#Dynamic pricing in retail
rapidpricer · 10 months
Retail Pricing with Artificial Intelligence
Retail Pricing with Artificial Intelligence
Possibilities and potential in today’s environment.
Kiran Gange
August 17, 2020
The perfect price for every product is a moving target. The ideal price should match the value a consumer is willing to pay for the given product and this depends on factors which change continuously. No customers wants to pay full price for a produce that is not fresh.
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​Banana: Changing Value and Price
To make this more complex, the factors which matter the most for one product-location is very different from the factors that matter to another product-location. While it is humanely impossible for any category or pricing manager to match the price of a products to its ever changing value continuously, the machines have begun to approach the ideal price in a more feasible manner.
The machines have the unfair advantage of being able to process large amounts of input data or factors that matter and to make intelligent decisions based on artificial intelligence that come through the learnings of thousands (if not millions) of combinations of prices for each product store combination on a continuous basis.
There are several reasons for why Artificial Intelligence is the next frontier in retail pricing:
#1. Availability of Data
Retail data at the granular level is now stored, processed and utilized more easily than ever before. The technology allows for efficient processes that can securely utilize input data from sources such as IOT devices, mobile data, camera/image recognition, store traffic and customer data while respecting the local laws for privacy and data regulations.
#2. Intelligent Algorithms
We no longer have to have highly paid mathematicians writing code and algorithms to utilize retail data. Intelligence and learning are available to use as "methods" and “weights” that become the base of an Artificial Intelligence based algorithm to help with pricing in retail.
#3. Instant Output
Retailers now have many installations inside the retail stores such as Electronic Shelf Labels (ESLs), smart displays, employee devices and beacons that can facilitate the output of an algorithms instantly in a store environment. Added advantage is the “feedback” these devices provide back to the algorithms to help decipher if a price is working or if it needs to be improved through “learning”.
The technology has been ready for a few years and now we have the solution that can reap the benefit of these new technologies. However, the new system of pricing is not an incremental innovation, it is disruptive. This means the retailer willing to leverage this will need to do so with a futuristic vision to integrate new approaches for the entire pricing organization. The current situation. Rapidly evolving markets will force the adoption in some ahead of the others.
Possibilities with an AI based Pricing System
The possibilities and the potential benefits of retail pricing is huge with a fully connected AI based system. While price, promotion and waste reduction increase revenues, the automation reduces costs both at the head quarter and store levels.
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​Potential benefits of an Artificial Intelligence based Pricing system.
The RapidPricer pricing solution today is not built to replace the process of pricing as done by retailers. RapidPricer implements a framework on which future technologies can be deployed.
Although our solution can handle the entire gamut of the retail assortment, our implementations often begin with one of best use cases for the Artificial Intelligence pricing. Food wastage reduction through dynamic pricing. We use various innovative technologies to find the perfect price for every produce in each store at any given point of time to reduce waste and increase gross margins benefit by 4% or more.
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priceintelguru · 1 year
Dynamic Pricing to Maximize Revenue and Profitability
Dynamic pricing is a pricing strategy commonly employed by both retailers and e-commerce platforms to adjust prices in real-time based on various factors. It involves setting flexible prices for products or services that can change dynamically, often multiple times a day or even within minutes. The primary goal of dynamic pricing is to maximize revenue and profitability by taking advantage of market conditions, customer demand, competition, and other relevant factors.
Read More: https://www.priceintelguru.com/article/dynamic-pricing-in-competitive-market
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alwaysbewoke · 3 months
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18 notes · View notes
Dynamic Pricing: Revolutionizing the Retail Landscape
In the ever-evolving world of retail, traditional pricing strategies are giving way to a dynamic approach that adapts in real-time to market conditions and consumer behavior. This paradigm shift, known as dynamic pricing, empowers businesses to optimize revenue, enhance competitiveness, and cater to the diverse needs and preferences of customers. This article explores the concept of dynamic…
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chloedecker0 · 4 months
Maximizing Retail Profits: Harnessing B2B Price Optimization Software
In the ever-evolving world of retail and e-commerce, businesses are constantly seeking ways to gain a competitive edge. Among the many strategies employed, B2B Price Optimization and Management Software stands out as a game-changer. Price optimisation and management (PO&M) software solutions enable businesses to oversee and optimize the prices of their goods and services. These services also provide a growing range of sales intelligence advice, such as best-next-action suggestions and customer churn warnings. In the industry, vendors either focus on back-office price management and product management roles, or they focus on providing real-time sales intelligence to sales representatives and B2B digital commerce websites, or both. Quadrant Knowledge Solutions, a leading global advisory and consulting firm, has recognized the significance of this technology in their report, “B2B Price Optimization and Management Applications, 2023”. Quadrant Knowledge Solutions focuses on helping clients in achieving business transformation goals with Strategic Business, and Growth Advisory Services. 
Download the sample report of Market Share: B2B Price Optimization and Management Software
Understanding the Retail and E-commerce Landscape 
The retail and e-commerce industry is a highly dynamic and competitive space. Companies within this domain face the continuous challenge of pricing their products right to maximize profitability while staying attractive to their customers. In this context, pricing becomes a critical element of their strategy. Let's delve into some of these challenges: 
Rapidly Changing Market Dynamics: Retail and e-commerce markets are highly volatile, with ever-shifting consumer preferences and market trends. Adapting to these changes in real-time is essential to stay competitive. Without the right tools, businesses risk making pricing decisions that are out of sync with market realities. 
Intense Competition: In retail and e-commerce, competition is fierce. With numerous players offering similar products or services, pricing becomes a key differentiator. Setting prices too high can drive customers away, while pricing too low can erode profit margins. 
Complex Supply Chain and Cost Structures: The retail and e-commerce sector often deals with complex supply chain operations and cost structures. Understanding the true costs associated with a product or service is essential for setting optimal prices. Traditional methods of cost calculation can be time-consuming and error-prone. 
Customer Behaviour and Expectations: Today's consumers are more informed and price-sensitive than ever before. Their buying behaviour can change rapidly in response to various factors, including promotions, discounts, and market trends. Retailers must be agile in responding to these changes. 
Competitor Pricing Strategies: Keeping a constant eye on competitor pricing is crucial. Businesses need to respond promptly to pricing moves made by competitors to remain competitive. Manual tracking and analysis of competitor pricing are arduous and inefficient processes. 
Download the sample report of Market Forecast: B2B Price Optimization and Management Software
B2B Price Optimization and Management Software: A Necessity 
B2B Price Optimization and Management Software is the solution to these challenges. This technology leverages advanced algorithms, data analytics, and real-time market insights to help businesses make data-driven pricing decisions. It empowers retail and e-commerce companies to optimize their prices efficiently while taking into account factors like demand fluctuations, competitor pricing, and customer behaviour.
Talk To Analyst: https://quadrant-solutions.com/talk-to-analyst
#In the ever-evolving world of retail and e-commerce#businesses are constantly seeking ways to gain a competitive edge. Among the many strategies employed#B2B Price Optimization and Management Software stands out as a game-changer. Price optimisation and management (PO&M) software solutions en#such as best-next-action suggestions and customer churn warnings. In the industry#vendors either focus on back-office price management and product management roles#or they focus on providing real-time sales intelligence to sales representatives and B2B digital commerce websites#or both. Quadrant Knowledge Solutions#a leading global advisory and consulting firm#has recognized the significance of this technology in their report#“B2B Price Optimization and Management Applications#2023”. Quadrant Knowledge Solutions focuses on helping clients in achieving business transformation goals with Strategic Business#and Growth Advisory Services.#Download the sample report of Market Share: B2B Price Optimization and Management Software#Understanding the Retail and E-commerce Landscape#The retail and e-commerce industry is a highly dynamic and competitive space. Companies within this domain face the continuous challenge of#pricing becomes a critical element of their strategy. Let's delve into some of these challenges:#Rapidly Changing Market Dynamics: Retail and e-commerce markets are highly volatile#with ever-shifting consumer preferences and market trends. Adapting to these changes in real-time is essential to stay competitive. Without#businesses risk making pricing decisions that are out of sync with market realities.#Intense Competition: In retail and e-commerce#competition is fierce. With numerous players offering similar products or services#pricing becomes a key differentiator. Setting prices too high can drive customers away#while pricing too low can erode profit margins.#Complex Supply Chain and Cost Structures: The retail and e-commerce sector often deals with complex supply chain operations and cost struct#Customer Behaviour and Expectations: Today's consumers are more informed and price-sensitive than ever before. Their buying behaviour can c#including promotions#discounts#and market trends. Retailers must be agile in responding to these changes.#Competitor Pricing Strategies: Keeping a constant eye on competitor pricing is crucial. Businesses need to respond promptly to pricing move#Download the sample report of Market Forecast: B2B Price Optimization and Management Software
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peavhyshy · 4 months
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Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Pogue!Reader
Summary: In which Rafe goes over-the-top as usual to apologize for cheating which includes a grand gesture of buying out an entire boutique is creatively meant to convey his guilt.
Warnings: strong language, fluff, semi smut (but not really), power dynamics, mental/emotional manipulation and ulterior motives, reference to cheating, sexually suggestive situations, non-consensual elements (pressure/coercion into sexual acts), dubious consent, unhealthy relationship, discomfort/anxiety, misogyny/objectification
Words: 5,130
a/n: It's been a while since I posted on here and whatever so here I am, but who's to say I won't disappear for another few months
Outer Banks Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Rafe sauntered into the high-end boutique, the little bell above the door announcing his arrival. The sales associates perked up, eyeing his Ralph Lauren polo and Sperry boat shoes. Ah, a Kook with money to burn. 
"Hello sir, can I help you find anything today?" the manager asked, her voice dripping with fake pleasantness.
"Yeah, I need to buy out like, your whole store," Rafe said nonchalantly, checking out a display of cashmere sweaters. 
The associates' eyes widened in surprise and delight. "Buy out the whole store, sir?"
"Yep. I screwed up badly with my girl. She's a Pogue, you know? Doesn't really do the whole fancy clothes thing. But she found out I cheated on her with some Touron last week, and now she's pissed." Rafe picked up a floral sundress, scrutinizing it. "So I figured, what better way to say sorry than decking her out in some new designer threads?"
The manager nodded enthusiastically. "I'm sure she'll appreciate the gesture. Let me start ringing up some items for you."  
"Nah, like I said, I want to buy out the whole damn store. Just name your price." Rafe pulled out his credit card, waving it around.  
The manager's eyes lit up at the thought of the huge commission she was about to make. "Of course, sir, let me calculate our current retail inventory value and I'll give you a total."
"Make it quick. I’ve got a picnic on the beach planned to beg for her forgiveness," Rafe said, leaning on the cash wrap counter impatiently. 
The manager returned shortly with the grand total. Rafe didn't even blink as he handed over his credit card. Anything to get his Pogue princess back.
Rafe leaned against the wall near the cash register, watching with disinterest as the store employees scurried around grabbing items off racks and shelves.
"Come on, pick up the pace," he called out impatiently. "I wanna get out of here before the sun goes down."
The manager gave him an appeasing smile as she stuffed an armful of sundresses into a large box. "We're going as fast as we can, sir. I really appreciate your business - this is the biggest sale we've ever had!"
Rafe just shrugged, stifling a yawn. The workers were cramming the boxes full of tissue paper and accessories, trying to maximize what they could fit. Shoes, handbags, skirts, tops - everything was being cleared off the floors and walls. 
One associate struggled to fold a pile of cashmere sweaters to fit in an overflowing box while another carefully wrapped up a display of fine china jewelry. The store was slowly emptying out as the minutes ticked by.
"Ugh, this is taking forever," Rafe groaned, pulling out his phone to scroll aimlessly. "I should've just gone to Party City and bought her a bunch of balloons or something." 
The manager's smile strained a bit as she kept up her enthusiastic energy. "Almost done, sir! Just a few more minutes and you'll have our entire inventory to present to your lovely girlfriend."
"Yeah, yeah," Rafe muttered, back to being bored. Buying out the whole store was proving to be more tedious than he had anticipated. But hey, you were worth it. Probably.
”I need all of this shipped to her beach house.”
The manager nodded as she taped up another overstuffed box. "Of course, sir. I can arrange delivery to any address you'd like."
She gestured to one of the other employees. "Sara, can you grab some shipping labels? We'll need to send all of these boxes to this gentleman's girlfriend's house once we're finished packing everything up."  
Sara hurried to grab a stack of shipping labels and a pen. "What's the address, sir?" she asked Rafe.
"Oh, uh..." Rafe scratched his head. "Somewhere in The Cut, not really sure of the exact address. It's a small blue house near the bay though, it has a tire swing out front. Think the name on the mailbox is L/N or something like that."
Sara looked confused. "Do you have the street name or number? There are a lot of small blue houses in The Cut."
Rafe rolled his eyes. "Jesus, I don't know that shit. Her dad's name is Hank though, if that helps. Everyone knows Hank the Tank down there."
The manager and Sara exchanged a look, neither seeming confident about locating the right address. 
"Tell you what," Rafe continued, pulling out a thick wad of cash from his back pocket. "Here's 500 bucks. That should cover you guys figuring out where the hell to deliver all this stuff to Y/N in The Cut. I'm sure one of the Pogues down there can point you in the right direction."
He tossed the cash on the counter and headed for the door without another word, leaving the overwhelmed store employees with boxes piled high and vague delivery information.
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You squinted against the setting sun as three large delivery trucks rumbled down the sandy driveway toward your family's weathered beach house. You set down your cards on the rickety picnic table, where you had been playing an intense game of Crazy Eights with John B, JJ, Sarah, and Kiara.
"What the hell is this?" you muttered. The trucks parked haphazardly amidst the uncut grass and strewn beach debris surrounding the house. Drivers hopped out and opened up the backs, revealing piles and piles of boxes crammed to the brim.
"Whoa, did you order the entire Amazon warehouse or something?" JJ joked, sauntering over to inspect the deliveries. 
Before you  could respond, the porch boards creaked loudly under the weight of multiple pairs of high-heeled shoes. The group turned to see half a dozen boutique store employees teetering across the uneven ground, laden with clothing on hangers and large shopping bags.
"Oh no..." you groaned, realization dawning on you. 
"Delivery for Ms. Y/N L/N!" one of the women trilled, scanning the rural beachfront for the recipient. 
"That's you, Y/N," John B said, giving you a puzzled look.
Just then, a delivery man approached with an oversized bouquet of roses and a card. "Are you Ms. Y/N? These are for you along with all of these boxes."
"I'm going to kill him," you seethed, grabbing the card. Sure enough, it was from Rafe, attempting to apologize for cheating in his usual over-the-top Kook fashion.   
The others laughed, taking in the three trucks overflowing with designer clothes and accessories that had arrived on your doorstep.  The group whooped and raced toward the trucks, laughing at Rafe's attempt to buy back your forgiveness. You had to admit - it was a pretty damn good start.
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The sun had just set over the expansive Cameron estate as you marched up the long driveway and let yourself in the front door. You breezed past the elaborate foyer and down the hall towards the state-of-the-art home gym, where you knew you would find Rafe. 
Sure enough, there he was - shirtless and pumping iron, the clanking of weights echoing through the large room. You crossed your arms, watching as Rafe finished his set of bicep curls before acknowledging your presence. 
"Oh hey babe," he said casually, setting down the dumbbells. "I see you got my gifts."
"You mean the eighteen-wheeler trucks filled with designer clothes that choked the road to my house all afternoon?" you replied sharply.  
Rafe grinned. "So I take it, you liked them?"
You rolled your eyes. "Did you seriously buy out the entire Verona Boutique?"
"Maybe," Rafe shrugged, grabbing his towel to wipe the sweat from his brow. 
"Why would you do that?" you asked in exasperation. 
"Come on, I was just trying to apologize for what I did," Rafe said. "I wanted to show you how much you mean to me."
You sighed heavily. "You can't buy me off with fancy clothes, Rafe. That's not how this works."  
Rafe stood up and walked over to you. "But did it at least make you smile a little?" he asked with a coy grin. 
Despite yourself, You felt the corners of your mouth turn upward. You shook your head, trying to fight the smile. 
"You're unbelievable," you scoffed. But Rafe took your reaction as a promising sign. 
"So...am I forgiven?" he asked. 
You shrugged, struggling to stay stern. "You're not off the hook yet. But...it's a start."
Rafe smiled victoriously and pulled you into an embrace. You hated to admit it, but his over-the-top gesture did melt away some of your anger. Only a Kook would think that buying out an entire boutique could fix cheating - but you had to give him points for creativity.
Rafe's face lit up with a delighted grin as he saw the smile fighting its way onto your lips. Score! He knew you couldn't stay mad at him for long, not when he pulled out all the stops with his over-the-top apology gifts. Sure, buying you an entire wardrobe wasn't exactly practical, but he wanted to go big to show you how much he cared. Because even though he screwed up by cheating, your were still his girl and he needed you to know you were #1. No Touron hookup could ever mean anything compared to you.
Pulling you tighter into his embrace, Rafe pressed a kiss to the top of your head as you nuzzled into his bare chest. He could tell the wheels were still turning in your mind, trying to decide if you were ready to fully forgive  him yet. But he had plenty more tricks up his sleeve if needed. Diamonds, a new car, a trip to Paris - anything you wanted, it was yours. Being the heir to the Cameron fortune had its perks when you needed to get yourself out of the doghouse.
"So when are you gonna model some of these new outfits for me, hmm?" he murmured suggestively in your ear. "Maybe a private fashion show tonight? I'll even let you use my black AmEx again if you want to pick up some sexy lingerie to complete the looks." He grinned devilishly.
You rolled your eyes and gently pushed out of his embrace. "Down boy. You're not off the hook yet," you reminded him, though your tone had softened considerably. Rafe held up his hands in mock surrender.
"Okay okay, I know. But you gotta admit, the mental image is pretty hot," he said with a wink. you just shook your head, trying to hide your smile. You could never stay irritated with him for long. 
"Alright, I should get home and figure out what to do with the small mountain of designer clothes currently cluttering up my living room," You sighed. "I still can't believe you bought out the entire store."
Rafe waved a hand casually. "Don't even trip about it. Consider it just a small token of my love," he said smoothly.
You quirked an eyebrow. "A small token? Rafe, it's got to be worth at least $20,000 worth of stuff."
Rafe shrugged. "Meh, that's like pocket change for me, babe. You're worth it and so much more." He pulled you in for a quick kiss. "I'll swing by later to help you sort through it all, yeah?"
You nodded, a genuine smile breaking through now. "Yeah, okay. I'll see you later." you gave him one last peck on the lips before heading out, shaking your head slightly at your ridiculous boyfriend's attempt to buy your forgiveness. But even you had to admit it was a pretty damn adorable gesture. The boy was utterly smitten, that much was clear. And even if it took a small army of delivery trucks worth of designer clothes to prove it, you supposed you couldn't complain. After all, what girl didn't love a massive shopping spree courtesy of the Cameron family fortune?
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Rafe sauntered up the stairs of your beach house, not bothering to knock before letting himself in. your dad was away on a fishing charter and he knew you’d be home alone trying to organize the massive shipment of clothes he had sent over as an apology gift.
"Knock knock, princess!" he called out as he strode down the hall to your bedroom. "Did you get a chance to try on any of the new outfits I bought you?"
He pushed open your bedroom door to find you sitting cross-legged on the floor, surrounded by mounds of tissue paper and discarded shopping bags. You looked up at him in exasperation.
"Rafe! You could at least knock before barging into my room," you admonished. 
“My bad, didn't mean to startle you. Just excited to see my gifts being put to use," he said with a grin.
You sighed, gesturing to the chaos around you. "Well, I've been trying to sort through it all morning but there's just so much stuff. You went way overboard as usual."
"Anything to make my girl happy," Rafe replied smoothly, plopping down on the floor next to you. "Here, let me help you get organized."
He began sifting through the piles of clothing, occasionally holding up items for your inspection. "Ooh, you have to model this one for me," he said, grabbing a lacy black teddy. "And this mini skirt would look so hot on you."
You blushed deeply, snatching the risqué items out of his hands. "Rafe! My dad could be home any minute," you hissed in embarrassment.
"So? I want him to see how smoking his daughter looks in the outfits I bought her," Rafe said with a devilish grin. "Might make him finally approve of me."
You buried your face in your hands. "You're unbelievable," you groaned. "Can we please just focus on organizing? I don't have time for an impromptu fashion show."
"Fine fine, I'll behave. For now," he added in a playful whisper.
You guys spent the next hour sorting your new wardrobe into categories - dresses, tops, bottoms, shoes, jewelry. Rafe "helped" by periodically holding up scandalous lingerie pieces and wiggling his eyebrows suggestively until you threaten to smack him with a stiletto heel.
Despite your exasperation at the overabundance of clothing, you had to admit it was fun exploring all the different styles and accessories Rafe had picked out for you. The boy definitely knew your taste, even if he did go over-the-top with buying out the entire store. You made a mental note to donate some of the clothes to charity once you had a chance to try it all on.
You collapsed backwards onto a pile of cashmere sweaters. "Phew! We’re almost done." You smiled over at Rafe. "Thanks for your help. And for the very generous gift. Even though it's pretty ridiculous you bought out an entire store," you added with a laugh.
Rafe grinned and leaned down to capture your lips in a soft kiss. "Anything for my princess," he murmured. "You deserve to be spoiled rotten."
You giggled as he nuzzled your neck, wrapping your arms around him. You supposed you couldn't stay irritated with him for long, not when he was just trying to show his affection through expensive gifts. Over-the-top as it may be.
"Alright Casanova, that's enough distracting me," You said, playfully nudging him away. "Now help me get all of these clothes put away in my closet before my dad gets home."
You shook your head in amusement. "You're absolutely ridiculous. But…" You tilted your head up to him and smiled."I love you for it."
Rafe playfully tackled you onto the pile of cashmere sweaters you had been sorting through. You let out a surprised squeal, smacking his chest lightly as he hovered over you. "Rafeee, I told you to behave!" you chided through your laughter. He just grinned mischievously, dipping his head to kiss along your neck and collarbone as you squirmed beneath him ticklishly.
"Mm mm, you know I can never keep my hands off you for long," he murmured against your skin, nipping lightly. His hands slid up under your shirt, tracing along your stomach and ribs. You shivered at the contact, cheeks flushing as you felt him growing hard against your thigh already. You really shouldn't be doing this with your dad liable to come home any minute…but then again, the risk just made it more exciting.
You bit your lip, hesitating only a moment longer before grabbing Rafe's face and crashing your lips to his in a hungry kiss. He groaned into your mouth, grinding his hips down against yours. Things were escalating fast, all thoughts of organizing clothes now tossed aside. Rafe broke the kiss only to tug your shirt over your head swiftly. His eyes drank in the sight of your breasts encased in a lacy pink bra.
"Damn baby…have I mentioned how fucking sexy you look in all these new lingerie pieces I bought you?" He reached around to unclasp your bra, leaning down to take one of your nipples in his mouth. You whimpered, arching into him. You were quickly losing the willpower to stop this and he knew it. His hands slid under your skirt, fingers dipping beneath your panties to find you wet and ready for him already. His hands wandered recklessly over your body, groping and grasping wherever they pleased..
"R-Rafe, my dad…" You gasped half-heartedly in protest even as your body betrayed you, arching into his touch.
Rafe silenced you with another bruising kiss, grinding his arousal against you. His fingers tangled in your hair, using it as a handle to maneuver your head for better access to your neck and chest.
"Shh, don't worry about him," Rafe crooned, his breath hot against your ear. "It's just us right now." His knee nudged between your legs, parting your thighs as he claimed your mouth once more.
Your knees went weak, overwhelmed by the onslaught of Rafe's hungry kisses and wandering hands. You clung to his shoulders for support, unable to form a coherent thought beyond the sparking heat of his body pressed to yours. Your token protests died away as Rafe's skilled fingers caressed the soft skin of your breasts.
"That's my good girl," he praised darkly when you arched into his touch instead of pulling away. His knee rubbed teasingly between your legs as he continued his pleasurable assault, intent on showing you exactly who was in control here.
Your mind reeled, inner alarm bells drowned out by the pounding heartbeat in your ears. You knew you should push Rafe away, stop this before it went too far with your dad possibly home any minute. But your traitorous body seemed to have other ideas as it melted shamefully against Rafe's hard frame.
His kisses left you dizzy and compliant, willpower evaporating under the intoxicating strokes of his hands. But when those hands went to zip down your skirt, some deeply buried remnant of reason sparked back to life inside you.
"Rafe, stop," you gasped out, catching his wrists in your hands. He paused, eyes dark with lust and irritation at being denied his prize.
"Come on baby, don't be like that," he cajoled, leaning in to nip at your earlobe. "I know you want this too."
You shook your head, gently but firmly removing his hands from your body. "No, not now. Not here." Your cheeks burned but you held your ground. "I'm not comfortable going any further with my dad so close by. Can we please just…slow down?"
Rafe's jaw tightened, displeasure evident at having his fun interrupted. But after a tense moment he stepped back.
"Fine, princess, whatever you say," he relented, tone dripping with poorly concealed frustration. You let out a shaky breath, tugging your rumpled clothing back into place. Your lips still tingled from the force of Rafe's kisses but the frenzied moment had passed.
"Thank you. I'm sorry, I just don't want our first time to be so…rushed," You said earnestly, hoping he could understand despite his obvious annoyance at being denied. His eyes remained dark but he managed a tight smile.
"Yeah yeah, I got it. Wouldn't want Daddy dearest walking in on us anyway," he said with an eye roll. You smiled weakly, knowing that was as close to understanding as you would get from him right now. At least he had backed off for the moment. But you had a feeling this conversation was far from over. Rafe did not like being told no.
He swallowed down his anger, forcing his face into a strained smile. He had to play this carefully; you Lila too much and you’d bolt. No, he needed to lure you in gently, make you trust him completely.
"Of course, princess. We'll take this at your pace," he said smoothly, stroking your cheek. "I just got carried away because you're so damn irresistible." He kissed your forehead, the very picture of understanding despite the lust still raging inside him.
You visibly relaxed, giving him a shy smile. "Thank you, Rafe. I'm glad you understand. I promise, when the time is right…" You trailed off, blushing. Rafe tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, letting his fingers trail down your neck teasingly.
"Don't worry baby, I'll make it so good for you when you're ready," he purred. You shivered, skin tingling from his touch. "For now, why don't you model some of these new outfits for me? Might give me a sneak peek of what I have to look forward to." He grinned devilishly.
You laughed, swatting his chest playfully. "You're incorrigible," you admonished, but went to pick out a few items from the piles of new clothes. Rafe settled on your bed, hungry eyes tracking your every movement.  For now, he would enjoy the little fashion show. But it was only a matter of time before those clothes ended up scattered across the bedroom floor instead.
A relieved smile crossed your face as Rafe appeared to accept your request to slow things down without argument. You knew he must be frustrated, but you appreciate him respecting your boundaries for now. There would be a right time and place for intimacy later on.
As you sifted through the piles of new clothes, Your smile faltered slightly. You could feel Rafe's intense gaze following your every movement, almost palpable in its hunger. It sent a shiver down your spine, but not entirely an unpleasant one. Still, something about the glint in his eyes gave you pause.
You selected a few simple, conservative outfits to model - a loose fitting sundress, some shorts with a flowy blouse. But Rafe tsked in disappointment, getting up to rummage through the options himself.
"Oh come on, you can do better than that," he coaxed, grabbing a slinky miniskirt and cropped tank top. "I want to see my sexy girl shine." He shot you a playful grin as he pressed the revealing clothes into your hands.
You laughed nervously. "Rafe, those aren't really my style…" But he pouted childishly, guiding you towards the adjoining bathroom.
"Humor me? Just a peek," he insisted. You hesitated, then relented with a shy smile. You had never worn anything so risqué before, but the delight on Rafe's face was gratifying. And it was just the two of you after all…
You changed quickly, adjusting the tiny skirt over yourself. The top was snug and showed a hint of midriff that made you self-conscious. But Rafe's eager expression as you stepped out stopped any protests before they left your lips.
"Stunning," he breathed, drinking in the sight of you. You blushed under his intense scrutiny, suddenly feeling very exposed. But you tried to push past it, giving an awkward little twirl to show off the outfit fully. Rafe's grin was downright predatory.
"Now take it off nice and slow," he said lowly, eyes raking over you. "Give me a proper show."
You balked, arms crossing instinctively over your torso. "Rafe, I…" His eyebrows shot up in challenge and you faltered. Maybe you were overthinking things. You didn't want to disappoint him again…
With trembling fingers, You reached for the hem of the snug tank top. But the voice inside screaming this was a bad idea only grew louder. You dropped your hands, shaking your head firmly as you backed towards the bathroom.
"I'm sorry Rafe, I can't do this. The clothes need to stay on." Your voice was small but resolute. You wouldn't ignore your instincts, not even to placate Rafe's desires. His scowl made your stomach twist anxiously, but you stood your ground, waiting for his response.
Taking a deep breath, Rafe fixed an understanding smile on his face. "You're right, I got carried away again. I'm sorry," he said gently. "I just can't control myself around you sometimes. You look so gorgeous in that outfit."
He approached you slowly until you allowed him to take your hands in his. "Of course the clothes should stay on until you're ready. I'm truly sorry for pushing you, princess." He brushed a tender kiss over your knuckles.
You visibly relaxed, giving him a grateful smile. "It's okay, Rafe. Thank you for understanding." You leaned up on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek before disappearing back into the bathroom to change.
You emerged from the bathroom in a comfortable sundress, feeling infinitely more at ease now that you were back in your own clothes. Rafe's obvious disappointment tugged at your heartstrings for a moment, but you brushed it aside. You knew in your gut that stripping for him, even just down to your underwear, wasn't something you were ready for yet.
To your relief, Rafe seemed to have reigned himself in and was back to his usual charming self, apologizing for getting carried away again. You smiled up at him gratefully, leaning in to give him a light kiss on the cheek.
"Thank you for being so patient with me," You said earnestly. "It really means a lot. I know this is all new for me." you ducked your head a bit shyly.
Rafe tilted your chin up, smiling fondly as he gazed down at you. "Of course, princess. I'll wait as long as you need. I'm just happy to be with you," he assured you smoothly.
Your heart swelled. You knew you had been lucky to find a guy like Rafe. Wealthy Kook boys had a reputation for being entitled spoiled brats. But most people didn't get to see this sweet, caring side of Rafe like you did. He could be impulsive and hot headed at times, but he respected your boundaries when it really mattered.
"You're the best boyfriend ever," You declared, going up on tiptoe to kiss him warmly. Rafe grinned against your lips, strong arms circling your waist.
"Anything for my girl," he murmured affectionately when you broke apart. You playfully booped his nose, eliciting a laugh from him.
"Alright mister, as much as I appreciate these new clothes, I could really use some help donating some of them," you said in a practical tone. "I can't even wear this many outfits in a lifetime!"
Rafe heaved a dramatic sigh but smiled good-naturedly. "Fiiine, guess I did go a little overboard on the shopping spree," he conceded. You giggled.
"Just a bit. Come on, let's get started." You took his hand, leading him back to the piles of clothes awaiting sorting. Even if Rafe's impulsive extravagance could be frustrating at times, You were grateful to have someone so attentive and willing to lavish you with gifts and affection. You hoped in time he would come to value you for more than just your looks or virginity. For now, You were content to take things slow and simply enjoy exploring young love one day at a time.
Rafe resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he let you lead him by the hand back to the piles of designer clothes he had gifted you. Donating them? What a pointless waste. He had spent a small fortune solely with the intent of seeing you decked out in finery, not giving it away to the destitute Pogues of the Cut.
But he bit his tongue, keeping up the doting act. "Of course I'll help, babe. Anything you want," he said smoothly, playing with your fingers.
Soon, he promised himself as he pulled you in for a chaste kiss on the forehead that contradicted his lustful thoughts. Your smile made him want to gag, but he mirrored it charmingly. Let you enjoy playing house a little while longer. He was adept at getting what he wanted from any woman eventually. The thought made Rafe's cock stir impatiently, but he willed it down. Not yet. He needed to lull you into total complacency first before finally stripping away the last of your resistance.
You hummed contentedly to yourself as you neatly folded clothes into donation boxes, Rafe helping beside you. You smiled up at him after he gave you a sweet kiss on the forehead, happy you guys seemed to be back in sync after the brief tension earlier.
You held up a slinky red cocktail dress, pondering keeping it for a special occasion. But no, it wasn't really your style at all. Into the donation box it went. You frowned slightly as you pulled out several incredibly risqué lingerie items - crotchless panties, lace teddies that left little to the imagination. Definitely not your taste.
"Geez Rafe, did you raid the whole lingerie section?" you asked with a laugh. Rafe just shrugged, unbothered. You shook your head in amusement as you set them aside to give to your more adventurous friend.
Once all the clothes were sorted, you surveyed the boxes contentedly. You had kept enough everyday outfits to last a lifetime, but now many girls in the Cut would have the chance to enjoy fancy new clothes too. It made you happy to spread the wealth, so to speak.
"There, all done! The donation center is going to be thrilled." You smiled brightly at Rafe. "This was a really great idea. I know I said it already, but thank you again for being so generous. And understanding about…everything," you finished, cheeks pinking slightly.
Rafe smiled back warmly, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. "Of course, babe. Anything for you," he said, dropping a kiss to the top of your head. You snuggled into his side, relieved you seemed to be back on the same page.
You hoped with time, Rafe would see you as more than just a conquest or object of physical desire. For now, you were content taking it slow, focusing on emotional intimacy over physical. You had all the time in the world for those things later on if things progressed. But for today, You were simply happy snuggling innocently with the boy who made you feel so safe, protected and cherished. Everything was perfect just as it was.
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csuitebitches · 1 year
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Reading List: Spirituality, Globalisation, Parenting and the 0.99 Cent Pricing Bias
What I’ve read (🖤) and planning to read (🤍)
• Fall of human intellect - A Parvasarthy (genre: spirituality, humanness) 🖤
Academic Papers
The backlash against globalisation - Stefanie Walter (from annual review) 🤍
In recent years, the world has seen a rising backlash against globalization. This article reviews the nature, causes, and consequences of the globalization backlash. It shows that, contrary to a popular narrative, the backlash is not associated with a large swing in public opinion against globalization but is rather a result of its politicization. The increasing influence of globalization- skeptic actors has resulted in more protectionist, isolationist, and nationalist policies, some of which fundamentally threaten pillars of the contemporary international order. Both material and nonmaterial causes drive the glob- alization backlash, and these causes interact and mediate each other. The consequences are shaped by the responses of societal actors, national gov- ernments, and international policy makers. These responses can either yield to and reinforce the global backlash or push back against it. Understanding these dynamics will be an important task for future research.
The causes and consequences of urban riot and unrest - Tim Newburn (from annual review) 🤍
This review explores those varied bodies of work that have sought to un- derstand crowd behavior and violent crowd conduct in particular. Although the study of such collective conduct was once considered central to social science, this has long ceased to be the case and in many respects the study of protest and riot now receives relatively little attention, especially within criminology. In addition to offering a critical overview of work in this field, this review argues in favor of an expanded conception of its subject matter. In recent times, scholarly concern has increasingly been focused on ques- tions of etiology, i.e., asking how and why events such as riots occur, with the consequence that less attention is paid to other, arguably equally impor- tant questions, including how riots spread, how they end, and, critically, what happens in their aftermath. Accordingly, as a corrective, the review proposes a life cycle model of riots.
Parenting and it’s effects on children : reading and misreading behaviour genetics (from annual review) 🖤
There is clear evidence that parents can and do influence children. There is equally clear evidence that children’s genetic makeup affects their own behavioral characteristics, and also influences the way they are treated by their parents. Twin and adoption studies provide a sound basis for estimating the strength of genetic effects, although heritability estimates for a given trait vary widely across samples, and no one estimate can be considered definitive. This chapter argues that knowing only the strength of genetic factors, however, is not a sufficient basis for estimating environmental ones and indeed, that attempts to do so can systematically underestimate parenting effects. Children’s genetic predispositions and their parents’ childrearing regimes are seen to be closely interwoven, and the ways in which they function jointly to affect children’s development are explored.
More than a penny’s worth: left-digit bias and firm pricing- Avner Strulov-Shlain (from MorningBrew) 🤍
A penny saved. What’s the difference between $2.99 and $3.00? Basic math says one cent, but you probably perceive the difference to be about 22 cents, a new paper by a University of Chicago business school professor estimated. The research explores left digit bias—the phenomenon where consumers’ perceptions are overly influenced by the leftmost number in the price—and it brought receipts, analyzing retail scanner data on 3,500 products sold by 25 US chains. And while it might seem like every price you see ends in .99, the paper argues that retailers are leaving money on the table by underestimating this bias when setting prices.
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impulsivefanwriter · 5 months
Art Commissions (OPEN!)
Hi everyone! I'm opening art commissions because I want to commission a few artists myself haha, below are some price charts, what I will and won't draw, and examples of my work
All my prices are in Canadian Dollars (CAD), transfer over PayPal (may include additional fees from PayPal of $3 CAD for Europe, Northern Europe, and the US, and $5 CAD outside of those markets)
Please send references
Price Chart
Pencil Sketch
Headshot: $5
Half-Body: $15
Full-Body: $20
Headshot: $10
Half-Body: $20
Full-Body: $30
Headshot: $15
Half-Body: $30
Full-Body: $40
Additional Character(s) -- Varies per order/details
Extra Details - Additional Price Determined on Case-by-Case; these include:
Mer Tails
Extra and/or Complex Outfit, Pattern, or Body Details
More dynamic poses (these often require larger drawings)
I have every right to decline.
Payment before Sketch or after 'messy sketch' stage for Fine-line or Colour.
Commissions can take up to 1-2 weeks depending on the order (I will inform you if it takes longer or if there are orders ahead of yours before I can start)
For Fine-line or Colour, I'll send a 'messy sketch' and ask if there's any changes needed.
No major changes are to be made after 'messy sketch' approval.
No refunds once 'messy sketch' of the commission is approved. If you request a refund, please do so as soon as possible before that stage.
Please provide proof of receipt on PayPal.
Please provide (a) reference(s) for the character(s). If you can/want, you may also provide a pose reference, preferably for a front-facing angle
You may make multiple individual orders
I may not have every colour available as I do traditional art and not digital, but I will do my best to keep it as close to the reference as possible
Please DM me (you can send an ask IN ADDITION to the DM) if you are interested. You can the ask box for questions before DMing. Details for commissions are preferred, especially in cases of limited or canon media references. Some poses or expressions may require some questions on character personality and/or background
Prices may vary depending on your order
Shading is minimal if at all (see examples of work for details), no backgrounds (you may add your own backgrounds, image or drawn, to commissioned art, but you cannot claim that as your art)
You may use commissioned art for personal reasons with credit but you may not use it for retail, reselling, or commercial merch. If you are unsure, please ask me
Will Draw
Original Characters
Humans/Mostly Humanoid (includes androids, merfolk, etc, see below examples for some ideas)
Fanart (especially Ninjago)
Soft Angst
Won't/Can't Draw
NSFW (specifically nude or sexualization - if you are unsure, please ask)
Hate/Racist/Homophobic Art
Pedo/Toxic Ship Art
Heavy Gore
Realism (it just doesn't fit my art style)
Examples of my Work (with example pricing)
Left: Headshot Sketch with Greyscale Colour & Extra Detail -- $10
Right: Full-body Sketch with Mer Tail & Complex Detail -- $30
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Left: Full-body Fine-line -- $30
Right: Full-body Fine-line with Tail & Extra Detail -- $40
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Left: Half-body Colour -- $30
Right: Half-body Colour + Wings -- $45
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Left: Full-body Colour -- $40
Right: Full-body Colour + Extra Detail -- $45
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Left: Full-Body Colour with Tail & Extra Detail -- $50
Right: Full-Body Colour with Tail & Extra Detail -- $50
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Left: Full-body Colour with Extra Detail -- $45
Right: Full-body Colour with Tail & Complex Detail -- $60
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Left: Full-Body Colour with Mer Tail -- $50
Right: Full-Body Colour with Mer Tail, Complex Pose/Mild Shading, and Larger Drawing (Custom Pricing) -- $75
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Left: Full-Body Colour (Two Characters) -- $65
Right: Full-Body Colour (Two Characters) with Mer Tails & Complex Pose, and Larger Drawing (Custom Pricing) -- $90
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Below: Full-Body Colour (Six Characters), Wings, Extra Detail/Mild Shading, and Larger Drawing (Custom Pricing)
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jibunbosh · 10 months
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okay, let's try to identify all of the new gear in anon's brand-new-spanking signal chain, and see how much her total comes out to. values will be in both USD and JPY - not via direct currency conversion, but by prices I find online at american and japanese retailers respectively. (note that american retailers do not include tax in prices, but japanese retailers do. prices may also differ due to import/export costs.)
also thanks to @absolute-total-nonsense for helping me ID a bunch of these
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the gray pedal at the top right is very clearly a tuner, displaying note information and pitch accuracy. it very clearly resembles the peterson line of StroboStomp pedal tuners, but is closest to the Peterson StroboStomp HD Pedal Tuner (MSRP $149.00 USD / ¥28,444 JPY).
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the black pedal with green text, is, thankfully, clearly labeled. it is a Seymour Duncan Andromeda Dynamic Digital Delay pedal. there's a lot going on here! it clocks in at MSRP $299.99 USD / ¥44,000 JPY.
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the next pedal to the right is similarly labeled with a distinct design, and is a Boot-Leg HZM 2.0 Quattro Valvole Distortion Pedal. it's our first Japanese-manufactured pedal in the signal chain, and doesn't have an official USD MSRP, but can be found for $135.00 USD, and is sold domestically for ¥21,120 JPY.
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the next pedal was a bit hard for me to make out until I got a higher-quality screencap of the pedalboard and could actually read the label, but it's a Electro-Harmonix Soul Food Distortion/Overdrive Pedal. in the states, it clocks in at $101.60 USD. I couldn't find an exact MSRP for the pedal in JPY (perhaps due to it not being formally exported, speculatively), but I found it online for ¥16,088 JPY.
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the text is a bit hard to read in the screencap for the next pedal, but the tricolor design and the seymour duncan logo is plain as day. it's the Seymour Duncan Forza (tm) Overdrive. it clocks in at MSRP $179.00 USD / ¥28,600 JPY.
the next few components that tie the signal chain are all Free The Tone products.
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the large box is a Free the Tone ARC-3 Audio Routing Controller. it seems to be discontinued, but had a MSRP of approximately $599.00 USD / ¥63,800 JPY.
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the input to the pedalboard is a Free the Tone Signal Junction Box JB-41S, priced at $159.09 USD / ¥18,000 JPY.
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finally, the power supply is a Free the Tone Power Supply PT-5D, priced at MSRP ¥30,800 JPY, and seems to be resold for $309.99 USD.
so, not including any instrument cables, ac adapters, or the physical case for the pedalboard itself, anon's brand-new pedalboard is priced at a budget of a whopping $1932.67 USD + tax, or ¥250,852 JPY! damn, girl! do you really need that many different overdrive/distortion pedals!
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anon's mini practice amp appears to closely resemble a Danelectro Honeytone N-10 Guitar Mini Amp, though the Honeytone text is ommitted and I don't believe it's ever been manufactured in pink. it's priced at $24.99 USD / ¥5,720 JPY.
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thecrofttomb · 16 days
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Tomb Raider I-III Remastered is Getting a Physical Edition
As previously stated, Aspyr and Crystal Dynamics have announced today that they are once again partnering with Limited Run Games, this time for the highly anticipated release of Tomb Raider I-III Remastered on physical media!
Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft gathers the original three adventures and their respective expansions (Tomb Raider + "Unfinished Business", Tomb Raider II + "Golden Mask", and Tomb Raider III + "The Lost Artefact"), lovingly restored for a new generation, which launched earlier this year on February 14th. This definitive collection features upgraded graphics, performance enhancements and quality-of-life improvements such as achievement support.
The release encompasses three versions, with the Base and Deluxe editions coming this autumn to major retailers across the globe, plus an exclusive Limited Run Games Collector's Edition, only available for a limited time. All of them are now up for pre-order.
Explore the contents of every edition below and decide which one you want to add to your collection. We also have a discount code if you're planning on grabbing the Collector's Edition.
Base Edition
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Price: $34.99 / 34,99€ / £29.99 Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4/5, Xbox One/Series X|S
The base edition includes a physical copy of the game* and a jewel case.
*The game is on a region-free cart/disc.
Deluxe Edition
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Price: $54.99 / 54,99€ / £49.99 Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5
The deluxe edition includes the following items:
Deluxe Edition box
Physical copy of the game*
Exclusive SteelBook®
Official Soundtrack**
Exploration map book***
*The game is on a region-free cart/disc.
**Deluxe Edition copies in the Americas will receive all three games' original soundtracks as DLC. Deluxe Edition copies in Europe will receive all three games' original soundtracks as DLC, plus a "Greatest Hits" physical CD.
***The map book features over 80 pages full of secrets, including maps from every level of the trilogy and their expansions.
Limited Run Games Collector's Edition
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Price: $199.99 / 186,95€ Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4/5, Xbox One/Series X|S
The collector's edition is exclusive to the Limited Run Games and Tomb Raider Gear stores and includes the following items:
Collector's Edition box
Physical copy of the game*
Replica of Lara Croft's dual pistols in a lit shadow box
Set of three posters (31 x 41 cm)
Set of premium trading cards
Official Soundtrack**
Exploration map book***
Set of three Lara Croft polygonal figurines
*The game is on a region-free cart/disc for consoles and on a flash drive for PC.
**The soundtrack comes in both digital download and physical CD formats.
***The map book features over 80 pages full of secrets, including maps from every level of the trilogy and their expansions.
If you're buying the LRG Collector's Edition from the Tomb Raider Gear store, use our special code THECROFTTOMB at checkout and get a 20% discount on your purchase!
All Tomb Raider I-III Remastered physical editions are available for pre-order until June 23rd. Base and Deluxe editions will be released worldwide on September 24th, 2024. The exclusive and time-limited LRG Collector's Edition will only be available during pre-order and won't be on sale ever again, so be sure to not miss out on this fantastic opportunity to get this beautiful edition!
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rmrkbl-marketing · 5 months
Maximizing Ecommerce Success: A Comprehensive Guide to Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
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In the dynamic landscape of online retail, performance metrics are the compass guiding businesses toward success. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) serve as crucial milestones, directing ecommerce entrepreneurs to navigate the complex realm of sales, marketing, and customer service. In this comprehensive guide, we at RMRKBL Marketing delve into the intricate world of KPIs, offering profound insights to empower your business decisions and drive unparalleled growth.
Unveiling the Essence of Performance Indicators
A performance indicator, a beacon in the data-driven journey, is a quantifiable measurement aligning with specific goals. Picture an online retailer aspiring to boost site traffic by 50% in the next year – a noble ambition. Key indicators could include daily unique visitors, traffic sources (paid advertising, SEO, brand advertising), or the holy grail of customer lifetime value.
Decoding Key Performance Indicators
Amidst a plethora of potential metrics, the crux lies in identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) – impactful data points succinctly reflecting progress toward defined goals. In this pursuit, Shopify's robust reporting and analytics emerge as invaluable tools, boasting over 60 pre-built dashboards to illuminate trends and catalyze informed decision-making.
The Significance of KPIs
Why are KPIs as vital as strategy and goal setting? They transcend mere statistics, offering actionable insights that propel strategic decision-making. Without KPIs, businesses risk navigating uncharted waters, relying on intuition rather than data-driven precision. Harnessing KPIs fosters a deeper understanding of your business and clientele, fostering informed strategies for online sales growth.
Classifying Key Performance Indicators
KPIs, versatile in nature, span qualitative, quantitative, predictive, and historical dimensions, permeating various business operations. In the ecommerce domain, KPIs elegantly align with five core categories: Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, Manufacturing, and Project Management.
Sales: A Symphony of Success
In the realm of sales, mastering KPIs is akin to orchestrating a symphony of success. Ecommerce retailers can fine-tune their performance through vigilant tracking of crucial metrics such as total sales, average order
size, gross profit, average margin, and more. Each metric unveils a facet of your business, from understanding customer behavior through conversion rates and shopping cart abandonment rates to strategic insights on product affinity and competitive pricing.
Unlocking Sales KPIs
1. Total Sales
Ecommerce success hinges on understanding sales patterns. Monitor sales on an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis to discern trends and capitalize on peak periods.
2. Average Order Size
Delve into customer spending habits with the average order size, a pivotal KPI reflecting the typical expenditure per order. This insight informs pricing strategies and product bundling opportunities.
3. Gross Profit
Measure business efficiency by calculating gross profit – the difference between total sales and the cost of goods sold. A nuanced understanding ensures profitability and strategic decision-making.
4. Conversion Rate
Efficiency in converting visitors to customers is paramount. The conversion rate, expressed as a percentage, illuminates the success of your ecommerce site in turning visitors into buyers.
5. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
The heartbeat of sustainable growth lies in the customer lifetime value. Nurture long-term relationships by understanding how much a customer contributes over their engagement with your brand.
6. Revenue per Visitor (RPV)
Evaluate the effectiveness of your site in converting visitors into revenue. Low RPV prompts a deep dive into analytics, optimizing the user experience to drive more online sales.
7. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
Strategically invest in customer acquisition by deciphering the cost of acquiring new customers. Analyze marketing spend breakdown to ensure efficient customer acquisition.
8. Inventory Levels
Maintain optimal stock levels by closely monitoring inventory metrics. Insights into stock turnover, product velocity, and sitting stock guide inventory management strategies.
9. Competitive Pricing
Benchmark against competitors by scrutinizing pricing strategies. An agile approach to pricing ensures your business remains competitive and attuned to market dynamics.
10. Product Affinity
Uncover cross-promotion opportunities through product affinity analysis. Identify products frequently purchased together, fueling targeted marketing strategies.
11. Product Relationship
Strategically plan cross-selling tactics by understanding which products are viewed consecutively. Leverage this KPI to enhance product recommendations and elevate user experience.
12. Churn Rate
Customer retention is paramount. The churn rate reveals how swiftly customers are departing. Swift action can mitigate losses and foster sustained loyalty.
13. Cost per Click (CPC)
For paid advertising success, track the cost incurred for each click. Optimize ad campaigns by aligning CPC with conversion rates, ensuring a balanced marketing budget.
Marketing Mastery: Unleashing Potency Through KPIs
Marketing KPIs wield immense power in sculpting the success story of your ecommerce venture. From driving website traffic to deciphering customer behavior, these metrics guide strategic marketing endeavors.
Navigating Marketing KPIs
1. Website Traffic
Website traffic serves as the heartbeat of ecommerce success. Monitor the total number of visits to your site, interpreting trends and refining marketing strategies accordingly.
2. New Visitors vs. Returning Visitors
Distinguish between first-time visitors and returning patrons. This insight aids in assessing the efficacy of digital marketing campaigns and tailoring strategies for diverse audiences.
3. Time on Site
Evaluate user engagement by analyzing the time visitors spend on your website. A deeper engagement with blog content and landing pages signals brand affinity.
4. Bounce Rate
High bounce rates demand attention. Investigate the reasons behind visitors exiting after viewing a single page, optimizing user experience and content relevance.
5. Page Views per Visit
Navigate user journeys by understanding the average number of pages viewed during each visit. Balance engagement with ease of navigation to enhance the user experience.
6. Average Session Duration
Dive into user behavior with the average session duration. Longer durations indicate profound interactions with your site, particularly with blog content and landing pages.
7. Traffic Source
Decipher the origins of website traffic through the traffic source KPI. Channel-specific insights guide focused marketing efforts, whether from organic search, paid ads, or social media.
8. Mobile Site Traffic
Optimize for mobile success by monitoring the influx of users accessing your store via mobile devices. A mobile-friendly site ensures a seamless experience for a diverse audience.
9. Newsletter Subscribers
Harness the potential of email marketing by tracking newsletter subscribers. Analyze demographics to tailor content and maximize reach, ensuring alignment with target audiences.
10. Email Open Rate
Elevate email marketing effectiveness by scrutinizing the percentage of subscribers opening your emails. Test subject lines and maintain list hygiene for optimal engagement.
11. Email Click-Through Rate (CTR)
Drive traffic to your site with a high email click-through rate. This KPI measures the percentage of subscribers clicking on links, a pivotal factor in conversion success.
12. Social Followers and Fans
Measure brand loyalty and awareness through social media metrics. The number of followers and fans on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter signifies audience engagement.
13. Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)
Evaluate ad campaign efficacy by gauging the revenue earned for every dollar spent on advertising. ROAS serves as a compass, steering advertising strategies toward profitability.
14. Cost per Click (CPC)
Unveil the cost incurred for each click on paid ads. Efficiently manage marketing budgets by aligning CPC with conversion rates, ensuring optimal returns on investment.
15. Social Media Engagement
Quantify brand engagement with social media followers through the social media engagement KPI. Active interaction signals a vibrant community and potent brand-consumer connections.
16. Clicks
Track the total number of clicks across various platforms – website, social media, email, and ads. A holistic perspective aids in refining content and optimizing engagement strategies.
17. Average Click-Through Rate (CTR)
Measure user engagement with the average click-through rate, revealing the percentage of users clicking on links. Optimize content placement and messaging for heightened effectiveness.
18. Average Position
Ascend the search engine ranks with insights from the average position KPI. Understand your site's SEO and paid search performance, striving for the coveted top position.
19. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Traffic Volume
Evaluate the success of PPC campaigns by tracking traffic volume. Strategic adjustments based on PPC insights ensure targeted traffic influx to your site.
20. Blog Traffic
Uncover the impact of blog content by isolating blog traffic metrics. Compare blog traffic against overall site traffic for a nuanced understanding of content effectiveness.
21. Number and Quality of Product Reviews
Harness the power of social proof with product reviews. Track quantity and content to leverage customer feedback for SEO, brand credibility, and business refinement.
22. Banner or Display Advertising CTRs
Optimize banner and display ad performance by scrutinizing click-through rates. Insights into copy, imagery, and offer effectiveness guide strategic adjustments for enhanced engagement.
23. Affiliate Performance Rates
Leverage affiliate marketing with insights into performance rates. Identify successful channels, refining strategies to maximize the impact of affiliate partnerships.
Elevating Customer Service through KPI Excellence
Customer service KPIs stand as sentinels, guarding the gateway to customer satisfaction. Scrutinize these metrics to ensure your support teams exceed expectations and cultivate lasting customer relationships.
Pioneering Customer Service KPIs
1. Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)
Quantify customer satisfaction through the CSAT metric. Harness customer feedback to refine service strategies and foster a positive brand perception.
2. Net Promoter Score (NPS)
Measure customer loyalty with the Net Promoter Score. Identify brand advocates and detractors, directing efforts toward building a robust community of brand enthusiasts.
3. First Response Time
Efficient customer service hinges on swift responses. Monitor the time taken for the first response to gauge support team efficacy and ensure timely issue resolution.
4. Ticket Resolution Time
Expedite issue resolution by scrutinizing ticket resolution times. Streamline support processes based on these insights to enhance customer satisfaction.
5. Customer Retention Rate
A flourishing business thrives on customer retention. The retention rate KPI illuminates the success of your efforts in cultivating lasting relationships with clients.
6. Customer Complaint Resolution
Transform challenges into opportunities by mastering customer complaint resolution. Evaluate resolution times and customer feedback to fortify your support ecosystem.
7. Service Level Agreement (SLA) Adherence
Set and surpass customer expectations with SLA adherence. Track the percentage of support requests meeting agreed-upon response and resolution times.
8. Customer Effort Score (CES)
Simplify customer interactions with the Customer Effort Score. Minimize friction in customer journeys, fostering seamless and enjoyable experiences.
9. Contact Volume
Analyze contact volume to understand support team workload. Proactive adjustments to staffing and resources ensure consistent service excellence.
10. Customer Service Channel Performance
Decipher the effectiveness of various customer service channels – live chat, email, phone. Optimize resource allocation based on channel performance to maximize customer satisfaction.
11. Agent Performance
Empower support teams through insights into agent performance. Identify top performers and areas for improvement, ensuring a high standard of service across the board.
Conclusion: Mastering the Art of KPIs for Ecommerce Triumph
In the intricate tapestry of ecommerce success, KPIs serve as the warp and weft, weaving a narrative of progress and prosperity. Unleash the potential of your online venture by embracing the nuanced insights offered by sales, marketing, and customer service KPIs. Propel your business forward, navigate challenges, and sculpt a legacy of unparalleled success in the competitive realm of online retail.
Why are KPIs crucial for ecommerce success?
KPIs, or Key Performance Indicators, provide quantifiable insights into the performance of various aspects of your ecommerce business. They guide strategic decision-making, enhance customer experiences, and drive overall success by aligning actions with specific goals.
How can I use KPIs to improve my online sales?
Analyzing sales KPIs such as total sales, average order size, conversion rate, and customer lifetime value empowers you to optimize pricing strategies, understand customer behavior, and implement targeted marketing efforts for increased online sales.
What role do marketing KPIs play in ecommerce?
Marketing KPIs, including website traffic, engagement metrics, and return on ad spend, offer actionable insights into the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. These metrics help refine strategies, boost brand awareness, and drive targeted traffic to your ecommerce site.
How do customer service KPIs contribute to business growth?
Customer service KPIs, such as customer satisfaction scores, first response time, and ticket resolution time, play a pivotal role in fostering positive customer relationships. Meeting and exceeding customer expectations leads to increased loyalty, positive word-of-mouth, and sustained business growth.
Can KPIs really help in inventory management?
Absolutely. Sales KPIs related to inventory levels, product affinity, and competitive pricing provide crucial insights into stock turnover, product popularity, and market competitiveness. Effectively managing inventory based on these KPIs ensures optimal stock levels and minimizes wastage.
Are there specific KPIs for evaluating the success of PPC campaigns?
Yes, monitoring KPIs such as pay-per-click (PPC) traffic volume, cost per click (CPC), and return on ad spend (ROAS) provides a comprehensive view of your PPC campaign performance. These metrics help optimize ad budgets, refine targeting, and maximize the impact of your advertising efforts.
Can KPIs help me understand the effectiveness of my social media marketing?
Certainly. Social media KPIs like social followers, engagement metrics, and click-through rates provide insights into the impact of your social media efforts. Understanding these metrics enables you to refine content strategies, build brand loyalty, and expand your social media presence.
How often should I review and update my KPIs?
Regular reviews are crucial to adapt to changing market dynamics. Consider monthly reviews for short-term KPIs and quarterly or annually for long-term goals. Adjust KPIs based on business priorities, industry trends, and the evolving needs of your ecommerce venture.
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【 Shining Nikki TW+CN 】 Figure
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【 Shining Nikki TW+CN 】 Figure
Shining Nikki Figure Vol.2
Brand: BNFigure
Item name: Shining Nikki VOL.2 “Nikki’s Magic Blessing Ver.”
Material: PVC/ABS
Size: about 170mm high after assembly
Suggested retail price: 188 yuan
※ This product is equipped with a transparent bracket.
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The styling inspiration from the suit “ Magic Blessing ”
Because of the magic that is quietly cast, the gentle snowflakes will come lightly.
Captured the warm and dynamic moment, making the pink long hair elegant and agile,
The posture is light and dynamic.
Elegant and delicate ruby ​​neckpiece, playful snowflakes embellished on the skirt,
No matter how you look at it, it's a warm winter atmosphere~
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nickgerlich · 3 months
Surging Forward
When it comes to the Four Ps of Marketing, there is one that affects us the most. It raises eyebrows. It may cause mental anguish. And it hits where it hurts the most, the pocketbook. I can only be talking about one thing: Price.
As I was telling my undergrads yesterday, they have now lived through—and survived—a period of inflation. This hasn’t happened for 40 years, which I remember all too well from my university days. It’s the kind of thing you tend to remember forever.
While inflation is now more or less within a reasonable range (about 3.1% last month), our grocery bills are up about 25% in the last four years. You can thank the compounding effect for that. Some manufacturers have responded by reducing the size of the package, so they can try to maintain price points. Labeled as “shrinkflation” by President Biden and others, it gives the illusion that prices haven’t gone up, even though the unit price definitely has.
Given that we have all now become hyper-sensitized to price since COVID, it should come as no surprise that Wendy’s plans to test surge pricing for its hamburgers is drawing the ire of many. It’s bad enough that the price of fast food has skyrocketed, but now they want to charge even more during hours of peak demand, as well as at locations that are typically busier than others.
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Surge pricing, which also goes by the moniker dynamic pricing, has been in use for decades. It’s what explains the matinee price at movie theatres, a time of day in which far fewer people are likely to see a movie. Airlines have done it for years, with peak demand times seeing fares much higher than off-peak. Add hotels to the mix, too. Business hotels are often weekend bargains for families, because all the people with expense accounts have gone home. And we all know how expensive food and beverages are at airports and stadiums, while not far away they are much lower.
Uber is another company leaning on this model, with the price of a ride reflecting the demand. If a stadium is emptying out, the price just went up. Many other retailers, from Amazon to Target, Kroger, Best Buy, and others have done it. The advent of digital price tags makes it all too easy to reset prices within a store, or even systemwide. Heck, I even saw it in Germany some years ago, with gas stations raising prices at peak commuting times, and lowering them during others. Shame on you for not refueling at a better time!
One of the more interesting aspects of dynamic, or surge, pricing is that used on Dallas-area toll roads and express lanes. Essentially, the price is set based on traffic volume. As congestion increases, the price for diverting to the express lane goes up. The thinking is that it might just be worth your added dollars to be able to zoom by the unlucky proletariat stuck in traffic. Be sure to wave as you go by. These lanes are the sky boxes of the highway system. At peak times, a person driving solo can pay up to $0.90 per mile for the privilege.
The weeks ahead will be interesting to see how the market reacts to Wendy’s move, and whether they stick to their guns or back down. If customers swallow surge pricing, it opens the flood gates for all fast food restaurants to do the same. It could then spill over into all restaurants, and everywhere else. Consumers will be left at wit’s end trying to keep up with what amounts to a wide array of possible prices for the things they buy. I suspect that apps and websites will arrive that allow for crowdsourced updates on all of it.
It’s the price we pay for being alive today. Inflation is one thing, but having to endure exorbitant temporary price hikes is quite another. Even staying home and being a hermit does not make you immune, because you still have to buy things. As for me, I’m staying in the slow lane just as a matter of principle, and because I’m still waiting for my salary to go up commensurately to account for the last four years.
Dr “Not Getting Inflated Expectations” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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author-a-holmes · 2 months
Fantasy Indies April
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | 10th | 11th | 12th | 13th | 14th | 15th | 16th | 17th | 18th | 19th | 20th | 21st | 22nd | 23rd | 24th | 25th | 26th | 27th | 28th | 29th | 30th
(Today's post includes a Darkling Snippet, so I'm tagging the taglist <3 If you want to be added or removed from the taglist, just let me know)
@faelanvance @noirepersonal @queen-kass-the-writer @athenswrites @thelaughingstag @minamoroz @bardic-tales @outpost51 @talesfromaurea @jezifster @ettawritesnstudies
Stumbled over a prompt list for Fantasy Indies on Instagram, so I thought it'd be fun to take part in the list of April's prompts and questions...
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April 5th - It's FREE FRIDAY!! So let's talk a bit about Darkling...
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Have you ever heard someone say that every book’s journey is different? Writing every single book goes through a different process? I thought I knew that until I began writing Darkling.
The differences between writing Stolen and Changeling were obvious to me, but it was more in the way the story took shape, and the time it took me to form the structure to my liking.
Darkling is the first time I’ve written a story where I need to backtrack and add whole scenes. Where I need to insert additional chapters to enhance subplots and character dynamics. It’s the first time I’ve genuinely needed a complete second draft.
I don’t think that means its first draft was worse than usual, but Darkling seemed to need more time to coax into existence.
Check beneath the cut for a Darkling Snippet!!
“Pathetic,” came the vampire’s voice, filled with weary exasperation. Or possibly disgust. Olwen made it difficult to distinguish between the two tones more often than not. “You do remember fey aren’t natural fighters, right?” Lizzy panted, trying to catch her breath and carefully rolling her neck to stare at Olwen standing in the middle of the sparring ring, hands on her hips and she sneered down at her three easily felled opponents. “And that we don’t heal like vampires,” Booker groaned.
(Promptlist for the rest of April can be found at the bottom of this post)
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Hey there!
Do you like the sound of my projects? Feel like supporting me so I can write some more?
Check out my debut fantasy novel ‘Changeling’.
It’s available in Ebook at all your favourite online retailers, and in Paperback, and Hardcover from Amazon.
Would you like to read more of my writing for free?
You can grab the prequel novella to Changeling, “Whatever Happened To Madeline Hail?” by signing up for my newsletter.
I also send out Flash Fiction pieces exclusive to my newsletter subscribers, and you’ll be the first to hear about sale prices, cover reveals and blurbs for all my future book releases.
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anubianpagan · 8 months
Ya know...Sometimes I peer through kemetic spaces and run through articles that are just so tone deaf and filled with unawareness it's amazing. We've all seen a few of those articles. While it's their personal UPG, they make available to the public...they seem unaware of how their actions are deplorable.
I have seen people claiming the gods are "my equal" and treat them like a shopkeeper in retail, them being the karen, demanding more exceptions for their expired coupons and demanding they deserve lower prices for arbitrary reasons.
Some claim they can punish the gods for not performing as commanded and relinquishing ever increasing demands for boons and affections while giving...cheap and gross offerings that were at best, beyond unsuitable for human consumption let alone higher beings of power. Then act in rage and tantrum like entitled toddlers because their demands were not met when they do not come in reverence but in expectation.
People making demands of the gods...describing the gods in unflattering and creepy ways committing acts upon vulnerable individuals or kidnappers. Or describe them as weakened, desperate for attention and energy, starving to death, and the humans think they can use this as a carrot on a stick, making the power dynamic entirely theirs to manipulate and control.
They then are baffled by the gods reactions to...give them nothing they stomp their feet and demand. Some claim divine abuse, a subject I find absurd. If your relationship with a deity isn't a mutually respectful and beneficial one, why are you there?
They then always have miserable and unfulfilling lives where even the eating of food is so unfulfilling it causes pain. They wonder why, they blame the gods and never look inward to how their religious life with the gods teds to be filled with more gimme gimme gimme gimme, and less give. I find it an impressive display of narcissism to speak so disparagingly of the gods, treat them more like a summoned demon to be bartered with and tricked rather then a revered entity to be loved, demand more from them, and when they give you nothing back, they are utterly baffled, hurt and claim they are betrayed. But the betrayal was there's all along.
Some of them are downright contrarian in every aspect of religion or insist we can have religion without gods involvement. Ya know...the while center of the religion. For a more atheist approach.
Mind you, there is a difference between a transactional relationship of mutual benefit and spiteful entitled demands which don't get met. These people truly wonder why they have a bad time unawares of what caused it. Them. It really does come down to human error from where I'm seeing. But they see themselves as so flawless, it could never be them that caused the problem, it must be the gods.
or ya know, they have screwed up perceptions and misinterpret but they could never be wrong right?
Personally, my experiences with the gods have never been filled with this much resentment for my religion, disappointment, nor wrathful ignorance. But loving reverence and I get what I put in.
The only differences I see really, is I don't approach them with a holier-then-thou attitude and try to shame them in social spaces or speak ill of them because I prayed and wasn't granted that winning lottery ticket I demanded. Approach with love and respect and receive it in return. Huh. Who'da thunk!
Kemeticism doesn't really have an official concept of hubris but by gods some of the people here...really exemplify the ever increasing need for us to have one. I continue to hope one day they will wake up and realize their error and seek to fix it, but they continue to show me they cannot learn a new trick.
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tubetrading · 6 months
Private Label Food Manufacturers:  The Secret Behind Store Brand Success
In the dynamic world of retail, store brands are increasingly dominating the shelves, offering consumers quality products at competitive prices.  Behind the scenes, private label food manufacturers play a pivotal role in the success of these store brands.  As the demand for private label products continues to rise, understanding the significance of private label manufacturers, especially in India, becomes crucial for both retailers and consumers.
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Unveiling the Concept of Private Label Manufacturing
Private label manufacturing involves the production of goods by one company for another, who then sells the product under its own brand name.  In the realm of food products, private label food manufacturers act as the silent architects, creating a wide array of products for retailers to market as their own.  This concept is gaining traction globally, and India is no exception.
The Rise of Private Label Manufacturers in India
Private Label Manufacturer in India:  India, with its diverse consumer base and rapidly evolving retail landscape, has witnessed a surge in the prominence of private label manufacturing.  Retailers are increasingly recognizing the potential of having their own brands, allowing them to differentiate and control their product offerings.
Advantages of Private Labelling Services
1.         Cost Efficiency:  Private label manufacturing often translates to cost savings.  By working directly with manufacturers, retailers can cut out the middleman and reduce production costs, enabling them to offer competitive prices to consumers.
2.         Brand Control:  Retailers have the freedom to control every aspect of their brand, from packaging design to product specifications.  This control allows them to tailor products to meet the specific needs and preferences of their target audience.
3.         Flexibility and Innovation:  Private label manufacturers provide retailers with the flexibility to experiment with new flavors, packaging, and trends.  This agility allows store brands to stay ahead of the curve and respond swiftly to changing consumer preferences.
Private Label Food Manufacturer:  The Heart of Store Brands
Private Label Food Manufacturer:  These specialized manufacturers are the backbone of the private label ecosystem.  They collaborate closely with retailers to bring a diverse range of food products to the market.  From snacks and beverages to canned goods and frozen items, private label food manufacturers are adept at producing a wide variety of products.
The Process of Private Label Food Manufacturing
1.         Product Development:  The journey begins with collaborative product development.  Retailers work closely with private label food manufacturers to create unique recipes and formulations that align with market trends and consumer demands.
2.         Quality Assurance:  Private label manufacturers prioritize quality to build and maintain the trust of both retailers and consumers.  Stringent quality control measures are implemented throughout the production process to ensure consistency and safety.
3.         Packaging and Branding:  The visual appeal of a product is crucial.  Private label manufacturers assist retailers in designing attractive packaging that not only stands out on the shelves but also communicates the brand's identity effectively.
Success Stories:  Private Label Brands in India
Several success stories in the Indian retail sector exemplify the impact of private label manufacturing:
1.         Grocery Chains:  Leading grocery chains in India have embraced private label products across various categories, including staples, snacks, and beverages.  The ability to offer quality products at competitive prices has contributed to the popularity of these store brands.
2.         Online Retail Platforms:  E-commerce platforms have also recognized the potential of private label manufacturing.  By leveraging private label services, online retailers can build a distinct identity and enhance customer loyalty.
Challenges and Opportunities
While private label manufacturing presents numerous advantages, it is not without challenges.  Maintaining a balance between cost-efficiency and quality, as well as establishing a unique brand identity, requires strategic planning.  However, these challenges also present opportunities for continuous improvement and innovation within the private label sector.
The Future of Private Label Manufacturing
The future of private label manufacturing in India looks promising.  As consumers become more discerning and value-conscious, retailers will continue to leverage private label services to provide high-quality, affordable products.  The evolving landscape of the retail industry, coupled with the adaptability of private label manufacturers, sets the stage for sustained growth and success.
In conclusion, private label food manufacturers play a pivotal role in shaping the success of store brands.  The symbiotic relationship between retailers and private label manufacturers in India has ushered in an era where consumers can enjoy quality products at affordable prices.  As the private label landscape continues to evolve, it is evident that the secret behind store brand success lies in the collaborative efforts of retailers and the expertise of private label manufacturers.
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