#but probably not Ashley Johnson either
eiledon · 2 years
Not even two seconds in but Ashley Johnson playing Ellie’s mom? Genius.
I adore how they’ve brought back the actors from the game into this.
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danwhobrowses · 5 months
Okay so we are doing a very rare third post about the events of Critical Role campaign 3 episode 91 so avoid if you still haven't watched it because there will be spoilers again
Right. So I'm not gonna talk more about the Reincarnate vs Stay Dead debate with FCG, I still prefer Reincarnate for reasons I put in my last post but now I'm gonna talk about the other route, if FCG stays dead, what becomes of his remains?
It is almost ironic that a PC death happened a few episodes after Matt created the Ruidian custom of making weapons from a loved one's remains, something Ashton and Fearne were quite intrigued by, so I wonder if the Hells would do the same - in a way carrying a little bit of FCG with them to continue the fight. Outside of his loot it's hard to tell what the Hells can use, if it were me I'd have each of the Hells have a bracelet from his hair at the least, but the rest would probably need to be left in the hands of tinkerers to create things that may enhance the Hells' combat; maybe a conductive whip for Imogen to use for her more lightning-based magic for instance, I can also see Ashton fixing FCG's head onto their outfit or hammer and Chetney and Laudna maybe making little FCG dolls for each of them too.
Loot-wise I had to look at the wiki to remind myself of all the stuff FCG had on them, as well as see what Otohan had but outside of the backpack and swords it wasn't quite descriptive at this point, and even then there's no guarantee it'll all be undamaged from the blast, but there were some notable things that could end up in the Hells' hands to use. I feel like we're all in agreement that if FCG doesn't come back that Ashton keeps the Coin of the Changebringer, perhaps even have it affixed to their hammer so to feel like FCG is still fighting with them. The full extent of its magical properties were not shown outside of the Yes/No question and 1 bout of Lucky per day, but on Ashton's hammer the daily reroll might end up being helpful, though they are not a fan of the gods a little FCG-aided divine buffing could go a long way. Other than that, Ashton probably should claim the two Potions of Possibility FCG had, my earlier post mentioned my belief that Otohan's backpack should go to them because Dunamancy (I didn't however mention how echoes can work as temporary meat shields for Ashton to better negate enemy attacks that'd otherwise be aimed at the party) and the logic is the same here, Matt would probably have to try and balance Ashton's Dunamancy and Titan buffs so to not take all four potions (or more, think Fearne and Orym have one too right? *checks* oh and Laudna so that's 7 potions!) at once but those seem to be key loot Ashton should keep a hold of.
Outside of combat FCG would be helpful in using Identify when the Hells came across new objects. While Chetney has Grim Psychometry to do something similar, the Goggles of Object Reading that FCG used could be taken by Imogen - which in turn may provide Laura and the fandom a means to canonize glasses on the character - along with the Staff of Dark Odyssey that she has used before.
Fearne is another who could hold the Staff, but I find it unlikely. She would probably take the rod used to plane-shift to the Fey Realm, in a way being a key to home if she needs it. I can see her taking the Ivory Branch as well, albeit temporarily until a new healer presents themselves, due to the +1 Spell attack and +1d4 Healing. She might keep the Ruidian mood ring but I feel like that wouldn't survive the blast, same with the recipes FCG collected, though it'd be nice if someone were able to carry on his memory that way; Fearne, Ashton or Orym would be likely candidates for that.
Laudna would perhaps be able to use most of the scrap remains of FCG for her constructs, perhaps a little buffing for Pate is in order plus she doesn't use Sashimi often. Chetney only really works in wood so he probably won't take the remains, stuff such as his saws and propeller could be used to empower Laudna's own creations, maybe even the fake legs too.
One weapon I think will not end in Laudna's hands however is the Grapple cannon, which could suit either Orym or Chetney. Orym is the better candidate to use it though, given the 20 Dexterity compared to Chetney's 14, additionally there is the +1 Mithril Half-Plate Armor, which could be an improvement for either.
If Orym were to get both I could see it being a trade for Chetney not getting anything, in turn granting Chetney both of Otohan's swords to use - since Orym may want nothing to do with her equipment given her role in killing their family. Otherwise I can see Chetney maybe grabbing the saws ahead of Laudna, maybe the goggles but he does already have the monocle, and any utensils he can repurpose for crafting. There is also the possibility of him getting the Aeoran Scrambling Devices that we know little about, maybe adding a little 'this wouldn't happen if it were wooden' catharsis for Chet if he used them on machines.
The only other thing that is left from FCG are the bolt thrower and the All-Minds-Burn drugs. The latter could go to anyone but Ashton, Fearne and Imogen are more likely (she still needs to plant that seed), the bolt thrower could go to Laudna, she never used Bor'dor's slingshot with the Draconic Rune that Prism added to it, or to Chetney to fire a chisel. His coat he designed like FRIDA's would probably be kept for her to be given too. Outside of that the only other specific loot we currently know from Otohan is the Fake Treshi Ring for Scrying (not its official name), which won't be of use to the Hells since the next time they get close to a major enemy they will be fighting, but perhaps it could be placed in the hands of Liliana Temult, either to keep track of her or to plant on Ludinus so the Hells can track his movements instead.
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thatmexisaurusrex · 1 month
So, I saw a weird ask going around and thought - good idea, sad and pathetic execution. So, new tag game! Tell me what you're currently reading and watching as well as what's been your favorite books, films, and shows this year!
CURRENTLY WATCHING: I'm currently watching Make Some Noise, which has been fun to binge. Highly rec it if you or a kind friend has Dropout. Also watching Evil which is such a highly underrated show.
CURRENTLY READING: To be completely honest, I'm in a bit of a reading slump. I had my reading binge at the beginning of the year. Buuut I am at the very beginning of both The Legacy of Yangchen by F.C. Yee as well as Diamond Ring by KD Casey.
FAVORITE MOVIES AND SHOWS SO FAR THIS YEAR: Can't recommend Challengers enough. Truly, probably my favorite movie of the year so far? Twisters was really fun too. I know this came out last year, but I'm pretty sure I watched Bottoms this year and I can't recommend that enough either, it's so good. I think I also got around to watching Sense8 for the first time this year and wow I really missed out. That show fucking rocks. I watched House of the Dragon and while it was a slow build-up season, I'm excited to see what happens next? While the latest season of The Bear was a bit all over the place, I still loved it dearly. The latest season of The Dragon Prince was so good too. Also started watching RWBY for the first time (RIP Rooster Teeth).
FAVORITE BOOKS SO FAR THIS YEAR: Oooh I told y'all I had a reading binge at the beginning of the year. Most Ardently by Gabe Cole Novoa was great, as well as So Let Them Burn by Kamilah Cole, Escaping Mr. Rochester by L.L. McKinney, Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves: The Druid's Call by E.K. Johnston, Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves: The Road to Neverwinter by Jaleigh Johnson, The Bewitching Hour: A Tara Prequel by Ashley Poston, The Pomegranate Gate by Ariel Kaplan, and okay I'm cheating a bit but I read it in December last year, Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao. Also reread the most of Rick Riordon's demigod universe. All the Greek, Roman, and Norse demigod series in the universe, at least. I highly recommend The Trials of Apollo series as well as The Sun and The Star which is actually written by both Mark Oshiro and Rick Riordan (like the book somehow gets away with a MONTERO reference, how can you not love that?). The Magnus Chase books, while imperfect, hold a special place in my heart too.
No Pressure Tags For: @lavenderleahy @dadbodbuck @ohithankyou @buckhastwohands @half-oz-eddie
@katatonicimpression @jemgirl86 @funsized-loser @siancore @six2vii and whoever wants to do this! I want recs! 🥰
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soulofapatrick · 2 years
The Feeling is Mutual - Gabriel Luna x Reader
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Summary: Coco is getting sick of you telling her and Pedro how much you like Gabriel so she takes matters into her hands and let’s just say you’ll have to thank her 
Words: 1.8k 
Warnings: teasing
“Men are stupid,” I’m growling as I storm into Pedro’s trailer. He just glances away from his phone, Coco raising an eyebrow at me as I flop onto Pedro’s bed, “I have been flirting with Gabriel all fucking week and he is so fucking oblivious.” 
“Have you told him you’re flirting with him?” Coco asks and I just turn my head to face them, an adorable smirk on Pedro’s face while Coco’s just gone back to making his hair Joel-like. I send a glare at her because she’s right but they both know I’m too shy to outwardly just tell the Texan that I am in love with him. I’m not really anybody compared to everyone else on set, being Ashley’s younger sister and here for the fun of being an extra in a game and show my sister helped bring to life, “I’ll take that as a no.” 
“No.” My voice is muffled from pushing my face into the pillows, relaxing at the comforting smell of Pedro: a strange mix of peppermint; rosemary and something woodsy like eucalyptus or lemongrass, “I can barely form a sentence in front of him let alone let him know I like him.” 
“So how have you been flirting then?” Pedro quirks an eyebrow at me while Coco’s typing furiously on her phone, a heart sinking smirk on her face. It has me jumping up and racing across the trailer to her but she’s pressed send and gives me a slightly guilty look. She’s just messaged Gabriel. My heart drops and I’m shimmying under the covers, pulling them over my head and letting out a small groan, “Coco, what did you do?” Pedro’s asking his stylist and there’s a pause before he lets out a quiet “Ahh.” 
Before either can speak they’re being called for, Pedro to go act and Coco to go help go stand by for touch ups. A gentle hand squeezes my foot before they’re both gone with the click of the trailer door, letting me pull down the covers and just stare up at the ceiling wondering what the fuck Coco sent Gabriel and how I’m going to get out of this without embarrassing myself. He’s probably laughing at the message, thinking I’m so stupid and immature for liking him. I mean I probably am because he’s the Gabriel Luna and I’m just Y/N Johnson… I’m nothing like my sister, no matter how much I’d love to be just like her but the acting tables have never been in my favour, only getting extras and sympathy roles like this. I’m only here as an extra because of who Ashley is but I guess I can’t really complain too much as I’ve become such good friends with Pedro. 
I didn’t believe people when they said he was one of the most down to earth and humble celebs they had ever met until I got introduced to him. He ignored my hand held out to shake and pulled me into a hug, telling me loved my role in Lockwood and Co. as if he watches it. It’s a show for young adults and no way would he watch the show just because we’d be together during ‘The Last of Us’ filming like he told me. Ashley told me that he had watched it to get to know me seeing as I’m going to play one of the kids from Jackson that is going to be prominent in season two. The show runners wanted to add a character that balanced out the Jackson Trio so they cast me when they heard who I was and what significant I have to the show. Well, what significance Ashley has to the show seeing as she voiced Ellie in the game. I’m not envious of Ashley, I really admire her and am so fucking happy she’s who I am related too it’s just a lot when people compare us. 
“Knock knock.” That deep southern rasp makes its way through the door and the thoughts swirling around my mind. It’s a voice that makes me weak at the knees and usually I’d love to heart right now? I want to just melt into the bed and stop existing. 
“Nobody’s home,” I call back, that sweet laughter no longer muffled when he swings the door open and steps inside. He closes the door behind him and just watches me, unruly curls falling in his face, cognac eyes bright with amusement and those freckles adorning his cheeks bright against his sun kissed skin. He’s smiling softly, hands on his hips as I mumble out a weak, “Hi Gabriel.” 
“Hi there sweetheart.” He moves towards me, face soft and actions slow as if not to spook me which yeah probably could happen. I’m not great at facing my fears and prefer to just leave the problem to sort itself out so when the problem rears its head like Gabriel coming here to see me I tend to panic and freeze, “So I heard something quite interesting.” He tells me, sitting on the bed in front of me as I sit up. 
“Hmmm, yeah?” I can’t keep the slight shake from my voice when he leans forwards, closing the gap between us until there’s centimetres. He smells like coffee and cedar wood and it’s so intoxicating, I can���t get enough of it.
“Yeah,” He breathes, those dark eyes flicking down to my lips and back up to meet my gaze, “Is it true?” I don’t trust my voice so I just nod and look away, feeling my cheeks heat up but those long delicate fingers catch my chin so I have no choice but to watch him again. His cheeks are just as read as he leans even closer, stopping when his lips are almost brushing mine, giving me the opportunity to pull away if he’s wrong which he’s most definitely not. In a rare moment of confidence I surge forwards, closing the gap and a small sound escaping when his lips move against mine. It’s soft and pulling, his hand cupping my cheek and thumb rubbing soothingly over my cheekbone, drawing me closer. I’m sliding onto his lap and his other hand is migrating to my hips as we separate for air, his thumb never stopping its soothing gesture, “I’m glad it’s true.” 
“Would I be kissing you if I didn’t?” He raises an eyebrow at me and I just grumble, burying my face in the crook of his neck, face feeling like it might set fire to itself. His shirt is silky against my cheek, fitting him perfectly so I can feel the strong muscles under it, “Hey sweet girl, there’s no need to be shy around me.” He’s drawing me away from his shoulder and into another sweet kiss that has me tangling my hands through his curls, groaning at how soft they are and he moans back when I tug at them. Fuck. This is definitely unexpected but very much everything I’ve though about. He’s leaning back a little, hands on my hips, eyes dark and lips parted when he looks up at me and the sight has me letting out a low sound as he looks so fucking good. 
“You’re gonna ruin me if you keep looking at me like that,” I groan and his tongue just darts out to wet his lips as he smirks. He’s leaning forwards, lips attaching themselves to my neck and he’s sucking a hickey to the sensitive skin, causing me to arch into him both of us gasping when I accidentally roll my hips down into the tent in his tight jeans, “G-Gabriel, fuck.” 
He’s standing, setting me on my feet but keeping a hold of my hips as he walks me backwards until I hit the wall with a soft ‘oof’ and he’s pressing a leg between mine and capturing me in a kiss that has me tugging on his addictive curls. He’s crowding around me, being that much taller than me and it’s so fucking hot, being pressed against the wall by his body flat against mine. He’s pulling away too soon, murmuring, “I want to take you on a date first sweetheart and I don’t think Pedro would be too pleased if we did anything in his trailer.” 
Shit. We’re in Pedro’s trailer and I was meant to go find Ashley for lunch when Pedro and Bella went to film for the afternoon. Gabriel’s frowning, tilting his head when he sees the panic across my face, my hand reaching for my phone in my pocket as it rings. Ashley. 
“Ash! I’m so sorry!” I answer before she can speak and Gabriel just grins a cheeky look on his freckled face and he’s diving forwards, lips attacking my neck, “Am I-I too late to meet you?” 
She just sighs fondly as I try to hold in a moan, my breath hitching when Gabriel finds the soft spot just under my jaw, “No, of course you’re not, dumbass. Just get here soon okay? We have some catching up to do and you need to tell me all about Bella and Pedro. I’m actually really nervous to meet them!” 
“Y-yeah sure, give me half an hour.” My breath hitches again when Gabriel’s grip on my hips forces me to roll down onto his knee and my free hand is yanking at his hair by accident, a sound leaving his lips and there is no way Ashley didn’t hear it, “I’ll be there soon!” 
“Y/N, who-“ 
“Bye!” I’m hanging up and Gabriel’s chuckling, biting hard before his tongue soothes the pain and then his lips are on mine. They’re plump and velvety, leaving me wanting more when he nibbles at my bottom lip before his tongue darts out. Holy shit, I could kiss him all day but Ashley’s waiting for me and if I’m much longer she’s going to get suspicious. I’m never late to things like lunch with her and the fact she definitely heard Gabriel. 
“Go on baby girl, I’ll be here when you get back.” He pulls away and I whine at the emptiness surrounding me but he’s right. Ashley’s gonna get annoyed if I leave her handing for too long and Pedro is probably going to want an empty trailer when he’s done filming. He wonldn’t be mad or upset or anything if he found me still in here but I think I might get banned from his trailer if he finds Gabriel in here with me. 
“I won’t be back in time.” I whisper, keeping his hand in mine. 
“Alright then sweetheart, I’ll be at the hotel. Room 403, see you there baby girl.” He steals a chaste kiss before nudging me out the door of Pedro’s trailer, a smirk on his face as I’m unaware of the hickeys adorning my neck. His public mark of that I’m his and his alone. 
If anyone knows of any other Gabriel Luna fanfics please let me know - he is highly under appreciated 
TAGS: Tag List Form
@iraot @gemimawrites @pedropascalsrealhusband @twopercentmilk @sxnshinebxcky @nelsoomon @urnewghostfriend @sonhee-a​ @dizzyforyou-blog​ @grooveandshit​ @reyas-world @canpillowscry​ @jell0buss-37​ @androgynousgaz​ @not-a-unique-snowflake89​ @kalllistos​ @mediocrewallflow3r​ @certifiedhunter​ @alexis-doggy-76 
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flodaya · 7 months
Ok now I have to know which pair of actors you think had amazing chemistry, either on TV or in movies
this is such a good question, i need your list as well
Ethan Hawke/Julie Delpy, the Before trilogy is literally life alterting
Keira Knightley /Matthew Macfadyen, I MEAN the amount of times i watched this pride and prejudice adaptation should land me in a psych ward
Emma Stone/Ryan Gosling, i miss when they would cast the same pair of actors in multiple movies just because their chemistry is so good
Victoria Pedretti/Amelia Eve, i am not usually a horror girlie but their love story is one for the ages
Carrie Fisher/Harrison Ford, no notes
Simone Ashley/Jonathan Bailey, kill me now
Jake Johnson/Zooey Deschanel, their first kiss????????
Heath Ledger/Julia Stiles, literally one of my favorite movies of all time and one of the reasons is their chemistry
there is probably lots more, but these are the ones i could think of now
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augment-techs · 11 months
“No! No Conner! Bad Conner! Sit boy” Kira sprays Conner with the water bottle. “Stop falling for every muscled guy you come across!”
The exceedingly drenched teen looked about ready to either yell at Kira for soaking his favorite exercise jersey before the training had even begun...or thanking her for bringing him back into the moment. Into his own body with noted impulse control as well as the super speed that he honestly kind of hated in moments like this. He settled on taking a seat back on the grassy knoll where Ethan held his own water bottle to his lips and handed his Red Ranger a towel to start mopping up the wet that would probably return, but would do well to also have the thing to cover up certain...anatomical indiscretions. "Can't really blame him, Kira," the Blue hummed, capping his glass bottle and stowing away back in his bag to take in the view--in his own much more discreet thirst and well faked disinterest, "We are currently in Ranger Central with dozens of incredibly muscled people." "Who are all older than us and friends with Dr. O," Kira replied with something like a hiss, winding her fingers through her sweaty hair and pulling it back into the ponytail that had popped on her run with Trini, Aisha, Tanya, Ashley, Maya, Kelsey and Dustin when she caught Conner paused on the edges of the field everyone was training and catching up; the sporty young man's mouth actually open. Although, if she took a moment to be understanding, she could admit it really par for the course for Conner to pant over people like Jason Scott, T.J. Johnson, Eric Myers, Adam Park, Rocky DeSantos, Zack Taylor, Mike Corbett, Joel Rawlings, and Chad Lee all sweaty and in training uniform no less revealing than his own in the act of kicking the stuffing out of each other. And more than that, they were laughing and smiling the whole time. It must have been a millions times better than the magazines Kira had seen hidden in a box under his bed. Did not mean she was going to let him embarrass both their team AND Dr. O in the most unforgettable way possible. (Also, though she would never admit it, she wouldn't want him to blow his shot with getting to know them by being halfway to a creep, even if he was basically an overcharged ball of hormones like the rest of them.)
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typingtess · 5 months
NCIS: Los Angeles Season 14 Rewatch:  “Let It Burn”
The basics:  The team investigates arson at a defense contractor that has the signature of an environmental activist.
Written by: Indira Gibson Wilson co-wrote, “The Frogman’s Daughter”, "Signs of Change" and “Hard for the Money” and was the sole writer for "Lost Soldier Down".  Gibson Wilson played the sleeping Michelle Hanna before Aunjanue Ellis showed up in season four.
Directed by:   Rick Tunell directed "Revenge Deferred", "Se Murio El Payaso", "Where Everybody Knows Your Name" and “Hard for the Money” (co-written by Indira Gibson Wilson).
Guest stars of note: Duncan Campbell returns as NCIS Special Agent Castor from “Of Value”; Justin Huen is Randall Perez.  He was Santo Perez in season two’s “Personal” as the man who shot Deeks.  Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut as FBI Special Agent Summer Morehurst; Romi Dias as Denise Perez, Thal Gondim as Crystal Perez; Brian Leigh Smith as Bomb Tech Aaron Roberts; Rhomeyn Johnson as Terrell and Joe Corzo as Foreman/Michael Duncan
Our heroes:  Are all over the place with Kensi in DC, Callen locked in the office, Sam and Deeks teamed up and Rountree working with an old girlfriend.
What important things did we learn about: Callen:  Reading the Pembrooke file as part of his library day. Sam:   As a caretaker, he has to think about his father first. Kensi:  School trip with Rosa and 24-other 16-year old girls. Deeks:  Offered a trip to Costa Rica. Fatima:   Sent in the field because Callen had a library day. Rountree:  Dated a coworker at the FBI. Kilbride:  Keeping Callen on track.
What not so important things did we learn about: Callen:  Not training for a triathlon because he as common sense. Sam:    Training for a triathlon. Kensi:  OK with Deeks going to Costa Rica – she might go if he doesn’t. Deeks:  Not going to Costa Rica. Fatima:  Wants to know the Rountree-Summer story. Rountree:  Training for a triathlon and going to Costa Rica.  Kilbride:  Not sure Henrietta is Hetty’s first name.  Not sure he likes her either.
Where in the world is Henrietta Lange?  In the Pembrooke file.
Who's down with OTP:   Deeks is trying to figure out a solo Costa Rico trip, worrying that probably won’t fly with the family at home.  Rountree has an ex in the FBI.
Who's down with BrOTP:  A little Sam-Deeks bonding about traveling away from your family and becoming a detective through videos.
Fashion review:   Callen wears a long sleeve medium blue lightweight hoodie.  Sam started the day in a wet suit and wore a black long-sleeve tee for most of the episode.  He was in a brown one at the end of the episode.  Deeks has a pale blue henley for most of the episode but a baby blue hoodie.  Fatima wears a light gray jacket over a white turtleneck.  Rountree started the day in a wet suit too with too, too tight swim trunks.  Wore a gunmetal grey pullover sweater once he was dressed.  The Admiral wore his uniform – dark blue suit, light blue dress shirt, blue tie.
Music: “From Fire” by Perta is used in the teaser.  Deeks is shooting in the range with The Mighty Mighty BossTones’s “The Punch Line” playing over the speakers.
Any notable cut scene:  Not today.
Quote:   Kilbride:  “We've all done things we regret.” Callen:  “Hetty doesn't seem to be the kind of person to regret much.” Kilbride:  “Don't kid yourself.  Now, she may put on a good front, but Hetty has enough regrets for all of us.  She has done things that most wouldn't to keep the rest of us safe.  Unfortunately, that comes with some very dark, ugly things that you carry with you to your grave.” Callen:  “Well, I'm not sure how indoctrinating children does much to keep people safe.” Kilbride:  “I don't know.  Seems to me you keep people safe every day.  So maybe some good did come of it.  Even if their methods were ethically and morally questionable.” Callen:  “If not reprehensible.” Kilbride:  “I don't always agree with her.  And I usually don't like the way she operates.  Hell, I'm not even sure I even like her most days.  But I damn well respect her.  Henrietta, and I'm sure that's not even her real name, Henrietta has dedicated her life to the greater good.  She has made mistakes along the way just like the rest of us.  But it was always done in the service of this country.” Callen:  “So, am I a mistake or a dark, ugly thing she has to carry to the grave?” Kilbride:  “Only you can decide that, Agent Callen.  But in my experience, the past is a place to learn from, not to live in.”
Anything else:  In the evening, a construction crew is working in a high rise office building.  Mostly drywall.  The foreman is shutting things down for the night.  The workers start toward the door taking their hardhats, tools and backpacks.  One worker stays behind.
The worker starts spreading something on the floor and pours an accelerant on it.  As he lights a good part of the office floor on fire, the foreman returns.  The two men fight until the firebug knocks out the foreman.  The firebug tries to drag the foreman to safety but the entire floor is about to be engulfed in flames.  Leaving the foreman behind, the firebug runs.  A symbol is burned into the floor.
Callen is reading the paper in the boat shed by the coffee table.  Sam comes in from a swim with Rountree in tow.  Sam is thirsty, Rountree is uncomfortable.  He didn’t want to wear anything under his wetsuit but Sam found him swim trunks in the office lost and found.  Rountree is worried they belong to Deeks but Sam jokes they are Fatima’s.
Training for a triathlon with Sam, Rountree wonders why Callen isn’t involved.  Callen explains he has common sense.  Sam disagrees – Callen is afraid of sharks.  Callen isn’t but starts messing with Rountree by mentioning “McMurtry” who was shark bait.  Sam joins in on the fun before showering.
At the firing range, Deeks is shooting and listening to really loud music.  The Admiral arrives, pleased that Deeks is joining him in making good use of the early hours at the office.  Kensi and Rosa are on a school trip which gave Deeks the ability to surf, workout and shoot early in the morning like he did “pre-kid.”  Not that he’s complaining.  The Admiral offers Deeks the chance to attend the NCIS Western Conference.  Honored, Deeks is grateful for the offer but thinks he needs to stay close to home.  He recommends one of the younger agents – perhaps Rountree would enjoy Branson and a river cruise.  Rountree will get the Admiral’s consideration but the conference will be held in Nosara, Costa Rica.  Deeks reconsiders – maybe Kensi would be okay with him leaving the family behind for a few days.  It’s a week so Deeks is torn.
Sam took a long shower and hopes there is some hot water for Rountree.  As Rountree is about to go into the shower area, Fatima and Callen pop up on the plasma.  Sam asks for Deeks who he is told is trying to run a “boondoggle” on Kensi.  Fatima asks for Rountree, who is in the still way too tight swim trunks.  Fatima asks if Rountree is wearing her shorts.  Just kidding, she tells Rountree – they’re Kensi’s.  Rountree hates everyone.
Fatima starts with the case – the fire.  Global West Ventures, the people who had the office space, are Navy defense contractors.  The symbol burned on the floor was the signature of an arsonist named Randall Perez - O and A – On Alert.  Rountree was familiar with Perez – he didn’t work his case but the FBI was “on alert” for years when it came to Perez.  Perez blew up an oil tanker years back.  Shut down the 405 for a week.
Sam asks about the fire.  The office space was under construction and the foreman, Michael Duncan, died in the blaze.  LAPD thinks Duncan saw the arsonist and the two men fought.  This would be the first time an “On Alert” fire caused a death.  Rountree sees another difference in the fires.  Perez went after companies he thought were hurting the environment.  This was a defense contractor – not the same thing. 
Sam suggest he and Rountree go to the crime scene.  Kilbride told Fatima he wants Rountree working the FBI Agent in-charge of the “On Alert” cases.  Sam should met the with FBI as well.  Callen asks what is his assignment from the Admiral.  The Admiral wants to see Callen in his office. 
Castor bring the FBI Agent in charge of the “On Alert” cases into the boat shed.  FBI Agent Summer Morehurst tells Sam her boss thinks highly of him but not to play Sam in pickleball.  Sam knows her boss – Rashid Perkins – and Rashid knows what Sam can do with a paddle in his hand.  Morehurst reviews Perez’s history for Sam.  He started as a non-violent activist who was creative in his protests.  Trained as an artist, Perez made sculptures out of the plastic straws he found in the ocean.  Sam asked when did Perez change.  After a number of arrests for disorderly conduct at more radical protests according to Morehurst.
In 2017, Perez started setting fires.  It took the FBI nearly a year to identify him.  When the FBI started to close in on Perez, he set nine fires over two months.  He fled to Mexico when the FBI got too close and has been a fugitive for three-years.  This is the first time Perez has resurfaced and Morehurst vows to catch him.
Just after Morehurst’s vow, a towel-clad Rountree walks into the boat shed’s main room.  He’s looking for his clothes.  Rountree and Morehurst call each other by their first name and being the world class investigator he is, Sam deduces the two know each other.  “You can say that,” they both reply simultaneously.
Knocking on Kilbride’s door, Callen has some opinions.  He gets that Rountree has a past with the FBI (oh, if he only knew) and he’s good with Rountree working with them.   Sam, however, does not need to be supervising Rountree’s debrief with the FBI.  “I’m sorry you miss your bunkie but this isn’t summer camp,” the Admiral replies.  Sam is working with Deeks, “poor devil.”  When Callen asks why, the Admiral tells him “that’s what I want.” 
While the Admiral believes it is healthy to question authority on occasion, he’s getting pissed off about it being a regular occurrence.  Passing Callen a large folder, Kilbride shares all he could find on Pembrooke.  Callen knows he overstepped and thanks Kilbride.  Kilbride tells him it isn’t a gift – just a way to keep Callen focused on the job and not a ghost from his past.  This puts a halt to Callen doing his own research.  Callen defends what he does on his own time and it does not impact his work.  The Admiral disagrees – they wouldn’t be having this conversation otherwise.  Calling it a “library day”, Callen is told to do his research in the office and is dismissed.
A properly dressed Rountree returns to the boat shed.  He asks if Agent Morehurst – Summer – set this up.  She knew he was working for NCIS.  Summer replies that if she wanted to see him, she would have called him.  Except she forgot that he doesn’t know how a phone works.  “Ouch, fair shot.”  Rountree apologizes but Summer says “we were a long time ago.”  Explaining that when they were dating, he was leaving the FBI, Jordyn was starting college – Rountree had a lot on her plate.  Fatima pops up on the screen but neither Rountree or Summer notice.  Still talking about their past – they were a couple for three months – Fatima really tries to make her presence known.  Rountree does introductions and it is all very uncomfortable.
Fatima found Perez’s sister, Denise.  She’s lived in the same house for 20-years in Gardena.  The FBI is aware of her.  Summer gets a call.  While she is dealing with the call, Fatima wants some gossip but Rountree shuts off the plasma.  A returning Summer tells Rountree her agents did some digging into the construction firm.  They are a well-run company – no major violations or complaints.  Thinking Perez may see his sister – and his daughter who is living with his sister – Rountree and Summer are having them brought in.
Finishing a call with Kensi, Sam ask Deeks about how he brought up the trip to Costa Rica.  Since Kensi is chaperoning 25 16-year olds in Washington DC, Deeks didn’t think this was the best time to bring up the trip.  Deeks asks Sam if he would go – now, with Raymond living with him.  Being a caregiver, Sam couldn’t go.  He needs to put Raymond’s needs first. 
At the crime scene, Sam sees some differences with Perez’s MO.  The fire was set much earlier in the evening.  Perez started his fires between 2AM and 4AM.  If the fire was started between 2AM and 4AM, foreman Michael Duncan would be alive.  The fire could have taken out the entire building.  Instead, it was limited to the one floor.  Sam wants to see the financials of Global West Ventures.  Make sure this isn’t a set-up for insurance money by using Perez’s signature to distract.
In the boat shed, Rountree is speaking with Crystal Perez, Randall’s daughter, with her Aunt Denise watching out for her.  Rountree is trying to be kind but the Denise talks about all the problems Crystal had in school when kids found out who her father was.  Crystal suffered enough.  Summer brings up that Randall Perez caused a lot of harm.  The FBI and NCIS want to stop him before he takes any more lives. 
Summer asks about Crystal’s life.  She’s a guide at a museum, planning to study being a curator in college.  Asked if she heard from her father, Denise jumps in saying that Crystal hasn’t heard from her father – “he’s dead to us.”  Crystal admits she has heard from her father.  
Denise is surprised and unhappy – Randall is dangerous.  Crystal explains that Randall is sorry – he left just as Crystal’s mother died.  He’s also sorry for what he did.  He’s considering turning himself in.  This catches Summer’s attention – does Crystal know where Randall lives?  She doesn’t.  They last spoke a month ago.  Rountree asks for Crystal’s cellphone number.
Fatima talks to Deeks – Global West Ventures is flush with cash.  The fire was not for the insurance money.  Sam is checking out the fire inspector’s report.  Thermite was used for the fire, something that is easy to make and transport.  Perez had his own recipe for thermite but tests will need to be run to see if the recipes match.  Nothing about Perez’s recipe was told to the public in the past – a copycat would not know the correct mixture.  Since thermite’s main components are iron oxide and aluminum powder used in bulk, only a few retailers would have them.  Finding where there they were purchased probably leads to the arsonist.
Callen is reading the Pembrooke files and having flashbacks to his oh so happy childhood.
Deeks is looking for footprints in the parking area behind the office building.  He’s a fan of Freaky Phil’s Forensics, leaving Sam worried that Deeks learned to be a detective on YouTube.  Sam is more interested in surveillance cameras while Deeks explains the thermite sticking to arsonist’s shoes if the shoes had deep grooves.  Sam finds some tire tracks while Deeks sees if a footprint belongs to the arsonist.  When the footprint catches fire, Deeks is pleased.  Based on the footprints and the tire tracks, the arsonist got in on the passenger’s side.  This is a two person job.  Since Perez always worked alone, this is looking like a copycat.
Kilbride catches Fatima listening in on Rountree and Summer.  She tries to explain “ghosting” to the Admiral, who knows what that is.  He’s more interested in a sit-rep than Rountree’s past.  A traffic cam caught the car leaving the parking area but the video is too grainy for facial-rec.  The plates belong to a dead man with a different car so that’s a dead end. 
More interesting was a number both the FBI and NCIS suspect belongs to Perez retrieved from Crystal’s phone.  As soon as she left the boat shed, Denise Perez called the same number so Denise has been in contact with her brother.  While the arson is likely the work of a copycat, Rountree and Summer are going to follow Denise to see if she leads them to Randall.  The Admiral tells Fatima to stop eavesdropping. 
Fatima has two stores that have the components needed for thermite with one making a large sale to a company called Core Dynamics two days earlier.  Core Dynamics has no certificate certifying it is a real business and the components were sent to an apartment building.  Sam and Deeks are on their way.
Denise Perez is in a public parking lot when Rountree and Summer pull in with the Land Rover.  Summer is annoyed – she wants to arrest Denise right way for lying to the FBI.  Rountree wants to see how things play out.  A man walks up to Denise’s car – she gets out to hug him.  It’s Randall Perez.  When Rountree and Summer approach, Randall runs and Rountree chases after him.  Denise tries to drive away only to turn around and try to take out Rountree using her car.  Randall Perez flees in his own vehicle.  Denise is under arrest.
At the apartment building, the manager explains he rents out garage space behind the building – www.parkyourauto.com.  Opening the garage that got the components delivery, there is no car but there is a lab set-up.  Sam sees a trip wire that would burn down the garage and cover the renter’s/arsonist’s tracks.  LAPD bomb squad is called.
Summer explains to Denise that she is facing life in jail for the attempted murder of a federal agent while helping a known fugitive escape.  Rountree thinks the judge would be lenient if Denise cooperates.  She’s not in the mood.  Randall did not set the fire.  He believes the FBI and NCIS are trying to pin it on him because of his past.  In his past, Randall believed he was doing the right thing – it is why Denise forgives him.  Rountree asks if Randall had an accomplice.  Two people were involved in the Global West Ventures fire.  Since Randall wasn’t involved with that fire, how could he have an accomplice?
Fatima joins Sam and Deeks as the bomb squad gives the garage the all-clear.  The IED attached to the trip wire probably wouldn’t have done much damage on its own but with all the accelerant in the garage, it likely would have taken out all the garages in the back of the apartment building.  Sam asks why Fatima is there and is told Kilbride sent her instead of Callen.  She has a piece of equipment – a mass spectrometer - that will analyze the thermite mix in the garage.
In the garage, Fatima asks Sam’s opinion of Summer.  Sam thinks she was nice until Rountree arrived.  Deeks is brought up to speed on the Rountree-Summer tea.  Fatima thinks it is like “When Harry Met Sally” mixed with “Love Jones” which means nothing to either Sam or Deeks.  She also says none of this is her fault – Rountree and Summer had their comms on.
The analysis matches the thermite mixture in the garage with Perez’s special recipe.  Deeks finds some maps of Los Angeles and a list of targets.  Global West Ventures was fifth on the list.   There is a health care company, an investment bank and a shoe manufacturer.  Fatima calls in the list to LAPD.
The Admiral has info for Sam and Deeks.  The dead man whose license plates were used in the arson is Christian Navarro.  The plates were cited in two-DUIs before he died.  The driver was Marco Navarro, Christian’s son and Deeks thinks is Perez’s accomplice.  Better news – the burner phone used by Randall to speak with Crystal and Denise was traced to a home in Echo Park.  Sam and Deeks are on their way.
At the Echo Park house, Deeks pretends to be a food deliveryman.  Perez runs and Deeks chases him through the house.  Sam is waiting at the back door.  A handcuffed Perez explains he has been trying to stop Marco Navarro.  He’s been looking for Marco Navarro.  Before he went on the run, Perez asked Navarro to store some of his explosives.  He thinks Navarro had his own mass spectrometer and figured out how to make his own explosives – Navarro is a smart man.  When he heard about the fire and the signature, he knew it had to be Navarro.
Saying they may believe him, Sam asks who would be Navarro’s accomplice.  Perez doesn’t know.  Navarro is a young, brash man who wants to change the world.  They were involved in many peaceful protests together.  He was family, lived with Perez.  When he figured out who Perez was, Navarro wanted to join him in the not-peaceful protests.  Perez pushed him away.  Asked if Denise knew Navarro, she did not.   She lived in a different part of town. 
Crystal knew Navarro, however.  He was like a big brother to her.  Sam checks with Rountree to see if Crystal had any contact with Navarro but Crystal turned off her phone.  She hasn’t been to work in a week – she quit.  Denise says this is not like Crystal at all.  Deeks asks if Crystal knew Navarro had Randall’s explosives.  She probably did but Randall tells Sam and Deeks that Crystal knew he also regrets what he did.  Deeks asks if he regrets what he did or regrets getting caught. 
In the boat shed, Summer tells Rountree that Crystal’s car was found.  A witness saw Crystal get into a car with a man who looks like Navarro.  The FBI is checking the area traffic cameras for license plates.  Denise told Rountree that Crystal didn’t mention having any new friends or changes in her life.  Summer is confused about the targets Sam and Deeks found – none of them have an environment connection.   Rountree thinks Navarro may have a different agenda than Randall Perez.
Back in Ops, Fatima found a connection to the companies on the list.   All of the companies are major donors to Senator Greg Garrett’s reelection campaign.  Sen. Garrett was responsible for killing an environmental bill in congress.  Navarro wanted the companies to pay.  Garrett is in Los Angeles to tour a warehouse that is part of an urban renewal project but the warehouse is not on the target list.  The warehouse isn’t the target, Rountree and Summer think, Garrett is.  They are going to meet Sam and Deeks at the warehouse.  Fatima is going to update the Senator’s team.
Rountree and Summer meet with Sam and Deeks at the warehouse.  The Senator’s team is evacuating the place but the worry is that Crystal and Navarro had an hour to lay down the thermite and accelerant.  Entering the building, there is no sign of anyone – Crystal, Navarro or Garrett.  Sam and Deeks come across Crystal as she’s spreading thermite outside the warehouse. 
Rountree and Summer find Garrett and his aides.  Navarro opens fire, hitting one of the aides.  Rountree goes after Navarro while Summer gets Garrett and his staff to safety. 
Sam tries to talk Crystal into surrendering as he and Deeks enter the warehouse.
Rountree and Navarro struggle for about a second.  Navarro is apprehended. 
Crystal lets Sam and Deeks walk far enough into the warehouse so she can circle behind them and light the place on fire.  Sam finds a fire extinguisher and puts out the fire.  Crystal, on the run, winds up cornered by Rountree and Summer.  Crystal tries to explain that “we” are not the criminals.  She threatens to set herself and her bag of thermite on fire but Summer talks her out of it.  Crystal is arrested. 
The Senator’s aide is on his way to the hospital but everyone is fine.  Deeks mentions wanting to be a fireman – “mostly for the calendar.” 
At the end of the day, a tired Deeks is complimented Admiral for a good day’s work.  The Senator’s aide only suffered a flesh wound and is doing well.  Deeks says that after “extensive consideration” he’s going to turn down the conference.  The Admiral thinks Kensi would be relieved.  No, Kensi was fine with Deeks going, even thought she’d go if he said no.  The Admiral agrees with Deeks’s decision.  Besides, next year’s conference is in Albuquerque – perfect for Deeks.  Rountree is going to Costa Rica instead.
In the boat shed, Randall and Crystal share a hug before both are taken away.  Summer found the Perez's farewells bittersweet.  The FBI coordinated the farewell and Rountree approves.  Since she saved his life, Summer thinks she’s owed about five IOUs by Rountree.  She’s also grateful that Rountree apologized.  Sam arrives – Summer, her boss and Sam are going to play some pickleball. 
Once Summer leaves, Sam talks about starting their triathlon training at 4:30AM.  Rountree is distracted by Summer’s departure.  Sam thinks Rountree thinks too much.  “Call that woman – call her.”  Rountree chases after Summer.
The Admiral and his large decanter of scotch visit Callen in the bullpen.  Callen has the Pembrooke paperwork all over his desk.  Callen asks if the Admiral reviewed the information in the file.  He did not – he just called in some favors to get what he could find.  “This is your story, Agent Callen.”  It isn’t the Admiral’s place to invade his privacy, though his door is open if Callen wants to talk.
Callen doesn’t talk, he instead shows Kilbride a black and white photo.  It is Hetty and Pembrooke.  The Admiral explains everyone has done things they regret.  “Hetty doesn’t regret much,” according to Callen.  Kilbride disagrees – “Hetty has enough regrets for all of us.”  She has done things to keep people safe.  Dark, ugly things she will likely take to her grave.  Callen asks how indoctrinating children keeps people safe.  The Admiral thinks Callen keeps people safe, if the methods were morally questionable.  The Admiral isn’t a Hetty fan but he respects her.  Hetty is all about the greater good and she made mistakes.  But the mistakes were in the service to her country.  Callen asks if he’s a mistake or a dark, ugly thing Hetty will carry to grave.   The Admiral says the past is something your learn from, not where you live.
What head canon can be formed from here:    A rather generic, and talky to be honest, episode until the very end.  Nothing here wouldn’t have worked in season one, season five or season nine, just switching around the agents. 
Not thrilled with the family reunion at the end.  The foreman doesn’t get to hug his daughter one last time.
The end was very well done.  A quiet scene, really well written and well-acted.  Well worth the ho-hum 55-minutes before it. 
The Rountree scene cut in “Glory of the Sea” really would have helped sell Rountree ghosting poor Summer. 
Hey Deeks – you are going to get a hotel room for the conference.  Take Kensi and Rosa, you surf in the morning, going to some meetings in the morning.  While everyone else goes play golf in the afternoon (I’ve been to my fair share of conferences), hang with the family on the beach.  Life’s good.
Episode number:   Episode eight of season 14.  This is episode number 310 overall.
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willowbirds · 6 months
For the character ask! Fearne please: 5, 7, and 12~ :3
Fearne my beloved :3 (I go a little bonkers)
What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Depends. I often think of the song Envy Green by the Arcadian Wild because of an Imogearne animatic I want to do in the future, and I also think of Lara Lynn’s cover of Wolf Like Me cover which was on Fearne’s playlist (Ashley Johnson is a genius).
Lately, I’ve been thinking of the song Passerine by the Oh Hellos, mainly because it’s a song I put in my Cyberpunk AU playlist specifically for her.
Honestly I have a lot of songs I think about, but those are the main 3.
What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
The art is spectacular! I don’t see her a lot in fics and I don’t see any takes on her either (Which I’m happy about because I’ve read bad takes on the other witches and I’m glad I haven’t seen that for Fearne), but THE ART!! It’s so pretty! As a design, Fearne can be interpreted in so many ways! And all are so good!
Fearne with square goat pupils, Fearne with different types of horns, Fearne with a goat beard, Fearne with a giant fluffy dress, Fearne in a not so fluffy dress, Fearne with a goat nose, Fearne with a human nose, Fearne with long ears, Fearne with face patterns, the list goes on and on and I LOVE IT!
I obviously have my own preferences for my particular Fearne design, but I love that she is a character that can be interpreted in any way imaginable!
What's a headcanon you have for this character? (I know this says ‘A’ meaning one, but I’m gonna do what I want!)
I surprisingly don’t have a lot of head canons for Fearne, but I’ll give the small ones I have.
I imagine she is ambidextrous, either just in general or through practice. Gotta be able to use both hands when you’re stealing things.
She has fangs and a little tooth gap. The gap is just a fun little design choice I came up with and the fangs are something I think fits her Druidic nature. The fangs are different from Laudna having sharp teeth since for her they’re just sharper while for Fearne it’s because of the natural animalistic magic she has. (And yes, I also head canon that Keyleth has fangs too, although Fearne’s are much more animal-like)
My main head canon though is that Fearne has blue blood. Technically this was disproven when Matt Mercer described her blood being crimson when she was killed by Otohan, but I still hold sapphire blood Fearne close to my heart! (I could go on a rant about the exact reasons I head canon this, but that would probably be a different post)
I obviously have others, but I think 3 is enough for this post (If someone else asks me this I’ll add some others).
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mymanyfandomramblings · 11 months
If you were having a TV show or movie made where your OC stars, who'd you like to cast? At least, for voice actors. How do you actually imagine your OC to sound like, in other words?
So, for Maisie, I don't really have an answer as I think most voice actresses could (and probably have) do the voice of an energetic young teenage girl, so I don't really have an answer.
For Violet, I really think that if Ashley Johnson repeated her performance from Infinity Train to be Violet, I would be happy with that.
For Alexander, I would really like for an actual kid to provide his voice, as to avoid either of the two pitfalls when it comes to voicing prepubescent male characters: either the ungodly screechy squeaky voice that tends to result if a woman provides it, or alternatively, having him sound like a small adult.
For Ariel, I think Anna Kendrick, who would have the singing ability to pull it off
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100hearteyes · 2 years
Oooooh!!! wow thank you very much for your explanation!! I totally understand now what it is!! I hadn't realized they were playing D&D lol, probably because I don't really know how to play I just heard about it vaguely what it is, and now that you say they are all professional voice actors I maybe recognize Ashley Johnson, is that her name? Isn't she the one that played the voice of Ellie on tlou and she was in a tv show too? It's a face I've already seen. Anyway thank you really! Are the streams still somewhere on youtube? Like all of them?
Yes! That's Ashley, ya got it right (⁠☞⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠☞
She was on Blindspot as well as TLOU :) the brunette woman is Laura Bailey, who played Abby in TLOU Part 2. Very talented bunch.
And yep, you can catch up on YouTube. There are three main campaigns so far (third one still ongoing), plus three specials and many one-shots. I recommend starting on either campaign 2 (the best characters imo) or campaign 3 because you won't have as much to catch up on (although it's a slower start). If you start from campaign 1 (best story/ending), do so *after* episode 27. Or you can watch the animated series The Legend of Vox Machina (on prime) in lieu of watching campaign 1. It's on its second season and it's fucking amazing.
Campaign 1:
Campaign 2:
Campaign 3:
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bisluthq · 2 months
Taylor consistently bullshitting about how many people she's dated/being single is genuinely hysterical to me. Obviously the like 2013-2014 is very much up to question, because MOST of the dude’s she supposedly "dated" around that time she either
1) wasn't pictured with
2) WAS pictured with, but have no legit reason to be SURE they dated
HOWEVER, 2008-2009 is a whole other story. After she broke up with Joe J, she was very insistent that she was single, and specifically said she didn't think it would be fair to another guy to just date him for the sake of her not feeling lonely anymore. Not only did she then proceed to write the song Haunted, where she depicts just that (and also Superman, though that situation was a tad different since she wasn't getting over an ex but was instead pining for that weird man who she, at that point, had not dated), she also wrote Drama Queen and was pictured with Martin Johnson IMMEDIATELY after she and Joe broke up.
Those like 4 pictures of them together where they look *friendly were all dated as being from September (apparently). So like... the reasonable conclusion is that they WERE dating, right? By some definition of the word, they were. Obviously the timeline with MJ is fishy, bit we KNOW they dated at some point, and we also KNOW that the for most of the time they were speculated to have dated earlier that year Martin was touring. So either Ashley Tisdale randomly lied about them dating, Taylor was lying about being single, or Taylor has a SUPER odd definition of being single (likely).
Tbf, I lean towards the scenario where they were probably just fucking. It was evidently not all that serious considering that, again, according to Ashley Tisdale, Taylor wrote nothing about him (including Love Story, which fwiw I buy. Out of the dude’s we know about I lean towards Stephen, but it could just have easily been some rando). Yet, he hung around for a while.
They wrote at least 4 songs together: one in Feb 08, one in Sep 08, and then two around March/April 09. Out of those songs, two of them were almost definitely about Joe Jonas (Drama Queen and If This Was A Movie). Personally, if I had pursued something at all serious with a girl, I'd definitely feel a little pissy about writing songs with her about the dude she CLEARLY liked more than me. The whole thing only really males sense if you assume they were fucking and not much else, though I guess that conflicts with her whole "me being pregnant would be COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE" thing that was going on around that time.
And that's not even the worst of it. From like May-September (bear in mind we KNOW she was going out with Lucas in May since he was at her concert and he later confirmed they dated) she INSISTED that she was not only single, but had ZERO option for any kind of boyfriend, or even like half a boyfriend. AT. THE. SAME. TIME. she was publicly flirting with John Mayer, Adam Young, and arguably, Martin over Twitter, whilst simultaneously feeding into the Taylor Launter thing (though her comments do make me think she and him didn't start "dating" until October).
In conclusion, girl is MESSY, always has been, likely always will be, and I find it endlessly entertaining, and would find it even more entertaining if she admitted to it outside her songs.
agree but “me being pregnant would be COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE” was when she was with Joe J actually - that’s one of the reasons Gaylors use it as “proof” because she “had a boyfriend” but said it was impossible for her to be pregnant. But it was impossible with Joe J lol. Because of how he wouldn’t do PIV. His semen would have had to like apparate in order to impregnate her.
I also think Love Story prob is about Martin by the dates etc but I don’t think she necessarily told people that just randomly so I get why Ash thought there weren’t any songs.
Overall though yes you’re right and it is funny but also like I do understand her on some of this because (as you say she has a wack ass definition of being single idk) and also some/most of these things legit weren’t that serious so idk why you’d tell the whole world about your “boyfriend” when it’s actually a dude you hang out with and hook up with and you both talk to other people and stuff lol. And I think that’s why she doesn’t admit outside her songs because normal people can read between the lines and very weird people are very weird about how relationships work.
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boomerang109 · 2 years
im realizing im in the perfect “sorta spoiled sorta not” to post some stuff that i know about CR2. so here’s who i think the characters are played by and their classes (not-spoiler free)
caleb: liam o’brien: im making this post cause i feel like i realized ive heard liam talk about being a druid but it makes NO sense for caleb’s personality but i don’t know what else he’d be since i don’t think they repeat classes so. ¿elven??? druid final answer
caduceus: talesin jaffe’s second character: tiefling wizard. ive seen the evil magic in the corner tal post. ik he’s a wizard. (and he’s in molly’s body right??)
mollymauk: talesin jaffe’s first character who died: tiefling blood hunter. saw the talks 4 sided dive where they talked travis going higher in blood hunter levels than tal
jester: Laura Bailey: ¿air genasi? (i honestly don’t know how else you’re blue) and cleric! to the traveler (sam’s mean to her about cleric things)
veth: sam: goblin ¿rogue?. nott looks different. i feel like nott is the goblin. idk what veth is. idk. (no idea about class either. just might be stereotyping goblins?? possibly??? but also they don’t have a rogue) im probably going to relate to whatever they are an obnoxious amount
beau: marisha ray: human monk. everybody knows about beau the human monk
yasha: ashley johnson: primarily a lesbian. also a human fighter?
fjord: travis willingham: a half-orc paladin. also a sailor (pirate?? ik he knows boats)
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fakeagatha · 2 years
Where the Sally Face Characters would have piercings
Requests: Open
Sal Fisher
🎭He seems like the type who would want a tongue piercing
🎭Possibly a single snake bite too (On the side of the lip)
🎭And probably the earlobes
🎭There's a chance he would do his piercings himself since he isn't fond of people seeing him without his mask, especially strangers.
Larry Johnson
🎸Earlobes for sure
🎸Eyebrow, it definitely suits him well
🎸Though, he asked Sal to do it for him since he didn't feel like paying for it
🎸That's probably it, to be honest
Ashley Campbell
💋Nose ring!!!
💋Maybe a septum too?
💋Also on her earlobes, and further up on the sides
💋A tongue piercing would probably suit her too
Travis Phelps
🏳️‍🌈Piercings would be "too gay" for him honestly
🏳️‍🌈Might've thought about getting a single earlobe done, and to put in a cross earring
Todd Morrison
📖He'd be too scared to get one done
📖And honestly? Doesn't seem like someone who would want any piercings either
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Fourteen things I noted about CR2E89 “Lingering Wounds” (noTalks Machina just yet) :
The return of Gail !! I love Gail so much.
Beau : "I have a list of things that I would like to research, but I don't want to Caleb this, either." (Liam salutes) (I'm so happy, I love that joke in Community where they use Britta's name as a verb)
Ok so wait, let me get this straight : there is 3 beacons ?? One was in Zadash and was stolen back by the Kryn soldier and then stolen by the Mighty Nein and then given back to the Dynasty. One was in Felderwin being studied on by Yeza, and the whereabouts of this beacon are unkown. One was really discovered a few weeks back in Pride's Call. So... the Assembly is giving a beacon back, knowing full well they have another one in advance ???? THOSE FUCKERS !! THIS IS THE CATCH !!
Beau : "That fucking chair !..." Travis, jokingly : "Can we scry that chair, do we know where it is now ?" Matt : "You can scry the location..." Sam, entering the joke : "It has to be on the same plane of existence, though. What if it's in... the chair dimension ?" Taliesin, quietly, making the greatest pun I've ever heard this campaign : "The Ottoman Empire."
Jester, to Beau : "Are you avoiding me ?" Beau : "No !" Jester : "Because we've been here and I haven't hardly seen you at all and I think I know why." Me and Sam and the rest of the world, seeing romantic angst likes sharks see blood in the water : "ooooooooohhh here we FUCKING GO"
That conversation was like : fear of your crush discovering the crush you have on her ! angst ! angry flute noise from Caduceus in the corner ! more angst ! I've been syping on your dad and catfishing him !! Molly was a god ! Molly was NOT a god ! Here have some tarot cards ! angry flute noise !!
Oh man the scene with Astrid. No words, just feelings. Also for some reason, the detail that stayed with me was the fact that Caleb is responsible for one of her burnt scars...
Sam and Laura were hoping for some BONING (their faces !!)
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I love the minor crisis that happened every once in a while on the background of some other scenes, whether it be Marisha and Liam discussing, Sam and Laura doodling and giggling, etc. etc. This time, Laura realizes that one of the stones of her ring is gone ! She pouts in the most adorable way at Travis.
Wait, the Wildmother is a lesbian ???????? ... in retrospect of course she is.
"Is the Traveler a fuckboi" LIAM !! This line made me laugh so much I probably scared my neighbours. Bonus point for Matt quietly saying "Eat your heart out, Zeus !"
Beau destroyed her opponent, Fjord got destroyed by his opponent. AND YASHA DESTROYED OUR HEARTS.
Like the moment Ashley looked at Matt and said she wasn't going to rage, I knew something was up. There was an intent there, that was clear. Near the end, I somehow thought 'maybe now she will rage !' but no, and I admire Ashley so much. Bold choices makes for a great moment. Sometimes it's not about winning. Sometimes it's about doing a great scene. Like Liam said, "Ashley Johnson, you crazy motherfucker"
Meanwhile, Nott is just robbing the hat store nearby. I love this parallel so much. Also I miss the Honey Heist crew of bears with hats.
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picturefirelizards · 3 years
these are my c3 character predictions based on nothing except the fact I have watched every damn episode of this entire show
Sam: TALL CHARACTER. I know he has short energy but hear me out. Extremely Large character who drinks out of a tiny tea cup.
Liam: Move over angsty man, time for an angsty girl. Possibly halfling, maybe tiefling. Cleric?
Laura: HER FIRST CHOICE CHARACTER PLEASE! Elf sorcerer, that’s what I’m thinking. Whatever it is, I’ll cosplay it.
Marisha: Honestly no idea. Maybe a paladin since that’s so different to what she’s done before. My heart is saying tabaxi.
Ashley: Literally anything Ms Johnson does will delight me. But also maybe a rogue.
Travis: B A R D. Probably human. Again, anything he does will delight me especially if it’s a fun accent
Taliesin: Jeez guys I have no fucking idea. Probably one of Matt’s homebrew classes since that’s what he usually does. Maybe a drow! Either way, it will drive the cosplayers crazy
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cycwrites · 4 years
WIP Things aka Unofficial Fic Tease
In order to remind myself that I’ve left all of you hanging for the rest of my trilogy rewrite, I thought I would post my unbeta’d, unedited, good with the bad chapter 1 for the second movie. I also have hope that it will make me feel guilty for taking so damn long and get back to it. Especially since I’ve basically closed myself off from writing (and the muses) and I’m trying to pry the doors back open because I really do miss sharing my stories with you guys.
I wrote this well over a year ago, along with a 2nd chapter that deals with the Dean’s office, and really just hope you like it. 
About Damn Time 
Chapter One: So That Happened
Word Count: 2600 -------- ~B~
At the end of Beca’s junior year, two things of note happened.
First: Chloe, once again, made the decision to stay with Beca and the Bellas and failed Russian Lit for the third time.  Beca had tried to talk her out of it, torn between wanting Chloe to move forward in her life beyond Barden and guilt that she was relieved they wouldn’t have to figure out how to work a long distance relationship. She wasn’t ready to try that and couldn’t imagine leading the group without her.  But Chloe had insisted this was where she’d wanted to be and she didn’t feel like she was missing out on anything.
Second: The Bellas were asked to perform at President Obama’s 50th birthday celebration at the Kennedy Center on August 8th.
Beca had laughed when the call had come through the never used landline at the Bella house.
“Good afternoon, this is Mack Johnson and I’m calling on behalf of the White House…”
“Yeah right. Nice try, Jesse.” She hung up and pulled out her cell phone as she walked into the kitchen. Pausing by the counter she typed out a quick message to him.
Beca: I’ve gotta give you points for originality though. You almost sounded like an actual adult.
She poured herself a glass of lemonade before he answered.
Jesse: I’m going to take that as a compliment and ignore the wound to my manly pride, but I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Beca: Whatever you say, ‘Mack.’ If you’d said you were calling from anywhere but the White House I might’ve let you keep talking.
Instead of answering via text, Jesse called her.
“Are you day drinking, Mitchell?” Jesse clucked his tongue. “Without your lesbro? I’m hurt, Becaw.”
“I was going to ask you the same thing.” Beca lifted her glass and took a sip. “What inspired your call today?”
“Uh, your cryptic and confusing texts to me, of course.” Jesse chuckled. “Want to clue me in?”
Beca sighed. “Man you’re committed to this.”
“To what?”
Beca set her glass on the counter. “Fine – you just called me and –” She jumped as the phone in the living room rang for only the second time in her years at Barden. “Pretended… to be… from the White House.”
“I thought you said you weren’t drinking?” Jesse laughed but it sounded distant as Beca watched Chloe answer the phone.
Her girlfriend’s blue eyes went wide and locked on Beca’s as she said, “I’m sorry, did you say you’re calling from the White House?”
“Jesse?” Beca said absently.
“Yes, Beca?” His voice took on an echo as all the blood drained from her face.
“I gotta go pass out now.” She swallowed dryly. “I’ll call you later.”
“Beca wa-”
Beca had remained frozen in the kitchen while Chloe became more and more animated, frantically scribbling down notes on the notepad sitting beside the phone, though her voice was carefully calm and collected. Then she’d run into the kitchen, screaming and jumping in excitement and talking faster than Beca’s shocked mind could process. Drawn by the commotion like a frat boy to a kegger, the rest of the girls soon joined the chaos while Beca still stood frozen by the counter as they swirled around her.
The school had allowed them to stay on campus through the summer so they could discuss songs and choreography. The time had been a whirlwind of security checks and practice and everything they planned needed to be vetted by the performance organizers. Of course, since they’d come to the Bellas after their third ICCA win in a row, there weren’t any real problems.
Until the night of the performance when one set of tangled silks and a desire for no panty lines wrecked everything.
No pun intended.
~B~ Sunday, August 24th, 2014
Beca lay on their bed and stared at the ceiling, listening to Chloe pace beside her.
“I’ve ruined everything.” Pace to the head of the bed. “Destroyed our reputation.” Pace back to the foot. “Made the Bellas a joke.”
Beca sighed and pushed herself up on her elbows. “Chloe. It’s a capella. It’s already a jo-” She stopped as Chloe spun to face her, outraged. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it.” Beca tried a smile. “I was just trying to lighten the mood.” She let it slip when Chloe just stared at her and Beca dropped back down to gaze at the ceiling. “Won’t make that mistake again.”
“I’m the one who gave Amy the green-light to do ‘Wrecking Ball.’” Chloe resumed pacing.
“Because, despite most of her claims, she actually had done some training on the silks before coming to the states.” Beca countered, as she had for the past three weeks. “She was good on them and never once in our rehearsals did she get tangled up.”
“No.” Beca cut her off and sat up, pulling her legs up to sit cross legged and face her. “We all agreed to let her do it. It was a group vote.” She softened her voice and held out her hand. “This isn’t all on you, Chlo.”
With a sigh, Chloe took her hand and let herself be tugged onto the bed. Beca stretched back out and Chloe settled against her side. “It feels like it.”
“That’s because you’re the one who looks out for us.” Beca gently rubbed her back. “No one could’ve predicted this, love.”
“No…” Chloe said grudgingly. “But…”
Beca cut her off again. “There’s no buts.”
“Except Amy’s.” Chloe huffed, tension that had begun to fade making her stiffen up again in Beca’s arms. “All over the news.” She groaned. “Why didn’t I just use the cloth I was freaking holding to cover her up?”
“Same reason I didn’t,” Beca said reasonably, having heard a version of this several times before. “My mind went blank and I couldn’t move. I just… kept waiting to wake up.”
“Same.” Chloe pressed her nose to Beca’s shoulder. “I still am. This is such a nightmare.”
“She feels bad.” Beca offered. “It was her idea to do that press conference.” She winced as Chloe snorted.
“Yeah, where she then tried to show her ‘silk burn’ to the entire world.” Chloe sat up and pushed herself off the bed. “Again.” She resumed pacing and Beca’s mind hunted around for anything she could say to defuse things.
“At least we saved Aubrey’s college legacy from Pukegate?” Even as the words were out of her mouth Beca knew they were stupid and wrong.
“And ruined ours with Muffgate.” Chloe snarled.
“I wish I could find the asshole that came up with that. Bet it was those podcast people and of course everyone else jumped on it.” Beca made a face. “It was an accident and eventually there will be another crisis for them to focus on.” She slid over to the edge of the bed and swung her legs over. “It won’t be forever, Chlo.”
Pace, turn. “But tomorrow we go see the Dean.” Pace, turn. “With those podcast people who are apparently actually part of the Collegiate A Cappella Association.”
“They’re still weird and he’s an ass.” Beca stood up and stretched as she heard the door open at the bottom of the stairs. “Think you’ll be able to enjoy yourself at dinner tonight?”
Chloe stopped by the small table they inherited from Aubrey and took a deep breath. “Of course. It’s Amy’s birthday. I’m not going to ruin it for her.” She flashed Beca a small grin, the first in an hour. “Why do you think I’m up here instead of downstairs?”
“Speaking of,” a new voice said from the stairs. “There’s maybe… A situation.” Jessica smiled apologetically when they both looked at her as she reached the top.
Beca sighed. “Of course there is.”
“Do I even want to know?” Chloe pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Probably not, but Stacie sent me to get you.”
“Coward,” Beca muttered. “She knows I can’t hit you because you’re too nice.” She took a deep breath. “Okay, quick like ripping off a band-aid.”
“Amy’s sitting on the couch. With a towel on her lap.” Jessica hesitated.
“That’s… Why is that a big deal?” Chloe asked, confused.
“She’s… commando. Because of her silk burn.” The blonde’s shoulders bounced once but she didn’t say anything else.
“I swear to fucking god I’m going to glue underwear on her,” Chloe muttered under her breath.
Beca was struck by a horrible thought. “Is she sitting on another towel?”
“We were afraid she’d show us if we asked.” Jessica looked at Beca. “That’s when Stacie sent me to get you.”
“Why do I have to do it?” Beca knew she was whining but couldn’t help it.
“Because you’re the captain.” Jessica shrugged again. “You can threaten her with cardio if she tries to flash us again.”
“Yeah but Amy doesn’t always listen to me and I don’t want to have flashbacks.” Beca reluctantly headed for the stairs as Jessica started back down.
“Birthday or not…” Chloe muttered as she followed.
“I’m sure Lilly has a hot glue gun you can use,” Beca mused, not surprised to find Ashley hanging out in the hallway when they left the attic.
“Don’t tempt me.” Chloe didn’t say anything else the entire trip down the stairs.
Beca rounded the corner, passing Jessica and Ashley who had stopped in the entry and came to a halt herself, Chloe running into her back.
All she could see was the back of Amy’s head but she appeared to be looking straight at Lilly who sat cross-legged on the ottoman and staring back.
“Do I even want to know?” Beca turned her head toward Jessica but didn’t take her eyes off the scene.
“I didn’t ask that either,” came the whispered reply.
Beca took a bracing breath then walked into the living room. Despite the reassurance that the covering towel existed, Beca didn’t relax until she saw it for herself. It was nothing personal against Amy, but Beca just didn’t want to see any of the Bellas naked, Chloe being the obvious exception. You never knew when the visual would pop back in your head and Amy had already shown up enough in the past few weeks to last a lifetime.
“Amy.” Beca looked up at a sound from the kitchen and saw Stacie leaning in the doorway with Cynthia Rose and Flo sitting at the center island.
“Captain.” Amy didn’t turn her head or avert her gaze.
“Are you guys in a staring contest?” Beca frowned, looking between the two women. “And if so why?”
“I don’t know,” Amy lifted one shoulder. “All I know is she hasn’t blinked since she sat down and why take the risk of losing.”
Beca felt her eyes twitch at the thought. “Jesus, please cut it out before my eyes start watering.” She stepped between them and Amy closed her eyes in relief.
“Thanks, Shawshank. That was starting to burn.” She started to lift one corner of the towel to wipe her eyes and Beca threw out her hand.
“Nope. That stays there.” Chloe said it before Beca could.
“Please tell me you’re sitting on another towel.” Beca sighed and ran her hand through her hair.
“Of course I am!” Amy actually looked indignant. “I’m not a heathen, Beca.” She rolled her eyes. “The pants I want to wear to dinner are tight, so I’m giving my bits time to breathe first.”
“Now that’s in my head.” Cynthia Rose muttered from the kitchen.
“That’s in all our heads,” Ashley said from the doorway behind them.
“You could always wear that blue skirt,” Chloe offered diplomatically. “That way you’re not uncomfortable for your birthday dinner.”
“I do look hot in that.” Amy thought about it while the rest of them made sounds of agreement. “Alright, you’ve swayed me. And as it’s almost that time, guess I’ll go upstairs and change.” She started to stand as Beca moved back then paused. “If you’d all turn around and give me some privacy while I wrap?”
Beca rolled her eyes as she turned to face the front window that, thankfully, had the curtains drawn. “That’s what you get for being half naked in the public areas of the house.”
“I got bored in my room.” Beca heard Amy stand up and the rustle of fabric. “Alright, I’m decent.”
Beca jumped at the unexpected shout and looked over her shoulder. Stacie had come out of the kitchen and was pointing at the couch.
“That’s my favorite towel!” Outage filled her face. “I was looking for that for over a week!”
“It’s also the softest towel in the house.” Amy said as she picked it up, tucking the other firmly around her waist. “It’s the only thing that doesn’t hurt when I’m sitting.”
A choked sound from behind her brought Beca’s eyes back around to Chloe, who was biting the inside of her cheek and trying not to giggle. “I’m sure she’ll wash it before she gives it back.”
Beca tried to choke back her laugh and ended up sounding like a pug with a cold as she snickered into her hand.
“I think…” Stacie sighed. “Happy Birthday, Amy. It’s all yours.”
“You sure, Stretch?” Amy threw the towel in question over her shoulder. “I don’t think I’ll need it for much longer.”
“Yup.” Stacie nodded emphatically. “I’ll go get another one this weekend.”
“Thanks, Stacie.” Amy smiled at her before her lips twisted slightly. “Sorry I didn’t ask first.”
“’S okay.” Stacie shrugged. “Now go get changed so we can celebrate your day.”
“Are you allowed to give me orders on my birthday?” Amy mused as she headed for the stairs.
“Probably not,” Beca said. “But I’ll probably do it anyway.”
“Bossy.” Chloe whispered behind her and Beca flashed her a grin.
“Alright.” Beca clapped her hands once. “Show’s over, let’s go get our party outfits on and get some grub. We’ve got a Bella to celebrate.”
Stacie walked past her, shaking her head. “Bossy.”
Beca let her head fall back as she stared at the ceiling. “I can’t with you two.”
“What?” Stacie paused in the door to the entry. “Did we do the thing again?”
“Yup.” Chloe pushed Beca toward the stairs. “I called her that thirty seconds ago.” She high fived Stacie over Beca’s shoulder when the tall woman grinned and held out her hand.
“Score one for us.” Stacie laughed and started up the stairs.
“I hate you guys.” Beca said weakly as she followed.
“Liar,” Chloe laughed and ran her hand down Beca’s back.
“Maybe.” Beca let Chloe go before her.
“Yeah yeah,” Beca waved her up the stairs, unable to help admiring the way Chloe’s muscles flexed as she moved. “But seriously, my stomach just woke up and if I don’t feed it soon it’s going to take over the world.”
“Aye aye, Captain.” Stacie saluted as she stepped into her room.
“Smartass,” Beca threw back.
“And you love it.” Stacie closed the door with a laugh.
“Stop flirting with Stacie and let’s go change before you get hangry.” Chloe took her hand and tugged on it.
“She wishes,” Beca muttered but followed Chloe up to their room, ignoring the ‘Often’ that came from Stacie’s room behind them.
‘She’s got bat hearing, I swear.’ Beca thought to herself as she went to the closet to get her outfit for the night.
Tomorrow was still looming over them, but Beca pushed it all away, determined to think about Amy and the Bellas for the rest of the night.
It was one mistake and they’d just won three years in a row. Surely they weren’t in that much trouble.
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