3cholic · 2 years
D-Link G416 4G LTE無線路由器|支援Cat.6與2CA網速更快 Mesh串聯網路覆蓋更全面
在5G上網資費居高不下與熱點分享數據限制的前提下,仍有不少使用者偏好使用費率較低的4G上網吃到飽來當作網路使用,考量目前5G網路覆蓋率與實際網速差異,似乎4G還是個CP值較高的選擇!之前分享過D-Link 4G LTE路由器G415,算是提供給4G上網族群一個相當不錯的選擇,Cat.4、WiFi 6 AX1500與GE有線網路等規格。若是對速度有更高需求的人,最新推出的G416支援了Cat.6與2CA載波聚合技術,下載頻寬可達300Mbps,比Cat.4快了一倍! D-Link G416 4G LTE無線路由器 開箱 ▼與過往EAGLE PRO AI系列包裝不同,體積縮小成機器大小而已。省去不必要的包材,也能為環境盡一份心力!打開即可見到G416無線路由器本尊。它支援LTE…
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rainbowsillz · 10 months
✦ — The Doll Maker || TWST HC. — ✦
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You're a creative type? It is quite the skills you have. He didn't even realize that you were one!
It's hard for him to pretend to not be intrigued with this, since in his childhood he wasn't able to obtain them and the majority was for girls.
He is into adorable plushies! He would sneak a glance to see how ‘you’ sewed or knitted it.
Can Riddle touch them?
Trey and Cater would knowingly nudged you to let him come and stay beside you while this.
“It's not a crime to have this, and hiding away your abilities is wasteful, why did you do so?”
Yawns at you.
He does not care about it.
And he wouldn't be as joyous with these.
Leona then goes back to play chess with you.
He was more invested into being on your lap.
“You made those? It looks okay, seems like you have a knack for that line of career, isn't it?”
That aspires him to be like you!
Lucrative business is a graspable thought.
So, won't you have ‘talk’ with him on it? You can put your faith in him, isn't it? Would you?
Azul smiled at you as he hold the stuffed animal.
Hush! Can't you sense his willingness at all?
“You will end up taking my hand. It's no use giving me that look, wouldn't you agree?”
😶 OH???
He would buy them!!
Money is not an issue, he'd sponsor you too!
Kalim will pester Jamil to have a look :)
Have a 100% materials for you.
“You are so cool, prefect! Can I hug this platypus? Do you have an eagle version?”
It's unexpected.
In a good way..? He is curious about them.
His violet eyes followed after yours as he caressed the texture of the toys you did.
Vil supposed this was of high quality.
You were something, weren't you?
“I have to say.. it's surprising to have you focused on a mere task, almost captivating.”
His reaction would be super enthusiastic.
He would be inspecting them with great interest since it's handmade by you.
Will probably ask you to record a tutorial when you were piling yourself to your activities.
Idia was helpful along with Ortho.
They were both really immersed with you.
“W-wow! You're a legit pro at this, you didn't speedrun through it. That's passionate?”
If it's from you, he'll cherish it always.
Until the end of time literally. I'm not kidding.
You should know that although he was used to being alone, he doesn't like.. like it.
You mean the universe to Malleus!
He's there for your beck and call 🥺
“What a lovely token. I shall guard it with my life. You truly are one of a kind that I've met.”
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geekanoids · 2 years
D-Link Eagle Pro AI AX1500 Mesh WiFi System M15 Review
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onecutreviewsdotcom · 1 month
Seamless WiFi Excellence: Exploring the D-Link EAGLE PRO AI Mesh WiFi 6 Router System
In today’s hyper-connected world, where streaming, gaming, and remote work are the norm, a reliable and robust WiFi system is not just a luxury but a necessity. Enter the D-Link EAGLE PRO AI Mesh WiFi 6 Router System (M32), a game-changer in the realm of home networking. After putting this system through its paces, we can confidently say that it’s a true powerhouse, delivering blazing-fast…
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maharghaideovate · 2 months
The Rise of the Machines? AI in Operations Management and How LPU's Online MBA Prepares You
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The whirring of factory machines and the organized chaos of a warehouse might be the classic images of operations management, but hold on to your hard hats – things are getting futuristic! Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer the stuff of movies; it's revolutionizing every industry, and operations management is no exception.
The coolest part? Lovely Professional University's (LPU) Online MBA in Operations Management can equip you with the skills and knowledge to be a pro in this exciting new frontier.
AI: Supercharging the Operations Game
Imagine a world where machines predict equipment failures before they happen, preventing costly downtime. Or a system that analyzes market trends with laser focus, ensuring you always have the right inventory at the right time. This is the power of AI in operations management.
Here are a few ways AI is making waves:
Predictive Maintenance: Say goodbye to surprise breakdowns! AI can analyze sensor data from machines to predict potential failures. This allows for preventive maintenance, avoiding costly downtime and production disruptions. No more scrambling to fix things last minute – you'll be one step ahead of the game.
Demand Forecasting on Autopilot: Forget crystal balls! AI algorithms can analyze historical data and market trends with incredible accuracy, leading to better forecasting of demand. This translates to optimized inventory management and efficient resource allocation. You won't be stuck with a warehouse full of the wrong products, or scrambling to find what you need.
Supply Chain Smoother Than Ever: Imagine an AI-powered system that optimizes transportation routes, manages inventory levels across the entire supply chain, and even predicts potential disruptions. AI can streamline the entire process, ensuring a smooth flow of goods from supplier to customer. No more bottlenecks or delays – just smooth sailing for your products.
Quality at Warp Speed: Human error is a reality. AI-powered systems can automate quality control processes, ensuring consistent product quality and freeing up human workers for more strategic tasks. Robots with eagle eyes can catch any imperfections, so you can be confident in your products.
Robots Take Over (The Mundane Tasks): Robot Process Automation (RPA) is another exciting development. AI-powered robots can automate repetitive tasks in operations, like data entry or order processing. This frees up human workers to focus on higher-level tasks and strategic thinking. No more getting bogged down in paperwork – the robots can handle that, while you focus on the big picture.
LPU's Online MBA: Your Ticket to the AI Revolution
LPU's Online MBA doesn't just teach you the ropes of operations management; it prepares you for the future. Here's how:
AI Fundamentals Built In: The curriculum integrates foundational knowledge of AI and machine learning concepts. You won't be thrown into the deep end – you'll understand how AI works and its potential applications in operations management.
Data Analysis Powerhouse: Data is the fuel for AI. This program equips you with the data analysis skills necessary for utilizing AI tools effectively. You'll learn to collect, analyze, and interpret data to make data-driven decisions that optimize operations. No more guesswork – you'll have the data to back up your choices.
Learning from Real-World Examples: The program utilizes case studies that showcase real-world applications of AI in operations management. This allows you to see how AI is being used in practice and the tangible benefits it brings. You won't be learning in a vacuum – you'll see how these concepts translate to real-world situations.
Specialization Options: Want to delve deeper? They have electives like "Data Analysis for Operations" or "Emerging Technologies in Operations Management" that provide a more in-depth exploration of AI and its role in the field. You can customize your learning to match your specific interests.
Faculty at the Forefront: The faculty isn't just experienced in operations management; they're also well-versed in AI and its integration into modern practices. You'll learn from professors who are passionate about the future of operations and can guide you on your journey. You'll have access to instructors who are experts in both the traditional and the cutting-edge.
Why You Should Embrace AI
Learning about AI in operations management isn't just about keeping up with the Joneses; it's about future-proofing your career. Here are some reasons why:
Increased Employability: Expertise in AI will be a valuable asset in the job market. Graduates with this knowledge will be highly competitive for high-demand positions in operations management. Having AI on your resume will make you stand out.
Future-Proofing Your Career: Understanding AI prepares you for the evolving landscape of operations management. You'll be equipped with the skills to adapt and thrive in this new environment. It's like having a superpower that allows you to anticipate change and stay ahead of the curve.
Smarter Decision-Making: AI skills enhance data analysis and critical thinking, leading to sounder decision-making in operations. You'll be able to make data-driven choices that optimize efficiency and productivity. No more flying blind – you'll have the information you need to make the best calls.
Adaptability and Innovation: AI knowledge fosters adaptability to new technologies. You'll be prepared to embrace new advancements and contribute to innovation within operations management practices. The field is constantly evolving, and with an understanding of AI, you'll be ready to evolve with it.
Conclusion: Be an AI Operations Rockstar
The future of operations management is intelligent, and with the right skills, you can be a rockstar in this exciting new era. LPU's Online MBA in Operations Management equips you with the tools and knowledge to navigate this transformation and become a leader in the AI-driven world of operations. Visit LPU's website today to learn more and start your journey towards becoming an operations management whiz in the age of AI!
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ippnoida · 2 months
Ricoh’s Henkakuverse virtual production environment – Hall 8a
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At the March pre-drupa press event in Dusseldorf, Eef de Ridder, head of commercial print operations EMEA at Ricoh Europe, offered a glimpse into what attendees can expect from the Japanese company at drupa. “One of the reasons why we are very thrilled to be here and to be at drupa is really that we are preparing a booth which will be an experience quite unlike what people have seen before,” de Ridder said.
A Ricoh highlight will be the Henkakuverse, a virtual production environment where visitors can immerse themselves in the company’s technologies. This interactive experience (or perhaps a virtual exhibit) will provide insights into the latest advancements and innovations from Ricoh, including some technologies that have never been publicly displayed in Europe before.
Among the featured technologies will be the Dragon – the Ricoh Pro Z75 B2 sheetfed digital inkjet press. This long-awaited press promises enhanced productivity and versatility for commercial, book, and direct mail printers. Additionally, visitors can explore the Ricoh Pro VC80000 digital color high-speed inkjet webfed press. This machine is being called the Harpy Eagle and is said to have AI capabilities and integration with finishing equipment.
In the realm of toner-based technology, Ricoh will show the Pro C9500 press, at speeds up to 135 ppm. Complementing this will be the 5-color Ricoh Pro C7500 digital color sheetfed press, offering high-quality prints for commercial printers.
Ricoh’s software at drupa will focus on production automation, offering a range of cloud-based and on-premise solutions. Visitors can expect to see value-added software solutions such as Ricoh’s TotalFlow Producer, Ricoh Supervisor, and FusionPro, which facilitates personalized data-driven communications. Additionally, Ricoh will highlight its professional services consultancy, including extensive color management support.
de Ridder emphasized that Ricoh’s presence at drupa goes beyond showcasing technological advancements. All the production technologies on display are rooted in Ricoh’s commitment to sustainable and responsible operations.
He highlighted the importance of adopting a sustainable strategy in response to rising costs and evolving consumer preferences. He pointed out that developments such as digitization, online printing, and intelligent automation not only streamline operations but also contribute to environmental sustainability.
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johncl12 · 4 months
Absolutely, you're spot on. AI is revolutionizing the video editing process by bringing in a level of time efficiency that's a real game-changer for creators. It's like having an expert co-driver who's got an eagle eye for the best routes and shortcuts. No more long hours for creators manually sorting through footage, cutting clips, and tweaking transitions. AI algorithms are like seasoned pros, analyzing raw video content, pinpointing those key moments, and automatically crafting edited sequences. This slashes the time and effort that used to be a big part of the editing phase. It's a bit like upgrading from a map and compass to a state-of-the-art GPS in your rig – it gets you to your destination faster and with less hassle. This means creators can spend more time on what they love and less on the nitty-gritty, while their audiences get to enjoy top-notch content without the long wait. It's a win-win!
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technationgr · 6 months
D-LINK R32 EAGLE PRO AI Wi-fI 6 AX3200 Smart Router
Dual-Band AX3200 Wi-Fi 624 GHz (80211n, up to 800 Mbps), 5 GHz (80211ax, up to 2402 Mbps)AI assistantAI-based Mesh1, Wi-Fi, and Traffic OptimisersMU-MIMO, and OFDMA efficiency Voice Control with Google/Alexa WPA3 Wireless security Easy Setup and Management
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newstradepro · 8 months
News Trade Pro: Powerful News Trading Signals App Generator! 🚀💼
News Trade Pro is an advanced News Trading Signals Generator App. 🌐💱
🚀 Real-Time Insights: We get it; in the fast-paced Forex market, you need real-time insights to thrive. News Trade Pro brings you the latest updates and signals right when you need them. No more outdated strategies!
💼 AI-Powered Assistance: Say hello to advanced AI technology coupled with the expertise of seasoned analysts. Our AI system keeps an eagle eye on news data, identifying trends and patterns. Our analysts take it from there, making sense of the data for you.
📊 Seamless Integration: News Trade Pro plays nice with some of the most popular trading platforms, like MetaTrader, TradingView, NinjaTrader, and TradeStation. You'll get real-time signals without disrupting your trading routine.
Explore a new way of Forex trading with News Trade Pro. Let the power of real-time insights be your secret weapon in this dynamic market.
Ready to make your mark? Dive in and explore the future of Forex trading with us!
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Stay sharp, traders! 📈💡
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guncelkal · 10 months
Router D-Link R15 1500Mbps
If you’re passionate about IT and electronics, like being up to date on technology and don’t miss even the slightest details, buy Router D-Link R15 Eagle Pro AI AX1500 1500Mbps at an unbeatable price. Colour: White Connectivity: WiFi Ethernet Technology: WPS Intelligent Mesh Compatibility: Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant Speed: 1500 Mbps 10/100/1000 Mbps Connections: RJ-45 X 4 3 x…
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ritikakukreti · 10 months
Decoding the Path to Becoming India’s Financial Watchdog: The Role of an Auditor
In the grand tapestry of India's financial landscape, Auditors are the meticulous craftsmen, ensuring every thread aligns to create a picture of transparency and accuracy. In the age of digital transactions and evolving business models, the role of an auditor has never been more crucial. If the idea of ensuring financial transparency and holding businesses accountable excites you, then a career as an Auditor beckons. But how do you commence this journey? For many, the genesis lies in acquiring an MBA in Finance Management.
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Why an MBA in Finance Management?
Embarking on the journey of an MBA, especially an Online MBA, offers several strategic advantages:
Holistic Financial Knowledge: Delve deep into the intricacies of finance, understanding everything from basic accounting principles to complex financial regulations.
Analytical Skills: An MBA in Finance Management sharpens your analytical skills, preparing you to scrutinize financial statements with an eagle eye.
Business Ethics: Learn to operate with utmost integrity, a trait paramount for every auditor.
For those constrained by location or time, pursuing an Online MBA opens doors to premier education from the comfort of one’s home.
Potential Industries for Auditors:
An Auditor's expertise isn't confined to one domain. With an MBA in Finance Management, one can branch out into diverse sectors:
Banking: Ensuring financial institutions maintain accuracy and compliance.
Manufacturing: Scrutinizing the complex financial maze of production, sales, and revenue.
IT: Auditing digital transactions, software, and services.
Real Estate: Overseeing property deals, investments, and ensuring regulatory compliance.
Government: Ensuring public funds are appropriately and transparently utilized.
Challenges in the Auditing World:
Auditing, while rewarding, is not devoid of challenges:
Keeping Up with Regulations: Financial norms and regulations evolve, and auditors must perpetually update their knowledge.
Managing Diverse Clients: Every business is unique, and understanding each one’s nuances requires adaptability.
Dealing with Financial Anomalies: Unearthing discrepancies can lead to tough conversations and decisions.
Top 10 Indian Firms Scouting for Auditors:
For budding auditors, aligning with a reputed organization can accelerate growth:
Deloitte: A global leader in audit and assurance services.
PwC: Renowned for its rigorous audit practices.
Ernst & Young (EY): Globally acclaimed for its auditing expertise.
KPMG: A prominent name in audit, tax, and advisory services.
Grant Thornton: A growing global giant in the audit landscape.
BDO India: Offers extensive audit and assurance services.
RSM India: Revered for its audit specialization.
Mazars: A global audit, accountancy, and advisory titan.
Baker Tilly DHC: Renowned for its comprehensive audit services.
SS Kothari Mehta & Co: An established name in India's audit domain.
The MBA Impact: Weighing the Pros and Cons:
Delving into an MBA, especially in Finance Management, demands introspection. Potential students must consider the time commitment, cost implications, and the prospective career advancement it promises.
What is ShikshaGurus
SHikshaGurus is an AI-enabled platform that helps you compare universities and courses in Online and Distance learning courses. 
A career as an Auditor in India, a nation with a burgeoning economy and expanding enterprises, promises both challenge and reward. Equipping oneself with an MBA in Finance Management, whether pursued traditionally or online, lays the foundation for ensuring financial transparency across industries. For those with an analytical mind and an eye for detail, this path offers unparalleled professional fulfillment.
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3cholic · 11 months
快速穩定 上網安心|D-Link AQUILA PRO AI M30 AX3000 Wi-Fi 6雙頻路由器
前陣子爸媽房子的路由器故障,造成無法上網。除了先暫時拿其他舊機型給他們使用外,我一邊也在物色新的機種。D-Link前幾年推出了EAGLE PRO AI系列路由器後,今年度新推出了AQUILA PRO AI路由器M30,除了主打流線型雙翼外觀外,還具備有2T3R共5支的全向式天線,提升5G訊號穿透力。加上升級可支援至160MHz頻寬,傳輸速度也能有感提升!在給爸媽換新路由器前,先拿來手上測試看看吧~ D-Link M30 AX3000 Wi-Fi 6雙頻路由器 開箱 ▼涵蓋範圍達75坪、提供無縫漫遊、高速上網與穩定連線,是這次M30雙頻路由器的主打功能,同時為MIT台灣製造,支援Google與Alexa語音 ▼盒裝內除了D-Link M30路由器外,還有電源插座、網路線與快速安裝指南 ▼D-Link…
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geekanoids · 9 months
Don't miss my D-Link G403 Eagle Pro AI N300 4G Smart Router Review
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99easyshop · 1 year
D-Link R03 N300 Eagle PRO AI Advance Parental Control Router with Voice Control Assistant (Alexa & Goggle Assistant) - Wi-Fi, Ethernet (Single_Band, 300 megabits_per_Second)
Price: (as of – Details) From the manufacturer VOICE CONTROL Easily integrates with Amazon Echo’s Alexa or the Google Assistant for convenient hands-free voice control HEALTH MODE Schedule Wi-Fi transmission hours to reduce the possible effects of electromagnetic radiation. Schedule Wi-Fi access hours to maintain a balanced family lifestyle PARENTAL CONTROL AI Parental Control lets a parent…
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2amtoday-blog · 1 year
Honor Magic5 Ultimate Edition: The Super Top Product In Honor's Smartphone Range
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Honor Magic5 Ultimate Edition
Honor, the Chinese smartphone manufacturer, recently launched a new addition to its popular Magic series, the Honor Magic5 Ultimate Edition. This smartphone is a top-end version of the standard and pro versions of the Magic5 and is exclusive to the Chinese market. The Honor Magic5 Ultimate Edition is considered the super top product in Honor’s smartphone range.
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One of the significant improvements in the Honor Magic5 Ultimate Edition is its rear lens module design, which changes to an octagonal shape. The lens surface is covered with sapphire glass, and the body is using super curved nano-microcrystalline glass material, making it ten times more resistant to falls. The front of the phone still has a 6.81-inch dual-curved screen, while the rear has three cameras. These cameras include an upgraded 50-megapixel wide-angle camera (f/1.6 aperture, supports OIS optical stabilization), a 50-megapixel periscopic telephoto camera (f/3.0 aperture, supports OIS optical stabilization), and a 50-megapixel ultra-wide-angle camera (f/2.0 aperture, supports OIS optical stabilization). The device is also equipped with an 8×8 dTOF laser focus system.
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One of the significant highlights of the Honor Magic5 Ultimate Edition is its camera enhancements. The device supports Eagle Eye’s wonderful capture, which automatically outputs the picture of the moment you want, even if the shutter press may not be as quick and precise. The Eagle Eye capture function uses an algorithm based on MagicMoment, which imitates the logic of post-selection images from multiple dimensions such as image clarity, face angle/expression, and action evaluation. This process improves the clarity of people’s expressions and refines the precise moments of high-speed action, and outputs the best photo results most conveniently. Furthermore, the software algorithm of the Honor Magic5 Ultimate Edition has also been upgraded, equipped with a new AI portrait engine 2.0, based on the first generation of AI portrait engine. Version 2.0 added several algorithm optimizations, making the portrait image quality even more excellent.
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The Honor Magic5 Ultimate Edition is available in two versions. The regular version comes with 16GB + 512GB storage and is priced at 6699 yuan. The other version is a collaboration with Montblanc and comes with a special custom protective case, also with 16GB + 512GB storage, and is priced at 7499 yuan. The battery capacity is 5450mAh, and it supports 66W wired flash charging and 50W wireless flash charging. In summary, the Honor Magic5 Ultimate Edition is a super top product in Honor’s smartphone range, and its upgraded camera features and software algorithms make it stand out from its competitors. With its advanced features and premium design, the Honor Magic5 Ultimate Edition is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a high-end smartphone. Source Read the full article
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nuytstech · 2 years
D-Link dévoile un nouveau routeur 4G dans sa gamme Eagle Pro AI
D-Link dévoile un nouveau routeur 4G dans sa gamme Eagle Pro AI
D-Link, leader mondial des technologies réseau, annonce le nouveau routeur EAGLE PRO AI AX1500 4G. Connexion internet fixe défaillante ou de mauvaise qualité ? Besoin d’une connexion Wi-Fi facilement extensible ? Le routeur G415 de D-Link est la solution ! En combinant la dernière technologie Wi-Fi 6 et l’internet mobile 4G avec l’IA, il offre une couverture Wi-Fi incroyable et une vitesse qui…
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