draikar · 1 year
Writing Commissions Open!
Have a story you want to read? Need someone to write it for you? I do writing commissions at only 2 cents a word! That's $20 for a 1000 word story! While I primarily write sci-fi/fantasy tales, I'm open to working in most genres and themes. Check out my Terms of Service for details and send me a note to get started!  Basic info here Examples: Jabari's Fur Boundaries Broken Commission Queue
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unicornsbookshelf · 1 year
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Interested in getting a story commission? You've come to the right place! I am currently taking commissions to write your story! Tell me about your characters, the world you want them in, and maybe a little about the adventure you would like them to be in. I'll write you up a tale for your characters. If you're interested, you are welcome to request the presence of one or more of MY characters in your story. Have a story idea, but no specific characters? I can take it as a writing prompt and fill in the blanks! As the story is by your request, you'll still have the right to post and share to your heart's content. Just credit me in the comments. The price is $0.02 per word ($20 for 1000 words). Worried about your budget? Set me a price or word limit and I'll keep it affordable for you. The Process: • Check out my Terms of Service for more details. • Send Message me with your desired story concept. • Copy and fill out my Commission Form to fill me in on YOUR details. Please note, I am not a porn writer and I'm not currently doing Fanfiction. I look forward to working with you. Image created by tera633 and colored by my good friend, Mattspew Character belongs to me. Logo created by Catt
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cattstarr · 4 years
Patreon and Commissions Confusion
I considered re-joining, but tbh I don't know what to offer. I have the same probs with Twitch. I can do speed sketches I guess, but it didn't look like there was much interest in people coming for free art from yours truly. So idk. Maybe I just need a bigger following. I haven't given up, I'm just a little beside myself. I know I can always improve, always. But is my current skill level that bad? Be brutal. Well, be kind, but be honest. Friends have advised I find a niche, and I'm finding vore and general nsfw to be a bit inviting, but I'm not too invested in either to tell ya the truth. So I'm happy a few regulars enjoy buying vore from me. It keeps the gallery nice and vorey. And I do dabble in my personal gallery from time to time anyway. Same with nsfw on my FA. I stepped down from the pharmacy. Starting 11-1, I work as a "Sanitaur" for the same grocery store. I lost $2/hr in the process, but I don't want to have any more meltdowns or suicide attempts because of work anymore. I figured the loss of income might be worth it. But I need to make up the loss of income somewhere. I'm also considering offering fiction commissions, but am unsure how to price them. I do write, although I haven't shared my writing with many people. Flickie doesn't have the attention span for it, and my friend draikar doesn't always have time to read it, lol. Which both are legitimate reasons. So if anyone DOES have the interest and time to read my works, I hope you'll contact me. I could really use another avenue for income. In the meantime, I'm looking for good advice from any of my successful friends who get commissions. If it's a matter of skill, as I say, be honest with me. If not, I understand niches, but is there anything else I could do to network better?
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draikar · 1 year
One of my favorite quotes is from the movie "Galaxy Quest." "Never give up. Never surrender!" It's an important concept, I think. Life is full of challenges. Everything we want to do has some sort of hurdle that must be jumped. Whether it's the simplicity of just getting up in the morning, all the way to planning out that dream vacation or making an amazing scientific discovery. Sure, some activities are easy enough, but they still take time and some days are better than others for getting them done. Finding that dream job, though, is much harder. When the challenge is hard, when we're not sure how to overcome it, when the first attempt completely fails....it can be so very easy to just give up. Why put in the effort, you might ask yourself, if the payout is merely pain? If all that time and energy is for naught. What's the point? I have faced these emotions many times. Sometimes I have, in fact, given up. Surrendered. Just went the easy way and decided not to push it. And in some cases, this can even be an okay response. There ARE days when letting go can be good. The rest of the time, though... Perseverance in the face of adversity is actually incredibly important. To pull out a stereotypical example: Thomas Edison did not invent the light bulb on the first try. Surely in the hundreds of attempts he made he at some point wanted to just give up. It wasn't working, yet he persevered. Something told him there had to be a way to get what he was after and he kept trying. the Wright Brothers certainly didn't get a working plane on their first attempt at flight. It took time, engineering and, I'm sure, several trials to finally build something that flew, and even then the first flight traveled only a very short distance. Almost any book author you talk to will tell you that they were rejected many times by publishers before they finally found someone that would give their book a try. Every success story includes moments of failure. Every...single...one. The same rule applies to you and me. Whether you're looking for a job, trying to paint for the first time, or exploring a new sport. Even something as simple as reading. Think back. Could you read the first time you looked at a book? I certainly couldn't. If we let these failures hold us back, we miss out on some amazing things that come from trying again. Thomas Edison DID invent the lightbulb and  now our houses are illuminated day and night. The Wright Brothers built a plane and now we can travel the world in mere hours. Maybe a couple of days. Those authors who pushed through failure to find success brought us entire worlds to explore. Maybe not all of us will become famous for our work, but just imagine what a little perseverance can do for you. Sure the path is hard, and sometimes we must change direction to find success, but once that challenge is overcome? You have surely persevered before, and you have found success. Maybe it was something small, but every small thing can still be important. Maybe success was just getting out of bed in the morning. Some days that truly is a victory.  Me? I've been wanting to write my fantasy books since I was in high school. I have stumbled many times. The project of writing a book is, in many ways, overwhelming, but I'm not giving up yet. This is important to me and I know I can do it. It may take practice and a lot of time, but I will find a way to succeed. Even if that book never gets popular...at the least I will have written it, and that is success. What are YOU struggling with? What challenges do you face that make your goals hard to achieve? What will it take for you to try again? Can you push through them? Is there a way around them? Whatever you do, keep trying. Especially if it is important to you. Learn from the failures, for that is part of the process, and use that knowledge to strengthen your next try. Get up and try again. If this goal truly matters, you deserve to persevere and give it another shot.  Whatever it is you're trying to do, don't give up. Don't surrender. Take break, catch your breath, then try again. I'm rooting for you. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors. I know you can do this. As for me? I'm going to write some more short stories and start organizing that book.
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unicornsbookshelf · 1 year
New Discord Server (and other news)
Check it out! The Unicorn's Bookshelf is now on Discord! My friends and I have been working hard over the last week or so to prep this wonderful new place where writers and artists can gather. This will be a central place where I can manage my online writing career, take commissions, and maybe even support other writers in their endeavors. Interested in my work? You can ask me about it here via Notes OR you can join my Discord and talk to me directly about anything from characters to stories, to the worlds in which they exist. Want a commission? Sure, you can note me here, but send me a message through my new Discord Server and I'll likely get back to you much faster. Throw your concept in one of the server channels. I would love to discuss your story, and if it feels like something I can do for you, we can make arrangements for the official commission. Have a story of your own you're working on? Need a little help. I will be happy to discuss various ideas you have and make suggestions on how to utilize them. As The Unicorn's Bookshelf grows, I'm sure others will be around who feel the same way. We can build a writer's community and work together for the success of all! In other news: I have found it somewhat inconvenient to keep updated my Commissions Journal on FA AND the journal on my DA account. To resolve this, I have created a Google Drive document from which I will manage the Queue. Check out my Commissions Queue to see my open commission slots and get updates on the progress of your commission. As always, if you have any questions, please let me know. Communication is very important to me and I want to make sure your experience as a commissioner is as pleasant as I can make it. Also, I've got a few commissions out now. I've been trying to post them in a manner that is both accessible and easy to use on my part. Let me know what you think. Do you like my stories? Is my posting system to your liking? Let me know in the comments below. Darkness can only exist in the Absence of Light
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unicornsbookshelf · 1 year
Desert Jewel
Linguistics student Xavier has just ended an archeological expedition working for the impossible, a secret city in the deserts of Egypt that houses the last remnants of the Ancient Egyptian Empire. More important than any ancient treasure or discovered paradise, though, is the beautiful jewel he met along the way, Safiya. A story commission for my friend AlextheReaper, who wanted a little love story between his character, Xavier, and the lovely lady Xavier met during an adventure. We ran a fairly long little RP story a few years ago starring Xavier and my wonderful Jazmir Kan-Ra. In fact, that's the story where I finally really developed Jazmir as a character. While the story, itself, has not yet been edited for release, it gave us both a chance to have a lot of fun, develop some great characters, and make something special. Along the way I created the character of Safiya to be a love interest for Xavier. It is far past time that she got some proper love from her writer, too. I am hereby gifting the character of Safiya to Alex on account of I think he will give her a better home than I have. Plus she needs to be with Xavier. Link to story: Desert Jewel Story and world (And Jazmir) written by me Xavier and Safiya belong to AlextheReaper Do not use without permission Mark mature for reference to nudity
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unicornsbookshelf · 1 year
Jabari’s Fur
Determined to use his unique strengths to help his pack hunt, Jabari takes on prey usually hunted by larger predators. Even as he tests himself against his quarry, he finds himself selecting a strange souvenir. A story commission for Jeff of his wonderful character, Jabari, who was orphaned and raised by jackals. It is Jabari's destiny to one day discover his parent's kingdom and reclaim what is rightfully his, but today he merely decides to rediscover the loincloth. This was a fun commission to write and I admit I hope I get to work with this character again in the future. Link to story: Jabari's Fur Jabari belongs to MegaJeff1989, Ferroth, and MercenaryBlade Story is by me. Logo by CattStarr Marked Mature for casual nudity Do not use without permission.
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draikar · 1 year
On Communication
Hello friends, So many of the challenges in the world stem from issues in communication. I know. I've had plenty of issues, myself. It's so easy to get caught up in my own thoughts and fears and reign in things I need to express for others to understand what I'm going through. Likewise, it's difficult to understand those around me when they don't tell me what they want or need. If I don't know what a person is feeling, how am I to support them? How am I to give them what they need? Even after communication is opened up, it's important to listen. Both sides need to listen. It's hard. I know. Again, I get caught up in my own thoughts that I just HAVE to express and sometimes I forget to really hear what the other person is trying to tell me. Information that I could use to really understand them gets lost and then I make mistakes. Different people have different styles of communicating and if you're not paying attention a signal meant to be supportive could come off as cold or selfish. It's a easy mistake to make and it causes so many issues. Pay attention to the people around you. Listen to them the way you need them to listen to you. Hear what they have to say. If you must, ask to be heard in return. Your feelings and needs matter, too. Every relationship is a balance between the needs and wants of the people involved and no relationship will last long or be healthy without good communication. Don't have the words? That's okay. That happens. It's happened to me, too. Work through that together. Tell your friend that you're having a hard time describing what you want to say. Maybe you can work together to figure it out. When trying to listen to them, don't be afraid to ask questions. Don't guess at their intent. I've made that mistake too many times to count and it's often caused frustration. Hear them and then ask questions to clarify so that everyone is sure they're understanding each other.  Good communication leads to good teamwork, and every relationship, no matter how casual, professional, or intimate, requires teamwork to succeed. Lean into that. Work together with your friends as a team to overcome challenges. If a mistake happens, that's okay. Try again. So long as everyone wants to succeed, you can. It may take a few tries. that's okay. Misunderstandings are going to happen. Pull back, cool off, and try again. See what you missed. Respectfully let them know what they missed. Together, with good communication, you can overcome anything. Imagine a world where people actually listened to each other. To you. Where understanding and mutual respect abound all because people were willing to talk things through together rather than argue point. It's not about winning or losing, after all. It's about finding a path that benefits everyone involved. We can build this world. You can help build this world. By listening, expressing ourselves with respect, and working together, we can make this world a better place for the people around us.  Over time, it might make the world a better place in general.
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unicornsbookshelf · 1 year
Incoming Stories
Hello friends,
This wouldn’t be much of a story sharing place if I didn’t share some stories. I have received several commissions in the last couple weeks and I would like to share them with you. They are already posted on my DeviantArt and FurAffinity pages. Starting tomorrow I will post them here, too. To catch you all up, I’ll do one a day over the next several days. That way I don’t overwhelm anything.
Want to see them faster? Check out my FurAffinity account or my DeviantArt where they’re already posted along with older works and art I’ve commissioned
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draikar · 1 year
New Blog: The Unicorn’s Bookshelf
Hello friends,
As of today I have started a new blog on Tumblr. Titled "The Unicorn's Bookshelf," it will be one of the places where I post updates and information related to my stories, commissions, and my development as a writer. I will, of course, continue to update on FA and DA as well. This will be another way for me to reach out to the world and share my work and some of my thoughts in general. Please feel free to give it a look.
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draikar · 1 year
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Unicorn and Dragon by Vatruha
Once I was a dragon. My heart soared among clouds. I sought to bring strength and hope to those around me. To carry light upon my scales. Chance and circumstance brought pain and burned me down. Tore my wings and bled my heart. Still did I wish to bring hope to those around me. To offer light against the greatest darkness. So was I reforged. My scales became the horn upon my head, soft fur covered my form, talons became hooves, and my tail thin but strong. So did I become a unicorn, bright and full of light. So do I still stand against the darkness, offering hope to all I can. I do not forget the dragon that was. The dragon that still is. I hold it in my heart forever. A part of me. Of who I am. Still do my wings carry me high, if in a different form, but always shall I hold the dragon close. I'll keep both forms in hand. A beautiful YCY I purchased from the wonderful Vatrueha, whose art is that of graceful beauty. I definitely encourage taking a look at their account if you're interested in a beautiful and affordable YCH. I certainly couldn't pass up the opportunity to get an image of my unicorn sona holding a dragon. As much as I love my current representation and form, a part of me does miss being a dragon. Character belongs to me. Artwork by Vatruha on FA: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/vatruha/ Do not use without permission.
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unicornsbookshelf · 1 year
Welcome to the Library
Hello friends,
Welcome to the Unicorn’s Bookshelf. My name is Draikar, for those who don’t know me, and I am an aspiring sci-fi/fantasy writer. It is my hope to one day publish my book series so that I can share my stories with the world. 
Sometimes, though, it’s best to start small. I’ve spent years now wanting to write my book and spending little time actually working on it. Recently, that changed. I am taking some time to refocus on an develop my writing. This blog will be one of several places where I post updates and information concerning my work, answer questions if there are any, and share some of my stories from time to time.
At the moment, I am working primarily out of my FurAffinity account where I recently started taking story commissions. I can also be found on DeviantArt. I have art and stories posted on both sites with more coming as I slowly focus in on my work as a writer. Admittedly, this blog here will mostly be for updates and information, but I’ll try to share some snippets of stories from time to time, as well. 
If you are interested in a writing commission, please feel free to contact me. All the important information can be found in my Terms of Service, so please check it out.
I look forward to working with you and sharing my work.
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draikar · 1 year
Hello friends, I think I'm going to start trying to do weekly updates just so that people can be aware of both what's going on in my life (when relevant) and also where I'm at with commissions. writing commissions do take time, but I also believe in strong communication between writer and commissioner so that everyone can stay on the same page. These little updates will also be a chance for me to share my thoughts on the universe in general, should I have anything I think is interesting to share. We'll keep this one simple, shall we? I'm currently working on developing my discipline as a writer. It's not an easy thing for me, but it is important. It's also going to have to take some practice. Making a self run schedule is never easy. Especially when you're easily distracted, which I am. I'm working on it, though, and with a little experimentation I'm sure I'll get it figured out. I currently have two commissions (one of which I'm awaiting character details for) and one open commission slot. If you like my work and want a story of your own, please read my Terms of Service (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jyBnZM-NGw3MtMx4_WsqxepZxh1pRnHtBlIYdn2J51o/edit?usp=sharing) and then contact me. I'm especially interested if it's sci-fi/fantasy related. I hope you're all doing well and having a good day. May you find peace in your lives and success in your endeavors.  I'll talk to you next time!
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draikar · 1 year
Hello World
Hello friends!
Wow...I haven’t posted here in....years! As if that wasn’t already painfully obvious, eh? To those who are still watching, what few there are, I thank you for your absurd dedication to this dead account.
the good news is that I’m considering having a bit more of a presence here. I recently started taking writing commissions on my DeviantArt (https://www.deviantart.com/draikar) and FurAffinity (https://www.furaffinity.net/user/draikar/) accounts and would like to branch that out even further into the world. Most of my online art activity is (and probably will continue to be) on my FurAffinity. Sadness, I know, but if you check my gallery there you can get a glimpse of some of the things I’ve been up to over the last few years. When I post anything at all.
I AM considering extending my commissions to Tumblr, too. If/when I do, I will likely be creating a new blog for it to keep everything nice and tidy. This blog...I think I might try to do something with it again, too. I still have some thoughts about the universe that pop into my head now and then and this might be a good place to share them. I don’t many any promises it’ll be consistent, but...who knows.
As always, my best wishes to you as we all move forward. Keep your eyes open because I’ll try to be just a smidge more present in the coming future.
Darkness can only exist in the absence of Light.
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