#Drongo Records
gbhbl · 4 months
EP Review: Eat Your Own Head - The Trawler (Drongo Records)
Norwich alt/noise-rock band Eat Your Own Head are pleased to announce the release of their upcoming new EP, The Trawler, set for release on 31st May 2024 via Drongo Records. Eat Your Own Head count themselves as one of the bands spearheading a new wave of heavy music, redefining the UK rock scene. Known for their unpredictable twists and turns, the band veer from floor stomping riffs to tender…
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tiny-pteranodon · 1 year
Saw a black drongo chasing away a tree pie today. (Almost twice it's size) It was a fun little charade of the two, dancing (fighting) in the air.
Do you know drongos are called kotwaal in Hindi? Because they are the protectors of the local bird community from preys and nuisance makers? If you ever find a drongos best, be sure there will be other small bird's nests around that one. You'll find it. (During breeding season, it's the perfect way to search for other nests. Personally tested. Mostly breeding seasons fall in monsoon so...)
Tree pies count as both. They don't normally prey on smaller birds but do have a tendency to destroy their nests, eggs (records show they eat the eggs), and kill young ones for no reason.
Anyway, drongos are sturdy little things, i love them immensely. So graceful and confident. I've seen one chase down a Shikra and a few of them chase away a kite.
drongos are so epic fr. tpo bad we dont have them around. so havent seen their nests. :(
damn thats so brave of them. kotwals lol. we call them telinia in our dialect cuz their jet black colour looks like well oiled hair
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elementalgod-aj · 1 year
Anthro Allies Remastered (Part 2)
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now for the first vertebrates before us mammals
Wyn (Lancelet)
Oxi (Amphioxi)
Hydrant (Sea Squirt)
Vagile (Larvacea)
Fen (Salps)
Sub-Flame (Pyrosome)
Lagoona (Eel/Fish Hybrid)
Josiah (Hagfish/Lamprey)
Chomps (Piranha)
Fugu (Pufferfish)
Mikayla (Mermaid hybrid)
Whirlpool (Merman hybrid)
Fossil (Coelacanth/Lungfish)
Sea Shocker (Ray Hybrid)
Ichi (Chimera fish)
Thatcher (Shark Hybrid)
Pads (Common frog/Bullfrog/Goliath frog)/Mutant
Zookie (Poison dart frog)
Balzo (Tree frog)
Mangrove (Horned Bullfrog)
Croaker (Toad Hybrid)
Daisy (Caecilian)
Poly (Rubber Eel)
Rigid (Newt)
Axanthic (Salamander/Axolotl)
Echo (Siren/Olm/Amphiuma)
Veo (Komodo Dragon/Monitor Lizard)
Ivy (Sand Lizard)
Clyde/Pygment (Chameleon)
Viridian (Skink)
Rancor (Gila Monster)
Anahera (Tuatara)
Takeo (Gecko)
Nori (Iguana/Marine iguana)
Draco (Dragon Lizard)
Chole (Softshell/Terrapin)
Beckett (Box/Pond Turtle)
Rave (Snapping Turtle)
Mechel (Big headed Turtle)
Flyta (Sea Turtle)
Bartolomeo (Tortoise)
Lu-Hyen (Caiman/Gharial)
K.Roc (Crocodilian)
Roxy (Alligator)
Herik (Viper/Cobra)
Neveah (Constrictor/Serpent)
Nimbious (Bird of Prey)
Maverick (Bird of Prey)
Felifa (Owl)
Jaxon (Sea Bird)
Valentina (Serima)
Stalks (Stork/Crane/Shoebill/Heron)
Terpsicore (Flamingo)
William (Paleognath)
Harper (Game fowl)
Martin/Frozan (Penguin)
Mallie (Water fowl)
Loco (Cuckoo)
Evelin/Evening (Corvid)
Colors (Parrot)
Rumba (Cardinal/Canary/Tanager)
Sonnet (Song Bird Hybrid)
Yashi (Woodpecker/Toucan)
Recorder (Drongo)
Tiffany (Oxpecker)
Zennon (Hummingbird)
(For More Information About The Earthdemons, Neo demons, The Anthro allies , the O'Kong family and more of theses characters as well as updates please visit the @the-earthdemon-hub for more)
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straws1972 · 1 year
Here is my review of the upcoming album by doomgaze / ambient / post-metal / hardcore group LANAYAH.
It’s a challenging (both conceptually and musically) but rewarding listen - out 16th June 2023.
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rat-control-au · 3 months
Evicting Unwanted Guests with Kenmore Pest Control Companies
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Living in Kenmore is a beauty. Sunshine, barbecues, and stunning scenery – what's not to love? But sometimes, your Aussie dream can be invaded by unwelcome guests – creepy crawlies, furry freeloaders, and the occasional scaly surprise. Don't fear! Top pest control companies Kenmore are here to help you evict those uninvited tenants and reclaim your haven.
Why Ditch the DIY and Call in the Kenmore Pest Busters?
But before you grab the fly spray and a rolled-up newspaper, consider the benefits of calling in the professionals:
They Speak the Lingo of Local Pests: From spiders to feisty friends, Kenmore pest control companies are fluent in the language of local nasties. They can identify the culprit and tailor a treatment plan that sends them packing faster than a kookaburra after a snag.
They've Got the Gear: Forget dodgy homemade concoctions. Professionals can access top-notch, registered pest control products that do the job safely and effectively. They have the equipment to reach those pesky critters hiding in nooks and crannies.
Long-Term Peace of Mind, Not Just a Band-Aid Fix: Getting rid of the current infestation is great, but what about stopping future invasions? Kenmore pest control companies don't just zap the problem; they identify entry points and recommend preventative measures to keep your home free of uninvited guests.
Finding the Right Pest Control Hero for Your Kenmore Home
With a swag of pest control companies in Kenmore, choosing the right one is crucial. Here's your survival guide:
Experience is Everything: Look for companies with a proven track record and experienced technicians who understand the local pest landscape.
Treatment Options to Suit Your Needs: If you prefer eco-friendly options, ask about the treatments offered.
Price Transparency and Guarantees: Get quotes from multiple companies to compare pricing and ask about guarantees on their services. Nobody likes nasty surprises, especially from the bill.
Check the Reviews, Don't Be a Drongo: Read online reviews and testimonials to see what other Kenmore locals are saying about the company's reputation and customer service.
Common Nasties Targeted by Kenmore Pest Control Legends
Kenmore's balmy climate attracts a colourful cast of creepy crawlies. Here are some of the most common culprits that Kenmore pest control companies can help you expel:
Spiders and Insects: From huntsman spiders the size of dinner plates to mozzies that make summer a nightmare, professional pest control keeps them at bay.
Termites: These silent destroyers can turn your dream home into a nightmare. Regular inspections and preventative treatments are crucial.
Cockroaches: These resilient roaches are the ultimate party crashers. Professional treatment is the only way to get rid of them truly.
Rodents: From sneaky rats to thieving mice, these critters damage your property and pose health risks.
Taking Back Your Backyard and Reclaiming Your Home
By partnering with a reputable pest control company in Kenmore, you can enjoy the benefits:
A Pest-Free Paradise: Enjoy your backyard barbecues and evenings on the veranda without the worry of unwanted guests.
Peace of Mind, Not Panic: Knowing your home is shielded lets you relax and enjoy the Aussie lifestyle.
Protected Property: Professional pest control helps safeguard your home and belongings from damage caused by critters.
Time Saved for the Important Things: Don't waste time battling pests. Let the professionals handle it.
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thehappywun · 11 months
The timing is coincidental, but think this is a perfect thing to share on Halloween. The wonderful Tony Jay and players at Drongo Tapes Fest, sweetness enough to melt the hardest of hearts, and believe me, we need some global warming right now in that regard right now. Two new compositions (one of which I heard earlier this year when I saw Tony live solo earlier this year) grouped with selections from their Slumberland Records album.
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junglecampsindia · 1 year
Pench Jungle Camp Resort | Your Gateway to Pench National Park
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Pench National Park is a popular destination for wildlife enthusiasts, nature lovers, and adventure seekers. The park is home to a variety of animals, including tigers, leopards, sloth bears, Indian bison, and more. Located in Madhya Pradesh, Pench National Park is easily accessible from Pench Jungle Camp Resort, which is located in the buffer zone of the park.
Wildlife Safari
One of the best ways to explore the wildlife of Pench National Park is through a safari. At Pench Jungle Camp Resort, we offer guided safaris that take you deep into the park, where you can spot various animals in their natural habitat. Our experienced guides will help you identify the different species and provide interesting facts about their behavior.
Bird Watching
Pench National Park is also a bird watcher's paradise, with over 285 species of birds recorded in the park. At Pench Jungle Camp Resort, we offer bird-watching tours led by expert guides who can help you spot and identify different species. Some of the birds you can spot in the park include the Indian pitta, racket-tailed drongo, and crested serpent eagle.
Nature Walks
For those who prefer a more leisurely pace, we offer nature walks around the resort. Our naturalists will take you through the forested estate surrounding the resort, where you can observe the flora and fauna up close. You can also learn about the different medicinal plants and herbs found in the area.
Pench Jungle Camp Resort is the perfect gateway to Pench National Park, offering comfortable accommodations and a range of activities to explore the park's wildlife and natural beauty. Book your stay now and experience the wild like never before.
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thisworld1 · 2 years
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“Intruder” by Anirban Dutta (India). Winner, Insects. “Before the start of the monsoon every year, some species of termite swarm in the late afternoon and early evening – this behavior is known as nuptial flight. One day I witnessed this event near a petrol pump in the town of Cooch Behar, India. There were thousands of termites drawn to the powerful street light, and one black drongo. This bird spent almost 20 minutes swooping through the termites, snatching and eating them as it went. I shot multiple exposures to capture this event, which I had never seen before. Three frames were recorded and combined in-camera. The first one with a high shutter speed and in Kelvin white balance, the second with a high shutter speed isolating the drongo, and the third with a slow shutter speed in Tungsten white balance.” My Modern Met
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hellodenisestuff · 2 years
Week 4 Sept 10-16, 2022
Time flies and another marvelous week of viewing wildlife and recording  the findings to enter into the data for future researchers to tabulate.
Volunteers come and go and we will be losing 4 volunteers and gaining four new ones on Monday Our ages range from 18 to 86.  We all are here to see the wonders of the African Plains and woodlands and do our part to aid in their conservation.
On the weekends we are free to pursue other endeavors. Some go to the Masai Mara National Game Reserve, some to Lake Nakuru or do a walk on the plains or horseback riding. there are also balloon adventure and opportunities to  go to other game parks.  
I choose to. hang around camp on the weekends and rest and write and catch up on emails.  sometimes I take a solitary walk on the plains near us and startle zebra, topi, wart hogs.  I would be very startled to see a lion so I do not go tooo far.  
The birdlife here is astounding.  hundreds of species.  I especially enjoy seeing the Lilac Breasted Rollers, the crowned lapwings, the Kori Bustards and the weavers.  Fork-tailed Drongos are everywhere. as are the bulbuls and barbets and superb and hildebrand starlings. I was delighted to find the Purple grenadiers, a striking finch type bird with a purple breast and red on the face.
The young volunteers had fun the other night laying on blankets around midnight outside looking at the celestial wonders.  Other activities they enjoy are downloading movies for all. to watch. Last night was Madagascar 2.  I found it a bit frenetic so did not watch to the end.  Another night was Blood Diamonds which I had seen. A powerful movie of the horrors of looking for diamonds in Africa—child laborers and all. They play games and enjoy themselves and each other immensely.  I go to bed early as after a day of 7 hours in the game vehicle I am shaken up and tired.  
We hear hyena and lions roar at night and sometimes jackals yipping and some other unknown sounds of the wild creatures.  I love it. There are often hippo munching right outside our tents and buffalo, giraffe, zebra and god knows what else. After all we are iin the middle of their territory. 
I will post lots of photos.  Enjoy.
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[the Boys are recuperating after a failed attempt at teaching Baxter to read; Kochanski has come round to drown her sorrows after losing her position, which was unknowingly caused by Lister's bungled attempt at getting Baxter to lay off]
Kochanski: I had authority, I was... somebody! Can't you talk to Big Meat? Please?
Lister: Ahh no, he's already done us a big favour by sorting Baxter out. It's just unfortunate you got removed... [realisation] immediately after I... spoke to him... [dread] but everything's gonna be alright, [very obviously fake positivity to downplay the seriousness of the situation] and it'll be okay because it's all very very good.
Rimmer: Dreadful people. The Gucci pylon. And that drongo Baxter.
[Baxter comes in behind Rimmer, who hasn't noticed]
Rimmer: As if you could ever teach a thug like that!
Lister: Rimmer, shut up.
[Baxter is slowly walking up behind; Rimmer is still oblivious]
Rimmer: Big Meat, I admit, was genuine underworld because he has to get on a stepladder to pee. But that huge gunk...
Kochanski: Arnold, Arnold...
Rimmer: I wish you could see him again actually, you know, cause I'd have him, like that!
[Baxter grips Rimmer's shoulders from behind; Rimmer freezes]
Baxter: Feel a bit woozy. I always get dizzy before the screams.
[Rimmer's previous look of contemptuous derision gives way for one of horrified realisation for what is about to happen]
Baxter: Before the air is filled with gizzards and tendons. The hair, the blood.
[Baxter leans down to whisper in Rimmer's ear]
Baxter: It'll pass in a mo.
[Baxter straightens up and wheels Rimmer's chair 180 degrees to face him]
Baxter: And then, I'm gonna really-
Kochanski: [standing up suddenly] So you're the one that can't read, hmm?
[Baxter is taken aback; Rimmer uses the confusion to flee]
Kochanski: Sit down.
Baxter: Wha-
Kochanski: I said, sit down!
[Baxter sits down and Kochanski turns the chair around to face the table; Lister and Rimmer hide behind the lavatory curtains as Kochanski 'assists' him in writing]
Kochanski: Now... we've drawn an A, haven't we? What is it?
Baxter: [nods] It's an [looks down at the letter, then back up] A. [raises his hand] I wanna go to the toilet.
Kochanski: [smacks him round the side of the head] Shut up. Not until you can read this: [picking up a book] "Nibbly Pig Got On A Bus".
Lister: She's playing with fire! He's not ready for Nibbly Pig!
[one week later: the group are now running a business selling audiobooks read by Baxter; Lister counts the profits while Rimmer watches]
Lister: Here's the divvy.
[Lister passes the cash to Rimmer, who heads back with him to pass on the money to Kochanski, who's starting another recording session with Baxter]
Kochanski: Keep it down out there, would you? [she takes her cut, stuffs the rest into Baxter's breast pocket, starts the recording and mouths "and cue Baxter"]
Baxter: "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife."
[the group give him an enthusiastic thumbs up; the credits roll]
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ryntaia · 8 years
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A round of applause for dumb and dumber, here to steal your mana balls and stop you from moving when the boss is about to backhand you
Nah just kidding I love these idiots they’re a surprisingly lovable team, Marcassin came in so late to the game that I actually couldn’t bring myself to switch either of them out for him even if I want to constantly backhand Esther during battles
Also I felt bad for not drawing Oliver so 
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there problem solved
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safaritourindia · 2 years
Stroll Kanha National Park for Distinctive species
The planet is recovering from an unprecedented universal crisis of the Pandemic. Whether we accept as true it or not, the Pandemic has left a huge mark on all of us. To recover fully from the after-effects of the Pandemic, one needs to release all the stress and anxiety that was built up during these difficult times and also recreate the belief that "life is once again normal". Welcome back to normal life and be ready to remove your thirst for going out. Getting there in Kanha National Park can be your ultimate solution now. 
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Kanha can be your savior and never let you compromise on fun when you travel here with your pals. The travel vibes are at another level and making every bit of it worthy will be indeed fruitful. 
Distinctive Species
The classic species, though, is the barasingha, or swamp deer. Kanha National Park has a good population of barasingha, whose numbers exceed 350. Facing destruction over a few years ago, a series of preservation schemes has facilitated saving them. The best team of meadows of barasingha, and any tiger activity causes their hoarse calls to ring all through the jungle. More than 220 bird species have been recorded here, which include racket-tailed drongos, bee-eaters, crested serpent and hawk eagles, shikras, and flycatchers and the list is huge if we become more elaborate. There are more painted partridge, shaheen falcon, golden oriole, and the omnipresent red jungle fowl. Waterholes and high plateaux such as Bahmni Dadar are ultimate spots for bird watching, as well as being tranquil places to absorb you in one’s self in the land of the jungle.
You have the full privilege of being amidst wild mammals so you should not wait long to be on the board to have a close look at them. 
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theewrites-tf2 · 7 years
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(So, maaaaaaybe went a bit overboard and made this a super-long post… Deep-down, am I sorry? Nope, HOPE Y’ALL ENJOY THIS EXTRA LONG READ, MWHAHAHA >:D)
Scout: Scout would frantically be trying to contact his Ma, trying to see if she got hit hard by the blizzard. Yelling until he’s hoarse at the useless operator, it takes half the team to drag him back after he tries to get the nearest, slightly suicidal plane to Boston. When his Ma finally starts returning his calls, the whole team watches in stunned silence as he slides down the wall of the phone booth, clinging to the phone and his Ma’s voice like his life depends on it.
Engineer: How in the hell a tornado got that deep into Texas, only God and Satan himself knows. But, the minute he hears that one hit his hometown, he throws some equipment, water, and a weeks worth of food into the back of his truck, before flooring it across New Mexico into Texas. He immediately joins the rescue party, and though his house isn’t first on the list, he uses some of his inventions to help drag his neighbors out of the debris, before offering them the supplies he brought, as well as set up a civilian dispenser. When he gets to his own house, he’s relieved to see his own mom made it into the cellar before the destruction, and gives her the most relieved, exhausted hug.
Sniper: Sniper ironically froze when he heard about the raging bushfire, and the coordinates of said fire were near his home. Dropping everything, he picks up the nearest phone to warn his mum and dad, demanding that they evacuate the house and drive away. His father is a bit stubborn, insisting that ‘the wind isn’ headin’ our way, we’re FINE.’ It takes Sniper to lose his patience and sprout some less-than-polite words at his dad for the old man to go quiet, before saying. ‘’right.’ and hanging up. After days of no calls, and Sniper glued to the radio and TV for news, the phone finally rings and he picks up to hear his dad’s voice go, ‘I was right, drongo, the fire barely nicked us.’ Sniper is irritated at his dad’s ranting, but relieved that the old man actually listened and DID leave the area. ‘Weekend in the city, is all.’ ‘Sure dad…”
Soldier: This man acts like someone just someone just stabbed him in the thigh when there is ANY American natural disaster. He starts curing out several nature deities, screeching at several crisis hotline operators, before finally just shutting down as he watches the news, sniffing every now and then… ‘You crying under the helmet?’ ‘…Yes.’
Demoman: When news of the heavy rainfalls and flooding back home in Scotland gets to him, he makes a small call to his Mum. ‘Ye got in the raft okay?’ ‘Aye, ‘m paddling towards London!’ ‘’right, be safe.’ ‘Ach, ye act like this is me first flood!’ She’s fine. Blind, yes, but she’s a Degroot though and though. She can handle herself.
Medic: Heavy rainfall in Germany is not unexpected, but still a bit hand-wringing when he hears the news of several flooding advisories being issued for his homeland. Sure, he may be a fugitive from SAID homeland, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care… especially when he thinks of his hometown, where rainfall is frequent this time of year. His neighbors, old, non-experimental patients… He has some worry for their safety.
Pyro: The flash-fires and bush-fires all around the room make the masked merc clap and giggle. Floods and tsunamis, total silence…. Back to flashfire, ‘Mrrrphmurph!!!’
Heavy: Blizzards in Russia are no rare thing, but still knowing that his mother and sisters might be facing it along is enough to keep him on edge. He can’t leave the country, due to work and other… complications with past employers, don’t ask, but everyone can see he’s on edge. Engineer finally suggests that, if Heavy will tell him the coordinates, he can fly some supplies over on a TF2 ‘60 style drone. Heavy declines the offer, and asks for the blueprints himself. He is a proud man, but extremely tired when, after three sleepless nights, he sends that creaky drone of supplies to his mothers front door.
Spy: France can burn down to the ground, and Spy would not bat an eye. Too many bad memories, too many living enemies… too many reminders for his liking. Let it burn, he thinks, and I will not shed a single tear. Now, if he could explain what exactly turned him to a feverish, pacing wreck when Boston had a record-breaking snow-storm… Then maybe his teammates could understand what exact mindset Spy has in terms of disasters. 
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rockyoushow · 3 years
Norwich Alt/Noise Rock Quartet EAT YOUR OWN HEAD Announce Debut Album
Norwich Alt/Noise Rock Quartet EAT YOUR OWN HEAD Announce Debut Album
Norwich alt/noise-rock band Eat Your Own Head are proud to announce details of their debut album Neck-Deep In The Blyth set for release on 20th May 2022 via Drongo Records. The forthcoming debut was recorded by Tom Peters (Alpha Male Tea Party, Bicruious, The Hyena Kill) at Trapdoor Studios and mastered by Katie Tavini (Los Bitchos, Arlo Parks, Zuzu). Heralding the album news, the band…
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Junkers (seperate if you want) x smol female reader who killed the queen and the junkers don't beleive it until she shows proof (like her head)
i have almost no memory of what “smol” means so i just went with physically small. may constitute a sequel. idk
Two months after he’dmoved in, JUNKRAT had installed a doorbell of sorts on ROADHOG’S front door.Since they were out in the sticks of the scorched Australian desert, it didn’tget much use, but it kept the little maniac happy and he got a kick out of itwhenever it did ring- a crude recording of Fawkes’ own phlegmy, hyena-likecackle.
After the first fewweeks, he got used to Junkrat pressing it for fun, echoing the sound with hisown laughter. So when it rang, sometime between three and four in the morning,Mako let out a groan from deep in his chest, readjusted his blanket, and rolledover to go back to sleep.
But it kept ringing-and, unusually, he didn’t hear Fawkes laughing. Finally, he kicked off thecovers and shuffled over to the door, reaching out blindly to find his gas mask-there was only one person who knew what his face looked like and was also stillliving, and he was curled up in a gangly, skinny ball, mumbling to himself inhis sleep.
Mako opened the door acrack, peering out to see if it was a junker scrounging about for scrap- orworse, one of the Queen’s lackeys. Instead, he saw nothing but empty air, thedarkness of the Australian sky stretched out before him.
Then he heard someoneclear their throat.
“Hey… I’m down here.”they said, sounding annoyed.
Mako grunted, loweringhis gaze to meet the eyes of one of the smallest women he’d ever seen.
“Hi.” She said. “Icome with good news, and a present.”
“Hmmm? Whazzit…?….Roadie…?” Junkrat mumbled, rolling off his perch on the couch and landingwith an unceremonious thud.
“No solicitors.”Roadhog said, moving to slam the door shut.
The door stopped a fewinches short of closing, and was then pried back open to show the girl’s faceagain, now irritated. The muscles in her arms strained to hold the door open.
“I’m not selling.” Shegrit out. “The Queen is dead.”
At this, Mako abruptlylet go of the door, sending the girl stumbling into the house. He noticed thenthat she was holding a sack of some kind, lousy with the familiar smell ofdeath. In addition, bits of gore splattered the clothes that she wore. Wherehad she come from?
By the time the girlhad righted herself, Junkrat was halfway to his feet, wrinkling his nose at theuninvited smell.
“Hoo… did a rat get inagain?” he asked without thinking, then realized what he said. “I mean… ‘asidesfrom me.”
He was answered by thewoman dropping her sack on the floor, the fabric falling away to reveal a facethey all knew very well, eyes stuck open with a vacant stare.
“Is that…?” Junkratstared at the head, then at the girl, agape.
She didn’t answer,arms crossed tightly across her chest. Eventually, he put two and two togetherand rushed towards her, sweeping her into a tight hug with his bony arms.
“You crazy lil’ Sheila,you really did it!” He shouted happily, squeezing her tighter despite herannoyance. “The Queen is dead! The Queen is dead!”
Roadhog, in contrast,was markedly calmer than his companion. “Who are you?” he asked.
From within Jamie’svice grip, the woman scowled. “…[Name].” She said after a long silence. “Heardyou two wanted her dead, and were willing to pay.”
“Yesyesyes!” Jamiesaid, nodding like a bobble head. “But first! Tea.”
“So how’d you do it?” Junkratasked, practically vibrating in his seat. “Shaped explosive in the throne?Booby trapped cart of booty?! Grenade tothe face?!”
[Name] stared at him,pausing over the mug of tea Roadhog had given her. “…I used a gun.” She saidsimply.
Junkrat deflated,poking despondently at his own mug. “That’s boring,though!” he whined, pouting. “Whatta lack of imagination behind that prettyface- and here I was thinking we were gonna be the best of friends!”
“… I’m sorry.” [Name]said incredulously. “I was gonna be polite, but now I’m getting impatient.Where’s my money?”
She looked to Roadhog,who stared back through the empty sockets of his gas mask. Then she turned toJunkrat, who squirmed in his seat.
“Well’m… you see. Ah…”Jamison licked his lips nervously, the cogs in his mind rotating at about amillion kilometers an hour.
“I can’t believethis.” [Name] said, her face collapsing into her palms. “You goddamn drongoes lied about the reward, didn’t you?”
Junkrat looked toRoadhog for help, but Mako didn’t see the point in lying. He simply noddedsilently.
[Name] scowled, kickingover her chair as she stood up. “Goddammit!” she shouted. “Knew I couldn’ttrust a couple’a traitors like you! What am I gonna do now? I can’t go back toJunkertown- because- because-“
She yelled wordlessly,punching the table with as much strength as she could muster. While Junkratshrank back in fear, Mako sat impassively, letting her vent. She threaded herfingers through her hair and pulled, gritting her teeth.
“You- I- you fucking- aagggh!” She stormed over toJamison’s lab- a disorderly pile of half-finished projects, and kicked it withthe steel toe of her boot. Then, she stomped on the closest thing, whichhappened to be a deactivated mine.
“Hey, hey heyheyheyheyheyhey!” Junkrat exclaimed, suddenly leaping up from his spot to pryher off his precious invention. “That’s hardly sporting now, is it? We- me andMako here-“ he turned to Mako, grinning cautiously. Mako stared at him throughhis mask, breathing heavily. Junkrat let out a choked, nervous sound, andturned back to [Name]. “We can work out a new deal, see? If ya can’t go back toJunkertown- I mean why wouldja that place is such a…” he paused, noticing that[Name] was still glaring, getting ready to start hitting.
He cleared his throat.“What I mean to be sayin’ is… you can stay with us!”
[Name] stared at himwith a combination of anger and disbelief. “…Seriously?”
Junkrat nodded, hishead bobbing like a loose spring. “Yes! Yesyesyes! We’ll be like one lovelylil’ family, committing crimes n’ all those things families do. A… acrime-family. Crime-ily.”
“Shut up.” Roadhog finally said, clapping ahand on Junkrat’s shoulder and pulling him back.
Despite all this,[Name] appeared to be seriously thinking it over. She rested her chin in herhand, the other on her hip. Finally, she threw her hands up in the air indefeat.
“What have I got tolose?” she said, more to herself. “I’ve seen your heists. Maybe I can earn myreward on my own.”
Junkrat practicallybeamed, wrapping her into a full-body hug with his spindly limbs. “YAAAY!” heshouted. “New partner in crime!” He squeezed her tighter, and despite the punchin the face that Roadhog was expecting to occur, [Name] took the assaultwithout resistance, even saw the corners of her mouth turning up slightly. “Now,nownownow. If you ever need to charge us interest, I’ll pay that lot off incuddles, a’ight?”
Under his mask,Roadhog sighed. Things were about to get a lot more interesting.
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geetanjalidhar · 10 years
Spotting tiger while on your foot!
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Three days of trekking inside the forests of Bandipur in the Moolehole range, as part of the tiger estimate was a great experience. During the first two days of our stay and trekking inside the forest, we saw a large number of scats, pug marks etc. We would hold our breath and wait behind the bushes whenever we heard an alarm call by the langurs and the barking deers. But nothing can match the excitement of sighting a tiger when you are on foot! 
On our last day of the count on 27th Jan 2010, the day began as usual. The early morning honking by the trucks and cars waiting for the forest gates to be opened, woke both me and Geeta Prasanna up by around 5.30 am. After our morning chores, bed tea and biscuits we set out for the herbivore estimate on the Hebbala trail. It was a two km trail and around 9 km away from the IB where we were put up. This estimate was being repeated for the second time. We began at around 6.45 am and finished our task by around 8.00 am. We saw bison, elephants and spotted deers during the count. Our guardian with a gun that day was Bommanna. We absolutely had no idea if that gun really worked. But he was an endearing person who kept us, two ladies, totally entertained with all his stories from the wild and his life while we were jotting down our records!
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As it was our last day as part of the estimating team, and also as Geeta hadn’t seen a tiger in the wild till then, we got a brainwave of an idea. Bommanna had pointed towards a water body during the count and had claimed of seeing a tiger on many occasions around that place. As the count was anyways over, we pestered him to take us back to that waterhole to try our lady luck without giving him a choice of saying NO to the idea :)  So off we went to that spot. Geeta prayed and decided to offer Rs.500 to her favourite deity if the tiger emerges, so it was a wait worth all its money :D. We sat around 30 ft away from the waterhole on fallen branches with around one meter of a gap between us on the uneven ground. Both Geeta and Bommanna were on higher ground. I was seated behind a tree. We waited in silence except for the sounds of the forest as per Bommanna’s strict instruction in mind of NO TALKING. 
And indeed it was a long wait for our hero/heroine to emerge. Except for the consistent calls of the White-bellied drongos and Mynas nothing much was happening. I was feeling hungry and so was Geeta. We decided to open our tuck box and munched biscuits and chocolates. Suddenly there was a strong smell of urine in the air and me and Geeta looked at each other....but there was no sign of anything else... We heard a langur call in the distance...Little later I had a fleeting glimpse of a raptor and was feeling bad that I could not bring my Kodak Z980 as its battery was totally discharged (There was no electricity in the IB). My basic Point n shoot Casio camera was with me. Just to kill time I took it out from the backpack and was looking through its viewfinder. I observed some kind of movement on the other side of the bund. The dry habitat and the constant stare into the grassland had strained our eyes. I whispered "Spotted Deer" to others forgetting the NO TALK promise.
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Geeta looked through her binocular and whispered aloud- "Hey, its tiger".I was numb. My God!And yes, it was a tiger as I saw it coming out of the bush into the open. It bent down and jumped into the waterhole. Oops!!!! and I lost him there as he was into the waterhole and since I on lower ground, I could not see him even though he was in a straight line from where I was seated. At that moment we both realized that Bommanna was looking somewhere else, towards the right. I tried to wave at him to see the tiger. Geeta whispered to him " Huli Huli “ He too got excited but, on the right side of the bund, his total attention was towards the other animal straying in. Surely it was an action-packed moment all around us. But my focus was towards the tiger and I could see the tiger getting up and looking sideways. While both Geeta and Bommanna, because of their seating position on higher ground could see the other animal stepping towards the bund area. Bommanna whispered "Henn Huli( female tiger). Surely his old tired eyes made him imagine it to be a female tiger “Click the photo" I could hear Geeta telling me; while looking through her binocular. "No its a leopard" was the next sentence I could hear. Wow! That's a double bonus!! I slowly stood up to get a better view of the tiger and saw that he was on alert! His tail was upright and he was looking at the direction of the leopard.
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That leopard was a smart one. While realizing that the tiger was already there he/she ran away from the spot robbing me the chance of clicking a photo. Also because from where I was, it would not have been possible for me to click without moving around due to the huge tree in front of me. Felt bad but then the other thought that flashed my mind was that we three were sandwiched between two big cats and not sure if Bommanna’s gun can really fire or not :D. The tiger, meanwhile to make sure that no one was around in his territory, slowly started moving towards the direction where he saw the leopard straying in.
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Tiger on the prowl !
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Checking on ...
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He was alert with his upright tail!
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He paced around for a while...
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Making sure the territory belonged to him 
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He kept pacing ...
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When he was sure that no one was around him ( He hadn’t seen us till then), he slowly walked towards the bund again to drink water.
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Suddenly he turned around and started coming towards our end of the bund. Oh god! My heart started beating heavily! When I look back and think, at that moment I was scared to death. Edge of the bund was just about 20 meters away from where we were standing at that time! I slowly bent down and took my backpack which was lying on the ground in case we were to run (?) Crazy thought for sure with not sure if Bommanna’s gun was true of any use :D. With mind going crazy I lost many precious moments of taking some good shots of the tiger taking strides towards us. Geeta tried to reassure me that nothing will happen which obviously did not register in my mind then. She was excited as her wishes got fulfilled and I was like, why why why we were there in the first place? 
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Meanwhile, the tiger was slowly stepping towards our end of the bund, coming till the edge of the bund. And then his head turned towards us and he saw me holding a camera through the tree branch!!.. He stood there and stared at me. It was an eye to eye contact. I was frozen. I didn't move!. I was actually shit scared at that moment. Not sure why as if to break that moment, the tiger looked back towards the grassland once and again turned his head to look at me. At this moment my finger pressed the shutter as I was statued there holding the camera aiming at him! Suddenly his tail went upright but he jumped away from us into the grassland ...just like magic ...he disappeared. To let us live to tell the tale to the world and keep cherishing the happy, scary and magical moments forever. 
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And with big Binaca smile on our faces, on our return to the base, we three were the stars of the day !!
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