#Duchess Marie Caroline
tiaramania · 1 year
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TIARA ALERT: Duchess Marie Caroline of Bavaria wore the Douglas Floral Tiara for the ball following the wedding of Prince Ludwig & Princess Sophie of Bavaria at Schleissheim Palace in Munich, Germany on 20 May 2023.
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leonisandmurex · 1 month
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Best royal summer hairstyle(s) — (✿◠‿◠) *.゚❀.*
Royal summer 2024 challenge
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peaceinthestorm · 9 months
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Robert Lefèvre (1755-1830, French) ~ Portrait of the Duchess of Berry, 1826
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archduchessofnowhere · 7 months
If you don’t mind me asking, which parent do you think Sisi and each of her siblings looked more like?
I think Helene looked like Max, Sisi, Maria Sophie, Mathilde and Sophie Charlotte looked like Ludovika and Karl Theodor, Ludwig Wilhelm anc Maximilian Emmanuel looked like a mix of their parents.
Hi! No I don't mind at all, I like this type of questions since I usually don't talk much about these kind of things.
Personally I agree on you with Elisabeth and Mathilde, they both looked a lot like their mom:
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To me Marie resembled a bit more to her dad, specially the shape of her face (notice how they both had the same parted chin)
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I don't think Sophie resembled particularly to one of her parents, tho as an older woman I think she looked a lot like her grandmother Queen Caroline.
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With Helene I can't settle, to be honest. Here is a comparison with her parents' portraits. Maybe she also looked more like a grandparent?
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As for the guys: I also think they looked like a mix of their parents, tho as he grew older Ludwig Wilhelm resembled more to his dad.
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In general you can see the family resemblance (remember Ludovika and Max were cousins lol) in all the kids, tho I wish we had more portraits, or better, actual pictures of their parents in their youth to compare them better.
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gogmstuff · 2 years
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1840s dresses (from top to bottom) -
1840 Marie-Thécle de Monttessuy, Comtessede Nieuwerkerke by Franz Xaver Winterhalter (Landesmuseum Mainz - Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany) 2069X2830.
1842 Christine Dieckhoff by Georg Wittemann (location ?). From pinterest.com/pin/366550857185910796/ 878X1200. Coral and also gold jewelry were fashionable.
Grand Duchess Maria Mikhailovna of Russia by ?. From tumblr.com/imperial-russia; fixed tear and some spots w Pshop 1553X2048.
1847 Grand Duchess Alexandra Iosifovna of Russia (née Princess of Saxe-Altenburg) by Hau (location ?). From tumblr.com/roehenstart 943X1220.
ca.1848-1860 Mathilde Caroline of Bavaria, Grand Duchess of Hesse and by Rhine lithograph by Valentin Schertle after Joseph Hartmann (Royal Collection). From Wikimedia 1296X1840.
1849 Anne-Arsene Charton by Édouard-Louis Dubufe (auctioned by Christie's). From Wikimedia; fixed spots & flaws w Pshop 2136X3072.
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aristocraticvision · 2 years
Chapter 318: Notice of Arrival
When her personal cell phone rang, the former Princess Caroline of Corwyn – now Abbess of St. Kirana’s Convent – was surprised to see her mother’s name.
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“Mother,” Caroline said, answering. “What a surprise.”
“Hello, Caroline,” her mother’s voice said. “I wanted to let you know right away – the king has consented to help us get your sister released and sent to you in Umbomo.”
“That’s wonderful news, mother,” Caroline said. “I know how difficult captivity has been for Grace, and I have the perfect assignment in mind for her.”
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“Just be careful, Caroline,” Anne replied. “I know she’s doing much better, but she’s still fragile. I just don’t want you to push her too hard.”
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“Of course, I won’t,” Caroline said. “But I think focusing on something positive will be good for her. Helping others is always healing – I know that from personal experience, and have treasured the work I’m doing here in Africa.”
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“Oh, of that I have no doubt,” Anne said. “I wish I could come with her. I’d love to see the work you’re doing with my own eyes, but unfortunately, that’s not possible. Nonetheless, I hope to have Grace on a plane by tomorrow afternoon.”
Caroline leapt to her feet.
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“That soon?” she asked. “Then I need to make preparations. Call me when you’ve finalized her travel plans. It’s more than an hour to Konchatta, the closest airstrip, and I want to be there to greet her.”
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“I will,” Anne said. “Take care, Caroline. And please know how proud I am of everything you’ve done. Your dedication has made an old woman very happy.”
“Thank you, mother,” Caroline replied. “I’ll talk to you soon.”
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Slipping the cell phone back into her habit, Caroline leaned on her desk, considering her next move.
“Nileaus!” she called, and the sister entered.
“Yes, Abbess?” she asked.
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“Have a car prepared for tomorrow,” Caroline said. “I’ll be travelling to Konchatta, and then on to Ambuja to check our progress there. My sister will be arriving at the airstrip, and I want to get her acquainted with my mission here.”
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“You’ve been spending a lot of time at Ambuja lately, Abbess,” Nileaus said. “Are you sure you don’t want me to accompany you? I’m sure I can be of help.”
“No, old friend,” Caroline said. “I need you here.”
“Very well,” Nileaus replied, disappointed, then turned and left the room.
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Caroline stood in silence for a moment, crossing her arms firmly.
“Oh, I’m sure they’ll go quite well,” Caroline said. “Quite well, indeed.”
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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j-august · 6 days
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John, Lord Hervey, Memoirs of the Reign of George the Second from His Accession to the Death of Queen Caroline
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royaltysimblr · 4 months
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Windenburg Royal Brides
Queen Marina (Formerly Princess Marina of Brindleton)
Queen Margaret (Formerly Princess Margaret of Antwerp)
Princess Anne, Princess Royal, Duchess of Chester
Princess Alice, Countess of Arbor
Queen Cecelia (Formerly Lady Cecelia Warren)
Princess Lorelei, Princess Royal, Countess of Thurlby
Queen Caroline (Formerly Princess Caroline of Brindleton)
Princess Adelaide, Empress of Alderaan (@threesimsroyal)
Princess Victoria, Duchess of Stonesby
Mary III, Queen of Windenburg
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resplendentoutfit · 2 months
Flowers in her Hair
Flowers were and continue to be a natural and beautiful style choice for women's hair.
The Regency era was a time of intense focus on the heads of women and girls. Hats and bonnets in many styles, headbands or "bandeaux", elaborate hairstyles, and flowers, of course! Flowers alone or as decorative elements to hats and bonnets, as well as various combinations of flowers, headbands, and hair jewelry.
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Zacarías González Velázquez (Spanish, ) • Manuela González Velázquez tocando el piano • 1820
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Louis-Léopold Boilly (French, 1761-1845) •Portrait of Baroness de Mesgrigny née Berthelot de Rambuteau • Early 1800s
Unknown artist • Portrait of Elizabeth Patterson • Early 1800s
Jean Dubois (1789–1849) • Portrait of Amélie Dubois • 1821
Henri Lehmann (French, 1814-1882) • Faustine Léo • 1842
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Unknown artist • Portrait (believed to be Caroline Bonaparte Murat) • c. 1800
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Left: François Pascal Simon Gérard • Portrait de jeune femme (Believed to be the Duchesse Marie-Madeleine de Bassano) • c. 1815
Right: Julie Hugo (1797–1865) • Portrait de Zoé Jacqueline Duvidal de Montferrier • 1814
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warwickroyals · 2 months
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↬ Warwick Wives (2/7) | royal wives during the reigns of Louis III & James I, 1817 - 1857
Both Louis III and James I were unpopular, their reigns were characterised mostly by the royal family's struggle to produce a male heir. In the mid-nineteenth century, the middle-aged, promiscuous and ill-tempered sons of Louis II, vied for the throne. They scrambled to marry and have children. This power struggle divided their young wives, who over the years became jealous, power-hungry, and cunning.
E L I Z A B E T H was the daughter of a wealthy American merchant, the first of House Warwick's many American brides. She married Hereditary Prince Frederick, the only child of King Louis III, in 1826. Criticized as morganatic, the marriage was harmonious but deeply unpopular. Elizabeth was tiny but fierce, with Frederick calling her his "Pocket Artemis" due to her spirited personality and uncharacteristic love of hunting. During her time as Hereditary Princess, Elizabeth was a strong voice for social reforms, although her activism was pointedly ignored by the staunchly conservative king and royal dukes. Elizabeth and Frederick had no children at the time of his early death, sparking a succession crisis. Elizabeth remained close to her in-laws, but later remarried and had four children, the eldest of which was named Frederick.
C A R O L I N E married fifty-three-year-old James, Duke of Lennox when she was twenty-six. The marriage was chiefly a political one, in light of Prince Frederick's death and King Louis III's unhappy marriage with Queen Mary Caroline the Duke was increasingly likely to succeed to the throne. James despised his younger brothers, the Dukes of Glenciarn, Bessarion, Westminster, and Keele, and saw them as a threat to his inheritance. When a healthy son, the future Louis IV, was born in 1840, James was relieved.
Caroline herself was miserable. Her marriage to James had also produced several children who were stillborn or died in infancy. With her health permanently weakened, Caroline was isolated at Lennox House, where she lived with Louis separately from her husband. German by birth, she spoke broken English (although many historians believe this was an act to appear unassuming) and had a hard time adjusting to life in Sunderland. When she became Queen, her situation improved, but she attracted the ire of the Duchess of Glencairn by snubbing her son. Their rivalry would haunt Caroline for the rest of her life. While she was an affectionate mother to Louis, Caroline was intentionally cruel to James's numerous illegitimate children. She promptly banished them from court after James died in 1857.
Caroline has the great accomplishment of being the first woman to serve as a regent. During Louis IV's minority, she governed with a surprising level of competence; but she was unable to control Louis, who had grown temperamental and spoilt.
I M O G E N was stern and grim, with a sharp, unsmiling face. Despite this, in 1837 she left her home in England for the man she loved—the kindhearted Prince Henry, an amateur playwright and the third son of King Louis II. Imogen was passionately in love with her husband and she took pride in her two children. The couple's youngest, George, was the first male-line grandson of Louis II since Hereditary Prince Frederick's death, and Imogen was convinced he would be king someday.
Imogen was crushed by Henry's early death in 1840; after which she became paranoid, controlling, and antagonistic. For the next eighteen years, Imogen clung to George, fearing that his uncles would murder him to secure their own claims. When King Louis IV was enthroned in 1857, with Imogen's arch-enemy Queen Caroline serving as regent, Imogen returned to London, dragging her reluctant teenage children with her. By the time George became king in 1860, Imogen was estranged from him. The pair only reconciled after George became a father in 1862.
E L I Z A B E T H was another German princess who married a son of King Louis II. Prince Reginald's horrific reputation preseeded him, and the seventeen-year-old Elizabeth trembled on her way up to the altar. Reginald was a career soldier who lived a Spartan lifestyle and the rumours surrounding him ranged from off-putting to abhorrent. Luckily for Elizabeth, these rumours were mostly conjecture, and Reginald treated his wife with a "passing indifference". Reginald's military career was sporadic, and he left Elizabeth alone at his city estate for increasingly long stretches of time.
Elizabeth ran a carefree but lonely household. She was often seen picking flowers around the mansion's perimeter and trying to befriend the serving girls and vagabond women who passed through the estate, often giving away her possessions to win their friendship. In her later years, Elizabeth was aggravated by her late husband's debts. While Queen Alexandra, dismissed Elizabeth as peu de chose (not much), King George I was saddened when Elizabeth died.
J A N E had a habit of chewing on caraway seeds. She was pleasant, but known to pry. She came from a family of Sunderlandian aristocracy, a descendant of the Prussian entourage that followed King Louis I and Queen Whilmenina into Sunderland in the 1780s. Her family name Smith was adopted after King Louis II anglicized his own name from the German Hohenzollern to Warwick—an attempt to distance himself from Prussia. Jane married King Louis II's youngest surviving son, Prince Robert, who was fifteen years her senior. Robert was polarizing and widely despised for his controversial stint in the House of Lords. Despite this, the marriage was a happy one and Robert doted on his wife. Jane was the favourite aunt of King Louis IV but his successor, George I, had little love for her and his mother distrusted her.
M A R T H A was a large and domineering woman. Despite marrying the fifth son of King Louis II, she had a bravado that outpaced her station. Unlike her sisters-in-law, Martha remained a prominent member of the royal family during the reign of her nephew, King George I. Known to be an extravagant hostess, Dear Aunt Westminster drank and ate in excess, and habitually burned through her generous pension. She also quarrelled with Queen Alexandra, who thought her impertinent. Family drama quashed Martha's high ambitions in the later half of the 19th century. Her elder son was disinherited after marrying his mistress and her second entered a loveless political union that produced one daughter, Anne. Martha died at the age of ninety-five in 1911, making her one of the longest-lived members of the royal family. Just two years after her death, her granddaughter Anne married the future King George II.
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bejeweledblondie · 1 year
Fairytale Wedding
Captain John Price x F! Royalty Reader
Summary: a continuation of “A Knight in Shining Amor” After Y/N had recovered from her injuries she started to court Captain John Price. Even attending Trooping the Color with him. Soon a Royal proposal happened & the big wedding day is upon us
Warnings: Mention of a wedding night
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Y/N had been waiting for this day ever since she was the flower girl at her Aunt Mary’s wedding. Years of preparation went into this ceremony, all the way from the tiara she was to select from her grandmother’s collection to the flowers in her bouquet. She had waited years to find a man suitable for her, then came along John. He had saved her life & she grew fond of him. Over the past year they had been courting each other & attending formal events. However behind the privacy of the palace walls it was a whole different story. She was able to see that tender side of him & he was able to see her without all the Royal protocol. He was used to seeing her in a gorgeous ballgown, or all done up but he found her most beautiful in blue jeans.
So here she stood in front of the golden gilded mirror in her bedroom. Her wedding dress had been designed custom by Christian Dior & was adorned with beautiful floral appliqués representing each of the Commonwealth countries. It had a high neck resembling Grace Kelly’s iconic wedding dress & her veil was a cathedral length. The blusher draped over her face & went down to her elbows. She looked the epitome of what a royal bride was to be. John’s niece, Evelyn was in seventh heaven & couldn’t believe that his new aunt was a duchess. When she saw her new aunt in her wedding dress her eyes lit up.
“Auntie Y/N,” Her little voice squeaked out. She turned around to see the little girl looking up at her. “You are the prettiest princess I’ve ever seen.” She bent down & hugged the little girl.
“Thank you Eve,” Y/N replied. “And I’m sure you’ll make a wonderful bridesmaid.”
Price’s sister, Katherine & her sister now the Princess of Wales Caroline came in. Both were wearing the custom pale blue gowns that had been designed for them. Katherine picked up Eve & Caroline helped Y/N with the train.
“Ready to go?” Caroline asked. Caroline had already experienced her own wedding day & knew the jitters that Y/N was experiencing. Then started to walk out of the room & into the hallway. The private photographer they had hired was already snapping candid photos. Y/N started down the staircase & saw all of the palace staff watching her. She gave a soft smile in their direction they had seen her grow up & were a vital part of her upbringing. They were of equal importance to her that she shared this day with them.
She finally reached the bottom & walked to where the carriage was parked. Katherine put Evelyn in first & then helped Y/N with her gown. Caroline was near the steps into the carriage to lend a hand to make sure she didn’t fall. Once inside & seated next to Evelyn both ladies joined them. The foot man climbed up & grabbed onto the reigns.
“You ready your highness?” He asked.
“Yes I am! Let’s go!” She replied. Evelyn was practically bouncing in her seat it was the first time she was in a carriage & was absolutely elated. The childlike wonder of her future niece made Y/N wonder what her future children will be like. Soon they were off towards the large brass & golden gates of Buckingham Palace. Screaming crowds of people from all over the world lined the streets. Y/N waved to the people & Evelyn being the social butterfly she was yelled “hello” & waved. Katherine couldn’t help but laugh at her child soaking in the royal treatment.
The sun was out & shown down on the carriage. Y/N’s tiara she had on loan from her grandmother reflected off of the sunlight creating a bright effect. It just added to the beauty of the day. Finally they pulled up to the Westminster Abbey, & her dress was able to be put on full display. Katherine, Evelyn, & Caroline all stepped out before letting Y/N out. Caroline held out an arm while Katherine held onto Y/N’s bouquet & Evelyn.
Once Y/N was out of the carriage the already cheering crowds erupted into louder cheers. Katherine handed her the bouquet & held onto Evelyn’s hand as they started to walk into the cathedral. The priest was waiting for her at the front doors. He grabbed one her hands & gave her some words of endearment to help calm her nerves. Very similar to the ones he gave to John earlier.
At the alter John stood there staring at the thousands people. His team was in the second row all smiles. Ghosh was Simon today, he had ditched his skull mask for a clean shave. Soap showed up in a kilt to represent Scotland. Gaz was there for a good time & to represent his Captain. John hadn’t been this nervous since his first mission. He hadn’t felt this way about anyone ever, she was his whole world. He knew that the moment he visited her in the hospital. The organ started up & the choir started to sing a religious hymn. The crowd stood up & watched as the religious dignitaries walked first lead by the priest.
Then his beloved niece & older sister. He smiled at her as she waved excitedly while throwing petals. It made him wonder what the future children Y/N & him would have. Soon he saw his beloved, looking absolutely ravishing. She radiated pure love & the sunlight from the Abbey’s skylight make her sparkle. Tears started to well in John’s eyes when he saw her. Finally she had reached the alter, & after handing her bouquet to Caroline he took her left hand.
“You look beautiful.” He whispered to her.
“You look handsome.” She whispered back. He really did know how to pull off a British Army Officer’s dress uniform. The ceremony was long but the both of them soaked up every minute. Once the ceremony was complete, they had started to make their way together down the aisle. He had looked over to his team & Soap gave him two thumbs up. John shook his head & chucked.
After carriage ride through the streets of cheering of crowds who wanted to get a glimpse of the newly weds they had finally reached the palace. While the guests were starting to arrive for the reception Y/N & John along with their families were in the sitting room that the main balcony is connected to. John couldn’t stop staring at his bride, she was the most of beautiful thing he had ever laid his eyes on. It was clear her inner beauty reflected outwards. She had bumped into him & he had grabbed onto her waist insuring she didn’t fall.
“Jonathan Price, that better be your sword poking me.” She giggled.
“Its definitely a sword my dear but one you’ll see later on.” He whispered back into her ear causing her to blush. It was soon time for them to grace the balcony that was looking out onto the crowds celebrating the wedding. It was customary the couples saved their kiss for the balcony with the entire royal family.
With Y/N & John in the front both families surrounded them. The crowds were screaming “kiss her” over & over again. John placed his hands at her waist & took her in for a deep kiss. The roar from the crowd was amplified once they saw them lock lips. Once they broke apart they rest their foreheads against each others.
“I love you.” She said & looked into his eyes.
“I love you more.” He said & pulled her in for another kiss.
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tiaramania · 9 months
Tiaras of the future Queen Mary
I love a good list and @duchessofostergotlands requested one of the tiaras that Mary will wear as queen. As usual I had a lot to say.
Crown Jewels
Queen Caroline Amelie's Emerald Tiara
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Denmark is unusual among modern monarchies in that they still have wearable jewelry in their crown jewels. There is a diamond set, a pearl and ruby set, and of course the beautiful emerald parure. This tiara cannot be taken outside of Denmark and is only worn by the queen. I really hope Mary wears it for her first official portrait as queen.
Major Tiaras: Non-Restricted
Princess Louise's Pearl Poiré Tiara
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This tiara has only been worn by Queen Margrethe during her reign but previously was worn by crown princesses and princesses. It is a very important tiara but I wouldn't mind Queen Mary loaning this one occasionally to other people like Christian's future wife.
Queen Désirée's Ruby Parure Tiara
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Queen Ingrid kept this tiara even after her husband passed and then left it to Crown Prince Frederik for his future wife so it was never worn by Queen Margrethe. I expect Crown Princes Mary will continue wearing this tiara for now as the parure was extensively remodeled to suit her. When Christian marries, she may decide to pass it on to his wife establishing it as the de facto crown princess tiara, keep wearing it herself, or ideally keep wearing it while also loaning it the future crown princess.
Minor Tiaras
We don't yet know how Queen Margrethe will handle passing on her jewelry. In other countries with recent abdications, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands still attends tiara events but Queen Paola of Belgium and Queen Sofia of Spain do not. If Margrethe decides to keep attending them she may hold on to some of these for a while.
Grand Duchess Louise of Baden's Palmette Tiara
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This isn't my favorite tiara in the Danish vault because of the way it ends so abruptly instead of tapering off. Queen Mary's going to have to pull off some great tiara hair to cover that up.
Crown Princess Margaret's Turquoise Daisy Tiara
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Queen Mary looks good in turquoise but I'm really looking forward to seeing this tiara on Princess Isabella and Princess Josephine.
Queen Ingrid's Floral Aigrette Tiara
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I've loved the way Queen Margrethe played around with this tiara but I am looking forward to Queen Mary putting it back on a tiara frame like Queen Ingrid wore it.
Queen Margrethe's Naasut Tiara
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Queen Margrethe was given this tiara by Greenland in 2012 and I have been waiting for day it is worn by Queen Mary. I think the delicate gold flowers are really going to look great against her dark hair.
Personal Tiaras
Wedding Tiara
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Queen Margrethe gave this tiara to Crown Princess Mary as a wedding gift and Mary later had optional pearls added.
Ruby & Spinel Necklace Tiara
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Mary bought herself this tiara at an auction and debuted it 2015. I think it was a very smart move because it was only 8050 EUR (probably less than some of her gowns) and it will be a great piece for her children to wear in the future.
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Every country and monarch handles jewelry a little differently. Queen Margrethe gave each of her daughters-in-law a tiara but did not share any of her tiaras with them. She did share with her nieces (the daughters of her two sisters) when her sisters didn't have enough tiaras to loan them for events. I would like to see the future King Frederik X and Queen Mary change how the jewelry is dispersed.
First of all they need to stop giving away jewelry. The mainline has already lost the Queen Alexandrine's Diamond Drop Tiara to the Countess of Frederiksborg and Princess Dagmar's Diamond Floral Tiara to Princess Marie. Those are both beautiful, versatile tiaras that would have served the family well in the future. In the previous generation, Princess Benedikte was given Queen Sofia's Star & Pearl Tiara and her Floral Birthday Tiara made from other jewelry and Queen Anne Marie was given Crown Princess Margaret's Khedive Tiara and her Antique Corsage Tiara made from other jewelry. There's no reason to give away tiaras anymore to people whose descendants will have little reason to wear them.
Then to make up for not giving away any jewelry there needs to be more sharing! I don't want to see the same person wear the same tiara to every event. Queen Mary will have the Emerald Tiara exclusively and then may choose to keep the Pearl Poiré Tiara and Ruby Parure Tiara to herself but everything else should be shared among her daughters, daughters-in-law, and other members of the extended Danish Royal Family. It would make things so much more interesting.
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comtessezouboff · 9 months
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Paintings from Buckingham Palace: part I
A retexture by La Comtesse Zouboff — Original Mesh by @thejim07
100 followers gift!
First of all, I would like to thank you all for this amazing year! It's been a pleasure meeting you all and I'm beyond thankful for your support.
Spread among 13 occupied and historic royal residences in the United Kingdom, the collection is owned by King Charles III and overseen by the Royal Collection Trust. The British monarch owns some of the collection in right of the Crown and some as a private individual. It is made up of over one million objects, including 7,000 paintings, over 150,000 works on paper, this including 30,000 watercolours and drawings, and about 450,000 photographs, as well as around 700,000 works of art, including tapestries, furniture, ceramics, textiles, carriages, weapons, armour, jewellery, clocks, musical instruments, tableware, plants, manuscripts, books, and sculptures.
Some of the buildings which house the collection, such as Hampton Court Palace, are open to the public and not lived in by the Royal Family, whilst others, such as Windsor Castle, Kensington Palace and the most remarkable of them, Buckingham Palace are both residences and open to the public.
About 3,000 objects are on loan to museums throughout the world, and many others are lent on a temporary basis to exhibitions.
This first part includes the paintings displayed in the White Drawing Room, the Green Drawing Room, the Silk Tapestry Room, the Guard Chamber, the Grand Staircase, the State Dining Room, the Queen's Audience Room and the Blue Drawing Room,
This set contains 37 paintings and tapestries with the original frame swatches, fully recolourable. They are:
White Drawing Room (WDR):
Portrait of François Salignan de la Mothe-Fénelon, Archbishop of Cambrai (Joseph Vivien)
Portrait of a Lady (Sir Peter Lely)
Portrait of a Man in Armour with a red scarf (Anthony van Dyck)
Portrait of Alexandra of Denmark, Queen Consort of the United Kingdom and Empress of India (François Flameng)
Green Drawing Room (GDR):
Portrait of Prince James Stuart, Duke of Cambridge (John Michael Wright)
Portrait of Frederick Henry, Charles Louis and Elizabeth: Children of Frederick V and Elizabeth of Bohemia (unknown)
Portrait of Infanta Isabel Clara Eugenia of Autria and her Sister, Infanta Catalina Micaela of Austria (Alonso Sanchez Coello)
Portrait of Princess Louisa and Princess Caroline of the United Kingdom (Francis Cotes)
Portrait of Queen Charlotte with her Two Eldest Sons, Frederick, Later Duke of York and Prince George of Wales (Allan Ramsay)
Portrait of Richard Colley Wellesley, Marquess of Wellesley (Martin Archer Shee)
Portrait of the Three Youngest Daughters of George III, Princesses Mary, Amelia and Sophia (John Singleton Copley)
Silk Tapestry Room (STR):
Portrait of Caroline of Brunswick, Princess of Wales, Playing the Harp with Princess Charlotte (Sir Thomas Lawrence)
Portrait of Augusta, Duchess of Brunswick With her Son, Charles George Augustus (Angelica Kauffmann)
Guard Chamber (GC):
Les Portières des Dieux: Bacchus (Manufacture Royale des Gobelins)
Les Portières des Dieux: Venus (Manufacture Royale des Gobelins)
Les Portières des Dieux (Manufacture Royale des Gobelins)
Grand Staircarse (GS):
Portrait of Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen, Queen Consort of Great Britain (Martin Archer Shee)
Portrait of Augustus, Duke of Sussex (Sir David Wilkie)
Portrait of Edward, Duke of Kent (George Dawe)
Portrait of King George III of Great Britain (Sir William Beechey)
Portrait of King William IV of Great Britain when Duke of Clarence (Sir Thomas Lawrence)
Portrait of Leopold I, King of the Belgians (William Corden the Younger)
Portrait of Prince George of Cumberland, Later King George V of Hanover When a Boy (Sir Thomas Lawrence)
Portrait of Princess Charlotte Augusta of Wales (George Dawe)
Portrait of Queen Charlotte at Frogmore House (Sir William Beechey)
Portrait of Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saafeld, Duchess of Kent (Sir George Hayter)
State Dining Room (SDR):
Portrait of Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Queen Consort of the United Kingdom in Coronation Robes (Allan Ramsay)
Portrait of King George III of the United Kingdom in Coronation Robes (Allan Ramsay)
Portrait of Augusta of Saxe-Gotha, Princess of Wales (Jean-Baptiste Van Loo)
Portrait of Caroline of Ansbach when Princess of Wales (Sir Godfrey Kneller)
Portrait of Frederick, Princes of Wales (Jean-Baptiste Van Loo)
Portrait of King George II of Great Britain (John Shackleton)
Portrait of King George IV of the United Kingdom in Garther Robes (Sir Thomas Lawrence)
Queen's Audience Room (QAR):
Portrait of Anne, Duchess of Cumberland and Strathearn (née Anne Luttrel) in Peeress Robes (Sir Thomas Gainsborough)
Portrait of Prince Henry, Duke of Cumberland and Strathearn in Peer Robes (Sir Thomas Gainsborough)
London: The Thames from Somerset House Terrace towards the City (Giovanni Antonio Canal "Canaletto")
View of Piazza San Marco Looking East Towards the Basilica and the Campanile (Giovanni Antonio Canal "Canaletto")
Blue Drawing Room (BDR)
Portrait of King George V in Coronation Robes (Sir Samuel Luke Fildes)
Portrait of Queen Mary of Teck in Coronation Robes (Sir William Samuel Henry Llewellyn)
Found under decor > paintings for:
500§ (WDR: 1,2 & 3)
1850§ (GDR: 1)
1960§ (GDR: 2 & 3 |QAR 3 & 4)
3040§ (STR, 1 |GC: 1 & 2|SDR: 1 & 2)
3050§ (GC:1 |GS: all 10|WDR: 4 |SDR: 3,4,5 & 6)
3560§ (QAR: 1 & 2|STR: 2)
3900§ (SDR: 7| BDR: 1 & 2|GDR: 4,5,6 & 7)
Retextured from:
"Saint Mary Magdalene" (WDR: 1,2 & 3) found here .
"The virgin of the Rosary" (GDR: 1) found here .
"The Four Cardinal Virtues" (GDR: 2&3|QAR 3 & 4) found here.
"Mariana of Austria in Prayer" (STR, 1, GC: 1 & 2|SDR: 1 & 2) found here.
"Portrait of Philip IV with a lion at his feet" (GC:1 |GS: all 10|WDR: 4 |SDR: 3,4,5 & 6) found here
"Length Portrait of Mrs.D" (QAR: 1 & 2|STR: 2) found here
"Portrait of Maria Theresa of Austria and her Son, le Grand Dauphin" (SDR: 7| BDR: 1 & 2|GDR: 4,5,6 & 7) found here
(you can just search for "Buckingham Palace" using the catalog search mod to find the entire set much easier!)
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@joojconverts @ts3history @ts3historicalccfinds @deniisu-sims @katsujiiccfinds @gifappels-stuff
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blueplumbbob · 3 months
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The Royal Jewels of Iverny (part 1)
Queen Catherine's Emerald Diadem
Out of any tiara in the Ivernian royal collection, none are more closely associated with one specific member of the royal family than the emerald and diamond kokoshnik often worn by Princess Claudia, Princess Royal. While it is lovingly called "Princess Claudia's Tiara" by both the public and the royal family, the tiara is formally known as Queen Catherine's Emerald Diadem.
In 1891, Grand Duchess Yekaterina Alexandrovna of Russia, a great-granddaughter of Emperor Paul I of Russia, was betrothed to the third son of King Philip III of Iverny and Queen Mary Josephine, Prince Richard, the future Duke of Ettinger. As a wedding gift, the bride's parents commissioned a kokoshnik tiara set with emeralds from the collections of the bride's grandmothers, Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna and Grand Duchess Anna Feodorovna. The young Yekaterina was delighted, and the tiara became a beloved reminder of home as she entered in to a new chapter of life in Iverny as Duchess of Ettinger.
After the tragic and sudden death of her niece Queen Jane II in the fall of 1918, Catherine stepped into her new role as consort alongside her husband, the newly crowned King Richard V. Her emerald kokoshnik tiara was worn for countless state dinners, galas, balls, and portraits throughout her eight-year tenure as queen, and into the 1930s and 1940s in her role as Queen Mother.
In 1949, on the occasion of her granddaughter's 15th birthday, Queen Catherine gifted the tiara to King Arthur V's only daughter, Princess Catherine. The young Princess Royal was said to be "positively elated" by the gift from her namesake. The Princess Royal wore the tiara regularly up until the early 1970s, when she gifted it to her niece, Princess Claudia. Reportedly, the note given to Princess Claudia alongside the tiara read "from one Princess Royal to Another, from your dear Aunt Cathy."
Princess Claudia first debuted Queen Catherine's Emerald Diadem in 1972. Over the past fifty years, the Princess Royal has worn the tiara almost exclusively, from her brother's coronation in 1976 to her own wedding in 1988 to nearly every state dinner. It is unknown if the Princess Royal will continue to wear the tiara into her old age, or if she will pass it on to her own niece, the junior Princess Royal, Princess Caroline, Countess Hatheway, as many anticipate.
HRH Catherine, Duchess of Ettinger, wears the yet-unnamed tiara in a portrait photograph, 1893.
HM Queen Catherine's first official painted portrait in her role as Queen consort, 1921.
HRH Princess Catherine, Princess Royal, wears her grandmother's Emerald Diadem at the French State Dinner, 1957.
HRH Princess Claudia, Princess Royal, shakes hands with guests at His Majesty's Charity Benefit Gala in Gaucelin, 1980.
post inspired by @warwickroyals 💙
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telekinetictrait · 1 year
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If I see but one smile on your lips when we meet, occasioned by this or any other exertion of mine, I shall need no other happiness. (Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus - Mary Shelley, 1818)
heres part two of my 223 years of fashion series! we're well into the regency era now and we see what's mostly associated with this era: spencer jackets, neoclassical silhouettes, and lots of curls. you see more trim and design in this era, as well as a popularization of fur due to napoleonic spread in eastern europe. you'll also notice that a lot of things in this era are slowly getting wider and larger: sleeves, skirts, hats... the elegant simplicity of the regency starts to transition into early victorian shapes.
see 1800-1809 here
cc links under the cut!
see my resources page!
bambi - simsbrush's andrea hair / simstrouble's candace butterflies / sifix's priscilla dress (tsr download) / vibrantpixel's lede gloves
beatrix - la-sims-society's lizzy hair / yakfarm's duchess pearl necklace / sifix's beatrice dress (tsr download)
bhumi - linzlu's birthday bonnet / serenity-cc's karol low bun / royaltysimblr's regency spencer dress / dissia's amy accessory sleeves (tsr download) / gilded-ghosts' hartfield boots
bianca - okruee's venus hair / peebsplays' regency pearl tiara / maushasi's acc. lace top (search 'lace', accessory included in file) / clepysdra's pasiphae dress / simsonico's shining nikki shy lady gloves conversion
bjela - gilded-ghosts' woodhouse bonnet, bennet bun, sensibility skirt, and charlotte spencer jacket / dancemachinetrait's jane flats
blesille - leeleesims1's in the groove hair / vintagesimstress's 1815 emma ball gown / evellsims' mx. sinister gloves / dancemachinetrait's caroline flats
bonnie - linzlu's fancy bonnet / serenity-cc's karol low bun / simverses' fur cape converstion / zeussims' anne dress / dancemachinetrait's kitty flats
bridgette - gilded-ghosts' bennet bun / zeussim's phuong hat / barbieaiden's transparent shirt (accessory) / batsfromwesteros's black evening gown / dissia's aiyana accessory sleeves (tsr download) / dancemachinetrait's caroline flats
bunny - elfdor's acanthus-sims flowered bergere hat recolor / serenity-cc's karol low bun / historicalsimslife's emma regency dress / dancemachinetrait's pemberley gloves
byrony - serenity-cc's karol low bun / elfdor's regency dress #1 / honeycuts' raffia shoes
thank you to @simsbrush @simstrouble @vibrantpixels @la-sims-society @yakfarm @linzlu @serenity-cc @royaltysimblr @dissiasims @gilded-ghosts @okruee @peebsplays @clepysdra @simsonico @dancemachinetrait @leeleesims1 @vintagesimstress @evellsims @simverses @zeussim @barbieaiden @batsfromwesteros @elfdor and @historicalsimslife !!!
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wonder-worker · 6 months
"Anne Stanhope was a devoted and loyal wife and mother. She was also a politician, a committed religious reformer, and a survivor of Tudor intrigue. It was her actions and her connections at court that saved the Seymour family from ruin throughout the reigns of Edward VI, Mary I, and Elizabeth I. Her activities as a patroness of religious literature distinguished her from many of her contemporaries. Anne also worked with both of her husbands – but with Edward Seymour in particular – to form influential political partnerships. [...] The Duke and Duchess of Somerset’s struggle with Thomas Seymour in the late 1540s, however, set the groundwork for Anne’s unfortunate historical image. Almost immediately, writers and historians slandered her reputation. She became a stereotypical “bad wife” – proud, nagging, vengeful. By looking beyond this image, however, scholars may now view Anne Stanhope’s story in a more balanced light."
-Caroline Elizabeth Armbruster, '"A woman for many imperfections intolerable": Anne Stanhope, the Seymour family, and the Tudor court', (MA thesis, Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, 2013)
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