#Dustin Brooks x Hunter Bradley
regaliasonata · 1 year
Welp, time to write about these two
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augment-techs · 6 months
RJ/Casey or Hunter/Dustin?
Neither one of these are that fresh to me, but let me see... Jungle Fury: -Casey really, really, really should have been the Cheetah while Lily was the Tiger. It makes perfect sense with Casey's general personality and the fact that it would make R.J.'s wolf beside him a HILARIOUS reference to Cheetahs in zoos that get their own pupper to temper their anxiety and make them happy. -Casey cannot and has not seemed to gain any weight since he was maybe fifteen and, as such, is prone to freezing his ass off the minute the temperature drops below fifty. R.J. himself is a living, walking furnace and has no problem when Casey slips up into his sweater while he's wearing it to soak up his warmth. -R.J. decorates the loft above Jungle Karma like nesting, like a busy little granny, like he's afraid he'll run out of pillows and blankets once he realizes that Casey is wonderful beyond being his student and Casey mentions he doesn't want to live the rest of his life in the mountains being a teacher. Ninja Storm: -Hunter marking his territory whenever he visits the Wind Ninja academy and Marah is around because like hell he's gonna let Lothor's niece anywhere near the ball of sunshine that is Dustin--who cares if he's a Master. He's SENSITIVE. -Dustin making just...the worst kind of waffles on earth whenever he actually puts any kind of effort into it--the incident with the sugared pears comes into conversation a lot to joss the poor young man--and Hunter eating them anyway. Food at the Thunder Academy is so fucking bland, he would probably eat a tire if Dustin put it on a plate for him. -They goad each other into getting so many tattoos. Flowers all up and down Dustin's arms, and fire or dragon themed variations along Hunter's back. If someone happened upon them in flagrante delicto, they would find the display something to envy--and so pretty.
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skyland2703 · 5 months
Masquarade AU for Hunter x Dustin
The Bradley Brothers were a sensation where they lived. Everyone knew them, or rather, everyone knew about them...
The younger of the two, Blake Bradley, was the most social creature known to humankind. He was the one that liked throwing parties, and inviting people, and hosting them. Socialising, and all of that stuff.
His brother, though, the only other person who lived in their mansion, was a mystery to most. He had never been seen to attend any of the wild parties Blake would throw, he'd never be seen interacting much with any of the guests. He was occassionally spotted, sipping on a drink and not entertaining a single person, and would disappear in the blink of an eye.
Tori Hanson was someone Blake had had his eye on, for a little too long— he'd invited her to a party, with a plus one, and Tori had chosen to bring her friend, and fellow sports enthusiast, Dustin Brooks.
Or rather, Dustin had annoyed his way into her shedule—
Dustin had never been to a masquerade before. Just the thought of it sounded exciting!
The fake swords, the elegant masks, and the absolutely over the top clothes. It was all so amazing— there were endless colors, when he stepped in through the threshhold.
Immediately, the two were separated, carried along different directions with a swirl of colors, and Dustin found himself laughing in a group of many, many people, none of whom he seemed to know, beautiful masks on their faces, all of whom had very colorful drinks in their hands, conversation floating from over his head, but taking the cue to laugh when everyone else did.
Then he said something— he couldn't quite recall what it was, later— and then everyone laughed at that, and then this one girl, with a pink, pink, pink mask offered him a drink, just as pink in color, with yellows floating about the middle, and he looked at it, intrigued— and then drank it, and then immediately regretted it.
All of a sudden the music was too loud, the drink too sweet, and too many masked faces swirling over him, laughing, jeering, enjoying.
Dustin felt scared.
And then he passed out.
The next thing Dustin knew was that he was in a room that looked absolutely random. His head was still spinning, and he didn't know what had gone wrong.
He saw a blonde man sitting in front of him, dressed in a tuxedo's jacket, the shirt underneath untucked, head in hands, and rubbing his forehead.
"Umm... are you okay?" it was a kinda ironic question to ask, of course. He was the only who was dizzy, but out of politeness, it felt like the right question to ask.
The other man looked up, and raised his eyebrows, pointing out the irony of the situation, "I'm— well actually, are you okay?"
"yeah?" Dustin nodded, he was still a little dizzy, but he was feeling better, especially in the quiet room, "what happened back there?"
"Someone drugged you and tried to take... advantage of you" the blonde guy— he looked rather pretty to Dustin— put it quite plainly. Dustin almost panicked, and looked around himself, touching himself to make sure he was okay, and hadn't gone through anything he wouldn't want to.
"It's okay. I got you out before any damage was done." He sighed, and Dustin looked on, in confusion, realising his own mask was just beside him, and that seemed to be the only thing that had been removed from his body.
"Thank you?"
He sighed, and then smiled at Dustin, whose heart fluttered just a little bit.
"No need to thank me... I'm looking over Blake's parties anyway. Too much shit would go down if I don’t act as watchdog." he smiled— and then it clicked to Dustin.
"You're Hunter Bradley! The Enigma!"
Hunter laughed, and his laugh absolutely drove Dustin over the edge... "I didn't know i had quite this reputation" Dustin found himself blushing.
"I'm Dustin, by the way. Well technically it's Waldo, but nobody calls me Waldo, because that sounds dumb, so Dustin"
"And Dustin does not sound dumb?"
The way Hunter said it made Dustin blush even more, but then Hunter got up, "I think you should return to the party. I think your friends would be looking for you"
"Are you also coming?" He'd heard Hunter Bradley never attended any parties— now it occurred to him, looking at Hunter's shiny coat, and red tuxedo jacket, and the all the more beautiful crimson mask in his hand, that maybe he always did, only nobody knew him well enough to know that he did.
Hunter smiled, "well yes."
Dustin knew he was going to be awfully forward when he said the next few words, but he knew it was now or never— if he didn't ask now, he'd lose Hunter in that swarming mess of rainbow people down there— "May I... have a dance with you?"
It sounded almost medieval, but the smile it put on Hunter's face, was worth the embarrassment.
He was hesitant, at first, but then nodded, "I'd love to... Dustin"
Thanks for the ask :3
Unconventional AU Prompts
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skylandart · 2 years
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CHIBIS#6: Hunter/Dustin for @mo-ok ~ pure serotonin 🥰
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estel-eruantien · 6 months
Alphabet Ask
Hunter Bradley/Dustin Brooks
A, F, I,K, M, P, U, V, X
(Now I retreat into the shadows)
A: Aftercare
Dustin believes every form of sex should include at least half an hour to an hour of cuddle time. He could stay in bed all day anyway, but after sex? Hunter is lucky to get him off of him long enough for them to get to the bathroom to clean up. He's beyond clingy, but Hunter enjoys it and uses the time to assure his lover (and himself) that what they have is strong.
F: Favorite Position
Hunter loves to be above Dustin, overpowering him. And Dustin eats it up. On his back, on his belly, on his knees -- he doesn't mind; as long as Hunter is all around him.
I: Intimacy
Once these two became a couple, no one knew how they were ever not a couple. They never leave the other's side. They are constantly touching. It's not even creepy or controlling; it's just intimate. It's familiar. The two ground each other.
K: Kink
These boys are always sporting marks, bites, scratches, ink drawings, etc. on each other. Both of them, but especially Hunter, love showing the world that their partner is for them alone.
Dustin loves being spoiled. And Hunter would end the world if Dustin asked it of him. From random gifts, acts of service like pushing Dustin's motorbike for him, to holding Dustin during a rough debriefing, and even fucking him as hard as he wishes after a tough battle, no matter how much he might beg to stop (safewords previously discussed, obviously).
M: Motivation
Both are turned on by teasing, by a good joke, by the right look. These boys read each other so well that they could have each other right where they wanted in an instant.
P: Pace
Oh god, two motorheads that don't know how to slow down if their life depended on it -- they both like it fast and rough and rarely slow it down, unless the situation calls for it and the vibes are right.
U: Unfair
Both of them tease the shit out of the other, but Dustin has come the closest to almost causing Hunter to crack and fuck in right in front of Blake and Tori. When the teasing gets to be too much, the threats come out, and Hunter's willing to take risks he otherwise normally wouldn't - like sticking his hand in Dustin's pants and fingering him just around the corner of the Ninja Ops, or fucking him out by the waterfall, barely hidden behind the water.
It's Dustin's own fault for being a brat, of course.
V: Volume
Hunter has started carrying a bandana around with him specifically to use as a gag for Dustin because the yellow is so damn loud anytime they fuck. From frantic whimpers to repetitive begging, Dustin can't shut up.
X: X-ray
Hunter is ripped, and everyone knows it from the way he fights. He's not afraid to show off his body, either, leaving little to the imagination.
Dustin, however, is a smaller build, and, though not always, typically hides under a layer or two of yellow shirts. He's always padded up in his motor gear, too, which leaves a lot to the imagination.
Hunter knows Dustin isn't lacking at all in muscle, though. As a ranger and as a civilian, Dustin can hold his own and look mighty fine doing it. He's full of lean muscle that Hunter loves to admire when they were alone.
AU: Trans!Dustin. That is all <3
Thanks so much @regaliasonata <3 I love my boys!
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regaliasonata · 1 year
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You think Hunter has learned the Brooks hugging technique. To just give the best hugs all around?
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augment-techs · 1 year
3 Ship Ask meme; Skull/Billy, Hunter/Dustin, and Kim/Bulk
...Wow, so much to go through. Suppose I'll start off with the easy ones? Hunter/Dustin: -As Hunter had to be extra and call himself the Crimson Ranger, it does give a certain higher level of aesthetic value if he ever did hook up with Dustin. Yellow and Red are all very well in their place, but use a flashy word like crimson, and it adds a little extra pop, so to speak. -The sheer volume of piggyback rides Hunter would insist on giving Dustin. Dustin, who has a weapon that can cause earthquakes, so you know he's secretly built, but let's it happen because, well, it makes Hunter feel buff. Also it's fun~ -Looks like they could kill you: could actually kill you. Looks like a cinnamon roll: .....well, fuck around and find out.
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Kim/Bulk: -For context, for those that don't know, they were field partners in the World of the Coinless after everything went to shit. As someone who generally does not give a single care about that kind of scenario, this actually awakened something in my lizard brain. Which is to say: THEY BOTH GREW TO BE SO MUCH HOTTER, OMG. -The adorable, wonderful, feels inducing nicknames! Like, Bulk's nickname for Kim, "Kimbirino" was very basic, I'll give that, but they had just killed off sentries trying to wipe out a field hospital. However, years later in GGPR, Kim got to see tiny, baby, fluffy, very confused Bulk and called him MAGGELAN and HISTORY BUFF, and HUGGED HIM. -Bulk being literally the only thing standing between a returned Ranger Slayer and the rest of the Coinless out for blood--including Zack and Trini, btw. Like, what is the height of romance if not using yourself as a human shield?
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Skull/Billy: -Tiny little babies playing in the sandbox in a tiny little town, who have probably been there for each other's first EVERYTHING. -Skull trying to apologize when Bulk is a dick and aliens have only just landed. It is slow going, and Billy absolutely does not notice, but you can see it all the way through MMPR and GGPR and just the growth of maturity for past deeds in Shattered Grid. And growth is very pretty on Skull, despite...y'know...Billy not being around to see it. -Billy having OPINIONS about Candice/Zelya. From her first introduction as Skull's "kinda girlfriend...kinda" to what I can assume is going on in his head during the Eltarian War. Now, if only the writers would be so good as to tap in on that introductory bit in GGPR again, that would be GREAT. (COWARDS.)
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regaliasonata · 1 year
“Just me…”
Ice cream outing from chapter 1
(Too tired to do shading or lineart so here you go)
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augment-techs · 5 months
“so does this mean you feel the same or..?” Dustin x Hunter
Hunter had to resist every single urge in his body telling him to roll his eyes and bash the back of his head into a wall. He had to settle for leaning in, hand coming up into Dustin's thick brown shaggy locks to pull him in until they were nosetip to nosetip, all champagne blushes and windswept hair--not just from the rally racing, of course, but also from the completely out of left field kiss he'd already laid on the Yellow like the champion of the world. "You are so lucky that you're cute." "Well that's a little rude--" The words cut off--as so often was the case with Hunter--but Dustin didn't appear to mind as the blond slipped his tongue inside Dustin's mouth and longer, slightly thicker arms dipped him low into a bow. Thank the Grid that they had ducked into an alley outside the bar they were celebrating at for the race, otherwise there was no doubt in the world that every single one of their friends in attendance would have been obnoxiously loud with cheering them on--or worse, saying something like "FINALLY" or "I fucking KNEW IT" with complete disregard for reading the room. Oh well.
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regaliasonata · 1 year
Chapter 2 of Ride On Time
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regaliasonata · 1 year
The reason Dustin gets up in the morning.
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regaliasonata · 1 year
Chapter 1 of Hunter/Dustin
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regaliasonata · 1 year
I know I shouldn't give much context for the fic but like....
Want to write a scene with Hunter helping Dustin with driving a dirt bike and like they go on a ride...it's just really adorable I'm sorry I had to share
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Oh my god they are so good together 😭
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regaliasonata · 8 months
So with the lore building and story stuff going on in the Dustin/Hunter AU I decided to make a post about the power system.
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First things first the shinobi(or ninjas, however you want to put it) all have teachings under the five schools. The Wind, Thunder, Wave, Fire and Earth Academies. Each school has a fair amount of the same stuff but alternate with various aspects to offer.
Now for sources, the three sources for abilities and techniques are Qi, Dynamo and Lotus everyone including those unaware of it's existence host qi.
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Qi is the force that drives life within a being but also can be charged and weaponised. With it ninjas are able to use their elemental affinity and in some cases have a unique effect with them(comes out as an aura, color depends on the person).
Second source is Dynamo, a sort of energy deriving from the second dynamics of each person in the AU. Writing the a/b/o aspects as non explicit but the trope is altered around by me for stuff and with details in powers and lore areas, dynamo involves mainly the senses of a person and soul ambience. This one is an innate one that everyone has as it activates no matter what when it comes to scents, qi boosts etc etc it will all develop as we go on, also depending on the dynamic a person has it there may be different effects(main way it's shown is through the present marking a person has)
And finally Lotus, nature energy which comes for the world itself. This is a potent yet powerful force that only a few have mastered, it's worth noting the samurai prioritize this power the most with their abilities.
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Elemental wise the five elements are Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Thunder. Worth noting not to take it from a literally sense but more of a metaphorical one even with the generic powers as it can refine itself depending on the user. Some individuals may have a full on variation depending on say a family, the individual or overall output(Ex: Kapri having ice)
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There's also stuff like scrolls, tools etc but that's a wip. This is what I have so far but yeah if anyone has any thoughts etc I'm all for answering 👀 wondering what Hurricaneger characters could appear(already mentioned blue and red)
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regaliasonata · 9 months
....Okay the hand on shoulder is just amazing but is Hunter wearing midriff???
I approve so much.
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regaliasonata · 6 months
You can just hear them arguing over Dustin...someone write this or I will
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Low brainchild clashing against each other🔴
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