from this show talking so loud without taking a moment to learn about any of the cultures and places mentioned.
also how are book readers not know Akasha is from Uruk Iraq like ? It's also available info on google. of course Akasha is for everybody but iraqis is like we don't even exist and no iraqi ever have acted before.
It's worrying if the show did us right so much of the fandom from what I've seen so far will not like that.
at the end of the day it's their entertainment and the money that matters to the west not the cultures and heritages that are being taken for aesthetics and fetishiziton to profit from for every single genre. everybody cashing checks from us every two seconds there's a project with our cultures and heritages while never respecting us and never giving us our flowers not even the bare minimum of calling us by country name no it's just "middle east" the fav colonial term even if it's one or two countries you just cannot let it go ❤️ this is of course if not the cultures are mixed in a blender used as a mush for as a "fantasy world".
If you're going to use us but you are not willing to do the work and don't want us on the project then leave our cultures and heritages alone !!!
( of course I hope I'm proven wrong by the show runners and I'm getting the wrong fans on my tiktok fyp but it's not looking good )
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themirokai · 1 year
How do I find a good contract lawyer?
Hi there! I poured myself another glass of wine for this one. When I first saw your ask come in, my first response was "fuck if I know" but I do think I can do better than that. For the purposes of this answer, I'm assuming you're in the US because if not my answer really is "fuck if I know."
But in all honesty, finding a "good" lawyer, which we should define as "the right lawyer to meet your needs" can be really hard. I'm the general counsel for a small business and I'm currently looking for outside counsel to represent us in a state I'm not barred in and it *sucks.*
The first thing is to be able to articulate what kind of contract you're dealing with. The vast majority of my experience is with small business and real estate contracts. I definitely wouldn't be the right person to, for example, review a publishing contract for you.
From there, it's worth seeing if anyone you know has dealt with a similar situation and can recommend someone.
If that doesn't work, you might see if your state bar association has a section specific to what you need. For example, a lot of state bars have an Entertainment Law section. See if the section's website has a directory or any other resources.
You might end up just needing to google it. Make sure you search for your state and the specific subject matter you're dealing with + contract lawyer.
Once you have a few names, you can do the basic due diligence of searching your state bar's directory to make sure they're licensed in your state. Most (all?) state bars will also have a directory you can search of disciplinary actions so you can make sure the lawyer doesn't have a record of getting sanctioned.
Beyond that, my personal preference is for small firms. Meaning absolutely no disrespect to solo shops (I was a solo shop for a few years) but solo practitioners often have no one to turn to when things go sideways. There are plenty of solos who are better at it than I ever was, but when I'm hiring a lawyer I prefer someone who has backup.
I do mean a bit of disrespect for Big Law. These are the large international firms with dozens of offices and thousands of lawyers. Their fees are jaw dropping and they're set up to cater to massive corporations, not individuals. Your work will be done by someone who just graduated law school and doesn't know what they're doing with a cursory glance from someone who charges $1,000/hour. Don't waste your time.
Look for firms based in your area that have somewhere between 3 and 40 lawyers. To me, that's the sweet spot. Even if you get a junior associate, it will probably get a thorough review by an experienced partner. They're also more likely to be able to work with you on fees.
Again, this is all based on my opinion and specific experience. Good luck out there!
Lawblr, what other advice do you have?
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Hello, I was passing by here to talk about a dream I had.
I was in the Lookism universe and for some reason I sat next to Jerry Kwon at school (HE HAD HAIR), besides that I was kind of his love interest, totally in my dream Jake shaved it in vacation and we hadn't seen each other in a long time, and when I saw him without hair I stopped liking him ): (which is weird because I like Jerry in real life), and he knew it because I had told him that I would never fall in love with someone without hair, the rest of the dream was him and trying to "win me back" and in the end we became boyfriends, I also introduced myself to Big Deal for the first time (it went a bit wrong because on the ground I had a dog named Jake and because of that I was simply unable to fully respect Jake, I respected him as a friend, not as someone important on that street)
I don't have any friends who like Lookism but I thought it would be a good idea to make this "note" to you, I thought you might like to listen/read my less smokey dream.
PS: I'm not an English speaker and I'm using a translator, sorry if I didn't understand.
What in the fever dream- Don't worry, this made perfect sense.
Damn you're brutal. You would never fall in love with someone without hair?! How did he try and win you back? Did he try and grow a full head of beautiful locks, then your ran your fingers through it and realised he was the one? Oh Jake would absolutely love dog Jake, and the disrespect lmao. He'll probably find it a breath of fresh air tbh.
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Lol... yes. I just don't have much to say on it because wtf is this plot. Why are they introducing even more characters idgaf about. There's a lot of convenient exits and cliffhangers with Jinho, no?
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@marysgirlb0ss oh I had to google BSD but yes we do be loving women here. I don't think I currently have the brain capacity for anything apart from JJK lol.
'he also has depth, personality, goals, capabilities, and cares about more than just pussy.' Say it louder for PTJ and his company over in Seoul please!
PTJ was less miserable in the early days imo. I'm not really sure what happened to have such a downturn? I get turning it into a full on action manhwa but the female characters...
Tbh, the one I'm still taken the most aback by is Gyeoul from HTF. Her body is less...egregious than the newer Lookism panels but she's painted as such a lil sister that suddenly seeing her with the new S2 proportions took me OUT.
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I have seen some fun gender bending fanart tbh of Gun/Goo! Actually I'm surprised why PTJ doesn't go down this avenue more with new characters? That should surely attract his key demographic right.
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canigetacupofugh · 2 years
Agnosticism Now!
Okay, so I did the dumb thing and argued with somebody online, and now this is a brain worm that I can't express in the tiny blurbs of that particular social media. The following is my long-winded brain dump on my opinions and why I chose the label I did - Hi, my name is Shawn, and one of my adjectives is Agnostic. The argument is over what label I should use to describe my faith/lack of faith. They think I should call myself an "agnostic atheist" where I say just "agnostic" is the better fit. (in their defense, I did say something a bit atheist, but in mine, they're allowing NO ROOM for nuance or paying attention to the fact that I said I don't know for sure). The point of this blog is to get this brain worm out of my head so I can move on to other things. This is self-care. The brain weasels must be appeased or I can't function.
(Not sure if the images are uploading... If not, please refer to the google definitions of Agnostic and Atheist.) First lets treat it draconian - to be agnostic you MUST believe that we will never know if there is a god/gods and we can never know- this is the core to it. Atheism therefore is a staunch belief that there are, for sure, no gods. Well, neither fit me then. But even so, Agnostic fits better if I HAVE to have one of these labels and combining them as suggested I feel takes too much from there might be- but now we're getting into nuances. If you have to BELIEVE in either no knowledge or no god, I fit neither, and tacking on "agnostic" to atheism is kind of disrespectful - IF we're being draconian of the definitions. If we allow nuance, which is how communication and words work - it's how humans work - then Agnostic is still the better fit for me. If I believe there's a god sways with mood and experience. Sometimes I think it's more likely, sometimes I think it's less likely. The only thing I am firm on is that IF there is a god of some kind, they are uninvolved and do not care. That's the only thing I am certain about - and even then, I sometimes utter a, "if you're there, if you care" kind of prayer to the void in hopes that MAYBE I am wrong and there's something out there more powerful than me that maybe gives a shit how things go. But I BELIEVE there's a god about as much as I believe maybe there's a leprechaun who will hear me and decide helping me is worth their time... So yet again, the biggest factor that defines me is not being sure.
Catching me in an atheist moment does not an atheist make! Who I am and what I think just doesn't fall under the strictness atheist people have told me they have (YMMV). Atheism is almost it's own religion- a religion of science and human understanding - but there's a blind faith in the men telling you what to think and know a lot of the time- you aren't peer reviewing papers if you're just some dude, you trust they aren't lying to you and add it to your science faith. I tried that with Christianity for years, and another thing I'm certain of, that I can say I BELIEVE is that some people are fucked up and will try to control you or sway you for their own gain. So even if "true" atheism allows for thinking there COULD be a deity of some kind, I cannot wear that label. That label wants too much from me that I simply don't have. I don't have faith in mankind, and I'm not about to review every single study or test myself. I am very comfortable in admitting I don't know. In admitting that I trust people about things blindly because, well, I'm lazy by nature and like to think that MOST people are good, or try to be. So anyway - no, stranger on the internet- I am not an atheist. It means too much, the label is too heavy. Also, their comparison with "do you feel the same about unicorns" is preposterous, even as an argument to support themselves. What are we arguing here? My belief in magical horse creatures, or the definition of the word? Because if we want to get nit-picky about words, then I'm still right when I say words evolve and are twisty - while the definition of unicorn is more unified in people's minds than god, or religion - do you picture them with cloven hooves? Does their horn twist? Do they have a tail of only hair, or is is more akin to that of a cow? Should we defend our opinion of what it means- or should we allow that other people may think differently than us and that is costs us nothing? If we woke up tomorrow in a world where a large percentage of the population wanted to make life decisions based on their belief in unicorns, and there was no proof one way or another they existed, AND I had to pick a label to say if I believed in them or not, AND there was a word that acknowledged uncertainty - I'd pick THAT word for me. Because by part of what they are being magical, then I can't be certain, and having ideas on which is true shouldn't cost me the label of uncertainty. I don't understand why what I call myself matters SO MUCH to strangers on the internet- especially when I clearly understand the definitions, and the nuances, and hurt no one or even "lead them astray," to use a phrase I only hear from Christians. We're all making this shit up and until we all agree, the words aren't solid and even if we agree now, they might change. Why invest? If you read all that, have an internet hug. I've no delusions that my thoughts matter to people who don't already care about me, I'm not important, but I'll keep talking in case it provides comfort to others, or just makes them laugh.
If you're a friendly atheist, and you think there MIGHT be a god, but are pretty sure there isn't, so you call yourself an atheist - if you like that label and not mine - that's okay! You're valid too! You aren't hurting me by disagreeing with me and we can still get along. Guess my adjectives is a series now...
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finlandculture335 · 6 months
5 Language in Finland
In Finland, the official languages spoken are Finnish and Swedish, and English is taught in primary schools. However, there are more than 150 languages spoken throughout Finland (Institute for the Languages of Finland). Finnish is a hard language to learn, so it, or a variant of Finnish, is typically a first language. There are several dialects of Finnish. Finland has had many different groups find their own languages throughout the years, so many variants of Saami, the language for the people of the Sapmi region. The Sampi region was spread throughout Scandinavia, and when official countries were established, they were absorbed into the country they were currently residing in. 
 The English language is a lingua franca for many countries. What is a lingua franca? How might the use of English as a lingua franca impact your ability to communicate effectively with a person in the culture you are studying? 
A lingua franca is a bridge language. A bridge language is a language that two people who have separate native languages speak to one another. English is a very common lingua franca, which allows native English speakers to be able to communicate in many different languages.Using a lingua franca allows for cultures to be better shared with people who don’t speak the same native language. In that aspect, it is easier for me to speak to people who speak Finnish, because English is learned in Finnish schools. English being a common lingua franca makes it easier for travel and communication, especially for me, because my native language is English. I also speak some Finnish, because of my background, but not enough to have a conversation that is understandable. 
Hello! Hei!
Yes Joo (Yo)
No Ei (ay)
Please There is no word specifically for please, so the word for thank you is used for it
Thank You Kiitos (Keytos)
Can you help me? Voitko Auttaa minua (Voytko Out-a Min-ua)
I don't understand Informally-Tä? (like the beginning of the word Taxi)
I don't speak (name of the language) en puhu suomea (en puhu sua-mea)
My name is (your name) Minä olen Rachel (Meena olen Rachel)
Finnish can be very tricky to get the hang of, but one thing that helps me is when in doubt, try to pronounce it as phonetically as possible. For example, my last name can be super hard for people to pronounce. My last name is Karvonen, which is said exactly as it looks. Kar (Car)-vo-nen. There are a couple of differences in pronunciation between Finnish and English, like J sounding like Y and Y being pronounced further in the throat, but overall, the language is able to be pronounced. 
Google translate is a great tool for getting the “gist” of the information, but the grammar and overall message can get very messed up while using it. Google translate translates the words themselves, not the meaning, so it can be difficult to find a connection between the words and you have to create the overall meaning on your own. 
“Language influences our view of Reality”. This phrase shows that language is a large part of culture, so the language you use can be very indicative of your culture. Not only that, but your native language can determine what your culture sees as valuable. An example of this is Finnish not having a direct word for please, but rather using the word for thank you. This shows that gratitude is necessary in Finnish. Another aspect of Finnish that shows the culture is the shortness of the language. In Finnish culture, it is seen as disrespectful to use long drawn out sentences. It is stereotyped that people who use flowery language can’t be trusted, because they are taking your time from you to try and get something from you. 
Institute for the Languages of Finland. On Language. https://www.kotus.fi/en/on_lang usage/languages_of_finland. Accessed 7 Mar 2024. 
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I love being in healthy relationships and then having fb memories remind me what life was like when in a really abusive relationship. It completely knocks my life perspective.
Because 2yrs ago today according to fb I went to Mt Tamborine and my ex gf said something cute in the comments... but at the time every notification from her caused an anxiety spike and her calling me a 'good boy' felt more like a warning than affection.
More like 'stay in line' than 'I love you, thank you'.
My boyfriend messaged me 'good boy' after I took my meds today and it actually felt like 'thank you for taking care of yourself and letting me know you've had them'.
And the difference between healthy loving relationship dynamics after years of not being loved and respected in a healthy way... is heartbreaking that it was so bad.
Like I should not be surprised to have someone look after me.
And there is a part of me that has started to just crash and enjoy the affection because I want to soak it all in scared I'll lose it again, because of how that's happened in the past and I just have been taking a while to recover from all the burnout of past relationships while learning what it actually feels like to be loved and cared for because it feels new still.
Like we've been together for a year and I genuinely thought eventually the affection and love would stop because that's my experience with unhealthy dynamics... and the fact it hasn't and isn't going anywhere and isn't conditional has let me drop my guard in a whole new way.
I'm not afraid he's going to hate me or make it hard for me to leave if I ever felt disrespected enough to do so. But I also don't feel like he's going to leave me for being human and having emotions.
I am never afraid he's going to disrespect or hurt me, he speaks so highly of me to my loved ones and his and I honestly have never felt so respected and wanted and appreciated.
To the point it knocks me back when I realise he's talking about me like that when I'm not paying attention to his conversations because I am so used to being insulted or joked about behind my back.
He loves me so fully that I am crying over it while baking onion rings and I can't even blame the onions 😂
I'm kinda in awe of the love and respect and kindness and how much he heals my heart and soul.
I no longer live in fear of my phone.
I don't dread phone calls.
I don't feel consistent anxiety of being yelled at or called names.
Like that shit was too normal for my whole life that it didn't feel weird until we were together a while and I realised he'd never done that.
My biggest frustration, time, no longer feels like as much of a problem because it is never out of disrespect or a lack of love. He's always trying and is a devoted and caring, committed partner.
I'm the one who has to watch my bad habits because I'm still learning that it's never malicious coming from him and that's so new to me and while I like to assume the best, I'm used to it being the worst.
But for the first time in my life, I don't find myself googling warning signs of DV and questioning how far will they go knowing the answer and dreading it …
I just never had to this time. I'm not questioning if he secretly hates me constantly, after arguments I'm given reassurance.
Our disagreements are usually because he doesn't understand something that stresses me out or me being terrified of something becoming a problem and him there like 'how tf did these people turn this into such a massive fear for you?'.
And I'm in such awe of this man and how calm and genuine and loving he is.
I love him so so much. And I'm just a sappy af mess today.
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darklordsauron · 2 years
I will list all the bad things and the good things of the first episode. Fair warning, I am right and those articles which calls this piece of steaming shit a masterpiece is wrong.
The acting is sub par and so uncaring that it literally didn't feel like a real, just under a billion dollar, fantasy show based off of the legendary writing of J.R.R Tolkien.(Rest in peace, you deserve the world.)
Galadriel is a Mary-Sue (the perfect person. Everybody wants to be her, she is so 'cool' Rawr XD Uwu) and she is short despite being described in the books as taller than most elvish women and almost half of elvish men.
Elrond seems to have a crush on her and that just makes me nauseated.
Galadriel, if I should even call her that, wears the fëanorian star on every wardrobe item she owns it seems.
Actually, all the elves are the same height or even under it when compared to the humans.
The music sounds more like Game of Thrones than anything even remotely associated with LOTR.
The costume design in terrible. The material is cheap and plastic, they don't even try to conceal it. In one scene you can see that one of the background characters is wearing a black T-shirt underneath the clothes.
They barely say any of the characters' names (except Galadriel, which they repeat almost constantly). I had to google their names.
Brondir is the edgy warrior who is in love with the single mother (already forgot her name) who tries to help everyone around her.
The Harfoots, I also forgot all of their names, are the Hobbits of the second age and I hate the other main character whom comes from them. She is the relatable, clumsy character who is super curious. In other words, the most over used and predictable trope in all of film history.
They bring in new monsters/creatures that Tolkien never, ever wrote about. They probably needed these cliches to make the first episode more interesting.
The CGI sucks especially when Galadriel is climbing the glacier, icy, mounting thingy. The water is jelly and a piece of Valinor's sky literally clips out if you look really closely.
They jump locations every two minutes which gave me a headache and somehow the series is both fast and slow...AT THE SAME TIME!
There is really no heart in it. The entire thing was apathetic and simply lacked soul (because they sold their souls for money).
Gil-galad, his character actually looks canon and the actor is putting his heart into the performance thus making him the best.
The make-up of the orcs is simply beautiful. If only the rest of the series was.
Any scene with Sauron and the mentions of Morgoth is cool as it feels as if they have actual power in the otherwise boring show.
So far it sucks (no surprise there). I wanted to break my TV simply because their disrespect towards the source material is so obvious. Tomorrow my brain will have recovered enough to watch episode 2: Shit becomes shitier.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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divinefireangel · 3 years
Hey there!!! Can you please write a smut on SF9 finding out their partner reading smuts 🥺🌝 (I want to see how dirty they can go🌝) And if you don't want to write for all of them then maybe you can just do it for any member you're comfortable to write on. Literally, ANY MEMBER WOULD WORK. I really want to read something like this haha🤭
Also, I genuinely love your writings! I'm new to Tumblr but I'm literally binge reading your posts. Gosh you're talented as fuck😫💗✨
Lots of love, and thank youuuu💕
TMI: Not gonna lie, I was thinking about this when my mom came into my room to talk to me, and my recent story was literally right there just open and I was panicking. Although she doesn't know anything 💀. She's cute like that, my mom.
You are so sweet anon 🥺🥺. Go on make me cry with your lovely words 😭. I will try my best to write more and sorry this took so long 💞💖 LOVE YOU 💓
S/O reads Smuts 🤭
Disclaimer: This is just a work of fiction. If this piece of fan fiction is offensive to any celebrity, fandom or culture please let me know so I can take it down. Also note that this is my version of a character or celeb, which will vary from person to person.
Copyright: Please note that this is my work and if you want to publish this on any other platform, take my permission before doing so. Taking an author's work and posting it somewhere else without any intimation is just disrespectful. I readily welcome suggestions and criticisms. That being said, Happy reading! 🤍
Warnings: 18+ ages and all readers (nothing specified with respect to gender, appearance, etc of reader). Rough sex (YB). Thigh riding (IS). Dick riding (JY). Marking. Biting. Humping. Dining table sex (DW). Low key strength kink? Idk (RW). Biting using teeth (ZH). Exhibitionism. Terrace sex (TY). Slight voyeurism. Oral - reader receiving (HY). Somehow I end up writing the filthiest things for Hwi. Cockwarming to sex (CH). It's really difficult to think of 9 different things for 9 different people😤. Also some may be unprotected sex, don't do it unless you want kids. Lmk if I need to add more!
Word Count: HAH jokes 😂
All members under the cut!
Doesn't understand at first 💀
But he isn't scared to ask so he'll just ask you
The panic on your face makes him panic
Apologizes 🥺
Then you explain that it's no big deal and that it's just a story
But he saw his name 💀💀💀
So he's curious and so he does research aka Googles it
Has a mixed reaction, doesn't know what to think
On one hand, he's flattered...?
Like, oh sweet, you are reading a story about him probably railing you to death
On the other hand, why are you reading it?
Did he not satisfy you enough? Should he do more? He wants to
So he will pick a random one, read it and be like, Okay. This is how it's gonna play tonight
So determined 🥺
Picks you up for your date and stuff
Timeskip to the bedroom by a steamed dumpling Dawon
So touchy and observant
Tries his best to remember what was in the story
Forgets but that's okay tho cause now he knows what you want
More Dom than usual
More vocal than usual
His grip on your skin leaves so many bruises and literal fingerprint shaped marks
Bites your neck a lot
Doesn't hold back one bit
Secretly satisfies his wishes too
Teases you for being so ready
Teases you for every reaction
Pulls your hair
Overstimulates you
Until you're tired and can't take it anymore
He could go for a round more
So he does
It's also like, he's lowkey angry at himself cause you were reading smut which made him think, maybe you thought he was too vanilla
But after you've both cooled down you ask him what happened and why he was so rough, not that you had a problem
Expresses his concerns and you tell him that you read those only cause you wanted to know what the fandom thinks of him and the way they think he likes to have sex
Blushy babyyyy
So cute 🥺
Do I even need to 😂
He's probably written a few 💀
He seems like he's into roleplay 👀
So when he does find a tab open on your phone about literal PORN, in words
He doesn't think much of it tbh
But is curious
He'll tease you like you are both high schoolers
Holds you phone up high so you can't reach it
Satisfied when you whine and pout
Tucks your phone in his back pocket and grabs your face
" I think it's hot "
Peck's your lips and slaps your butt leaving you wide eyed
You need a minute to process what just happened lol
Running after him you pull him down on the couch, sitting on hids lap
Bite you lip and grab his face pls
Now he's wide eyed 😂
Kiss his neck and talk to him sexily
" Do you really like that I read smut? "
You look so innocent he would cum right there
Poor man is dumbfolded
So much that he doesn't even realize you were grinding down on his thigh the whole while
Grabbing your hips he nudges your hips to continue their movement
Loves having you so close
Especially after discovering your secret
Suck him off after and he'll do any and everything for you 😉
Oo this one is fun
He won't confront you immediately
He'll just think about it a lot
" How are they so cute when they read such things for fun? "
Stares at you from across the room
Smirks at your cute smiles
Timeskip this time by Baek Huru
Surprises you by kissing your neck
Humps your butt
Pecks you neck
Rolls your nipples in his fingers
Moans in your ear, deeply and hoarsely
Pulls away dragging you to the bed
Sits near the headboard
Beckons you to come closer and naked 👀
Forces your dick in you, slowly tho, don't worry
Doesn't give you a lot of time to react
But, all this seems familiar
Then you realize that he's trying to recreate the imagine you were reading before
The whole idea made you hot
Istg you've never finished so soon
He tells you that you don't need to read those stories when you have the real deal right there
Smug bastard
He's happy that you're thinking and reading about him even when he isn't with you
He will actually read the warnings and is mildly surprised lol
Wow you really into all that?
He has no shame so he will ask you directly
You stop doing what you're doing and just slowly turn towards him
He's scared lmao
Then explains himself and says sorry
Tbh, you're more shocked that he isn't angry
Blinking you slowly make him sit on the dining table chair
Pacing you start to think of and explanation now
Is there any explanation for reading smut? Idk 😂
Honestly, he asked you so that you could actually do what the warnings said in real life
Gets up, takes your hand pulling you close and lifts you, making you sit on the dining table
Removes his shirt before kissing you intensely
Tells you that he wants to fuck you on the table like in the smut
Nodding you let him take over
Makes you cum twice easily
It's more romantic than rough
Passionate, very passionate
Kisses you a lot
Hands on you all over you
Pulls you closer and closer by your thighs
Lays you down and fucks you till your back is no where on the table
Sweet reassuring smooches when you're done
Tells you to talk to him about such ideas rather than just reading them
He is shocked™
Listen okay
He's tall
He's scared that he'll hurt you if he does what he wants without thinking
Reads multiple smuts 💀
Only the ones you've liked so far tho
Fuckin uses your account so yeah obviously
Now he'll be ready to talk to you about it
So shy omg
Stutters words out cause he's so flustered
You need to read his mind, literally
Once, somehow you are finally clear about what he was talking about
You'd just laugh at his cuteness
Boy is confused ??
Pushing him down on the bed you climb on top of him
Yes climb
Needy but still shy and shocked
Wastes no time in getting naked
Allows you to do whatever you want to him
No, really
Let's you take charge that is only until you tease him
Flips you and thrusts into you so hard the bed is shaking and you feel like it might break
Strong grips on your thighs and hips and belly and arms
Definitely sore for a few many days 💀
I'm not sure tbh
Either he won't care at all like
" Oh yeah this is just their thing "
Or he'd be so into it like hed wonder why you were reading it, was it for ideas?
He already has those so you don't need them from someone else
He won't ask you about it tho
But you will bring up an idea that was in one of them
And he's down
Or up, whichever you want
Asks you what you want more times than usual
But it doesn't make sense cause you're literally going crazy with the way his cock feels inside you and he asks you what you want?
Starts moving before you answer
Asks you again and again till all you can say out loud is " More "
He's fine with that answer
Hands above your head
Teeth scraping your the front of your throat drawing so many sounds from you
He's driving his dick in you so fast that you're moving away from him
Praises you with his deep ass voice
Gives you his Vampire stare™
That's all you need to cum undone
Keeps it a secret, won't ask you unless you bring up your little extracurricular activity 😌
Yoo Taeyang
So pink when he realizes what you're reading lol
But he's so mesmerised that he goes on reading it 😂
You catch him looking at your phone, no big deal
But he's looking at it as though he saw a ghost
He's turned on but at the same time he's appalled
Do people see him like that? Do you want him to be that?
He's gonna need a lot of time to process the information
When you reassure him that he doesn't need to change anything at all, he's more calm then
But on a fine ass blue moon, his fine ass is gonna decide that he's gonna try something new
So there you are, on the terrace talking to someone on the phone. After ending the call he'll come and hug you from behind
It's all aww so cute till you feel his dick press into your butt
Forces your head back to rest on hius shoulder slowly but hotly
Unbuttons your jeans and pulls them down in one swift motion and his hands are all over you
Somehow the idea of having sex in the open night sky is so exciting
Stops just before you reach your high so that he can fuck you
You're leaning on the terrace wall
Face pressed slightly on it as your butt sticks out for him
Giving him permission to do anything to you
The orgasm hits you so fast but it's so fulfilling 🤤
And your pants are being pulled up even faster 💀
Maybe you should leave smut laying around
You've found the saucuest lil smut about your boyfriend
He's sitting at the table, on his laptop composing and writing songs while you are here on the bed, blanket over your legs
Now see, you aren't really one to get off of smut but this particular one was so realistic
The description
The reaction
The dialogues
Reading it made you body move on instinct
Lower lip getting stck in your teeth
Hand travelling down to your privates
Your hips thrusting forward into your hand and fingers
Your breathy moans, that you tried your best to stick to, were louyd enough for him to hear
At first he thought you were doing a breathing practice or something
That is until he recognized the pattern
Lifting his blank phone up, he moved it to look at you through it
Boy is so shocked
It's like his own private porn show
Placing it back on the table gently, he moves the blanket slowly, getting under it
Licking his lips, he tucks his tongue out, licking the area that your fingers just slid over
Gasping at the sudden feeling you drop your phone and move your blanket off
You inevitably moan at the sinful sight below you
Your lovely boyfriend, looking up at you through his lashes, tongue coated with his saliva and your leaking juices
Holding your wrist, he nudges you to continue what you were doing, with his tongue never leaving you
Gripping your thighs, he bites your inner thigh as you work yourself closer to your high
After you cum, he'll lick off all your juices
Then he'll be all sweet asking you what you were reading
Round 2? 😉
He'll find it funny 💀
Why do people write these things
Why do people read these things
What is the use?
He is partly curious lol
When you tell him it stimulates the necessary regions, boy is shook
Then he's like nah
So you make him read one
He can't even make it halfway through lol
The foreplay itself made him hard enough to want you and to want to be in you
Grabs the phone and sits next to you
" I'm hard "
You look at him like boy what
Then he tell you that he now understood why people read them and that he's happy that people read them too help themselves
And you're like okay and what's the point
Pulls you on his lap
Whines at the feeling of to your butt on his arousal
Makes you stand now lol
Pulls his pants to his thighs and even yours
Places himself in you so that now when you sit on his lap again, not only is your back to his chest
Also his dick is in you
Somehow finishes the rest of the fic and just thrusts up into you
Cause you feel so heavently around him
Goes on and on and on till you're bouncing on his lap
Cums in you and just stays there till you finish your work
Still has mixed feeling now tho
Cause if reads them he wants you to be there near him and he wants to read more cause these fics are very addicting
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shotorozu · 4 years
Hi! Before anything I wanted to lyk I've read through some of your work and you've easily become one of my favorite writers :) I was wondering if you could do a bit of a comfort post? If not that's totally okay! If so, could it be hcs for Bakugo, Shinso, and maybe Aizawa (but not in like a relationship kinda way for him, like a student opening up to their teacher) telling them about being gender fluid? What would be their reactions? How would they adjust to the name change and using different pronouns? I recently told my bf and he didn't seem too up for it, eventually I told him to use my given name and she/her, kinda bummed lmao. I totally understand if you don't want to write for this, tysm either way! Have a great night/day :) (I'm so sorry this is so lengthy lmaooo)
reader coming out as gender fluid
character(s) : bakugou katsuki, shinsou hitoshi, aizawa shouta (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name, D/N = deadname] gender neutral, quirk not specific
headcanon type : hurt-comfort, fluff (x reader; platonic)
note(s) : first of all, i’m sorry about what happened with your boyfriend, if he cares about you, then he should’ve been supportive. it’s disheartening knowing that you decided to have him address you by your birth name, and by she/her. it should never be that way, especially when you felt comfortable coming out to HIM as gender fluid.
anon, i really hope this post gives you comfort, and if you want to talk— my dms are open!
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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bakugou katsuki
he wasn’t so sure on why you were acting all skittish all of a sudden, and he just wished you told him what was up
as much as he doesn’t want to admit it, katsuki really hates seeing you this down— and if only he could ‘kill those pesky emotions!!’
after a long day at school, katsuki decided to demand an immediate answer, on WHY you were acting like this
you express your concern, and even though katsuki’s rough words say otherwise— he’s willing to help (as much as he could)
but he wasn’t expecting you to come out as genderfluid
the entire pronoun thing had him confused, and it wasn’t in the “huh?? why would you want that?” type of confusion
it was rather like the “i thought they/them were plural pronouns?” confusion, but don’t be misguided! a quick google search fixed it up, and now he gets it.
with the name thing,, it took him two tries for him to get it right— but he’ll treat you like royalty if he accidentally slips up. he doesn’t mean to disrespect you
out of everyone here— he would be the most confused at first, since he hasn’t had anyone come out to him in like,, ever
katsuki feels so honored to have you feel comfortable enough to come out to him.
everyone is so intimidated by his short-tempered demeanor, to the point that no one has shared such an important, and personal detail to him
he’ll pull you in for a hug, large warm hands rubbing your back— and he’s trying to be gentle, okay?
“you really thought i was gonna say some bullshit about this, huh?” was what he first said to break the silence “i could care less about what you fucking identify with, you’re still you.”
and he means it
if anyone disrespects you, he’s blowing them up into space— enraged that anyone would try to disrespect you.
katsuki’s also very quick to correct someone if they ever deadname you “IT’S Y/N, NOT D/N!”
rip to them
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shinsou hitoshi
as soon as he notices that something’s wrong, his eyes will be on you— and only you.
he wishes he had some sort of mind reading quirk— he wants to know what’s on your mind, just so he could help you
hitoshi doesn’t want to be pushy, so he can only wait for you to come to him— but he will leave subtle hints that you could tell him anything that was on your mind.
so that’s when you decide to tell him your worries, and everything— feeling that you’re ready to come out to him as gender fluid
a small genuine smile will grace his face, pulling you into a loose embrace— “thank you for feeling comfortable enough to tell me.”
the next thing he does is ask you if you want to go by anything else— just in case you do want to be addressed differently.
you’ll still be his kitty anyway, so it’s not like this change would negatively affect him.
you’ll never catch him slipping up
i’m sure he’s probably familiar with different types of identities— so gender fluidity isn’t a stranger topic to him
so because of this, he adapts pretty easily— cooperating with the new revelations with ease
rip to anyone that has the audacity to deadname or misgender you, it’s not something he takes very lightly similar to bakugou and aizawa
he’ll understand if it’s a innocent mistake, but he still won’t be pleased with the offender— that’s strike one for him
i swear— his glare will make anyone shart their pants in a second. it’s ruthless
hitoshi won’t hesitate on using his quirk on anyone that purposely disrespects you— and for once, he doesn’t care about what others will say about him.
they shouldn’t have disrespected you 🤷‍♀️ just saying
if you wanted to buy clothes that were a lot more gender neutral, he’s perfectly fine with that too!
hitoshi doesn’t care if you strip him of every single penny and dime that was in his wallet for hoodies and sweatpants.
he just wants your happiness to be at it’s highest at all times— because a happy Y/N makes a happy hitoshi <3
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aizawa shouta
even though he has to take care and supervise 23 growing teenagers, he still manages to notice if something’s wrong with one of them it’s impressive!
of course— aizawa’s a busy man, and he’s constantly tired. but, it would make him feel a lot better if all of his students were content with themselves
so seeing you down was something he noticed since the moment you came in
it’s not like he could FORCE you to tell him what was wrong, that’s not the approach he’s looking for
and besides, if you told him that everything was fine, then he couldn’t really push it. his concern didn’t really die down though
a few days later, aizawa decides to talk to you again— basically consenting you to come talk to him when the time’s right
but he didn’t see this coming
so that’s when you decide to come out to him first, spilling out your concerns, and the worries that plagued your mind— worried that people wouldn’t accept your new identity as a gender fluid person
now, aizawa has met a lot of people in his life. from different ages, people with different quirks, and of course— different identities
he asks you why you decided to tell him first, and you told him that it’s because you felt comfortable knowing he knew first
“thank you for telling me, Y/N” he thanks you calmly with a comforting hand on your shoulder “i’m proud of you.”
he asks you if you want to go by a different name, and he’ll make sure to start calling you by that name (even though he calls all of his students by their last name)
oh, and he immediately switches pronouns! i know that should be expected but,, it’s so natural wow
of course, he won’t out you to anyone if you’re not ready to come out to the rest
and because of how natural the pronouns switch is, no one notices it when aizawa started addressing you with they/them
but if you’re ready to come out, he’ll be there— silently making sure that everyone accepts you.
okay but he’ll get so defensive if anyone misgenders you or dead names you— his capture tape will start floating, and his eyes will shine red
which is weird because.. who has the guts to dead name/misgender AIZAWA SHOUTA’s student?? anyone that does that in front of him is INSANE
in short, he’s very supportive— he won’t blow it out of proportion, because he knows how uncomfortable that’d feel if he did
but he’s glad to know that you decided to share such a important detail to him— aizawa might be always tired, but he wouldn’t dare to forget such detail
you’re his student after all, he cares about you lots— if you’re content with yourself, then that’d bring him inner peace
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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poppyseedmuffiin · 2 years
Im literally sobbing I found a list I made describing the keys from Locke and key (tv version) as I was watching the series when it first came out bc I think I wanted to write fanfiction so I made it to keep track of all the keys?? But the way I described them was so weird and also inaccurate for several (tbf some details u don't find out until later in the season and I hadn't made it that far idt) and I completely totally forgot about the entire thing until just now when I went through my Google docs
so for all people who dont watch locke.and key here's a rundown of most of the keys that are introduced in the first season, written by me probably as I watched the show in real time
spoilers might be here I think?? Idk I'm just posting it because I found them kind of funny esp since I couldn't remember writing it At All
Making a list of keys here so i dont forget:
Ghost Key: allows u to astral project and go outside of your body and talk to dead ppl. Very cool right. Unfortunately if u forget to go back through the door or someone else closes it before you go back through yourself and take out the key, you become a permanent ghost. Whoopsies!!
Anywhere Key: can take u wherever u want to go as long as youve been there or have seen a door there. It cant take u where u havent been bitch. So dont even think about ur crush’s pants
Puppet Key (also known as the music box key): when inserted into the music box and the music is playing, that person can control other peoples actions. Pretty damn scary
Mending Key: i think if u put something in a certain cabinet thats broken and then lock and unlock it it comes out fixed?? Idfk. does not work on people. sorry grandma
Head Key: theres a nasty lil hole that appears in the back of ur neck and when you insert it you can go into your mind and do shit!! And even put things in and/or take out shit like personality traits and memories and whatnot. I wouldnt go near this thing tbh. Don't try puttin nothing in my neck u dont need to see my mind
Flower/Plant Key(?? I dont think it has an actual name): it unlocks a tree and then memories in paint jars rise out of the ground?? I dont actually know what this one does. Something to do with memories idk Edit: this should have been fuckin obvious but it controls plants :))
Mirror Key: u put it in a mirror and then an evil you will appear in the reflection and beckon you forward like “come to pappy” and you can go through the mirror and end up in an evil funhouse thingy with lots of mirrors and versions of yourself?? Apparently lots of people have died trying to get out and its a prison of self?? He had to go in with a rope around his waist to get his mom out?? 0/10 would not recommend you might die
Echo Key: “can bring people back”-random guy offscreen, 2020. Apparently if you use it to unlock the wellhouse and then yell someones name into the well like you at le jour d’amour (spoiler alert that person gotta be dead) an “echo” of them will come back and u can talk to them. Its considered disrespectful to use it tbh because u disturbing the dead
Identity Key: basically an identity crisis meets polyjuice potion. A keyhole appears under ur chin and then you insert it and turn the key and then you can look like someone else. Eww gross!! 
Matchstick Key: a lighter. You touch it to something or put it in a keyhole or wHATEVER idc, and whatever u put it in bursts into flames. Fun fact, this also works on people!! Haven’t you ever wanted to just set yourself on fire? Well now you can with the Matchstick Key!! Limited edition because a demon stole it from a child then pushed said child onto train tracks. Also spoiler alert if you use it on yourself you die. Because u fuckin set yourself on fire. What did u expect, to not spontaneously combust??
Shadow Key: Key for the Crown of Shadows. I think u put it in the crown of shadows and then it works. It summons shadow kreechurs to work 4U. Very awesome ikr
Omega Key: literally has no other purpose than to unlock one specific door. The Omega Door (very original name oooh scary ooooh *ghost noises*). Beyond this door lie unimaginable eldritch abominations that Will Definitely Kill You. so unless you want to die at the hands of shadow demons, this aint the key for u. Use it as a mantle decoration or something
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pens-swords-stuff · 3 years
Hello, and happy AAPI month! My question is based on the names and the strokes for the characters. For curiousity's sake, how would I go about finding out what sort of name I'd have as a Westerner? Kanji, dob, etc? If this is possible that would be cool, versus I-like-this-name-so-it's-mine sort of deal (which I've heard is disrespectful?)
I don't think you would have a "Japanese name" in the way that I believe you're thinking!
A lot of people come up to me really excitedly to ask "How do you say my name in Japanese?? What is my Japanese name??" only to be really disappointed with my answer: Basically the same as your actual name.
As a foreigner, your name would be written in katakana.
For those of you who don't know, Japanese is a phonetic language with three writing systems: Hiragana, katakana and kanji. Hiragana and katakana are the same sounds written differently as illustrated below. Hiragana is on the top, katakana is on the bottom. The romaji pronunciation for each letter is written underneath in the English alphabet. Look at how they coincide with each set of letters.
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Kanji on the other hand, are symbols with meanings ascribed to them. This image has just a small handful of kanji; there are thousands of them. They can be put together to create words and names. I talk a little bit more in-depth about kanji here.
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Why am I talking about the three forms of writing systems in Japanese? It's because they each have a purpose! What's relevant here is: All foreign words that make their way into Japan are written exclusively in katakana. This includes loan words that make their way into the Japanese language (i.e., computer, Twitter, forks, etc.) and foreign names.
While the vast, vast majority of Japanese people will have their names written in kanji (and sometimes hiragana), you, as a foreigner, will have your name written in katakana. Because Japanese is phonetic, it's just a matter of writing out the sounds in your name in the Japanese writing system. It will sound extremely similar to your actual name.
(And yes, that means that you will not have a cool Japanese meaning to your name because it will not have the symbolism and meaning that kanji have, sorry to disappoint. It's just based off sounds).
In order to learn how to write your name in katakana, you will first have to translate your name into romaji. Romaji is basically the romanization of Japanese — writing Japanese in the Roman alphabet. Once you have the sounds written out in a romaji form, you can just look and identify which katakana fits with each sound.
Or you know, you could also ask a Japanese person to write it out for you which is much easier.
An even easier alternative is using this converter that I found using google. From what I can tell, it's not perfect but it is generally accurate. Just plug in your name, and it'll spit out the katakana and the romaji for it!
If this is possible that would be cool, versus I-like-this-name-so-it's-mine sort of deal (which I've heard is disrespectful?)
Yes. Giving yourself a Japanese name just because you like it, you think it sounds cool and you want one is what I would consider cultural appropriation. This is a topic that is pretty hotly debated, so keep in mind that this is my personal opinion and other people may have different thoughts.
Japan is not your accessory to show off and play with — and that's what I think picking a Japanese name for yourself would be: an accessory. You (general you, not necessarily you specifically, anon!) would be giving yourself a Japanese name just because it's cool and exotic-sounding, despite the fact that having a Japanese name is not necessarily accepted or okay for actual Japanese people living in other countries.
I have an extremely Japanese name — one that is not super common or well-known in America like Sakura or Yoko. In fact, a lot of people have trouble pronouncing it. I go by an Americanized nickname because people don't even try to learn my name. I grew up hating my name because I would get bullied about it. I elaborate a little bit more about this in this post. To me, it feels extremely unfair that an American person (especially a white person) could just pick a Japanese name for themselves and have that be okay and cool, when I had to struggle and fight for my name to be accepted.
That being said, I think that there are a couple of times where it's okay to have a Japanese name for yourself!
1) When you are a part of a Japanese learning class. Many language classes will start off by having students pick a name from that culture to go by. I did it in my Spanish class, and I also facilitated this when I was a counselor at a Japanese language immersion camp. You're learning about the culture, this is part of immersion, and people don't take it too seriously usually!
2) When a Japanese person offers one to you. The keyword is: offer. It's not asked or demanded, a Japanese person willingly out of their own volition decides to give you a Japanese name for fun. My family recently did this with my American partner — it was a lot of fun! He's not going by the Japanese name we've decided for him, it's not something serious, it's just a fun little thing for us that includes him in our family and heritage. Sometimes, Japanese people will help their foreign friends out and ascribe kanji to their name, which is also not super serious and just for fun!
And again, this is all my personal opinion! Other people may have different ones, and that is fine.
AAPI Heritage Month AMA
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deafsignifcantother · 3 years
what it would be like working with tom hiddleston on set while being deaf
♥ Summary: being a co-star on a totally ambiguous movie with the man himself can be very exciting, especially since he is eager to learn more about your culture. Definitely not based off of a dream I had.
♥ Relationships: Tom Hiddleston x gender neutral Reader (platonic but lowkey crushing)
♥ Word Count: 1000
♥ Warnings: reader is new to hearing aids, reader has an interpreter, reader is verbal
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Unknown to you, he started googling basic terms in sign language the day he found out you were Deaf. He had not met you, nor had he even heard of you, but he knew that a few words were better than not trying to communicate with you at all. Especially when he had the pleasure of working with you for so long.
The first day he saw you was when you were speaking to the stunt director. You had an interpreter assigned to you by the studio who stood by your side. He tried not to stare. On a basic level, he knew that much was even a bit disrespectful.
The construction of his costume against his body occurred in slow steps and had succeeded in distracting him from introducing himself to you. It was slow enough that you had finished whatever training you were practicing. He spent the time thinking about what he would say. Learning languages is fun for him. He's excited to practice it with you.
With the outfit on him, and the flexibility tested and approved, he intended on finding you. It did not take too long. The actors for the scene had to stay on the premises, which left a small area for him to search.
He waves, and shyly, you wave back. Your eyes linger on your interpreter for a second, unknowing as to whether you would have to introduce yourself as the deaf actor or if you could have a simply average conversation with him.
"What's your name?" He signs to you. Your lips twitch into a smile.
You introduce yourself, showing him your name sign. He tells you that he hasn't received one yet.
At the end of the conversation, he is called to his scene. The moment he walks away you turn back to your interpreter.
"He knows what a name sign is!" You exclaim while trying to stop yourself from grinning so hard.
"He is a very educated man." They explain shortly, pausing to let the director work with you. You thought about that phrase for a long time. Educated.
Other people on set learned certain words for you, too. Things like 'camera start' and 'stand'.
"Stand here," a worker will instruct you, pointing to the spot instead of physically moving you themselves as they would do to someone else.
Years in the future, you still talk about one experience you had on set with him. There was a moment where your character had to press buttons on a controller while Tom was standing next to you. You struggled with this since being on camera meant you couldn't look to the directors for the cue to stop. It took many takes and the advice to count to 5 seconds in your head. What you and Tom had settled on was him resting his hand against your lower back when you needed to stop.
There was also a moment where Tom had visited your trailer with two to-go boxes with him. He was blushing when you opened the door. It was dinner time, and today was your day off. He thought he would spend time with you.
You have a flashlight hanging from your trailer for people to use to alert you of their presence. Later in your relationship, Tom decided that he wanted one on his trailer, too, in case you were inside and someone was knocking.
"Hello," he speaks, entering your space when you move out of the way to welcome him. You recognize the buzz of his low voice. "Hello," you greet him back.
He is already familiar with the sound of your voice. You are known to laugh during rehearsals and yell at people from across the room. It's amusing to see you just say a word out loud when you get frustrated trying to spell it off the top of your head.
"Are those meals for us?" You ask, his back turned to you as he sets them on the table.
He turns around. "Yes," he signs, "I asked Twitter your favorite meal." Of course he did. You laugh before pursing your lips. The idea of the two of you eating together suddenly made you anxious.
Is he fluent in ASL? I mean, he talks to you every day, but it is not as if you have talked for hours at a time.
"I don't like wearing my hearing aids when I eat," you explain out loud, "I won't be able to... hear you." The word 'hear' falls loosely from your lips. It has no meaning to you. It's not as if the aids magically make all sound available to you.
But he knows what you mean.
"That's fine." He gives you a warm smile. "I can keep up."
And he could. Surprisingly well. You honestly didn't think that he would be practicing sign language outside of the workplace. He understands you without you having to talk to him. The word underestimation pops into your head.
"I'm happy you're here," you sign.
"I'm happy you opened the door."
His smile is beautiful, you notice. When he jokes, there is an amusement in his eyes that translates perfectly to you. He leans in whenever he asks a question, and he turns side to side when he's naming things off.
He's practically perfect.
A very educated man.
"Thank you for eating with me." You said once he packed the dishes onto each other, taking care of them himself.
Once again, his eyes brightened. "I enjoyed it."
And you watched as he walked down to his trailer. The moon sat high in the sky. There was a cold wind that refused to let you go, even when you closed the door in front of you. It put a chill on your skin.
You remember standing there for a second, leaning your head against the door. "Perfect." You muttered quietly, not being self-conscious of your accent. "He is perfect."
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Holaaaaa!!! ¿Cómo estás Dani? ¿Todo bien?
I've been feeling like my regular self which is good... it's crazy what the brain does to reality 😳
But anyways... I'm happy to be back with my fellow homos, homies and hoes 🥰
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I'm finally caught up with LBAF IV, had to start over for a proper enjoyment 😌 I'm NOT letting anxiety take any more things from me!!! Fuck that bitch...
Fun Fact: my phone still suggests Shinyun after I type fuck... 🤣🤣 fun times! I now miss my wife!
Anyways, about the chapter...
The One with the Kite
He picked up Mallory from her bedroom and they portalled together to the Empire State Building.
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She smiled. “Just this boy. I find him very annoying.”
Don't you dare! 😡😡😡
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“Yep,” she said again. “It means unlucky.”
Like Max was meeting you 🤮
“Oh,” David replied. “I was sleeping.”
Daniela you better NOT fuck with my Mavid!! 🥲
“It’ll get the culture tubes,” Camila winked and walked away.
Fun Fact: I don't know the name of those tubes in Spanish even though I used them in high-school
No, I won't Google it...
He simply picked up a discarded stele from the table and walked back.
That sus behavior!!! Pay attention!!!
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“Because you asked me to,” Gabriel smiled, rolling a strand of her hair with their finger. “You look breathtaking in the morning, Selena.”
Am I in love with them? Survey says YES!!! 🥰
“Why would anyone want to attack Chouchou at all?” Selena wondered out loud.
Exactly!!! Think people THINK!!!
“Excuse me,” Selena said incredulously. “Are you guys hanging out without me?”
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“Then tell her that!” Max put up his hands.
If she could, she would but she is an Alexandra!! We don’t do that!!!
“I’m a fucking boat!” Lexi yelled and walked away.
This we do... I love my twin!!!
“What?” Max laughed. “I thought you were gonna say my smile or some shit.”
🤣🤣🤣 he's an Alexander we're horny first
The sound of Max saying her name.
I will absolutely love the sound of Max killing you!!
Think, Max! He doesn’t want you. He isn’t good for you.
Biiiiiiitch.... I will end you myself!!!
Would he protect her? Would he save her? Would he risk his life for her?
Yeah probably but only because he is a Lightwood-Bane is not really about you!
So, David was the problem here. As always.
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I need a drink every time I write Mallory pov.
I need a drink after reading her POV... you better not pull a Shinyun on me because I love hating her!
Thank you Dani!! You're the bestest best, the best supreme! 💚💚💚💚 I am love you very much!!
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Hola! Estoy bien! (i wrote that myself! I'm sorry if it was incorrect! I'm going to try and learn Spanish by talking to you lmaoooo)
Also the number of times you called mallory a bitch and threatened her dsahdjkasj WE APPRECIATE THE PASSION!
i'm glad you are feeling better and enjoying stuff!! sending you more and more amazing vibes!
also omg seb stan gif?? you are 10/10.
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sparatus · 3 years
Don't let me start with netflix Sabrina, it started out pretty decently, but it turned into an absolute mess of wasted potential. They just looked up some myths and threw them in there without thouroughly researching them. I hate what they did with Lucifer, he was pretty intriguing in the beginning but he turned into a joke character. Actually I hate most of the characters, they butchered them so much they're so irritating.
you're SO fucking right wholeheartedly agree it makes me so frustrated
their lucifer is THE worst take on luc ive seen in like..... ever lmfao like ik im biased cause i, an ex-catholic, went really hard into the stories of demons and such who were cast down like lucifer and lilith and just Demon Fiction in general, i even started writing about luc and making my own interpretation to help me process what i was thinking about and feeling as i had my crisis of faith and ultimately left the church, so obviously my edition is superior, but god. God. their luc just?? isn't threatening?? at all?? they started out strong but then he actually shows up and he's just. nothing. spn bad but at least their lucifer was an actual THREAT and you knew you were in for a good fucking scene when he appeared don't @ me ive only watched the first 5 seasons and refuse to acknowledge anything after that
like i mentioned earlier their approach to mythology is just pulling names out of a hat and assigning them powers according to the plot but god it's just. so bad. the absolute SLAUGHTER of lilith's character. the literal "do you want to get smote, cause that's how you get smote" blasphemy of naming hathor and other goddesses as demons. the lazy disrespect of picking a random demon for plot when a 5-second google search proves it wrong (e.g. asmodeus as a "plague king" and "lord of vermin and filth"? really? he's associated with lust if anything, also ik there's no direct source other than "common depiction" but asmodeus having a heavy limp and broken legs was a detail that stuck out in my head when i was doing research for my own stuff years ago you could've used that as an identifying detail but no Generic Bad Guy Demon #3 it is). it's so AGGRAVATING
and like. if they REALLY wanted to be so feminist. lilith should've been running the show from the start, or at least the queen of equal power. there are countless REAL-LIFE movements that use lilith as a symbol of empowerment. how dare you do her that dirty. again im biased from my own works and life experiences but oh my god it's so bad
also the forced dialogue stuff of replacing satan or hell or a random demon name that starts with the same fucking letter as the christian version into everything is so cringe. it was funny for a couple notes here and there but it got old fast we get it already shut UP just TALK LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE if sabrina is so heavily "one foot in each world" then she would use the fucking standard lingo of pop culture phrases and references that reference christianity (this is specifically about "hail malphas pass" jgsjgdj i saw red and ranted for like 15 minutes THAT'S AN ACTUAL SPORT TERM YOU CAN'T DO THAT ALSO MALPHAS AND MARY ARE NOWHERE NEAR EQUIVALENT)
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