#Drist Answers
nezu-mi · 7 months
drist i swear to gOD
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mcki · 2 years
This is all I found 🥵
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soft-lilith · 2 years
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milateramilt · 1 year
is water wet?
ill let you guys answer this
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dristcwn · 2 years
hii drist howve you been
I will not answer that without my lawyer present
And how are you
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variabels · 1 year
Today I had a dream about Tumblr where @drist--zoi tagged me to do the rice purity test. But for some reason drist posted the full test and everything she answered. Idk why she didn’t just post the results.
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drist-n-dither · 5 years
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I’d LOVE nothing more! @incandescent-creativity & @toboldlywrite
Ashneiana ((ah-shh-nay-ah-nuh))
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The Creation Of Asheneiana 
Asheneiana’s mind was awakened at the shaping of the world, one of the 8 suns, named Saef, fell from the sky and crashed into the early mountains. Saef burned their way into the center of the planet. Filling it’s core with magma and Life-fire. A volcano then was born, and Saef sang life into the world with a blistering eruption. The flood of lava and Life-fire made the surrounding land  fertile and flush. Consequently, creating Asheneiana with the rainforest embodying her body and spirit. Asheneiana is a fully awakened goddess, who has existed alongside her people unnoticed for eons, ignoring as pantheons beyond her deplete, waver, and crash into emptiness.
Her Growth
Asheneiana is a tropical rain forest, the environment is mostly warm and is lovingly crowded by hundreds of tree species, each around 50-100 years old.   Luminescent reds, oranges, yellows, emeralds, blues, and purples dabble and wrap the trees and wildlife. Orchis and monocots blossom while the rainforest recycles itself and quickly decomposes to make way for new life. 
The jungle itself grows with Asheneiana’s mind. As the jungle spreads outward it mimics her growth and maturity. Some parts within the middle emulate a fickle and cruel environment, reflecting her young adult years. Other places are kind and understanding, easily giving way to travelers passing through. Now, In her older age, she is sure to protect her people and preserve herself. 
This jungle travels much like a deep valley, the trees growing taller as you travel lower and deeper.  The whole jungle breaths with her, and her mind resonates within every inch of its vegetation. It’s said if you lose yourself in the jungle, and keep yourself from forgetting your task, you could find her born within the center. She can control every curl of every broad leaf. Her mind ripples through the jungle, but that does not mean she is always focused on everything at once.  She has a habit of losing herself in a time or moment of her own life. There are constant distractions everywhere and she might not be aware of something happening right away. 
The Shenei Tribes & The Vleumtreis People
Within the Asheneiana jungle, the Shenei people have kept and still keep to themselves. Even with the natural balance that is maintained within Asheneiana, many plants are more or less poisonous. The Shenei tribes have found ways to harness the poisons and the native plants themselves, for healing or digestion. Much of their advancements in medicine has not been shared with the outer world. 
There are two forms of mortal life in Asheneiana: human and Vleumtries.  The Vleumtries are individuals who are intermingled between human flesh and plant epidermis. They pull energy from the metals found in the jungle’s soil. All can be found dusted in gorgeous brass and diamond powders, each a form of beauty and empowerment. Vleumtries do not use verbal language, instead they use eye and body movements to communicate. It is a wonder to see them climb trees and travel up the sides of tall cliffs. Their fingers and feet twine into the soil or grasp to other wild-life and allow them to move as easily as if walking flat on the ground. The Vleumtreis have the closest relationship with Asheneiana, they can still hear her voice and tend to her needs. 
Life-fire still exists within the jungle. The Life-Fire flows within the volcanic magma resting under the jungle. There are deep caverns leading down into the earth. If you travel far enough into one and knew exactly where to turn and to climb, you will begin to feel the heat on your face, eyes met with the deep sapphire glow. Only those with native blood, born from Asheneiana, are able to dip their hands in and gather the Life-fire. The pure blue glow the fire emits is extremely mesmerizing. Some Shenei have stared so long their own life was slowly sapped away from them. Aside from all this the Life-fire itself has tremendous healing properties when used correctly. The harvesting of it is very controlled and a slow process. In the past, a rapid sickness began to travel through the Shenei tribes, the tribe could not pull out the Life-fire fast enough to be effective.The leader of one of the Shenei tribes, a woman named Atieno born without sight, who had gained a heavy following after her display in defending a neighboring region of the Asheneiana from heavy assault, had a resolution. Atieno traveled into the caverns and dipped her hands into the lava and pulled forward the Life-fire storing it into pure brass bowls. Later the tribes healed and she was celebrated. Atieno is mainly known for her humanity and second for her tact. From there onward those who wanted to heal and were blind were highly respected within the tribes for taking on the art of drawing forward the Life-fire.  
           Last Comes Lania
Lania does end up stumbling upon Asheneiana in her greatest time of need. She is still very young when she does and one of the strongest associations with Asheneiana is her protectiveness over children. 
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intheeunder · 5 years
Pass the happy along! When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy then send to the last 10 people in your activity! :)
1. When a sketch layer to a drawing looks decent!
2. When I check the word count and it’s more than I expected
3. When I wear a comfortable outfit that fits me just right
4. Vague bird sounds that keep me company very early
5. Looking back at old work and seeing my improvement! 
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ignitification · 2 years
the opening and the ending of season 4 part 2 were clearly crafted to hurt all Eren's fans and it shows 😫
They were written EXPLICITLY with the thought in mind: “how can we actually make Eren’s supporters cry at EVERY WORD of the song by literally saying how much of a burden he carried and reminding them of how Eren ends up afterwards? Hahaha lol” - genuinely fuck all of them. They did it on purpose and they did it well, which hurts even more.
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zeroinetoheroine · 2 years
42 💕
31. 3 random facts
I'm left handed
Incredibly clumsy
It was so cold today 🥶
42.favourite book(s)
Deathless by Catherine Valente
Masters of Rome
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nezu-mi · 6 months
13. what can make you excessively angry?
Injustice and unfairness for sure. Not just in general around the world but in interpersonal relationships as well
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pens-swords-stuff · 5 years
STS Hey Undine, I hope you have a lot of fun this Saturday! If your characters could have the roles of a original DND party what roles would each character facilitate >:) (ex: who is the tank, the healer, fighter, etc)
Hey Drist, thank you so much! I hope your Saturday is fantastic too :D
Clara — Wizard; Very much a long-range DPS who is not that great in close-quarters combat. I feel like she’d be a decent support as well.
Callisto — Rogue; If there’s one thing she’s good at, it’s being sneaky.
Zach — Paladin or Druid; I think that Zach would a decent tank, but less of those tanky tanks and more of a heal-y support tank.
Aiden — Warrior; He’d just be a straight up traditional fighter on the front lines.
Jess — Warlock or Rogue; Jess is just rogue-y in general, but considering her story in Wanderlust with a lot of demon pacts, I feel like Warlock pacts would translate really nicely.
Yulia — Cleric; She’s a very spiritual person, and though her magic in Wanderlust tends to be more wizard-y, I feel like in a D&D party setting she would be the best at healing, and occasionally vaporizing her enemies with terrifying holy power.
Blake — Barbarian; Blake’s personality lends itself really nicely to a barbarian who just pummels things and is fueled by rage. I also considered a bard for her, but she’s not very charismatic.
Vanessa — Rogue or Bard; Vanessa is so sneaky and just a rogue in general, but she’s also extremely charismatic with a silver-tongue that a bard would also work for her.
This was really fun!
It’s Storyteller Saturday! Come ask us questions!
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the-fab-fox · 2 years
Okies dokie. So I'm at 272 followers. HOT DAMN.
Since that's close to 300 and I didn't do anything for the 200 mark, I wanna do something for you guys once I reach 300.
So once I reach 300 I'm gonna do moodboards based on your blogs but I'll also need you to give me the following: favorite color, favorite bnha character, favorite season (spring, summer, etc). I'll post this again once I've reached that milestone. But just so you all can get thinking.
I also ask that you guys don't follow me just to get one of these. There's no real way I can tell if you do but it's just bad form so please don't.
Anyway I'll make a pretty post when I get there and am ready to accept requests for these.
To all of you who have been here on my journey for awhile now, and you know who you are, thank you so so much.
And to my tumblr friends, I'll be definitely making you guys one of these if you want one so be thinking about the answers to the above. (Da Friends: @sunnyfunerals, @beware-thecrow, @tomurastrashpanda, @deleteddewewted, @birinboom, @sunshineandteddybears, @beyondthestacks, @drist-zoi, @mysteria-x, @avillainsimpandkinnie.)
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soft-lilith · 2 years
How you doing
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i watched the first episode of the bnha season 6 and that gave me fucking vietnam flashbacks. I so hype of my baby yeeting endeavor into the hospital BUT I CAN'T WATCH JIN DIE
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dristcwn · 2 years
I will answer for my darling wife(Drist). The triplets are 8, the twins are 6, the quadruplets are 5, the baby is 4 and quintuplets are 1 and still feeding from her tit milk. - Enji
Tit milk
Tit milk
Tit milk
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qelizhus · 5 years
Happy Saturday, Drist here! What elements of your characters are you most proud of for one of your WIPs?
I think for the wip I’m currently working on, finding appropriate motivation was the hardest part to get started! I think in that sense, I’m pretty proud of figuring that one out, because I’ve always been a fan of character-driven plot rather than like, circumstance-plot. Thank you for the ask! 
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