#i don’t think it’ll be Bella Ramsey
eiledon · 2 years
Not even two seconds in but Ashley Johnson playing Ellie’s mom? Genius.
I adore how they’ve brought back the actors from the game into this.
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darth-aces · 1 year
Flower Bed
Bella Ramsey X Reader
Flowers can relay messages from one person to another. That may be why we give out flowers to people that mean so much more than we can say. Although, these messages are often hidden and left unnoticed by most people. Maybe it’s the lack of solid information on this floral language, the disinterest we as a society place in the nature we walk on, or maybe it’s because running to your nearest florist after work moments before seeing your person requires sacrifice in time and specificity.
For many though, I think it’s the difficulty we face in creating messages that can amount to an ounce of what we truly feel for them.
Yet this unreliable system of floral morse code is the only way you’ve been able to tell Bella that you loved them. 
Anytime you were both in town you would make your way over to their house, picking up flowers from bushes and random cracks with slight foliage as you walk. By the time you get there, you would usually have enough to tie and clump into a ball giving it the necessary weight needed for you to successfully throw it through their window and into their bedroom. 
“I don’t understand is this supposed to be romantic or are we trying to get dirt all over my comforter?” Bella said as they pop their head out to see you. 
“Trust me if you want romance just let me know, I’d be more than happy to oblige!” You yell back. They smirk and like it always had been, it’ll take a little more jokes and sly remarks to convince them to come down and finish the silly act you two had started.
“Are you here to ask me out on a date? Perhaps you’re here to ask for my hand in marriage?” They ask. “I will say though, I don’t typically go for people as direct as you,” Bella says taunting you.  
“How about we go out on a date and by the end of the day we’ll see if you’d still be into marrying me?” You say desperately trying to get them to come down quickly and out of the heat you’re currently melting in. 
This happens every year. You and Bella aren’t actually dating, but things have always been more than platonic. 
At one point you two have even confessed that your feelings were mutual, but somewhere in that conversation, you agreed that long distance would be difficult in the early stages of a relationship and your friendship was more important at that moment. Although your mutual agreement kept your friendship going, it made things confusing. 
You two weren’t exclusive, but you weren’t looking to be in a relationship with anyone. You were also busy trying to get through college. Romance, was hardly on your mind unless that romance was with Bella. They were always in the back of your mind keeping you company when you studied or when you began daydreaming during boring lectures. 
You don’t exactly know what things have been like for Bella in the romance department (nor did you ask), but deep down you hoped that they were waiting for the day things could bring you two together.
It wasn’t like you two didn’t talk. You talked as often as you could, but the both of you were in different places of the world. Sometimes they’d be off elsewhere to a different part of England, in the U.S., or Canada. You’d be in the U.S. studying day and night for most of the year. This made texts and calls almost impossible to be as good as it was in person. Alas, you were still able to keep in touch. 
Now that it’s summer you finally finished school and Bella was back in town before having to be elsewhere for another job. Which brings you two here, taunting each other through their window.
With a chuckle they finally run down to their front door, opening it up quickly and practically squeezing you into a bear hug. Missing them equally as much, you find yourself immediately squeezing back.
“I’ve missed you.” They muffled into your shoulder. You finally get a good glimpse of them when you pull back, still attached in their embrace. “Yeah, I’ve been waiting to see you too.” You say, too mesmerized by their features. Then you noticed their hair.
“Look at that your hair’s shorter.” Picking up a strand to observe. 
“Yeah, I sent you that video of them cutting it off a while back remember?” 
Of course you remembered, it was a huge change that left you a little jealous because you weren’t there in person to witness yourself, but you were also squirming with delight seeing them with their semi-new haircut. 
“Yeah, it looks great. You always look great.” You say while awkwardly pulling away from the hug as you try to keep your mixed emotions down. 
You’re both a little shy having not seen each other in a long time.
“So, I was thinking we make it up to my room for a bit, I’ve got something for you.” Bella points toward the room above and you feel a gush of warmth spring into your cheeks. They’ve been thinking about you while you’ve been separated, and you can’t help but feel a sort of validation after thinking of them the entire time you’ve been away too. 
“So you’re the one proposing now aren’t you?” You say trying to regain yourself and keeping up with the banter. “If that gets you to come in faster, then yes.” 
With this remark, they let you into the house where you make it up their stairs and into their bedroom, where you’ve thrown countless numbers of flowers trying to get their attention. 
“You know it’s funny, you’d think with how long we’ve known each other that I’d find a stray flower or two around here, but it’s starting to seem like you’re hoarding them up and hiding them away from me.” You say trying to ease your anxiousness and excitement now being alone with them again. 
Ignoring your statement, they go over to their desk and pick up a nicely decorated box. “My surprise is a bit handmade, but I figured you’d be into it since it took a little more work and thought.” Bella hands it over and gestures toward the bed to sit. 
“You know you didn’t have to get me anything. Besides I didn’t even think of getting you something. Sorry about that.” 
“Nonsense, you didn’t have the get me anything, I just wanted you to have this. Also, this gift wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for you anyway.” Curious now hearing that you’re a key component to a gift for yourself you lift the lid of the present to investigate. 
On the very top is a note,
Every flower you sent through my window felt like an “I love you”. If I don’t say anything now, I might have to sleep with an endlessly growing meadow beneath my bed dedicated to the love we have. 
Under the note, you find neatly arranged flowers pressed and preserved on papers with tiny handwritten dates next to each flower. 
You’re astonished. 
“I figured we should give it a shot. It’s been a while and I’m still in love with you. Although this isn’t a proposal like you wanted it to be, I’d like to ask you out on a proper date.” Bella says as you’re still staring at years worth of patience. 
You finally look up at them smiling like an idiot before blurting out, “In that case, I think I should be getting you an actual bouquet of flowers before we go out on our official first date.”   
“Oh wait!” They quickly stand up and pick up a flower off their desk. “I think you’ve already picked enough flowers to make more than one bouquet for me. I’ll have to press this one for you though. I think this’ll complete our collection.” Bella says as they carefully hold a flower you brought just moments before.
“I don’t think I’d ever want to stop bringing you flowers.” You say mesmerized by them. “I might even have to grow my own flower bed just so I’ll have flowers ready to go.”
Bella let’s out a laugh when you say this, amused by your response, and you smile thinking of all the flowers growing the more you fall in love with them.
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zombierunfiction · 7 years
Season 2 Mission 7: Mummy's Hand
"Go, go, go!  Run, Charlotte, get to the house!"  Bella shouted behind them as the horde was decending on them as Beatrix stopped at the doorway of the house ushering them inside.
"Come on, now, get inside!  Get inside!"  The older woman shouted as Bella let out a scream as one zombie lept towards her.  "Bella down!"  She shouted pulling out a pistal, firing just as Bella ducked out of the way.  The zombie's head exploded as Bella raced inside with Beatrix following behind.  Powell and Jack slammed the door shut fast.  "alright, in you come.  All safe now.  Come along, everyone."  Beatrix said right back to her calm self.
"Oh God, oh god, I-"  Bella said fast panicing terribly as she slid down the wall holding herself tight.
"Beatrix..."  Jack said as they locked up the door quickly starting to nail it shut with boards.
"Oh, buck up, Bella!  You're not use to anyone down there.  Go on, Simon will meet you in the blue room to block the windows."  Beatrix ordered calmly.
"Beatrix!"  Jack called.
"I... I can't..."  Bella whimpered as Charlotte knelt by her gently petting her hair.
"I raised you better than that, Arabella!  On your feet, now!"  Beatrix snaps making Bella look up at her mother before taking a slow breath.
"Okay... Okay."  Bella said as she stood with Charlotte's help.  "Come on."  She said as Simon followed her quickly.
"Beatrix, why are we barricading the house?  If we go now, we can get through the scullery, and-"  Jack tried to reason before Beatrix held up her hand stopping him.
"We are putting up barricades, Jack, because this is my home, and I will defend it until I am no longer able.  Now go ahead to the blue room."  Beatrix said as Jack stepped away from the door.  
"Go!"  Beatrix snapped as Jack all but ran towards the blue room as Charlotte went to follow when Beatrix put her thin hand on her shoulder.  "Not you Charlotte.  You take these boards down to Powell.  He's heading for the kitchen.  East wing, past the library.  I'll be along shortly.  Off you go!"  Beatrix said as Charlotte sighed picking up the boards taking them down to Powell who was boarding up windows and the one lone door in the kitchen.
After a while of boarding up windows and doors, Eugene came back on the coms sounding staticy.  "Runner Three, report!  Runner Five? Jack? Please, Jack, report!"
"Coming through quiet and no particularly clear, Gene.  Now, I know how badly you cope without me."  Jack said sarcasticly.
"Quiet, you tit!  What's going on out there?"  Eugene asked.
"Oh it's nothing..." Jack said as Charlotte hammered in another nail.
"Yeah, it's nothing, Abel, just a huge swarm of zombies surrounding the house."  She said.  "Other than that having a splended time."
"Yeah, just that.  Nothing to worry about."  Jack tried to cover up.
"What's your exit?"  Amber asked.
"Yeah, slight problem there, Amber."  Simon started.
"Beatrix refuses to leave."  Charlotte said as Powell led her towards the blue room.
"Even-"  Amber started.
"Even as the entire zombie population of the UK descends across the rose garden.  Yes."  Jack said.
"Okay..."  Amber breathed.  "Is the house secure, Simon?"
"We're working on it. Not sure how long it'll hold, though."  Simon said.
"Wouldn't mind some assistance, if it's not too much trouble?"  Charlotte asked.
"Roger that, Charlotte."  Amber said as she stepped away from the mic and opened the door.  "Sam, we need some help out here."
Footsteps followed before Sam's voice is heard.  "Dammit.  Okay on it."  He said.
"We're getting you help, guys."  Amber said coming back on the headset.
In the background Sam could be heard on the speaker.  "Runner Four, Nine, Thirteen, report to the gates.  Urgent assistance required."
"Hold on.  Just hold on, guys.  The cavalry's coming!"  Eugene said as Charlotte started to board up another window when a zombie arm broke through the window taking a swipe at them.
"Go on, you, get back!"  Powell shouted as he grabbed the fire place pocker and stabbed the zombie through the window.  "Charlotte, quick, get those boards in here!"  He shouted as Charlotte threw up another set of boards nailing them in fast.  "There, that's it."  He said helpping her get the boards in place.
Charlotte stepped back breathing deeply.  "Nothing like a quick grab to get the heart going huh."  She said with a grin at Powell.
Powell chuckled dryly.  "Yeah, rather be having that kind of jump from a spider instead of a zombie."  He said as they walked into the blue room with the others.
"Jack, do you read me?"  Eugene asked.
"Yep, still here, love."  Jack said.
"We've got runners on their way out to you now with noisemakers.  they'll be there soon.  how are things out there?"  Eugene asked.
"Oh, well, you know.  Spread's not quite as fine as last year, but the guest list more than makes up for it."  Jack said making Charlotte snort.
"Alright, well, don't go picking anyone up."  Eugene said with a chuckle.
"Oh, I'll try, but they do seem to find me irresistable."  Jack countered.
Eugene laughed again.  "Who can blame them?"
Powell finished up the boards in the blue room before walking back over.  "Right, this won't hold for long, but it'll give us time.  I reckon Lady Beatrix will have to take your friend Jack up on his offer now, eh?"
"I will have to do no such thing, Powell."  Beatrix said stubbornly.
"Tradition's all well and good, Beatrix but these are our lives!"  Powell countered.
"And what are our lives without tradition?  William Ramsey held this house against the Roundheads!  I think we can deal with a few rotting corpses."  Beatrix said.
"A few rotting corpses?"  Charlotte asked stepping to her.  "This is more than just a handful of zombies out there.  That is a horde.  Atleast a hundred of them beating down your house that is not going to hold for too long and you want to risk our lives for tradition?"  
Beatrix looked down her nose as Charlotte.  "Are you done?"  She said in an almost bored tone.
Charlotte clentched her fist breathing deeply as she stepped away from her as Powell sighed.  "Reckon son..."  He breathed.
"Right then.  Come on, we'll hole up in the library."  Beatrix said walking towards the library.
Powell sighed softly.  "Aye, aye.  Off you trot Charlotte."  He said as they headed for the library.
"Right here Charlotte."  Bella said as they stepped inside the large room that was nearly two stories tall with books lining from floor to ceiling.
"All present?"  Beatrix asks as Powell shuts the door once everyone was in.
"We're all here."  Bella said.
"Good-o.  Jack, Simon, Charlotte I am sorry for the kerfuffle.  It should blow over soon enough."  Beatrix said confidently as Charlotte looked at her in shock.
"Is she kidding?  Is she seriously kidding?"  Eugene asked just as shocked.
"Ma'am with all due respect this isn't a rainstorm during a picnic."  Charlotte said as Jack held up his hand.
"No trouble, Beatrix.  It's nothing we haven't all seen before."  Jack said looking at Charlotte with a look that said he understood her complaints.
"And hey, at least I'm not spending the night on a bandstand."  Simon said chuckling as Charlotte rolled her eyes.  "Sorry, in-joke there.  Tough crowd, ooh."
"When we get back to Abel you and I are going to have a talk about your jokes."  Charlotte said patting him on his shoulder.
"...quite."  Beatrix said slowly.  "Well, enough pleasentries.  Let's get this door barricaded and we can settle in."
"Settle in?"  Bella said quickly.  "Mother, we need to get out of here!"  She begged.
"Nonsense, we're quite safe."  Beatrix waved her off as Bella moved in front of her.
"Safe?  We're cornered in the library, surrounded by hordes of the undead!"  Bella cried out.
"Regardless."  Beatrix again dismissed.
"Mother, please!"  Bella put her hands together begging more.  "We can use the-"
"Bella, enough!"  Beatrix snapped.  "We are not leaving.  I am not having this argument with you again.  Powell?  The door."  She commanded as Bella closed her eyes resting her head on her clasped hands.
Powelled sighed heavily nodding.  "Aye.  Come on Charlotte.  Help me with this bookcase."  He said walking over to a large bookcase that would cover the door.  Powell got on the side away from the door while Charlotte took the side by the door to guide it.  They began moving it slowly as it scraped across the floor while the others continued to talk.
"-a room with no windows and only one door, eh?"  Simon said.
"Yes, it's a great death trap."  Bella said sarcasticly as she stepped away from Beatrix.
"Bella!"  Beatrix snapped as Bella whirled around glaring at her mother.
"Oh, just-"  Bella pursed her lips trying to push down her anger.  "Fine!"  She let out an exasperated sigh before looking at Simon.  "To be honest, Simon, I always thought it was a bit creepy in here, but that might have less to do with the room, and more to do with the time Uncle Jeremy locked me in here when he was drunk.  Of course, that was before I found-"  
"I won't have any more of that!"  Beatrix snapped quickly.  "We will defend this house to the last man, do you understand?"
"But what if we all-"  Bella counters.
"Do you understand?"  Beatrix said sternly towards her daughter.
Bella visibly deflated.  "Yes, mother."  Charlotte looked over at Bella feeling something in her heart that felt connected with this young woman.  Her father was the same way.  
Stern almost to the point of unfeeling.
He expected everyone to fall into line regardless of their own personal feelings.  She knew that if they got out of this alive she would help Bella to keep her head up and not let her mother bulldoze over her.
Powell and Charlotte finished getting the bookcase into place as he sighed dusting his hands off.  "Door's secure."
"Excellent.  Alright, who's for brandy?"  Beatrix said with a smile opening a small cabinet.
"Ooh, don't mind if I do!"  Jack said excitedly as Bella walked over to the couch near the now empty wall the bookcase had been sitting near.  
Charlotte walked over and sat next to her.  "You ok?"  She whispered.
Bella sniffed softly as she caught the tears in her eyes.  "I'll be fine.  I'm a Ramsey after all."  She said trying to be strong.
Charlotte smiled slightly.  "It's not a bad thing to feel bad.  Esspecially when someone you care for dismisses your worries that are very founded in truth."
"It's just..."  Bella sighed heavily sniffling slightly.  "It's hard to have a voice when she tells me to not have one with her."
Charlotte wrapped her arm around her hugging her tight.  "Hey... it won't be like that forever... someday soon... she will have to listen.  Because she will have no choice."
"Yeah well I hope that day does come soon because I'm close to poping her one."  Bella said with a soft chuckle.
Charlotte smiled slightly.  "If it comes to that I'll do the poping no need for her to be mad at you."
Bella looked at her quickly.  "Y-you would do that?"
"My father is or was exactly like Beatrix.  It took me slugging him right out of basic trainning that he started listening to me.  But he didn't speak to me for 3 months."  Charlotte said as Bella laughed softly.
"Well hopefully she will see sense... but if it looks like she won't..."  Bella's smile fell before she looked at Charlotte seriously.  "You have my permission to do what is necessary to ensure our safe escape."
Charlotte nodded as Bella rested his forehead to Charlotte's in silent agreement.
The grandfather clock in the room was ticking rather loudly before a crash is heard on the otherside of the wall.  Bella and Charlotte lept up from their seats looking at the bookcase.  "What was that?"  Bella asked quickly.
"Sounds like they've broken through."  Charlotte said before looking at Simon.
"Abel, are you there?"  Simon asked as Beatrix got up quickly.  
"Alright, everyone. On your feet, weapons out.  Powell, let's get some more weight behind this door, shall we?" Beatrix said as Powell and Jack began stacking furnature against the bookcase.
"Reading you, Simon.  What's the news?"  Amber said quickly.
"Zoms are through, Abel.  It's starting to look a bit dicey, here.  Where the hell's Jody got to with those noisemakers?"  Simon asked.
"The runners are on their way, they should be with you in about... five minutes."  Amber said.
"Will the noisemakers work?"  Eugene asked.
"They should pull the zoms away from the outside, but..."  Amber trailed off softly.
"What?"  Eugene questions.
"We've already got some avid fans just dying to get in here to meet us!"  Simon said as Powell, Jack, and Simon held down the furnature as the zombies began hitting the door.
"And we've never managed to pull zoms out of a building like this before."  Amber commented as Charlotte looked around the room.
"Looks like we need to find a way out of here, guys.  Abel can clear the grounds, but they can't get us in here."  she said as Bella walked over to Beatrix.  
"Oh God, Mother please!"  Bella begged as Powell looked over.
"Beatrix, we need to leave."  He stressed as Beatrix shook her head.
"Man your posts, everyone.  We must hold the house."  Beatrix stated.
Jack stood up quickly.  "Alright, I'm sorry.  I really am sorry but I've had enough.  I do not understand this!"  He said loudly turning to Beatrix.  "I've been here for weeks.  I thought you guys had called Abel to pick me up and obviously, that didn't happen.  All I wanted was to go home, and to bring you guys with me, what's wrong with that?  What the hell is so important that you won't even leave when there are zombies tearing down the curtains in the blue room?"
Bella growls deeply.  "It's a fairy story, just a stupid family motto!"
"Have some respect, Arabella!"  Beatrix snaps.
Powell groans.  "Tradition states that Britain will not fall while a Ramsey is at Birkmyre."  He said almost quietly as JAck looked at him in shock then turned to Beatrix.
"You can't be serious."
"I am deadly serious, Mr. Holden.  Bella's grandfather missed her father's birth to ensure the house was occupied.  No children were ecacuated from this house during the war, and no Ramsey will leave this house under my watch!"  Beatrix said proudly as Charlotte looked at Bella who looked ready to snap.  She felt the same way.  This woman was willing to let them all die just so she could uphold some stupid motto!  "Whether the dead walk or no, I will not break a tradition that has-"
"Enough!"  Charlotte shouted before slugging Beatrix hard sending her sprawling to the floor.
Everyone gasped as Jack looked at Charlotte.  "Charlotte what the-"
"Time to go.  Powell?"  Bella said quickly taking control of the situation.  "Thank you Charlotte."
Powell looked at Bella and Charlotte nodding quickly.  "There's a priest hole behind this shelf.  It'll take us out to the coal shed.  Come on, Jack help me move it.  They're almost through."  He said as Powel and Jack pulled a wall away as Simon walked over to Beatrix who was not blissfully unconsious.
"I'll carry the lady."  Simon said as Charlotte helped get Beatrix onto his back.
"Thanks Simon.  You may need to restrain her when she wakes up."  Bella said tentively.
"Yeah, we'll worry about that when we're out of this death trap!  Or Charlotte can just punch her again.  How about that Iron Glove?"  Simon said as Charlotte shook her head following them towards the hole.
"Alright, let's go."  Powell said as the shelf showed a long tunnel first going down at an including out of the house then straight on.  "Out, out, out, quickly now!"  He said as everyone started to run through it.  Powell shut the hole quickly behind them and raced after them.  Jack and Charlotte led the way as Simon, Bella, and Powell took up the rear.
"God, Powell, how long is this tunnel?"  Simon asked.
"Three hundred and forty-two yards."  Powell said as they ran.
"Specific."  Simon said somewhat put off.  The walls were just barely tall enough for Powell to run without being bent over.  It was crudely carved out and spelled of the coal that would have been stored there.
"We're nearly there!"  Bella said.
Simon sighs happily.  "About time, too.  God love her, but your mother's like a sack of potatoes!"
"Better hope she doesn't hear you."  Bella said.  "Being knocked out by an American's bad enough, but being compared to produce?  I never."  She laughed as Charlotte shook her head.
"Yeah, point taken.  Sorry, Lady Beatrix!"  Simon said as a crash is heard behind them.
"Oh God, they're through!  Run!"  Bella shouted as they ran faster down the tunnel as fast as they could.
"Go, go, go!  Get clear!"  Powell shouted as Charlotte burst through the door that opened up just short of the forest outlining the bounderies of the estate.  "Jack grab that plank.  We'll bury them."  Powell shouted as they all ran out of the tunnel.
"Out, out, come on!"  Jack shouted as Simon and Powell ran out.  
"Okay, go, go, go!"  Simon shouted as Jack pulled on the plank that led to a large slide tipping down sending hundreds of pounds of coal rolling down on top of the zombies that had followed them.  
"Coal-alanche!"  Jack shouted laughing happily.
"Are you safe?"  Eugene asked.
"Yep, all out.  Sent a metric butt-ton of coal down to block the tunnel, and trap the zoms!"  Jack said happily.
"Wow, good work!"  Eugene said happily.
"You lot do know how to make a racket."  Jody said as she ran over with a large smile on her face.
"Jody!"  Jack cried out happily.
"At your service!  Nine and Thirteen are giving the zoms the old run-around.  Thought I'd come and collect you myself."  Jody said with a grin.
"Oh, that's very gracious of you."  Simon said with a grin.
"Well, you know me, Simon.  I always aim to please!"  Jody smiles as they started heading away from the home.
"On that topic, you don't fancy giving me a hand, do you?"  Simon asked somewhat strained.
Jody raised an eyebrow.  "What happened to her?"
"Three hundred years of tradition just smacked her in the face."  Bella said.
"It's a long story, I'll fill you in as we go."  Simon said.
"Speaking of which..."  Jack hinted.
"Yeah. looks like we've got a clear run at it.  Back to Abel, then, double time!"  Jody said as they ran through the woods.  
Roughily half way to Abel, Beatrix began stiring groaning deeply.  "Ow... what in gods name..."  She asked as Simon gently set her down.  She blinked looking around fast.  "Arabella!  How dare-"
"No mother stop.  We are already far from home and we are going to Abel now."  Bella said looking at her mother seriously.  "You can either come with us or you can try to get back home and go gray.  What will it be?"  
Beatrix looked at her daughter for a long moment before sighing heavily.  "Fine.  Looks like I've been shang-haied so I might as well go.  Besides it will be nice for Jack and yourself to have some time alone."  
Bella and Jack looked at each other oddly before Jack snorted slightly.  Charlotte, Simon, and Jody tried to hide their smiles as they ran towards Abel.  
Lady Beatrix was in for a big surprise.
Once back at Able, Eugene was waiting at the gate with a thousand watt smile on his face.  Jack had a matching smile as he ran over to the one legged man and all but swept him off his feet.  Eugene latched onto Jack tight lacing his fingers into his hair holding him tight.  Jack buried his face into Eugene's neck clutching at Eugene's coat for what seemed like forever.
Beatrix raised an eyebrow as she looked at Charlotte.  "Who is that young man hugging Jack?"
"That's Eugene.  He's Jack's boyfriend."  Charlotte said simply as Beatrix blinked rapidly before looking at Bella who smiled at the display.
Jack pulled his head back only to have Eugene claim his lips quickly almost desperately.  Simon smirked looking at the others.  "Well on that note why don't we get you guys cleaned up and checked in."  Simon said as he led them away.  Charlotte looked at Eugene with a smile as she walked into the coms shack to her own radio love.
<     38     >
Season 1 Beginning
Season 2 Beginning
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darth-aces · 1 year
Pining For Pineapple
Bella Ramsey x Reader
This is just a short story I wrote that wasn’t meant to be a fanfic, but I’m bored and I don’t know where else to share this story so I decided to nourish the gay Bella army with a new story. Anyway I hope you enjoy.
“Pineapple again?”
Bella asks as they picks up a silver tin wrapped in a bright yellow strip of paper. Before I could answer, their hand and the can make their way toward the basket swaying from their other hand. “I know you like them. We might as well pick some up while we’re here.”
“I’ve got a can or two in the cupboard already so I think I’ll be all right till next week,” I explain as I try to pick the can back up to return it to its original place on the shelf. Before my fingers could reach it in time, Bella moves the basket farther away from me.
“I think we should just grab one, in case you’re craving pineapple this week. Also, it might save us some time from coming back here next week.” Bella protests.
“Why? Are you so sick of me that you’d rather stock up on canned food to avoid hanging out with me?” I say teasingly, knowing full well that I’m the one who wouldn’t be able to go a day without them.
I watched as a grin emerge from their lips before they speak. “Yeah. You’re suffocating me, so I’ll have to buy as many canned pineapples as I can to feed you and keep you satiated while I’m away.”
To this remark, I scold them with a light smack to their arm and say, “You know you love me too much to stay away.”
“I do know that, but do you love me?” They playfully say.
I taunt back, “Not as much as my pineapple.”
We continue our banter with a side of more shopping. By the time we paid for our things and exit the store-the groceries in my hand-I noticed that night was approaching, and the clouds were grey and ominous looking.
We’re walking back to our apartment when Bella gets a text on their phone. I take a glance and it’s a message from a good friend of ours. “Everyone’s hanging out tonight. Wanna go?”
“Sure, but we gotta be quick. It smells like it’ll rain soon.” As if on cue, raindrops lightly fall onto our face.
“I think if we run, we can make it back to the apartment before the rain gets heavier.” My hand holding the grocery bag tightens as I nod, and we both take off.
I’m only a few steps behind them, giving me a chance to get a good look at them.
Hair, eyes, nose.
Then I see their lips. They grew as uncontrollable giggles slip out of their mouth as we run through the rain, and it convinces me that I now have heightened hearing and limitless capacity in my memory just for them.
Suddenly I feel my heart expand, and I am eager to fill it with the thing I’m craving the most. I’ve felt it before. The way my lips purse as I engulf myself in its sweetness, but I have to brace myself every time for the sourness that comes at the end. Despite this pain, I’m craving it more than ever right now.
When we finally get to the main entrance of our apartment, we slow down before getting closer to the door. The giggling had turned into huffs as we try to catch our breaths.
Before they reach the door handle, I say with the little air in my lungs, “Hold on.” They turn around to face me, and our eyes connect. Before I forget why I stopped them in the first place, I lay the groceries down by the door. Then I walk back into the rain just a few steps away under the warm yellow hue of a street light nearby. The rain had started pouring moments before we got here. Despite this, I still waved them to come over.
“In the rain?” They yell over the sound of the sky continues to pour down on us.
“Just for a bit, please,” I say.
They come over grinning, radiating, and ecstatic about whatever plan I have up my sleeve.
“So much for trying to avoid the rain.” They’re still taunting me.
We’re both drenched now, yet they’re still glowing; brighter and yellow now as they enter the light. I extend my hand as they get closer, and they rest their palm against mine, weaving our fingers together. My eyes are on them this whole time, with a grin I can’t seem to shake. Our eyes are still connected until they get close enough to place their other hand gently on my face. Immediately they use their thumb to caress my cheek, and my eyes fall to their lips like it always does.
I’m feeling it again. I’m craving them, and nothing can stop my concentration, not even the rain.
When I move closer, I ask them, “Is this okay?”
Bella nods, and they let out a slight chuckle. This only amplifies my craving. My smile gets wider and my heart beats at a rhythm I can not recognize.
Then we kiss, and I lose myself in the sweetness.
The hand already tangled in theirs, softly squeezes. I do this because I hope it can make the sweetness linger a little longer. It is also to brace myself for the sourness that will follow when it’s over.
When we do pull away, we laugh to ease the tension in the cliche story we’ve curated. It’s time to walk out of the rain, but my concentration stays on them.
I'm doing my best to savor this moment so I can store this memory away for the next time I'm craving pineapple, and I’ll ensure to ask them if they want to share it with me again.
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