#Dwayne The Lost Boys
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bornfreakdraws · 6 months
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*arrives 37 years late to the party* so uhhh 'The Lost Boys' (1987) huh
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My time has been a little short this month, so I’ve been finding studies a lot easier to dip in and out of when I’ve got a spare moment. Hopefully you like these from the video store scene - Max was actually really fun to draw, as was Thorn ☺️
Are there any other TLB scenes you’d like to see studies from? Or maybe a different Kiefer character - Nelson (Flatliners), Ace (Stand By Me), or Doc (Young Guns)?
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tac-the-unseen · 3 months
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darlingnikkisixx · 5 months
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The Lost Boys (1987)
Behind the scenes 🥡🎠
(The Picture Of Billy, Brooke & Chance at the phone booth is like my favorite picture ever. Chance was adorable in this film.)
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svvtchbladez · 11 months
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“but you must feed”
an old lost boys thing i did last june!! realized now would probably be a good time to post it,, even tho im not super satisfied with it BUT WHO CARES ITS OCTOBER ITS MY FAV MOVIE ITS VAMPIRES!!!!!! HELL YEAH >:)
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samsamscomicbook · 4 months
Happy Pride Month To Them
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otonokis · 4 months
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did this as a refresher bc it's been literal years since i last drew them
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klaus-littlestwolf · 10 months
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(I did try to write a Yandere!Lost Boys but considering the way they are 24/7 it’s difficult to not consider them Yandere all the time🤣)
I got many requests for another Poly!Lost Boys fic so I hope you like this!
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Paul and Marko had seen you first and they knew exactly what you were.
Their mate.
Your eyes were locked onto Paul’s as you froze on the boardwalk, stopping short of meeting your brothers, one of which was staring at David who was happy to see Star had attracted someone to finally feed on.
Marko and Paul both started their bikes, never once looking away as Paul winked, an arrogant smirk on his face. David and Dwayne pulled away with Star and Laddie on their bikes, the other two hesitating, not wanting to leave their mate after just finding her but knowing they couldn’t stay, it would be daylight soon and so they waved, shocking you. You lifted your hand, unsure if they were even looking at you at this point but pushing down the instinct to check behind you and make sure before they pulled off and you felt like you could breathe again.
David snapped at them when they caught up at the cave, angered they had left but the excitement on his brothers faces was startling.
‘We found her.’ Paul exclaimed and David, knowing instantly what he was taking about, looked to Marko who he knew wouldn’t back up such an outlandish claim if it wasn’t true, their mate was too important. Dwayne joined the group away from Laddie now as he heard the possibility of his mate being close and Marko nodded to their eldest brother.
‘Where is she?’ David snapped again, pissed they hadn’t told him before.
‘She was standing behind the dude that was following Star! Looked right at me the whole time, I think she would’ve stripped right there if I’d asked.’ He joked but as Marko snorted, Dwayne grabbed ahold of his collar and snarled at him, instantly livid. All 4 of them wanted their mate but Dwayne, while just as desperate for her as his brothers, was a possessive person by nature and the idea of Paul “showing off” their Queen was infuriating.
‘He’s kidding bud, it’s a joke!’ David stopped him while Marko yanked Paul away.
‘Yeah, joking man! She was perfect is my point! You know I would never let anyone else look at what’s ours like that!’ Paul was shockingly defensive, he’s normally a huge joker but he had looked for their mate just like all of them.
The boys had been looking for their mate ever since Max told them about the possibility of finding her. Vampire females are far more rare, women not taking to the life quite as well as often (for example: Star) and so most often multiple vampires will share a female and be considered a ‘pack’. Max would have had one as well but he never turned anyone he felt drawn to before David who was more like a son than a brother. Max wanted his mate who he now realized was Lucy, all to himself.
‘We just need to find that dude again and we should find our mate. The little one was his brother right, she must be their sister.’ Marko guessed, Dwayne pulling out of David’s grip after calming himself down. They all felt excited in their own way about having their mate, one that would completely accept them for all they were, monsters and murderers alike.
David enjoyed the idea that there would be someone he could let his guard down with a bit more than he could with his brothers. Not that he didn’t trust them, but they looked to him for guidance and as a leader to always make the right choices, he loved it, but the thought of having his mate to just be himself with was something he was desperate for and had been for years.
Dwayne had always wanted to get married and have a family, of course he wouldn’t change being a vampire here with his brothers for anything in the world, but the chance of still having a women that was perfect for him, be there without judgment for their eternity was extremely important to him.
Marko was excited about a mate as well as a new pack member, he had been excited for Star joining them too but she had been an ultimate let down, his mate would not be! He would never again need to spend his time with idiot women on the boardwalk that were just excited by the idea of being with a punk in a biker gang just to get a decent fuck, he would have someone who he loved and could be loved by.
Paul was much like Marko in his excitement, and while most people that look at him see a confident, cocky and flirty guy, Paul hadn’t always been like that. His new life was just that, a new life. Being a vampire had opened up the ability to be a different person but inside he’s still the guy that he had always been before turning and becoming the one that gets the boys their meals half the time, the guy that ends up feeding on sexy women every night. He was ready for his mate, the person who would know that side of him he tried so hard to bury, and the girl that was with him because she loved him and not as a chance to brag to her friends the next day about fucking the ‘biker guy’ (even if none of them ever made it that far).
‘Tomorrow, we’ll find her then and make sure she knows who she belongs to. She’ll be drawn to us and we’ll be sure she stays.’ David smirked while just thinking about their mate as a vampire…though the idea of her drinking Max’s blood gave him pause. David knew she had to drink their blood and only their blood, the idea of Max having any kind of control over their girl made him want to rip his makers heart out.
‘What if she needs us before that? We need to go and find her now!’ Dwayne insisted but David grabbed his shoulder.
‘It’s too late right now. The sun is about to come up-‘
‘I don’t like it either, none of us do.’ David told him, gesturing to Marko and Paul who both nodded, clearly wanting to have her now just as he did. ‘But tomorrow will have to be enough. She’ll be ours brother, don’t doubt it, and it’ll be our blood she’s drinking from.’
The smirk that came over their faces would have been terrifying to anyone else, and it did terrify Star who had been listening to everything they were saying, scared for what was going to happen to the poor girl who they clearly wanted even more than they had her.
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Y/n had been unable to get those boys out of her head all night. They were all attractive of course, and she felt guilty about that since they weren’t the kind of guys she should be attracted to. These weren’t boys she would be going to school with in a month at the end of the summer, these were men, all at least 19-21, riding motorcycles, smoking and taking home God knows how many girls every night. They were nothing but trouble and heartache which is why she decided she would have nothing to do with them…though that was easier said than done as she couldn’t get them out of her mind, every one of them just as hot as the last. The cute boyish one with that patchy jacket and the huge grin on his face, tall dark and sexy who thought it was okay to ride around without a shirt, torturing the female population! The bleach blonde leader with a look that could easily kill anyone stupid enough to challenge him, and finally the blue eyed cutie with the Lion mane for hair, the one who smiled and waved, who clearly liked her already with his Cheshire friend…who is she kidding? He’ll have long since forgotten about her by tomorrow, at least that’s what she thought.
Later that night she once again found herself on the boardwalk, and even though Michael wasn’t supposed to leave her side, she was inevitably left alone. However, someone else was left alone as well, someone very familiar she realized as she saw the young boy looking around frantically before bumping into her and nearly falling onto his ass.
‘Woah! Hey, are you alright kid?’ Y/n asked as she steadied him on his feet and he looked up to see the girl that Paul and Marko had been talking about the entire morning before they went to bed. Laddie knew how much his “father” had wanted her last night and Laddie knew that not only would he be safe with her, but that Dwayne would be proud of him for finding her for them.
‘Star left me to go find some guy and now I can’t find my big brothers…’ he admitted it sadly, knowing she would want to help him as most women did. Laddie had brought the boys meals before when he got “lost” but he liked this girl and he knew she wasn’t going to die like the rest of them.
‘That’s awful! Don’t worry, I’ll help you find them. You’re talking about the guys on the bikes I saw you with last night, right?’ He nodded and Y/n sighed. So much for staying away from them, but she can’t leave this boy on his own in the supposed “Murder Capital of the World”, so she took his hand and made her way down the boardwalk with him. ‘I’m Y/n by the way. What’s your name?’
‘I’m Laddie! Thank you for helping me Y/n.’ He smiled up at her and her heart melted. Who could leave this poor boy all alone with no one to watch out for him?
‘You’re very welcome Laddie. Does Star do this a lot?’ He shrugged.
‘She likes to go to the concerts without me but she always comes to get me before we have to go home so Dwayne doesn’t know. He would be angry.’
‘He should be angry! You shouldn’t be left alone here! Of all the irresponsible-I’m sorry. It’s not my choice how your brothers girlfriend takes care of you, but damn.’ Laddie shook his head quickly, not wanting her to be confused about Star, knowing how much his brothers really like this girl and not willing to let Star screw it up!
‘She’s our sister.’ He clarified and her eyes widened.
‘That’s Even Worse!’ She exclaimed as they walked up to the bikes, not seeing his brothers anywhere. ‘Okay, we can wait for them here, I’m sure they’ll be back eventually…are you hungry?’ She asked as she noticed him looking at a venders cart and he nodded. ‘Come on.’ They walked over to the cart and Y/n giggled as Laddie stared at the cotton candy. ‘Can we get 2 corn dogs, please?’ She ordered and as the guy turned she grabbed 2 plastic bags of the cotton candy and shoved them to the kid who grinned excitedly up at her before running off back to the bikes before the man turned and handed her the 2 foot long corn dogs. ‘Can we have some ketchup too, please?’ He sighed but as he turned again she grabbed 2 cans of coke and shoved them into her pockets before smiling at the man and handing him a 10 dollar bill.
‘I can’t believe you did that! You are awesome!’ Laddie exclaimed in excitement as she walked back to him. Y/n just rolled her eyes but couldn’t hide her smile as they sat beside the bikes on the board walk.
‘Well thank you, stealing is never right, but I didn’t plan on feeding a kid tonight and if your stealing to eat then just make sure you don’t get caught.’ She explained, handing him a can of soda and winking which made him laugh excitedly, taking his corn dog and eating it happily. They sat there for about 10 minutes together before Laddie looked up suddenly, hearing his brothers voices and jumping to his feet, running to them.
‘Dwayne!’ He cheered, jumping into his arms and he caught the boy, instantly confused.
‘Laddie? Why are you alone?! Are you alright?!’ He looked the boy over for injuries quickly and Y/n found her heart melting at that. They way Laddie talked about his brothers, especially Dwayne, was beautiful and he clearly loves the boy dearly.
‘Where’s Star, kid? She should be with you.’ David spoke, angry at the fact that they now have to watch Laddie while they look for their mate.
‘She left me to find that guy but I found her for you! I found her!’ He whispered excitedly before turning and seeing Y/n standing there awkwardly. ‘Y/n took care of me!’ Laddie explained, getting Dwayne to put him down and running back to her.
‘Oh no! “Took care” is probably not right, I got him some dinner and I waited with him for you. I just didn’t want him to be all alone.’ You spoke, ruffling the boys hair and making him laugh.
10 minutes ago Dwayne would have said he already couldn’t love you anymore and he hadn’t even set eyes on you properly yet, but here he stood, staring at you for the first time and seeing you caring for the boy he looked at as his own son…you are a Goddess and he would never let you out of his sight again. Paul and Marko stared much like they did last night, excitedly and hungrily, already undressing you in their minds and David…David actually had to close his mouth and make sure he wasn’t drooling. You are absolute perfection and you’re already protective of the youngest and weakest of their family? There’s no way you could be a more perfect mate for them.
‘I can’t thank you enough for watching out for him, you’re so sweet babygirl, aren’t you?’ Dwayne smiled, stepping closer and ruffling Laddies hair as he looked down at you. Your face caught fire, feeling like you had never blushed quite this hard before.
‘She really is Dwayne. Thank you for taking care of our brother.’ David spoke next, at your side before you even saw him move.
‘It’s no biggie, I just got him a corn dog and some cotton candy-‘
‘She means she stole me cotton candy and soda! It was awesome-‘
‘Eat your candy.’ You deadpanned and the boy just smiled, cheekily. ‘Okay, well I’m glad he’s safe. I should be going home now-‘
‘Oh, please don’t go?’ The wild haired one Laddie had told you was Paul finally spoke up, his stare feeling just as intense as last night. ‘Come for a ride with us? We would love to get to know Laddies new friend.’
‘You can ride with me! I’m a wonderful driver.’ Marko smirked, taking your hand into his and pulling you towards his bike.
‘Oh, I’m sure you are but I shouldn’t-‘
‘Please?’ Laddie asked making you turn to see him climbing onto Dwayne’s bike behind him. ‘You can come see where we live, it’s so cool!’ His excitement was contagious and you couldn’t find it in yourself to deny him anything.
‘My brother is gonna end up leaving without me and-‘
‘I’ll take you home Kitten.’ David cut you off. ‘Or you can just stay with us, which ever one you prefer.’ You could tell he was flirting and while a part of your body was telling you to run like hell, you didn’t want to, you wanted to fall into his arms and never let go for as long as you live.
‘…okay! Fine! But just for a little bit!’
‘YES! You are gonna love our place so much you’ll never wanna leave Princess!’ Paul teased, jumping to his bike and kissing your cheek on his way which made you blush even harder before Marko lifted you onto his bike.
You gasped, clutching onto him as if he would drop you and he just grinned. ‘Hold on as tight as you’d like Angel, but I would never let you fall.’ He whispered it into your ear and it felt so personal somehow, not like him openly flirting like it should, instead it felt like a very important promise and it made your stomach flutter and your smile grow.
Marko hopped onto the bike in front of you and kickstarted it quickly, all 4 of the bikes roaring to life and now as David winked back at you, pulling off down the boardwalk, you wrapped your arms around Marko’s body and tried to ignore the intense vibration from the machine between your legs. You needed to hold yourself to him quite closely to be able to put your chin on his shoulder and see but he didn’t seem to mind as you giggled, watching people jump out of their way on the crowded boardwalk.
‘Laughing at scrambling tourists! You’re already one of us Angel!’ Marko laughed and it made you blush before looking back and seeing Paul right behind you and clearly staring at your ass before winking at you and making you blush that much harder.
Suddenly the bikes came to a stop and you gasped, looking back around and seeing David staring at their sister who was with…Michael?! Fuck!
‘Where do you think you’re going Star?’ David asked, his voice clearly a warning that even you heard but she chose to try and ignore it.
‘For a ride…this is Michael.’ She tried to get onto his bike quickly but David spoke up again, his voice a bit more teasing but she seemed to get the message as all he did was speak her name and she turned, climbing on behind him. You felt an odd weight in your gut as she wrapped her arms around David and you pushed the jealousy that was building as far down as you could because it made no sense…right?
‘I can’t beat your bike.’ You heard your brother tell David who snorted, knowing that was damn well true. You’ve never been allowed on Michaels bike before because he didn’t want to share it with his sister even to give a ride to the mall or the boardwalk, but you’d seen enough to know David’s Triumph would beat him a million times over. ‘Y/n?! What the fuck are you doing?!’ Michael snapped and you flinched which seemed to be something (going by how tight Marko held your hand suddenly and how quickly Paul revved his bike closer beside you) the boys didn’t like.
‘Y/n is coming for a ride with us. See, she took care of Laddie while you were off looking for Michael, it was very good of her, and good Kittens get treats.’ David was clearly taunting your brother but when he looked to you as he talked about giving you a treat…the chill it sent through your body was more intense than the vibrations of Marko’s bike could ever be.
‘No way! Get the fuck off Y/n! You’re going home! No way in Hell are you coming-‘
‘Clearly I am, I’m already on the bike. And unless you want me to tell mom about how you ditched Sam and I 2 nights in a row, and on top of that was about to leave me stranded to fuck some girl, you’ll shut up and stay out of my business.’ Mike looked shocked, you never stick up for yourself but you were determined not to look like a pussy in front of these guys and to enjoy your ride because just riding down the boardwalk was an amazing experience.
Paul whistled. ‘Damn, Princess got some fight in her!’
‘Our Kitten has some claws for sure, can’t wait to see you use them babe.’ He smirked, his eyes seeming to almost glow as he looked at you with an expression you could only imagine was “turned on”. ‘Let’s go!’
‘Hold on tight kid, we’re goin’ for a ride.’ You heard Dwayne tell Laddie and you were touched by it, Dwayne noticing how you watched to make sure he was comfortable before he took off. You held onto Marko as tightly as you could when he rocketed down the steps onto the beach, sand exploding everywhere as they all now rode passed beach parties and bonfires, howling like maniacs. Watching even Laddie join in prompted you to relax and just enjoy the ride, something inside of you knowing that Marko would never let you get hurt even if you did crash (which was an odd thought). You planted your feet on the sides of the bike and held onto his shoulders firmly, now standing up and leaning against him as you howled into the air as loudly as you could.
All of the boys suddenly cheered, howling and whooping along with you before Marko tugged you down again and you internally thanked him as they all swerved under the boardwalk, turning and skidding around the wooden beams before you were out again and now riding through the woods. ‘Keep your arms in Angel!’ Marko warned and you could see the little branches sticking out that he was making sure didn’t touch you.
When you made it out of the trees you could see the boys had fallen back, clearly purposely as Michael was now riding alongside David who was egging him on. Your brother had always been an idiot, and he had always been a jerk to you, therefore you felt no need to stand up for him or help him in anyway. If he wants to challenge David then more power to him, because David seems like the last guy anyone would want to fight (even if he didn’t have 3 friends for backup). You rested your head against Marko’s back as you rode now, waving at Laddie who was grinning at you before they all came to a stop and you heard your brother screaming.
Michael was off his bike and his fist suddenly collided with David’s face, Dwayne, Paul and Marko rushing to pull him back while you held Laddie behind you, his small hand clutching tight to yours before tugging you and you turned to follow him down the rickety steps to the mouth of a cave. ‘Wait up bud! We don’t want Y/n falling and getting hurt, do we?’ Dwayne asked, catching up and lighting a torch like log on fire to be able to see, holding your other hand and carefully leading you down, lighting the gallon drums on fire to brighten up the whole cave.
‘Such gentlemen, the both of you.’ You thanked, releasing their hands now that you were on (relatively) flat ground.
‘Come see my room!’ Laddie insisted, excitedly. He took your hand again and pulled you over to the other side of the cave where a large bed was and around a corner there was a small area where his bed resided. It was cut off from the rest of the cave so he had privacy and a built in little shelf for his stuff which seemed to hold comics, a few action figures and some unique seashells.
‘This is very cool Laddie, and it’s exactly where I would have chosen to sleep.’ He smiled and you sat down on his bed with him, looking over his comics for a few moments before David’s head popped around.
‘So this is where you ran off to. I knew it was you that stole her.’ David teased and Laddie smiled. He seemed like he had a level of fear when it came to David, not like he felt the need to get away from him, but almost a level of respect in how the kid looked at him and it was odd. ‘Come on Kitten, we’re gonna get some food soon.’ He took your hand in his and it felt wonderful as he pulled you to his side, nuzzling his nose into your hair.
‘Do I smell nice?’ You joked but he growled, pulling you against him and looking at you firmly.
‘You smell amazing Kitten, fucking perfect!’ He pressed his lips to yours quickly, so fast you debated for a moment if it had really happened before he pulled back and led you back to the center of the cave, dropping into his wheelchair and tugging you into his lap which made you gasp in surprise.
‘Get the Rock Box little dude!’ Paul shouted to Laddie who grabbed the big boom box and carried it to the dilapidated fountain, rock music quickly spilling out. ‘Princess.’ Paul gained your attention, handing you a joint and you looked at it unsure. ‘It won’t bite you…though I might.’ He teased, kneeling in front of where you sat across David’s lap and nuzzling against your thigh.
‘I don’t want to fall off the bike on the way home.’ You explained and David rolled his eyes.
‘We would never let you fall Kitten.’ His promise felt like Marko’s, serious, and like on some level he believed it was his job to protect you. ‘Besides, you can just stay here for the night, you’re already ours. Might as well just move in now.’
You laughed at what you thought was a joke, relaxing and taking a few hits from the joint, but what you didn’t know was that David was very serious. You were theirs, and they were never going to let you go, especially not home with that idiot you called a brother.
You took a few more hits and ended up dancing around the fountain with Paul to the music, high and happy, while Dwayne skateboarded around you both, eventually grabbing you from Paul and lifting you into his arms while never once even wobbling on the board.
‘Wow! Your balance is incredible!’ You giggled, holding on around his neck and giving him the chance to nuzzle your throat.
‘You’re so perfect, do you know that?’ You snorted but his arms got tighter. ‘You are. You need to know that! You are fucking perfect! Perfect, pretty, sweet Babygirl.’
‘Aw, Dwayne. You’re so sweet…and clearly stoned.’ He rolled his eyes, kissing your cheek before dropping you onto the couch and laying down over you. He held himself up on one arm, running his fingers through your hair tenderly before readjusting and beginning to play with it with both hands. ‘What are you doing you dork?’ You giggled, loving the feeling of his hands tugging on your hair.
‘I’m Braiding…you know back before I moved in with David and became a Lost Boy, my mother was serious about practicing our ancestors ways of life. One thing she always stressed to me was the importance of a women’s hair. The only people in the world allowed to touch it is herself, her mother and her husband, not even her brothers or father can, anyone else would risk getting their hands cut off if her father found out.’
‘Wow…that’s beautiful…does that mean my brother has to cut your hands off? Cause that would be sad…I think I like them too much to see them chopped off.’ I admitted and he grinned in a way that suggested he knew so much more than I did.
‘No need to worry Babygirl, you’re ours now, and that’s better than me being your husband. I’ll braid your lovely hair every single night and never grow tired of touching it.’ He looked as if he was lost in a dream as he finished the intricate braid and tied it at the end with some kind of ribbon.
‘You’re dramatic. And trust me, marrying me wouldn’t be any kind of fun. I think my mother proved that the women of our family aren’t the marriage type…or the fun type.’ I teased but I could tell instantly that he didn’t like my self deprecating humor.
‘You’ll understand eventually, you’re already ours Babygirl, always have been…’ he hesitated as he looked down at you before leaning down and pressing his lips to yours much more firmly than David had, hand holding the back of your neck. You wound your arms around his neck and pulled him closer before he was suddenly yanked off of you.
‘That’s my sister!’ You heard Mike scream but as he went to punch Dwayne, the shirtless man move his head inches to avoid it before punching Mike so hard he flew back nearly 5 feet.
‘Don’t you ever come anywhere close to her with violent intentions again, if she gets hurt because of you I will flay you and hang you on a post outside the cave.’ You pushed your hand against Dwayne’s chest to try and move him back however it was clear that you were like a 2 year old to him, but even though you couldn’t have moved him, he stopped, not fighting you to get at Michael, not trying to move you out of the way, he just looked down at you with the softest eyes.
‘You weren’t punching him to defend your sisters honor or some bullshit like that, you did it for you and your ego. I would have respected you for defending me Mike, but that was all about you, and not wanting your new friends to see your sister as a whore. You’re a pussy.’ You told him and while he was already livid with you, his face became more red as Paul broke down in tears from laughing so hard.
‘Marko! You Missed It!’ Paul shouted as Marko walked in with a box full of food. You sat on the couch beside Dwayne and held his hand in your lap.
‘Thank you for stopping.’ He nodded his head.
‘I will never put you in danger, if you are hurt it means that we need to kill someone, and your brother is towing the line on that one.’ You smacked his chest playfully as Marko appeared beside you.
‘Are you alright Angel?’ You nodded your head, smiling at how sweet he was.
‘Yes Marko. What do you have to eat?’
‘I have rice, regular, pork fried and chicken fried, noodles, sweet and sour chicken and sweet and sour shrimp. What would you like Angel, you get first dibs.’ There were something like 12 box’s of food that he had and you had to laugh at imagining him riding it home.
‘Can I have sweet and sour chicken and pork fried rice…will you share the rice with me?’ You asked Dwayne who nodded. ‘Cool, I won’t eat it all. And I’m stealing this soda.’ You grabbed a large glass bottle of coke that he had in the box along with a few others.
‘Anything you want, my Angel.’ He gave you the box’s, the chop sticks and a kiss on the head before throwing Dwayne’s and Pauls food at them quite aggressively. He tossed David’s his as well before dropping onto the couch beside you before Paul did making the boy whine and you laugh.
You tried to ignore Michael and David’s conversation, though seeing the blonde man fuck with your bitch of a brother so bad was quite fun before they started drinking wine out of a fancy bottle, the boys cheering Michael on which seemed a bit strange but you went with it as you were comfortably high and full of Chinese food now.
‘Do you want some, Babygirl?’ Dwayne offered and you looked over before shrugging.
‘I’m not a big wine drinker, but sure. Why not?’ You were snuggled into his side at this point and Paul was the one to jump up bringing you a whole different bottle, making you look at him questionably.
‘Only the best for a Princess. Drink up baby, Be One Of Us Forever.’ His words were heavy, like Marko’s and David’s had been about not letting you get hurt and it threw you off a bit but it sounded sweet and honestly, the idea of living here with them and abandoning your shitty life sounds like perfection, even if it was just a fun fantasy.
‘Go on Kitten, have a taste and tell me it’s not delicious!’ David spoke up as Michael now sagged against the bed post beside Star, drinking from the bottle, all the boys looking at you.
‘Okay, okay!’ You slugged the bottle back and took several gulps before pulling back and realizing how sweet the taste really was. It was rich like chocolate, but the sweetness was odd and you couldn’t place it, but you didn’t need to as the boys all cheered making you giggle, drinking some more before Marko wrapped his arms around your waist and swung you around, playfully before you staggered into David.
‘Drink as much as you want baby, it’s all yours, only ever for you.’ David whispered before he kissed the side of your head and swayed with you to the music as your head began to feel wobbly. You had nearly finished the bottle as David held your body weight up against him before lifting you into the air and carrying you to a bed on the other side of the room from Star’s. It was large and covered in blankets and pillows, looking like it had been made recently. ‘Paul and Marko made this for you.’ David said though it sounded like a whisper in your ear…like everything was far away.
‘Really?!’ You mumbled, leaning heavier into his chest before falling into the bed, the bottle being taken from your hand making you whine. ‘Hey! That’s mine!’
‘Of course it is, it’s all yours Babygirl, and it always will be.’ As you looked back, seeing David and Dwayne standing over you, everything was fuzzy. David tucked you into the blankets and you settled back tiredly into the bed.
‘Thank you! Im-I-Imma take a few minute nap, okay? Wake me up in 20!’ You instructed as your eyes fell closed, Paul and Marko both moving to kiss your cheeks and Dwayne kissing your hair before going back to deal with Michael. David was the last to walk away, knowing that you would be safe here in the cave while they’re gone, and for the day.
‘Sleep tight Kitten.’ He spoke, moving to leave with his brothers as Laddie crawled up into the large bed and snuggled under the covers against your side. 20 minutes came and went but they never woke you, not wanting you out of their sight again for the rest of eternity.
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The comfort of the bed you were in was the first thing you noticed when your mind became alert again. You had been the one to stay in the attic and the bed up there was less than comfortable, so this bed was everything you could ever want, but you knew you had to leave it.
The guys were nowhere to be found when you stretched, your eyes sore from the light and shielding them as much as you could as you crawled your way out of the cave and began making your way through the trees and back to the boardwalk. The sun was killing you more than normal, even making your skin burn a bit, your body pushing you to lay down and go back to sleep before you caved and crawled into a taxi to take you the rest of the way home, paying him quickly and walking up your steps.
‘Y/n! There You Are! Get in here!’ Sam shouted, pulling you into the house. ‘Where have you been?!’ He exclaimed and you just stared at him, trying to force your eyes open.
‘I was at a friends, I’m going to bed Sam.’ And that’s just what you did, slinking your way up to the attic and stripping to your underwear, sliding into the itchy sheets and instantly regretting not staying in the cave with the boys who very clearly all had a thing for you. If only you were willing to share one guy, let alone 4, then maybe you could have had all of them.
You fell asleep once again and felt as if you were out for 10 minutes before Sam burst in. ‘Y/N! Wake Up! Look in this mirror! We need to see if you’re one of them too!’ Sam was shouting like crazy and it scared you awake, which was never a good way to wake you.
Sam was shoving a handheld mirror in your face first thing in your conscious state and you were not having it. ‘Sam…you have 5 seconds to get the fuck out before I break your hands.’ He was staring at your full reflection for a second before backing off.
‘Y/n! Mike is a vampire! Like in the book!’ He held out a comic book and you took it, opening it and seeing that it was a horror comic.
‘Jesus Sam! No wonder you’re freaking out! You shouldn’t be reading scary stuff like this-‘
‘No, Y/n! I thought it was you, see? Look here!’ He opened the comic and showed you a pretty/horrifying vampire girl surrounded by other vampires. ‘Girl vampires who take to the life are rare, that’s why every pack only has one female for 3 or 4 males and they practically worship her! It can’t be you though, your reflection is still here, Mikes is disappearing! I’m calling mom! She needs to know!’ I continued looking at the comic and seeing the coven of vampires with the female.
“The Coven will change the female once they feel the connection (feeding her their blood), the Males will do anything to protect their mate and keep her happy, even give their own lives if they have to.”
It was like something clicked in my head. They were all so drawn to me, so needy for my attention and approval…any one of them coming onto me any other day would be insane let alone all 4 of them…and they had given me that bottle of wine that was different from Mikes…Holy Shit!
“The Female is often the meal ticket for a vampire pack, tempting their prey to be able to feed, even though she is never touched by anyone other than her mates. Male vampires possessive nature goes beyond that of any human behavior ever exhibited in nature, they will not let other men touch, speak to or often even look at their female.”
That thought is not at all comforting when it comes to the idea of living a normal life however the dark part of me that is slowly taking up my rational thinking is telling me the idea of them all possessive of me is enticing…
I tried to ignore the feeling rising in my lower belly and making my pussy clench but I couldn’t. The sudden image of Dwayne protecting me from my own brother, nearly knocking his head off when he hadn’t touched me at all…what would they do if someone did?
I looked back down at the comic book to see if it said anything else on the page about mates.
“Beware: Vampires will slaughter any who stand in between them and their Female. While many Covens make a game out of hunting and playing with their meals, threatening a Packs Female has often been likened to Suicide. Harming, Killing or Kidnapping a Packs Female is an imminent road to death.”
I need to stay away from them! I can’t be anywhere near them, God forbid I make them even more angry and dangerous with my presence alone.
As I thought this I was suddenly overcome with a painful wave of sadness through my entire body. The idea of not being around the boys was painful already and I’m not even a full vampire yet. I wanted to be back at the cave wrapped up in my warm, comfortable bed that Paul and Marko had put so much effort into making me, wanted to be back in Dwayne’s arms on the couch with him toying with my hair…I guess he was right about being better than my husband. I wanted to be back in the cave, sitting on David’s lap and nuzzling into his neck, those blue eyes drew you in and never let you go. I could practically feel his gloved hands on my body, feel the scratchy stubble on his cheeks between my legs as he shoves his face into my cunt, his mouth devouring me frantically and-
I gasped hard, my eyes flying open to see that I’m still sat on my bed with the comic book on my lap. I opened the pages again and turned to the one after the page Sam handed me seeing that there was more.
“The connection between a vampire pack is intense, they are one with each other, and once all fully vampires they are able to read each others thoughts, feel each others presence and sense each others moods. It makes it extremely easy to find one another and gauge how pack members are feeling. A pack will only ever change their Female with their own blood making them her sire. That bond connects them on an even deeper level which allows them to see what she sees and show her their thoughts, such as showing her dreams or visions.”
Suddenly everything they were saying makes sense, they had given me a different bottle because it was their blood!
“Unlike human men, vampire males are extremely considerate of their Female. They will care for her always, hunt for her if need be, and often display their need for her to show her how important she is to their pack dynamic.”
Their promises of taking care of me suddenly seemed to mean so much more, I’m never going to be able to get away from them…do I want to get away from them?
Warning to all Hunters:
“If at all possible, avoid vampire packs with Female members. Females are much quicker to anger, and much more protective of their nest and pack. Your chances of successful eradication of Coven will plummet.
⚠️Danger Level 10/10⚠️”
Sam came back in quickly, snatching the book and running back out prompting me to slam the door behind him. The reflection in the mirror on the back of my door was fading, I was see through, translucent.
I knew in that moment that I couldn’t be around my family, if Dwayne’s behavior with Mike was any indication of people safety, then I need to stay far away from everyone…
For the next day and a half I hid up in my room, staying clear of the boys and trying to keep away from my family as well. They were just convinced that I didn’t want to be around my blood sucking brother, but I had also nearly ripped Sam’s throat out the day before and I know that this is just safer. That is until Sam burst into my room with 2 other boys making me growl in anger.
‘Is she one of them?!’ The one in the bandana hissed, holding up a stake.
‘No Edgar! She’s just my sister who hates being woken up or bothered. She’s a normal teen girl!’ Sam chastised him and I snorted before Sam was pulling me up out of bed. ‘Come on! We’re going to kill the head vampire to save Mike and his girlfriend!’ The other boy helped Sam lift me against my will and drag me down the stairs.
‘What?! You can’t kill a pack of vampires! You’re kids!’ I didn’t want them dead…but I didn’t want my boys dead even more. A thought that terrified me to my core.
‘This is what we do ma’am. Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.’ One of the idiots promised as I was forced into Grandpas car.
‘Stop flirting with my sister Alan! We have a job to do!’ Sam demanded, Mike slamming on the gas and driving like a crazy person all the way to the cave. If the sun is pulling him to sleep anywhere near as strong as it is me then I don’t know how he’s doing this. I could barely keep my eyes open in the light as we got to the cliff and everyone jumped out, filing in before Mike snapped at the idiots to not hurt Star. I moved to my bed quickly, shaking the small boy awake and seeing his bright smile as I did.
I clamped my hand over his mouth quickly and he looked confused. ‘Hide. Do you understand me Laddie, I need you to get under this bed and hide until I come find you.’ He nodded quickly, jumping from the covers and doing as I said before I ran to catch up with the kids. ‘They’re not here, we should get out of here before we end up dead!’ I snapped only for Edgar to glare at me.
‘Why are you so keen on us not killing them, huh? Maybe you don’t want your vampire boyfriends dead?!’ He hissed, Sam shoving his way between us before Edgar could threaten me again.
‘Back off my sister Edgar, she’s not-AHHH!’ Sam shrieked as his eyes looked up and found my boys all hanging from the ceiling, sleeping like baby bats. ‘I thought they slept in coffins!’
‘That’s what this place is! One giant coffin! We’ll have to kill them all!’ He exclaimed, grabbing a stake and starting to climb up towards Marko.
‘No! Just the leader!’ Sam shouted and I was suddenly thrown back into thoughts of my Cheshire vampire. As I watched Edgar climb up the make shift ladder all I heard in my head was Markos promise to me our first night together.
“I would never let you fall…”
His words played in my mind over and over again, his teasing voice reminding me how much I loved him in that moment before I even knew what the strange promise meant…he would never let me fall…I can’t let him fall either.
As Edgar lifted the stake I felt the fangs in my mouth jut out and I jumped, levitating up to the ceiling and grabbing ahold of him roughly, causing him to scream out in terror, stabbing the stake back into my side before falling to the ground with me attached to him, shoving his head into the wall and knocking him out. As we hit the ground everything went silent for what felt like minutes, but could only have been 3 seconds before all 4 vampires roared angrily at the idea of being woken up, looking around frantically before all 4 sets of eyes landed on me.
‘Get up! Y/n! Let’s Go!’ Sam grabbed ahold of me and I yelped as the wooden stake that was deep in my side was jostled before I was dragged to the opening again and Sam began pulling me out as fast as he could. ‘Alan! Pull!’
‘Sam! Let go!’
‘No! We have to help her! Pull!’ He demanded as Alan grabbed ahold of me, when suddenly an angry vampire face was growling in ours, 3 more showing up behind an already pissed off David. ‘Ahh!’
‘Pull! Keep pulling!’ Alan demanded, sounding ready to piss himself.
‘We have to go! Y/n, help us! Move!’ Both boys were yanking on my jacket now when suddenly both of my legs were grabbed and I saw David holding one leg and Paul holding the other, pulling me back into the cave much stronger than the human boys.
‘Let go Sam! It Hurts! Let go!’ I begged and saw his eyes, wet with tears.
‘No! I won’t let you go!’ He shouted, yanking me back once again before I let my arms go slack, the jacket they were pulling on sliding right off of me as Paul and David yanked me down once again, Paul lifting me into his arms and growling at Sam and Alan who were now protected by a ray of sun. ‘Y/n! No!’ My little brother screamed, Alan holding him back from crossing the sun while Paul moved back through the tunnel with ease and laid me back against his chest, Marko, Dwayne and David now in front of me, worried looks on their now human faces.
‘You came to kill us?’ David questioned. I had expected him to be angry but he just said it like he was asking a normal, everyday question.
‘They did, dragged me out of bed and into the car…he was gonna kill Marko.’ I mumbled, all of them looking at each other, shocked.
‘You saved me…you really are an Angel, aren’t you?’ I snorted, nodding my head.
‘Couldn’t let you fall.’ His eyes widened a bit before that Cheshire smile was back on his face and he leaned in to kiss me roughly which made me whimper as the stake shifted again and they were suddenly all staring down at it.
‘Time to join the club, Kitten.’ David instructed, moving to grab ahold of Edgar who was still unconscious. ‘Ready?’ I shook my head frantically.
‘Drink Babygirl!’ Dwayne demanded as he yanked the stake from my side quite painfully, David cutting into his neck and pushing it into my face before I couldn’t help myself, the smell being too much, causing me to dig my fangs into his throat and drink until he was drained and my wound was healed.
‘Thank you for saving me Angel.’
‘I couldn’t let you die…my chest hurt at the thought of it and I…I couldn’t-‘
‘He’s your mate, we all are and even as a half you felt it. You could have ignored it much easier than we could, but you didn’t. You were born to be one of us Kitten, start getting used to it.’ David’s words were true, I could feel it in my body and I hated him for it, but I knew that I would never let anyone hurt any of my mates…mates? That word feels so possessive to me now and I turned, wrapping my arms around Marko tightly before he lifted me into his lap.
‘It’s okay Angel, I’m right here-‘
‘But you almost weren’t!’ I half growled half sobbed, the anger that I felt towards those idiots for putting Marko in immortal danger now turning into unbridled rage. ‘They tried to kill you, what if I hadn’t been here?’
‘But you were here Babygirl, no more “what ifs” because we’re all safe and together now.’ Dwayne spoke, brushing his fingers through my hair which he knew made me feel immediately better and I knew did the same to comfort him.
‘Fuck yeah Princess, and we’re gonna destroy those wanna be hunters together!’ Paul laughed, clearly excited before kissing the side of my head. David then pulled me back which made me snarl at the idea of letting go of my mate that had nearly been lost to me.
The next thing I knew I was flat on my back with David pinning me down to the ground, claws around my throat and vampire visage in my face. ‘We’re gonna get something straight Kitten. You’re our mate, and we’ll do anything for you, but you do not growl at us. You’re not in charge here, got it?’ I glared up at him but the overwhelming urge to submit to him was too tempting to resist, prompting me to bare my throat to him. ‘Good Girl.’ I couldn’t stop the purr that built in my throat as he called me that and they all made a pleased rumble in response.
‘Keep making that noise Babygirl, you’re gonna drive us wild!’ Dwayne smirked, fangs flashing as he pulled me from David and kissed my neck.
I couldn’t hide my yawn a moment later, a heavy sleepiness suddenly taking over me. ‘Alright Kitten, time for sleep. The sun is gonna pull you down even stronger because you’re new, you need to rest.’
Just as I leaned back against Dwayne to get comfortable I realized something was missing, gasping and jumping up to my feet, moving towards the tunnel. ‘Angel! Stop! You Cant Touch The Sun Anymore!’ Marko shouted and I froze just before the ray of sunlight, his arm circling my waist not even a full second later. ‘What are you-‘
‘Laddie!’ I shouted, trying to be as loud as I could to make sure he could hear me. ‘Laddie! Come Here Sweetheart! You Can Come Out Now!’ When I didn’t hear a response a moment later I tried to pry Markos arm from my waist.
‘Y/n! Stop-‘
‘No! No, I told him to hide! I need to make sure he’s okay! Let go Marko-’
‘You Can’t Touch The Sun!’
‘I Don’t Care! I Need To-‘ I stopped pulling away when I saw a head of dirty blond hair crawling through the tunnel and I felt my whole body relax. ‘Oh Thank God!’ I could feel tears welling up in my eyes as I was so relieved, Laddie crawling into my arms and hugging me before Marko dragged me back down. ‘Are you alright sweetheart?’ He nodded up at me as Dwayne quickly looked him over, practically shoving Marko out of the way.
‘I hid under the bed like you told me. Star made Michael look for me but when the hunters came running from here, he just took her and left. I stayed hiding after they left and didn’t come out till I heard you, just like you said!’ He smiled, proud of himself and I kissed his head, hugging him to my chest.
‘Yes you did, just like I told you. You are such a good boy, and when the sun goes down we’re gonna go to the boardwalk and get you some cotton candy.’ His face lit up in a smile and he hugged me tighter, though he quickly yawned into my chest and I realized how tired he must be. ‘Alright. Sleep time, kid.’ I was pulled back into Dwayne’s chest as he leaned against the wall of the cave which couldn’t have been comfortable, but he said nothing as everyone joined us. David was leaning beside Dwayne with a gloved hand clutching mine while Laddie snuggled into my torso and passed out immediately. Both Marko and Paul moved to rest their heads on my thighs, after Marko covered Laddie with his jacket.
‘Yes, sleep time! And when the sun goes down, we hunt!’ Paul growled and I purred once again, nuzzling close to Dwayne as we all got as comfortable as we could.
‘We’ll teach you how to hang tomorrow, Angel.’
‘Tonight, when you wake, they will all find out how bad an idea fucking with a Packs mate is.’
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Lost Boys Masterlist
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persephone-s-moon · 10 months
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They’re girlfriends, your honor
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popironrye · 5 months
I've heard it said Joel Schumacher didn't want the vampire effects to hinder the good looks of the actors. I think he achieved that.
The effects are simple, not grotesque, but scary yet still very attractive.
I wish we got more clear, focused shots of the boys in full makeup for the vampires.
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Like damn, even in pain Paul is one tasty creature of the night. 😍 It's got to be the wet hair.
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Marko is another one I think looks the sexiest in full vampire makeup. He just pulls it off so well. 😘
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Can't forget this one of Dwayne. This picture DOES things to me. 🥰
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And of course, the day I don't find this man FINE is the day I go blind! 👀
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i-heart-slashers · 5 months
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Okay hear me out...
...yes please.
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britany1997 · 6 months
Man of Your Midsummer Night’s Dreams
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Dwayne x GN Fae Reader
Hope y’all enjoy this sweet little meet cute fic for Dwayne and Fae reader! Was really going for a ‘intimidating tough guy x sunshine reader’ trope hehe.
Comment to let me know you’d like to be added to my TLB taglist.
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Dwayne awoke with a start, fumbling around in the dark. He patted around his necklace, only to find another piece missing.
He growled lowly to himself and jumped down from the ceiling, waking the boys.
Paul yawned, rubbing his eyes. “What’s wrong man, why ya up so early?”
Dwayne frowned. “It happened again.”
Marko leapt down to the floor beside Dwayne. “Dude that’s crazy,” he scratched his head in confusion. “How could someone…I mean how did they…” he sighed.
“I don’t know,” Dwayne’s hands balled into fists. “But I’m gonna find out.”
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You zipped around the boardwalk, snagging pins from jackets, buttons from bags, and dangly earring from ears, leaving a glamor in their place so as not to alert the owner to your thieving. You filled your arms with any shiny object you could get your hands on.
Humans were simple, you thought to yourself as you weaved in and out of the massive crowd of people, so easily charmed and tricked.
You paused to watch the sight of them bumbling around the boardwalk, unaware of your presence and the mischief you were causing. You laughed to yourself.
While you were largely indifferent to humans, there were a few you liked more than others.
Like this one. You cloaked yourself with invisibility, allowing your catlike smile to disappear into the sea air.
You tailed the dark haired man, his beauty beckoning like a candle in the dark.
You toyed with his hair, taking a strand between your fingers and pulling lightly. You stilled when his head turned just slightly. Could he see you?
He shrugged and returned to joking around with his friends, probably blaming your ministrations on the wind.
You smirked. He was just some silly human…some silly, pretty human man.
You picked at the charms on his necklace. You’d been visiting him every now and again, taking piece after piece and building a necklace of your own.
You wanted to remember this human when you eventually flitted out of town. They didn’t usually come this cute.
You reached out to pull at the necklace, but before you could, his hand sealed around your wrist.
You gasped, your invisibility fading, causing you to materialize in front of the four men.
You were so shocked, you couldn’t contain the glamor keeping you in human form. Translucent wings, soft and thin as silk, sprouted from your shoulder blades.
The blonde men’s eyes filled with awe as they took in the sight of you, but the dark haired man only scowled.
Your first impulse was to compress to your true form and fly away, but the man growled under his breath, his fangs poking out of his mouth. “Don’t even try it,” he warned.
Your jaw dropped, “you’re- you’re not human,” you stuttered.
The bleach blond man chuckled, “not quite sprite.”
Your nose scrunched in annoyance, “I’m a fairy,” you corrected.
He smirked at you and the dark haired man, “you’re all the same to me.”
You scowled.
The bleach blond man grabbed the two other men by their collars. “We’ll see you back at the cave Dwayne,” his eyes narrowed on you, “seems you’ve got some business to deal with before you head home.”
Your eyes widened in fear. You turned towards Dwayne. “You wouldn’t want my blood, it’s poisonous for vampires,” you lied.
He yanked you into an alleyway nearby and pushed you up against a cold stone wall. “You’re a liar little thief,” he purred.
You squeaked.
“Why did you steal from me?” He demanded.
You gaped like a fish, your eyes taking in his beautiful face. You could lose yourself in those big brown eyes.
You longed to touch his chiseled jaw and feel his stubble beneath your fingers.
You blushed.
He pushed you harder into the stone. “Tell me.”
“Stop! My wings,” you whimpered, the pressure threatening to crack them.
Dwayne’s firm expression never wavered, but he did loosen his grip. “Spit it out,” he demanded.
“I- I liked you,” you confessed. “I just wanted something of yours to keep with me.”
His brow furrowed and he let you down. “What?” he asked.
Your face turned bright red. “Fae we um…we like small little trinket things,” you gestured to his necklace.
“But we like pretty things too,” you shifted on your feet nervously, you felt caught in two different ways.
Dwayne cocked his head. You waited nervously for his reaction.
His lip pulled up into a smirk. “You think I’m pretty?” he teased.
You huffed, your already red face going full tomato. “You don’t have to make a big deal about it,” you pouted.
“Don’t be shy,” he purred, “I think you’re pretty too.”
He ran the back of his hand along your wings gently. “You’re such a delicate little thing, arentcha baby?”
You giggled, your wings twitching with excitement. “Vampires are so interesting,” you leaned in to stroke his chest lightly, “I’ve heard all about your sharp teeth, but no one’s ever told me about your silver tongues.”
His smile was all fang.
You flashed him a pouty look with big puppy dog eyes, “do you forgive me?” you asked, “for taking your things.”
He raised an eyebrow, holding out his hand to you, “why don’t you give them back first.”
You pouted, but reluctantly handed over the charms from his necklace.
“How bout I make you your own baby?” he offered. “Come back to the cave with me, I’ll make you anything you want.”
You beamed, nodding and shrinking down to your true fairy form. You landed, sitting down in the palm of his outstretched hand.
His other hand came around to stroke your cheek with one finger. “You’re adorable like this,” he whispered, “so precious.” He held you reverently.
You blushed, smiling up at him with admiration. You wouldn’t be leaving Santa Carla anytime soon.
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TLB Taglist❤️:
@6lostgirl6 @misslavenderlady @crustyboypix @anna1306 @bloodywickedvamp @sad-ghost-of-garbage @hypocriticaltypwriter @lostboys1987girl @solobagginses @gothamslostboy @arbesa-mind @dwaynesluscioushair @dwaynedelight @chiefdirector @its-freaking-bats @kurt-nightcrawler @arenpath @ria-coolgirl @vampirefilmlover @vxarak @mickkmaiden333 @bitchyexpertprincess @f4iryfxies @katerinaval @softchonk @walmart-cereal @warrior-616 @rynsfandomsfun @fraudfrog @mack-attack420
515 notes · View notes
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Now for some Dwayne studies. This man is unreasonably pretty and so nice to draw. I think Marko will be next…
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tac-the-unseen · 5 months
I love all ur blog sm!! Can I ask abt something with the slashers (specially Thomas <3) with an foreigner!reader that don't quit speak english very well and normally forget words?
(Sorry if something is spelled wrong, English is not my native language lmao)
Absolutely, I can!
And because the request didn't specify, this fic will strictly be about speaking a foreign language.
Sorry if this is inaccurate! I'm a native English speaker and don't know many who aren't. Sorry in advance!!
Slashers x Foreigner!Reader
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Micheal Myers:
•This man will act like he doesn't care but in reality he's so intrigued. (It might be why you're still alive) 
•He’ll spend his time watching you practice your pronunciation and recognition patterns, like it's a movie.
•Is he a bit mean about it? Yes. Will he laugh? Probably.
•If you find yourself not knowing what certain words are and stumble around until you find the right word, You'd be surprised at how patient he is. 
•If you are very new to the English language he'll secretly get you flash cards and stash them into a place he knows you'll find them
•Despite everything, if you ask him for help, he will help. He might be mute but he can write and use TV to aid you.
Billy loomis & Stu macher:
•Stu is already romanticizing your language, but instead of using the actual name of your language, he calls it “Talking pretty to me”
•Billy asks if you want any text books or study equipment to help you on your English speaking journey 
•Both boys are a surprising help! Stuttering trying to articulate what you mean? They've already jumped in to, A) help save you some of the embarrassment, and B) give you time to think about what you're trying to say. 
•Someone making fun of you? They're either dead or a social outcast by the end of the week. 
•Are you struggling to remember a certain word? These boys are willing play charades until you figure it out. And they won't drop it either, Stu says ‘It’s bad to give up when you've already come so far.’ 
•Over all it's not so bad (Stu 100,000,000% uses Google translate to figure out how to say ‘i love you’ in your native language) 
Thomas Hewitt:
•When both of you met, he had never met an actual foreigner before.
•He knew people travel around and occasionally some valley girl would end up in their small town, But someone from a whole different part of the world?
•His interest in you spiked the moment he heard your accent 
•Thomas has so many questions but doesn't know how to ask you
•With him being mute and your struggles with English, It's not the easiest relationship. In the end both of you just end up pointing at things and making noises to get your point across. 
•Absolutely loves to listen to you speak in your native language, Even if he'll never understand it. 
•When he's first trying to court you, he leaves you slightly damaged flowers (he struggled to pick them) to communicate his affection. 
•even with a language barrier, he's gonna love you like no one ever could 
Bubba Sawyer:
•He had no idea people outside of America existed 
•When You fell into the palm of Texas and his brothers found you failing to remember the word for your favorite snack, They knew you would be an easy target.
•When they kidnapped you and brought you to the basement so Bubba could chop you up, he was fascinated by the way you desperately tried to beg him not to kill you. 
•It ended in a huge fight in the family, But he got everyone to let you live a bit longer.
•Sits Criss Cross applesauce while you speak for your life. You could babble about anything and he would listen intently. 
•He pulls out his alphabet soup machine and spends hours typing with you. (You help him finally get past the clown level)
Bo Sinclair:
•absolute meanie, stinky poopy head about it >:(
•will mock your stutters and say stuff like “Oh come ON! The word is Cat! C. A. T. CAT! What's so hard about that?” 
•If you speak your native language around him, He thinks you're insulting him or intentionally hiding something. 
•”If you could say it to my face in your language you can say it to my face again in mine!”
•The same sentiment is not shared when it involves bedroom fun
•Will eventually apologize, But that's going to take a while 
Vincent Sinclair:
•As another non-speaking fellow he takes his time to make sure you two can understand each other 
•He’ll mostly use body language and and little doodles to get his point across 
•Stuttering over a word? He doesn't care, he'll let you work it out without any judgment!
•Want his help? He has several books, Vincent will just pull out a book he knows as the word in it, flipped to the page, and point at the word. 
•Love listening to you talk, In English or not. He'll happily let you yap his ear off. 
Lester Sinclair:
•Poor boy was lovestruck when he first heard you talk!
•Full on heart eyes while you explain where you're from and how you ended up here 
•If you end up fumbling on a word he'll start shouting out potential words for what you're trying to say. 
•Example: “and then I had too…uh…um..” “Run? Pee? Eat? Were you hungry? Are you hungry right now?” 
•So helpful, I know
•But the guy is already googling restaurants based off your native cuisine. He's got the date set up. 
•”It's no biggie, I'm a native English speaker and I still can't get it right!” 
Billy Lenz:
•Billy 100% understands the struggle of finding the right word to say 
•He can't stop stuttering himself, so when you start stuttering you kind of reinforce us in his brain that you were meant to be together 
•He feels like he can bond with you over it, and even feel safer around you knowing that you also mess up 
•the thing is if you start stuttering, he'll start stuttering. If you can't get it by God he will.
•”W-we can't bo-oth be wrong.” 
Brahms Heelshire:
•this man will 100% try to learn your language as soon as he finds out you're a foreigner
•That man has a huge library, there's bound to be at least one book written in your mother tongue 
•He spends a lot of time practicing your native language so he can speak to you more comfortably
•You already know he has children's learning books he'll pull out if you ask. 
•Can't find the word you're looking for? He's already 10 books deep, he'll find it for you. 
•Brahms is a well-educated man and he intends to use His years of learning to help 
•If you want to take classes to better your English skills he will 100,000% throw money your way to do so.
Hannibal Lecter:
•Now Hannibal really understands 
•He's a Lithuanian who learned English as a 10 year old
•He didn't struggle as much, But for the first couple of months you bet he was stumbling. 
•If you're struggling with a word, He has a process of teaching you so you don't forget it again. 
1) Identify what you're trying to say 
2)Slowly begin to sound out the word 
3)Have you recite the word a few times 
4)He'll either teaches you a little tune to remember or he'll do something so you remember the moment 
•Does it feel a little condescending? Yes. But it works 
•He's also willing to pour an ungodly amount of money into your English education if you ask 
•He'll even teach you himself in his spare time
Will Graham:
•Doesn't really know what to do, He's a bit awkward about it 
•He'll also identify the word and repeat it a few times so you can get a better handle on it.
•He thinks it's a bit funny and a bit cute when you stutter or mispronounce something 
•He will gently correct you and move on like nothing happened 
The Lost Boys:
•holy fucking shit this is a cluster fuck, let's do this one by one 
-David, having been around a while, has picked up a couple languages.
-If he does know the language you're speaking he'll speak it back to you and guide you into English better than the other boys could 
-If not, he'll just read your mind and tell you what you're trying to say. It's by far the easiest way to articulate what you mean. 
-Dwayne being just slightly younger than David has also picked up a couple languages 
-It's really the same if he does know your language But with a little more verbal teaching 
-If he doesn't he'll patiently wait until you figure out what you're trying to say. 
-as soon as you start to stutter over yourself Paul starts shotgunning words off 
-some slightly related to the situation and others wildly out there 
-”Drink? Food? Ocean? Horse? The unforgiving eyes of God and His kingdom???” 
-he'll do this to confuse you and have a nice laugh 
-Marko speaks English and Italian, so if your language isn't one of those two you're kind of shit out of luck 
-”Come on babe, you'll get it” 
-He finds it a bit funny but still tries to help in little ways 
Thanks for reading <3
Sorry if this seems hastily written together, I haven't had the request in a while so I kind of jumped at the opportunity.
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imagintheworldaway · 4 months
Paul: Pros and cons of dating me.
Paul: Pros. You'll be the cute one.
Paul: Cons. Holy shit, where do I begin-
Y/N: I can’t believe we have to be stuck in this room together!
Paul, swallowing the key: Truly unfortunate.
Y/N: Paul, you do remember when we agreed we were better off as friends, right?
Paul, naked in Y/N's bed: No, I absolutely do not.
Y/N, already taking off their clothes: Fuck... Me neither.
Paul: I like your new pants!
Y/N: Thanks, they were 50% off!
Paul: I’d like them better if they were 100% off. *winks*
Y/N: The store can’t just give away clothes for free.
Paul: Thats’s… not what I meant.
Y/N: That’s a terrible way to run a business, Paul.
Y/N: You look good in that hoodie.
Paul: You know where else I'd look good?
Y/N, zero hesitation: My bed.
Paul, at the same time: By your side- wait, what?
Y/N: What are you in the mood for?
Paul: World domination.
Y/N: That's a bit ambitious.
Paul: You are my world.
Y/N: Aww...
Y/N: OH.
Y/N: I feel like doing something stupid.
Paul: I’m stupid, do me.
Paul, on the phone: So no head?
Paul: *Throws phone and breaks skateboard*
Paul: When you said 'Magic in Bed', I wasn't expecting this...
Y/N: *pulls out card from deck* Now, was this your card?
Paul: Holy moly-
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