#E-Web Heavy Repeating Blaster
dumbbitchenergy17 · 1 year
Clan of Three - Chapter 7
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Chapter Seven: Redemption
Plot: A Mandalorian, an infant with a history of the jedi, and a teenager with similar powers with an undiscovered lineage. An unlikely group to travel the galaxy together.
Word Count: 6.3K
Pairing: Father Figure!Din Djarin x Platonic!Teen!Reader
Warnings: fighting/violence, injuries, angst, Moff Gideon (he deserves his own warning), sadness like so much
“You may think you have some idea of what you are in possession of, but you do not.” He speaks up again and Mando yells back into the comm.
“Kuiil, are you back on the ship yet? They're onto us! Kuiil, come in!” Mando yells as nothing comes through on your end.
“In a few moments, they will be mine.” The man calls out.
“Kuiil! Do you copy? Kuiil!” Mando can’t ignore the fear in his chest, if they get the child and with how many enemies were out there they would get you as well.
“They mean more to me than you will ever know.”
You feel a tightness in your chest feeling the loss and feeling of failure…Kuiil.
“Kuiil! Are you there? Come in, Kuiil….Kuiil, come in. Do you copy? Kuiil? Kuiil!”
The cantina is littered with imperial bodies as a former magistrate, a shock trooper, and a Mandalorian all together to protect a child and a girl who have extraordinary powers.
“Is there another way out?” Cara asks peeking out the window at the large platoon of troopers and this imperial warlord.
“No, that's it,” Greef says looking around the whole cantina their only way out is the two doors leading outside.
“What about the sewers?” Mando says and you look over at him,
“Sewers?” You ask and he nods beginning to look around.
“The Mandalorians have a covert down in the sewers. If we can get down there, they can help us escape.” He explains searching for an access point to the sewers.
“Yeah, sewers are good,” Greef says happy for this new piece of news before looking out the window with Cara on the other side. “What the hell are they waiting for?” He asks and you peek over seeing them bring out a giant weapon in large cases.
“Hold up. They're setting up an E-Web.” Cara says fear clear in her voice, “It's over.”
“I found the sewer vent,” Mando calls out and you and Cara come over moving the seat that is blocking the gated vent.
“Let's get the hell out of here,” Cara says trying to pull the grate off the vent but with no luck.
“It's assembled! How long until that thing's cleared?” Greef yells back, “Blow it.”
Mando’s hands move to his belt finding no charges, “I'm out of charges.”
“Get out of the way!” Cara pushes him aside using the large weapon she brought to shoot down the vent, you cover your face from the bright light and the sounds could be heard from outside.
“Your astute panic suggests that you understand your situation. I would prefer to avoid any further violence, and encourage a moment of consideration,” The imperial warlord shouts out as you all pause, “Members of my escort have completed the assembly of an E-Web heavy repeating blaster. If you are unfamiliar with this weapon, I am sure that Republican Shock Trooper Carasynthia Dune of Alderaan will advise you that she has witnessed many of her ranks vaporize mid-descent facing the predecessor of this particular model.”
Your head snaps over looking at Cara as she hears personal details of her life called out, as the man continues to speak, “Or perhaps the decommissioned Mandalorian hunter, Din Djarin, has heard the songs of the Siege of Mandalore when gun outfitted with similar ordnance laid waste to fields of Mandalorian recruits in The Night of a Thousand Tears.” You look over at Mando who is frozen staring out and you felt an entire door of information open up…you knew his name. After weeks of being with him, something as simple as a name you never learned. He was the Mandalorian, the bounty hunter, or Mando…but you heard his name. Din Djarin.
“Y/n L/n I know you’re in there as well. A thief on Tatooine but you are far more important to me than anything in the galaxy. I know more about you than you know about yourself…you have a much more important role in this than you think you do. Information I know about you…your family…your bloodline can shift the roles. That can alter your dear Mandalorian’s Creed.” The man says and you can feel the stares from the three adults especially the burning one from Mando’s. You couldn’t be more confused with his words…you had no importance in the galaxy than the simple power you had. Your family was nothing..you were nothing.
“I advise disgraced Magistrate Greef Karga to search the wisdom of his years and urge you to lay down your arms and come outside. The structure you are trapped in will be razed in short order and your storied lives will come to an unceremonious end.” He says and you see Greef look away from you before shouting out.
“What do you propose?”
“Reasonable negotiation.” The warlord calls out and Greef scoffs,
“What assurance do you offer?”
The man's voice echoes into the cantina, “If you're asking if you can trust me, you cannot. Just as you betrayed our business arrangement, I would gladly break any promise and watch you die at my hand. I will act in my own self-interest, which at this time involves your cooperation and benefit. I will give you until nightfall, and then I will have the E-Web cannon open fire.” You all look at each other taking in his words before Greef speaks up.
“I say we hear him out.”
“The minute we open that door, we're dead,” Cara says and Greef snaps back,
“We're dead if we don't. At least out there, we've got a shot.” Greef says and Cara is fearful but also filled with anger.
“That's easy for you to say. I'm a Rebel Shock Trooper. They'll upload me to a Mind Flayer.” She says and Greef gives her a look.
“Those aren't real. That was just wartime propaganda.”
“I don't care to find out. I'm shooting my way out of here.” Cara says cocking back her gun before turning to Mando, “What about you, Mando?”
“I know who he is. It's Moff Gideon.” He says and the two adults look almost shocked while you were confused.
“Who?” You ask and Cara is almost in disbelief, “No. Moff Gideon was executed for war crimes.” 
“It's him. He knew my name.” Mando says and Greef looks over at him trying to understand what that proves, “So? What does that prove?”
“I haven't heard that name spoken since I was a child,” Mando says
“On Mandalore?” Greef says and Mando shakes his head,
“I was not born on Mandalore.” “But you're a Mandalorian,” Greef asks and Cara explains,
“Mandalorian isn't a race.”
“It's a Creed.” Mando says, “I was a foundling. They raised me in the Fighting Corps. I was treated as one of their own. When I came of age, I was sworn to the Creed. The only record of my family name was in the registers of Mandalore. Moff Gideon was an ISB Officer during the purge. That's how I know it's him. That's how he knows who we all are.”
“He says he needs us, which means the child got away safely.” Greef says trying to shed some good fortune, “I was worried when the Ugnaught didn't respond, but if they'd captured the kid, we'd already be dead.”
“Mando..” You whisper looking at him and he recognizes the look on your face, the self-sacrifice is written all over your face.
“No. no, you’re not doing that kid.” He says shaking your head and you step towards him making him look at you.
“You guys are going to get yourselves killed protecting me. I won’t let your deaths rest on my conscience.” You start and Mando grabs your arms making you look at him.
“My job was to protect you, not let you do this self-sacrificing bullshit!” Mando shouts at you and you can feel the fear in both of you.
“He’s not going to stop coming after us! He knows too much about me…about all of us. I’m not going to let my life ruin yours and the rest of the Mandalorians.” You say looking straight at him and he wasn’t sure if he even had his helmet as you looked right into his eyes. “You have to let me go…” You say softly and he shakes his head the grip on your arms tightens.
“I won’t let you.” He says before grabbing his comm, “Come in, Kuiil. Kuiil?” Silence fills the air and the idea of your sacrifice grows more real to Din and he can feel the fear growing stronger. “Nothing. They might have jammed the link.”
“Kuiil has been terminated.” IG-11’s voice comes through the comm surprising you all,
“What did you do?” Mando says quickly and it almost sounds like the wind is coming from the other side of the comm. Were they on the ship heading far away from Nevarro?
“I am fulfilling my base function.” The droid responds.
“Which is?”
“To nurse and protect.” A low rumble fills the air before the sound of blaster fire enters the air.
“What was that?” Greef asks and you all peer out the window seeing the troopers turn from facing you to one of the pathways as the fighting grows closer. Appearing on a speeder bike two guns in his hands as he shoots down troopers and you see the child strapped to his chest.
“Cover me,” Cara says shooting her gun through the window and hitting some of the troopers down.
Greef rushes outside quickly firing at troopers and you move to go out when a hand latches on to your arm.
“Don’t do anything stupid,” Mando says holding onto your arm like it was a lifeline and you nod, pulling out your blaster.
“You don’t either.”
The two of you exit the cantina and are hurled into the fight. Dodging blaster fire overhead, shooting out troopers. Din stayed practically beside you as he fired out against some troopers quickly eliminating any that got near you. You provide cover fire to any coming at Mando’s blindspots. Arms wrap around your waist lifting you into the air and throwing you to the ground you kick your leg out hitting one of the death troopers and seeing two attack Mando. Rolling out of the way grabbing your blaster shooting them in the head as they collapse going to fire on the two attacking Mando but they are already shot down by Greef. Mando pulls you up to your feet as you shoot out at any troopers seeing IG-11 get hit in the leg still protecting the child but beginning to be overwhelmed. You see Mando go over to the E-web taking it off the stand firing it out at the large number of troopers attacking IG. They drop like flies as you fire at but they seemed to keep swarming you all. A shout comes from Mando and you look seeing him stumble forward and shot in the back of the head. Looking past him seeing Moff Gideon standing with his blaster pointing at Mando with a squad of troopers around him. Mando turns holding the e-web ready to fire and you see Gideon’s gaze move from the gun to the ammunition box before his blaster aims there.
“Mando!” You yell right as an explosion sends you flying back hitting the ground blacking out for a second and Mando is sent crashing into the ground with heavy force. A ringing fills your ears as your vision returns trying to push yourself up everything was bright and muted as the gunfire continues, looking forward to seeing Mando on the ground, you yell out though your voice doesn’t reach your ears. Scrambling towards him grabbing his shoulder trying to drag the armored man away from the gunfire. Everything was so quiet but loud at the same time as the blaster fire grows closer to you as Gideon’s troopers draw closer to you. With a yell, you throw your hand out and with a shockwave, the troopers are all sent flying back even Gideon is moved back. Hands grab you pulling you up and away from Mando and you see Cara run in grabbing him slinging him over her back bringing him inside, as Greef gives cover fire throwing you inside as well.
One door closes the other blown down as Gideon steps forward seeing the mass casualties on his end with only five people causing it, “Burn them out.” He growls.
“Stay with me, buddy. We're gonna get you out of here.” Cara's voice sounds muffled as you all barricade yourself by the sewer vent.
“This is our only path out. Can you clear it?” Greef says to IG-11 stepping forward to take the child when it points a blaster,
“If you go near this child, I will no choice but to kill you.” It says and Greef nods holding his hands up and stepping back.
“I understand. Can you do anything to move the grate?” He asks and IG nods its hand producing a small flame torch to carve its way through the metal.
You see Greef in front of you speaking to you but you shake your head not able to understand him, “Kid can you hear me?!” He says and you see him curse seeing the sight of blood coming from your ears. He holds your arms trying to speak slow enough for you to understand, “You are alright…kid just breathe.” You slightly read his lips seeing ‘breathe’ and you take in a gasp of air not realizing you were holding your breath. You look away from Greef seeing Cara trying to tend to Mando who is leaning against the chair on the floor, his shiny beskar armor was blacked with ash. While you weren’t caught in the explosion the shockwave had sent you flying back.
“Stay with me,” Cara says and Din slowly shakes his head his entire body screaming in pain but mainly his head.
“I'm not gonna make it. Go.” He says and Cara shakes her head reaching behind his head,
“Shut up. You just got your bell rung. You'll be fine.” Her blood runs cold seeing her hand come back red feeling the dampness of the cloth around his neck drenched with his blood.
“Leave me,” Din says and Cara is moving to his helmet trying to fix the injury on the back of his head,
“I'm gonna need to take this thing off.” He grabs her hands pulling them down,
“No. You leave me. You make sure the children are safe.” He says grabbing a necklace from under his clothes ripping it off his neck pressing it into her hands, “Here. When you get to the Mandalorian covert, you show them that. You tell them it's from Din Djarin. You tell them the foundlings were in my protection, and they'll help you.” She couldn’t hide the anger from her sadness come through,
“We can make it.” She says but Din had already given up. You look over as a red-striped trooper enters with a large flamethrower in their hand as the furniture towards the entrance is set ablaze. The ringing in your ears doesn’t cease as IG continues to burn a hole through the sewer vent Greef is standing up yelling at you all but everything was still muffled.
“Come on! Let's go!” You look over at Mando who wasn’t moving.
“Mando…we have to go,” You say unaware of your volume as you come to his side trying to pull him up but he isn’t budging. “Come on Mando, get up.” You pull him turning to Cara who is looking down at the gut-wrenching display. “Cara help me.” You say and you see her turn to Mando speaking to him but you still couldn’t hear them.
“I'm not gonna make it and you know it.” Din says looking at Cara who wanted to refuse this outcome, “You protect the children. I can hold them back long enough for you to escape. Let me have a warrior's death.”
“I won't leave you.” Cara grits out and they can feel the flames growing closer to them.
“This is the Way.”
You all look over when you feel the heat as the incinerator troop stands within the flames pointing the weapon at you sending a mass of flames. You hadn’t expected a wall to form in front of you all and you look down seeing the child holding his hand out. Pushing his hand out the flames shoot back at the trooper making the flamethrower explode killing him. You see the child slump from the exertion as IG-11 kicks the grate open.
“We have to move! Now!” Greef says trying to get you all to leave but you still are looking at Mando.
“Mando, get up we have to go.” You try pulling his arm before you move around to his shoulders to pull him up when your hands slip against something. Pulling back your heart grows cold seeing the red stain on your hands. You look at him and he sees the tears welling in your eyes. His head moves slightly while speaking but you shake your head.
“I...I can’t hear you.” You say your voice cracking looking at the defeated warrior, “Let me heal you..I-I can heal you.” Your voice shakes as you try reaching over to heal him the same way the child had but he pushes you back. He continues to speak to you as the flames roar behind you but your head shakes back and forth.
“I can’t hear you! Please just get up…get up Mando. We have to go.” Tears clean the dirt off your face and he softly reaches up wiping them off your face. “Get up Mando! You can’t leave me like this..you can’t.” Your head whips over to Cara who is looking down her heart breaking with each moment.
“Cara help me dammit!” You shout out seeing Cara look away and you look over at Greef who looks crushed but is still yelling at you guys. A hand grabs your face making you look back and you see Mando looking back at you and you can feel his emotions dripping through the beskar and leather covering his skin.
“Go.” He whispers knowing you weren’t going to hear him, “Leave Y/n you have to go.” You shake your head refusing whatever he had to say before he looks at Cara. She curses passing the child off to Greef and he quickly enters the tunnel.
“Escape and protect the children,” Din says to Cara as you continue begging him to get up. She steps forward looking at IG,
“I will stay with the Mandalorian.” The droid says and Cara glares at him,
“Promise me you'll bring him.” “You have my word.”
Cara looks away before grabbing your arm and pulling you up. “No what are you doing?! Cara let go of me. Mando get up! We have to go!” She begins pulling you towards the sewer vent, struggling slightly pulling you with one hand and the other holding her blaster. “Mando stop her! Please don’t leave me! Din! Get up, please! I don’t wanna go! Cara let go of me! Din! Din Please!” Your voice screams out your hand trying to reach out to him as his hand drifts off you falling to his side his heart crumbles watching you fight to stay with him as you’re pulled into the tunnels, him hearing your cries and shouts for him fade.
Tears blur your vision as you let Cara drag you through the tunnels reaching Greef and the child. She pulls out a bacta spray IG had given her, grabbing your face though not as tender as Mando was. She sprays the liquid into both of your ears wiping the blood off your ears your hands still stained with his blood as they shake. You had scuffs and slight cuts from the explosion but losing your hearing had been the main issue. You shove her away wanting to turn back and go back for him but this entire place was a maze and you hadn’t paid attention to where you went.
“You left him to die.” You hiss glaring at the two adults. Your eyes are bloodshot, your voice hoarse from your screams and cries but your hearing had returned slightly the bacta spray already working.
“We had no choice, we have to keep moving,” Cara says giving you a pitying look before looking forward, “Do you know which way to go?” Your heart broke with each step leading you deeper into the tunnels everything looking the same.
“No. I don't know these tunnels. I've only entered from the bazaar. Well, if we get the smell of sulfur and we follow it, it'll lead us up to the plains where the river flows.” Greefs explains holding the child in the pack,
“And the Imps will catch us before we make it to the ship.” Cara says as you turn down another hall the tunnels never-ending, “We need the Mandalorians to escort us to safety.” The sound of footsteps makes you all freeze each of your holding your blasters out ready to attack any troopers that followed after you. The sound of multiple footsteps grows closer and the three of you prepare to fight when the people that arrive make you drop your blaster rushing forward. Your body collides into Mando’s your arms wrapping around his waist tightly and his free hand rest on the back of your head keeping you close to him as he whispers words that you can’t understand. The beskar cold on your skin as tears falls down your face. You pull back looking up at him grateful to see his metal helmet, his rough gloves wipe away the tears on your face.
“I thought you were gone.” You cry and he shakes his head most of his weight on the droid and Cara comes over taking his other side.
“We have to keep moving.” Greef says having returned the child to IG-11.” You’re glued to Mando’s side Cara holding up most of his weight while you have a tight grip on his hand as you turn down another hall seeing more ways to go.
“Ugh, this place is a maze,” Greef says and Mando groans shrugging Cara off him, his footing is slightly stable but he stands tall pushing forward.
“Stop. I can stand.” “The bacta infusion is working,” IG-11 says and Mando steps forward you expect him to pull away from you but he squeezes your hand in reassurance as you continue walking you and Mando leading the way.
“I'll try to find tracks. We're close. Turn here.” You turn down a tunnel you all freeze seeing a pile resting in the middle of the hall. The two of you step forward and you could feel his grip on your hand tightens seeing what the pile was. Mandalorian helmets and armor were discarded and left behind. Had there been an attack? He kneels grabs a helmet looking at the dented protection. The symbol of his people…of his Creed.
“We should go..” Cara says seeing the tension coming off the Mandalorian witnessing this.
“You go. Take the ship. I can't leave it this way.” Mando shakes his head dropping the helmet to the pile before he whips around to Greef stalking towards him, “Did you know about this? Is this the work of your bounty hunters?” 
“No. When you left the system and took the prize, the fighting ended and the hunters just melted away. You know how it is. They're mercenaries. They're not zealots.” Greef defends him with a shake of his head but Mando was fueled with rage for this massacre of his creed.
“Did you do this? Did you?” He grabs Greef by his shirt, “No!”
“It was not his fault,” A female’s voice calls out, and coming from a room another Mandalorian is standing there with a large cart beside her. “We revealed ourselves. We knew what could happen if we left the covert. The Imperials arrived shortly thereafter.” She points at the large pile of armor moving to put more in the cart, “This is what resulted.”
“Did any survive?” Mando asks and the woman shrugs walking into a room which you all follow, the heat from the large forge as she lifts the cart pouring them in as they quickly melt down,
“I hope so. Some may have escaped off-world.” She explains.
“Come with us.” Mando asks and she refused, “I will not abandon this place until I have salvaged what remains.” She continues to put more armor into the smelter as the beskar becomes liquid.
“Show me the ones whose safety deemed such destruction.” She says and you see Mando look at you as he grabs the child both of you stepping forward. You can feel her gaze piercing as she looks over the child, “These are the ones that you hunted, then saved?”
“Yes. The one that saved me.” Mando nods and the memory of first witnessing the child and its gift similar to yours with the mudhorn
“From the mudhorn?” The armorer says and Mando nods, “It looks helpless.”
“It's injured, but it is not helpless. Its species can move objects with its mind.” He explains. Was this the same with you, he never knew of humans on Tatooine that could do the same things you could do?
“I know of such things,” The armorer says looking over the child who looks up at her with wide eyes, “The songs of eons past tell of battles between Mandalore The Great, and an order of sorcerers called Jedi that fought with such powers.”
The Jedi…that was something you were familiar with, stories of them told to you through passing. Is that what you were meant to label yourself as?
“It is an enemy?” Mando asks looking at both you and the child.
“No. Its kind were enemies, but this individual is not.” She says before examining you and you could feel her gaze through the helmet covering her face, “And this one?”
“The same as the child...I’ve seen things the both of them can do.” Mando says and she steps forward leaning closer and you try not to lean away from her. Her presence felt heavy and could send fear into any person.
“Where are you from?” She asks looking closely at you.
“Tatooine.” “No.” You frown at her comment, but you were from Tatooine born and raised it was the only thing you knew. Her hand grabs your face tilting it around as you glance at Mando in confusion.
“Tatooine may be where you were born but your blood, that is not. Features old but familiar…qualities of those from Mandalore.” She says and the room grows deadly silent with her observation. You pull away giving her a look.
“I’m…I’m not. I’m not from Mandalore I’m from Tatooine.” You say trying to prove to them but also yourself. “My parents are from Tatooine…we all were from Tatooine.” You say but thinking deeply did you ever know your family? You had no grandparents and you never reached that age to ask deeply where your family was from. It was only the three of you on that desert planet. You were…you couldn’t be.
Information I know about you…your family…your bloodline can shift the roles. That can alter your dear Mandalorian’s Creed.
Gideon’s words ring in your head…was this what he meant. “What do I do with them,” Mando asks and the armorer moves to the forge,
“They are foundlings. By Creed, they are in your care.” She says moving around the forge and you watch the liquid beskar move through.
“You wish me to train them?”
“They are too weak. They would die. You have no choice. You must reunite them with their own kind.” The armorer says all this information is too much for both you and Mando,
“This, you must determine.” The armorer responds,
“You expect me to search the galaxy for the home of this creature and deliver it to a race of enemy sorcerers?” He incredulously asks and the Armorer repeats words you’ve heard many times.
“This is the Way.”
“Hey. These tunnels will be lousy with Imps in a matter of minutes. We should at least discuss an escape plan.” Cara says looking out into the hall.
“If you follow the descending tunnel, it will lead you to the underground river. It flows downstream toward the lava flats.” She points out the door with a large hammer of hers.
“I think we should go,” Greef says and you all prepare to leave but you see Mando not moving,
“I'm staying. I need to help her and I need to heal.” “Mando…”
“You must go,” The Armorer says pointing to the two of you, “Foundlings are in your care. By Creed, until it is of age or reunited with its own kind, you are as its father. This is the Way.” She says and she moves around her forge as you look at Mando…he was meant to be your father. Din was looking at you with the same look, he was a father now, especially a father or two. “You have earned your Signet. You are a clan of three.” She says holding a signet and fusing it to his right pauldron.
“Thank you.” Mando nods looking at the visible achievement, “I will wear this with honor.”
“We should go.” You say grabbing Mando’s hand and making him look at you and the child in IG’s arms.
“IG, please guard the outer hallway. A scouting party draws near.” The armorer says and IG nods removing the child from its arms and passing it off to Cara who fumbles to hold the child correctly. “Hang on. I don't do the baby thing.”
“I have one more gift for your journey. Have you trained in the Rising Phoenix?” She says moving behind the forge grabbing something and Mando nods,
“When I was a boy. Yes.”
“Then this will make you complete.” She says holding a completely beskar jetpack you look at it in awe and Mando thanks her, “When you have healed, you will begin your drills. Until you know it, it will not listen to your commands.” She finishes
“I understand.” The sound of gunfire fills the hall and you all turn weapons ready but when one set of footsteps appears turns out to be IG-11.
“You are protected.”
“More will come. You must go.” She says and Mando looks over at her,
“Come with us.”
His mentor shakes her head, “My place is here. Restock your munitions,” She points over to a table and Mando moves to grab more charges and anything else he might need as she passes the jetpack to IG, “IG, carry this for Din Djarin until he is well enough to wear it. Now, go. Down to the river and across the plains. Be safe on your journey.” Your hand grabs Mando’s leading him out the door as he looks back one last time. A place he had called home, every memory of it.
“Thank you.”
Following her directions you find yourself in front of a stream of lava, it slowly flows down a river. “This is the lava river,” Greef says with a boat in front of you.
“The ferry droid is fried.” You say pointing at the droid covered in hardened magma.
“Yeah, but if we push the boat out, we can get it to float downstream,” Greef says and he and Mando push against it trying to get it to budge. This must have not been used in years, the stone hardened together. “Push!”
“Come on! What're you doing?” Mando gives Greef a look as they fail at moving it.
“Let's try this. Push!” Greef says the two push again and Cara steps forward.
“Hold him,” She passes the child off to IG grabbing her blaster, “You guys mind getting out of the way?” After a lot of blaster fire the rock crumbles and with a kick the boat is pushed into the river.
“Oh! Good job.” Greef says as you all begin to climb on.
“Watch your feet. It's molten lava.” IG says the joke not landing well. “No kidding.”
Suddenly behind you what was supposed to be a fried droid rises the hardened rock falling off it as it speaks to you all “I don't suppose anybody here speaks droid?” You say looking at them,
“I believe he is asking where we would like to go,” IG says translating for you all.
“Downriver. To the lava flat.” Greef says and the droid brings up a large staff beginning to steer you down the molten river. Looking over at the bay noticing small creatures run along the rock formations as you continue moving downstream. Further, ahead you see what looks like the exit daylight shining through.
“That's it. We're free!” Greef says and you feel relief fill your body. You see Mando staring further out before shaking his head, “No. No, we're not. Stormtroopers. They're flanking the mouth of the tunnel. It looks like an entire platoon. They must know we're coming.” Mando explains having used his helmet scanner.
“Stop the boat.” Cara turns to the droid but it ignores her, “Hey, Droid, I said stop the boat. Hey! I'm talking to you. I said stop!” She whips out her blaster shooting it in the head it collapses but the boat continues to move.
“We're still moving,” Greef says and you all look forward to the slowly approaching entrance.
“Looks like we fight.” You say pulling out your blaster
“There are too many.” Mando shakes his head and you give him a look,
“Then what do you suggest? 'Cause I can't surrender.” Cara says
“They will not be satisfied with anything less than the children.” IG says looking at you and the child resting in its arms, “This is unacceptable. I will eliminate the enemy and you will escape.”
“You don't have that kind of firepower, pal. You wouldn't even get to daylight.” Mando says and IG just looks at him.
“That is not my objective.”
“We're getting close. Saddle up.” Greef yells out as you draw closer.
“I still have the security protocols from my manufacturer. If my designs are compromised, I must self-destruct.” IG explains and Mando is confused.
“What're you talking about?”
“I am not permitted to be captured. I must be destroyed.” IG says as the mouth is only getting closer.
“Mando…” You yell out to him as he keeps arguing with IG.
“I can no longer carry this for you. Nor can I watch over the children.” IG places the child down as well as puts down the jetpack that was gifted to Mando.
“Wait. You can't self-destruct. Your base command is to watch the kids. That supersedes your manufacturer's protocol, right?” Mando says thinking of the change in protocol.
IG nods knowing its programming explicitly, “Right? This is correct.”
“Good. Now, grab a blaster and help us shoot our way out.” Mando says but IG continues to disagree.
“Victory through combat is impossible. We will be captured. The children will be lost. Sadly, there is no scenario where the children are saved, in which I survive.” IG says and Mando shakes his head trying to come up with a new idea.
“Listen, you're not going anywhere. We need you. Let's just come up with a…”
“Please tell me the children will be safe in your care. If you do so, I can default to my secondary command.” IG cuts him off and you can hear the lingering sadness in his voice.
“But you'll be destroyed.” “And you will live, and I will have served my purpose.”
“No. We need you.” Mando says and IG looks over him almost examining,
“There is nothing to be sad about. I have never been alive.”
Mando looks away rejecting the claim. “I'm not sad.
“Yes, you are. I'm a nurse droid. I've analyzed your voice.” IG says before stepping towards the edge and climbing over its legs sink into the lava as it begins to move forward ahead of you.
“IG? What're you doing?”
You see the droid reach the mouth of the river seeing troopers surrounding it as it begins to beep, “Manufacturer's protocol dictates I cannot be captured. I must be destroyed.” A bright explosion fills the mouth of the river and you shield your eyes as IG destroys himself to neutralize the platoon. The boat slowly exits the river your weapons ready for any leftover Imps but everyone was dead taken down by IG. The loud screech of a TIE fighter appears over the ridge.
“Moff Gideon!” Cara yells out as it draws closer to you all of you shooting out at it your blasters missing their speed. It fires hitting part of the ground one round of bolts heads straight for the boat when they freeze in mid-air the energy pulsing in the air. The three adults look over at the child expecting it to be using his powers when Din sees you holding your hand out it shakes slightly holding back the full energy.
“Kid!” He goes to move to you.
“Don’t!” You yell making him stop in place, you grit your teeth as the bolt moves slightly closer and you focus harder on keeping it back, “Don’t touch me. You gotta get out of here…I don’t know how long I can hold this back.”
“I’m not leaving you, kid,” Mando says and your gaze is hardened on the bolt.
“Our blasters are useless against him. He’s going to come back,” Cara says and if you were struggling on holding this one back how would you for another attack?
“Let's make the baby do the magic hand thing. Come on, baby! Do the magic hand thing.” Greef says and the child does nothing but coos looking back. “I'm out of ideas.” Din looks at you struggling to keep this attack from hitting them and the sound of the Tie fighter returning.
“I'm not,” Din says stepping forward and grabbing the jetpack slinging it onto his back pressing a button on his wrist the jetpack igniting.
“Here he comes!” Cara yells out firing her gun at Gideon. You glance over seeing him heading straight at you putting two hands out holding back this energy. You weren’t going to be able to stop this attack.
“Just get out of here!” You yell sweat beading on your forehead from the energy running through your body the adrenaline making your blood pump faster.
“Stay focus kid!” Din yells out shooting straight into the air before the TIE fighter flies past him, latching his grappling cable to it he’s pulled further into the air. Using a boost of the jetpack he lands on the roof of the cockpit looking down and seeing Moff Gideon looking up at him. Firing trying to break through the glass he jerks the ship sending Din rolling off and he grabs one of the wings. The wind and speed almost throw him off as he grabs a detonator activating it but it flies out of his hand as Gideon spins around to shake him off. Clutching onto the ship he grabs at his belt grabs two detonators and slaps to the left joint the rapid beeping going off as he lets go.
“You guys get out of here!” You yell at Cara and Greef as they grab the child getting away from the boat and you feel your focus slipping as the bolt grows closer.
“Kid I need you to trust me and let go.” You hear Mando’s voice comes through your comm and you look down for a second shrieking slightly as the bolt grows closer to you, feeling its heat and energy just feet away. You don’t get to think as you feel hands wrap around your back and legs as you’re scooped into the air your concentration breaking as the bolt slams into the boat exploding it. Looking up seeing Mando hold you as both of you land on the ground in front of Greef and Cara. He puts you down your arms shaking slightly your heart racing. You felt such a large rush of that feeling that you felt like you were on something.
“That was impressive, Mando. Very impressive. It looks like your Guild rates have just gone up. Same with you Y/n.” Greef says.
“Any more stormtroopers?” Mando asks and Greef shakes his head,
“I think we cleaned up the town. I'm thinking of staying around just to be sure.”
“You're staying here?” You ask the feeling waning off the tingling sensation in your body fading.
“Well, why not? Nevarro is a very fine planet. And now that the scum and villainy have been washed away, it's very respectable again.” Greef explains, while you had only known it for the empire’s control you could only hope he did well with it.
“As a bounty hunter hive?” Mando gives him and look and Greef grins,
“Some of my favorite people are bounty hunters. And perhaps, this specimen of a soldier might consider joining our ranks.” He looks over at Cara who doesn’t seem that opposed.
“Yeah. I've got some clerical concerns regarding my chain code.”
“And if you would agree to become my enforcer, clerical concerns would be the least of your worries. But you, my friend, will be welcome back into the Guild with open arms. So, go off, enjoy yourself. And when you're ready to return, you will have the pick of all quarries.” Greef suggests and Cara nods accepting his proposal and Greef turns to Mando.
“I'm afraid I have more pressing matters at hand.” He declines his offer referencing the two of you as Cara hands you the child.
“Take care of this little one.” Cara says stroking the child’s ear as it lets out a giggle, she looks over at you clapping your shoulder, “Stay safe kid.” You nod adjusting your hold on the child.
“Or maybe, they'll take care of you.” Greef teases as Mando shakes hands with Cara and Greef. He comes over to you and you nod ready to go, he scoops you and the child into his arms activating his jetpack and heading off leaving the two behind.
Mando kneels resting the goggles that belong to Kuiil on the small grave made as the three of you look on before you head to the Crest getting ready to leave Nevarro. Mando situates the child in its pram as you strap yourself into your seat. Fixing his small cloak he feels something with the child pulling out the small mythosaur necklace. ”What do you got there? I didn't think I'd see this again. Why don't you hang onto that?” He tucks the necklace back with the child while starting up the ship.
“Din..” You call out to him and he turns surprised hidden under his mask. It felt unusual hearing his actual name coming from some. That name hadn’t been spoken in years but coming from you he only felt comfort and warmth. He was a clan leader now, these two his children, and he as their father.
“Yeah, kid..” He asks and you look at him the stress and relief clean from your face you looked truly calm.
“Thank you…for everything.” You say looking at him and Mando…Din looks back at you before nodding.
“Thank you too.” He says before facing forward as you leave Nevarro’s atmosphere beginning your new adventure. A Mandalorian, an infant with a history of the Jedi, and another teenager with similar powers but an undiscovered lineage. To find the Jedi and find the truth of her bloodline. It was just the first step of everything the Mandalorian, Din Djarin was to learn.
Jawas with their sandcrawler salvage parts to trade from a wrecked TIE fighter, the parts going to be valuable and expensive. A laser pierces through the metal frightening the creatures as they scramble away a hole is cut through appearing a man, with dark imperial clothes flows in the wind. In his hands a blade that glows a deep black almost sucking any light near it to darkness, power, and authority exuding off the weapon. He looks out into the plains his victory in the battle lost but this was only the beginning of a war.
A/N: That's the end of the first season of Clan of Three. It's been so much fun writing this story and with season three out it makes it even more exciting. Only one more episode left in season three ahhh! Can't wait to release season two of this story!
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anonymousewrites · 11 months
Clan of Three (Book 1) Chapter Fourteen
Father Figure! Mandalorian/Din Djarinx Teen! Reader
Chapter Fourteen: The Moff
Summary: The Moff makes his move against Mando and his foundlings, and they are forced to fight their way to freedom.
Mouse Note: Verd'ika :)
            The Moff stood with his squadron of flame-thrower armed troopers and blaster-armed troopers before the bar where the Cara, Mando, (Y/N), and Karga were hiding.
            “Is there another way out?” asked Cara.
            “No, that’s it,” said Karga.
            “What about the sewers?” suggested Mando.
            “Sewers?” asked Karga in confusion.
            “The Mandalorians have a covert down in the sewers,” said Mando. “If we get down there, they can help us escape.���
            “Yeah. Sewers are good,” agreed Cara instantly, and (Y/N) nodded emphatically.
            “Checking for access points,” ordered Mando, flicking a button on his gauntlet for his helmet.
            “What are they waiting for?” muttered (Y/N), glancing out at the Modf and his men. Something was happening. Several stormtroopers were setting a large box on the ground and opening it up. “Kriff,” cursed (Y/N) as they saw the troopers setting up a large blaster. Their mind flashed the their farm and the villages around them, the runs and screams from terrible blaster fire.
            “They’re setting up an E-Web,” realized Cara, huffing.
            “It’s over…” murmured Karga.
            “I found the sewer vent,” said Mando.
            “Let’s get the hell out of here,” said Cara.
            Mando grabbed (Y/N) and pulled them with him to some corner lounge seats. He pulled the chairs from the wall to reveal the metal vent of the sewer. Outside the bar, the stormtroopers had nearly finished setting up the E-Web while Mando and Cara pulled at the grate.
            “It’s assembled!” warned Karga. “How long until that thing’s cleared?!”
            “Can we blow it?” asked (Y/N).
            “I’m out of charges,” said Mando.
            “Get out of the way!” announced Cara, hoisting her large gun up and fired through the vent. She then kicked at the grate, but it didn’t budge.
            “Your astute panic suggests that you understand your situation,” drawled the Moff from outside. “I would prefer to avoid any further violence and encourage a moment of consideration.
            “Members of my escort have completed assembly of an E-Web heavy repeating blaster. If you are unfamiliar with this weapon, I am sure that Republican Shock Trooper Carasynthia Dune of Alderaan will advise you that she has witnessed many of her ranks vaporize mid-descent facing the predecessor of this particular model.
            “Or perhaps the decommissioned Mandalorian hunter, Din Djarin, has heard the songs of the Siege of Mandalore, when gunships outfitted with similar ordnance laid waste to fields of Mandalorian recruits in The Night of a Thousand Tears,” continued the Moff.
            (Y/N) was distracted from the revelation of Mando’s name by the gruesome pictures the Moff was painting in the minds of all present.
            “Perhaps even (Y/N) of the Hilo Clan has witnessed its destruction firsthand in the raids of Ushti,” said the Moff.
            (Y/N) swallowed hard as the memories of seeing the fires of the villages of Ushti, the marketplaces that were a place of peace and trade turned to ash, the run to their home, the hope that their little farm would be spared and overlooked—it all swept through (Y/N)’s mind in a moment.
            “I advise disgraced Magistrate Greef Karga to search the wisdom of his years and urge you all to lay down your arms and come outside,” said the Moff darkly. “The structure you are trapped in will be razed in short order, and I shall take my assets, and your storied lives will come to an unceremonious end.”
            “What do you propose?” called Karga, trying to stall.
            “Reasonable negotiation,” said the Moff.
            Karga scoffed but called out again. “What assurance do you offer?”
            “If you’re asking if you can trust me, you cannot,” said the Moff.
            No kidding, thought (Y/N).
            “Just as you betrayed our business arrangement, I would gladly break any promise and watch you die at my hand,” said the Moff. “The assurance I give is this: I will act in my own self-interest, which at this time involves your cooperation and benefit. I will give you until nightfall, and then I will have the E-Web cannon open fire.”
            “I say we hear him out,” said Karga.
            “Are you crazy? He’ll kill you all, and then I’ll be stuck with him,” said (Y/N) angrily.
            Cara nodded and crossed her arms angrily. “They’ll hook me up to a Mind Flayer for being a Rebel.” She glanced at Mando. “Who knows what they do to Mandalorians.”
            “Mind Flayers were just wartime propaganda,” argued Karga.
            “I’m don’t care to find out. I’m shooting my way outta here,” said Cara fiercely.
            (Y/N) groaned angrily at the idiotic idea and turned to Mando. “Mando, what about you?”
            “I know who he is,” said Mando. “It’s Moff Gideon.”
            (Y/N) furrowed their brow. They had heard the Client speaking to a Moff Something-or-Other, but that was all, and the name Gideon had no significance with them. Judging by the reactions of Karga and Cara, however, he was an infamous name.
            “No,” said Cara. “Moff Gideon was executed for war crimes.”
            “It’s him. He knew my name,” said Mando.
            “So? What does that prove?” asked Karga.
            “I haven’t heard that name spoken since I was a child,” said Mando evenly.
            “On Mandalore?” questioned Karga.
            “I was not born on Mandalore.”
            “But you’re a Mandalorian,” said Karga in confusion.
            “You were a foundling,” said (Y/N) in understanding.
            Mando nodded. Like (Y/N), the Mandalorians had found him and raised him as one of their own. (Mando wasn’t raising (Y/N), but they were a foundling to him nonetheless, and he was teaching them. He supposed raising them wouldn’t be far off…)
            “Mandalorian isn’t a race,” he said. “It’s a Creed. (Y/N) is right. I was a foundling. They raised me in the Fighting Corps. I was treated as one of their own. When I came of age, I was sworn to the Creed. The only record of my family name was in the registers of Mandalore. Moff Gideon was an ISB Officer during the purge. That’s how I know it’s him. That’s how he knows who we all are.”
            Mando grew even more somber. “He still needs us. If the Child was already caught, they’d just kill us and take (Y/N). So the kid must still be out there, even if Kuiil…is not.”
            “Hail them again,” said Cara.
            Mando raised the commlink. “Come in. Kid, anyone, come in.”
            “They might have jammed the link by now,” said (Y/N). Still, they weren’t sure if the Child was safe. Sure, he wasn’t captured, even though Kuiil was dead, otherwise Mando would right, they’d be dead, but he probably wasn’t safe.
            A soft coo came out of the commlink, and (Y/N) nearly smiled in relief. The Child was okay.
            “Kuiil has been terminated,” said the mechanical voice of IG-11.
            “What did you do?” demanded Mando.
            “I am fulfilling my base function,” replied IG.
            “Which is?” asked (Y/N)
            “To nurse and protect,” said IG.
            A moment later, the echo of blaster fire reverberated around the square. Cara, Mando, (Y/N), and Karga peered out and saw the stormtroopers were also looking around in confusion. That expression didn’t last long as several were gunned down and ran over as a speeder, well, sped through their ranks. IG, with the Child in a satchel around his chest, leapt from the back of the speeder and let it explode against a building and take down more stormtroopers.
            “Cover me,” ordered Mando.
            Cara vaulted over the bar and began raining fire from her blaster down on the disorganized ranks of Gideon. Mando let the door of the bar slid open and began his attack. Karga and (Y/N) (who Mando would probably yell at to be careful if he wasn’t busy) were right behind them. While Mando and Karga handled the troopers going against them, (Y/N) fired at the enemies preparing to shoot down Mando or Karga. When one stormtrooper rushed them, they turned and shot. Another tried to grab at them (his blaster gone in the fight), but (Y/N) spun their dagger around and stabbed before kicking him and shooting.
            “Get down!” shouted Mando, and (Y/N) and Karga dropped. Mando, wielding the E-Web, began disintegrating the stormtroopers still standing.
            A charge blast disrupted the battlefield as the troopers blasted the bar door. It luckily didn’t completely break, but they managed to slip in. The explosion through Cara across the bar. Luckily, she recovered and ducked behind the bar as stormtroopers attacked. She took a single deep breath to gain her bearings before firing back at the troopers.
            (Y/N) felt a small tug on their attention, and unbidden, they turned. They saw Gideon lifting his blaster to hit Mando. (Y/N) reacted on instinct, jumping forward and pushing Mando out of the way as Gideon fired. The shot zipped past (Y/N), the energy burning at their arm, but they gritted their teeth and took it.
            Mando tugged them behind him as he picked up the E-Web again to fire at Gideon. The Moff reacted quicker, however, and fired at the cannister of charges beside Mando. The explosion threw him and (Y/N) to the ground. (Y/N) was saved from the major damage since Mando and his beskar armor were in front of them, but Mando didn’t move where he fell on the ground.
            “Mando!” cried (Y/N), coughing against the smoke and fighting the cuts and bruises paining them. They scrambled to Mando’s side. As Gideon and his men approached, (Y/N) fired at them with their blaster. They wouldn’t leave Mando there to die, they wouldn’t. “Don’t get near him!” they shouted, and on instinct, they thrust out a hand. A few stormtroopers were knocked backwards, and Gideon’s eyes widened with both surprise and an eager anticipation of what he could do with such power.
            Behind (Y/N), Cara emerged from the bar to assist with IG and Karga’s cover fire. She ran to (Y/N) and Mando. “We have to get back to the bar,” she said quickly, taking ahold on Mando’s torso.
            (Y/N) nodded and continued firing at Gideon’s men as Cara dragged Mando into the bar. IG and Karga backed in after them. IG shut the bar door quickly.
            “Burn them out. We’ll recover the Ushti while the others die,” commanded Gideon.
            Inside the bar, (Y/N) nervously hovered near Mando as Cara set him down against a wall. “Stay with us, Mando,” they said. “Stay with us.”
            Karga gestured to the sewer vent. “This is our only path out. Can you clear it?”
            IG placed the Child down on the ground, still in its satchel, and approached. “If you go near this child or the adolescent, I will have no choice but to kill you.”
            “I understand!” cried Karga. “Now can you do anything to move the grate?”
            “Yes, of course,” said IG. With a fine lazer, he began cutting through the grate.
            “I’m not gonna make it,” groaned Mando. He was badly injured. “(Y/N), you have to go.”
            (Y/N) glared at him. “No! You’re gonna be fine. You’re gonna be fine!” They reached out to try the trick they and the Child had used on Karga, but they pulled their hands back suddenly as blood spread over them.
            “We have to take this thing off,” said Cara.
            “No. You leave me,” said Mando to Cara. “You make sure the kids are safe.” He looked at (Y/N), pulled a necklace with a signet off from his neck, and pressed it into their hand. “When you get to the Mandalorian covert, you show them that. You tell them it’s from Din Djarin. You tell them you and the Child are foundlings are under my protection, and they’ll help you.”
            (Y/N) felt their breathing quicken anxiously as they realized they were losing someone again. Their mother, their father, and now Mando. “I can’t just leave you. We can make it!”
            “I’m not gonna make it, and you know it,” said Mando. It was a harsh truth, but Mando needed them to survive and get out of there. He couldn’t let them or the Child die. “I can hold them back long enough for you to escape, (Y/N). Let me have a warrior’s death.”
            As if the situation couldn’t get more dire, a stormtrooper with a flamethrower fired. Flames blasted through the window of the bar, and the heat was stifling.
            Still, (Y/N) held Mando’s arm tightly. “I won’t leave you. I’ll fight them all! I won’t leave you!”
            “This is the way, Verd’ika,” said Mando softly, reached up to try to comfort them in some small way.
            The flamethrower-armed stormtrooper stepped into the bar. He fired, and as deadly flames rushed towards the group, the Child raised his arms and closed his eyes. An invisible force pressed against the fire, keeping it back. (Y/N) thrust out their arm, their anger building like the flames before them. Their invisible force pushed the flames into the stormtrooper, killing him. The entire bar was left burning.
            The Child sat down before tipping backwards and falling asleep as exhaustion overtook him. (Y/N) was left feeling the similar tiredness of the inexperience and need for strong emotions when using their strange abilities, but they fought it back. Their anger propelled them forward to keep fighting.
            IG kicked the vent open, and Karga urged them all, “Come on! It’s open, let’s go!”
            “Go. Go,” said Mando, trying to push (Y/N) to go. He needed them and the Child to survive. He wouldn’t forgive himself if anything happened to them.
            “We have to move, now!” said Karga, entering the grate.
            IG lifted the Child in his satchel and handed it to Cara. “Escape and protect the children. I will stay with the Mandalorian.” Cara nodded, cast a worried look a Mando, and held the Child close.
            “Promise you’ll bring him,” said (Y/N) fiercely, unwilling to leave until they had that assurance.
            “I will do as I was programmed to,” said IG.
            (Y/N) looked down at Mando one last time before standing up and allowing Cara to guide them to the vent and climb through.
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feltpool · 1 year
I had planned to post more about this as I built it, but dealing with a sick cat ate up a lot of my time and enthusiasm so I didn’t.
But lately I have mostly been building this behemoth:
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Look at his ‘lil leggies
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And feets! (They’re SO solid and heavy)
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And terrible lighting his big long legs - 17 inches from floor to top, like the supermodel that he is.
(Ignore that I could no longer photograph him lying on his back because his feet are too weighty to support that - AT-AT’s just aren’t designed to lie on their backs kicking their feet. Who knew?, and that his knees are pointing in the wrong direction here because I lost track of which end was the front in the excitement of playing with the adjustable leg positioning. The white handled tool between his feet is the leg adjustment screwdriver)
Somewhere amongst the hundreds of tiny blue technic pins that hold all those outer facade plates on there are some holes where there shouldn’t be, because I have 2 more pins leftover than I should have. But unless something actually falls off I’m not about to go back through the build to find out where I managed to leave them out.
And onto the ‘body’
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Some really nice, neat design work going on here to get the right shaping angle for the body without looking awkward and also being really secure.
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The top floor locks down with a simple, if fiddly, bit of design which holds it in place securely without adding bulk.
Jo, Flo, and Ho get to just sit there while the build happens around them. They know better than to ask questions.
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Flexible and adjustable neck added.
Not a minifigure useable tunnel unfortunately, but it supports the weight of the ‘head’ while remaining flexible and moveable, which is pretty damn impressive tbh!
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Shapely butt too.
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Got the engine and the outer structural shaping done. There’s a lot of detail that goes into the engine for something that you can’t access very well once the exterior technic framework fits into place.
Seems like a bit of a shame. Ah well.
There’s a ladder running between the two floors, btw. Just in case you were curious.
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Now the head. Well, most of it at least (no side panels yet)
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Open it up and there are the people!
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It’s a tight space inside, but they can see where they’re going on their little screen.
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Now it has side panels and moveable weapons.
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And the outer armour is complete!
Lets lift the flaps (like on a toddler book) and see what’s underneath.
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Troopers on patrol. Busy guarding that one E-Web heavy repeating blaster.
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And snowspeeders on their storage racks, with the engine on the top floor
Technically you can also open the flap at the other end, but all you see is trooper seating and the end of the (non-functional) tunnel through the neck.
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Add on a dangly Luke Skywalker for the authentic ‘AT-AT on Hoth’ experience and this build is almost complete
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It just needs its sign
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Which doubles up as leg adjustment tool storage.
All I need now is a whole bunch of these:
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if I ever decide I want to fill my AT-AT with the full complement of 40 troopers and fill those empty snow speeder racks on the other side
But for now I’ve settled for 3 (on a buy 2 get 1 free deal)
This is a HUGE set. 6785 pieces (about 1/5 of that is connector pins), 6kg when complete, and standing 25 inches high (if all the legs are fully straightened out) so it comes with a hefty price tag.
(Well, it does when the store haven’t knocked a couple of hundred pounds off for May 4th and you have a whole lot of store vouchers. Husband only paid £34.99 for it cash wise. Total bargain! :D )
But is it worth it?
Yes. Absolutely worth it, this is an amazingly well designed Lego set with a fantastic amount of attention to detail. I can only imagine the time and effort it must have taken to get this set so accurate to the original in visual terms while also scaling it to fit the 40 troopers it’s supposed to be able to hold as well as having space for cargo and speeders.
The legs being able to support the weight of the build while still being positionable and not losing stability must have been a design nightmare all by itself.
The only real downside is working out where I’m going to keep him now he’s built
So why George?
Blame it on a childhood spent watching Looney Tunes cartoons and the message my husband left on my wedding anniversary present.
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What can I say? The name stuck. He’s George now.
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babygirlrex0504 · 1 year
Bounty Pt 7
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Kuiil is gone and the child’s whereabouts are unknown. As you, Mando, Greef, and Cara are surrounded by the man named Moeff Gideon you all try to find a way to escape and defeat this Gideon.
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Bounty Series
The Clan of Three Series
It fell silent in the cantina, no one moved. There wasn’t even movement outside. You could only hear the wind outside yet it was a small gust. “Is there another way out?” Cara asked looking around.
“No, that's it.” Greef answered looking at the door.
“What about the sewers? Sewers?” You asked looking outside yet again.
“The Mandalorians have a covert down in the sewers. If we can get down there, they can help us escape.” Din explained softly.
“Yeah, sewers are good.” Greef agreed looking at the crate.
“Trust in the force.” You snapped your head up looking around. Everything zoned out as you tuned in more. “Y/N trust in the force. Fight. Get the child.” You knew that voice.
“Master?” You whispered. But it was gone as fast as it appeared.
“They're setting up an E-Web.”
You popped up to see no shit a E-Web, you only heard stories when you hid from the Empire and the troopers talking about it. You leaning back down of the bar. “That’s not good.” You said looking at Din.
“It's over.” Cara noted leaning his head on the pillar.
“I found the sewer vent.” Greef said looking at the crate. “Let's get the hell out of here.”
We watched as she fiddled with gate. “It's assembled! How long until that thing's cleared?” You said watching as they mounted it.
“Blow it.”
“I’m out of charges.” Din said looking back.
“Get out of the way!” Cara yelled as she aimed at it and shot it.
“Your astute panic suggests that you understand your situation. I would prefer to avoid any further violence, and encourage a moment of consideration. Members of my escort have completed assembly of an E-Web heavy repeating blaster. If you are unfamiliar with this weapon, I am sure that Republican Shock Trooper Carasynthia Dune of Alderaan will advise you that she has witnessed many of her ranks vaporize mid-descent facing the predecessor of this particular model,” You looked at Cara and she looked actually terrified. You inhaled and looked back out. “ Or perhaps the decommissioned Mandalorian hunter, Din Djarin, has heard the songs of the Siege of Mandalore, when gunships outfitted with similar ordnance laid waste to fields of Mandalorian recruits in The Night of a Thousand Tears. Or the former padawan Y/N and L/N as she ran for her life during the rise of the Empire, after seeing her Master be gunned down by her own men.” You could feel eyes on you. You could remember it very well.
Captain Yull stood straight next to your Master as they overlooked the battle we just finished. The news was told that Maul was captured and Grevious was dead, soon the Separatists would fall as well. That’s when the force felt wrong, it was a shift in the air. You looked up at you Master for her look upset hurt, in pain. That’s when the nightmare began. You and your master tried to escape but before you could she got struck down by the clones. All you could do is watch as she yelled for you to run and not to stop. They were your friends. Now they are killers.
“I'm a Rebel Shock Trooper. They'll upload me to a Mind Flayer.” Cara said shaking her head. You looked down.
“Those aren't real. That was just wartime propaganda.” Greef reassuring her.
“I don't care to find out. I'm shooting my way out of here.”
“What about you, Mando?” Greef asked as you looked over.
“I know who he is.” He said. “It's Moff Gideon.”
“No. Moff Gideon was executed for war crimes.” Cara corrected.
“It's him. He knew my name.”
“So what does that prove?”
“I haven't heard that name spoken since I was a child.” He explained looking down at you.
“When you were born on Mandalore?” Greef asked.
“I was not born on Mandalore.” You looked at Din and looked at Greef.
“But you're a Mandalorian.” Greef asked confused.
“Mandalorian isn't a race. It's a Creed. I was a foundling. They raised me in the Fighting Corps. I was treated as one of their own. When I came of age, I was sworn to the Creed. The only record of my family name was in the registers of Mandalore. Moff Gideon was an ISB Officer during the purge. That's how I know it's him,” Din explained then looked down at me. “That's how he knows who we all are. He says he needs us, which means the child got away safely. I was worried when the Ugnaught didn't respond, but if they'd captured the kid, we'd already be dead.”
“He is.” You whispered loud enough for everyone to hear.
“How do you know?” Cara asked looking down at you.
“I don’t know, I just know something isn’t right.” You explained looking up outside again.
“Hail him again.” Greef commented looking at Din.
“Come in, Kuiil. Kuiil?” Din said then looked at us. “Nothing. They might have jammed the link.”
“Kuiil has been terminated.” The IG unit said through the comms yoh snapped your head up.
“What did you do?” Din asked with venom behind his voice.
“I am fulfilling my base function.”
“Which is?” You asked waiting for the response.
“To nurse and protect.”
That’s when you heard blaster fire outside, you perked you head up to see them looking in another direction. When watching you saw a speeder heading straight towards the cantina. You watched as the speeder exploded and IG walked off with the child in hand. “What’s that!” Cara said.
“Look alive.” That’s when Din went to the door and opened it. You stood up ready to go when you felt the whole world slow down.
“Do not be afraid. Trust in the force.” You froze looking outside as Din and Greef were out and Cara standing up shooting outside.
You put your blaster away and grabbed behind you, holding your sabers. You ignited both of them and walked out, troopers looked over and started to blast their weapons at you. You deflected them as you let the bolts hit at least one of them. Din looked over to watch you throw your saber as it got caught into one of the troopers chest. You forced pulled it back and looked over at Din.
“We have to get the child out of here.” You yelled at him force pulling a weapon from a trooper. You looked over at IG as he fell with the child.
Din nodded at you and he went over to the EWeb and started to shoot out to the troopers. It was going well as you went around until you heard an explosion in the cantina. You snapped your head to see more troopers going inside. You started to head there then you saw Moeff shooting at Din before you could do anything an explosion pushed you back where he was.
“No!” You yelled getting up, your ears were ringing as you sprinted to him.
IG and Greef covered you while you ran to him. You slid to grab Din. “Din!” He was responding. You looked at IG. “Cover me!”
Cara was next to you as she helped you bring him back into the cantina. You placed him down against the table. You heard him groan. “Din,” You whispered.
“We need the gate open!” Cara yelled then you looked over at the hole.
“I will be right back.” You whispered igniting one of your sabers.
“I got him.” Cara said as she sat by him.
Before you reached over to the cover fire came flowing in. You ducked down and saw fire building up. “Come on.” Greef said looking at you. You tried to get the gate open as your save cut through.
When you looked back up you saw the trooper with a flamethrower come in. You watched in horror as the child stood between Din and Cara. You were about to stop until you watched the fire be stopped like an invisible wall was there. You smiled as he pushed the fire towards the trooper having him burn. You looked back down and popped it open. “Alright everyone through!” You said walking back to Din.
“He’s saying he isn’t coming.” Cara said when I was near them.
“What,” You snapped looking down. “No, you are coming with.” You knelt down.
“I'm not gonna make it. Go.” He said, his voice hoarse. You put your hand behind his neck before feeling blood.
You looked at your hand trying to gulp down the fear that came through your throat. “Shut up. You just got your bell rung. You'll be fine.” Cara said looking at me nodding.
“Leave me.”
“No.” You whispered. “ I'm gonna need to take this thing off and help…”
“No leave Cyare.” He whispered.
IG came over to hand the child to Cara talking with her. “You make sure the child is safe. Here,” He handed you a small beskar skull that had a fabric holding it. “When you get to the Mandalorian covert, you show them that,” You shook your head and whispered no over and over. “You tell them it's from Din Djarin. You tell them the foundling was in my protection, and they'll help you.”
“No I won’t leave you here. We can go together. We can make it.” You said tears in your eyes.
“Come on! Let's go!” Greef called out.
“I'm not gonna make it and you know it. Protect the child. I can hold them back long enough for you to escape,” You shook your head before you felt his hand on your cheek. He moved his thumb wiping the dirt, blood, and sweat off. “Let me have a warrior's death.”
“I am not leaving you here.” You whispered.
“This is the Way.” He whispered before letting his hand down his side.
You stood up looking over at where Greef went through as Cara handed the kid to him. IG was standing next to you. “Escape and protect the child. I will stay with the Mandalorian.”
You stared up at him tears welling. “Promise you will bring him” You said with a shaky breath.
“You have my word.” You looked back down at Din as his visor was staring at you. You put the neckless over your head.
You turned and went inside the hole. “Here.” Cara whispered handing you the kid.
You looked down at him, as he laid asleep. You held him close as you looked up walking forward. “He will be fine right?” Cara asked as the footsteps echoed.
“I told IG to bring him.” You said quickly trying not to think about it. Trying not to think about losing yet another person in this damn galaxy. You looked down at the child, still asleep.
As you kept walking you heard more footsteps than there was before. You snapped your head around and reached for your saber, igniting it. Cara and agreed turned as well. You all waited until you saw Din and IG. “Din.” You whispered as Cara helped when he almost fell. “I got you.”
He looked forward at you and you have him a reassuring smile. “Do you know which way to go?”
“No. I don't know these tunnels. I've only entered from the bazaar.” Din explained as he limped forward.
“Well, if we get the smell of sulfur and we follow it, it'll lead us up to the plains where the river flows.” Greef explained.
“And the Imps will catch us before we make it to the ship.” Cara added.
“We need the Mandalorians to escort us to safety.” Din replied.
Cara groaned and helped Din more. “this place is a maze.”
Din stopped making you turn around
“Stop. I can stand.” Din stood more straight.
“The bacta infusion is working.” IG commented.
We followed him as he lead us to where his covert would be. “I'll try to find tracks. We're close. Turn here.”
When you turned the corner Din stood still and was looking down. You followed his sight to see more Mandalorian armor laid out, stacked up. You looked back up as he still stood there. You walked up to him as you handed the sleeping child to Cara. “We have to go.” You whispered grabbing his arm.
“You go. Take the ship. I can't leave it this way,” He whispered before looking up at Greef. “Did you know about this? Is this the work of your bounty hunters?” He took a step forward to Greef. You watched as Greef took a step back.
“No. When you left the system and took the prize, the fighting ended and the hunters just melted away. You know how it is. They're mercenaries. They're not zealots.” He explained.
“Did you do this? Did you!” Din yelled his voice echoing.
“It wasn’t his fault. We revealed ourselves. We knew what could happen if we left the covert,” When you turned to see another Mandalorian she wore gold and red with horns on her helmet. “ The Imperials arrived shortly thereafter. This is what resulted.”
“Did any survive?” Din asked as he walked to her sitting down.
You looked around to see the same animal skull hanging on the wall that was on the neckless. You looked down as you fiddled with it. You tried to remember what it was, you have seen it before in lesson. “The songs of eons past tell of battles between Mandalore The Great, and an order of sorcerers called Jedi that fought with such powers.”
You looked up as Din side glanced at you before looking back at the armor.
“It is an enemy?”
“No. Its kind were enemies, but this individual is not.” She looked up at you. “Are you?”
“As individuals we are different. We share the same force but in different ways.” You shortly explained, you wondered how she knew but didn’t ask, since she most likely see the sabers.
“So what is it?” Din asked looking at the child that was near them.
“It is a foundling. By Creed, it is in your care.” She stated walking over to her station.
“You wish me to train this thing?” Din asked sounding a bit confused.
It is too weak. It would die. You have no choice. You must reunite it with its own kind or have her train it.” She said looking at you.
You shook your head. You had to disagree, you never finished your training hell you barely set foot on war soil. “I can not, I didn’t finish my own training.” You said looking at the child. “We would have to find a Master or a Padawan that has finished their training. But I can not.”
They both looked at each other before Din spoke. “Where do we find one.”
“This, you must determine.” She replied going back to what she was doing.
“You expect me to search the galaxy for the home of this creature and deliver it to a race of enemy sorcerers?” Din said you looked down by using the word enemy.
“This is the Way.”
“Hey. These tunnels will be lousy with Imps in a matter of minutes. We should at least discuss an escape plan.” Cara said to everyone.
“If you follow the descending tunnel, it will lead you to the underground river. It flows downstream toward the lava flats.” The lady Mandalorian explained.
Cara walked up to you. “I think we should go.” You nodded looking at Din
“I'm staying. I need to help her and I need to heal.” Din said without looking back.
“You must go. A foundling is in your care. By Creed, until it is of age or reunited with its own kind, you are as its father. This is the Way,” She disagreed walking up to Din. “You have earned your Signet. You are a clan of three.”
“Thank you. I will wear this with honor.” Din said.
“Three?” You said looking at the Mandalorian.
“Clan of three.” She repeated looking at you and approached you with a small neckless with a mud horn on it. She moved placed it over your neck next to the other. She looked down closely. “This is the Way.” She said looking back up.
“We should go.” Cara said looking down the hall.
Before you all headed to the river you watched as the Mandalorian handed IG a jet pack, informing him it was for Din once he has healed. You smiled, knowing how much he had been wanting that since the first time you left here with the child. Everyone grabbed ammunition before heading out as well.
You saw the Mandalorian hand one more thing to Din before he put it in a small pouch, you looked back at the child as he made a small cooing sound. “Child is fine. Still asleep.” IG reassured you as you smiled and nodded at him.
After Din was finished we all ran to the boat that was on the molten river. You stared and noticed the droid was old, the others noticed as well as you all pushed the boat to get going and boarded, the droid beeped as IG helped us know what he was saying. We told it to go downstream then it head down. It was slow and all of you were anxious on getting out.
It wasn’t long when the tunnel was ending. “That's it. We're free!” Greef yelled but you saw a glimpse of a trooper.
You shook your head. “No. No, we're not. Stormtroopers. They're flanking the mouth of the tunnel.”
“It looks like an entire platoon. They must know we're coming.” Cara said looking at Din.
“Stop the boat Hey, Droid, I said stop the boat. Hey! I'm talking to you. I said stop!”
“We're still moving.”
“Looks like we fight.”
“There are too many. Then what do you suggest? 'Cause I can't surrender.”
“They will not be satisfied with anything less than the child.This is unacceptable I will eliminate the enemy and you will escape.”
“You don't have that kind of firepower, pal. You wouldn't even get to daylight.”
“That is not my objective.”
“We're getting close. Saddle up.”
“I still have the security protocols from my manufacturer. If my designs are compromised, I must self-destruct.”
“What're you talking about?”
“I am not permitted to be captured. I must be destroyed.”
“Are we gonna keep talking, or we get out of here?”
“I can no longer carry this for you. Nor can I watch over the child.”
“Wait. You can't self-destruct. Your base command is to watch the child. That supersedes your manufacturer's protocol, right? Right?”
“That is correct.”
“Good. Now, grab a blaster and help us shoot our way out.”
“Victory through combat is impossible. We will be captured. The child will be lost. Sadly, there is no scenario where the child is saved, in which I survive.”
“Listen, you're not going anywhere. We need you. Let's just come up with a...”
“Please tell me the child will be safe in your care. If you do so, I can default to my secondary command.”
“But you'll be destroyed.”
“And you will live, and I will have served my purpose.”
“No. We need you.”
“There is nothing to be sad about. I have never been alive.”
“I'm not sad.”
“Yes, you are. I'm a nurse droid. I've analyzed your voice.”
“IG? What're you doing?” IG walked out of the boat as the lava started to melt his legs slowly.
You looked away once he got to the end of the tunnel. You heard the explosion, when you looked back you were basically out, smoke surrounded the boat as the troopers that once stood had steam coming off of their bodies.
That’s when you heard a ship above you. You snapped your head up. “Oh no.” You pulled your sabers and igniting them.
“Moff Gideon!” Greef yelled. Moff shot but you noticed it was around all of you. “He missed!”
“He won’t next time.” Din said looking up.
“Our blasters are useless against him.” Cara commented looking at you.
“Let's make the baby do the magic hand thing. Come on, baby! Do the magic hand thing,” Greef waved at the kid. Having the kid wave back. “I'm out of ideas.”
You shook your head. “That’s not how it works Greef.”
“I’m not.” Din said grabbing his jet pack.
“Here he comes!” Greef yelled.
You looked up as the tie fighter came right towards all of you. They shot as it got closer. Once it got to close you forced jumped and landed on the fighter. You felt your leg get nicked from how fast the fighter was going. You looked forward to have the wind pass your hair. You breathed heavily as you climbed closer to the cockpit.
You looked back to hear see Din was flying with you too. He came next to you. You smiled as you ignited one your sabers, he shot a couple of times over Moff. Before you could Moff turned the fighter making your and Din roll to slamming into him. The saber just inches from cutting him, You looked at the wing then at Din. “I am going to cut the wing!” You yelled over the fighter shifting through the air.
Din looked up at the large wing before nodding. When you stood up you Din grabbed your ankles as you swung. It cut a bit shifting slightly. You did it once twice then half of it was dangling. The fighter shifted down quickly making you get snatched from the sudden gust of air. You felt Din’s hand disappear, you squeezed your eyes shut as your whole body started to spin. When you opened them you were noticing how high you were. You watched as the fighter crashed and what looked like no one could have survived if.
When you looked back your heart raced as the ground started to get closer. You closed your eyes until you felt someone quickly snatch you. You jolted into the cool metal, leaning into the metal. “I gotcha.” He said holding you close as well.
You smiled at him as he flew you both to where Greef and Cara stood with the kid. When he landed he did it slow before putting you down, you both wobbled to stand. You found that now everything has fallen silent with no war noises growing around you.
As Din talked to the others you walked over to pick the child up. “How you feeling kiddo?” You held him close to you as he cooed and giggled.
“You ready?” Din asked making you turn around. You nodded smiling at him.
Cara came up to you and pet the child’s ear. “Take care of this little one,” She looked back at Din. “Or maybe it’ll take care of the both of you.”
You smiled and nodded back, you said your goodbyes and headed back to the Crest. Your stomach turned to think about the kid leaving the both of you, finding a master. You tried to think if there was even a master out there alive. You knew many and most of them are gone. However you knew the force would guide the both of you to where one can safely have him.
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Dear Lord Vader,
As the date of today is, on some more primitive calendars, "4/20", a number I've had yelled at me, I felt encouraged to make an inquiry I've been putting off. Several of the men under my command have begun partaking in "barrel-smoking", the practice of filling the barrel of a blaster rifle (in my case, an E-Web heavy repeater) with, and I quote, "the Force-blessed ganja", heating it around where the barrel meets the battery slot to ignite the contents, then inhaling the smoke. Besides the obvious issues with using and potentially damaging Imperial equipment to partake in some bizarre ritual with no apparent military use, I find that many of those who partake in it seem inebriated or impaired for some time afterward and partake in strange behavior such as hanging Imperial flags sideways and giggling madly whenever they see a green plant. However, despite the obvious concerns, I've been advised by some NCOs that it may be for the best to permit this behavior, citing increased morale, despite the oddities and the fact that I'm fairly certain we would fail any inspection.
What would you advise, Lord Vader? I apologize or bothering you with such a trivial matter, but at this point, I don't know what to do anymore. Sincerely, and with deep respect but mounting frustration, -Lieutenant Sigum Acroid, 145th Imperial Mechanized
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giasesshoumaru · 2 years
“Your astute panic suggests that you understand your situation. I would prefer to avoid any further violence, and encourage a moment of consideration. Members of my escort have completed assembly of an E-Web heavy repeating blaster. If you are unfamiliar with this weapon, I am sure that Rebel Shock Trooper Carasynthia Dune of Alderaan will advise you that she has witnessed many of her ranks vaporized mid-descent facing the predecessor of this particular model. Or perhaps the decommissioned Mandalorian hunter, Din Djarin, has heard the songs of the Siege of Mandalore, when gunships outfitted with similar ordnance laid waste to fields of Mandalorian recruits in the Night of a Thousand Tears. I advise disgraced magistrate Greef Karga to search the wisdom of his years and urge you to lay down your arms and come outside. The structure you are trapped in will be razed in short order, and your storied lives will come to an unceremonious end.”
“What do you propose?"
“Reasonable negotiation.” - Moff Gideon and Greef Karga (The Mandalorian, Episode 1.8)
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thedarthray · 7 months
E-Web Laser Cannons
E-Web Laser Cannons by Darth Ray Via Flickr: Star Wars - Empire Strike Back: E-Web Laser Cannons * Kenner - Tri-Pod Laser Cannon (1982) * Hasbro - POTF2 Deluxe Snowtrooper with E-Web Heavy Repeating Blaster (1996) * Hasbro - Vintage Collection Deluxe Imperial Stormtrooper and E-Web Cannon (2022)
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katarvitz · 2 years
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So, this is the purely lore and finished product of the last upload. If you want to see the breakdown of how this was made, please take a look here - www.deviantart.com/katarvitz/a… --- Inquisitorial Report Delta-Gamma-Epsilon 00974
Agent: Ragar Korshunov
Priority: Sigma
Type: Enemy Intelligence
Sub-Category: Weapons & Resources
Work continues throughout Arx to deal with Collective holdouts and suicide bombers. Even after they were repelled and denied resources, they have fallen back on increasingly desperate attacks to overcome us. It’s only good fortune that the Collective placed little value in guerilla tactics that we continue to win out against them. Given their clear advantages on several fronts, the men and women of the Iron Legion under my command have been tasked with recovering anything of value for R&D.
One particular item uncovered recently is being dispatched today. It was mounted to the forearm of a combat cyborg, replacing the flesh and blood entirely. Such implant weapons are not uncommon within the ranks of the Technocrats, but this particular creation appeared to be a form of prototype upgrade, intended for both melee and medium range engagements.
The first point of note is that the forearm stores an immensely powerful generator for its size, capable of recharging multiple battle rifles. This would be enough to keep a cannon in full operation, but it exists purely to serve the weapon arm. This is a departure from typical Collective designs, as they otherwise favour utilising a single central power core to keep their systems active.
From the wrist upward, the arm retains three distinct weapons and one shield. The latter serves a purpose akin to molecular shielding. It is capable of not just reflecting but absorbing incoming fire, and uses this to recharge its core. When projected, this extends into a circular energy shield, measured in thirty inches in all directions from its middle. Its effectiveness against lightsabers is limited, as proven in the skirmish where we acquired this item, but it appears able to briefly resist them. We can assume that influence from Mandalorian gauntlet weapons was a key inspiration in this design, likely born of their effectiveness in fighting the Jedi Order.
The design itself is by no means wholly reliant upon the shield. Fitted with durasteel alloys, it can withstand multiple hits from standard blaster rifles, and these are linked by an energy-resistant fabric which nullifies the impact of low yield weapons.
The first of the weapons is the hand itself. The enlarged fingertips serve as a focus to wiring connections and a series of cables, which allows it to snap closed with immense force. This is akin to a crushgaunt in design, but with a far greater emphasis on delivering force at its points. This allows the wielder to inflict far more damage from sheer strength, while the enlarged surface area means it can inflict harm across a broader section of an opponent’s body. This makes wielders of this bionic upgrade especially dangerous when performing grappling moves, as they can completely destroy shoulder joints. I would not be surprised if they can be utilised to completely dismember an enemy.
The more notable weapon, mounted into an emplacement on the back of the hand, is a kyber crystal enhanced beam weapon categorised as a “laseron destroyer”. While incapable of firing the beam in singular extended blasts as might be expected, it makes up for this through repeated bursts of fire and rapid recharge rates. This has proven to be highly effective against infantry and light vehicles, even those protected by energy resistant armour.
Finally, the large weapon mount on the palm is a four-point Composite-beam laser, serving as a heavy weapon. The damage it inflicts is comparable with a direct strike from a man-portable cannon such as an E-Web repeating blaster. The details behind this design are still being examined, but it poses a clear threat against heavily armoured targets. Furthermore, the beam can be fired for up to sixteen seconds at a time, and redirected depending upon the wielder’s aim, allowing them to carve apart anything in front of them.
Thankfully, experimentation has already indicated a number of key weaknesses in the design. Although it benefits from having dedicated power generators, these need to be fine-tuned and occupy almost the entirety of the forearm. This is prone to overheating when constantly demanded from use, and we believe that this could inflict potentially lethal harm on the user if overtaxed. Furthermore, while heavily armoured, it would only take a glancing hit to its internals to trigger a catastrophic feedback of energy, completely destroying the implant and the user as well.
The laseron destroyer is an effective weapon, but it requires cooldown periods between use. After a number of rapid blasts in quick succession, the weapon can overheat entirely. This can fuse its circuitry or even breach the tibanna gas containers, rendering it useless until field repairs can be made. The risk of this damage is only further enhanced by the volatile nature of kyber crystals when fitted to blaser weaponry. The housing is also extended above the arm, but this weakness is offset by the substantial armour covering the device.
The composite beam laser suffers from long recharge times, and even cracking a single point can render it useless. It takes several moments to switch between it and the laseron destroyer, and the fact they share a single power generator means that the two cannot be simultaneously utilised. Some indications suggest that damage to one can also render the other inoperable due to the way in which power feeds have been fitted into internal components.
Finally, the fingers of the crushgaunt are unwieldy and ill-suited to delicate motions. It is purely dedicated to heavy damaging motions and individual fingers are prone to jamming, especially when performing rapid repeated gestures. We are, as of yet, uncertain if this is a true weakness however, due to other discoveries in the design. Many internal and external components show obvious time-saving methods, apparently favouring a need for a swift construction over fine-tuning all parts. This is obvious on the exterior of the device due to the thick welds across the plating, but haphazard wiring seals and flaws in its mechanisms have been cited as well. This may also be the cause for fabrics being used in place of fully encasing durasteel armour as would otherwise be expected. I believe this is a result of the Collective attempting to push as many of these items into the field in as short a time as possible. They are constantly diverting resources to new projects and pushing to upgrade their current designs.
Given the treatment of their troops, it would not be surprising if this particular bionic weapon underwent little to no field testing or was built with no concern for the life of its user. This is not unexpected, but it might herald a wider weakness that can be exploited in the next stage of this war.
I will keep you updated with further discoveries.
Hail Cantor! - Inquisitor Korshunov
You can find out more at Clan Odan-Urr in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.
If you are interested in joining then take a look here.
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waltersmom · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: LEGO Star Wars Snowtrooper Battle Pack 75320 Building Set Toy NEW!!.
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starfireproductions · 2 years
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The Mandalorian: Maximum Firepower
Well, in 2021 I really hit a Mandalorian phase :) I loved the artwork in the end credits as it was sooo nostalgic. Kind of like those painted scenes on the back of cereal boxes in the 80′s and the Star Wars transfers you could rub onto the scenes. So, I wanted to do some of them as grey scale works for poster prints for my study wall and thus the collection increased quite quickly.
Full details can be found on my DA page here: https://www.deviantart.com/starfire-productions
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manyworldspress · 3 years
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Brian Matyas, original concept painting and (with Doug Chiang) final end credits art for The Mandalorian, chapter 8, “Redemption” (December 27, 2019).
__________________________________________________ Our shop: https://bookshop.org/shop/manyworldspress
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yelena-bellova · 2 years
Instinct: Din Djarin x F!Reader - Chapter Thirteen
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Chapter Thirteen: Renewal
Series Masterlist
Plot: Mando, Y/n, Cara and Greef Karga work to figure out a way to fend of Moff Gideon and his company of various troopers.
Warnings: angst, canon-typical violence, guns, light language, blood, mention of child abuse, the slow burn meets a glorious end...
Word Count: 5.2k
A/N: I'm so glad to finally get to this chapter!! Almost done with s1 and then the real fun begins. Hope you enjoy!
Being a loner, I’d never been asked about my childhood. There was nobody to wonder how I got through the abuse, the isolation, the terror of living inside the heart of the Empire. But I still had an answer.
Pictures I painted in my mind of myself, a Rebel hero. Fighting against the tyranny the Empire spread across the galaxy. Breaking free from the wrath of my parents. Piloting X-Wings and starfighters and knowing that I could be something other than what I’d been born into be.
Needless to say, pictures don’t always turn out the way we want them to.
Pressed against a wall with Moff Gideon, one of the most terrifying figures of my childhood, ready to give the order to kill me, the images crossed my mind again. While I wasn’t a Rebellion hero, at least I knew I was still on the right side of the fight…
“Is there another way out?” Cara asked, disrupting my thoughts.
“No,” Karga said, still kneeling behind us and gesturing to the broken window, “This is it.”
“What about the sewers?” Mando asked.
Karga furrowed his brow, “Sewers?”
“The Mandalorians have a covert down in the sewers,” Mando explained, “If we can get down there, they can help us escape.” “It’s better than our other option,” I quipped, peeking out once more to see the bevy of stormtroopers waiting for us. It didn’t matter how many times I’d seen them over the course of my life, I still hated them with the same passion.
Mando handed me his blaster and switched some part of his gear on, “Checking for access points.”
While he scanned the room, Cara and I stayed with our eyes glued outside. “What are they waiting for?” she asked.
“More reinforcements probably,” I stated, the words falling too naturally from my lips, “Standard Imperial procedure for threat level this high is at least a company, plus some.” Silence, before the inevitable question. “How do you know so much about this?”
Still carrying shame, I couldn’t look my friend in the eyes. “I just do,” I tried to hurry to conversation to an end just before my gaze caught a set of troopers setting up a new weapon. “Crap…” “They’re setting up an E-Web,” Cara reported, falling back behind her cover once more.
“It’s over,” Karga said with a breath.
“No,” I contested, “I refuse to die like this,” I looked to Mando, “Any exits yet?”
“I found the sewer vent,” he reported. “Let’s get the hell out of here,” Cara crept away from the wall, crouching as she made her way to the back of the room. Mando and I followed, the four of us congregating against the far wall. Karga and I kept our blasters drawn while Cara and Mando begin removing the necessary furniture to access the vent. Unfortunately for us, they weren’t moving fast enough.
“It’s assembled,” Karga announced, “How long until that thing’s cleared?”
“Blow it,” Cara suggested. Mando shook his head, “I’m out of charges. Y/n?”
“Nothing,” I said, moving from my hiding spot to evaluate the vent with them, “What about shooting it?” “One step ahead of you,” Cara said, coming forward with her gun and opening fire on the grate. All it succeeded in doing was burning the steel a little, but not enough for it to crack under the pressure of her foot.
“Your astute panic suggests that you understand your situation,” Gideon’s smooth voice called, my body stilled at the sound, “I would prefer to avoid any further violence, and encourage a moment of consideration. Members of my escort have completed assembly of an E-Web heavy repeating blaster. If you are unfamiliar with this weapon, I am sure that Republican Shock Trooper Carasynthia Dune of Alderaan will advise you that she has witnessed many of her ranks vaporize mid-descent facing the predecessor of this particular model.”
The room quieted, the only sound was the mixture of our heavy breaths. I turned to see Cara’s tan skin turn pale, her history being bloodily rehashed in front of her. Things that she should have told us in her own time.
“Or perhaps the decommissioned Mandalorian hunter, Din Djarin,” Gideon continued, “Has heard the songs of the Siege of Mandalore, when gunships outfitted with similar ordnance laid waste to the fields of Mandalorian recruits in The Night of a Thousand Tears.”
Mando had stepped forward at the mention of his name…his name. His name was Din. So much time spent traveling with him, but I’d never pressed him for such a vital piece of information. Having it revealed to me under such circumstances felt wrong, like a piece of him had just been exposed.
“But perhaps the one who knows the destruction such a weapon can reap is the Imperial deserter now bounty hunter, Y/n Y/l/n, daughter of Imperial Admirals Eliazer and Ayrana Y/l/n,” Gideon paused, purposefully no doubt, “She of all people, having witnessed the birth of such inventions since she was a small child, can testify to its unmatched capabilities.”
And just like that, my secret was no more. All the memories I tried so hard to contain came flooding back, taking over the logical part of my brain and drowning it in sorrow. I shut my eyes and tried to keep my breathing as steady as I could. That’s just what he wants, I thought quickly, to weaken you…
“I advise disgraced Magistrate Greef Karga to search the wisdom of his years,” Gideon went on, addressing the final member of our party, “And urge you to lay down your arms and come outside. The structure you are trapped in will be razed in short order, and your storied lives will come to an unceremonious end.” The anger rose so strongly in me, it took everything in me not to grab Cara’s oversized gun and take him out mid-sentence. As if he could sense it, Mando carefully place a hand over my blaster. 
“What do you propose?” Karga yelled back.
“Reasonable negotiation,” Gideon answered.
I could no longer hold my tongue. “Last time I checked, the Empire doesn’t do ‘reasonable negotiation,’” I called out, “You honestly expect us to believe you won’t gun us down the second we step out there?” “If you’re asking if you can trust me,” I peeked out to see Gideon raising his hands, “You cannot. Just as Magistrate Karga betrayed our business arrangement, I would gladly break any promise and watch you die at my hand.” “That kind of contradicts your ’no violence’ speech, Moff,” I shot back.
A second of suspenseful silence passed, “It has been many years, yet you still carry the same impassioned spirit you displayed as a child. But the consequences of your decision to wield it against the Empire have finally caught up to you,” the Moff paused once again “Your parents will be pleased to know their traitorous daughter died at the hands of their creation.”
The air was sucked from my lungs. My parents. They were alive?
“The assurance I give is this: I will act in my own self interest,” the Moff stated, “Which at this time involves your cooperation and benefit. I will give you until nightfall, and then, I will have the E-Web cannon open fire.” With his proclamation dangling in the air, Moff Gideon stalked off back to his TIE to await our response to his “kind” offer.
Karga turned to us, “I say we hear him out.” “There’s none of that with him, trust me,” I shook my head, still spinning, “We’re dead as soon as we step outside.” “We’re dead if we don’t,” Karga argued, “At least out there, we’ve got a shot.”
“That’s easy for you to say,” Cara said, rummaging around for some weapon to open the sewer vent, “I’m a Rebel shock trooper. They’ll upload me to a Mind Flayer.” “Those aren’t real,” Karga said, scrunching up his face in disagreement, “That was just wartime propaganda.” I bitterly laughed, “They’re real. My parents were weapon and tech experts. They worked on them. And trust me, if they’re alive, Gideon will throw me right back to them and I’ll be dead by morning.” “Then we shoot our way out of here,” Cara said, coming to stand next to me. I may not have ever been an official rebel, but we felt like sisters-in-arms at the moment. “What about you, Mando?” Karga asked. The revelation of my parents had taken me away momentarily and I hadn’t realized that Mando had retreated further back into the building than any of us.
“I know who he is,” he said simply, “It’s Moff Gideon.”
“No,” Cara instantly protested, “Moff Gideon was executed for war crimes.”
“Is that what everybody believed?” I chuckled, shaking my head and staring at the ground, “Men like him don’t die that easily.” “It’s him,” Mando backed me up, “He knew my name.” “How would he know your name?” I asked, taking cautious steps closer to him. It was only natural to want to be in his orbit during critical times.
“What does that prove?” Karga asked.
“I haven’t heard that name spoken since I was a child,” Mando answered.
“On Mandalore?”
Mando paused, “I was not born on Mandalore.” “But you’re a Mandalorian!” “Mandalorian isn’t a race,” Cara interjected, saying what I didn’t feel was my place to say.
“It’s a Creed.”
We all listened as Mando recounted how the Empire invaded his planet, how his parents had tried to save him in their final moments and how the Mandalorians had ultimately come to his rescue. I had already been entrusted with the knowledge back on Sorgan, but I looked at it with fresh eyes. When he’d first told me, I’d simply taken it in as information from a man that I could only tolerate. Having gone on to form such an attachment to him, the story now broke my heart. He was beginning to make sense to me. He was battle damaged long before he’d ever gone into combat. Perhaps we both were…
“I was a foundling. They trained me in the Fighting Corp. When I came of age, I was sworn to the Creed. The only record of my family name was in the registers of Mandalore. Moff Gideon was an ISB officer during the purge. That’s how I know it’s him. That’s how he knows who we all are.”
“My parents worked close with the ISB,” I told, knowing that Cara and Karga were wondering why I was so chummy with the Moff, “They developed some of the programs they used. Gideon was a senior officer, so he was around a lot.”
Thankfully, nobody stopped to pity me. “He says he needs us, which means the child got away safely,” Mando said, “I was worried when the Ugnaught didn’t respond but if they’d captured the kid, we’d already be dead.”
“Call him again,” I suggested, moving closer to listen to the call, “You okay?” “I’m fine,” Mando replied, his voice wiped of any emotion, “Are you okay?” Retraumatized all over again but yeah, I thought, I’m dandy…
“‘m okay,” I nodded, one side of my lips quirking upwards briefly to try and convince myself I could be okay.
“Come in, Kuiil. Kuiil?” Mando said into his com link, “Nothing.”
Cara had repositioned herself near the window, “They might have jammed the link.” Static and a familiar cooing cut over the comms, brightening my eyes momentarily. “How is he…?”
“Kuiil has been terminated,” a robotic voice reported, IG-11.
Mando and I looked up to one another, no doubt wearing the same shock on our faces. “What did you do?” he demanded.
“I am fulfilling my base function.” “Which is?” 
“To nurse and protect.”
“What the hell does that mean?” I asked once the comms went dead.
“Guys,” Cara interrupted, “Hear that?” 
We paused to listen, the distant sound of heavy blaster fire was slowly getting closer. I could sense that something in our terrible situation was beginning to go right. I hurried to where Cara stood, hugging the wall with her and looked out to try and see the cause for chaos. The stormtroopers had shifted their focus from us to their right. We waited until a speeder bike came into view with the IG droid at the helm, the child in a sack strapped to his body. IG jumped off the bike, sending it hurtling towards the troopers until it exploded. It began firing at the troopers while simultaneously spinning its torso to shield the kid.
The protective side of me jumped out at the sight of him in the middle of a battle. “I’m going,” I said without thinking.
Mando grabbed my wrist to stop me, “I’m coming with you. Cover us!”
Cara hopped behind the bar and unleashed a hail of blaster fire on the troopers while Mando and I made our way to the side door. As it opened, we looked to each other and gave an affirmative nod. If we were going to war, there wasn’t anyone else I’d have rather fought beside.
Mando was the first out, landing a kick to the closest trooper’s stomach and knocking him to the ground. I activated my shield and began to fire at the nearest ones. One tried to fire at my leg but missed. Troopers were notoriously bad shots and it gave me the opening to shoot him in the chest. Mando was nearby, being attacked by two death troopers. He was able to kill one while the other one tossed him to the ground, though a swift kick fixed that and left the trooper stumbling and allowing me to shoot him in the head. I reached a hand down and pulled him up, the two of us going back to back and assessing our situation. I spotted IG-11 trying to carry the child away from the fight, but a few shots put him on the ground as he continued to shield the kid. “Ideas?” I shouted. “One,” he replied, leaving me and going to lift the E-Web off its stand. He proceeded to fire it at the lines of stormtroopers behind us, taking them all out effortlessly. It gave me time to get over to the IG unit.
“Is he okay?” I asked, covering for the droid as he got to his feet. “The child is unharmed,” it replied. “Keep it that way,” I said, narrowly dodging a shot, “We might actually be able to make it out of this a-“ A nearby blast shook the ground, a detonator had just been activated and destroyed the door to the bar. I trusted Cara to handle it herself as I was needed right where I was. Spotting Gideon across the battlefield, I narrowed my eyes and saw his hardened stare focused on Mando. He fired one shot that hit Mando’s beskar, causing him to lose his footing. 
“Oh no you don’t,” I muttered to myself, marching across the battlefield and aiming my blaster at the Moff’s head. A sudden searing pain in my shin caused me to cry out and crouch down, a trooper to my side  had gotten me when I wasn’t watching. I blindly shot in the general direction the blast had come from as I bent over in pain. When I looked up, Mando and Gideon were in a standoff, neither moving more than to take a breath. One of them was going to break, one of them would fire first…
And it was Gideon.
He took a shot at the nearby box of ammunition for the E-Web, creating one of the biggest explosions I’d ever witnessed. I was thrown back a few feet, the heat seeping into me, and landed on my side. I groaned and tried to roll over, a great deal of pain coming when I did. I’d most likely had a rib pop out of place and I’d definitely hit my head, as the blood on my fingers confirmed when I felt my forehead.
The terrifying factor was that I couldn’t see Mando in the aftermath. “Mando!” I called, rising to my feet as quick as I could, “Mando!” A few shots flew by my head and I stumbled to pick up my lost blasters, seeing that the squad of death troopers was responsible for the attack. I reactivated my shield and moved away from them, spotting Mando laid out on the ground, unmoving. “Mando!” I cried.
IG-11 was back up and firing, still protecting the child. Karga and Cara were at the entrance of the cantina, doing what they could. “Mando!” I shouted as I made feeble effort to shoot, “Mando, come on! We need you!”
Nothing. “Cara!” I yelled, she was already on her way, “He’s not moving. I don’t know if he’s breathing.” “I got him, cover me,” she said, grabbing him by the beskar, sitting him up and dragging him away.
Panic and anger were powerful emotions, and when combined they could turn deadly if not handled correctly. My mind was doing circles in anxiety over Mando, while the desire to get revenge was boiling in my chest. The Moff stood there, it would only take one perfectly fired shot to take him out.
If I’d been in the right state of mind, perhaps that’s what I would have done.
Instead I chose a more more dangerous route. I holstered my blaster, deactivated my shield and in a split second decision summoned all the power within me, extended my hands…and shoved Gideon and every single trooper back until they hit the walls of whatever building they were closest to.
“Go!” I shouted to IG-11 and Karga, running behind them inside the cantina while the troopers were still dazed. It hit me then that I’d just made a grave mistake. Gideon would see me now as an asset for the capabilities I possessed, just as he saw the child. I was now in just as much danger as him.
But I couldn’t find it in me to care about myself at all.
“Is he breathing?” I scrambled away from the door to where Cara was dragging Mando. “I think so,” she grunted, “Stay with me, buddy. We’re gonna get you out of here.”
“We need to get into the vents,” I stated, following closely, “IG, can you clear it?” 
“I can remove the barriers,” the droid stated, setting the child down next to us.
I crouched next to where Mando was laid out, seeing his head the slightest bit breathed life back into me. “Don’t ever scare me like that again,” I panted, running a hand over his helmet. IG had begun working on the vent, sparks flying as he cut through the steel.
“I’m not…” he began, stopping as if saying it pained him, “I’m not gonna make it. Go.” “No, no no, you’re gonna be fine,” I shook my head quickly, “You’re just dinged up.”
Cara agreed with me, “You just got your bell run. You’ll be fine.” “Leave me.”
“Don’t you fucking talk like that,” I said, my throat strained and tears beginning to well in my eyes at the thought of doing as he requested, “You’re going to be fine.”
Cara still had a hand behind his neck, having cradled it as she set him down. As she removed it, blood dripped from her palm. We shared a look, he was hurt worse than any of had assumed.
“I’m gonna need to take that thing off,” she reached for his helmet, only to be met with resistance.
“No,” Mando pulled her hands away, “You leave me.” “Stop it,” I tried not to whine, “Stop.” He blindly reached for my hand, gripping it weakly. “You need to go. Keep the child safe,” he urged weakly, “Get back to the Crest and leave. Go somewhere they won’t find you.” I scrunched my eyes shut, tears slipping through as I listened to him make his final wishes. “I’m not leaving without you,” I whispered loud enough for you to hear.
He ignored me entirely, using his free hand to rip something out from around his throat. He pressed the object into my palm, it appeared to be a necklace with what I assumed to be a Mandalorian pendant attached. “When you get to the Mandalorian covert, you show them that. You tell them it’s from Din Djarin. You tell them that the foundling was under my protection and they’ll help you.”
“We can make it,” Cara urged.
“Y/n,” Mando said, his breathing growing more shallow by the minute. I gripped his hand tightly in both of mine, holding it to my chest. “I’m here.” “Traveling with you…” he said softly, pausing as if second-guessing what he was about to say, “…I’m glad I didn’t kill you.”
“Yeah, well,” I swallowed the lump in my throat, “I’m gonna kill you if you don’t get up. We’ll help you.” “Come on!” Cara growled, trying to hoist him up, “Let’s go!” Mando’s head lolled to the side, “I’m not gonna make it and you know it.”
A sudden flood of flames came through the cantina window. Cara and I threw ourselves over Mando to protect him. I blindly reached out for the child, trying to urge him into my arms with no luck. The fire seemed to be endless, until it wasn’t. The destruction it left was meant to force us out of our sanctuary.
“You protect the child,” Mando continued, panting, “And yourself. I can hold them off long enough for you to escape. Let me have a warrior’s death.” “No,” I fought, gripping his hand tighter, “It’s you and me. We’re a team.”
“Y/n…” he whispered, “This is the Way.”
And there it was. The period, finalizing his plan and preventing all other argument. I knew how much his beliefs meant to him, his convictions were stronger than anyone else’s I’d ever known. If Mando wanted to die an honorable death as the Mandalorians believed in, there was no more fight to be had with him. He was going to leave me whether I liked it or not.
I let out a sob, pressing my forehead to the warmed steel of his helmet, trying to soak up the last bit of him I could. There were so many things I wanted to say, so many feelings I’d sat on hoping they went away. But now, holding him in my arms, so close to losing him…I knew everything I felt about him was true.
Another wave of flames entered through the main door to the cantina, I took the brunt of the heat in order to shield Mando. Seconds after it had stopped, a flame trooper entered with the weapon meant to kill us. Mando was no longer the only one close to death…Something needed to be done and fast.
And maybe I could be the one to do it.
“Stay with him,” I ordered to Cara, crawling a few inches away from where Mando rested and shoving his necklace in my pocket. The child hurried to follow me, seemingly on the same wavelength. I looked down to him and took his small hand in mine, “We’re gonna do it together, okay?” 
He turned alongside me and we extended our hands, I prayed with everything in me that my plan would work. As the flamethrower unleashed a fresh inferno, I concentrated all my energy towards pushing it away from us. Keep them safe, I urged myself on, make that your motivation. I closed my eyes as I felt the heat begin to blanket me and forced it to stay where it was, barely peeking to see that what the child and I were doing was working. We’d created a wall of fire, the flames licked at us but not nearly close enough to touch us. I knew we couldn’t hold it forever. Thinking quick, I envisioned the flames going back into themselves and used the last of my strength to force them away from us. I fell back as I finished, the flame trooper screaming as the fire overtook him. I fought for breath as I lay on the floor of the cantina, turning my head to see the child sit down and lay back, passing out from his efforts.
I heard stomping from above me and leaned on my elbow to see IG kicking in the sewer grate. We had a way out finally. 
“Come on, it’s open!” Karga called, “Let’s go!” I crawled over to Mando, taking his hand once again. “Go,” he told me, “Go.” This wasn't how it was supposed to go…
“Y/n, go,” he urged one last time, squeezing my hand with what little strength he had.
Tears streamed down my cheeks as I cradled his hand between mine. I had wanted so much more for us…
I forced myself away from him, gently setting his hand on his stomach and turning into IG-11. He handed me the satchel carrying the child, fast asleep. “Escape and protect the child,” he directed, “I will stay with the Mandalorian.” “You carry him out of here,” I demanded through my tears, “Help him and then bring him down. You understand?”
“You have my word.” Turning, I cradled the child in my arms and ran to where the vent opening along with Cara. Karga was waiting for us. As I readied myself to jump down into the sewer, I paused, feeling like there was a rope tugging me back to where my heart was tethered.
Mando was the first person in my life to never abandon me, and I couldn’t abandon him.
I pressed the child into Cara’s arms, and retrieved the necklace. “Get down there,” I handed the object to her, “We’ll catch up.”
She nodded, knowing not to ask any questions. There was a loyalty between me and Mando that couldn’t be broken and she understood it. “I’ve got him” she assured me, taking special care with the kid as she slipped into the vents.
“Go,” I urged Karga, who pressed a hand to my shoulder, the closest thing to caring he’d ever displayed towards me. Once they were gone, I turned back and took my spot beside Mando.
“I told you to-“ “Yeah, you tell me a lot of things I don’t listen to,” I said, watching IG kneel next to him, “Cara’s got the child, we’ll meet up with them.” The ceiling was beginning to cave in on the furthest side of the cantina, creating bigger and brighter flames. We needed to move fast if we were going to make it out…
“Do it,” Mando addressed IG-11.
“Do what?” “Just get it over with,” Mando grumbled, “I’d rather you kill me than some Imp. Just spare her.” I chuckled under my breath, “He’s not gonna kill us, you idiot. He’s gonna help you.” “I told you,” IG said, “I am no longer a hunter. I am a nurse droid.” “IGs,” Mando argued, using what precious breath he still had, “Are all hunters.” “Not this one, I was reprogrammed. I need to remove your helmet if I am to save you.”
As IG wrapped one mechanical hand around the edge of Mando’s helmet, Mando weakly raised his blaster and pointed it at the droid. “Try it and I’ll kill you. It is forbidden. No living thing has seen me without my helmet since before I swore the Creed.”
“Mando, stop,” I begged, taking his free hand, “I won’t look, I promise.”
“And I am not a living thing,” IG stated.
I shut my eyes and lowered my head, allowing him to have the dignity of keeping true to his Creed, no matter how strange I found it. My ears were alert as I heard the click and hiss of the release system of Mando’s helmet, the sound of it hitting the floor soon after. It set me on edge to know that his face was exposed when I was this close. We’d worked around the rules and while it should have felt wrong, I couldn’t find it in me to care. Mando’s life was all that mattered.
“This is a bacta spray,” IG stated, “It will heal you in a matter of hours. You have suffered damage to your central processing unit.” “You mean my brain?” Mando asked, it was the first time I had heard his voice. His true, unmodulated voice. “That was a joke. It is meant to put you at ease.” I couldn’t help but giggle, here we were surrounded by flames with our lives at stake and the droid was cracking jokes.
“Hey,” Mando said, tapping my hand lightly, “I can hear you.” I knew exactly how it felt to wish to hear someone’s unaltered voice. “I can hear you too,” I replied, savoring the sound of each syllable falling from his lips.
"You're bleeding." In all my worry, I truly had forgotten my injuries. My ribs began to ache on cue and I remembered that I'd cut my forehead. "Really?" I raised an eyebrow, sending pain down my face, "You're probably one to talk."
I heard him let out the smallest laugh. “Why’d you stay?” he asked, the slightest bit of strength returning to his voice. I sighed, thinking over all the answers I could give him. In the end, I could only go with the plain truth. “Because I couldn’t leave,” I said softly as IG worked on him, “I could never leave you.” With my eyes still shut, I felt him slip his hand out of mine and reach up to touch my cheek. Instinctively, I turned my face into his gloved palm and let the moment wash over me. We were going to be okay…he was going to be okay.
After a moment, Mando’s hand weakly slipped towards the back of my neck and started to guide me down towards him. I kept my eyes firmly shut, unwilling to betray him in any way, but pressed my hands to his chest to steady my descent. The closer I got, the more I felt his breath fanning my face. He stopped me just as I sensed our lips a mere inch apart, giving me every opportunity to back away. But with the closeness I’d been craving for so long mine for the taking, there was nothing in the world that could pull me away. I pressed my fingers lightly to his cheek, feeling the light scruff that adorned his face before the two of us gave in to every desire we’d kept to ourselves by allowing our lips to meet. 
The kiss was gentle, restrained. It had to be. Mando was just barely leaving death’s door and I was exhausted from saving our skins. But it was sweet and tender and everything a kiss was supposed to be. I let myself settle into it, the weeks and weeks of trying to kill what I felt for him melting away as our mouths slowly moved against each other. I had only begun to wonder if he felt anything for me, but I had my answer and it felt like a strong, resounding yes.
“I am finished,” IG-11 interrupted, our lips separating at the sound of his voice, “We must leave now.” Mando and I shared a quiet chuckle before I dragged my hand up to his hair, stroked it gently and pressed one more kiss to his lips. “I’m glad I didn’t kill you either,” I whispered nudging my nose against his, “Now let’s get out of here.”
A/N: And the slow burn now gets to burn freely. Now it's off to work on the last chapter for s1...let me know if you'd like to be tagged!! Thanks for reading!
Instinct Taglist: @toribentleyvq @pan-ini @simp-for-corpse @spacedaddydinn @never-no-locomotive @cozyballofanxiety @miraculousreader @welcomethepedroverse @damerondala @x-judyjude-x @dindjarinsspouse @fishthemenace @aliyryun1401world @that-girl-named-alex @ssophiebirkas @jellybeanstacey0519 @elinedjarin @lycaonpictusphotography
Din Djarin Taglist: @damerondala @x-judyjude-x @dindjarinsspouse @aliyryun1401world @elinedjarin
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elenaaadaniels · 2 years
Chapter Thirteen: Moff Gideon
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part 14
I'll pick up these broken pieces 'til I'm bleeding. If that'll make it right. 'Cause there'll be no sunlight. If I lose you, baby. There'll be no clear skies. If I lose you, baby. And just like the clouds. My eyes will do the same, if you walk away. Everyday it'll rain, rain, ra-a-a-ain.
- 𝘐𝘵 𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘙𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘉𝘺 𝘉𝘳𝘶𝘯𝘰 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘴 ___________________________________
Warning: Close Death, FLUFF, confessions, mentions of blood and injury.
Smart people don't travel half the galaxy with a faceless bounty hunter and his wrinkly green kid with every possible dangers coming at them from left to right. Nadia didn't consider herself smart people. Smart people would turn and walk in the other direction if they saw a Mandalorian approach, but she boarded his ship and now she was facing death.
Peering around the corner of the wall she was hiding behind, she studied the armed forced that were ready to fire on command and the man in the middle that waited to give it. There was no way she could think of getting out of it. Every corner of the broken down Cantina was guarded by troopers that it was almost impossible to sneak out.
Din peered over the wall before looking down to Nadia. The fear in her eyes were clear as glass. He seen it once or twice with close calls, but he couldn't even call this a close call anymore. They were done. Goners. Cornered by troopers and a wall that could given in from how badly it was shot. Nadia felt the eyes on her and turned to him trying to mask her worry.
" Din."
" We'll get out of here." He promised gripping his blaster.
Nadia nodded," Is there another way out?" she asked looking over to Cara and Greef.
" No, that's it." Greef answered causing her to chew on her bottom lip.
" What about the sewers?" Din questioned earning a frown from Greef.
" Sewers?"
" The Mandalorians have a covert down in the sewers. If we can get down there, they can help us escape." Din furthered explained getting a satisfied nod from Cara.
" Yeah, sewers are good."
" Checking for access points." Din announced going on his helmet's radar and checking the entire perimeter.
Cara looked back," What the hell are they waiting for?"
" Do you want them to start shooting?" Nadia sassed noticing a group of troopers carry over containers and pull out some gear." They're opening something."
" Hold up." Cara called out before her eyes grew wide hiding back behind the wall." They're setting up an E-Web."
" It's over." Greef mumbled.
" I found the sewer vent."
" Let's get the hell out of here." Cara urged ducking down immediately to make her way over.
" Cover us." Din instructed to Nadia leaving her side to help Cara open the vent.
Nadia nodded grabbing a blaster from the ground and holding it close to her view seeing the troopers were working fast to assemble the E-web.
" The bad thingy is assembled!" She warned.
" How long until that thing's cleared?" Greef panicked turning to see no exit was made yet.
Cara turned to Din," Blow it."
" I'm out of charges." He said causing Cara to grab her automatic blaster.
" Get out of the way!"
Din did just that moving close to Nadia's side and taking her hand into his watching Cara fire away at the guard blocking them form their exit. Nadia squeezed his hand immediately seeing despite the firepower, not a single dent was made.
"  Your astute panic suggests that you understand your situation." The man outside spoke causing everyone to grow silent." I would prefer to avoid any further violence, and encourage a moment of consideration. Members of my escort have completed assembly of an E-Web heavy repeating blaster. If you are unfamiliar with this weapon, I am sure that Republican Shock Trooper Carasynthia Dune of Alderaan will advise you that she has witnessed many of her ranks vaporize mid-descent facing the predecessor of this particular model."
Cara's face fell for a second before she narrowed her eyes at the man's words. Her hands gripping on her gun as anger circled around her like an aura.
" Or perhaps the decommissioned Mandalorian hunter, Din Djarin." The man spoke causing Din to tense up at the foreign name only heard to him by Nadia." has heard the songs of the Siege of Mandalore, when gunships outfitted with similar ordnance laid waste to fields of Mandalorian recruits in The Night of a Thousand Tears. I advise disgraced Magistrate Greef Karga to search the wisdom of his years. Not to mention, innocent young Nadia to come forward and urge you to lay down your arms and come outside. The structure you are trapped in will be razed in short order and your storied lives will come to an unceremonious end."
" What do you propose?" Greef shouted over the wall.
" Reasonable negotiation."
" What assurance do you offer?" Greef continued.
" If you're asking if you can trust me, you cannot." The man admitted sending a chill up Lexie's spine." Just as you betrayed our business arrangement, I would gladly break any promise and watch you die at my hand. The assurance I give is this: I will act in my own self-interest, which at this time involves your cooperation and benefit. I will give you until nightfall, and then I will have the E-Web cannon open fire."
Greef turned to the others worryingly," I say we hear him out."
" And that's why you'll be the first to die." Nadia protested.
" The minute we open that door, we're dead." Cara retorted crossing over to the ground and grabbing as much weapons as she could.
" We're dead if we don't." Greef reminded." At least out there, we've got a shot."
She coughed under her breath," That's easy for you to say. I'm a Rebel Shock Trooper. They'll upload me to a Mind Flayer."
" Those aren't real. That was just wartime propaganda."
" I don't care to find out." She concluded looking down to the weapons." I'm shooting my way out of here."
Greef turned to Din next," What about you, Mando?"
" I know who he is" He answered catching everyone attention." It's Moff Gideon."
Cara shook her head," No." She stated." Moff Gideon was executed for war crimes."
" It's him. He knew my name." Din pressed.
Nadia frowned shrugging her shoulders," So? What does that prove?"
" I haven't heard that name spoken since I was a child." He said looking up to her." since I told you."
" On Mandalore?" Greef questioned.
Din shook his head," I was not born on Mandalore." He answered getting a confused look from Greef.
" But you're a Mandalorian."
" Mandalorian isn't a race." Cara corrected.
" It's a Creed." Din confirmed letting go of Nadia's hands as the memories and emotions got to him."  I was a foundling. They raised me in the Fighting Corps. I was treated as one of their own. When I came of age, I was sworn to the Creed. The only record of my family name was in the registers of Mandalore. Moff Gideon was an ISB Officer during the purge. That's how I know it's him."
" That's how he knows who we all are." Cara spoke rising to her feet.
" He says he needs us, which means the child got away safely. I was worried when the Ugnaught didn't respond, but if they'd captured the kid, we'd already be dead."
Nadia nodded her head," Try to get them again."
" Come in, Kuiil. Kuiil?" He spoke into the small com only to get static." Nothing."
" They might have jammed the link." Cara suggested only for the sound of the child's babbles to be heard through the coms.
" Kuiil has been terminated." IG-11 announced leaving everyone's heart to sink.
Nadia ripped the coms from Din's hands in anger.
" What did you do?" She demanded
" I am fulfilling my base function."
She narrowed her eyes," Which is?"
" To nurse and protect."
" Nurse and protect?" Greef questioned when they all heard the sound of distance blast.
Nadia and Din looked to each other. A million thoughts roaming their heads until the blast had gotten closer causing the troopers outside to look away from the Cantina and down the road.
" Look!" Cara pointed to wear a single motorbike came into view.
Through the blast, explosions, and troopers racing around, Nadia noticed IG-11 in the middle of it, but more importantly, the child strapped to his chest in the middle of the mess.
" The kid!" She shouted abandoning Din's side and running right out of the Cantina without a second thought.
" Nadia!"
" She is crazy!" Cara shouted next.
Din hopped over the counter running right after.
" Cover me!"
Cara nodded climbing onto the counter and sending fire shots right at the army of troopers outside clearing a path for the two. Nadia didn't realize the danger she was in until she was standing outside. Troopers turned to her, ready to fire, but she was quick kicking the first troopers blaster out of its hand and using its body to block the second troopers shots. With the body, she threw it at the alive trooper causing them to fall to the ground and to end it, she blasted its chest.
Din and Greef came right behind her a line of blasters flying by them or hitting beskar, but it never stopped them from fighting for freedom. Din shot the closest trooper to Nadia before focusing on the two troopers in front of him flipping one over and shooting at the next. Nadia's eyes darted around the field before she noticed IG-11 towards the edge fighting against the many troopers that came after them.
Without hesitation, she ran forward after him sliding under some troopers to get by and blasting others. Din knew she needed help. With eyes on the E-web, he ran forward grabbing it by its handles and sending rains of blast through the troopers. Nadia didn't know what got into her system. The girl that was having trouble fighting on Sorgan would have a heart attack if she knew what she would get into now.
She used every training she was ever given by both Din and Cara using anything at her disposal to fight including broken parts of debris from the cantina. She didn't know if she was just that strong or maybe the troopers were that weak, but she didn't care. As long as they kept dropping to the floor. Blasting the last trooper that came at her, she turned to Din seeing he continued to fire, but what caught her attention made her heart drop.
In the middle of the mess right out of Din's view, Moff Gideon watched him with a displeased look on his face. He took three careful steps forward and raised his blaster, but that wasn't what strike fear into her. It was what it was aimed at.
" Din!" She screamed at the top of her lungs only for it to be drowned out from the E-web explosion.
His body flew back. The force of it even knocked Nadia off her feet and to the ground as her ears ringed. Just as quickly as it happened, she blinked turning her head to see Din on the ground unmoving and it builded up enough energy for her to scramble off the ground and crawl towards him.
" Din?" She shrieked touching his chest before touching his cheeks hearing nothing." Please say something. Din, please!"
" Nadia!" Cara yelled racing over as fast as she could.
" Help me!" She begged getting off her knees and carrying at his shoulders while Cara grabbed at his feet.
The fire fight commenced around them. IG-11 and Greef covering the girls as they dragged Din's body right into the Cantina away from the possibility of getting hit.
" Din, can you hear me?" Nadia urged carefully placing him on the ground while she touched his helmet." It's me. Nadia."
" N...Nadia?" He croaked causing her to smile.
" Yeah! Hey, it's me."
" I'm not gonna make it."
She stared at him as the smile leisurely came off her face and the tears started to brim at the words he spoke.
" What?" She questioned shaking her head as she touched his chest." Don't you dare say that. You're going to be just fine."
" Leave me." He pressed.
" Din, no."
" Nadia-"
" No!" She shouted blinking away the tears so she could see him." I'm not going to leave you, so don't even think it."
Cara nodded touching the brim of his helmet," I'm gonna need to take this thing off."
" You can't." Nadia answered grabbing her wrist." He has a creed."
" He's bleeding!" Cara argued.
" We can't break his creed." She further explained sadly." Even now."
" N-Nadia."
She faced him again," I'm right here, Din." She promised holding his head only to feel something warm.
Moving her hand, it was coated in crimson red blood. Din's blood. Her hands were shaking as the tears ran down her cheeks like a flow. That much Din could make out from the pain and blurry vision.
" Make sure the child is safe. Here." He cracked pulling his pendant off of his neck." When you get to the Mandalorian covert, you show them that. You tell them it's from Din Djarin. You tell them the foundling was in my protection, and they'll help you."
Nadia shook her head vigorously," W-why...why are you telling me this?" she stuttered out," I'm not leaving you."
" I'm not gonna make it and you know it." Din spoke when flames came in through the cantina.
Nadia threw her body of Din's watching the flames catch anything that was flammable as Moff Gideon was trying to force them out.
" You...protect the child." Din continued." I can hold them back long enough for you to escape. Let me have a warriors death."
She grabbed her blaster," I'll help you."
" Nadia-"
" I need you." She confessed, voice breaking at the end as she squeezed his hand." Din...Din, I need you, you hear me. We didn't just make it this far just to make it this far. We made it this far together. Y-you promised me. You promised me that you'll never leave me."
" I won't." He smiled reaching forward and pointing to where her heart was." I'll be here. This is the Way."
The flamethrower entered the cantina again as a warning before at the entrance, a trooper stood holding the deathly weapon. No one knew what to do for a split second embracing for the painful death, but it never came. Nadia opened her eyes only to see the child stand in front of everyone with his arms raced stopping the fire with his powers. He concentrated balling up the fire only to send it back at the trooper and cause it to explode. The child lowered his hand lightly sleeping onto the floor while IG-11 kicked the gate causing it to break.
" Come on! It's open, let's go!" Greef announced causing Din to push Lexie away.
" Go."
Her voice cracked," no..."
" Go." He repeated more forcefully.
Cara nodded placing her hand on Nadia's shoulder," We have to move! Now!" She urged scooping the child into her arms.
" Nadia, go." Din implored, but she stared at him until she leaned forward kissing the top of his helmet before leaning her head against it.
" You'll always be my hero." She spoke letting him go as badly as it hurt.
" Escape and protect this child." IG-11 spoke kneeling down to Din." I will stay with the Mandalorian until his final moments."
Cara didn't want to, but she had no choice forcefully grabbing Nadia and pushing her towards the exit, because she knew it was the only way she would leave. She glanced one final time at the Mandalorian before leaving knowing she had to protect Nadia, The Child, and Greef. The Sewers were dark with the sound of leaks coming through the cracks as they shuffled as best sat they could.
Nadia moved her deaden legs forward while the tears streamed down her face at the last memories she would have of the Mandalorian. While she knew the job on Nevarro was dangerous, she would of never thought she would walk away while Din had to slowly die a painful death. She turned around while the others walked realizing they walked for such a long time that she only saw darkness at the other end of the tunnel.
" Nadia, we have to keep moving forward." Greef prodded causing her to nod turning back around to follow.
" This is my fault." She mumbled staring at the ground.
Cara shook her head," None of this is-"
" I was the one that ran out of the cantina!" She shouted glaring at Cara." I should of been by his side. I should of had his back-"
" If you were, you would of instantly died upon impact." Cara pointed out placing her hand on Nadia's shoulder." Without you or Din, this little guy would have no one."
Nadia looked down to Cara's arm seeing the child stare at her sadly obvious to Din's disappearance and feeling Nadia's sadly. She reached forward cupping his cheek hearing him let out a sad noise, but lean closer to her hand.
" Greef and I might have been able to care for him, but none of us would have the bond that you and Din have with him."
" She's right." Greef added nodding his head." We have to keep going."
They took five steps forward when the sound of something opened and the splash of water in the distance caught their attention. Nadia was about to ask what it was when she noticed Cara's eyes grow wide as she handed the child to her.
" We gotta go." She warned grabbing her rifle into her hand.
" Cara, what was that sound?"
" Troopers." She answered when blast nearly got them.
Cradling the child to her chest, she took off in full sprints hearing the others follow close behind. She already lost Din and she was sure as hell not going to lose the child too. Getting to the center of the sewer line, the troopers had found another hatch blocking the way and firing yet again. She raised her blast getting as much as she could knowing simple shooting wasn't going to cut it.
" Greef, take the child!" She yelled handing him into Greef's care before running into the action and fighting.
" Behind you!" He warned.
She turned around quickly shooting down the nearest trooper before finding a pipe on the ground and smacking it against the second troopers helmet causing it to crack. With the trooper stunned, she shot it before using the same pipe to stab a trooper where their shoulder was exposed. The fourth trooper punched her across the face causing her to stumble back and lose her blaster.
With the distraction, the trooper grabbed a knife about to stab her when she stopped it holding the troopers wrist, but it aided her to no help being pinned between the wall and a knife. She strained herself fighting against the troopers strength and her own when the trooper was shot in the side of the head. For a second, Nadia could only think it was Greef or Cara only to see her Mandalorian with his blaster smoking.
" Din." She breathed walking forward until she could throw her arms around him.
" I got you." He soothed running his hand through her hair.
" Don't ever scare me like that ever again." She ordered touching his helmet carefully." How are you...Are you okay?"
" I used batca spray. He should be fully healed soon." IG-11 answered nonchalantly." He had damage to his brain."
Her eyes grew," Damage?"
" I'm fine." Din promised easing her worry." It's healing."
Greef nodded with a pleased smile," Do you know which way to go?"
" No. I don't know these tunnels." He admitted looking down one and beginning to walk." I've only entered from the bazaar."
" Well, if we get the smell of sulfur and we follow it, it'll lead us up to the plains where the river flows."
" And the Imps will catch us before we make it to the ship." Din brought up shaking his head at Greef." We need the Mandalorians to escort us to safety."
Cara groaned loudly," Ugh, this place is a maze."
" We're close." He said pointing to the ground and looking up." Turn here."
They followed right after the Mandlorian following dark and light parts of the tunnel, but towards getting to one particular area, he stopped staring in horror. Mandalorian helmets piled the floor of fallen soldiers that had sacrificed themselves, died for their honor. Din lowered himself to his knees picking up on of the helmets as the memories of escaping Nevarro the first time haunted him.
" We should go." Cara protruded lightly.
" You go. Take the ship. I can't leave it this way." Din stated as he looked only to Greef." Did you know about this? Is this the work of your bounty hunters?"
" No. When you left the system and took the prize, the fighting ended and the hunters just melted away." Greef defended." You know how it is. They're mercenaries. They're not zealots."
Din stood up building with anger," Did you do this? Did you?!"
" No!"
" It was not his fault." A voice broke out.
Nadia jumped from the new voice seeing a female mandalorian with fur around her shoulders and gold, maybe rusted beskar covering her body. She didn't look over to anyone, but to the pile of armor laid on the floor.
" We revealed ourselves. We knew what could happen if we left the covert. The Imperials arrived shortly thereafter." She explained grabbing pieces from the pile and putting it on a table." This is what resulted."
" Did any survive?" Nadia asked placing the pieces together.
" I hope so. Some may have escaped off-world."
Din glanced around," Come with us."
" No." The Armorer replied." I will not abandon this place until I have salvaged what remains."
With that, she grabbed the handles to the table and moved it into one of the tunnels. Din lead the way with Nadia close behind seeing it was a room where the forging of metal was created. She watched as the Armorer placed a piece of beskar in watching how a solid metal soon turned liquid. It was ironic now that Nadia saw it. She once lied to Toro that she knew how to do it and right now, she kind of did.
" Show me the one whose safety deemed such destruction." The Armorer questioned as IG-11 walked forward with the child.
" This is the one." Din answered.
The Armorer tilted her head," This is the one that you hunted, then saved?"
" Yes. The one that saved me as well." Din corrected.
" From the mudhorn? It looks helpless."
" It's injured, but it is not helpless." Din assured glancing to Nadia." Its species can move objects with its mind."
" I know of such things." She admitted going back to crafting." The songs of eons past tell of battles between Mandalore The Great, and an order of sorcerers called Jedi that fought with such powers."
Din panicked with worry," It is an enemy?"
" No. Its kind were enemies, but this individual is not."
Din shrugged," What is it?"
" It is a foundling." The Armorer answered." By Creed, it is in your care."
" You wish me to train this thing?"
" It is too weak. It would die. You have no choice. You must reunite it with its own kind. This, you must determine."
" You expect me to search the galaxy for the home of this creature and deliver it to a race of enemy sorcerers?" Din questioned only for Nadia to speak up.
" You won't be alone." She interrupted causing Din to look over to her.
The Armorer nodded," This is the Way." She said hammering at her craft.
" Hey. These tunnels will be lousy with Imps in a matter of minutes." Cara reminded walking over to Din." We should at least discuss an escape plan."
" If you follow the descending tunnel, it will lead you to the underground river. It flows downstream toward the lava flats." The Armorer explained.
" Lava flats?" Nadia questioned while Greef nodded.
" I think we should go."
" I'm staying." Din stated." I need to help her and I need to heal."
" You must go. A foundling is in your care. By Creed, until it is of age or reunited with its own kind, you are as its father. This is the Way. You have earned your Signet." She spoke walking over and welding a mud horn onto his shoulder plate." You are a clan of two."
He stared down at it with a smile," Thank you." He rejoiced." I will wear this with honor."
The tunnels shook with a loud explosion that brought everyone back to the dangers they were enduring.
" We should go."
" IG, please guard the outer hallway. A scouting party draws near." The Armorer ordered while IG-11 handed the child over to Nadia." I have one more gift for your journey. Have you trained in the Rising Phoenix?"
" When I was a boy. Yes." Din answered confused why she was asking.
" Then this will make you complete."
In her hand laid a jetpack similar to those of the Mandlorian's that saved their lives. Nadia smiled at the object nudging Din's side.
" Hey, you've been wanting one."
Din smiled taking it into his hands," Thank you."
" When you have healed, you will begin your drills. Until you know it, it will not listen to your commands."
" I understand."
The fire fight outside grew louder with blasters and a small explosion going off closer than the others would like it to be. When it had stopped, everyone waited for the sight of troopers only to get IG-11 back.
" You are protected." He announced placing his blasters away.
" More will come." The Armorer continued." You must go."
" Come with us."
" My place is here. Restock your munitions." She ordered turning to the droids." IG, carry this for Din Djarin until he is well enough to wear it. Now, go. Down to the river and across the plains. Be safe on your journey."
" Thank you." Din bided grabbing his blaster as he followed the others out.
They followed the Armorer's instructions turning corners after corners in the maze until the air around them started to get hot. Turning the final corner, Greef pointed up ahead with relief.
" This is the lava river."
" I was hoping when she explained it back there that it was a metaphor." Nadia commented looking down to the hot liquid.
" The ferry droid is fried."
" Yeah, but if we push the boat out, we can get it to float downstream. Come on." Greef said walking over to the ferry while Din inspected it carefully.
" Looks old. Will it take the heat?"
" You got a better idea?" Greef sassed.
" Guess not." Din pressed helping Greef with the ferry.
"  Push!" Greef encouraged when Din kicked the ferry." Come on! What're you doing?"
" Let's try this." He said picking up a rod and wedging it between the rock and ferry.
" Push!" Greef repeated causing the two to struggle some more while Cara and Nadia eyed each other seeing it was useless.
" You guys mind getting out of the way?" Cara questioned setting up her rifle and shooting at the rock causing the ferry to break free.
Greef tilted his head impressed," Good job."
" Watch your feet. It's molten lava." IG-11 warned causing Lexie to laugh loudly.
" Oh, I was thinking about taking a bath in it." She sassed being helped into the ferry by Din.
Electricity hummed behind them before the sound of rocks breaking had them all spinning around to see the droid came to life taking out a staff to steer the ferry.
" I don't suppose anybody here speaks droid?" Din questioned only for IG-11 to answer.
" I believe he is asking where we would like to go."
" Down river. To the lava flat." Greef Karga instructed.
With little danger in the way, Nadia looked down to the child in her arms seeing that despite everything that has happened so far, he was smiling up at her with beady brown eyes. She couldn't help, but to smile herself running her hands over the little hairs he had.
" You said you needed me." Din whispered while staring at them.
She looked up confused," What?"
" Back at the cantina." He elaborated." When I was dying. Did you mean it?"
" Did you think I didn't?" She questioned surprised that he didn't think it was.
" You know I need you too...right?" He asked shyly that it amused her.
" Yeah. You told me under the Sorgan stars." She reminded smiling." You sure your brain is okay in there, Tin Man?"
He smiled to himself under the helmet," Just don't ever forget that I need you, too." He pressed wondering if it was the lava's heat or his words that made her cheeks flare red.
" That's it." Greef announced with excitement pointing to the end of the sunlight tunnel." We're free!"
Din went on his thermo seeing the body signatures at the edge of the cave and the outline of multiple stormtroopers waiting to catch them.
" No. No, we're not." He informed." Stormtroopers. They're flanking the mouth of the tunnel. It looks like an entire platoon. They must know we're coming."
" Stop the boat." Cara ordered, but the droid continued to row down." Hey, Droid, I said stop the boat. Hey! I'm talking to you. I said stop!"
Pulling out her blaster she shot the head off of the droid out of anger, but it did not stop the ferry from moving down the lava river.
" Looks like we fight." Cara muttered.
Din shook his head," There are too many."
" Then what do you suggest? 'Cause I can't surrender."
" They will not be satisfied with anything less than the child. This is unacceptable. I will eliminate the enemy and you will escape." IG-11 declared earning everyone to be confused.
" You don't have that kind of firepower, pal." Din concluded turning to face the droid." You wouldn't even get to daylight."
" That is not my objective."
" We're getting close. Saddle up." Cara notified getting her rifle at the ready.
" I still have the security protocols from my manufacturer." IG-11 continued." If my designs are compromised, I must self-destruct. I am not permitted to be captured. I must be destroyed."
" Are we gonna keep talking, or get out of here?" Greef questioned while IG-11 handed Din the jetpack.
" I can no longer carry this for you. Nor can I watch over the child."
" Wait. You can't self-destruct. Your base command is to watch the child." Din objected." That supersedes your manufacturer's protocol, right? Now, grab a blaster and help us shoot our way out."
" Victory through combat is impossible." IG-11 calculated looking over to the edge of the tunnel." We will be captured. The child will be lost. Sadly, there is no scenario where the child is saved, in which I survive. Please tell me the child will be safe in your care. If you do so, I can default to my secondary command."
" But you'll be destroyed." Nadia pointed out.
" And you will live, and I will have served my purpose." IG-11 replied looking over to Din." There is nothing to be sad about. I have never been alive."
" I'm not sad." He lied.
" Yes, you are. I'm a nurse droid. I've analyzed your voice. It's just like when you told the girl goodbye." He revealed one last time before climbing out of the ferry and into the lava.
" IG? What're you doing?" Greef called out, but the droid never stopped walking through the lava to get to the entrance.
" Manufacturer's protocol dictates I cannot be captured. I must be destroyed."
In a ball of fire, IG-11 exploded with no trace and evidence that he was ever a droid to begin with. Even so, Nadia felt the sadness ache at her wishing it didn't have to happen. When the ferry came to the opening, stromtroopers laid on the ground injured, out cold, or dead from the blast, but none of them moved a muscle allowing them to roam free.
Or so they thought...
A single engine roared as a Tie-fighter flown in the sky and it would of been harmless or normal if it wasn't coming right at them.
" Moff Gideon!" Cara alerted as they all fired at the sky the same way he was firing at them missing by only a couple feet." Our blasters are useless against him."
" Let's make the baby do the magic hand thing." Greef suggested turning to the child sitting behind Nadia." Come on, baby! Do the magic hand thing."
Innocent as he could be, the child took Greef's gesture as a wave disappointing the man the very least.
" I'm out of ideas."
" I'm not." Din admitted strapping the jetpack to his back.
" Wait, what are you doing?" Nadia questioned.
" Here he comes!" Cara alerted, but Lexie couldn't focus seeing Din start up the jetpack.
" Din?" She called out again.
He didn't answer her, but simply jumped in the air the minute the tie-fighter got close enough and threw a lasso around it before being flown around like a rag-doll.
" Din!" She yelled in horror watching the Tie-fighter fly high in the sky.
He swirled in the sky while holding out retracting his lasso enough to be on top of Gideon's controls. He reached for his blaster to shoot when the tie-fighter swung again making him loose balance. Greef steered the ferry to the edge nudging Nadia to follow.
" Come on."
She nodded stepping off of the ferry quickly with her eyes glued to the tie-fighter nervously gasping when an explosion went off near the ship. Din grabbed a second explosive from his side holding it tightly before strapping two to the side and letting go. As he drifted, the Tie-fighter exploded hurdling down to the ground. Din watched as the ground came quickly at him rearranging his body and landed on the ground safely. He took a deep breath looking for the others only for Nadia to almost knock him down from her hug.
" I thought I said to not scare me again." She scolded looking at him with relief.
He smiled," Last time." He teased moving some hair from her face.
" That was impressive, Mando. Very impressive." Greef complimented walking over with Cara and the child." It looks like your Guild rates have just gone up."
" Any more stormtroopers?"
" I think we cleaned up the town." Cara said shifting from one foot to the other." I'm thinking of staying around just to be sure."
Nadia smiled," You're staying here?"
" Well, why not? Nevarro is a very fine planet." Greef spoke, but Nadia tilted her head a bit disagreeing." And now that the scum and villainy have been washed away, it's very respectable again."
" As a bounty hunter hive?" Din questioned.
" Some of my favorite people are bounty hunters. And perhaps, this specimen of soldier might consider joining our ranks." Greef replied causing Cara to chuckle.
" Yeah. I've got some clerical concerns regarding my chain code."
" And if you would agree to become my enforcer, clerical concerns would be the least of your worries." Greef remarked looking back to Din." But you, my friend, you will be welcome back into the Guild with open arms. So, go off, enjoy yourself. And when you're ready to return, you will have the pick of all quarries."
He looked over to Nadia before picking up the child from the floor with a smile.
" I'm afraid I have more pressing matters at hand." He stated getting another blush from Nadia.
" Take care of this little one." Cara instructed rubbing the child's ear lightly.
" Or maybe, it'll take care of you." Greef added.
Din nodded his head turning to Nadia seeing she clapped her hands a bit tiredly.
" It's going to be a long walk to the..." She said, but Din placed the child in her arms and wrapped his hands around her waist." What are you? Woah!"
Squeezing the child in-between them, she gasped being flown in the air feeling more scared than the child that was gurgling with excitement. Thanks to the jetpack, the ride was shorter landing in about five minutes compared to a days journey. When back on the ground, Nadia sadly looked to the body of Kuiil seeing he was still on the ground. She placed the child on the ground walking over and kissing his forehead in a sense knowing he was finally at peace.
" Rest Kuiil. You saved the child." She soothed.
Taking some time, they buried Kuiil for good marking his grave and always remembering the man from Arvala-7 that helped protect the child. Din started up the Razor Crest feeling like it's been forever when he noticed a certain gift poking out of his pocket. He pulled it out completely seeing the sapphire jewel.
Better late than never.
" Hey, um..." He spoke turning in his chair while Lexie strapped the child in.
She smiled waiting for him to continue, but he didn't sitting there with little movement as the fear overtook him.
" What? Did you rust?" She joked getting a soft chuckle from him.
" I got this for you back on Tatooine." He said presenting the necklace to her." You said you like sapphire."
She grinned," You remembered that?"
" Yeah."
She reached out taking the necklace softly," Din, it's beautiful." She complimented staring at the gem.
" Matches you." He flirted glad he finally got it right.
" Can you help me put it on?" She asked and he nodded carefully taking the necklace again and clasping it around her neck." All I wanted was to get off of Arvala-7 and now I'm in space with a Mandalorian and green baby."
He chuckled," Who knew?" He said when the Childs squelching caught both of them," What you got there?"
They both expected it to be something bad, but while lightly taking a look, Din smiled seeing the child was using his pendant as a teething ring.
" I thought I'll never see that again." He said tucking it into the child's tunic." Why don't you hang onto that?"
Nadia smiled at the exchanged taking a seat at her usual spot and smiling over to the Mandalorian.
" So where are we off to next, Din Djarin?" She questioned causing the man to smile behind the helmet.
" Where the galaxy takes us."
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lucrezia-thoughts · 3 years
Written in the Stars
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Pairing: Din Djarin x (F) Reader
Warning(s):  mentions of slavery, worried Din, Cara Dune, the empire
Series Summary: Peli Motto rescued you from becoming a Hutt pleasure slave. In return, you’ve been using some unusual skills of yours to keep her clients in check…but you were not prepared for a Mandalorian and his small green child to appear and change your life completely.
Chapter Summary: This REALLY wasn't going the way Din expected...
Link to Master List
Cara shifted her body so she was between you and the blaster fire coming in through the remains of the window and curled around you. You could hear Greef and Din fumbling to get Din's cuffs unlocked and then shuffle out of the booth. Once the blaster firing stopped, Cara moved back and let you get up.
"Mesh'la?" You could feel the anger and worry swirling around in Din as he reached out for you. You let him pull you close and look you over as Cara and Greef took position on either side of the window. "Get your blaster." He urged and lifted your dress up to pull the blaster from its thigh holster. Handing you the weapon, he leaned forward and pressed the helmet against your forehead quickly before he tugged you behind him and approached the window.
"Kuiil, are you back to the ship yet?" Din hissed into the commlink as the plaza in front of the common house filled with platoons of stormtroopers. Your breath caught in your throat as you waited for Kuiil to respond, but dread filled you when it stayed silent and the shrieking of a tie-fighter filled the air.
"Do you copy?" Din tried again as the tie-fighter touched down.
"Yes!" You sighed in relief when you heard it crackle to life and Kuiil's voice rang out into the common house.
"Are you back to the ship yet?" Din asked as you reached out to anxiously hold onto his arm. You were with your love, as long as the child stayed safe all of this would have been worth it.
"Not yet." Kuiil answered and your stomach clenched in worry.
"Get back to the ship and bail! Get the kid out of here. We're pinned down!" Din urged and the icy tendrils of dread bled down your body as a voice you recognized rang out from the plaza.
"You have something I want." The voice began and you wanted to throw up. "You may think you have some idea of what you are in possession of. But you do not. In a few moments, it will be mine."
"Kuiil... Are you there?!" Din tried again, wanting to make sure Kuiil and the child were safe, but the commlink stayed silent.
"It means more to me than you will ever know." The voice finished and you stumbled back onto the bench.
"Is there another way out?" Cara asked, turning to scan the common house for some miraculous escape route that might have been missed.
"No, that's it." Greef sighed, pointing to the door that lead out to the plaza.
"What about the sewers? The Mandalorians have a covert down in the sewers. If we can get down there, they can help us escape." Din explained and turned to look around.
You felt your chest tightening and could barely pay attention to what was going on around you.
"They're setting up an E-Web." Cara advised.
"It's over." Greef moaned, but Din shook his head.
"I found the sewer vent." He pointed it out to Cara and together they tore the section of booth covering it away.
"Get out of the way!" Cara warned and Din tugged you up and away from the vent.
"Mesh'la?" His voice was concerned when you started shaking in his arms.
"I know that voice..." You whispered and he pulled you closer.
"Who is it?" He asked, but there was no time to answer.
"I would prefer to avoid any further violence, and encourage a moment of consideration. Members of my escort have completed assembly of an E-Web heavy repeating blaster. If you are unfamiliar with this weapon, I am sure that Republican Shock Trooper Carasynthia Dune of Alderaan will advise you that she has witnessed many of her ranks vaporize mid-descent facing the predecessor of this particular model." The voice called out and Cara scowled.
"Or perhaps the decommissioned Mandalorian hunter, Din Djarin, has heard the songs of the Siege of Mandalore, when gunships outfitted with similar ordnance laid waste to fields of Mandalorian recruits in The Night of a Thousand Tears." Din's body went rigid against you.
"I am sure you thought bringing along a Zeltron courtesan would aide you in your goal, but-" The voice called out your name, but you hadn't needed any more confirmation. You knew who the voice belonged to. "-powerful though she is, is no match for a whole platoon of stormtroopers. The Hutts will be quite interested to know she is still alive; however." The voice mused and you reached up to rest your hand over the black fabric tied around your neck.
"Mesh'la-" Din called out to you, but your body went limp and fell to the floor as you whispered.
"My first client..."
A/N: I know this one is on the shorter side, but I promise I'll make up for it!! As always, comments and feedback are love!! Oh, and please let me know if you want to be tagged on updates!
TAG LIST: @ayamenimthiriel @mrsparknuts @absurdthirst @captainrexwouldnever @firstofficerwiggles @sirowsky @weirdowithnobeardo @harrys-stan @farfromjustordinary @ginger-swag-rapunzel @cosmicsierra @yasxthirteen @dee-vn @theamuz @the-bottom-of-the-abyss @niiight-dreamerrrr @styxfan06sworld @prideandpascal @what-iwish-you-knew
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hiscyarika · 4 years
Kir’manir: Chapter Four
vb. to survive
Word Count: 4.5k
Pairing: Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) x Reader
Summary: The Mandalorian must find a way to rescue the child and escape Moff Gideon.
Warning(s): Violence, Injury
A/N: Hey it’s been a while. Sorry about that. All of my inspiration for this series died for a while, but I was glad to be able to pick it up again at the news of the trailer that’s coming. This is a much shorter chapter than normal, partly because of my lack of motivation, but also because I felt that trying to put an entire episode into one chapter was a bit too much. So this chapter and the next will both cover the events of the last episode of season one. I really hope that you guys enjoy this, and here's to season two!
Tag Lists
Chapter One: Beroya, Chapter Two: Narudar, Chapter Three: Ruusaanyc
Gif by @bestintheparsec​
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As the Mandalorian looks into your eyes, he sees that they hold the same dread that tightens his chest. A silence falls over the cantina, and even the scores of troopers outside are deathly quiet. It’s an eerie feeling, and he knows that he needs to find a way out, a way back to the child before the worst can come to pass. He watches as you peek out the window, and he turns to do the same, finding countless blasters poised to fire. Shooting your way out isn’t an option, he knows. Not when the numbers are so blatantly in their favor.
“We have to find another way out,” you say, looking back to him. He can tell that, despite your worry, you’re doing your best to keep calm, schooling your breathing and focusing on the task at hand, even if it means stating the obvious next step. He nods in understanding, looking around the cantina for another exit route.
“There isn’t another way. We have to fight,” Greef says from where he stands behind another wall. But the Mandalorian cannot accept that certain death is the only option.
“What about the sewers?,” he suggests. His covert could be the key to getting out.
“The sewers?,” you ask incredulously.
“The Mandalorians have a covert down in the sewers. If we can get down there, they can help us escape,” he explains, and while he doesn’t expect any argument, he still finds himself relieved that you’re immediately on board with the idea.
You nod. “Great. Now we just have to figure out how to get down there,” you say.
“Checking for access points,” he replies, pressing a button on his vambrace to activate the scanner on his visor. It beeps softly in his ears as he looks around the cantina, and he just hopes that there is a direct route. If the three of you have to leave the building, the chances of survival plummet.
“What the hell are they waiting for?,” he hears you muse softly. He’s vaguely aware of the quickened footsteps of troopers, but he pays it no mind for the moment, knowing that they’re not approaching the cantina. “Mando we gotta go,” you call, your volume rising with the urgency in your tone, “They’re setting up an E-Web.”
“It’s over,” Greef relents solemnly.
Still Mando doesn’t look outside, and finally the visor trills as it locates the access point to the sewers. “I found the sewer vent,” he says.
You don’t hesitate, following quickly after him as he makes a swift break for the vent. He pulls one of the heavy chairs away from the wall, grunting with the effort as he throws it to the side and out of the way. You do the same with the other, and he moves to help you as you haul it away from the vent. Barely taking a second to catch your breath, you both begin to pull at the grate. You even plant a foot against the wall for leverage, but it’s no use even with your combined strength.
“It’s assembled!,” Greef warns, “How long until that thing’s cleared?”
The Mandalorian stands again, letting out a huff of air. His mind is running at hyperspeed trying to figure out how to clear the way.
“Blow it,” you tell him, but he shakes his head.
“I’m out of charges,” he replies. He then moves to try and pull at the grate again, but he hears you pick up the heavy repeating blaster that you’d brought with you. Standing once more, he moves out of the way as you position yourself in front of the vent, firing at the metal grate in hopes of blasting straight through it. Once you’ve done some damage, you bring your foot down hard on the grate, but the effort is still fruitless.
Again, the man from the TIE fighter begins to speak. “Your astute panic suggests that you understand your situation. I would prefer to avoid any further violence, and encourage a moment of consideration.” Interest piqued, the Mandalorian begins to move slowly back towards the window, but makes sure that he’s shielded by the wall in the event that the troopers open fire.
“Members of my escort have completed the assembly of an E-Web heavy repeating blaster,” the man continues. But the Mandalorian feels his heart skip a beat as the strange man speaks your name. What shocks him is not that he knows your name. It’s hearing the name of the planet you were born on.
The same planet he was.
He’s not sure how to process this information. That your parents were lost to the same attack as his. But how could you both have suffered this way and ended up on such different paths? Surely the Mandalorians wouldn’t have taken him but left you behind. And then a thought crosses his mind.
Maybe you’re dar’manda.
But he has no time to think about it.
“Or perhaps, the decommissioned Mandalorian hunter, Din Djarin, has heard the songs of the Siege of Mandalore, when gunships, outfitted with similar ordnance, laid waste to fields of Mandalorian recruits in The Night of a Thousand Tears,” the man outside says. At this, he steps forward, knowing that the threat has grown much more if this man knows his name. He ignores the way that your head whips around to face him, now that you know the information he had once refused to you. Very few people in the galaxy have ever had access to it, and he wracks his brain trying to figure out how this man could possibly have learned his name. The hairs on the back of his neck bristle and his body tenses. He lets out a heavy breath, suddenly far less confident than he had been about your escape and survival.
“I advise disgraced magistrate Greef Karga to search the wisdom of his years, and urge you to lay down your arms and come outside. The structure you are trapped in will be razed in short order and your storied lives will come to an unceremonious end.” It’s now that Din allows himself to look at you, and he can see that you’re just as confused and on edge as he is. But there’s something between anger and determination swimming in your eyes. He knows that he can’t give up yet. There’s still the sewer vent, if only he could find a way to clear the grate.
“What do you propose?,” Greef calls to the man outside.
“Reasonable negotiation,” comes the simple answer, though Din surmises that it won’t be so straightforward.
Greef scoffs. “What assurance do you offer?”
“If you’re asking if you can trust me, you cannot. Just as you betrayed our business arrangement, I would gladly break any promise and watch you die at my hand,” the man grins maliciously at this, “The assurance I give is this: I will act in my own self interest, which at this time involves your cooperation and benefit. I will give you until nightfall, and then I will have the E-Web cannon open fire.”
“I say we hear him out,” Greef offers.
“You can’t be serious. We’ll be dead the minute we open the door,” you retort, an incredulous look on your face. You don’t even consider the suggestion.
But Greef is quick to counter. “We’re dead if we don’t. At least out there we’ve got a shot.”
Din watches you pick up your heavy blaster again, poised to try once more to blast the grate open. “We can’t trust him. We’re outgunned and outnumbered. It’s suicide.”
“What about you, Mando?,” Greef asks, clearly looking for someone to be the deciding vote.
“I know who he is. It’s Moff Gideon,” Din answers. It took him some time to put all of the pieces together, but he’s sure.
You go still and tense at the words. “No. Moff Gideon was executed for war crimes,” you say in disbelief, but he can see in your eyes that you know it to be true.
“It’s him. He knew my name,” Din tells you.
Greef is unconvinced. “So? What does that prove?”
Din turns to him then. “I haven’t heard that name spoken outside of the covert since I was a child,” he confesses, and he can see that the admission piques your interest.
“On Mandalore?,” Greef pries further.
“I was not born on Mandalore,” he explains, and he can’t help but turn to look at you instead, searching for any sign that you might know who he is now. That you remember him from your shared past. But he finds no hint of recognition in your eyes.
Greef carries on, still confused. “But you’re a Mandalorian,” he says, clearly having a fundamental misunderstand of what it means to be a Mandalorian.
“Mandalorian isn’t a race,” you reply, sure and confident in the statement.
“It’s a Creed,” he finishes.
And then he’s taken back. Back to the day that the battle droids and gunships destroyed his home. The screams mixed in with blaster fire and toppling buildings. He remembers his parents, running through the streets in hopes of finding shelter. He remembers calling for his father as he was placed in that cellar, the lonely darkness that followed his mother’s last goodbye, her last “I love you.” The explosion that took them both so soon after his own safety was ensured.
And then the doors opened, and his childish hope made him believe that somehow it might be his mother and father coming back from him. But instead he was met with the sight of a battle droid, blaster aimed and ready to end his innocent life without hesitation. It was one of the few times that Din can remember being truly terrified, but still he’d braced himself. So young and yet staring death in the face with more courage than anyone his age should have to muster.
But even after a blaster went off, there was no pain, and he’d watched as one of the Mandalorians took out the droid, silently offering his hand. Din had taken it, not knowing that doing so would change his life in a way that he never could have imagined. And even as he’d clutched onto that Mandalorian as he flew away, watching his home become smaller and smaller in view, nothing could have prepared him for the path his life would take him on with the tribe.
Din breaks himself from the onslaught of memories then. He has to focus on the task at hand. There’s no time to dwell on the past. “I was a Foundling. They raised me in the Fighting Corps. I was treated as one of their own. When I came of age I was sworn to the Creed. The only record of my family name was in the registers of Mandalore. Moff Gideon was an ISB officer during the purge. That’s how I know it’s him,” he finishes explaining. He tries to shake away the anxiety swells in his chest, a frequent gift of these memories. There are still nights that he lies awake thinking about his parents, about the destruction that he’d witnessed at such a tender age. And the old screams mix with newer ones, creating nightmares that tear him from his sleep and leave him in a cold sweat.
“That’s how he knows who we all are,” you continue, and he studies you closely for a moment. But even as he searches his memories of the attack and growing up in the Fighting Corps, he can’t remember you. It’s odd. You’re not the kind of woman he’d forget. But there’s no time to discuss the past when danger lurks so closely in the future.
“He says he needs us, which means the child got away safely. I was worried when the ugnaught didn’t respond, but if they’d captured the kid, we’d already be dead,” Din deduces, suddenly feeling a bit more relief. As long as the child is safe, then he can handle the rest. To Din, that’s the only thing that matters, even if protecting the little one costs him his own life. He knows that he has to keep the kid safe.
“Try them again,” you tell him, standing again and moving to the side of the window, your eyes carefully watching the troopers that now stand without Moff Gideon. Din rolls his eyes though, as Greef takes a shot of whatever glowing alcoholic drink sits in front of him, though he can’t say that the behavior surprises him.
He brings the comlink on his wrist closer to the helmet. “Come in, Kuiil. Kuiil?,” he tries, but still he’s met with the same silence from before. “Nothing,” he tells you.
You don’t turn away from the window. “They might have jammed the link,” you reply, a rising sense of urgency in your tone. The time to act is quickly approaching, and still there’s no clear path of escape.
But then there’s the sound of the child’s excited chittering on the other end of the link, and for a moment Din has hope that the ugnaught managed to get away safely with the ship.
“Kuiil has been terminated,” IG-11 informs him.
You feel your heart sink when you hear the droid’s words, and you find yourself mourning the sweet ugnaught that you’d barely known. For all his hard work and the strife he’d endured at the hands of the Empire, this was not the way that he deserved to die. But you’re grateful for him, because you know that the child would have already been lost without him.
“What did you do?,” you hear Mando snarl into the comlink, and while you understand his aversion to the bounty droid, now is not the time for such hostility. IG-11 is just as worthy of your gratitude as Kuiil now. He’s the only reason that Moff Gideon hasn’t taken the little one and killed the three of you yet. You’re able to look past your own wariness. The Mandalorian should too.
The droid comes onto the comlink again. “I am fulfilling my base function,” he says.
“Which is?,” Mando demands.
“To nurse and protect.”
You’re not sure what the droid plans to do now, but somehow you have faith that the baby will be protected. If that’s the only good thing that comes out of this failed mission, then you’re okay with that. Even if it means your own death. Anything to keep Moff Gideon from getting what he wants.
But then you hear blasts in the distance. You press yourself against the wall, giving yourself a better look at the perimeter without making yourself more vulnerable to the troops outside. As you look down the street, you’re able to see large plumes of smoke in the air. Whoever is causing the damage is coming closer. “Look!,” you call to the Mandalorian, watching as the troopers turn towards the new attacker.
You move away from the wall, able to get a better look at what’s going on. The attacker comes closer, and you’re finally able to see that it’s IG-11, riding a stolen speeder with the child. The droid jumps off of the speeder, letting it glide forward and crash into the unsuspecting troopers. You duck at the resulting explosion, but quickly stand again.
“Cover me!,” Mando calls to you, and you silently nod, grinning to yourself as you hop onto the bar. You sit on your knees, aiming out the window and opening fire on the troopers. The droid has given you a chance. You won’t waste it.
Your eyes never stop moving, your mind working in overdrive to determine where the worst of the threat is. But you’re always honed in on the two men and the droid, making sure that none of them are taking more fire than they can handle, and that the child isn’t harmed. Metallic clanging meets your ears, and your eyes move between the Mandalorian and IG-11. Cursing under your breath, you take aim at the troopers that have turned on the droid, and you feel your heart leap into your throat as he falls to his knees. You start to move off of the bartop, ready to rush out there and grab the child yourself if it becomes necessary.
But the stormtroopers start taking heavier fire, and you have to laugh triumphantly when you see that Mando has picked the E-Web cannon off of its mount, cutting their ranks down in just a short amount of time. It’s impressive, really, and you’re just glad that he’s so quick on his feet. You suppose it’s part of the reason why he’s gained such a reputation in the Guild; there’s hardly a situation that he can’t handle.
IG-11 slowly rises again, and a breath of relief is released from your lips, knowing that the kid is still safe. Not another second passes though, and you’re thrown to the ground by the force of a blast. Without looking you know that there are stormtroopers in the cantina. You peek up over the side of the bar, finding a death trooper among them. It’s nothing you can’t handle, but you’re cornered.
After the shock of the explosion has worn off, you stand, opening fire on the five troopers. You hit two of them before you duck down again to avoid their own blaster fire. It doesn’t take you long to dispatch the other three.
You turn to look out the window when you hear the sharp sound of the beskar taking a hit. Your heart drops to your stomach as you watch Mando face off with Moff Gideon. There’s nothing you can do as the Moff changes his aim, shooting at the crate of ammunition that sits just a few feet away from Mando. You drop your heavy blaster, opening your mouth to warn him, but the damage is done before you can scream.
The explosion blinds you for a few moments, but once the smoke has cleared enough for you to see outside again, you feel like you’re going to be sick. The Mandalorian lies on the ground, unmoving. You mutter frantically to yourself as you take the smaller blaster from your thigh holster, spewing cursing and prayers alike as you run to him. There’s no hesitation to your movements as you grab him by his front and haul him up.
Hooking your arms under his, you drag him with his back to your chest into the cantina. To your relief, IG-11 and Greef Karga follow soon after. “Stay with me, Mando. Come on,” you plead, taking him over to where the sewer grate is. You grunt with the effort, but eventually lay him down against one of the chairs you’d displaced earlier.
“This is our only path out. Can you clear it?,” you hear Greef ask the droid, and you’ve never been happier to see an IG unit than you are now. Now that you no longer need to worry about an escape route, you turn back to the Mandalorian, knowing that he’s the one that needs your full attention.
“Stay with me,” you tell him, looking him over to find any injuries that you might be able to treat. You just need to get him back on his feet long enough to get out. If he has such faith in his covert, then that’s good enough for you. You just have to get to them.
Mando’s chest heaves with labored breaths as he turns to look at you. “I’m not gonna make it. Go,” he orders.
You shake your head. “No. I’ll carry you out if I have to. We’re all getting out of here.” You keep your voice calm but firm, your hand coming to cradle the back of his neck, feeling for any head injuries that you might be able to find with the helmet still on. Your stomach twists into a knot as you bring your hand back. The wet warmth you’d felt was blood. But you can’t reach the wound without taking the helmet off.
“Leave me,” he pleads, gasping for breath. You feel panic rising in your chest.
You know he can’t, but you ask it of him anyway. “You have to let me take the helmet off,” you tell him, though you make no move to remove it yourself. You could never compromise him that way, not against his will.
At your words, he startles, grabbing onto your wrist despite the fact that you haven’t moved. But you understand the immediate need to stop you from doing anything. “No. You leave me,” he insists. Behind you, you can hear IG-11 working on removing the grate. You wish there was a way to speed up the process. “You make sure the child is safe. Here,” he gasps, using his free hand to pull something from around his neck. He then drops a necklace into the hand he’s holding onto. You don’t recognize the strange creature that the pendant is molded into. “When you get to the Mandalorian covert you show them that. You tell them it’s from Din...D-Djarin,” he instructs shakily. He has to take a moment to catch his breath. “You tell them the Foundling was in my protection...and they’ll help you.”
You close your fist around the necklace, shaking your head. You consider for just a second what it would mean to leave him behind. You’d be responsible for the child, and you have no idea what the Mandalorians will do if you bring them this necklace and speak his name. The idea of speaking his name for the first time after leaving him to die alone makes you feel sick.
“Not like this. I won’t let you die,” you tell him, and to your surprise, emotion wells up in your chest. Your voice breaks and you feel the beginnings of tears burning at your eyes. You can’t let him go that easily, not after everything that the two of you have been through trying to keep the child safe. And the idea of being left alone with a kid with powers you can’t even begin to understand: it’s terrifying.
You can’t do it.
“Let’s go. You’re coming with me,” you say, trying to lift his nearly dead-weight on your own.
“I’m not gonna make it and you know it.” It’s harsh, final. You don’t want to admit it, but he’s right.
Before you have a chance to react, flames come rushing through the door of the cantina. You instinctually throw yourself on top of Mando, shielding his body with yours. Sweat immediately beads across your skin as the intense heat of the flames hits your back. You lift your head when the attack ceases, and you’re only vaguely aware of the fact that the Mandalorian holds on tight to you as you look up towards the door.
When you see nothing, your gaze quickly shifts over to the IG unit, who still works on opening the path to the sewers. Your heart pounds in your chest as you try and figure out what the next move should be. You hate this, the way that you’ve allowed the situation to affect you so severely. In the midst of any other job, you would have found a solution by now.
Mando grunts in pain, trying to draw in a decent breath. “You protect the child. I can hold them back long enough for you to escape. Let me have a warrior’s death,” he says. The tears welling up in your eyes blur your vision then, though you can’t tell if they’re caused by panic or emotion at this point.
“I won’t leave you here,” you tell him, conviction dripping from every word.
“This is the Way,” he breathes. You know you can’t argue with him anymore.
Another wave of fire comes through the door, and you press yourself close to the Mandalorian, your forehead touching the spot on his helmet where his own forehead would be. A single tear manages to escape your eye.
When you look up again, you gasp at the sight of an incinerator stormtrooper. Your gaze flits between Mando, Greef, IG, and the child, and in just the couple of seconds that it takes, you realize that there is a very real chance that none of you will survive the next few moments. There’s not enough time to react. The trooper raises his flamethrower again.
As he releases the flames, you once again shield Mando, thinking that your death is imminent but at least in doing this he won’t be in the direct line of fire. You wait for the searing pain that you’re sure will result from being burned alive, but it never comes.
You lift your eyes, able to see the child pull himself to his feet, his arms raised as he looks to the wall of fire coming right for all of you. To your amazement, the fire never reaches the baby, and is instead held off by some invisible shield, one you know to be the strange powers he possesses. You sit up, trying to find your blaster. Maybe you’ll be able to dispatch the trooper yourself while the kid holds the flames at bay. But the little one, with just a motion of his hand, sends the fire right back at the stormtrooper, blasting him backwards and out of the cantina.
You don’t have words. You’re frozen in place, only broken from your state of shock when you hear the grate being kicked in. “Come on! It’s open, let’s go!,” Greef calls to you. You look at the child, finding him unconscious much in the same way that he was after he healed Karga’s wound.
“Go,” Mando implores you, struggling to breathe. “Go.”
You hesitate, looking to Greef and IG-11 for any kind of assistance. You still hate the idea of leaving the Mandalorian to die alone.
“We have to move. Now!,” Greef tells you.
“Go,” Mando tells you, one last time. He squeezes your forearm, which he is still holding onto from when you’d protected him, and though every fiber of your being screams against it, you rise from the floor, taking the child from the droid. He’s in the satchel again, sound asleep.
You hold the child close to you, placing the necklace that the Mandalorian had given you inside the satchel with the little one for safe keeping. “Escape and protect this child. I will stay with the Mandalorian,” IG says.
Reluctantly, you nod, holding the child in one arm and picking up your heavy blaster with your free hand. “Promise me you follow...with him,” you reply firmly.
“You have my word,” the droid replies.
You let out a soft breath, making your way over to the opening in the wall. There’s a moment of pause, and you take one last look at the Mandalorian, knowing full well that what the droids brings could be a body. You have no idea what means IG-11 has to treat Mando. “Goodbye,” you breathe, hardly audible.
And with that, you descend into the sewers, leaving the Mandalorian behind.
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moonlitdesertdreams · 3 years
Judgement Call (Din Djarin x OC)- Chapter III
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A/N: Trigger warning for miscarriage :(
Chapter III: The Compound
Zakia couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled up as she watched her Mandalorian attempt to ride a Blurrg. 
He was growing frustrated quickly after being thrown to the ground time after time, and the Ugnaught just watched. He insisted that being a lady, Zakia would be spared the lesson as long as Din was able to master it. There was no need for them both to learn the skill if only one was needed to direct the reins.
“Perhaps if you removed your helmet.” The Ugnaught called from his position beside Zakia.
She tensed, expecting a snappy remark about Mandalorian culture. Din surprised her, sitting up with hands propped behind him.
“Perhaps he remembers I tried to roast him.”
The Ugnaught shook his head, motioning to the Blurrg which paced aimlessly about the corral. “This is a female. The males are all eaten during mating.”
Zakia gave a one-shoulder shrug, tightening her headwrap. “Least I’m not alone.”
After another failed attempt and Din inquiring about a landspeeder instead of the creatures, the Ugnaught pointed at his chestplate. “You are a Mandalorian. Your ancestors rode the great Mythosaur! Surely you can ride this young foal?”
Zakia watched the creature grunt and growl at Mando, but her partner seemed to have a realization at the Ughnaught’s words. He approached slower, murmuring to the beast. This time, he was not bucked off, and Zakia smiled brightly in his direction before remembering her face was concealed.
“‘Bout time, Mando!”
A brief lesson in long-distance riding passed, and the Ugnaught helped them saddle and mount the Blurrg. The creatures had a sharp slope to their back which made riding more taxing, but a special saddle lessened the effort. Their shared Blurrg huffed in protest when Zakia neared, but it merely shuffled about. Mando extended a hand from its back, and the blonde firmly grasped onto him. She pushed off the ground, and Din used his strength to catapult her onto the animal behind him. They settled quickly, and followed their guide into the rocks of Arvala-7. They crossed long stretches of cracked ground and rocky cliffs, the Blurrg toddling about as their riders directed.
It was at a cliff overlooking a circular clearing that the Ugnaught drew to a halt. Zakia peeked out from where she had been using Din’s cloak as a barrier between her back and the sun, squinting at the harsh light. She leaned around Mando, trying to catch a glimpse of the hideout.
“That is where you will find your quarry.”
Din offered the Ugnaught a small stack of credits, but the creature shook his head. “Please. You deserve this.”
“Since these ones arrived, this territory has been an endless stream of mercenaries seeking reward and bringing destruction.” Their faithful guide looked out over the hideout, and Zakia used Mando’s shoulders as leverage so she could do the same.
“Then why guide us?”
“They do not belong here. Those that live here come to seek peace.  There will be no peace until they’re gone.” The Ugnaught appeared sad as he spoke, and Zakia turned to him while keeping a hand on Mando’s hip to steady herself.
“Then why do you help?”
A thoughtful look took over the normally neutral face of the small man. “I have never met a Mandalorian. I have only read the stories. If they are true, you will make quick work of it. Then there will again be peace.”
The other Blurrg spun as its ride tugged the reins. “I have spoken.”
As the alien moved away, Zakia shifted behind Din. “And I’m chopped liver.”
The pair placed themselves on a rocky protrusion, staying low to avoid detection. Zakia withdrew a pair of thermal binoculars and Mando followed suit with a small scope. She lost count while trying to assess the number of enemies.
“There’s too many.” She muttered, lowering the binoculars.
“Oh no.” Din groaned from beside her, and Zakia looked to him.
“What is it?”
Another glance through the scope and he answered: “Bounty droid.”
Zakia dropped her forehead against her arms. Bounty droids were, by far, one of the worst inventions. In her opinion. She did not share Mando’s severe aversion to droids, but she hated the bounty droids. Mindless machines created to take credits away from hardworking hunters like herself when she used to travel alone. “I hate those things.”
She watched the IG unit approach the hideout, its speakers blaring the pre-programmed surrender orders that were the same throughout all models. When one of the enemies- they appeared to be Nikto- lifted a blaster, the unit began firing. It took down several of the Nikto, though many escaped into the fortress of a building.
Din stood, shaking his head. “Droids.”
Zakia rolled her eyes at his dramatics but stood, sliding down the rocky slope a few steps behind the Mandalorian. He followed the droid’s path in, but hid behind pillars as he did so. Zakia stayed low to the ground, using various barrels and crates for shelter. Both blasters drawn, she had them at the ready on either side.
“IG unit! Stand down!” Din’s command was echoed by a blaster shot that ricocheted off his gleaming Beskar pauldron. Zakia scrambled for cover as Mando was tossed in the direction of her hiding place by the force of the droid’s shot.
“We’re in the Guild, you rusty pile!” Zakia snapped, snatching the tracking fob from Mando’s waist as he stood. She waved it around so the droid could see.
“You are Guild members? I thought I was the only one on assignment.” The IG until’s monotone crackled out of its speakers like it needed an upgrade.
“You thought wrong.” Zakia lowered the blasters, allowing Din to shove them both towards cover. The Mandalorian stuck his helmet out to watch the droid.
“So much for the element of surprise!” He hissed. Zakia shook her head, but kept both blasters primed and drawn.
“Sadly, I must ask for your fob. I have already issued the writ of seizure. The bounty is mine.”
Zakia opened her mouth in what was doubtlessly going to be a loud and sarcastic remark, but Din held up a hand and swiveled to face their annoyingly by-the-book counterpart.
“Unless I’m mistaken, your are, as of yet, empty-handed.” Mando growled.
Almost childishly, the droid answered: “This is true.”
“I have a suggestion.” The Mandalorian made sure that Zakia was watching their back as he attempted negotiation with the droid.
“We split the reward.” Din offered. Zakia turned to him in shock. He told her there was a camtono of Beskar waiting. There was no way he would endanger something so precious to Mandalorian culture.
“This is acceptable.”
Mando sighed, “Great. Now let’s regroup, out of harm’s way, and form a plan.”
Zakia knocked her head against the stone pillar as the droid began to chatter about merit, but quickly snapped to attention when blaster fire began.
“Oh no. Alert. Alert. Alert.”
Din lunged out from his hiding spot to shoot the droid’s assailant. Another came out firing from a compound door, and Zakia was quick to drop him in the threshold. They began making their way across the compound, attacks coming from every direction.
“I’ll go high. You take out the ones on the ground.” Zakia exchanged a nod with Mando, and he yelled to the droid to move. Zakia took out most of the opponents using high ground to their advantage, while Mando and the droid focused on the ground assault. Zakia lowered a blaster once to shoot a Nikto who came careening out a door towards them, dropping him with a bolt hole in the head. They ended up ducking behind a wagon for cover, where Din withdrew his fob and checked the proximity to their target. A large utility door that was slid shut hid most of the compound’s insides, and the Mandalorian motioned to it.
“He’s in there.”
“Affirmative.” The droid said.
Both living hunters ran for cover behind more stable items, while the IG until remained in the open. Zakia might have some disdain for bounty droids, but she was impressed purely by the firepower and whirling machinery. Her and Din were separated by almost fifty feet, her behind a stack of thick crates and him with his back pressed into a stone wall. They fired off shots whenever the Nikto’s fire slowed, and the creature’s numbers seemed to steadily decrease.
Mando was exchanging words with the droid- both of whom were too far for Zakia to hear, while she continued firing upon the Nikto whenever she had the chance. She saw Mando run for the utility door’s controls, pulling at the panel whilst the IG unit covered him. Zakia kept up her shooting, helping the droid distract the Nikto’s from Din’s actions.
It became abundantly clear they were outnumbered. A Nikto dropped off the roof in front of Zakia, and she was quick to grab the dagger Din hid in her boot to slash at the creature’s throat. It choked momentarily before dropping, and she staggered back a few steps. She was still at least thirty paces from Din and the IG unit, who were back to back behind a stone wall. Zakia dropped to her knees, pressing her back into a stack of metal storage grates while she primed both blasters and replaced her dagger.
“Shit.” She spat, hauling in breaths in an attempt to keep her nerves in check. They were vastly outnumbered, with no reasonable chance of escape.
“We’re shooting our way out!”
Din’s voice was faint, barely audible over the chaos and blood rushing to her ears. Zakia leaned forward to watch her partner, who nodded in the direction of their enemies. She returned the gesture, swinging out from her post at the same time as Mando.
She froze. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
A heavy repeating blaster was hovering at the mouth of the compound, one Nikto hanging onto the controls. He began firing at their appearance, and all three hunters found themselves pinned into their hiding spots to dodge the heavy fire. Zakia looked across the open space to the Mandalorian and the droid, watching as Din gestured towards the E-Web. He noticed Zakia’s glance and pointed at the droid then in the direction of the repeater.
“Drawing their fire. Got it.” Zakia nodded, and watched the IG across a short span of open space. The artilleryman immediately shot at the unit, and Zakia took the opportunity to peek above her crates and fire off two shots. One sent the gunner flying, and another took out the Nikto attempting to replace him. A grappling hook from the Mandaloraian’s armor shot out and hooked the blaster, spinning it back onto its owners. Zakia sped from her cover and hopped into the gunner position. Her slight form barely tipped the weapon’s hover matrix, but after she pushed the repeater its weight assisted her in spinning it. She aimed for each and every Nikto that was visible, spinning in a hard circle and keeping her finger tight on the trigger the whole time. The noise was almost unbearable and the recoil was enough to send her tumbling but she held on until no one else looked to be moving.
Mando was crouched down behind her and the droid was laid up against a wall near the door Din and been fumbling with. Zakia raised a brow and stepped carefully from the E-Web’s base. The circle had cast a bit of dizziness over her senses, but her adrenaline was pumping.
“Whew! Damn, that was crazy.” She rested her hands on her knees, pretending not to hear the chuckle that slipped through Mando’s voice modulator.
“Well done.” The mechanical voice whirred up again, sounding even more broken than before. “I will disengage self-destruct initiative.”
Zakia raised a brow under her headwrap. “Self-destruct?”
“He was trying to opt out when we got pinned.” Din told her, striding to the downed droid and helping pull to its feet. “You know, you’re not so bad. For a droid.”
“Agreed.” The robot replied.
Zakia nodded. Despite their initial spat, the droid had assisted them greatly. His relative invulnerability compared to her and Mando had come in handy. “I also agree. You took a good hit, though, is everything-” She waved a hand from head to toe, “-functional?”
“Running a quick diagnostic.”
The IG’s cylindrical head spun around once, and the whirring of computer parts echoed in the silent space. “It had missed my central wiring harness.”
“Is that good?” Din asked.
Zakia, disregarding their usual job professionalism, stepped forward. “Yes, darling, that is good.”
“The lady is correct.”
She could sense the eyeroll.
“Well…” The Mandalorian drawled. “Now we just need to get the door open.”
Zakia opted not to be the one firing the E-Web as they all debated using it as an impromptu way to bust down the door. Her ears were still ringing from the first go around with the gun, and she had no desire to swing around on it again.
Thankfully in Mando’s hands, the door was opened quickly and efficiently. The IG until broke down the smoldering metal after it had been thoroughly shot apart. Zakia could smell the burning steel, wrinkling her nose and stepping in behind Din. She jumped in surprise as the Mandalorian drew his blaster and fired in quick succession, taking out an ambush before she could spot it.
“Anyone else?”
No answer.
They continued into the darkened room. It was full of discarded items and random tech that the Nikto obviously lacked the skills to use. Zakia wandered out on Mando’s left side, approaching a pallet of empty camtonos and a strange white container. It was covered partially with netting, and Zakia pushed it away gently.
“Zakia,” Mando started, “It’s-”
She leapt back as the sides of the white container slid open, revealing a bundle of blankets hidden inside. Her jaw dropped as the contents became apparent.
It was a child.
The tiny form was green in color, with impossibly big eyes and ears. The ears were the length of its head, and the eyes watered nervously as she watched. It cooed softly at the blonde, reaching up tiny hands in her direction. Her heart skipped a beat, and her mouth moved like a fish out of water. She didn’t do children anymore.
Not since her own was taken from her.
“Miss! Miss, you have to relax! We’ll take care of you.”
Zakia’s vision was blurred by tears and the red-headed healer stroked her face gently. The pain shooting from her stomach into her legs was near unbearable, and she was sure the blaster bolt tore her to pieces.
“The Mandalorian- w-where is he?” She gasped for breath.
“Mandalorian?” The healer was frantically mixing some herbs together in a bowl, mashing them into a paste. “There was no Mandalorian when we found you. But you’re very hurt. Let me help you.”
The woman’s voice had a soothing quality about it that Zakia couldn’t fight against. She went limp against the bed. A sting on her neck and the throbbing, radiating pain in her body began to slow.
“I need to do surgery to remove the debris. This potion will render you unconscious.” The healer brushed a hand over Zakia’s wild hair, bringing the mixing bowl close to her nose.
She shook her head, trying to get away from it. “You- you can’t cut- I’m-”
“What is it?”  The healer pulled the bowl away, allowing Zakia a final pure breath.
“I’m p-pregnant.”
Her savior froze, and Zakia felt her hands feel her abdomen. She didn’t flinch as the woman gently moved her legs, but she did track her as soon as she was back in view. The red-head looked on the brim of tears herself, and bit her lip.
“I’m so sorry.”
Zakia’s agonizing wail stopped as the potion was forced under her nose.
Zakia shook off the memory and turned back to Din, trying not to betray the emotion on her face. “T-this can’t be it. You said it was fifty years old.”
“Species age differently. Perhaps it could live for centuries.” The droid offered, stepping forward to examine the creature. “Sadly, we’ll never know.”
“No!” Din stopped the droid, while Zakia sat mute on the floor. Her normal sarcasm had abandoned her, and she knew the Mandalorian knew exactly what was wrong. “We’ll bring it in alive.”
“The commission was quite specific.” The droid said, pulling a blaster and aiming it past Zakia at the tiny bundle. “The asset was to be terminated.”
The Mandalorian was unmoving, but Zakia could see the fingers going for his blaster. He was too slow.
A shot was fired, and the child cried out in fright.
The IG dropped into a heap on the ground, smoke pouring from the hole in its head. Zakia dropped the blaster as soon as she’d fired, standing up. Her thoughts were swirling, clawing at one another like caged tigers. This thing was their bounty. It was a job.
But it was a baby.
Mando stepped forward, and Zakia swallowed thickly. She couldn’t do more than stare at her blaster as it laid on the floor.
“I couldn’t- I couldn’t let it-” She stuttered, but Mando spared her the embarrassment. His gloved hand reached out and wrapped around the back of her neck in a strange gesture of comfort.
“I know.”
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