#Drunk Hayat
hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
♡ I headcannon (I say as if I’m not the original writer) that Eve just has the cringiest predebut eras of all members.
♡ Pre-debut Eve is the type to unironically go “that’s so lit bruhhh like bussin bussin” with a straight face.
♡ If he ever crosses a boundary or (eventually) blackmails his darling just use his dark past. It’ll get him off you in seconds.
♡ Adonis gets the most hate because of his “obnoxious and narcissistic personality” but the truth is that he’s the kindest member and acts the closest to his real personality.
♡ The only thing Daehyun loves more than his darling is his food. I’m sorry but unless you’re a chef you ain’t getting this man to obsess over you more than his delicious, drool inducing, pizza.
♡ Hayate is the mopey, touchy drunk. He loves his members so fucking much it’s too sididhsjsns he’s cute ya’ll I love him. Please give my son as many hugs as you can. Though be warned he will throw up on you.
♡ Hayate has a cute journal and stationary collection. Something that his managers vehemently try to hide for his image. People think Daehyun owns it all but one look at the latter’s handwriting and lack of aesthetic makes them think otherwise.
♡ Rama is always awake. Legends say he has never been found sleeping. His blood most likely contains 99% caffeine.
♡ He taught Eve most of the cringe slang ironically.
♡ Rama lives for chaos and destruction.
♡ Positions in the group are as follows:
♡ Eve : Face of the Group, Visual
♡ Hayate : Main Vocal, Lead Dancer
♡ Daehyun : Main Dancer, Center
♡ Adonis: Visual, Lead Vocal
♡ Rama: Leader, Main Rapper
♡ Most Popular Ships are: Eve x Hayate, Daehyun x Hayate, Adonis x Hayate, Rama x Sleep, Rama x Eve
♡ Yeah Hayate gets shipped the most with everyone…
♡ Because he’s the biggest bottom-
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dollofdeath · 3 months
[ENG Translation] Wisdom Thinks District Story #1: The Excitable Youngest¹
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i care them 🥺
(translations under cut)
Soun: Tomorrow's appointments… are fully booked, hm? There's quite a bit of overlap in assignments, so I'll adjust the schedule --
Hayate: Soun~! I'm all done cleaning the floor~!
Soun: Very good, thank you.
Hayate: What'cha doing? Oh, checking tomorrow's appointments? So tomorrow~ Those three regulars are gonna be here~!
Soun: Is that so?
Hayate: They contacted me earlier. They said something good happened at work, so they'd be happy to celebrate with us~
Hayate: We were talking 'bout having a nice bottle of wine. Tomorrow's gonna be lots of fun~!
Soun: …
Soun: …It looks like you've had one too many drinks tonight.
Hayate: Heehee, you think so?
Soun: Yes. You're more troublesome when you've drunk too much.
Hayate: Aw, isn't "troublesome" mean?!
Soun: The undeniable truth is what it is.
Hayate: Okay, but like, I can't refuse if they're all like "Hayate-kun, let's make a toast!", now can I?
Soun: Indeed not, but… You tend to misjudge your limits from time to time.
Soun: You wouldn't conduct yourself in this manner in front of our clientele, would you?
Hayate: Don't worry 'bout a thing! I'm a total professional through and through.
Soun: So you say, though… You'll be drinking more wine tomorrow with your customers, no?
Hayate: Ahahaha! Soun, you gotta stop worrying so much, it'll be A-OK!
Hayate: I barely get hangovers, y'know?
Soun: …It's not the hangovers I'm worried about. All I'm saying is don't overdo it.
Soun: Let's think back on tonight. Were these customers likely to drink in excess? If I remember correctly, I believe they were not.
Hayate: It's just that as the talking goes on, so does the drinking. For sure, that might've been why I ended up drinking too much…
Soun: …I see. I suppose that goes to show how much our customers enjoy talking to you.
Hayate: Talking with them's a lot of fun, and them having fun makes me happy~
Hayate: If it means helping out Wisdom, then I'm even happier -- and you are too! Everyone wins!²
Soun: …You really are drunk, after all. You're running your mouth more than usual.
Soun: However, it's good to know that you care enough to keep the lounge in mind.³
Hayate: I'm care-care-caring~!
Soun: Yes, yes… Moreover, Hayate.
Hayate: Yeah?
Soun: I'm sure you'll be fine, but if you find yourself feeling unwell tomorrow, go get one of those lattes you enjoy before coming to work.
Soun: Caffeine is effective against hangovers.
Hayate: Ahaha, aren't you sweet! Well, I'll see you tomorrow, Soun!
Soun: Mhm.
¹ the original title is お調子者の最年少, with お調子者 meaning "person who gets carried away easily." i won't lie, the title was the hardest thing for me to translate here and i'm still a little iffy on it wgKJKJGH 😭 but i did my best to make it work
² the original line is [...] つまり最高ってことだね, which is literally like "that's why it's the best" but i feel like that sounds awkward in english, so i tried to phrase it in a way that conveys a similar meaning
³ the particular word used here is 想ってる (想う) which can mean "to think," though it has a more heartfelt connotation, so i tried to corporate that nuance as best as i could
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Kakashi’s Story- Final Chapter
Manari becoming an internal aide and still helping her brother rules their land gives me so much life.
Kakashi you sent Nanara an all ages version of make out paradise GOOD SIR!?
Confirmation Kakashi is the sixth Hokage in the worst way Possible XD poor Nanara
‘His encounter with Kakashi was the best present connecting him with the previous king.’
‘He was also keenly aware of how precious and rare it was to have comrade who could make him feel this way’ Kakashi soft moments are always so beautiful 🥰🥰🥰
Sai being the one to detect Kakashi when he joins the party is so perfect.
SaiIno! Kakashi called them a handsome couple aww, that’s so cute
Sai’s not just a cheap drunk, he’s an ABSURDLY cheap drunk XD poor boy 
‘No matter how many years passed, To Kakashi they were his precious students.’ Yes yes yes yes yes
‘If Asuma and Hayate had been alive-‘ good sir i did not need the FEELS
Naruto welcoming Kakashi home with a drink!
‘Be good to the new king’ ‘he’s your student and i used to be your student, so we’re practically brothers’ *rolls on the floor screeching with delight’
Iruka looking after Sarada when Sakura is gone is cute as heck! Love it.
‘Master Iruka’s an amazing cook’ since WHEN!?
Ok, nah f** off Kakashi does not have a messy desk 🤬🤬🤬 You can say he’s bad at taking care of himself (truth) without spewing bullshit making it seem like Iruka’s way more organized and better kept than him. Dude cleaned his whole house by himself after his father’s death, he’s neat as f***
Boruto complaining about Kakashi’s love of Onsen’s and telling him he’ll end up looking like a prune is cute though XD
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nesepalamudu · 8 months
yazacak ya da konuşacak çok şeyim var ama halim ve ahvalim yok hepsine. bir arkadaşım vardı, yüz yüze ilk buluştuğumuzda saatlerce, hani akşam olana hava kararana dek aynı masada oturup konuşmuştuk harika hissettirmişti demek ki olabiliyormuş demek ki sıkılmadan, iş gibi hissettirmeyen, zorla sıkılarak kendimi itekleyerek olmayan şeyler de olabiliyor. sadece nadiren oluyor ve sonra hep o tadı arıyorsun çocukluğunda yediğin bir şeyin tadını arar gibi ama öyle olmuyor artık aynı kişi bile aynı tadı vermiyor hayat çok çok çok her şey çok ve ankaranın işlek caddelerini sokaklarını akşam vakti seviyorum
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apotheoun · 1 year
Is Hayate an alcoholic?
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"How's it any of your business?"
[ Hayate has a lot of vices (smoking is her primary one), and while she can often be caught drinking she's very rarely drunk. Reverse technique helps with this, but mostly she just never drinks to the point of excess. ... She's still well over the recommended intake limits for alcohol. ]
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crehador · 1 year
thank you for the ask! (send a heart prompts)
here's a little established relationship snippet in a future where they're happily cohabitating <3
Mima wasn't the type to drink very heavily or very often, but as a working member of society, he couldn't avoid the occasional drinking party.
Which meant Hayate wasn't a complete stranger to a flushed, tipsy Mima-san.
He had to admit, somewhat guiltily, that he rather liked opening the door to welcome Mima home in that state. He rather liked seeing a Mima whose glasses and tie were slightly askew, a Mima who smiled unabashedly at the sight of him, a Mima who stumbled a little on his way into Hayate's arms and nuzzled his lips over the fluttering pulse in Hayate's throat.
It wasn't as though Mima was especially reserved with his affections when he was sober, of course. He always had soft smiles and warm, adoring words for Hayate. He always kissed Hayate hello when he got home, before even getting out of his coat.
But it was different, when he was a little drunk.
When he was a little drunk, Mima would kick off his shoes at the door and let them rest wherever they landed, not bothering to set them neatly side by side. He would kiss Hayate longer and deeper, right there in the entryway of their home. He would let Hayate lead them into the living room, where they would tumble onto the couch together, or sometimes he would simply spin Hayate around like they were slow-dancing and press him up against the front door, kissing him more until they were both flushed beyond what a few drinks could do.
"Hayate," he would murmur, in a voice that seemed even deeper and sweeter than usual.
Sometimes he would say, "It's good to be home."
Sometimes he would say, "I missed you."
And sometimes he would steal another kiss, instead of saying anything else at all.
Those words, those kisses, never failed to make Hayate's heart skip a beat. He always dared, in those moments, to thread his fingers through Mima's hair and whisper back a rare affection of his own.
"Welcome home, Takayuki-san."
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nvrcmplt · 2 months
"He's an idiot," huffed Hayate, the pipe in the corner of their mouth and sake between Junpei and themselves. Pouring one for themselves, then another for their company, tired glance would gaze that Kaitou who was hard at work, picking weeds as per the pipe hashira's orders. "But he's a good kid that one, aye ? Latched'imself onto me for some messed up reason, aye ... here , drink ..."
There was no way around it. Once Hayate brought the sake bottle out, neither would be leaving those stairs of theirs sober. If they could still stand straight they hadn't hit the bottle hard enough and Kaitou would be sent for another. Such as the life of a retired hashira, huffing away at their pipe as the small cup was handed to Junpei.
They didn't want Junpei's thoughts to wander off just yet. "Y'ever thought'bout it ? How life's so pure in the eyes of those that haven't had it rough, or who had it rough and still live as if life's been kind? Messed up, messed up... aye ... bitter batch this."
One cup empty, it'd be nursed between Hayate's fingers, head canted in Junpei's direction. "Gotta look out for him, Junpei, we both know'im dangling on a lifeline'ere ; y're gonna live to see him age farther than me. That darn hashira life... ain't what it used to be, it ain't... Hey, can you promise me that, ya good for nothing magpie? Ain't gotta train'im, just..."
There's almost a bitter grief in the day they looked to Kaitou, regrets and pain from a life lived prior to the simple years of an inn owner; "... keep'im distracted, I don't want'im to become a hashira like me."
They trusted him too much. Though here he was never the cause for bloodbaths, but his feet were bloody. His fingers always dripped in gore, his smile was at peace when mountains of corpses were in his wake… He was not an exile for nothing, to be given grace here was a strange beginning - but Hayate cared not for the rules. They understood his ways, his upbringing due to many nights of sharing their harrowing tales of Hashira goals and time. Learning the sword through harm and determination for others to look up upon. It was a strange weight to share - strange in all manners of ways that didn't sit right at times.
Thus, whilst he sat, sprawled even - ungraced and half liquored to a pleasant buzz, strained by the half-cups being repeatedly pours, daring his tongue to seek more with each refill. He rose long nailed digits to the small item, raising it with ease to press to ruddy lips and tip his head back for the full contents to be swallowed down. Sure, it's meant to be leisurely sipped, to taste the air of home and sigh from its dryness, but not here.
Hayate was nagging.
Asking for the impossible from the Oni.
Strange it was though as Junpei listened with half an ear, staring upon the body of the boy that wants to become what they both gave up. Hayate was in pain, not a strange sight - when the drinks get heavy - so do their shoulders. A lot of hurt. A lot of memories to feel the world weigh down on them. Choices made in their time under the order… Junpei could only fathom part of it, he knew the drive of needing that title, to become the strongest for the family - but he was betrayed and he became that betrayer with ease. The stone that was removed from his training cave was nothing but the trigger for his whole title.
Pain incarnate.
He was not something anyone would look up to for guidance in life and yet, Hayate was demanding him a promise with drunk words and sorrow in every fibre of their being. "I can take him travelling once you're out for the count." Though, he wasn't sure what condition he'll be in. It was going to be a while until he gets to see Hayate stiff and asleep for their last time of cursing him out and demanding him of anything.
That was a … saddening thought.
His only friend in this strange world.
Gaze rose from the boy, the weight of this promise to that of them. Staring with a gaze of wonder before his lashes closed and his smile took place. Fake, but one he was known to where at all times. A seriousness in his devotion to appear stable, welcoming, a promise keeper. "I'll do my best since you've burned it into my eardrums, Hayate… though, you should know of the horrors that follow me will drown him if he isn't ready." Hand eased over the distance, cup tilted with silent invite for more liquor for him.
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"Remember to leave that sword of yours for him. I doubt he'll ever leave it behind once your time comes, old friend."
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these muchkins<3
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sarhosyollar · 6 years
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thebonggirll · 3 years
not your type (kakashi x reader) - part one
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pairing: kakashi hatake x reader.
genre: angst with happy ending, jealousy, pining.
synopsis: it wasn't like she hid her emotions. in fact, kakashi knew about it. y/n was rejected instantly, on the spot. she found comfort in hayate's embrace instead. and she wasn't hiding this either. but kakashi didn't know about it. well, he did come to know later one morning. and his reaction was quite confusing.
word count: 1.4k
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"The usual?" Teuchi asked.
"The usual," Y/N said looking at her hands. She is definitely passionate about her work, and from the looks of it working as a medic for a long time has taken its toll on her hands. Of course, she can heal and make them look better, but she wanted to save her chakra. Besides, she knew she wasn't as good as Tsunade or Sakura - maybe a bit messy when compared to them but still, she adored every part of it.
It was around 10 PM when her work in the hospital came to an end. She sat on one corner of the Ichiraku Ramen shop, gazing lazily at her hands. "Of course, I'm not his type," she muttered.
"That makes the two of us." She smiled hearing the familiar voice and turned to look at her friend, Hayate.
"You..and Kakashi?" she asked, "Well, I don't mind."
"Wha- No! I'm talking about..." he cleared his throat and whispered, "someone."
"The one you are traini- mmph" Y/N struggled in removing his hands from her mouth as he tried to silence her.
"Oh, yeah sure, let the whole world know," he grumbled under his breath.
Y/N removed his hands forcefully, as her food got served. "I'm digging in," she said.
"Am I staying over today?" he asked.
"I mean...if you want to," Y/N said, ears slowly turning red. Looking in his direction, she found the smile she was used to...well, used to in the bedroom. Eyes full of lust, he slowly snaked his arm around her waist and pinched it.
Y/N yelped and shoved him away. "Not when I'm eating!" she said, a blush taking over her cheeks.
"For someone who spits venom everytime she opens her mouth, you sure are adorable," Hayate said, brushing her hair on the back of her ears.
She continued eating her food. She had plans of how oneday she's gonna settle down with someone she loves, doing the job she loves, have a small but loving family. Y/N didn't realize how her plans will all be torn to shreds when she falls in love with a certain silver-haired man. It wasn't in her plan. She was well aware of his past, and she wanted to stay as far as she could from this emotion. But the more time she spent with him on missions, his little gestures of care got to her.
And she fell in love with the infamous Copy Ninja, Kakashi Hatake.
It wasn't like she hid her emotions. In fact, he knew about it. Hell, her proposal after an A-rank mission, the news spread rapidly. It was embarrassing. Sometimes she wondered if anyone from the team spread it. Maybe it was someone who also liked him and didn't want to see them together. Hating them won't bring her any closure, now will it?
Y/N was rejected instantly, on the spot.
Although subtle, she invited him on dates several times, hoping someday he would agree to it. But then again, she knew how she must've been just one other fangirl in his life. They were good friends. They still are. Until it got to a point, her one-sided love started affecting her life. No one took her seriously whenever Kakashi came as a topic of conversation. Everyone just knew she had feelings for him. It was like a ongoing joke for them. Her feelings were a joke.
She knew she needed a break. It was really the right time for her to focus just on herself. She decided to work in the hospital instead of going out on missions. Tsunade wasn't against it. All these feelings stored inside of her were suffocating. Often, she went to drink alone in local bars. It was peaceful. No one to talk about her love life or their own.
That was when she spotted Hayate oneday. Seemed like, both of them came to escape from their feelings. Drunk and barely thinking of consequences, both spent the night together. And it hit them hard when they woke up the next day tangled with each other, naked. Never did she think that a day would come when she would shed a tear for Kakashi.
But she did, and it felt refreshing. Hayate was there to comfort her. With tears in their eyes, they talked about their feelings openly. A feeling both were drowning in. Unlike any other person in the village, it was nice to talk to someone who took her words seriously for a change.
Y/N put on her night gown after a bath and went towards the kitchen. Hayate was making some coffee.
The nights they spend together since then made them feel loved. Y/N felt insecure these days, knowing how her body was never as curvier like so many other female ninjas in the village. And taking up the job in hospital made it worse. She didn't eat healthy food on time, sat for hours doing paperwork. She could feel the rolls on her stomach whenever she sat down. Body positivity is good and she always made sure to encourage everyone. But it was hard to be positive when nobody found her desirable - well, at least that's what she thought. She hoped to get at least one invite to a date on her early twenties, but she didn't. Maybe she should've taken some time to focus on herself instead of working her ass off all the time.
"Stop thinking like that," Hayate muttered.
Y/N spread jam on her bread and said, "I'm not."
"You are," Hayate said, hugging her from her back, "You think there's no one in this world who even thought of undressing you?"
"No I know someone did, but they shouldn't be called a nice human."
Hayate nibbled on her neck and then said, "You are talking about molesters and criminals. I am talking about shinobis. You don't have any idea how many ninjas would love to be in my position."
"Oh! Where they fuck me and leave? I do!" Y/N giggled.
"That's not what I'm talking about," Hayate sighed, "You probably don't realize but when you concentrate hard on something, you have a pissed off face. It scares them even more cause you are friends with Kakashi and you guys are good friends."
"... just good friends. That shouldn't stop them from pursuing me," she muttered and turned on the stove to make some omelettes.
"Well, they're confused right now," he squeezed her ass and said, "They're trying to figure out what we are."
Just when Y/N was about to speak again, the doorbell rang. She put on a house coat and opened the door.
"Hi Ms. Y/L/N! I just wanted some breakfast!"
Naruto barged in along with the rest of Team 7. Well, excluding Sasuke. But Sai was there.
She felt a bit conscious of that guy. He was...way too forward with his statements. Smiling, she asked them to sit down as she went towards the kitchen to make some more breakfast for them. It became like a thing between them. At times, when Team 7 was done with their mission and felt extremely hungry, they came in to have some food. Y/N always welcomed them with open arms.
"Fuck, do I need to hide?" Hayate asked.
Y/N chuckled, "Why? Nah, they're already here."
No sooner had she said it, Naruto came running in to sit on one of the chairs around table.
"Mr. Hayate?" Sakura muttered, confused.
"Hey. Hope everything went well?" Hayate asked ignoring her reaction.
"Oh yeah, we still have to inform grandma Tsunade right now. But what are you doing here?" Naruto asked.
Y/N's cheeks reddened as she looked up at them, to see their reaction. While Sakura and Naruto had a confused face, Sai sat with his usual fake smile. And Kakashi...
"From the looks of it, Mr. Hayate spent the night here," Sai said, with the same expression.
Y/N cleared her throat and took the plates with breakfast on the table, while Hayate came with the rest. Sakura just threw a punch on Sai's face for being rude, her cheeks were red out of embarrassment too. She apologized as they quietly sat eating their food.
"Why Sakura, Sai is right," Kakashi finally said. Y/N looked up at him only to see him staring at her face. His eyes momentarily shifted on her neck. She flushed and brushed her hair forward in an attempt to hide the mark.
A strange heavy atmosphere settled in the room. While others were having their food as fast as they can, Kakashi barely touched his'.
When they were done, and the plates were on the sink, Hayate got up and walked towards the door. "Duty calls, I should leave," he said.
"We should too," Sakura said, dragging Sai and Naruto out of the apartment with her.
Hayate's eyes moved towards Kakashi for a second and then without any warning, he planted a soft kiss on Y/N's lips. "See you tonight," he said and left.
Y/N could've sworn she saw a small smirk on his face. Sighing, she turned to look at the silver-haired man. "Well, your team is waiting downstairs with you," she said.
Kakashi started walking out with a look in his eyes she has never seen before. But she did see his eyebrows furrowed. There was no way he was mad about it.
Mad about her and Hayate. He should as a matter of fact, feel relieved, right? Now that she's not a burden to him anymore.
There was no way, he could ever feel something towards her. She was not his type in the first place.
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next >
anime — short length
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horoyois · 2 years
cold as ice | royai drabble
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✦ wintry nights make him feel lonely.
—pairing: roy mustang x riza hawkeye
—genre: full of wintery fluff even though its summer
—word count: 1K
—a/n: this is the first thing i've completed in two years. happy royai week and hello, i'm back (or i'm trying to be)
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He loves the stillness in the streets at night — the dark, unlit corners soothing his dry, tired eyes and the silence of the late hours settling on his shoulders, keeping him calm despite the dull buzz the alcohol provokes. It’s a dent in his usual awareness, the bitter taste of the double, dry whiskey making him feel like he’s walking on the clouds and not around the quiet streets of Central City during the coldest month of the year.
Yes, he just realized, it’s well past midnight and the cold is starting to bite the tip of his nose, his title of Flame Alchemist nothing but a joke against the low temperatures. The barely visible clouds in the sky seem to threaten with snow, but the slushy kind, ugly as can be, but that’s the only type of snow an industrial, contaminated city can offer. It’s the kind that gets one soaked in a matter of seconds, and everyone knows what happens when he gets wet and soggy: not only he feels useless, but he actually is, and that really puts him in a terrible, foul mood. 
And even if it’s in the night's dead and not a soul will ever ask for help right now (he’s also not in charge of night duty today) he panics and rushes to find shelter before the sky falls on him and gets him positively drenched. 
(This would make no sense to a sober man, but Roy is starting to see double and why is that street light so funny?) 
The one thing Roy Mustang is certain of is that he's one lucky bastard, because when he takes on his surroundings, he realizes that the neighborhood is more than familiar, and that he’s standing in front of the most convenient spot for him: the building where his adjutant resides. He’s been there a bunch of times before, more now than he has a reason to visit, since the First Lieutenant Hawkeye is under King Bradley’s orders now, and not his. He lets himself fall into that new routine behind the excuse that his concern is reasonable, and that he has a reason to stay still right in front of Riza’s apartment until the light flickers on or off, a sign that she’s home, she’s safe and he can rest ‌easier.  
Being the cheeky, smug man that he is (and letting the whiskey take action) he doesn’t hesitate to go up the stairs, taking two steps at a time, and knocking on Riza’s door, with no insight ‌about how the woman must feel being knocked on at such an ungodly hour. And that’s probably why he’s surprised (if not scared as hell) when she opens the door with her big guns out, and not the type of big guns he’d like, but the type of big guns she’d prefer to shoot any creep that knocks her door ‌at midnight between the eyebrows. 
Her glare is cold as the night outside, and it grows even colder when she recognizes the face of the foolish man that is the man standing at her door. She sighs and opens the door a bit more, but she doesn’t lower the gun and, for some reason, Roy finds that funny. 
“Already had enough of me, Lieutenant?” The flirtatious tone comes to him naturally, and accompanied by a smirk that he’s certain will make her scowl. 
She closed the door behind him, Hayate pawing the floor behind her and waiting patiently for Roy to greet him by patting his head. He kneels down to say hello to the pup. “No, sir. I have been damned with immense patience, believe it or not.” Her sarcasm makes him chuckle. “To what do I owe the honor of your visit, Colonel?”
Oh. Her tone is even colder than her glare is. 
“Oh, you know. I just thought my Lieutenant might miss me, given that you don’t work under my commands anymore.” Riza rolls her eyes and her gaze warms just a tad. Roy doesn’t miss it.
“Did you want me to drive you home after a night out, sir?” How she knows that he’s been drinking, Roy doesn’t know (he’s as drunk as a skunk and she has eyes, that’s why). “I don’t think that falls under my duties anymore, since I am not your adjutant, but I certainly don’t mind doing you the favor.”
She always keeps the line so clear, separating them even when they’re merely a meter and a half apart. Even when, technically, he’s not his superior in charge anymore. Always so responsible, his Lieutenant. 
“Actually, no. I was going to take a cab back to my place”. Riza furrows her eyebrows at his statement. Roy doesn't allow anyone outside of his team to drive him anywhere. Using cab services has been an extreme measure he’s had to take since his subordinates were sent far away from him. “I was here because it was going to ‌snow soon.”
Riza raises her eyebrow, waiting for him to explain further. “And?”
“And nothing else. It was cold, and I didn’t like it. And somehow I found myself here.” She has that look on her face, the one that screams ‘Roy Mustang, you’re a spoiled man child’, and he knows she’s brave enough to say it out loud, but somehow the silent understanding hurts worse.
“Sir, with all due respect, this is the last time I am going to let you in at these unseemingly hours without a valid reason. For tonight, you may take the couch. I will bring you some sleepwear.”  
“But Lieutenant… It’s so cold…” He’s well aware that he sounds more than pathetic now, and he’s also not sure if he’s talking about the weather or about the way Riza is dealing with him tonight. 
She halts her steps and turns her head slightly, her profile in full view. Even without facing him, he can feel the absolute horrific glare she must be sporting. “Colonel,” she says, tone ice cold, “are you implying that you knocked on my door in the middle of the night intending to cuddle?” She says the last word as if it's blasphemy, the worst thing she’s ever heard. 
He answers simply with a shake of his head, like a child being scolded by his mother. Hawkeye sighs and disappears into her room, bringing with her the change of clothes she usually had for him in the trunk of her car just in case it was needed. She throws them to his face together with a blanket and then says: “I am heading to bed now. You may join only if you are freezing to death here. And don’t you dare come to bed with freezing toes”. 
He smiles sweetly at her and whispers a quiet “Yes, Ma’am”. 
Not even two weeks after this incident, Riza Hawkeye gets a call at two in the morning about a car-full of flowers. And just like this time, Roy Mustang melts her very cold and  stoic front with the most foolish ideas. 
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harashimanez · 3 years
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Genma x fem!reader
Smut, lemon, Romantic smut, slow burn
In the Hot springs, you were abruptly taking your clothes off but then the door slid open roughly and genma was standing there blushing. Running out he went into the men's side. Later that night everybody had to pick their sleeping buddies to share a room with, while everyone choose their partners you were left with one person to partner up with.
As you walked into town for the group trip, you heard your friend group talking from far away, "yesterday y/n was so drunk that she took her clothes of” ignoring them out of embarrassment, you started walking toward them “ ah look whos here” Izumo laughed as Anko continues on “ y/n was dancing all night” Yuhi bumped me with her elbow “and said some really embarrassing things” I blushed harder, covering my heated red face with my hands. As they laughed at my actions, I felt a hand hit me on the shoulder. turning around I hit the person in the face with my palm pushing them to the ground “ wow, wow there” surprised, my eyes widened “I’m sorry” I hold my hands up to pick Kotetsu from the ground, embarrassed from my actions again.
As we walked to the hot springs, the girls went in first jumping in fast while I was still changing. Y/n had saw a shadow walk by but it could’ve been someone walking past, so she had carried on changing out of her clothes. As the door slid open roughly out, I turn my head towards the bamboo Slid seeing a towel wrapped around the person's waist. cirrious as i am, I looked up seeing a senbon in his mouth with brown hair wrapped with a bandanna. With wide eyes looking at him, while maintaining my balance I blushed hysterically.
“Get out!” Y/n screamed, the scream was not loud because it wasn't meant to be loud. I was blushing and smiling too much, my cheeks were sore and on the verge of exploding. Genma flushed a bit too, biting his genbon, rushing out and closing the door to the stall quickly, stumbling a bit.
After closing the door and rushing towards the men’s stalls, Genma stopped for a second. Holding his hand to his head, and thinking of you half naked from earlier,' what a perverted thought'. While he stepped into the hot spring. Taking of his towel and dipping into the water, guy on the other hand had noticed him running from the direction of the women’s stall.
Guy stared at genma, he was curious of the drama that was happening with Genma. Genma laid back relaxing his shoulders down, a breeze past by up the hot spring, it was refreshing.
Y/n opened the slid and walked into the sana with the others, "what took you so long y/n?" Anko wondered. Still quietly blushing, y/n shaped her mouth in a awkward pause. "huh uh yuh-yeah eh nothing happened" looking away from both of the girls, they both definity knew something good or bad had happened a while ago.
Guy had been watching Genma for a while now. When he got up to have a shower, Guy also reluctantly followed him while keeping his rival close to him.
You chatted with the girls about work and 'fun things' for a while, after that Yuhi suggested that we go and change our clothes to eat.
Everyone had changed into their kimono, going to the dining room to eat. There was two tables, Yuhi, Anko left you to sit with Genma and kakashi. It was weird that all your others friends sat over at the first table then with yours, little do you know that Guy, Anko, Yuhi, Asuma, Kotetsu, Izumo, Aoba, Iruka and Hayate were discussing about something really secretive.
Shuffling back to sit upwards with a straight back, you had made this really awkward face to show the awkward tension. Genma started to ask kakashi about his work when y/n remembered about that book that kakashi read all the time "Ah Kakashi, speaking of which how was the book?" Kakashi straightened his face while i was in the progress of speaking. " Icha Icha paradise i think it was called, and Genma! didn't you read it too?" Coughing up his drink, Genma cleared his throat "that book is men's business, and mens alone" he spoke. "ah was it because Jiraiya wrote it or because of the inappropriate pictures on the covers?" Kakashi eyes widened as Genma's skin flushed " so your taking inspirations from that pervert ha?" i spoke again.
"So tell us what did y/n tell you at the bar when she was drunk?" Aoba whispered, Yamato stared unconsciously at the table picking up what was going on. "She told me that she likes Genma" one of them whispered back. "WOW Wow wao NIce" holding his thumbs up, Declared Guy.
After everyone has left to go to check out to their rooms because we didn't register for our rooms in the first place. Hayate announced that we had to chose and partner up with someone to sleep in a shared room because there aren't many rooms, because we forgot to check in first after the hot springs.
Of course Kotetsu Hagane and Izumo Kamizuki had chose each other as pares. Guy had chosen Kakashi even though he said no ,but it wasn't a really convincing no. Yamato and Aoba partnered up because they were teammates. Anko and Yuhi definitely chose each other and left you. Hayate, Iruka joined up and Asuma insist on joining them to. Their discussions and joins has left you alone with none other than Genma, Ebisu did not join the trip due to his pervertness.
Scratching his head as he walked up to you "So you and me eh" Genma smirked his no.6 smirk. waving my hands "OKay Lets just go to sleep Genma" I uttur turning around, his iconic no.6 smirk did not go away.
Seeing you and Genma pared up was their plan to make this slow romantic relationship work. Seeing the others walk up the stairs, Genma took your hand and you followed him up stairs to your shared room. Parting away from his warm hands and entering the room.
You collapsed down onto the floor bed. Genma sat down next to you touching your hands again, Your heart was beating fast. Holding his hands back. You get into bed letting go of his hands once again. He positioned himself comfortably down onto the bed, facing your back.
Rolling back and forth with discomfort, i hid my head under the blanket facing Genma. Your feet were sticking out of the blanket touching his feet, it was nervousing touching him, Genma saw you doing this. It was annoying and amusing for him but he had better plans for both of you.
As you rolled back towards him again under the blanket, you suddenly couldn't move your arms. Something was gripping your arms tight, Genma huffed in amusement. Opening the bed sheet, he pinned both your arms up. Breathing heavily. He lowered his body to kiss my neck, i stifle a moan. The sound came out higher than what i wanted, it made him smirk.
HIs other hand made its way up to my waist, embracing me with kisses. I slid my arms under and hugged his body down, making him collapse down and rolling him over. Still hugging him, I kissed his neck, my heart was beating rapidly fast.
As my legs made it over his waist, i was the one pinning him down with my body now. my clit was watery from the arousal.
We had stayed in that position for a while now. I heard his breathing slower .
Waking up in the morning to the sun you smelt Genma's sent, you tried to roll over the other side but something was holding you back. Looking over you saw a hand around your waist and genma on the other side. You turn over again, shuffling back when you heard a groan.
"Your awake now y/n" he exclaimed, he was awake the whole time now?. "huh?" his hands was holding on the back of your head. Looking at you with admiration.
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A cute idea that i found in one of the fics i'm reading is that even after Kakashi became jounin sensei, Team Ro still kinda checks up on each other- even if they don't talk they'll just stop by their house for a quick visit and just sit down for a while before leaving, if they're out on a mission they'll water their plants or Yugao has a cat and they take them out on walks sometimes, and Kakashi would sometimes leave them food when he knows Yugao and Tenzo just came back from a mission (and are likely too tired to even stand up let alone cook)
Also karaoke nights are a thing like c'mon XD
Karaoke nights are def a thing hut Kakashi’s hanging in the back getting Tenzo drunk until he gravs the mic and starts singing for the entire bar XD
Ohhh and Yugao! It’s so rare for her to be included and i love seeing her. I can imagine Kakashi making visits to her place when her and Tenzo are on missions and he’s home. Watering her plants and making sure her cats are fed and have a bit of company.
Tenzo popping into Kakashi’s when he’s home and making sure he’s doing ok. Him and Yugao getting dinner out of it because while Kakashi struggles to cook for himself some days he can always muster up the enrgy to make sure his friends are getting some actual food and not just surviving off of Soldier pills.
But also i wanna see Tenzo and Kakashi being there for Yugao when she loses Hayate. She deserves some comfort
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hatakefamily · 2 years
“Hey Kakashi… You wouldn’t happen to know what Genma’s favourite restaurant is, would you? I know it’s a stretch…” - @gekko-hayate
Tolting his head, Kakashi examined the man in front of him. “Genma’s favorite restaurant?” He asked, clarifying that he hadn’t misheard the question. “Hmm, well the only place i really ever see him is the Dango shop with Gai and that nice little Sushi place, but he’s usually getting drunk at the sushi place.”
They did have good food though, He could attest to that.
“Ma, I think this is a question better suited for Gai. He knows his old teammate better than I do.”
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ricflairdrip20 · 3 years
Okay, for No Nut November 🥜, Sam and I decided to go big brain time and make a Baki x Hayate HC of what will happen if Baki decides to go through with No Nut November 🤔
Well then, let’s find out 😏
• When Baki first announced his intention to go through with the No Nut November challenge to Hayate, he thought his stoic boyfriend was making a dry joke.
• But when he stops touching him with intent and kisses chastely, Hayate realises that he is in trouble.
• A week into November, the Jounin decides that this can’t continue and makes up his mind to seduce the hell out of his boyfriend.
• Skimpy underwear, suggestive touches, all the tricks were tried and tested.
• Purposely bending down to pick stuff up, sitting on Baki’s lap while watching movies and “accidentally” grinding on his dick.
• Kissing him softly at first and then turning it into a full blown make out session, touching Baki, the looks and the touches, every single trick in the book was tried.
• A couple of times, Baki almost gave up his resolve to ravish his partner but at the last moment, stopped himself from giving in.
• Hayate was getting more and more frustrated with all the pent up lust and November could not finish fast enough.
• He could barely concentrate on his work as he was being deprived of release. This man won’t let up, will he?
• Finally, toward the final week of November, he started to notice Baki was getting antsy, despite not showing it.
• So he decided to give up and stopped trying to seduce his hunk of a man because what is the point of seduction if it won’t break him?
• After what seems like an eternity, it was midnight December the 1st, and Hayate was sitting on the couch, reading a book when the front door slammed open.
• Baki, who is drunk, stomps towards him with purpose. He carries Hayate to the bedroom, firefighter style and throws him on the bed.
• When finally thrown on the bed, the seemingly confused Hayate couldn’t help but give Baki a questioning gaze.
• “Well, it's December 1st.” “Baki, it’s 11 minutes past midnight.” “Yeah well, I’ve had enough.”
• And that’s when things get X-rated 😌
• Baki just drilled himself into the poor Jounin. No prep. No lubes. Just straight raw fucking for hours.
• By morning, Hayate was spent. His face is red, he’s drooling from the side of his mouth, he’s panting and is filled to the brim. Tears from overstimulation are now dry. There’s no way he’ll be able to walk for at least a week.
• They both fell asleep as they were covered with hickeys.
• That was the best fuck Hayate ever had and he doesn’t think he’ll be pounded like that for another year.
• It was a drag waiting 30 days but Baki thinks it’s all worth it.
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nightofnyx8 · 2 years
For the headcanons, can you do 3 for Roy and 18 for Riza, please?
Sure thing! Thank you for the ask, anon! :)
3. Sleeping
This one isn't exactly new, but I fully support the headcanon that Roy can't sleep without holding something. In fact, nobody argues with him when he gets his own room during undercover missions because he will hog all of the blankets. The one exception being Riza, which he clings to like a teddy bear, which she doesn't really mind. She ends up being sandwiched by Roy and Hayate every morning and it takes forever to get them off of her. Roy is a relatively light sleeper, unless he's drunk. Then he sleeps like the dead. Waking him up earlier than eight is an invitation to an early grave.
18. Favorite Possession
Officially, it's her custom FN Model 1910 with a stainless steel finish. Roy gave it to her as a gift when she first joined the team. Unofficially, she prefers the small earrings given to her by her mother. She has others as well, but every pair she owns was a gift from someone else.
headcanon asks
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