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Oh my god
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kaserolly · 1 year
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Pole position qualifier Lewis Hamilton of Great Britain and Mercedes celebrates in parc ferme during qualifying ahead of the F1 Grand Prix of Hungary at Hungaroring on July 22, 2023 in Budapest, Hungary. (Photo by Mark Thompson/Getty Images)
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springurz · 1 year
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It's not exactly the same as the normal ucn character but I really wanted to add some new characters in so I changed it up a bit!
Took god knows how long to make this -w-'
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verosvault · 9 months
I'm SO GLAD I did that Junior Year countdown! It really like- it felt like it was coming quicker and quicker!!!
I do know that a lot of the times I was making the posts quite late which is why sometimes the countdown days didn't like up! But ANYWHO!
I wanted to make a blog about what I hope to see in FHJY! I know EVERYONE is doing it and I wanted to do one! Everyone pretty much had everything I'm gonna have so...you can skip this post if you want. 😂🤣💀
2. Cathilda! My 2nd favorite NPC! I'M SORRY GUYS! MY PRIORITIES ARE SET! 😭✋
3. GILEAR! A couple of people have been putting "Gilear Dying" on their list! NAH! I'm HOPING for a GILEAR 180 TURN-AROUND! Gilear told Fig last season that he was gonna clean up his act! I'm looking for a NEW AND IMPROVED GILEAR! OK! HE CAN GROW AND CHANGE! I BELIEVE IT CAN HAPPEN! GILEAR GLOW-UP 2024! IT'LL TREND! I BELIEVE IT! 😭✋ I HAVE FAETH(FAITH)! SEE WHAT I DID THERE! 😉
4. Aelwyn doing Anything! I saw this on multiple bingo cards! Aelwyn doing something helpful! I honestly can't wait to see Aelwyn just do anything. Whether she is hanging out with Adaine and also trying to break out of old habits of being mean to her sister! (Old habits die hard!) I'm excited for anything! I REALLY HOPE that Aelwyn gets adopted by Jawbone though and that she does very helpful things with the bad kids! 😭✋ I- JUST PLEASE! 😭✋
6. Jace the Sorcery Teacher? I wanna see more of that guy! Also...the Bard Teacher? The Rogue Teacher? MORE SCHOOL TEACHERS/FACULTY! I WANNA SEE MORE! WHO ARE THESE TEACHERS?!
8. Kristen's parents and siblings! I HATE Kristen's parents! But I LOVE Kristen's brothers! I wonder how it'll look like with this season if Kristen's family becomes more involved! Idk how they'd tie into the story! But it definitely seems interesting! Especially since her parents were kinda loosELY related to the Harvestmen??? The cult or whatever? Idk...seems kinda SUS! 🥲 Also, Kristen DID leave GOLD COINS FOR her Brothers before she went on the trip to the Nightmare King's Forest with the rest of the bad kids! So...who knows! 🤷‍♀️
9. Sandra Lynn. Garthy. Jawbone. Poly relationship? YES! I'M SO DOWN! But also idk if Sandra Lynn would want to get with Garthy again. I'm up for it if it happens! I love all 3 of them! 🙌
11. I want an actual confirmation about what happened with Adaine's mom Arianwen! I know she's trapped in the nightmare forest and has no magic anymore. But she's also an elf and like- lives LITERALLY FOREVER! Like... won't she find SOME WAY OUT AT SOME POINT?! Isn't there an EXTREMELY SLIM CHANCE Arianwen gets out of the forest somehow? Idk...💀 I'm just saying. 💀✋
14. Possible mentions of Kalina??? I mean... They're the familiar of Cassandra right? Won't Kalina still be like...idk...around??? Or changed??? Or remade??? Or whatever?? Idk...🥲 I low-key/high-key just miss Kalina! She was such a dope villain fr!
15. Cassandra and Kristen!!! I hope Kristen won't have another talk with Helio or Sol! NOT THIS SEASON! I'm really excited to see if Kristen is actually like...NOT wavering in her beliefs this season! Like...I really hope she'll stay with Cassandra! Cassandra seems DOPE! If something happens and Cassandra turns bad again then MAYBE! But I still hope Kristen finds some kind of stability in her religion at SOME POINT! 😂🤣💀
16. Fabian and Hallariel! I wanna see Fabian spend more time with his mom! 😭 That would be SO SWEET! I know they talked for a short while in Boys' Night! But I want more! 😂🤣💀
17. Fabian being NICE TO GILEAR and NOT BULLYING him! 😂😂😂 This is a HOPE! 🤣🤣🤣 It most likely WON'T HAPPEN! But! STILL! 😂 I'm putting it ON THE LIST! 😂🤣💀
18. New Lunch Lad or Lady??? If Gilear became VP and Jawbone became Guidance Counselor. Then... who's the new lunch lad??? Or lunch lady??? 🤔🤔🤔
19. Fabian ACTUALLY DEFEATING Chungledown-Bim! 👀
20. I hope Baron doesn't come back 🥲 but Baron MIGHT! 🥲 And the thought of that SCARES ME FR! 🥲🥲🥲
21. I wonder what Skrank and Shellford are gonna be up to this season! Hopefully they're doing well!
28. The Thistlesprings being Thistlesprings! 🥺 I wonder if we're gonna get to see Thistlespring Minis this season! 😭✋ I really hope so! 😭✋
29. Bad Murph Rolls!
30. Beardsley Blessed NAT20 Rolls!!!
32. IMAGINE if we get to see more Angela Worrel! 😂 NOT when she's putting the bad kids in jail cells of course! 😭✋
33. A vulture reference! Idk! Vultures be up to stuff!
34. Any possible Corn Cuties references! 😂
36. Seeing Sylvester. Cravencroft Cemetary guy. Just Cravencroft Cemetary stuff in general!!
37. One of the bad kids ACTUALLY goes to see Jawbone at school for THERAPY! Or just to talk! Or SOMETHING! 😭✋
38. What ever happened to freaking Biz? Is it a possibility we'll see him again even though every hair on my body wants to tell me "EW! NOT BIZ AGAIN! PLEASE! 😭✋"
39. SATs!!! The bad kids having to study their SATs! SAT stands for SOMETHING ELSE in SPYRE! Idk what it will stand for! But I bet it stands for something wild! 😎
40. Gilear will look different physically? Like...more clean-shaven...etc.... 🤷‍♀️ it's a possibility...🤷‍♀️
41. Hell Trip? Seeing Bill Seacaster again? That might be cool! I really hope that if we see Bill again though that him and Fabian can have a long and serious talk. Idk what it should be about...but I desperately want it!
44. Adaine and Aelwyn bunkbed at night time scene where they talk before they sleep! 🥲✋...or something like that...
45. Fabian dancing!! With his sheet!! 😎
46. Kristen dancing!! With her Ribbon Dancer!! 😎 Will Kristen learn to fly with said ribbon dancer? The chances are slim! But never zero! 👀
48. Ragh gets in a relationship with someone PERFECT for them! 🥺🥺🥺
49. Torbek Railgrinder scenes? Question mark???
50. This is SO OUT OF LEFT FIELD! IMAGINE SEEING DOREEN AGAIN! 😂🤣💀 Chances of that happening are a 0.1%! But hey! Anything can happen! 🥲
51. The bad Kids get some kinda new pet! Not Boggy. Not Edgar. Not Sexy Rat. Not Baby. I'm talking about a new pet that joins the party!
52. Potential Goldenrod Scenes?? If we get Bill scenes there's a potential for Goldenrod scenes as well!
53. Alistair Ash scenes??? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ He was in POL! It's a possibility we'll see him again in Junior Year?
54. The Red Waste. I already know the Bad Kids go there from the trailer but I'm putting it here anyways!
55. Adaine gets a job! Also seen in the trailer!
56. They're about to fail school and they need to do something to not get expelled! Also seen in the trailer!
57. The Night Yorb causes a blackout everywhere and they'll be doing things in the dark for a few days! No lights. Maybe? 🥲 Idk. That's just a wild guess. 🥲
58. Riz gets another mission from his dad in heaven that he has to fulfill! 😎 And who knows if that mission might get in the way of school stuff? Question mark? Or maybe they'll work hand-in-hand again?
59. Imagine if Pok were to meet Gorthalax. 💀 That's all I'm gonna say there! 💀✋ Y'all can imagine it and do what you like with that information. 💀✋
60. Elm Valley Mall Battle Episode??? Or just the bad kids going to the Elm Valley Mall in general??? Idk. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Maybe they can just hang out there?
61. The Ball tries to teach Fabian some tactics on investigating since last time Fabian tried it, he accidentally bit down on glass. 💀
62. Underwater or Ice... that's all I'm gonna say...again...that theory also goes along with the trailer we got where the set was just ALL BLUE! 💀 We get some kind of cool underwater battle! Maybe Arthur Aguefort is involved somehow since he's in that battle according to shots from the trailer! For reasons as to WHY he's there? I have ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE!
63. PORTALS! USAGES OF PORTALS! This is also a shout-out from the trailer!
64. Flashback Pirate Ship scenes with dragons! Also shout-out to the trailer! It could be actual scenes but my bet is they're flashbacks! 🤷‍♀️ Won't know till we see 'em!
65. Aelwyn uses her illusionary cheerleaders or elementals or whatever during a battle and they're actually on the good side this time!!!
66. This is a LONG SHOT but another trip to Kei Lumenura? Seeing Telemaine and Fathethriel again possibly? 🤷‍♀️ I doubt it but...ya know... Maybe? 🤷‍♀️
67. I wonder if we'll learn about like...clubs? Like Aguefort academy Clubs/extracurriculars and whatnot! Maybe even electives in general?
68. The bad kids thinking about what they wanna do in life after high school or if they'd want to keep continuing as an adventuring party! 👀 Maybe this will be senior year but...🤷‍♀️ It's never too early to think about it. 🤷‍♀️
69. The Bad Kids have an ACTUAL STUDY SESSION!!! LIKE...AN ACTUAL STUDY SESSION!!! Maybe they'll even get tutoring from somebody! 😁😆
70. Maybe we'll see some Galicaea references? 🤔
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thetimecrystal · 1 year
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nixiecat · 2 months
I have many things I must say. 1) ur big hot 2) you give big gender envy 3) mmmm muscles 🤤 4) I promise I'm normal 5) can you tell a memorable climbing moment for you?
1-4: eeeeeeee tysm!!!!!
5: doing this bullshit was pretty memorable:
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yep, that's me, hanging my entire body weight off one leg so I can shake my hands out :p
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crystalflygeo · 11 months
Last of her kind Emperor!Alpha!Zhongli + Omega!Dragoness!Reader
cw/tags: This chapter has no smut but still contains highly suggestive themes and sexual implications. Mentions of slavery and past sexual abuse on fem!reader, A/B/O dynamics and heat mentions. fem!reader suffers with self-worth and bad memories, including past insults and abuse.
notes: After so long finally part 2!! EEEEEEEE I am so excited but also so nervous pls ;w; like if you want the first part can be read as a standalone and have a "happy ending" but now I am committed to the emotional roller coaster, A/B/O dynamics and LONG BURN PINING so yep >:3c hope this does justice to everyone's expectation tho. And hope you like it and accompany me on this tale hehe
As a lil sidenote brackets [] now indicate past actions/words and bad memories, regular italics for emphasis, inner thoughts or the little pinyin I sprinkled here (which btw is taken straight from genshin wiki so...).
<- Part 1 Part 3 ->
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Being precious all of the sudden was… different.
Your hand subconsciously kept touching your bonding mark, as if to make sure it was still there, to soothe you.
After a quick meal just between Zhongli and you, consisting of some soft rice buns and delicious minced meat packaged inside a crispy pastry shell, you were then offered some new clothes. It was much more elaborate and certainly more layered than anything you’d worn before: a long skirt and flowy sleeves in a silky soft fabric, beautifully embroidered and hastily modified to make a hole for your tail to slip out. A sash keeping everything in place while accentuating your figure. You immediately loved it although it felt a little heavy and restricting.
Now, you quietly follow Zhongli as he leads you around the palace. He’s back to his former fully-human appearance, wearing an elegant attire, and everywhere you go, people bow at him and cast curious silent glances at you. It was rather unnerving.
It’s fine, you are used to being stared at, judged. You hold your tail up close for comfort.
The place is huge and you quickly get lost trying to map it out in your head, simply following along until you reach a large room with a few simple beds scattered around. Bookcases and cabinets stacked the walls, filled with all sorts of books, papers, jars and things. A pungent smell present in the air.
A green-haired man leans over a desk, glasses perched on his nose as he frantically scribbles some notes. What seems like powders and plants litter the space around him, along with a few more glass containers, incense, and a tea set with a steaming fresh cup.
“Baizhu.” Zhongli’s voice calls and you stiffen a little, hearing it again after a while of silence. It is still warm and deep but with a more reserved and regal tone like when he first met you.
The green-haired man (a Beta, you recognize) looks up and blinks in surprise, then smiles brightly and says some words you do not understand, you shuffle in place.
“Yes, this is her.” Zhongli replies. “I will ask you to speak in in common tongue so she can understand as well, I don’t want to unnecessarily unnerve her.”
Well, that is… very considerate. It eases you a little.
“Of course, your majesty.” He turns to you, his eyes were a bright amber, also with slitted pupils. Was it common in liyuens? “My name is Baizhu, the royal doctor and apothecary, pleased to meet you, empress.”
“E-Empress?!” You can’t help but blurt out.
“Why of courssse.” A high-pitched voice hisses and you almost jump when a white snake peaks her head from her coils at the desk, staring up at you. “You’re mated to hisss majesssty the emperor, sssso, it would be underssstood you’re now the empresssss.” Her split tongue flickers.
Baizhu chuckles. “Changsheng, be nice.”
You don’t know what to answer, mostly because you’re still reeling from the fact that you’re apparently now an empress, and because there’s a talking snake.
Liyue is weird…
“I decided to bring her here exactly because of that.” Zhongli turns to you and suddenly holds one of your hands, softly, staring at you with such affection it makes you melt. “Darling, would you let him check your bonding mark for a moment?”
You’re a little nervous, but it is not like you can refuse… right? You nod quietly.
Baizhu approaches and examines your neck and you fight the urge not to flinch or growl. No Omega likes it when a stranger is so close to such a sensitive spot. He hums and tilts his head but doesn’t touch you. “It seems it’s already healed due to her illuminated beast blood but the scar is present. I’d say the bond has been properly established, congratulations your majesty.” He smiles warmly.
A grateful bubbly feeling creeps up your chest. Properly established. So, it’s true.
You feel Zhongli’s hand squeeze yours lightly and look down at it, then back up at him. “Thank you, Baizhu. I will not keep you any longer. We still have a lot to do and I’m sure you do as well.”
Baizhu bows at him (at both of you, you realize) and then you’re on your way. Not before hearing the snake’s hissy whispers again
“A fine yin, hm…?”
This is… your new home.
Zhongli shows you around some of the areas in what he called the “inner court” of the palace complex. Everything is so… large and open and lavish it has your head spinning, your eyes darting in every direction trying to take in all at once, walking fast on your new clothes. He guides you along the dining hall, a small temple, crosses through an enormous main hall where he explains audiences are held, and then a gorgeous outer garden that completely takes your breath away.
The wooden gilded architecture in golds and reds, the fresh wind and gentle sun. All sorts of new sounds and smells. The painted walls and high ceilings. The new plants and flowers. The chatters in a different language… everything is so distinct from the desert.
You soak in the new environment. Inhaling deeply.
It is both terrifying and exhilarating.
Finally, he guides you to another room, it looks similar to the nest room where you’d first been at, but larger. It is sparsely decorated with a large and comfy looking-bed, a desk, mirror and a small table with a couple chairs and a tea set. It smells nice enough.
You peek up at Zhongli.
“This will be your room.” He explains.
“We kept it simple for now but you are, of course, free to furnish and decorate it however you’d like. It’s close to my own room and anything you might need.”
Wait what?
Your ears lower down and you seem to deflate a little, disappointed. “H-Huh? But… I-I won’t be sleeping with you?” You ask softly.
Mated pairs sleep together, don’t they? They share living chambers and mix their scents together to symbolize their union. That’s what you’ve always been told. You are to always be near your Alpha, at his beck and call, warm up his bed and be ready to please.
Maybe things are different in Liyue? Or maybe it’s because he’s an emperor. Master didn’t tell you anything, so maybe you are just making a fool of yourself right now on your-
Zhongli clears his throat and looks at you a little surprised “I simply thought you’d be more comfortable having your own space, we… don’t really know each other very well yet, and I wouldn’t want to impose.”
Impose? As in order? But he’s your Alpha! “B-But I want to! Please! I-I mean… I thought that since we’re b-bonded…” You mumble shyly.
His cheeks turn a little pink, you like when that happens, he looks a lot less serious. He cups your cheek and you inhale looking up at those gorgeous golden eyes. “My dear dragoness. I don’t want you to feel forced to do anything you don’t want to. I know you were raised… differently, I cannot claim to understand your experiences, but listen to me: you are safe here.” He says the last part slowly, enunciating each word. “No one will scold you or punish you, least of all me. I want you to be free to speak and choose what you want.” He sighs. “Though I know it’ll be difficult...”
Furnish, impose, free… you don’t know any of those words.
But no punishment, to choose what you want, to be safe… it sounds surreal even.
What do you want?
His eyes soften at your nervous silence. “Let’s try this… do you really want to share my room, or would you like to stay here? I won’t be upset if you do.”
“I…” Your tail curls around you. “I want to stay with you. Sleep together. Like mates.” You mumble.
“Then it would be my honor, however, this room will stay ready if you change your mind, alright?” You glance around at the room again, and nod. “Now that that is settled, I have one last thing to do. I need to introduce you to a few very special people before I leave to-”
You didn’t mean to yelp like that.
“J-just to do my duties, I am not leaving you, I promise.” He corrects, a little taken aback. “I am sorry my dear, but as much as I’d like to spend every moment by your side right now, I have a few pressing matters to tend to. I know you’re nervous, everything is new and scary and overwhelming but I promise I’ll leave you in good hands and be back as soon as I can.”
You nod, now feeling a little embarrassed at the whole ordeal. You’d been feeling so at ease with his presence, showing you around, listening to his voice name and explain everything you saw that you’d almost forgotten. “You’re the emperor, I’m sure you’re very busy. No need to worry about me, I’ll behave, my lord.”
He frowns a little at that but says nothing, and you choose to say nothing else either.
Going back to the main hall, you immediately spot three people lined up looking at you with a mix of the already expected curiosity and excitement. One of them in particular immediately catches your attention, he’s an Alpha and you can’t help but feel a little nervous…
“Allow me to introduce you, these three are my most loyal and closest council members: Ping, Ganyu and Xiao.” Zhongli gestures at them and all three bow lightly. “Like you and I they all have the blood of xiānshòu, and you can ask them for anything should you need help or have questions. I hope you learn to trust them and feel at ease.”
You nod quietly, still a bit fixated on the other Alpha.
“Xiao, or general Alatus, is one of Liyue’s strongest, most resilient and skilled warriors. He usually keeps guard at the palace to ensure my wellbeing and now yours as well, if you ever feel danger call out his name and he’ll come.”
Ah, did they notice you were staring…?
With a gesture of his hand Xiao manifests a gorgeous Jade spear, crystalline green shards reflecting light as he taps it by his side, standing firm, you flinch in surprise. “My spear shall now serve you too, empress.” His eyes too are golden and sharp, filled with a certain rigidness and determination you can’t quite put your finger on.
“Thank you, Xiao, dismissed.”
Xiao hums quietly and promptly disappears in a burst of black and green smoke, you stand there a little startled, your hand clings to the brown fabric of Zhongli’s sleeve.
“He might be an Alpha as well, but I promise you he’ll cause you no harm.” Your alpha murmurs softly towards you.
“O-okay…” You squeak, a bit embarrassed.
“Ganyu here is one of the most reliable people in the palace, perhaps the entirety of Liyue. Everything of importance reaches her ears and passes through her eyes. She’s able to organize meetings, events, report, compile information and assist every negotiation and decision of this palace with stunning efficiency. She too will help you with anything you need and might be in charge of a little logistics regarding you settling in for the next few days.” Zhongli smiles.
The young woman with long blue hair and… horns? chuckles and blushes a little. “Your majesty, you're too kind, I merely love doing my job.” She puts her hands together and beams at you, sunset eyes bright. “I’m so honored to meet you, rest assured I’ll take care of anything you need. I hope you feel comfortable and welcome at the palace!”
That sounded like a lot. You weren’t used to people coddling you like this. You didn’t want to give anyone trouble or work. “T-that’s alright, thank you.”
“Now, Ping is probably going to spend the most time with you, she’s very knowledgeable in culture, history and the inner workings of the palace amongst other things. She has graciously offered to teach you liyuen and anything else you’d be interested in.”
Unlike the other two Ping has a certain calm aura to her, contrasting Xiao’s seriousness and Ganyu’s excited energy. You can tell she’s a gentle old soul as she approaches you with a soft wrinkled smile and graying hair.
“Don’t worry young empress, while Lord Morax here is regrettably busy with a work-packed schedule,” She gives him a playful side stare “You and I will have some fun. I’m sure we’ll get along just fine.” She takes your hand and pats it comfortingly. It’s kind of an awkward gesture for you, but you still welcome the warmth and good intentions.
Zhongli chuckles quietly. “In that case, I’ll leave you in her care and see you at night for dinner, alright?” He seems to hesitate for a moment but then cups your face in his hands and places a soft kiss at your forehead. The unexpected gesture has you blushing scarlet and your heart speeding up like crazy. His thumb brushes at the scales under your eyes, so affectionate in the smallest ways… “I know it’s not ideal, but it’ll be fine, yes?”
You stare at his golden eyes, the red lines, his handsome face framed with dark hair, his serene smile.
You don’t like this. You don’t want him to leave. The idea makes you uncomfortable.
But it’s not like you can say no.
You nod.
“Thank you, Ping.” Both of them exchange a glance and then he turns to the blue-haired woman still in the room. “Ganyu, if you will.”    
“Right away your majesty!” She scurries after him, talking quickly in foreign tongue while both walk away.
You stare after him for a moment longer.
“It’s a little difficult, isn’t it?”
You quickly turn back to Ping and then look down, ears folding back.
She laughs softly. “No need to be ashamed dear, it is understandable that you are unsure with all this, it’s a lot of changes for such a short time and you bond is still fresh, but let’s take it easy.”
Your hand brushes at Zhongli’s bonding mark again. “O-Okay…”
“Are you hungry? Tired? Perhaps you want to rest a little?”
You want to scurry away to your mate’s room and curl up there, that’s what you want, but…
“Um, aren’t you… going to train me?”
Ping blinks a little taken aback “Train? Oh! Teach?”
Same thing.
“Well, yes. I did offer, but only if you’re feeling up to it young empress. You can take your time, we don’t have to start right away. And like I said, take it easy, it's only your second day here.” She explains. “You won’t be absorbing any information if you are uncomfortable and jittery like this.”
“No need to apologize at all. Now tell me, is there anything you’ve seen or heard today that you’re curious about, anything you want to do?”
What you want…
You think back a few hours earlier. The infirmary, the small temple, the grand hall, and…
“The garden.” You speak. “Can we go outside and see?”
Ping smiles brightly. “Of course! I’m sure there are a lot of things there that will catch your interest and cheer you up.”
Your tail sways a little after you as you follow the old lady along the corridors.
The garden is breathtaking.
More than a garden it feels like a whole different world. Bright and exciting and colorful, full of life. It reminds you of an Oasis, but just… more!
A grand pond with multicolored fishes and a couple of turtles sunbathing. Walk paths made of stone, plants everywhere you see: in trees with vibrant yellows, oranges and all shades of greens, in flowers with soft colors and small petals, in thick bushes. The light filters through the leaves and there’s the soft tweets of small birds.
“It’s… so pretty!” You exclaim happily.
“I’m glad you think so. Gardens like this are carefully cared for and preserved to impress, but they also represent beauty, abundance a sense of harmony.” Ping explains as she is now the one following after you, skipping along the path. “These trees you see are sandbearers, and that one is a ginkgo tree, you can tell the difference by the shapes of their leaves.” She points at each one and you follow with your gaze, picking a small leaf from the floor, golden and fan-shaped.
“See those smaller fishes? They’re goldfishes. The bigger ones are kois.” She gestures at the animals freely swimming around. Some of them are huge!
“What do they eat?” You blurt out.
“Well, usually algae and wheat. We can get some another day and you can feed them.”
“Of course.”
“Oh! Is that a koi too? It’s so… long and pretty.”
“Ah, that one is a golden koi. Lord Morax has a few of them here. They are also called Jīnchì Jiǎlóng or ‘false dragons’ you know? For the small horns and long bodies. They do resemble your tail a little, don’t they?”
You move your tail forward and stare at it, then stare at the serpentine fish.     
“Yes, sort of… Jin chi… jia long.” You mumble.
“Here, I think you’ll like these ones. Come with me.” You eagerly follow after Ping as she rounds the pond and guides you towards a few red bushes. They’re dotted with pink round flowers. “These are silk flowers, Nícháng-huā, usually harvested to make clothes, but there are many special ornamental variants and between us both, your dear mate has a weak spot for these so he has quite the collection.” She chuckles.
“Ornamental, it means mostly for decoration.”
“Oh!” Suddenly you feel dumb, you’d thought for a second that was a liyuen word too. “I’m sorry… I don’t even know common tongue very well.” How could you even expect to learn liyuen?
“No worries, dear, learning a new language is a daunting task, it takes a bit of work every day. If you keep learning, using and practicing words, you’ll get there.”
You smiled softly. Ping was so… patient and supportive.
So much different from…
[You have to try harder.]
[Tch that is not good enough.]
[Are you stupid?!]
[Useless omega.]
You looked at the budding silk flowers and blinked. Once. Twice. Why was your vision blurry now? What was this feeling?
“Oh, oh young empress please don’t cry. It’s alright” Ping’s alarmed remark helps you understand. She fusses over you. “Are you ok?”
You wipe at your tears and smile, a genuine bright smile.
“I’m fine.”
And this time, you truly mean it.
After a rather fancy bath (the kind of like you used to take before being presented to Alphas, with bubbles and scented oils...) and a good dinner Zhongli and you headed over for his chambers for the night. You couldn’t help but be a little… nervous.
This is stupid. He’s your Alpha.
He’s been nothing but kind to you.
What if he wants to… d-do things?
Then you’ll do it. He’s your mate. It’s your obligation.
You were the one who chose this anyway.
Your heartbeat was loud in your ears, anxiety creeping up your chest. Were your fingers trembling? Was the room suddenly cold?
As expected, the bedroom was quite matching his style. Golds, browns and a bit of red and black here and there. Dragon imagery adorning some of the walls, a tea cabinet with a small table and shelves filled with all sorts of trinkets from precious stones and books to a beautiful fan and a tea set.
And then there was the bed.
A large canopy bed, enough to probably have your body and tail fully stretched across and still fit in the mattress, beautifully decorated and filled with fabrics and pillows.
The scent of Zhongli’s Alpha pheromones was definitely strong.
He yawns and runs a hand along his forehead, combing along his hair before pulling out the clip on it, letting his long dark locks spill free. He takes off his robe revealing his naked torso and you jolt.
It’s fine. It’s fine. It’s fine.           
You undress as well into your light sleeping clothes and gingerly slip into his bed, curling up around his pillows, surrounded by his scent.
You are his.
It’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine-
“Darling, is everything alright? Are you uncomfortable?” He asks concerned, climbing on the bed as well and reaching out to touch your arm. You squeak. “You’re… terrified, what’s wrong?” Then Zhongli’s eyes widen a little. “Oh. The scent… I completely overlooked that, my apologies. Is it too strong? Are you ok? Should have given you some things earlier for you to scent and include them here. This is no good…” He rambles a bit to himself as he sits up and crosses his arms thoughtfully.
You stare at him, anxiety still surging through your veins but now mixed in with confusion.
“Would you like to sleep in the other room we prepared for you instead?” He sighs.
“I… t-this is… you… would just let me leave?”
Zhongli tilts his head slightly, now he looks confused.
“I promised you that the room would be available-”
“So, you don’t want to mate?”
He stares at you for a moment as you grip at the bedsheets, still tense.
His eyes widen as realization settles in.
Ah. The pink dusting in his cheeks is back.
“Y-You thought that… no! My dear, no, no, no…” He coughs into his fist awkwardly. “I apologize if I gave you the wrong idea. A-As I said before I want you to be comfortable and feel safe. No Alpha will force you to do anything you don’t want. Not even me. And you don’t have to feel forced to do things you don’t want to, either.”
You look down. Although you feel slightly more relieved.
“I want to stay here. A-and if you want to, I’ll service you, my lord. I was just… nervous, sorry.”
“I assure you there is no need for any of that.” He says softly. “Here.”
He pulls the covers and slips them over you both, lying down facing you but still keeping a little distance. You do the same, curled up face to face with him.
He’s so effortlessly handsome.
And kind.
And you like him.
But he’s still an Alpha.
“Is this alright? We’re just going to sleep, I promise.” He brushes some hair away from your face.
You nod.
“Is there… anything you want to talk about or ask me?”
You... don’t know.
You shake your head.
“Hmmm. Want to share about your day? What were you up to with Ping?” He gives you a playful smile. Suddenly he feels less like an imposing strict emperor, or like a scary Alpha. He’s just your Zhongli.
“She… showed me the garden. I wanted to see.”
“Ah, the royal garden has many fascinating sights and it’s a beautiful landscape to retreat to and ease one’s mind. I had the feeling you’d be interested.”
“There were so many beautiful things. She taught me about the silk flowers, nícháng-huā. And all the trees and fishes and birds.”
“Oh? Are these your first words in liyuen, my dear?”
You giggle. “I… suppose they are. She also showed me your turtles Jiàn and Fù and told me what their names mean, they are so cute. Oh! And we saw the liúlí bah… bai… bǎihé! I sang to them and they bloomed! It was... amazing.”
“I see. Not everyone can achieve that, I’ll admit I’m quite hopeless at singing.” He chuckles “What more did you learn?”
Feeling much more content and at ease you continue retelling all the new things you had experienced and the vocabulary you had learned including how to introduce yourself and some greetings and basic words. Talking for what felt like hours until weariness and sleep claimed you both.
Zhongli simply listened and stared at you, captivated. He seemed content as well.
It made you happy.
For the next couple of months, you established a sort of routine.
You’d wake up early alongside Zhongli, even though you didn’t need to, you simply enjoyed having some morning tea and breakfast with him. Afterwards he’d go tend to some of his official duties and you’d stay with Ping Lǎolao, learning more and more each day. By now you could even follow some basic conversation (provided the other person didn’t speak too fast) although reading and writing was still extremely difficult.
You’d expressed interest in some gardening and even headed to the kitchens to prepare some food by yourself. The maids claimed there was no need for the empress to do such ‘menial tasks’ but as an Omega you pride yourself in certain things, and cooking for your Alpha was something you’d yearned to do.
You were overjoyed when Zhongli praised your Jade parcels.
You’d always have lunch with him and some days he’d accompany you for a stroll or you’d stay at his study for some leisure time, or even at some meetings. It had been a little unnerving at first but you also knew it was important to know others and be known in the council, as well as understand Liyue outside of the palace walls. After all, you are an empress now.
At night, you slept close to him. The initial awkwardness of sleeping at opposite sides of the bed soon traded for a much cuddlier approach, often with you curled up to Zhongli’s chest or him spooning you, tails often intertwined together. The bed and the entire room now have a mix of your combined scents, like true mates.
And so, life was good…
You’re slowly pulled out of your sleep as Zhongli stirs in the bed. You grumble a little and yawn, already missing his warmth. It was so pleasant…
“Good morning, my dear dragoness.”
“Morning…” You mumble, not opening your eyes and instead blindly reaching for his pillow to hug and cling to. “Can we stay for longer?” You whine.
“You definitely can, but I have to go.” He kisses your forehead “Rest, my dear.”
You pout but say nothing. Squeezing at the pillow and burying your face in it.
It smells so good…
“Hmm… is it warmer today?” You wonder aloud as the maids help you up with the layers of your hanfu. The clothes still hot and heavy in contrast to what you used to wear at the desert, but today seemingly more so… the sash feels more constricting than usual. “I-I think I’d like to wear something a little lighter… if possible.”
“Of course, your majesty, no problem.”
You smile at them, grateful.
Sitting at Zhongli’s study room you practice some basic liyuen calligraphy while he seemingly goes over some important documents. The silence is comfortable and a warm cup of Qixing tea steams at both desks. Yet, something keeps bothering you.
You huff lightly, scratching and picking at the scales of your tail, irritated with the uncomfortable feeling. Why is it so itchy? A couple of them fall off, revealing new glossy ones underneath.
“Ah…” So that means…
You stop for a moment. The feverish feeling, scents being stronger on your nose, the urge to nest and cling to your mate.
Hmm… part of you is a little excited. And yet, there is fear.
“You have quite the appetite today, dear. Eat slowly, the food won’t go anywhere.” Ping chuckles as you practically pick a little of every dish while still trying to keep some modicum of elegance. Chopsticks weren’t that easy after all.
“Yes… I think… I think it’s my pre-heat hormones.” You sigh before munching on a shrimp ball.
Your heat…
Your first heat with Zhongli. With any Alpha to be honest. You’d always had to endure them on your own (Master couldn’t have you get pregnant) and they were excruciating and debilitating, crying out for days with your skin burning and itching, trying to sate yourself with your fingers and humping pillows. But now… you’re happily bonded.
Would it… feel good again?
Like, that first time you two mated…
You feel your cheeks heat up.
“Excuse me?”
You’re brought back to reality to see Ping staring at you seemingly a little alarmed.
“Pre-heat? Young empress, are you going into heat soon?”
“Y-yeah? Probably um, tonight…? Or tomorrow.” The onsets are always so quick, and your cycle has always been more or less stable.
The elder places her chopsticks down. “Have you told Lord Morax?”
“Um. N-No, not yet. But… m-maybe he already caught on...” You tilt your head.
Then again even you took a couple of days to identify the signs, and now for sure you were at the brink of it. Maybe he’ll mate you tonight…
Hm… how will Zhongli react to your heat scent?
You have to do your best!
[Be a good omega.]
Ping stands up, her expression still gentle but with a sort of urgency to it, your instincts catch the feeling she’s worried about something.
“I have to inform about this, please stay here dear.”
Now you’re nervous. You nod slowly.
Why does it feel like you did something wrong…?
After that, things get… chaotic.
It’s only a while later that you find yourself at the infirmary. Ganyu and Zhongli are also there and everyone’s anxious pheromones in the air do not sit well with you (subtle as they are, your nose is hyperaware right now).
“I’m sorry the symptoms are already settled in. At this point it is simply not feasible to give her suppressants, she has to go through this heat.” Baizhu says, looking troubled.
Feasible? Suppressants? More unknown words but…
Is there something wrong with your heat?
Ganyu scurries off and Ping starts talking with Baizhu on the other side of the room. You cling to Zhongli’s robe, trying to soothe yourself with his presence but his scent is… agitated.
You whine to call out to him. You’re scared.
“Did I do something wrong?”
Zhongli pulls you close, cupping your face again, staring straight at you. “No… no my dear dragoness, of course you didn’t, it’s just…” He steels himself searching for the right words, it doesn’t ease you in the slightest. “We didn’t expect your heat so soon. I should have known, noticed… I’m sorry.”
Why is your alpha apologizing to you? That is ridiculous.
“Is it a bad thing?”
“It’s… not the right time.”
You’re so confused.
Don’t Alphas like it when Omegas are in heat? Soft, pliant, warm, needy and ready to breed.
“I just don’t want you to feel obligated to do this…” He says. “And… you could trigger my rut, you could end up pregnant. I don’t want to… scare you, or hurt you. It’s much too soon for us to share your heat. I thought we’d have more time for you to get acclimated to Liyue or…” He shakes his head. “Nevermind. For the next few days you’ll be in a separate room, yes? No one will disturb you during your heat, I promise.”
“B-But then… I… what…?”
“Usually omegas take suppressants, like a type of medicine, to stave off their heats so they don’t have to face these risks or suffer them alone, and then when they’re ready, when they want, they choose to share heats with their partners.” He explains.
“But I want to! I… I’ll be good!”
Zhongli sighs. “Darling you are good, you are precious to me. You don’t need to prove anything or do things because they are ‘expected’ of you.”
He’s not listening!
He asks you what you want. He says you can choose. But now that you tell him, ask him, beg him even… he denies you?
How come you’re always making the wrong choice?
Was it all a lie then?
“But I- T-then- Why-… YOU’RE CONFUSING ME!!” You yell, tears stinging in your eyes.
There are a few gasps and you see not only Baizhu and Ping, but Ganyu and some of the maids staring at you in shock. You cover your mouth, eyes wide at the sudden burst of fierceness and emotion.
You yelled at him.
You talked back.
You should be punished.
He stares at you, frozen like a statue for a few moments. You stare at him, pitiful, your eyes begging. A whimper leaves you and Zhongli lets out a shuddering breath.
Oh, your Alpha wants you, you know it.
"Please..." You mumble, voice so small.
"I'm sorry my dear, it's better this way." His hand moves towards you, to cup your face again or brush at your hair you're not sure, but he stops himself before you can find out. He sighs, averting his gaze and looking conflicted, and then turns around.
This is your punishment.
"It'll be just a few days, you'll be well-cared for. This is for the best." He says sternly, voice pinched.
And then he leaves.
Your heart shatters.
Everything is a blur after that. You’re gently guided along towards an empty nest room, the same one you'd first met him at, there are some things with both your scents on it but they feel sterile, washed anew.
Your hands start trembling. Your eyes start to water. Your lips quiver. Your throat feels tight, choked and dry. Your body feels feverish, hot and restless.
Zhongli rejected you.
“Your majesty please calm down."
You could no longer breathe, hear nor see. You feel like you're drowning, unable to process what just happened. Your mate…your precious mate…he…he…
He abandoned you.
“Your majesty…?"
You scream.
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signanothername · 26 days
Guess who finished their last day in their 1 year long internship?
This bitch
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Also i might have my name published in 4 research papers EEEEEEEE <3333
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floofeh-purpi · 3 months
Getting isekai'd?! (Part 6)
Sagau! Genshin Fatui x Gn! Reader (ft. Your bsf)
『Beloved fluffball/s mentioned below! 💜』
@justmare @mc-cos-charm @keirennyx
A/n: Almost at 50 fluffballs guys! 🥹
Warnings: Swearing, grammatical/spelling issues, bbg if you srsly forgot you have vitiligo, I couldn't find the image that I always use in the header thingy part so I had to improvise, y/b/f/n and you being silly.
【Part 5】
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The 5 signs that Our Holiness has descended upon Teyvat:
1. Golden blood.
2. The sound of Their Majesty's 'Kalimba' playing in the air.
3. Shooting stars.
4. Their Holiness' lovely voice.
5. Their dog that Their Majesty calls "Siberian Husky" yes aka your big baby sitting on your lap.
The Cryo Archon letted out a a quiet gasp. "How could I have forgotten the melodies My Grace used to play..." she thought as she closed the book and putted it back to its shelf, her shoes clicking against the floor of her icy-cold palace.
You hummed a song to yourself as you helped your friend build a wooden house in Minecraft. "Yo should we just do milk chocolate or dark chocolate planks?" You asked with a stupid grin on yoir face.
"Bitch you could've just said oak or dark oak planks... 😭" Your best friend said affectionately. And yet you deadass expect them to take you seriously when your like this. "But now im hungry wtf?" You both said in unison.
"Bitch? Anygays wanna go to the kitchen together?"
"Sure~!" Y/b/f/n said in the gayest fucking way possible.
You both turn off your computers and went to the kitchen.
You guys were eating (f/f) Y/b/f/n was eating it because you were eating it too :3 until a knock on the door rudely interrupted you guys' snacking session. "Stupid fucking door..." Y/b/f/n thought. How dare the person interrupt their precious time with you? But anyways, they go to the door open it, only to see a certain gingerhead whose alias is the literal opposite of what he is *EHEM* Child...
"Hello comarde! May I come in?"
"Yah, sure. 😐" Your bsf made some space for him to go through the door. "HOY (N/N), WE HAVE A VISITOR! PISTE KA" Y/b/f/n yelled at you.
"PISTE I HAVENT FINISHED MY FOOD" Tartaglia sweatdropped slightly as you cursed back before you took the last bite of your (f/f). You started to make you way into the living room. "Hah?"
"Oh? Is this your roomate, comrade?"
"Yas, this beautiful person over here is (Y/n), aka the other person you saw in that photo near the fireplace. 😍" Childe's smile faltered abit as he remembered how your bsf nearly made his skeleton jump by by saying that behind him. "Right..." But the moment he looked at you, his first thought was: "HOLY SHIT THEY LOOK MORE PRETTIER THAN THE PHOTO" He thought, not realizing he blushing like a fucking strawberry.
"Is bro ok...?" You almost had a hand on your mouth as you practically called one of the villians in the game one of the most casual terms you know.
"Nah. He'll be fineeee..."
Eeeeeeee finally done!
【Part 7】
Published: July 2 2024. 3:21pm.
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xxv4mp-g4z3rxx · 5 months
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absolutebl · 1 year
This Week in BL - Korea drops my favorite cameo ever & gives KISSES
Entirely subjective yadda yadda. Organized sorta by favs in each category.
Sept 2023 Wk 1
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Ongoing Series - Thai
I Feel You Linger in the Air (Fri grey) ep 4 of 12 - Well that’s one way to find out if he’s gay, see how he reacts to reading a het sex scene out loud. Yai is flirting so hard it’s like he knows everything. 
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Dangerous Romance (Fri YT) ep 4 of 12 - Oh no! I love them. Also cohabitation trope! Also ALL the other ones: hair dry, meet in childhood... GMMTV going no frills with this one.
Hidden Agenda (Sun YT) ep 9 of 12 - Zo’s drama over Pat helping Joke flirt seems awfully manufactured. I’m losing faith in this show. Could GMMTV PLEASE hand JoongDunk a decent script? 
Only Friends (Sat YT) ep 5 of 10 - Sand & Ray are the only interesting couple, and I’m pretty much only watching for them. They gonna go south fast, tho, and they're already ruined by persistent singing. Ooo. When Sand said Top "stole his ex" did he mean Boston? How gay. 
Naughty Babe (Sat YT) ep 2 of 8 - The pronoun conversation had a bonkers translation but I enjoyed the actuality of it. The reasons for Yi's trickery are very convoluted soap opera. But I suppose that is the amnesia trope for you. 
Be Mine Super Star (Mon Viki) ep 10 of 12 - Boys. We discussed this already. No sex in onsens! I found this one dull, until the end when LLS showed up. Happy to just have him in everything. Thank you Thailand. Looks like it is a classic ep 11 DOOM next week. Who cares? 
Venus in the Sky (Tues iQIYI) 1-2 of 10 eps - The usual Thai pulp claptrap this time a reunion romances in and around a convenience store between a boy who recently quit his job and his former bestie who is now a doctor. Mostly not great acting, plot, or production but the sound is okay and no bad effects or singing (so far), so that’s something. The gay brothers have a fun relationship. It’s vampy and campy but fun. I like it but not sure anyone else would.
Love in Translation (Sat iQIYI) ep 4 of 10 - The date was cute but I still don’t like the lead or the premise (we moved into Cyrano de Bergerac territory). It’s moving slowly but it seems like we might be over the crush/stalker part of the narrative, so that’s a relief. 
Crazy Handsome Rich (Sun Gaga) ep 2 of 10 - I just can’t. The sound is too weird. With punch down humor and other issues incoming I may DNF this. You’ve been warned. This ep we got to see LLS with his shirt off. Did anything else happen? 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Jun & Jun (Korea Thur Viki) ep 8fin - No wonder he is everyone’s favorite hyung, boy can read the room like no one else. I love that we got to see exactly how clingy and demanding Choi Jun was always going to be. Only Lee Jun is easy-going enough to put up with him. Also I’ve never watched a KBL with more innuendo. For Korea this was… raunchy. I gotta say had Laws of Attraction not come along, Simon might have been my favorite character of 2023.
Final thoughts on Jun and Jun:
A delightful office romance about an ex-idol who joins cubical life only to find his new boss is his first love. Others boys are sniffing around too. Operative word being "sniffing" as much of this romance involves smell. With a snappy script, enjoyable sides, a pretty as peaches cast, and descent chemistry this show made up for in style what it lacked in substance. I like fluff. I loved this. I smiled every moment I was watching. With tons of rewatch potential (especially the last few eps), my only caution is this is for fans of the BL genre only, I don’t think it’ll work for anyone else. A solid 9/10 from me. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
I like that Korea is trying high heat, but Taiwan and Thailand are leaps and bounds better at it.
Love Class Season 2 (Korea Fri Viki) eps 9-10fin -
Omg they so cute as flirty bf. Eeeeeeee! CAMEO!!!!! My fav guest couple ever! So exciting!!!! I love that they intersected with MY Strongberry couple (Private Lessons). I’m not used to this but Holy innuendo Korea, what with Jun & Jun and now this show? It’s a bit much for my gay little heart. The final episode was entirely unnecessary, but it was fun to see them being all domestic and stuff. Maru with his dumb lettuce leaves was hilarious. I feel like I need to rewatch this one to really understand it properly, so I will likely do that soon.
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Summary of Love Class 2:
3 couples form within a semester of university: 1. a hyung romance reunion of exes, one of whom has a dangerous past, 2. a friends to lovers romance, and 3. a mature student and TA one night stand + complexities (many aspects of which had me laughing). I enjoyed the characters and dialogue of this show immensely. It was a little bit more breezy and friendly than I was expecting after the first installment, Love Class. I’m not entirely sure Korea can handle multiple couples like this because it definitely felt disjointed, especially the 3rd more mature couple (also my favorite) who probably should’ve had their own series. But it was definitely fun and something different from Korea. 8/10 RECOMMENDED
Also, Korea tried to give us higher heat... that was... interesting. I mean, you tried hon...?
Kisseki: Dear to Me (Taiwan Tues Viki & iQIYI) ep 4 of 13(?) - Everyone is a sad sack this ep. Ooooo. Teach/student my favorite. We never get this one. It’s messy. I’m not sure if there is a plot. I’m not sure they’re sure if there is a plot. But I am still enjoying it.
Why R U? (Korea Wed iQIYI) eps 5-6 of 8 - Why is the Fighter character always so frustrating regardless of name or country? Ji Oh stalking his crush via IG is so relatable. He’s very first crush awkward, unsure, and sweet. They also gave a nice kiss - I love the backpack drop (kiss version of a mic drop?) I still hold that if you haven’t seen the original this might not make much sense. But I am enjoying it. 
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My Personal Weatherman AKA Taikan Yoho (Japan Sat Gaga) ep 4 of 8 - Oh goody, another JBL where we have to pay attention solely to what they do and not what they say. 
Minato's Laundromat Season 2 AKA Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2 (Japan Thu Gaga) ep 9 of 12 - Big fat sigh. 
It's Airing But...
My Universe (Sun iQIYI) ep 3 of 24 eps - I couldn't get hold of it and I'm not mad. I'm putting it on hold until distribution gets sorted, or icky get their shizz in order (like that'll happen).
Next Week Looks Like This:
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9/15 You Are Mine (Taiwan Gaga) Secretary has to deal with grumpy boss.
9/15 Bump Up Business AKA Bump Up Project (Korea movie) suspected cinema release? I don't know much about what's going on. Last status update. Love story between a trainee who is about to debut and a celebrity from the same agency. Kpop boy group OnlyOneOf has signed up to star in this idol-based BL (based on a webtoon). They’ve been auditioning for this since Libido IMHO. You can watch me chronicle their BL MV series in this post. It’s from Idol Romance who will do sad but can do good kisses (Wish You, Nobleman Ryu, Once Again, Kissable Lips, Poongduck 304, Tasty Florida, Tinted With You).
Still To Come In September
9/26 I Cannot Reach You AKA I Can't Reach You AKA Kimi ni wa Todokanai (Japan ????) - Adapted from the manga, childhood best friends: The cool, smart one who’s good at everything, and his average, dorky friend who struggles. Always by the other’s side, but not together in the way they truly want to be. No matter how hard they try, their hearts cannot reach each other.
9/27 Absolute Zero (Thai iQIYI) - from 2021, Studio Wabi Sabi and New Siwaj finally bring us this “time loop to prevent tragedy” romance. We don’t always get HEAs from them, so I'm on my guard.
9/27 Bon Appetit (Korea iQIYI) - from 2022, 8 eps from GoGo Studio, romance between an office worker who lives off junk food and the man next door who cooks well.
9/? Mr Cinderella 2 (Vietnam YouTube?)
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED).
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I love him. And I love his version of this character better than Jimmy's.
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I also love it when a show gets meta. (Both Why R U? Korea) Why they didn't just go for YRU? the world may never know.)
(Last week) 
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mkys-emotes · 5 months
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silalcarin · 7 months
There should be more fanfics/fanart about Squall and Angelo's friendship
I was watching this walkthrough of Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia, and among the Lost Chapters — specifically, The Ice Reaper chapters — more specifically, The Secrets of Silent Types chapter — there's a conversation between Rinoa, Eiko, and Trey about silent-type/taciturn/lonely characters and their love for animals.
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Take a good look at what Rinoa says about Squall and her dog, Sant' Angelo di Roma:
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"Squall and Angelo are like best friends."
It reminds me of two scenes in Disc 3 of Final Fantasy VIII:
When Angelo follows the party into Lunar Gate, and Squall silently reassures her that he'll take care of Rinoa:
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And when the party is at Edea's House, where, if Rinoa is not in Squall's party, he has a silent conversation with Angelo before she arrives:
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In a relatively short amount of time (since, officially, it's never been established how much time passes during the main narrative of Final Fantasy VIII), Squall did become like best friends with his girlfriend's dog after all.
And~ now I want to see more fanfics and/or fanart of Squall and Angelo's friendship~
NOTE 1: View the screenshots from left -> right.
NOTE 2: I am posting this before Opera Omnia ends its services. Tomorrow, Wednesday 2/28/2024 is the last full day of service for this iOS / Android video game! On Thursday 2/29, it will close its services for good.
RIP Opera Omnia, you will be missed~ ☹️😔😞🥺😢😭
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rayofmisfortune · 8 months
Mayyyyyyyy I hear about some of the lore for the fireboy and watergirl au? Or just anything you feel like sharing about it >_<
I'm just basically asking you to ramble about your thing if you'd like
(Even if it doesnt have much on it posted rn I really love it already >_<)
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( @millenniumproductions tagging you so you get the notif as well eheh, hope that's okay)
I LOVE the idea of calling them Solare and Wamoon! Would it be alright with u if I refered to them with those names? :0 more than okay if not!
Didn't expect people would like this lil idea of mine but EEEEEEEE I'VE NEVER BEEN MORE GLAD TO BE WRONG
The au's lore?
Basicallyyyy the au starts off the same as the 'Eclipse's horrible puzzle in vrchat' video. With a TWIST- Solar and Moon literally get turned into fireboy and watergirl!
The temple they are both trapped in is more reminiscent to the one you have to get through in the actual fireboy and watergirl games! (Thinking the temple from FB&WG 1) So, they have to find their way through various difficult puzzles to get out and escape.
About Solar and Moon
Just like fireboy and watergirl, they can't touch the other's element. With one added bonus: they can't even touch eachother. They wouldn't die from such a small exposure, but boi does it hurt when they do accidentally brush shoulders.
Solar's gloves are the only means by which he can touch Moon to not get hurt. And similarly, Solar's gloves are the only thing Moon can touch without any pain response.
They both have control over their respective elements, which can be utilised in solving some of the puzzles!
The temple
I'd imagine the temple is under some form if spell cast by Eclipse to make it have these effects on people. Picturing a sort of magical dome in which the spell has its effect. Plus, now it's a little more than a "shitty puzzle" hehe
There are no respawns. It's not a game. When one of them enters the other's element (Solar steps into water, Moon steps into lava. Both step into acid.) they have only a few moments to get out before they get extinguished/vaporised. When this happens, they get seriously injured and need to take a moment to recover. (Or insist on being fine and push on to just get out already. Surely the exit to this place is just behind this room's doors, right?)
Their reaction to waking up in the temple (and the reason why it took me so long to answer ahaha):
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karoiseka · 15 days
8) Free Day 1
((Here we go!! 7.0 opening spoilers, and naught else except for some major lore drops on my end for my OCs! Eeeeeeee! [and despite the mentioning of, I didn't take the time to edit int he hair tassels... maybe later...]))
Sea salt tickled her nose as the bright sun shone down.  It was the perfect day for the start of a new adventure.  A tad bittersweet that she was leaving her loves behind–but Thancred was at least out on his own adventure with Urianger, and G’raha had been the perfect gentleman, offering his own spot to Krile.  She did have the most intriguing reason for going, and Karo couldn’t wait to dig more into that mystery with her.
She had packed light, like she usually did.  A few good changes of clothes, personal items, and writing implements.  A handful of linkshells–if they’d even work at that distance–a warm cloak, and two distinctive pieces of jewelry that she never took off except to wash.  The first was the one most had gotten to recognize ever since she returned from the first, crystal and silver hanging from the braids she had styled her hair into.  Precious pieces of the Crystal Tower, crafted by G’raha while still on the First, a symbol of his love, and something to remind her of the First wherever she went.
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The second was much more recent, but equally as precious and even more meaningful somehow.  The braided chain necklace that kept slipping under her tunic; tri-colored metals woven together and holding yet another shard of the First’s Crystal Tower.  What it symbolized was still only known to three people on the Source–and four on the First.  They had decided to keep it that way for a while–-the three of them–until the time felt right to announce it.  Between all the Void nonsense and now the travel to Tural–they hadn’t been all together much.  Karo’s fingers brushed over the shard, thinking happily of her betrothed.  Yes, they would keep it a secret just a little longer.
She had said goodbye to Raha privately, knowing that she would be a mess at the docks otherwise, and he respected her wishes to join Ameliance, Fourchenault, and Tataru on the harbor shore instead of walking her to the dock.  Having her emotions sorted before she reached the ship turned out for the best, for as she reached the bottom of the long stairs down from the Annex, the wanderlust hit with a force it hadn’t in ages.  This was finally a trip for the sake of adventure–and sure, to help a girl be worthy of her father’s throne–but a new land to be explored all the same.
The harbor was bustling as it always seemed to be, full of boats small and large.  Some simple fishing boats, headed not far from the shore, or returning with an early morning’s catch already.  Mid-sized ships heading to the other local isles with supplies, ready to return with raw materials and research paraphernalia.  And then there were the large sea-faring ships like what she was headed for.  Those that could and would span the great expanse, creating paths where there were once none.  Some lead back to Eorzea and even further East to Othard and Doma, but the largest in the harbor was the ship to Tural; able to withstand whatever the sea should throw at them.
Erenville was waiting for her as she strode forth, smile dancing on her lips.  They fell into stride, heading to the ship.  Not much was said–both glad to take in the morning’s fair turn as they strode to reach their waiting companions.  Tural awaited.
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As the ship to Tural slowly filled with new travelers, a pair still lingered from the voyage to Sharylan.  A bored looking hrothgar lass leaned against the deck, as her companion, a miqo’te bounced to each new group of people to board, asking the same question over and over.  Did they know a miqo’te–looked similar to himself, but with black hair and blue eyes? Most ignored his pleas, others gave curt negatives, and some few he was able to coax a small conversation from.  Each time, the answer was nearly the same; they had seen ladies of that complexion before, mostly on the mainland of Eorzea, and none they knew personally.
He had already asked the entire crew before they were even a day away from Tural, several commiserating on losing a family member at an early age.  The story was an odd one though from anyone’s account.  When the siblings had been young–too early to read even–their father had taken the younger girl away on a long journey.  The boy and his mother had been left behind, their lifestyle changed radically to provide funds for wherever it was the others were traveling.  Well over a year later, the father had returned, sister nowhere to be found, and no mention beyond some mutterings of fate, the name Khrrosaka was never spoken in the household from that day forth.
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Tail and ears low, Rremeyo finally nodded to his companion, and the two wound their way down from the deck to the dock–gently going against the influx of new travelers boarding.  The voyage had been longer than he realized, and from the time Tural’s coast disappeared from view, he had been on edge.  Never had he been on a boat for so long–nor had been not able to see land.  The rocking reminded him of flying in the dirigibles, swaying gently–and sometimes not so gently in the wind.  Those were always shorter trips though, and land always easily in sight.
He knew that his curiosity had both amused and annoyed the crew in equal measures, figuring out early who was willing to indulge him in sea tales, and what each part of the grand ship did.  It settled his anxiety, writing in his journal all he had found so far–and realizing that he was going to need several more of the books before his journey was done.
As the cold air hit his face, Rremeyo finally looked up at the city they had arrived in.  To say it was the opposite of Tuliyollal was an understatement.  One of the only things in common was that the two cities were built of stone–-but what difference the type of stone made!
Instead of warm reds and yellows being the undertone, everything here radiated stark white trimmed with a blue that matched the clear harbor waters.  Rounded roofs were common, the gentle curves off-setting the pointed angles of the rest of the buildings.  They were both built up from their harbors, steps winding into the city.  Whereas Tuliyollal was a riot of color, Sharylan oozed stark elegance and aloofness in its austerity.  Rremeyo shivered slightly as the breeze blew in off the sea, playing with his hair and chilling his ear tips.
A gentle nudge from Xik’nal reminded him that he had stopped like the country bumpkin he was to stare while on the gangplank.  Flushing, he started moving again, boots hitting the stone dock finally.  Swaying momentarily–regaining his equilibrium on land–he glanced up at his traveling companion with a nod, and headed into the city, starting to chat about where to go first–and the possibility of booking another ship to Eorzea sooner rather than later.
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Perhaps it was Nymeia’s lasting influence on the situation, or Hydaelyn having one last little chuckle in the lifestream, but mere fulms apart, the two siblings did pass, neither realizing–or even remembering–whom the other was.  A new journey was beginning for both, and where it would lead, not even the gods knew.  
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httpsmaplesyrup · 1 day
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