#Dragon Force
posthumanwanderings · 30 days
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Dragon Force (Sega / Working Designs - Saturn - 1996)
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HeAd CaNnOn TiMe!! What if other dragon slayers can also have dragonization like Natsu did in the movie but after using it after several times, they get Dragon Scaring where they retain some aspects of their Dragonization. Wendy was one I always think about and I wanted her to look more like Grandeeney but Feral. I hope dragonized forms of Wendy and Gajeel will be in 100 year quest.
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Make Wendy Feral damn it!!
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segacity · 9 months
The Japanese commercial for 'Dragon Force' on the SEGA Saturn.
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celestialrayna · 10 months
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Life of Sting Eucliffe - Sting Day!
An artwork to Sting Eucliffe himself in his child, teen and adult version. In the background you can see his foster dragon Weisslogia, his exceed Lector, his guild mark and his Dragon Force.
Happy Sting Day!
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pencilofawesomeness · 3 months
Was looking over your older art and noticed you wondering why Wendy has pink hair when she uses dragon force. I do not pretend to understand what all goes on behind the scenes, but I imagine it is purely because Porlyusica has pink hair, and since Porlyusica is a human Edolas counterpart of Grandeeny, if Grandeeny had had any hair it would be pink,(she is white but those are feathers I think), and thus Wendy inherits the dragon version of the gene for pink hair when she gets more dragon like.
See, then the question is, why does Porlyusica have pink hair? Why does Wendy's hair change at all? None of the others do, and I doubt Igneel would have have pink hair if you want to go the "they happened to match" route.
Nah, I was more ranting because I thought it was a dumb decision. That is what I meant when I asked "why pink?" not because I thought there could/should be an actual reason. The others get super on-brand elemental infusions and I think Wendy's should have gone harder on the multitude of the sky. My redesign was purely that: a redesign. Because sometimes I have fun and inconsequential opinions and implement them because why not? :)
(The art in question, in case people are curious, because I did my dragon force art a few years ago, I recount to my own horror of the passing of time. I should really draw dragon force stuff again lmao.)
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zorua-adorable · 3 months
sorry i started drawing and she turned into that foot miku :(
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omg Wendy!! thank you Mya 💖
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thekingdomofdong · 6 months
Cool looking final boss in dragon force ii
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sakurakitsume-art · 2 months
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1980sactionfigures · 1 year
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Kung-Fu DragonMaster - Dragon Force (Lanard Toys)
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Dragon Force (Sega / Working Designs - Sega Saturn - 1996)
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tigertaurus22 · 6 months
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I know it’s been at least a year and a half since this was requested, but I finally got it done!
In my main Fairy Tail ZX AU, Wendy is paired with Model H (because they’re both wind elemental). @ryuryuhope asked that I draw her paired with the other mainline Biometals.
I gave the Model O form her pink hair from when she’s in Dragon Force mode. I thought it was fitting.
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mayonezroulette · 2 months
Went to the Dethklok concert last night! I got pictures and videos of Nekrogoblikon and Dragon Force. ((Phone was at 5% by the time Dethklok was setting up oop.))
It was a great time even if me and Argo got stuck in the parking garage for over 2 hrs afterwards! ((I'll see if I can make a seperate post for the videos!))
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therealjasonx · 2 months
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I miss the era when full-screen anime artwork in a game felt like 4k60 with RT.
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celestialrayna · 9 months
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Life of Rogue Cheney
An artwork to Rogue Cheney himself in his child, teen and adult version. In the background you can see his foster dragon Skiadrum, his exceed Frosch, his guild mark and his Dragon Force.
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Reddit did not provide me with the answers I was hoping for.
I wanted to see what other people thought when Laxus went dragon slayer on Natsu and Gajeel in their fight and if people consider that to be his dragon force and someone said there was no evidence of second gens being able to consume their element and that they had a smaller skill set.
Excuse me?
I'll start with Laxus since he's the one we see the most.
He never eats his element but he does still consume it
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For example during the episode focused on him in the anime, he absorbs so much lightning to a point that the thunder legion fear that its going to back fire.
And alright, its a filler episode, so its technically not manga canon
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Grand magic games on the last day where Laxus absorbs Rufus' lightning attack. The only one of the team not to jump out of the way because Mavis specifically says he can absorb it.
Then Cobra
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Also shown to eat poison on screen like how Natsu would eat fire.
I've always figured that they made their spells themselves or found out about them in books because they didn't have a dragon to teach them their magic so where would they get such specific spells. Which would also imply that all of them can shape their magic to fit with an attack they make themselves.
Also you cannot tell me that they aren't experiencing some extent of dragonisation.
Both have the sharp fangs that the 1st and 3rds do which is something they weren't born with. Laxus gains scales when he first uses his dragon slaying magic (why this never happens again confuses me) and every time Cobra uses his, his entire hands become covered in them which most likely has something to do with him using the magic more than Laxus.
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This is the only time they don't actually change when he's using his poison. (I can only assume this is another mistake done by the second animation team like what happened to Midnight seeing as Cobra wears gloves during this scene in the manga but not in the anime.
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Here's proof of the other two times he's using his dragon magic and he has the dragon scales in both.
Which is why it is odd that Laxus doesn't get them when he uses his magic. He picks up on using the dragon magic after the battle of Fairy tail since that's what he gives Natsu during the Hades fight and what he uses in the games, tartaros and Alveraz arcs. So its not for lack of use. Is it because Cobra uses poison so the scales are there to prevent damage to his skin? But that doesn't make sense either because if that were the case then Natsu would be burned when he uses his magic. I know that a dragon slayer is weak to their own magic but not when their casting it unless something was done deliberately.
I will forever now have Laxus get scales when he uses his magic.
Whether they actually can turn into dragons or not is not really something we have the information for. It would be a cool concept (Especially seeing as its shown that dragonised slayers can live for centuries with Acno, Irene and Elefseria have lived for a long time) and with the other slayers no longer dragonising, the only one who might live longer is Natsu so like the actual angst content of Laxus and Cobra dragonizing and then outliving all the people they cared about. (I did see a fic similar but it was the Time 5 that were aging slowly. Laxus was not amongst that group. Give me Laxus and Cobra immortality angst dammit)
In terms of the dragon force thing, I probably will consider Laxus' power up as dragon force seeing as we know that having a lacrima is the reason Sting and Rogue can enter dragon force at will and that the lacrima are dragon hearts. So it isn't too far of a stretch for Laxus and Cobra to be able to access it although it might be under a certain clause.
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welcometothememeteam · 7 months
Rediscovering my love of power metal this Sunday eve
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