#ECS Horizon
spockvarietyhour · 2 months
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Only had 12 slots so did not include NX-01, Archer's Toy ship, Nomad, Ares IV (which eaglemoss never produced, get on that next company) and Friendship One, but I am always thinking about them
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manchasama · 6 months
So in true "gosh I don't want to go back to work tomorrow" fashion, it's 1am. The perfect time to edit and post a new chapter of a ficlet many have forgotten about. :>
Hard to Swallow Part 2 (Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5)
School was...well, it was interesting.  Ingo and Emmet's parents had decided that the two of them should join public schooling rather than homeschooling, to force them to interact more with their peers.  Ingo and Emmet had protested, (Ingo quite loudly at that, but Emmet no less fervently), but their parents had been adamant.  Neither of them had been looking forward to being stuck in a small room with the few other kids from town, who already thought they were weird and off-putting.
Then their parents had informed them that they weren't going to be attending the local school, but instead the larger school in Nimbasa.  Which they would get to by train.
After that, Ingo and Emmet had been beside themselves, impatient to start the school year.  If all of their enthusiasm was in planning for the travel itself, at least they were no longer protesting, their parents reasoned.
The thing was, school was there both to prepare young trainers for the journey they would begin in a few years, as well as to broaden their horizons to other professions and interests outside of pokemon battling.  Most youths paid little attention to the latter, despite the probability that most of them would end up in a more menial job than champion or gym leader.  Others, like Ingo and Emmet, had passions alongside of their pokemon obsession.  Fewer still imagined a future where both combined.
Then there were the more practical lessons.  Like Home Ec. Which brought Ingo to where he was now.
The girl—Ingo thought her name was Greta—looked at him with hopeful eyes, a small bundle held in front of her in offering.  In the little bundle of cloth, some lopsided cookies lay.  
"Would you please accept my cookies?" she asked, voice trembling slightly.  Her friends shoved at each other behind her, obviously there as moral support. Ingo wished he had moral support right now too, but Emmet had stayed behind to talk with the teacher, and Ingo had offered to head to their lockers and gather what they needed to head home.
"I..." he looked around, hopeful for any distraction, but there were none to be had.  In fact, their little gathering was quickly becoming the center of attention for the other teens passing by, some loitering to gawk.  He ducked his head down, wishing again for Emmet's steady presence at his side.  "Of course," he said helplessly, not knowing what else to do, not being able to force more than that out of his mouth.  "Thank you," he added, because it was polite.
She beamed when he took one of the cookies, then continued to stare at him expectantly.  Oh dear.  She expected him to eat it now?  Feeling entirely self conscious, he popped the cookie in his mouth.  He did have to admit they tasted pretty good.  Maybe not something he'd pick for himself, but…
She kept staring at him, and as his nerves grew, he realized the moment he'd made a grave mistake.
He couldn't move his jaw, teeth clenching tight around the sweet morsel, throat rebelling against the mere thought of swallowing.  The cookies were quickly going from "doesn't taste terrible" to the mushiest texture imaginable, and Ingo knew he was in trouble.  His eyes started to water a bit as he tried to force himself to swallow, desperate to not insult the still hopefully staring girl.  It was such a small thing!  Why could he not do it?  Just swallow, compliment her, then he'd be free to leave.  
Somehow he managed to start swallowing.  Then his eyes widened and he dove for a nearby trashcan, coughing and retching as the soggy mess dripped into the plastic container.  He heard a few disgusted cries from the group of girls, but he couldn't see through the tears in his eyes, couldn't get his hands to unclench from the sides of the garbage as he gasped in short breaths.  
A moment later a warm, familiar hand was on his back, and a water bottle was dangled in front of him, already uncapped.  Emmet's voice rang out above him, though for the life of him Ingo couldn't make out what he was saying.  Knowing Emmet, it was something decidedly blunt and rude.  Ingo would have to apologize properly for both of them later.  Now, he raised a shaking hand to grab the water bottle, straightening up enough that he could tip it against his mouth and take a small sip.  
The cool water was a balm to the burning inside of his mouth and throat.  He was grateful he hadn't thrown up more than the little bit of the cookie he'd eaten.  It wasn't the first time it had happened, nor would it be the last, but it was distressing and embarrassing.  
"Ingo?"  Emmet's voice broke through the throbbing in Ingo's head, and he pulled himself away from the trash can.  The hallway was mostly empty, the group of girls nowhere to be seen.
"That was...quite rude of me," Ingo said, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.  
"Ingo," Emmet said again, though his tone had turned disapproving.  "Stop that.  It is not your fault!  Besides, she shouldn't have done it in front of everyone.  I know you.  You would not say no.  She knows too."
"Still," Ingo said, sighing.  He leaned he head against Emmet's shoulder, humming when Emmet immediately embraced him, hands rubbing soothingly on his back.  After a moment, he muttered, "I hate this."
"I am Emmet.  I know."
"I don't know why it happens.  There is no reason.  It doesn't taste bad!  So why—"
"Ingo," Emmet cut him off, pushing him back by his shoulders so he could shake him.  "It does not matter why.  Do you ask why I do not like Pecha?  Do you ask why you do?  It is just something that Ingo is."
Ingo grimaced sullenly, but did have to concede the point.  Emmet had many textures he refused to eat, most of which Ingo could understand.  There was no reason to feel his own issue was any different.  He just wished he could predict when it would occur. Sure, it was more likely to happen when he was nervous, but it was not always.  And sometimes it was when he was eating his favorite food!  Ridiculous.
"Is your engine sufficiently settled?" Emmet asked, still holding Ingo by his shoulders as he turned him from side to side.  Ingo allowed it, arms swaying limply with the motion.
"Yes.  Overdue for departure."  Ingo was very ready to head home.  "Oh, but I failed to retrieve our books from the lockers.  We should head there post haste."
"Hmmm."  Emmet gave him a considering look.  Ingo hated it when people acted as if he were fragile after one of his episodes, and Emmet knew it.  So instead of arguing, his twin merely nodded.  "One detour.  Then full steam ahead for home station."  He slid one hand down to tangle with Ingo's, squeezing gently.  Ingo appreciated the anchor, and squeezed back.
(Ingo did manage to apologize to Greta, Emmet all but attached at his hip in support.  While she understood it hadn't been anything against her, it became well-known not to offer either of the twins food after that.  It was a reputation Ingo could live with.)
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kittzuxp · 9 months
fuck it i feel like making a chain!
write 2 - how many you want, songs that you've listened to on loop recently! tag someone if you'd like
here's mine:
turn the light off - tally hall
k.k parade - animal crossing: new horizons
BUG (N25 cover) - kairiki bear
Acid tunnel of love - Toby fox
56-12-2 - omori OST
bacterial contamination - mathru
tags: @r0tt1ngr4bb1t @mysticlilac-ec
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rainykthebroken · 2 months
Chapter 3: Celandine New ending!!!
Check it HERE!!! (it's more readable on ao3 than on Tumblr)
After years of being lulled by the music of machinery and the smell of oil and smoke, the gentle rhythm of the waves as they licked the sand seemed almost alien to Susie. The sea salt that filled her nostrils, though somewhat irritating, appeared to impregnate the essence of the beach within her, rather than the other way round as had been the case for so many worlds before this one.
The young CEO even found herself loving the beating sun, its radiant glow preferring itself to the sanitized lights of her office despite the glare. The froth that fell just in front of her tempted her to dip her hand in the cool water, to feel the torn seaweed and sand between her fingers. It was disgusting, unclean and pointless, and yet Susie found herself drawn to the prospect.
The years that had followed the end of her mechanistic madness hadn't been enough to make her fully understand why nature and its imperfections were so... pleasant.
Susie would have liked to continue losing herself in these reflections and perhaps even in the landscape that stretched to the horizon, but she knew full well she'd have to answer to the black monoliths that were spoiling her view.
"We've been very dissatisfied with our company's results since you took charge, Haltmann," declared the floating rectangle in front of her, a single red line vibrating at the sound of the voice disturbing its almost pristine surface.
Susie felt like throwing up. She was pretty sure that nothing could turn her stomach more today than rereading over and over those bold scarlet neon words that, as if carved in marble, read:
At least, as the 'SOUND ONLY' ensured, Susie wasn't forced to see the condescending faces of her executive committee members.
Unfortunately for her, a monolith to her left put in another layer.
"The accident on Popstar a few years ago has severely hampered our plans, and your father's death has only made the situation worse. However, we would have thought that you would have been able to take on this enterprise."
         Although life had taught her to conceal emotions, Susie found herself grateful that her visor couldn't reveal how much she wanted to unload her blaster on the investor. H-EC 08, she thought? All their voices seemed to blend together in her head, and deep down, every one of them was as infamous as the next.
Taking a deep breath, and remembering that none of them were physically there to calm her nerves, Susie forced herself to smile. "Haltmann Company has grown 13% in the last six months alone. I doubt that without me, this company would have managed to hold its own in the market."
She suspected his barely concealed annoyance, but surely they knew as well as she did that she was telling the truth. If they took the rap, she'd still be the one holding the bag.
"And we're grateful," interjected another interface. Susie's headset, simulating the sounds as if the stockholders really were encircling her, informed her that it must have been one of the rectangles behind her speaking. "Even so, it's obvious that this company no longer has its former influence."
Susie tried to argue, but H-EC 01 gave her no time. "Under your predecessor's presidency, you were the example of the model employee for the corporation."
Amoral, cold, complacent? inwardly analyzed Susie. "However, you seem to have deviated from the pre-established models. Our business plan, however, was infallible and highly effective."
"The world is evolving, and customs are changing. We have to modify the way we do things if we want to keep an edge on the competition," Susie explained, stopping herself from raising her voice.
The mechanic was not in the presence of simple trainees whose demands she could brush aside with a wave of her hand, but of sharks as cunning as herself.
"We can't just enslave entire star systems anymore, it's far too resource-intensive," in addition to being immoral, but she doubted they gave a damn. "By helping primitive planets, we can raise their standards of living, and build up a new customer base that will really need our products-"
"That's hippie logic! I didn't pay for it!" yelled one of the black venta blocks curtly. "Since you've been head of this company, you've let yourself be guided by its frivolous and pointless ideas. Why spend billions finding renewable energies when so many resource-rich worlds exist?"
Nothing less was to be expected of them, and Susie knew it. Since becoming president, she had realized just how long-term the firm, and its creditors, were. Like a black hole, they were only thinking of satisfying their insatiable hunger now, without worrying about what would be left afterwards.
How she'd never seen beyond her own job and vengeance for so many years was beyond her.
"We're not in the charity business, Miss Haltmann," the twelfth member of the executive committee spoke again. "Our sales are at an all-time low." Perhaps you should erase a few zeros from your cheques, Susie restrained herself.
"We're all the more dismayed by your various risky projects, always in worlds so far from those that really matter. It would be best if you came back to us and to discuss your place in the corporation, face to face."
Their mistake was to mistake Susie's calm for docility, but she didn't betray her irritation.
She was no longer a child or a poor assistant who could be bossed around so easily.
With her hands still relaxed on top of each other, her face as erect as ever, Susie didn't let up. "I'm afraid you're the one who misunderstands who is vital to our interests."
"Is that a threat?"
The floating monoliths seemed to draw closer, trapping her between twelve wide, marble-smooth walls.
"Only a statement of fact," the woman replied coldly, without losing her composure. "I'm still in charge, and I remain the reason you see the money pouring in."
She hoped that no matter where they were, they could feel the look of defiance she cast at the interfaces piercing the vague thing they had left of soul. "Don't forget that what I'm doing here could launch Haltmann Works Company into a new era."
For a few seconds none of them spoke, and Susanna hoped she'd finally shut them up.
"We hope for your sake that whatever you're doing in this backwater place will bear fruit," unlike Susie, the voice didn't hide its displeasure with the conversation as well.
"Otherwise, I fear restructuring will be necessary to compensate for your failures. Remember, we founded this entrepreneurial marvel together. It would be unfortunate, given your talents, if you ended up behind a desk handling the accounts to make way for people who know so much about dealing with savages."
This conversation really needed to end as soon as possible, or Susie might say something she'd regret in the future.
Fortunately, a small light flashed on her visor, indicating the words she'd been waiting to read for two weeks:
"I think this meeting is coming to an end, my collaborator is manifesting himself again. Better not to fall behind schedule. After all, time is money."
As Susie pressed one of the buttons on the sleeve of her glove, she had just enough time to hear, to her delight, gasps of indignation and a "Can we really trust this Magolor-" before her visor and helmet antennae retracted, the holographic monoliths disappearing with them.
And just like that, there was nothing to obstruct her view.
Susie Haltmann breathed out her frustration once more, letting the sea air fill her lungs. She regretted never having stopped for two seconds in the past to just feel the world around her. Once, she'd found calm outside the deafening work, now she was begging for it.
Massaging her forehead, the scientist regained her senses when, in the distance, the sky seemed to open up into itself, and a small dot emerged. The thing may have been moving miles from her position, but there was no doubt what it was.
Susie finally resolved to retrace her steps, to find Clawroline and welcome her friends. The short respite was already over, and the work began again.
As she left the white sand, trying to forget the humiliating reprimands to which she had been subjected earlier, she had to confront a truth that this little experience had just made her realize.
As much as Susie hated to admit it, maybe Zan Partizanne was right. Maybe a trip to the beach wasn't such a waste of time after all.
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squad-724 · 1 year
Made in @mothask 's AU: moth troopers. Go check it out, it's adorable
TL:DR Jesse goes out to find his vod'ike before the snowstorm hits
warning: mention of losing limbs, written in one sitting
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The snowstorm was quickly approaching. Wolfpack sent the 501st a warning quickly enough so they had time to bunk down in a tree to sleep through it. Rex and General Skywalker were now coordinating the cocoon bags for the troopers, Kix giving out heat packs, and the Domino twins gathering the shinies closest to the center of the tree hollow, leaving Jesse to get the best possible spots once they were free. 
The storm would hit in about an hour, the opening of the hollow currently being sealed by silk moth soldiers that could produce threads. 
Most of the clones which species were made for warmer climates were already starting to doze off, their batchmates carrying them to the cocoon bags attached to the ceiling. Jesse had no idea how the general was still walking around,  more adapted to the scorching desert sun, but there he was, flying to each of the tree’s corners and looking for missed spots that could have potentially fatal effects on sleeping moth troopers if the freezing air got trough. Jesse was getting ready to crawl into his cocoon bag when a sudden shout alarmed the whole Torrent.
“Where’s Tup and Dogma?!” Echo’s wings fluttered as he jumped over the other troopers, quickly approaching Jesse, Fives close behind him. “I was trying to give them a spot next to ours, but no one saw them since we got the notification from Wolfpack” 
Jesse’s heart must have skipped a beat and now going twice as fast, the sleepiness from the low temperature leaving in an instant. “Their comm locations?” He dropped the cocoon bag to meet the twins at the ground level.
“The storm froze a big part of our sensors, they don’t appear on our map.” Fives’ face was glued to his comm, trying different angles for at least a weak signal from the shinies’ locators. “For what we have we need to be closer than 100 meters to find them.”
“Then we have to get out immediately before the snow hits” Jesse was already getting his gear. “Ask for volunteers for a search party, preferably northern species, more space we cover, the faster we will get back” 
In a few minutes, at least a dozen other troopers prepared to fly out to bring their youngest legion members to safety. Their brothers gave them all the coats and warm clothes they could fit underneath the armor. They had forty-five minutes to find Dogma and Tup. Five minutes before the storm hit the thee they were hiding in had to be sealed off. Everyone grabbed a spare cocoon bag in case Dogma or Tup needed to be wrapped on the way back.
To give the search the most significant chance of success each trooper took off separately, ensuring to be within the locator’s reach of at least two other clones. Jesse had Fives and Echo on both sides, flying through the freezing air up North, the way the storm was approaching from. Dark, heavy clouds were already on the horizon, blocking off any sunlight. 
The sensors were eating their batteries much quicker, in fifteen minutes he had to change them twice. But he could work with that, they had to find the shinies quickly. Both Tup and Dogma had already been out there for too long, neither was used to winter; the freezing season they were experiencing now being their first outside Kamino. 
Half an hour has already passed, and some of the troopers were already heading back to the tree, experiencing dangerous levels of sleepiness or stiff wings. Neither Jesse nor Domino twins even thought about it. All of their sensors were quiet, pinging only each other. Another ten minutes. Comm on Jesse’s hand warning him of sudden temperature drop. He ignored it. The ARC felt how joints around his armor were getting stiff, he had to keep them moving before they froze. 
The snowflakes were already falling down, moth troopers maneuvering between them, getting wet could be fatal now. 
“Jesse, Fives, Echo, head back immediately!” Kix’s voice was static, the ARCs nearing the comms’ farthest reach. a red dot indicating a weak signal. “You only have enough time to get back, silks are getting ready to close off the hollow!” 
“Understood.” Echo sounded barely awake, his location changing the course 180 degrees.
“We can’t leave them!” Fives shouted, “We have to find them!”
“We won’t help anyone if we’re dead!” the other twin growled “They’re not even near us, we have to hope they found a burrow already to wait through it and return when the snowstorm passes!” 
Fives followed the medic’s instructions. The freezing wind could be felt even through all the coats and scarves. Jesse barely felt his legs anymore, his wings forgotten long ago. He got ready to let it carry him toward the twins, both of which were barely visible due to the heavy snow.
 And then. The scanner pinged. Two new comms in range. Jesse immediately stopped in his tracks, gripping his hand as he watched the blue dots blink in and out on the map. In the storm, fifty meters to the left. The moth trooper gritted his teeth and began fighting the wind toward his vod’ike.
“What a- -u do-ng” Kix’s voice was barely audible.
“Found their signal,” Jesse said, his teeth chattering against each other “Send the boys when all of this passes.” The comm’s light went out. Signal lost. 
They were huddled in a hollow oak trunk. Tup was covering Dogma with his wings, dry leaves, and moss arranged into a makeshift nest around them. Neither of the boys was moving. Jesse jumped towards them, hissing as he felt the frozen wings crack when hitting the wooden walls. Neither of their comms was signaling their death, Jesse checked for breathing anyways. Shallow, but it was there.
With trembling fingers, he took out the cocoon bag and began slowly digging out his vod’ike from the leaves, neither of them even stirring in the process. The ARC threw all the warming pads he had into the bag and slowly maneuvered the twins into it. He hated how he could hear their wings crumble, but these could grow back. He would like to remove their armor to help them warm each other inside, but they had no time. He wouldn’t admit fearing to see frostbitten limbs come off with the plastoid if he tried to do it.
He didn’t have another cocoon, blankets and leaves from the nest would have to do. His consciousness was already slipping, the roaring wind sounding as if from far away. The last thing he remembered was making his comm signal out an emergency sequence before moving a scarf to cover his head. He hoped that someone would find the boys after the snowstorm passed.
Kix and Domino twins found them a day later. The snow quickly cut out the tree trunk from outside, which was why Jesse didn't freeze to death. He was close as a trooper could be, with blue lips and fingers, barely breathing. The shinies were in a much better shape, waking up when the medic opened the cocoon. They didn’t leave the ARC’s side when he was transported into the tree hollow, not letting anyone look at their condition until Echo informed them that Jesse would live.
The moth trooper in question was later shouted at by Kix, which explained how lucky he was to not lose his finders and nose. One teary breakdown later Jesse patted his brother during a hug. 
“But it was worth it”
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talvenhenki · 4 months
Rules: pick a song for each letter of your URL and tag that many people.
Got tagged by @celestialspark and @a-star-that-fell, thank you both! 💜💜
Temen Oblak - Christopher Tin
Akakakushi - Akiko Shikata
Lève les Voiles - Cœur de Pirate
Vanity - Yuki Kajiura
En la Mar - Cécile Corbel
Namae wo Yobu yo - Luck Life
Hiiro no Fuusha - Sound Horizon
Ec Tisia - Akiko Shikata
Naraku no Hana - Eiko Shimamiya
Kaze no Machi he - FICTIONJUNCTION Keiko
Ishidatami no Akaki Akuma - Sound Horizon
Tagginggggg @wingsofhcpe, @erdariel, @hazydreamerneko (I hope you're not getting tagged twice lol), @peilinsirpale, @peikkolapsonen, @engineer-in-space, @spaceaceofheart, and whoever wants to do this!!
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amphiptere-art · 1 year
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Hi I'm Amphithere_Art and I love drawing. I'm using this website as motivation to improve my skills.
Asks are open
Current hyperfiction. The sun and moon show. Below is either things I'll be updating constantly or stuff I look at constantly.
Warning, I am not afraid to swear.
Important refs- RBB, CC, EC, ITTBAG, offshoot references, DH, SMOA, Crimble, SSC, LL, BM, sundown, CE, Ralph, arcade, etc
Everybody's height chart
Everybody's pronouns
Big list of characters/worlds
Here is a link to all my stories, events, and info posts
Crossover Canon
Size chart
Sticks and stones
Magic system
The locked door lore
Dragon culture and history
Just for convenience more convenience
Doodle ideas
My dumping ground here @amphiptereartdump
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ All my AUs below ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
Lore/story au's
Most of these are heavy in story. Asks concerning the story will be more received. And will be drawn with story in mind. (Might receive written stories)
mechanical medic AU-Ralph the repair dragon works as a moving parts and service. But is haunted by 3 fragmented souls of mechanics that died in the Plex. Sun n Moon struggle to get the medical mechanic animatronic to leave them alone.
Rusty wheels-a apocalypse au were a nanite Afton virus infects the world. It's cyberpunk with a rustic feel. Y/N has a big truck sized motorcycle thing and finds sun n moon. And drags them in their attempts of adventure and survival.
Warehouse AU-after the fire story were the dca, Freddy, DJ, foxy and Bonnie are moved to a big werehouse (owned by a y/n) is modified into a mini Plex (honestly more like a side road arcade that's bigger). And the dca has to relearn how to function with the band.
purrfect thief-you are a shape-shifting cat. You work with The gang Lord Eclipse but live as a house cat with the detectives Sun and Moon. You are an informant with the spiders web. A info company owned by DJ. Life has been simple and happy. But on the horizon a pack of dogs is ready to ruin that simple life.
saving waves-a sun n moon mer story. Were sun n moon were once in our lab/mer fighting facility. They are saved by a rehab facility and have to learn how to be normal Mer again. Also following the other side of the family. Who are trying to get pesky humans to stay out of their wild waters.
Ask based au's
These aus are very open to ask. Most of them have no more than a basic story. They will be drawn more frequently with asks.
red, blue, and black-a SAMS AU where suns kill code merge with him and Moon is attempts to control his kill code makes two AI but fails. computer takes over and creates eclipse with those two AI. Eclipse then has to figure out how to keep his family together.
Cryptid eater-a Sun and Moon are Hunters story but you are a creature that eats vampires and werewolves and things like such. And the story takes place with you trying to convince them that you're on their side.
warehouse daycare-a version of the warehouse AU where it's only sun n moon. The werehouse is smaller and they grow a closer relationship with y/n and a emotional support cat.
Art doodle au's
These a use are mostly created out of the will to draw something fun.
Stop you silly siren-suns a tired Pirate. moons a silly siren. Eclipse is an angry sea captain. Popped in my head. want to see were it leads.
Star foolery-basic place for me to draw the dca in different situations. no major story but has lore. does occur during after and before in dca history
Creature dca-a random look for sun n moon. Has flip floped between being and basic non animatronic form to fey creatures that deal with changelings and guardian God entities.
Story's ive had since childhood.
Most of these stories occur in the same or adjacent universe and are more likely to get to to get drawn due to my familiarity with it.
Shadow wars-Major wars that occurred in the history of dragons. Particularly wars of Shadow dragons versus light dragons. split up into four.
Outsting of the dark(Shadow dragons being misjudged and cast out),
shadons terror(an evil emperor of Shadow dragons taking revenge only to be beaten by family),
falling twins(a family split by different ideals),
the hybrid(a hybrid child that finally solves the war).
chains-The comic series I started as a kid about a wolf and his companions as they travel. Split into three.
The fallen stars(how chains fell out with his best friend),
fleeing revenge(chains fleeing his old friend now enemy),
God war(chains son and others get in a great war over religion and power).
dreamers musing-various stories that take place on "the a locked door". Occurring from dragons, Kings, knights, dinosaurs, animals. anything that comes to mind that uses the same gods.
moss and car-car -a old spinosaurus and a baby Carcharodontosaurus meet up together and decide to live alongside each other. The Old spinosaurus trying to care for a youngster that is not his kind. And the Young therapod running around trying to figure out how to dinosaur correctly. Shenanigans issue.
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sztefa001 · 1 year
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Twice as high as a helicopter can fly
Entry for the OC Kiss Week 2023 - Dance
Abyss (B2 Spirit bomber) and Holly (full name Holistic Care) (EC 135 medicopter) both belong to @president-alpine more about the beans here UwU <3
Progress pics and ramblings under the cut
Sketch + most of the lineart
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Hot mess of refs and half-done flats + flats with draft bg (that made it to the final cut as I had no time to work on it rip)
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This is probably my most ambitious piece yet that I felt I have nowhere near enough skills/experience. Dreaded drawing legs the most, especially regarding Holly. Helicopters have their smaller rotor on a super thin tail and I had to figure out how to turn it into two nicely balanced legs. Made this doodles to practice:
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Cutest ray of sunshine with a spark of gold <3
And now a fun fact regarding looking for refs. Apparently it's much easier to find nice pics of the horizon from a copter's pov (20k feet altitude) than from a jet plane's pov (50k in case of a B2).
Another fun fact is that having the light source in this position SUCKS. And I had no time to find and study refs 😭 But eh, I'm still proud of it and I feel accomplished ☺️
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aroacemisha · 1 year
[Retired Leaders AU]
Since I’ve decided to write the Collector out of the story, here’s a little masterpost of changes that happen due to that:
‘Elsewhere and Elsewhen’
Rather than searching for the Collector, Belos (at the time still Philip) was searching for ancient texts, which were thought to contain some kind of powerful magic. This is where he learned artificial magic from (or possibly what he bases it off of, if he invented this form of it himself). Those texts were contained in the same chamber in the Titan’s skull where the Collector’s disk was in canon.
‘Hollow Mind’
There’s no Collector imagery in Belos’s mindscape (though that was already the case before this change), and Hunter and Luz didn’t see any memories featuring them. There’s other changes unrelated to the Collector as well.
‘Edge of the World’
The Titan Trappers were fully convinced that the Collector they worship, the Grand Huntsman, is trapped in the broken disk, and while they were trapped there at one point, they have long since been freed and died in the war between Titans and Collectors. So, there was a grain of truth in their belief, but otherwise it was completely off.
During the ceremony, rather than connecting to the Collector, King connected to the In-Between, and instead of hearing the Collector’s laugh, he heard the whispers that were present in ‘Yesterday’s Lie’, possibly coming from that mysterious glowing figure Luz saw in ‘For the Future’, who appears to be a Titan. They may have possibly been trying to tell King he’s in danger.
King still asked if anyone else heard that, and the ceremony proceeded like in canon, with the Trappers assuming he must’ve connected to their Collector.
‘O Titan, Where Art Thou’
King still had a dream where he’s in the In-Between, but instead of the Collector he heard the same whispers. He couldn’t make out what they were saying, or if they were even trying to say anything coherent, and called out asking if anyone else is there. He caught a brief glimpse of the glowing figure far away, but was woken up before he could realize they were moving towards him or notice that they resembled a Titan.
‘Clouds on the Horizon’
In that scene where he heard the Collector talking to themself, he instead heard whispers once again. He had a similar reaction to canon, after which he stumbled upon the trail that led him to Alador.
‘King’s Tide’
King had another dream in the In-Between. The whispers were slightly clearer, though he still couldn’t understand what they’re trying to say. At the end he saw the glowing figure and this time noticed that they were running towards him, but woke up before they got close enough for him to realize that they look like a Titan.
I’ve described how the Unification Spell (what this AU’s spell is called due to it actually being intended to unite the realms) would work and then be stopped in this post.
Season 3
The kids were still stuck in the Human Realm, but this time Belos was with the group from the start, which changed the dynamic. His reassurance helped Luz not feel as bad about helping him in the past.
The most major changes happened on the Demon Realm side, since there was no Collector causing chaos. Steven, as the Head of the Emperor’s Coven, took the leadership role in the absence of the Emperor and the Golden Guard. The EC, with the help of Eda, King and Lilith, attempted to build a portal to the Human Realm to get Belos, Hunter and the others back. The parents of Gus, Willow and Amity were also informed about the whereabouts of their children.
During the months where Belos, Hunter and the Hexsquad were absent, Kiki and Steven finally talked, and she opened up to him, which resulted in them growing closer and getting along by the time the group returned.
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horizonmetalband · 11 months
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Y no te olvides de seguir dándole ▶️ #play a nuestro #EP #reordertheage 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽
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defconprime · 2 years
Tumblr media
ECS Horizon from Star Trek Fleet Command
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wisdomrays · 1 year
ZAWQ and 'ATASH (Pleasure and Thirst)
Meaning the feeling of happiness and satisfaction, and enjoyment and amusement, zawq (pleasure) in Sufi terminology is one of the first breezes of Divine manifestation and one of the first gifts that appear from time to time on the horizon of witnessing the signs of God. It is also the invasion of the heart by which the "hidden treasury" of God is uncovered so that one can know Him by the rays of the Divine light, which we can call succeeding flashes of lightning. Furthermore, it is the first mansion where one can distinguish right from wrong. Yearning for lofty, elevated goals, for virtue, for sincerity and purity of intention in one's actions, can be regarded as the passport for entering this mansion.
As long as one maintains relationship with God faithfully and from the heart, one begins to feel in the depths of the heart the spiritual pleasure that we can also call "imbibing," but an "imbibing" without need for a cup or cup-bearer. This pleasure makes the travelers on the way to God intoxicated, according to their rank. As they feel the pleasure, they grow thirstier and desire more and more pleasure, with the result that thirst and satiation follow one upon another in the spirit. They express this state as Gedai did, who says:
O cup-bearer, in the fire of love,
I have burnt away, so give me some water!
This comes to the point where the travelers on the way to the Truth, their desire and yearning for Him ever growing, feel pleasure embedded in longing and satisfaction embedded in hunger. They burn with passion for the door that is ajar to be opened completely. The interruption of these favors is impressed on them like a fast, while the resumption of the favors is like a feast, and they murmur in expectation like:
Offer the wine of union: it is time to break fast;
Improve this ruin: it is time to display favors.
Another approach to thirst is to see it as such a longing and passion for the Truly Beloved and Desired One that the initiate aches intensely for satisfaction saying, "My liver has become roasted: will there not come help in answer to my sighs?"; the heart of the initiate overflows with love, burns away in flames, and his/her eyes scan the horizon in expectation of Their Lord Who offers them pure drink (76:21). However, so long as a loving initiate remains imprisoned in the lampshade of corporeality, the Truly Beloved One does not manifest Himself to him/her in His perfection. This is why the thirst of the yearning lover who still lingers between corporeality and spirituality increases more and more to the point of being consumed in the flames. The following couplets by Sa'di al-Shirazi are truly beautiful in expressing such a degree of spiritual pleasure and thirst:
You show Your Face, then avoid showing Yourself,
Increasing thereby both demand for You and our heat.
Whenever I see the Beloved Who has seduced me into His love,
I am confused how to act, and bewildered on the straight path.
First He burns me in flames, then extinguishes with sprinkles of water,
This is why you sometimes see me in flames,
And sometimes drowned in water.
Just as ordinary pleasure with its painful and pleasant aspects impresses itself on other organs and parts of the body, so also this pleasure impresses itself on the heart and the conscience or on conscious human nature. God's Messenger declared: "One who is pleased with God as their Lord (The One Who sustains, administers, and brings up), who is pleased with Islam as their religion, and with Muhammad as their Messenger has tasted the pleasure of belief." He sometimes expressed this pleasure with the words used to denote bodily pleasures, as in the hadith where he prohibited his Companions from fasting every other day: "I am not like you; my hunger and thirst are satisfied (by God in ways unknown to you)." Whereas, the pleasure tasted by the heart and spirit as a result of spiritual life is purely spiritual, it is more constant when compared with ecstasy and feeds the heart and spirit with ever new radiations. As for ecstasy and stupor, they are gifts that come in certain states of the initiate's journeying and, despite their being dazzling, they emerge in proportion to the seeker's spiritual depth.
Pleasure also differs according to its sources. God's promise of Paradise, eternity, and a vision of Him, one moment of each being superior to thousands of years of worldly life spent in happiness, in return for belief, confirmation, and obedience, is one of those sources of pleasure. Without considering any of the material and spiritual or worldly and other worldly joys, the conscious human nature's pursuit of nearness to God and always feeling His company and Presence give another kind of pleasure. Completely freed from conceit and egoism, being favored with absolute nearness to God and feeling the uninterrupted pleasures of subsistence with God at the summit of seeing, hearing, and knowing Him alone, is another summit of taste. In short, everyone has their share in the spiritual pleasures in proportion to the degree of their belief, confirmation, and knowledge of the Almighty God.
It is when initiates feel indifference to bodily pleasures, when they are satisfied with them, it is then that they begin to feel constant thirst for spiritual pleasures. We can describe this as an unquenchable thirst. Initiates yearn more and more for the Divine gifts that an excellent guide will pour into their hearts through words and behavior, and feel their conscious nature open to an infinite degree to the knowledge and love of God and spiritual pleasures. Such a conscious nature or, rather, heart, which is its primary pillar, continuously yearns for God until it attains absolute nearness to Him. In time it is completely freed from the prison of corporeality and the density of bodily life and, favored with transcendence of time and space and flying in the heavens of the heart and the spirit, it constantly moves between thirst and satiation, expecting the doors that are slightly ajar to be opened wide.
When at last the disciple willing the Beloved and in love with Him becomes willed and loved by the Beloved, when illumined with His light, colored by His color, and, when, as a result of the burning manifestations of the Divine Existence, all things other than Him have been burned up, the true nature of existence shows itself. Beyond all states and appearances, the One, Unique Being is felt free from all qualitative and quantitative considerations and restrictions; He is the One Who creates all states and makes His servants go from one state to another, He is the one Who gives abundant favors, and the Creator of all acts and deeds. In the following verses, Jalal al-Din al-Rumi illustrates this highest degree of pleasure:
Drink such wine that the jar containing it should be the face of the Beloved,
And the cup in which it is offered be intoxicated with the wine itself.
Drink such wine from the cup of the Everlasting Face that
its bearer should be the One alluded to in Their Lord offers them pure drink.
When that wine is brought forth, it leads you to a purification
of the filth of corporeality at the time of intoxication.
How strange a drink, how exceptional a taste, how unusual a pleasure,
How nice a fortune, how great an astonishment, how peculiar a zeal!
Another Sufi, as if leading our hearts to taste the pure wine of pleasure, voices his feelings as follows,
See, all have been intoxicated when Their Lord offers them pure drink,
Four, five and seven; are all intoxicated by the Unending Majesty.
O God! Offer us of the wine of Your love and include us among those loved by You!
Let Your blessings and peace be on our master Muhammad, the master of all loved by You, and on his family and Companions, who are approved by You.
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spotlightstudios · 2 years
What's your favourote Ec-4o moment?? (Remembered that epic scene you drew a lil while ago)
I really like this ask. I'm not gonna do any doodles for it, but I'll have to say it's probably between two scenes I have planned.
One isn't technically a moment, but it'll be any time Abyss' gang (Abyss, Cypher, Ganz, Blackberry, Razz, or Paper Crane) get involved with the main cast. Whether they're just bringing back stolen parts in the middle of the night, fighting monsters on the horizon, or directly protecting the group and escorting them as more and more enemies lock onto the location. They're just really, really cool! (Plus their base is an old gas-station and they're the prime example of an apocalypse group :D)
The other is probably the pre-story where Geno gets injured and becomes a Semi for the first time. (Spoiler Territory Here) He's the guy who singlehandedly stopped the war after helping with it unwillingly for so, so long. He played a careful game of chess, sacrificed so many friendships and broke so much trust, and wouldn't have survived his plan if it weren't for a creation he was planning to destroy. (Said creation later drives his only trusted friend a bit insane.) I have a lot of fun making all sorts of plot twists and terribly angst moments for these guys, but this one is my all time favorite!
Bonus scene: In the oldest version of this story, Killer's big secret was revealed a lot earlier on. Aka, Dust shoved his hand into Killer's eye-socket and screwed in a little L.E.D. bulb. And it WORKED. Originally the bots call him out on it, but this was how they confirmed it, and this was the funniest and stupidest lil draft I have in my docs for this project lmao.
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intelite · 2 years
@reversedpsync asked: hobbies (character hc meme)
* character headcanons
back of the blurr figure box voice: BLURR of the AUTOBOT(TM) Elite Guard has no hobbies. Hope this helps!
but fr blurr is definitely the sort of person to put work first and feel aimless and listless when he’s not working. in canon, this works out pretty well for him-- he’s constantly on the job, and his extreme dedication leads him to making a huge discovery that would have marked an extremely significant win for the autobots if he hadn’t gotten himself killed immediately after making it, as well as joining the elite guard precanon (a small, selective unit of high-ranking and highly skilled mechs across divisions).
in isola, when he has a hell of a lot more freetime and nothing to accomplish, he’s still doing his best to get things done and help people through NO-EC.
when it comes to actual hobbies, there’s the very very obvious of “racing, running, and driving” -- this version of blurr is not a professional racer like he is in some continuities, but he certainly could be, and he genuinely enjoys pushing his physical limits and the sense of competition.
in terms of the less obvious, i think blurr is honestly still figuring that out for himself. a huge part of his characterization & journey in isola & postcanon is figuring out who he is when he’s not working intel / when he’s reassessing the systems he’s spent so long defending. he’d like activities that keep him busy & are relatively fast-paced-- he simply doesnt have the patience for “calming” hobbies that rely on or encourage languid engagement. he’d enjoy physical activities like sparring & some sports, but most of all i think he’d really enjoy hobbies that let him learn new things. i could see him taking language classes, learning more about chemistry, physics, and weapon design... maybe philosophy & political science now that his horizons have been forcibly broadened when it comes to morality / politics? pretty much just information gathering of a more personal nature :3
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johnnyporko · 2 years
@lonelyvomit tagged me to spell my name wkth song titles so here we go 🥰
jos - dj kridlokk
out of town - blind channel
hunter's moon - ghost
neon highway - one morning left
no surrender - beast in black
yli - paperi t
pump it - ec
outbreak (no rest for the sickest) - lost society
ravistettava ennen käyttöä - apulanta
kadonneet kolme sanaa - stam1na
oh no - bring me the horizon
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chaitanya · 4 days
Unveiling New Horizons: Emerging Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering
In the realm of Electronics and Communication Engineering, innovation is a constant force propelling us towards unprecedented advancements. From the fusion of AI and IoT to the surge in quantum computing, the landscape is ever-evolving. At the forefront of this transformation lies a beacon of excellence – Dayananda Sagar Institute of Technology. Here, students are nurtured to pioneer breakthroughs in 5G technology, renewable energy systems, and bioelectronics. With a keen eye on sustainability and connectivity, DSIT is shaping the future of ECE. Join the journey, explore the possibilities, and witness the dawn of a new era.
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