#EDIT: looked it up and Ellie’s only 19 in the second game
eiledon · 1 year
Not even two seconds in but Ashley Johnson playing Ellie’s mom? Genius.
I adore how they’ve brought back the actors from the game into this.
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peterparkersnose · 1 year
hey there, first i would like to thank you for taking my request cause i love your writing so much and it is a special request that I could only read from you, it's a joel miller x fem reader, fluff age gap (ofc not illegal), i find so much comfort in your joel's fics, so, thanks again and wishing you the best. <33
pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader
word count: 3.7k
warnings: age gap, ellie plays matchmaker (common troupe), alcohol consumption, drunk confessions, mutual pining, anxiety and overthinking, this is a heavy dialouge fic, joel being awkward, just general awkwardness but fluff at the end I promise :)
a/n huge shoutout to the person who asked this! i was silly while editing this and accidentally deleted their ask, and they were kind enough to resubmit it for me. also, just a side note almost in every one of my joel fics there is an age gap, I just don't normally specify it but with this one they really deep dive in to it. I'm sorry but I am a younger person, I don't think I could write from the viewpoint of someone close to my parents age.
summary Ellie tries to set Y/N and Joel up on a date
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read time: 13 mins 34 seconds
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It was past closing time in the bar. Maria, Tommy, and Joel sat around the dimly lit bar at the last table. Tommy had assured the bartender that he would close up; Tommy was more than capable to.
“Truth or dare,” the drunk man slurred. All three of them were collectively wasted. Joel sighed, downing another shot. He felt seconds later that he shouldn’t have. “Truth.” Joel spit out. This seemed like the hundredth round of this childish game Maria insisted on playing.
“Who in all of the population here would you want to bang in bed on your last night alive?”
Joel knew the answer immediately. A secret he had been keeping to himself for the few years he has known you. And the secret he had been denying and denying for so long. He knew Tommy was fishing for something. But that last shot began to ring through his system as he spoke. He let out a disappointed sign.
Maria snorted, almost falling out of her chair. Tommy looked at Joel with his brows furrowed. “What?” Joel asked in defense. “Joel, ain’t she like 20?”
“22.” he said in defense. There wasn’t much to defend, he was a great much older than you. And Joel was more ashamed than ever. He had known you since you were 19, ever since you helped escort Ellie across the country. It felt gross, it felt wrong. But whenever he thought of you, something just couldn’t resist. Your mannerisms, the way your voice sounded, how you responded to maturely to everything. You were an old soul, one that Joel got along with well. Crossing the platonic line never crossed his mind until he settled down in Jackson.
Joel’s eyes darted to the floor. “Hey, you said anyone!” he argued. Maria could not contain her laughter, almost falling on the floor. “Whatever. You guys suck.” he said, pushing his glass of whiskey that was almost finished off towards Tommy. Joel got up and began to leave. “I shouldn’t have said nothin’.”
“Hey!” Tommy yelled after him, over Maria’s laughing. “Quit it,” he muttered at her, making her laugh even more. “Joel-”
It was too late. He drunkenly made his way down the street and to his house. The light in your bedroom was still on he noticed. Joel wasn’t being a stalker and being weird, but you were his neighbor. What were you doing up so late? Reading something he figured. Or talking with Ellie, the girl really seemed to never shut up. As he was about to turn away, you came to the window. Confused of why Joel was out so late, you opened it. The cool spring breeze entered your room.
Joel seemed to panic, and pretended to have not noticed you at all.
“Miller!” he heard you yell. He stopped in his tracts and turned around. “L/N!” he called back. The repetition of your gesture towards him made you smile.
“What you doing up so late? Don’t you have patrol with me tomorrow morning?”
Joel let out a sigh. His hands rested on his hips. “God, is that tomorrow?” he lied. He totally knew. He was looking forward to it all week. “Yup. 7 sharp. Better get to bed, old man.”
The old man comment definitely hurt his ego. He couldn’t pick up on it, but that was your way of flirting. Teasing almost. But to Joel it just proved to himself that you just wanted to be friends—when you totally wanted the opposite.
“And what are you doing up so late?”
You held up the landline phone in to view. “Ellie,” you sighed. “Get some sleep!” he called, and began to head back to his house. The vision of you in your nightgown was getting too much for him, making him realize he wanted things he never thought he could ever want again. “Goodnight Joel,” you called. He waved, and entered his house.
You flopped down on your bed after you closed your curtains. Holding your pillow over your chest, you squeezed it hard. Your stomach fluttered as you childishly re played the memory of what had just happened. Finally, your bedroom light went out.
“Y/N,” Ellie sang, circling into your kitchen. It was your fault for leaving the back door open on such a nice day. It unfortunately tracked in things such as unwanted Ellie’s. It was midday, your patrol with Joel had ended about an hour earlier.
“Yes?” you sang back, sitting on your couch and looking up from your book. “I have news.”
She came and sat down next to you. “And what is this news? Is it important enough to distract me from my book?” you asked. Ellie sensed your pissed off tone.“Bookmark the page. You’ll never guess what I heard.”
“Ellie, if this is gossip—” you sighed, setting the book down next to you. “It’s not gossip when it involves you,”
You sighed and rolled your eyes, praying Maria didn’t share one of your embarrassing stories you confided in her. Everyone knew Maria had a big mouth. You slowly crept forward “What is it?”
“Joel has a crush on you.”
A quick laugh escaped from your lips. Ellie looked at you confused. “I-I’m telling the truth.” Your laughter continued. “I call fucking bullshit. Where did you hear that?” “Dude, Maria straight up told like everybody in the dining hall today.”
Your face scrunched. "What?"
“Your definitely fucking with me Ellie. Not funny.” you laughed.
“No!” Ellie exclaimed. “She got wasted with Joel and Tommy last night and he confessed that he would ‘bang you out of everyone in this town’ according to Maria.”
So that’s what he was doing out so late last night.
The thought of the older man that escorted you and Ellie across country a few years ago having a crush on you was absurd. Wasn’t it?
“Well, I thought you should know because remember what you said when we passed through that one small town and…”
She was waiting for you to confirm the pushed down memory that lived in your brain rent free.
It was a small midwestern town in the middle of nowhere. You and Ellie sat outside a coffee shop Joel was currently ransacking for supplies. It was a nice day like today, you and Ellie were sitting on the steps keeping watch as Joel went through the kitchen.
“You know, if the world wasn’t shit I would like my own store. Maybe a coffee shop, it sounds nice. Calm, definitely.” Ellie confided in you. “What would you be doing?”
Your foot tapped on the concrete as you thought to yourself. What would you be doing?
“I would be in college by now. For what, I’m not sure. I would have eventually liked to be married but… that’s never gonna happened.”
“Never say never. You always have Joel.”
You scoffed and giggled. But you had to admit, you had gotten to know the older man well. He was bitter, but you saw through the cracks sometimes. He was quite handsome anyways. Something about his rugged appearance and peppery hair just sat right with you. He had a few soft moments with you along the journey, patching you up after a fight or comforting you after a nightmare that Ellie didn't know about. But that was ridiculous. Ellie was talking nonsense.
You laughed out loud to Ellie’s suggestion, just like you had previously. “Don’t deny it. I see the way you look at him Y/N.”
“Your full of shit,” you joked, giving Ellie a slight push on her shoulder.
“Joel would make a nice husband though. Strong, resourceful, handsome. If I had to pick… sure. I’d be Mrs. Miller any day.”
When you said the words you wanted to suck them back in. Too soon, too much, too quickly. Ellie stared at you blankly. Joel exited the building at the perfect time with a few cans of fruit and spoons. Perfect timing. You remembered the awkward silence as you ate on the pineapple bits, but the phrase rung in your head for days.
“Mrs. Miller”
Being brought back into reality, the memory of expressing interest in Joel re lit something in you. You felt your stomach churn.
“Ah… see?” Ellie exclaimed. Your face turned red as you wanted to bury it in your book. “Mrs. Miller!” she yelled, leaving the living room towards the kitchen and out the back door.
“Ellie!” you yelled firmly, following her with your fists clenched. “Where are you going?”
“To find Joel.”
“Why?” you asked panicked, finally catching up to her on the street panting. You were more nervous than ever to hear her response. “To set you and Joel up on a date, duh!”
"Ellie!" you scolded her, looking around to make sure no one heard her. "What?" she whined, breaking away from your eye on her and making a straight line for Joel's house. To your luck, he was in his garden tending to his flowers. He hadn't seen either of you yet.
You let out a quiet shout, a simple “Ah!” as Ellie pranced down the street. You couldn't watch it, you couldn't look. You ran back in to your house and shut the back door behind you. Sliding down the back of the door and sitting on your kitchen floor, you prayed he responded positively. Or that Ellie was just trying to scare you in a ‘I’m telling the teacher but actually just asking to go to the bathroom’ way. And if Ellie actually went through with her plan, you hoped he didn't take this the wrong way. Even though you really didn't think he would. Would he?
It was the next day. You had refused to leave your house in sheer embarrassment. Running in to Joel right now was just a no. You had just gotten out of the shower when you heard the pattering of feet in your downstairs. Praying it was Ellie, you grabbed your knife and held your towel against your chest. "Ellie?"
"Oh, there you are!" she exclaimed. You sighed. "You know, you cant just break in to my house whenever you want." you said, sticking your knife in to your banister.
"It's important!" Ellie exclaimed. "Is it important enough to wait until I can get dressed?"
"He said yes."
You were confused. "Who said yes?"
Your mouth slightly dropped. "And when did I agree to this?" you asked, venturing in to your bedroom to get dressed. In all honestly, you could have stood and talked to Ellie for a few more minutes comfortably in your towel, but you wanted to hide the wide grin that couldn't seem to leave your face even if you tried.
"When you told me you wouldn't mind being Mrs. Miller," Ellie teased, acting like she was stating the obvious. You poked your head out of your door and looked down your stairs and gave Ellie a sour expression. "I only want you to be happy, that's all!"
"I'm perfectly fine as it is. I didn't need you meddling in my life."
"Well, nobody else was going to do it. We all see how your cooped up here, reading all day. We just want to make sure your okay."
You came out of your bedroom dressed, wrangling out the ends of your wet hair with a towel. You met Ellie at the bottom of the stairs. "And who is we?" you questioned. Ellie sucked her teeth. "You caught us," she chuckled, staring at her converse. "Tommy and Maria and...maybe Dina?"
You sighed audibly, closing your eyes for a moment. "All three of you! Wow." you said somewhat sarcastically.
"Ellie!" you heard a yell from outside. It was her new friend, Dina, who she was almost inseparable with.
"Gotta go." she said, opening your front door and skipping down your steps.
"Ellie- wait!"
She turned around and looked at you, you saw Dina anxiously waiting for her. "When is he coming?"
Ellie shrugged. "Dunno. He said he'd be around."
Your face scrunched in confusion. Be around...?
Before you could ask any follow up questions, the two girls were gone.
“This is so damn stupid,” Joel whispered to himself. His doubt was creeping in. The bouquet was hidden behind his back. Fresh picked from his garden, tied off with a bit of twine. His other hand was about to knock on your door. It wasn’t too late… 7 o’clock? You wouldn’t be in bed yet, right? Knock knock.
There was some shuffling from inside the house, and you opened the door. Almost yanked the door open, actually. Joel took a step back due to the commotion. “Joel?” you nervously asked, pretending you weren’t anxiously waiting for the random arrival of your not-so blind date all day. “W-what are you doing here?” you asked, playing dumb.
“If it’s not a good time I can-”
“Oh—no! It’s perfect, d-do you want to come in?” you asked the older man, looking up at him. Joel never seemed as intimidating as he did now. And you’ve seen him torture people before.
You let Joel in to your house as the two of you just stared at each other awkwardly. What did you really have to talk about? 
“What are those?” you asked anxiously, referencing down to the flowers in his hands.
“Oh!” he exclaims, kicking himself mentally for not remembering to give them to you. “There for you. Fresh from my garden.” 
You recognized the flower as tulips, your favorite. Joel was touched by the sparkle that came to your face once he presented them to you. Accepting them, your hands grazed his a bit. The both of you let go, almost dropping the flowers on the floor. An awkward laugh was exchanged. “Thank you, there beautiful.” you sighed in awe, moving in to the kitchen to get a glass to put them in. “How did you know tulips were my favorite?”
“Wild guess?” Joel responded. Not from Ellie prepping Joel for this date, not at all. 
“So what did you have in mind for tonight?” you asked, cutting off the stems of the tulips so they would fit in the glass jar you had filled with water. 
“Uh,” Joel mumbled. “I- you know that trail around the fence?”
“Up the mountain?” you asked him, setting the flowers down in the middle of your table. “Yeah. Your up to it?”
“That's a great idea, Joel.”
He let out his breath he was holding, thrilled that you agreed to his idea. Ellie said it was stupid, that walking the trails at night could be creepy. Ellie suggested a nice dinner, but Joel thought that was just so boring. Every date he had ever been on had basically been a nice dinner. He had this planned ever since Ellie even brought up the idea of a possible interest in pursuing Y/N.
The cool air was refreshing. You kept in rhythm with Joel. He was slower than you, and he was worrying that it would be a turn off for you. But you didn’t mind. You enjoyed taking in the silent night and the hums of nature slowly.
The moon was full and it was a clear night. The trail was overgrown, but still manageable. Joel had trekked up here earlier that day to get ready. As the clearing began to come in to view, Joel felt his anxiety rising. What if you didn’t like it? What if he put too much effort in to it and you thought it was weird? Joel was a quiet kept man, but his thoughts were screaming almost constantly. 
“Joel!” you gasped, stopping at the edge of the clearance. 
A blanket was laid on the ground with a few decorative pillows. A canteen with two cups sat on the grass along with a book and a lantern. Joel reached down and clicked the lantern open, and it began to emit a soft warm light. It wasn’t like the harsh, recreational ones that would blind you. 
“Did you do this? It’s… beautiful.”
Joel’s eyes cast up at you. “It’s nothing much…”
You sat down next to Joel on the blanket he had set out. “Nothing much?” you chuckled, taking in the beautiful view that shown over an abandoned city where Jackson got a lot of their supplies from. 
“I think this is the nicest thing a guy has ever done for me.”
“Then you obviously haven't met many nice guys,” Joel said, his voice shaking slightly. He realized how detrimental and self-deprecating that sounded and tried to re-phrase it. “You haven't been on many dates… right?”
And that now sounded predatory. “I-I mean-”
“Actually, this is my first date. Ever.”
Your confidence and comfortability answering him calmed Joel’s nerves. “I don’t mean to pry,” you began. “But did you ever have someone? Like before all this. And if you don’t want to reply that’s okay, I was just wondering but-”
Joel chuckled a bit at your eagerness. “Nah, no worries.” he re assured you, slowly moving his arm around you. Accepting his touch, you moved in to his embrace as the two of you stared up at the stars. “I had a wife- she was my ex-wife. My daughter’s mother. We had her real young, and she just wasn’t ready for the commitment of a family.”
“I’m sorry,” you muttered, watching a blinking star above. “It’s alright. Gave me the best life I could have ever asked for, for thirteen years.”
“And your daughter?”
Joel knew this was bound to come up sooner or later, just not this soon. He didn’t even realize he mentioned Sarah until you asked your follow up question. “She didn’t make it past outbreak day like most people didn’t.” he said bluntly. “But anyways,” he said quickly, saving the awkward response from you. “What about you? Any family?”
“Just Ellie. No relation as you know, but she’s my sister.” Joel nodded. There wasn’t much in this world, and family became what you made it. “What’s that?” you asked, perking your head up from Joel’s chest and pointing over to the grass. “What?” he asked. “The coffee or the book?”
You gasped. “You got coffee?”
He smiled and smirked. “I’ve always wanted to try coffee!” you exclaimed.
Joel looked at you with an odd look. “Your tellin’ me you've never had coffee?”
“No!” you exclaimed. “I used to have this every morning before the outbreak. Withdrawals the first few weeks were definitely difficult.” he explained as he poured you a glass. It was dark and steaming hot. “Coffee is a delicacy, dude. No one in the QZ had this where I was from. It would occasionally get passed out to the soldiers but man, that’s cool.” you said. Joel forgot—you were a post outbreak baby. You wouldn’t have known of the luxury of Starbucks or an espresso machine. “You may not like it, but it’s very unlikely.” he explained. Joel’s love for coffee was strong.
You took the first sip. It burned your tongue and tasted like dirt water. The smell was unmatchable, but the taste was just horrible. You froze, not wanting to disappoint Joel. 
Joel couldn't help it, he couldn't keep in his laughter. “Not a fan?” he asked, looking at you behind his cup as he took a sip. “It’s very…interesting?” you said, forcing yourself to take another sip. 
“Don’t torture yourself now,” Joel said, extending his hand for the cup. You gladly gave it back to him. “It was a nice thought,” you said dearly, giving him credit for his sweet gesture. “Ellie said the same thing when I made her try some. Must be a…”
He didn’t want to say it. His words came out faster than he could think. “What, a post outbreak baby thing?” you finished his sentence.
That was exactly what Joel was going for. “I mean, I didn’t mean it that way but…”
“It’s okay. Stop worrying Joel, you seem so nervous.” you flirted. “Aren't you?” Joel asked, feeling like that emotional wall was just broken down by your comment.
“Me? Oh, I’ve been a nervous wreck all day. Ellie didn’t give me a time, place, or any context other than that you were coming.” 
“Your kiddin’ me. That damn kid,” he sighed, reaching for the book on his side. “Speakin’ of Ellie.” he said, handing you the book.
“Constellations and Stars.” you said in awe.
“For kids,” you added, reading the small line under the title. “This some kind of cruel joke?” you asked Joel, opening the first page. “I promise it not,” he chuckled. “Found it in Ellie’s old storage bin she keeps in my basement. Thought it was useless, well, until now.”
“Do you see any?” you asked Joel. The two of you were laying flat on the blanket. Your head rested on his chest as his arm draped down protectively over you. Your legs were touching, feet and calves were intertwining. “The Big Dipper is always easy to find… if you look.”
You opened the book and flipped around a few pages until you found the page for the Big Dipper. “Like a kite,” you said. “Yeah, kind of like a kite.” 
After a few minutes of intense searching in the sky and enjoying your other’s companies, you found it. “Joel, I think I found it.”
“You did. I found it like five minutes ago.” he said shyly. You sighed in defeat. “I guess your just better than me.” you sighed sarcastically. “I guess I am.” Joel hummed.
“You know, back when the world wasn’t like this people would buy each other stars?” Joel asked. “That’s the stupidest thing I have ever heard.” you laughed. “With real money? Like the physical stuff?”
“Yup.” Joel confirmed. 
“I would buy you a star if I could.” you said suddenly. Joel suddenly felt a warmth grow inside of him, one he hadn't felt for many years. He had to spit out his thought, he just had to. Didn’t want to waste an opportunity. 
“I’d buy the whole sky of stars for you.” he said softly. You looked up at him, a hand resting on his chest. “Would you really?”
“In a heartbeat.”
The rest of the night was filled with laughter. You told Joel old stories about your QZ, he told you old stories about his life. Sharing what seemed like useless future plans now sounded promising with Joel. The two of you never wanted the night to end.
tag list(sorry if this appears twice tumblr is glitching currently) @dani5216 @uwiuwi @alohastyles-x @mandoloriancookie @maddieinnit0 @alexxavicry @scoliobean @avengersfan25 @nyotamalfoy
You noticed the small wrinkles around Joel’s eyes when he smiled. When he smiled at least, you don't think you have ever seen this man so filled with so much joy before. You took in the detail of his smiling face intricately, not wanting to forget the feeling of the moment you were in. This man just said he would buy the whole sky of stars for you. You would do quite literally anything for him, but not like you wouldn’t have done it before. The feelings were very obviously now mutual. 
tag list: @dani5216 @uwiuwi @alohastyles-x @mandoloriancookie @maddieinnit0 @alexxavicry @scoliobean @avengersfan25 @nyotamalfoy
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Okay so I know this is a SDV Incorrect quote blog but I really wanted to show off my SDV headcanon’s so you may ignore this post if you wish (I’ll go back to the normal posts after this, I have like 13 quotes queue’d up right now) 
Headcanon’s under the cut:
1.Alex’s real first name is Alexander he just prefers to go by Alex
2.Alex is a trans male so he was born female but transitioned to male at age 13
3.The bachelors ages are (listed youngest to oldest):
 Alex: 19 
Sebastian: 19 (one month older then Alex)
Sam: 20
Harvey: 25-30
Elliott: 36
Shane: 38
4.Despite Sam being older then him Alex is taller (if you put them side by side Sam looks taller but that’s only cause of his hair if you flattened it you could see Alex was taller)
5.Sebastian is secretly a vampire (He does look like one anyway)
6. Haley and Alex kind of have a Hazel and Xander from Bunk’d relationship where they’re kinda friends but one of them *cough cough* Haley *cough* has a huge crush on the other to where it’s at yandere point- Haley is not QUITE as crazy about Alex that Hazel is about Xander and unlike Hazel Haley can hide the craziness she does have around people but when it’s just her and Alex she’s all crazy and clingy- 
Like, she’ll call him pet names like “My jock prince” or “Alex-zandy-” or “My knight in shining armor” Etc. etc- or hug him and never let go until someone LITERALLY prys her off- Talk about nutty nutty nut-so-
7. My headcanon voices for the bachelors are: (Well some of them, if a name is in strike through that means I don’t have one for that one- yet)
Alex: Shining Armor from MLP
Sam: Rottmnt Leo/2020 Sonic the Hedgehog/Dewy from Ducktails (this one might change)
Harvey: Fozzie Bear (Harvey: WaKa WaKa (I’m sorry))
Elliott: Gunther from Shake It Up
8.Shane is basically the god of chickens he’s such a good caretaker of chickens that he could summon an army of chickens to peck the eyes out of everyone in town with one “Babock” CHICKEN ARMY!!
If you decided to read this post and you liked my headcanons then this is it for now more might be added later as I play the game and scroll through the SDV tags on Tumblr more 
EDIT 1: More headcanons!:
9: Elliott is an amazing actor but a horrid horror-movie actor (It’s just his screams are unrealistic he will literally just say “Aaaah” otherwise it’s the same as the rest of his acting) (This scream-glitch is an easy fix if you yell “Ghost” more on that in 10)
10: Elliott is TERRIFIED of ghosts even those cute and/or clearly fake ghosts (Why else do you think Spirits Eve/Halloween has Skeletons every year and not ghosts? No one wants to scare anyone Too bad.) Actually Alex dared Elliott to watch the Disney Junior show Vampirina which went fine until Demi came on screen- Elliott literally wet himself and screamed for 3 whole hours- (Poor Alex who had to listen to that the whole time-)
11: Elliott treats his pocket crab as his ACTUAL son, not as his pet but as his actual biological son (it’s actually really cute)
12: The portraits in this video for a portraits mod is how the characters actually look to me (Excluding Elliott Sam and Sebastian they still live in my brain with their cannon looks): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmBW8BzSZpU&list=WL&index=1&t=5s
13: Krobus is Sebastian’s father (yeah you THINK it would not make sense along with Hc numb.5 but if you think about it if his father is a monster and his mother is human he’s gonna be born as a human-looking monster! Which is a Vampire!)
EDIT 2: Damnit. I was scrolling through this and I realized I missed a Hc and it slipped through the original post and the EDIT 1!
14: Alex has Dyslexia (this bugger Hc belonged in the original post but it slipped through both edits)
15: Both Abigail and Sebastian used to have hair to match their parents (Abby’s was brown (Like said in game) and Sebastian’s was Ginger) but due to their “Unusual” parents (Abigail: Wizard Sebastian: Krobus) their hair changed color when they got older and their mothers just pretended they died their hair so both the towns people and Abigail and Sebastian themselves would not freak out 
16: Sebastian has snake bite piercing's but he only wears them when he’s alone (he got them in the first place cause 1: Sam dared him and 2: he decided it would be a fun way to rebel against dead to Sebastian Demetrius, he didn’t have to keep them but he ended up liking the look) 
17: Sebastian owns a giant frog plush, it’s twice the size of him, is really soft and is incredibly fat (it’s to the point it’s just a circle that has stubby legs) he loves it more then anything Excluding Alex but he does not want anyone finding out he loves it let alone owns it so he stuffs it under his bed when people are in and/or near his room
18: Sebastian’s first word was literally “Froggy”
Robin: Can you say “mama”?
Baby!Sebastian: ...Froggy!
Robin: Out of all words your first word is “Froggy”? Really?
19: The shortest to tallest Bachelors are:
Sam (If you take his hair and go *Squishes flat*)
Sam (If you count the added height from his Mullet)
Elliott (Tall stinky sea dude)
20: Sam got Sebastian to scream “Bubbles” for 5 hours straight 
Details on that:
Sam: It’s impossible to say “Bubbles” threateningly
Five munities later:
Robin: Uhhhh Sam? Why is my son on the roof screaming “BUBBLES”?
21: Sebastian owns a biker jacket but he only wears it when riding his motorcycle cause the jacket makes him look way more goth then emo and he prefers the emo look over goth look despite he acts more like a goth
22: One Feast of The Winter Star Sebastian got everyone an empty box and when they opened it Seb said: “It’s a void of nothingness. Just like life.” He did not get in trouble or nothing cause your allowed to give what you want but he did not do that again
23: Sebastian requires glasses to read, he can see perfectly but when it comes to reading on a computer or on paper he needs glasses
24: Sam does a perfect Darth Vader voice and Darth Vader breathing noises
25: Sebastian has vampire powers (cause he is a vampire (Hc 5)), he knows about them and is chill about it but he does not use them unless necessary cause he just does not feel the need to use them otherwise (His powers include, immortality (he also can’t be killed cause on my take on Vampires the stuff that “Traditionally” harms/kills them is just a mith and actually does nothing to them), super strength, increased speed, fast self-healing, telekinesis (I know this is not “Traditionally” a vampire power but Seb does have it) and the ability to change into a bat)
26: Both Sebastian and Elliott are actually pretty jacked (Not Alex level jacked but still) you just can’t see it unless they’re shirt-less (but in Seb’s case at least loose the hoodie)
27: Harvey’s doctor’s mallet weapon is just as heavy and as big as himself so he rarely goes into combat cause he has trouble welding his own weapon- 
Harvey: Time to explore the mines! *grabs his giant doctors mallet*
Harvey: Nope going down. *falls backward with a thud*
28: Elliott carries at least one very sharp pencil with him at all times so if he sees a very annoying person or a slime that escaped the mines he’ll grab it and go *StAb*
29: Everyone else makes Hermit jokes around Elliott which he finds funny and annoying at the same time (They used to do the jokes about Sebastian as well but they stopped cause when they did Seb strangled them Darth Vader style) Ex of the hermit jokes:
*singing* Someone’s on the beach with a hermit! There’s a hermit on the beach I know I know! Someone’s on the beach with a hermiiiit! And the hermit’s name is Elliott!
30: If you think Elliott’s cannon SDV schedule is anti-social you should see how anti-social he gets when writing a book-
EDIT 4: Surprise, there’s more
31: Elliott is a mermaid merman (he’s a human by day half human half fish by night but he’ll change forms sooner if you dump water on him- found that out by Haley throwing water on him in hopes he’ll melt-)
32: When in ‘fish’ form Elliott’s tail is incredibly strong (if you get hit by it you’ll go flying 900 feet in the air in 5 seconds at full strength)
33:Elliott only lets Harvey call him “Elly” if anyone else does so expect Elliott to dump water on himself then hit you with his fish tail)
34:Vincent will sing The Little Mermaid song “Under the sea” around Elliott and Sebastian (Sebastian cause think about it and Elliott cause he’s an IRL Mermaid)
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holidaysat221b · 5 years
The 12 Days of Sherlolly 2018 Masterlist
@lilsherlockian1975 and I (@darnedchild) want to thank everyone who participated in this winter/holiday fest.  We had nineteen submissions from ten different authors and artists.  Six photo edits and thirteen fics this year!
Thank you to @mel-loves-all, @goodshipsherlollipop, @simplyshelbs16xoxo, @ellis-hendricks, @mizjoely, @bekah1218, @mrsmcrieff, @giulytrinka, @lilsherlockian1975, and @darnedchild (although that’s me, so I don’t know why I’m saying thank you to myself other than to complete the list).
And a special thank you to @mel-loves-all for creating the beautiful graphic used for this year’s 12 Days of Sherlolly fest announcements. 
Below are links to all of the works in this year’s collection, in alphabetical order.
1) 12 Days of Sherlolly #1 - Created by @mel-loves-all Happy Holidays, Sherlollians.  (On Tumblr)
2) 12 Days of Sherlolly #2 - Created by @mel-loves-all The Twelve Days of Sherlolly  (On Tumblr) 
3) 12 Days of Sherlolly #3 - Created by @mel-loves-all The Twelve Days of Sherlolly  (On Tumblr) 
4) All I Want for Christmas - Written by @darnedchild Molly didn’t expect to be dragged from her warm flat in the middle of the night to deal with a drunk consulting detective, but she found herself at Baker Street nevertheless. Sherlock, on the other hand, had been eagerly looking forward to a visit from his favourite pathologist. All Molly wants is to get a tipsy Sherlock tucked into bed. Thankfully, Sherlock has similar idea. (Somehow a fair bit of plot got mixed up in my Christmas smut. Oops.)  (On Ao3, In Progress, Rated M)
5) Another Holmes Family Christmas in Sussex - Written by @goodshipsherlollipop When Sherlock, Molly and their baby are at the Holmes family home for their second family Christmas post Sherrinford, John gives Sherlock some welcome news. But when Mycroft arrives with some explosive news of his own, Sherlock is beyond shocked at the turn of events. Can Molly help him sort through his conflicting emotions? (Continuation of my “Journey” Sherlolly timeline.)“  (On FFdotNet, Complete in 5 parts, Rated T) 
6) Christmas in Sussex - Written by @goodshipsherlollipop Sherlock and Molly Holmes travel with Mycroft to spend Christmas with the Holmes parents. Pregnant Molly has a secret she can’t wait to reveal to her husband. Set several months after “A Journey to Love, Faith and Marriage.“  (On FFdotNet, Complete in 8 parts, Rated M) 
7) Christmas is the Time - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Christmas is the time to Say I love you!  (On Tumblr) 
8) A Dead Man in the Family: Life After Death - Written by @ellis-hendricks Five-and-a-half years after the events of Sherrinford, Mycroft finally goes home for Christmas - but does it still feel like home?  (On Ao3, Complete in 2 parts, Rated G) 
9) Epiphany - Written by @mizjoely It’s his birthday. Twelve days after another Christmas has come and gone without him. Molly draws in a shuddering breath and lets it out slowly. It’s January 6, another birthday he’ll never celebrate. Because Sherlock Holmes, world’s only consulting detective, is dead.   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated T) 
10) How Abigail Mercedes Holmes Got Her Name - Written by @bekah1218 On a dark Christmas Eve, a car is pulled over at a lay-by…  (On Ao3, Complete, Rated T) 
11) Merry Christmas Molly Hooper - Written by @mrsmcrieff Molly is alone at Barts on Christmas Eve, reminiscing about that last few months and her friendship with Sherlock. Will Santa bring her a present this year?  (On Ao3, Complete in 5 parts, Rated E) 
12) Naked Santa and Fornicating Reindeer - Written by @darnedchild Molly and John share a love of festive Christmas jumpers. Sherlock … doesn’t. (Originally written for a Fandom Christmas in July thingy on Tumblr)  (On Ao3, Complete, Rated G) 
13) A New Year’s Eve Party For Two - Written by @goodshipsherlollipop On New Year’s Eve, anticipating their first night alone since the birth of their baby in May, Molly plans a special night for Sherlock that involves a cute balloon game. Sherlock makes a decision about their future at Baker Street after coming to some conclusions of his own. What will Molly think of this turn of events? Sequel to “Another Holmes Family Christmas in Sussex."  (On FFdotNet, Complete in 2 parts, Rated T) 
14) A Piece of That - Written by @ellis-hendricks It’s the first Christmas since Sherrinford, and John reckons he knows exactly why Sherlock is out of sorts…  (On Ao3, Complete, Rated G) 
15) Scarlet Lips - Written by @giulytrinka "Merry Christmas, Molly Hooper” he said softly, leaning towards her. At first, without thinking, he wanted to put his mouth on that scarlet patch. So soft, warm, alive. Then the mind took over, and it diverted the trajectory until it landed on her cheek. —x— Or a Sherlolly AU-Canon Divergence fic of episode 2x01. What could have happened if Sherlock hadn’t received Irene’s message?   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated T) 
16) Skulls - Written by @lilsherlockian1975 It starts with an unusual morning at 221B and soon becomes a game of silly gifts and inside jokes. Or so Molly thinks until the gifts get a bit… personal. “Billy,” she said with a bit of venom. “Is female and she’s quite old.” He smiled. “You wanted to tell me and I wished that you had. No one else noticed. Well, my brother did, but no one cares about Mycroft.” Steepling his fingers just under his lips, he studied her. “I saw the recognition on your face, however, and that was enough.” “Enough for what?”  (On Ao3, Complete in 4 parts, Rated T) 
17) Under the Mistletoe - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Build a fire to escape the cold Bing Crosby on the stereo Tracing letters on my skin Slowly starts sinkin’ in You love me?  (On Tumblr) 
18) The Yuletide Treaty - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo She didn’t have time to process her thoughts before Sherlock’s lips were on hers– firm and soft at the same time. How was such a thing possible? It was as if his mouth– and oh God, his tongue– was electrifying her bloodstream. Her heart hammered in her chest furiously, and if possible, would probably jump out of her chest cavity.?  (On Tumblr) 
19) The Yuletide Treaty - Written by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Months after the events of Sherrinford, Sherlock and Molly reluctantly make a deal where she pretends to be his girlfriend for the holidays, and in turn, he’ll watch her cat for her holiday in the new year. By signing a ‘Yuletide Treaty,’ this arrangement proves to be mending their broken friendship.  (On Ao3, Complete in 7 parts, Rated T)
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entergamingxp · 4 years
The Last of Us Part II Artist Sketches a Stunning Ellie and Riley Illustration
June 18, 2020 10:58 AM EST
Naughty Dog artist Alice X. Zhang showcases her wonderful Ellie and Riley art piece from The Last of Us: Left Behind
I get it, you don’t need to be reminded (again) that The Last of Us Part II releases tomorrow, but it’s all most of us are thinking about and yes, I’m speaking about myself here. It’s also really strange that in a matter of hours, the years of built-up anticipation for the title will be over and we’ll finally get to play it. But even when the game is over and people have gotten to experience it, there is always the unbelievable art of The Last of Us to keep the love for the game flowing. With so many iconic moments to choose from, one scene in particular from The Last of Us: Left Behind certainly stands out as one of the best and Naughty Dog artist Alice X. Zhang certainly thought so too in her wonderful illustration of that poetic point in the game.
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If you’re a pretty big fan of The Last of Us Part II you may have already heard Alice’s name before due to her amazing commissioned cover portraits for the special editions of The Last of Us Part II steelbook and also her animated Ellie portrait that is featured on the PS4 Dynamic Theme which comes with the multiple special editions of The Last of Us Part II as well. Not only did Alice get hired to do this artwork for one of the biggest gaming studios in the world, but she has also done work for Marvel, BBC Worldwide, Lucasfilm, Team Liquid, and Disney Books – that’s quite the achievement. In case you’re not familiar with the scene in question, let me give you a quick rundown.
The Last of Us: Left Behind is a standalone expansion pack to The Last of Us which, like the first game, is set in a post-apocalyptic world where players control Ellie, a teenage girl who spends time with her best friend Riley after Riley’s unexpected return. In this particular scene that Alice has so beautifully painted, Riley makes a moving speech at the end of the game after she and Ellie have been bitten.
“The way I see it,” Riley says, “we’ve got two ways out. Option one, we take the easy way out.” She gestures to her pistol. “It’s quick and painless. I’m not a fan of option one. Two – we fight.”
“Fight for what?” Ellie exclaims “We’re going to turn into one of those things”
Riley replies: “There are a million ways we should’ve died before today, and a million ways we can die before tomorrow. But we fight, for every second we get to spend with each other. Whether it’s two minutes or two days, we don’t give that up. I don’t want to give that up. My vote: let’s just wait it out. You know, we can… be all poetic and just lose our minds together.”
It really is such a poignant moment and it’s definitely one of my favorites. You can check out the entirety of that scene and the run-up to it in a YouTube video below, even just to let you remember how incredible video games are and how they can deliver and evoke such strong feelings within us.
To check out Alice’s many other pieces of amazing artwork – and I don’t use that word lightly as they truly are incredible – you can go straight to her website to buy some art prints, give her a follow on Twitter, or check out her Instagram.
So much information and trailers have come out over the last few months regarding The Last of Us Part 2 that you may have forgotten some key aspects of what to expect when it releases. For an extensive and up to date guide on what awaits you, check out this article that delves into the story, who should play it, what to expect, gameplay length, and much more. As for our own coverage of The Last of Us Part II, we currently don’t have a review posted on the site but it won’t be much longer until we do. We outlined our review plans for the game in a dedicated article right here earlier last week and explained that we should have a written review, video review, and review discussion posted not too long after launch. Stay tuned in the coming days to hear more of our opinionated thoughts on the game.
The Last of Us Part II will release exclusively for PS4 this Friday on June 19, 2020, and you can pre-order the game on Amazon. For a closer look at some brand new screenshots of the long-awaited title, you can check them all out over at this article, and stay tuned for our upcoming review of the game after its launch.
This post contains affiliate links where DualShockers gets a small commission on sales. Any and all support helps keep DualShockers as a standalone, independent platform for less-mainstream opinions and news coverage.
June 18, 2020 10:58 AM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/06/the-last-of-us-part-ii-artist-sketches-a-stunning-ellie-and-riley-illustration/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-last-of-us-part-ii-artist-sketches-a-stunning-ellie-and-riley-illustration
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tabletopontap · 5 years
Top 30 Anticipated at Essen Spiel 2019 (#30-21)
Welcome to my Top 30 list for Essen Spiel! I wanted to do a shorter list than Gen Con, but what can I say? When there are over 1,100 games on the SPIEL ‘19 Preview List (found at www.boardgamegeek.com --thanks to W. Eric Martin for putting the list together!), then it’s no wonder that I couldn’t trim it down. However, since I had more time to put this list together than I did for Gen Con, I’m actually putting games in order from my least-to-most excited about. Keep in mind that I haven't played any of these games before. My impressions are based on information found on BGG and Youtube. All pictures found in this blog post were taken from BGG. Thanks to the people who posted photos of these games. Now, without further ado, let’s take a look at the list.
30. Pangea - Coming from Redimp Games, Aleksander Jagodziński is the designer/graphic artist, joined by Joanna Kwaśniak for the artwork. Speaking of which, the art looks fantastic! Player pieces look like fossils encapsulated in different colored rocks. The player boards feature realistic creatures that could easily pass as some long-forgotten evolutionary species that predate dinosaurs. 
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In this game, 1-4 players will spend 1-1.5 hours evolving and migrating their creatures across Earth in an effort to survive the catastrophic event at the end of the game. I believe there are a few different catastrophes, such as a giant meteor, to give the game more variability from play to play. 
Although the game looks beautiful, I have reservations about how much I would enjoy gameplay. I like the sound of researching the time track to try to figure out where on the board the disaster will hit, but the main mechanism is area control. In general, area control isn't my favorite game mechanism. I also worry that the game might be too heavy for my tastes. Boardgamegeek (BGG) weights it at 3.5/5. In the past, I've found that my gaming group always acts interested in heavy games, but then they seldom hit the table. At the end of the day, I'm left wondering if this is a game with cool components but just so-so gameplay for my personal taste.
29. The Aquicorn Cove board game - Based on Katie O'Neill's graphic novel, she's listed as the artist for this board game, which I think is pretty cool. I like it when original content creators get involved with other iterations of their work. The publisher is Renegade Game Studios, and a team of designers worked on it: Ben Eisner, Tim Eisner, Steve Ellis II, and Tyler Tinsley. 
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There isn't much information on BGG about this game (for instance, there's no estimated time length or age range listed), but what caught my eye is the environmental theme and the fact that it's co-op. I like that this game is about being good stewards of the earth, highlighting human interaction with an aquatic environment. The main question I have about this game is the audience--is it a family game geared toward younger kids, or is it challenging enough for adults to enjoy, too?
28. Greenville 1989 - Designed by Florian Fay with art by David Sitbon, this looks like a darker version of Mysterium. This game is for 3-6 players in 20-45 min. and is published by Sorry We Are French. I noticed the recommended age group is age 16+, and I believe this rating is due to some graphic game content.
In this cooperative game, players have experienced a supernatural event and must describe their location, so their friends can find them. The card art evokes horror/suspense. 
For example, a card might depict a creepy clown or zombie arms reaching out to grab you. 
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Whenever players don't guess the correct location, that character gets pulled closer to the void on the game board. If a character is lost, all players lose because this is a co-op. Together you stand, divided, you fall.
27. Race for the Chinese Zodiac - Designed by Christina Ng Zhen Wei and Yeo Keng Leong with artwork by Ray Toh, this is a racing game for 3-5 players in 40-70 min. There are two publishers listed, Starting Player and Simply Complex. I'm not sure if it's because it's an Asian game and has to go through different distributors to reach a worldwide market. 
I dig the theme here. Players are animals of the Chinese zodiac, racing to be the first to reach the Heavenly Palace. Whoever comes in first will be honored as the first in the twelve-year zodiac cycle. Players simultaneously play 2 cards from their hand in order to make progress in the race. There are a couple of YouTube videos out there to help learn how the game plays (look up Heavy Cardboard and/or Jon Gets Games). 
The main reason this game doesn't rank higher on my list is because my main gaming partner and I have had bad-to-neutral experiences with other popular racing games. I suspect you need higher play counts to properly enjoy most racing games.
26. AVGhost: Paranormal Investigation - Published by Mystical Games, the designers are Beatriz Alvarez and Pablo Miras, and the artists are Henning Ludvigsen, Pablo Miras, Jarrod Owen, and Nicoleta Stavarache. This horror-themed game is for 1-4 cooperative players age 16+ and takes 1.5-3 hours to play. It's a move and explore game that seems similar to Mansions of Madness (2nd ed.), but darker. Again, note the age limit.
The twist is that every character pawn has a flashlight. This game is meant to be played with the lights off. There are different flashlight lenses that will change the light's color. I think to get rid of certain spooks or to find certain clues, you have to have the right colored flashlight equipped. It seems cool, but I worry it might be a gimmick game only to be played once for novelty. Also, I'm not really a fan of horror, despite how many horror/suspense games have made it onto my list this year. What can I say? I can't get enough of co-op, and horror seems to be the popular theme for cooperative games this year. Maybe it's the success of Stranger Things and the revival of It. Who knows? I'd say it's because Essen Spiel falls close to Halloween, but that's true every year.
25. Chakra - Published by Blam! and designed by Luka Krleza with art from Claire Conan, this is going to draw eyes to the table. The gems are so shiny, the player boards are colorful and pretty. This game supports 2-4 players and takes about half an hour to play.
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I'm hesitant about this game because respected board game reviewer, Tom Vasel, posted a critical review of this game on YouTube. His main complaint is that you can spend the whole game getting chakras aligned on your player board (ie. getting 3 of the same gem color lined up in a row), just to find out after the fact that the particular chakras you aligned aren't as valuable as another color you could've pursued. This makes winning feel more luck-based than skill-driven. If your opponent happened to get lucky in completing higher-valued chakras than you, you have no way to mitigate that. Despite Tom's valid critique, I would try out this game if I had the opportunity. I'm always looking for eye-catching games with simple rules that I can play with friends who aren't yet familiar with modern board games.
24. 50 Clues: The Pendulum of the Dead - Next up is the first of many "escape room in a box" type of games that made my list. "Escape" puzzle games is a fairly new genre that has taken tabletop enthusiasts by storm! This one appears to be self-published by Jeppe Norsker under Norsker Games. It supports 1-5 players age 16+ and takes about an hour and a half to play. 
This is the first of a trilogy of games that should be played in order. It has adult content that can be very, very dark, so you if you're squeamish about violence, don't pick this one up. I have no experience with the game, but another reviewer on BGG who has played it warns that the content can be too heavy for some people. He wrote, "One of my co-players ended up leaving the table in the middle of playing the second story-box, and they did not want to return for the third. I have never seen this strong of an emotional reaction to a board game (not even playing This War of Mine)" (https://www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/2273440/review-escape-room-enthusiast). In case you aren't familiar with it, This War of Mine is about living in a war-torn country, so that should give you an indication of how dark this game can get. I consider myself to be the type of person who doesn't prefer violent/dark/scary content, but because this is an escape game and it has a rich storyline, I'm curious about it. I realize I've been warned, yet I'm still drawn to it!
23. It's a Wonderful World - This card drafting game for 1-5 players is created by Frédéric Guérard, illustrated by Anthony Wolff, and published by La Boîte de Jeu. It takes about 30 min. to an hour to play. I'm guessing it only stretches to an hour with 5 people or one analysis paralysis (AP) prone player. I like card drafting and engine building, although my spouse tends to beat me at this style of gameplay. I like the sound of the campaign mode, but from the BGG description, it sounds like you would have to buy expansions to play it.
22. Skytopia: In the Circle of Time - Published by Cosmodrome Games, designed by Ivan Lashin, and illustrated by Timofey Mazurenk and Andrey Pervukhin, this game supports 2-4 players and takes 40-60 min. to play. 
Honestly, the only reason this game is on my list is because it has a big golem on the cover that reminds me of Century: Golem Edition. Kudos to the artists for grabbing my attention! 
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As far as gameplay goes, I don't have enough details, but I know it's a worker placement card game with a clock/rondel that determines cost of the cards. It's hard for me to judge this game because there's so little information. Even in terms of images on BGG, there's only the cover art! I'd be cautious with this one due to lack of information.
21. Rolled West - This is a roll and write game set in the same universe as Gold West. One of the illustrators, Adam P. McIver, is the original artist for Gold West, but this time around he's joined by artist, Ariel Seoane. The publisher is the same, Tasty Minstrel Games (TMG). TMG is known for high production games, such as Orléans, Yokohama, and Chimera Station, but they've had misses, too. They were criticized for the artistic direction they took in the reprinting of Colosseum. The designer for this game is Daniel Newman, who didn't design Gold West. Originally, I was more excited about this game, but I saw mixed reviews from Tantrum House on YouTube (https://youtu.be/zGNnZ40om5s), so I've tempered my enthusiasm.
That concludes my bottom 30. Stay tuned for my next post as I count down to my #1 most anticipated game at Essen Spiel 2019!
0 notes
bulbwalrus6-blog · 5 years
The Bear’s Den, February 19, 2019
Stankevitz’ Bears grades and needs: How can the running game improve in 2019? - NBC Sports Chicago - The Bears need to be more effective running the ball in 2019, which may start with finding new personnel to inject into their inconsistent running back unit.
Ellis: It sure sounds like the 49ers have plans to keep kicker Robbie Gould - NBC Sports Chicago - The Robbie Gould reunion isn’t looking likely.
Wide Receiver Busts May Provide Low Risk FA Signings - Dolphins Wire - With the Miami Dolphins potentially cutting their losses with WR DeVante Parker, could low-risk free agents from the same 2015 class help?
Mayer: Massie sees Bears as Super Bowl contenders - ChicagoBears.com - Right tackle Bobby Massie re-signed with the Bears due in large part to his belief that the team will rebound from its bitter playoff loss to the Eagles and contend for the Super Bowl.
Medina: Adrian Amos’ Price Tag Is Rising - Bleacher Nation - Adrian Amos could be one of the NFL’s seven highest-paid safeties if he hits free agency.
NFL Free Agency: 49ers expected to use franchise tag on Robbie Gould - NBCS Bay Area - The 49ers figure to be in a lot of close games next season, and their kicker could be in a position to decide games.
2019 Offseason Outlook: Mitch Trubisky and the Improvement That Comes from Within - Bleacher Nation - There isn’t much left for the Bears to do to help Mitch Trubisky. The ball is in No. 10’s court right now.
Robbie Gould Lays Out What He Wants Out of His Next Deal – Wherever It May Be - Bleacher Nation - Robbie Gould has his priorities lined up and will consider all opportunities if he reaches free agency.
Robbie Gould Seeking Stability For Family, A Winning Team In Free Agency - 670 The Score - The Bears may be interested in impending free agent Robbie Gould.
Chicago Bears 2019 Mock Draft: Replacing Adrian Amos, Finding Kyle Long’s Heir - The Chicago Audible Podcast - Without a first-and second-round pick it is going to be difficult to draft impact players, but in this mock, Ryan Pace is able to fill two potential needs.
Mullin: Looking to upgrade RB, Bears have more options than draft alone - NBC Sports Chicago - Taking stock of the Bears’ best options at RB.
The Parkey Purge Countdown Timer - Countdown to Jun 1, 2019 in Chicago - Countdown to Jun 1, 2019. Showing days, hours, minutes and seconds ticking down to the time Cody Parkey is no longer a Chicago Bear.
Cardinals QB Josh Rosen OK after car accident - NFL.com - Josh Rosen is okay after getting in a car accident over the weekend, and the Arizona Cardinals QB put any worries to rest once having fun with the incident through social media.
Carr: Ten quarterbacks worth pursuing via trade/free agency/NFL draft - NFL.com - David Carr is here to help the NFL teams in need of a quarterback this offseason. The former NFL QB ranks his top 10 quarterbacks worth pursuing via trade, free agency or the 2019 NFL Draft.
Vikings Off Season Plan - Don’t Quit My Day Job Edition - Daily Norseman - What does Mark have in store for us this time?
Mel Kiper Mock Draft: Offensive line focus continues for the Vikings - Daily Norseman - Once again, ESPN’s draft expert focuses on the front line
2019 NFL mock draft: Packers again projected for Polite, Hockenson - Acme Packing Company - Mock draft season has become predictable with regard to the Packers, who once again landed Jachai Polite and T.J. Hockenson in the first round.
Matt LaFleur, coaching staff look to inject Packers with “energy” and “enthusiasm” - Acme Packing Company - The rookie head coach introduced his staff on Monday and it’s clear a new regime is in charge
Packers offensive coaches plan to hit Aaron Rodgers from “all angles” – ProFootballTalk - The hope in Green Bay is that quarterback Aaron Rodgers is able to turn in a better 2019 season than he managed in 2018 and there will be three members of the coaching staff working with him on making that happen.
Luke Getsy has no doubt Aaron Rodgers wants coaching – ProFootballTalk - Luke Getsy returns to the Packers staff as their quarterbacks coach, charged with coaching Aaron Rodgers. The much debated question, though, is whether Rodgers is receptive to coaching? Getsy, who served as the offensive coordinator at Mississippi State last season, seems to have no doubt.
Notes: Kiper has Lions going with a tight end in new mock draft - Pride Of Detroit - A tight end at #8?
5 free agent cornerbacks the Lions should take a look at - Pride Of Detroit - Detroit needs a reliable corner to play opposite Darius Slay.
Berckes & Snyder: Bears Over Beers Episode 1: Inside Linebackers - Windy City Gridiron - Jeff and EJ discuss the inside linebacker position in the launch of WCG’s newest podcast
WCG Round Table: Other than the 3 NFC North teams, which team do you dislike the most? - Windy City Gridiron - We thought we’d take these next few WCG roundtables in a different direction and go for some likes and dislikes.
Wiltfong: Don’t expect the Bears to use a franchise tag this year - Windy City Gridiron - Teams can start announcing their franchise tagged players starting on February 19. The deadline to do so is March 5.
Schmitz' Video Breaking Down the Bears: Rookie WR Anthony Miller - Windy City Gridiron - Robert Schmitz is giving us a video breakdown of Anthony Miller’s rookie year and the future is bright for the Bears wide out.
2 Minute Drill - Website - iTunes - Andrew Link; Steven’s Streaming – Twitch – Steven Schweickert; T-Formation Conversation - Website - iTunes - Lester Wiltfong, Jr.; WCG Radio - Website - iTunes - Robert Zeglinski
Windy City Gridiron Community Guidelines - SBNation.com - We strive to make our communities open and inclusive to sports fans of all backgrounds. The following is not permitted in comments. No personal attacks, politics, gender based insults of any kind, racial insults, etc.
The Bear’s Den Specific Guidelines – The Bear’s Den is a place for Chicago Bears fans to discuss Chicago Bears football, related NFL stories, and general football talk. It is NOT a place to discuss religion or politics or post political pictures or memes. Unless otherwise stated, the Den is not an open thread, and profanity (including profanity only stated in pictures) is prohibited.
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WCG Contributors: Jeff Berckes; Patti Curl; Eric Christopher Duerrwaechter; Kev H; Sam Householder; Jacob Infante; Aaron Lemming; Ken Mitchell; Steven Schweickert; Jack Silverstein; EJ Snyder; Lester Wiltfong, Jr.; Whiskey Ranger; Robert Schmitz; Robert Zeglinski; Like us on Facebook.
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Source: https://www.windycitygridiron.com/2019/2/19/18230496/chicago-bears-den-offseason-links-news-information-free-agency-draft-salary-cap-gould-white-howard
0 notes
chapulana · 5 years
A Deep Look At The 2019 McDonald’s All-American Class
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Long gone are the times when Earvin – later known as Magic – was named to be part of what was to be the first class of McDonald’s All-Americans to ever grace such honor. He, along another 13 more players from around the nation and two alternates just in case someone couldn’t make it, were selected for the team that comprised what were supposed to be the most stacked roster of high school seniors available back then in 1977 to face a squad made out of stars from Washington D.C.
Of those who made it to the NBA (10 of the 14), almost everyone had at least three or four fruitful seasons in the League, while Magic Johnson became the face of it during his peak. The trend has been steady since the first edition of the game, and although there have been atrocious classes (the one of 1992 only featured six future NBA players, and three never reached 600 games) the norm says that more than half the field of players selected would have productive pro-careers. On this side of excellence, we only have to look at the class of 2014, as only one player remains out of the NBA yet is still playing for Kentucky at collegiate level, and is expected to reach the League this next summer, making it 24 of 24 pros.
We still don’t know what will happen to the class of 2018 in terms of their career development. What we already know are the names of those who will feature in this upcoming late-March clash between the East and West All-American teams.
The rosters, must be said, are as stacked as they can. Yes, there are snubs. Yes, there are players who – most probably – will eventually flop. It’s the law of nature and we can do nothing about it. The selection committee had to chose between 800+ pre-selected players (including boys and girls) and only 24 made the final cut (48 if we include the girls’ teams). That means less than 6% of the players that appeared on the preliminary list will play in March, let alone the percentage if we consider all seniors and eligible kids playing around the nation.
Although each scouting service ranks player differently, we can look at 247Sports Composite rankings (which aggregates those of multiple sites) to get an overall idea of how the selection went and who deserved to get in or was left out without meriting it. Of the 24 selected, only three fall off the best 24 players ranked by 247Sports (No. 27 Trendon Watford, No. 26 Tre Mann and No. 47 Samuell Williamson). They got in by moving next-best ranked No. 18 Onyeka Okongwu, No. 21 Will Baker and No. 22 Keion Brooks out. By these rankings – which by no means should be taken as the be-all end-all benchmark of future success – the selections were pretty much spot-on.
With the names already known, let’s take a quick look at the tiers of prospects that will feature (and who won’t) on the 42nd edition of the McDonald’s All-American game:
Tier 1: Can’t-Miss Kids
The cream of the crop of this season’s class of HS seniors is highlighted by James Wiseman, Vernon Carey, Cole Anthony and Anthony Edwards. Everyone of them boast a grade of 0.999+ on 247Sports, which is to say they are historically on par with prospects such as Andrew Wiggins, Anthony Davis, Ben Simmons or Kyrie Irving. Two of them, Anthony and Edwards, have yet to pick a college and will play together on the East team along other players who could sway their final decisions. A little under that mark, I would personally put Scottie Lewis (No. 12), Bryan Antoine (No. 13) and Nico Mannion (No. 14) in this group too.
Tier 2: Best Prospects
A notch below the sure-things (if we can be sure of anything at this level), we find a bunch of players that have been tearing up rivals during the past few seasons. For me, the names to keep an eye on would include those of Jaden McDaniels (No. 5), Isaiah Stewart (No. 6), Kahlil Whitney (No. 8), Tyrese Maxey (No. 10), Josh Green (No. 11) and Isaiah Mobley (No. 17). I find hard to find glaring faults in their game, and that made them stay in this second group.
Tier 3: Good-not-Great Guys
Be it a lack of effort (because of them or the lack of competition, which can happen at this level), of an aspect of the game (outside shooting, vision, rebounding, defense, you name it) or any other little flaw, the next few guys are also at the top of the game but dropped to this third tier. Here I would allocate kids such as Matthew Hurt (No. 7), Precious Achiuwa (No. 9), Joshia James (No. 15), Trayce Jackson-Davis (No.16), Jeremiah Robinson-Earl (No. 19), Armando Bacot (No. 20) and Tre Mann (No. 26). I hope I don’t have to remind you that even while they were put in this third level, this guys were cherry picked from all of the nation’s senior, so we are not dealing with middling players here.
Tier 4: All-Upside Players
Finally, at this point we are left with five prospects that for one reason or another are not ranked that high as their peers. On average, they are low in the positional ranks for the role they play on the court, and that means they’ll play with a chip in their shoulder, thus trying to elevate their game over that of the most coveted players. Here, then, we’d have Oscar Tshiebwe (No. 23), Wendell More (No. 24), Trendon Watford (No. 27) and Samuell Williamson (No. 47).
No-No Tier: Snubs and Misses
I have already said it and I can’t be clearer: this All-American class of players is as good as it can be, snubs or not. Even with that, though, some names that won’t be on the court for the all-star game this next March make some of the selections a little dubious not because of the lack of quality of those picked, but because of the talent of those left out.
The most glaring case can be that of Onyeka Okongwu (No. 18), who playing for Chino Hills has never been nationally ranked lower than No. 20 and has quite a resumé including being named California Mr. Basketball and having a national AAU chip to his name. With him, two other already mentioned prospects ranked between the best 24 players of the nation (Will Baker and Keion Brooks) will be watching from home. On a personal level, I’d include Cassius Stanley (No. 27), Jalen Lecque (No. 29), Boogie Ellis (No. 36) and Isaac Okoro (No. 38) as notable omissions that will take some fun off the game not being part of it.
At this point, and just to close all of this, you may still be wondering why after reading more than a thousand words you have yet to find the name of LaMelo Ball. The youngest of the BBB brothers is playing point at SPIRE Academy (OH) this season after a spell in Lithuania. That, precisely, is what has – also with the business of LaVar Ball floating around – made it a tough out for him to make a name for himself in the HS and college recruiting rankings, as his situation is unique. Although considered one of the best point guards and overall players in the nation (ESPN just ranked him No. 13 for the 2019 class, only behind fellow PGs Cole Anthony and Nico Mannion), he has yet to receive official offers from meaningful NCAA DI colleges and that is not a lock to happen as he could be deemed ineligible to play at that level. This could mean sitting out for a year, another season playing in Europe or at another country and team who eventually wanted his services, or enter the NBA’s outer-circles by playing for a G-League team before he declares for the 2020 NBA draft. In any case, LaMelo’s ability is undeniable and he will make it to the League in most scenarios. Don’t be surprised if you don’t hear his name a lot during the next twelve months, but prepare to see him raise on mock drafts come June 2020.
Wiseman, Carey, and the rest of the top-crew will still be there, but competition will definitely emerge from the most unexpected places and things will start looking much different once the new college season start next fall and finishes months later with everybody looking to make the jump to pro-ball.
* * *
Read the full feature on SBNation.
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weekegg2-blog · 5 years
The Bear’s Den, February 19, 2019
Stankevitz’ Bears grades and needs: How can the running game improve in 2019? - NBC Sports Chicago - The Bears need to be more effective running the ball in 2019, which may start with finding new personnel to inject into their inconsistent running back unit.
Ellis: It sure sounds like the 49ers have plans to keep kicker Robbie Gould - NBC Sports Chicago - The Robbie Gould reunion isn’t looking likely.
Wide Receiver Busts May Provide Low Risk FA Signings - Dolphins Wire - With the Miami Dolphins potentially cutting their losses with WR DeVante Parker, could low-risk free agents from the same 2015 class help?
Mayer: Massie sees Bears as Super Bowl contenders - ChicagoBears.com - Right tackle Bobby Massie re-signed with the Bears due in large part to his belief that the team will rebound from its bitter playoff loss to the Eagles and contend for the Super Bowl.
Medina: Adrian Amos’ Price Tag Is Rising - Bleacher Nation - Adrian Amos could be one of the NFL’s seven highest-paid safeties if he hits free agency.
NFL Free Agency: 49ers expected to use franchise tag on Robbie Gould - NBCS Bay Area - The 49ers figure to be in a lot of close games next season, and their kicker could be in a position to decide games.
2019 Offseason Outlook: Mitch Trubisky and the Improvement That Comes from Within - Bleacher Nation - There isn’t much left for the Bears to do to help Mitch Trubisky. The ball is in No. 10’s court right now.
Robbie Gould Lays Out What He Wants Out of His Next Deal – Wherever It May Be - Bleacher Nation - Robbie Gould has his priorities lined up and will consider all opportunities if he reaches free agency.
Robbie Gould Seeking Stability For Family, A Winning Team In Free Agency - 670 The Score - The Bears may be interested in impending free agent Robbie Gould.
Chicago Bears 2019 Mock Draft: Replacing Adrian Amos, Finding Kyle Long’s Heir - The Chicago Audible Podcast - Without a first-and second-round pick it is going to be difficult to draft impact players, but in this mock, Ryan Pace is able to fill two potential needs.
Mullin: Looking to upgrade RB, Bears have more options than draft alone - NBC Sports Chicago - Taking stock of the Bears’ best options at RB.
The Parkey Purge Countdown Timer - Countdown to Jun 1, 2019 in Chicago - Countdown to Jun 1, 2019. Showing days, hours, minutes and seconds ticking down to the time Cody Parkey is no longer a Chicago Bear.
Cardinals QB Josh Rosen OK after car accident - NFL.com - Josh Rosen is okay after getting in a car accident over the weekend, and the Arizona Cardinals QB put any worries to rest once having fun with the incident through social media.
Carr: Ten quarterbacks worth pursuing via trade/free agency/NFL draft - NFL.com - David Carr is here to help the NFL teams in need of a quarterback this offseason. The former NFL QB ranks his top 10 quarterbacks worth pursuing via trade, free agency or the 2019 NFL Draft.
Vikings Off Season Plan - Don’t Quit My Day Job Edition - Daily Norseman - What does Mark have in store for us this time?
Mel Kiper Mock Draft: Offensive line focus continues for the Vikings - Daily Norseman - Once again, ESPN’s draft expert focuses on the front line
2019 NFL mock draft: Packers again projected for Polite, Hockenson - Acme Packing Company - Mock draft season has become predictable with regard to the Packers, who once again landed Jachai Polite and T.J. Hockenson in the first round.
Matt LaFleur, coaching staff look to inject Packers with “energy” and “enthusiasm” - Acme Packing Company - The rookie head coach introduced his staff on Monday and it’s clear a new regime is in charge
Packers offensive coaches plan to hit Aaron Rodgers from “all angles” – ProFootballTalk - The hope in Green Bay is that quarterback Aaron Rodgers is able to turn in a better 2019 season than he managed in 2018 and there will be three members of the coaching staff working with him on making that happen.
Luke Getsy has no doubt Aaron Rodgers wants coaching – ProFootballTalk - Luke Getsy returns to the Packers staff as their quarterbacks coach, charged with coaching Aaron Rodgers. The much debated question, though, is whether Rodgers is receptive to coaching? Getsy, who served as the offensive coordinator at Mississippi State last season, seems to have no doubt.
Notes: Kiper has Lions going with a tight end in new mock draft - Pride Of Detroit - A tight end at #8?
5 free agent cornerbacks the Lions should take a look at - Pride Of Detroit - Detroit needs a reliable corner to play opposite Darius Slay.
Berckes & Snyder: Bears Over Beers Episode 1: Inside Linebackers - Windy City Gridiron - Jeff and EJ discuss the inside linebacker position in the launch of WCG’s newest podcast
WCG Round Table: Other than the 3 NFC North teams, which team do you dislike the most? - Windy City Gridiron - We thought we’d take these next few WCG roundtables in a different direction and go for some likes and dislikes.
Wiltfong: Don’t expect the Bears to use a franchise tag this year - Windy City Gridiron - Teams can start announcing their franchise tagged players starting on February 19. The deadline to do so is March 5.
Schmitz' Video Breaking Down the Bears: Rookie WR Anthony Miller - Windy City Gridiron - Robert Schmitz is giving us a video breakdown of Anthony Miller’s rookie year and the future is bright for the Bears wide out.
2 Minute Drill - Website - iTunes - Andrew Link; Steven’s Streaming – Twitch – Steven Schweickert; T-Formation Conversation - Website - iTunes - Lester Wiltfong, Jr.; WCG Radio - Website - iTunes - Robert Zeglinski
Windy City Gridiron Community Guidelines - SBNation.com - We strive to make our communities open and inclusive to sports fans of all backgrounds. The following is not permitted in comments. No personal attacks, politics, gender based insults of any kind, racial insults, etc.
The Bear’s Den Specific Guidelines – The Bear’s Den is a place for Chicago Bears fans to discuss Chicago Bears football, related NFL stories, and general football talk. It is NOT a place to discuss religion or politics or post political pictures or memes. Unless otherwise stated, the Den is not an open thread, and profanity (including profanity only stated in pictures) is prohibited.
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WCG Contributors: Jeff Berckes; Patti Curl; Eric Christopher Duerrwaechter; Kev H; Sam Householder; Jacob Infante; Aaron Lemming; Ken Mitchell; Steven Schweickert; Jack Silverstein; EJ Snyder; Lester Wiltfong, Jr.; Whiskey Ranger; Robert Schmitz; Robert Zeglinski; Like us on Facebook.
Source: https://www.windycitygridiron.com/2019/2/19/18230496/chicago-bears-den-offseason-links-news-information-free-agency-draft-salary-cap-gould-white-howard
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Season review: Final day scrap for play-off place provides box-office climax to thrilling campaign
The last day of the regular season summarized the appeal of the Premiership 2018-19.
Exeter and Saracens are of course on their way to meet each other, as they have been doing for months. They will be home this Saturday in the play-offs against Northampton and Gloucester respectively.
Barring a weighty upset in either Allianz Park or Sandy Park in five days, the competition will take place at Twickenham on June 1.
<img id = "i-2246701451bc77d4" src = "https://dailym.ai/2YDmidD 20 / 13668734-7047199-James_Lang_watches_on_as_his_51_metre_penalty_falls_inches_short-a-15_1558294698192.jpg "height =" 519 "width =" 634 "alt =" James Lang watches on his 51-meter penalty falls short for Harlequins on Saturday because his 51-meter penalty falls short for Harlequins on Saturday "
James Lang looks on his 51-meter penalty deficit for Harlequins on Saturday Saracens finished second in the table, but the Chiefs will of the [
With all respect for the standard bearers, all intrigues have long been somewhere else, in the in the middle and at the bottom of the danger zone. Newcastle fought until the penultimate round before he was handed over to the drop, which came as a relief for the free-falling Leicester.
It was a chaos in comic books, it was a chaos in comic books. This column argued that the semi-final created the specter of injustice at the end of a season in which two clubs have gone so far ahead of the rest, but it cannot be disputed that the system has created a box-office climax.
Northampton and Harlequins have often changed on Saturday. None of the & # 39; in the current & # 39; tables was long, on a day when five of the six games were dealt with with one score.
The Saints lost in Devon but clung to fourth place, only for Quins to gather late in Coventry and earned a last-minute chance to keep their title ambitions alive for another week. James Lang's long-distance penalty only dropped a few centimeters. The crossbar and the outcome were the level of cruelty.
Only one point separated Northampton in fourth and seventh placed sales – who would have been in the semi-finals next weekend if the late penalty from Faf de Klerk in Bristol in the previous round had passed rather than on a post.
Sale would have been in the semi-final if Faf de Klerk scored a late penalty last weekend "class =" blkBorder img-share "in the semi-final stood if Faf de Klerk scored a late penalty last weekend "
Sale would have been in the semi-finals if Faf de Klerk scored a late penalty last weekend
Instead, the Cheshire club can miss the Champions Cup after Bath has contracted on Welford Road two minutes after time to win a bonus point win on Leicester they were until the sixth.
All this happened in the shadow of the duopoly of Exeter-Saracens, but it did not dilute the sense of sporting tension. The Premiership has its mistakes, but it is certainly not boring and predictable.
<img id = "i-f3e2385e39df699" src = "https://dailym.ai/2YDmidD 20 / 13668732-7047199-Quins_team_mates_Alex_Dambrandt_right_and_Alofa_Alofa_consoled_e-a-16_1558294758716.jpg "height =" 416 "width =" 633 "alt =" Quins teammates [edit] Quins teammates Alex Dambrandt (right) and Alofa naofa comforted Alex right) and Alofa Alofa comforted each other after the defeat "
Harlequin teammates Alex Dambrandt (right) and Alofa Alofa comfort each other after the defeat
Vunipola. He is not keen on training, so the Saracen staff sees a silver lining because he is excluded for three months with a torn hamstring.
However, his injury has been highlighted in an uncomfortable number for Eddie Jones. In certain positions, the first choice is clear, but the backup is not. That is true in the first row. Joe Marler is unlikely to reverse his retirement from Tests, so Jones has Ben Moon, Ellis Genge and Alec Hepburn to choose from.
On closer inspection, Harry Williams has not subjected Dan Cole to Kyle Sinckler's understudy. Dylan Hartley has been outside with the whore for months, but Luke Cowan-Dickie has left the door open. This song also exists with scrum-half, where Danny Care, Ben Spencer and Dan Robson are pushing Ben Youngs.
<img id = "i-d3d693f1544f1398" src = "https://dailym.ai/2YDmidD 20 / 13692578-7047199-image-a-13_1558294682315.jpg "height =" 472 "width =" 634 "alt =" Mako Vunipola will recover before the World Cup, but his injury shows no problems with the team "class =" blkBorder img -share "for the World Cup, but his injury reveals no problems with the team"
Mako Vunipola will recover for the World Cup, but his injury reveals no problems with the squadron
Dean Ryan got ripped at the RFU after leaving his post as head of the development of international players at Twickenham to take charge of the Dragons in Newport and, speaking to the Sunday Times, claimed that the Association of the Thousands of Things – None Very Good.
In a damning verdict on the cutbacks that undermined the work of his department , Ryan added: & There is nothing left, no resources. England will still play fewer than 20 games, but there is nothing behind it. There are no development programs & # 39; s. We gave up.
His destructive words will have inherited rattle leader Bill Sweeney, RFU, a mess.
But saying goodbye to Ryan is also a way to shift attention. He fired the popular, long-standing coach under English coach John Fletcher and Peter Walton from England – to the dismay of so many players they had cherished. That was more about creating his own vision and structure, but now he is gone and no vision left and no legacy, just bitterness.
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Dean Ryan fell the RFU after leaving his role as head of development of international players
[pasgeborene] Sensations
Alex Dombrandt, Rory Hutchinson and Ruaridh McConnochie.
<img id = "i-226f490647388e96 = "https://dailym.ai/2JQA6gK" height = "452" width = "634" alt = "[Nieuwe rekruut Dombrandt heeft genoten van de mooie doorbraakcampagne bij Harlequins] Harlequins "
New recruit Dombrandt enjoyed the he beautiful breakthrough campaign at Harlequins
Lima Sopoaga provided new evidence All blacks do not always excel abroad
Friends farewell
Marcelo Bosch, Luther Burrell, James Horwill, Matt Smith and David Strettle
Worcester doesn't mind Ben & & # 39 ; o take out their books, considering how rarely I have played. ] Ben Te & # 39; o leaves Worcester Warriors after an injury spell with the Premiership club "
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Ben Te & # 39; o will leave Worcester Warriors after an injury-hit spell with
Welcome, guest
To purchase a suitable Gloucester package – large, powerful and stroppy. ]
Elliot Daly spends months denying his move to Saracens.
Elliot Daly Wasp Center denied that he had moved to Saracens for much of the season moving to Saracens for much of the season. season "
Elliot Daly Wasp Center denied that he moved to Saracens for much of the season
Help from Danny Cipriani for Charlie Sharples' attempt at Northampton for humor in adversity and Joe Marler for on-field humor.
[Christian Wade startte het seizoen bij Wasps en eindigde met Buffalo Bills in de NFL] Christian Wade started the season at Wasps and finished with Buffalo Bills in the NFL [1 9459003]
Christian Wade started the season at Wasps and ended it with Buffalo Bills in the NFL
Premiership Rugby is generous to force the RFU to ratify their proposed expansion of the competition to 13 teams, with a play-off system to replace the existing automatic promotion and relegation. That is a fence at the back door.
There is no way the top club in the championship would have a real chance to beat the bottom of the honorary personnel before they started a large recruitment round.
London Irish is coming back again this year. If they had to beat Newcastle this month to confirm their promotion, it wouldn't happen. But next season, after an investment in their team, they can be competitive in the elite. This play-off plan is intended to make the Premiership a closed store.
<img id = "i-21ff5f47beb500cd" src = "https://dailym.ai/2JtYTbb -7047199-image-a-11_1558294580968.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" London Irish have made the premiership bet but would not stand a chance during a play-off "sealed the Premiership proceeds but would not stand a chance during a play-off "
London Irish have made the premier ship bet but would not stand a chance in a play-off
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entergamingxp · 4 years
The Last of Us Part II Story Trailer Remade Using Lego Is the Content You’ve Been Looking For
June 9, 2020 2:36 PM EST
You will probably never look at The Last of Us Part 2 trailer the same way after watching this.
As we all know by now, Naughty Dog has made their biggest game to date and now that we are aware that the gameplay will come in at around 25-30 hours long, you can be sure we’re in for one hell of a ride this around. To build the hype up for The Last of Us Part 2‘s release next week on June 19, we also can dive into some podcast content that will give a deeper look into what has made the series so memorable and affecting over the next two months. If you thought for one second that that’s all you have to look forward to until you get your grubby mitts on the game, then you have another thing coming as now we have The Last of Us Part 2 Lego story trailer and it’s everything you could possibly want and more.
Pavesome Films on YouTube which is run by Pavel Prokhorov, recreates popular movie scenes, trailers, or other videos in Lego stop-motion animation. Some of their other adventures include Django Unchained, Kill Bill, Captain America, Pirates of the Caribbean, and many more hilariously well done animations. This time, however, Pavel has outdone themselves by recreating one of the earlier trailers to The Last of Us Part 2. As we have seen, the trailers to The Last of Us Part 2 are incredibly bleak and usually quite violent, not normally something you find yourself laughing along to unless you’re a psychopath. But in Pavel’s remake, you can’t help but find yourself giggling at some of the scenes nor take them as seriously as you have done in the original trailers.
Straight off the bat, I found myself busting out laughing at Dina’s huge joint that she hands over to Ellie. I mean, look at the size of that thing! The way the lego’s move is also pretty funny especially so while on horses, it’s the fact that it’s so wrong that makes it so right. The most perfect scene is when lego Ellie encounters a hot dog shambler and also the part where Ellie’s hand is shaking but now it’s a little lego hand instead. It’s so hard to take what was originally intended to be a very dramatic and intense scene seriously and I love it! Pavel has done an amazing job here at not only lining the vocals up with the characters and the action sequences but also their use of ultra smooth animation and fantastic lighting.
If you have always wondered how game designers crafted levels in their games, check out level designer Peter Field’s video where he went into great detail on how he made the bus depot level in The Last of Us. If a little bit of video analysis is your thing, you can check out ‘The Last of Us Part 2: The 3 Most Important New Details From the Story Trailer’ article where I shone some light onto some new and important features we may not have seen before in other trailers.
The Last of Us Part II is set to release next week on June 19, exclusively on PS4 and if you’re looking for a super cool new PS4 Pro, Sony recently announced a new special edition PS4 Pro which is set to launch alongside The Last of Us Part II.
      June 9, 2020 2:36 PM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/06/the-last-of-us-part-ii-story-trailer-remade-using-lego-is-the-content-youve-been-looking-for/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-last-of-us-part-ii-story-trailer-remade-using-lego-is-the-content-youve-been-looking-for
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dawnasiler · 5 years
Brie Larson, Before and After
You know you've made it in Hollywood when you're the star of the first-ever superhero movie with a solo female lead.
That's what Brie Larson has achieved with this year's Captain Marvel, already the highest-grossing film of 2019.
But long before she was waging war on aliens as Captain Marvel, the 29-year-old was a child actress and teen pop singer. And she has been walking the red carpet since the tender age of 12!
In recent years, Brie has often appeared in our celebrity beauty reports, but she never struck me as an obvious candidate for a Before & After. (Not like Khloé Kardashian or Ellie Goulding, where you just KNOW their faces have been tweaked.)
Thanks for watching!
However, when I learned that she'd been acting for such a long time, I couldn't resist tracking down her early photos... and I was surprised at what I found!
Let's take a look at Brie's beauty evolution from 2002 to 2019.
Brie in 2002
Brie Larson at the 2002 premiere of 'Crossroads.'
Thanks for watching!
Thanks for watching!
Our first shot is a 12-year-old Brie, rocking long ringlet curls with the short, piecey bangs that so many of us had back in middle school (!!). If this was her natural hair colour, it's gorgeous. But hairstyles in general were just BAD in the early 2000s... and I've got an even worse example next!
Brie Larson at the 2002 premiere of 'Hey Arnold!: The Movie.'
Right?! It's all happening here—the stiff curled bangs, the knotty updo, the faux flower, the one red streak of hair. Plus body glitter, a very important part of anyone's early 2000s look.
Brie in 2003
Brie Larson at the 2003 premiere of 'The Cat in the Hat.'
The following year, Brie went blonde, and actually, these highlights are pretty good. Plus, most importantly, the bangs were growing out! She was 14 by this time, so her features were starting to look more grown-up. Two things stand out for me here: her nose, and her hooded eyes.
Brie in 2004
Brie Larson at the 2004 premiere of 'Home on the Range.'
In 2004, Brie channelled a cowgirl with braids and a bandana around her neck. She looks so fresh-faced with just lip gloss. (Although already, she was plucking her brows—such was the trend!) Fun fact: Brie was one of the Six Chicks in 13 Going on 30 that same year!
Brie in 2006
Brie Larson at the 2006 premiere of 'Snakes on a Plane.'
The following year, Brie made a radical change to her look with a wavy blonde bob and side-swept bangs. Isn't this hair colour so 2006?! Hairdressers loved the brassy tones back then. She was only 16 in this shot, but somehow looks far more mature than her years. We can also see her original nose here, which was obviously wider than it is now.
Brie in 2007
Brie Larson at the 2007 premiere of 'The Beautiful Ordinary.'
Then, another completely different look in 2007. (This will be a theme with her!) Suddenly, Brie's hair was long again, perhaps from extensions, with a new sandy, ashy colour. The problem is, she's wearing the completely wrong shade of foundation—it's too dark and too yellow—to camouflage some breakouts. 
Brie in 2009
Brie Larson at the 2009 Showtime Winter TCA Party.
She was more put-together for this United States of Tara event in 2009, at age 19. No, her makeup doesn't have the polish that it has now (if you look closely, there are blending problems with both the foundation and the eyeshadow). But she still looks really pretty... in a different way than before. Why? I'm going to venture a guess that she had the first tweak to her nose, and perhaps even her eyelids!
Brie in 2010
Brie Larson at the 2010 London premiere of 'Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.'
The red carpet struggle is real! For this event, Brie's eyeliner and lipstick were on point, but she doesn't have the glossy hair and perfected skin finish that we're used to seeing on A-list celebs. She was also still dealing with some breakouts. But do you see what I mean about her nose? The tip looks like it's been refined.
Brie in 2011
Brie Larson at Elle's 2011 Women in Television event.
Then came this inexplicable wavy 'do, with a frizzy texture and random straight and kinky pieces. I will say that I like the mint green eyeliner... just not with this hair. Her skin is looking much smoother here, and her brows have grown out nicely after the '00s over-plucking. 
Brie in 2012
Brie Larson at the 2012 Art of Elysium Heaven Gala.
And then Brie became a redhead! Who knew? It's really pretty on her, although the styling is perhaps not the most sophisticated (I'd have ditched the bedazzled headband, at least). With little foundation on, we can see how much her skin has cleared up.
Brie in 2013
Brie Larson at the 2013 South by Southwest Film Festival.
Now, here's the most au naturel look of all, when Brie was 23. Gone was the red hair, replaced by a super flattering brunette with blonde ends. And for once, there's nothing contrived about her makeup—all we can see is a slick of red lipstick.
Brie in 2014
Brie Larson at the 2014 Critics' Choice Awards.
It was around 2014 when I first took notice of Brie, and I can still remember commenting on this hair. Just when she'd transitioned to a natural-looking brunette, she goes back to this streaky, ashy, grey-looking blonde! Also, the knots are back from 2002.
Brie in 2015
Brie Larson at the 2015 premiere of 'Room.'
Finally, in 2015, it looks like Brie began working with a top styling team. It always happens—when celebs get cast in bigger movies, the studio has the budget for better hair and makeup people. Hence, the makeup is flawless, and she's sporting a new "bronde" hair shade that flatters her skin tone. But do I think this is the same nose she has today? Nope!
Brie in 2016
Brie Larson at the 2016 Academy Awards.
For her Academy Award for Best Actress, Brie had never looked better. Compare and contrast this smooth hairstyle and perfect makeup to her semi-disheveled look a few years before. What a transformation! But I don't think it's JUST hair and makeup. I suspect she had a second procedure on her nose to make it even narrower than before.
Brie in 2017
Brie Larson at the 2017 Women in Film Pre-Oscar Party.
Whoomp. there it is! Brie's new nose, after what I believe was a second rhinoplasty procedure. It's a baby nose now... and see how it makes her eyes and lips stand out more? She looks every inch the Hollywood star, with the perfect tousled waves and sophisto makeup. If you zone in on her eyelids, I do think she had some of the excess skin removed (called a blepharoplasty).
Brie in 2018
Brie Larson at the 2018 premiere of 'Avengers: Infinity War.'
Brie kept the same hair colour through 2018 (she was 28 here). And her makeup keeps getting softer and softer, a phenomenon I've observed time and time again with celebs. (Is it their newly chiseled features that give them the confidence to be seen with less? I think so!)
Brie in 2019
Brie Larson at the 2019 premiere of 'Captain Marvel.'
But Brie is a woman who likes to change her hair colour, so in 2019, she switched things up with this platinum blonde. I can't say I'm a fan, although it helps that her roots and brows were kept darker. (Isn't it amazing how well her brows have grown back?) Besides her overall sculpted look, notice how her smile is brighter and wider than ever before, suggesting a little cosmetic dentistry work.
Brie Larson Before and After
Brie Larson in 2003 (left) and in 2019 (right).
Brie Larson in 2007 (left) and in 2017 (right).
I don't know about you, but I think Brie's before and after is one of the most surprising we've seen. She keeps such a low profile (and is basically the opposite of a Kardashian), so I NEVER suspected this!
There's no doubt that hair and makeup played a major role in these changes. We can all relate to her many styling faux-pas, and it's strangely satisfying to see her blossom into the polished beauty she is today.
But it's also very obvious that a rhinoplasty procedure (or two!) played no small part in this transformation. In addition, I suspect a blepharoplasty, teeth whitening and porcelain veneers. Who knows, there could even be a little Botox and filler happening here and there, although if there is, it's extremely natural.
Brie looks beautiful, of course, but I couldn't help but notice something she said in a 2015 interview with The Hollywood Reporter. Talking about all the rejection she faced early on in her career, she revealed, "I wasn't pretty enough to play the popular girl, I wasn't mousy enough to be the mousy girl, so I never fit in. And so I'd get close [to the end of the audition process], but I never got anywhere, and it was really painful."
It's no coincidence that her career took off after having these cosmetic procedures. That's Hollywood for you... don't hate the player, hate the game!
How do you feel about Brie's beauty evolution? Which of these looks is your favourite? What "beauty work" do you think she's had done?
Brie Larson, Before and After syndicated from The Skincare Edit
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thrashermaxey · 6 years
Ramblings: Injuries to Vasilevskiy, Crosby, Subban, and More… And What They Mean (Nov 16)
Injuries to Vasilevskiy, Crosby, Subban, and More… And What They Mean
With all the injury announcements on Thursday, this might seem like an emergency edition of the Injury Ward. In other words, a significant chunk of today’s Ramblings will be devoted to these injuries and what they all mean to fantasy owners. Apologies in advance if I missed anyone.
Probably the biggest injury news in terms of both importance and length was that of Andrei Vasilevskiy being sidelined for “a while” with a fractured left foot.  
Louis Domingue is being added in fantasy leagues as we speak. Surely you have a goalie that you can drop for what will be a starting goalie for one of the league's top teams. https://t.co/BIk6XYKNpU
— Ian Gooding (@Ian_Gooding) November 15, 2018
I’ll expand on my tweet from shortly after the announcement. Louis Domingue is an obvious pickup with this news, and he immediately rewarded fantasy owners who were able to insert him into their lineups right away with a 28-save win over Pittsburgh. Allowing three goals isn’t ideal, but he’s a great option if you need wins. The goalies that I had in mind to “drop” (at least on two of my teams) were Chad Johnson and Darcy Kuemper. So I’m not setting the bar super high here. However, I was beaten to the punch in both instances, in one case by only half an hour. But that turned out to be good fortune for me, as you’ll find out later.
Speaking of the Lightning, Brayden Point picked up a natural hat trick… in just 91 seconds. In case you’re wondering, that’s not an NHL record for the fastest three goals by one player. That belongs to Bill Mosienko of the Blackhawks, who scored three goals in 21 seconds in 1952. Maybe one of those records that will never be broken, at least in our lifetime? Point had been held without a point (sorry, can’t help it) in his last three games. This was already his fourth game with at least three points.
The Penguins had some injury news of their own, as Sidney Crosby missed Thursday’s game and could be out about a week. That gave Jake Guentzel owners the break they needed, as he was elevated to the first-unit power play. He was held without a point but took four shots in a season-high 21:26 of icetime. Patric Hornqvist wasn’t affected by Crosby’s absence, scoring two goals and adding an assist with five shots on goal.
Tanner Pearson also made his Penguins’ debut, playing on a line with Hornqvist and Evgeni Malkin while seeing second-unit power-play duties. However, he was held without a point in just 13:14 of icetime. Keep an eye on Pearson, though, especially if he stays on this line.
Speaking of debuts, Sens’ top prospect Drake Batherson (Dobber Prospects profile here) made his debut on Thursday. He didn’t waste much time making an impact, scoring his first NHL goal – a power-play marker – on his first shot. Although he played just under 11 minutes, he did play some even-strength and power-play minutes with the red-hot Matt Duchene. With two more assists on Thursday, Duchene is scoring at over a point per game (21 points in 19 games), including nine points over his last five games. Batherson, who scored 20 points in 14 AHL games this season, is worth considering for keeper leagues if you can stash him away.
If you just moved on from Anthony Beauvillier after his slow start, then his Thursday performance will sting. Beauvillier, who entered Thursday’s game with just a single point (a goal) and a minus-10 in 16 games, posted a hat trick plus an assist on five shots on goal in the Islanders’ 7-5 over the crosstown rival Rangers. His linemates (Valtteri Filppula and Leo Komarov) are better known from their days with other teams, so his chances of sustained success would seem much higher with a move to one of the Isles’ top two lines. But right now it’s Tom Kuhnhackl (four points in his last five games) getting that opportunity.
With his assist on Thursday, Mike Hoffman was able to extend his point streak to 14 games. That’s a new Panthers’ record. There are benefits to not trading players while their value appears to be plummeting, as I did with Hoffman over the summer.
Unfortunately, Evgenii Dadonov’s point streak ended at 12 games.
Look away if you own Panthers’ players and your league counts plus/minus: Jonathan Huberdeau was a minus-6 on Thursday; Vincent Trocheck, a minus-5; Keith Yandle, a minus-4.
Anthony Duclair scored on Thursday, giving him eight goals on the season. He’s averaging only 13 minutes of icetime at the moment, though. Does he make it to 20 for the first time in his career? It’s worth mentioning that he saw even-strength minutes with Cam Atkinson and Pierre-Luc Dubois in this game. But that may only be temporary, as Artemi Panarin missed the game with the flu.  
It would be very remiss of me if I discussed injuries and didn’t mention that Brian Elliott had to leave Thursday’s game late in the third period with an injury. His injury would mean more Calvin Pickard. Ah well, at least we get to see more Gritty on a goalie mask. Did I mention that my kids love Gritty?
With a goal and two assists on Thursday, Blake Coleman now has six points over his last five games.
Your co-shutout leader at the moment is Keith Kinkaid, who stopped all 29 shots he faced to earn his third shutout of the season. This in spite of nearly allowing a goal on his botched attempt at scoring a goal (go to the 2:30 mark of the video).
There might not be a team that has been hit harder by the very recent rash of injuries than the Nashville Predators. Not only was P.K. Subban placed on IR this week, but also Viktor Arvidsson is expected to be out for the next 6-8 weeks with a broken thumb. So how did this affect the Preds? Well, they lost 2-1 to Arizona with Darcy Kuemper making 44 saves in the win (thank heaven I didn’t drop him).
Kevin Fiala was moved up to the top line with Filip Forsberg and Ryan Johansen. This is very good news for Fiala owners, as he has been underutilized at times during the season. Fiala has just two goals in 19 games, but things could begin to pick up if you’ve been patient all this time.
Subban’s absence means that the other three members of their big 4 blueline will be leaned on even more heavily than they usually are. Roman Josi logged 27:37, Ryan Ellis logged 25:13, and Mattias Ekholm logged 24:02 on Thursday.
I’m glad the league I own Ellis in counts icetime, as that’s the only way that he’s providing value to me at the moment. Ellis hasn’t recorded a single point in his last five games and doesn’t have a goal all season in spite of massive opportunities for both. Oskar Klefbom and Erik Karlsson are the only two players to average more icetime without a goal than Ellis. Coincidentally, all three entered Thursday’s games with identical stat lines (zero goals, eight assists).
By the way, the Coyotes scored their league-leading 10th shorthanded goal. So they now have more shorthanded goals than power-play goals (9). So when the other team is called for a penalty, should the Coyotes decline just like they do in football? Start playing like the Charleston Chiefs so that they can be shorthanded?
Check out the injuries on the Bruins’ defense, now that Zdeno Chara is sidelined with a leg injury:  
Earlier on @timandsid, the #NHLBruins blueline has morphed into a MASH unit. pic.twitter.com/STzEwSKX77
— Sportsnet Stats (@SNstats) November 15, 2018
If you’re looking for an injury replacement, Matt Grzelcyk logged nearly 25 minutes against Colorado on Wednesday. He’s worth a pickup in deeper leagues, as he’s only owned in 2 percent of Yahoo leagues.
With an assist on Thursday, Max Domi’s point streak now stands at eight games. He has 12 points (5g-7a) over that span. Maybe he’ll slow down, but not today.
With a goal on Thursday, Tomas Tatar now has five goals in his last five games. He’s enjoying a renaissance season that could turn into a breakout when all is said and done.
Good question from a commenter in my last Ramblings: How concerned should we be with Ryan Nugent-Hopkins with the Edmonton line moves? He had been playing so well and still has PP1, but should we consider selling high?
With Connor McDavid being reunited with Leon Draisaitl on Tuesday, Ryan Nugent-Hopkins’ fantasy value took a hit, as he lined up with Tobias Rieder and Alex Chiasson. In spite of that, RNH scored a goal to bring his season total to 18 points in 18 games. I’ll start by giving one reason that you should consider selling high, and another reason that you might not want to.
The reason you should: the Nuge has never recorded more than 56 points in a season. He might be on his way to a career season, but we already have enough of a sample size to know that he is not an 80-point player. If you can exchange him for someone with a higher ceiling than 50-60 points, then it might be worth it for you. Particularly in a multicategory league, where his peripherals aren’t overly strong.
The reason you shouldn’t: Line combinations change all the time. A team like the Oilers might be better off with McDavid and Draisaitl on separate lines to spread out the scoring, which could move RNH back to the McDavid line. I’ll throw in one more reason you shouldn’t: Nugent-Hopkins has just four goals on a 7.1 SH%, a number below his career average of 11.3%. A regression might not be significant, particularly if he is reunited with McDavid.
So my advice is that it wouldn’t hurt to try, particularly if you use it to improve your team in other areas. But if you can’t make the deal, he should be able to hold much of his value going forward.  
Mitch Marner scored a goal and added two assists on Thursday, giving him six points over his last three games. But what really impressed me was the assist on his goal, from one Frederik Andersen.  
Take a bow, @f_andersen30…
Oh, and that was a pretty snip, @Marner93. pic.twitter.com/oH5cgTRjrj
— NHL (@NHL) November 16, 2018
Better yet, Andersen’s assist counts in one of my fantasy leagues. Hey, minor wins. It's like finding the piece of pork in your can of beans.
If I missed anything, I’ll be back tomorrow, filling in for Cam.
For more fantasy hockey information, you can follow me on Twitter @Ian_Gooding.
from All About Sports https://dobberhockey.com/hockey-rambling/ramblings-injuries-to-vasilevskiy-crosby-subban-and-more-and-what-they-mean-nov-16/
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thrashermaxey · 7 years
The Journey: Fastest-Rising Prospect Defencemen
This week’s edition of the Journey will look at the fastest rising prospect defensemen taken from Dobber’s monthly list. On the whole there wasn’t a whole lot of major shuffling outside of the four players below.
  Samuel Girard – 5th up from 31st
The Nashville-Ottawa-Colorado three-way deal perhaps benefits no one greater than Girard. This is reflected in his moving up 26 spots, the largest jump from October. Despite making the Predators out of camp he was stuck in a logjam with no clear path to a substantial role as long as Roman Josi, P.K. Subban, Ryan Ellis and Mattias Ekholm were still in the fold. Moving to a defense desert in Colorado Girard immediately becomes the #1 or #1A defensive prospect in the system, with Cale Makar being the other, with a chance to make a significant contribution right away. Outside of Tyson Barrie there is no other defender on the roster that can offer what Girard does. Through five games with the Avs Girard has posted two assists. Add that to his totals in Nashville and you get a season total of five points in 10 games. He’s played in excess of 21 minutes per night since he arrived on the scene in Denver and if he keeps seeing that volume of ice time the points will continue to come.
    Tim Heed – 43rd up from 74th
This month’s biggest mover, I’ve had my eye on Heed for a few years now and have been keeping watch on him while he was piling up the points in the SHL. I made the commitment to myself that if he was ever signed I would pick him up right away and that’s exactly what I did in one of my leagues last summer. It looks like it’s paying off now. After a dynamite rookie AHL season where he produced at a point per game pace. The second-year North American pro has received his shot with the big club this season and is making the most of it. With seven points in 16 games he’s tied with Brent Burns for the team lead in scoring among defensemen despite having played two fewer games. He is a converted forward who packs a cannon of a shot from the point and can run a power play. One time forward that are now defense are guys that I like to have on my team. They can be high risk but when the pay off the rewards can be huge. Look no further than the aforementioned Burns. Originally an Anaheim draft pick back in 2010, I hesitate to say they are regretting not signing him considering they are pretty stacked on the blue line as is. But he’s certainly looking like he’s a legitimate offensive threat from the back end.
  Kale Clague – 50th up from 75th
There’s good reason why Clague has moved up 25 spots in the rankings as he’s been running wild over his fellow competition in the WHL. He’s amassed 10 goals, five with the man advantage, and 23 assists through 19 games and is 10th overall in the league. He’s second on the Brandon Wheat Kings in scoring but first in points-per-game with 1.74. The LA Kings property sits atop the WHL scoring chart among defensemen and it’s really not even close. While the next closest defender has 27 points, Clague is averaging almost a half-point more on a per game basis. Needless to say he’s been a point-producing machine with 10 multi-point efforts including two hat tricks, four three-point games, two four-point games and in six of his 19 games he registered five short on goal or more. Look for Clague to star next month for Team Canada in Buffalo. This is shaping up to be one Kale that won’t leave a bitter taste in your mouth.
  Will Butcher – 8th up from 16th
The 2016-17 Hobey Baker winner, Butcher has slowed down a bit since his torrid start. After rattling off 11 assists in his first 10 NHL games, he’s come back down to earth in November with a goal, his first, and three assists in nine games this month. The real Will Butcher is closer to the November end of the spectrum than the October one. His ice time tended to fluctuate a lot more in the early going than it does now. He’s topped 18 minutes for the past three games and has been over 16 minutes for six of the nine games so far this month. He’s first in rookie defense scoring and fourth among all first year players.
As a rookie college player odds are he’ll hit a wall at some point mid-season. But regardless he’s still the top, and really only, power play option for the young and exciting Devils. When was the last time you heard that?
from All About Sports http://www.dobberhockey.com/hockey-home/the-journey/the-journey-fastest-rising-prospect-defencemen-2/
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