#Dunno if I should keep tagging spoilers but gonna keep doing it just in case
“Born from the Same Ink” Ch. 5 Sneak Peek
Hey fam, not dead.  [Insert good explanation for not updating here] Gonna post an update this weekend. Probably on Friday? Still figuring that part out. 
This sneak peek is my favorite part of the chapter (which is why I’m sharing it) but it requires a titch of background info. They’re in the hotel/building where you get the ID card in the game and Bendy is carrying an emotional support plush of himself. Yep. 
Enjoy! 😘
“Alright Bendy, I’m going to need you to wait here for a bit while I explore the hotel’s upper floors, okay?”
It was not okay.
The demon immediately latched onto her leg, wrapping his arms and legs around the limb. He vigorously shook his head with a pleading gaze. 
Heart panging, Audrey attempted to gently dislodge the little guy. “I’m sorry, but I need to find the ID card. I’ll be right back-”
His  eyes filled with tears and she worried that if he started crying she wouldn’t have the mental fortitude to leave him. Glancing around frantically for a distraction, she spied a Boris plush on the chair behind the reception desk. 
She took a single step towards it and was unable to lift her other leg due to the distressed toon clinging to it.
Exasperated, she wondered how he managed to weigh her down now despite the ease with which she was able to carry him earlier. 
“I’m not going yet,” she sighed, “just…please let me reach the desk.”
After a tense second, he mostly released her leg and she hobbled over to the counter. Turning the swivel chair around, she picked up the Boris plush. Crouching to Bendy’s level, she offered him the toy. 
“Look!” she feigned excitement, speaking in an overly cheerful tone, “now mini-Bendy has a new friend! You three can play together while I’m gone. Does that seem fair?”
Hugging the Boris plush against the Bendy plush, he fixed her with a fearful and desperate expression. Audrey regretted giving him the doll as she found herself facing not one, not two, but three sets of cartoon eyes instilling her with a sense of neglect. Almost like they were accusing her of abandonment. 
Skin prickling with shame, the animator glanced away and stood up. This time, Bendy allowed her to approach the hole in the ceiling without protest, although she could feel the burning weight of his gaze on her back. 
As she stood underneath the gap, she hesitated. Her desires to explore and locate the ID card brawled with her worries and concern. A new fear was shoved to the forefront of her mind. What if a lost one wandered in while she was gone? If the toon needed her, he couldn’t call out to her for help. 
As the Ink Demon, he could clearly handle himself, but as Bendy? She wasn’t so sure. Considering how he reacted to her previous fights, either he was unwilling or unable to change at the moment. Could she really justify leaving him alone, especially if he was vulnerable? It’s not like he could call out to her if he was in trouble…
Audrey had an idea. 
Swiveling around, she strode back to the reception desk, easily locating the object she desired. She tested it out and it let out a satisfying ding. 
Lifting a confused yet unresistant Bendy into the air, the animator placed him on the swivel chair. 
“If you need me, ring this-” she pointed meaningfully at the call bell resting on the reception desk's dusty surface, “and I’ll come right back. Can you do that for me?” 
The aura of fear plaguing the toon lessened. Still nervous, he nodded. 
Relieved, the artist went to leave. She managed one step forward when the bell rang. 
When she turned to face Bendy, he was watching her with an expression of deep longing.
Quenching the bit of annoyance that rose up within her, she forced a smile. “Wait to ring the bell until you can’t see me anymore, okay?” 
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amintyworld · 3 years
Silent World - Dream SMP Drabble
A/N: I’ve heard so many people talk about what if Tubbo got blinded permanently by Technoblade’s firework shot during the Manburg Festival, but I raise you this - what if Wilbur got deaf by the TNT blast? Hope you enjoy! - Minty
TW: Suicide mention, death mention, explosion mention, losing hearing, self-deprecation (I guess..?), cursing. (tell me if I need to tag anything else!)
As always, spoilers for events on the Dream SMP!
Wilbur’s head was pounding as she tried desperately to move. He looked around at where he was, surprised at the fact that the blast didn’t kill him as planned. Well, live and learn. He was lying in bed in a cozy house - definitely not Tommy’s, there was door - as he shifted, he noticed his right wrist cuffed to the bed. 
Well, fair enough, he was expecting that.
None of this house looked familiar at all - did they build it after? How long was he out for? There was a fireplace in the corner, another bed, a crafting table, and chest in another. No windows - a bit odd, but okay. He felt sore, and his body craved more rest, but Wilbur refused. If the TNT didn’t work, he’d finish the job himself, he just needed a weapon.
The door opened, and in walked - was that Phil? He looked tired, really tired. Tubbo followed in after... why were they both so quiet? Tubbo looked upset and troubled. It only took a few seconds to notice him, Phil rushed over looking happy, tears in his eyes. His mouth was moving - Wilbur could see that - so why wasn’t he hearing anything? Phil pulled him into a tight hug that he winced quickly at when his injuries burned in pain. Tubbo stood at the foot of the bed, his mouth was moving too, he looked concerned. Why didn’t he hear them?
Phil turned to look at Tubbo, and then back to him, looking worried. He spoke, he know he spoke because his lips moved. Why couldn’t he hear him?!
He tried saying ‘what?’ but then he realized he couldn’t even hear himself. Tubbo made Phil move aside as he grabbed a book and quil, writing something.
‘Can you hear us at all?’
Wilbur shook his head no, confused. Tubbo wrote somethng again, holding it out to Wilbur to read. ‘I’m gonna use this to talk to you, okay?’
Wilbur nodded, and Tubbo wrote down more. ‘I’m pretty sure you know why you’re restrained right now. After the blast, Phil found you and he’s been helping you recover. This is his house. You’re still healing from the blast, we didn’t know when or if you’d wake up.’
I mean, understandable. The one thing Wilbur didn’t understand is why Phil took care of him. He knows what he did to L’manburg, right? Tubbo was the only person so far who made some kind of sense - Wilbur would put money that the restraints were his idea. Smart move in his part. Tubbo held out the quill for him to take, and he pointed to his restrained arm. Tubbo sighed and looked to Philza, talking.
‘If we move the restraint to your other arm for one moment, we need to make sure you’re not gonna run off. Can you promise not to run off?’
Wilbur nodded. It’s not like he could get very far anyway - it was two against one, and besides, he didn’t know exactly where he was. He let him move the cuff to the other arm, Tubbo tensing when he took it off on his right, expecting him to move. Holding the quil, he didn’t know what to write, he still had so many questions - where exactly was he? Why didn’t they just let him die? Did his plan even work?
‘How much damage did the blast do?’
When Tubbo read it, Wilbur could see the rage behind his eyes as he angrily scribbled out a response. ‘A few craters, but we fixed them in a matter of days.’
Someone must have messed with the TNT... fuck. He didn’t want to be here, he didn’t want to face their angry faces, none of them understood anyway. ‘If I hurt L’manburg, why didn’t you let me die in the blast?’ Tubbo’s angry expression softened quickly, and he didn’t meet Wilbur’s eyes as he wrote.
‘Despite what you did, you still deserve a trial. You’ll be brought to justice and they’ll decide. I just want to know why.’
‘You know why.’
‘The real reason. Not some kind of excuse.’
Wilbur sighed frustratingly. He couldn’t even believe the reason that was right in front of him because he didn’t like the answer. Typical Tubbo.
‘How long was I out?’
‘Three weeks. We were starting to lose hope.’
Hope? Of what? Hope that he was alive? After what he did, they were HOPING he was alive?! There was so much about this he didn’t understand - they hated what he did, but they didn’t hate him? Why wouldn’t they hate him - he’d the one who pushed the button, he’s the one who ignited the TNT. What were they hoping for when he woke up? That it was a mistake?! That he had some kind of crippling regret?!  At least, now he had some kind of idea of the time passed.
Tubbo passed the book over the Philza and looked to him one last time before he left, the door closing behind him. 
‘Where’s everyone else? Where’s Tommy?’
‘Everyone’s been a bit on edge since the explosion. Tommy specifically. Technoblade left after he spawned the withers, I haven’t heard from him since. Tubbo’s been trying to keep everyone together.’ A little bit down from there, he added. ‘You scared me. I’m glad you’re alive.’
‘Because you’re my son, and I love you.’
‘But I nearly destroyed everything. Everything we’ve worked so hard for.’
‘No matter what you do, I’ll always love you, Wilbur.’
‘You shouldn’t.’ Wilbur wrote. “Nobody should. I don’t understand why all of you are so forgiving with me - I almost destroyed the entire country, and you save me. Why?! Villains don’t get saved.” 
“You’re not a villain. You just-” After that, there were a bunch of scribbles, and eventually: ‘You’re my son, Wilbur. I’m always going to be here for you to protect you.’
‘What if I don’t need protecting? What if this was my choice?’
“I’ll still love you, even if I disagree with what you did.’
‘Always sticking by someone after they’ve hurt you is stupid. You’ll only get more hurt. I thought you were smarter than that.’
‘I know you won’t hurt me again, just like I know I’ll never hurt you - because I saw how scared you were when the explosions began.’
“Tommy, can we talk for a minute?” Tubbo stood in the doorway of Tommy’s house, where the guy in question was hunched over his crafting bench, ignoring him. “Tommy-?”
Tubbo knew Tommy when he was upset or nervous - the way he shook, the tensity of his voice and his eyes that were a mixture of raw emotion. “I’d love to stay and chat, Tubbo, but I’m busy, you know me - busy busy busy!” As Tommy rushed toward the door, Tubbo blocked it. 
“With what?” Tubbo said sternly - he was tired of his friend avoiding him and more importantly, avoiding facing what happened. He knew Tommy needed space, and he was happy to let him have it, but this had gone on long enough.
“With... with... mining, and fixing up my house, and-”
“You already mined yesterday, and your house is more than fine.”
“Well, well I want to update it, and-”
“Tommy.” Tubbo said sternly. “You haven’t talked to me in almost a week. I’m worried.”
“Fine.” Tommy sighed, turning back inside his house and sitting with a thump on his bed. “I’m sorry, I just...” His friend ran his hands though his hair as he sighed. “I dunno what to do, what to think anymore. Wilbur and Technoblade both betrayed us, and they’re... I was friends with them, I fought with them.”
“I get it.” Tubbo said. “It hasn’t been easy for me either. It’s hard to be the person people keep looking to you for answers, when you don’t even know what the right thing to do is. But you shouldn’t just ignore it all.”
“I know, I know!” Tommy said as he covered his face with his hands. “I guess part of me hoped it would just disappear.” He looked over to his friend. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, if anyone would understand how you’re feeling right now, it would be me.” Tubbo said, sitting down next to Tommy on the bed. “Wilbur’s awake.”
Tommy’s eyes widened. “What? But I thought you said-!”
“I know what I said. I was wrong. He’s awake, but I... I think he’s lost his hearing.” Tubbo said. “I know Phil didn’t see any external damage, but I think something may have burst internally with his ears.”
“Is he okay?”
“It seemed like he was - we had to write to talk.” Tubbo said. “He seemed angry, stubborn... he asked about the explosion, of course, and why we saved him. I think... I think he wanted to die in that explosion.”
Wilbur got better little by little, and talked with Phil every day through the notebook. At first, Wilbur barely spoke to him, only to tell him about his pain or what he needed. Over time, Wilbur opened up again to Phil as he did all those years ago as a kid. Wilbur knew that Phil knew his biggest secret - he knew how scared he was when the pain ripped through his body, when all he saw was destruction and blood over what he made. He’d planned on taking all that to his grave, but... that wasn’t the case. Wilbur knew there was no point in trying to continually push his father away, because no matter what he kept staying by his side.
He stayed by his side when Wilbur tried to stab himself through the stomach. 
He stayed by his side when he tried to run away, ending up on the floor due to his weak muscles.
He stayed by his side when Wilbur tried to threaten him into killing him.
For some reason, Phil didn’t quit, and Wilbur couldn’t get him to quit. Knowing this, they came to a mutual understanding of one another, and they grew closer as they once were.
Wilbur still didn’t think he could ever understand why they didn’t hate him for what he’d caused, and he didn’t think he ever would. Now, sitting on his bed with his legs dangling off the side, he felt worried. The trial was in a few days, and Wilbur needed to be able to walk by then. Phil had told him that he could lean on him as much as he wanted to, but he needed to try to move on his own.
He grabbed Phil’s arm to steady himself as he stood up, his legs shaking from underuse. Nonetheless, Wilbur kept trying, willing his legs to move, MOVE- and soon he took a step. Then another. And another. Finally, when Phil tapped his twice on the shoulder - their signal he was going to let go - Wilbur closed his eyes and took another step, bracing to fall...
...and he didn’t. 
Wilbur would admit he was still getting used to the silence, how weird it felt to see Phil clapping and not hear it at all. It was weird, the silence. It could be deafening - a dad joke Wilbur was tired of hearing at this point - but also serene. Peaceful. After hearing the loud explosion that made his heart drop, he was happy to have the silence. It welcomed him and comforted him, and he liked it. 
Not that it didn’t have its disadvantages - of course it could be scary - but there were moments that he knows he’d never have if he did have his hearing. His thoughts were more organized, he had more time to himself to figure things out on his own.
Now, stepping outside and feeling the sun on his face and the grass beneath his feet, he was happy. Sure, he didn’t have everything figured out yet - his feelings about the TNT, his treatment of Tommy, the explosion - all his feelings  were still so complicated, and he knew that he wasn’t the best person he could be, but he was going to get better. If Phil couldn’t give up on him, he wouldn’t give up on himself either.
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panharmonium · 3 years
next round of in-progress naruto thoughts under the cut!  we started season 12 finally and we’re only like ten episodes into it but i have already experienced the most stressful moment of my life so.  lots to scream about.
[spoiler policy disclaimer first, as always: I am watching naruto for the first time and have only gotten a partway into season 12.  i am trying to avoid spoilers, so please don’t interact with this (tags included, because the notifications now show them to me automatically) with any spoilery commentary, including even general things like “oh i love this show but it gets less good after X point” or “X season is better than Y season” or any general assessments of quality/likability/etc re: future seasons.  Thank you! <3 ]
- the amount of information dumped on us in the first half of this season is SO MUCH!!!!  i don’t remember any of it!  i can’t keep it straight!  we met kushina and did the entire nine-tails attack backstory and all that stuff about the land of eddies and the previous nine-tails jinchuriki (which, UH....yikes), and then a bunch of very confusing information about the sage of the six paths (we still don’t even know what that title MEANS) and some kind of special/complementary creation powers inherent to the senju and uchiha clans that apparently were used to create the tailed beasts from the ten-tails, and then all these references to other things like....madara fighting the first hokage to acquire his powers?  madara giving nagato the rinnegan (...how?)  nagato being an uzumaki??  and then we get dumped into the actual formation of the allied shinobi forces and how they’re organized and that in itself it a lot for me to keep straight........so many characters...i still don’t know half their names....i feel like i need to rewatch the entire first half of this season just to try to absorb all of this information again
- i can’t believe this show actually gave one of the mothers a personality.  shocking.  
- re: above - i liked kushina a lot.  but can i just say, while we’re on the subject, how FUCKED UP her entire story is???????  the hidden leaf administration......imported a child........to make her the nine-tails jinchuriki......a fate in which she had no say.....that’s.........abhorrently fucked up.  i thought we’d reached the limit of “how evil is this administration actually” but i guess not
- relatedly, i still feel like.......weird about minato’s choices?  not really sure where i stand on that one yet.  like...they kind of make us assume up until these episodes that minato HAD to use the reaper death seal and sacrifice his own life in order to stop the nine-tails, but now we know that’s not even the case.  kushina was going to take the nine-tails down with her.  minato didn’t actually have to die, and kushina didn’t want him to.  she didn’t want to make naruto the jinchuriki, and she didn’t want him to grow up without any parents.  and it’s not like her original plan would have been a permanent solution for everyone; minato says the nine-tails will just reemerge someday if they don’t seal it inside someone now, but still.  i dunno.  
it’s not like an EVIL choice.  i get what he’s saying.  i just don’t know how i feel about it.  minato on the whole has just been a character that i haven’t quite figured out how to connect with - i don’t dislike him, and i WANT to like him more than i already do, but even back at the end of the kakashi chronicles his vibe just felt a little weird to me.  a little...detached.  i dunno if i’m just like...wanting him to be something other than what he is, because the show builds him up so much as the ideal?  but then he doesn’t quite match what i envision.  
he’s not BAD in any way.  i just keep wanting him to be...warmer, or something, and maybe that’s just not who he is.
- i was bizarrely fond of young!Killer Bee.  the way he was just such an optimistic kid who never let anything get him down...he’s kinda like naruto in that way.
- and i had a Very strong reaction to that moment where motoi apologizes for trying to kill Bee that one time and Bee’s smiling response is “you know, i don’t remember that happening.”  that was, uh.....you can definitely feel what they’re getting at with that.  
honestly, the second half of this show is doing a lot with radical forgiveness/compassion and that is one of my BIGGEST thematic weaknesses, so i’m prepared to continue getting punched with it.
- KISAME LMAOOOO.  man, i’m gonna miss him.  i guess if you’ve gotta go out, feeding yourself to your own sharks is one way to do it.  
- i loved that flashback to kisame meeting itachi lol.  they have a brief tense moment and then kisame literally is just ‘lets be friends and have some fun’ and he’s not SERIOUS obviously; it’s meant in a ‘let’s just not make waves here so we can get our work done,’ but then it’s hilarious because the two of them literally never argue again.  they’re the only two akatsuki members who actually get along XD
- KONAN OMG.  ;________;  
- how fucking badass do you have to be to pull off that move though.  six hundred billion paper bombs???  six hundred BILLION?????????
- i was EMOTIONALLY COMPROMISED by the sudden jiraiya flashbacks and his little froggy tile system for keeping track of the children, oh my god.  that was...no.
- loved naruto telling the nine-tails “i’m sorry...i won’t do wrong by you...just hang in there for a while longer”.......i loved that.  (see again: radical compassion)
- how DARE they use the reanimation jutsu on asuma.  how DARE THEY.  
- i....really can’t imagine that sasuke is gonna be cool with them using itachi’s dead body like that.  like i know he can’t see that they’re doing it right now, but those bandages have gotta come off at some point, right? 
- definitely Did Not Like kabuto saying that he also reanimated “other shinobi of significance”...that really just leaves the door wiiiiide open and that is a stressful feeling
okay now the main event -
you guys i cannot emphasize enough how upset i am about yamato being trapped in kabuto’s clutches i was clutching a blankie the whole time we were watching and i cannot stop thinking about it even into today; i am just sobbing on the inside
one of this show’s recurring themes is the whole “treating people as if they’re nothing more than weapons/tools to be exploited is bad actually; maybe we should stop doing that” (eg the cultural view of shinobi, the jinchuriki, the hyuga clan’s curse marks, all of orochimaru’s “projects” [kimimaro, taka, etc]), and yamato is another victim of that - we’ve barely gotten any details about his history yet but we do know that he was originally one of orochimaru’s experiments and i just cannot STAND the thought of him being back in the hands of those fucking people.  i cannot stand the thought of him being tortured and stripped down and experimented on.  the idea of him being trapped in this dehumanizing position again is KILLING ME INSIDE.  i need kakashi to break in there and rescue him YESTERDAY.
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ofmythsandmadness · 4 years
So...I finished season two. And I’ve got a lot of thoughts.
I’m putting ALL my thoughts under the tab so please, don’t click unless you’ve seen it all, and/or you just....like don’t care about spoilers? But please if you’ve not watched it, watch it first ‘cause it deserves all the hype and attention. 
(if you haven’t watched yet, go into your settings and blacklist the tag ‘tua spoilers’ because that’ll help you avoid anything if you don’t want to be spoiled, at least on here)
Also, this is part one to my thoughts, because it’d be much too long to list it all here! Part two will be linked below this :)
This is going to be SO badly organized, but I’m gonna do my best to make it otherwise! I’m separating it all under sub-headers, just so you don’t have to read through ALL my thoughts on the series (but there’s a lot, sorry).
I legit just watched it all last night, so it’s fresh but also still jumbled and messy. So bear with me.
Also, let me know what you thought, I’m eager to hear others’ opinions of this show!
AS A WHOLE... So, so, SO damn good. I was scared, and worried and I thought there was gonna be a lot more pain...but it was so good. Arguably better than the first season, I think because the characters are fleshed out and have developed more, and I felt myself caring more for their wellbeings (even though I would have already died for most of them).
Honestly, no. This season WAs better than the first and I’m gonna stick with that.
I also really loved the colour scheme of it all?? I think they did that really well the first season too, but the colour choices and how they alternated between blue and orange, it keeps your attention and adds a vibrance to the characters that was there before but not so loudly.
I want to watch it again and admire how they shot/edited it too, because I actually really was impressed with the shots too (normally Netflix shows aren’t super cinematography-heavy, don’t know if that’s how to say that, but TUA really came through and I’m impressed). I don’t want to drone on about that because i know most don’t care about that as much, so I’ll leave it at just...I was impressed, and most happy with the overall presentation of the show.
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The way i actually now love him?? 
I mean I felt bad for him in S1, but here he’s an actual character and I cared about HIM, rather than what he had gone through. From the moment he said ‘I don’t give a shit’ in episode one, I liked him again and I’m SO glad. 
I didn’t really love how he still pushed for him and Allison...I mean, I understand that you can’t just erase the feelings, they still stand, but I would have liked a little bit less of it. It’s just awkward to watch and to contrast with Klaus literally calling them out, I appreciate that it wasn’t so prevalent but it was still there. 
But overall!! He became a character I actually really liked, he was actually funny too?? Dorky too, and also just more sure of who he was as a person rather than the number...Luther rights.
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One word: BIIIITCH.
He was one of my favourites from the show pre-S2, and now I can say he might just be my favourite. I would fight fire for that man.
I didn’t think he’d be almost the main character of this show (obviously one of them, because they’re all main characters ig) but I liked it a lot! We really got nothing about who he is as a person in Season One, and though a lot of people were able to fill in the emotional blanks, there was a lot more given to his character and who he is beneath the hard-headed vigilante.
I think David Casteneda did a brilliant job on his character, and had one of the best performances out of all of them. I knew he was good, but I truly was shocked at how good he did as Diego, and I’m happy to see him as an actor thrive and get more credit. He deserves it, and I’m quite happy. 
Surprisingly, he was the character to make me cry (I cried at Ben too, don’t worry, but!). When Reginald said that shit to him, I was in fucking pain. I won’t get too deep into it, but just the way his face dropped, and then the stutter - it struck a cord and I cried more at that then I did the rest of the show. Dunno. Maybe that’s just me.
But just like...I wish he had more support...everyone just kept calling him dumb and mocking him and I KNOW his obsession with JFK was dumb and aligned with the Luther moon thing and he didn’t have the greatest plans and I’m not saying all of his actions were right, but he was fucking TRYING. And some of it, they played it off for comedic effect but they were literally just trashing on him for doing the right thing and making him look stupid...it made me a little sad.
I am glad, however, at how he rekindled with all his siblings. Because arguably, Diego was an asshole to all of them and though again, arguably they all were and none of them are doing well and there are reasons - they were all assholes to each other, and especially him to them, especially Vanya when she really didn’t deserve it. And to see them at least begin to mend their relationship made me so happy. The way that in the end, they sat together?? And how he accepted her apology just like that?? I sob.
The scene where diego just says ‘there’s this girl I like - I CRACKED UP AND I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHY IT’S SO FUNNY BUT JFC THAT WAS SO FUNNY. That and threatening Olga - top tier funniest moments of the season for  me. They really amped up the comedy this season and I’m happy.
One thing I didn’t get was in the last episode, when he bent the bullets’ trajectory for Five...did he know he could do that? Like I understand that he could do it, but we never saw him do anything else around those lines, aside from in the doomsday season ep1, but that was an alternate history so...I’m guessing Reginald taught him, but??? It was kinda random and I would have liked if they hinted at it at least once before.
To summarize, I love him. I love how far he’s come and I hope he just finds some happiness because he keeps getting the short end of the stick. He deserves the world.
(also, diego hargreeves a huge ass nerd. y’all can’t convince me otherwise. big dork energy)
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You know what? I loved her.
I didn’t like her character as much post maybe episode 6/7, basically once she brought Diego in I was disappointed but I liked her character. I think she was cool and different and chaotic and though I was disappointed that towards the end, she felt a bit thrown in, I still appreciated who she was. I was honestly hoping that she would have left the Handler a lot sooner, I thought they were gonna make her realise the truth a lot sooner but at the same time...this is her maternal figure, she’s been basically brainwashed into that support and there’s gonna be an element of love regardless.
I knew she was gonna be one of the 43 though, the second I saw 1993 I called it and I was happy I was actually right on something. Idk her powers, that too seems a lil bit messy but still, I thought it was neat. I just want to see more! And I think we will, hence why I’m trying not to judge her much, but i hope that we get to know more about her. I don’t want a half-baked love interest, and I was hoping that there was going to be a little bit more this season - but we shall see.
(ritu arya, though, is quite good in her role. and stunning. i quite love her)
I also didn’t HATE the relationship between her and Diego. I know it’s a divided topic but I liked it, I thought they were fucking cute and even though i KNEW there was something off about her, I was just HOPING that it’d be different. I mean, that scene on the bed with them???? I think my heart gave out. Palpitations, bitch. I was so fucking soft for them and even when she was exposed....I stillllllllll wanted the best. :(
And then like shit happened and then it got a little messy (y’all should learn how to communicate...throwing out boyfriend and ex-girlfriend terms like that???) and like yada yada, I was okay but I don’t necessarily like the ‘I love him/her’ thing. I mean sure you can, but THAT felt a little quick. I don’t know why tv shows just LOVE to throw out the I love you’s that FAST, but I’m not into it. 
TL;DR - I still REALLY like Lila Pitts, and I still like them together, somewhat (though like maybe slow your asses down folks).
(question though...are we supposed to think of them as siblings now?? bc...idk I don’t see it like luther/allison because they weren’t raised together and really didn’t associate like that?? but are they all reginald’s alien children cause in THAT case wtf am I suppose to think help-)
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crystalninjaphoenix · 4 years
New Places
A Stitched Story
JSE Fanfic
Bit of a simple concept, really. With the truth revealed, Jack, Chase, and JJ have to regroup. And meanwhile, Schneep has to deal with his own magical crisis, and things get crazy fast. I don’t want to say too much because of spoilers, but I think it’s fun ^-^ Also google Rot13, Atbash, and Base64 for some fun easter eggs that might just be enjoyable to me but I’m including anyway because screw it it’s my writing. Anyway, even if there’s not too much happening and it looks longer than it actually is, hope you guys enjoy!
Tagging @septic-dr-schneep for inspiring this AU with this post.
Read where it started: Stitched Together | Season One
Previous season two stories: No Strings on Me | Nightmare World | Normalcy | The Notion of The End | Nobody’s Home | Nevermore
Also I’m finally starting a taglist for this dfajklfh: @bupine​ @violet--majesty​
It was a lovely morning to be waiting on a doorstep so you could ask the house’s occupants if you and your friends could stay there because the place where you’d previously been staying had been found by the demon who’d been hunting you.
This thought passed through Chase’s head just before he rang the doorbell for a second time. He couldn’t help but laugh, the sound almost hysterical.
Are you okay, Chase? JJ asked. He was leaning heavily on Jack, his ankle still injured.
Chase shook his head. “Yeah, I’m fine. Guess I’m a little...frazzled.” And who wouldn’t be? He’d just found out the monster chasing them was actually their dead friends fused together, then one of his friends turned out to have magic and proceeded to disappear, and now they’d been run out of Jack’s apartment, where they’d been staying, and he’d turned to the last relatively-safe place he knew. Assuming that she’d let them stay, of course.
The door swung open. There was a woman standing in the doorway, blonde hair pulled back in a messy ponytail. She was wearing the uniform of the diner she worked at, so she must’ve just gotten off a shift. For a moment, she just stared at the three men on her doorstep. And then she gasped out, “Chase?!”
Chase coughed awkwardly. “Hi, Stace. It...it’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
“You’re damn right!” Stacy’s tone wasn’t angry, just bewildered. “Wh—what are you doing here?! What are they doing here?!”
“Long story,” Chase sighed. “Can...can we come inside first?”
Stacy silently stood aside, letting the group enter the house.
The suburban house was relatively small, but it was very neat and tidy. There was a couch pressed against the window, a television against the opposite wall, an armchair, a coffee table, and two tiny bean bags in the corner, one yellow, one pink. Jack guided JJ over to the couch, where they both immediately collapsed.
“What the hell is going on?!” Stacy asked. “I don’t see you in person for months, your friends say you’ve disappeared but won’t tell me what’s going on, then next thing I know you’re back, and whenever you call me you won’t tell me what’s going on or why you can’t see our kids!”
“I told you, it’s dangerous,” Chase said tiredly.
“What—okay, I-I understand that, but if that’s the case, why are you here now?” Stacy spluttered. “If you’re in danger, why’re you bringing it here? The place where there’s a five-year-old and an eight-year old?!”
“I know, it’s stupid, I’m sorry,” Chase mumbled.
Stacy paused. Chase normally would’ve been more defensive. There was something wrong here. She looked around at the group. “Where’s your doctor friend?” she asked.
Chase flinched. “You, um, noticed he wasn’t here?”
“Well, yeah, the other two are here, and you guys almost always travel in a group,” Stacy said. “Is...is something wrong? Where is he?”
“He’s...we don’t know where he is,” Jack piped up. “It’s a long story.”
“You keep saying that,” Stacy sighed.
“Well it is,” Jack said. “Look, I’m sorry, Stacy, but our last safe place has just been...found out. We don’t know where else to go.”
“...huh.” Stacy ran her hand through her hair, and loosened her ponytail.
“If you kick us out, we’ll find somewhere else,” Chase said.
“I’m not gonna kick you out,” Stacy scowled. “Not now that you’re here. I just—”
Everyone in the room paused. Standing in the doorway connecting the living room to the rest of the house were two young girls. The taller, toffee blonde one was holding the hand of the shorter, sandy blonde one. Stacy smiled at them. “Hey sweeties.”
The shorter one was holding a plush doll in one hand. Her eyes widened. “Daddy? Is that you?”
Chase waved. “Hi, Lily. Yes, It’s me. Hello, Moira. It’s good to see you.”
“What’re you doing here?” Moira asked, squeezing her sister’s hand.
“It’s complicated, honey,” Chase said. “Me and my friends are gonna be staying here for a while.”
Lily gasped, suddenly looking delighted. “Yea!” She broke free from Moira’s hand, running over to Chase. She threw her arms around him. Chase froze, stiffening. His eyes darted around the room, landing on every adult. Lily was totally unaware of her father’s distress.
Moira, however, wasn’t. “Lils, come on, let’s let them talk for a bit.”
“Aw, okay.” Lily let go and retreated back to the hall, and she and Moira disappeared back into the house.
Chase went and sat down in the armchair, covering his mouth and shaking slightly. Jack stood up and took another seat closer to Chase, though he didn’t move to touch him.
Stacy stared at all of this in silence. “This...this is all so confusing,” she said. “Chase, what...?”
“I-I don’t want to talk about it,” Chase said, the sound muffled by his hand. “Just...can we have some time?”
Stacy nodded slowly. “Alright. You can explain to me later, if you want to. I’ll...I’ll be around.” And she turned and left.”
After a long moment of silence, Chase took a deep breath. He straightened. “Okay. I think we need to decide where to go from here. For starters...” He looked at Jack. “How’d you just instantly come to the conclusion that Anti was Jackie and Marvin? Just...h-how?”
“Um...well...” Jack shifted on his seat. “Me and JJ were talking about this yesterday. I, uh, apparently have magic vision now.”
“What?! Since when?!”
“Since JJ replaced my eye.” Jack tapped the skin under his right eye, the one that was brighter blue than the other. “We’re still not sure why, but it...it means I can sea people’s souls.”
“You can what?!” Chase could only gape at him.
“Yeah. They look like glowing balls of light in people’s chests.”
Chase folded his arms unconsciously, over his chest. “Can...you see mine?”
“Yeah, it’s yellow. And it has these...” Jack shook his head. “I-I don’t know, these groove things. I think it’s because of what An—anyway.” He coughed. “How I knew they were him, was that...I looked at Anti’s soul, and it was a bunch of red and blue...shard-like things. Held together by that green string. You remember that? I-I saw it, and I reached forward, and I pulled it out...and then Anti disappeared and we found Marvin and Jackie. Later, I-I looked at them with this soul vision, and they...didn’t have...normal soul lights. They both had red and blue shards.”
There was evidence that Marvin and Jackie preformed a transference spell before they died. JJ said. It’s black magic. Very black magic. It takes apart people’s souls and switches the pieces around, then enhances them. It will give the two participants special abilities, but at a cost. It must’ve gone wrong, and somehow Anti is the result.
Chase laughed. “Okay. Cool. That’s fine. What...what do we do about that? Ho-how do we get them back?”
Jameson froze. Chase...he signed slowly. I don’t think there’s a way to get—
“Shut up!” Chase shot to his feet. “Of course there’s a way! There has to be a way! They—they’re probably stuck in there! We have to get them back!”
Chase. Jameson leaned forward, trying to be gentle. If their souls were torn  apart—
“There has to be a way!” Chase repeated insistently. “I mean, if magic is real, then we can fix this! I-I know maybe you’ve never heard of one, fancy magic man, but you’ve never heard of something like Anti, either! So there’s got to be a way!” He looked at Jack. “Right?”
“Wh—I mean, yeah, of course,” Jack nodded. “That makes sense. Besides, we’ll never know if we don’t try.”
Jameson shank back, looking a little ashamed. I’m sorry. The signs were small. I suppose you two are right. I was just trying... He stopped. You’re right. We need to try.
“Yeah, but first, we need to find Schneep,” Jack said. “What...what happened to him?”
“I dunno, I guess it’s his magic. That he suddenly has. For some reason,” Chase mumbled. He sat back down, shrinking into the cushions of the arm chair.
“Yeah, what is that kind of magic anyway? Where did it come from?” Jack wondered.
Jameson shrugged. I’m unsure for that latter question, but for the former, it appears Henrik can teleport, somehow. Or maybe it’s that he somehow affects the world around him to make regular walking easier for him. Like wormholes.
A hint of a smile drifted across Chase’s face. “Yeah, explain it to him like it’s wormholes, he’d like that more.” The smile faded away. “So, he freaked out and teleported away. Where did he go? How would we find him? He didn’t have his phone on him, so we can’t even take the risk of Anti finding us to call him.”
“I guess we’ll have to find him the old-fashioned way,” Jack figured. “By looking around and walking for him.”
“That could take forever!” Chase gasped.
Yes, but it’s the best we can do, JJ said. He winced. Or rather, it’s the best you can do. I’m afraid that I’m still in no condition to walk around. I do appreciate that you two helped me here, but I would just slow down your search.
“It’s okay, JJ,” Jack reassured him. “It’s best if you just stay here and heal up.”
“Should we start looking for him now?” Chase wondered. “I mean, the sooner the better, right? But we did just get here. Would it be weird to leave right away?”
“I don’t think it would be,” Jack shrugged. “We can just tell Stacy where we’re going, and when we’re gonna be back.”
Yes, I think it would be better to start earlier, JJ added. Who knows where Henrik could be now? He could have gone a long way, and be getting even further.
“No time to waste, then,” Chase said, nodding. He stood up again. “C’mon, let’s get going.”
— — — — — — —
With no further ado, Chase and Jack went back out onto the streets of the city. The morning was clear, with a few wispy clouds high in the sky. It was an average morning, with people strolling out along the streets, going about their various business. Chase and Jack would occasionally stop one of them, asking if they’d seen a man who looked similar to the two of them. None of them had.
They stopped for a break around noon, the spring sun high in the sky. They sat down on the curb of the sidewalk. “Should we get something to eat?” Jack asked. “We’ve been out for a while. And we didn’t exactly have a good breakfast.”
Chase shrugged. “I dunno. Whatever you want.”
“Well, I don’t want to go somewhere just for me,” Jack said. “So are you hungry?”
Chase just shrugged again.
Jack stopped talking, looking at Chase and frowning. Something was up, he could tell. Chase was being pretty...passive.  “Are you okay, dude?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Chase balled his fists, scrunching up his pants.
“You don’t look fine,” Jack pointed out.
“Well, I am.”
“No, you’re not,” Jack insisted. “C’mon, you can tell me what’s up.”
“You wouldn’t care about what’s up!” Chase suddenly burst out. He gasped, hand flying to cover his mouth.
Jack was left speechless. “...what?””
Chase suddenly stood up, quickly walking away, down the sidewalk. Jack didn’t hesitate to follow, rushing to catch up.
“Chase?! Chase!” Jack called after him. Chase didn’t turn around, pushing past people on the sidewalk as he rushed away. “Chase! Slow down!” Jack picked up the pace until he was able to reach out and grab Chase by the shoulder. With a yelp, Chase spun around, pushing away Jack’s hand. “You can’t just say something like that! Of course I’d care!”
For a moment, Chase looked like he wanted to keep running. Then he slumped. “I know, I know you would, I-I don’t know why I said that. I just...you have all your shit going on, it feels stupid to bring you into mine, too.”
“No, it’s not. It’s exactly the opposite of stupid. Bring me into your shit. Tell me what’s going on!”
“No, it’s stupid, it really is.” Chase folded his arms, looking down at the ground.
“Well, I’m not gonna drop it until you tell me what’s going on,” Jack said. “So might as well get it over with.”
Chase looked around. There weren’t a lot of people around, and definitely none in earshot. He sighed. “It’s just...you have a cool power, dude. JJ has magic. Schneep has magic, apparently. And then I’m just...here.” He blinked furiously, eyes watering. “I don’t do anything. All that I’ve done is get kidnapped, possessed, get un-possessed, and now I can’t handle anything! I can’t even fucking let my own daughter give me a hug without freezing up! And you guys are doing great! You’ve all had to deal with shit, and you’re not like this! So why am I—just—worthles—” He choked up. And he realized tears were leaking from his eyes.
Jack took this all in, staying silent. His expression was hard to read. And then he stepped closer to Chase, taking care not to touch him. “Chase Brody, never say that you’re worthless.”
“Okay,” Chase said automatically.
“No, I mean it. You think we would’ve gotten this far without you? No! You remember when you shot Anti, despite him still having a hold on you? That was the most badass shit I’ve ever seen! And that was you! You’re amazing!”
“But you guys—”
“No no no, stop it,” Jack said firmly. “Stop comparing yourself to the rest of us, we’re not all the same. You’re right, we’ve all had to deal with shit, and it’s all been different shit. You notice how Henrik avoids going to sleep? Or how I couldn’t leave the apartment for two whole months and outside still kinda freaks me out? None of us are doing great.” Jack shook his head. “And even if it was the same shit, we still would’ve reacted differently. Because we’re different people, and comparing yourself to others only hurts. If there’s any comparison you should be doing, it’s to yourself. And Chase, you are doing so much better. Think of how you were doing a few months ago. You’ve been improving. And yeah, maybe you don’t have magic, but you’re still strong. And don’t you forget it.”
Chase’s tears were still flowing, but for a different reason. “Thanks, Jack.” His voice cracked. “I guess I needed that.”
Jack smiled. “If you ever need it again, just tell me.”
“I-I’ll keep that in mind.” Chase wiped his face on his sleeve. He took a deep breath. “Alright. So, we keep going, then?”
“We keep going.” Jack nodded. “We’re bound to find Schneep eventually.”
Yet, the sun lowered in the sky, the blue faded to pink and then purple, the hours passed, and they still hadn’t found him. They returned back to Stacy’s house, agreeing to look again tomorrow.
— — — — — — —
He didn’t know where he was.
He didn’t know how he got there.
He’d been back in the apartment. Anti had appeared. Anti had taunted them, telling them that he was the other two. And somehow, he knew this wasn’t a lie. Marvin and Jackie had been acting so odd once they’d returned, and he couldn’t...he couldn’t feel where they were, like he could with other people. Now, he wondered if that ability to feel people had anything to do with...what else he could do.
He didn’t know how to describe what happened next. He wanted a weapon, so he reached over and grabbed one. He wanted to attack, to be at the front of the action, and all of a sudden Anti was right in front of him. And so he fought. He fought for the two who’d gone and the three who remained. But it was too much. Things were spiraling out of control. He’d take one step, and suddenly the room reoriented around him, and he was somewhere else entirely. It was spinning around him, he was one place and then another. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t steady himself. His head was swimming. It hurt. He screamed, and then he was somewhere else.
It was a strange place, he knew that much. The texture of the walls were unfamiliar, the furniture in unexpected places, the sound of a construction crew nearby completely different. He couldn’t hear or feel anyone nearby. Maybe it was a living room. In a house he’d never been in.
His vision was different. Well, it was still effectively gone, but that static that he’d been seeing ever since coming out of the Nightmare had disappeared. It was instead replaced with plain blackness. Alright, that was a slight improvement, but why?
He tripped across a wrinkle in the rug, falling to the floor with a cry. He didn’t stand up again. There was probably other things to trip over.
After what felt like an hour, he heard the muffled sound of footsteps. Someone was coming, he could feel it. That got him to climb to his feet. He headed for the nearest wall, feeling along the perimeter of the room. There had to be somewhere to hide, or somewhere to get out, somewhere to get out—
And then the wall disappeared. The sound of construction was replace by tweeting birds and a cool breeze. He stumbled as the floor under his feet became uneven, turning into soft dirt.
“What the fuck...?” He muttered.
“Hey!” Someone shouted. He cried out, turning towards the sound. Someone was coming closer. “This is private property!”
“I-I am sorry, I-I do not know how—how I got—” he stammered.
“Speak proper English, please,” the someone said dismissively. “Stay here while I call the police.”
He yelped, backing up. He felt the prickly branches of a bush dig into his back. No no no, this place wasn’t good either, get out—
And as he was backing up, he tripped over something else, falling over what felt like a wooden chair and landing hard on a carpeted floor. Suddenly, there were a lot of voices. And he could feel a lot of people nearby. They felt different.
“What the hell?!” “Jesus, that scared me.” “Um, Ms. Mae? I think—” “Unauthorized teleportation—” “—supposed to have a smoke effect?” “What’s up with his eyes?” “—don’t recognize him.” “Sir, are you alright?”
Too many people. He tried to stand up, and somehow rammed his head into something. He yelled, withdrawing.
“There’s a bookshelf there, sir,” said one of the voices. “Are you alright? Can you...wait, can you see us?”
He squeezed his eyes shut, shaking his head. Not here, somewhere else, not here, somewhere—
And the world shifted again.
And again.
And again.
He wasn’t sure how much time was passing, but it had to be a significant amount. He’d stay in each place for as long as thirty minutes, or as few as thirty seconds. Never anywhere he recognized by touch. Sometimes he’d get his bearings enough to try and find the room’s exit, or walk down the sidewalk, or figure out exactly where the hell he was. But the world always shifted again, even if he didn’t want it to.
Sometimes there were people. He tried not to stay there too long. They’d think he was crazy. Sometimes it was a room, sometimes it was outside. Once there was water lapping around his ankles.
Where was he?
Where were the others? He had to find them. He had to find out if they’d gotten away from Anti, or if he needed to rescue them. Not that he was sure he could, with the world constantly changing. Sure, he’d managed to stab Anti once or twice, but that might’ve been beginner’s luck. Didn’t mean he wouldn’t try, though.
He was outside again, on a sidewalk. The air had cooled down significantly, and he could feel less people around. The sound of the cars passing by were less frequent. Time had passed.
No, he was in a noisy building, people shouting, dishes clattering.
No, he was in a wide-open space, instruments playing discordantly.
No, somewhere boiling hot—
No, somewhere with the ground kicking up sand—
No, somewhere quiet—
Somewhere loud—
Somewhere soft—
His heart was about to pound out of his chest. His mind was swimming, a lightheaded feeling. There were swirls of colors swimming before his eyes. Patterns of phosphenes.
Too much, too much, too much—
Something broke.
He saw a hospital room, a single bed surrounded by medical equipment. There was a man in a snap-back cap, sitting on the floor like he’d been knocked down, and another man in a ragged white coat, staring down at him. His expression was a combination of shock and anger. “I do not you would forget so easily,” the man in the white coat said. “But maybe I am mistaken. If what I have seen you doing is what I think it is, then maybe your mind is missing entirely.” “Wha—no, I—oh my god, you’re alive.” The man in the cap stood up, looking a bit dazed as he looked the other up and down. “We all thought the worst—I mean, we never gave up hope—well, ░▒░▒░▒ got close, I think, but maybe that’s just the pessimist in him. And there was that fucked up postcard back in March…but you’re back now. You’re back.” He smiled, a small expression filled with relief.
He was in the middle of a dark field, city lights in the distance. They were close enough to make out buildings but too far to walk to. A man in a black cape and purple and white mask was walking. His hand was held up high above him, blue crystallized lights dancing around his fingers, illuminating the area. He spun around, looking for something. He said something under his breath, and the blue light flared, shooting out. Something laughed. “You talk too much,” said a voice, seeming to come from everywhere. The man spun around, blue light twirling away. Shuffling movement in the darkness, and then there was something, something gray and smiling and with blackened sharp nails, tackling the man to the ground. Something red splashed.
he was standing behind someone, a young man in a button-up shirt, who was holding a ceramic mug in two hands. the man was in the doorway of a living room, watching two other men talk. They appeared to be arguing. “i don’t own a green t-shirt, ░▒░▒░!” this man had his hair pulled back, waves falling down his back. “you know i don’t like them! you can go look in my closet and hamper if you want,i don’t have anything like that.” “well, who was it, then?” this one had a snap-back cap and a dirty jacket. “what, are you saying that someone was pretending to be you—” the man in the doorway suddenly paled. he dropped the mug he was holding, and it shattered upon the floor with a loud crash. the other two turned to look at him. “░▒░▒░▒░? are you alright?”
Ur jnf yvfgravat gb na nynez evatvat guebhtu gur nve. Gur juvgr-jnyyrq unyyjnl jnf yvg hc bayl ol erq rzretrapl yvtugf naq n fgenatr terra tybj. Gurer jrer gjb svtherf va gur pragre bs gur unyy, bar ylvat ba uvf onpx, gur bgure xarryvat arkg gb uvz. Gur bar xarryvat jnf cerffvat qbja ba gur bgure’f fgbznpu, jurer n qnex fgnva jnf fcernqvat npebff gur oyhr fuveg. “Fuvg, unat ba, whfg unat ba,” gur bar xarryvat fnvq. “V xabj fbzrbar jub pna uryc, jr whfg arrq gb svaq uvz.” Gur bar ylvat qbja tebnarq, naq bcrarq uvf rlrf. Fbzrguvat jnf tybjvat juvgr. “Fghcvq nynez…” Ur ernpurq hc, unaq gerzoyvat. Fgenaqf bs juvgr yvtug pheyrq nebhaq uvf nez, gura fubg njnl, jenccvat nebhaq n obk ba gur prvyvat. Gur zrgny pheyrq nf vs vg jnf pynl orvat gjvfgrq. Gur nynez fgbccrq, naq fbzr bs gur erq rzretrapl ohyof ohefg, envavat qbja tynff naq yrnivat gur fgenatr terra tybj nf gur bayl fbhepr bs yvtug.
Sv hzd z uzhg ullw ivhgzfizmg, nlhgob vnkgb. uoflivhxvmg ortsgh org fk gsv yfrowrmt, z xlmgizhg gl gsv wfhp lfghrwv gsv drmwldh. Z nzm dzh hrggrmt rm z yllgs rm z xlimvi, dizkkvw rm z xlfkov ozbvih lu xolgsrmt vmwrmt rm z tivvm qzxpvg drgs ufi zilfmw rgh sllw. gsviv dviv yzmwztvh zilfmw srh mvxp zmw z kzgxs levi srh vbv. sv dzh hgzirmt zg hlnvgsrmt zxilhh uiln srn gszg ollpvw orpv z nzm rm z ivw sllwrv, yfg gsviv dzh hlnvgsrmt...dilmt. Rgh uzxv dzhm’g erhryov. “Blf pmld, dv ivzoob hslfow hgzb lfg lu gsrh, ĵŀ½ýªś,” hzrw gsv gsrmt rm gsv ivw sllw. “Bvzs, r urtfivw gszg lfg dsvm gsv wlxgli gsrmt prxpvw nv lfg lu rgh xrgb,” gsv nzm nfggvivw, iloormt srh erhryov vbv. “Gdrxv.” “Yfg.” Gsv gsrmt uozhsvw z hnrov. gsv gvvgs ollpvw...dilmt. “R dlm’g orv, r ivzoob dzmg gl hvv rg tvg rgh wfv. Xzoo rg pzinz, ru blf dzmg.”
He gasped, and suddenly everything was still. Very still, in fact. Almost unusually still. He couldn’t hear anything nearby. He couldn’t smell anything nearby. He couldn’t feel anything other than the ground beneath his feet. But he could feel something...someone? Were they the source of the voice that shouted “stop”?
“Gods, was not expecting that. What’re you doing? How’d you get here?” The voice sounded familiar...but also different.
“I—I—” He couldn’t answer either of those questions. “I do not know. I-I am sorry if I upset you.”
A short burst of laughter. “You didn’t upset me—well I mean, I am kind of busy right now, but I can take a break to figure out what the actual fuck you were doing.”
“Doing? What—where am I?” He realized he was shaking a bit. Nerves, maybe. Or exhaustion. From whatever that had been.
“Hmm. You can’t see, can you? Otherwise you’d be having a stronger reaction than that.” Footsteps approached him. “Here, let me just—”
He felt hands on his head, pressing fingers into his temples. And then he felt something else, some kind of tingly, static sensation. He yelped. And then suddenly, he saw himself. Not from the perspective you would expect, but like he was looking through someone else’s eyes at himself. He could see the scars under his eyes for the first time. Then the perspective changed, like someone was looking to the side. And he saw...lights. Tiny green orbs of light, extending off in all directions, for forever, against a black sky. They were reflected across the horizon, but he wasn’t sure if that was because the floor he was standing on was reflective, or if the floor was transparent, showing a void all around. He gasped, and the hands were withdrawn. “Where am I?” He repeated, in a hushed voice.
“...how do I explain this?” the voice muttered. “Alright. Do you play video games? You likely have a few friends who do.”
“Um...yes, I have friends. I play a few games, I suppose.”
“You know how a level of a game has a map? The map makes up the environment, and it’s made of all the various assets the game has.”
“You know how, in some games, if you do just the right thing, you can glitch outside of a map and into the empty space beyond? Where you can see the whole map from a new perspective.”
“Well. Welcome to the empty space around the map, Henrik.”
Schneep gasped. “How do you know my name?!”
“I mean, I guessed you were one of them.” The voice sounded casual. “The accent gave it away.”
Schneep shook his head, backing away from the voice. “Is—is this real? Am I having a hallucination?”
“Why, do you have those?”
“Someti—that is none of your business!” Schneep snapped. “How do I get back to where I was?”
“Good question, normally you wouldn’t be able to.”
“But the fact that you were glitching outside and looking at other ones is a good sign that you’ll be able to. Though, judging by your reaction and recent memories, this is a new thing for you.”
“You looked inside my—?!” This was too much. Schneep fell to the ground, collapsing to his knees. He covered his mouth and tried not to hyperventilate.
“Oh, I shouldn’t have done that, should I?” The voice asked. “I just thought it would be helpful if I understood where you were coming from.”
“How is this happening?” Schneep whispered weakly. “Jameson, he told me I had magic, b-but I did not think—! It would be like—! Wh-why do I even have this? What happened to make it?”
“Another good question.” The voice lowered, like he was also sitting on the floor. “Well, it sounds like this isn’t something you had your whole life. Were you exposed to any kind of magic for an extended period of time? Say, a few months.”
Schneep immediately started nodding. “I-I got stuck. In this place called...the Ni-Nightmare.” He shuddered. “It was for months.”
“Well, shit. You have to get your soul ripped out to go there.” The voice fell silent for a while. “So, I’m no expert, but I can give you my best guess. Your soul probably got used to being outside your body, and while it was in the Nightmare, it began to adapt to the new environment. Once it was returned to your body, it settled back in, but the properties it picked up started to seep into your body as well. It would probably lay dormant for a while until you needed it to start acting weird, probably triggered by stress or something. And now, I’m guessing everything’s hit the fan for you.”
Schneep nodded. “It was like...everything around me was changing. I could not control it.”
“Of course you can control it.” He could practically hear the voice rolling his eyes. And moderation, of course, so you don’t end up glitching too far. I mean, eventually you would’ve drifted off, bouncing between other worlds. You’re lucky I stopped by.”
Schneep paused. “Who are you?”
Laughter. Chillingly familiar, yet somehow...more relaxed. “If I told you my name, you’d probably recognize it. But I probably shouldn’t, in case the me in your world isn’t as nice. Never mind that, though.” A shuffling sound, like the voice was standing up. Then the voice grabbed Schneep’s arm and pulled him up. “I think it’s best if you don’t stay here. Just in case there are more effects.”
Schneep shook his head. Everything was moving fast. “H...how would I get out of here?”
“Well, you got in, didn’t you? You can get out, if your powers brought you here. You just need to control them.”
“How?” Schneep asked in a small voice.
“You start by not controlling them.” Schneep’s expression must’ve shown, because the voice chuckled. “Abilities like this are part of you, if they’re anything like mind. As much as your arm is part of you. Do you make an effort to ‘control’ your arm? No, you just think about what it’s supposed to do, and it does it. Glitching to other places is just an easier way of walking. Think about where you want to go, and go there.”
“What? It cannot be that easy.”
“It is. You might need to practice, though. But for now, just relax. If you freak out, it’s likely that your powers are gonna freak out too.”
“I think I figured that out,” Schneep grumbled.
“Yeah, that’s probably how you ended up here, huh?” The voice sounded like he was smiling. “Just take a deep breath, and think about using your powers to get back where you came from.”
Schneep hesitated. “What if it goes wrong? Are...are you going to give more advice?”
“If you don’t go back to your world, yeah. But once you’re there, I can’t follow you. I can access the In-Between, and my own world, but nothing else without concentrated help. It’s one of the few rules I follow.” The voice shifted, now sounding a bit irritated. “Now can you hurry? I said I was busy, and unless I want some black magic kitty causing havoc, I gotta get back to that.”
“Okay, okay.” Schneep considered asking about that, then decided it was a better idea not to. He took a deep breath. Just think about it, huh? Alright. He wanted to go home. He imagined a doorway opening in front of him, and on the other side was where he wanted to go. He took a step forward—
And ran his shins into a coffee table.
He cried out, jumping backwards. Okay. Alright. This was better. He wasn’t in that weird...place anymore. He reached forward, bending down to feel the surface of the coffee table. It was wood, felt fairly big, and there was an indent right in the middle.
Schneep froze. That wasn’t just an indent. He recognized the feel of the knick in the wood. He ran his fingers over it a few more times, awakening a long ago memory. One time, Marvin had visited his apartment, but neglected to tell him he would be practicing throwing knives. He dropped one right on the living room coffee table. Schneep had ranted his ear off that night about how the blade had left a knick in his table.
How many times had he ran his hand over that dent in the wood? Especially after he’d thought his friend had died...he wasn��t about to forget the feeling of it, no matter how long it had been.
But he had to make sure. Schneep stood up, feeling around the edges of the room. Yes, there was the glass wall to the balcony. There were the houseplants in the corners, now dried up and dead from neglect. There was his second coat hanging off the hook near the door. He’d ended up home.
Schneep sat down hard on the sofa. So. Maybe that voice’s advice wasn’t too bad.
It had been...a long, long day. An absolutely insane day, in fact. He needed to process all this. He lay down across the cushions, staring into nothing. His vision was back to blackness. Which he didn’t mind, in comparison to the static. If that was part of his new abilities, he’d take them all.
Okay. Start with processing the simpler-to-understand stuff. Anti was back. Doing alright so far. Anti was actually Marvin and Jackie—nope, that one needed more attention.
Some part of Schneep knew they’d always been dead. He’d seen their bodies. He’d examined their bodies. You don’t come back from that. And even if they somehow magically recovered for a bit, he knew they weren’t the same. He’d figured out by now that he could feel people, which must’ve also been part of his powers. But he could never feel them. They weren’t people anymore. They were ghosts. Remnants.
Schneep wiped away at the tears suddenly trickling down his face.
And now, all that was left of them was Anti. Anti, the worst parts of each of them, now hell-bent on tormenting them. Maybe if they got rid of Anti, Marvin and Jackie could finally have some peace. In whatever came next.
He reached vaguely to the side. He needed a weapon, something suitable for defeating Anti. And surprisingly, his fingers wrapped around something. He pulled it back, feeling the item over with both hands. A pair of...scissors? Odd, but he supposed they were just a pair of knives attached together. He tried again, reaching to the side, this time thinking about a knife. And this time, he grabbed a kitchen knife. Huh. Apparently, he could summon things now, too. Though...was he actually just reaching through some kind of wormhole to grab something from somewhere else...?
Schneep shook his head. He’d figure it out later. For now...he was tired. And again, he needed to process this. He set the scissors and the knife down on the nearby table.
They needed a plan. They needed to be together. And Schneep needed more time to adjust to these new abilities. 
So that would be what he’d do next. He’d figure out how to use these powers to their best, find their strengths, weaknesses, and limitations. Then, when they came for Anti, he wouldn’t know what hit him.
With a sigh, Schneep closed his eyes. Yes, he’d be prepared for that day. It was coming soon.
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eloarei · 4 years
Reaper, ch... I dunno, 7?
I was tired of not-writing, so I started what is probably roughly chapter 7 of the Reaper novel I haven’t actually properly started or plotted out yet.  words: 2,169 (T-rated, f/m, gen) chapters: ??? I dunno fandom: original characters: Vanessa Mattock, Theocritus, Mr. Mattock  ship: Vessa&Theo, Vessa/Theo (implied) tags: some supernatural nonsense, the difficulty of just living, adjusting to humanity, alcohol,   notes: hey I wrote this in like 2 hours maybe? That’s the charm of not having to follow any rules I guess. Even though it takes place in the middle of the story (so I guess technically it’s chock full of spoilers?), it probably reads just fine if you have no idea what’s going on.  x So there was a reaper living on her couch. Well, he wasn’t a reaper anymore, she guessed, but what was she supposed to think of him as? Theo. Theo was living on her couch, after he’d outstayed his welcome at Sid’s place. They’d had a nice, self-pitying afternoon together when she’d found him there, borrowing some of Sid’s bottom-shelf whiskey in the hopes of dulling their respective traumas. But in the end, Sid had grouched at them that his place wasn’t a goddam hostel and Vanessa needed to find a new place for her boss to slump in half-drunken misery-- he’d already put up with enough weird shit the past day, what with Camille straight disappearing on them after summoning a horde of demons and zombies to his door. (Theo later explained that that was an exaggeration; it was only one demon and the zombies hadn’t even made it anywhere close to the antique shop. Still, as Sid was mortal and mostly normal, it wasn’t a surprise that that was a bit much for him.) 
Vanessa’s dad wasn’t going to be super pleased that she brought a ‘strange man’ into their house (boy, he didn’t know the half it-- like the fact that that strange man had saved his life), but he definitely wouldn’t stand the two of them getting drunk in the living room with all the shades drawn and the TV set to some trashy reality show, which was what she really sort of wanted to do. So instead of taking Theo back to her place right away, she’d walked them through the outskirts of town, off toward the seaside. 
There was… a lot to say. Primarily she wanted to berate him for not being there for her when she really needed him, but now that she knew he’d been having a rough time of his own her sense of betrayal had mostly faded off. It wasn’t like he’d been ignoring her on purpose (though what was she supposed to think at the time? He always came when she called him, and sometimes when she hadn’t called him and he’d just fucking sensed she was thinking about him or whatever). And yeah, she was still pretty shook about realizing that her mother was probably still alive (and maybe even in the city), but becoming human again after at least a couple hundred years of weird immortality was… possibly even harder, she admitted to herself. So she tried to be supportive of what her boss (or maybe former boss?) was going through. “You, um… doin’ ok?” she’d asked, as they’d strolled down the street, staggering slightly on the occasion. He looked the long way down at her, probably hurting his neck in the process. He was a little bit draped over her, arm slung over her shoulders like an old pal, but even with his current slouch they didn’t even nearly match up in height. Back when he’d been his usual reaper-y self (the last time Vanessa had seen him before Tawney helped her track him down at the antique shop), he’d seemed to absolutely tower over her and everyone else, almost lost in shadow. Now he was just plain tall-- although it was still pretty freaking tall. “I… will probably survive,” he’d replied, sounding all the more pitiful in his proper English accent. “Well I fucking hope so,” Vanessa had said, at a loss for anything more substantial or kind. Be kind of dumb if he just died after all of this, she thought. Especially when there was still so much she was just starting to understand about this shadow world he’d dragged her into. (Well, ‘dragged’ was not totally fair; she did kind of offer, after all.) They hadn’t really talked much after that, until they’d ended up in front of her house, and Theo had cocked his head at her and said, “Why are we here?” Vanessa gave him a deadpan look. “You got kicked out of Camille’s friend’s place, remember? What, were you gonna sleep on the street?” “Sleep…” he’d said softly, like he was testing the word out, or the idea. “I hadn’t thought…” “Yeah, obviously.” And on purpose, too. Why else would the first thing he asked for have been alcohol, other than that he didn’t want to have to think about his new lowly position in life? But he was obviously tired-- eyes shadowed in a way that had nothing to do with the mystical and everything to do with physical and emotional exhaustion. She’d seen herself looking like that on more than one occasion, especially before he’d rescued her from the hellscape universe where her father was dead and there was nothing she could do about it. They’d gone inside, just walking like normal people instead of that vaguely-irritating appearing thing Theo had used to do before. (It was like he just hated doors or something, she sometimes thought.) Her father wasn’t home yet, and wouldn’t be for another few hours at least, Wednesdays being his longest work shifts. She took advantage of his absence by not sneaking around the house, guiding Theo to the living room couch and sitting him down. He sat there in the dusky darkness while she rummaged around in the kitchen for snacks. They didn’t have any alcohol in the house, but junk food could be just as good a balm. Sitting down next to him in the dark, Vanessa handed him a package of Oreos and a cola, while she dug into a fresh bag of cheese puffs and a Sprite. Theo looked down at the junk food in his hands. “What do I do with this?” he asked, apparently perturbed for some reason. She pulled the cola out of his hand with little resistance and popped it open, replacing it in his grip. “Drink,” she said. “You know how to do that.” Diligently, he took a swig of the chilly can, but his face morphed into a vague distaste as he swallowed. (Vague only because he was hardly emoting at all right now, she knew. At his normal rate of emotion, it would definitely be at least a scowl.) “This is far too sweet,” he said, and he set it aside on the end table. “Yeah, well,” Vanessa responded, grabbing the Oreos and ripping the package open. “You’re living now, okay, so you need calories and junk.” She pulled a cookie out and jammed it into his mouth. He seemed a little surprised, but he chewed on it anyway, and the tenseness in his shoulders faded a little. She didn’t know if that was because he liked it, or just because it was something to do. After a minute, she turned on the TV, keeping the volume low and just letting the colors wash over them. Theo was staring in the right direction, but she’d have bet he wasn’t really seeing the reality-TV shenanigans. (Probably a good thing, in this case, because it would have just annoyed him if he realized how stupid it was.) An episode or two passed, and she was starting to feel pretty drained. “Hey,” she started quietly, not wanting to shock Theo out of his trance too badly. “I think I’m gonna go crash. You should sleep too.” She got up to go find a blanket for him, but his gaze followed her, a little lazy, a little lost. “I don’t know how,” he said. “You don’t--” Vanessa blinked, and she blinked again. God, why was it her responsibility to teach him how to be a human? Shouldn’t it be Camille’s job since he was the one that took Theo’s powers? (Not that she thought Camille was great at being human either, but still.) She took a deep breath. “You just… Just close your eyes and don’t do anything. I dunno, pretend you’re dead.” A flicker of emotion crossed his face, probably unrelated to her suggestion. It was something she’d describe as ‘confused and annoyed about it’; maybe consternation. “I don’t know if I can do this, Vessa,” he said, and she knew he wasn’t talking about sleeping. Not exactly, anyway. “I mean, that’s…” She shrugged. “That’s life, right? You just have to take it a day at a time. A minute at a time.” He was zoning out a bit, staring at a spot on the wall, but she managed to catch his eyes and noted that they didn’t glow like they did before, that pale white-gold that always seemed to loom out of the shadows of her room. They were just light brown now, and tired. “Hey look… You know I’ll be here to help, okay? I’ve gotten through like ten thousand days. I’m sure I can help you through a few.” “Seventy-two hundred and sixty-three,” he said. “The days you’ve been through.” She scoffed and turned away to hide her smile. “Ok well that’s still a lot more than you.” She walked off to go find a blanket, wondering for a minute if Theo was going to be hot or cold natured, before she decided on an old course hand-woven thing her mom had picked up from somewhere, ages ago. She didn’t know if it’d be too hot or too cold, but if she was feeling as bad as she thought he was, that was the one she’d pick for herself. Ironically, he was out like a light by the time she got back. “Hey,” she said, draping the blanket over him. “Old man?” There wasn’t even the slightest downward twitch of lips, so she knew he was really finally asleep. Maybe his first sleep in a thousand years. She hoped it was a good one. She couldn’t say what exactly possessed her (maybe it was just that he couldn’t shy away or judge her), but she reached down and smoothed back that little piece of hair that always fell forward onto his forehead, and followed it up by pressing her lips to the empty space it left. She took a deep breath and inhaled his new, living smell. It wasn’t anything really specific. Just… warm. Smelled like hair and body oils and a little bit of lingering whiskey. Compared to the too-clean nothingness she’d whiffed before, when he pulled her close enough to teleport them someplace, it was just… better, more real. Smelled like a man who was living some kind of life, step after step, not… two feet on the wrong side of a grave. “Sleep well,” she said, even though he wouldn’t hear her. Then she tottered up the stairs and fell into bed, with just enough energy and presence of mind to kick off her shoes. Of course she didn’t hear the front door open, or her father cautiously step around the strange man sleeping on the couch and up the stairs in the desperate hope his daughter would have some explanation. “Nessie,” he said softly, settling his hand on his shoulder and just barely rousing her. She turned and glanced over her shoulder at her father, miles too tired to remember anything other than the fact that she was stupid tired, but there wasn’t a moment in her life where she ever thought of brushing off her dad, so of course she shook herself awake. “Dad. What’s up?” “Do you know why there’s someone sleeping on the couch?” Vanessa sighed. “Uhh, yeah. That’s my friend. Theo.” “Theo doesn’t have his own place?” her dad asked, raising an eyebrow just a little bit, just enough to show he was skeptical, but not mad. She tried to get her brain back in order and remember the excuse she came up with earlier. “Uh, well, his place had a f- flood, like a bad one, and they made everybody get out, but he’s kind of new to the area. I mean, he just moved from England, so he doesn’t have any family or friends to stay with.” Mr. Mattock’s face wasn’t hard to begin with (it never was), but it softened to hear his daughter trying to help a friend in his time of need. “That’s nice of you,” he said, and Vanessa knew he was being genuine, though he still seemed just the slightest bit uneasy. “He doesn’t really look your age though. He’s not… your professor, is he?” Vanessa grimaced, and she could tell her face was turning a little red. “No! No, he’s, um, he works at the library on campus.” Her father hummed, but he didn’t seem to be really criticising her story. “Well, alright. I’ll let you get back to sleep and then maybe we can talk more in the morning. G’night, sweetie.” “Night, dad,” she responded, and she managed to hold back her heavy sigh until he was out of the room. And then she fell back to sleep. She wanted to stay up and think about all the stupid little details she was going to have to probably remember for his cover story, but she was too tired to think anything other than ‘screw it’. xXx
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prophetparadox · 5 years
Birds of a Feather: Father and Daughter
Wordcount: 1,924
Okay, so I’ve been working on this fic on and off since August, I think? Anyway, it’s taken way too long and I’m so sorry. This isn’t a Prompto/Katia story, but it is important to Katia’s backstory and I wanted to write it so hopefully that doesn’t bother people! I really wanted to write about her and her adoptive father Stabilis since I couldn’t do so in the main story. There are spoilers for the main Birds of a Feather story though, so don’t read this if you haven’t read that one yet!
This is normally where I’d tag people, but I really don’t know if people even want to be tagged anymore. Sorry.
Stabilis Ferrum was a simple man. He had a decent job, a nice home, and a happy life. Sure, he might not have had a partner in his life, but he didn't mind. He never expected to have a family because of that, but it wasn't a big problem for him. He figured he'd live his life to the fullest, surrounded by friends. He certainly didn't expect becoming a father out of nowhere.
He'd been taking a vacation in Altissia, trading the busy royal city for a relaxing getaway. He'd been seeing the sights, enjoying the food, just about anything he could think of. And then he came back to his hotel room one night to see an ethereal woman standing there, holding a small child in her arms. The child was asleep, and very dirty. He'd never seen the little girl before, and before he knew it the woman was telling him to raise her. He tried to protest, saying he'd never been a father before, but the woman wouldn't take no for an answer. And without being able to retaliate, the woman left, leaving traces of a chill and the little girl.
Stabilis looked over the sleeping child. She had brown hair that went past her shoulders. The only thing she was wearing looked to be a white hospital gown, now covered in dirt and frayed. On her left wrist were two markings on each side. One appeared to be some kind of barcode, the other a chocobo feather. The woman had said little about this girl, merely that she had no home and no memories. He hadn't questioned her on either front. He couldn't help but wonder just what this kid had been through. Just as he'd been thinking about what to do, the girl woke up.
She sat up and looked around the room, clearly confused. She finally turned to Stabilis. "Where am I?" she asked softly. "Who are you? Who am I?"
Well, this was a problem. He thought he'd have more time to figure out what to tell her. Might as well be honest, he guessed. "Don't worry, you're safe here," he said, trying to keep this girl calm. "You're at a hotel in Altissia, my room specifically. My name is Stabilis Ferrum, though I suppose you can call me 'dad'. As for who you are, I was hoping you could tell me that. I found you on the streets all by yourself so I don't know anything about you," He figured it wouldn't matter if he embellished the truth a little bit, he couldn't exactly tell her that woman had just left her here. He got closer and leaned down so he was eye level. "Do you remember anything at all about yourself? Your name, your age, where you're from? Anything will do."
The girl sat there in silence, likely trying to remember something. After a while, she sighed and looked down at her hands. "Sorry mister, I can't," she said. "Well, except I'm 6. I just turned 6, I think."
Stabilis smiled, putting a hand on her shoulder. "That's okay, you remembered something. You don't have to strain yourself." he said. He pulled out a small pocket book and checked the date. September 28th. He figured that would make her birthday nearby. He marked it down as the 26th, figuring it didn't matter if he was a few days off.
"How come I can call you 'dad'?" The girl asked.
Stabilis looked back at her. "Well, you don't have a family, so I guess I'm gonna adopt you. You're my daughter now."
The girl didn't seem to understand. "Daughter?"
How to explain this to a girl who didn't know what he meant? "Well, it means I'm gonna take care of you from now on. Once I'm done here, I'll take you home with me to Insomnia."
"The royal city?" The girl asked. Well, that at least gave him an idea that she had basic knowledge. That'd make putting her in school easier, he couldn't exactly home school her with his job. He couldn't believe he was already thinking about about her education.
"Yes, the royal city. That's where I live," Stabilis explained. "I'm not royalty or anything, but that's not important. I'm staying here for a couple more days, so I'll get you some new clothes before we leave. Unless you want to keep wearing that." He gestured to the hospital gown, getting a shake from the girl.
Her stomach began to growl, clearly she was hungry. "I'll order some room service so you can get something to eat." He began to stand up and head for the phone, but a tug on his shirt stopped him.
"Wait!" He looked down at her, a scared look on her face. She pointed to the strange barcode on her wrist. "Hide this! It's bad!"
"Bad? What is it exactly?" he asked.
"I dunno, but I don't want people to see it! It's bad!" she repeated, tears forming at the edges of her eyes. Whatever it was, she was worried about it.
"Alright, let me see what I can do," He looked around the room, trying to find something he could cover it with. He looked at the watch on his own wrist. That would work until he could find something else. He'd have to look for something while he bought her some clothes. He took off the watch and adjusted it so it fit around her smaller wrist. "There, that should do for now, Katia."
"Oh, right. Well, you don't know your name, and I have to call you something, so I figured Katia could be your name," he explained. "I've always thought it was a pretty name, and decided it could be yours. Katia Ferrum, do you like it?"
She sat there in thought again, a small smile creeping on her face. "It's pretty. I like it." Katia said.
Stabilis smiled, standing up. "That's good. I'm gonna get you something to eat now, okay? You sound hungry."
He still couldn't believe it'd been so long. Fourteen years had passed, and he watched his daughter grow into a fine young woman. She'd even managed to make friends with the prince! Granted, he wasn't the type who cared about sucking up to royalty, he was just glad his daughter had managed to make such a great friend. Of course, there was also the Argentum boy. They got along better than anyone. He had a feeling there was more there, not that he'd pester his daughter about it.
"Hey dad, how do I look?" Katia's voice snapped Stabilis out of his thoughts. He looked over to see her wearing the Crownsguard fatigues she'd been given. He looked at her and felt proud. What parent wouldn't in this moment?
"You look amazing," he said, getting a smile in return. "They fit you perfectly."
Katia laughed a little bit. "Well I'd hope so, otherwise I'd have to get on the Marshalls case about it! I just hope the guys like it, it sucks having to keep such a huge secret in!"
"I'm certain they will," Stabilis took a sip from his mug of coffee. "You're heading out to Altissia to meet them, right?"
"Yep, I'm not about to miss Noct's wedding. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees me there!"
"He's not leaving for another week though, why head out today?"
Katia shrugged her shoulders. "Because it's more fun to surprise him? Besides, once the wedding starts I won't be able to see any of the sights! I wanna enjoy Altissia while I'm there."
"Alright, alright. I know I can't stop you," Stabilis walked over to her, a feeling of dread suddenly overwhelming him. It felt like if she left, he'd never see her again. He knew she was an adult, but deep down he couldn't help but worry a little bit. "Are you sure you want to go there alone? I wouldn't get on your way." He tried not to make his worry too obvious.
Katia just rolled her eyes. "Dad, I'm gonna be fine. Besides, you're starting to get old, no offense. I doubt you'll be able to handle Altissia at your age."
"Hey now, I'm not that old!" he laughed.
"You're old enough! I can't let ya slow me down!" The two laughed together.
Stabilis sighed. Her mind was made up. He just had to hope that his worries were unfounded. "Okay, I trust you. Just try not to get into any trouble, okay?"
"Come on dad, it's me! You got nothing to worry about!" She began to walk away so she could grab her bags.
No matter how much he tried to push it back, the fears kept coming to the front of his mind. He didn't want to believe that once she walked out that door, that she'd be gone forever. She was too important to him. He'd never had a family before she showed up that night, he didn't want to lose her.
"Alright, I should be going," Katia's voice snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked over to see her heading towards the door.
"Wait!" he shouted, startling his daughter. He rushed over as fast as he could. "You can't leave without giving me a proper good-bye, now can you?"
Katia rolled her eyes. "You're right, how could I forget?" She placed her bag on the ground and hugged Stabilis, as he did the same. He tried his best to hold back tears, he had no reason to cry after all. Perhaps his worries were simply due to the fact that she was a young woman now, and eventually all children leave home. He didn't need to worry about that. She'd be with her friends, and maybe she'd call home saying she finally got with the Argentum boy. He was a kind soul, he'd be what she needed. He told himself all this, and yet he still hesitated to let her go.
"I love you, sweetheart." he said, hiding his worries with a smile.
"I love you too, dad," Katia replied. "I'll miss you."
"...I'll miss you too."
The two let go of each other, knowing this couldn't last. "I'll call you when I make it to the hotel. Or if some disaster happens, whichever one comes first." Katia said, picking up her bag.
"I hope it'll be the first one. I can't help much since I'll be here after all." Stabilis went back to his coffee, sipping down the bitter brew.
"You and me both," Katia stopped for a moment, going back to her father and kissing him on the cheek. "Wish me luck!"
Stabilis kissed her cheek as well. "May the Six keep you safe on your journey."
Katia headed out the door, leaving him alone in his house. He walked into the living room, picking up an old photograph of the two of them. He took it not long after he adopted her, both of them were smiling. Times were simple then, now everything was changing.
Of course, he knew not of the events that would take place in Insomnia a week later. He knew not that he would die in the attack on the royal city. He knew not that Katia would hear of the attack and desperately try to contact him in the hope that he was alive. Nothing could tell him the future. All he could do was reminisce on the past, and hope his daughter would have a happy future.
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Milestone write-up!
Since the story seems to be closing one story-arc and moving on to another, I feel this is a good place to take stock, summarize what we know and make some more or less educated guesses at what might happen in future. It got a bit away from me (”a bit” lol), so here’s a read more for your convenience. 
Players on the board
Last we left off, shit had decidedly hit the fan. We got painful confirmation that the elves successfully assassinated King Harrow, but they in turn had a painful price to pay. From what we can tell, Runaan is the only survivor, and he has been captured by Soren and Claudia. Claudia thinks he might come in “useful”, whatever that may mean. Might be they’ll interrogate him for information about Xadia, might be that Claudia has some more nefarious, magical things planned. She might ask him about Rayla and the egg, but it’s not like he can tell her anything that she doesn’t already know, aka Rayla and the boys have the egg and they plan to return it and use it to restore peace. Maybe, if they keep talking for long enough, he might actually get her to see that the egg really is just a yet to hatch baby dragon and therefore a sentient being in need of protection, and not just a powerful magical weapon to be used by whoever sees fit. If Runaan manages to escape or communicate with other elves, our heroes will have some real problems. He clearly sees Rayla as a traitor and seeks to punish her for the perceived crimes she committed, and there’s still that pesky magical bounty on Ezrans’s head… 
It’s hard to say what Claudia and Soren will do next. I think it depends very much on if Viren is sticking around the castle or not, and what his plans are. As to what his plans might be… god knows. Just how much does he want the egg back? Is he willing to go after it himself, or will he maybe send Soren? How much does Soren know about all this anyway? Five bucks says he had no idea about anything tbh. You know what still hasn’t been opened yet btw? The fucking letter. It’s still in Viren’s study. If it really has a contingency plan like “Callum becomes prince regent until Ezran is old enough to rule” I get the feeling Viren might pull some GoT-style shenanigans and try to put himself on the throne. At this point there isn’t really anything I wouldn’t put past him. In any case though the kingdom might be thrown into serious chaos for a while. After all: the King is Dead, long live the…. wait, who now? The crown prince is missing? The step-prince is missing, too? Well, guess it’s time for some good old-fashioned power grabbing! 
And then there’s our three four protagonists. We don’t know where the kingdom of Katolis is exactly, but in any case they have a long journey ahead. They will have to stick to the woods for most of it and avoid towns I think. Rayla can’t be seen by humans, the egg can’t be seen either, and Viren might try and put a bounty on all of them anyway, so the boys might not be save either. I trust Rayla will be able to get the foods from the woods though, so that should be alright. And then eventually they’ll reach the Breach and have to make their away across it and around however many standing armies manning the border from both sides. Yikes. Though we have no idea how far they’ll go in three remaining episodes. There are after all at least 5 more potential seasons in store for us, so there’s a good chance they won’t even remotely come close to the Breach in this one.  What I’m really worried about is Rayla keeping the truth about Harrow from the boys.  While it breaks my heart just thinking about them having to mourn their dad, I’m worried about Callum lashing out at Rayla in his grief. We already had a scene when he found out about the assassination plot and subsequently flipped out at Ez out of fear, and Ez hadn’t even really done anything. How much worse will that reaction be if she’s been lying to them for several days, even if it was just to spare them the pain? It might damage his trust in her, Callum might even try and make them split up and continue without her. Sounds like a really bad idea, but people do stupid things when they’re angry and sad. 
Other unresolved plot points
What’s up with the Mirror? For that matter, why is the mirror fishy enough to be covered up but not fishy enough to be hidden in the Lair of Dead Things? 
What’s with the picture Harrow looked at last time we saw him alive? It’s gotta be something, right? Why would they make the camera zoom in on it lying face down on the bed otherwise? Just have Harrow put it away and then forget it exists, don’t give it an extra shot!
Pip! Is he still alive? D: 
Callum still has the Storm Stone, but he might have to get his hands on a book or find himself a teacher to learn some new spells probably? 
Viren’s staff! Just cool historical artifact or actually relevant to the plot? 
Shameless Tin-hatting aka Foreshadowing Fucking Everywhere aka Miscellaneous Shit I Noticed While re-watching ep 1-3
Callum’s drawing of a Dragon roasting a Marshmallow Monster -> this show’s version of the Cookie Cat jingle? Possibly depicting Viren’s inevitable demise? 
Not foreshadowing, but I realized when the Narrator says “on the eve of last Winter’s Turn” in the opening what is meant with “last” is just most recent, as in “last month” or “last Christmas”. So it probably was some solstice type date after all. Makes sense with it now being spring. 
People keep pointing out how shit Bait is at hiding. I’m afraid at some point they’ll have to hide from something REALLY BAD and Bait will get them found. :/ Really, Bait being called Bait just seems super unfortunate in general. 
You know how Rayla says “My Heart for Xadia” during the ritual? Yeah, I’m getting the feeling Rayla will be instrumental in getting Ezran out of the magical contract, possibly in a super heroic way by just doing what her heart tells her to and saving the day, or possibly just… by dying in his stead. Oh god I feel like I jinxed her. :( 
You know how Callum was like “You’re so lucky, you get to learn magic!” and Claudia was like “You get to learn sword fighting!” and then Callum was like “I’d switch places in a second!”? Well, he’s doing magic now, so…. the little disaster bi that is myself is praying for Claudia in armor with a big-ass sword being a BAMF. ´
Anybody else who really wants to know what is under that OTHER, BIGGER tarp in the Lair of Dead Things? Because I really wanna know. I bet Ezran knows already. 
Harrow said about the letter that “[Callum will] understand in time.” What makes me think there’s more in there than just his last will, possibly it’s also his last confession. What terrible shit has he done over the years of his reign, how much of it did Viren have his fingers in and how much of it can Viren use against him post-mortem? And how will the boys react when they get confronted with their dad’s uglier side, possibly via what the elves or even some direct victims have to say about him? 
I’d really like to have a look at that book Callum is carrying everywhere. I figure it’s his sketch book and not relevant to anything, but it might still be fun to get to see some pages anyway. 
Stuff that I got spoilered on because there’s too many tags to block :( 
I saw some pics of the Dragon Prince after hatching! D: I’m sorry, it feels like I robbed myself of an awesome surprise and you of a genuine reaction. :( I didn’t look very closely, I just saw that he was adorable and had roughly the same color scheme as his dad. Which leads me to some more tin hatting: What with Thunder being called that and also breathing lightning, I’d like to propose that the Storm Stone still has a big role to play after all, other than just providing Callum with a magical source he can carry around. 
I saw General Amaya of the Standing Battalion being name dropped in a text post. I scrolled too fast to see any context, but considering who she is I guess we’ll get her as an upcoming character in some capacity.
I know that the elf making the MAGIC TREES amulets gets another ending slide at some point, and that people are theorizing he and Runaan are a Thing.  I’m not a super big fan of Runaan at this moment in time so I couldn’t give less of a shit about his love life tbh, and as much as I like to ship things I usually need a bit more than literally two pictures to get me going, so. I dunno, don’t expect much from me on that front until more material comes out in later seasons I guess. Like… if there isn’t enough for people to make emotional gif sets out of, can you even really call it a ship?
Netflix tried to push Chapter 4 on me when I went to re-watch the others. I got it shut down quickly enough, but I still saw the title. I think it was… Bloodthirsty? Bloodlust? Either way I think either Runaan is gonna have a REALLY bad time very soonish or our protagonists will have to run REALLY fast from people trying to catch them.  Maybe both. 
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murasaki-murasame · 7 years
Danganronpa V3 Liveblog: Part 1 [Prologue]
So now that my several week-long adventure in trying to secure the necessary equipment to legally play this game has come to an end, I’ve finally gotten a hold of it and have begun playing it, so I’m going to start my liveblog!
For the sake of keeping my followers as spoiler-free as possible, I’m going to try and heavily tag these posts, and put about 99% of each post under a readmore. I’m also going to keep the labeling pretty vague for each post. My basic plan is to play each section of the game in one sitting [if we imagine each chapter being split into three sections of daily life, investigation, and trial] and then make one post for each of them. For now I’m going to label them with what part I played, for convenience, but I can’t help but be a little afraid about the possibility of there being some shift in structure later that might be spoiled via my labeling. We’ll see how it goes. If people want to completely avoid spoilers I guess they can just blacklist the tags and stuff, but I’m still going to try my best to avoid major spoilers, so the majority of these posts will be under read-mores.
This is going to be a pretty interesting experience for me, since even though I’m a huge fan of this series and have been following it for a few years now, I’ve only ever watched LPs of the game, so this is my first time actually playing one for myself.
Anyway I’m just gonna put my thoughts on the prologue under the cut since this is already getting long. [Fake edit: this got super long but mostly because half of it was me posting my initial reactions to characters and stuff, so with that out the way, maybe the rest of these posts will be shorter. We’ll see]
I don’t really wanna waste time talking too much about my history with this franchise and whatnot, so I’ll just get right into things and say that I have no goddamn clue what to expect from this game. I’ve almost completely managed to avoid spoilers on it, beyond what was shown in pre-release material. Well, mostly. There’s a few vague, context-less things I’m aware of, but I won’t say what those things are in case anyone is reading these posts without having played the entire game. [Though as a warning, I’m not gonna hold back on openly talking about every other part of the franchise that came before this]
I’ve heard that this game’s ending is ‘divisive and controversial’, but I have no idea how, and honestly that’s kinda been the trend with this series for better or worse, so it’s not really a surprise.
Thankfully I’ve also heard that this is maybe possibly the best game in the series so that’s cool! It’s not like I’m expecting greatness from it.
I’m really glad that I haven’t seen any LPs or anything besides the demo, because wow did things start off in a way that I wasn’t quite expecting. The whole beginning part was . . . bizarre. I got so thrown off by how everyone was wearing normal school uniforms. In general the whole way that things play out but then, like . . . loop back on themselves??? was really weird and unexpected. I feel like the game is already throwing out major hints about late-game twists, to the point where it all feels so ‘obvious’ that it’s probably some kind of misdirection. The whole shot we got of Kaede wearing some kind of science experiment helmet thing in particular felt like a ‘peeking behind the simulation’ moment, but DR2 already had a simulation twist, so the fact that they seem to be hinting at a similar thing feels like misdirection.
On the one hand I feel like I shouldn’t think too hard about it in case I guess the twist in advance, but on the other hand all of this signalling is so blatant and in your face that I feel like I may as well talk about it.
Even beyond the weird time-looping thing, there’s also a pretty heavy focus on the idea of amnesia and deja-vu [amnesia is pretty common for the series but the deja-vu element is interesting], and there’s some really interesting hints given out about the outside world, with references to stuff like the Ultimate Hunt, I think they called it, and how that apparently ties in with how everyone had forgotten their talents in the ‘first loop’, if I should call it that.
I don’t think it’s a spoiler to say that this game is set in the Hope’s Peak Saga universe, since the first opening movie literally spells out that this game is a continuation of it, so it’s hard not to work with what the previous games set up story-wise to try and guess where the hell we’re at in this game.
I’ve always wondered how the whole concept of Ultimates would have been handled post-DR3, and how Hope’s Peak would function. It definitely seems like we’re hinting at the idea that something went pretty wrong down the line. It almost sounds like maybe the concept of being an Ultimate is, like, treated as a crime now, but it also feels like it might be another DR2-esque thing with how that game’s cast were all the Remnants of Despair who were in the simulation for rehab purposes. I don’t think it’ll be exactly the same sort of thing, though at the same time it’s also hard to believe that the whole Despair thing completely died out after DR3 so who knows.
It’s interesting to compare this with DR2, in how that game really started out as a legit rehab program of sorts that tried to hide the truth from everyone, while this game is upfront about the idea that this game’s cast are criminals who are being punished for something. So it’s kinda easy to guess that maybe they really are all criminals who’ve just been made to forget their crimes.
[Fake edit: I was just about to finish this post but I just realized that I forgot to point out how incredibly suspicious it is that the prologue is literally called ‘Ultimate Revival’, when we already had the weird time loop thing happen]
I’ll try not to think too much about the overarching plot until it becomes more relevant, but yeah to put it simply I’m already getting huge DR2 vibes from this set-up.
Anyway, enough talking about serious Speculation [tm] and Theorycrafting [tm], let’s talk about the stuff we’re all here for! AKA the characters and the flashy visuals and whatnot.
Just to get it out the way, I’m stuck with shitty dialogue audio quality because I had to import the US Vita version of the game because 1: I don’t own a Windows computer [and for some reason the Steam version is only on Windows even though the first two games are also on Mac], 2: I don’t own a PS4, and 3: I have an NZ PSN account but I literally cannot obtain an NZ Vita copy of the game because no online or retail distributors have it available, and because for some godawful reason the NZ PSN store only has the voice patches for it, and not, y’know, the game itself. So I’m stuck with the US version of the game since it was the only one available, and because the voice patch is treated as DLC, and DLC is region-locked, I can’t get the high-quality dialogue audio even if I wanted it. Which I do. It’s not THAT terrible, but it’s noticeably bad. Especially for certain characters, like Shuichi and Kaito. But I literally cannot do anything about it, so I’m stuck with it.
On the topic of voices, I still do like most of the voices, even if the audio quality isn’t great. A lot of the voices sound a lot more . . . plain, I guess, than I was expecting. I dunno how to explain it. I kinda like it. It makes them sound more like real people, though some of them sound like, well, middle-aged people trying to voice-act teenagers while barely bothering to try and sound like teenagers.
The music is still high-quality and sounds great. I still love this franchise’s music style. Most of the tracks in the prologue sound either similar to or the same as stuff from previous games, which is fine, but the Monokids track is . . . certainly something. Definitely in a similar vein as how weird Monomi’s track was in DR2, but this one’s less cute. Still good, though.
The game’s visuals are still on-point, though the image quality isn’t great at times. The colours are really vibrant, but things often seem really pixel-y when they’re even slightly far away. I think that’s just how the series looks in general though, and it’s just easier to forget since I’ve only ever watched LPs of them. I do really like the more dark and earthy sort of atmosphere and colour palete this game has compared to the other ones, though. The other games look great, but I like that they did something a bit different. I get what they meant by calling this game ‘psycho-cool’.
Getting to the characters, I like them already, though I obviously haven’t seen them in action much yet. Visually, I honestly think they’re one of my favourite casts in the entire series. It definitely feels like they had a bit more restraint in designing a lot of these characters, compared to earlier games, while still keeping the same DR character design charm. I don’t know how the hell this series’ character designer is still managing to churn out unique and interesting designs after so many franchise entries, but here we are.
Since there’s so many characters I think I’ll just address them one by one.
Kaede: First of all, it still makes me happy that we got a female protagonist for this game. It’s a nice detail. Secondly, I’m just gonna lay it out and say that I’m expecting some major plot twist relating to her identity. It’s not a difficult thing to assume after how DR2 [and DR0 I guess] had big plot twists relating to their protagonist’s identities, in different ways, but still, the writing’s kinda on the wall for this one. I don’t know if Kaede will end up having anything uniquely shocking about her compared to the rest of the cast, but still. The way the beginning scene played out, with the focus on her not knowing who she was, immediately made me suspect that she might not actually be ‘Kaede’, somehow. We’ll see. I honestly would not be surprised if she’s a ‘decoy protagonist’ and someone else is the real protagonist. Especially considering the fact that the first characters shown off were Maki, Kaito, and K1-B0, nearly a year before we saw Kaede, which makes me suspicious on many levels. Anyway, I really like her design. It’s been a favourite of mine since we first saw her. The yellow/white/pink-purple colour palette is really nice. And on a related note, the goddamn magical girl transformation she had when she got put into her main uniform was amazing and glorious and exactly the sort of bizarre thing I wanted to see out of this game. There’s not much to say about her personality thus far, but I like her. And I also like that she’s a pianist. It’s refreshing to get a DR protagonist who’s talent is something other than ‘hope’ or ‘literally nothing’. I guess you could count Ryouko and Chisa as DR protagonists with actual talents, though. But you get what I mean.
Shuichi: It really surprised me that he was immediately presented as being the secondary protagonist. Or, at least, the ‘helper’ character. I like how, in contrast to people like Kirigiri and Komaeda, he isn’t really doing this out of his own volition, and was literally just stuck in the same room as Kaede. Which is still kinda suspicious in and of itself, really. He’s really great, though. I was so worried that he’d be a complete copy of Kirigiri, but he’s really not, thus far. He’s honestly really adorable, with how humble and easily-flustered he is. I also really like his design, and how simple it is. I wonder how his role in the game will be, going forward. He’s definitely the helper/assistant/etc right now, but who knows if that’ll change. I hope he has a different role overall compared to Kirigiri, at least, to shake things up a bit. Oh, and before I forget, I’m already guessing in advance that he might actually be a girl, although that’s almost entirely based on him being voiced by Megumi Hayashibara in Japanese [and on that note, boy am I annoyed that on top of not being able to get the high-quality dialogue audio, I also can’t get the JP voice pack for the same reason :/]. He definitely sounds much more like a boy in English, so I’m inclined to think that maybe they weren’t trying to hint at anything by giving him a really feminine voice in Japanese.
Rantarou: I already adore this dude and I plan to immediately do all of his free-time events. OK fine I’ll do other people’s ones as well, but he’s the one I’m most interested in talking to. Partly because I’m really inclined to think that he might die relatively early on so I want to get to know him immediately. He at least comes across like the sort of character who might get killed off early as a big plot twist, to contrast with how mysterious and plot-important he seems right now. I don’t really know what to expect from his role in the story, but it’s hard not to get Komaeda vibes off of him, especially in the parts where he gets vaguely sinister. Thankfully his personality is already pretty notably different. He definitely seems like the character who’s probably most ‘plot-important’ other than Kaede and maybe K1-B0. It makes me wonder what his deal is, especially since he doesn’t remember his talent. I hope the inevitable reveal isn’t lame or anything. I also can’t help but wonder if maybe he’ll become some sort of love interest for Kaede, but I guess Shuichi would probably fit the mark better at this point. Who knows. I imagine that Kaede will have a love interest of some kind, since the other DR protagonists did. Anyway, I like his design as well. His outfit honestly seems like the sort of thing I could imagine a normal person wearing without it being weird at all. It’s neat. His hair looks mostly cool, like 90% of it does, but I can’t get over how weird those two upward-poking wavy bits at the top look. They’re so weird. Also, I’m still slightly thrown off by how deep and mellow his voice is, but it more or less fits his personality. I guess that in general his personality is a bit different than what I expected. I expected something a bit more fun and light-hearted.
K1-B0: OK first of all I might eventually just start calling him Keebo because it feels more natural than typing a name that has numbers and stuff in it. I still love his name, though. It never stops being the silliest thing ever to me, that his name is literally just a robot-y version of the Japanese word for hope. It’s great. I’m still kinda surprised that he didn’t end up being the game’s protagonist, given that he was front and center on the game’s first poster. He’s even the only character shown on the limited edition box design for the game. So who knows what’s up with him. Either way it’s hard not to see him as being potentially plot-important, with how immediately different he is to everyone else. We’ll see. His design is still kinda amazing and I love it. There’s a lot of places where V3′s character designs show restraint and realism, but hahaha not with this dude. In terms of his personality, I’m still really surprised that he’s mostly kinda nervous and defensive and high-strung, while also being pretty desperate to appear normal while being really unaware of normal things. Which is a fine way to write a robot character, and I prefer his ‘over-emotional’ portrayal over the more typical ‘emotionless robot’ characters we usually get. My main concern is that the game seems to be framing him as some sort of joke about “““SJWs”““, and it’s just bizarre and out of place. I also don’t know how the heck we’re even meant to view it thus far, since his whole ‘I’ll take you to court for your robophobic comments!’ attitude seems like it’s meant to be a joke, but at the same time his whole intro scene involves Kokichi literally questioning and denying his identity because he’s a robot, and being really inappropriate and invasive in general, so it’s kinda hard to view his defensiveness towards ‘robophobia’ as some sort of a joke we’re meant to laugh at. I guess we’ll see how it gets handled in the long run. Also let me just say that I’m REALLY happy they didn’t attempt to put some sort of obnoxious voice filter on him to make him seem more like a robot.
Maki: As I said above, I’m still suspicious about her prominent placing on that first poster we got. It’s even the reversible cover of the game, which is why I got reminded of it. I’m really curious to see what her deal is. I’m not entirely sure how I feel about her yet, since she’s mostly quiet and cold to people, which isn’t really a personality type I like seeing. I could see her potentially being a prominent part of trials, though, since she seems like she’d probably be calm and logical and whatnot. Also just to be blunt I kinda want her to be Kaede’s love interest, or at least one of them. I’ve kinda low-key shipped them since I first saw them. But do I really trust Kodaka to give me a healthy and mutually-alive same-sex ship after how DR3 ended? Not really, lol. I really like her design, though, even if her personality is a bit meh thus far. The red and black looks really nice, and it contrasts well with the brighter colours of Kaede’s design. Although there’s something weird about how her mouth is drawn. It looks a little wonky.
Kaito: I’m even more confused about what the hell this dude was doing on that promo poster, especially after seeing him in person. He basically seems like the Soda of this game, but thankfully way less weird and creepy. He seems like a really great dude all around, even if he’d be a bit too, uh, intense for me to enjoy being around in real life. I’m also still kinda amazed that he’s an astronaut, of all damn things. I remember that one coming out of nowhere. His whole conversation about how he illegally cheated to become an astronaut and when he got caught they just decided to keep him on board anyway was amazing. It’s a pretty hilarious way to address and basically gloss over the question of how a high-schooler could possibly be an astronaut. Also, his design is kinda hilarious. The simple white/purple theme works really well, but jesus christ his goddamn hair is amazing. I love it. It’s so silly. It’s like someone took a normal hairstyle and then messed with it in Photoshop. I wonder what it’d look like if they ever try and make figures of him. But I unironically love that the inner part of his jacket has a space design on it. That’s a nice detail, even if it’s hard to see normally. I can also tell that some of his expressions are going to be hilarious.
Kokichi: I can already tell that this dude’s gonna be a major player in this game, especially in trials. To the point where I’d be amazed if he doesn’t survive for at least four chapters or so. I feel like he’s going to be such a central part of the trial experience that cutting him out would leave a bit of a void. He’s obviously going to be sorta Komaeda-y in how he messes with people but he never actually kills anyone or anything. I’m just guessing, though. I’m also basing this on the demo I watched someone play, where that’s exactly how it went. [Though on the topic of trials, it’s still interesting to me that Rantarou and K1-B0 were specifically excluded from the demo trial]. I don’t know if I’m a huge fan of his overall personality, though. He just seems a bit annoying for the most part, even if he’ll probably be pretty compelling overall, partly in a ‘love to hate them’ sort of way. And obviously I disliked how incredibly shitty he was toward K1-B0. That was unpleasant. His design’s cool, though. I like how he seems to be wearing some sort of a loose straitjacket. His huge checker-print scarf is also pretty neat. Not sure how I feel about his hair-style. It’s a bit odd. I’m also curious to learn more about his talent, since it’s hard to imagine him genuinely being what he says he is. I wouldn’t be too surprised if he’s actually lying about his talent.
Gonta: I love him so much but he’s so obviously going to die because the baras always die. That’s not a spoiler though. I don’t actually know if he’ll die or not. I’m just assuming that he will because every character of his vague ‘type’ have died previously. He’s great, though. I love how much of a gentle giant he is. He just wants to be a gentleman and everyone’s just immediately intimidated by him instead. But then again he does get genuinely scary whenever someone insinuates that they dislike bugs. So that’s a thing. The fact that his whole talent is about how much he likes bugs is strangely endearing to me. It feels like such a gentle, delicate, and studious sort of field that it clashes with his design in a fun way. Also he has Harry Potter-y glasses and that’s adorable.
Miu: She’s kinda already turning into a problematic fave of mine. I totally get why she’d be too much for most people, and I’d hate her in real life, but as a character she’s really fun to watch, and adds a lot to the group dynamic. I’m not really expecting much from her in the long run though, since she’s obviously meant to be this game’s fanservice-y and kinda dumb character. I can’t help but wonder if she has some sort of connection to K1-B0 though, or if they might develop one, since her talent as an inventor who knows her way with machines seems sorta fishy in a game with a literal robot character in it. Her design’s also pretty nice, though the weird BDSM-y equipment she has is kinda hilarious and bizarre to look at. I love her aviator goggles, though.
Kirumi: I already like her a lot, though it’s sorta hard to pin down why. I think it’s mostly to do with me really liking her whole aesthetic. The spiderweb/broken glass pattern on her dress in particular is really cool. The only weird part is that it’s kinda weird how her eyelashes are drawn visibly through her hair. It just looks strange. There’s not much to say about her personality, though her whole ‘I’ll do what people tell me to do’ attitude is very worrying given, you know, the situation they’re all in. I don’t exactly expect her to survive. Also I’m still a bit confused what the difference in talent is between her being a maid and Chisa from DR3 being a housekeeper.
Tsumugi: She’s unexpectedly funny but I feel like she won’t last long, so that kinda sucks. Her overall design is still by far the plainest in the game, but I like how it’s an intentional choice that’s contrasted by her personality. I appreciate that she’s not, like, super wacky or anything, but she’s still pretty hilarious. Especially her realistically surprised reactions to stuff other characters say. It’s also a really neat detail how when she gets excited about something and clearly starts forgetting things like social boundaries, her sprite gets bigger and bigger like she’s entering your personal space. It’s also an interesting concept to have a cosplayer character who’s just wearing a really plain and boring school uniform, and cares mostly about the actual production of the costumes. I can’t help but wonder if her talent will end up leading to her being able to disguise herself as someone else. That’d be a really interesting thing to use in a murder case. Also I seriously hope there’s a scene in the game where she’s just cosplaying as Junko for no real reason, and you’re tricked into thinking for a moment that Junko’s genuinely back in this game. That’d be amazing.
Korekiyo: I have no idea what to make of this dude thus far. He didn’t really get many lines outside of his intro scene. He definitely seems like the most ‘creepy’ character. I kinda like him, though. The way that he talks about the beauty of humanity makes me really curious to see how he reacts to the killings as they happen. It’d be a bit amusing if he lives for the entire game and just keeps being really fucking weird about the whole thing while everyone just averts their eyes. His entire design is incredibly weird to me, and it’s kinda hard to tell what they’re going for beyond ‘this dude’s incredibly super chuuni’. It doesn’t seem to fit his actual personality much. You’d think he’d be way more, well, chuuni, I guess. It also kinda surprised me when I looked at his profile and saw that, at least relative to average Japanese heights, he’s actually really tall. It’s kinda difficult to tell people’s relative heights in VN-esque games like this. Also, I actually think it’s really cool that he’s an anthropologist. It’s cool to see an actual academic field like this in the franchise. There’s not too many characters with talents like that. I hope he gives out lots of random trivia about anthropology-related things.
Himiko: She’s not exactly my sort of character, but I like her. I mostly like the little ways in which she’s handled differently than how you’d expect her to be. Like how the only fanciful part of her design is her witch hat, which isn’t very fancy itself, and how she’s really chill and mellow but also a little childish. Even when she’s trying to be bombastic, it’s pretty chill. Also her whole ‘magic is real’ thing reminds me so much of Beatrice from Umineko, and that just makes me immediately like her, even if they’re [presumably] very different characters.
Angie: I keep mentally grouping her and Himiko into the ‘short, cute girl’ category for some reason, even though they’re very different. She’s definitely very . . . unique, that’s for sure. I’m still thrown off by her accent. I get what they’re going for, but for some reason it just sounds sorta French to me, so it feels like they told her VA ‘put on a foreign accent’ without telling her WHICH accent to put on. I don’t know if her accent is necessarily inaccurate for the part of the world she’s from, but ‘French’ is my first thought upon hearing it, so it feels odd. I like it, though. It’s a unique voice. Her design as a whole is definitely really cool. I love how bright and cheerful it is, colour-wise. I like her bright and bubbly personality a lot, though she can be a little creepy at times, like in the whole ‘blood sacrifice for Atua’ scene.
Ryoma: Thus far he’s immediately my favourite ‘cartoon-y and unrealistic-looking’ character, compared to ones like Hifumi and Teruteru. For one thing, he’s not a perverted creep, so that immediately puts him about fifty levels above those two. I also genuinely adore the way that he acts and talks like he came out of some kinda detective noir film, and has a Dark Backstory [tm] involving him murdering mafia members with a goddamn steel tennis ball. It’s so melodramatic and angsty but so incredibly hilarious because he’s like a three-foot tall teenage tennis player dramatically talking about how he used his tennis-playing talent to kill, and that he’s now just an empty shell of who he once was. I love him already. If he gets killed off, that’d be a real shame. But his character type also never survives, sadly. I don’t have much else to say about his design itself, but I think he has a chain around his ankle like a stereotypical ball and chain put on prisoners and that’s just the icing on the cake of how amazingly emo his design is.
Tenko: Not gonna lie, I almost forgot she existed and had to look at the cover of the game to figure out who I was missing. She’s probably my least favourite character thus far simply due to me liking everyone else more, and also due to me just not being a huge fan of her design. It’s mostly just the way that her uniform looks like it’s five sizes too small, but her giant green hair ribbons are also a bit weird, and so is the weird DNA helix-y way her hair is braided. It’s a bit of a bizarre design all around. But I absolutely adore her facial expressions so much. They’re fantastic. I love how unrepentantly weird and gross some of them are. That fucking smile-smirk-grimace-thing she does when she first talks about ‘degenerate males’ is one of the funniest things in this game thus far. Although on that note, her whole man-hating thing is already a little grating. It’s not terrible, but still. Although it looks like the game might do some funny things with it, like how in the demo she couldn’t say which guy walked into the cafeteria because she just hates men so goddamn much that she basically blocked him out of her vision and then couldn’t remember who it was later. That sorta thing is amusing.
Monokids: I almost forgot to comment on these guys, but I may as well, since they’re a noteworthy new aspect of the game. They’re definitely very fitting for the franchise, but it’s almost overwhelming having so many variations of Monokuma running around. It was also really weird how it felt like half of the script in the prologue was just them talking, and the actual main characters just responding to them sometimes. I hope they don’t hog the screen-time that much for the rest of the game. I’m pretty interested to see what the hell their deal is, though, since presumably someone is controlling them, but they seem to be operating independently from Monokuma. I guess they might just be actual autonomous robots though. But still.
I don’t think there’s really any point to me saying anything about Monokuma, since he’s not exactly a new character. But I can’t help but wonder who’s controlling him this time, if he’s not also an autonomous robot. Presumably it’d be an all-new character this time around, unless they somehow bring back an old character. But if it’s a new mastermind, will it be one of the main characters of this game? If so, how? If it’s not, then who would it be? I doubt that the mastermind would end up being a completely, entirely new character. I guess we’ll see.
Anyway that got really really long but oh well. I have a lot to say about this game already, lol. I’m really excited to finally be sitting down to play one of these games on my own terms, rather than just seeing someone else play it on Youtube. Even if it’s been a bit of a nightmare trying to get the necessary equipment to legally play it.
I’m very curious to see where my opinion falls in the long run, since this seems to be a very ‘love it or hate it’ kinda game. I don’t really have super high expectations though, at least after I disliked DR2′s ending, and I thought UDG was kinda weird, and I thought DR3 was a bit of a trainwreck. I love this franchise a lot, but it can also be kinda terrible at times, so I’m keeping my hopes in check for this one.
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Supernatural's season finale of season 12 was absolutely magnificent but god damn, it took me about the rest of the day, much food and a Game Of Thrones marathon to recompose myself. Now this is your final warning, this text contains !!SPOILERS!! and so friggin many of them too, so if you haven't seen the episodes yet, a) what the hell are you doing, go watch them RIGHT NOW, and b) you probably shouldn't continue reading. Now, I mustered up two, maybe two and a half, theories that I think are valid, but I'm not 100% sure. If you have anything to add, if you want to talk about it or start a conversation with me on the topic (or off the topic, I don't mind) send me a message! Reblog this, maybe. I don't bite I swear! Okay so onto my first theory. This is about Castiel's death. You know how awesome he was to the baby? And how he connected to it more than once? And when the baby (Jack, right? Should I call him jack? Sure why not) was born and Sam saw it at the end of the episode it wasn't exactly a baby (did it look like a twenty years old man to everyone else or was it just me?). That means he's not stupid. He understands what is going on around him, he can think. And even if his thought process is not mature yet, just like every other child, he understands who his mom and dad is. Given the fact that Castiel was so connected to him and Kelly kept bringing him up and saying he's gonna take care of Jack and protect him, I think Jack will recognize him. I mean, he even gave him power to kill Dagon so he should be familiar with him, right? So maybe, just maybe, given the second fact that Jack is one of the most powerful beings in the universe, he can bring him back. Right? And he'd be willing to, since he knows Cass can protect him. So I'm keeping my hopes up My second theory, which revolves around both Crowley and Castiel, is that, technically Castiel came from an alternative universe. Where heaven and hell are at war. So there should be a second Castiel/Crowley? So mayyyyybe the real Castiel/Crowley is still alive somewhere? I dunno, that's not a really stable theory but there could be something revolving around the alternative universe. Now my 2.5 theory revolves around Rowena. I mean they would at least give her an epic death that's on screen, right? So I'm thinking, Rowena is far from stupid. She must've had some insurance in case of death, I guess you could say. Something along the lines of some sort of a horcrux? Like Voldemort in Harry Potter. I mean I'm sure she wouldn't just have her guards down, right? So maybe she could done something like splitting her soul, but don't take my word for it. It's not a really stable theory either. Anyways y'all, thanks for listening to my rant. I'll add anything if I need to, regarding the rest of the characters but for now I'm gonna go do human stuff (pff who needs all that) and I'd be happy to hear all your theories so send me a message or an ask, we can talk about this :D. I'm not tagging anyone in case they haven't seen the finale yet. Thanks again and I hope your day is as beautiful as the family hug in episode 22 :)
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elizaxspears · 7 years
The Dawn
This is my first FFXV work, so I'm sorry if something's a bit OOC. I've played the game way too much, but I'm still learning how to write them myself.
Having waited for years, 10 to be exact, only to have their King back for a night then gone again to have the dawn, it was bittersweet; perhaps more bitter then sweet. Yet there was something tugging in his chest that told him, no matter how he, how they, felt, this was their happy ending
He couldn’t see what their King looked like, of course, but Prompto described everything to him. Everything. He didn’t leave a single thing detail. He appreciated it, he honestly did. Perhaps his eyes didn’t work anymore, but his mind still did. Imagination may not have been his strongest suit, but memory served him well, combining the old and new.
The funeral they had for the King was a private ceremony. They would have a proper memorial service for the public, but they had wanted just a little more time to themselves before having to share their memory of the Prince now King with the rest of the world. Prompto again described everything he could right down to the detailing of the King’s coffin.
Now, as he sat alone staring up at the night sky, he found himself contemplating just what life would be like without Noctis, without the promise of his return. At least during those dark years, they had known Noct would come back. Now, there was no such hope. “Iggy’s thinkin’ again.”
Prompto’s voice sounded suddenly, though it still didn’t deter him from looking up at the sky. “Afraid so.”
“About what?”
“The future.”
Prompto huffed though there was a smile to it. “Can I sit?”
“There’s nothing saying you can’t”
“Just askin’.”
He felt the warmth of the blonde next to him, a feeling he realized he’d missed during the years they’d grown apart. Prompto had been there for him so many times when he’d first lost his vision. “Have I ever thanked you?”
“Thanked you, for what you did for me.” he waited but Prompto didn’t reply. “After Altissa.” he clarified.
“Oh!” there was a shrug. “I mean, not really? But like, it’s cool. I kinda thought I was botherin’ you.”
Ignis finally lowered his head, closing his only open eye. “I was more bothered by my lack of hindsight. I should never gotten this wound in the first place.”
“…was that a pun?”
“Must you ask?”
“Yeah, guess not.” the blonde playfully nudged his shoulder. “So, what about the future are you thinkin’ about?”
Prompto fell silent again. When he spoke next there was obvious pain in his voice. “He’s not comin’ back this time.”
“No, he will not.”
“You think he’s watching us?”
“I don’t see why he wouldn’t be. Him, his father, Lady Lunafreya. They all could be watching us.”
“You two act like we’re never gonna see any of them again.” Another voice he couldn’t mistake, just like Prompto’s. Gladio’s presence was suddenly on the opposite side of him. Heavy and warm. “It’s gonna take a long time, but we’ll see ‘em again.”
“Noct better be as old as us when we get there.” Prompto said. “I don’t wanna be some eighty year old man with by best friend still stuck at thirty.”
“I’m sure we won’t have any of those concerns by the time we’ve finished our duty to Noct here.” Ignis sighed. “We still have much to do. Lucis won’t rebuild itself.”
“It won’t lead itself either.” Gladio added.
Prompto groaned, leaning his full weight on Ignis’ side. “I don’t wanna think about all this political stuff right now.”
“That’s Iggy’s territory.” Gladio's hand rested heavy on his shoulder. “You sure you’re up for all that?”
“Of course. In case you’ve forgotten, I was meant to be a royal advisor.”
“Yeah. Sorry you’re never gonna be put to use.”
“Nor will you.”
“At least you guys had positions to lose. I was just the pleb that tagged along.”
Ignis finally unfolded his hands from his lap, reaching one over to place on Prompto’s head that was still resting on his shoulder. “You did so much for Noct, Prompto and you’ve done so much for us as well. You were more then just a friend Noct met in school.”
“Iggy’s right blondie. Don’t sell yourself short.”
Ignis took a deep breath, feeling Prompto relax further on him. He didn’t mind. The weight was nice. “Thank you, by the way. I don’t think I ever properly said it until now.”
“No problem Igster.” Though Ignis couldn’t see it, he could feel the smile on the blonde’s lips. “You think we’re gonna make Noct proud?”
“Why wouldn’t we?”
“I dunno…just don’t wanna mess this up.”
“We’ll only let his royal pain in the ass down if we drift apart again.” Gladio said, his large hand moving from Ignis’ shoulder to take his other hand. “Right now, let’s swear we won’t separate again. We’re to be there for each other like we were when Noct was here.”
“I swear.” Ignis said, squeezing Gladio’s hand.
“I swear.” Prompto repeated, his hand dropping over Ignis’ and Gladio’s, squeezing them both. They remained silent for so long Ignis lost track of time but they never parted. If anything, they inched closer to him, physically promising they would not drift apart. “Hey look!” Prompto called out.
Ignis took a moment to figure out what Prompto was suddenly so excited about, but subtly, he could detect just that touch of light. Had they sat out here all night? “Heh. Looks like Noct’s comin’ to say good morning to us for once.” Gladio had a smirk in his voice.
There was a subtle shake in his motion, only his brothers could tell as they touched him, but he reached up to remove his visor that guarded his eyes from the light. His one eye opened and he greeted Noct to the best of his ability. “Good morning, your highness.”
“Hey buddy…” Prompto choked out. He lifted their entwined hands, audibly swallowing the lump in his throat. “Look Noct. We’re keeping our promise to you and we made a new one to us. We’re never leaving each others side again. We’re gonna…we’re gonna walk tall, together.”
Ignis felt a prickle at the corner of his eye, a tear slipping over his cheek before he was the one to yank Prompto into a tight embrace, pressing the blonde’s head to his chest, letting Prompto sob and around him, he felt Gladio cradle him, resting his bearded chin on top Ignis’ head. The sun continued to rise as they remained together, the beams reaching across Lucis. The dawn had come.
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