delicatepointofview · 3 months
gonna have to deal with people missing the point of louis singing 1d songs in festivals... don't get me started on the other covers
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AITA for responding honestly on a poll?
Someone I follow but am not friends with recently made a poll that asked “What do you think of my writing?”
The options were something like. 1) Love it! 2) I like it/it’s alright 4) Hate it and I hate you and 5) Haven’t read it.
Now. I don’t follow this person for their writing, but I HAVE read it, and… in my personal opinion, it’s terrible. Absolutely not my taste and absolutely not up to my personal standards. I’m sure there’s plenty of reasons that other people enjoy it, but those reasons are not clear to me.
Anyway, I didn’t want to lie on the poll. Obviously I don’t hate the person who made it but I assumed the “and I hate you” was to be silly, like when people add an option on a poll thats like “No wtf thats weird” even though most people that chose that don’t think it’s weird. So either way I voted “I hate it” but if I actually was able to tell the person themselves I’d probably say more “It’s definitely not my thing” but that was the closest option. I felt a little bad because of the harsh wording but I didn’t think too much of it.
Anyway, a week goes by, they see the results. It was mostly “Never read it”s and “I love it”s with a good amount of “It’s alright” and just a small amount of “I hate it”. However, even though it was the lowest answer, they saw the amount of people who voted that (I think around 5% with a sizable sample size) and it completely devastated them.
They started going off about how rude it was and how shocked they were that so many of their followers hated them. They asked why people would even follow them if they hate them. I started panicking and sent them an anon or two explaining that I didn’t actually hate them, I just wasn’t into their writing and that was the closest answer given — they responded by saying “Just don’t vote then”. I thought it was a little ridiculous to make a poll asking what people thought of their writing but not want people to say anything negative — I understand not wanting constructive or negative criticism but they literally asked.
But I still feel really bad and I’m not sure if I should have just lied or ignored the poll altogether. Obviously I’m not the only one who voted that but still. Was I wrong?
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orkbutch · 9 months
i am a butch now but i don’t know whether that’s true or not anymore. i want to take T, but at what point am i actually just a trans man? have you question that line in the sand at all yet?
Oh boy.
I can only talk from my perspective on this, others may differ, and thats because "whats the difference between a butch on T and a trans man" is such a new sociological concept that its basically in the very beginnings of its infancy. its SO new, and neither Butch nor Trans Man nor Trans Masc have secure, well established roots as social identities or concepts. It may seem like they do and it may seem like there are rules or lines that are firm, but when you step back, zoom out, and consider them in the context of broader society (and especially compared to the idea of a Man and Woman), they do not. These are social contructs that are actually very early in their construction, and we are doing the constructing like, right now, within this ask.
That said, I can tell you why I don't identify as a trans man fairly easily: I don't care about men or the idea of a man. "Man" as a static concept is like... I don't know what that is. Its almost alien to me.
Now, to ramble that point out:
I have considered if I'm a man throughout my life. The closest I've been to identifying as a man was when I was in a period in my life when I considered that there was at least an aspect of me that was drawn to Manhood. Also, as I came to be read as a man in my public life, i supposed that in social situations when I was being treated as a man and I didn't correct people because I didn't care to, and I even enjoyed it somewhat and leaned into that role, I was essentially Being a Man (socially). So Man came to be a role I found myself in occasionally, and Manhood came to be a vaguely defined something that was intriguing to me.
But these moments of Man Feeling ended up being more like exceptions that proved the rule. Anyone can feel a bit like a man in the right circumstance, because gender isn't static; its something we can and often do play with, and phase through. I feel like music puts me in some heavily gendered spaces, like Everyone has a part of them thats a woman when they're belting along to "I'm Every Woman", yknow. Anyway.
I didn't feel like a man that much. I didn't feel like a woman that much either. I felt like a butch more frequently, because when I do things that indulged my masculinity, when I'm consumed by my love and attraction to femininity, when I think about the queers that I admire most, I felt butch, and was drawn to butches and interesting queer women. Leslie Feinberg, Frida Kahlo, Nancy Grossman, Patricia Highsmith, leather dykes and femme pro-doms, transgender queens... I've just never been that drawn to the experience of being a man. I've never been interested in men, frankly. Every man I've admired has been very much despite being men. Sufjan Stevens, Clive Barker, David Lynch, David Cronenberg, John Waters... great and usually queer artists whose gender is irrelevant because I like their work. The only man in that list who I have some personal affection for is Sufjan Stevens. He is an angel.
If I'm going to be a gender, its going to be the gender I admire. That I aspire to. I don't aspire to any man. Perhaps I aspire to a kind of body or a kind of masculinity, and sometimes men do that, but thats just a lack of other non-man representations of the thing I like. When I see in butches, it feels like a depiction of Me. Also WOW do I So Not feel like a man when I'm with my lovers. Sometimes I feel a bit like a man when I'm in a certain headspace while domming or if I'm having the rare T4T(masc) dalliance, but I feel very dyky when I'm with femmes. I just don't FEEL manhood. And I don't really care for man. Edit: I will say, there is a kind of Queer Man Masculinity that I definitely admire and aspire to, like that depicted by Tom of Finland or various other usually kinky gay art. But again, I don't see the Man part as important - its the masculinity. Btw, imo, there is no line in the sand as far as transition stuff. I'm very dysphoric about my body and that's never been about how I'm seen by others; it's my comfort in my own skin, and doesn't change my indifference to men or manhood. and that is my butch vs trans man ramble
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blkkizzat · 19 days
Kali losing her virginity story time when
sis lmfao it's not glamorous... ngl i 18 and i was crossfaded af at a college party and "superman" by eminem was playing.
LMFAO A MESS, ill talk about it but i don't wanna trigger anyone so under the cut. tw sex under the influence; dubcon
i probably wasn't in the right mind frame to consent or anything tbh (so please dont be like me stay safe). well, honestly now that i think about it, i think it was just that last bong hit that had me out of my mind. although i was already naked atp lol so i was down to have sex. but right after that's when i blacked out and when i came to i was literally moaning as ol'boy had a mouth full of my pussy hjdfasdjhfasdjh. i just wanted to lose my v and get it over with so i was happy to go with the flow. (disclaimer: back in the day when i was drinking hard dark liquor and mixed it with weed i would literally black out, but not go unconscious but just lose that time and not know wtf i was doing for the last 20 mins. But people have told me i was talking/acting like normal so idk.bdjhsdfjh but it happened then too. its only happened to me like 3-4 times tbh all when i binge drank heavy in college and smoked a fuckton of weed. so no it wasn't like i was unconscious and he was hooking up with me anyway).
that said, ngl that was some of the best sex i ever had in college. high sex is always great for me tbh and i dont remember it hurting much (but he had also just ate me out for like 45 min) but i think me and ol'boy just had good natural chemistry. he lived on the 3rd floor and my friends on the first floor said they heard me kfjhsdkjshdfkvjhsd.
one awkward asf thing though is the guy did not know i was a virgin and i would have told him if i wasnt so fucked up fjkhrfkdhgkdf.
also just wanna note, im not sad or upset at all. i always gave zero fucks about the construct of virginity (personally, please if you want it to be nice and special that is your preference and nothing is wrong with that). and sidenote thats why other than the one virgin!reader fic i will write (she wont really give af either tho tbh), i dont like writing virgin!reader cause i dont believe in idealizing it.
honestly i just wanted to lose it cause up until that point i was scared to use a tampon and was tired of being in the bloody dirt trenches with pads fhsdfjkhasfjaksh. like it wasnt even about "losing my virginity to a tampon", i was just scared to put it in. but literally got my period a week later and was like "well a dick has been in me" and found the courage to put it in. i was a silly bitch im fully aware LOL!
but i will say, it was this weird thing after where i felt bad for NOT feeling bad. like i had other friends who idealized virginity so much (then were all pikachu face when they found out i didnt want to tell them i had sex), i felt like there was something wrong with me for not thinking it was a big deal. even sometimes now, i wont want to discuss it just because so may people do idolize it its annoying to have to deal with their reactions and reassure them "no i dont feel like i was SA'd, no i dont regret it, yes i actually enjoyed the experience."
however i will say now im in the middle.
these days im alot more selective with who i fuck as personally i subscribe to the ideas of tantra/tantric sex. That while you can have sex without emotions, you can't have it without an energy exchange. sometimes ive felt shitty after one-night stands or liked the friends with bennies for the pleasure in sex but felt off after. i realized that those feelings weren't due to guilt from slut-shaming but the fact that their energy was off and it was now having an effect on me. so rn im DTF 100%—but yo energy gotta be right. and usually i cant tell that just from the bar or first meeting so ive been waiting more.
i rambled again jsdhsdjhbj but oh well.
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asummersday · 1 year
For the blow up your inbox (Also I am reading the new chapter TONIGHT or so help me 🔫) which rise ninpo power would you want to have?
And by this I mean either you use them for fighting villains
Or just in everyday life.
OR, if you had to create a new ninpo power for say Venus (rest in peace) what would her power be?
take your time! i know irl stuff gets in the way and oh boy do i know what its like to say "i'll do this thing" and forget because i didn't set myself a reminder lmao. hope you enjoy the chapter!!
thats a good question! honestly, while they all have super cool powers, i think i'd really like to have donnie's green ninpo. maybe i wouldnt be able to use it in my day-to-day life, but it would be cool as fuck to just be able to construct any weapon at a whim. donnie's more tech-oriented, but since we've seen him construct shields, they should pretty much be able to be anything. so. ninpo swords. ninpo handgun. if donnie's weapons do actual damage, who's to say you can't just create a ninpo baseball bat and just go ham on someone pissing you off?
just overall, i think it would be a fun power to have. i'd definitely abuse the fuck out of it though lmao.
that, and purple is my favorite color. an added bonus.
and just for funsies i'll answer the venus one, too.
i'll be honest, i don't know much of anything about venus, so i'm just assigning her a ninpo based on what i think would be very cool to see. honestly? photokinesis. light manipulation in an animated fight would be so incredibly awesome to see.
plus it's just a cool power overall.
yeah, she can manipulate light, but listen. she could bend the light to make herself effectively invisible. darkness is just the absence of light, right? so, in a fight, she could just. metaphorically turn off the light and blind her enemy. since the turtles usually go out at night, she'd just have to turn off streetlights and let her enemies adjust to fighting with just the moonlight or something.
light does so many things, so she could have x ray vision, see infrared light, probably several other things i haven't thought of.
she can see the shrimp colors.
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Alrightyyyyy, I just watched the 2018 JCS Concert version and its probably my least favorite version of this musical so far and, unless theres another 'official' proshot of it that Im not aware of yet, I have little doubt that this will be my least favorite professional version. Its not bad, theres certainly things to enjoy but theyre mostly smaller details and I dont really think the whole managed to be greater than those smaller parts, yknow?
Something that I enjoyed overall as someone whos watched and analysed three other versions of this musical before watching this one, is that there were a lot of points where I could tell that the people behind this were inspired by previous versions but still trying to put their own spin on it and not directly copy certain ideas, that was fun
The camera work was fine, there were a few shots that felt kinda awkward like one where Pilate or some other character I dont really remember, just stares dead into the camera with such a weird expression, it made me cringe a little, but otherwise I dont have much to say about it. I unfortunately dont have a whole lot to say about the staging or lighting or costumes either when I usually talk a lot about those so Im expecting this post to be on the shorter side just for that lmao. Like with the musical overall, those elements arent bad theyre more just lacking or dont quite come together as a whole. I did really like the set though, that sort of under construction cathedral looks really cool and it fits this more abstract telling of the story. It kinda reminded me of the 2000s version, which was also a lot more abstract than either the 73 or 2012 versions but was bogged down by these weird occasional half-hearted attempts at more modern political commentary, which this 2018 version doesnt have so I think its an improvement in that way. And just to be clear, I dont have an issue with newer versions of JCS trying for more relevant political commentary at all, I think its actually very appropriate, they just didnt do a very good job at it in the 2000s one and it honestly seemed like they were going to have the same issues in this version at the very start but they didnt, so that was good. The direction in the 2000s movie is wayyyyyy better though and I found it more enjoyable overall despite that and despite really disliking the lead actors
Speaking of which, I actually didnt really like most of the performers in this one. Judas started out great, he reminded me a lot of 73!Judas which is high praise from me since thats my favorite version and when I rewatched it I was metaphorically laying on my stomach with my head propped up on my hands kicking my legs back and forth like a middleschooler with a crush whenever he was on screen. Unfortunately I do think he got a bit worse over the course of the show to the point where he was 'just' good, which, hey, thats still not bad at all and pretty enjoyable to watch and listen to but still a bit of a disappointment because I honestly thought he did an amazing job with Heaven On Their Minds and even in Strange Thing, Mystifying (although that song had a bit of a weak start imo) and his part in Everything's Alright so the decline was still pretty noticeable. I did like his body language and the way he characterized Judas though
This Jesus was kind of a funny one because based on his appearance and vibes alone he probably has the most Just Some Guy energy out of all the Jesuses Ive seen which is saying a lot and yknow, I enjoy that. And then he opens his mouth to sing for the first time and its absolutely amazing and Im like WOAHH because his voice instantly makes me Get why people would wanna listen to this guy and follow him and stuff. Like, I think Jesus is a very difficult role because you have to balance coming across as detached from the people around him because hes experiencing stuff they genuinely cant understand with coming across as charismatic enough to make it believable that this cult of personality would form around while not making him come across as too much of a holier-than-thou asshole, and I think casting a pretty unassuming guy with a kind of stiff but fairly unremarkable way of holding himself but whose voice is very powerful wouldve been an excellent way to portray him. Im saying 'would have' because while hes great for his first few lines and has some moments where I think he really shines sprinkled throughout the musical, but overall he just kinda gets worse from song to song imo. Its not even like hes good for the entire first act and then gets weirdly bad in the second one, like the reverse of 2012!Jesus who was pretty weak in the first act but then randomly got really good in the second one, he just gets progressively worse its a real shame. But I still wanna mention those moments where he really shines, spoiler alert theyre mostly when he gets angry; when hes yelling at Judas in Strange Thing, Mystifying, hes pretty good in The Temple, both when hes yelling n shit and when he has that short quiet verse between the two parts and during his parts in Trial Before Pilate. Funnily enough those parts are also all parts I really liked in the 1973 german version and his delivery is very similar to that Jesus but thats just a coincidence lol
I also have a lot of things to say about like, the non-singing parts of his performance but in the interest of not talking about Jesus for too much bc I still have a lot of other stuff to talk about, Im just gonna talk about something I noticed during Simon Zelotes in this. In the other versions Ive watched it was pretty clear that Jesus was uncomfortable during that part and I noticed that he really wasnt in this 2018 one, which I initially found interesting (in a positive way) because I hadnt seen that interpretation before but then I thought about it some more afterwards and I was like, ohhhhhh yeah, theres a reason I havent seen that interpretation before huh. I think him being perfectly comfortable during this scene makes him feel a lot more, idk if this is the right word exactly, thoughtless ? he feels very No Thoughts, Head Empty, is what Im trying to say. And it makes him come across as less complex and kind of undermines a big running theme in this musical which is that no one really understands Jesus because hes mentally ill on a mission from god. Also, Simon Zelotes very much feels like its trying to comment on the hollow nature of praying to a guy whose actual teachings you dont really follow and that really loses its impact when Jesus just like. agrees, basically. On top of that it makes Poor Jerusalem kinda come out of nowhere so that makes for a weird experience
So, since Ive talked about Jesus and Judas individually I also wanted to spare some time to talk about what theyre like together since their relationship is a pretty big focus. I dont have a lot to say about the kiss that I havent already said in my first post about this version, its awkward I hate how the hug thats supposed to happen afterwards comes in weirdly too late, I did not like it. at all. And after I made that initial post I realized that part of the reason it felt so weird and awkward is probably because they have basically no physical contact with each other before (or after) this and like. Theres a lot of physical contact between Mary and Jesus and Mary and Peter and I think there was atleast an attempt from her to reach out to Judas and touch his arm at some point and when you pay attention to the extras theres a lot of touching going on too, especially during the The Last Supper which is yknow, the scene that almost directly procedes the kiss so its like, extra noticeable. And its extra weird because theres a lot more physical contact between Jesus and Judas in other versions and in this one its like they wont even stand too close to each other for some reason.
Anyway, moving on to a character that I usually dont have a lot to say about: Mary. I like her but shes not that complex and while her songs definitely definitely arent bad (bc none of the songs in this show are bad imo) theyre not necessarily songs I would listen to on their own, but again, I like her and I think she usually manages to seem interesting even when the play doesnt really focus on her. So it surprised me that they could make her so bland in this one. Ive thought about this for quite a while now and I still cant quite get a handle on why exactly she comes across like that, but I think its because shes lacking that bit of edge that Mary had in the previous versions Ive watched. Like, in the 1973 movie shes kinda grimy because everyone is kinda grimy (I think 70s movies are just kinda like that) and I remember her voice having a bit of roughness to it and she did come across as a bit cold on my first watch, like, I was obviously expecting her to be a pseudo-love interest for Jesus but thats just because Im aware of certain conventions that dictate that any piece of media needs some kind of romantic subplot, not because she actually came across as romantically interested in him. Then in the 2000s version she was pretty passive agressive towards Judas and they did some stuff to make them more obvious foils of each other and Ive talked about this before, this ended up making Judas come across as really weird and bad there but I do think Mary came out of it as more interesting so that was neat. In the 2012 version I'll admit its mostly just her outfit that makes her come across as interesting to me but idk, I also really like this actress and it was neat to see her do stuff with the rest of the ensemble in the background sometimes and she definitely never came across as generic in the same way that 2018!Mary did.
The most interesting things she did were, in this order: go up to Judas after Jesus yelled at him in Strange Thing, Mystifying and he walked away, her touching everyone and calming them down at the start of Everything's Alright and her sitting down between Jesus and Judas and holding both their hands for a moment before leaving to put a candle on the table at the start of The Last Supper. And one of those things wasnt even really interesting! And honestly, shes essentially the Token Girl Character of this very male-centric play and those almost always play this kind of mediator role, so this doesnt really help in making her feel less generic to me. Also, like, idk if this really makes sense as a complaint but I feel like encapsulates my issues with this Mary and its that, when she was doing I Don't Know How To Love Him and she got to the line "I'm the one who's always been/So calm, so cool, no lovers fool" I was just like "sorry girlie, I dont believe you, youve got massive Lover's Fool vibes" yknow. Moving on
I dont have much to say about Caiaphas, Annas and their goons, they were all pretty good. My main issue with them was that they were oddly quiet during This Jesus Must Die but honestly thats an issue with the entire production. Like, idk if something went wrong or if it was meant to be like this bit I was watching this on my computer with the volume wayyyy louder than I usually have it and it was still really quiet for some reason. The fact that the audience would applaud whenever a song ended or whenever a character entered or reentered the stage didnt help bc its like, most of these songs come one right after the other with nary a break inbetween bc they obviously didnt accomodate for that and it doesnt make for a very pleasant viewing experience. But back to the priests, I wanted to give a special shoutout to that guy that sings the line "A rabbel rousing mission that I think we must ABORT" I think hes great, hes absolutely insane, hes a white boy off the shits and I love him for it
Speaking of off the shits white boys, I also really liked Simon. I dont actually remember what his singing was like or if I thought it was good or not, I just remember him going wild on stage while looking like the older version of a Die Wilden Kerle movie villain (if youre not german or didnt watch those, please google "Die Wilden Kerle Gonzo", "Die Wilden Kerle Fabi" and "Die Wilden Kerle Darkside" to understand this joke) and sometimes thats really all you need. Also, during The Last Supper everyone is being very effectionate with each other and I love that Simon is included in that. Like, hes this horrible little man whos done nothing except advocate for violence and look, hes got a friend who hugs him, hes got a woman who hugs him and hes got a guy friend who comforts him when their spiritual leader/maybe friend? has a mental breakdown and starts yelling at all of them all of a sudden. Love that for him
I didnt like Pilate though. He did a good job I guess, but idk the vibes just werent right with him. Funnily enough I had the exact opposite of that issue with Herod, whose vibes were absolutely impeccable but whose singing was just kinda strange and underwhelming. I did like him going up to the audience during that dance break to be like "Whos your king?" or whatever, thats was neat
Thats it as far as my thoughts on the cast go, it wasnt great but I did really like the ensemble. I dont have too much to say about the individual musical numbers which is why I didnt split this post up the way I did my 2012 JCS post. I dont think they did anything particularly noteworthy or striking with the chereography or the lighting that wasnt done better in other version, the most interesting part was really the fact that there were two 'audience-walls'. What I mean by that is that, usually when you have a stageplay you have your set which has three actual walls and then one non-literal wall that the audience can see the story through, but this one has two, its like a rectangle with two sides missing essentially. But they still dont do too much with that, the staging of certain numbers is a bit more dynamic than it would be on a traditional stage (like Damned For All Time/Blood Money for example) and it seems like the performers have a bit more freedom to move and turn around and whatnot but thats about it.
One thing that I did really enjoy was the use of these white scarves. They show up during Hosanna for the first time and the ensemble members and Jesus all wave them around, they look cool and I like how actually wear them and put them around their heads during Jesus' second verse. Soon after that we get The Temple, which I think couldve been better, especially the first part, but during the beggars part the ensemble is also wearing scarves (I think theyre more of a light gray but its kinda hard to tell with the lighting) and I know its a stretch to say that this is supposed to be some sortof parallel or whatever between the two scenes because theres only so many ways you can wear a scarf but idk, I really like the idea of contrasting these two scenes where Jesus is surrounded by his followers. Im pretty sure the next time they appear its during The Last Supper scene where they all have them around their shoulders and then when they all use them as blankets when they go to sleep at the end, I thought that was really cute. Also, Mary puts a scarf around Judas' shoulders and Im pretty sure its light gray instead of white which could be a nod to The Temple scene earlier but I actually think its meant to kindof tie in to Jesus' outfit. I just realized I havent talked about the costuming at all but Jesus is wearing all white with a light gray jacket over it, so yeah. The next time the white scarves make an appearance is during Pilate And Christ, all the ensemble members wrap them around their chests like some sort of faux toga and then they take them back off for that mini Hosanna reprise and wave them around like they did during the song proper. The last appearance of these scarves is during Judas' Death, they're scattered all over the floor and he picks them up and hangs himself with them. I think I wouldve preferred it if he just kept that scarf Mary gave him and hanged himself with that but at the same time this is really good and interesting too, yknow, hes hanging himself using whats essentially a symbol Jesus-worship while telling god its his fault that hes doing it. good stuff
I was getting close to ending it here but remembering that I forgot to say anything about the costuming earlier caused me to remember all the thoughts I had about it but Ive already spent too much time writing this and Im starting to forget stuff, so here are my basic thoughts about the costuming in a quick bullet point list:
the outfits do an overall better job at actually looking cool and/or punk than they did in either the 2000s or the 2012 version, although i might just feel that way because theyre the most up-to-date fashion-wise
Pilates outfit was really weird and I still dont know what to think about it, I wouldve probably liked it more if they cast a different actor with better vibes
Herods outfit was great, no notes
I didnt like those background dancer outfits, they looked like bird-themed strippers and they wouldve felt more appropriate for the first half of The Tempel (that part was also in desperate need of some dancing, basically all they did there was rub their faces against a table full of glitter for about two minutes)
Judas outfit feels like an upgrade of the one from the 2000s version, he actually looked cool, h wore red and he showed some cleavage!! Not as much as the 73 version but still
JUDAS GOT TO WEAR WHITE AGAINNN well, he got to wear an outfit covered in white rhinestones which really looked more silvef but I dont think Im getting anything better than this at this point so I'll take it
I like that Mary wore orange like in the 1973 version and her dress was very beautiful but the lighting was kept very cool/neutral throughout most of the show so it made her stick out when she wasnt supposed to and it was really distracting
I like that all the ensemble members wear white and gray outfits for the crucifixion again, to tie in to Jesus' outfit
So yeah, Conclusion Time
I'd give this one a solid 6.5/10, for reference I thought both the 1973 movie and the 2000 recording were 7/10s and the 2012 version was an 8/10. Maybe thats a pretty high score for a proshot that I didnt have a lot of kind things to say about but idk, at the end of the day I still had fun listening to and watching a musical I really enjoyed
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trashyslashers · 2 years
Hi there! Can I get a match up for a dbd guy or male slasher?
Im male, gay, 5'6, and ive got fluffy near jaw length curly hair, that is faded red from previous dye and its growing out to be its natural reddish brown colour. I typically wear baggy clothing, such as baggy ripped jeans and baggy sweaters that conceal my figure as I am ftm/stealthing, and Im pierced from head to stomach. Belly button piercing, nostril stud, septum ring, ears are decked out in metal, you get my drift. Ive also got some pretty sick aviator frame glasses.
Im overall an abrasive person that is paranoid, rambunctious, chaotic, and flirty. I rarely sleep, need the occasional reminder to eat and drink, I run off of energy drinks and coffee most of the time, and im fairly dissasociative and will be off in my own carefully constructed dream world if not talking to somebody else. I can also fail to understand tone a lot of the time, despite being really blunt and toneless myself, so I tend to clarify what I say if I feel its needed or im asked, or I may just stare at whoever im talking with until they give me clarification because Im usually pretty embarrassed over needing it. Im also a bit of a rambler, if thats not obvious by my continuous speech, and im really into old horror movies and science! Thanks, if you answer <3
- Xander 🧪
I think you match up pretty well with Frank!
Tumblr media
For starters, horror films! According to the tome, Frank at least has a passing interest in the morbid and macabre given his talk with Julie about serial killers. I can see Frank enjoying horror films akin more to documentaries, but not entirely; think mockumentaries like Behind the Mask. The two of you would spend many nights digging through piles of DVDs and scouring the internet for horror films, seeing who can find the strangest, oldest films in the genre.
One may think Frank might get annoyed by someone seeming to dissociate and need something repeated, but he surprisingly doesn't. He understands it's not something you can help, and he, surprisingly, is pretty damn good at bringing you back to the moment.
Rambunctious, chaotic, and flirty - you fit in well with his group of friends, which to Frank, means a lot. Though if this wasn't in the Fog and the lot of you were in real-world Ormond, he may keep their more... less than savory activities a secret, you at the very least are often invited to tag along with him. He will love it if you return his flirtatious behavior even in the company of others.
Initially, your appearance is what draws him to you. Not out of shallowness, but rather how different you were in the place. The stark contrast between how you carried and presented yourself in style and fashion and... the banality and monotony of Ormond. He wanted to know your story, he wanted to know more about you.
Your bluntness and lack of tone doesn't put him off. Hell, he's pretty blunt and abrasive himself at times. As long as how you are doesn't bother you, he doesn't care in the slightest. If anything, he appreciates the bluntness, instead of beating around the bush and playing guessing games.
He doesn't mind your rambling, either; he's actually pretty fond of long talks if the topic is of mutual interest. What he doesn't like though is how it seems you don't always take care of yourself - he'll do his best to remind you to eat and drink something other than energy drinks. If it were modern day you'd get occasional "You actually eat any food yet?" texts. That's his bluntness coming in, but it's from a place of care.
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dyketectivecomics · 5 years
Comment something nice or don’t comment at all like. It’s not that hard lmao
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flockofdoves · 2 years
today went a lot better than yesterday for the most part! it became an absolute disaster right at the end though with trying to get them to change back into their clothes in the locker rooms after swimming (yesterday had just used the bathrooms near our home room and that went fine but the combo of them thinking the locker rooms were cool and so many forgetting part of their dry clothing downstairs and the gendered lockerrooms being on opposite sides of the hallway made it so much. but the directors told us to use them now so. well see lol)
i think a lot of it going well did not have all that much to do with solving some of the biggest issues we had the first day (although i def found some small things that helped) though because i think they were just really excited we went outside to play with water balloons and then after lunch went outside to go to the playground and it was a nice day
still could notice the issue of kids saying every group game sounds boring without knowing anything about it and then just sitting off in the corner of the room and then theres not enough kids to play the original game and when we try to switch to one that works the kids just got excited about the first one and so then they might go off on their own too so then its just free play which is fine for a while but then kids get bored that theres nothing to do but dont want to do anything we try to start to fix that. but just didnt have quite as much of that because we went outside (which even the process of just leaving and coming back eats up so much time instead of constant new games lol)
so of course i want to try to go outside at least for one game each day when weather permits (and maybe theyll be more excited to have more outdoor time and also less likely to have locker room issues and also ill have to come up with less to do when the local outdoor pool they usually use twice a day is fixed so we arent using the middle schools pool were based in thats only available in the afternoon) but also who knows if theyll eventually get kinda tired of the novelty of going outside (although i think it at least somewhat helps bc in organized outdoor activities theyre more likely to try them bc they cant just walk to the corner of the room to color instead so they actually try the games and realize they enjoy them) so i also want to make sure to go to other rooms in the middle school we can use to mix things up more and limit diffusion of group activities. but also i think even in those contexts i want to better find a balance between picking the right battles. bc of course like if a couple kids really arent feeling it and are quietly coloring then thats harmless. but a lot of times not participating in group activities means doing a whole bunch of stuff everywhere and making it really hard for counselors to make sure all kids are safe and in the room (but also like even then its probably harmless to the kid but hard on us which is kinda hard to explain to them). so idk maybe ill have a guideline to at least try out activities before deciding whether or not you want to do them (i really respect their likes and dislikes and would emphasize constructive criticism about activities they try out but i do think this is a big part of it considering stuff like how yesterday a girl told her friend during free play that she wouldnt play uno with her because she hates it and then like 10 minutes later to someone else asking something about uno she said shes never played it before and doesnt know anything about what its like or how to play it) or a guideline that during certain times esp when theres less counselors, you either join the group game or draw/write/color quietly at the table right near by but no other active games or wandering. it makes me feel so strict though :(
i also do think maybe i just need to become a more theatrical person so i can get better at selling activities though lol. they got a bit more excited about activities i literally tried to start with them just by one of the directors projecting his voice more and acting a bit more goofy
it really makes me realize the difference in skills with this stuff. i think i do great when theres a decent amount of counselors during free play and i start engaging with kids in small groups playing. the kid i babysat from age 2-8 loved me and always told her parents how much fun she had. but that was play guided by her where i would listen to her and do whatever she wanted as long as it was safe while also proposing new options without forcing them. having like 2 adults to a group of 15 seven year olds makes it really hard toapproach things that way. part of that might be that kids are only just beginning to learn how to be considerate of others in certain ways, part of that might be i need to learn better ways of listening to all of the kids and incorporating that into what we do in a way that largely works out, but i also think part of that is just like maybe were kinda understaffed and also id be curious to learn more about the pedagogy of all this stuff. i think theres so much value in kids being in larger groups interacting with each other but the weird types of control that come with having relatively few adults guiding that both for safety in general but also maybe a lot of just like. liability when we are strangers to these childrens parents providing childcare for a job under capitalism is like. really weird to confront. i feel like a cop but i literally dont know a better way of navigating that aspect of everything within these parameters. curious to see what it could look like in a better world
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storiesofsvu · 3 years
Random from the fanfic ask game: 4, 8, 17, 26, 43, 67, 78, 85, 90
4. What is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying around the longest? Bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written iy yet and experience deep existential dread?
LOL. Okay, so the STORY that’s been floating around longest is Unexpected Circumstances (sonny x reader) which i put on hiatus like a year ago. I was going to pick it up then realized it was going in a similar direction of another fic, which ended up going a different way anyways lol.
Otherwise i think it’s probably the parent trap au! With barba & Nevada….i have basically nothing for it but it’s there, lingering, making me try to figure it out lol.
8. What’s your relationship with constructive criticism and feedback like? Do you seek it out? How well do you take it?
Without feedback, there would be no fics in this world. (I believe). Feedback is what motivates us writers, comments are what’s keeps us going, it shows us people are actually reading it, and enjoying the content we’re putting out. I don’t think I’ve ever received *constructive* criticism? Like, i’ve gotten anon hate that was all “oh boo, your stories suck. You write the girls so ooc.” Shit, and during classified affairs i got one that was all “oh, great, you’re writing toxic relationships now” and my reply was “uh…yeah…thats kinda the POINT, keep reading, you’ll understand” lol. So i think i handle it well? But i havent really gotten any at this point.
17. What’s the fave line you’ve ever written?
Either the “i put a fucking bow on it, didn’t i?”
Or the line where Gallagher’s bragging about assaulting Rita and yn (Rita’s wife) comes in hot all “i know for a fact my dick is bigger than yours, and unlike you, i know how to use it.”
26. Do you like to wwrite one shots or series? And why?
I prefer series. It gives more time to establish dynamics, explore relationships and helps me keep the writing motivation going, knowing people are waiting for the next ch. i like to tell full stories. One shots i always end up either doing straight pwp, or they end up WAY too long with backgrounds of the characters, how they’re involved and the like. BUT, i do like little fluffy drabble one shots. And i like to keep them going to keep my writing skills up to par, like, i can easily jump around from fandom to fandom and genre to genre, it’s also how i break in a new character.
43. How did writing change you?
It helped me harness all the creativity and fantasy daydream i kept coming up with into something actually tangible. It helps focus me when there’s nothing else to do, keeps my brain active. It’s also brought me a very large circle of good friends all over the world, and introduced me to my girlfriend.
67. When have you felt the least confident in your writing?
Going back and reading the super old stuff, like, i just cringe at some of the shit i wrote. ESP some of the longer stories that i know i could do a WORLD of better on, but don’t want to rewrite them lolol. Also those times when you have a REALLY good idea fleshed out in your head and it just wont transfer to paper very well, then you say fuck it and post it anyways? And then just….always regret…esp when it’s part of a mini series or collection.
78. How do you choose where to end a chapter?
Good god. Ending things is almost as hard as titling them for me. Ch’s at least i can cut off a little bit more abruptly cause there’s a continuation of the story, each individual ch doesn’t need a beg, mid and end, i can just cut to black. One shots you always need to wrap up all the lose ends and UGH, ive had 1500 word stories end up 3000 just because i can’t end it lolol
85. What would be on a moodboard for your current wips?
Lol. I made moodboards for both of them! The Nanny, is obvi, cute, adorably dressed kids, manhattan, rita & raf.
90.do you notice your own voice in your writing style?
Yes. Unless y/n is a lawyer or politician, she very much has my vernacular. And obviously i put a lot of cursing into my fics, whether the narration or from the other characters, but like…some of them do canonologically swear, and other ones would if the show had a higher rating.
I think as long as i have a good wrap on the characters from shows, that i do a good job making their voices/vernacular heard in my fics.
Thanks for asking!! 😊
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blisslilywrites · 4 years
ASK BOX OPEN YESwell, I read the toshinori, Aizawa and Present mic with their s/o with this Jesica Rabbit attitude I LOVE IT, can we have some more? When they were fighting against LOV they were badly injured, their s/o was there or near the area.She saw them injured and for the first time used her quirk in front of them (Like kaneki from tokyo ghoul, without the cannibalism) to defend her man, s/o with this Jesica Rabbit vibe won't let anything happen to his honeybun or her new children👊😤👌
A/N: Aaa yess jessica rabbit s/o is a total badass babe that ain’t gonna let anything happen to her hubby or her kids 👊😤im also lovin that she has a rinkaku (i think that’s what it’s called rite??) anyway its pretty late rn so uh apologies if its weird or anything lol..hope you like it tho uwu ~lily
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ALL MIGHT / Toshinori Yagi
Your boyfriend had forgotten his lunch box at home again
So, like every other day that he did, you went to U.A. to go give it to him
By now, you pretty much accustomed to his schedule and knew you’re way around
Today though, something felt off… 
You couldn’t tell what it was exactly but it just felt..weird? Somehow?
You went to one of the training grounds and finally found your boyfriend…
Being cornered by the league of villains
His face and arms were all bloody and dirty, you could tell he was trying to fight them off
Your hero senses immediately kicked in and you ran towards him
Then you noticed several students laying unconscious behind him
This fueled your rage and protective instincts even more
The League didn’t realize you were there until the very last second when you activated your quirk and started attacking them
Tbh All Might looked pretty relieved when you showed up
It’s as if he knew things would be ok now that you’re here to kick their asses
And kick their asses you did
Let’s just say years of training an already powerful quirk meant that you were really powerful
The lil bitches that call themselves the league of villains were not prepared for you or your quirk but they were quick to adapt
You may be strong but you were still a single person against an entire group of villains
Even still, you fended them off to the best of your abilities
What you didn’t know was that the students of 1-A still had a lot of fight in them
Those that could had quickly come to your aid and, within moments, the tide had changed to your favor
Ngl the damage you guys inflicted was pretty high and it forced Shigaraki to call for a retreat 
You let out a sigh of exhaustion and relief before checking on all the students and making sure they were ok
You gave instructions for those who were injured to be taken to the infirmary and overall managed the situation pretty well
All the students were really grateful that you came and, in a way, fighting together made them feel closer to you
Once you made sure everyone was safe, you hurried over to All Might
You then proceeded to scold him for using his quirk while helping him up and bringing him to the infirmary 
“Thank you though y/n…I never knew you could use your quirk so well,” he said, coughing
“Don’t mention it, I wouldn’t have let anything happen to you or the kids anyway” you replied with a smile
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ERASERHEAD / Aizawa Shouta
It was another peaceful day
The sun was shining bright, birds were singing, people were smiling as they walked along the streets
Yes, it was just another peaceful day
And you were very glad that your patrol ended cuz now, you could go enjoy this peaceful day with your one and only Aizawa Shouta
Just as the thought of Aizawa crossed your mind, you heard a loud boom and several screams
Moments later, a dark figure was flung past your eyes
So much for a peaceful day
Looking over to where the figure landed, you saw none other than Aizawa
His clothes were tattered and torn, injuries were strewn all over his arms and blood trickled from the side of his head
You immediately turned to the direction he came from and stared in horror as the League of Villains battled the young students of 1-A
You heard a cough from behind you and turned to see Aizawa getting up as if he was going back to fight
You quickly ran over to his side and told him to stay put and call for backup
“I’ll fight them off for now”
He seemed reluctant to let you go but he wasn’t in much of a position to argue
So he just gave you a nod and a faint smile 
With that, you rushed towards the battle, using your rinkaku (the tentacles..I dont think thats what you call em but nvm basically your quirk) to propel yourself forward
[insert intense and very cool battle scene over here because I suck at describing fights]
You and the students of 1-A managed to hold your own against the league
In fact, you guys did better than hold them off
You guys could’ve probably defeated them had they not run away when the other heroes arrived
A few of the heroes went to chase after them but you stayed behind and helped the medical team make sure everyone was ok
Once you were sure that all the students were safe and accounted for, you went off in search for Aizawa
You found him being treated by one of the medical team
Smiling in relief, you walked over to him 
“Ah y/n, when were you going to tell me you look absolutely amazing when you use your quirk?”
You suddenly realized that you’ve never actually used your quirk in front of him before and blushed slightly
“Well I guess this just means there are many more things about me you still don’t know,” you said with a playful smirk which he returned
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PRESENT MIC / Yamada Hizashi
It’s been forever since you and your boyfriend Yamada Hizashi went out on a date together
Work has been pretty busy lately so you two haven’t really had the time
Which is why you were so glad that the two of you were able to take the weekend off
He was the one who suggested going out for a stroll around town
“Heard about this new restaurant that has amAZINGG fried chicken”
So here you two were, sitting in a fast-food restaurant eating chicken to your hearts’ content
You felt slight vibrations and tremors but dismissed it thinking it was probably the construction happening down the street
However, when you heard several screams a while later, you knew this wasn’t just some construction
Hizashi realized this too and you two quickly hurried out of the restaurant, leaving the fried chicken behind to go help the people outside
Just as you suspected, this was another villain attack, although these villains weren’t just any villains
They were… The League of Villains *gasp* dun dun dunnn
“I’ll go fend them off while you help evacuate everyone ok?” Present Mic said
You nodded and the two of you rushed off
You used your quirk to protect the civilians from any stray blasts or debris that were sent your way as you led them to safety
You had also made sure to call for backup
Once everyone was safe, you went back to help Present Mic
He was badly injured in the time you left him alone to fight and was barely able to stand anymore
Your protective instincts suddenly kicked in and you propelled yourself forward in between your man and the league
The only thought you had was to make sure that Hizashi was safe
And that one thought served as a flame to your power as you fought off the villains
You knew your quirk was a strong one
You had confidence in your training and your abilities
There was no way you were going to lose now
You fought well and held the league off until the other heroes arrived to help
The league somehow managed to escape before they could be captured 
Since the fight was over though, you went to check on Hizashi and saw he was as spunky as ever
“Y/n you were amAZINGG. Your power, your technique…”
You sighed as he continued to fangirl over your quirk and the way you fought
Truth is, you’ve never actually used your quirk to fight in front of him before
Either way, you were glad he found your quirk amAZINGG
—–a little bonus—–
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sleevesareforlosers · 3 years
idek if this is a weird question but are any of your killjoys religious? i know that your desertborns mostly are about desert religions/gods but do you think that modern world religions are still practiced in the zones? do you think any desertborns would practice/convert to non-desert-traditional religions? i just am very interested in knowing your thoughts on this & you’re always so good at worldbuilding 👉👈
personally! my newsie & chimp are jewish and pony was raised mexican catholic and chimp and pony in my canon are both sandpups. and that’s partially because i think it would be easier to practice religion out in the zones regardless of what it is. i think bli doesn’t really want anyone believing in any kind of higher power regardless of what it is...and so mostly you see desertborns being the ones to pass on religious practices and keep them alive, and cityborns are more likely to be less religious or convert once they’ve gotten to the zones. but i’d really love to hear your take on this i love hearing your hcs ❤️ !
okay so all this comes with a big ole disclaimer that this is my personal feelings on the matter as they relate to me, my canon, and how i write, and i dont think that this is the Right Way to do things, it just what im most comfortable with
this is actually something that ive been. i dont wanna say purposefully excluding from my writings but i havent elaborated on for a reason. i personally dont feel like ive had Near enough time to do the amount of research that i would wanna put into it to make sure im doing things like. properly and respectfully. i tend to focus on zone religions like the witch and destroya and (in cherris case) the sun bc thats my little sandbox and i can say what i want without worrying too much abt overstepping my bounds. im a tentatively-nonreligious (its complicated) person and at the very least i dont participate in anything organized and id HATE to misrepresent any real-world religions, especially considering how the zones r on Indigenous land.
i feel like the zones def have like. modern/current religions in forms and ofc theres Indigenous belief systems that are practiced probably widest out of those, but to my knowledge those tend to be closed systems and i REALLY dont want to overstep with whats okay for me to portray, let alone undoubtedly mangle to fit this fake little world ive constructed. im possibly More reluctant to say anything concrete for the city bc i dont think modern religions as theyre practiced nowadays would work under bli, so then id either have to again, mangle real people's belief systems to fit my fake little world, or id have to do a 'no religion in the city' type thing which i also am personally nervous about bc i feel like with my background any attempt at a 'totally nonreligious society' would come out with a christian lean.
this is definitely more than a little lazy of me and if i were like. writing original fic or something i WOULD be putting in the effort but. im not. im writing fanned fiction for a weird little comic series most people have never heard of. (also reiterating that these r my own personal feelings on the whole matter of religion in my dd canons and i rlly enjoy seeing how other people handle it! ur hcs are so 🥺🥺)
that all being said! my newsie cherri and pony are all ethnically jewish, ghoul, dr d, ghouls brother, and angie (in canons where she like. exists) are all very protective of their hair and their braids, and people dont say things like oh my god or jesus christ, but they do say what the hell
god uh. tldr? ive thought about it but only enough to conclude that im currently not comfortable or educated enough to be writing abt how real-world religions would fit my canons
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firefly464 · 4 years
The Real World - Chapter 6
Ok I’m really curious to see what you guys think of this one. Let me or Pami know what potential theories you may have because thats always very interesting 👀. 
Also I dunno if I’ve mentioned this before but constructive criticism is always welcomed and very much appreciated! I’m always looking to improve as a writer, and I’ve found that critiques 
Made in collaboration with @i-have-this-now
Master Post
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Dream stepped into the small building that had been dedicated to peace negotiations. It wasn’t much other than a single room with a long table, but the tension inside could have been cut with a knife. On one side of the table sat George, Sapnap, Punz, and Eret. All four were tense, ready to attack at any moment. It was completely different from the joking, playful atmosphere that has surrounded them that morning. Sapnap glared at the masked man as he entered the building, likely considering just how many different ways he could strangle him. Dream was once more thankful for the mask covering his face, as he turned away with a grimace. 
On the other side sat Tubbo and Fundy. The L’Manberg side of the table was filled with a very different atmosphere. They both wore expressions of very hesitant hope. Tubbo turned to Wilbur as he walked in, his eyes asking a silent question. 
The older man gave a small nod, his face revealing nothing. A of disbelief spread over Tubbo’s face. “What's the catch?” he asked hesitantly, staring at the masked man for an answer. 
A very small smile formed on Dreams face, although it was hidden to the younger boy. He shrugged, saying, “None. The Dream SMP surrenders to L’manberg.” 
The skeptic look on Tubbo’s face only increases. 
A low growl emerged from Sapnap’s throat. “Dream, you can’t do this,” he hissed sharply.
Dream ignored him, pulling the document from his bag. He rolled it out on the table. On the top of the document, in big, bold letters, read “Treaty of Surrender.” Under that, the words “By signing this document, the Dream SMP hereby recognizes L’manberg as its own, independent nation.” Below, in smaller print, was a list of different agreements. It wasn’t complex, mostly just outlining the basics of any peace treaty. But everyone knew what it meant. 
A quill sat in a small inkwell on the table. With a steady hand, Dream picked it up, and signed the paper. He had nearly started to sign his actual name, but had managed to catch himself last minute. Setting the quill down, he glanced at the men sitting at either side of him. “I require that at least one of my own men signs this treaty as a witness,” he declared, staring them each in the eye individually. 
The resulting silence was palpable. Not a single person stood, offering to sign the document. ‘They’re all too prideful. They don’t want to admit defeat,’ Dream thought as he looked at them. 
2 to 3 minutes passed in silence. Then, something surprising happened. Eret stood, staring at the paper with a furrowed brow. “I’m still becoming king, right?” he asked.
Dream nodded. He had figured that Eret had been promised the position by the other Dream, so he had made sure to include it. “Of course.” 
“Then I will sign.” In a swift motion, Eret signed the document and tossed the quill onto the table in front of Wilbur. 
Dream sent his friend a relieved smile. “Thank you Eret. Now then. Wilbur, it is your turn to sign.” 
Wilbur quickly read over the terms of surrender and signed the document, Tommy signing as well as witness. 
The entire room seemed to hold its breath as the quill scratched against the paper. It felt like the entire world had let out a huge sigh of relief the moment Tommy picked the quill back up. Dream smiled and rolled up the document. “Well then. The treaty shall be kept in here for safe keeping. You guys are good to go if you want,” he said, trying his best to sound official and important sounding.
Apparently it worked. Tubbo stared at where the document had been sitting moments before. In a soft tone, he whispered, “we did it…” 
Wilbur placed a hand on Tubbo’s shoulder, and very quietly replied “Yeah. We did it”
Dream watched as Tommy, Wilbur, Fundy, and Tubbo all left the small building. He had been hoping to leave as well, but one look at the people around him told him that wasn’t going to be an option. He gulped nervously. 
The moment that the L’manberg soldiers were out of view, Sapnap was on his feat, sword in hand. He stormed over to Dream, pinning him to the wall, blade across his neck. His face was twisted with anger and rage. “You son of a bitch what the hell was that about?! What the fuck were you thinking?!?!” 
“I have my reasons Sapnap,” Dream choked out. It was the second time in 24 hours that someone had held a sword to his neck, and it wasn’t a trend that he particularly enjoyed. Hopefully, it was a trend that wasn’t going to continue. 
“Bullshit! You swore to me that you were going to win this war! Not that you were going to fucking surrender!” He cried, pressing the blade into Dreams skin. Small beads of blood started to form where metal met skin. “We had them! We fucking had them and you went and threw it away like a coward!” 
“I didn’t realize that letting people live was such a crime Sapnap!” Dream shouted back. “I didn’t fucking realize that it was illegal to feel pity or sympathy!” 
His friend stared at him, before putting even more pressure against the blade. Dream was starting to panic slightly “I didn’t follow you to be lectured on granting mercy, Dream. I followed you because you swore you would win.” he took a step back, allowing Dream to fall to the ground at his feet.
Dream coughed several times, trying to recover from his windpipe being crushed. He pounded a fist to his chest, trying to clear his airway. When he looked up at Sapnap, he was greeted only with a kick to the chest, sending him sprawling across the floor. The mask, so carefully fixed by someone he had thought of as a friend, had flown across the room. Dream didn’t care. He wanted that mask gone. 
He lay there on the ground for a minute, trying to desperately catch his breath. “Wh-why…?” he asked, the words coming out as desperate gasps for air. 
“Heh. Never thought I would see the day when the great Dream lay at my feet, begging for mercy. Oh how the mighty have fallen,” Sapnap said with a chuckle. He turned towards the door. “I’m leaving. If you have any need of me again, you know where to find me. Just next time, I expect some actual fucking results.” 
George walked around the long table as Sapnap left, looking at his friend in concern. Eret and Punz had already left, leaving just the two of them. “I really hope you have a plan,” he said. His eyes were full of pity as he walked away, leaving the gasping man alone on the floor. 
“Dude, are you serious?” It was late at night, around midnight. Dream and Tommy were back at the training grounds, each trying to learn how to fight. Of course, they didn’t exactly have anyone to teach them, so they were both just practicing basic moves that Dream had seen George use. The results were… varied, to say the least.
As they spared, Dream had told Tommy what had happened earlier that day after the conference. “I mean, I knew Sapnap was a little bitch, but I didn’t realize he was that much of a dick here”
Dream shrugged. “He used to joke that he was like a mercenary, and only in it for the money. Guess that it’s less of a joke here.”
“I feel like anything that was jokingly on stream held some sliver of truth here. Including everyone’s personalities,” Tommy chuckled as he blocked a strike “that’s probably why no one trusts me here. I kinda acted like a complete idiot on stream”
“You still do.”
“Oh haha. At least I wasn’t a fucking psychopath”
Dream shook his head “I still don’t get why I was apparently so scary…”
“You literally sent us a voice clip saying that you would burn L’manberg to the ground if we didn’t surrender”
Dream let out a sigh “yeah… Yeah I suppose I did” 
Sensing the sudden mood shift, Tommy quickly tried his best to change the subject. “So… What about George? Is he any different from back home?” 
“George is…” Dream’s voice trailed off as he thought, trying to figure out how to put his thoughts into words. 
“George is no different from how he’s always been,” said the man in question as he stepped out of the shadows. For the third time that day, Dream found himself with the blade of a netherite sword against his throat. “Now then. Would either of you care to explain who the hell you are and what you’re doing here?” 
Tommy dropped his wooden training sword and raised his hands into the air, trying to look as harmless as possible. “George, how much… How much did you hear?” He asked, keeping his voice calm, despite the fact that he wanted to scream.
George shifted the blade so that it was now pointed at the teenagers throat, shutting him up rather quickly. “I heard enough to know that neither of you are who you say you are. What the fuck is going on?” 
Dream took a small step towards his friend, his hands up as well “Look, we’re still Tommy and Dream, I promise.” He knew that he couldn’t try to lie his way out of this one. To be honest, their best option was probably to tell the truth and hope George could keep his mouth shut. 
“Exactly!” Tommy chimed in, trying to be helpful. Dream glared at him. 
“Please. I’m not an idiot. I knew something was wrong from the moment you shot Tommy during the duel. The real Dream never would have taken off his mask, much less show any sort of regret,” George said, stepping forward so that his blade rested against Dream’s neck, in the exact same spot Sapnap had cut earlier.
“I’m still Dream, I swear! Just because I’m not fucking insane doesn’t mean I’m a different person!”
“Maybe, but the real Dream would know how to fight. He wouldn’t be flailing around with a sword like a chicken with its head cut off.”
Tommy snorted “He’s got you there. You do look really stupid.”
Dream made a choking sound in surprise “I- You look just as dumb!”
“Maybe, but at least I’m not supposed to be the world's greatest swordsman” 
“As a child, your opinion is automatically invalid”
“As a child, I automatically don’t give a shit.”
George’s eyes darted between the two, as if he were watching an intense tennis match. “Enough!” he finally yelled, shutting them both up pretty quickly. “All I want are some fucking answers!” He pressed his sword more against Dreams throat, opening the thin cut and allowing a small trickle of blood to form.
Dream gulped and looked at Tommy. Normally he would have taken control of the situation himself, but he didn’t exactly trust himself to not anger his friend. 
Tommy nodded, and started to explain their story. He told George how the two of them had suddenly been transported from their home to the SMP world. He explained how neither of them knew what was going on, or why they couldn’t leave. He even explained how back home, everyone had been friends. The war had been nothing more than a game, a show that they had put on for the sake of entertainment. As he spoke about his own home, he could feel tears start to pool up inside his eyes. He hastily tried to wipe them away, but it didn’t matter. George had already seen. 
The man lowered his sword, not once taking his eyes off either of them. “So you’re telling me that you come from a world where all of this,” he gestured around him towards the world as he spoke, “is completely fake.”
“Yeah, that sums it up pretty well,” Tommy replied, rubbing the red scar on his neck. It was a nervous habit that he had quickly picked up from Wilbur, despite the fact that he hadn’t even been there when he had received the scar. 
Dream stumbled back, using his jacket sleeve to try and stop the stream of blood from his neck. There was already a dark stain on the cuff from earlier that day. God, he was going to get a lasting scar if this continued. “We just want to get home,” He told George, “I promise, we don’t mean anyone any harm.”
George pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation. “You both do realize how unbelievable this all sounds, right?”
“Yeah, we know” 
“I really don’t want to believe you… But this explains so much. Is that why you trashed your base?”
“I told you I was feeling stressed. I just may have failed to mention what exactly I was stressed about”
“I knew you weren’t feeling well… I just didn’t realize it was because of something like this. That's why neither of you know how to fight anymore, isn’t it?”
Tommy shrugged “Sword fighting isn’t exactly a common sport in our world. I’ve never even touched a real sword before this week.” 
“Oh my god… Does anyone else know?” George asked.
Dream looked over at Tommy, silently asking a question. Tommy shook his head “The only person who knows something is wrong is Tubbo, and he thinks I just have amnesia from a weird enchantment or something.” 
“Are you serious? I thought we agreed not to tell anyone!”
“This was before I even knew you were here! How else was I supposed to get any information? Besides, Tubbo’s my bro. I trust him not to tell anyone.” 
“What about Wilbur…? Does he know?” George asked, his brow furrowed in thought.
“Nope. I mean, he clearly knows that something is up, but other than that he has no idea.”
“That doesn’t seem right… Wilbur should know that his second in command is missing.”
Tommy cried out in outrage, “What do you mean? I’m right here!” 
“He means the other you. You know, the one that actually lived here?” Dream said calmly. 
“Exactly. That other Tommy is currently missing. Who knows where he could be. Wilbur deserves to know.” 
Tommy let out a groan of annoyance “ughhhh fine! I’ll tell him tomorrow. 10 bucks he isn’t going to believe me.”
“No way am I losing 10 bucks like that,” Dream replied. 
“Killjoy,” The teenager muttered. 
George was once more watching them both with confusion. He looked down at his feet, trying to weigh his options. That’s when he noticed the discarded training swords. An idea sprang into his head. “What if I tried to teach you both sword fighting? I’m not the best, but the other Dream taught me, and he was the best of the best.” 
Dream grimaced. Just another reminder that he was just an imposter. Still, he forced himself to nod. “That would be good. Thanks.”
“Please, I just want to go home…” Tommy said into the phone. It had taken a bit of work to convince Wilbur and Tubbo that he wasn’t insane and definitely knew what a phone was, but they had eventually caved. 
Wilbur hadn’t wanted to question his younger friend after who knows what had happened to him. It would have just stressed him out and made everyone more upset. So he had allowed Tommy to borrow his phone to call Dream. Now, him and Tubbo were sat at the table in Tommy’s backyard, hearing only snippets of the one-sided conversation.
“What do you mean? Why not?! I won’t do anything I promise!” A couple seconds of silence. Tommy’s face went slack in shock. “You can’t be serious. No, no no no you’re joking, aren’t you. Y-you wouldn’t dare.” More silence. “Fine! I won’t, I swear! Just please don’t do it.” 
Wilbur watched the conversation with concern. He could hear Tommy’s raised voice from where he was sitting, and what he was hearing was definitely good cause for concern. He glanced at Tubbo, who looked just as worried. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I will. Bye.” A long, drawn out tone sounded from the speaker. Tommy sighed and walked back over to Wilbur and Tubbo, trying his best to hide his tears. It didn’t work.
Tubbo was instantly on alert, trying to check on his friend. “Hey man, are you ok?” He made sure not to get too close after getting hit in the jaw. 
“Y-yeah. Yeah I’m good. Just… just a bit in shock still. A lot has happened in the past week…”
“You want to talk about it?” Wilbur asked gently.
Tommy shook his head violently “No. No I really don’t. Don’t worry guys, I’ll be fine. Thanks”
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sorenskyhigh · 4 years
Heyyy! I saw you take requests! Imagine: werewolfves, vampires, winged humans and other fantasy/mythological creatures exist (Dungen&dragon races maybe?), What would your favorite Karasuno character(s) be? And, already a happy new year! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
Happy New Year!🎉🎆 I think I'm gonna do all of Karasuno bc they all deserve love and I just love all the Haikyuu characters!!!!! And thank you for putting in a request this is my first!!!!!! Wooohoo!!
Karasuno as D&D
(Or what I think they would be)
Daichi Sawamura
When I think of Daichi I think of a very stout, hardy person.
I know he's 176 or so cm but he's very built and in personality and physical build, sturdy
I also see him very hardworking
Daichi seems very dependable but in a chaotic way
Like he really wants to help but he also simultaneously has NO idea what he's doing
But also I can see him loving the world, people, and animals and nature
A protector but maybe a slight loner or the leader of a group, no inbetween
I honestly think he would be either a Dwarf (the only problem I have with this one is is that I don't view Daichi as a materialistic person like a Dwarf to want gold everything and whatnot) or a Firebolg
I feel either of these could fit him since they are very hardworking and sturdy people. But I lean toward firebolgs more since they are kinda calmer natural people if that makes sense??????
Daichi by no means is a calm and just no worries kind of guy but, I feel like he does have a slow and steady wins the race
Daichi is wise and strong and could live a calm and natural life like a Firebolg
Living with the animals and helping them but also living with a tribe of his people
Koushi Sugawara
I look at Suga as a very loving person that in his own chaotic way tries to help everybody
A mom friend if you will
I also see him getting close with few people a being very ride or die
He also seems a bit like a home body, like he enjoys staying home and being comfortable
Thats why I chose either a Gnome or Hafling
Gnomes are of a tight knit community and are very enthusiastic about life. Learning and building what they can
Building things to help their community and ending the day with a well earned drink with friends and family
Haflings love home comforts
Sitting by the fire and reading a good book
Doing some gardening and whatnot
But some travel and learn and grow intellectually
I think either of these would suit Suga
I can't stop imagining him as a Gnome with little goggles as he works on something small and metal with gears or him sitting in little Hafling attire or some pjs by a fire with some mead in one hand and a good book in the other
Asahi Azumane
I view Asahi as one of my personal favorite tropes of really big and scary but actually a sweet, bumbling mess/really small and adorable but could actually tortures you in a million different ways
Asahi is such a gentle giant but can get serious when he needs to
I also see him as someone very natural and loves nature/animals
That's why I picked either Triton or Genasi (the only thing about Genasi is they're super confident and Asahi very much is not)
Triton are water folk and outsiders (people think Asahi is scary and unapproachable)
They also have good relations with giant seahorses, Hippocampi, and sea lions
Can you imagine Asahi riding a Hippocampus with his gorgeous hair flowing in the waves of the water 😳 muah *chefs kiss* majestic
Anyways 😆
I also see him as a Genasi because they're kinda mysterious people with such a strong connection to nature and elemental energies
But I think he would specifically be an Earth Genasi bc they don't tend to make rash and are superior in strength and solid power
Yū Nishinoya
The little adorable ball of thunderous chaos
Noya seems like someone who loves to cause chaos but NEVER hurt anyone
He wants to have a good time but most people can't quite handle his version of a good time
Thats why I chose Satyr for Noya
Satyrs have the loose construct of a civilization and the wild urges of animals and beasts
Noya is a very independent person but will stick to very particular people
Satyrs are similar
They also view everyone as either a body to dance with, poor soul the mess with, or a sober mind to get absolutely hammered with
Ryūnoske Tanaka
Ryū is just such an awesome character to me
He is the real ride or die never gonna give up on you kind of person
I am not throwing any hate onto the other second years IN THE SLIGHTEST but Ryū did stay the whole time
And yet he seems, to me, to constantly need to prove his self worth
This is why I think he would be either a Human or a Lizardman
Humans are a young race and feel like, in their short lives they need to prove themselves
This drive causes them to be adaptable innovators and pioneers
Bu~ut I also think he would be good among the Lizardfolk
They have their own set of personal rules that they live by that aren't exactly conventional to most other races
Also they can be very food driven who isn't tho
Chikara Ennoshita, Hisashi Kinnoshita, Kazuhito Narita
All three give off similar vibes to me (not just cause they're background characters)
All three feel pretty chill and laid back but like their hardworkers once they have the right motivation
The three of them seem passive as well
Doing what they're told without much question but also like severe outsiders (I know they close themselves off from the others on purpose a bit bc they left and feel guilty)
So I chose Changelings for these three
Changelings are generally harmless, passive beings without interest in other races political affairs
But bc of this most others find them not trustworthy
They kind of don't have their own culture and just slip into other societies
I feel like these three did this with the volleyball team bc they didn't show them ever having some kind grand dream or ambitions
They just kind of float along with certain people they're comfortable with
Tobio Kageyama
Kageyama is a very independent character at heart
It's not that he WANTS to be a lonely necessarily, I feel, but that he wants to prove himself so much and constantly that he pushes people away
Even after he learned about relying on people and what it means to be a team
He stills feels like he should be able to do it himself
I feel like there is an ever constant duality in him
That's why I think he'd be a Half Elf
Human/elf mixes never really belong anywhere bc they either age faster than there elven peers or watch as their human loved ones age and die off much faster than themselves
This is why Half elf/humans keep to themselves
But for Kageyama, I feel if he had never met Hinata, Daichi, Suga, Ryū, or any of them, he would've isolated himself on accident from everyone
Shoyo Hinata
Shoyo is very impulsive but does extremely well with others
He is definitely social and NEEDS to have other people to watch his back
He has shown to be aggressive and super competitive with other players
But he forms strong bonds with those he really cares about
I feel like he would be, specifically a Longtooth Shifter
These shifters specifically are aggressive towards others they are not close to
But are deeply invested in those they have chosen to share their time with
They also are Lupine/dog based beings
And Shoyo definitely has a very dog like personality
They also are more pack oriented than other shifters
They have teamwork and group fluidity
Kei Tsukishima
Tsukishima a very stereotypical character but written in THE BEST WAY
He's that stereotype of antagonist to ally or prude outcast to reliable friend
This was caused by the circumstances of him finding out the situation with his brother
So he decided that no one could be trusted with Yamaguchi as an exception
Elf or Tiefling, did you really expect anything else? 😜
Elven people are very reserved a set themselves apart most of the time from other races, generally thinking of them as inferior or untrustworthy to be around the knowledge Elven people possess
Like Tsukishima they think themselves above other beings with a few that choose to live with with humans
Tieflings are forced away from other races
Because of a past sin that has changed them to look slightly different from others, they are shunned
I relate what happened when Tieflings became a different bloodline of humans to what happened between Kei and his older brother Akiteru
Tsukishimas rejection of companionship is something he does himself, but it is a form of mistrust towards others to not lie to him like he once was
Both Elven and Tieflings are very intelligent in their own differing ways
Elven are very well read and prestigious
Tieflings are good at slight of hand and swindling others bc of the rough cards they've been dealt in life
Tadashi Yamaguchi
Tadashi is a very different person than from what people make him out to be
Everybody makes him out to be an uwu ooga booga baby child that needs protecting
But he's not
That's not to say he doesn't have a large, warm and welcoming heart but he's NOT weak by any means
He's strong and he eventually becomes independent from Tsukishima and doesn't have to be codependent
Tadashi Yamaguchi is an amazing hardworker that is learning about the world and is trying to better himself slowly day by day
But there is the soft, kind and helpful side of him that would just do anything for a struggling stranger
That's why I chose either a Tortle or Kobold
I see him being maybe a Tortles that lives a simple life filled with schedules and living a very ritualistic life
They live simply and are very personable beings
But there's also Kobolds who are dragon like creatures that are INWARDLY aggressive but are industrious beings
They hate larger beings as they're short but will show respect if need to but would show backhanded and passive aggressive ways to show their displeasure
They also don't like direct confrontation and would rather entrapt another creature or being than directly fight them
They are also cunning and have a knack for plan making with which they share through out their entire tribe
Kiyoko Shimizu
I see Kiyoko as a very dependable person but also very independent and very strong and strong willed
Basically a feminine icon, honestly
She can do just about everything but seemingly has her own agenda
You're very lucky if her agenda should happen to align with you and your goals because she is an indestructible force not to be dealt with lightly
And yet, she is above all else a women
Feminine, beautiful, and incredibly amazing (as all women are)
I chose Aasimar for Kiyoko
Aasimar are beings that are often descendants of celestial or higher beings
They generally hold good morals and are justice deliverers
They generally serve a guardians of law that strike at evil, lead by example, and dish out justice where it is needed
They are cautious of others and sometimes misunderstood as they did what they do what they believed to be right
Aasimars are also extremely empathetic and are often times hurt by the prejudice they suffer in early years as many don't like what they don't understand
Hitoka Yachi
Yachi is shy and nervous but that is only bc she was accidentally persuaded into an intimidating world of giants
And for a short and petite framed girlt hat is TERRIFYING at first
But Yachi stepped up to the plate and batted away everyone's shit expectations for her because she rose to become an amazing manager for the team
She became independent from her mother's harsh ideas of her and showed her how powerful she can be
She may be small but she is truly mighty
This is why I picked Centaurs for her
Centaurs are the swiftest out of the humanoids and build peaceful communities
They hunt what and where they wish, as they generally move after a few years in one place, move
They highly value personal choice and individuality among their tribes
They also love and worship nature, many wanting to devote themselves to a higher power and/or become druids
They generally bear no ill will towards anyone unless the opposers strike first
Thank you @popcorntime-doodles for giving me my first request I hope you like this and I hope I did a good job
Again this is just my opinion and how I see the characters and the many races of D&D
Also again I do request I have a character masterlist in my bio ❤
@multifandombrainrot @kneecapstealingalien @akabxne @jiheonity @weareallhumans123 @smallmangi @canadian-crow @just-jellyfish @immiamarais @i-need-coffee-now-pls @foreveryoung050 @kuroos-world @luminasapphire @silverfire6 @shadowsbutdead @ghostexhibit @simpfornishinoya @goshikisimp @anothershadeofpink @mestayanon @japoga
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tomsandal · 3 years
The one where Tom went "can I just make stuff up?" and didn't wait for an answer
a/n: incredibly terrible title brought to you by you yes you who couldn't give me better one heart
characters: červená kapota, tom sandál
warnings: teensy weensy cosmic horror/death depiction at the start (because i am a moron and a fool and forgot what genre im writing), alcohol mention
words: 1,8k
To truly start at the story’s beginning, we’ll need to go many pages back in history books.
It was millennia ago, when something very strange took place and changed the world from how it was known.
It so happened that, for some mysterious reason, a meteorite crashed down on earth and landed in a crater in some frankly unnoteworthy forest.
This incident did not go without notice of course, and not too long after it had fallen were there already parties of plenty that were eager to find out what strangeness took place the night before. Many ventured into the forest, allured by the mystery or driven by their responsibility to protect their village, but not a single one of those brave souls has ever made the journey back. And so the number of volunteers and explorers thinned over time, for the prospect of being lost to those woods without a seeming trace was enough to ward off even the bravest of the brave.
However all those who did go, did not disappear in an equal way.
Some of those who ventured started to feel effects of a mysterious force soon after the start of their journey. Those ones met their end lying down on the forest floor, feverish and plagued by visions indescribable. No man’s willpower to follow common sense and go back home could win over the pull of the compelling presence.
But some of them pulled through. The strongest and greatest of them all did get to see what their end goal was this whole time.
There in the clearing lay the mystery. Patches of brilliant blue were shining among the dark stone, twinkling not unlike the stars that hung above them.
And standing there, in this crushing magical presence, humans did what humans tend to do and moved to touch the shiny stone.
It was no easy feat, bracing against the sheer force of the meteorite this close to the source of all this madness, but some of them managed to do so.
Finally, with their goal at their literal fingertips, they laid their hands at the glittering surface. And their hands melted right off.
The lucky ones died from the immediate shock from the pain. The rest bled out among the grass, suffocating in the stone’s heavy aura.
And some of them leaned even closer... for the call had won over.
For some time has the stone been left undisturbed, lying unmoved while its surroundings changed as the years went by. No wise enough soul dared to enter the haunted forest. And so the years passed in hundreds and the celestial body had started to merge with the surrounding environment. Many years has it been since then, when it was finally fully covered and sunken deep into the ground and its power dimmed to a hum.
If you were to walk by that place at that moment, you wouldn't think there to be anything out of the ordinary. And so didn't the people that had settled there.
Who might know why they chose this secluded woodland place for their settlement but they did and surprisingly prospered without any casualties.
The stone's powers have dulled over the centuries but they were still there nonetheless, even if only in a shadow of its former self, and the construction and disturbance of the ground was bound to wake it up.
And so the energy started seeping out, warping the unaware residence in the process. With each generation grew the changes more profound, until the place was almost unrecognizable. Plants grew wild and high, displaying colours very uncommon to vegetation anywhere, the roaming animals wouldn't be recognized even by the highest of scholars, trees grew twisted with leaves of gold and humans were born with features never seen before. Their hair was bright and shining in arrays of blues, purples and greens, just like the lights in the sky that could be seen from time to time. But since no negative effect seemed to take place, this magical village of star-touched people lived in-
“Yes and no interruptions please.”
-lived in peace. But time was not kind to them.
The year was 1610, the witchcraft craze was at its peak and it didn’t take long until the hunt was brought to them as well. Their clearly otherworldly appearance couldn't be excused and many fell on the trials, under the hands of men driven by fear and hatred. The rest left their homeland, which ended promptly burned to the ground. From then on, they lived as hermits far, far from the human eye.
They lay in hiding for long, until their time has finally come, when people started walking among themselves with wild bright coloured hair and-
“wait, wait what about the magical wolves”
“That is tied to my own personal upbringing and no, was not in fact universal for everyone, stop messing up the timeline”
“oh I am messing up the timeline and not you making something different every ti-”
“As i was saying-” “and when do the glow squids come in” “My glow squid ancestry is clearly the reason for my eyes not the hair ”
“yes, of course, the eyes that are obviously not coloured contacts”
“Keep that tone to yourself and shush.”
It was a pleasant summer night, the air was crisp and the streets were quiet. And there, in a certain bar, sat two peculiar people.
Kapota sighed and let her friend-but not friend-associate from work-but not wanting to kill each other right now-buddy ramble on as she took a sip from her glass. She had ordered something called the Hanky Panky Cocktail Supreme and deemed it as decent enough, if a bit overpriced for a glorified gin and fernet.
Still, she would rather be holding a pint of good old fashioned beer, but finding a place around these parts with a half decent beer is near impossible. She will not be drinking that dishwater no thank you.
Good thing that she’s a skilled fancy drinker. A life skill which she picked up from her business bar outings, such as now, which maybe wasn't actually the most objective of examples since most of those were with Tom.
Not that the aforementioned was any help in the drink picking department, that maniac of a man just sashays to the bar and orders a literal colour and when no further explanation is given the bemused barkeep has to pick themselves from their array of colourful drinks.
Seems that they picked well today, because the current “pink” already sat empty before Tom.
She continued to mull over this and that, all the while enjoying the bar’s comfortable atmosphere, when something caught her attention.
“wait wait roll that back”
“Why, could it be that you weren’t paying attention?”
“Yes I was, but what were you saying about pointed ears?”
“Oh, just that the star-touched had pointy ears alongside the wild hair.”
“well, please do pray tell me Sandál dearest how could it be that your ears are rounded”
“As I said, a long time ago in the times most desperate, riddled with fear, pain and terror, food was scarce and from the terrible hunger they gnawed on their ears until they were completely rounded and from then on this feature was lost to them.”
“ok see now i know you're just making fun of me because thats just from that dumb movie you like”
“should have been listening.
Honestly why do i even bother, I am so generously sharing the long lost history of my kind and yet this audience is so ungrateful”
“noo i like your lore, don’t worry it's much more entertaining than ‘I went to the aisle 12 in Kaufland and picked the gaudiest shade of purple they had’”
Tom just grumbled to that and moved to take a demonstrative swig of his drink, but then he realized he didn't have any left anymore so he instead picked up the little paper umbrella and pointed it accusatively at Kapota.
“Never, have I been more disrespected, as I am right now.” He complained, while accentuating every word with a swish of the tiny umbrella.
“It's nothing personal pal, but you can’t exactly expect people to believe you with a name like yours.”
“Oh that's rich coming from you!”
“I'll let you know that the Kapota name is very ancient and regal, thank you very much. Passed down only by the generations of the clan McKap”
“Absolutely not.”
“It’s true look it up”
“Not happening, if i did that you would just laugh at me that i fell for it.”
“Well in that case I guess you’ll never know”
“oh shut up!”
“you shut up!”
It was a pleasant summer night, the air was crisp and the streets were quiet. And there, in a certain bar, bickered two peculiar people.
All in all Tom would consider this a successful night. He left the bar on his own two feet, had all his belongings still with him, including both of his important trademark sandals still on, and head somewhat clear.
About ten minutes back, they had been politely ushered out of the bar, because it was apparently closing. The shiny sign with the numbers 24 and 7 would beg to differ but sure.
Yeah, ‘always open’ my arse, people can't even trust bars these days.
He wasn’t really upset though, couldn’t blame the poor bloke either, because anyone who had to listen to their nonsense for the past -who knows how long- had all the right to kick them out. It didn’t matter anyway, tonight really was quite nice.
So now they were just lounging together on the sidewalk, enjoying the chilly air.
A lone car sped by somewhere in the distance.
Tom gently thunked his head on the wall behind him and let out a content sigh, next to him Kapota finally broke the silence.
“So...who’s the designated driver, hahh”
A good question indeed, since neither of them even closely qualify to anything akin to sober. Not that it would have changed much, given the fact that Tom does not in fact have a driving licence anyway. His most beloved, bless their heart, is incredibly awesome and does have one of those and drives him around in times of need. This would seem like a time of need and it wouldn't even be the first time Kap would hitch a ride with them, but this hour, other than time of need, is also time commonly known as ‘very late’.
“I guess I can try to give Tobi a call, but I dunno it's pretty late...”
“Nah, let ‘em sleep”
“So whats the battle plan Kaptn’? ”
“Where's the uhhh friggin closest bus stop.”
“Few damn blocks away at least that's for sure”
“Awesome... lets go its field trip time”
And so they went onto the grand adventure of getting safely home.
Some would deem it highly unwise to blunder around dark alleyways in the middle of the night, but honestly, unfortunate are those street rats who shall foolheartedly decide to pick those two fools as their next victims.
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ddaengyoonmin · 5 years
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Pairing: Mermaid!Taehyung x Space explorer/Scientist!Reader
Genre: Smut, Angst, Fluff
A/N: I really have nothing to say other than I took this way too far lol I hope you all enjoy it! The ending might be confusing lol send asks if you want to know anything and id love to hear what you thought! 
Word count: 16k (yeah that happened)
Warnings: Oral male and female receiving, descriptions of fainting, drowning and death, guns, swearing, (I think thats it, let me know if i missed anything)
Tagging a few of you who seemed excited for this! :) @mischiefmakerliesmith5 @yeontanismypresident @oh-worm-yee-haw @kpopgirlbtssvt @zombiewerewolfqueen
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No one with legs lived on the surface of Neptune, walkers such as yourself lived on the moons.  The spacecrafts that you traveled in constantly moved to and from all of the different moons, but  no one ever went down to the surface.  That's where the swimmers lived.  You’d heard tales of the fishtailed people that swam in the great sea below the moons, some called them mermaids.  But no one had ever actually seen one before, well, until now.  You and the scientific research team that you had gathered together had built the first spaceship in your people’s history that could go into the waters below.  You’d figured you’d snap a few pictures and return within the month, but things didn’t go as planned.  Your ship was captured by the swimmers and they seemed just as in awe at you and your team as you were with them.   They decided to let you go but only on the condition that you to bring their leading scientist back up to the moons with you, so you could learn from each other.  You learn quite a bit from Taehyung, in particular, your anatomy seemed to be his favorite subject…
Triton was a gloomy and desolate place, but the moons of Neptune were all your people had known.  There were a few large cities on each moon, each looking identical to the others, all of the buildings were tall and gray and matched the one sitting next to it.  Each neighborhood’s houses looked no different from the one on either side.  Original thought and creativity seemed to be scarce in your society. 
Even the clothes sold in stores seemed to fall into a range of plain styles and blacks and grays.  
Ships flew back and forth between the moon’s daily exchanging supplies.  Some citizens worked on other moons during the week and would return to their home moon for the weekends.  You were lucky to not have to travel far for your work, in fact, you lived right on the same plot of land in dorms with all the other scientists at your facility. 
You were the lead researcher and developer on a new type of shuttle that could fly through space, and also dive into water.  You didn’t know too much about the engineering of it all, your studies had all mostly leaned to biology and astronomy and you had dabbled in geology and physics.  But, your team had been from all different sciences and studies, so, together you had found many ways to overcome the struggles of its creation.
It was a particularly difficult task, considering Triton didn’t have many places for you to test out the ship you were developing.   There were no lakes or big bodies of water. 
Your life’s goal, from when you were a small child had always been the same.  You’d stare out your window at the giant blue planet that hung in the sky, and you’d dream of what life would be like down there.  
You’d heard stories, but everyone said they were nothing but fairy tales.  Your science driven brain couldn’t quite escape the idea that you wanted to prove that they were real, and figure out the mysteries of the swimmers from the stories yourself.  
You knew that it could possibly all be fake, maybe the planet wasn’t even made of water and just looked like it.  
Those were the types of unanswered questions that motivated you to wake up every morning and continue your work.
You had been working on the ship with your team for about 3 years, and the day had finally come to put together the finishing touches and head out on your exploration. 
You weren’t surprised that it had made the news, headlines read ‘Hopeful Scientist and Her Team will Attempt to Uncover the Mysteries Bellow.’ and unfortunately prompted some like
‘Chasing Fairy Tales?  The Scientist who believes in Mermaids’   that one you weren’t quite fond of.  The majority of people thought it was a ridiculous idea, but you never let it crush your spirits and excitement. 
It was going to take about 2 days to get down to Neptune, nothing compared to a lifetime of curiosity, work and waiting.  
A large crowd of excited citizens and media came to see you and your team off.  You smiled and waved out one of the windows before strapping yourself into your seat.  You had traveled by shuttle many times before, though the design of your shuttle was different than most of the other looked, you were used to this part of space travel. 
Yet, you still felt your stomach turning into knots. 
There were so many things that could go wrong once you got down to the surface of neptune.  One tiny leak could risk the safety of your whole group.  Or a mistake in the system that was supposed to balance the pressure within your ship when you’d dive down into the depths could cause you all to perish almost instantly.  
The team that was coming with you consisted of four others besides yourself. 
A photographer named Jungkook that you insisted must be included to capture all of your findings. 
The aerospace engineer that did most of the designing and tests on the shuttle, Namjoon, also joined your team.  Most of those who actually had worked with you up until now had been too terrified to see this through all the way, but Namjoon had been so excited to see for himself, what he considered his greatest creation, put into action.
The government who had funded your project through the grants that you had basically had to sell your soul for, insisted on your bringing a military general with your team for protection.  You had argued that you couldn’t imagine what kind of help he would be underwater in a small ship.  Yet Jin was forced onto your team.  You didn’t quite like him, or any of the vibes he gave off, but he had actually volunteered for this.  Part of you thinks there must’ve been some good pay in it for him.  
The final member was the pilot/mechanic named Hoseok, he would fly the ship and be tasked with quick fixes and repairs of the ship if anything were to go wrong. 
Everything had gone smoothly on the take off.  Next was just time to wait and prepare yourselves for what you may discover. 
You and Jin had gotten off to a rocky start when it came time for dinner the first day.
He’d mostly been silent and kept to himself but when you handed him his packaged space meal, he had scoffed and waved his hand away at it. 
“This is literally what you’ll be eating for the next month we are here, I’d get used to it if I were you.”  You snapped at him.
He grumbled something under his breath as he caved in and took it.
“I’m sorry what was that?” You raised your eyebrows.
“I said what idiot decided to go for the bland vitamin protein packs.  You know they had ones with actual food right?” 
You glared down at the black haired man.  He was wearing the same uniform as the rest of your team, silver sweatpants, and a black t-shirt with a silver jacket with a blue stripe up the side.  His nametag on his jacket read, General of Space Military Kim Seokjin. 
“Well Mr. Kim Seokjin.  I’m the one who purchased it.  It saved us money, we didn’t have a big budget for food here.  Probably so we could pay your enormous salary for your unnecessary presence here.” you growled back. 
Namjoon had stepped in as he saw Jin’s face growing red.  
“It’s only the first day guys, let's keep things civil okay?” he said putting his arms up between the two of you. 
You sighed and nodded.  “Sorry for being unprofessional.  I’m on edge today.”  
Jin sulked away to eat his meal in his room. 
You stayed in the small dining area with Namjoon. 
“I’m just so nervous this was all for nothing.  What if we get there and It's literally just empty water.” You frowned. 
Namjoon put a hand on your shoulder and gave you a comforting look. 
“I know, but we’ve come this far.  We should stay positive, I want this to go well too” 
You nodded and wrapped him into hug, “Thanks Joon” 
That was the other thing about Namjoon.  He was your best friend. You had met in college and realized that he shared your curiosity for the life that may be on Neptune.  He’s the one who encouraged you to go for it and offered his help in constructing the ship that would take you to your dream. 
You’d hooked up with him once or twice, he was actually the man you’d lose your virginity to.  But, it's always remained unromantic, purely a friends with benefits deal.  You never wanted a relationship to get in the way of your dream research project.  
The photographer Jungkook entered the room for a moment, noticing the two of you embraced.  
“Oh sorry-” he stuttered thinking he walked in on a personal moment. 
“No it’s fine,” you pulled away from Namjoon and smiled.  “How’s it going?” 
Jungkook settler down into a chair on the other side of the small chrome dining table. 
“I’m pretty excited” Jungkook spoke “Tired of black and white.  Ready for some blue” he chuckled. 
The reason that you had picked Jungkook’s portfolio out of the many submissions of photographers to join the expedition was for that exact reason. 
Everything on Triton and the other moons were so plain and colorless.  Everyone’s submissions contained basically the same types of photographs.  A grey building, the grey empty landscape of Triton or Neso.  Even the wildlife back on the moons were colorless.  Being adapted to blend into their environment, most every animal was some shade of pale gray.  One person even just had an entire portfolio of the same photographed rock.  They were well done, and artistic, but nothing stood out to you. 
Jungkook on the other hand, when you were presented with his portfolio, your eyes lit up, it was a series of beautiful shots of objects sitting in front of the big blue planet of neptune in the sky.  It was extremely creative, and you could tell his love for the blue glow of your destination planet. 
Hoseok slept in the pilot's seat with the shuttle on the autopilot course most of the next two days, only coming out of the room for meal times and to do a routine check of all of the parts of the ship he was in charge of maintaining. 
You passed the time double checking the inventory of equipment you’d brought, and playing cards with Namjoon and Jungkook. 
The blue planet now took up almost the entire view from the windows of your shuttle.  It was magnificent and you felt every part of your body tingling with excitement.  
You were set to land in a few hours, your dream was coming true. 
Everyone was rushing around getting prepared.  Namjoon had come up with a suggestion a few months ago to design an underwater suit, similar to what the astronauts used to be able to breathe in space, but for underwater.  Though none of you planned on leaving the ship, you all would wear them while the ship was first  underwater just encase something malfunctioned.  
You were getting changed and geared up in your room, when your door swung open on you still half naked. 
Namjoon walked in chuckling at the way you scurried to cover yourself up. 
“Just me” he spoke
“Fuck that scared me” you laughed. 
He walked over to you and rubbed your shoulder up and down. “You ready? I can’t believe it's finally happening. I feel like I’m going crazy with anticipation.”
“Same here.  We’ve waited for this moment for longer than I can even remember.”  
Hoseok’s voice rang out from over the speakers “Landing in 30 minutes.  Everyone gets in their seats and buckle up” 
Namjoon gave you a quick smile and a thumbs up and left you to finish getting ready. 
You shakily got the rest of your suit ready, lastly putting on the helmet and making sure it was secured to the oxygen source. 
As you walked out to the seats, you noticed Jin was now equipped with a gun on his hip. 
“And how the fuck do you plan on using that? I will literally kill you if you shoot any holes in my ship.” You hissed at him as you sat and started to buckle up. 
He rolled his eyes.  “Its for if we have to go outside of the ship obviously.  Its made for underwater use” 
“Well here’s to hoping nothing comes to that.” you sighed.  
None of you knew what you were entering into.  If there were any creatures living in the water, how large were they?  How dangerous were they? 
The ship shook and rattled as it entered Neptune’s atmosphere, the deep blue water below looked so close that you could just reach your hand out and touch it. 
You have to force yourself to keep your eyes open, not wanting to miss a moment of it.  
With a giant thud that jolted all of you hard into the back of your chairs, the shuttle hit the surface of the water.  
It was the smoothest landing that you could have hoped for, the ship was built for the impact.  
Your shuttle now floated on top of the surface of the waters.  You let out a sigh of relief, though the mission had only began, this was one of the moments you were most worried about.  It was over and had been a success.  
Your team cheered and clapped their hands for Hoseok and his successful piloting as you all un buckled and got out of your seats. 
Hoseok turned around and smiled bowing like a performer on a stage. 
Then looked to you, 
“Alright boss.  What now?”  He asked. 
You thought for a moment, you’d had a set schedule and plan, but you couldn’t help but want to take a moment to just let this sight set in. 
The blue water was making your ship sway to and fro in soothing movements.  
“Lets have Jungkook take some pictures” you decided.  That would give all of you some time to adjust and observe as well. 
Jungkook nodded excitedly and went to his trunk that stored his camera equipment, rifling through to find the best lense. 
Your group now took off their helmets, feeling comfortable that nothing was going to go wrong at this point, but keeping them close on your hips just in case.
You walked over to the giant glass window that took up almost the entirety of one of the room’s walls, staring out in awe. 
The sun made the water sparkle and glisten, it was the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen.  You heart was jumping for joy, you felt it might just jump all the way out of your chest and dive right into the water. 
Namjoon walked up and stood beside you.  He opened his mouth to speak but then shook his head and just looked out the window with you. 
You were speechless as well.  You were the first people to have ever observed this sight, it was an honor and was almost a spiritual experience.  
Jungkook now stood on the other side of you, snapping pictures with a giant grin on his face.  He paused and turned to you. 
“Oh my god, I never want to go back” He chuckled.  
After about a couple hours and all of you eating your lunch in front of the window, you decided it was time to begin your descent. 
Hoseok got back in the pilot's seat, you could see him growing slightly nervous, so you walked to his side with a curious expression on your face. 
“Everything okay?” 
He sighed and nodded, fidgeting with some of the controls, “Yeah, I’ve done this in the simulator so many times.  But, that was just a guess.  I’m about to be the first pilot to shuttle underwater...Just...taking it all in” 
“You’ll be famous for this” you smiled, putting a hand on his shoulder to reassure him. 
He grinned widely “Yeah, We all will be huh? Thanks y/n.” 
“Do we have to buckle up for this?” Jungkook asked 
You shake your head “No it should be smooth and slow as we dive.” 
“Awesome” he clapped his hands together “I’m gonna sit by the window and take a video of us diving then” 
Slowly your shuttle dove down until you were surrounded by water.  So far there were no signs of life anywhere, you were starting to get a little discouraged until you heard Jungkook squeal loudly. 
“Hoseok stall the descent!” you shouted. Hoseok listened and the ship stilled.  Your group ran over to the window where Jungkook sat with his face pressed against the window. 
A small creature no bigger than your hand was slowly moving along the window.  It was yellow and round, and had a large fin that wiggled back and forth as it moved. 
“Jungkook pictures!” you spoke quickly.  He scurried to capture the creature. 
It was so strange and new.  
“Hoseok how many meters down are we?” you asked
Hoseok checked a screen near his pilot’s seat. “About 30”  
“Hoseok I’m a scientist...can we not do ‘about’…” you chuckled
“29.8” he replied
You quickly jotted it down into your log of events that you’d been keeping. 
When you lifted your head up from your writing you let out a large gasp. 
A larger creature now swam past.  It seemed to be a meter long and was snake like, it was bright red with black stripes around it.  
Your team pouted slightly when the creatures disappeared from view.  But you were still completely giddy over the excitement of having discovered new life. 
“Let's go down further” you told Hoseok and he nodded and returned to his seat. 
For the next few hours you ventured further down into Neptunes depths.  Your team had discovered at least 30 unique creatures that Jungkook had been able to take pictures of.  You documented the depth and time at which you’d seen each of them with a quick summary of their behaviors.  
“I think we should go back to the surface for a while” Hoseok suggested.  “It’ll be getting dark soon and we should surface for the night” 
You were slightly disappointed about that “Are you sure? Can’t we just go a little deeper?”
“Honestly, pressure wise, this is as deep as we are going to be able to go.  The pressure room that the ship was tested in wasn’t capable of testing pressures any more than what we are currently at.  The ship might still handle it, but we don’t know for sure.  For our safety I’m going to advise against it…” 
“10 more meters?” You pleaded batting your eyelashes. 
“Y/n.  If he says it's not safe I’m not going to allow it.” Jin hissed. 
“Allow it?” you spun to face him with your jaw dropping.  “I’m sorry, I thought I was in charge not you?” 
“I’d think that the guy with the gun in really in charge” he smirked, putting his hand to his hip. 
So that's really why he wanted the gun on him.  It wasn’t just for safety from the creatures of the waters.  It was to make sure that he remained in a position of authority over the rest of the crew. 
You shake your head.  
“You wouldn’t do that in here. Hoseok. 10 more meters” you ordered sternly. 
Jin slowly stepped so that his body was almost touching your own, he stared down at you angrily. 
“I said no.  I’m not dying over this stupid mission” 
You gulped.  
“I think if we do 10 more meters I can ascend fast enough that it wouldn’t be a problem.  Any malfunctions would be solvable.” Hoseok spoke calmly, wanting to relieve some of the tension and calm down the man with the gun. 
Jin’s eyes narrowed “Fine.  But if anything happens. I’m calling this mission and we return immediately” 
“You don’t have that authority!” you yelled out. 
“Actually I do.” he pulled out a government note from his pocket and shoved it in front of your face.  
“You really think the government was going to just let something like this happen without being in control of it?” 
The sheet read that Jin was capable of overriding any decisions you’d make.  Shit.  
You groaned and hit the paper away from your face. 
“Fine.  But I don't think anything will go wrong” 
Almost like you had jinxed it, the ship lunged to the side, rolling onto an angle that caused everything not secured to slide to one side of the room and your whole team to fall over. 
“Fuck!” you heard Hoseok yell out as he tried to maintain balance while messing with the controls “I can’t do anything.  Our systems aren’t working” 
You felt your heart rate quicken, you tried to pull yourself back up as you stared wide eyed at Namjoon who had the same look of fear and surprise on his face. 
Almost as soon as your team had regained their footing, it happened a second time.  
This was not good…
“What the fuck is happening!” you screeched, pulling yourself over to the windows and looking around, not seeing anything but the darkening waters.  
Your ship seemed to be...moving?
“Y/n...we have a big problem here” Hoseok’s voice trembled “We’re descending...fast…” 
You felt yourself growing faint, had you just doomed every soul on this shuttle with your grand dreams and ideas?  
Your eyes were fluttering shut as you fell to the side, you could hear Jungkook crying.  And you swore you heard Namjoon throw up right before your consciousness slipped away from you.  
When your eyes started to open, you expected nothingness.  Maybe you were still dreaming, because everything was bright.  A warm yellow glow touched everything in the room.  The room was a mess, Jungkook’s camera equipment scattered across the floor along with all of the notebooks and papers you’d been writing in.  A coffee cup had spilled over and a giant puddle was surrounding the floor next to Hoseok who was lying unconscious. 
Jungkook who was lying flat on his back had also not yet come to.  Namjoon who was next to you seemed to be just waking up same as you.  And Jin was nowhere in sight. 
Your gaze followed the light up to the windows, it seemed you were still underwater, yet this looked like...a city? It was colorful and magnificent with sea life floating around everywhere.  Your ship appeared to be landed on the steps of a very tall and heavily decorated stone building that had large colorful shells all around it.
What the hell? 
You gasped and stood too quickly almost falling back over.  
Have you found them? 
You almost screamed out when a figure appeared in front of the window.  
It looked like an adult man, in your human years he’d probably be in his 20’s, he was shirtless so you could see how muscular he was.  He was the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen in your life.  His skin seemed to have an iridescent glow glossed over every inch of himself.  
Your eyes trailed down and you now noticed that his lower half, was definitely not human.  Just below his waist, his skin stopped, and a navy blue scaling that you’d seen on some of the sea creatures you’d observed was on him.  It bound his legs together into one long form, and where feet would usually be on a person was a translucent, large, tail that also had similarities to some of the smaller sea creatures you’d seen.  
He had long flowing blue hair that floated in the water as he moved along the glass, peering in at you. 
You really had found them, they were real. 
As terrified as you were, you couldn’t help but feel a little excited too. 
You’d been laughed at for wanting to install an underwater speaker system to your ship, but you now thanked yourself for that. 
You shakily made your way to the control panel and picked up the corded microphone, holding down the button and pausing a moment to debate on what your first words should be? 
‘We come in peace?’ ‘Hi?’  Shit.  You’d always thought about what you’d say to a mermaid if you’d ever met one, but all of that seemed to have been lost to the nervousness that you felt. 
The fish man saw that you had noticed him and was now floating right in your line of view, cocking his head to the side while he looked you over. 
You cleared your throat and spoke into the microphone
“We are friends.  Explorers”  You spoke slowly, pointing to the others on your ship.  Not even knowing if he’d understand you.  He mouthed something back, you realize that he must be speaking. Shit, you’d forgotten to turn the receiving microphone on. 
Your fingers fumbled over the control panel and you found the red button, pressing it so it now glowed ‘on’ 
“Sorry, what did you say?” you spoke into your mic, still not sure whether anything you were saying was getting across. 
“I spoke, we are no friends.  Your warrior injure one citizens.  We have now” 
You gasped.  He spoke your language!  Not perfectly but it was more than enough to have a conversation with him.  How that was possible was a discussion for another time.  As you realize now, that he was referring to the missing Jin.  He must’ve left the ship to investigate and shot at one of them. 
“I apologize for our…” you thought over if you should just use the word he used and decided that was best, “For our warrior.  I’m sure he was just scared.  Is your citizen going to be okay?” 
The merman pressed his forehead to the glass looking around the room you were in. 
“Will be okay.  Getting medical care now they are.  You have more weapon?”  The merman suddenly seemed to get spooked and quickly turned around and swam a few feet from the ship, still looking in at you but hovering further back. 
You realized Namjoon had just walked over to your side.  
“W-what…” Namjoon gasped out “They are real? Oh my god they are real!” he grinned. 
“They are real, and Jin shot one of them” you whispered in a hiss “They captured him.  And us.” 
Namjoon looked around the room realizing Jin was indeed missing. 
“That idiot” he shook his head. 
“Another friend” you spoke into the mic at the merman “No weapons.  Our warrior had the only weapon” 
The merman swam back over to the glass and looked unconvinced.  “Don’t trust…” he muttered. 
“Why here?” he spoke louder now
“We came to see you.  To learn.  Not to hurt.  I’m very sorry about that.  He isn’t a friend” you decided to just throw Jin under the bus with that, in hopes that the man would trust you better. 
“Not friend?” he thought a moment.  “Learn…” 
“Yes, we came from the moons” you pointed up “We came to learn about this planet” 
“We learn too” the man nodded “We like learn.  We want learn”  
“Awesome, well maybe we can learn some things from each other for a while before we leave” you threw in “We do need our warrior back, or we will be in trouble with our government” 
“You said not friend?” He looked confused.  
“Right, but we still can’t return without him” You told him. 
“You don’t return” the merman crossed his muscular tan arms over his chest.  “We don’t let return” he sternly spoke. 
“Woah” a voice came from behind you.  You realized Jungkook was now awake and approaching the glass with his camera in hand held up towards the merman
“Jungkook wait” you spoke to late. 
“Weapon!” the merman yelled and hissed, pulling himself back from the glass, his hair now stood straight up as he bared his teeth growling animalistically at Jungkook. You noticed he had pointed teeth, every one of them sharp. 
“Wait wait!” you waved your hands “It’s not a weapon, see” 
You stood in front of Jungkook’s camera.  “Take a picture of me Kook” you whispered.  
Jungkook was now shaky after the behavior of the merman, but he nodded and held up his camera.  
The merman got close to the glass again pressing his face against it with wide eyes as Jungkook took a picture of you.  
“Can I?” you held your hand out to Jungkook asking for the camera.  He shrugged and handed it over to you. 
You pulled up the picture that was taken and brought the camera to the glass to show the merman. 
“Picture” you told him “See.  That's what he was doing.”  you smiled, trying to show the merman you were being friendly. 
He nodded slowly and repeated “Picture..” 
Suddenly he was pulling himself away from the glass and swimming away quickly.  He was gone. 
Hoseok was now standing up and holding his head that had a slight bump on it.  
“What the hell is going on” he groaned.  
You filled him in on everything that had occurred. 
“For real?” he gasped out. “But, they won’t let us leave...What are we going to do? We will definitely run out of breathable air if we don't recharge at the surface in about a day and a half…” he said looking at some of the gauges on the control panel. 
You sighed. “Yeah, we need to figure out how to convince them to let us leave.  Is there any contact to Triton available right now?” you asked. 
Hoseok tried the radio then shook his head.  
A knocking noise against the glass made you jump.  You turned to see the merman was back, his mouth turned up in a smile.  
“Hello” he spoke 
“Welcome back” you chuckled, growing quite fond of his cute smile. 
“Make deal.”
“You want to make a deal? To let us leave?” 
“Yes.  Deal.” he nodded.   
“Okay…” you looked to Namjoon who shrugged “What’s the deal?” 
“We keep warrior. For learn” the merman spoke
You shake your head “You can’t keep him...He’ll die soon if you don’t let him come with us.  He can’t breathe down here, there isn’t enough air in his tank to last him.  You won't be able to learn much from him dead.”  You informed him. 
The merman looked upset.  “No deal?” he seemed to be pouting, which you shouldn’t be finding so cute considering it seemed this was the creature that held your fate in his hands currently. 
“I make new deal.  Must ask first.” he then turned and swam away like he did before. 
“I say just leave the asshole.” Namjoon laughed. 
“This isn’t funny!” Hoseok snapped.  “But, yeah, why didn’t we just leave him” 
“First of all, I don’t want that on my conscience for the rest of my life.  And secondly, do you really think we won’t be in huge trouble if we return without him.  He works for the governent” 
“True” Namjoon sighed, “But if it comes to all of us dying...don’t you think that…” 
The merman was now knocking at the glass again, snapping the attention of the four of you back to the window. 
“New deal” The merman looked even more excited.  “We give back.  You take”  
You didn’t quite understand what he was saying, he seemed to notice your confused expression. 
“You take” he repeated pointing to himself. 
“Take you with us?” you gasped.  He wanted to come back to Triton with you?  
“For learn.  Want learn.  You take.  Me learn, you learn.  Deal?” 
“Deal!” you exclaimed instantly, realizing you should probably discuss it with your teammates but the idea of being able to take this merman back to Triton with you, and being able to learn everything about him and his kind seemed even more like a dream come true than anything that had happened so far. 
“Right?” you turned to the rest of your crew
They all shrugged and nodded
“I don’t see why not” Namjoon spoke, but there was a hint of something uneasy in his voice. 
A few more mer-people swam over to your ship after the merman you’d been speaking with went and told them that the deal was on.  Two of them had Jin in their arms who seemed to be squirming around and resisting until he realized he was being brought back to his ship. 
There was a small metal room in the back of the ship meant for coming and going that drained the water once Jin was inside.  
Hoseok went to grab him and brought him to his room.  Yelling at him for being stupid the whole way there.  
The merman you’d spoken to was now in front of the glass again.  
“Gave back.  You take now?” he pointed to himself. 
“Yes.  But, how are you going to breathe?  We don’t have anything water here for you.” 
He thought for a moment, putting his hand to his chin. 
“One night.  I return” he swam away, and the other mer-people followed. 
 You spent the rest of the night discussing with the rest of your crew how you’d handle bringing the merman back with you to triton.
You’d all settled on keeping it a secret.
You knew Jin would have a hard time not telling his boss’s in the government so you’d brought him out to have a little talk.
He was still quite shaken up from the days events when hoseok dragged him from his room to the main room where you all had gathered.
“The merman is coming with us back home.  I want to learn from him, but I don’t think it’s best if the media knows he’s there.  everyone would want pictures and interviews and it’d all get in the way of our research.  Can you keep it a secret?” You asked Jin 
“And why would I protect any of them? Do you even know what they did to me in there?” He growled
“You did shoot one of their people…” Jungkook spoke hesitantly 
“Well she snuck up on me.  And what was I supposed to do?” Jin scowled down towards the floor.
“Please Jin.  I’m begging you.  You can report it to your supervisors only or whatever after we’ve taken him back here” you begged.  You knew that if it was found out your team had brought a real mermaid back with them the media would swarm.  You also were scared of what the government would ask to be done with him, they could easily take him from your team and give him to a different scientist for who knows what…
“I don’t want to lie about this…” Jin grumbled. 
“We could’ve just left you there with them man.  That was the original deal, and she turned it down.” Namjoon snapped at Jin, narrowing his eyes and clenching his fists at the man’s stubbornness to get on board with your plan. 
Jin sighed and rubbed his temples.  
“Fine.” he whispered “I won’t tell…” 
You hoped that he was telling the truth. 
The next morning you were awakened to a tapping on the window.  You had slept in the control room where you had seen the merman before so that you wouldn’t miss his return. 
You lifted your head sleepily and looked to the noise, smiling widely upon seeing that the merman had his face pressed to the glass looking in at you. 
You quickly stood and fumbled around to grab the microphone and turn on the receiving one for the outside. 
“Hey, welcome back!” you chimed excitedly. 
You noticed the merman seemed just as excited as yourself.  His long blue hair floating just as beautifully in the water as you had remembered it.  His skin was shimmering in the light, with that shiny iridescent glow covering his gorgeous caramel skin.  
Your breathing quickened at the sight of him, it was almost like looking at a statue of an ancient god.  You felt slightly unworthy in his presence, yet he looked more excited to see you than anyone ever had in your whole life. 
“I come back.  Go with you now.  Made way to travel with.” he spoke.  And as he said that, a group of four other merpeople swam up carrying a large glass tank that looked plenty big enough for the merman to comfortably fit into. 
“That's perfect!” you clapped your hands together.  “So what you’ll want to do is be in the tank when you get into the room.  The room will drain out the rest of the water, but the water in your tank will stay and we can carry you in” 
He nodded.  You saw an older couple, a merman and merwoman approach him and hugged him tightly.  
“Careful you” The woman said kissing him on the forehead. 
You assumed those must be his parents.  Their family dynamics seemed to be similar to your people.  Those were the types of things you couldn’t wait to learn about, you had so many questions. 
You pressed the button to open the door to the chamber Taehyung would enter from.  He swam into his tank and you watched the merpeople swim it over and place it inside.  
“All good?” you said over the microphone to the outside of the ship. 
“Good.  Ready”  A voice called back to you
You took a deep breath.  Nervously you pressed the button to close the doors and drain the water from the room.  
You then called over the announcement speaker system, realizing you should’ve probably done this first,
“Everyone, I’m gonna need your help carrying him in.  He’s here” 
You made your way to the room, Namjoon had joined up with you and you saw a sleepy Hoseok and Jungkook following close behind.  
“Jin’s not up?” you raised an eyebrow to Namjoon. 
He shrugged and you sighed.  Oh well, the four of you could probably do this on your own.  
You felt your skin tingling with the excitement of what lay behind the door you now stood in front of.  
Your childhood dreams and fantasies within your reach. 
You shakily placed your hand on the door and turned the handle to open it. 
When you entered the room the merman was sitting with his head, arms and shoulders all out of the tank.  His head resting cutely on his hands at the edge of his tank. 
“Hello” he spoke.  His voice sounded a bit different when not distorted by the water.  It was deep and soothing and made you just want to melt on the spot. 
“Hello” you returned. “This is Namjoon, Jungkook, and Hoseok. And I’m y/n” you pointed to them respectively. 
“Taehyung” he pointed to himself.  
“Nice to meet you Taehyung” you approached him holding your hand out to shake his hand.  He looked curiously at you and you realized that was probably not a gesture that he understood. 
“Oh.  Sorry.  It’s what humans do to greet each other.  We shake hands” 
“Shake hands to greet.” He nodded like he was making a mental note of it. 
“So we’re going to carry you out of here now, I’ve made space in my room to put your tank and secure it so it doesn’t slide around the ship when we take off.”  You did now notice that the tank didn’t have a lid, you hoped that the trip back to Triton wouldn’t make the water spill out, you’d have to come up with something for that…
The four of you picked up the tank, noticing that it had handles to carry it, you were extremely thankful for that convenience.  It was quite heavy, about four feet high, and six feet in length.  You wondered if he’d start to miss swimming in the open waters.  You’d have to build a bigger tank for him back at your lab. 
“We make last night” Taehyung proudly tapped the glass on his tank as you carried him. 
“You made this in a night? It’s nice, the handles helped”  You complimented him sweetly.  
So they have the means to make things like this.  And very quickly.  You were going to have to ask more about that. 
Once he was set down and secured in your room, you let out a small chuckle at the way he looked around wide eyed at all of your things. 
Hoseok and Jungkook had decided to go get something to eat.  
“Want me to stay?” Namjoon asked “For safety?” he whispered the last part in your ear.  Not being able to tear his eyes from the sharp teeth showing as Taehyung smiled. 
“He seems gentle, you can go eat.  I want to just take some notes and talk with him for a while” 
Namjoon nodded and left the two of you alone in the room. 
You sat down on your bed, which was only a few feet from where his tank sat.  
He rested his chin on his arms at the top of the glass, looking at you with a cute and curious stare. 
“I have so many questions I don’t even know where to start” you chuckled, feeling slightly shy now that you were alone with him.  
“I have question too.  Many” he laughed lightly, he didn’t seem to be nervous about this at all.  If he was he was doing a good job not showing it. 
Your mind raced through all of your questions, wondering what to ask first as you pulled out a pen and your research notebook.  Writing at the top
‘Taehyung, Mermaid Research Notes’ 
“So, did you know that we existed?” You asked him 
Taehyung thought for a moment.  “Little know.” he answered “See your ships move in sky?  Not know what look like.  Or why ships” 
You wrote down his answer in your notes.  So they could see your ships going from moon to moon.  
“So you go to the surface of the water, you can breath like we do it seems.  Like right now you’re out of the water and seem to be fine?” 
He nodded “Breath is both.  Tail need water or maybe die.  Have question? You say two, not fair, take turn” he winked at you in what almost seemed like a flirtatious gesture, your cheeks grew hot and you wanted to cover your face in embarrassment. 
“Sorry.  We’ll take turns” you smiled nervously at him. 
“Good.  I ask, You say warrior would die under water.  Not breath underwater?” He furrowed his brow as he asked. 
“No, we have to hold our breath if we go underwater, and that can only last for like a minute or two.” 
“Oh.  Interesting” Taehyung’s eyes widened as he nodded again. “I ask again?” he cocked his head to the side. 
You chuckled at his gesture “Yeah, I got two so you should get two” 
“We speak same. You know Why?”  
“Actually I was wondering that too!” You put a hand to your face as you thought “ I really have no idea though.  It seems you speak our language, just in a more…” you didn’t want to offend him so you tried to think of a way to phrase your thoughts. “With less words?” 
“Less words.  Yes. You speak extra words” 
Extra words, you found that an amusing way to put it. 
“Maybe at one point in life, a long time ago our people lived together somehow.” you guessed “I don’t know for sure, but we had heard of you.  It was all supposed to be just a story that you’d tell children, and no one really believed it.  But I actually had hoped it was true, and that’s the main reason that we came to your planet.  I wanted to find out if you were real” you told him. 
“Maybe.” he nodded as he agreed with your guess, yet something strange flickered over his dark eyes.  He suddenly dunked his head under the water and surfaced again.  It seemed random, you wondered if he was just missing the feeling.
“Don’t like dry hair.  Feeling weird” he told you, as if he knew what you were thinking. 
“Oh okay” you nodded.  “Um...so my turn?” you still were feeling shy and awkward around him.  His beauty was enough to make you nervous alone, let alone the fact that he was the embodiment of a life long dream achieved.  You wanted to make every second with him count. 
The door to your room swung open, causing Taehyung to jump slightly and splash a bit in the water. 
“Hey.  Just brought you some food and wanted to check in” Namjoon spoke, handing you one of the protein packs and looking Taehyung over skeptically.  
“Thanks Joon.  We’re doing well.  Just talking” you smiled at him
“Okay, just radio me if you need anything.” his eyes not leaving the merman in the room “Hoseok is going to start the ascent to the surface soon”  he let you know. 
You gave him a quick smile and a wave as he left the room.  You had expected him to be far more excited about all of this, it was his dream as well, yet something seemed to be bothering him. 
“Not like me” Taehyung said after Namjoon had shut the door.  He said it as if it was a fact and not a question. 
“I’m sure that's not true.  He’s wanted to meet your people too.  He might just be nervous” 
You were almost trying to convince yourself that was the case. 
You felt the ship jolt forward a little bit, a small creaking sound rang out as the ship complained from having been still for so long.  Taehyung's water shook slightly in his tank and he looked scared. 
“It’s just the ship moving up to the surface” You told him “Its safe” 
He smiled slightly “Okay. Safe” he nodded “Trust” 
The two of you exchanged questions back and forth the whole way to the surface.  You found out that he was also a scientist, that they seemed to have most of the same careers that your society had.  Doctors, teachers, store owners, construction.  Even one job that was basically a veterinarian, they liked to keep some types of fish and aquatic animals as pets. 
Once you reached the surface of the water and it was time to take back off into space, you had to say goodbye to Taehyung and go sit buckled into your seat.  You had made a makeshift lid, hoping it was enough to keep him safe and his water in the tank.
Right before you put it on, he could see your worried expression and he reached out his hand to you, taking your hand in his own.  He brushed his thumb along your palm, sending a shudder throughout your body. 
“Safe.  Trust” He spoke, his dark eyes sparkling as they met yours.  
When your shuttle arived back to Triton, your crew was met with cheers and camera crews everywhere.  The large crowd gathered at the station were excited that you had all returned safely, and you were sure they were dying to hear all about it.  
Your team went out to the steps where you could address the crowd.  You told them that your team would be releasing the pictures and notes that you’d taken on your trip within the week.  That seemed to satisfy their hunger for curiosity.  
Really all you could think about though, was getting Taehyung safely into your lab without him being seen. 
You had discussed with Hoseok plans to dock the ship in the back entrance after waving away the crowd, so now it was time to do just that. 
Jin had left to go update his higher ups on what had happened on the trip.  You nervously hoped he’d keep his word about what had really happened down on neptune. 
Hoseok, Namjoon and Jungkook helped you carry Taeyhung’s tank from where the ship was now discreetly docked in the lab.  
You were happy to see that he was already from the landing. 
“Nice see you again y/n” he purred out as he saw you.  Namjoon rolled his eyes and sighed, you still didn’t quite understand what had him so upset about this whole thing. 
Once Taehyung was brought to one of the rooms in the lab that only you and Namjoon had access to you thanked Hoseok and Jungkook and told them they could go. 
“That was a hell of a trip boss” Jungkook grinned at you “These pictures we took really are going to make me the top photographer on all of the moons.”
“Just remember not to publish any of the ones of Taehyung or the other merpeople.  Also the ones I selected to be exclusively for my research papers I will be posting” 
“Right” he nodded giving you a small wave as he left the room.
Hoseok then stepped forward towards you.
“Hey let me know when you need me for the return alright? You have my number” he put a hand on your shoulder.
“Will do, seriously thank you for everything. I couldn’t have done this without you”
“I know” he winked and gave you finger guns as he walked backwards out of the room.
Taehyung had been watching you say your goodbyes silently under water, tiny bubbles ascending to the surface of the tank.  He seemed to be anxious to get your attention back over to him again. 
You gave him a small smile and put your finger up to say ‘just wait one second’
You still had to say goodbye to Namjoon, who stood scowling at Taehyung. 
You realized you needed to have this conversation in private and motioned for Namjoon to join you right outside the door to Taehyung's room.
“So what’s going on with you? I thought you’d be excited that we finally found merpeople? This was our dream remember?” You narrowed your eyes at him, biting on your lower lip.
Namjoon crossed his arms across his broad chest.
“Yeah, this was our dream. Our, dream.  But you seem to want to do this all on your own.” He glared at you 
“On my own?  I’m sorry but you were right there with me? You came on this trip too, I didn’t leave you out of anything” you hissed in a whisper 
“Yeah. Okay.  Well have fun with your new best friend.  And your research papers.  Don’t bother putting my name on them.  If you even planned on it” he growled and stomped away from you.
“Namjoon wait!” You yelled after him. “What the hell” you mutter to yourself shaking your head angrily as you walked back into the room where Taehyung was waiting for you.
He had an expression of confusion laid on his features.
He was poking only the top of his head out of the water, just his eyes peeking above. 
“Sorry about that.  I really don’t know why he thinks-“ you stopped yourself, not wanting to rant about your problems to this man you’d just met. “Never mind” you sighed.
Taehyung cocked his head to the side.  “Okay?” he pointed to you. 
“Yeah I’m okay” you faked a smile. 
“Lie” he shook his head, “Alright, don’t tell.” he seemed to pout slightly. 
“It’s nothing really.  Namjoon is upset, but he’ll get over it” 
Taheyung pulled himself up to rest his arms on the top of the tank.  “Hope.” he nodded slowly “Don’t like you sad” he frowned and reached a hand out to you. 
You purse your lips, debating whether to step into his touch.  Deciding that it couldn’t hurt. 
You reached your hand out to him as you walked forward.  He took your hand gently in both of his and turned it over, brushing fingers lightly over your palm and staring at it inquisitively, his gaze flickering from your hand to your confused face every once in a while.   His hands were cold, and seemed to glitter in the light, they were so beautiful, wet and soft as they touched you.  You shuddered slightly.
After what felt like hours of him doing this he gave you your hand back.  
His eyes were locked on to yours and you awkwardly wiped your hand on your pants.  
“So I still have so much more I want to know about you” You spoke
“Same” he nodded “Many question” 
“I’ll start?” you chuckled as you pulled up a chrome metal chair to the side of his tank, taking out your notebook.  
“So,” you cleared your throat “What are relationships like there?” 
“Relationship?” Taehyung furrowed his brow. 
“Yeah, like do you get married?” 
“Not married” He spoke slowly pointing to himself “But, yes married happens.”
“Oh, okay so you aren’t, but that's a normal thing”
He nodded.  “You?”
You chuckled “No, I’m not, but we do here too” 
He seemed relieved at your answer. 
“Turn?” he pointed to himself.
“Yeah, go ahead”
“How do…” he smirked slightly, his tail flicking some water up in the air that fell right back down into the tank. “How do you, create new people”
You choked on air at his question.  As a scientist you shouldn’t feel uncomfortable talking about these things, but for some reason discussing sex with him seemed more intimate than it should.
“Oh, I-” you shook your head, trying to shake away the embarassement, “Sex is, um.  Men have an…” you wanted to try and say this like a mature professional as best you could “an appendage, their genitalia, and they enter the woman’s, entrance...that fits the man’s appendage inside and releases sperm that combines with an egg to create a baby” you coughed, still feeling uncomfortable and shy. 
He nodded understandingly.  “Us different.  Not enter.  Female release, then male release, combines outside in water to an egg where young grows”
“Oh!” you found that interesting and quickly jotted it down in your notes. 
You talked back and forth a bit more with him explaining further and asking more questions as well. 
“I did have one more question before I turn in for the night…”
Taehyung smiled at you, nodding for you to go ahead.
“You said that you can’t leave the water or you’ll dry up.  Has that happened before?”
Taheyung thought hard for a moment “Only told.  Only a story.  No dry to test theory.  Only water at home.  Wanted to create raft to test theory, no one willing.  Much risk.”  he seemed to be thinking hard on this thought.  “Always wondered…”
You wrote down a few more notes on your paper, then flipped your notebook shut. 
“I think that’ll be it for the night” You smiled at him “I’m going to look into getting you a bigger tank, will you be fine sleeping here for the night?” you asked
“Yes, fine.  Sleep good” he smiled, holding his hand out again to you.  You put your hand into his and he gave you a quick squeeze “Will miss…” he murmured almost inaudibly. 
The rest of the night you tossed and turned in the sheets.  Taehyung was on your mind the whole time.  
When you finally drifted off to sleep, the world you were sent to was familiar but not your own. 
You felt yourself falling down slowly through dark water, a small light in the distance was getting closer and closer as you sank.  
You didn’t feel like you were drowning, you felt serene and weightless.  The light was now almost to you, nothing else was visible in the pitch black water, and you were starting to make out the object giving off the warm yellow glow. 
It was a lamp, somehow still lit underwater, and a hand was holding tightly to it. 
Soon you recognized the face that owned that hand.  It was Taehyung.  His tanned skin glowing against 
You smiled and opened your mouth to greet him, when suddenly his face was mere inches from your own. 
His razor sharp teeth were bared and your blood froze.  You felt your entire body start to clench up with fear, a shock running down your spine at the monstrous sight of this man.   
His hand shot out and gripped you around your throat.  He screamed something but for some reason you couldn’t make out the words, maybe it was a different language?
Your eyes shot open and you were sitting straight up in bed, gasping and sweating.  What the hell was that dream about? 
After eating breakfast, showering and getting dressed for the day, you made your way over to your lab.  Excited to see Taehyung again despite the dream still slightly haunting your mind.  
As you opened the door, starting to step into his room, you called out for him in a singsong voice “I’m baaaack” 
Only to drop everything you are holding in your hands in shock.  Your heart seemed to sink all the way to your feet and fall to the floor with your notebook and coffee that now was spilling across the tile on the ground. 
He was...gone.  He just wasn’t there.
No, this isn’t possible! Who got to him? Did Jin lie? Did he tell his supervisors and they came and took him to a different lab so they could steal away your credit and research?
Catching you completely off guard and making you almost jump straight out of your skin, a hand touched your shoulder from behind. 
You almost turned around to punch the attached person in the face, when he spoke. 
“No! Sorry.  Accident scare” 
You knew that voice. 
You whipped yourself around to see that standing behind you was a completely naked Taehyung.  Standing.  Behind you.  On LEGS. 
Your eyes scanned over him, his tail gone and his lower half of his body now matching the humanness of his upper half.  You also took note of the fact that the iridescent glow that usually blanketed over every inch of his skin was also gone.  He looked completely human. 
“W-what…” you stammered out, your eyes flickering up and down his body. 
“Y/n.  Experiment, success!” He clapped his hands together and motioned to himself up and down, as if you weren’t already looking him over obsessively. 
“Tried out of water.  Thought you save if went wrong” he shrugged “Look! Like you now.  Strange.”  he grinned excitedly. 
“Taehyung.  I don’t understand...I thought you were sure you’d die out of the water” 
“Scientist?” he pointed to himself “Never sure without facts.  Want see for self. Much surprise” he chuckled.  You now noticed he was absentmindedly playing with the new body part he had discovered between his legs.  
Your breath caught in your throat and you quickly pulled your eyes away from what he was doing.  Your eyes had lingered a bit too long already.  Enough that you’d realized how impressive his cock was.
“I-I, need to get you some clothes” you muttered, now facing away from him. 
“Oh” he spoke quietly “Yes, you people clothes here” he laughed lightly. 
You hurried out of the room and grabbed a spare lab coat, then went to Namjoon’s locker in the breakroom to find that he thankfully had some spare basketball shorts left there. 
You brought them back to Taehyung and turned your back to him while he dressed. 
“Feel weird” Taehyung muttered.  “Don’t like dry” 
You spun back around to face him.  It wasn’t the most stylish attire but at least he was covered now and you could speak to him without feeling a warmth building between your legs at the mouth watering sight of his naked form. 
“I don’t understand how this happened” you whispered. 
“Same” he took a seat in one of the metal chairs in the room, lifting his legs up and down and kicking them around, rolling his ankles while he stared at his feet.
“Toes?” he asked cocking his head to the side as he wiggled his newfound appengages. 
“Yeah” you giggled “How’d you know what they were called?”
Taehyung stood up and walked over to the desk in the corner of the room where you now saw a bunch of opened books laying out.  One being an anatomy book. 
“Oh, woah you’ve had a long night huh?” 
Taehyung smiled and nodded. 
“I learned much” 
Suddenly he was walking over to you, you felt your breathing break it’s steady pace as he reached his hand out to rest on your shoulder. 
“Haven’t learned enough...explain? Something wrong happening” his expressed was shifting into one of confusion and worry. 
“I-I don’t quite understand what you mean?” you stammered out, hoping that he doesn’t realize how much his closeness was making you nervous.  The way his eyes trailed over you was sinful and you were trying to convince yourself that it wasn’t what you thought it was.  But, his eyes seemed to be hungrily taking you in, and now his hand was sliding down from your shoulder, fingers trailing lightly down your arm as he did.  It slightly tickled and made you shudder, which he definitely noticed.  Yet he still seemed concerned about something. 
Once his hand reached your own he took it and slowly guided you forward.  He placed your hand over his crotch, which you felt harden even more than it most likely already was under your touch.  It was his turn to shudder. 
“Why is this?” he muttered. 
“Um…” you tried to speak but your mind was taken over by the fact that he was holding your hand to his dick currently.  You didn’t want to feel as turned on as you did, you wanted to keep this professional.  But you felt yourself growing warm and wet between your legs. 
“It's what happens when men are turned on” you murmured 
“What turned on?” he was still confused. 
“It’s nothing bad.  It means…” you wanted to find the right words to communicate this.  He seemed to understand most things you said even if he didn’t know the words, why couldn’t he get this one, you groaned silently in your mind. 
“It means you want to mate?” you tried. 
“Mate?” He suddenly smiled, “Ah yes.  Understand now.  Yes want that.” he nodded, your heart skipping a beat as his lustful gaze was now admitted to be something real and not an idea you were creating just to flatter yourself.  
“Taehyung you know we shouldn’t right? We are just here to learn-” 
Taehyung cut you off with his other hand bringing a finger to your lips.  He brushed over your bottom lip delicately, his eyes staring into your own so intensely that you swore he was staring into your soul.  
“Want to learn human body, help?” his voice was innocent but his expression and body language was anything but.  He was still holding your hand to his clothed cock over Namjoon’s basketball shorts and he was starting to move your hand slightly up and down his shaft that you could feel so distinctly through the loose fabric. 
“Mmmm” he moaned out lowly, his deep voice so erotic and inticing. 
“For learning?” you whispered, hesitantly moving your face towards his. 
He broke into a boxy smile that made you want to melt. 
“Show me” he spoke softly, his hand now tugging at the button on your jeans.
He pressed his forehead against your own, biting down on his lower lip. 
 “Please” he breathed out. 
At this point you were too far gone to think clearly.  He was begging, and he was too tempting to deny.  
You nodded your head slightly, closing your eyes as you felt him now undoing your button and unzipping your jeans.  So slowly it was almost as if he was teasing you. 
He dropped to his knees as he pulled down your pants and panties all in one swift motion.  His tongue darted out and he wet his lips quickly as his eyes widened at the sight of your lower half naked in front of him. 
“Never...Never done...never seen” he muttered, his eyes flicked up to meet yours. 
“I’ll teach you” 
“Please” he groaned, bringing his attention back to your pussy that was eye level with him. 
His forefinger trailed across your outer folds ever so lightly.  You felt a chill of pleasure and want run over your skin, giving you goosebumps all over. 
“Show me” he repeated his request from earlier. 
You decided to step back from him to go lay on the desk, so you could spread your legs and give him a better view.  He pouted until he realized what you were doing.  Now he was walking towards you and dropping to his knees again, returning to face your dripping center at eye level. 
“Wow” he whispered, he was so close that you could feel his breath against you.  
“You...can touch me.  Explore around I guess” you chuckled nervously, not sure if you were excited or scared to be in this position with him.  You felt like if any of your crew found out what you were doing they’d be upset, especially Namjoon.  
You closed your eyes tightly, breathing quickly anticipating the likely touch that was soon to come. 
Taehyung stared into your center in awe, he didn’t quite know why he was so attracted to this part of you that he’d never seen on anyone before.  Mermaids didn’t actually have sex.  It wasn’t about pleasure or getting off, it was purely for creating children, you never even had to touch the other during the act.  It wasn’t intimate, it wasn’t this…
The urges that he was having were so foriegn to him, he knew it was coming from the new body part he’d found dangling between his legs that seemed to somehow be growing even harder as he stared at your nakedness laid out in front of him. 
You were becoming wet, Taehyung liked the wet, it was so inviting, he wanted to feel it on his fingers.  
You shuddered as he started to feel around, brushing against your clit every so often, never entering you.  
You realized he might not understand that he could.  One of your hands crept down to join his, he almost jumped back in surprise, he had been so entranced in touching you he’d almost forgotten anything else in the world existed.  When your hand reached down he snapped back to reality a bit.  You started to press a finger into your dripping hole. Moaning as you brought the finger in and out.  Taehyung felt his cock twitch at the sound of your pleasure, he realized he wanted to do whatever he could to be the one making you create those beautiful noises. He didn’t understand why, but the thought of pleasuring you made him more excited than he’d ever been in his life. 
“You can do this to me” you told him, “Try” 
Taehyung nodded and brought his finger to replace yours that had just retracted itself from your hole.  
Without even realizing why he did this, his other hand snapped up and grabbed your wrist before you could pull your hand away.  He brought his lips to the finger you’d had inside of you and pulled it into his mouth, carefully avoiding touching you to his sharp teeth, sucking and licking, growling in satisfaction at how unexpectedly pleasent the taste was.  
“Wow” he whispered as he released your hand from his grip. 
He then returned his focus to his other hand. 
“Another?” he asked as he started to tease your entrance with two fingers. 
“Yes.  I can probably only take two though” you moaned, 
Taehyung chuckled, and decided he was going to try a third after he played around with two fingers.  The scientist in him needed to test that theory that you could only take two.  
The louder your moans got, the more Taehyung felt this urge for you to be touching him back.  When your hand was on him over his clothes earlier it was all he could think about, and he needed you to touch him again.  
He started to push into you with a third finger.  
“Fuck, Taehyung,  Thats too” you gasped out in high pitched moans. 
Taehyung smirked as he continued, “Shh, Will be okay” he muttered.  You were so tight but adjusting to him.  He started to move his fingers around, and then remembered that you had shuddered and moaned every time that he had brushed against the nub that rested right above where his fingers were going in and out of you.  And the way you had tasted when he licked your wetness off of your fingers still lingered on his tongue, he needed another taste,  Maybe he should be giving some attention there too…
He brought his mouth to your clit and started to give small licks, you responded more than he’d anticipated, bucking your hips up into his mouth, it makes Taehyung swell with pride that he’d figured out how to make you feel even better.  
“Taehyung I’m g-gonna cum soon, I’m getting so close” you gasped out. 
Suddenly his head snapped away from you, you whimpered at the loss of him. 
“Cum?” he looked up at you in confusion. 
“Um yeah, like have an orgasm” You explained. 
“Hmmm” he hadn’t fully realized he was working towards a finish here, he had just been having fun.  But now that he knew there was an end purpose to his actions it only motivated him to work harder.  His tongue dove back into you, flicking and licking faster than before.  He had to hold your squirming hips down with his free hand so he could keep his pace.
“Fuck!” you screamed out loudly “Taehyung don't stop! I’m cumming” 
Taehyung smiled widely against you as he continued his surprisingly skilled tongue work, lapping up every bit of the wetness that you were giving to him as you came.  He felt the walls around his fingers pulsing and tightening around him as you rode out your high.  
He didn’t stop for a moment after you had came.  You were giggling as you tried to wiggle away from him.  
“Ah, Taehyung, Ahh, Stop.  It’s too sensitive now!” you squealed. 
He chuckled and continued for a few seconds more before pulling himself away from you.  Wiping your juices from the corner of his mouth. 
“That was the best orgasm I’ve ever had.” You put an arm over your forehead, your chest heaving up and down heavily.  “Are you sure you’ve never done that before?” 
Taehyung felt so proud of himself.  “No never...Really good?” 
“So good” you smiled at him, sitting up now.  “Want me to return the favor?” 
Taehyung nodded slowly, “Meaning...Touch me?” he asked, his hand now palming his hard and aching cock over his short. 
“Yes, I want to touch you” you smiled sliding yourself off the table and getting down on your knees in front of him.  He cocked an eyebrow up, curious at what you are doing now.  Your fingers hooked around the hem of the shorts and pulled them down to his ankles.  His cock sprung free now, so hard and needy, a small bead of precum already forming on his tip.  You licked your lips and brought a hand up to grip the base of his cock. 
“Oh” he whimpered as he threw his head back and shut his eyes tightly.  
You then brought your lips to wrap around him, not fully taking him in, but enough that he could now feel your tongue laying flat against the underside of his tip.  His hand reflexively snapped to the back of your head, wanting to push himself into you all the way, but not wanting to hurt you.  You started to bob your head as your lips moved up and down his shaft.  Taehyung's other hand now held the back of your head as well, gently moving with you as you moved on him. 
Your tongue flicked over him in a way that felt like heaven, and he, without meaning to jerked his hips forward, causing you to take him in all the way.  You quickly pulled away from him coughing and giggling. 
“Sorry” Taehyung gasped, “Hurt?” he felt awful for his unintentional action that seemed to have caused you discomfort.  Here you were making him feel so good and he was getting overly greedy. 
“No, you’re fine.  I get it” you chuckled “Let me adjust and you can do that more if you want” 
Taehyung’s eyes widened dramatically as you  now started to take him in fully, your lips now all the way at the base of his cock, your nose brushing against his abdomen. 
“Do your thing now,  I’ll tap your thigh hard three times if it’s too much for me okay? Then you have to stop, but unless I do that you can use my mouth however you want” you smirked up at him.  
Taehyung nodded, and for a brief second a thought floated through the front of his mind.  He was in love…
Taehyung’s hands returned to the back of your head, he started out slowly, moving his hips forward into your mouth as he gripped you tightly, pushing himself into your mouth all the way, and back out again.  A loud grunt that surprised even him escaped his lips as he sped up.  
Your eyes were watering as you choked a bit around him, but you didn’t want it to stop, you wanted him to cum.  This beautiful godlike man was using your mouth so perfectly. 
Taehyung felt himself tightening as the pleasure was building, was this his orgasm?  He was slightly nervous for the feeling, when you came it seemed to be quite an intense thing.  He didn’t quite know what to expect but if it felt anything like what he did right now he didn’t want to stop chasing it. 
Suddenly you hummed around him, a low moan that sent vibrations through his cock.  The feeling was overwhelmingly pleasurable.  It was happening.  
“Cumming” he whispered, his eyes rolling back as he shakily fucked himself into your mouth.  The sensation that flooded over him as he poured his hot cum into your mouth couldn’t even be compared to anything he’d ever felt in his  life.  His cock twitched wildy inside your mouth and you moaned around him a few more times, swallowing every drop that he gave you. 
He pulled away once it became too sensitive for him to continue. 
It was your turn to wipe the corners of your mouth.  
Taehyung cocked his head to the side as he stared down at you with a fucked outlook.  
“Good.” he whispered through deep breaths, extending out his hand and brushing a thumb over your cheek and then your lower lip.  You gently grabbed his wrist and kissed the palm of his hand. 
“Very good” 
The next few weeks you and Taehyung continued to learn from each other, in every way possible.  Learning about each other's societies and cultures.  And continuing extensive first hand anatomy lessons.  
Taehyung had been falling more and more in love with you.  
Now that he had legs you were able to take him out into the towns, showing him all of your favorite spots and places to go.  
Everytime you grabbed his hand and pulled him over to something that excites you, that warm feeling of love and joy filled him up to the point that he felt he might explode. 
Your happiness was irresistible, all of you was irresistible to him. 
You were feeling similar, yet that dream you had weeks ago hasn't stopped appearing.  Almost every night you dreamed of Taehyung’s hand around your throat as he dragged you down into the dark water, the dream had actually continued even longer than the first time.  In the most recent dream everything was the same, expect that you could feel the water filling your lungs, you could feel yourself drowning.  You woke up choking and grabbing at your throat.  You hated yourself for somehow having this subconscious fear of Taehyung due to these dreams.  Yet you’d still flinch away from in the morning’s where the dream had visited you during the night.  You’d shudder slightly when you caught a glimpse of his teeth.  
Namjoon had avoided you ever since your fight.  He had turned in a resignation notice and that was the last you’d heard of him.  It hurt that he felt like you were trying to steal all of the credit, you really weren’t.  You would’ve put his name right next to yours on every research paper.  You had cried when you saw Namjoon’s notice that he was leaving,  Taehyung held you and kissed you on the cheek, telling you everything would be okay.  You did feel some comfort in that, you’d lost your best friend...but gained a new one. 
Then many things happened.  All too fast and none of them good.  About a week ago your office was broken into and you found all of your research had been stolen.  You hated that you suspected Namjoon, but who else could it have been.  Who else had access? 
You suspected that he was going to publish the papers with just his name on them, same as he thought you were going to do to him.  
You had tried calling him only to find that your number had been blocked.  
You and Taehyung were cuddling in your bed, enjoying a day off from work and just hanging around your house. 
Your head was on his chest and your arms wrapped tightly around him.  You felt him sigh heavily.  
“Hey what's wrong” you wondered.
He simply sighed again.  
“Tell me or I’ll tickle you” you chuckled. 
Taehyung avoided meeting your eyes as he spoke, a small frown on his lips.  “Miss home” 
“Oh” you frowned
“Love here with you.  But, Miss home.  Miss water.” he sighed again. 
You didn’t know what to say, and simply nuzzled your head against him.  He brought an arm around your shoulders pulling you in tightly and kissing you on the top of your head. 
Suddenly your phone was beeping wildey.  You groaned and rolled over to your nightstand table picking it up. 
Text from Jungkook: Call me. 
Text from Jungkook: Y/n????
Test from Jungkook: Y/N CALL NOW
You were completely confused at what might be so urgent.  You clicked the button to return his many calls that he’d also tried. 
“Y/n oh my god” Jungkook was frantically gasping.
“What the hell Kook are you okay?” 
“Have you seen the news?” 
Your body froze and you got extremely nervous.  What news? What could possibly have happened. 
“Y/n everyone been lying to us.  Jin lied to us, The government lied to us.  Taehyung has been lying to you” Jungkook was shakily gasping out. 
You spun around to Taehyung who was glaring at your phone, he seemed to have overheard that last part and his jaw was clenched tightly.  
“W-what do you mean?” You stammered.  
“Y/n, Off phone now.” Taehyung growled. “Please” 
Your eyes widened at how aggressive Taehyung seemed to be getting.  
“Jungkook just tell me what happened!” 
Taehyung lunged forward and grabbed your phone out of your hand, breaking it in half with ease and tossing it across the room. 
“No.” he spoke with a grim quietness. 
You scrambled out of bed running to the other side of the room away from Taehyung, your heart beating fast and your stomach filling with a sickening feeling. 
“Taehyung what the hell!” you yelled “What did Jungkook mean?” 
Taehyung was shaking his head and running his fingers through his hair. 
“Y/n.  Not what it seems.  Please.  Didn’t want wrong idea.  Please” he was starting to tear up.  “Hear from me not from him” his voice shook as he spoke. 
“Hear what from you!” you spoke through gritted teeth. 
“y/n…” he whispered, 
Suddenly there was a loud crash, and you heard the door to your house being opened and footsteps running towards your room.  The door flung open wide and a frantic Namjoon stood in the entrance now. 
“Y/n! Thank god you’re okay.  I thought maybe he’d already taken you to the ship.” he was gasping. 
“What the actual fuck is happening?” you screamed.  
Taehyung was now standing and walking towards Namjoon, his body shaking with rage. 
“Step back!” Namjoon screamed holding an arm out to Taehyung, your stomach dropped when you saw what was clutched in his hand.  A gun, just like the one that Jin had on the ship. 
Taehyung snarled and hissed animalistically at Namjoon, but backed up a few steps.  His eyes flicking over to you. 
“Y/n please.  Love you y/n.  Promise” Taehyung was whimpering.  “Trust.” 
“We have to go y/n” Namjoon spoke urgently pulling on your arm, still holding the gun out in warning at Taehyung.  
You didn’t want to leave him though, you wanted to hear Taehyung explain himself.  You wanted him to make this awful sinking feeling go away.  You needed the man you loved…
Yet Namjoon was pulling you away from him and out of the house, then into his car.  Speeding away from your house,  you could see Taehyung running out of your home, his gaze following the car as you drove away, your eyes meeting.  You could see him screaming something out at you.
The sight outside was shocking, you now realize why Jungkook was asking you if you’d seen the news. 
The sky was scattered with ships that looked so familiar...they all looked identical to your one of a kind shuttle you’d taken to Neptune! 
“Namjoon, what is happening?” 
Namjoon didn’t tear his eyes away from the road, but he answered you in a very serious tone. 
“Taehyung. This whole time he’s been playing you.  His people wanted the plans on how you’d built the ship they’d seen and that's why they sent him with us.  I’m assuming, once he’d tested out his theory that he could become just like us out of water he radioed that down to all of them too.  Now they are here.  And they aren’t being friendly.” 
Your jaw dropped, you didn’t understand.  Taehyung had been stealing your plans for the ship the whole time? And how did Namjoon know all of this? Was it Taehyung that had broken into your lab?
“And Taehyung isn’t the only one that’s been playing you.  Our own fucking government was.  They knew that they existed.  It was never a question.  They just hid it from the rest of society.  It turns out each of our ruling powers had a similar idea.  Neptune has been wanting to colonize on our moons, take them over.  And our government wanted you to go down there and scope it out because they were thinking the same thing.  Thats why Jin was there.  And that's probably why he left the ship right away when we had arrived at their city.  That's how my suspicions started, why would the government send a man with a gun like that unless they already had an idea.  And the way Taehyung was so willing to be handed over and didn’t even seem to be worried.  I just couldn’t get it off my mind that something was up.”  He shook his head. 
“B-but...Taehyung loves me” you stuttered
“Y/n I’m sorry, but he doesn’t love you.  Hes been faking everything just to steal your research. They are literally here to wipe us all out and we need to get the fuck off of this planet before that happens” His hands shook on the steering wheel. 
“I can’t...I don’t want to leave him.  He may not love me.  But...I love him” You started to sob uncontrollably. 
“You’ll get over it” Namjoon scoffed, pulling into the hanger where your ship that you had taken to Neptune still sat. 
“I got Hoseok and Jungkook here since they are familiar with this ship, and I made the government promise to get our families on the evacuation ships”
This was all happening so fast.  Did Triton really not stand a chance against Taehyung’s people?  Your mind flashed to the dream you’d been having and you felt that you might throw up.  Your mind had been trying to tell you something was off this whole time.  You were too infatuated with the hypnotizingly handsome merman you’d now fallen in love with to see the truth, you’d fed him enough information to destroy your entire civilization. 
You quickly boarded your ship.  Hoseok and Jungkook were already inside as Namjoon had mentioned.  
You sat in silence, still in shock over everything that was happening as the ship took off. 
“So where are we going” you muttered, turning to Namjoon. 
“I know this sounds bad, but we are actually going down to Neptune...It’s big enough that we can hide out in this ship for now until the president issues out a notice that our people have found another planet or place to live... all the ships going out are scattering.” He sighed
“I-I’m so sorry Namjoon.  Why didn’t you tell me sooner that you thought something was up.  I could’ve stopped telling him things.  Been more careful around him” you frowned “Not fallen in love with him” you spoke in a whisper. 
“I’m sorry y/n.  It wasn’t the right call.  I just felt like it was safer if I didn’t say anything.  But I was wrong” he shook his head.  
In a few days your ship was nearing Neptune,  the four of you had mostly slept the entire trip, trying to  not look out and back on your moons.  You’d caught a glimpse of what was happening and you couldn’t help but scream out as you saw the once gray surface of your home lit up red with explosions and flames.  You hoped and prayed that your family and everyone else who had lived there had been fast enough to the evacuation ships.
“Landing! Get buckled” Hoseok yelled out over the intercom.  You did as you were told shakily buckling yourself into your seat. 
Once you hit the water, you just stayed still for a while. You all did.  Probably sharing the same silent thought.  What now?
Your questions were answered when suddenly a door that led to a storage room creaked open. 
“Put your fucking hands in the air and don’t come any closer!” Namjoon shouted out.  His gun he had brought with him now raised for a second time. 
Your breath caught in your throat.  And you knew you shouldn’t feel any happiness at the sight of this stow away.  But you couldn’t help it.  
“Tae-Taehyung” you whimpered.  
Taehyung looked like he hadn’t slept in days, his blue hair messy and bags under his eyes.  
“Please.  Want explain” He choked out, stepping forward towards you. 
“I said don’t move!” Namjoon boomed narrowing in on Taehyung with his gun.
“No! Please!” you ran directly in front of the gun with your hands out. 
Namjoon let out a frustrated growl “Y/n…” 
“I want to hear what he has to say…” you cried. 
The room fell silent, and all eyes locked on to Taehyung.  Namjoon nodded reluctantly for Taehyung to explain himself, lowering his gun, but staying on alert. 
“Your people.  Government.  The date was set.  Destroy date.  I Hacked files and saw.  You came and took pictures.  The last pictures of my people.  Government wanted kill us all.  Date was set” he muttered looking down at the floor. “I wanted...save my people….I wanted also save you” he looked to you with sad eyes “Wouldn’t have let you hurt.  Would’ve got you away!” 
You wanted to believe him so badly.  You wanted to hug him and kiss him, and share more cuddles on your bed at home like you had gotten so used to.  But now you had no home, and it was because of him.  Yet, if what he said was true, his people were only returning the favor in advance for what was about to happen on their planet.  
“Y/n.  Something about four…” He pointed to you, then to Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook, “You dream of water all your life.  Want to see Neptune.  Want to explore.” Taehyung turned to Jungkook “Pictures of Neptune so beautiful. And You” he pointed to Hoseok, “Knew the water well, fly ship in water, no one has ever done yes?” 
Hoseok nodded, none of you understanding where he was going with this. Taehyung turned to Namjoon. 
“Why Neptune?  Why here now?  Whole galaxy.  Yet here.” he asked as if he already knew the answer.  Then Taehyung turned to you.  
“Trust?” he muttered, holding out his arms wide.  
You had no idea why, but you did trust him.  His dark eyes had done nothing but lie to you, yet all you wanted to do was keep believing in them. 
You nodded and ran to his arms.  He embraced you in a giant bear hug, twirling you around. 
You smiled as he kissed you on your head. 
“Go water now” He whispered in your ear. 
“You’re leaving?” 
“No.  Two” he pointed to you and then to him. 
“I can’t, remember, we can’t breath under water” 
“Theory.” he stated. 
“Fact?” you raised an eyebrow.  “Humans die  underwater if they don’t get enough air.” 
Taehyung groaned  “Trust,” he grumbled. 
Despite the rest of your crew pleading for you to stop, you followed Taehyung out a hatch that led to the roof of the ship.  You now stood on top, sunlight shining down on Taehyung’s glowing skin.  He grinned at you as the two of you looked over the vast un ending water laid out in front of you. 
“Jump?” Taehyung asked, holding out his hand to you. 
You sighed, feeling slightly uneasy about whatever this was.  But, still, you put your hand in his and let him hold on tight to you. 
“Trust…” you muttered under your breath, taking a deep breath in as the two of you did a running jump off of the top of your ship and into the water. 
Taehyung instantly changed back into his iridescent mermaid form, his tail flowing elegantly in the water.  You pointed for him to swim with you back up to the surface, you already felt yourself craving a breath. 
He smirked and shook his head.  You did not like where this was going. 
Instantly after you had a thought of swimming back to the surface even though he’d said no, he was holding you tightly, and dragging you down, down, down. 
Everything was so dark, and your lungs felt like they might explode.  Your dream came into your mind again.  Though this time his hands weren’t on your throat they were holding you around your waist, holding you under.  You beat him with your fists hoping to free yourself from him.  But you knew, even if you were to be released, he’d dragged you too far down for you to make it up in time. 
This was it.  
It was over.  
Your fight or flight instinct failing, as there was no way to save yourself anymore.  You gave up.  
Taehyung pulled back from you as you started to go dizzy and limp.  He spoke something you couldn’t hear...as if it were another language...Like in your dream.  
He planted a soft kiss on your lips.  Far too loving and delicate for someone that was murdering you.  
Yet somehow, you were glad.  
You had loved him so much.  
You were only sad that now you’d never see him again. 
As everything faded away and your eyes closed, you felt your body try to take in a breath.  Only to have your lungs fill with water.  
Then complete darkness, complete nothingness. 
Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook ran to the top of the ship.  Looking down into the water. 
“She hasn’t come back up yet...it’s been 10 minutes” Jungkook cried out. 
Namjoon shook his head, tears burning his eyes as he clenched his fists. 
“I shouldn’t have let her go with him.  I can’t believe I let him…” his voice cracked. 
Suddenly the water broke.  A wet mess of blue hair was popping up from the water. 
As soon as he was within earshot Namjoon screamed out. 
“Where is she!?” 
“Come see” Taehyung grinned with a sing song voice. “Take you to her...Follow?” he said cutely. 
“Fuck.” Hoseok whispered.  “This is bad.  She's not with him.  He killed her” he growled. 
Jungkook shook his head “No, no NO! This can’t be happening. Y/n…” he cried. 
Namjoon glared down at the man who was at the edge of the ship now, smiling up at the three of them, his blue tail peaking out ever so slightly from the water. 
“Why shouldn’t I just shoot you right now” he  pulled the gun up and aimed it directly to the forehead of the blue haired merman who seemed unphased by the threat. 
“Want see her yes?” he asked cheerfully.  “Trust” he smiled mischievously, motioning for Namjoon to come into the water with him.  Namjoon was sure it was a lie, it was a trick.  But, he even if it was in death, he wanted to see y/n again. 
“I’m sorry guys.” Namjoon whispered, tossing the gun aside on the top of the ship and diving down into the water next to the grinning merman.  
Your eyes fluttered open, there was a weird feeling of weightlessness around you.  Everything surrounding you was colorful,  you definitely weren’t back on Triton.  Which means there's no way all of this had just been a dream.  
You were laying on a stone bed in an odd room, the walls were decorated with shimmering shells and glass. 
In your confusion you went to stand up and go investigate your surroundings.  Yet something stopped you. 
You couldn’t move your feet.  
Well, something moved.  But it wasn’t feet.  You looked down and screamed out loudly. 
Where legs used to be was now a glittering silver scaled tail, resembling the one that Taehyung had, only differing in color. 
At your screams Taehyung quickly swam into the room. 
“Y/n.  Awake!” his eyes widened. 
You jumped and backed away from him, closer to the wall. 
“Taehyung what the fuck is happening.  I-I thought…” you thought he had killed you.  It was the last thing that you can remember. 
“Never.” he shook his head. “Y/n.  Never hurt you” he held out his hand to you.  “Learn? Swim?” 
You nervously swam towards him, it wasn’t elegant and graceful like how he always swam, but you got to him. 
He pulled you into a loving embrace, petting the top of your head as he held you to his soft and warm chest. 
“y/n is awake?” A voice rang out.  
You broke yourself away from Taehyung's arms to find where that familiar voice was coming from.  
Namjoon swam over to you.  Like you, he was missing legs, and his were replaced by a long green tail.  
“This is crazy isn’t it?” his eyes widened.  “I still can’t quite believe it.  But I’m loving it” he swam up and did a backwards flip.  “It’s kinda like flying.  Hoseok And Jungkook are somewhere around here ” he looked around searching for your other companions.
Taehyung chuckled putting an arm around your shoulders. 
“What is going on here?” 
Namjoon swam to face you and Taehyung. 
“Y/n.  The reason Mermaids speak our language.  The reason both our people knew about each other” he paused collecting his excitement.  “They all just explained this to me, so Taehyung, let me know if I’m leaving anything out.  Everyone up on the moons was originally from here on Neptune.  A long long time ago, the mer people learned that they could walk on dry land, but there was no dry land, so they set out to see if there was any where that they could.  They had made it to the moons but a cruel leader at the time destroyed all of the ships and all records of how to get back home.  The knowledge of the merpeople was passed down through stories, until a journal was found not too long ago of a scientist that had built the ships that could go back and forth between the worlds. It was turned into the government and that’s when they started plotting to wipe them out, and figure out a way to colonize.   I had no idea but It was actually one of the books that were given to me by the government for research help while I was building the ship.  They were going to use us and our research to kill everyone here” he finally stopped for a moment after his long speech “did I get everything?” He turned to Taehyung, who nodded.
“Not all moon people can turn back.  But, More than realize though.  Can tell” he pointed to himself “always drawn to water.  Always need learn, explore, color, need more…” he informed you.
So he knew,  he knew the whole time what all of you were.  
“And we can stay here with you?” You whispered, it all still felt like a dream.
Taehyung smiles and kissed your cheek. 
“Yes” he whispered “please stay” 
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