lenaeffinlee · 1 year
Tumblrman says everything will be alright.
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gratefulnuts · 2 months
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Trying to buy? Struggling to figure out your next move? Worried?
You don't have to be, there is hope! We can help! We have seen your situation before.
Don't believe us? Give us a call. We have seen it all and have the expertise to help you get over your worries and into a home!
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princessoftheroad · 1 year
You can not send love to somebody else without getting it all over it yourself!
Mat Boggs
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hyperbolicgrinch · 2 months
Im baaaaack 😈 Turnabouts fair play babe! Let's goooo !
1, 5 11, 12, 16, 22, 27, 29
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(don't ever stop!!!!!! ilysm!!! (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)) (i did this instead of crying so forgive me for the mess?? 💓)
1. the last sentence you wrote -
woe, paragraph be upon you instead because that sentence alone would kinda be nothing???:
The waves are singing against the Sunny and the weather is kind. The crew lingers, their own ways to spend the day drifting on the breeze. The world won't go still, but it does, mercifully, slow down. His laughter trails off into deep, even breaths as he falls into a dream larger than you could ever know.
(messy messy messy but the zolu came upon me in the early hours and it had to go somewhere. 🤡) (ignore the second person, sometimes i have to start fics with it and then switch everything to third person later when i have a grip on it. i do not know why. 👐)
5. first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP -
whelp, just have the whole paragraph again cause might be more mid otherwise, asdsfh:
There was another universe where, instead, Law gave in and headbutted him. Sent Eustass stumbling back, wiping the blood from his nose as he straightened from his recoil. Where they made eye contact as Eustass summoned whatever metals lay around the port and Law finally unleashed everything crushed inside his ribcage. Where they fought each other like they were taking down Emperors. Where their crews wasted themselves to get them free of each other.
(i don't know how I feel about it but hey, it's a wip for a reasonnnn. we edit for a reasonnnn. 🙈)
11. a WIP you’d like to finish someday -
not fanfic, although i have many of them i wish could see the world, but i'd love to finish my werewolves in space wip. it rattles around in my brain constantly and the actors my mind cast for the main roles are inspiration alone. i am easily spooked by my original works tho so god only knows if it'll ever be seen. 🥲
12. a trope you’re really into right now -
finding each other in every life (whether familial or platonic or romantic or anything else). it helps me sleep at night. 🥺
16. favorite place to write -
in my bed, just before going to sleep, with something chill on the tv. the words flow better there. it's peaceful. 😌
22. do you ever worry about public reaction to what you’re writing? how do you get past that? -
yeah. but also no, not really. by the time i'm in a position to be worrying about that, i've put so much effort and time into the thing that my delight at posting it, shuts off most of the bad what-ifs. i've been real lucky and only ever had nice experiences so far too. if i do worry about it before getting there tho, i hit up my sister or my other hype men and let them distract me from it with their biased povs. 😂
27. your favorite part of the writing process -
just the writing and editing in general, i guess. like when everything is starting to sing and you can add details and hidden gems. when you have a hole and you suddenly know how to fill it. matching words together that compliment each other and let the sentence paint the picture in a fun way. when the ideas elaborate on themselves and i just have to be the bricklayer. it's just really pleasing and calming when a piece starts coming together and you are running down that hill with all the momentum. 💪
29. how easy is it for you to come up with titles? -
90% of the time? too easily. i normally have a title idea before i start writing or just after. or there's something i wrote and when i am reading through later & i see it, i go: "👀 free title real estate mayhaps? 👉👈". at the moment i have like two to three titles for all my fics and works in progress and could come up with more without being threatened. 😂 i'm going to have such a hard time of it when i have to decide. 🫠
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thank you for sending me some bangbang!! 💕💕 i'll try to get to the other ask soon. 🫶
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boxchewr · 4 months
me when i have three straight days of losing my mind constantly but when when i change my discord icon to colress everything ishappy again. i must become more insane to be less insane and all that
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pestilentbrood · 6 months
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the woman in question if anyone else wants to take a shot at scrying her . i plan to breed her with This Guy for Lore Purposes if that sways anything
general lore for her is vague rn but it's basically jus. she got too overzealous with her lightning and managed to strike herself out of the sky like an idiot while Charver just went "GIRL????" and never saw her again
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Haruaki: You guys are reading hamlet, right? What’s one of the recurring themes in Hamlet?
Kuniko: Oh, Oooh, Ooooooh, call on me! Betrayal
Haruaki: Very good, very good. Ok, now who can give me a good example of betrayal?
Rensuke: Oh! Um, when Hamlet sends Rosencrantz and Guildstern on a boat to die.
Haruaki: Exactly- Hamlet betrays his friends.
Hijita: Which is super fucked up because only a fucking dickhole betrays his friends
Beniko: Well, maybe he wouldn’t if his friends weren’t a bunch of selfish bitches who had already betrayed his girlfriend in the first place.
Haruaki: That’s mostly right! Rosencrantz and Guildstern were going to betray hamlet first.
Fuji: Well maybe if Hamlet’s girlfriend had known her place instead of being a whiny little bitch, everything wouldn’t be so fucked up!
Beniko: Well maybe if Rosencrantz and Guildstern didn’t tried to set up two dickholes to make love with the girl that he was in love with like two skanky little cock wranglers, they wouldn’t have got put on that fucking boat!
Fuji: That doesn’t mean that Hamlet should go attempt to blow up an entire fucking school and almost ruin fucking everything!
Mame: And maybe if people would have chilled the fuck out, Ophelia wouldn’t felt like she had to jump off of a goddamn bridge!
Haruaki: Ok, I think we moved a bit off topic, but I loved the energy, guys! Love the energy.
Rensuke: What page does the school bombing attempt happen on?
Kuniko: Don'tworry, Ren-kun. Apparently, today is not going to be a learning day.
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aro-pokeverse · 5 months
(shaymincafe) Shaymes @ Kita: Oh my, are you wearing flip-flops? How fetching! Are they comfortable for your paws?
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Kita make a little giggle when this Sky Forme Shaymin did ask about her flip-flops.
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Haha, don'tworry. Theyare more comfortable than regular shoes. And ofcourse I'm wearing this onoccassion.
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Tobe honest withcha, I saw normal Pokémon wearing ones. Imean, those whodidn't become likeus... Ofcourse shoes are optional cause the fur is replacing shoes and even socks. Well, humans need to wear those whengoing outside. Except onsome occassions likethe summer beach.
[ @shaymincafe ]
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red-ibis-red · 1 year
“Don'tworry. Youreallyarepartofhere, really. Alwayshavebeen, alwayswillbe. Itallstartshere, itallendshere. Thisisyourplace. It'stheknot. It'stiedtoeverything.”
“Everything. Thingsyoulost. Thingsyou'regonnalose. Everything. Here'swhereitalltiestogether.”
—Haruki Murakami, Dance Dance Dance
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So I'm aro and kinda ambivalent/slightly pos on sex stuff. So like from an aspec perspective on all your posts is very interesting to watch. Idk. I feel like people only use my identity to mask they still have growing to do and that sex isn't... Like, scary I guess? Its just a thing people do, Yk? Also that lots of different people have sex, conventionally unattractive people have sex, you don't need to "beautify" them. Adults have sex. These characters are all adults, by the end of the comics Scout is in his late 20s, like. I'm fairly certain these characters have had sex, and infantilizing characters like Scout, sometimes Engineer, or especially Pyro, whether they realize it or not, reflects on them and their feelings on how people "should act" and mental disorders. They can have sex! The sex can be weird! They are weird people! Like... They're adult men. They range from mid 20's to possibly their 50s-60's. Who are messed up a bit. I don't think they're timid little virgin babys who have never seen a genital or came in their life, like, be serious. I think it CAN be interesting to explore how someone in the 60's-70's would navigate asexuality in this scenario. Like, that can be an interesting take IF you put the actual thought, understanding, and nuances of being aspec. But like, it's always just like, filler sexuality here to be there cuz I don't have a strong grasp on the character. A pretty flag for the sake of having another flag. And because of that lack of character and world understanding they lean on stereotypes under the guise of progressive ideas.
Sorry about the all over the place rant, just been thinking about this kinda stuff every time I see ur posts.
Nooo don'tworry this is rlly nice to hear n a perspective I can't rlly give! Obviously I'm not aspec myself AHGKLAGA but I definitely don't like stuff like "well of COURSE Pyro is aroace bc they're baby uwu" it just doesn't sit right with me LMAO. None of this is to say that I think it's "wrong" to have ace Pyro or ace Sniper or ace whoever headcanons, of course I don't think that. I especially think it's really nice when someone sees themself in a videogame man, regardless of what their identity is. I just think yknow, stuff like "this guy has Brain Problems (Sniper has social problems, Pyro has delusions, Scout has a disorder I'm calling 'being in his 20s') and therefore does not have sex" or in Pyro's case especially "cannot even UNDERSTAND sex" is kinda just harmful and offensive across the board, to mentally ill people and aspec people alike. I'm always reminded of that ask I got like "if autistic people can't handle bright lights how are they supposed to handle sex" bc like 1) plenty of autistic people are perfectly Fucking capable of understanding, having, and enjoying sex and 2) ace people aren't ace bc they "can't handle" or "don't understand" sex LMAO. Sex is a thing some people have, and a thing some people don't, and like either of those things are good and okay and fine. Idk there's just a veeeery wide societal problem of really infantilizing both asexual people and disabled people that I think extends far beyond "fandom" or whatever, it's rlly deeply ingrained so a lot of people aren't aware of how they perpetrate it. Basically I just don't think an ace or aro headcanon should surround "X character is just completely incapable of understanding and/or consenting to sex or romance" ESPECIALLY if that character is disabled (like Pyro tf2, or even to a smaller degree like Sniper tf2 if the person doing it hcs him as autistic or whatever). If u want someone to be ace they can just be ace! It doesn't need like a "shy baby uwu" reasoning behind it
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Oh no...I've been thinking up bonding situations/ activities Gai and Kakashi did leading up to the Madara incident.
At the start of day one, Kakashi injures Gai a lot(gotta train him like the world's at stake because...it is. Don'tworry the healing amulet will take care of it) and Gai at some point SLIGHTLY damages Kakashi and is like "want me to kiss it better?" He gets a loooong stare in response and is like "ah no worries than. You probably couldn't afford it. 😁👍"
Kakashi knows its going to be a loooong week. And doubles the training.
It takes three days of non-stop fighting/training and badgering from Kakashi before Gai's composure finally breaks and let Kakashi see his vulnerability, as well as his resolve. Then passes out. Kakashi finally realizes he is dealing with the actual Gai his old bff, and resolves to treat him that way.
Day 4, lot's more training but they also now know Gai's limits even with the amulet and extra god items help. Kakashi is doing a better job explaining how lightning works and how to wield it as a weapon and in the tri-staff form. Gai let's Kakashi know that his storms were an inspiration to him. They get a little closer as they kick each other's ass.
Day 5.) They take a break to cook something. Obito drops by. Bit of a downer but he learns about those two being brothers! So cool~ talks about his own family for a bit. Its....probably not that great. Especially in comparison to his last lifetime. He gets to see Obito put the stars up and sees Kakashi messing with it.... asks if Kakashi can draw something funny up there for him. ("Put a penis up there~" (Obito is not pleased.))
Day 6.) Day of resting. They trained all they could and any more would probably just tire Gai out for the battle tomorrow. Gai gets to cut his hair and shave how he likes, take a bath, talk to Kakashi, do some light flirting mostly for fun... and also reveals one of the ways he fought is based off a dance he himself made. Ends up showing Kakashi and gives him a bit of a show (clothes stay on!) and Kakashi is struck because.... the steps of that dance are the same ones Gai use to dance for him in the past life. Just a bit more sensual.
Day seven. Time to fight a god... asks Kakashi for a good luck kiss maybe and points at his cheek. To which Kakashi responds "you couldn't afford it, honey."
It makes Gai laugh and smile before his major confrontation. And its time to go. And Kakashi... wants to believe in him to now. No matter how things turn out, he will stay by his side and cheer him on.
He doesn't want to see his friend die again.
I really love the idea of them bonding over training, and the little joke about a kiss costing too much 😭😭😭
Kakashi should have taken the kiss. It was litterally his only chance before disaster struck. On the plus side though, they’ll have a lot of time to get to know each other better after.
Also Kakashi hates that he has to be so hard on Gai in training, but it’s a lot to learn. Dude almost took off to another village with the winged shoes Naruto gave him, which could have ended so badly if Kakashi hadn’t caught up to him and pulled him back before he came into contact with any of the villagers.
I love the idea of Gai’s village being sort of mythical. After all those who visit it don’t survive, so how do people know it’s real when they have only met a select few people who claim to have come from there?
All these other villages hear of a great fight between a mortal and a god and just shake their head. They don’t belive there’s a mortal out there stupid enough to fight a god, abd if there is they certainly didn’t win.
It’s bot until generations later when a cure is found and people can begin venturing outside of the village that their stories spread and their history is properly shared, and so many other villages finally learn about the great Mortal Gai who fought a god of creation just to protect his village
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edwardstran94 · 3 months
Various Types Of Cat Litter
best cat breeds for first time owners Never ever offer any medication without specific guidelines from your vet. Do not give any medications to your felines that are planned for human beings. NEVER give your feline Aspirin or acetaminophen. Both of these medications might kill your cat. Developinga legacy to be proud ofdoesn'trequirea particulartask title, income bracket, zip code or political affiliation. It does howeverneed something extraordinary - honest self-reflection and taking personalobligation. Now don'tworry! You do nothave tochange the Constitution, discovera remedy for cancer or replant the rain forests cat care clinic by yourself! Privatelyanalyzing your motivations and attitudes is a substantial start. It is better to choose a center that is professional, and has a high requirement of care. Choosing the best veterinarian for your cat can be a tricky task, so here are 3 excellent suggestions to guarantee that your precious kitty gets the very best vet possible!
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If it is all set for the birth, make another appointment with the vet simply to inspect. Offer your cat extra love, cat deals with and all the finest pregnant cat care during the last number of weeks of pregnancy. You had much better lock it up somewhere if you have furnishings that your cat is not enabled to touch. Even if your feline is great about remaining off the bed, sofa, table, and so on when you are home, it is not likely that the furnishings will be untouched when you are not there. Still you can set the borders with your cat. Never let your cat drive your automobile. Okay, as you get to know me much better, you will realize that injecting humor every once in a while is necessary to me. It is essential that you senior cat care also groom your felineon a regular basis. Brushing him or her as soon as a week or two can offer you bonding time along with a time to examine over your felines body. You will be able todiscover any unusual bumps and swellings that are not typical. You can likewisepromote re-growth of fur and stimulatea glossy coat of fur on your cat. Ensure home is one flooring, or if two-story, has a staircase extra wide so a stair-chair climber can be set up. They now have house elevators at economical costs that work like a bank air tube and therefore they even work when there is no power coming downstairs.
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fournierdesai34 · 1 year
The Truth About Declawing A Cat
cat newsletter signup What Makes This Toy Enjoyable For My Child? - these ladies have distinct interchangeable hair designs, plastic socketed, instead of painted on, eyes, and multiple points of articulation for a wide range of poses. Siamese cats can be trained to do specific things, but just if they desire to be. Some like to stroll on a leash, comprehending that this offers them the very best access to the outdoors. Others will bring, having found out that playing with their human is much more pleasurable than playing alone. If the feline desires it, the human involved in training must comprehend that the training only occurs. A Siamese can be really stubborn about things it does not want to do.
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Unlike a physical book which can be worn down, charred, waterlogged, shredded by the stuffed cat toy feline, etc an eBook is essentiallyindestructible. And for addedpeace of mind, you can even back them up on disc or memory stick and bring with you. Cats sleep from many hours a day, and they often feel best when they are greater up. Whether they have feline bed or simply a box with a blanket in, they need somewhere to sleep where they feel safe. Felines wonder and will explore any open windows, so you ought to prevent leaving any open that might cause the feline damage. Such as those higher up, or where they may get onto a window sill and be not able to leap down securely. Still a bit shy about running an eBay auction? Here are some suggestions interactve cat toys about the top-selling items on eBay and why not-for-profit companiesought to dive into the eBay swimming pool. Don'tworry - the water's warm! Feline trees: These are readily available in various heights ranging from 2 feet to 7 feet. these are long lasting and ruggedproducts. These assist the feline interactive cat toys for indoor cats to climb up and down quickly. Mostlyutilized as playing productbutlikewisehelps to grow the catfavorably. When you begin your search for a litter box for your indoor cat, you will find there are a variety offered to the consumer. From a standard open pan to a completely covered aerated box, the alternatives and price point are extensively different. It all depends upon what you want in a litter box. Your cat will use whatever you offer, as long as it is kept clean, so it is really about what your choices remain in a litter box. Studies have revealed that indoor cats live longer. We can't know if they are better, no matter what the research study states. They might possibly be extremely content, as can outside felines.
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dreamescapeswriting · 2 years
it's been a long time since i've read or rebloged anything, life's been way too busy 😭 there are so many things to catch up on ! and m, you've gone so far ahead ! reaching milestones one after another, i'm so proud of you love ❣️due to studies and all, coming on tumblr was now a hobby that was left abandoned, i miss so much coming up on tumblr and reading the stories and reblogging them. it felt as if i was doing something really wrong because i got attached to this really soon. but no matter what happens, i'm here to support you and all the other writers i genuinely admire behind you guys' back. to read your writing is truly a gift, please keep sharing your talent even if i don't read or reblog it ! it's the fact how you have such a busy life and yet take time out to post all these writings. i absolutely love the whole existence of you, take much love from me !!
Hiya darling!! jhvadjfdsfg thank you so much my love! I nearly cried the other day when I woke up to 14.2K followers it still somehow doesn't feel real to me T-T 😭💕💕 I hope you're doing okay though my love!!! I hope that you're staying rested enough, well hydrated and fed during your studies!! 🥰💕 I get that way with books so I totally feel you! But it's always going to be here for you bubs! Don'tworry about it and just focus on you!!! Thank you so so much! You're so sweet!!! Love you lots!!
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letsmakeuhappy · 3 years
Don’t Worry
If you think someone is judging they really are not. Most people are to worried about how they look/feel. So don’t worry and do you and be you!
Have a great day!
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