#EMMA HC. ( no one can tell me to stop. i'll have everything i want! )
debtsunpaid · 8 months
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tag drop for EMMA KNIGHT, divorced failboss and fashion designer to hell! her song is 'caesar on a TV screen' by the last dinner party.
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song is just named
Really? A thief?
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What would you do if, on your first day of work ever, you already have to stop a thief from stealing some pop-tarts?ㅤ | ㅤWhere Y/N was just trying to do her job right until some beautifully blonde robber decided to finish her day on an unexpected way.
ㅤ Young!Emma Swan x Young!F!Reader
Y/N had just turned 18, and it was her first day of work at a small store. She wore her uniform ( A beige shirt with the store's name, blank pants and a card with her name ) correctly, she really was excited to finally get into the adult life and be able to move out of her house.
Even though she was new and it was her first day there, they told her that she had to close the store, and because she wanted to make a good impression, she didn't deny the command.
So now, it was night, and she was alone in the store. It gave Y/N shivers because of how creepy the place looked with all the lights off. So she started checking that everything was in place to close up. She was quiet, humming 'Mine' by Taylor Swift while she walked through the hallways of the products.
Y/LN suddenly stopped when she heard some steps, so she stood up her feet, and as quiet as she could, she walked to where this sound came from. There, she found a breathtaking blonde girl, but Y/N had to take the thoughts out of her mind and catch the girl.
— Hey! — She said to the robber to catch her attention and started chasing her when the mysterious girl ran away with a product.
The two of them got into a persecution inside of the small shop for some minutes, it also looked a bit like a hide and seek, except that it was no fun. Finally, Y/N catched the robber and tackled her. Once on top of her, she looked to the thief and confirmed that she was completely beautiful and it wasn't just her hair.
— Really? My first day, and I got to run after a thief. — She said to herself as she slowly got up, still having the girl cornered so she wouldn't try to run. — So... I'm guessing this is the part where I either call the cops or you give me a good reason to turn around and give you fifteen seconds to escape. — She added, and the blonde girl frowned. Why would she let her escape?
– Why would you- – Mysterious-blonde started asking but got cut off by the worker.
— Because all you grabbed was a box of pop-tarts. They're not expensive, so if you had to wait for me to be alone to steal a box of those, it means you really need it... And I'd never say no to help. — The blonde girl looked at her with a small smile at her explanation. — Let's do this : I'll pass the pop-tarts and a water bottle through the cashier and cover it with my salary, okay? — The Y/HC-haired suggested, and the shoplifter nodded, the gratefulness clear in her eyes.
So they walked to the cashier's machine, and Y/N paid for it. After that, the girl immediately ran away, so Y/LN guessed that it was a one-time meeting.
She checked that everything was fine once more and closed the store. When she was out, she took a deep sigh and got scared by the same blonde girl she had helped that night.
‐ Hey! - She said with a happy tone. ‐ I just thought I'd wait for you... And thank you... And introduce myself. ‐ She added as she walked over to her. Swan followed Y/N, not really knowing where they were going. ‐ So... Thank you, I'm Emma Swan, I guess?
The Y/HC-haired smiled and chuckled. — You're welcome, Emma. I'm Y/N Y/LN. — She said softly and extended her hand to shake it with the blonde. — Don't steal again. At least not from me. — She joked as they walked to her place. The silence was comfortable, even though Y/N kept asking herself why Emma kept following her. She had no idea that Swan just didn't want to feel alone again.
Once they arrived at Y/N's place, she gave her a small smile as she leaned in the door. — You can tell me if you ever need help again, you know? You don't need to condemn your life to this. — She said softly and unlocked the door. — Good luck, Emma. — She added as she got in and then closed the door.
Emma stood in front of the door for a few seconds. She would've lied if she said that the moment felt special in some way, like it was destined or a beautiful coincidence.
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Hey, I saw you do sibling scenarios/sibling content, so..
Could I possibly ask for Emma Magorobi or Xander Matthews sibling headcanons?
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Sure anon! I think i'll just do Emma since shes quite a dynamic character to work with, but you can re-request for Xander if you'd like.
So sorry for lack of content to all others who have sent requests, after getting sick recently i've been suffering creative burnout and have been just generally unmotivated. However I have started all of the requests in some way or another and will get to all of them eventually! Thank you for your support and patience!
NOTES: Non-Despair AU, Character/Reader siblings, G/N reader, brief mentions of Emma's past (its nothing serious though), VOID has a 'found family' relationship in a way
~ Emma Magorobi w/ a sibling! (HC's)
You and Emma most definitely have a close relationship, no matter the dynamic you two share or in general just how different you are from eachother
At the end of the day, she's just happy to have a sibling and she'd never have it any other way, whether you were with her in the darkest times of her earlier life or through the new family shes come to know and love; you mean so much to her!
I can see her looking after you a lot, like if you forgot something at home on your way to school, she'll make sure to have a replacement for that thing or takes it and gives it to you if she notices you not having taken it yourself
Sometimes you jokingly call HER 'mom' or 'grandma em' because of the way she acts/dresses; she pretends to hate it but actually thinks its a little funny
Speaking of jokes you can't convince me Emma isn't a memer, she sends you dumb things she found on pinterest or old vine compilations and references them constantly, even if only to get a reaction out of you
She means no harm of course, but teasing you is just too funny! She can't help it!
Naturally it doesn't stop at just teasing, you get the short end of the stick with her jokes just like Hajime. You've been sitting through her nonsense for your whole life by now, it's as if shes some sort of joke encyclopedia because she has at least TWO for everything
If you do happen to have a similar sense of humor though, you guys would be having all-out pun wars for who can out-joke the other
Void is subjected to almost all of you and Emma's wars whenever you're invited to visit, which is not often because they insist that ONE Emma was enough
But oh, otherwise Void is actually quite fond of you! (even if you may have your differences with any members)
Nikei would be pestering you nonstop for your likes, dislikes, etc.. He never goes for the 'pervy' joke question though, he thinks it'd be weird because you're Emma's sibling.
Iroha is always dragging you around to show off her art in the hopes that you'll like it, maybe you can help her paint too?
You've probably already met Hajime before because of him being closer to Emma, but somehow he's even MORE motherly than her so you quickly shift your 'ok mom' jokes to him aswell. He doesn't know what to say to that and it confuses him more than anything
A lot of things depend on you liking Mikado, if it's AI!Mikado you're probably iffy on him; no-one can be THAT charming and creepy at the same time, he's probably like a serial killer or something, if you ever told him that though he'd tell on you to Emma, who would ignore him and leave him defeated ("Boo-hoo.. Y/N really thinks so lowley of me! I'm in tears!")
If it's IRL!Mikado though, you and him probably wouldn't talk much in the first place. He's not very good with new people and probably made a nervous error that made him too emberassed to talk to you for a while. He'll warm up eventually but you probably know him as the guy whos typing away on his computer all the time Overall, you and Emma have a pretty eventful life and are always finding new things to do. She really is glad to have family like you, afterall, it's all she's ever wanted
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sanzusbestie · 3 years
shuji,izana and rindou where they had a story the same with akane and koko where they are friends with reader brother and they fell in love with his sister whose like a few years older but then an occuring accident happened.all angst and saperate hcs:))))
♡ TR boys in love with their friend's sister ♡
Pairings : Hanma Shuji x f!reader, Haitani Rindou x f!reader, Kurokawa Izana x f!reader
Genre : Angst
Warnings : Death, blood
A/n : Angst, my beloved <3 Let's make the boys suffer, shall we ? Thank you for requesting and have a nice day ♡
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Despite all his flirting, you always saw Shuji as your little brother
You knew him since he was three, when he met your little brother in kindergarten
He knew that already, but it didn't stop him
He was convinced you'd reciprocate his feelings
He was the type to mouth "this one's for you" before scoring a basket and then he'd blow a kiss in your direction
He was funny, you could give him that
You always laughed until being breathless with him
One day, he came to pick you up from school with his motorcycle, staring at every boys that would try to get close to you
"You know, I should be the one picking you up from school, Shuji," you joked
"These are only details, Y/n. Now come."
"And where are we going exactly ?" you asked as you put on the helmet he handed you
"You'll have to trust me on this !"
"I'm scared," you laughed as you left with him, ignoring the stare you've been feeling behind your back the entire time
You spent the evening together, he brought you to many places : the arcade, the movie theatre, McDonald's
You had a really good time
It was past 2 am when he drove you back home
"You should go to sleep now, Shuji. It's way past your bedtime."
"How can I sleep, huh ? I finally went on a date with you."
You couldn't help laughing
"Who said that was a date ? 'Cause I didn't for sure !"
"That's absolutely not fair ! What do I have to do to get a date with you ?"
"Maybe I'll go on a date with you the day you quit being a deliquent !" you joked
"Ah ! How could you break my heart this way ?" he asked, pretenting to be hurt as he clutched his t-shirt at the level of his heart
But he could actually quit being a deliquent for you. If someone pointed a gun towards his forehead, telling him to stop it he wouldn't even if he risked getting killed
But he would for you, anything for you
"Deal," he said with a seriousness in his eyes that you didn't know he had. "Honour your part of the pact, okay ?"
How could you say no and break his heart ?
It wasn't like he'd actually quit being a deliquent and a date with him wouldn't kill you anyways, right ?
"Yay !" he said, starting his engine and you chuckled
Everything happened in a flash
He had just turned his back to you that someone came from behind and stabbed your belly multiple times
Your murdered immediately ran away
Shuji wanted to go after him but changed his mind when his eyes landed on you
You'd never make it
"Ah... 'm sorry Shu, I won't be able to honour our deal," you said as you kept spitting blood
"Shhhh, don't talk," he cried, his tears mixing with your blood, taking you in his arms
"Don't cry, Shu," you gathered all the strengths you had left to raise you hand and wipe his tears in vain, "You'll make me sad, you don't want to me me sad now, do you ?"
He shook his head still sobbing
"I love you, Y/n, I really do."
"I know you do. Thank you for loving me, Shuji," you smiled
When your hand fell from his cheek, he knew it was the end
He became totally insane after your death, not the crazy Shuji you knew, no, he really was insane
He completely abandoned your brother, teamed up with Kisaki and helped him killing Emma
Being a fugitive gave him all the time he needed to track the person that killed you
It was a young man that has wanted to hurt Hanma for years : he slaughtered him
He sank little by little in the dark world he promised to leave for you.
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He wouldn't let anyone know he had a crush on you
Not your brother and especially not his
Well, he didn't jus have a crush on you, he was helplessly in love with you, to be exact
But it didn't matter because no one would never know
Even you, the main concerned
But this changed after he heard from your brother that you broke up with your boyfriend
He started to spend more time with you
You didn't think much of it, you were used to hang out with him
It was fun, even if he couldn't take a joke
But as you slowly grew closer, he started to loosen up around you
And maybe that's why you said yes when he finally asked you on a date
Maybe you fell in love with his shyness
Maybe it was the way he cared about his brother
Maybe it was his dark sense of humour
Maybe it was his smile when he'd tell you about his fights
Maybe it was just him
You fell in love with him
You put on your cutest outfit the next day, wanting to look the prettiest you ever did
But he never saw you that day
As you were waiting for the train, two guys started to fight near you
The train was almost there
You backed away from them, anything could happen after all
But it wasn't enough
One of them accidentally pushed you, which made you fall on the rails
Your last thought after seeing the train lights fastly arriving was Sorry Rindou, I guess you won't be able to see the outfit I texted you about
You didn't have time to even shed a tear
When your brother told him about your death, he sobbed under the shower all night
But starting from the next day, he pretended to be okay and never cried for you again
He could do it, it was going to be okay
No one know about him and you after all
Not even his brother.
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He didn't even know Kakucho had a sister
He didn't care anyways, only your brother interested him
Or that was he thought being young and naive
But as the years passed, he slowly fell in love with you
Even though he'd always deny it when Kakucho asked him
"But you know, I wouldn't mind if you started to date. Also, I'm pretty sure she likes you too," he said
"I'm not in love with h- Wait what ? She really does ?"
He realized only after that Kakucho was messing with him
Or was he ?
Izana started to have some doubts
You didn't treat him like you treated the others, you were sweeter to him
Always there for him and you never judged him
After some time, everybody knew you were in love, and you knew it too
You weren't "officially" dating but just knowing you loved each other was enough for you two
That's why he totally changed when you died
He became worse than before
He was so mad
And he was mad at you too
How could you have died this way ?
Weren't you ready to get your driver license ?
Then why did you die during the exam ?
He hated himself for protecting Kakucho
Because everybody thought he did it for him, which was actually true
But it wasn't the complete truth either
It also did it so he could join you
His last word was Emma
But his last thoughts were directed to Kakucho that what lying by his side
Sorry, Kakucho, I really am. But please don't be sad and don't cry for me. I'll be with Y/n, we'll be happy. So please, please don't be sad.
Taglist : @eriskaitto
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