road-kill-eater · 5 months
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les animaux de l'histoire
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chameleocoonj · 11 months
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more dinovember friends :)
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chaobunnyarts · 2 years
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31 days of pastel paleo critters (9-16)!
9. Waimanu 10. Procoptodon 11. Glyptodon 12. Dimetrodon 13. Simbakubwa 14. Drepanosaurus 15. Ichthyosaurus 16. Pygmy Mammoth
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ppaleoartistgallery · 8 months
Paleostream 27/01/2024
results of today's #Paleostream
today we drew Drepanosaurus, Ostenoselache, Schinderhannes, and Cronopio
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veloci-raptor · 8 months
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Flocking Together
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impulseimpact · 3 months
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slogokonnor99 · 1 year
Month drawing recap time!
This month's drawings:
- the raven swoops over a migrating family of Edmontosaurus
- the bellkeeper stumbles onto an angry colony of Wenupteryx
- Johanna tries to reel in an Ohmdenia that bit the bait while Woodman just watches
-Hilda draws something while a Drepanosaurus feasts on a colony of ants
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proflambeovt · 10 months
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Paleovember 2023, Drepanosaurus!
Once again, the Triassic was a WEIRD time in evolutionary history, when life was throwing as much as it could at the wall and seeing what stuck before the dinosaurs became a major thing. One of these early experiments was Drepanosaurus, a roughly 20 inch long reptile from Italy, New Jersey and New Mexico about 230 mya. It bore a huge claw on ridiculously muscular forelimbs, adaptations which it used to rip into trees and dig out insects, much like the modern pygmy anteater.
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katborg82 · 9 months
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Drepanosaurus (Sickle Lizard) was a very bizarre looking reptile from the late Triassic. It is named for the sickle-like claw on its front limbs, which it likely used to dig through dirt or tree bark in search of insects. It had gripping hands like a chameleon, and a prehensile tail like a monkey, indicating an arboreal lifestyle.
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extinctworld-ua · 1 year
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Kyrgyzsaurus — вимерлий рід рептилій-дрепанозаврів, відомий з тріасу південно-західного Киргизстану. Був виявлений у формації Мадиген. Його довжина досягала 50 сантиметрів.
Повний текст на сайті "Вимерлий світ":
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interretialia · 2 years
Formatio Verborum Latinorum / Formation of Latin Words
ὁ Δρεπανόσαυρος -ου / Drepanosaurus -i m. “Drepanosaurus”   [δρέπανον “sickle” + σαῦρος “lizard”]   [δρεπανο- + σαυρο-] stems   [Δρεπανοσαυρο-] new stem   [Δρεπανόσαυρος] nominative singular   [Drepanosaurus] Δρεπανόσαυρος Latinized
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(Fons Imaginis.)
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aberrantologist · 8 months
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Sketches from today's extremely goofy flocking paleostream featuring Drepanosaurus, Ostenoselache, Schinderhannes, and Cronopio.
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albertonykus · 3 months
New episode of Through Time and Clades! Was pottery used in Australia before European settlement? Could Compsognathus be a juvenile of a much bigger dinosaur? What on Earth are weird Triassic reptiles like Drepanosaurus and Coelurosauravus? How did porcupines get to North America? @killdeercheer and I discuss these questions and more in our latest news episode.
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thecrowsartnest · 1 month
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Xen wyverns, a fan-made Half-Life alien. They have a 9ft wingspan on average, and come in every color and pattern you can imagine (and some you can't). That, paired with ease of training and their difficulty in surviving in the wild on their own suggests they're a domestic form of a species that's extremely rare, if not absent, on Earth. All of their limb joints bend forward like our knees. Some inspirations were the ikrans from Avatar, bats (hanging instead of perching), Drepanosaurus (clawed tail), and early pterosaurs (tail vanes).
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
picking these 10 was very difficult there are too many triassic weirdos and I'm not even touching the sea right now
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herebecritters · 7 months
HEY!!!!when splendid wound back time in better off bread, did the idols get to keep the blood from the first time everyone died in that episode, or did the blood get, like, slurped back
So I had to think about it a bit and uh…yeah I think because it reversed time the original deaths didn’t count. The trio don’t really mess with time other than prolonging how long everyone lives. They have no idea it even happened.
Nergal though did experience some heavy deja vu as he caused Giggles to fall off the ledge and then threw a whole ass meteor at Toothys face that second time. —Side note, this meteor was probably the size of the chelyabinsk meteor (19 meters in diameter) rather than the Chixulub meteor that Nergal wiped out the dinosaurs with (approximately 15000 meters in diameter); the one he threw at toothy was just enough to destroy toothy and the surrounding forest and cause havoc in the town, but not world ending—
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Bad luck was already in motion before Splendid got there and made it worse.
Thats why Splendid is considered one of the Isles “catalyst” residents. He’s just another bit of bad luck in motion. And Nergal takes advantage of that when it happens. It’s like Nergal sets up the dominoes and the catalyst comes in to knock ‘em over. Flippy is also often used as a catalyst resident and Lumpy’s amazing mental prowess causes him to end up being one from time to time too. Predominantly full time catalysts are fairly rare on the Isles though. Splendid ignoring the cries for help that second time around didn’t save anyone, it just took away his own involvement in their deaths is all.
Also speaking of time travel, Sniffles totally went all the way back to the DinoSore days when the curse was starting. Probably not too long before the meteor hit and set the curse of the Isles in full swing.
Right image I’d say it’s either a type of ichthyornithiformes, toothed flying birds that lived alongside their non avian dinosaur family members, or a Nemicolopterus, a small pterosaur from the Cretaceous. It died out technically before the end of the Cretaceous but I’m just working with what they give me here. To the right…..look….i have to remember that the people who worked on htf were not trying to be accurate and were just throwing around prehistoric looking animals willy nilly, but that thing looks like a drepanosaurus which was a bizarre little reptile from the Triassic period. I’m just gonna take some artistic liberties and say it’s a surviving member of that lineage that may or may not have existed during the Cretaceous and move on.
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And also this guy totally lived in the trios old village and he ends up living in the First Civilization after the meteor impact I’ve decided. He may look like an anteater but he’s actually a gypsonictops. And yep, ants also existed at the time and they probably were eaten by mammals like gypsonictops. Im using Linguamyrmex vladi, the “hell ants”, just as an example cus they are cool.
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