#Dresden defense
hero-israel · 6 months
During Nuremberg Trial testimony, the prosecutor pressed Einsatzgruppen commander Otto Ohlendorf: “You were going out to shoot down defenseless people. Now, didn’t the question of the morality of that enter your mind?” Ohlendorf referred to the Allied bombings of Germany as a context:
I am not in a position to isolate this occurrence from the occurrences of 1943, 1944, and 1945 where with my own hands I took children and women out of the burning asphalt myself, and with my own hands I took big blocks of stone from the stomachs of pregnant women; and with my own eyes I saw 60,000 people die within 24 hours.
A judge immediately pointed out that his own killing spree preceded those bombings. But this would become known as the “Dresden defense,” to which Ohlendorf resorted still another time, in this exchange:
Ohlendorf: I have seen very many children killed in this war through air attacks, for the security of other nations, and orders were carried out to bomb, no matter whether many children were killed or not. Q: Now, I think we are getting somewhere, Mr. Ohlendorf. You saw German children killed by Allied bombers and that is what you are referring to? Ohlendorf: Yes, I have seen it. Q: Do you attempt to draw a moral comparison between the bomber who drops bombs hoping that it will not kill children and yourself who shot children deliberately? Is that a fair moral comparison ? Ohlendorf: I cannot imagine that those planes which systematically covered a city that was a fortified city, square meter for square meter, with incendiaries and explosive bombs and again with phosphorus bombs, and this done from block to block, and then as I have seen it in Dresden likewise the squares where the civilian population had fled to—that these men could possibly hope not to kill any civilian population, and no children.
Ohlendorf thought this defense so powerful that he invoked it yet another time:
The fact that individual men killed civilians face to face is looked upon as terrible and is pictured as specially gruesome because the order was clearly given to kill these people; but I cannot morally evaluate a deed any better, a deed which makes it possible, by pushing a button, to kill a much larger number of civilians, men, women, and children.
(The chief prosecutor, an American, called this particular iteration “exactly what a fanatical pseudo-intellectual SS-man might well believe.”)
At Nuremberg, this sort of tu quoque defense (“I shouldn’t be punished because they did it too”) wasn’t admissible. Still, in the verdict of the Einsatzgruppen Trial, the judges chose to refute it. “It was submitted,” the judges wrote, “that the defendants must be exonerated from the charge of killing civilian populations since every Allied nation brought about the death of noncombatants through the instrumentality of bombing.” The judges would have none of it:
A city is bombed for tactical purposes… it inevitably happens that nonmilitary persons are killed. This is an incident, a grave incident to be sure, but an unavoidable corollary of battle action. The civilians are not individualized. The bomb falls, it is aimed at the railroad yards, houses along the tracks are hit and many of their occupants killed. But that is entirely different, both in fact and in law, from an armed force marching up to these same railroad tracks, entering those houses abutting thereon, dragging out the men, women and children and shooting them.
The tribunal sentenced Ohlendorf to death. He was hanged in June 1951.
“In the last analysis”
Nuremberg enforced a fundamental distinction. All civilian lives are equal, but not so all ways of taking them. The deliberate and purposeful killing of civilians is a crime; not so the taking of civilian lives that is undesired, unintended, but unavoidable. The errors made by a bomber squadron cannot be deducted from the murders committed by a death squad. It’s a difference compounded many times over when those civilian men, women, and children are subjected to torture, rape, and mutilation before their murder. To borrow Khalidi’s phrase, “in the last analysis,” this distinction is what separates modern civilization from its predecessors.
More disturbing is the thought that it separates the contemporary West from its peers. Otto Ohlendorf and the regime he served did all they could to conceal their deeds from Western eyes. Nazi Germany still operated in a West founded on Enlightenment values. So massive a violation of a shared patrimony needed to be hidden from view.
In contrast, Hamas initially sought to publicize its deeds, assuming they would win applause, admiration, or at least tacit acceptance in the Arab and Muslim worlds. Here they succeeded beyond their expectations. The many millions who don’t share the West’s patrimony, and who know next to nothing about the Holocaust or Nuremberg, do see things as Khalidi says they see them. (So, too, does a sliver of alienated opinion in the West, where such views are cultivated and celebrated.)
Finally, and still more disturbing, is the fact that Ohlendorf’s defense has been revived to frame the massacre of Jews. 
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By: William McGurn
Published: Oct 30, 2023
“I just want to remind the world, Palestinian mothers love their children just as much as any other mother in the world,” Jordan’s Queen Rania said on CNN last week. “For them to have to go through this is just unbelievable. And equally, I think that people all around the Middle East, including in Jordan, we are just shocked and disappointed by the world’s reaction to this catastrophe that is unfolding. In the last couple of weeks we have seen, you know, a glaring double standard. . . . Are we being told that it is wrong to kill a family, an entire family, at gunpoint, but it’s OK to shell them to death?”
Suddenly the talk of Israeli grandmothers and babies being butchered by Hamas has given way to reports of Palestinian children killed by the Israel Defense Forces. And so Queen Rania asks: Aren’t Palestinian lives as precious as Israeli ones?
Of course they are. But to focus on death counts alone—without looking to how and why people were killed—is to reduce this war to a grim PR battle of photos and numbers.
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday said this war has entered its second stage. He was talking about Israel, but it applies equally to Hamas. The barbarism of Oct. 7 was only the first stage of the Hamas war plan. The second stage was to force an Israeli response in Gaza that Hamas knew would mean the killing of innocent Palestinians—which boosts the terrorist group’s propaganda.
Whether the IDF is taking the right steps to minimize the loss of Palestinian civilian lives can be argued. But nothing Hamas does is to protect the Palestinian people. Look at how Hamas prevented Palestinians from leaving northern Gaza in accord with Israeli warnings.
Hamas has built a sophisticated tunnel network to protect its members from Israeli bombs and missiles. Has anyone seen a comparable network of shelters to safeguard the Palestinians Hamas claims to be fighting for? Hamas locates its ammunition caches and command centers in these tunnels beneath schools, hospitals and mosques, so that any Israeli fire necessarily will mean more civilian casualties.
The disturbing truth about Hamas’s second stage is this: Palestinian deaths are more useful to Hamas even than Israeli deaths.
Michael Walzer is professor emeritus at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton and the author of “Just and Unjust Wars.” He is a self-described social democrat. He is no fan of Mr. Netanyahu.
In an article for the New Republic, Mr. Walzer makes clear that like Queen Rania, he holds Palestinian life precious—and he believes that the IDF has an obligation to act to protect Palestinians, even if it means greater risk for Israeli soldiers. But Mr. Walzer recognizes something Queen Rania doesn’t: “A just victory requires the defeat of Hamas.”
Mr. Walzer considers the creation of a viable Palestinian state part of a just victory. Agree with him or not—I believe Palestinians need the possibility of a decent life more than a state—he is saying that any just resolution requires the destruction of Hamas first.
This becomes easier to understand once the essence of a terrorist is recognized: a war criminal who rejects any limit, including deliberately targeting civilians. This differs from the IDF, which kills civilians as a consequence of its effort to get at Hamas. In just-war teaching this is known as double effect.
It’s a fine distinction that represents a fundamental moral divide. Tel Aviv University historian Martin Kramer, a fellow with the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, notes that the argument that there’s no difference between the killing of civilians by Hamas and those by the IDF has a precedent in the so-called Dresden defense.
This was the argument advanced by commanders of paramilitary Nazi death squads, who claimed that what they did up close and on the ground was no different morally from what Allied bombers did from thousands of feet in the air. The Nuremberg judges vehemently disagreed, pointing out that the actions differ “both in fact and in law.” The innocent people killed by Allied bombs were incidental to the military objective. To the Nazis, killing innocent people was the objective.
That’s what makes Hamas members war criminals. On Oct. 7, they executed a plan to target, attack and murder innocent Israelis. Now that they have the Israeli counterattack they counted on, they are trying to use the Palestinian dead to claim victimhood. It isn’t just Queen Rania, either: We hear the same argument at the United Nations, in Congress and on elite American college campuses.
Yes, Palestinian mothers love their children no less than anyone else. But with horrible images from Israel and Gaza now filling our TV screens, moral judgment begins with making the obvious distinctions, not erasing them.
[ Via: https://archive.vn/x6IW8 ]
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msclaritea · 7 months
Israeli ambassador to the UK cites the firebombing of Dresden in 1945 (deliberate aerial incineration of civilian population centers by US and UK) as precedent for what Israel is about to do in Gaza 
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Ah, the eternally brilliant value of WWII analogies:
"Chamberlain and Churchill were the two paths that Britain had... sometimes you need just to fight evil. This is the moment we are fighting pure evil. And the Americans know -- this is why they're projecting so much support" 
Jerusalem Post published an article October 9 by a crazed Rabbi citing the Torah to call for "the virtue of revenge." He demands that Israel inflict "widespread, indiscriminate destruction" on Palestinian cities and society, just like was done in Dresden, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki
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On October 12, the former Israeli prime minister Naftali Bennett also indignantly cited Dresden as a precedent for what Israel is about to do in Gaza 
According to the Ambassador going around invoking Dresden as an example of the virtuous warfare Israel seeks to emulate, the entire “West” is under attack by Hamas. Whether it’s Bush/Iraq or Biden/Ukraine,these conflicts always seem to get dramatized into grand cosmic struggles.
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"Without any military justification, Arthur “Bomber” Harris ordered Dresden bombed out of existence in 1945; a blatant war crime." Twitter
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badassbutterfly1987 · 2 years
So if I've got the general timeline right:
Susan conceives Maggie during the one night stand in Death Masks
she presumably gives birth 9 months later
so Maggie is born around the time of Blood Rites when Harry finds out he has a vampire half-brother
i don't really have a point just something i noticed
a year later is Dead Beat, with all the zombies right?
then after that is Proven Guilty, which is all the drama with Molly and the Wardens, I also remember fear phages?
This might be a controversial take but I think Susan was right to place Maggie with the Mendoza family. Harry was living pretty much the same way as when he and Susan were together: investigating dangerous cases, generally having low income, and getting captured about once a book. Susan had found her calling with the Fellowship fighting the Red Court while also fighting against the RC infection. Neither would provide a safe, stable home for a young child with the way they were living.
I guess Susan could have given Maggie to the Carpenters but here's some reasons she may not have wanted to drop her daughter off: they lived in a different country (probably not good to travel with a newborn, plus would be harder to visit her daughter later), they are acquaintances at best (Susan met them twice? would you trust an acquaintance to raise your child just cus they're Nice Christian Folk?), they also fight monsters (Michael goes out on missions pretty frequently while Charity is mostly a stay at home mom), and they already have a gaggle of young children (Susan could easily think they'd hesitate to take in a random person's child).
Should Susan have told Harry about Maggie? Yes, that is absolutely something that should have come up earlier. But I can absolutely understand if she panicked after finding out she was pregnant with her ex-boyfriend's child. That is not something you should reveal over phone call or postcard; just like a break up, you should do that in person. But maybe Susan didn't want to travel when pregnant or carrying a newborn for safety reasons. So she delays it, wanting to wait until Maggie is a little older or next time she's passing by Chicago; in the meantime she sets her up with the Mendozas, close friends who offer a stable human family.
Also, I don't know if they ever talked about having kids but considering Harry found it hard to even say he loved her, I wouldn't be surprised if it never came up. In which case, Susan couldn't be sure how he would react. Maybe he'd want them to get back together, or at least in the same building to raise Maggie. Maybe they'd argue about where Maggie should be raised and which parent has to change their lifestyle. Maybe there'd be a nasty fight and Harry would want to be the sole parent. Maybe he would reject them completely.
So Susan doesn't tell him, but the longer she waits, the harder it gets. And Maggie gets to grow up safe and happy and healthy with a loving human family. Susan still gets to visit her and it's fine until Martin betrays them.
TLDR: Susan isn't an awful person for what she did, she's just a very human one, none of the available options were obviously correct, and it doesn't sit well with me that some readers praise the complexity of characters like Lara and Marcone but act like Susan is unforgivable.
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matan4il · 1 month
Memo to the 'Experts': Stop Comparing Israel's War in Gaza to Anything. It Has No Precedent | by John Spencer
Israel's war against Hamas in Gaza has inevitably drawn comparisons to other battles or wars, both modern and from the past. These comparisons are mostly used to make the case that Israel's operations in Gaza are the most destructive in history, or the deadliest in history.
Yet while the use of historical analogy may be tempting for armchair pundits, in the case of Israel's current war, the comparisons are often poorly cited, the data used inaccurate, and crucial context left out. Given the scale and context of an enemy purposely entrenched in densely populated urban areas, as well as the presence of tunnels, hostages, rockets, attackers that follow the laws of war while defenders purposely do not, and proximity between the frontlines and the home front, there is basically no historical comparison for this war.
Let's start with the context: After Hamas crossed into Israel on Oct. 7, murdering over 1,200 Israelis in brutal ways that included mutilation and sexual assaults as well as taking over 200 hostages back into Gaza, Israel formally declared a defensive war against Hamas in Gaza in accordance with international law and the United Nations charter. Since, the IDF estimates it has killed 10,000 Hamas operatives, while Hamas claims that the total number of casualties is 24,000 (Hamas does not distinguish civilian deaths from militant deaths).
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Hamas' strategy is to use Palestinian civilians as human shields, because their goal is not to defeat Israel's military or to hold terrain; it is far more sinister and medieval—to use the death and suffering of Palestinian civilians to rally international support to their cause and demand that Israel halt their war.
Meanwhile, Israel's war aims were more traditional: returning Israeli hostages, dismantling Hamas military capability, and securing their border to prevent another October 7 attack.
These goals required not one major urban battle but multiple. While Gaza is not the densest populated urban region on earth as many claim, it features over 20 densely-populated cities. And while the Israeli Defense Forces are engaged in fighting, Hamas has continued to launch over 12,000 rockets on nearly every day of the war from the combat area toward civilian-populated areas in Israel, literally over the heads of the attacking IDF, who it bears mentioning are fighting just a few miles from their homeland and the homes of their soldiers.
Put all of this together, this war is simply without precedent. Certainly, it cannot be compared to the host of other wars that have been used for comparison sake to paint Israel in an unflattering light.
Some have compared Israel to Russia, yet there is simply no comparison. In the 2022 Battle of Mariupol, estimates of the number of civilians killed range up to 25,000, including 600 civilians killed in a single bombing of a theater with the word "children" written in giant letters around it. This is the same Russia that killed over 50,000 civilians (5 percent) of a 1.1 million pre-war population of Chechnya in 20 months of combat in the late 1990s in multiple major urban battles such as Grozny.
Or take Syria. Over 300,00 civilians have been killed in the Syrian war; an average of 84 civilians were killed every day from 2013 to 2023.
Others have compared the battles in Gaza to World War II air campaigns like the UK bombing of the German city of Dresden in 1945 that killed an estimated 25,000 civilians. But here, too, memory is selective: These same people discount air campaign cases such as the U.S. firebombing of Tokyo the same year that killed over 300,000 civilians, to include 80,000 to 100,000 civilians in a single night, causing more death and destruction than Dresden, Hiroshima, or Nagaski.
A battle that does bear a resemblance to Israel's war against Hamas is the 1945 Battle of Manila—the largest urban struggle of World War II, with more civilian casualties incurred than even the Battle of Stalingrad. The city had a population of 1.1 million residents as well as over 1,000 American prisoners of war being held in the city. It took the U.S. military 35,000 forces and a whole month to defeat 17,000 Japanese Navy defenders in and around the city.
Like in Gaza, the defenders used the city's sewer and tunnel systems for offensive and defensive purposes. And there were over 100,000 civilian deaths from the battle—one of the major factors of the 1949 Geneva Conventions, which stipulated the laws of armed conflict to further protect civilians and prevent civilian deaths.
Most experts compare the Gaza war to the recent urban battles against ISIS involving United States forces, including the 2016-17 Battle of Mosul. In that battle, over 100,000 Iraqi Security Forces, backed by American advisors and U.S. and coalition air power, took nine months to clear a city of 3,000 to 5,000 lightly armed ISIS fighters. The battle resulted in over 10,000 civilian deaths, 138,000 houses destroyed or damaged and 58,000 damaged with 40,000 homes destroyed outright in just Western Mosul. Iraqi Security Forces suffered 10,000 casualties. There were very limited, shallow, house-to-house tunnels, but no tunnel networks, no hostages, no rockets.
In April of 2004, the U.S. military was directed to arrest the perpetrators of an attack that caused the death of four American civilians and deny insurgents sanctuary in the densely populated city of Fallujah, Iraq, a city of 300,000 residents. The battle that ensued was later dubbed the First Battle of Fallujah. Because of international condemnation and political instability fueled by international media over a perceived indiscriminate use of force and civilian casualties, the U.S. forces were ordered by the U.S. Central Command Commander to stop the battle six days into it.
Estimates of the total civilian deaths from the battle range from 220 to 600. Six months later, in November 2004, the U.S. military initiated the Second Battle of Fallujah. It took 13,000-15,000 U.S., UK, and Iraqi forces six weeks to clear the city of 3,000 insurgents. There were some 800 civilian deaths even though the city's residents had largely evacuated before the battle. Over sixty percent the city's buildings were damaged or destroyed. But there, too, the enemy defenders did not have access to tunnels.
Ultimately, comparisons with both past and modern cases highlight the fact that there is almost no way to defeat an entrenched enemy defender without destruction, even while implementing all feasible precautions and limits on the use of force required by the laws of war.
Let's put away our military history books. There is no comparison to what Israel has faced in Gaza—certainly none by which Israel comes out looking the worse.
John Spencer is chair of urban warfare studies at the Modern War Institute (MWI) at West Point, codirector of MWI's Urban Warfare Project and host of the "Urban Warfare Project Podcast." He served for 25 years as an infantry soldier, which included two combat tours in Iraq. He is the author of the book Connected Soldiers: Life, Leadership, and Social Connection in Modern War and co-author of Understanding Urban Warfare.
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odinsblog · 3 months
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Israel’s campaign to displace Gazans—and potentially expel them altogether into Egypt—is yet another chapter in the Nakba, in which an estimated 750,000 Palestinians were driven from their homes during the 1948 war that led to the creation of the State of Israel. But the assault on Gaza can also be understood in other terms: as a textbook case of genocide unfolding in front of our eyes. I say this as a scholar of genocide, who has spent many years writing about Israeli mass violence against Palestinians. I have written about settler colonialism and Jewish supremacy in Israel, the distortion of the Holocaust to boost the Israeli arms industry, the weaponization of antisemitism accusations to justify Israeli violence against Palestinians, and the racist regime of Israeli apartheid. Now, following Hamas’s attack on Saturday and the mass murder of more than 1,000 Israeli civilians, the worst of the worst is happening.
Under international law, the crime of genocide is defined by “the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such,” as noted in the December 1948 UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. In its murderous attack on Gaza, Israel has loudly proclaimed this intent. Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant declared it in no uncertain terms on October 9th: “We are imposing a complete siege on Gaza. No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we will act accordingly.” Leaders in the West reinforced this racist rhetoric by describing Hamas’s mass murder of Israeli civilians—a war crime under international law that rightly provoked horror and shock in Israel and around the world—as “an act of sheer evil,” in the words of US President Joe Biden, or as a move that reflected an “ancient evil,” in the terminology of President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen. This dehumanizing language is clearly calculated to justify the wide scale destruction of Palestinian lives; the assertion of “evil,” in its absolutism, elides distinctions between Hamas militants and Gazan civilians, and occludes the broader context of colonization and occupation.
The UN Genocide Convention lists five acts that fall under its definition. Israel is currently perpetrating three of these in Gaza: “1. Killing members of the group. 2. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group. 3. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.” The Israeli Air Force, by its own account, has so far dropped more than 6,000 bombs on Gaza, which is one of the most densely populated areas in the world—almost as many bombs as the US dropped on all of Afghanistan during record-breaking years of its war there. Human Rights Watch has confirmed that the weapons used included phosphorous bombs, which set fire to bodies and buildings, creating flames that aren’t extinguished on contact with water. This demonstrates clearly what Gallant means by “act accordingly”: not targeting individual Hamas militants, as Israel claims, but unleashing deadly violence against Palestinians in Gaza “as such,” in the language of the UN Genocide Convention. Israel has also intensified its 16-year siege of Gaza—the longest in modern history, in clear violation of international humanitarian law—to a “complete siege,” in Gallant’s words. This turn of phrase that explicitly indexes a plan to bring the siege to its final destination of systematic destruction of Palestinians and Palestinian society in Gaza, by killing them, starving them, cutting off their water supplies, and bombing their hospitals.
It’s not only Israel’s leaders who are using such language. An interviewee on the pro-Netanyahu Channel 14 called for Israel to “turn Gaza to Dresden.” Channel 12, Israel’s most-watched news station, published a report about left-leaning Israelis calling to “dance on what used to be Gaza.” Meanwhile, genocidal verbs—calls to “erase” and “flatten” Gaza—have become omnipresent on Israeli social media. In Tel Aviv, a banner reading “Zero Gazans” was seen hanging from a bridge.
—RAZ SEGAL, associate professor of Holocaust and genocide studies at Stockton University and the endowed professor in the study of modern genocide.
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mbrainspaz · 1 year
this isn't meant to be @ anyone. I've wanted to rant about this for a minute.
In defense of Harry Dresden, a kinda toxic hero—
I've had several instances where I recommended the Dresden Files and got replies like 'oh I tried that but the main character seemed kinda chauvinistic' or 'those are guy books.' I'm not gonna argue with that assessment. I agree that Harry has some prevalent issues of the toxic masculinity variety. He admits as much. He doesn't do much about it in the first 17 books but he admits it.
I do get annoyed when I interact with guy friends who read him as a perfect role model. There is a toxic fandom element out there, not unlike with Star Wars or Harry Potter. People who got the wrong message from a complicated piece of media. I was actually dating the guy who introduced me to the series as way of excusing some of his toxic behavior, which he had directly based on Harry. I started reading the series to try to understand why he thought that was a good idea, and after reading it we had a talk about why it probably wasn't. He's living his best life with his soon-to-be husband now but we've stayed in touch just to chat about new Dresden books when they come out.
It's not only okay to read and enjoy books with problematic characters, I think it helps people develop a greater appreciation for nuance. Even when the actions of those characters aren't immediately and unequivocally condemned by the narrative, enjoying a 'problematic' book isn't an inherently bad thing. But Harry usually does get kicked in the pants for his bad takes and that is a reason I enjoy the series. Yes, he has chauvinistic views, but those almost always come back to bite him. In fact it's hilarious to me how many times the scenario: 'Hitting on a hot dame? Whoops she's a fae queen who just stabbed you.' plays out. It's not hilarious to Harry but unlike the Supernatural bros at least he learns from his mistakes and starts to get suspicious of supernaturally hot women pretty quickly.
As far as female rep goes, it does go borderline on the 'strong yet sexy female character' tropes at times but ultimately it's leagues better on that front than adjacent media like Supernatural, Libriomancer, or any series I've read about Druids where every dame in the book is apologizing for being an inhuman supermodel while still being an inhuman supermodel. Women in Dresden Files have a huge amount of depth and agency, and only about 7 out of 10 are supernaturally hot. Their narratives are rarely centered but oh well, some stories are allowed to be about guys being dudes. Dudes and their supernaturally sexy male model besties.
Harry is very much meant to be a hero character in the story but we mainly get that from the way other characters interact with him. Usually when he's confronted with the fact that other characters see him as a hero it makes him uncomfortable. Internally he's hugely critical of himself. He's also deeply introspective and empathetic, which would be good things for men to model. Anyone reading Dresden Files and going 'aha, see—toxic masculinity is based actually' is thoroughly failing at media analysis. Which is the norm, granted, but don't blame that on Harry. Heck, one of the central themes is him being at war with himself and his baser nature, both in a relatable real-world sense and as a guy with the potential to be a mega powerful dark wizard.
Personally Harry's struggles helped me to unpack a lot of the feelings I was having about religion as I tried to distance myself from evangelicalism, but maybe that's just me. These thoughts aren't perfectly refined and I wanted to go into the cop worship issue to but I can't waste another hour on this.
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eretzyisrael · 6 months
by Dov Fischer
Warning: This is much harsher than the last Dov Fischer piece we ran. Compared to the Hamas massacre however, it is just words.
Let us be clear: If the Government of Israel were trying to murder civilians wantonly, just to inflict terror and to horrify them into submission, I would condemn that. No Jew can accept or refrain from criticizing organized institutional efforts to harm civilians wantonly. If Israel were deliberately bombing residential structures just to leave a population homeless and bombing hospitals just to inflict suffering on the ill, I would be outspoken in these pages criticizing them. But that is not the Israel I know, nor the Jewish people I know. We have our ethic, and the Arab Muslims have theirs. We have our religious guidelines and theological authorities, and they have theirs. Israel will not target civilians knowingly. They destroy known military targets: rocket launchers, land mines, IEDs (improvised explosive devices), military drones, RPGs (rocket-propelled grenades) and their launchers, anti-tank missiles, and other military battlefield materiel — and the people storing and launching them. If such terrorists are operating from specific residential buildings — say, running a rocket factory or storing attack drones in an 8th-floor apartment — then Israel may well bomb the entire building. But they won’t bomb the building next door. They attack with whatever precision is humanly possible. And if the day comes that they make a mistake, they will apologize, perhaps even compensate. That is what America does. By now, we all know that Hamas men and their weapons hide in and behind women, children, residential apartment buildings, hospitals, mosques, schools, and ambulances. When any or all of these are identified positively for their military threat, Israel will destroy them. And if the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) cannot avoid killing civilians alongside, then Dresden entails collateral casualties, and Israel now must Dresden Gaza. (READ MORE: Arab Muslim Foreigners and Illegals Stoke Campus Anti-Semitism) Importantly, Israel has had to fight five previous Gaza wars started by Hamas these past 16 years. Each time, Israel stopped its winning responses, forced by international pressure to cease fire. Each time, Hamas used the ceasefire to re-arm, build more tunnels, and militarize more of the population. They now have 40,000 terrorists in 300 miles of those tunnels. This time, upon having experienced the terror attacks of Shabbat Shmini Atzeret on October 7, Israel has learned the price of stopping halfway through a war. In Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu now is political “toast” because he adopted his advisors’ recommendations (known in Israel now as “The Concept”) that Hamas could be controlled with measured responsive wars, and then hoping that new money pouring in would persuade them to stop attacking. But that Concept simply left behind the weeds to grow back and fight an even more destructive next war. This time Israel must uproot even the weeds. Netanyahu will be replaced politically soon after. When the Washington Post and others present their empathy for the “poor innocent Gaza civilians,” I don’t care. They are poor only because Hamas has used the billions of dollars they have received from Qatar and European — and American — taxpayers to build an underground tunnel system as expansive as the New York City subway system instead of allocating the money to the public by building a beautiful country. Believe it or not, with all that money that has poured in — more than $8 billion — they have not even built a water or electricity infrastructure in their 16 years.
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wildmonkeysects · 6 months
The Dresden Defense
Israel admits to war crimes.
Not only admits, but brags and taunts International Humanitarian Groups about it. Claims that since USA saturation bombed Dresden in Nazi Germany during WW2 as a “necessary evil” for the greater good, and since Uncle Sam killed civilians back then, it is copacetic for Israel to kill Palestine citizens now as “collateral damage.” As if to claim “you did something horrible 80 years ago [that is now outlawed by International agreement] so we can do that same horrible thing with impunity.”
What the Zionist spin doctors of Israel are conveniently omitting is that since then, after WW2, the Geneva Accords were enacted, specifically prohibiting such acts of violence against civilians as War Crimes against Humanity.
What Uncle Sam did in WW2 would be considered a War Crime today.
What Israel is doing in Palestine would be considered War Crimes.
After WW2, Israel was instrumental in assisting the International Criminal Court, in tracking down and bringing to justice escaped Nazi War Criminals. Except for the thousands of ex Nazis that Uncle Sam granted immunity to while giving them visas to come work in the USA. You know, Werner Von Braun and thousands of lesser known Nazis all for the greater good. And Israel is not currently a signatory of the ICC, the International Criminal Court, therefore does not recognize the Geneva Accords, except in hypocritical instances when Israel’s Zionist spin doctors say so.
Speaking of Uncle Sam and the land of the free, how’s this for hypocrisy:
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mariacallous · 4 months
Shortly after the start of Israeli assault on Gaza, which came in response to Hamas’s murderous Oct. 7 attack on its territory, Israel’s government claimed that its targeting of a major hospital in the north was justified because of the presence of an important command base secretly maintained there by its enemies.
Even long after most of the northern Gaza Strip had been pummeled into rubble and brought under the control of the Israeli army, no proof of anything resembling a major terrorist operations base has been shared with the world.
In the weeks that followed, as Israel’s offensive proceeded southward, reports of large-scale Palestinian casualties multiplied. As of the latest count, the number of deaths has been placed northward of 22,000 and is still climbing.
All the while, though, Israeli spokespeople have cast doubt on this accounting, saying that the real numbers are unknown and suggesting that the reported ones are unreliable because their main source has been the Hamas-operated Gaza Health Ministry. Even U.S. President Joe Biden gave this kind of skepticism a lift when he said he had “no notion that the Palestinians are telling the truth.”
Then, nearly a month ago, came word from a report published in the Lancet, one of the world’s most highly respected medical journals, that a group of researchers had found no evidence of inflated mortality reporting.
As a columnist, I have felt the increasingly powerful tug of other topics. There’s the ongoing civil war in Sudan, which is almost certainly an even worse tragedy than Gaza in terms of loss of life. An important election was held last month in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, one of Africa’s most important countries and a land that has mostly spent the past few decades adrift.
It is this sort of thing that routinely gets underreported that attracted me to column-writing in the first place. If not quite as neglected, there is an election of major significance about to be held in Taiwan, the outcome of which may help determine global war and peace over the next decade in ways that are totally out of proportion with that small island’s size. In South America, also often overlooked, there is Venezuela’s increasingly open covetousness about its neighbor Guyana’s oil-rich territory and a fascinating recent election in Argentina.
Yet it would be wrong to turn one’s gaze away from events in Gaza prematurely. To do so would facilitate the task of the spin doctors on all sides and worsen our own callousness toward one of the worst human catastrophes the world has experienced in recent years.
As the conflict has dragged on and Israel has stepped up its military pressure against Gaza, it has found itself on the defensive on other fronts, most notably that of world opinion, with the United States increasingly isolated as one of the few countries willing to credit its accounts of what is happening on the ground there—and willing to defend Israel’s actions. Meanwhile, the reasons to doubt Israel’s explanations of its strategy and actions continue to multiply.
At various times, Israel has insisted, for example, that it has taken great care in its targeting to minimize death of civilians and damage to housing and basic infrastructure. Even for nonexperts, the more that time goes by, the harder this has become to reconcile with what our eyes have been telling us, as the images have rolled in showing what look like Dresden-level damage of broad and densely inhabited swaths of a territory only twice as large as Washington, D.C. Where apartment buildings once stood, there are now only heaps of detritus, which grieving and orphaned family members are left to sift through with their bare hands in search of whatever scraps of their old lives they can recover.
Three months into the war, detailed reporting on the destruction in Gaza has called into question the notion that Israel ever took serious precautions. It was recently revealed by a U.S. intelligence assessment that—despite Israel’s high-tech arsenal—much of the worst devastation unleashed on Gaza thus far was the result of U.S.-furnished unguided (or “dumb”) munitions, which had accounted for nearly half of the 29,000 bombs dropped on Gaza up to that point in the conflict.
Similar problems with Israel’s account of its offensive have arisen with its claims that it has generally avoided attacking the so-called safe zones within the enclave where it has told millions of displaced Gazans to move in order to stay out of harm’s way. CNN verified in December that the Israeli military had carried out three airstrikes against these zones.
I write these things because of a growing sense of trepidation about this conflict. This sense is not only what seems to me to be a well-justified fear that the casualties in Gaza will continue to mount strongly in the weeks and months ahead, but also that the world is, perhaps predictably, becoming inured to the tragedy.
My other big fear is that a mounting weariness with the seeming hopelessness of the situation in Gaza will only push things toward the worst kinds of outcomes. The one that I worry about most is that Israel’s continuing assault on the territory, with its accompanying constriction of humanitarian relief and mounting nutrition insecurity and health crises, will lead to a disguised expulsion of Palestinians from their land, producing nothing more than a morally fatigued shrug from the rest of the world.
I say “disguised” because Israel may be able to carry this out without rounding people up and physically pushing them over the border with Egypt, which has said that it will not accept a new wave of Palestinian refugees. At a certain point, the desperation created by famine and disease could achieve the same result.
The Biden administration has said that it opposes the expulsion of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip and also rejects the idea of Israel assuming political and administrative control over the enclave, but the Biden team’s record of holding Israel to account on anything to do with this crisis is extremely weak, and its willingness to stand up to Israel by denying it military or political support still seems close to nil.
In Israel, in the meantime, there continues to be discussion among present and former officials about just this sort of “solution”—often using the euphemism “transfer,” though some in Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s party and coalition government have called outright for reducing Gaza’s population or even for a second Nakba—an Arabic word referring to the mass displacement of Palestinians after the creation of present-day Israel in 1948.
The world needs to say no to this and mean it. Clearing Palestinians en masse out of ever more of their land is just the kind of seductive-looking “fix” that is not only profoundly unjust, but will also only guarantee more hatred and tragedy in the future.
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Are these brackets even readable? I dunno. Either way, here’s the bracket!
Matchups (randomly seeded) under the cut to make them easier to read. Each matchup will last a week.
The winners of each bracket will face each other in one final match to discover who is the ULTIMATE magical boy.
Criteria used to decide who got in: 1) Use magic, or 2) Have a transformation sequence, or 3) Fight with the power of friendship (and sometimes that gun they found on the sidewalk over there) or any of the above combined.
edit: Magikal Nuko Len Len has been disqualified due to the only picture being available being disgusting. Sorry for making people uncomfortable by being ignorant and bad at observation.
edit 2: I have been provided a better image of Magikal Nuko Len Len. I’ll be setting his poll back up. Sorry for the confusion, everyone.
Riku Amami (World Embryo) vs Schubert (Classicaloid)
Jio (Magical Crash) vs Kousuke Nitoh (Kamen Rider Wizard)
Tatsuhisa Kamijo (Yu-Gi-Oh Sevens!) vs Black Pepper (Delicious Party Precure)
Taishi Manza (Cute High Earth Defense Club Happy Kiss) vs Judar (Magi)
Cure Kagura (Dancing Star Precure The Stage) vs Cure Lock (Dancing Star Precure The Stage)
Saiga Arata (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-) vs Takuto (Mahou x Shonen x Days)
En Yufuin (Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!) vs Dark Magician (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Mozart (Classicaloid) vs Haruhito Sugiyama (Mewkledreamy)
Chiaki Nagoya (Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne) vs Io Naruko (Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!)
Gabe Travolt (Magical How) vs Garnet Heart (Magical Warrior Diamond Heart)
Yue (Cardcaptor Sakura) vs Takuto Tsunashi (Star Driver)
Kairi Sanjo (Shugo Chara) vs Bright Illusion (Elsword)
Viperion (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Carapace (Miraculous Ladybug)
George Honda (Star Driver) vs Yumoto Hakone (Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!)
Merlin (The Sword and the Stone) vs Takeo Takumi (Star Driver)
Yuki (Mahou x Shonen x Days) vs Qu Le (Magical Boys)
Peter Grant (Rivers of London) vs Blanc (Kidultic Showtime)
Cure Break (Dancing Stars Precure The Stage) vs Basil (Magical Boy Basil)
Kazune Kujyo (Kamichama Karin) vs Superman (My Adventures with Superman)
Mamoru Chiba (Sailor Moon) vs Shun/Schlain Zagar Analeit (So I’m a Spider, So What?)
Ichiro Dougo (Cute High Earth Defense Club Happy Kiss) vs Rio Kuroki (KiraKira Precure A La Mode)
Synn Sakura (Twinkle Crusaders) vs Ge Jiuzhong (I Don’t Want to be a Magical Girl)
Atsushi Kinugawa (Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!) vs Jason (Kidultic Showtime)
Hinomiya Kaito (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-) vs Shining Spiral (Elsword)
Ukiyo Ace/Kamen Rider Geats (Kamen Rider Geats) vs Asahi Minamikawa (Mewkledreamy)
Camilo Madrigal (Encanto) vs Vivi (Final Fantasy)
Ryouma Kirishima (Cute High Earth Defense Club Happy Kiss) vs Magolor (Kirby)
Qifrey (Witch Hat Atelier) vs Tsubasa Yuunagi (Hirogaru Sky Precure)
Shu Yan (Ye Luoli) vs Takara Utashiro (Fairy Ranmaru ~Anata no Kokoro O-tasukeshimasu~)
Visare Nightfall (Vampire Magicka) vs Hideki Shibuya (Star Driver)
Kikyou (Magical Boy Troubles) vs Ayumu Aikawa (Is This a Zombie?)
Kousuke Kasuga (Kimagure Orange Road) vs Ryuu Zaou (Cure High Earth Defense Club Love!)
Yakumo Katou (Shuriken Sentai Ninninger) vs Ran (Mahou x Shonen x Days)
Kirby (Kirby) vs Akihito Sugiyama (Mewkledreamy)
Henri Wakamiya (Hugtto Precure) vs Bright Heart (Elsword)
Ikuto Tsukiyomi (Shugo Chara) vs Syaoran Li (Cardcaptor Sakura)
Mephisto (Lolirock) vs Max Owen (Magical Boy)
Cure Top (Dancing Star Precure The Stage) vs Blue Knight (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Mei Xin (I Don’t Want to be a Magical Girl) vs Ranmaru Ai (Fairy Ranmaru ~Anata no Kokoro O-tasukeshimasu~)
Antonio Madrigal (Encanto) vs Magikal nuko len len (Vocaloid)
Adora Flora (Magical Mom) vs My Cat Stormy (real life)
Tsukasa Tenma (Project Sekai) vs Satoshi Hiwatari (D.N.Angel)
Harry Dresden (The Dresden Files) vs Minatsuki Sakuya (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-)
Haruto Souma (Kamen Rider Wizard) vs Juka Mutsuoka (Fairy Ranmaru ~Anata no Kokoro O-tasukeshimasu~)
Cure Soul (Dancing Star Precure The Stage) vs Souta Kishibe (Magical Girl Raising Project)
Tadase Hotori (Shugo Chara) vs Shining Cosmo (Elsword)
Ryousuke Katashiro (Star Driver) vs Hikaru (Mahou x Shonen x Days)
Daisuke Niwa (D.N.Angel) vs Homura Hoterase (Fairy Ranmaru ~Anata no Kokoro O-tasukeshimasu~)
Nagihiko Fujisaki (Shugo Chara) vs Shining Astro (Elsword)
Kirio Karasuma (Kamichama Karin) vs Takashi Dai (Star Driver)
Felix (Star Warrior Cosmos Leo) vs Eylan Hasegawa (This is the Magical Boy Training Center)
Howl (Howl’s Moving Castle) vs Giyru (Warriors vs. Warriors)
Daichi (Mahou x Shonen x Days) vs Xia Lou (Mahou Shounen Shuurai)
Uru Seiren (Fairy Ranmaru ~Anata no Kokoro O-tasukeshimasu~) vs Kevin (Power Up)
Heir of Lightning - Prince Citron (Pretty Princess Pomelo) vs Beethoven (Classicaloid)
Saki Uno (Magical Girl Ore) vs Saiki Kusou (The Disasterous Life of Saiki K.)
Gandalf (Lord of the Rings) vs Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint)
Wagner (Classicaloid) vs Chat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug)
Bright Marine (Elsword) vs Ultraman Zero (Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy Legends)
Kazama Mika (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-) vs Emerald Heart (Magical Warrior Diamond Heart)
Starchild (Scooby Doo) vs Mugendou Niki (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-)
Mashira Shinkiro (Isekai Mahou Shounen Momopuri - Keiji to Yakuza ga Kawaikunatta Kudan) vs Kukai Soma (Shugo Chara)
Itsuki (Josou Mahou Shounen Battle Flyer Itsuki) vs Kuranushi Rin (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-)
Kyoutarou Shuzenji (Cute High Earth Defense Club Happy Kiss) vs Rikumori Yuu (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-)
so many tags.. so so many aghhhhhhhh
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keepsmyheartawake · 3 months
The U.S. is isolated in thinking this is a good idea. But in this country, the argument against a ceasefire is very common: unless Israel destroys Hamas, Israel will not be safe. Israel is entitled to be safe. Therefore Israel is entitled to destroy Hamas by any means necessary, even if this means starving half of Gaza to death, blowing up hospitals, maiming and killing thousands of children, etc. In vetoing the U.N. ceasefire resolution, the U.S. said that if Hamas is left in its leadership position, the “seeds of the next war” will be sown. Peace, then, can only come through the use of extreme violence. Alan Dershowitz has explained this ruthless, ends-justify-the-means logic: “sometimes attacking a hospital saves lives.”
What is the response to this? A few points are critical. First, if you value human lives equally, protecting Palestinians matters just as much as protecting Israelis. And while those who do not remember history before October 7 might assume that Israel is acting purely defensively and has the “right to defend itself,” in the underlying conflict Israel is ultimately the aggressor. Israel occupies Palestine in violation of international law. It had Gaza under an illegal blockade. Gazans are mostly refugees and the descendants of refugees who were thrown out of their homes when Israel was founded. When Gazans have tried methods of peaceful civil disobedience to fight for their rights, they have been ruthlessly gunned down by Israeli snipers.
This context doesn’t justify the horrendous October 7 attacks. But Israel’s “right to defend itself” is complicated. If I break into your house, and you attack me, do I have a “right to defend myself” and how far should that right extend? Occupying powers have far more responsibilities than rights.
If the Palestinians said they needed to wage war on Israel, and could not stop until the Israeli political leadership was “destroyed,” and cited Israel’s previous mass killings of Gazan civilians as justification, would they have the right to inflict endless “collateral damage” on Israel in order to destroy the occupying power? No. Why should Israel, then, which has much less of a right of defense in the underlying conflict, have this right vis-a-vis Palestine? You can tell me that October 7 provides such a justification. I could point you to Operation Cast Lead, in which Israel killed a similar number of Palestinians to the number of Israelis killed on Oct. 7 (in a conflict that began after Israel broke a ceasefire). Would that operation give Hamas the right to turn Tel Aviv into Dresden in “self-defense”? If it is the case that when one side commits an atrocity, the other side has the right to wipe out the entire political leadership of the perpetrator (no matter how many civilians are killed in the process), Israel’s leaders and civilians would also be fair targets. (They aren’t, but this “Bin Ladenist” logic is routinely deployed to say that Palestinian civilians, even babies, can justly be attacked.)
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itsuki-minamy · 10 months
* List of Chapters
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
When was the first time he had that dream?
When facing the "Golden King"?
When did he find out about the "Silver King"?
Or when he was picked up by Iwafune?
Hisui Nagare could not remember that moment clearly.
Before he knew it, the dream was inside Nagare. Like a replacement for his lost heart, it throbbed in Nagare's chest, driving him into action. Or, in order to force Nagare to do so, the "Slate" may have stolen his heart.
Free the "Dresden Slate" and evolve all of humanity to the next stage.
Nagare believes that this is why he became the "Green King".
Hundreds of thousands of lives caught up in Genji Kagutsu's rampage were necessary sacrifices for that.
It is his dream, his reason for being. Nagare has used everything to achieve that. The "Colorless King", the "Red King", "Jungle", Iwafune, Kotosaka, Mishakuji, Sukuna and even himself were nothing more than tools to make his dreams come true.
And now...
He is in the place where he can touch that dream.
"The execution date is the 24th, Christmas Eve."
While looking at the many information screens floating in the twilight of the "secret base", Nagare spoke with a passionate tone.
"We will use all the power we have to seize the last sacrament, the "Dresden Slate". This is the purpose of us "Jungle"..."
None of the Rankers, the highest ranking clan members of "Jungle" who are Nagare's tools and limbs, saw their "King".
Iwafune was happily drinking beer.
Kotosaka stayed on the couch and got ready.
Mishakuji looked at himself in the mirror and worked on his mask.
As for Sukuna, he was lying down and engrossed in the game, not in a position to listen to people.
He didn't want to say it, but he had to. This is a very important strategy meeting. Nagare looked around and said in a monotone.
"Are you listening?"
"I'm listening, Nagare-chan. No, I have wrinkles."
Mishakuji replied as he carefully examined the condition of his face.
Nagare felt a relief. It's okay if he's listening.
"Yes, Yukari. Let's continue. Currently, the "Slate" is stored in Mihashira Tower. Originally, in my plan, after the death of the "Golden King", the "Slate", which would no longer have humans to seal it, was supposed to evolve into the entire human race, demonstrating its original function. Leaving aside the old Daikaku Kokujoji, I thought that the young and immature "Blue King" would not be able to control it, so I decided to leave it in the building..."
The highest ranked Clansman and Rankers of "Jungle", who share the same dream as Nagare, were not seeing their "King".
"Are you listening? Are you?"
"I'm listening, Nagare. Wow! My level's up!"
While he was lying on his back, Sukuna clenched his fists in cheers.
Nagare agreed. If you're listening, that's fine, and it's a good thing if your level goes up.
"I see, Sukuna. Congratulations. Anyway, the "Blue King" worked harder than expected. Excellent. On top of that, the most troublesome "Silver King" came back and joined the new "Red King" to solidify the defense of Mihashira Tower. With this, we have no choice but to take the method of directly controlling the "Slate"."
Having said that, Nagare sighed quietly and reluctantly said:
"Besides, you guys haven't heard me."
"Hey. Guys, listen carefully, ok? Even with this, he's our king, right? Some respect needs to be shown."
Iwafune deftly shook the 350 ml can as he made a complaint. Opening the lid of the next beer, Nagare looked at Iwafune with moist eyes.
"You are the one who shows the least respect, Iwa-san."
"Don't get me wrong, Iwa-san."
Mishakuji smiled brightly through the mirror.
"Right now, I am refining myself so that I can dance with the greatest splendor and grace on the battlefield. My heart is already high. I am always ready to draw my beloved sword, "Ayamachi"."
"Me too."
Sukuna also smiled as he focused his gaze on the game screen.
"I do it because I can't help but feel uneasy when I'm not playing. To be honest, I know enough about what Nagare says."
"I see."
This time, Nagare understood.
They are no longer the members of it. It is his flesh and blood. Nagare thinks and expects the same.
He wants to see a new world, a beautiful world. That's why they move. Therefore, no sacrifice or obstacle is cause for concern. Iwafune, Kotosaka, Mishakuji, and Sukuna understood.
"Are you both ready? I'm impressed. So, let's have a fancy Christmas party after we safely collect the "Slate"."
"Chicken! Chicken! Juicy, delicious!"
On the couch, Kotosaka spread her wings and was happy. Nagare smiled at that first friend.
"Kotosaka, I want you to do your best too."
"Oh, then, we'll decorate the "Slate" that you'll get instead of the tree."
Mishakuji said that jokingly. Nagare doesn't really understand jokes, but even so, he felt a slight slack in his shoulders.
With that, Sukuna closed the game console with a snap and looked at Iwafune.
"For one thing, we're all in high spirits."
"What about Iwa-san? Will he function properly this time?"
No wonder Sukuna wasn't satisfied. The J-Rank of "Jungle" Iwafune Tenkei had almost never done anything that felt like work. In the first place, the existence of himself was unknown to most of the clansmen.
The one who kept Iwafune a secret was none other than Nagare himself, and so Sukuna was convinced.
The next mission will be total war. He is not a lukewarm opponent who can win while he retains power.
You must put all the cards in your hand, including the "trump card", into play to reveal which one is stronger.
Faced with such a big event, Iwafune still smiled like he was crazy.
"Well, it's me. I'm slowly drinking beer like this."
"...Damn. I beg you, Iwa-san."
Sukuna said in amazement, but he didn't seem to have any intention of continuing. He also knows Iwafune's true identity, the extent of his strength. If he plays his role correctly, it will have a great effect.
Mishakuji chuckled and pointed at Nagare.
"More importantly, Nagare-chan. It's rare for you to have a proper meeting beforehand. Perhaps you think it's painful to deal with three "Kings"?"
"Haha. Well, isn't it? Hey, Nagare."
Iwafune laughed and Nagare nodded silently.
"That's right. It is true that the allied army of the "Silver, Red and Blue King" is a formidable enemy. But..."
Their union has serious flaws.
He wondered if Isana Yashiro and Reisi Munakata were aware of this.
Even if they were aware of it, they wouldn't be able to fix it. The flaw is too fundamental. If they can hit their trump card there, even if there is an overwhelming difference in strength, they would have a good chance of winning.
Nagare looked down into the gap, toward the floating hologram.
A swarm of inorganic data simply reflects reality. Nagare, whose limbs were sealed, had his first weapon, "Information". Nagare knew that deciphering it and accumulating it would lead to a dream.
And now...
His dream is within reach.
As he stared at him, Nagare silently took the last step.
"Ordered by the "Green King" authority. Mission 1224, activated."
As expected of "Tokijikuin", what they prepared in the basement of the Mihashira Tower was a very spacious conference room.
Being there reminds him of the "Chabudai Conference". He remembers being crammed into a room in a student dormitory until he was suffocating. Well, he was the one who suggested that, but it was still nice to have a wide space.
Coff-coff, clearing her throat, Shiro let out a cheerful voice.
"Hey. Ladies and gentlemen, thanks for joining us. How are you?"
Now, in front of Shiro, are the two clans.
One is the Red Clan, "Homura". They are sitting on the right side of the conference room, looking at him with dark eyes.
The other is the Blue Clan, "Scepter 4". They are sitting on the left side of the conference room, looking at him with cold eyes.
At them, who seemed to be slightly dissatisfied, Shiro smiled,
"It doesn't look very good. Considering my position as the "Silver King", I don't think you'll openly object, but I wonder, are you a little dissatisfied with the fact that I'm calling you over and over again?"
"Something like that."
Misaki Yata, the executive of "Homura", said so with bitterness.
"If you get it, why don't you help out a bit? We're the only ones fighting the green guys, right?!"
Yata's words are also valid, and the Silver Clan has not contributed at all to the current cleanup operation against the "Jungle" of the "Chabudai Alliance". Shiro was worried about deciphering the materials they received, and neither Kuro nor Neko would leave Shiro.
Shiro scratched his head and said, "No.".
"I don't have the words to answer when you say that, but thanks to that I got some information, so I wonder if you'll forgive me."
Then Kusanagi raised his hand.
"Uh, "Silver King". May I speak?"
"Of course, Kusanagi-san."
"First of all, the main premise is that the Green Clan will come to this Mihashira Tower to take the "Slate". There's no doubt about that, right?"
Shiro narrowed his eyes and nodded gravely.
"That's right. The "Green King", Nagaru Hisui, said so himself. That's not a hoax or a trick. It's a declaration of war against us, the "Chabudai Alliance"."
After that, he turned his gaze towards "Scepter 4".
"And if the Green Clan gets the "Slate", which the Lieutenant... no... The order in this world that the "Gold King" and the "Blue King" have worked so hard to maintain will likely collapse. At best, it would cease to be the world we know. Because..."
After taking a deep breath, Shiro announced.
"They, the Green Clan, want to give all of humanity the power of the "Slate"."
For a moment, the place was noisy.
Grant the power of the "Slate" to all of humanity. That is, all human beings will possess supernatural powers. Much destruction will be wrought by those who cannot control their supernatural powers. There are likely a myriad of people who abuse their supernatural powers. The tense expression of "Scepter 4" vividly expressed that threat. If that happens, your business will collapse in an instant.
Kusanagi looked at "Scepter 4" with compassionate eyes, then looked back at Shiro.
"Both us, the Red Clan and the Blue Clan members who are waiting, there shouldn't be a single person who doubts your status as "King". However, whether or not you have the ability and ability to wield this kind of strategy is a different matter. To be honest, I think people are worried about it."
Neko behind Shiro got irritated.
"Hmm! Shiro is amazing!"
Kuro, who was also waiting, stopped her.
"Enough, Neko. Kusanagi Izumo, it may sound like I'm being biased, but this man has the ability to do just that. He's smart, he has the ability to lead and make decisions."
"Kuro, thank you."
Shiro smiled at the trust he received from the two of them, and then turned to Kusanagi.
"And Kusanagi-san as well. I'm sure you dared to represent everyone's feelings, right? Well, the reason why I'm in command of this interception operation is simple. Because I know all about the specifications of the "Green King" Hisui Nagare."
Yata stood up as if he couldn't take it,
"Hey, you! What does that mean? I heard that the "Green King" is a guy who rarely appears? Maybe you don't even have a connection to them!"
Kuro's eyebrows rose at Yata's almost abusive words, but Shiro suppressed it with his hands.
"That's right. You're right, he keeps his own information very secret. As expected of a "King" who rules the network. His origins, appearance, abilities, age, and even gender are unknown. But there is only one person who met Hisui Nagare in person."
"What's that?"
Nodding to Awashima's soft murmur, Shiro operated a PDA.
Behind him, projected on the widescreen, was a gigantic, muscular old man with bare copper-colored skin, and a young man in a straitjacket stood before him.
Awashima let out a surprised voice.
"His Excellency?! No way, who is that person?"
"Yes. Simply put, the "Green King" Hisui Nagaru once challenged the "Golden King" Daikaku Kokujoji. And all by himself."
Once again the place was in an uproar.
Shiro operated the PDA without caring and played the video. As the "Golden King" and the never-before-seen "Green King" began to move on the screen, the shock turned into awe-inspiring silence. They all stared at the image.
Shiro continued to speak nonchalantly.
"I have all the recorded images from that time. I received the data from the Lieutenant and heard the story from the Lieutenant himself."
Awashima raised her hand as she focused her gaze on the video.
"May I speak, "Silver King"?"
"Of course, Awashima-san. And for me, Shiro, please."
"Ok, Shiro-san. Frankly, I can't believe it. Why did the "Green King" fight such a reckless battle?"
Shiro looked at the screen again.
Nagare kicked at the gravel and jumped. Shaking his claws of glowing green energy, he leaped at Kokujoji.
"Maybe he wasn't reckless. Because even though he was defeated in the end, for a while he turned the strongest "King" against him and had a close fight."
Kokujoji's fist smashed into Nagare's chest.
Nagare's body went flying like a bullet. He bounced as he drew a green trajectory, was sucked into the distant darkness and disappeared.
The video stopped there.
In the middle of the silence, someone muttered.
"Is this... the "Green King"?"
It was the first appearance of the "enemy" they saw. He is not some random clansman who gets cut if he gets caught. The culprit of all the incidents that are happening now, the figure of the enemy "King" that they must eventually face and defeat.
"Hisui Nagare's reason for launching that abnormal attack is also very strong. It's a throwaway line after losing, but he said, "I tried to challenge the big boss".'"
"He is a child!"
"What a dumb guy."
Hearing Yata and Fushimi mutter, Shiro smiled.
"That's right. Hisui Nagare is different. He plans things so carefully and meticulously that no one notices, but he also puts his childish ideas into practice. But that's why his actions are unpredictable."
Shiro went back to fiddling with the PDA. What was projected on the screen was the result of his efforts to trace Nagare's traces, a follow-up investigation of "Tokijikuin".
"Tokijikuin" is a system that is in the center of this country, and its tracking ability is as good as "Scepter 4". However, even with them, they were unable to capture Hisui Nagare's existence.
"Barely escaping from the "Golden King", the "Green King" disappeared from the main stage. The reason they haven't moved until now is because the Lieutenant was there. But the Lieutenant is gone now."
Shiro shook his head and chased away the thoughts that were about to spring from his mind.
"That's why I want to be in command of the operation this time. I also know how to defeat Hisui Nagare. The "Green King" is very strong, but he is not an opponent you can never defeat. But that requires the cooperation of all of you."
He looked around with a sincere look.
The two clans looked at each other in confusion. They can understand the importance of the information that Shiro brought, but they don't know if he is okay to hand over the command.
"But, even if you say so..."
"I will."
Anna cut him off.
Kusanagi and Yata looked at Anna questioningly.
But their "Queen" did not look back at her subjects. Indifferent, and therefore with sheer determination, she spoke clearly.
"I will. I can't leave them alone."
With that alone, "Homura"'s mind seemed to have made up its mind.
Kusanagi, Yata, Kamamoto and the rest of the members, there was no one who disagreed with that determination. No one has forgotten what the Green Clan did to them.
"I see. Then you don't have to say anything else. "Silver King"... no, Shiro-san, the Red Clan will cooperate with you."
"Thank you."
At Kusanagi's words, Shiro returned a smile and turned his gaze to "Scepter 4".
"What about the Blue Clan?"
Munakata crossed his arms and was deep in thought.
Since he entered that room, he hadn't said a word. Since he has been the one who has led the fight against "Jungle" up to now, his silent attitude was even creepy.
When Munakata suddenly opened his eyes, he said in a low voice.
"It depends on the content of the strategy."
Shiro smiled. It doesn't seem to be a case of rejection. If so, there is still a chance to get cooperation.
"Makes sense. Then I'll explain it to you now, Kuro."
"I understand."
Kuro nodded, and when he operated the PDA, the image on the screen behind him changed again. What appeared there were the figures of two people.
Mishakuji Yukari and Gojou Sukuna.
The rankers who are considered to be the most powerful force in "Jungle".
"In fact, it is not Hisui Nagare himself who becomes the heart of the Green Clan's battle. These two are Mishakuji Yukari and Gojou Sukuna. I want you to remember their faces well. Our first goal is to prevent these two from working. Ok? For that..."
"Well, lately, I haven't been able to."
"Kerun" murmured as he moved the straw in his mouth.
"Jema", who was playing with his PDA, just looked up and said nothing. He continued to operate enthusiastically as if to say that there is something more important than that, and then made a small gesture with his fist.
"Ok, sure."
"Uh, what? What mission?"
Throwing away his apathetic attitude, "Kerun" leaned forward.
"No, I don't know. The mission is to send a lot of emails."
"What is that? How much are the points?"
Looking up at the sky, he exclaimed loudly and "Kerun" leaned back on the couch.
"Jema" is gloomy, but nothing to complain about. He agreed that this mission was rubbish. He tossed the PDA onto the table and leaned back against the couch.
Both are "Jungle" users.
They're both G-Rank, and they're probably around the age of college students. The reason why he went "gloomy" is that neither of them has revealed his actual age. He doesn’t even know his real name. They get along well and have the same ability, so they always hang out, but their connection is only in "Jungle", and their actual status has no meaning.
Using that restaurant as a place to hang out, they have lived a satisfying "Jungle" life, chatting about irrelevant things and going on delicious quests.
"...The other day, it failed."
"Jema" is who was talking about. "Kerun" nodded as he chewed on the straw.
"That's right. There are many users who say they lost a lot of money because of "Five"."
"The other day"... that's the full-scale mission, "Mission 2086".
"Jungle" got excited about the quest issued by the Highest Ranker, "Five". Not only was it a large-scale quest straight from a Ranker, but the points distributed were huge. They were inundated like bugs in sweet juice with quests that rewarded 100 or 200 points for just a few tasks.
Both "Jema" and "Kerun" fell into the category of those missions that made them feel good. They did something a bit illegal, but the rewards you get from this game are full of charm, regardless of the existing rules.
And yet, the reason "Mission 2086" is a bitter memory for them is because, in the end, that mission failed in the final stages.
"That's right. There was an idiot who tried to hunt the ''Red King'' and the ''Blue King'' together."
"Oh, yes, I thought it was the name of a jewel, but... because you messed it up so much, both the Reds and Blues got really angry."
"Seriously, don't be silly. And in the end, aren't we the ones who pay for it?"
The straw that he spat out rolled across the table and touched
"Jema's" PDA. "Jema" made a disgusted face and took his PDA and wiped it with a wet towel.
"Since then, most of the larger missions have failed. "Kazimun" and "Four" were also arrested."
"Really? Those guys are U-Rank dealers, right? The Blues have no mercy."
"It's better than getting caught by the red guys. Rumor has it they'll be half dead."
"Hah, not good anymore. What's that ending? Isn't it game over for "Jungle"?"
"Kerun" shrugged and said that cynically.
"Jungle" is a clan with thin ties. In a world where it is natural to use others and kick others, the sense of belonging to the clan itself is low. In the current situation where there are no delicious quests and you can get caught if you do something wrong, the worst part of the dissatisfaction goes to the official higher levels of "Jungle".
"Well, let's wait and see. Let's find another interesting game."
"Ok. Can I make a report too?"
"I've never seen you do that."
"No way, I'm doing it at home! This is probably a secret base for "Jungle". I keep my work and play separate."
At that time, the two PDAs issued a notification at the same time.
The two looked at the PDA at the same time and stiffened.
The popup shows:
"1224 Mission Activation Emitter: H.N."
If there is a middle or upper rank who doesn't know his name, he is definitely a fool. The abbreviation for "command name" is the name indicating the pinnacle of "Jungle", the "Green King".
"The "Green King", directly, a mission?"
"It's been years, how is that...?!"
"Kerun" and "Jema" quickly opened the application screen and began to devour the details of the mission. As the story progressed, the faces of the two became more and more red.
"What is this, aren't reward points weird?!"
"500 points for just one transport mission! He must have made a mistake!"
"No, but it's real because it has an official electronic seal! Even if something goes wrong, I'm sure the points will be paid!"
"Hey, is there something like 1000-3000 here?! Seriously, I don't know what this means, huh?!"
A little further, there was an explosion. The waitress who brought the water had dropped the tray. "Oh, sorry!" The waitress said, tilting her head, and she quickly began to pick up the broken glass, which, of course, they did not notice. There's no way you can afford to notice a petty accident when gold is scattered in front of you.
"For now, let's go! Whoever can do it in pairs will request acceptance of the mission!"
"Ok! I'll apply for the next mission now! First come, first served!"
Grabbing the slip, the two of them hastily left their seats. The bright eyes in their eyes had already removed the sense of stagnation they had felt before.
In the empty conference room, Shiro breathed out silently.
The strategy meeting ended successfully. Both "Homura" and "Scepter 4" agreed to follow Shiro's instructions, and most of the clansmen have now come out to take positions. The only people left in the conference room are the "Red and Blue Kings" and the business class members, such as Kusanagi, Fushimi, and Awashima.
First, the first stage.
He managed to gain the trust of his "friends". They will act according to Shiro's strategy.
However, there are still many things to worry about.
Kusanagi and Anna then approached Shiro.
"Hey, Shiro-san. I think the strategy makes sense. Let's do our best together."
Izumo Kusanagi. Shiro considers him the balancer of the makeshift "Chabudai Alliance" as an executive of "Homura". In the previous question and answer session, he took the initiative to raise questions that other members might have. Thanks to that, the exchange after that was pretty smooth.
"Thank you, Kusanagi-san."
"But are you sure? The members of the "Jungle" clan are just two people who are getting on board, what's going on?"
That question, too, was probably something that came from "Homura" instead of him. Shiro nodded.
"Yes. As I explained earlier, those two are the only people Hisui Nagare really trusts. Other members of the clan are probably used for diversionary operations to save manpower against "Scepter 4". A mission has already been launched for that purpose."
"Mission 1224" has multiple meanings. Disruption of "Scepter 4", improvement of lower clan members by dispersing a large number of points, and above all a declaration of war against the "Chabudai Alliance".
With a snort, Kusanagi looked into his PDA.
"Huh, "Mission 1224". How nice of you to let us know when you're going to hit the road to attack us."
"I thought of a line called a hook, but it probably isn't. Hisui Nagare probably won't do such tricks at this stage. On this day, he must come from the front. "Homura", together with "Scepter 4", should form a blocking line. Please, Anna."
"Leave it to me."
The little "Queen" nodded silently. Although she is a girl, the willpower that dwells in her eyes is comparable to that of any "King". The current "Red King" will surely become a good "Queen".
That's what Shiro thought, and even though it was before the battle, he felt a relief.
"...By the way, what do you think of him?"
Kusanagi suddenly said that.
Following his line of sight, Munakata was standing on the other side of the conference room.
Next to him is Fushimi Saruhiko, an executive. He looks like he was giving an order for something, but he couldn't hear it from there. However, just the cold expression in his profile left a terrible impression on him.
"He never spoke his mind. I wonder if we can trust him."
"I don't know. But it's the only way to win. That's how powerful the opponent is."
For Shiro, the "Chabudai Alliance" is a friend. Probably for Anna too.
But for Reisi Munakata, it's different. The "Chabudai Alliance" is a partner in the fight, and more importantly, it is nothing more than an "enemy of the enemy."
After completing the request, Munakata left the conference room. Looking at that back, Anna muttered.
"Furthermore, that person has been holding the "Slate" only since the Lieutenant passed away. Therefore, the load is heavy and the consumption is heavy. No wonder he is being cautious."
As he said that, Shiro also narrowed his eyes at Munakata's back.
"The "Slate" will allow humans to evolve without limit unless it is controlled by the power of the "King". Munakata-san took over the job previously done by the Lieutenant. We, especially me, must thank him."
How much weight is on his back? Despite being injured and overwhelmed, Munakata tries to carry the "Slate" alone, without anyone helping him. It is not an exaggeration to say that now that the "Golden King" is dead, the order of the world depends only on him.
That's why Shiro hopes someone will stay by his side. It would be great if there was someone he could take on, even a small part of that great responsibility. He couldn't do that himself, but even so, the "King" needed such an existence.
The "King" is also a human being.
"Well then, I'll give you the rest."
Munakata said that as he entered the elevator leading to the "Slate Room".
Fushimi remained silent and did not reply. Until the moment the elevator door closed, he continued to look at Munakata. Munakata said nothing more either and looked at him with a cold expression.
As the elevator began to move, Fushimi finally let out a click of his tongue.
Turning on his heel and walking down the corridor, Fushimi pondered on the order he had just received.
Since he joined "Scepter 4" until now, he has received numerous requests. There were many orders that were out of common sense, and Fushimi was able to carry them out despite his complaints. Because he could predict the importance of that order and the extent of its effect.
However, this time the order was canceled once.
Fushimi had no idea what would happen if he followed him. But Munakata must have seen it. A vision of how things will play out after that.
Because he is the "King".
They were chosen by the "Slate" and move the world itself with their superhuman macroscopic vision and abilities. Fushimi and other members of the clan are nothing more than pieces. There is no need for the cogs connecting the gigantic mechanism of the "King" and the world to understand the whole, that makes Fushimi irritated.
"If it's you, you won't hesitate."
Munakata didn't even change his expression and said it clearly. He knew he looked that way, but he was quite refreshing to be told so boldly. He even made him think that he might have gotten into "Scepter 4" in anticipation of that order.
Fushimi's mouth formed a smile that seemed to rise.
Excellent. Such a role is suitable for him. Not because he sees himself as such, but because it's the most effective. Fushimi decided to carry out the order.
He stopped when his name was called.
Before he knew it, Vice Commander Seri Awashima was in front of him.
"What are you doing? Hurry up and go to your post."
"I know. I'm about to go now."
The function assigned to the Fushimi post, by Isana Yashiro, was to manage the battlefield from the outer command vehicle. Analyze the information, divide the enemy and lead the battle trend as desired. Although they are not on the front line, there is no doubt that they play a very important role.
Fushimi believes that he will always be watching.
Fushimi's ability doesn't shine in a group. Fushimi's strength lies in observing, analyzing, and remotely controlling the crowd.
He can't deny what the "King" does. No, but it is also true that he is irritating.
He let out a small huff and was about to walk past Awashima.
Awashima stopped him again.
He wondered what it was, and when he turned his eyes, he was greeted with a questioning look.
Awashima remained silent for a moment, as if she chose her words, but when she finally opened her mouth...
"The Captain did he seem okay?"
She asked that.
When he involuntarily raised his eyebrows and asked back, Awashima's cheeks were unusually red. As she muttered nonsense words like "no" and "it", her gaze wandered in the air.
"This is the decisive battle between "Jungle" and us. The Captain's condition is directly related to the success or failure of the strategy. From your point of view, is the Captain alright?"
Fushimi was stunned. He only knew one thing.
"Aside from being fine, he wouldn't do something like this if he didn't have a chance to win, right?"
"I see. You're right."
As he said that, Awashima looked down anxiously. Seeing that, Fushimi felt a pain in the side of his stomach. "King" is the same as the sky or the sea. It is beyond human control. Even if he was worried that the sky would fall, it was literally a baseless worry, but it seems that even a person as smart as Awashima couldn't understand it.
Although, the sky can fall and the sea can dry up.
There are also times when the "King" falls apart.
Still, Fushimi's conclusion remained unchanged. "King" is "King" and man is man. If the time came for him to break down, there was nothing they could do. It was just a waste of time to fight.
Even if he said that, Awashima's trembling expression would not change. Fushimi thought it was a bother, so he casually said...
"And if something happens, the Vice commander should do something about it. He seems to only trust you."
Awashima's eyes widened and then she clenched her fists as if she was ready for something.
"Oh, it's true!"
(It's easy, this person.)
So he thought, but of course he didn't say it.
The sun went down and the night grew.
"Outside" is, oddly enough, Christmas Eve. The eve of the savior's birth.
Gorgeous illuminations, lively crowds, and laughing voices. That kind of happy scenery is nowhere to be found in this building. All the windows and doors are covered with steel barricades, and the interior is packed with countless barriers and traps. In contrast to the celebrations in the outside world, this place has a pre-war silence.
However, the silence gradually began to fade.
One by one, like a flash of light in the darkness of the night, those reports were sent to the Mihashira Tower.
A mysterious group is holding a mask parade in Yodomiya.
It is said that a threatening letter was sent stating that a bomb had been planted in the Tsubakimon government office building.
According to legend, a robbery by a masked group occurred in Shizume.
All these are psychic crimes that "Scepter 4" should deal with. According to the protocol that Munakata had promulgated beforehand, those crimes should be solved by the ordinary members. He doesn't know how it turned out in reality. The Special Forces, who can quickly respond to unforeseen circumstances, cannot move from that location now.
If this place is controlled, this country, no, the order of this world will collapse.
And then the vanguard appeared without being too flabbergasted.
"In front of the main gate, the members of the Green Clan, Mishakuji Yukari and Gojou Sukuna, have been seen!"
A surveillance camera attached to the front door showed their appearance. One is a small child and the other is a tall young man. Both steps are light, and not the slightest tension can be seen to go to the decisive battle now. As if enjoying a night walk, the two of them slowly approached each other.
A green blade flashed in Sukuna's hand.
"I'm going to hurry up!"
Like a wolf unleashed, Sukuna began to run. The close-up of Mishakuji and Kotosaka, they noticed the camera and smiled and waved their hands, and then the surveillance camera footage stopped.
"It seems that all 4 surveillance cameras have been destroyed!"
A rippling wave of agitation swept through the "Scepter 4", which surrounded the invaders inside the main gate. The "Silver King" had already predicted this situation, but even they had doubts as to whether it would come true.
"From the front... How reckless."
"That's why we have confidence in our power."
Hearing voices whispering one after the other, Awashima stepped forward and raised her voice.
"They're coming... All members, draw your swords!"
On command, the members of the Special Forces unleashed their sabers. The experts who have dealt with numerous crimes with supernatural powers stared at the front door with a tense expression.
Suddenly, the front door exploded.
Two shadows rushed forward, easily breaking through the fire shutters reinforced with military barricades. Gojou Sukuna and Mishakuji Yukari. They are the two best ranked rankers that "Jungle" has.
Mishakuji walked with magnificent steps as if he had just appeared at a party.
"Merry Christmas! I have come to receive the "Slate"."
"So number 2, Seri Awashima, is the only one who seems to be able to score points!"
Saying that with a horrible smile, Sukuna rushed straight towards Awashima. Of course, Awashima has nothing to fear. Gojou Sukuna, who emphasized "points", was already expected to target her. She didn't mean to come up with a silly game, but if she limits the other person's actions, she'll use it.
"All Members! The Match Begins!"
Special Forces are deployed to the left and right of Awashima. Surrounding Sukuna from three directions and defeating him. Seeing the absolutely unfavorable situation, Sukuna smiled like a warrior beast.
"Scepter 4" misjudged Gojou Sukuna's characteristics. He wasn't just a battle junkie who liked to fight. Unfavorable battles and boss battles with a high degree of difficulty are the most exciting. Sukuna was that kind of player.
A loud sound coming from below marked the beginning of the battle.
Explosive sounds, crushing sounds and cutting sounds The sounds are so diverse that it is hard to believe that there are only two enemies. The situation below can be monitored from where Shiro is, but so far the damage is progressing within the expected range.
Standing next to Shiro and looking at the monitor, Kuro said in a low voice.
"Looks like it's started."
The images on the monitor clearly conveyed the inferiority of "Scepter 4". Unable to withstand Sukuna's attack and Mishakuji's sharpened offensive, it seems they were falling behind.
"Shiro. I have absolute confidence in your strategy, but is it alright? Leave the first floor alone to the Blue Clan."
Shiro silently shook his head at Kuro's concerned question.
"As I explained in the strategy meeting, the first thing we should do is interfere as much as we can with those two... the envoys of the "Green King". Their goal is to reduce our strength. We'll do the opposite. I told Awashima-san to fall back at an appropriate point. It's okay."
As if she heard Shiro's words, Awashima started issuing retreat orders on the monitor. Withdraw in an orderly manner while maintaining formation. This is a feat that would not be possible if it weren't for "Scepter 4", which focuses on control tactics.
"The real thing is when the "Green King" comes out. Conversely, does that limit the amount of time the "Green King" can move?"
"That's right. That "King" is certainly close to being the strongest. I don't know if I, the "Blue King", and the "Red King" could win even if we try our best. No, on the contrary, I think it can even overwhelm the people in this building by itself. However, it doesn't take long for it to exert its power. In a nutshell..."
Shiro raised a finger.
"If we exhaust everyone and let the "Green King" run out of time, we win. If they reach the "Slate" before time runs out and steal it, we lose."
"I see."
Kuro nodded silently, and then Neko appeared.
"Hey, Shiro. It's kind of funny."
Kuro lowered his head in amazement.
"What are you talking about?"
"Because there's Shiro and Kurosuke. All together. They're all working so hard together. Wagahai, my heart feels tight."
Then, Neko opened her arms and hugged Shiro and Kuro together.
"I think it's alright. Nyahahaha."
"My gosh, you're such an airhead as always."
Kuro laughed helplessly, and Shiro also hugged Neko's body and laughed.
"Yes. That's right. We're all good together. Let's celebrate Christmas in a big way."
Neko's energetic response echoed with the sounds of the battle below.
(Yes. It's okay. It should be okay.)
With a smile on her face, Neko desperately tried not to listen to the voice that echoed from within.
From below, the sounds of the battle can be heard endlessly. The blues are fighting the greens. They're going for them, she believed. As for the blue ones, frankly speaking, Neko didn't like them very much, but now she wants them to do their best. She wishes them good luck, and she wants them to win.
She wants the greens to get out of there.
The sound of battle was getting closer. To Neko's ears, they sounded like footsteps. The sound of "it" approaching. An "it" with an eye that never loses even the slightest hole, far away.
She heard it from inside her. It is the sound of knocking on the door. Inside her, a door that shouldn't exist was being knocked on. Someone was trapped there. She walked out of here, screaming to remember, knocking on the door.
Neko pretended not to hear it.
She put more strength into her arms that hugged them both. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to keep smiling. Like a child huddled in her house waiting for the thunder to stop, she went still and rigid.
At some point, the excitement of the battle began to turn to frustration.
As Sukuna advanced, the enemy fell back the same distance, maintaining their formation. At first, Sukuna realized that was just a ruse.
As proof of this, no one has yet beaten the other player. The damage is dealt steadily, but just as they are about to finish, an exquisite obstacle appears.
Even now, as he was about to stab the collapsing blues with a sickle, another one rushed in from the side.
"Scepter 4". Vice Commander, Awashima Seri, is the most troublesome, Sukuna clucked. She carefully observed the overall situation of the battle and made accurate and quick decisions. If it weren't for Awashima, the enemy camp would have collapsed long ago.
In that case, he would just finish that first.
"Yukari! It's Awashima!"
When he gave an order to attack from the left, Mishakuji turned from the right with the same breath. Sukuna cornered Awashima with explosive acceleration using the extraordinary "Burst Dash" application. Sukuna bared his teeth and smiled as he brandished his scythe.
"I'll get those points!"
At that moment, Awashima screamed.
"Now, Fushimi!"
Along with multiple ejection sounds, his vision was dark and blocked. The acceleration of "Burst Dash" couldn't be stopped right away, and Sukuna lost his balance from being caught by it and rolled awkwardly on the ground.
"Dammit, what is this?!"
He swung his scythe blindly and tried to cut it, but couldn't even move his limbs. Just when he realized it was a catching net, he heard Mishakuji's voice from outside.
"Don't move if you don't want to hurt yourself, Sukuna-chan."
Almost at the same time that he cringed, several sword flashes ran and his vision opened up brightly.
The net that was cut to pieces by Mishakuji's sword danced around Sukuna, who was on his buttocks. Mishakuji snorted at Sukuna, who was frozen with wide eyes.
"Are you okay? Shall I give you a hand?"
Red-faced, Sukuna stood up and readied the scythe again.
While Sukuna was being restrained, the opponent was setting up their formation. Retreating further into the hallway from the front door, Awashima yelled.
"Come on!"
The reason why the blood rushed to his head was because he was aware that she had once exposed him to something unpleasant.
"You make me sick! You're a small-time character though!"
Mishakuji's high-pitched voice stopped Sukuna, who was about to use the extraordinary app again.
"Sukuna! Don't chase her!"
"You know where we should be heading right?!"
Mishakuji pointed a finger above his head, and Kotosaka also flapped his wings in agreement.
"Up, up!"
"Our job this time is to pave the way for Nagare-chan, who can only fight for a limited time."
He clicked his tongue. He was maddening, but it was just as Mishakuji said.
"It's certainly not the time to use resources in a place like this."
He took a deep breath and regain his composure. It was none other than his own mistake that he got caught up in the opponent's plan. Mistakes are mistakes, and repeating them without understanding them is hopelessly clumsy. Thinking so, Sukuna once again directed his attention to "Scepter 4".
They all held up their sabers and turned their eyes full of fighting spirit towards them. But they never tried to attack them themselves.
With just that, it seemed that the intentions of the other side could be seen. Don't attack aggressively and set up a trap while blocking that attack. It's a perfect delay tactic. Sukuna clicked his tongue again at that impatience.
Mishakuji smiled slightly and took a step forward.
"Fufu. You seem to be making a lot of plans, but it's no use. After all, you are the bright green of "Jungle" and the beautiful flowers that bloom there are my food."
Mishakuji struck a strange pose as he moved his body like a stage actor.
"It's only a foil!"
He exclaimed very happily.
Feeling embarrassed to see his partner's embarrassment, Sukuna turned his gaze to "Scepter 4", but there was no one there. Even though Mishakuji is in his own world, they will probably go ahead with his own tactics.
"Oh, yes. Let's move on."
After saying that and starting to walk, Mishakuji stopped his pose as if nothing had happened and followed Sukuna. Sukuna started heading towards the stairs as he thought about how he could do something like that, even though he had full confidence in his abilities.
"Seriously, you have a useful power, the new "Red King". With this, you can communicate without worrying about the intervention of the green ones."
Putting a red marble in his palm, Shiro muttered so.
The red marble pulsates slightly and emits a slight heat. This marble, which all members of the "Chabudai Alliance" have, is the medium for Anna's network of supernatural powers.
Not only images and sounds, but also thoughts can be transmitted instantly. This power, which was like an expansion of Anna's sentience when she was Strain, was the cornerstone of this operation.
If the other side is winning with individual strength, it is a good plan to suppress it with numbers and cooperation.
With his eyes closed, Shiro spoke to the marble with his mind.
"Mishakuji Yukari and Gojou Sukuna have launched an invasion. Everyone, please follow the plan, ok?"
That voice reached Anna's consciousness and spread throughout the "Chabudai Alliance". The members of "Homura" lift their spirits. Although out of print, "Scepter 4" still has a strong fighting spirit. And...
Munakata, who was motionless in the "Slate Room", looked at Shiro through the net.
"Now. If possible, I would like things to go according to Isana Yashiro's plan."
Shiro smiled wryly. There was no anger. When the line is drawn so clearly, it's quite refreshing.
Also, apart from Munakata, Shiro had a firm trust in him. Maintain order in this world and strive for its functioning. Reisi Munakata, who tries to do it out of a sense of responsibility rather than selfishness, is similar to Daikaku Kokujoji.
The fact that Munakata is standing on the last line is a great relief for Shiro. As he said, if things go according to Shiro's expectations, then it's fine. Even if something unexpected happens, it will definitely happen. As long as Hisui Nagare isn't stupid, Munakata will do something about it. Somewhat irresponsibly, Shiro decided to think so.
And now...
The image of a "Jungle" member breaking through a blocking net that was placed ten and twenty times in a straight line appeared in Shiro's mind.
"Mishakuji, Gojou, both, captured by the security camera on the 10th floor!"
"I understand. Manually activate the defensive equipment inside Mihashira Tower as planned."
At the same time, in the command car of "Scepter 4" that was waiting outside, the scene of two members dealing with them fiercely was also sent.
Fushimi Saruhiko and Enomoto Tatsuya. He is an information warfare expert on "Scepter 4". Of course, he is no match for Hisui Nagare, who controls the electronic network, but even so, within this limited local network, he can carry out operations without interference from him.
"Entrapment 10-E +3, +4, F -4."
"Normal Entrapment Deployment Confirmation!"
"It's a whole course in suspended ceilings, traps, and electric shock. Please dance at least."
After taking control of Mihashira Tower, the numerous barriers and traps created were activated one after another by Fushimi and Enomoto. Enomoto glanced sideways at Fushimi's smiling face.
"Everything is broken!"
Those obstacles didn't seem to stop him. As he brandished his sword while humming, Mishakuji easily broke through the barricades that stood in his way and the traps that attacked him. It was like navigating an uninhabited field.
The smile disappeared from Fushimi's face and he clicked his tongue.
"Tsk. After all, this level won't stop you. So..."
Again, Fushimi began to write at breakneck speed. He was trying to catch Mishakuji and Sukuna jumping on the hierarchical map like tops with his fingertips.
"Entrapment 11-D -3, -4, -5, 2-S +4, +5, 9-Z full yards."
In the video, traps that are a bit more radical than before (flash grenades, rubber bullets, high-pressure water cannons, and tear gas bombs) appear one after another and attack the two of them. Mishakuji and Sukuna turned left and right and began destroying the traps while repelling and dodging those attacks.
But that's what they're there for.
As Fushimi pressed the last key, a huge blind came down, dividing the room in two. In the video, Sukuna and Mishakuji stopped their feet and turned to the shutter in surprise. Multi-alloy reinforced shutters block even tank shells. Not even they can break it.
"Entrapment Deployment Confirmed! Mishakuji, Gojou, both have been successfully separated! However, the damage seems to be extremely small for both of them."
Fushimi spat that out. According to the plan, he was supposed to wear them down a bit more, but it didn't seem to be going so well. Fushimi began selecting the traps to activate next as he called out their predicted routes that had started moving again.
Those shows were fully shared with "Homura" who was waiting upstairs.
Anna's heightened sense makes it, like different parts of a single body, tied to a vast consciousness. If "Homura" is the right hand, "Scepter 4" is the left hand, one of Fushimi's fingers.
Lighting a cigarette and exhaling purple smoke, Kusanagi said in admiration.
"A plan to divide and guide two powerful individuals individually, surrounding and exhausting Gojou Sukuna with our Red Clan and Mishakuji Yukari with our Silver Clan. It would not have been possible without Fushimi's ability to master and perfectly operate the security equipment of this building. Right, Yata-chan?"
The dialogue pointed towards him and Yata turned irritated.
"Kusanagi-san. I even admit that he has his skills in this."
Fushimi was removed from the combatant list this time because his information processing ability was outstanding even among the "Chabudai Alliance". Although he has Anna's support, he has so far been able to guide those two non-standard people. It's "Homura's" job, to do the "finish off" after leading them.
"More importantly, was it about time? Is the child in charge of us coming?"
"Really. That's all thanks to Shiro. That brat owes me a lot."
With a fighting spirit on his face, Yata slammed his fist into his palm. Fushimi support is annoying but useful. If he failed to defeat the cornered enemy, he doesn't know what kind of disapproval he would do. With that thought, Yata turned his gaze towards the direction the enemy was supposed to come from.
At that moment, the barricade was cut into a cross.
"Here we go!"
With a warning voice echoing, Yata charged the staff in his hand with red supernatural power.
A tall shadow appeared from behind the clouds of smoke.
To all appearances, he was not a child. For some reason, the man whose entire body was drenched with water brushed his hair as if to remove the dripping water droplets and looked at them.
"Oh? Are you my partner?"
Saying so, Mishakuji Yukari pointed his sword at him.
"Hey! This is not the brat, Saru!"
When he involuntarily yelled, the counter argument returned without delay.
"Each of these guys is strong against nonsense. I was able to lead him somehow, but it's a mistake to the extent that the opponent is different! If you have any complaints, go ahead and do it yourself!"
"Well, that's correct."
Shortly, Kusanagi found himself next to Yata. With a lighter in hand, his lips smiled, but his eyes didn't. He was ready for battle.
"Nothing will change if you "suppress one". Or else, Yata-chan, why don't you try your best if you're not dealing with children?"
"Tsk! Shit, I get it!"
Gritting his teeth in frustration, Yata was still holding his staff. As Kusanagi said, he can't choose who is his opponent. His role is to defeat the enemy in front of them.
"Get ready, you green bastard! We won't let you through here!"
"Yes. I'm looking forward to it!"
With a happy smile, Mishakuji ran straight ahead and Yata gripped the staff tightly.
The noise began to enter Anna's otherworldly web.
Perhaps because the Red Clan has begun to fight in earnest, they are worried about her support. Shiro's spirit is sensitive to how turmoil is transmitted as waves. Not surprisingly, he believed her. Even though she is a "Red King" and she is determined to fight, this was the first time she had fought an enemy equal to or better than him.
"Well, our turn is almost here."
When Shiro said in a low voice, Kuro nodded.
"Mishakuji and Gojou will be held by the entire clan, including the "King". And when the "Green King" arrives, the three "Kings"... "Silver", "Red" and "Blue" will fight against him. Surely there is no other way than this. But..."
A slight shadow fell over his expression. Shiro tilted his head and asked.
"Kuro, what's wrong?"
"Don't think I'm being foolish. If I were stronger, at least if I could fight Mishakuji Yukari on equal footing, you'd be able to fight more easily."
Shiro touched Kuro on the shoulder.
"I've only heard the story, but I don't think you're inferior to Mishakuji Yukari."
"But you also said that back then."
Kuro asked back with a doubtful face. At that time, Shiro had just returned to Gakuenjima. In fact, Shiro said something to the effect that it would be easier if Kuro could compete with Mishakuji. Astonished, Shiro pondered on whether he had been worried about it for a long time.
"That was a joke. And I also said that you weren't doing your best."
Kuro was upset.
"What do you mean? I certainly did my best to deal with it. I didn't mean to cut corners."
"Yes. At that time, you still couldn't use your true power as a member of the Silver Clan."
"I certainly made you a member of the clan. But that's it. It didn't get to the point where we could use the Silver power, our supernatural ability. But now…"
Shiro put extraordinary powers into his own hands. A shimmering silver aura was transmitted from that hand to Kuro's shoulder, and Kuro's eyes widened in surprise.
"This is...?!"
"Kuro. The only thing you could use was the colorless ability. There's no way you can win against Mishakuji Yukari who uses two colors. With my power, you'll be able to fight him on equal terms for the first time."
It was as if the Silver power had turned into Kuro's self-confidence. As he confirmed the supernatural power that filled him, Kuro looked back at Shiro and nodded forcefully.
Shiro smiled quietly and added.
"Besides, I'm sure you'll really show your power more."
At that moment, Neko who had taken the form of a cat at his feet suddenly raised her head. She returned to her human form and let out a voice full of vigilance.
"Shiro! Something's getting closer!"
At last the time has come. He was ready and he had nothing to fear. Even if the opponent is the strongest Clansman.
"Is it Mishakuji Yukari? Neko. If the parrot is with him, I'll leave him to you."
"Yes! Leave it to me! I'll eat him like Christmas chicken!"
The moment the Neko bravely said that, the shutter at the entrance of the room was destroyed with a crash.
Through the hole, a small figure slowly entered. A child. Bracing a scythe with a glowing green blade on his shoulder, he looked around vigilantly.
Shiro frowned and said in a low voice.
"It's not Mishakuji Yukari. Is it Gojou Sukuna?"
In response to that voice, Sukuna looked at him. A belligerent smile appeared on his lips.
"Oh! He's the "Silver King"! I didn't expect the last boss encounter here. He was irritated with so many traps, but I'm lucky!"
"Shiro, let's do it!"
Neko, who was ready for battle, yelled and Kuro drew his sword silently. Seeing that, Sukuna's smile deepened even more. Even though it was three against one, and one of them was the "King", there was not a trace of fear in his expression, as if he was enjoying the difficulty.
"I'll make Nagare have one less thing to do. It's time to earn a lot of extra points, "Silver King"!"
"Don't believe it!"
Kuro yelled and ran off. Sukuna waved the scythe at him in response. As he looked at the two clansmen who began to fight violently, Shiro's thoughts were spinning at high speed.
However, Mishakuji Yukari and Gojou Sukuna, the two members of the clan, do not have the same abilities. Mishakuji is clearly stronger. That's why the plan was to have the silver team, including a skilled "King", against him.
It collapsed. Although war is always accompanied by unforeseen circumstances, now they must anticipate the consequences of that situation.
What about the Red Clan?
Though aware of the marbles in his hand, Shiro thought of the other clan, "Homura", that he had to deal with the powerful enemy that he was supposed to be in charge of.
A few minutes after the battle began, "Homura" began to fall apart.
Mishakuji's attack was like lightning. By the time he seemed to arrive, he had already made up his mind. Several clansmen had already passed out and were lying on the ground. They weren't dead, but getting back into combat would be difficult.
Yata's skateboard sped up, transforming anger at his friend's defeat into speed. Rotating the flames wrapped around the staff, Yata attacked Mishakuji with the same momentum.
With a smile on his face, Mishakuji took it smoothly.
"It's a good hit. But momentum alone won't do anything."
Swaying, Mishakuji's sword swayed as if carrying a mist. The pressure on the rod instantly disappeared and Yata felt as if all his hair stood on end. His intuition as a fighter who had been through many a rough patch told him exactly what would happen next.
Be killed.
It was Kamamoto who saved Yata from that prediction.
"Get away from Yata-san!"
With an aura pouring out from his entire body, Kamamoto launched himself into a desperate stance. The sight of a red-hot giant crashing into him is like a volcanic bomb.
Mishakuji narrowed his eyes and instantly stepped back. Kamamoto's gigantic body passed through an empty space and buried itself in the wall, creating radial cracks.
Kamamoto said out loud as he looked at Mishakuji.
"Are you alright, Yata-san?"
"Oh. You saved me, Kamamoto!"
"Hmm, I see."
Swinging his sword, Mishakuji slowly looked around the room.
While Yata and Kamamoto dealt with Mishakuji, other clansmen surrounded him. All of them were looking at Mishakuji with angry eyes.
Facing a look of anger and hostility, Mishakuji opened his arms quite happily.
"It's obvious, but it's very different from the blue boys. Even if you get hurt or fall, you'll never break and your life will shine even brighter... Fufu."
With a heartbreaking smile on his lips...
"You are beautiful!"
"Go away! Guys!"
Almost at the same time as Kusanagi's order, Mishakuji kicked the ground.
If he hadn't pushed the skateboard behind him, he probably would have been knocked over. Yata barely managed to parry Mishakuji's attack, which shot out as he spun, then turned his back on him and began to run. Kamamoto shook off his giant body and followed.
"Yata-san, it's dangerous, it's dangerous, it's dangerous!"
"Shut up and run!"
"My God, didn't you let me in?"
From behind, Mishakuji, still smiling, chases after him. Yata ground his teeth as goosebumps rose on his neck. It is completely true what the enemy said, and it is too uncomfortable to run away with a tail between your legs, even though you have fought so hard. But...
"Hurry up, Saru!"
Several blinds fell behind Yata and Kamamoto, as if they had heard the words shot into his head. Kamamoto looked back with a relieved expression.
"Hey, good! With this, for a while..."
The shutter broke and Mishakuji ran inside. Carrying a mysteriously shining sword and running while smiling charmingly, he has a terrifying beauty that is far from human.
The two fled again with all their might.
Behind Yata and Kamamoto, multiple layers of shutters blocked him. These obstacles last less than a few seconds. Mishakuji's sword pierces shutters 1, 2, and 3.
The fire bullets fell like shotguns that attacked Mishakuji.
"You failed."
Although he was taken by surprise, Mishakuji's reaction speed was still amazing. He quickly swung the sword to knock down all the bullets. Then, alert, he lowered the point of his sword and looked at the man who shot the flame.
Correcting the misalignment of his sunglasses, Kusanagi said in a relaxed tone.
"My young man, will you be with me?"
With a laugh, Mishakuji pointed his sword at Kusanagi.
"So, will you be my partner?"
"No… sorry about that."
Kusanagi turned around. The shutter came down again as if to cut into his back.
In a room surrounded by shutters on all sides, Mishakuji shrugged as he still held his sword.
"It's really endless... It's not beautiful to blatantly waste time."
"Shit! This guy!"
Sukuna jumped again as he echoed evil.
In terms of speed alone, Sukuna could surpass Mishakuji Yukari. Irregular feints. Kuro's body reacted precisely to him approaching while preparing irregular feints. Sukuna's scythe attacked from the right, but Kuro's sword "Kotowari" stopped it and repelled it.
(My body is light... Is it because Shiro is next to me?)
Kuro's eyes widened as he saw the sword glowing silvery white. The power that springs from the depths of the body resides in the sword inherited from his master. As if to congratulate Kuro who became a member of the Silver Clan.
He thought so. This is what he wanted. He can fight for his own master. He is now standing in a place that the powerless young Kuro could never reach.
Instinctively, Kuro looked at the sword with a silver aura.
(Ichigen-sama, I am...!)
"Don't look away!"
Seeing that as an opportunity, Sukuna continued to attack. But...
As Neko activated his supernatural power, silvery-white bubbles began to bubble around Sukuna. Sukuna tried to shake off the waves of foam rising from under his feet and tried to get rid of it with his sickle.
"What is this?!"
That is exactly the gap. Kuro quickly approached and roughly pushed Sukuna's body with the scabbard he was holding in one hand. Sukuna twisted his body to avoid it, but all he could do was change the angle. He was shocked as he was, he rolled backwards on the ground, but immediately got to his feet.
Sukuna yelled in anger and fatigue.
"Dammit! You coward!"
"Hmph. Say what you want."
"Ah, Shiro looks bad."
Shiro and Neko lashed out with light banter, and Kuro pointed the tip of "Kotowari" directly at Sukuna. The three members of the Silver Clan are organically cooperating and supporting each other. Sukuna was his only opponent and he didn't feel like losing at all.
Suddenly, the smile disappeared from Shiro's face. Turning his Japanese umbrella around, he turned his cool gaze on Sukuna.
"Well, your activities have ended. As a fighting force, you will surely be crushed here."
Sukuna was overwhelmed by the intimidating feeling of a "King" that was unimaginable from his usual gentle demeanor.
He yelled out loud to cheer himself up.
"Do not be silly!"
In a fit of rage, Sukuna attacked Shiro with even more violent movements than before. The blow was blocked by Kuro, who immediately stepped forward. He wasn't going to let his fingertips touch Shiro. It became the sword of the "King", and it moves like a shield. At that, Kuro felt joy well up from the depths of his body.
The wheels of the wheelchair creaked as they rolled across the marble floor.
Hisui Nagare, who had advanced to the center of the hall, looked up silently. Various sounds can be heard from the upper floor, which has been converted into an atrium. The sounds of crashing, breaking and running. Combat sounds.
Iwafune, standing next to him, spoke as if he were someone else's problem.
"Oh, you're also surprisingly good at it."
Nagare closed his eyes and tried to activate his supernatural power. Most of the electronic networks have been removed from that building, but some are still alive. He tried to control it and check the situation of the battle.
But he changed my mind.
Now he's there.
He's not the person he was when he could only look out from his underground hideout. If he feels like it, he can go anywhere. He can see the world with his own eyes, not an image as a collection of light particles.
That made him so happy that he trembled.
"Right now, the status is around 70% clear. You're a little early, Nagare."
Nagare denied those words in a calm voice.
"No, it's not too soon. I'm here to fight."
Iwafune, who questioned him curiously, guessed everything just by looking at Nagare's profile.
The appearance is nothing more than the usual deadpan. However, inside, the excitement and enthusiasm of a child impatiently waiting for an excursion is about to overflow. For a long time, Iwafune, who had been with Nagare as father and son, understood that very clearly.
Iwafune said with a sigh.
"Hey, there are three "Kings" waiting for you upstairs, you know? Wait a bit longer until Yukari-chan and the others make a route."
"I'm not going to wait."
Iwafune laughed as if he had given up at Nagare's stubborn insistence.
"At this rate, you can't even hear Iwa-san, who is a surrogate father?"
"Affirmative. I will act selfishly."
"Fufu, it's time to rebel. Alright, let's go."
Nagare looked at Iwafune and smiled.
"Thank you, Iwa-san. I am grateful to you."
And so, Nagare stood up and looked up again.
There is an enemy ahead. His enemy. Enemy of "Jungle".
Hisui Nagare never had ill will towards them. He recognized the power of their as a "King", and even respected one of them.
But still...
"It is true that the combined forces of the "Silver King", "Blue King", and "Red King" are powerful. But if it is me..."
There was no wavering in the confidence that he was the strongest.
"It's an easy win!"
Then, Hisui Nagare opened his arms.
He easily broke through the straitjacket that wrapped around his body and unleashed all the supernatural powers that were sealed.
Picking up his wheelchair, Nagare began to run. Due to the "alteration" power that overflows from his body, his body transforms into lightning. With a trail of green glow, Nagare disappeared up the stairs, bounding up and down like an unleashed beast, or like a happy child.
"Well, you can enjoy it as much as you want."
The expression on Iwafune's face as he watched with narrowed eyes was just like his father's.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 7 months
by Martin Kramer
More disturbing is the thought that it separates the contemporary West from its peers. Otto Ohlendorf and the regime he served did all they could to conceal their deeds from Western eyes. Nazi Germany still operated in a West founded on Enlightenment values. So massive a violation of a shared patrimony needed to be hidden from view.
In contrast, Hamas initially sought to publicize its deeds, assuming they would win applause, admiration, or at least tacit acceptance in the Arab and Muslim worlds. Here they succeeded beyond their expectations. The many millions who don’t share the West’s patrimony, and who know next to nothing about the Holocaust or Nuremberg, do see things as Khalidi says they see them. (So, too, does a sliver of alienated opinion in the West, where such views are cultivated and celebrated.)
Finally, and still more disturbing, is the fact that Ohlendorf’s defense has been revived to frame the massacre of Jews. Let’s be clear: this isn’t a world war. October 7 isn’t the Holocaust continued: in three months of 1942 alone, on average, the Nazis killed more than ten times the amount of Jews killed on October 7, every single day (Operation Reinhard). And Gaza is not Dresden, Hamburg, Pforzheim, Kassel, or any of the other German cities bombed so intensively that they literally burst into flames. The Israel-Hamas war is a skirmish by comparison.
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givemearmstopraywith · 4 months
im deeply uncomfortable w that tho bc the majority of gazans are innocent. nazi germany participated in the institutional slaughter of millions and there was a real risk of them winning the war.
good point! i removed the images from that post because i don't want to give the wrong impression or overshadow the seriousness of what the post was about. but to clarify: dresden was full of civilians and not legitimate military target even though it was treated as such. estimates of the number of civilians who died in dresden fluctuate wildly, but its generally thought between 25,000 and 35,000 were killed (some estimates are far higher). conflating all german civilians with nazis is just bad history and lacks critical analysis.
however, with that context you cannot really consider the two analogous, and i don't think they are, nor was i suggesting that. but people (white westerners) are able to see dresden as a tragedy (because it was european, and affected mostly white gentile europeans), and largely seem unable to do so with gaza. a picture of dresden after its firebombing is familiar and elicits a certain response from westerners. a very real genocide happening in gaza, literally as we watch with the actual immediacy the internet provides, seems to do less so. there is something wretched and ridiculous about that. nauseating and galling. there is nothing righteous or defensible, ever, about murdering civilians. full stop. the fact this has to be said in any context is absurd.
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masqueradenoir · 3 months
A prop coss au idea that is basically just the show once upon a Time without the plot of once upon a Time but it's a world where all the major characters that are part of the sharp gang are living in a small town and many of them are living very different lives or lives that are similar to their lives and their original universe here are some examples
Sterling and Alexis: are cops that are partners obviously not romantically but in basically the same relationship they have in Canon where they're basically siblings that have grown up together Heath is also a cop one that largely works alone but he's still a cop
Tayrun and Mara both work at the local library
Benny is running a mechanic's garage where he works on people's cars while also making custom ones for people basically shifting his mech armor work to something similar but more common in our real world he's also still in a relationship with champagne who in this world is just a medical doctor
Vasilia is a tailor making custom outfits for basically the entire town usually giving discounts to people she likes
Dresden is the town's mayor and unkillable Kate is his adult daughter who he has a really bad relationship with for a lot of reasons if you've seen once upon a Time he's basically Regina Mills in the first season of that show but Kate is not like Henry their relationship is toxic for a lot of reasons namely the fact that Dresden is very distant from her and was never there for her and mostly left her to be cared for by a man who abused her who she eventually killed in self-defense when this man unsurprisingly a human normalized version of bestar went too far Kate got leniency in part because she was the mayor's daughter and she still falls in love with Sterling here he's still at least in part attracted to her due to her danger appeal
For simplicities sake let's just call this the soap opera AU if you have a better name for it tell me and also feel free to ask me questions about this concept I do have some ideas for characters like Jake Kayla I'm not sure on since a lot of the things that I like about her character like her quirks would be very difficult to work into this au concept even though her Canon backstory is basically her coming from the normal world until something sci-fi happens to her and things happen along with adventure
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