serenit-teas · 8 months
Me, riddled with delusion <- (is a 6'3 P enjoyer and believer)
I just!!! I know everyone has commented on it in some way shape or form and I guess it's my turn to throw my two cents in😔 god I should not have the freedom to ramble on this app
Like!! This guy, this one man battalion is terrifying in concept. A puppet with an incredibly rare (and deadly) ability to lie, with advanced combat skills and power that only seems to enhance thanks to the Ergo that can be encountered in his ventures, and an imposing figure to round it all out. In theory it screams threat, danger.
But then you meet him, see how meek and gentle he is with everyone in Hotel Krat. Once, witnessing Spring recoil at his advance, hissing and all but swatting at him. Though being able to emote was one of the few things he could not yet do, you swear he seemed to wilt after the encounter with the feline. During the rockier moments of becoming acquainted with the cat, he would never grow frustrated after the failed attempts, understanding and respecting that she's not comfortable around him. He would simply leave her be, and try again later.
He rarely speaks, and if he does it's one word or a clipped phrase, not out of rudeness or anything of the sort, it's new and quite frankly, there's a high chance that he simply wouldn't know what to say.
There's something of a quite excitement and giddiness in P when he brings a new record back to the Hotel, not only does it mean that he gets to experience what this recent find has to offer, but also that any of the other residents of the Hotel can enjoy the spoils of his journey.
He listens and takes heed in what people say, no matter if it's critical information in regards to his outings, passing comments of bygone days, or just ramblings in any variety, he listens, makes the people around him feel heard and understood. (Even if some things go over his head)
He'll realise some time or later that he LIKES making the people he's met happy*, seeing their faces light up in glee or relief.
It's a small victory in the hell they're all surviving.
Every time I think of P I imagine this gentle giant who is so achingly soft spoken and sweet, who is aware of his immense strength and takes care to never harm those he treasures. And in turn that leads to the BEST juxtaposition of the raw carnage he's capable of! This guy can rip through sturdy puppets and manmade horrors like they're wet tissue paper, has stared down monstrosities and come out on top, can bounce back from injuries that would leave others utterly mangled at best.
He is a terrifying concept and there's no denying what he can easily do if he so chose, but his conscious effort to exhibit the utmost care when surrounded by fragility makes my heart MELT. Soft boy P will forever have me hooked no matter what, but there's something about a tall boy with a heart of gold (literally) who, despite still learning how to live and experience, understands his presence around others.🥺
*(Not that he would want to see them upset, I think at first there would be a nuetral understanding of "What happens here affects me and my progress." Just a thought though!)
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fatuismooches · 2 years
Omfg the angst so much angst for fragile reader with memory deterioration. Imagine that as it gets worse, you start to develop anxiety and depression because you will space out in the middle of reminiscing with you lover and like—"i cant remember! Why cant i remember?! It was my favorite memory!!! So how can i forget what happened?!?!" And then that frustration keeps piling up until the moods turn destructive.
The harbingers do everything they can to improve your quality of life. Writing journals to remind you what you did yesterday, albums to help you rediscover the memories you forgot, and love letters of their own recollections about the past to hopefully keep this relationship alive even at bitterly agonizing moments when you forget who they are.
Related to this!
Yes, it is so much angst, I don't know what was going through me when I randomly thought of it😭 And wow, what you wrote just made it 10x sadder 😭
The looks of pity other people give you hurt so badly. Sometimes you can't understand why - you can't even remember that you're forgetting things. Other times it makes you grit your teeth and curse everything that you can. You brush your fingers over a photo from long ago - perhaps it's a teal-haired man with scholarly robes as he forced you to carry his books, or a ginger trying to feed you some copious amounts of seafood, maybe a beautiful damsel on stage twirling you around. But it just doesn't make any sense to you. Who... were they...? Why couldn't you remember? Why you? Even though you've forgotten them, you can see that you're causing them so much pain.
Every time you look at them with a blank expression, their hearts squeeze and their nails dig hard into their palms, but they keep a smile on their face so as to not scare you more. They're all terribly busy, but they will never slack on trying to help you. Some of them like to hold you as they painstakingly explain every photo, every word of their love letters, no matter how hard it is. Others like to leave little hints around in hopes to spark your memory - maybe ordering your meals to be the ones you ate on the first date, gifting you simple knick-knacks they remember you liking.
It was a hard struggle for them, but the Harbingers' very existence was built on struggle. They could-, no, they will get through this. And you will too.
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both, but esp the chain
what would happen if i pull the chain of his collar
j. just a litle tug. jst a small pull 2 bring him close fr a kissy just let me hold it for a little bit pls pls pls
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sumiire-creates · 5 months
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𝘎𝘌𝘕𝘙𝘌: fluff.
𝘍𝘛; amber, kaeya, lisa, jean, diluc, venti, albedo, rosaria, eula, mika.
‣ gn!reader [mentions of female anatomy] | slightly suggestive(?) [on kaeya, venti, and albedo] | a ton of kisses | a ton of fluff/a bit of comfort.
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- amber loves to kiss your face.
- amber is so sweet about it too
- like if she has the chance, she’s take your face in her hands and just smother you with kisses until you’re both all giggles
- she enjoys pecking your cheek or nose or forehead
- she ADORES goodnight forehead kisses. like, she gives you one EVERY. NIGHT.
- she’s so gentle with her lil smooches
- she’d kiss you any chance she got
- when you’re cuddling in bed? smooch
- pass by each other when you’re doing your own thing? quick kiss on the cheek
- training? hell yes.
- if you were a fellow knight, she’d spar with you and like get so close just to give you a kiss and hit you so hard you fall to the ground
- but like it's okay
- because if you tell her it isn't, she gets really disappointed and sad and pouts about it for the rest of the day
- you better make it up to her
- like later when y’all are going to sleep, trap her in a hug and return the favor! she’ll cheer right up
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- kaeya loves to kiss your lips.
- flirt.
- tease.
- he’s such an ass with it
- like he knows what he’s doing and he loves to just make you feel those annoying little butterflies that make you happy
- but then like
- he’ll also get super close, and you just wanna kiss him really badly
- and then he pulls away.
- like SIR??? >:(
- i'm not done come back here
- his kisses are soft and loving
- with gentle lips on yours, he’ll kiss you anytime he finds the moment to be perfect
- he’s the definition of romantic
- like your first kiss was probably on starsnatch cliff at sunset and looked so damn perfect
- gentle breeze and everything
- this mf couldn’t have timed it better
- he likes romantic kisses
- he also likes to just peck your lips
- but that's only if he can’t snatch you away and make out with you
- straying a little off topic but
- kaeya fucking LOVES cuddling you at night and making you face him so he can just smooch you right there whenever he wants
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- lisa loves to kiss your hands.
- such a gentlewomen <3
- she’s, like, so fucking sweet
- she’ll take your hands in hers and kiss your knuckles and it's just so soft and UGH
- when handing you books, she’ll snatch your hand and give it a quick kiss before waving you goodbye
- literally just
- i can’t stop saying this but,
- she’s SO SWEET.
- lisa would hold your hand tightly as you two walk down the street, occasionally bringing it up to her mouth as she’d kiss your knuckles and give her a smile
- she’ll never pass up a chance to kiss your pretty hands
- she’ll never pass up a chance to kiss you in general, honestly
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- jean loves to kiss your forehead.
- goodnight kisses on the forehead as she gets in bed beside you >>>
- she’s probably taller than you so its like the most easy to access place for her tbh
- jean is so sweettttt
- so gentle and loving with her partner
- she’d kiss you and give you a small reassuring affirmation afterwards
- “you’re doing great, love, keep it up.”
- “i love you so much, you know that, right?”
- “i’ll never leave your side, even in death.”
- “let me know if you need anything, okay?”
- it’s just
- so goddamn cute
- she’d only do it when she felt like its needed though
- taking her face in her hands as she pulls you in so she can kiss your forehead when you’re stressing out before embracing you and hugging you while gently rubbing you back-
- she even gives you the option to shove her away if you want, and she won’t get offended or upset or anything
- she’s just so comforting with her kisses <3
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- diluc loves to kiss your shoulder.
- first off, this man isn’t too big of a fan of PDA…
- so kissing in public is a no no unless nobody is looking
- then he often slips you a quick peck
- but he much prefers to kiss when he knows you’re alone
- his favorites are when he’s cuddling you in bed and just kinda kisses and sucks on your shoulder bc its soft and feels nice to him
- he’ll trail up your neck, to your lips, and then back down
- he’s super gentle about it AGAIN
- also i imagine that he’s just super duper warm
- he already wears that heavy ass coat
- but the pyro vision automatically makes him warmer to the touch
- he’s fine, i promise, just really warm
- so like imagine being held in his warm, strong arms while he gently gives you shoulder kisses
- its so cuteee
- diluc also likes it when he’s doing paperwork at his desk and you come to pester him. he likes it when you start whining and get in his lap to distract him
- because then he’ll just trap you in his arms
- “is this what you wanted?”
- and then, if nobody else is inside or if the maids have a day off, he’ll probably just kinda slide your shirt off a bit and smother your shoulders and neck in kisses
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- venti loves to kiss your neck.
- its so bad
- especially when he gets tipsy
- he’ll literally just kinda blend bodies with you and his lips never leave your neck
- also he knows where your soft spot/sweet spot is so just be warned, he’s gonna target it
- he’ll hold you from behind and find your favorite spot, sucking and kissing it before slowly trailing off… and then he comes right back to it, 2x the effort.
- he gets really handsy when kissing
- like he’ll probably grab at anything
- so yk
- be warned
- you can also bribe him to give you more kisses
- just promise him a drink and he’ll endlessly kiss you
- but like uphold your promise
- because you’re not getting anymore kisses until he gets that damn wine
- he’ll kiss you in any situation
- he prefers to kiss your neck from behind, but he can do it from the front too
- he also likes the back because he can just bury his face in your hair and it smells good so
- why wouldnt he want to ?
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- albedo loves to kiss your chest.
- “its for science”
- no its not.
- he just likes to kiss your chest.
- he’ll only go as far as your clothes allow
- tbh it's probably because they’re warm
- he isn’t particularly gentle or anything, actually
- he’s more rough with them tbh
- albedo likes to run his tongue along your skin before suckling on it
- then he’ll actually kiss it
- he’s a weirdo
- tbh he probably doesn’t kiss you that often
- it's more like
- spread out
- unless you ask specifically for him to kiss you more
- which he may or may not do
- he may just give you a look because he’s busy
- or he’ll indulge you
- who knows
- tbh i can’t tell with this man
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- rosaria loves to kiss your cheek.
- she definitely doesn’t kiss often
- or like
- at all
- but when she does, she kisses you like a ghost
- as in you almost can't feel it
- she much prefers to kiss your cheek, as its a soft and simple gesture that she can do at any time
- but again, she doesn’t kiss often
- so when you do find this blessing upon you, don’t hope for too much
- she won’t give you the proper kiss to the lips that you may want, because most of the time she’s busy and doesn’t have the time or feel very deserving of sharing such a nice moment with you
- so a peck on the cheek will do and then she’s off again
- tbh she hates the church and protecting mondstadt
- because she doesn’t have the time to kiss you like the wants
- but dw
- she’ll make it up to you
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- eula loves to kiss your knuckles.
- she was raised by aristocrats
- so like
- kissing is a thing
- she won’t do too often
- until you’re married
- because why waste her kisses on someone who’ll break up with her?
- no
- she’ll take her vengeance if you leave her
- so like
- don’t.
- anyways
- eula likes getting down on one knee and kissing your knuckles
- because it's romantic
- and she’s a knight
- isn’t that what the night typically does for his princess?
- as far as she knows, yes, yes it is
- so she’s gonna do it for you
- as a greeting
- and a farewell
- and just because she can
- of course in private she won’t make such a big deal about it
- she’ll just kinda snatch your hand (regardless of what you’re doing), and press her lips to your knuckles
- she really really enjoys doing it because it reminds her of those little stories about a princess and a knight
- you’re her prince/princess and she’s your loyal knight <3
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- mika loves to kiss your nose.
- shy.
- shy.
- shy.
- again, does not kiss you often
- but it's more often than like rosaria or albedo or eula.
- he’s just really really really nervous to kiss you
- like what if he messes up???
- he doesn’t wanna mess up!!
- so instead of kissing your lips
- he kisses your nose
- why?
- because he thinks your nose is cute
- but also because it helps him a little
- concentration wise
- this way he cant mess it up!
- right?
- right..?
- he’s telling himself that
- he just likes to kiss your nose
- mika thinks it's soft and cute but so is your whole face!!
- he’d pepper your face in kisses if he could
- but most attention kissing-wise is given to your nose
thank you for reading !
have a great day/night !
Requests: OPEN
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midnight-vixn · 1 year
So I love being bit during sex, what do you think the brothers are like about biting? Who would like to bite where and how much? Who's got some nice sharp fangs? Would they pull you into a quick make out session just to mark you up if they felt possessive? Idk just biting in general is so hot
Oooooooooh anon you beautiful creature, a thousand smooches for you!!! I LOVE biting, and our boys do too ;) I’m gonna include all the brothers on this one, I may do the dateables too in a different post if there’s interest! Dateables found here
Love Bites
The prideful first born isn’t typically prone to biting but absolutely will if it gets you to make that sultry noise again. Lucifer bites gently but in a way that makes you feel owned! Normally biting on your inner thighs or low on your collar bone so it can be covered by clothing, he can’t have the gossips at RAD Asmodeus talking about you covered in his marks all day. Then again, if his brothers piss him off, are taking up too much of your time and preventing him from spending quality time with you? He absolutely will leave visible marks, just to remind them who you belong to.
Listen, Mams loves to be bitten. But only by you. He’s the second highest ranking whore in the house after all, but he’s your whore. He never really cared for it before you came along, but the moment you bit down on his neck during one particularly hot make out session…his whole world changed. Mammon has the perfect set of fangs that send you half way to the celestial realm when he lightly scrapes them across the skin on your neck right before he leaves a massive hickey. Our greedy boy has also been known to pull you into an impromptu make out sesh in a fit of jealousy because some lower demon was looking at you a little too long or talking to you a little to sweetly. All areas are fair game when Mammon starts biting, but his favorite spots are your thighs, chest, lower stomach and of course neck so everyone can see his fang marks.
Poor Levi is normally too scared to bite, full of “What if I hurt you?” “What if I do it wrong?” “What if you think it’s gross after I do it?” The best way to shut him up? Bite him on the side of his neck. The result will be the sluttiest moan you’ve ever heard the little weeb make…along with the brightest red blush. Eventually Levi will gain the confidence to bite you back and once he does he’s very gentle with it, applying just enough pressure to qualify as a bite but not enough to possibly hurt you. He’s too new to the whole thing to really have a favorite place to bite you but on him? Uh, totally not a gentle little nibble on his ear, that does uh, nothing for him…what a normie thing to ask…
Satan has always loved to play fight/wrestle with you in that cute way that couples do in his romance novels, rolling around on the bed laughing at each other, but he never expected you to playfully bite him…and he never expected to moan like that either. Satan bites softly and whispers how much he loves you as he does it, even when he does bite hard during sex he’s constantly praising you and telling you how much you mean to him. Satan adores biting up and down your legs and arms, gently biting at your wrists before places kisses on the palm of your hands. He also loves when you bite his shoulders and stomach, he secretly loves to rile you up until you’re annoyed or slightly angry so you’ll bite harder, the sensation from your bite paired with you indulging in his sin a little makes his head dizzy.
The queen himself loves to bite and be bitten but ONLY in the areas that feel good, unless of course this is a punishment~~ Asmo considers sex a work of art and you are his stunning blank canvas, perfect for sinking his fangs into. He loves every inch of you but really enjoys biting those spots that make you writhe against the mattress and if those spots are easy access during a make out then you bet they’re fair game even when in public.
Our gentle giant usually bites on complete accident, getting carried away while kissing your soft lips or caught up in the way you feel as he rails you into the mattress. Beel is prone biting at your lips, the first time is usually a mistake but then he’ll do it on purpose, gently pulling and sucking at your puffy lip. He’s also known to bite down on your shoulder/neck while fucking you, between the sharp sting of his thick fangs in your skin and the deep grunts filling your ear you have to grab the bed/pillow/headboard or nearest object to ground yourself. Beel thinks it’s cute when you bite him, it doesn’t hurt but it definitely makes him feel something with how quick he is to pin you down after.
In true brat fashion Belphie bites at any given time. The two of you are cuddling and you’re texting a brother for too long? Bite. You guys are sitting in class and you move making him lose his comfy headrest? Bite. Never tell him to bite your ass…he’ll do it. In fact, he actually likes doing it because he loves how you react be it annoyed, pissed off or horny. If you into biting and bite back then making out usually ends up with you two sloppily kissing and biting each other’s necks, biting a little harder each time just to see how much pain the other can take, before getting handsy and taking things to the bedroom.
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suempu · 9 days
My gosh,believe me,I just got into the dungeon meshi and I just wanted to thank you for writing all those hcs😭😭😭 I've been rereading them a few times over and over lol
I guess that if everyone is requesting,then maybe I can ask for a tall fem reader who is like 5'10 ft x kabru cause he is such a small man actually omg😭😭😭😭
Anyway,I hope your back pains are okay cause it probably hurts like hell,jeez. Take breaks!!
rereading them??? my fics?? anon,,, i think u might have stolen my heart 🥹 thank you for the kind words !!!
fem reader + sfw + reader is a meanie
the time to bully kabru is now. and you take every opportunity you can get, just to tease him. its payback for how much he’s been a little shit to you and your friends (exaggeration)
although you loved that man dearly, you can’t help but play around with him at times. whether its pinching his ear or just ambushing him from behind with an embrace, you liked seeing his usual calm demeanor scrunch in surprise.
“i know you’re behind me.” kabru hums playfully, fingers flipping through a page on his book. “i caught you this time— ah!”
nipping his earlobe, you wrap your arms around him, peppering light kisses all over his face. he sits at his desk, making him look even shorter from your perspective while you stand.
“bet you didn’t see that coming.” grinning widely, you continue the smooch treatment on his cheeks and nose.
he chuckles before putting his hands on your hips, “alright, alright, you win.”
one of his favorite things about your height is the easy access of your neck. it’s takes no effort to nuzzle into you, he doesn’t have to bend over or tip toe, making it very comfortable for him.
kabru just melts into you, he loves physical touch and you often feel him resting his cheek on your shoulder whenever you two spend a relaxing day together.
whenever you’re in need of comfort, he opens his arms wide, smiling at you softly. proudly calls himself your own personal teddy bear while you hug him.
he loves being the small spoon btw, feeling and hearing your heartbeat is comforting. the act is so intimate for him and kabru loves being close to you (your chest is soft and comfortable too but its just a bonus)
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jermer10 · 4 months
Helloo can I have the mercs taking care of a very sick gn reader?not feeling very well so some hurt comfort could help if you can! Tyyy
TF2 mercs taking care of a very sick reader
gn reader | i hope you get well soon anon! thank you for the ask :)
drabbles under the cut :P
Scout: - most likely just as sick, if not WORSE - he already can't keep his paws off you, he'll wanna smooch your sick little face until you feel better - he will bundle you up in blankets and cuddle you whilst you watch movies <33333333 - he runs out to get you a warm drink from your local cafe, tries (keyword tries) to make you your favourite warm meal - he will burn it, doesn't matter what it is, and you are forced to try and scoff down the meal - you throw up shortly after and scout just chalks it up to you getting even more sick - it's all in vein when he wakes up a couple days later feeling worse for wear and is stuck in bed with you - medic opts to take care of you - you both decline
Soldier: - he would firstly encourage you to work it off, trips to the gym, pushing you into battle - when he realizes that the respawn machine isn't fixing you, he forces you into bed rest - you play up your resistance, he pushes you further - "YOU MUST REST THIS INSTANT, CUPCAKE!" "auuughhh noooo i think you're riiiiight" - you giggle to yourself when he leaves the room - that amusement is short lived when he soon brings back some unidentifiable, viscous, black liquid in a small ceramic bowel - he says it's supposed to be soup - you throw up then and there from the stench - cooking isn't his strong suit, so he opts to tuck you in and kiss you goodnight - you graciously sleep off the illness
Pyro: - they're surprisingly good at taking care of you whilst sick - they, first of all, provide you with actual medicine, then they make you some soup and bread - you're pampered like royalty, your every little request answered by the pyro - they watch movies with you, cuddling you from behind - opting to keep their mask on, of course, to prevent the illness from spreading to them - that doesn't stop them from lifting it up slightly to peck your head as you sleep in their arms <33333 - gives you back massages, foot massages, traces their fingertips along your flesh - like i said, you are absolutely pampered. the other mercs would be shocked to see this side of them - you recover quickly!! all thanks to pyro <3
Demoman: - opts to leave you alone so that you can actually get some rest - when you do see him, he's bringing you medicine and food, giving you a quick peck on the lips, and leaving the room - it makes you a bit upset, you haven't really spent time with him in days!! :( - you wake up sometime during the night to find him curled up next to you, arms wrapped around your frame and nuzzling into you - you figure he's already going to get sick from this, so a couple of little kisses couldn't hurt - "mmm that tickles y/n...." he mumbles tiredly, giving you a squeeze - he soon wakes up, groggy and half drunk, to the feeling of you squeezing him back and peppering kisses all over his face and neck - "i missed ye too, lovey" - in his attempt to stay away from you, he ended up smothering you anyway, such is the way of demo
Heavy: - takes every precaution - growing up in the middle of russia with harsh winters that often left his sisters sick and vulnerable, with no easy access to medicine, it's a wonder that he would even let you get sick in the first place - so if you manage to, he is doing everything in his power to help you heal - he won't even let you get up to pee by yourself, you'll need him to carry you there so that you don't use your energy - well he's joking about that....partly... - absolutely refuses to have any physical intimacy with you whilst sick, he is the beating, murderous heart of the team and can't risk an illness - he still lets you know that you're loved, of course - showering you with words of love, providing you with all the care within his means <33
Engineer: - knowing engie, he would be too caught up with work to provide extensive care for you - he provides medicine, cooks you warm food, makes you warm drinks, etc - essentially the bare minimum of taking care for your sick partner - you don't mind, you know he's busy, but you still miss his warm touch and sweet words - "eenngggiiiieeeee plllleeeeaaasseeee taake caaaaree of meee" "i'm comin' darlin', just gimme a minute..." - he is NOT, in fact, 'comin'' - at least not for another hour or so because he is stuck in whatever he's working on - you are forced to drape yourself over his desk, immediately grabbing his attention, and passing out from the exhaustion - he carries you back to bed, feigning annoyance at your antics
Medic: - he's....literally a doctor - and an experimental one at that! - medic will give you plenty of different medicine, not entiiiiirely legal medicine, or medicine that has been tested in any capacity...but still medicine! - you're likely to end up more sick after letting medic take care of you - but he makes up for it! - you're petting archimedes whilst medic's cooking you a warm meal - is this what heaven feels like? - and then he feeds you another mystery pill and you're back to shitting your guts out and oh your skin is glowing! like nuclear green glowing! - yes you died from the mystery pills - but upon respawning you're....cured? - "zhe pills may need some more workzhopping!"
Sniper: - has pretty much no idea what to do - he doesn't really get sick, and when he does he does not give a shit, he will work in health and sickness - so when you're sick, he just grabs you some painkillers and tells you that you'll be alright, to take the day off, and drink some water - when he comes back from the match and you're lying in bed, pale, sweating, and shivering, he realizes that maybe you're a bit worse for wear - he consults an actual doctor, not medic, he has more common sense than that, and manages to get some advice for looking after you in this state - whilst he adores you, he can barely take care of himself, let alone you on top of that - awkwardly tries to make you feel better through cuddling and acts of service
Spy: - another merc who prefers to leave you to essentially take care of yourself giving the bare minimum to support you - he loves you, but he doesn't want to get sick and he doesn't really have the time or capacity to take care of you in a personal, meaningful way - so he will opt to giving you meds and nice foods, will occasionally kiss your head and stroke your hair, but that's the furthest he will go in terms of providing for you in this state - he will feel bad about it, often contemplating telling the other mercs to piss off and sitting with you, missing out on work to take care of his partner - he probably gives in eventually, especially if you're acting like you don't need him, it makes him want you more - will end up smothering you slightly, helping you heal whilst pampering you with kisses in a fake begrudging way
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yandere-sins · 1 year
The Orcas' Tale - Chapter IIII
You guys are really swimming through these polls. Maybe I made it too easy for you, but you got it right again! We are nearing the end, and finally, we make our escape from our captors. Enjoy!
Fandom: Original Content   Pairings: Yandere!Orca Mermen x GN!Reader   Warnings: Yandere, Monsters, Violence (Fighting and getting attacked), Butchering a fish, Dub-con touches/kisses, Animalistic behavior, Mention of claws/sharp teeth, Hinting at death, Long post
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The voice in your head echoed far and clear through your dreams of muddy waters and shadow creatures. It was the only thing able to pull you from those nightmares plaguing you, with its melodic up and down of a whisper, the sound vibrating in your chest as if it were a part of you. Something wrapped around your shin, large and cold, heating up as it made contact with your skin, and you pulled your legs upwards instinctively, trying to flee from the grabby hands, only to get blocked by a large weight pinning you down.
A brief moment of confusion passed your tired mind, your body heavy and rigid from the hard sleep on the stone ledge that, for a moment, you wanted to cry from being awoken much too early to fully rest. Somewhere in your circling thoughts, you must have passed out despite your hesitations to sleep around these intriguing but threatening creatures, too exhausted from everything that happened to you the previous day and the seal fur luring you in like a siren's song. 
This time, the call had already shattered through your dreams, hooking your conscience and pulling it back to reality. You awoke with crusts gluing your eyelids together, remnants of the salty water you never got to wash off. But when you wanted to reach up, you found your arms pinned to the ground you were lying on, forcing you to open your eyes without the help of a good rub. Your view wasn't great, though, as you were faced with darkness, not even the blue shimmers of light getting beneath the body that was covering you. 
There was never a moment without horror when you were around these strange, unpredictable creatures. But the loss of your movement and the weight feeling ever so crushing on top of you certainly put the cherry on top. Your mouth—one of the few things able to move—opened before you could even think about screaming, but just as quickly, it was covered by lips not your own. 
You made a pitiful quaking sound as a tongue slipped over yours, straight towards your throat. There was little room to struggle with this huge body on top of you, but you still did your best to flail your arms and legs, only to be shut down by much stronger limbs. Sharp teeth grazed your tongue and lips when you tried to close off the access to your mouth, reminding you of the predicament of their bites, the taste of iron and fish filling your panicked senses.
Until you had to take a breath. You were close to tears when you realized you were suffocating from the kiss, unable to gasp or fill your lungs until desperation forced you to inhale. The other tongue paused, waiting as you took your breath, both of your bodies shuddering as you received the sweet, sweet air you needed. Your eyes had squeezed shut as there was only darkness to see either way, but now that the tension in your body began to fade in confusion, you forced them open.
The amber of Nerrocan's eyes seemed almost like a glowing green as it reflected the faint blue lights of the cave plants, allowing their light to overtake the darkness. He allowed you to breathe through him a few more times before he awkwardly kissed you, creating some space between your mouth until only the sounds of sloppy, wet smooches rang out. His gaze fixated somewhere below your own eyes as he licked over your—blunt in comparison—teeth and sucked in your tongue, the feeling of his sharp ones making you flinch in surprise. Feeling your reaction, he pulled away with a jolt, replacing his lips with his hand before you had time to react.
"Don't," he warned, the sound curt and blunt. Not at all melodic like you were used to their voices by now. Don't scream, you figured from his order, and when his eyes moved to the side, so did yours, Nerrocan softening his hand clasped over half of your face so you could turn your head. 
Sprawled out to your sides were the other two mermen. You'd never have expected them to sleep so soundly next to you. However, you heard Krill let out whistling snores when he breathed out, and looking at Lyr, a bit of drool dripped from his lips, indicating the two were truly asleep. 
"They only just entered deep sleep. We have to be very quiet," Nerrocan whispered, even leaning down to the side of your head to speak into your ear. His closeness brought back the tension, shivers running down your spine. But you nodded into his palm, and he didn't question you before lowering his hand. 
"I will take you to the humans."
Your eyes widened in surprise as you listened intently to every word he murmured into your ear. "But…" you mumbled, barely moving your lips. He'd be able to hear you, no matter the volume of your voice. Glancing back over to the other two for a moment, your furrowed your brows as you looked at Nerrocan, finding his gaze to be on them too. For a moment, you thought you saw a flash of sadness cross his features as he looked at his pack, but other than you, he shook off the doubts before leaning down once more.
"Now. Be quiet."
Questions shot into your mind as Nerrocan slowly descended into the pool of water, using all his strength in his arms to temper the movement and slide into the wet soundlessly. Part of you was skeptical as you sat up, watching Nerrocan very openly take precautions from the others, apparently betraying them, considering how careful he was to be secretive. It made little sense for him to act this way, especially considering he was never the most interested in you either. Your questions about the why and how didn't help soothe the doubts that suddenly rose inside you, whether you should trust this guy more than anyone else. 
You gulped as he held out his webbed hand towards you, a serious expression on his face while most of his body was already submerged in the water. Waiting for you. Expecting no more delay from you who wanted this in the first place. Nerrocan said nothing while your thoughts were hissed in his voice, an illusion of your own nervous uncertainty. You want this. This might be your only chance.
And the others didn't care. 
They didn't need to spit this fact into your face to make it any more true than you already knew it was. Neither Krill nor Lyr cared or wanted to care for what you wanted, and neither of these possibilities was any less hurtful. They might look human (at least for half of their body), but they weren't. And there was no reason for them to help you. 
But what reasons did Nerrocan have? Why would he help you and go against their united front? Why go to these lengths for a human he seemed to harbor no sympathy for, either?
You didn't have a choice this time.
Shrugging off the seal fur you used as a blanket, you peered nervously at the sleeping predators of this sea, the two looking almost peaceful, with no worries on their minds. They were different from you, and, looking at Nerrocan, he was different from them too. 
On all fours, you crawled slowly, quietly, biting your lip whenever a pebble pressed into your palm or shin to keep yourself quiet, over to him. When you reached out your arm, his wet skin slid along your hand, up your wrist, forearm, to your upper arm, where it wrapped around. Nerrocan lifted himself out of the water while he pulled you towards him, your faces only inches apart when you realized he tilted his head and readied another kiss. 
You didn't want that! But he held you steady as he pressed his lips to yours, tongue slipping out to lick over your closed-off mouth, asking for entry. "Air," he breathed, and you scrunched up your face as you realized what he meant. You'd have to dip down into the ocean again. There'd be no saying how long you'd be stuck there if you wanted to try to hold your breath by yourself, so you needed to rely on him. To him, it was just a way of offering you air, but to you, it was much more meaningful. As if he was asking you to trust and allow him to protect you, making you feel vulnerable and gullible. What if his intentions were malicious after all?
"Air!" he reiterated, this time hissing the word in urgency. 
Behind you, Krill grumbled as he turned on his side, his arm falling to where you had just laid. If he noticed you gone, he'd probably jolt from his sleep and catch you two trying to escape, neither of you getting out of this situation safely. Nerrocan was strong; you had no doubts. But you knew Krill was older. If it came down to it, it would be strength against experience, and you doubted Krill would be fighting alone. Nerrocan was putting himself against his whole pod, even though you had no idea why. But you, too, had to play your part if he was ready to go this far.
Finding hold on his arm, you reached out to wrap your other arm around his neck. It was much easier to get things over with when you closed your eyes, so you surrendered to the darkness as you pressed your lips to Nerrocan's, allowing him to overtake your mouth once more while his free arm snatched around your midriff. It all went by so fast. Nerrocan lifted you from the ledge and pressed you to his body as his kiss deepened, making you reliant on the air he breathed through his gills as he pulled you into the water.
The harsh cold shocked you, but inside the water, Nerrocan's body was finally warm again, just like the first time he pulled you down under. Strangely enough, this memory resurfaced now, the panic and fear you felt then replaced with a spark of determination and the desperation to escape and trust him. However, this time, Nerrocan let you go as he noticed you voluntarily moving your body toward him instead of putting up a fight. Finding the smallest spot on his torso, you wrapped your legs around it as best as possible, arms holding on to his neck and fingers sinking into his hair as if your life depended on it. He loosened the kiss only once, threatening to drown you, when he gasped as you clawed at his scalp, as you were afraid he might slip from you.
You didn't dare to open your eyes even once as Nerrocan put your bodies into movement, navigating you two through the ocean with strong strokes of his tail. Nerrocan's arm slid over your back, pressing you against him while you kissed for air, making you almost feel… safe. He used the other arm to steer through the waters he swam through vigorously but kept you safely against him at the same time, never again prying your lips apart to make you fearful of the ocean you were in. The longer you were tied to each other's lips, the more natural it became. As if his mouth was the diving gear you needed for air on an expedition. But had you opened your eyes, the only thing you had seen would have been his, as the reflection of the ocean darted by inside them, with no time to awe about the wonders of the sea. 
When you two finally breached the surface, your worries melted away in an instant.
You found yourself liberated from the shackles of the ocean, barely feeling the water around you anymore as you pushed yourself away from Nerrocan, breathing in the fresh air as deep as you could. He was surprised for a moment by your sudden, energetic push higher. Still, he quickly adjusted his hold to lift your whole torso out of the water. 
After four deliberate, long fills of fresh air, you finally opened your eyes, staring at the twinkling stars above. The sun hadn't risen yet, but the horizon had already colored itself in a warm pink, promising a beautiful day. The water was calm, and when you looked down, all you found was Nerrocan's eyes staring up at you, his head tilted back to reveal a smile playing on his lips. 
"You're really taking me back to the humans?" you croaked, suddenly feeling a lump in your throat. This was almost too good to be true. Nerrocan had already brought you back to the surface, a dreadful place had you been here alone, no land in sight for miles and miles. You'd probably never have made it alone, so you were thankful he was with you. But what if he was just playing with your feelings? Showing you your own helplessness?
"I will. I promised. I'll take care of you and protect you."
"But why?"
The question made the lump in your throat swell even more, and you realized it was accompanied by tears shooting into your eyes. Nerrocan was promising you hope, but your heart was already too fearful to allow it. "Why help me? Why go against Krill and Lyr?"
Lowering you a little bit, Nerrocan reached up, swiping a wet thumb over your cheekbone and collecting your tears. You laughed as you were now wetter than from crying, and he did it again as if he didn't understand why the tears wouldn't stop. But when you reached up to press his palm against the side of your face, he stopped, staring at where your skin met his with an intense focus. 
"I… don't know," he muttered, squinting his eyes suspiciously. For someone who always seemed very collected, he was much more expressive than you could have hoped for. You felt yourself trust him more when he showed his emotions openly. "I just know I have to bring you back. You want to go back, so that's what I have to do."
"Are you sure? You don't sound sure…"
"I am. I am unsure why I feel this way, but I am sure about what to do. And we must move now, or the others can catch up with us before sunrise."
It wasn't the answer you hoped for, the questions burning in your mind never being solved to your satisfaction. But you swallowed them for the sake of this escape. Nerrocan had proven himself trustworthy, and when you gave him a nod as his go, he pulled your hands from his shoulders where you had supported yourself and slipped underwater again. Only to emerge with his back facing you, directing your arms around his neck again. 
"As long as the sun isn't high in the sky yet, we can swim on the surface. But we'll have to go back underwater when it gets dangerous for you. Humans are vulnerable to the sunlight, right?"
"Yes," you confirmed without thinking, slowly hooking your arms around his neck and drawing closer to his body. "Yes, we are."
"You are very fragile," he noted, but there was no bite to his words, and you spotted a smile on his face as you peered around to the front. Next thing you knew, he had ducked his head into the water, pushing his body upwards for you to sit on. Nerrocan didn't need to tell you to wrap your legs around him as best as you could, hands falling to the space between his neck and shoulders before he began to push onwards. 
It wasn't easy to hold onto him, but you did your best, feeling like a cartoon character riding an oversized dolphin from the TV shows of your youth. There was some fun to it, but the moment your focus shifted anywhere else than your grip or the even but still fast pace you two had, you were sliding down his body like a slippery eel. Luckily, Nerrocan would always grip your legs in time to steady you until you found your place on top of him again, but you concluded that the trip to where you wanted to go would be an exhausting one. 
But at least, now you had a chance to make it.
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By the time the sun had already gone down again, you were sore and desperate for a break. You had no idea how you made it through the whole day without a moment of calm since you two began your journey, with no food and only an embarrassing amount of saliva to swallow from Nerrocan to replace your need for water. Talking about water—you were sick of it already, and it had only been one day. 
"How long?" you gasped, wiping your face with your hands before planting them into the sand. 
"Two more days if we can keep up the pace of today."
Nerrocan eyed you suspiciously as you kneeled on the small island in the middle of the ocean, barely ten steps wide and only sand and stones. There was some fern in the middle of it, but you doubted it was edible. Clutching your stomach, you weren't sure if you were hungry or nauseated from hearing the news about how long you'd still need to endure this kind of travel. You wanted to be better than this, toughen up, and take it as the price you'd have to pay for surviving silently without complaints. Still, at the same time, you couldn't imagine making it through another two days like this. 
His eyes fell on your hand on top of your stomach, brows furrowing as he studied your sickly posture. "Wait here," Nerrocan instructed sternly. "Don't go anywhere without me."
You shook your head, waving your hand dismissively. As if there was anywhere you could go other than the other side of this small, sandy beach island. All you wanted to do was sit on steady ground for a while, rest your sore muscles, and dry off your skin. Hopefully, you wouldn't suffer long-term injuries from staying in water for so long. Still, even that was something you considered a minor price to pay for returning to civilization in one piece.
It could have only been a few minutes, your mind almost immediately dozing off when you were left alone on the island before you heard the splashing sound of someone emerging from the water. You jerked awake, disorientated as you looked around, only to see Nerrocan crawling out of the water, a fish hanging from his mouth with blood dripping out of it. Who knew if it was edible, but when Nerrocan held it out to you, your stomach gave a small, pitiful growl, and you sighed at your own needs. 
You hesitated to take the fish as it was, complete with head and tail and entrails as you suspected. It also wasn't a species you'd usually enjoy at a restaurant. Nerrocan had bit his marks into the flesh, bleeding it out for you already, but when he noticed your hesitation, he paused, drawing the fish back. You never had the time to fully appreciate the merman, but the moonlight illuminated him like a god. Those trained muscles you had noticed before, moving and flexing as he moved, whether in the water or on land. They were perfectly accustomed to his needs, to whatever he needed to do, even though the bulky tail made for a heavy drag when he pulled himself onto land. His silky hair glowed in the white light, always moving, the long strands falling and curling over his body like waves caressing him. His eyes were razor sharp when he focused, beastly and predatory. But every time he looked at you, his expression relaxed, eyes softening as the tension fleeting. You could never tell what he was thinking, but you didn't mind his staring, his gaze so much more gentle than Krill's when it roamed your body. Around his hips was a leather strap, a net, and a small dagger hanging from it. The latter he pulled out, the blade looking dull and flat like a clam knife.
However, when he cut through the fish with the bare minimum of his strength, you realized it was sharp and ready. You always thought they only used their claws and fangs. However, watching Nerrocan skillfully disembowel and skin the fish was an impressive showcase of his abilities. Using his hand as a plate, he quickly put the dagger back into its sheath before serving the fish to you, not letting it get close to the sand. You inched closer to him to take away the pieces you wanted, one bite turning into two, then three and counting as you realized your body's need for sustenance. 
Nerrocan watched you for a while, following your fingers sliding over his palm to pick up the pieces with an odd curiosity before switching to watch you place the food in your mouth and chew as if he had never thought about this way of eating before. But eventually, he wrenched his eyes away, directing his focus back on the sea, and you found him lost in thought when you finally finished your meal. 
"I'm sorry," you muttered, suddenly overcome with a lot of guilt as you noticed his keen gaze, watching the waves splash around you. The things you'd have given to walk around in his mind for a while, figure out if he was measuring distance, what he could see in the moonlight, and feel with his tail fin in the water. The urge to study something so similar, yet different, had always been strong in you. But deep in those amber eyes, you could see longing, making you realize those similarities were worthy of your empathy.
"What are you sorry for?" he asked, turning his attention back to you and dipping his hands into the water to wash them off now that you had finished. 
"For… well… everything. I didn't even leave you any dinner. Not to mention you left your pod because of me… your family. Your brothers."
He was silent as you dropped the heaviness weighing on your heart. There was more you felt guilty for: the fact you made travel harder by being unfit for the terrain or that you had doubted him for the longest time. You didn't even have anything to repay his kindness with, and you didn't think he'd like anything you could give him as repayment when he sat you down at land again. 
"My brothers?" Nerrocan mumbled, furrowing his brows and cocking his head.
"Yes, the other two," you clarified, suddenly unsure about your assumption.
"We are not brothers; they are my mother's sister's children. But I am closer in age to them than my actual brothers. Krill taught me what I needed to know for my life in the pod. He made me a fine hunter, but I have long disliked his leadership abilities. He wants to be like his mother, which can be quite restrictive for others. I have sometimes struggled to understand his reckless behavior, and I loathe being blamed for his mistakes. And Lyr is… a problem. We've never gotten along well, but Krill insisted we had to stick together. You don't need to worry about them or me. It is quite normal for males to leave the pod. I'll be fine."
Cousins, you thought. All along, you thought they were close as brothers, especially how orcas usually acted in their pods. Still, you had been wrong about many things. You wouldn't have assumed yourself to be an expert on orcas, much less mermaid orcas, but it seemed you had been misguided about their relationship. You were also surprised to hear his thoughts about them, considering how well-integrated he had been into the pack. It made you remember Krill's words about the others, how he thought Nerrocan had ideas he wouldn't talk about. Hearing them from him now, it made sense he never spoke up against his cousin. 
But then again, the bit about males leaving the pod made less sense as you believed the only reason they did it was to mate and then return to their families after all. Maybe it was different for mermaids? Did they stay with their mates? Protect their families? 
Questions over questions, and you began to understand that the reason they all made you so nervous was your drive to find answers. But that seemed to be impossible, even at this point. You could ask him, but would it do you any good? All this time, you thought about revealing their identity once you returned to the mainland. To write up research papers and hold conferences about the strange existence of orca mermaids, but now… with how little you actually learned about them, would you have any grounds to stand on? If anyone caught on to the holes in your knowledge, they'd call you a sham and crazy for sure. After all, no one had ever learned about the existence of mermaids so far, other than in fairytales. 
"Say…" you started, opening your mouth to at least have some answer, even if they were just for yourself. You picked up one of the stones littering the beach, worrying it in your hand while he watched, minding the edges that protruded sharply from it. You wanted to ask him the bases and maybe what he'd do in the future. Even if he told you not to concern yourself with these worries, they still plagued your mind. Could he even return despite Krill and Lyr knowing what he did, taking you with him? Maybe it was less about the concept of his existence that you wanted to know about, but Nerrocan himself. 
However, instead of an answer, Nerrocan suddenly hissed, throwing half of his body in front of you and forcing you to pull in your legs to avoid them getting crushed under his weight. You could see very little with his body in the way, but it was impossible not to notice the tension in his bulking muscles and how he leaned forward, ready to pounce. 
"What's… What's going on?" you asked, trying to peer by him, spying through the gap between his body and arm. 
"Quiet!" he hissed, but his body only strained further after hearing your voice. He seemed unwell as if something hurt him, but you couldn't see an open wound on his body. 
Overcome with your nervousness, you held your breath as you tried to glimpse at what he saw, scanning the relatively calm waters as best as you could for any hint of danger that would justify his reaction. For a long moment, there was nothing, and you felt the tension begin to ease again, deciding to lean back and calm down, when Nerrocan snapped around, pinning you to the ground as he reached for something behind you. 
You yelped in surprise, your head hitting the sand with a thump, but it was only thanks to Nerrocan pushing you out of under him that you nearly escaped the swiping, clawed hands reaching for you. You dropped the stone in your hand as a sharp pain pushed you into action, forcing you to open your eyes and face the picture unfurling before you. Nerrocan held another face in his hand, his claws digging into the other merman's scalp as you heard a snarky laugh from the grey half-human. 
The moonlight made him look brilliant white, but in the shadows of their bodies, you could see the grey coat on him, very different compared to Nerrocan's deep black shade. Even though Nerrocan was a hulking figure even to this merman, the other still came with his own clawed hands that dug into Nerrocan's arm and sharp teeth grinning from beneath Nerrocan's palm. He held the grey merman up in the air as best as he could, preventing the creature from finding hold and crawling but also causing him to put all his weight into clawing at Nerrocan's arm. 
"You damn orcas are always so perceptive," the other merman snarled, licking over his lips. "And here I thought we'd have an easy snack."
We? you thought when a sudden jerk went through Nerrocan's body, forcing him to lower the other merman back on the sand while he glanced back over his shoulder. You followed this gaze, only to see another set of webbed and clawed hands wrap around and dig into Nerrocan's tail before starting to pull. Being forced back into the water, Nerrocan gripped the other merman by the neck, dragging him over the sand and stone with him as the three began descending into the wet. 
"Stay out of the water!" he yelled, your eyes meeting for a split second, yours blown wide in fear, his sharp and commanding. You weren't sure if it was meant as reassurance that he kept eye contact until he was pulled under; perhaps he was only trying to make sure you wouldn't get involved. More and more water was thrown around as you quickly climbed away from the edge of the island, sitting down on the grassy spot between the ferns. There was so much water being splashed around before the movement suddenly ceased, only to resurface seconds later. You saw tails thrashing against the surface, more light-colored ones than Nerrocan's dark hide, but you weren't able to figure out how many attackers were down there. 
It all happened so fast that you didn't even notice you were shaking in fear until you curled your hand into a fist, another sharp pain zapping through you. It felt wrong to look away when Nerrocan was fighting for his—and consequently your—life, but you still glanced down at the cut in your palm, long and bleeding, not having noticed it until then. It must have been the stone that you accidentally clutched when you were attacked, but it seemed like a small thing while there was a fight going on just a few feet from you.
The pain was quickly forgotten when one of the unfamiliar mermen suddenly jumped out of the water, landing on his belly as he lunged at you. Sharp teeth etched into a mad grimace, so much more horrifying than any animal could ever be when it was the face of a human you were staring down. You only got glimpses of your attacker. Of the grey coat and the dorsal fin, which was shorter and sharper than the orcas'. Everything else was similar, though he wasn't as big as Nerrocan or the others, that much you could tell. He looked as if a shark had taken on a half-human form, and from what you heard, this might have been the case.
Your scream fell silent as you forced yourself away as far as you could, water already threatening to envelop you when Nerrocan suddenly pounced from behind the merman, gripping him by his hair and keeping him at bay. His teeth were bared, his eyes so dark you saw no spark of humanness in them. None of them resembled humans at that moment. Nerrocan didn't look at you, even though you couldn't help but watch him, terrified, as he dragged the attacker away from you. Another merman lunged at his tail, and you clearly saw him bite down into Nerrocan as he twisted around to grab that merman, too, letting himself fall back into the water and bringing them both down with him. That bite was not the only wound you noticed in the short time the struggle occurred before you. You saw the scratches on Nerrocan's body, the blood trickling from his shoulder, and the claw marks on his arms. 
This fight was raw and brutal and… unfair. Even though he kept them at bay, those two other mermen didn't have wounds deep enough to bleed yet. Orcas were stronger than sharks, but you had never seen a fight between one orca and two sharks before. The outcome wasn't clear this time, but your gut twisted and turned with the realization there was no guarantee Nerrocan would be able to win on his own. 
He told you to stay out of the water, to not get unnecessarily close to the danger, but should you just wait and watch as the two attackers ripped your only chance of safety and returning home apart? Nerrocan told you to stay back, and you had already decided to trust him. Would you be a hindrance if you tried to help, or would you give Nerrocan that little window he needed to finish off these two? The only way to distract them was to get into the action, but what if you put yourself into danger—accidentally or not?
There wasn't much time to think of anything else you could do. After all, this fight could end at any second when one of them made a mistake. 
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hai7ani · 8 months
WHAT'S LUV? haitani rindou
happy birthday rindou ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱
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i like to think that rindou is a man of many things.
he likes you, he likes ran sometimes, he likes music, and he also likes garlic bread -- the saltiness that comes with it always makes him moan a little more when munching on a piece and you're beside him begging for a bite too. he pulls his hand away before running to the other side of the room to finish his bread because this is his, not yours, and he tells you to go away with a pout. you laugh while flying a leg to his butt before heading off to complete your daily to-do list, but when you emerge from the shower you see two big pieces of garlic bread sitting in a tupperware on the kitchen counter. he isn't home, he's left for classes -- he told you after peeking a head into the shower and eyeing cheekily at your naked body and getting kicked out by you with a blush and there's also a sticky note on it when you shuffle closer to take a look -- finish it for me. i'm full -- yeah..... and you know your stupid boyfriend has never been a great liar too :3
rindou is a fan of cinematography. whatever christopher nolan, fight club or aesthetic movie that you feed him on netflix during movie night every friday, he'll devour it every single time. and he hugs you close when you fall asleep halfway through the movie because he thinks you are so cuddly when you're wearing his calvin klein hoodie in his 21°C bedroom and your nose is in his neck -- soft inhales and snores blowing against his skin and he smirks a little when you unconsciously hook a leg over his hip.
contrary to popular belief, rindou is actually a big afternoon napper. he really loves sleeping when it's still 2pm and hot outside after a nice shower, wearing his favourite thin cotton tshirt and he's waiting for his hair to dry and he just ... lays in bed and then accidentally doze off because it's just too comfortable for him. he loves catnapping with you too -- on the couch, in his bed, in your bed -- just having you lay on his forearm as you fall asleep together feels so intimate and loving to him and he can't help but love you a little more when you wake up and look at him drowsily with half open eyelids, some stray hair sticking to your face and you've got some sleep marks indented on your left arm. he wipes your hair away for you, your face sticky against his palm from the heat, and rindou still pulls your body close by your thighs to press a sweet kiss on the corners of your lips. "hi." "hi..."
rindou was a chubby kid when he was younger -- paired with the little glasses on his nose, he's gotten bullied before for it. but after he's hit puberty at the age of 14 and has easy access to gym equipments, rindou trains whenever he can. there's a few stretch marks on his stomach and biceps and you know he's a little sensitive to them -- it's just there ever since he started training, he doesn't really know how it came to be, and he doesn't know how to make it go away either. though he can't help but get so shy and blushy before pressing a little kiss to your neck when you touch on them and smooch on them a little. "they're you, rin. they're a part of you." and you run your palm over the areas warmly while he purrs in your neck like a little cat.
he also adores it when you keep him on track for his diet. like the extra larva cake that ran had bought last night taunting him in the fridge and you push past his body to snatch it away from his sight before rindou can act on his desires. you're always there, and every time when this happens you always give him a scoop though -- just one scoop of the dessert after he flashes you some look of longing and you kiss his cheek with a mouthful of chocolate, "go now." he smirks while grabbing his gym bag off the rack, the bottle of his protein shake that you made for him earlier hanging off his pointer. "see you." and he leaves for his Sunday morning gym session with a giddy smile and a rattling, itchy heart.
rindou is a bit possessive. he likes to think that he isn't the over-protective boyfriend that most girls hate in guys -- he's just a little territorial when it comes to you. which is why he doesn't tell his friends about you despite their curious asks about his girl -- though everyone knows haitani rindou has a girlfriend, nobody knows who she is. and people had only found out how serious he is about you when some guy in tokyo manji had crossed his boundaries. he'd just joined the gang -- he isn't familiar with the people and the customs, but so many wants to know just who haitani rindou really is when provoked. and some idiot just goes up and pokes a finger into rindou's shoulder, talking down on him like he isn't the same guy who'd went to juvie with his brother for beating a man to death, and rindou isn't fazed at all by it at first. he's unresponsive to the guy's taunts, smirking when he talks big to rindou, but he finds himself getting irritated when he starts yapping about his girlfriend. "ah, my chick's actually really annoying, so i'm thinking of dumping her. you got any recommendations for me? i like sweet girls. maybe yours would do." rindou had punched the soul out of that man after grabbing his collar, daring him to say it again (he really did, and they get into a violent fight, and rindou won). but he gets suspended for a month because mikey is serious about his no-infighting rule, even though it wasn't even rindou's fault at all, and you'd gotten so mad at this asshole called sano manjirou after you find out the reason why your boyfriend had came over to your house with a busted lip and a big bruise to his cheek and he tells you that he won't be any attending gang meetings for now; that he'll be taking you to kyoto this saturday for a quick trip since he's freed up his weekends.
you stomp over to musashi shrine the next time ran tells you he'll be heading out to a meeting, and you point a long finger in mikey's face, "apologise to rindou." they'd all looked at you like you were some crazy woman when you'd entered, and an even crazier one when you mention the younger haitani's given name from your mouth like he's some close relative to you. "he's done nothing wrong. and where's the asshole that talked about me? tell him to come say it to my face." and draken laughs at it. so this is rindou's secret girlfriend. you frown in mikey's face to teach his men better, and he ends up saying sorry to you instead with a flush to his cheeks because he still holds a petty grudge against rindou for accidentally stepping on a packet of his unopened taiyaki that had fell to the floor (rindou wasn't wearing his glasses... hence the accident...) and you find out later that the guy who'd talked smack about you earlier was still in the hospital from his injuries. rindou drags you to the park later and sits with you at the swing. "everyone knows who you are now." he pouts silently, the possessiveness going hard on him (he just wants his pretty girl all to himself) and you pout too after a little while. "i want them to know me though." you murmur, and it's as if a switch had went off in rindou's head. he realises many things that night, and after he's walked you home he goes back and posts a picture of you and him hugging in bed (you're sleeping, your face is a little covered by his arms, but he thinks this will do for now) on his instagram later that night. stink -- he captions, he tags you, and he disables his comments.
you like drawing and doodling on rindou's untattooed arm when you're bored, and he watches you do it on his skin every single time with a lovesick gaze. sometimes it's a few smiley faces, other times some flowers (roses, bellflowers, orchids), and today you draw a bunch of black on the area just a little below his pulse that he cannot for the love of his life figure out what it is. he nudges your cheek with his nose after giving up and you hum. "what's that?" you simply smile, "my name and your name together. look closer." and he sees it all when he leans in next to your face -- your kanji and his kanji jumbled together in your pretty fine handwriting. from far it may seem like there's just a very huge mole on his wrist, but if one were to look closer, he thinks it's the prettiest thing they can ever see in their life (next to you). rindou doesn't let you wipe the ink off his skin later. he leaves your house that evening with a lame excuse of needing to get some errands for his mother because he'd forgotten despite your little whines and fits of telling him to stay, "it's your birthday, rin! i was gonna bring you somewhere..." you pout and he nods with a kiss to your cheek, telling you he'll be back soon and he rushes over to a friend's to ask for a favour.
"i'm closed for the day, rindou." his friend blinks, counting the stacks of cash in his hands and rindou scratches on his scalp. "i'll pay you upfront, in cash. just need to get this tattooed real quick."
rindou snaps a photo of it when it's done -- the tattoo fine-lined, fresh and red, and his skin is a little swollen, but it's pretty, and he sends it to you.
for you from me
n happy bday to myself too ig
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY POOKIE RIN i love you to the moon & back 🤣🤣🤣🤞🏻💞 he's so silly i love him sm im gonna eat his cheekies
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
sweet little doll yan
I would kiss their forehead and dress them up prettily and comb their hair (if they have any)
would 100% sleep next to them or make them their own bed to place on the bedside table
sweet little doll yan that I store in my handbag everytime I go out cause I don't want to leave them alone
[Haven't even introduced them yet and I love them so- Here's a few facts to get things started]
No bigger than both your hands put together and a heart ten times their size - Button is your loyal companion through thick and thin. They'll use any pronouns as if it's something you decide for them they'll gladly accept it with open arms.
Due to their size, it's difficult for Button to express their love for you as much as they'd like - but that won't stop them from giving their all! Riding on your shoulders or sitting in your hands are some of their favorite places to be. Easy access to your cheeks and fingers which they'll cover in smooches as you go about your day. Whenever you do something good for yourself like praising something you did or drinking a glass of water that's another five kisses for you. When you're happy, they're happy and that's the way things should be.
Loves to take care of you. You deserve the world for.... just being you! When you're outside they'll carry around a little snack for you or bring money they "found" so you always have it if you need it. They'll guard your keys with their life and make sure you never forget them or what else you may need.
Button's best friend (besides you) is the sewing needle they carry strapped to their back. They use it to sew pockets into shirts you own without them and it's the perfect weapon for their little hands.. People better turn their heads if they ever make you upset - less they want to lose an eye.
You can't go anywhere without them. If they aren't in your pocket or directly in your hands Button is jumping in the hood or your jacket or hiding away in your bag. You always wonder why your clothing are giggling when you put them on. Oh, looks like it's stopped. Must be nothing after all.
Button is a lot stronger than they appear. They're able to push chairs with ease and could probably break someone's finger if they had to. The first point is good for opening doors at least
Button enjoys reading bedtime stories to you. They'll snuggle up on your pillow, either using your hair or shirt as a blanket - and go on and on until you fall asleep. Their favorite story to read to you is an ongoing story about the beautiful and amazing ruler of a kingdom and their little toy soldier that wants to give them the world.
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joocomics · 5 months
Hi hi~~ would you be up for a little description of XH their favorite way to kiss you~? Both in a cute sfw way, and a more make out or nsfw way?👀🤭 -🎃
oh, i would love to, let’s go 🫶🏼
# xdinary heroes + kissing
༻ sfw
♡ gunil
playful kisses on the nose, and soft kisses on the forehead! you’re so cute he feels the strongest urge to just wrap his arms around you and squish as hard as possible, but unfortunately that’s impossible, so instead he places the most gentle pecks on your sweet pretty face
♡ jungsu
kisses while you’re speaking! you get so immersed sometimes when you speak on something you’re passionate about, he cannot resist the need to kiss you, because of how endearing you look. that doesn’t make you shut up though - you want to finish your thought, so you both end up laughing through multiple light but still very sweet kisses
♡ jiseok/gaon
good morning kisses! it’s not really a way to be exact, but kissing you after he’s woken up next to you feels very special for jiseok, and it’s his favorite way to start the day. he doesn’t get to do it sometimes, so when he has the chance to smother you in deep kisses first thing in the morning he feels very lucky
♡ seungmin/o.de
a long kiss while both of you have your arms wrapped around your waist! that sweet kiss without tongue that lasts for a while and makes you lean back, as he holds you in his embrace… that’s his favorite! he loves being able to see up close that wide pretty smile of yours appearing on your face afterwards
♡ hyeongjun/junhan
unexpected cheek kisses! they’re heartwarming, and he loves them especially because he can give you some no matter where you are. he loves surprising you by wrapping hands around you from the back, and kissing your cheek
♡ jooyeon
peppers your entire face with smooches while he’s laying on top of you! he doesn’t leave you alone until he’s kissed every little spot of your face. it’s a little aggressive, you know how he can be sometimes, but it’s in the most affectionate way. you’re like sweet honey to him and he’s addicted
༻ nsfw
♡ gunil
passionate kiss, as he cups your face with his hands. he starts slow, and gradually picks up the pace leading you into a deeper kiss that has your tummy swirl. i just know he’s an experienced kisser, and imo he lives for the build up - those first minutes of just slow kissing, teasing each other with a little tongue as you let your hands travel all over your bodies until you both geth too heated, and begin to press your lips harder, quicker and wetter… the gradual change in the mood is his favorite part. very dominating, and sometimes his hand can crawl up around your throat and stay there while you kiss
♡ jungsu
oh, those lips of his… 😏 i feel like there are moments when jungsu can make out for hours especially if you haven’t seen each other in a while. he has his fingers caressing your jawline and occasionally bury themselves in your hair, as you talk between kisses. sometimes you tell each other sweet nothings, sometimes you catch up on what you’ve been up to, but you don’t stop kissing, as you’re both laying on your sides with your leg over his body giving him easy access to your intimate parts if he wants to go further
♡ jiseok/gaon
the one i want to kiss the most and he’s not even my ult (or is he?) the perfect plump pretty lips to go all out with. when i see them i think of greedy sloppy make outs that at one point feel even rough from so much biting and sucking. he makes you drool and moan into his mouth, but he doesn’t shy away from making noise too. loves having you in his lap, so he can grip your ass and boobs at the same time. he’s always sneaking up your shirt or down your pants to feel your skin. honestly i don’t see much of a build up with him - he smashes his lips right away
♡ seungmin/o.de
sensual kissing, but with naughty touching. he pins you down on the mattress, keeping your hands on both sides of your head, as he french kisses you in such delicate, but arousing way. his lips are gentle and soft, but if they go lower to your neck which they always do at one point, they start putting more pressure. he’s very touchy no matter where you’re making out tho; he needs to feel you against him as much as possible. loves if you let out some moans or whimpers as he kisses you
♡ hyeongjun/junhan
loves making out while his hand is under your pants. you start kissing softly, innocently even, and then boom! his hand is suddenly slipping under your panties and rubbing circles. i think he can get turned on pretty easily when you kiss, especially if you’re the one that’s changing the mood from gentle & cute to deep & passionate. he loves making out while you sit across each other pleasuring yourselves or one another
♡ jooyeon
slow, slow kissing with long dry humping, because he cannot force his hands to stay still when you’re sitting on his lap; they have to grip on your flesh; they have to be on your ass or hips, pressing you harder against him. the way he uses his hands while you make out really contrasts to the way he kisses you at least at the beginning. his lips move lazily, gently and they press against yours for a moment before peeling off slowly. however, his grip gets stronger the hornier he gets. loves throwing his head back, so you can mark him as much as you want. he also enjoys using his tongue and doesn’t mind spit at all
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z0r0z · 1 year
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Back at it again with the small titty reader headcanons, this time for my most perfect specialest boy. The Ace brainrot is SO strong right now, he's literally the prettiest boy ever and he's on my mind 24/7 these days. Hope you all enjoy ♡
Content: afab flat chest reader, s*x mentions, groping mentions, slight exhib, mention of dirty pics
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⤹ Ace thinks you are literally perfect- like, an actual angel sent to him from above. From the moment he saw you he knew he wanted to be with you. After a long day of doing important commander things, you're his much needed little treat. Every inch of you is just a little slice of heaven to him, and of course that includes your boobs.
⤹ Wasted absolutely no time trying to romance you, always finding an excuse to get you away from everyone else to have some one to one time with you. Whether it was overly cutesy picnic dates or simply a stroll with you on an island you'd stopped at. The guy was TRY HARDING sooo much, but it worked!
⤹ He just can't hide how much he loves you!! He's very physically affectionate so you can expect lots of hugs and smooches no matter where you are. He wants the world to know you're his. Also has lots of cute little nicknames for you and gets pouty as fuck if someone else uses them.
⤹ When you're feeling insecure about your chest size he almost wants to cry cos how can you not see how beautiful you are? In private he'll tug your shirt up and kiss your titties, showering you in compliments. 'You're so sexy, cutie,' he'll tell you, gesturing to the growing mound in his trousers, 'see? that's proof.'
⤹ He thinks your tits are just as perfect as you are and he wouldn't change them for the WORLD. Not only just because they're attached to you- he does really love how perky and cute they are. He also loves that you almost never wear bras cos he likes the easy access.
⤹ Doesn't care what people say about him but will literally go on the WARPATH if someone is rude to you. If he doesn't fuck them up then and there, they can say goodbye to their house because Ace is probably going to burn it to the ground later. He always wants to protect the people he cares about, even if he takes it too far sometimes.
⤹ Gets horny way too easily and has absolutely no qualms about playing with your titties at any time, any place, with permission of course. You'll be sat in his lap at a bar, and when everyone around is too drunk to notice, his hands will slither up your shirt. He'll take your petite breasts in his large hands, rolling your nipples and leaving sloppy bites on your neck as you whine. After a minute he can't stop himself and he has to take you somewhere private to fuck you dumb.
⤹ LOVES LOVES LOVES when you send him naughty photos of yourself. Sometimes he has to go away for a while, being a commander and all, so having some quality content to enjoy while he can't be with you is absolutely a must have. When he comes back he's gonna make up for all that lost time in the bedroom, show you how much he missed you.
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rrr-is-gay · 14 days
Ram is so flexible. We see this in the movie, and you bet your ass it comes in handy for their sex life. He just kinda automatically lifts his hips off the mat (or the floor, or the ground) and pulls his knees to his chest so Bheem can fuck him. He really can just fold himself in half; give Bheem that easy access.
NECK KISSINNNNGGG oh boy I think this is both of their weakness! Picture it!! A sunny afternoon perhaps, they’re having a lil picnic under a shade treee. Bheem is reclined against the tree trunk, with Ram’s back resting against his chest, and his legs wrapped around Ram’s hips. Ram is dozing off, so relaxed and warm. Bheem starts nibbling on his ear, then his neck. The nibbles become kisses and before long, he’s sucking hard on Ram’s neck, giving him the craziest goosebumps. They both get so turned on, they simply have to jack each other off. It’s the law.
Ram WORSHIPS Bheem’s body. He huffs his armpits, sucks on his tummy, licks his fingers, pets his hair & beard, hand-feeds him meals, and gives him the most wonderful massages. Sometimes he gets so distracted by Bheem’s perfect bubble butt, he starts eating his ass before he even finishes the damn massage.
I definitely think Ram has fallen asleep with Bheem’s cock in his mouth. Not in the sense that blowing Bheem is boring, more like he’s so sleepy and handsy and dopey-affectionate, he’ll sorta snuggle up on Bheem’s lap, pop his lips open around his dick, and suck on it a lil bit as he falls asleep. Like a pacifier. Bheem smiles and coos, maybe gets worked up, depending on how long they spent marathon-fucking before Ram got too sleepy to carry on. But it’s ultimately just sweet. Their bodies are so happy together.
Ram teaches Bheem how to ride a horse. And of course he does this in the gayest way possible. He sits on the saddle behind Bheem, reaching around him to hold the reins while nuzzling his face on Bheem’s neck & shoulder. He kinda thrusts his hips against Bheem’s ass while he instructs him on how to cue the horse to go. They get a nice trot going and Ram is just devouring Bheem’s neck, holding the reins tight and letting the motion of the horse rock his hips into Bheem’s. And of course Bheem knows exactly what’s up. He kinda angles his butt back into Ram, lets their bodies grind together while the poor horse is just wondering when these two homos will stop lapdancing on his back.
Ram and Bheem are very much a “sex every night” couple. Of course there are nights here and there when they simply don’t have energy, or aren’t in the mood. But even on those nights, they snuggle up in bed together and smooch and gently stroke each other’s skin before drifting off to sleep. But most nights, they gotta get their rocks off or they can’t even fall asleep. Handjobs & kissing is very common, but so is Bheem topping Ram. They also really love to suck each other off, especially at the same time. 69 may be impractical, but they’re absolute fiends for it, they can’t get enough of the stuff!!!!
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kisskissbanggang · 11 months
Jumpspace Renegade - ep. 14 ✨🚀
[3.3k words, 12min. read - Stray Kids Multi Fic, Scifi!au, Choose Your Own Adventure - Jisung x Fem. Reader, Chan x Fem. Reader - SFW/Smut in Other Chapters/✨A HINT of Spice✨ - Navigating Feelings, Platonic(?) Intimacy, ChangLix is Figuring it Out, Ruthless Scheming, Ominous Plot Hints, Forehead Smooches, Lingering Looks, Cold Showers, Loyalty Crisis, ONE Kiss, Delicious Banter and Flirting and Tension, Always Check the Tags]
[Episodes on Fridays 7pm pst, Polling closes Saturdays 7pm pst]
[A/N: My first fic with #straykidsland! Definitely check out their network and follow💕]
[Series Masterlist | Come Say Hi!]
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Chan really thought he had you pinned. Surely, an alliance with him meant you would have to knock it off with anything shady for the time being.
Too bad for him, he wasn’t aware that you didn’t exactly care. This was an easy choice.
Your alliance with Minho – at least in its conception – was purely out of convenience. Knowing what he was up to would help you plan for any eventuality. An alliance with Chan would afford you the same thing.
Of course, there was the whole issue of actually liking Minho, but what did that matter? The bounty wanted nothing to do with you physically ever since you took him up on his offer, anyway.
And it wasn’t like you deplored Chan. You just really, really weren’t a fan of him lately.
Still. Access to the captain was too valuable.
He continued to stare you down in the showers, cocky and sure of himself as ever.
“An alliance?” you casually repeated. “Sure. Okay.”
Maybe it was the way you so nonchalantly said it. Maybe it was that he wasn’t expecting you to say it at all.
Chan softened immediately, as if he had been tensing himself to receive your answer. You held out a hand for him to shake and he warily shook it.
“But you should know,” you casually added, “I don’t like to mix business with pleasure. If you ever come onto me again I’ll break your knees.”
Chan blinked at you, forgetting to let go of your hand while he processed this. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”
“I used up all the hot water, by the way,” you grinned, cheekily patting Chan’s bare shoulder. “Enjoy your cold shower, Captain.”
The relatively cool air of the ship blasted you and sent a shiver down your back when you exited the washroom, wondering where Jisung was. His cabin door across from the heads was wide open, exposing the lack of the pilot inside. You peeked into the galley and set your shower supplies down in the booth. The digital screen installed next to the kitchen showed who was standing watch when it wasn’t displaying ship or planet time. Soon enough, Jisung’s name scrolled across.
There was one thing on your mind following this new development with Chan.
Obviously, Minho would be elated to find out.
And it would be wise to sort out how to access him with no more keycard. But that meant you had to be sure no one could randomly listen in on you. 
You crept upstairs to the bridge. By this point, you could assume most everyone was asleep. The bridge was dim and quiet, but a faint light revealed the pilot, lounging in the secret bunk in the compartment under his console. He flipped through a comic, smoking a charge clip and not bothering to look up until you sat on the floor beside him.
You reached over and clicked off his clip, getting his attention. “You want me to stop hating you?”
Jisung paused now, curious.
“Disable the function to remotely activate the talk box in my cabin.”
The pilot looked at you then, shrugged, and crawled out of the compartment bunk. He closed the door on top of it and re-seated himself at his console, clicking and typing through some programming before a concerning beep seemed to warn him before he shut it off.
“Done,” Jisung clapped his hands together. “What’re you doing tonight? Want to hang out?”
It was your turn to blink in confusion. “It was that simple? You don’t even want to know why?”
“No,” answered Jisung. “I’d just enjoy knowing you don’t hate me. So are we hanging out or what?”
“Uh, no?” you laughed. “I said I wouldn’t hate you. I didn’t say anything about not being mad at you.”
Jisung deflated, slouching in his chair at his console. “Fair enough,” he pouted, scrunching both eyes closed. 
“Hey, something's different,” you smirked. “What happened to your eyepatch?”
The pilot’s eyes widened, first in confusion and then in realization. He pointed at the light bruise on his cheekbone. “Apparently, all I needed to speed up my heal time was a swift punch in the face. My dude had an insane right hook.”
“Looks like it,” you chuckled sympathetically, but this back-and-forth gave you pause. It’d been nice having a steady friend on board. Jisung offered you a small smile and you broke down immediately. “Fine,” you sighed. “You want me to stop being mad at you?”
“Uh, yeah?” laughed Jisung, almost playful. “This sucks. I hate making you mad.”
“Then first:” you began. Jisung looked on intently. “Never steal my shit again. You could’ve been a grown-up and asked–”
“But what if you said no?!” Jisung whined.
“Then that would’ve been my right, asshole! So first: never steal my shit again. Second: actually pitch the setup at Sentury Station to me. Properly. With details. We barely had any time on Phaborus.”
The pilot sat up at attention right away. “Like right now?”
You sighed hard, but it was tough not to be a little smitten. “No, dummy, not right now,” you said with a shake of your head. “Actually think about it and plan it out, and then come to me in private.”
Jisung grinned in determination, new goals in mind. “You got it. You’re gonna be so not mad at me.”
“Looking forward to it,” you teased. You stroked Jisung’s fringe out of his eyes as a parting gesture, and you could feel the mutual longing you both had for a buddy tonight. Still, you had to follow through. You were still mad, and Jisung had his new conditions to meet. You turned to leave the bridge, thankful that Jisung seemed content with this development, when Chan ran into you in the stairwell, fresh from his cold shower.
Maybe this was why you were feeling a little exhausted. You’d barely had time to relax. There was always something to take up your attention.
“Up to anything fun while I was away?” he asked, unamused.
You brazenly pinched the captain’s cheek. “I was reading Jisung a bedtime story.”
Chan gently, yet sternly, gripped onto your wrist before you could pull it back. The hold his cybernetic hand had on you was steadfast. “Is that all you were doing?”
The smallest, most effective move you could think of to make Chan release you without causing a scene was an admittedly ridiculous one. You stepped forward into his space in the stairwell, your chest against his, your best doe eyes gazing into his stoic glare until he gave up and stepped back, breaking his concentration. “We’re partners now, Captain,” you reminded him. “You said that now you’ll know I have your back. No matter what. And no matter who I spend time with.”
Chan was steaming when you winked goodbye and trotted the rest of the way down the stairs.
You made one more detour to the kitchen, grabbing something to drink for the night. The tea you opened was refreshing, helping you finally catch a second of calm, when you heard a creak across the galley. The door to Changbin’s cabin was open, warm light spilling onto the floor, and there was the mechanic himself, thinking he was being sneaky when he didn’t see you lurking in the dark kitchen. 
Changbin jumped when he flipped the lights on, but his startle quickly faded. He pulled you into a hug and kissed your forehead. “Hey, I haven’t seen you all afternoon,” he fretted. “How are you?”
“I’m fine, dude, really,” you reassured him, despite feeling dead on your feet. 
“You sure?” worried Changbin. “You’ve had a crazy day. You saved Felix, for Christ's sake.”
Your primary impulse was to argue this. All you did was get Felix back to the ship. Minho was the one that saved him.
“Nova?” came Felix’s voice from inside Changbin’s cabin. He immediately started shooing you in Felix’s direction.
“Are you sure? He should be resting,” you nagged the mechanic.
“Go,” insisted Changbin. “He’s rested all day, and he’s been worried about you ever since you left to go fetch Hyunjin.”
You were about to ask what Changbin would be doing while you visited, but your question was already half-answered when you turned to see him digging through the cooler. For a second, you wondered if the two had ever properly eaten all afternoon or evening. You peeked into Changbin’s cabin, grinning wide when you caught sight of Felix. The blonde had regained his color, now sitting up in bed and bundled in one of Changbin’s hoodies. He dropped the book he was reading and immediately outstretched his arms to you.
“Come here,” he happily demanded.
Your resolve was shot immediately, unable to resist giving the man a hug after an insane day. You sat yourself on the edge of the bed and embraced him as gently as he would let you. He also kissed your forehead, affectionately cradling your face for a second.
“I’m going to thank you for saving me,” he explained. “And I know you’re going to give me some shit about Minho doing everything, because that’s exactly what Minho told me. So I’m going to thank you, because you’re the one who got me out of there and back on the ship.”
“Fine, fine,” you humbly relented, before you openly changed the subject with a sweeping wave. “So… Changbin’s cabin, huh?”
“I dunno, dude,” Felix sighed, still retaining a hint of a grin but sighing nonetheless. “Perspective changes when more important things come up. But it was fucking tense in here for the first hour or so, like, until he finally spilled.”
“So you know more?” you asked, trying not to sound too hungry for further developments. Finding out Changbin was married was huge, even for you, and you hadn’t known the crew long.
“Yeah,” Felix nodded. “I know more. Go look at the computer. He pulled more stuff up for me. The stuff I saw was just the most recent.”
You looked in the direction of Felix’s point to Changbin’s computer on his desk. There were messages upon messages pulled up. Felix continued while you browsed through them.
“It’s tough, Nova,” he exhaled. “She hates him. She practically despises him. She’s convinced he’s sleeping with every marine he meets, and she can’t stand that he’s had boyfriends before marrying her.”
“So she’s crazy,” you determined. 
Felix dazedly nodded. “Kind of hard to get a divorce if it means you have to be in the vicinity of a lunatic.”
“How do you feel about it, dude?”
The weapons specialist was about to draw his knees up when the wound in his waist hurt too much. He defeatedly melted back into the bed. “According to Bin, they got married right after he was drafted. Money was tight, resources were scarce, she had a good job, and he’d have reliable income. It was more to take care of each other than anything.”
“Do you believe him?”
Felix thought about this, messing with the sleeves of Changbin’s hoodie. “Yeah,” he finally decided.
“But it still hurts,” you clarified. 
“That he kept it a secret?” Felix asked. “Of course. Just takes time.”
The two of you relaxed in silence for a moment, digesting this. “How was Jeongin’s dinner?” Felix asked you, interrupting the quiet.
“It was good,” you assured him with a nod. “There’s leftovers if you want.”
“No,” Felix emphatically refused. “Whatever painkillers Minho gave me obliterated my appetite. It also made me ridiculously tired.”
“Then you should get more sleep,” you prodded, grabbing the blankets and tucking Felix in. This time, you kissed his forehead. Felix bid you goodnight and you did the same, quietly letting yourself out and back into the galley.
Changbin was right there, unsurprisingly. He grappled you into another thankful hug before relinquishing you, and you could hear him badgering Felix to drink some warm tea while you got your head back into your plans for the night.
You had one final idea for the night. With your magic keycard being snatched back by Chan, and the hatches to Minho’s room being sealed, you’d have to come up with a new idea on how to access him, especially if an emergency arose. You first dropped your shower supplies into your cabin and opened the closet, tapping softly on the back of the compartment. With Jisung disabling your talk box, you were no longer worried that someone could listen in on you. When you received no answer, you figured Minho must be sleeping.
The best time to be trying to get this done would be nighttime, with everyone asleep.
You tried to look casual strolling out into the workshop when you spied Jeongin in the loft. He noticed you, too, setting his book down and waving at you.
“What’re you reading?” you coolly asked, sidling up to the workbench and swiping a laser cutter.
Jeongin nonchalantly pointed at the earpiece he was wearing, signaling that he was actually on a call while enjoying his book, and gestured at the proton slicer beside you instead. You blew him a kiss and tucked the tool into your waistband before heading back to your cabin.
Once again, the service access was arid when you crept inside. You held the flashlight from your nightstand aloft and examined Chan’s welding work. Thankfully, this didn’t appear to be metal joining the hatch to the frame, but it was some sort of compound that was tough as nails. When you charged and clicked on the proton slicer, the beam didn’t do anything to the weld. You rolled your eyes. Would the hatch in Minho’s closet be equally impenetrable? 
You crawled out of the service hatch and into the opening at the top of your closet, trying to move fast when you dropped your flashlight with a clatter. Quiet would be crucial here, since you were right under Chan’s cabin. You scrambled to pick up the plastic flashlight, almost jumping out of your skin when the beam landed on Chan, waiting for you in the access passage.
“Telling more bedtime stories?” he teased.
Five different excuses almost spewed out of you at once when Chan held up a hand to silence you. He simply pointed up.
“My cabin. Now.”
He watched you climb up, keeping a wary eye on you to make sure you wouldn’t run, before climbing up after you. From this vantage point, you could tell that the hatch opened into his own closet floor. You observed his desk-turned-workbench, covered in tools haphazardly grouped into some semblance of organization. A small set of paints were closed beside a couple of ship models he was working on, while a solder pen sat next to some spare panels for his limbs. There was a monitor mounted to the wall blasting an old movie, while a computer played a livestream on his bureau. 
Chan clicked off the strong work light hanging over his desk. “It’s amazing, how easy you are.”
“Excuse me?” you sputtered.
“I give you a juicy offer and I immediately catch you being friendly with Jisung and about to break into the bounty’s cabin?”
“What does Jisung have to do with this?!” you laughed snidely. “The cabin, I can understand that looks suspicious. But just talking to Jisung?!”
Chan seemed more than a little caught by your interrogating. He stood quiet, waiting for your next move.
“Besides,”  you huffed, “I thought you’re supposed to trust me now. How do you know I’m not trying to get more details out of Minho? Maybe I’m trying to get more info about what’s going down in Victory Meridian.”
And now Chan looked like his interest was piqued. You silently cursed yourself for mentioning Daedalus.
“Victory Meridian?” he smirked. “No one believes my gut feeling that we’re walking into something.” 
“Then maybe you should let me try and gain some leeway here,” you argued. Chan leaned back against his desk, and you sat yourself on the edge of his bed.
The captain folded his arms, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I like you, Miss Nova,” he sighed. “But you’re always up to something. Why can’t you tell me before you do shit?”
You leaned back, aloof and resting your palms on the bedspread. “You like me?” you cutely cocked your head. “I heard that. Jisung told me you like me a lot.”
Chan scoffed where he was leaning against his desk across from you. “What is this, school? Like I have a little girl-next-door crush on you?”
“You sure like to bully me like we’re in school,” you shot back. 
Chan held your glare. “If you’re talking about my unconventional approach to getting your loyalty, I think I have plenty of reasons to stay the course. If I keep being hard on you, you’ll either slip or you’ll be a perfect crewmate. Maybe even first mate material.”
“I thought Jisung was your first mate,” you challenged.
“No,” Chan shook his head. “It’s just convenient for us both to refer to him as such. He's the pilot, I'm the captain, and that’s it.”
“Maybe,” you posited, “if you keep being so hard on me, I’ll want nothing to do with you, let alone be your first mate. Maybe, if you keep being so hard on me, it’ll make me want to mess with you in return.”
Chan raised an eyebrow. “Oh? You’ll mess with me? What’ll you do, sabotage me? Play a little prank on me?”
The captain almost flinched when you stood up from his bed and took a few short strides to where he leaned against his work station. “Maybe,” you growled, “I’ll only stay in Minho’s good graces by fucking him.”
“So it’s been more than once?” Chan demanded to know.
“Way more than once,” you lied.
Chan looked like he could break something.
It didn’t matter that the truth was far more boring; it only mattered that Chan was fuming at the thought that you’d already managed to sleep with Minho multiple times since coming on board.
“What’s the matter?” you pouted. “Upset your alliance didn’t come with a little punch card to come in my bed?”
With the way you had him back up against his desk, you heard a small creak from how Chan gripped the surface with his enhanced hand. 
“So I was right,” he smirked, trying to keep up and remain cool. “You are easy.”
You bit down the first snarky remark that came to mind in lieu of something more calculated. “And I was right,” you grinned back. “You’re jealous that Minho has me on call and you don’t.”
Chan’s kiss was immediate and brief, in equal parts due to how he backed off and how you instantly reacted by slapping him. His hands were on you as fast as they were off you, now limply holding onto the hem of your shirt. You had to admit, you sort of liked this about Chan, the fact that this was so complicated. It’s what you liked about Minho, too, unlike how you loved the ease of spending time with Jisung or Seungmin.
“Stay with me tonight,” Chan suddenly, quietly pleaded. You let yourself be drawn closer until your forehead rested against his. “No funny business; you can sneak out in the morning. I just like being around you.”
Your mind raced, your head reeled, the air in your lungs turned to stone from Chan’s proposal. Yeah, you liked the ornery captain of the Ambler, but you also liked other people.
Like Seungmin.
Who, as you’d realized, had no recollection that Chan himself had outed you for sleeping with him, Jisung, and Minho. If you cared, you had a clean slate. That wasn’t even to say that you could be preventing Jisung or Minho from becoming jealous, too.
If it even went there. Who said that you’d fuck Chan if you stayed with him? This could be your chance to ease the tension that was obviously between you, maybe actually become friends.
Or maybe take out some tension on him.
Chan’s lips on yours, his fleeting hands on your waist and in your hair, it was as exhilarating as it was relieving.
There were far too many ideas of what you could do here, but you needed to think fast.
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a-bucket-of-trash · 1 year
Smooch Manual: Where to kiss your brand new Kelvin
(Sorry, but I'm in “those days” and I just want to kiss him uwu. I'd say it's an ABC of kissing but it's for body parts. Smut implied lol) (Don’t ask me what I’m doing with my life)
Top of the head: Full yes. Whether you see him sitting there doing something or he's sleeping on top of you like a St. Bernard, that mass of hair is going to want kisses and make a happy doggy face. Comb him too, happiness guaranteed or your money back.
Forehead/Temple: Very yes. Especially if he have a headache from too much caffeine, from his concussion, hangover, or from banging his head against the wall because he is clumsy. A soft smooch (or several) will always be welcome.
Cheeks/cheekbones: The biggest yes. You can spend 3 hours giving him kisses in different intensities that he will not get tired of. It is the best to make him romantic and happy, it can be accessed at any time. Kisses on the cheek are a contractual obligation when buying your Kelvin.
Nose: Perfect to confuse him a bit. Automatic giggle.
Ears: Proceed with caution due to sensitive hearing, nothing too loud, tender kissing allowed. It's easy to make him “happy”, access at your own risk.
Lips: Mega yes. Kissing fan, so don't expect a short kiss. If you don't kiss him for several minutes, he will work in reverse. It is difficult to estimate when he will start using his tongue, so be careful.
Neck: Very affirmative. Very sensitive area, it is easy to tickle him, especially near his throat, but he will start to moan if you kiss on the sides.
Collarbone/Shoulders: Why not? It seems cute to him. He will laugh, but not oppose.
Arms: Very confused, but he's not going to object.
Hands: Being a romantic, he will find that very cute and it's going to make him blush. Caution if you lick/suck a finger, he will growl.
Chest: He is not going to oppose either, but he is going to believe that it is the previous to something else. Sensitive nipples, access at the risk of ending up in triple x.
Stomach: He is very ticklish, he is going to laugh like crazy more than anything.
Back: Big yes. Caressing and kissing his back is stupidly romantic for him and leaves him in a puddle of tenderness. Bonus points if you give him massages.
Butt: Confused. Very confused. Bite him to see what happens.
Crotch: WELL. He's not going to complain, but if you start kissing, don't expect to just leave him there. Full service is required. Have fun.
Thighs: It seems a little strange to him, but he won't say no either.
Calves/knees: You are going to receive a “wtf are you doing?”.
Feet: Too many tickles, you're going to make him kick you in the face accidentally and he's going to end up crying asking for your forgiveness for days, don't do it, poor thing.
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truly-twirls · 2 years
Hii🥺 could i request a san boyfriend headcanon, please? 🤧
hi anon !! ofc ! sannie makes me so soft , he seems like such a sweet soul :(((
Tumblr media
𝒸𝒽𝑜𝒾 𝓈𝒶𝓃 𝒶𝓈 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒷𝑜𝓎𝒻𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓃𝒹 🍯
Word Count: 689
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff, Headcanons, Request
congratulations, your shoulder is now his head’s resting place
no but really, he loves having his head rest there because it’s easy access to your cheeks and lips for kisses
San comes home from a late practice and sees you eating dinner while watching a show on your laptop. He sets his bag down, takes off his shoes, and walks over to you. “Hey, pretty.” Smooch. A lingering cheek kiss as a greeting interrupted your focus on the mystery show in front of you. “Hi baby!”
now what is the response to this that absolutely melts his heart each time?
when you lift your hand up to hold his face to your shoulder and lean against his head
his brain goes haywire just about every time :(((
i feel like sannie loves physical touch, like that’s his primary love language
he still appreciates quality time a great deal
you could both be absolutely drained from your respective schedules
or you could just be having a lazy sunday 
but if you’re there next to him, in the same room as him or on facetime together when he’s away for schedule
he feels his love for you multiply
he likes the idea that you feel comfortable around him like he does when he’s with you
you two just being here for each other is so comforting to him, knowing he’s not alone anywhere in his home because you’re there <3
i may have gotten carried away with that one aha
he loves to plant small kisses across your face like
starting from your left cheek and moving to the other side, kissing the apples of your cheeks, your nose bridge, eventually reaching the other side of your face
and then he’ll kiss your lips :]
he likes the idea of smooching the place where your face turns a bit pink whenever he’s around
makes him feel proud as a boyfriend :) your boyfriend
Busy with scheduled performances and interviews, you haven’t seen too much of your boyfriend for the first time in a while but you haven’t truly felt the effects of this loneliness as you were also busy with your job. And then he video called you late at night. Seeing his face, hearing his voice, and watching his eyes shine as he looked at you made you miss his touch. His warmth. Quite literally anything about him lying right next to you. Oh, how it ached, but you said nothing of it that night as you didn’t want San to worry anymore than he seemed to have.  The day, around 4pm, you were finishing up some leftover work and decided a walk along a nearby river might just be what you needed to get your mind off of your craving for your boyfriend’s presence. As you got up to change into outdoor attire, there was the sound of the front door unlocking. Oh brain, please don’t play cruel tricks on me now. But it wasn’t a harsh trick on your ears, there it was: The figure of your beloved, sporting his beautiful smile on his beautiful face. “Hi, baby.” The next moment happened in a flash, but you finally felt his lips on your person again. Pecking your left cheek, like small feathers tickling your nose, his lips traced a line across your face, ending at your right cheek. “Stop teasing, Sannie,” You pouted, to which he chuckled and met your pouty lips with a pair of his own.  “I missed you all too much.”
he’d want to be able to take your on at least three dates a month, despite his busy schedule, because he knows how precious time is and how little of it he has in his possession
they could be as simple as going into the city to try a new food spot or to sit and watch the city night sky
he just wants to be able to have his arm around you and he’s content
overall sannie is very lovable, he’ll be very forward with his affections, in words or actions, and anything you do will make his brain twirl and his heart soar 💕💕
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