#EA: Midgard
toart · 5 months
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All of Tendie's outfits thusfar! Basic - This is Tendie's everyday one. They're cozy. Friundr - Their first (very cold) adventure up north. They hate cold. Faewild - Fancy fancy fancy, because the fae are judgemental (and because they finally were meeting their best friend's mom and wanted to make a good impression) Collegium - Their academic robes at the Arcane Collegium. The red and gold they have ever present on their outfit represents their constant study of history. The blue scarf was a gift, but they make sure to keep it tucked in so they can show off their regalia. They are a TA and so they don't have full teacher's garb, but want it VERY badly.
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 years
@tangleweave   {{XX}}
While the Verbena were perhaps one of the least regimented of the Traditions, as steeped in ancient mana that runs as deep as blood, Beth herself could be mistaken for one of the more ascetic groups. She doesn’t eat much, she often finds herself mid-prayer when chips are down or up, and abstinence in all of its terms is a marathon sport for her. So when it comes to her idea of pampering, there might be a lot left to be desired, yet she can tell that Bill is at best skeptical about it all. Were she better versed in the culture of his people, she would understand it at the core of her own world view and agree wholeheartedly. She knows all about improper management of land and resources; her home has become a tourist destination while being illegally occupied. Water was for a time rationed for those who came to seek rest and respite while the local people went without basic living allowances. She is extremely privileged, this much she understands but she goes out of to do for others as often as possible. Doing for him, as a recompense for her rescue, as bonding through the care and enjoyment as two friends wrapped up in their interstellar solitude, then what harm could come from it? Solace is just as important as vigilance as far as his duty went. She learned this from her brother, from other soldiers throughout her life. Perhaps her argument swayed him, or perhaps he simply ceased resisting out of kindness. Some part of her believes fervently that while his people dream, safe within their technological bed, dream of his deeds, his experiences. So what pleases him trickles into their psyche and brings them smiles. That when his heroics are sung across the stars, they feel pride. They feel safe. He is their sentinel, their living hope. He is their hands and their legs and their eyes. He is their everything but more than that, she knows that every once in a while, he needs to give himself a chance to rejuvenate his spirit. She can feel that he doesn’t really care for this sort of thing, and she has some questions as to whether or not the cucumber slices ~meant to soothe puffiness and reduce dark circles on the skin~ can have the same effect on him as they do on her; not just a snack but the hydration helps with the dryness and redness of the delicate skin there, something she’s come to notice about space-travel. She isn’t as resilient here as she is when her feet touch Grandmother’s skin. Were Bill to come to Ea…Midgard… would Grandmother be so different to him as the river of eternity? Once the wax has coated his huge hand and she lets it drip to dryness, she allows him to set it down and repeats the process with the other. Paraffin dips are one of nature’s best delights. She keeps it in her beauty regime at home because it makes her hands soft and silky, perfect for even the most sensitive skinned of her patients. The babies in the NICU and the critical ones in the ICU. She will never admit that sometimes she wants to do this with her entire body for the sheer luxury. His answer mirrors what she would say if the same question were posed. She could have been a surgeon, instead she is a nurse. Her duty is to live within natural law and heal as much damage done by others as she can. Her duty is to recognise mythic threads and to protect them, cultivate them, and help them continue to exist in an increasingly hostile world. She is not a warrior but they are not so different.
His admittance brings her up short though, and the clay mask on her face cracks a little as her brows rush toward one another in a clear expression of disbelief. “Television? Really?” Being Awakened means that her perspective is so much broader, so much fuller in a certain sense than most humans but she can’t imagine Bill doing something so…. Mundane. And while she’s now spent enough time in Skuttlebutt’s cockpit to know what he looks like when he’s guiding the ship’s controls, she cannot translate that into him sitting in a recliner built for such a large Korbinite. Slippers on his feet, maybe a blanket in his lap and a remote in hand, surfing channels between commercials. But if she did, she’d be willing to bet it was Soap Operas and dramas like the one with the Scottish guy and the nurse. When he explains it, melancholy settles around her shoulders. “I think my world would disappoint you greatly. Once there was nothing but wonder; man would look up at the heavens and understand both his place across all the realms and dream of what lies behind the Little Bites. Then one day other men decided that there was no magick, no fantasy. That everything could be Reasoned, and every explanation they invented, with every rule that banished gods and beasts from existence, their new sciences became one more finger choking the light and life and imagination out of life. And that’s the war we fight every minute of every day…being the ones trying to bring back that fantasy.” She picks up a bowl of clean water and blows across it as if lavender scented steam rose from the surface, which in turn made the water to a perfectly warm and wonderful temperature. A little bit of magick for an Angel. Placing it on a rolling cart with towels, she drags it over and settles on the arm of the chair. She dips a wash cloth in it and wrings it out before she begins wiping the clay mask away from his face, starting with his jaw. “You yearn for your family. You miss them so much that in dreams you sometimes feel like you’re gonna die without them. Other times, you despair of ever finding a companion because you hate feeling so alone, so different from everyone and everything, but you also…It’s the hope I can’t quite taste. Maybe because you should hold onto it.” She winks at him with a soft, barely-there, smile.
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bookofmirth · 2 years
What do you think about the theory that Azriel is the rightful High Lord of the Dusk Court and Elain is going to be his High Lady by the end of ACOTAR5? I've seen E//liels saying that most of their theories were proven right in HOSAB and it also means EA are true mates because of someone named Urd. Is it so?
I don't go onto their blogs, but I know that they are not feeling real confident right now. I'll just leave it at that.
However, re: Dusk Court - there still is no such thing. There was a land of perpetual dusk that existed before the current Court system was established, meaning there never has been such a thing.
Could there be a Dusk Court in the future? Yes.
Would Azriel ever be a High Lord?
Boy couldn't even hold his shit together in front of Eris. He's a loose canon. Some people are leaders and some are not. IMO, Azriel is going to be the MC of the next book, but he will never be in that type of political position because he is in no way suited for it. At all. Kinda like how Cassian was an MC and still in his same position. Chaol was an MC and didn't turn into a king.
Also - the main thing we know about the land of dusk is that it's where fae in Midgard originally came from. We don't know a whole lot more about that land. We assume that that is why Bryce and Ruhn have their Starborn powers. Ruhn and Rhysand are practically twins on a physical level. They are both daemati. @falteringshadows and @courtofsunandshadow both commented on this post with some other info about Ruhn's connection to Rhys, not Azriel.
Just because the Dusk Court could exist - it hasn't before and it doesn't now, so that's a big if - doesn't say anything about those two getting together and ruling it.
If some people think that the whole "true mates" thing is true, that is them seeing two words together in the same sentence and not actually thinking about what they mean. I wrote about that here.
I will also say that, in context, "true mates" in hosab was used to refer to fae who have mates, as opposed to other types of magical beings who just like each other a lot, or are forced together by the Asteri. In other words, characters like Elain and Lucien, who are fae and have a fae mating bond, are "true mates". fwiw 😌
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theatrelove3000 · 4 years
Would and Will
I went through a phase where I loved the idea of the Avengers going out to party so I have a few that are similar. This one was written not long after Hey Baby. I also wrote smut with this one but I didn’t include it in this copy of the fic.
Background: Noelle and Loki were “Bound” by a witch in Alfheim after a battle they fought in. This means that the witch split each of their souls in half and one half switched places. Noelle has half of Loki’s soul and vise versa. They can feel each others emotions and hear each others thoughts Noelle is also Half Asgardian, half Midgardian. Her father is Tyr and her mother is of Midgard.
Summary: Noelle and Loki go out partying with the Avengers and spend the day in their apartment the day after. They even have a guest.
Warnings: Implied smut, swearing probaby, fluffy fluff fluff.
Would and Will
Noelle POV:
Loki and I are laughing hysterically as we stumble into our room at Stark Tower. He catches my arm before I fall down completely and starts chuckles at the face I make. I slip off my five inch heels and just sit on the floor with my back to the dresser and pull him to sit down with me. He is unbuttoning his shirt as I lay my head on his shoulder.
The Avengers happened to all be off duty at the same time so they decided that we must all go out and spend a little "family time", as Tony called it, together. We found a really cool bar not far from the Tower and decided to go. Loki didn't want to go, he would have preferred to sit at home and be antisocial with his books but Thor and I managed to convince him to come along. All the Avengers met in the lobby and were driven in a limo by Happy to the bar. Of course, Tony had offered to buy out the bar for the night but Pepper told him it would be good if we had some social interaction with people not on the team.
We had a blast. We drank, we danced, we laughed. By the end of the night, Steve and Nat were all over each other and at that point, we decided to take our leave. The car wouldn't start and eventually Nat looked at all of us and says, "Guys, we have saved the world how many times? We can walk the 3 blocks back to the Tower." Then loops her arm through Clint's and starts walking back to the Tower. Now, imagine a group of 12 drunk adults that are famous for their powers walking down the street, hanging all over each other. Wanda is on Vision's back, Steve and Bucky have their arms around each other, Thor has his arms around Bruce and Loki's shoulders while Loki is holding my hand, and Nat and Clint follow Pepperony. Tony and Pepper seem to be the least intoxicated of all of us and are walking arm in arm like the power couple of the century as they lead the way back to Stark Tower. All of us were goofing off and darting around like kids on a field trip and just laughed loudly the whole walk home. The only thing I can say, other than I had more fun with my friends tonight than I have had in a long time, is thank goodness we were walking back at around two in the morning because we were in no shape to deal with people coming up to us and ask for pictures.
Loki nudges me, bringing me back to reality. "Hello? Where did you go?"
"Sorry, sorry. What were you saying?"
"I was thanking you for forcing me to attend. Though I hate to admit it, I had a splendid time."
I grin and curl into his side, "I'm so glad!"
His arms snake around me and pull me onto his lap and I get slightly light headed. He laughs and wraps an arm around my back before I fall over. "I also," he adds in my ear, "thoroughly enjoyed Midgardian dancing."
I blush and giggle nervously. I remember him asking about dancing on Earth when we were on Asgard when I first got there but he never really experienced it, except what he saw in my head.
"I'm happy I got to show you then." I tell him with a teasing smile.
"As much as I adore Asgard, I could definitely grow accustomed to residing here on this planet." He lays his head on top of mine.
"So you think Earth could be your home, then?"
"No," He replies quietly, "I said I could reside here. My home is wherever you are, darling."
My vision gets misty and I kiss his jaw. He turns my head and captures my lips with his. My arms wrap around his neck. My fingers tangle themselves in his hair, pulling him closer, deeper. He lifts me up and carries me to the bed. He never breaks the kiss. He lays me down, climbing on top of me. I push his unbuttoned shirt off his shoulders and toss it to the floor, running my hands over his chiseled chest and arms. His mouth finally moves from mine but never leaves my skin, trailing down my cheek, my ear, my neck, my throat.
"Loki," I sigh quietly in his ear. It only makes him more forceful.
He pulls one strap of my dress down and just as he goes for the zipper there is a knock at the door. He ignores it at first but the knocking becomes more persistent. He groans, letting his head fall on my shoulder before standing and takes a deep breath before opening the door.
"Brother! I have found you! Why have you snuck away? You are supposed to be in the glass box thing because you tried to kill New York." At this point I can't help but laugh at Thor's drunken state and I can see Loki is trying to keep it together. I stand up and walk over to Thor. But before I could say anything, "LADY NOELLE! When did you get here?! Has Loki kidnapped you? For shame, Brother!"
Loki just loses his cool in every sense of the term. He has to sit down on the floor so he doesn't fall over while poor humongous Thor looks very confused indeed.
"Thor, why don't we take a walk? We can catch up a bit before I see the Avengers tomorrow."
His face changes from confusion to childish delight and he offers me his arm. I take it and escort him to his room, explaining that I have been an Avenger, along with Loki, for a while now. He starts tearing up because of how proud he is of his brother. When we finally reach his room, I put him to bed the way I have seen his mother do when he was a child through memories of her and walk out, turning off the lights. He is snoring before I close the door.
I shut the door to Thor's room but before I could turn around, I feel an arm around my waist and a hand over my mouth so I don't scream. My body tenses and I start to try and escape the person's grasp.
"Don't scream, it's me." Loki whispers in my ear. I calm a bit in his grip and he moves his hand from my mouth down my body, ending at my hip.
"Don't relax, too much, darling. I'm not done with you yet." He growls in my ear. I turn around in his arms and pull his face to mine.
'Jump.' He whispers into my mind. I do as I'm told and wrap my legs around his waist. He walks us back to our room and locks the door behind him.
Loki POV:
The sun is streaming into the room when I awaken. I slowly become aware of my body and the pain thundering through my head, then the little body next to me, breathing lightly.
I roll onto my side and pull her into my chest, burying my face in her hair. She makes a small sound and cuddles into me, pulling my arm tighter around her. I smile and start to go back to sleep when someone knocks on the door.
So much for that plan.
The knocking makes Noelle stir and groan. I put a hand on her waist to still her before getting up to address the knocking. Pulling on my pants, I make my way to the door. Upon opening it, I see the blonde-haired buffoon of a brother standing before me.
I roll my eyes at him, shutting the door. Before I can get it all the way closed, Thor wedges his foot into the open space and forces his way in with loud, boisterous laughter. I shush him but it's no use. The man has no volume control.
I hear Noelle move in the bed and turn to see her open her eyes. The light in the room must have made the headache that I can feel she has worse because she moans, swears and turns her face into the pillow. Looking back at Thor, I notice the blush on his face as he saw the state she was in. In most relationships a man has with his brother, if the man were to walk in to find a naked woman in his brother's bed, he would congratulate him.
Unless this man sees the woman in his brother's bed as a sister. Then it is more amusing for said brother to watch the man embarrass himself.
I chuckle at the face he makes. "Have you learned your lesson on barging into someone's room unannounced?" I ask him softly. He nods but stays put, not picking up on my hint to take his leave.
"My apologies, Brother. I came to collect you both for breakfast but it seems as though you will be skipping it."
"Thor, sweetie, if you don't shut the hell up I will punch you in the throat." Noelle's muffled voice says from the bed. I laugh and immediately regret it because of the glare I receive. Thor shuts his mouth and leaves the room as I crawl back over to Noelle.
"How are you feeling, darling?" I whisper as quietly as I can.
"Shhh, that was way too loud. You're practically screaming." She says covering my mouth with one hand and putting the other to her temple, shutting her eyes.
I contain another laugh and pull her to me, laying my hand on her head where her hand was before. I hear her sigh in relief and I know the spell is working. I smile at her and stroke her silky hair.
We must have fallen asleep again because the next time I open my eyes, she is gone. When she walks back in she is in my button up from last night and a pair of sleep shorts. She has two plates in one hand, and two containers of water in the other. Seeing me awake, she kisses me and hands me a plate along with the oddly shaped water container. I look at the plate and am delighted to find my favorite Midgardian food: pizza.
"Good morning, dove." I say to her as she climbs back into the bed beside me as I sit up to take the food and drink.
"I think you mean afternoon. It's nearly one in the afternoon." She giggles then winces slightly.
"Still have a headache, then?" I ask her, moving some hair out of her eyes.
"It isn't as bad as it was this morning. I need to eat before I decide whether or not to take something for the pain. What about you?" She asks, reaching over the bedside table to retrieve what she calls the remote for the Television, "Are you as hungover as the rest of us?"
I chuckle and shake my head, "I may have been a bit ill this morning but I recovered quickly."
She rolls her eyes playfully and I pull her into my side. I drape one arm around her shoulders and she curls into my side. She turns on a show about a man in New Jersey who makes cakes that look like things. She seems happy so I am glad to watch it with her.
Her little device that she keeps trying to talk me into getting begins to buzz. She picks it up to look at it and smiles. She shows me that she received a message from Steve that is an image of his lover, Bucky. In this image, Bucky is laying halfway off the leather sofa in the living room of the Tower. His legs are on the sofa but the majority of his body is halfway off of it, his dark locks spilling about him on the floor. He looks to be asleep. It is a rather funny image for the normally brooding man.
The little thing makes a noise again and she reads the message she received from the Spiderling.
"Peter would like to come hang out with us, if you are alright with that. Tony isn't here to entertain him and though he loves the others, it's hard for him to be around them without fangirling too much."
"I only understood about a third of what you said but I do know that I rather like the little Spiderling. He may come in here if he wishes but I do request that you put on some clothes." I tell her as I glance down at her bare legs. The shorts barely go down passed her arse. I am the only one allowed to see that and I would like to keep it that way. Noelle chuckles at my thought but stands up and finds some pants, muttering, "So possessive." Under her breath.
Before I realize what I did, I am right behind her and snake my arms around her waist, earning a squeal of surprise from her. "I am possessive;" I breathe in her ear, "I was never one to share." I kiss her neck right under her ear. She reaches up behind her and runs her fingers through my hair, sighing. This only makes the fire flare up more.
Before I can do anything else, she pulls away and puts some clothing on. Just as she finishes with her jeans, the little Spiderling walks in. He knocks first but doesn't wait for an answer. I suppose he could hear what was happening with his Peter-Tingle or whatever his Aunt and the Avengers have taken to calling it.
"Hi, Pete. You bored with Steve and Bucky?" She wraps her arm around his shoulders in a side hug. He puts his head on her shoulder and arm around her torso, hugging back. It looks a bit funny because he has to bend down because of her height. He certainly isn't tall in any sense in the word but she isn't either.
"No, they just aren't as fun as you and-" he stops suddenly as we make eye contact, "MR. LOKI!" he shouts, causing Noelle to wince as he jumps away from her side as though she had electrocuted him. I smirk at him as I read what had caused him to panic. He thought I would become jealous of him touching My Noelle. Silly boy.
"Hello, Little Spiderling. How are you? Feeling a bit guilty, are we?" I do my best to keep from laughing at the shade of red his face turns.
"He's kidding, Peter. Ignore him." I look at Noelle, who knows what I am doing, as usual, and has an eyebrow raised at me. She is very protective of the boy. Understandably so considering all that he has been through for a child of his age.
Peter Parker glances at me skeptically before returning to Noelle's side, slightly behind her this time, I notice. Noelle giggles and drags him to the sofa in our room that is not far from the bed. She sits next to the boy in a way that made him feel protected but also invites me to sit beside her.
With a snap of my fingers, I have a dark green t-shirt on top of the black sleep pants Noelle had bought me for situations like the one we were in this morning. I make my way over to the seat and pull her into my side as she flicks through the shows and argues with Peter on what they should watch. They eventually settle on a show I have never seen before. Probably for good reason, too. It is called Once Upon A Time. It seems that Noelle has a bit of a crush on one of the characters: a pirate by the name of Captain Hook or Killian Jones as the blonde lead calls him.
The show is interesting enough, full of magic and mystery and adventure. Nothing compared to the books I read but very good considering it's Midgardian origin.
By the time the fifth season of the show is over, Noelle has fallen asleep with her back to my chest, face turned into my neck, and Peter Parker sleeps with his head in her lap. I decide to let Peter sleep there and create an illusion of Noelle and myself so as to not disturb his slumber until I get Noelle situated. I lift her easily into my arms and her arms instinctively snake around my neck. I lay her down in the bed and cover her with the green sheets before returning to the boy.
I am rather skilled in moving sleeping people, considering I have moved Noelle as she slumbers often, so he does not awake as I rearrange him so he may be more comfortable and cover him with the blanket Noelle keeps on the back of the sofa. I send a message to the Avengers to tell them where he is so they do not panic at not finding him in his room. As soon as I am sure Peter is comfortable and sound asleep, I return to my own bed, where Noelle has awoken and is sitting there, watching me care for the child.
I spot her grinning at me and crawl over to her, casting a silencing spell around the bed as I do, so our talking does not wake Peter.
"Why did you not make it known to me that you were awake?" I whisper, though I know that it does not matter how loud I am. The spell is strong enough to cover screams.
"I wanted to watch you be a mom without disturbing you." She giggles and pulls herself across the bed to reach me. She doesn't need to work that hard. As soon as she is close enough, I wrap my arms around her waist and drag her to me. We sit together like that for a moment before what she called me registers fully.
"Darling, did you call me a mom?" I ask, smiling down at her.
"I did," she laughs, "that's what you were just doing. You were moming the 'Little Spiderling.'"
"I was not aware that caring for youth was considered parenting in this Realm."
She smirks, "What you just did was more than caring for him. You sat there to make sure he was asleep and rubbed his hair as you walked away."
I was not aware that I did that. I think about it for a moment. It is not as though I do not know how to parent a child. I had a son before but he never grew to be Peter's age. I do miss him everyday.
"You miss being a dad. It's understandable, Loki. It's a terrible thing to lose a child, especially the way you lost Nari." The sound of his name coming from Noelle's voice calms my raging mind. I turn my head and kiss her. She is cautious but eventually gives in. I lay down, pulling her on top of me. She pulls away for air and rests her head on my chest, her hand over my heart. I play with her fingers with one hand and draw patterns on her back with the other. She smiles slightly and I feel love course through our connection.
"Would you marry me?" I say softly.
She stops moving for a moment before replying.
I grin. I feel her confusion through the connection. She thinks that was a very uncharacteristic way for me to prop- "Darling, do you think so little of me to believe that was a proposal?"
She looks up at me with a raised eyebrow. "Is that not what that was?"
I chuckle, "I asked if you would marry me, not will you marry me. There is a difference."
"You cannot be serious." She laughs.
I give her a serious look, "Dead serious." She giggles, I pull her tighter into my side, "Believe me, Love. When I propose to you, you will know." I kiss her forehead and feel the joy and adoration vibrate through her to me.
I begin humming and she falls asleep quickly. I follow soon behind her, hearing her slow steady breathing, feeling at home.
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Original Timeline
On Dominaria/the Material Plane/Midgard, a species called the Thran/Jotunn/Engineers studied elemental magick. There were no differentiation of mana colors at that time; all magick was one and the same. Already by this point in the timeline concepts of good and evil are invalid; the Thran performed very many great and terrible works, and the Engineers seeded life on very many worlds across the galaxy.
A sickness called Phyresis spread throughout the Thran nation. Many people grew sick and died. A mage named Yawgmoth worked towards a cure but wound up becoming corrupted and propagated it instead. The Thran sealed Yawgmoth in an artifical world, where he festered for a very long time.
Far away, the planeswalker Serra/Isis created Serra's Realm, a realm of perfect light. And for awhile, it was good.
The planeswalker Urza/Ugin/Osiris/Orion assaulted Phyrexia, and was strictly beaten. The atmosphere of Phyrexia was absurdly toxic. Urza, reeling, fell from the plane and through the space between worlds, eventually landing in Serra’s Realm. Serra nursed him back to health for five years. He brought concentrated darkness, manifested as a sentient black oil, to a plane that had until that time known only light. The Phyrexians, pursuing Urza, came to Serra’s Realm and utterly mutilated an entire plane of angels. Facing a war he could not win, and not wanting to cede Serra's Realm to the Phyrexians, Urza collapsed the world into a powerstone.
Kerrigan, Terran ghost 24601, was betrayed by Osiris and left behind on the world of Mar Sara/Serra's Realm, where she was kidnapped by Zerg and mutated into Hela, the Queen of Blades. Later, she was decapitated by Jim/Bill/The Man In Black and her head was placed on an artificial body; Bill went on to commit a multitude of atrocities while wearing her face. Captain Marvel is the result. Note that the Captain Marvel in the film Captain Marvel is actually the head of Serra/Kaya, Ghost Assassin/Kerrigan on a mechanical body, while the Captain Marvel in the Avengers: Endgame trailers/Kaya, Orzhov Usurper is Adam wearing her face.
In Chrono Trigger, circa 12,000 BCE, the world was stratified between magick users and the earth-dwellers. Schala/Ninki, Janus/Enki, Queen Zeal, the missing King Zeal/Mammon, the Mammon Machine; interventions by time travelers of the middle era would result in the destruction of the Mammon Machine/Tolarian time machine/amit, which hurled all present into remote corners of time.
Schala was devoured in the amit. Janus was sent into the modern era (2018) as Elon, who traveled back to Zeal to (unsuccessfully) alter the destruction of the Mammon Machine and the ensuing Time Crash.
Schala/Ninki/Serra survived and eventually went on to write a book about why letting Janus persuade her was the worst decision she'd ever made, and also described in detail Janus's death: they had purchased a boat together; he went out fishing one day and never returned. The coast guard eventually found the boat with Janus's clothes folded on the deck.
Urza had been working on a time machine on Tolaria/Zeal/Asgard. The Phyrexians managed to get an agent called {(K'rrick/Billith/Hela)/Jim (Freyr Destructive)} onto Tolaria, and on 2017.01.18, Hela destroyed Tolaria. In a moment of panic, Urza sent back a golem named {Horus/Thor/Karn(Xantcha/Gerrard/Serra)/Lore(Freyr Honorable)} to stop the invasion, destroying the time machine/mammon machine in the process and shattering spacetime.
Over the course of centuries, the Rifts on Dominaria grew and multiplied, pulling in alternate timelines and future and past events. People from eras all over history vanished from their timelines and were pulled into the wreckage of the time crash; e.g. Amelia Earhart, the Philidelphia Experiment. Multiple versions of the same people, e.g. Braids, Dementia Caster and Braids, Conjuror Adept, manifested concurrently in a single timeline. A time mage named {Teferi(Sutekh Honorable)} sacrificed his godhood to seal the rifts (possibly resulting in his entombment which led to him becoming Bolas-Yawgmoth; hard to say at this point).
Schala/Eris/Discord/Dis of the Vanir, me, hi., her erasure from existence, the golden apple, Paris presiding over alloting it to Hera, Aphrodite, or Athena; the goddesses' bribes, Paris(Probably Ravana) (possibly in his recurrent incarnation as the Prophet) taking Aphrodite's option and selecting Helen of Troy/Hela/Isis/Ninki/(Probably Sita) (possibly for the express purpose of using her as fuel), the entire Trojan War/Time War.
The Phyrexians could not return to Dominaria, but over the millennia found ways to influence other worlds remotely. They created another artificial plane, called Rath, and filled it with a substance called flowstone, which expanded outward from the stronghold that formed it. Rath was placed close to Dominaria/Midgard, and over time overlaid the terrain, resulting in a single continuous plain.
Phyrexia (Mirrodin/Asgard) invaded Dominaria (Vanaheim). 99% of the world’s inhabitants died. Urza and Bolas/Yawgmoth had both been preparing for the invasion for thousands of years; Urza managed to destroy Phyrexia and kill Yawgmoth. Urza himself was killed when he fell in love with the pinnacle of Yawgmoth’s creations, a sanctum of metallic, artificial life in imitation of natural life. He was decapitated by the ubermench he had engineered over those thousands of years to destroy the world which he subsequently fell in love with.
At some point, the Library of Alexandria was burned down by St. Cyril, and Hypatia (me, hi) was skinned alive, raped, and dismembered;
After the Dominarian apocalypse, Karn became fused with the Phyrexian heart of Xantcha, the powerstone eyes of Urza, the genetic matrix of Gerrard, and the Barque of Millions of Years/The Weatherlight, a skyship powered by the powerstone that contained <the collapsed plane of Serra's Realm/Schala in the amit>. He went on to create an artificial plane called Argentum, which became corrupted by Phyrexian oil, seeded with life by its caretaker Memnarch, renamed to Mirrodin, and eventually mutated into New Phyrexia.
At some point Aku from the destroyed timeline came to Midgard and built a planar portal to go back to Thran Dominaria/Krypton, there was a battle with Superman/Adam, and as the comics tell it, Kara Zor-el, while fighting Aku, triggered the portal and sent Aku back to Krypton with the sickness he was carrying, causing the Phyresis event in a closed loop in time.
There were the events of Evangelion, where Adam and <listed as Lilith? Yet Nin Lil and Nin Ki are differentiated as deities> go back in time 4 billion years, etc etc, where they set up a base in order to manipulate the events of history; Adam was Elon and <Lilith?Eve was Nin Ki>, who he put into an amit on 2018.02.06.1545 which was used to power the time machine.
In Chrono Cross, two timelines diverge: One where Lavos ([La Vos/Big Fire]--Schala/Enki--Ninki) wiped out the dinosaurs (Vanir) in the First Impact and mammals (Aesir) came to inherit the material plane and build Chronopolis (Atlantis); and another, presumably the original, where the Vanir created a temporal complex called Dinopolis (Lemuria).
YorHa, apparently equivalent to Dinopolis, remains in the original timeline to present day, 11945 (After Epoch)/ 11947/2019;
Alternate Timeline
On Tarkir, Sarkhan Vol altered history such that a battle between Orion-Urza and Amun-Bolas that had been won by Urza had instead been won by Bolas. This resulted in an extinct species of dragons (the Vanir) that had been wiped out in the First Impact being restored to life, as well as the current mythos where Set destroyed Osiris and scattered his parts across the blind eternities.
At some point, Hermes(Prophet) gambled with Khonsu(Moon God) for five days worth of Time, so that Nut could bear Five Children: Osiris, Isis, Nephthys, Sutekh, and Horus; doing so stretched the planet's orbital period from 360 days to 365 days, causing it to deviate from and cutting it off from the Prime timeline; the reason this arbiter was 85 years late in arriving to oversee the procession of the zodiac was because Sol-3 was not where it was supposed to be when it arrived.
The First Impact was the collision of a giant spherical object, designated the Black Moon, into Earth approximately 4 billion years ago. As a result of the impact, huge amounts of debris, including the Black Moon's rocky exterior, were thrown into orbit, eventually coalescing into Earth's satellite, the Moon. The core of the Black Moon and the Seed of Life Lilith contained within it remained intact, although Lilith's Spear of Longinus was somehow lost or destroyed during the collision.
In the Doctor Who mythos, the Doctor is Enki; the Time Lords are either the Aesir or the Jotunn; the Daleks are either the Vanir or the Jotunn, and are definitely the Phyrexians.
The Second Impact is a cataclysm which followed the "Contact Experiment" conducted on Adam in the South Pole on 2000.09.13. The awakened and injured Angel created a strong Anti A.T. Field which caused an explosion that melted the Antarctic ice cap and caused a shift of Earth's axis; climate changes and gigantic floods followed.
The biblical Flood occurred in 9900 BCE, where all the civilizations on Sol-3 were wiped out. Flood references in Halo and Mass Effect, both made by Ea, state that all life in the galaxy was destroyed. The Flood was plotted by Anu, Enlil, Ninurta, Ennugi, and Enki-Elon-Tesla. Enki warned Atrahasis/Utnapishtim/Noah, who built an ark, known in the Egyptian coffin texts as the Barque of Millions of Years, and filled it with the Ogdoad.
Amun-Bolas showed up, entombed three of the Ogdoad, brainwashed the remaining five, killed all the adults, and raised a plane of super-soldiers like crops. He left the plane he called Amonkhet, promising a fateful return when glory and light would come to the honored warriors. Instead, he killed everyone (i.e. Flood event).
Amun-Bolas took the army to Ravnica, which is equivalent to Coruscant of the Star Wars mythos; the War of the Spark on Ravnica is currently underway.
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toart · 8 months
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As much of the Midgard squad as I could make before I took a break!
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katakaal · 2 years
Comment jouer gratuitement à FIFA 22 sur Playstation ? Le célèbre simulateur de football d'EA Sports est mis à la disposition de tous les joueurs sur PlayStation Plus par Sony. Jouer gratuitement à FIFA 22 sur Playstation ? Tous les joueurs qui n'ont pas encore investi dans FIFA 22 peuvent maintenant se préparer à jouer gratuitement au célèbre simulateur de football, rendu disponible sur PlayStation Plus. En effet, les dernières sorties sur cette plateforme pour le mois de mai 2022 ont été dévoilées. Parmi les jeux ajoutés au service d'abonnement figure une offre intéressante. FIFA 22 parmi les jeux gratuits equipe 2002-Mondial 2002 parcours exemplaire pour les Lions de la Teranga Et c'est peu de le dire, puisque Sony a annoncé sur le PlayStation Blog officiel de la société que FIFA 22 sera disponible gratuitement. Cette déclaration se lit comme suit : "Les membres du PlayStation Plus pourront profiter de FIFA 22, Tribes of Midgard et Curse of the Dead Gods à partir du mardi 3 mai, date à laquelle les trois jeux pourront être ajoutés à leur ludothèque. Le programme de ce mois-ci comprend également un pack bonus FIFA 22 FUT, exclusif à PlayStation Plus." sadio mane À ne pas rater PSG, Kylian Mbappé : "Il faut créer une âme dans cette équipe"Barça : Laporta détruit le PSG sur le cas Mbappé et les joueurs "kidnappés par l'argent"Real Madrid : Karim Benzema sort du silence après la décision de Kylian MbappéAux anges avec l'AC Milan, Olivier Giroud a une pensée pour l'équipe de France Pack PlayStation Plus FUT pour FIFA 22 Ultimate Team Sénégal-France : le 31 mai 2002, le jour où les Lions de la Teranga ont terrassé les Bleus "Les membres de PlayStation Plus peuvent lancer leur toute nouvelle Ultimate Team ou renforcer leur équipe existante grâce au pack PlayStation Plus FUT pour FIFA 22 Ultimate Team. Ce pack comprend 11 joueurs classés 82 ou plus pour vous aider à constituer l'équipe de vos rêves dans FIFA 22 Ultimate Team, ainsi qu'un choix de joueurs de prêt Icon Moments, vous permettant de choisir entre certains des meilleurs ballers de l'histoire et d'ajouter l'un des trois à votre équipe pour cinq matchs". Quels autres jeux sont disponibles gratuitement ? Comment jouer gratuitement à FIFA 22 sur Playstation ok La franchise FIFA pourrait subir un sérieux lifting en 2022, EA Sports étant pressenti pour rompre ses liens avec l'instance dirigeante du football mondial et voler de ses propres ailes. Cela signifierait un changement évident du nom du jeu, mais une base de fans fidèles s'est déjà constituée. Il a également été question que la dernière production d'EA soit gratuite, car elle s'aligne sur les jeux concurrents. Pour rappel, le jeu eFootball de Konami (anciennement Pro Evolution Soccer ou PES) est déjà disponible pour les utilisateurs sans coût initial.
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kafunel · 2 years
Comment jouer gratuitement à FIFA 22 sur Playstation ? Le célèbre simulateur de football d'EA Sports est mis à la disposition de tous les joueurs sur PlayStation Plus par Sony. Jouer gratuitement à FIFA 22 sur Playstation ? Tous les joueurs qui n'ont pas encore investi dans FIFA 22 peuvent maintenant se préparer à jouer gratuitement au célèbre simulateur de football, rendu disponible sur PlayStation Plus. En effet, les dernières sorties sur cette plateforme pour le mois de mai 2022 ont été dévoilées. Parmi les jeux ajoutés au service d'abonnement figure une offre intéressante. FIFA 22 parmi les jeux gratuits equipe 2002-Mondial 2002 parcours exemplaire pour les Lions de la Teranga Et c'est peu de le dire, puisque Sony a annoncé sur le PlayStation Blog officiel de la société que FIFA 22 sera disponible gratuitement. Cette déclaration se lit comme suit : "Les membres du PlayStation Plus pourront profiter de FIFA 22, Tribes of Midgard et Curse of the Dead Gods à partir du mardi 3 mai, date à laquelle les trois jeux pourront être ajoutés à leur ludothèque. Le programme de ce mois-ci comprend également un pack bonus FIFA 22 FUT, exclusif à PlayStation Plus." sadio mane À ne pas rater PSG, Kylian Mbappé : "Il faut créer une âme dans cette équipe"Barça : Laporta détruit le PSG sur le cas Mbappé et les joueurs "kidnappés par l'argent"Real Madrid : Karim Benzema sort du silence après la décision de Kylian MbappéAux anges avec l'AC Milan, Olivier Giroud a une pensée pour l'équipe de France Pack PlayStation Plus FUT pour FIFA 22 Ultimate Team Sénégal-France : le 31 mai 2002, le jour où les Lions de la Teranga ont terrassé les Bleus "Les membres de PlayStation Plus peuvent lancer leur toute nouvelle Ultimate Team ou renforcer leur équipe existante grâce au pack PlayStation Plus FUT pour FIFA 22 Ultimate Team. Ce pack comprend 11 joueurs classés 82 ou plus pour vous aider à constituer l'équipe de vos rêves dans FIFA 22 Ultimate Team, ainsi qu'un choix de joueurs de prêt Icon Moments, vous permettant de choisir entre certains des meilleurs ballers de l'histoire et d'ajouter l'un des trois à votre équipe pour cinq matchs". Quels autres jeux sont disponibles gratuitement ? Comment jouer gratuitement à FIFA 22 sur Playstation ok La franchise FIFA pourrait subir un sérieux lifting en 2022, EA Sports étant pressenti pour rompre ses liens avec l'instance dirigeante du football mondial et voler de ses propres ailes. Cela signifierait un changement évident du nom du jeu, mais une base de fans fidèles s'est déjà constituée. Il a également été question que la dernière production d'EA soit gratuite, car elle s'aligne sur les jeux concurrents. Pour rappel, le jeu eFootball de Konami (anciennement Pro Evolution Soccer ou PES) est déjà disponible pour les utilisateurs sans coût initial.
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anexogeek · 2 years
FIFA 22 está gratuito na Playstation Plus de maio!
A Sony revelou os jogos para os assinantes do Playstation Plus, e estão incluídos o Tribes of Midgard, Curse of the Dead Gods e o FIFA 22!
A Sony revelou os jogos para os assinantes do Playstation Plus, e estão incluídos o Tribes of Midgard, Curse of the Dead Gods e o FIFA 22! Além disso, eles estarão disponíveis a partir do dia 03 de maio. FIFA 22 | PS5, PS4 Com tecnologia da Football e da EA Sports, FIFA 22 deixa o jogo ainda mais parecido com a vida real, com avanços de jogabilidade em cada um dos modos. Construa a sua equipe…
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actionfigureinsider · 6 years
The cold weather has begun to set in, but warm weather will follow, and with it will come some awesome items from Diamond Select Toys! Shipping in the spring, the following offerings include items based on DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Ghostbusters, Kingdom Hearts, Nightmare Before Christmas and Lady Death! Read on for details, then pre-order through your local comic shop or favorite online retailer!
DC Comic Gallery Dark Nights Metal Drowned PVC Diorama
A Diamond Select Toys release! How deep is your Gallery? The DC Gallery line of PVC dioramas goes even deeper with another addition to the Dark Nights: Metal series of sculptures – The Drowned! Leaping from the water surrounded by the tentacles of some huge beast, this aquatic Batman from the Dark Multiverse is the perfect addition to any Batman or Aquaman collection! The 10-inch diorama features detailed paint applications and comes packaged in a full-color window box. Designed by Caesar and sculpted by Alterton! (Item #NOV182291, SRP: $45.00)
DC Comic Gallery Batwoman PVC Diorama
A Diamond Select Toys Release! Never send a Batman to do a Batwoman’s job! Kate Kane, of the Gotham City Kanes, drops into the spotlight in the newest comic-inspired DC Gallery PVC Diorama! With her striking red hair and black costume, Batwoman is ready to leap into action in this approximately 8-inch sculpture. Made of high-quality vinyl with exacting paint details, it comes packaged in a full-color window box. Designed by Caesar and sculpted by Jean St. Jean! (Item #NOV182292, SRP: $45.00)
DC Movie Classics Gallery Dark Knight Joker PVC Diorama
A Diamond Select Toys Release! Why so serious? Heath Ledger’s greatest role is brought to three-dimensional life in this, the latest PVC Diorama in the DC Gallery line. Joining Batman and Bane, this 9” sculpture of the Joker as he appears in The Dark Knight depicts him holding a hand of playing cards with his clown mask and a bag of money at his feet. Made of high-quality vinyl with exacting paint details, it comes packaged in a full-color window box. Designed by Shawn Knapp and  sculpted by Rocco Tartamella! (Item #NOV182293, SRP: $45.00)
DC Movie Classics Vinimates Dark Knight Vinyl Figures
A Diamond Select Toys Release! They’re the Vinimates you need and deserve! The cast of Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy come to the DC Vinimates line with these three new releases: Batman, the Joker and Bane! Each 4-inch vinyl figure is sculpted in the Minimates block-figure style and strikes a pose straight from the movie. Packaged in a full-color window box. Designed by Barry Bradfield!
Batman Vinyl Figure (Item #NOV182288, SRP: $9.99)
Joker Vinyl Figure (Item #NOV182289, SRP: $9.99)
Bane Vinyl Figure (Item #NOV182290, SRP: $9.99)
Femme Fatales Lady Death IV PVC Diorama
A Diamond Select Toys Release! All hail Lady Death! Brian Pulido’s creation comes to life in a new Femme Fatales PVC Diorama! Depicting her wielding a ball of blue flaming energy, with one hand resting on a massive broadsword, this 9-inch sculpture is made of high-quality vinyl with exacting paint details, and comes packaged in a full-color window box. Sculpted by Sam Greenwell! (Item #NOV182295, SRP: $45.00)
Ghostbusters Marshmallow Egon Action Figure PX
A Diamond Select Toys Release! The 1984 horror-comedy classic Ghostbusters is as beloved now as it ever was, and this action figure captures one of its most iconic moments! The most serious and strait-laced of the Ghostbusters, Egon Spengler gets covered with marshmallow in this 7-inch scale action figure inspired by the film’s final scenes. This figure features newly sculpted parts and 16 points of articulation, plus alternate hands, proton pack, neutrino wand and display base. Sculpted by Gentle Giant! (Item #NOV182296, SRP: $19.99)
Kingdom Hearts 3 Select Action Figures Asst.
A Diamond Select Toys Release! The Kingdom has come! With Kingdom Hearts III fast approaching, DST is offering their first-ever figures based on the newest game! The first 2-pack features Maleficent with Diablo and Sora with the Starseeker Keyblade; the second features Goofy with his shield and Donald with his scepter! Each 7-inch-scale figure features multiple points of articulation, and each two-pack comes in display-ready Select packaging, with side-panel artwork for shelf reference. (Item #NOV182281, SRP: $24.99/ea.)
Legends in 3D Nightmare Before Christmas Jack Skellington ½ Scale Bust
A Diamond Select Toys Release! Let the festivities commence! Jack Skellington comes to life – and life-size – with this first-ever half-scale bust based on the acclaimed stop-motion film, Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas! Measuring approximately 10 inches tall, this museum-quality resin bust is limited to only 1,000 pieces and comes packaged with a certificate of authenticity in a full-color box. Designed by Joe Allard, sculpted by Joe Menna! (Item #NOV182294, SRP: $150.00)
Marvel Comic Gallery Thor
A Diamond Select Toys Release! By the power of Mjolnir! The Asgardian God of Thunder returns to Midgard – and the Marvel Gallery PVC line – in the form of this electrifying diorama! This sculpture of Thor in his modern garb captures him mid-strike, with lightning coursing through his hammer Mjolnir and into the ground. Made of high-quality vinyl with exacting paint details, this 8-inch sculpture comes packaged in a full-color window box. Designed by Caesar, sculpted by Mat Brouillard. (Item #NOV182284, SRP: $45.00)
Marvel Movie Gallery Avengers Infinity War Corvus Glaive PVC Diorama
A Diamond Select Toys Release! The first servant of Thanos is here! Corvus Glaive is ready to take on the entire Avengers in this new PVC Diorama from the Marvel Gallery line. With his glaive at the ready, Corvus measures approximately 8 inches tall, is made of high-quality vinyl with exacting paint details, and comes packaged in a full-color window box. Sculpted by Cortes Studios. (Item #NOV182282, SRP: $45.00)
Marvel TV Premier Collection Netflix Daredevil Resin Statue
A Diamond Select Toys Release! It’s a stairway to hell! Straight from the infamous fight scene in Marvel’s Daredevil Season 2 on Netflix, this 12-inch scale statue shows a battered Daredevil descending a staircase with duct tape on one hand and a chain in the other. Limited to only 3,000 pieces, it comes with a certificate of authenticity in a full-color box. Designed by Caesar, sculpted by Rocco Tartamella! (Item #NOV182285, SRP: $150.00)
Marvel Movie Gallery Black Panther Unmasked PVC Diorama
A Diamond Select Toys Release! From the blockbuster Black Panther movie comes this new, unmasked Marvel Gallery PVC of T’Challa himself! The Black Panther is ready to pounce on anyone who invades Wakanda in this variant sculpture based on the hit film, and it is in the same 9-inch scale as the other figures in the Marvel Gallery line. Packaged in a full-color window box. Designed by Joe Allard, sculpted by Rocco Tartamella! (Item #NOV182283, SRP: $45.00)
Marvel TV Gallery Defenders PVC Dioramas
A Diamond Select Toys Release! It’s time for a team-up! Luke Cage and Jessica Jones return to the Marvel Gallery PVC Diorama line with new costumes and sculpts based on their appearances in Marvel’s The Defenders on Netflix! Each approximately 9 inch sculpture is made of high-quality vinyl with exacting paint details, and comes packaged in a full-color window box. Designed by Nelson X. Asencio, sculpted by Rocco Tartamella! Previously a GameStop exclusive.
Luke Cage Diorama (Item #FEB178005, SRP: $50.00)
Jessica Jones Diorama (Item #FEB178004, SRP: $50.00)
Marvel Comic Gallery FCBD Black Costume Spider-Man PVC Diorama
A Diamond Select Toys Release! How spectacular is your Gallery? Spider-Man celebrates Free Comic Book Day with this black-costume variant in the Marvel Gallery PVC diorama line! Crouched on a web slung across an alleyway, Spider-Man lives up to his namesake in this all-new PVC sculpture portraying the hero in his element. Measuring approximately 7” high by 11 “ wide, this detailed sculpt by Alterton is based on a design by Caesar, and comes packaged in a full-color window box. Available through FCBD-participating retailers. (Item #NOV180013, SRP: $45.00)
  Find a comic shop at comicshoplocator.com!
Coming This Spring from @CollectDST: Batman, Thor, Black Panther and More! The cold weather has begun to set in, but warm weather will follow, and with it will come some awesome items from Diamond Select Toys!
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sirbadgerduke · 6 years
God of War: “The Dad and The BOY”
God of War, God of War 4? whichever you decide to choose to call it, I payed it, finished it and thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish, which was a few days ago. It’s fantastic to see a worn out franchise(and protagonist) gain some maturity and depth much later in in it’s life(and the protagonist’s). Now you might have seen the rave reviews, videos, etc, that claim it to be the “Game of the generation!” and while, I definitely think it’s GoTY material, I’m unsure if I’d actually call it that myself.So basically this is why I enjoyed this title.  God of War 4. or stylized as “God of War” is a sorta continuation/reboot of the popular hack ‘n’ slash, ultra violent God of War series developed by Santa Monica Studios. Originally, David Jaffe worked on the original and it’s first sequel, Where as the current title was directed by Carl Barlog. The game follows an older Kratos, who has left Greece to live a life in the Norse Realm of Midgard, here he has a wife and a son. The story follows both Kratos and Atreus(the song of Kratos who is affectionately referred to as “BOY”) as they head to the highest peak in all the realms to spread Kratos’ wife’s ashes, as her last wish. You face off against Aesir, Nordic monsters and undead, and even a dragon along your journey. As it begins, it grows from a simple coming of age tale, to much grander in the schemes whilst ending on that smaller, simpler note akin to the beginning.  First of, let’s talk about characterization, story and writing. Kratos gains a lot more depth than he ever had in previous iterations. Far from the ever rage filled murderer, he’s now cold and distant, averting from his past in a sort of shame filled expression, until he must beckon the call and embrace his past again. He has to teach Atreus how to survive as a warrior, and most importantly, as a man, all the while he’s learning himself on how to be a better parent now that they both lost the matron of the family.Little things from the simple “almost loving pat on the back” to when Kratos allows Atreus to carry his mother’s ashes to the peak, all signify how Kratos grows, and it’s superbly written. We cannot forget Atreus, from his naive “I just want dad to recognise how much I’ve grown” to his sudden realisation(and arrogance spike) that he’s pretty much a god to him coming to terms with the revelation, it’s paced well enough and tugs at your emotional heart strings here and there. Baldr, makes for a captivating antagonist, while you don’t see him all that much? he still is a compelling and surprisingly sympathetic villain. From the brotherly spat and affection of Brok and Sindri to the wry wisecracks and banter of Mimir, and ofcourse Freya, the supporting cast is just as delightful and well written.  The meat and potatoes, the gameplay. You’ll notice how you don’t wield the blades of chaos(not yet anyway) at the start of the game, but the “Leviathan Axe” is now your new arm. Combat is mapped in a Dark Souls like structure with an “over of the shoulder” camera angle added, this heightens just how much more primal, visceral and brutal the game has become. Long gone are Ultra violent, ultra gore riddled kills of yonder, replace with surprisingly less bloody but more grounded executions that still look stylish without it being too much. It’s a MATURE violent game that’s for sure, in both aesthetic and overall feel. There’s also some light customisation and RPG like systems almost similar to Destiny(only done RIGHT!).Bosses are pretty damn fun, although there’s an over reliance of Trolls, I would’ve toned them down a notch but the most fun are Baldr, the Dragon and the Valkyries(although they can be surprisingly cheap at times). All in all there’s a sense of “Metroidvania”aesthetic to the whole game, basically as you backtrack with new found abilities to unlock secrets and more loot and it never feels like you have to get all the secrets in every nook and cranny, you do as much exploring as YOU want to do. So level design is up next. It’s a breath of fresh to find a game that is both single player, linear and one with an actual fucking story! Levels are just big enough for exploration and moving along the story. It never feels overwhelming or too big, as many “open world” Games seem to feel like in my opinion. There are multiple realms to explore and traverse, even two “Post-Game” realms to get some nifty combat and exploration trials down(One of them being also a Psuedo-Dungeon Crawling like Realm) it’s all made very intricately, with care and attention to allow you to either pedantically explore for everything or to just go along with the plot. Each realm is distinct and  eyecatching; to the beautiful and floral aesthetic of Alfhiem to the fiery demonic volcanic browns of Muspelhiem to the eerily deathly green glow and wintry winds of Helhiem.  Next up is visual and sound aesthetics. This is a gorgeous looking game, pure and simple. It’s surprises you how the PS4 can even run it sometimes. While there’s a more gritty, realistic look to it compared to the more cartoonish look of the older titles, it’s still diverse in colours, with Midgard’s mix of whites, brown and golds to the harsh, dreary toned down pallet of Niflhiem, this game will stun you, regardless if you care or not care about graphics or art. Enemy designs are really cool, from the weird witch like Revenants to the large, lumbering trolls, there’s just enough variety to not make it repetitive The sound design is also equally as grand, maybe less so, but that’s not a hindrance at all. From the cackling of the ice as it freezes your foes, to the roars of the ogres and the snarls of the wolves, it all sounds meaty and really big. The music itself is sublime, having this sweeping orchestral score with Nordic like vocals overlayed to give it that extra sense of “Norse Mythgology” Norse-ness. Lastly the voice acting, Christopher Judge was a fantastic choice for a more grizzled, older Kratos, and hopefully something that sticks in future games. Atreus, Mimir, Baldr, etc all have stellar performances under their belt in this title.  Overall, God of War, Dad of War, GoW4, etc is a sublime game and a fantastic exclusive to boot. Carl Barlog put passion and care into making this title, ,the SMS development put their passion, heart and soul into this title, and it really shows through. A near flawless game, made to give a franchise a long needed sense of maturity and depth without losing the fun, visceral and brutality of what made the previous games so popular in the first place. This title alone proves that “Single Player, linear game experiences” aren’t dead at all, it just that publishers like EA, have just forgotten what makes them great. If there’s one nitpick I had to give for the sake of “objectivity£” it would be there’s no New Game Plus mode, but I’m sure that will be remedied in a future update. This game has had almost similar impact on me than Bloodborne had, that is how much I’m recommending it.  Biased Score: A+ Unbiased Score: A
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toart · 1 year
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One of Tendie’s new teammates, an absolute shithead shadowfae named Hashe. We lovingly call him Hashbrown. He hates it.
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swagxcash · 4 years
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افضل العاب بلاي ستيشن 4 - PS4 الأكثر مبيعاً
كما سترى أدناه ، ليس من المفاجئ أن ترى بعض الألعاب تحتل نقاط الصدارة ، ولكن قد تفاجأ برؤية ألعاب أخرى مثل Destiny و Spider-Man تحتل مكانها بين الأفضل مبيعًا.
على أي حال ، دون مزيد من الثرثرة ، إليك قائمة بأفضل 20 لعبة PS4 الأكثر مبيعًا على الإطلاق ...
أفضل 20 لعبة بلاي ستيشن 4 - PS4  مبيعا على الإطلاق
تم تجميع قائمة ألعاب PS4 والأرقام المذكورة أدناه من مصادر مختلفة ، مثل VGChartz & Statista.
هذه هي أفضل 20 لعبة بلاي ستيشن 4 مبيعاً على الإطلاق:
20. لعبة Destiny
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المبيعات العالمية: 5.76 مليون
تأتي في المرتبة العشرين ، وتستهل قائمتنا لأفضل ألعاب PS4 مبيعًا على الإطلاق ، هي Destiny.
اللعبة عبارة عن لعبة فيديو مطلق النار من منظور الشخص الأول first-person shooter متعددة اللاعبين على الإنترنت فقط ، تم تطويرها بواسطة Bungie ونشرتها Activision في الأصل. ومع ذلك ، بعد انفصال Bungie عن Activsion في 2019 ، تم نشر Destiny الآن ذاتيًا تحت Bungie.
تم إصداره في 9 سبتمبر 2014 ، على PlayStation 4 ، وحتى الآن ، تم بيع ما يقرب من 5.76 مليون نسخة حول العالم.
يتم تعيين اللعبة في عالم قائم على الخيال العلمي الأسطوري . إذا كنت تبحث عن أسلوب لعب أكثر تقليدية ، فإن Death Matches متاحة أيضًا.
في الأيام الخمسة الأولى من إصداره ، حقق Destiny أكثر من 325 مليون دولار وتم اختياره كأفضل لعبة لعام 2014 لرادار لعبة العام!
19. لعبة Horizon: Zero Dawn
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المبيعات العالمية: 5.82 مليون
تم تطوير Horizon: Zero Dawn من قبل Guerilla Games ، وهي لعبة تقمص أدوار تم إصدارها للـ بلاي ستيشن 4 في عام 2017 ونشرتها Sony Interactive Entertainment.
إنها تتبع شخصية تسمى "ألوي" ، وهي صيادة يقوم بمهمة لكشف ماضيها. ومع ذلك ، في القيام بذلك ، عليها أن تتعامل مع عالم تجاوزته الآلات التي ستقتلها في أول فرصة تحصل عليها.
يستخدم اللاعبون عددًا من الأسلحة المختلفة طوال اللعبة وهم قادرون على تعلم مهارات وقدرات جديدة.
تلقى Zero Dawn استقبالًا إيجابيًا من النقاد عند إطلاق سراحه وفاز بالعديد من الجوائز.
أصبحت واحدة من أفضل ألعاب PlayStation 4 مبيعاً على الإطلاق!
18. لعبة God of War
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المبيعات العالمية: 6.15 مليون
حصلت نسخة 2018 من God of War على العديد من جوائز "لعبة العام" من قبل عدد من وسائل الإعلام المختلفة وعروض الجوائز ، مما ساعد بالتأكيد على تعزيز المبيعات.
إنها لعبة مغامرات حركية تم إصدارها على PS4 في 20 أبريل 2018 ، وتم تطويرها بواسطة استوديو سانتا مونيكا ونشرتها Sony Interactive Entertainment.
إنها الدفعة الثامنة في الامتياز ، وهذه المرة ، تستند إلى الأساطير الإسكندنافية ، مع تعيين نسبة كبيرة من اللعبة في عالم Midgard في النرويج القديمة.
حصل God of War على استحسان عالمي لتصميمه وموسيقاه ورواياته وشخصياته العالمية ، وأصبح أحد أفضل ألعاب PlayStation 4 الأعلى تقييمًا على الإطلاق.
في غضون شهر من الإصدار ، باع God of War أكثر من خمسة ملايين نسخة ، وباع في النهاية أكثر من 10 ملايين نسخة بحلول مايو 2019.
17. لعبة FIFA 15
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المبيعات العالمية: 6.32 مليون
Fifa 15 هي لعبة محاكاة لكرة القدم للبلاي ستيشن 4 ، تم تطويرها بواسطة EA Canada ونشرتها Electronic Arts (EA).
تم إصدار اللعبة في جميع أنحاء العالم في سبتمبر 2014 وكانت أول لعبة في سلسلة Fifa تحصل على ترخيص كامل من الدوري الإنجليزي الممتاز.
إنها إلى حد كبير ما تقوله على العلبة ، وهي لعبة محاكاة لكرة القدم متعددة اللاعبين تسمح للاعبين باختيار وتخصيص فرقهم الخاصة بهم أثناء العمل في طريقهم من خلال الدوري ، أو اللعب ضد الفرق الأخرى عبر الإنترنت.
عند إطلاق اللعبة ، تلقى Fifa 15 مراجعات إيجابية من النقاد ويستمر مع مارتن تايلر وآلان سميث كمعلقين رئيسيين طوال المباراة.
16. لعبة Minecraft
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المبيعات العالمية: 6.33 مليون
Minecraft هي لعبة فيديو sandbox وهي لعبة الفيديو الأكثر مبيعًا على الإطلاق في جميع الأوقات.
تم إنشاء اللعبة بواسطة Markus Persson ونشرها Mojang. تم إصدار إصدار PS4 في ديسمبر 2014.
إنها لعبة بسيطة جدًا مقارنة بالآخرين في القائمة ، حيث يستكشف اللاعبون عالمًا ثلاثي الأبعاد بحثًا عن المواد الخام والأدوات الحرفية أو بناء الهياكل أو أعمال الحفر على طول الطريق. اعتمادًا على وضع اللعبة المحدد ، يمكن للاعبين القتال ضد الخصوم الذين ينشئهم الكمبيوتر أو لاعبين آخرين عبر الإنترنت.
فازت Minecraft بجوائز لا حصر لها ، ونالت استحسانًا نقديًا عند إصدارها ووصفت بأنها أعظم لعبة فيديو على الإطلاق.
15. لعبة The Last of Us
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المبيعات العالمية: 6.77 مليون
The Last of Us هي لعبة رعب البقاء على قيد الحياة في مغامرات الحركة والتي يتم لعبها من منظور شخص ثالث.
تم تطويره بواسطة Naughty Dog ونشرته شركة Sony Computer Entertainment.
كلاعب ، ستتحكم في جويل ؛ مهرب هبط على عاتقه مهمة مرافقة إيلي ، فتاة مراهقة ، عبر الولايات المتحدة في أعقاب نهاية العالم. يحتاج اللاعبون إلى الدفاع عن أنفسهم من مخلوقات أكل لحوم البشر والبشر المعادية ، وذلك باستخدام مجموعة من الأسلحة وقدرات التخفي.
عند الإصدار ، حصل The Last of Us على إشادة نقدية وحصل على مكانته بين ألعاب الفيديو الأكثر مبيعًا على الإطلاق ، حيث بلغ إجمالي المبيعات 1.3 مليون في الأسبوع الأول وما يصل إلى سبعة عشر مليونًا بحلول نهاية أبريل 2018.
14. لعبة Battlefield 1 
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المبيعات العالمية: 7.26 مليون
Battlefield 1 هي لعبة إطلاق نار من منظور شخص أول والجزء الخامس عشر من سلسلة Battlefield.
تم تطوير اللعبة بواسطة EA Dice ونشرتها Electronic Arts (EA) وتم إصدارها على PlayStation 4 في 21 أكتوبر 2016.
يتم تعيين اللعبة في فترة الحرب العالمية الأولى وهي مستوحاة إلى حد كبير من الأحداث التاريخية. يمكن للاعبين استخدام أسلحة ومركبات World War 1 لمحاربة لاعبين آخرين ويعود الأمر إلى آخر رجل يقف.
تلقت Battlefield 1 مراجعات إيجابية من النقاد واعتبرت تحسنًا كبيرًا خلال المباراتين الأخيرتين في السلسلة.
13. لعبة Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
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المبيعات العالمية: 7.53 مليون
تأتي في المرتبة 13 في قائمتنا لألعاب بلاي ستشين 4 الأكثر مبيعًا ، وهي Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.
إنها لعبة فيديو من منظور شخص أول وهي الدفعة الرئيسية الحادية عشرة في سلسلة Call of Duty. تم تطويرها بواسطة Sledgehammer Games ونشرته Activision.
يتميز وضع اللاعب الفردي للألعاب بشخص لاعب واحد فقط ، Jack Mitchel ؛ وبعد كل مهمة ، يتم منح جاك كمية معينة من نقاط الترقية التي يمكن استخدامها لترقية بدلة إكسو أو أسلحته. يمكن للاعبين أيضًا الاستمتاع بتعدد اللاعبين عبر الإنترنت مع أكثر من 350 سلاحًا للاختيار من بينها.
تلقت Advanced Warfare استقبالًا إيجابيًا عندما تم إصدارها في عام 2014 وفازت بالعديد من جوائز الصناعة.
12. لعبة Star Wars Battlefront (2015)
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المبيعات العالمية: 8.03 مليون
التالي، أكثر ألعاب PS4 مبيعًا هي Star Wars Battlefront (2015).
إنها لعبة مطلق النار للحركة تعتمد على امتياز فيلم Star Wars ، وهي الإصدار الرئيسي الثالث في سلسلة Star Wars Battlefront الفرعية.
يمكن لعب اللعبة من منظور شخص أول أو شخص ثالث ، ويمكن للاعبين التبديل بين طرق العرض وقتما يريدون.
كلاعب ، سوف تسافر إلى الكثير من الكواكب التي ظهرت في ثلاثية Star Wars الأصلية وتشرع في مهمات كثيرة.
تم إصدار اللعبة للعالم في عام 2015 وحصلت على آراء متباينة من النقاد ، وفازت بجائزة "تأثير الصوت" في حفل توزيع جوائز اللعبة لعام 2015.
11. لعبة FIFA 16
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المبيعات العالمية: 8.22 مليون
بعد الإصدار السابق ، الرقم سبعة عشر في قائمتنا ، FIFA 16 هي الدفعة التالية في سلسلة FIFA.
هذه المرة ، قدمت EA اللاعبات وكان أول لقب FIFA في التاريخ يسمح باختيار الغلاف عن طريق التصويت الشعبي. بخلاف ذلك ، يمكنك توقع كل شيء من الإصدار السابق ، بالإضافة إلى الملاعب الجديدة ووضع التدريب.
تلقى FIFA 16 مراجعات إيجابية بشكل رئيسي من النقاد وتم ترشيحه لجائزة "أفضل لعبة رياضية / سباق في جوائز اللعبة 2015".
10. لعبة Fallout 4
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المبيعات العالمية: 8.48 مليون
Fallout 4 هي لعبة PS4 التالية الأكثر مبيعًا في العالم.
مع أكثر من 8.48 مليون مبيعات حول العالم ، ليس من المستغرب أن تتمكن من العثور على طريقها في القائمة.
Fallout هي لعبة لعب أدوار تم تطويرها بواسطة Bethesda Game Studios ونشرت Bethesda Softworks.
صدر في 2015 لـ PlayStation 4 ؛ إنها الدفعة الخامسة في سلسلة Fallout وموجودة في بيئة مفتوحة عالميا بعد نهاية العالم ، أو تسمى "الكومنولث". يتحكم اللاعبون في "Sole Survivor" ، حيث يشرع في محاولة لاستعادة طفله المفقود ولكن يجب عليه القيام بذلك في "الكومنولث".
حققت اللعبة نجاحًا تجاريًا وحققت 750 مليون دولار في اليوم الأول من انطلاقها!
9. لعبة Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
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المبيعات العالمية: 8.48 مليون
اللعبة التاسعة الأكثر مبيعاً على بلاي ستيشن 4 في كل العصور هي Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.
على غرار Call of Duty السابقة التي ذكرناها سابقًا ؛ Infinite Warfare هي لعبة فيديو تصويب من منظور شخص أول تم تطويرها بواسطة Infinity Ward ونشرتها Activision.
ومع ذلك ، هذه المرة لم يتم تعيينها في الحرب العالمية الثانية ، بدلاً من ذلك ، تتمحور الل��بة حول معركة من أجل النظام الشمسي.
باعت Infinite Warfare 1.8 مليون نسخة في الأسبوع الأول من إصدارها في الولايات المتحدة وأصبحت اللعبة الأكثر مبيعًا في الأسبوع في اليابان.
8. لعبة Spider-Man
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المبيعات العالمية: 8.76 مليون
Spider-Man هي لعبة PS4 التالية الأكثر مبيعًا ، مع أكثر من 8.76 مليون مبيعات عالمية من خلال عامين بعد إصدارها في 2018.
إنها لعبة مغامرات حركية تم تطويرها بواسطة Insomniac Games ونشرتها Sony Interactive Entertainment. إنها مستوحاة من بطل Marvel Comics الخارق ، الرجل العنكبوت.
في اللعبة ، يتحكم اللاعبون في Spider-Man من منظور شخص ثالث ويستخدمون قدراته في محاولة وقف إطلاق فيروس قاتل في مدينة نيويورك ، بواسطة سيد الجريمة الخارق ، السيد Negative.
تم استدعاء Spider-Man كواحدة من أفضل ألعاب الأبطال الخارقين على الإطلاق من قبل العديد من النقاد وفازت بالعديد من الجوائز في نهاية العام.
7. لعبة Uncharted 4
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المبيعات العالمية: 10.33 مليون
Uncharted هي سلسلة من ألعاب المغامرات والحركة لـ PlayStation 4 تتبع صائد الكنوز ، Nathan Drake ؛ بينما يشرع في رحلاته حول العالم لكشف جميع أنواع الألغاز التاريخية المختلفة.
تم تطوير اللعبة بواسطة Naughty Dog ونشرتها Sony Interactive Entertainment.
حققت السلسلة بأكملها نجاحًا تجاريًا وتحظى بشهرة عالمية ، وتعتبر الآن واحدة من أكثر امتيازات ألعاب الفيديو مبيعًا على الإطلاق.
6. لعبة FIFA 17
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المبيعات العالمية: 10.94 مليون
يتصدر FIFA الإصدارين الأخيرين إلى المنشور ويحصل على لقب سادس لعبة PS4 مبيعًا في العالم ، وهو FIFA 17.
مثل مباراتي FIFA السابقين ، 17 هي لعبة فيديو محاكاة رياضية للبلاي ستيشن 4 تم تطويرها ونشرها بواسطة Electronic Arts.
إنها أول لعبة FIFA في السلسلة تبدأ في استخدام محرك لعبة Frostbite وميزاته ، وتقنيات الهجوم الجديدة ، وإصلاحات اللاعبين المادية ، وأنظمة الذكاء النشطة وإعادة كتابة القطع. كما عادت فرق النساء التي تم تقديمها في الإصدار السابق.
تلقت اللعبة مراجعات إيجابية عند إصدارها وكانت النسخة الأكثر مبيعًا.
5. لعبة FIFA 18
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المبيعات العالمية: 11.80 مليون
تمامًا مثل لعبة PS4 السابقة الأكثر مبيعًا ، FIFA 18 هي لعبة محاكاة لكرة القدم هي الدفعة الخامسة والعشرون في سلسلة FIFA ، تم تطويرها وإصدارها بواسطة Electronic Arts (EA).
تم إصداره على PlayStation 4 في 29 سبتمبر 2017 وهي اللعبة الثانية في السلسلة التي تستخدم محرك لعبة Frostbite 3.
مثل أي إصدار جديد ، يحتوي FIFA 18 على ملاعب جديدة ، وقد أدخلت جميع ملاعب الدوري الممتاز الـ 20 و EA Sports "Quick Subs" ؛ والذي يسمح للاعبين بالتبديل عندما تخرج الكرة من اللعب.
تلقى FIFA 18 على PS4 مراجعات إيجابية بشكل رئيسي عند إصداره وفاز بجائزة "أفضل لعبة رياضية" في جوائز Game Critics لعام 2017.
4. لعبة Call of Duty: WWII
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المبيعات العالمية: 13.40 مليون
Call of Duty: WWII هي لعبة الفيديو Call of Duty الثالثة في القائمة حتى الآن ورابع أفضل لعبة PS4 مبيعًا على الإطلاق.
تم تطويرها بواسطة Sledgehammer Games ونشرتها Activision ؛ تم إصدارها عالميًا لـ PlayStation 4 في 3 نوفمبر 2017.
إنها أول عنوان في السلسلة يتم تعيينه في الحرب العالمية الثانية ، منذ عام 2008 ، Call of Duty: World at War. يتم تعيين اللعبة في أوروبا وتركز حول فرقة في فرقة المشاة الأولى ، ومعاركهم على الجبهة الغربية. يستخدم الأحداث التاريخية من عملية أوفرلورد لجعلها أصيلة وحقيقية قدر الإمكان.
أثبتت اللعبة نجاحها التجاري الضخم ، حيث حققت 500 مليون دولار في أول ثلاثة أيام من إطلاقها!
3. لعبة Red Dead Redemption 2
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المبيعات العالمية: 13.94 مليون
تم تطويرها ونشرها بواسطة Rockstar Games ، Red Dead Redemption 2 هو الإدخال الثالث والأكثر توقعًا في سلسلة Red Dead.
Red Dead Redemption 2 هي لعبة مغامرات حركة تدور أحداثها عام 1899 في الغرب الأوسط الخيالي وجنوب الولايات المتحدة.
اللعبة تتبع عضو عصابة فان دير ليند وخارج القانون ، آرثر مورجان. بينما يتعامل مع تراجع الغرب المتوحش ويحاول البقاء على قيد الحياة من تهديد المسؤولين الحكوميين وأعضاء العصابات المتنافسة. يتم لعبها في كل من الشخص الأول والثالث واللاعبين قادرون على التجول بحرية في جميع أنحاء العالم المفتوح.
حقق Red Dead Redemption 2 أكثر من 725 مليون دولار في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع الافتتاحية ، ليصبح أكبر إطلاق في تاريخ الترفيه!
2. لعبة Call of Duty: Black Ops 3
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المبيعات العالمية: 15.09 مليون
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 هي ثاني أفضل لعبة مبيعاً على PlayStation 4 على الإطلاق.
إنه رابع عنوان Call of Duty في قائمتنا والذي باع أكبر عدد من النسخ في جميع أنحاء العالم.
تم تطوير مطلق النار من منظور الشخص الأول بواسطة Treyarch ونشرتها Activision.
يحدث في عام 2065 ، في عالم يواجه ظروفًا صعبة بسبب تغير المناخ والتكنولوجيات الجديدة.
مثل أسلافه ، يتبع Black Ops 3 مجموعة من جنود Black Ops ، حيث يتم تعزيز جنود اللاعب حليفًا إلكترونيًا ؛ مما يسمح للاعبين باستخدام أنشطة خاصة جديدة ، أثناء محاولتهم إتمام مهامهم. يتم تضمين وضع الزومبي ووضع "الكوابيس" أيضًا.
مثل معظم ألعاب السلسلة ، حققت Black Ops 3 نجاحًا تجاريًا وأصبحت واحدة من ألعاب التجزئة الأكثر مبيعًا في الولايات المتحدة في عام 2015!
1. لعبة Grand Theft Auto V
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المبيعات العالمية: 19.39 مليون
لعبة PS4 الأكثر مبيعًا على الإطلاق هي Grand Theft Auto V.
ربما تعتبر واحدة من أكثر الألعاب متعة وتجوال حر تم إصدارها على الإطلاق ، ليس من المستغرب أن GTA V أصبح المنتج الترفيهي الأسرع مبيعًا في التاريخ ، حيث حقق أكثر من مليار دولار في أول ثلاثة أيام.
تم تعيين لعبة المغامرات والحركة لعام 2013 ، التي طورتها ونشرتها Rockstar ، في سان أندرياس ، وهي ولاية خيالية تستند إلى جنوب كاليفورنيا. يتحكم اللاعبون في المجرمين ويقومون بالسرقة ، في حين أنهم يتجولون بحرية في سان أندرياس. ومع ذلك ، فهم تحت ضغط من الحكومة وعصاباتها ، لذلك يمكن أن تنتهي الحياة في إذا كانوا ضعفاء.
فازت Grand Theft Auto V بالعديد من جوائز "لعبة العام" وهي ثالث أكثر ألعاب الفيديو مبيعًا على الإطلاق ، بالإضافة إلى لعبة PlayStation 4 الأكثر مبيعًا على الإطلاق!
نأمل أن تكون قد استمتعت بقائمتنا لأفضل 20 لعبة مبيعة على PlayStation 4 على الإطلاق.
حسنا، ما رأيك؟!
نقترح مراجعة القائمة ، واختيار المفضلة لديك والحصول على بعض الوقت للعب ، حيث إنها ليست فقط ألعاب PS4 الأكثر مبيعًا في كل العالم ، ولكنها أيضًا بعض الألعاب الأكثر متعة والأكثر متعة على هذا الكوكب.
إذا كنت تحب هذه القائمة ، فلا تنس أن تشاركها مع أصدقائك من خلال أزرار المشاركة..
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smlpodcast · 5 years
The SML Podcast - Episode 460: It Was a T-Rex
Download Episode 460
News, reviews, and tales of ER visits coming up on this episode of SML!
The show kicks off with Cole talking about why we had to record on Friday instead of Thursday as well as more soda talk before getting into the news of the week! New discless Xbox rumors, Apex Legends player counts, Xbox Game Pass additions, and EA skipping an E3 press conference are among the news we discuss. Plus reviews!
Jacob Garner joins to review Dead or Alive 6, the latest in the fast paced 3D fighting series from KOEI TECMO GAMES & Team NINJA. Overload is a zero gravity six-degree-of-freedom shooter from Revival Productions including the creators of Descent! Fimbul is a comic book styled action adventure to save Midgard from Zaxis & EuroVideo.
Bonds of the Skies is the latest retro RPG to save the world from an out of control fire Grimoa from Hit-Point & KEMCO. DarkMika writes in a review of Kathy Rain, a point and click adventure to solve your grandfather's mysterious death from Clifftop Games & Raw Fury.
Attack of the Earthlings fuses strategic gameplay and dark comedy in a single player story from Team Junkfish & Wales Interactive. I and Me is a quirky puzzle platformer starring two cats from Wish Fang & Ratalaika Games. Finally George 'norg' Nowik joins to review Bad North, a charming but brutal real time tactics roguelite from Plausible Concept & Raw Fury.
The show ends with "Song of Healing", an eight and a half minute Majora's Mask cover from Joel Kent off of his brand new album Helmarock: Zelda Metal Vol. II from Materia Collective!
Joel Kent - Song of Healing (The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask)
https://www.koeitecmoamerica.com/ https://twitter.com/TeamNINJAStudio/ https://playoverload.com/ https://www.revivalprod.com/ http://zaxis.dk/ https://www.eurovideo.de/ http://www.hit-point.co.jp/ https://www.kemco-games.com/ http://clifftopgames.com/ https://rawfury.com/ https://www.teamjunkfish.com/ https://www.walesinteractive.com/ https://twitter.com/wishfanggame http://www.ratalaikagames.com/ https://www.badnorth.com/ https://joelkentguitar.bandcamp.com/ https://www.materiacollective.com/ https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-sml-podcast/id826998112 https://twitter.com/theSMLpodcast/ https://www.facebook.com/theSMLpodcast/ https://streamlabs.com/thesmlpodcast
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mredwinsmith · 6 years
Coming This Spring from Diamond Select Toys: Batman, Thor, Black Panther and More
The cold weather has begun to set in, but warm weather will follow, and with it will come some awesome items from Diamond Select Toys! Shipping in the spring, the following offerings include items based on DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Ghostbusters, Kingdom Hearts, Nightmare Before Christmas and Lady Death! Read on for details, then pre-order through your local comic shop or favorite online retailer!
DC Comic Gallery Dark Nights Metal Drowned PVC Diorama
A Diamond Select Toys release! How deep is your Gallery? The DC Gallery line of PVC dioramas goes even deeper with another addition to the Dark Nights: Metal series of sculptures – The Drowned! Leaping from the water surrounded by the tentacles of some huge beast, this aquatic Batman from the Dark Multiverse is the perfect addition to any Batman or Aquaman collection! The 10-inch diorama features detailed paint applications and comes packaged in a full-color window box. Designed by Caesar and sculpted by Alterton! (Item #NOV182291, SRP: $45.00)
DC Comic Gallery Batwoman PVC Diorama
A Diamond Select Toys Release! Never send a Batman to do a Batwoman’s job! Kate Kane, of the Gotham City Kanes, drops into the spotlight in the newest comic-inspired DC Gallery PVC Diorama! With her striking red hair and black costume, Batwoman is ready to leap into action in this approximately 8-inch sculpture. Made of high-quality vinyl with exacting paint details, it comes packaged in a full-color window box. Designed by Caesar and sculpted by Jean St. Jean! (Item #NOV182292, SRP: $45.00)
DC Movie Classics Gallery Dark Knight Joker PVC Diorama
A Diamond Select Toys Release! Why so serious? Heath Ledger’s greatest role is brought to three-dimensional life in this, the latest PVC Diorama in the DC Gallery line. Joining Batman and Bane, this 9” sculpture of the Joker as he appears in The Dark Knight depicts him holding a hand of playing cards with his clown mask and a bag of money at his feet. Made of high-quality vinyl with exacting paint details, it comes packaged in a full-color window box. Designed by Shawn Knapp and  sculpted by Rocco Tartamella! (Item #NOV182293, SRP: $45.00)
DC Movie Classics Vinimates Dark Knight Vinyl Figures
A Diamond Select Toys Release! They’re the Vinimates you need and deserve! The cast of Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy come to the DC Vinimates line with these three new releases: Batman, the Joker and Bane! Each 4-inch vinyl figure is sculpted in the Minimates block-figure style and strikes a pose straight from the movie. Packaged in a full-color window box. Designed by Barry Bradfield!
Batman Vinyl Figure (Item #NOV182288, SRP: $9.99)
Joker Vinyl Figure (Item #NOV182289, SRP: $9.99)
Bane Vinyl Figure (Item #NOV182290, SRP: $9.99)
Femme Fatales Lady Death IV PVC Diorama
A Diamond Select Toys Release! All hail Lady Death! Brian Pulido’s creation comes to life in a new Femme Fatales PVC Diorama! Depicting her wielding a ball of blue flaming energy, with one hand resting on a massive broadsword, this 9-inch sculpture is made of high-quality vinyl with exacting paint details, and comes packaged in a full-color window box. Sculpted by Sam Greenwell! (Item #NOV182295, SRP: $45.00)
Ghostbusters Marshmallow Egon Action Figure PX
A Diamond Select Toys Release! The 1984 horror-comedy classic Ghostbusters is as beloved now as it ever was, and this action figure captures one of its most iconic moments! The most serious and strait-laced of the Ghostbusters, Egon Spengler gets covered with marshmallow in this 7-inch scale action figure inspired by the film’s final scenes. This figure features newly sculpted parts and 16 points of articulation, plus alternate hands, proton pack, neutrino wand and display base. Sculpted by Gentle Giant! (Item #NOV182296, SRP: $19.99)
Kingdom Hearts 3 Select Action Figures Asst.
A Diamond Select Toys Release! The Kingdom has come! With Kingdom Hearts III fast approaching, DST is offering their first-ever figures based on the newest game! The first 2-pack features Maleficent with Diablo and Sora with the Starseeker Keyblade; the second features Goofy with his shield and Donald with his scepter! Each 7-inch-scale figure features multiple points of articulation, and each two-pack comes in display-ready Select packaging, with side-panel artwork for shelf reference. (Item #NOV182281, SRP: $24.99/ea.)
Legends in 3D Nightmare Before Christmas Jack Skellington ½ Scale Bust
A Diamond Select Toys Release! Let the festivities commence! Jack Skellington comes to life – and life-size – with this first-ever half-scale bust based on the acclaimed stop-motion film, Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas! Measuring approximately 10 inches tall, this museum-quality resin bust is limited to only 1,000 pieces and comes packaged with a certificate of authenticity in a full-color box. Designed by Joe Allard, sculpted by Joe Menna! (Item #NOV182294, SRP: $150.00)
Marvel Comic Gallery Thor
A Diamond Select Toys Release! By the power of Mjolnir! The Asgardian God of Thunder returns to Midgard – and the Marvel Gallery PVC line – in the form of this electrifying diorama! This sculpture of Thor in his modern garb captures him mid-strike, with lightning coursing through his hammer Mjolnir and into the ground. Made of high-quality vinyl with exacting paint details, this 8-inch sculpture comes packaged in a full-color window box. Designed by Caesar, sculpted by Mat Brouillard. (Item #NOV182284, SRP: $45.00)
Marvel Movie Gallery Avengers Infinity War Corvus Glaive PVC Diorama
A Diamond Select Toys Release! The first servant of Thanos is here! Corvus Glaive is ready to take on the entire Avengers in this new PVC Diorama from the Marvel Gallery line. With his glaive at the ready, Corvus measures approximately 8 inches tall, is made of high-quality vinyl with exacting paint details, and comes packaged in a full-color window box. Sculpted by Cortes Studios. (Item #NOV182282, SRP: $45.00)
Marvel TV Premier Collection Netflix Daredevil Resin Statue
A Diamond Select Toys Release! It’s a stairway to hell! Straight from the infamous fight scene in Marvel’s Daredevil Season 2 on Netflix, this 12-inch scale statue shows a battered Daredevil descending a staircase with duct tape on one hand and a chain in the other. Limited to only 3,000 pieces, it comes with a certificate of authenticity in a full-color box. Designed by Caesar, sculpted by Rocco Tartamella! (Item #NOV182285, SRP: $150.00)
Marvel Movie Gallery Black Panther Unmasked PVC Diorama
A Diamond Select Toys Release! From the blockbuster Black Panther movie comes this new, unmasked Marvel Gallery PVC of T’Challa himself! The Black Panther is ready to pounce on anyone who invades Wakanda in this variant sculpture based on the hit film, and it is in the same 9-inch scale as the other figures in the Marvel Gallery line. Packaged in a full-color window box. Designed by Joe Allard, sculpted by Rocco Tartamella! (Item #NOV182283, SRP: $45.00)
Marvel TV Gallery Defenders PVC Dioramas
A Diamond Select Toys Release! It’s time for a team-up! Luke Cage and Jessica Jones return to the Marvel Gallery PVC Diorama line with new costumes and sculpts based on their appearances in Marvel’s The Defenders on Netflix! Each approximately 9 inch sculpture is made of high-quality vinyl with exacting paint details, and comes packaged in a full-color window box. Designed by Nelson X. Asencio, sculpted by Rocco Tartamella! Previously a GameStop exclusive.
Luke Cage Diorama (Item #FEB178005, SRP: $50.00)
Jessica Jones Diorama (Item #FEB178004, SRP: $50.00)
Marvel Comic Gallery FCBD Black Costume Spider-Man PVC Diorama
A Diamond Select Toys Release! How spectacular is your Gallery? Spider-Man celebrates Free Comic Book Day with this black-costume variant in the Marvel Gallery PVC diorama line! Crouched on a web slung across an alleyway, Spider-Man lives up to his namesake in this all-new PVC sculpture portraying the hero in his element. Measuring approximately 7” high by 11 “ wide, this detailed sculpt by Alterton is based on a design by Caesar, and comes packaged in a full-color window box. Available through FCBD-participating retailers. (Item #NOV180013, SRP: $45.00)
Find a comic shop at comicshoplocator.com!
from AwesomeToyBlog https://ift.tt/2r4ZLI7
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winkwinkinc-blog · 6 years
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