bauerntanz · 7 months
HTN, DIN & Co.
HTN, DIN & Co. - #EuGH gibt Zugang zu Normen frei.
EU-Normen, die Standards für Produkte festlegen, sind Teil des Unionsrechts und müssen daher frei zugänglich sein. Das hat der Europäische Gerichtshof (EuGH) entschieden. Harmonisierte technische Normen (HTN) sind Teil des EU-Rechts und müssen deshalb frei und kostenlos zugänglich sein müssen (EuGH, Urt. v. 05.03.2024, Az. C-588/21 P). Die Folgen dieses Urteils sind noch nicht klar. Bislang…
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thoughtlessarse · 4 days
Devastating floods through much of Central Europe and deadly wildfires in Portugal are joint proof of a “climate breakdown” that will become the norm unless drastic action is taken, the European Union’s head office has said. “Make no mistake. This tragedy is not an anomaly. This is fast becoming the norm for our shared future,” said EU crisis management commissioner Janez Lenarcic. The worst flooding in years moved across a broad swathe of Central Europe on Tuesday, taking lives and destroying homes. At the other end of the 27-nation EU, raging fires through northern Portugal have killed at last six people. “Europe is the fastest warming continent globally and is particularly vulnerable to extreme weather events like the one we are discussing today. We could not return to a safer past,” Mr Lenarcic told EU politicians in Strasbourg, France.
continue reading
If “this tragedy is not an anomaly,” it is, by definition, the norm. And it's only going to get worse.
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paskariu · 4 months
What wizard did you offend to get yourself turned into a car? D:
I sold my soul to our lord and saviour Toyota Yaris XP9F Life 1,33L Dual VVT-i featuring automatic climate control, a length adjustable steering wheel, height adjustable driver's seat and many more comfort features for your 2010 needs.
If you have more requirements, the Executive variants feature an enticing bluetooth radio and heated side mirrors.
For all of your sport needs the Toyota Yaris TR brings you the Tokio Drift straight from Japan with its 255HP.
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doulayogimama · 9 months
also - the cost of food here is insanely cheap. i cannot believe my eyes every time i go to the market. today i bought:
4 small loaves of bread (for 1 euro!)
a quart of soy milk
2 mini starbucks prepackaged lattes
a container of hummus
a huge bowl of fruit salad
2 ears of corn
vegan chick'n nuggets
a small pack of soda (it's a weird habit, i know, but when i travel abroad i drink it as a comfort bc i drank it like water as a kid lolol) im probably missing something but this was all 18 euro!!! back home, i shit you not, the fruit salad i bought would have been $9 on its own back in nyc or miami...
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pebblegalaxy · 10 months
European Union Court's Rulings on Headscarves: A Comprehensive Look at Bans on Burqa, Hijab, and Niqab in Europe and Other Parts of World
European Union Court's Rulings on Headscarves: A Comprehensive Look at Bans on Burqa, Hijab, and Niqab in Europe and Other Parts of World #EUCourt #HeadscarfBan #EuropeanLegislation #GenderEquality #Cultural Norms #Secularism
Embarking on a journey through the diverse landscape of headscarf bans in Europe unveils a complex tapestry of cultural dynamics, legal intricacies, and societal debates. The European Union’s top court, in a series of rulings, has shaped the narrative surrounding the wearing of headscarves, setting precedents that ripple across the continent. From Belgium’s landmark decision in 2011 to the…
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merelythesbian · 1 year
two of my coworkers today were having a conversation on why trans women will never be real women and man. WHAT THE FUCK? take this transphobic shit out of me. i mean why does it matter so much tho? mind your fucking bussiness man
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redpiperfox · 21 days
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michellesanches · 6 months
Latest AI Regulatory Developments:
As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to transform industries, governments worldwide are responding with evolving regulatory frameworks. These regulatory advancements are shaping how businesses integrate and leverage AI technologies. Understanding these changes and preparing for them is crucial to remain compliant and competitive. Recent Developments in AI Regulation: United Kingdom: The…
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possessed-nia · 8 months
if smoking is so bad an some higher up people put spooky pictures to scare away people from smoking how about you pay people enough for them to live and not survive? and have realistic standards recruiting people especially students! because i'm thinking to pick up smoking if it will fucking make it bearable living for at least a moment
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Comparative Study of Global Construction Safety Norms
This article delves into a comparative study of global construction safety norms, highlighting how various countries approach construction safety. We will explore different regulatory frameworks, safety standards, and best practices implemented worldwide, emphasizing their impact on the construction industry. United States: OSHA Standards In the United States, the Occupational Safety and Health…
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ilustrariane · 6 months
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[ENG] Yes, I made Lena quite "human" in all senses... Normal! Not only with her physical attributes, but she also carries weknesses and insecurities that a lot of young women face. Why I did this, weh I could've just followed all the society norms? First of all, I do love my male readers, I write this story for women. I want them to feel comfortable, seeing that common and natural body types can also be loved and beautiful. That also makes it easier for the reader to envolve themselves in the story based on Lena's point of view. I always enjoyed to mix concepts of reality and fiction and fantasy. And then comes Rain, because as we know, he's fantastic in every way... They are the opposites that attract in my imagination.
[BR] Sim, fiz a Lena bem "humana" em todos os sentidos, ela é uma garota normal! E não apenas nos atributos físicos, ela também carrega fraquezas e inseguranças que muitas mulheres jovens vivenciam. Por que fiz isso, quando eu poderia ter usado o padrão que estamos acostumados? Primeiramente, por mais que eu ame meus leitores homens, eu escrevo essa história para as mulheres. E eu quero que elas se sintam vistas e confortáveis vendo que corpos comuns e naturais também são belos e podem ser amados pelo que são. Isso também facilita a leitora a se envolver na história a partir do ponto de vista de Lena. E eu sempre gostei de misturar conceitos de realidade com ficção e fantasia. E aí entra o Rain, pois como nós sabemos, ele é fantástico em todos os sentidos... Eles são os opostos que se atraem na minha imaginação.
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nando161mando · 3 months
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The Lancet, the most credible medical journal in the world, has conservatively reported that 186k people or more could have been killed in Gaza. Western powers should never be forgiven for making this a norm, or allowed to get away with it, be it US, EU, 'Israel', or the western media apparatuses
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
🦜 - Why did the parrot learn to video call? Because he wanted to see his tweetheart!
The Best News of Last Week - May 2, 2023
1. Engineers develop water filtration system that permanently removes 'forever chemicals'
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Engineers at the University of British Columbia have developed a filtration system that would permanently remove "forever chemicals" from drinking water. This news comes after a recent study revealed nearly 200 million Americans have been exposed to PFAS in their tap water. Dr. Madjid Mohseni, a professor at British Columbia, shares his research.
2. Berkeley diner provides free meals to anyone who's hungry, no questions asked
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The Homemade Cafe in Berkeley, California, is giving away free breakfasts to anyone who is hungry, no questions asked. Owner Collin Doran's Everybody Eats Program started when he saw people panhandling outside his diner. Customers can add $5 to their bill to help the program or grab a coupon for a free meal. Doran's act of kindness has resulted in a 15% increase in business, and he hopes that more businesses will follow his lead in making the world a better place.
3. Pope Francis gives women right to vote in bishops’ meeting for first time
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Pope Francis has decided to give women the right to vote at an upcoming meeting of bishops, an unprecedented change that reflects his hopes to give women greater decision-making responsibilities.
Francis approved changes to the norms governing the Synod of Bishops, a Vatican body that gathers the world’s bishops together for periodic meetings, following decades of demands by women to have the right to vote.
4. US adult cigarette smoking rate hits new all-time low
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U.S. cigarette smoking dropped to another all-time low last year, with 1 in 9 adults saying they were current smokers, according to government survey data released Thursday. Cigarette smoking is a risk factor for lung cancer, heart disease and stroke, and it’s long been considered the leading cause of preventable death. In the mid-1960s, 42% of U.S. adults were smokers. The rate has been gradually dropping for decades, due to cigarette taxes, tobacco product price hikes, smoking bans and changes in the social acceptability of lighting up in public.
Last year, the percentage of adult smokers dropped to about 11%, down from about 12.5% in 2020 and 2021.
5. Scientists taught pet parrots to video call each other - and the birds loved it
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When humans are feeling lonely, we can call or video chat with friends and family who live far away. The idea for this study was not random: In the wild, parrots tend to live in large flocks. But when kept in captivity, such as in people’s homes as pets, these social birds are often on their own. Feeling bored and isolated, they may develop psychological issues and can even resort to self-harming tendencies like plucking out their feathers. New research suggests that these chatty creatures may also benefit from virtually connecting with their peers.
Domesticated parrots that learned to initiate video chats with other pet parrots had a variety of positive experiences, such as learning new skills. The parrots that learned to initiate video chats with other pet parrots had a variety of positive experiences, such as learning new skills including flying, foraging and how to make new sounds. Some parrots showed their toys to each other.
I wanted to see this experiment so bad, so here’s a video from the paywalled study. I uploaded it on my youtube channel.
6. World’s First Carbon Import Tax Approved by EU Lawmakers
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The European Union’s parliament approved legislation to tax imports based on the greenhouse gases emitted to make them, clearing the final hurdle before the plan becomes law and enshrines climate regulation in the rules of global trade for the first time.
Tuesday’s vote caps nearly two years of negotiations on the import tax, which aims to push economies around the world to put a price on carbon-dioxide emissions while shielding the EU’s manufacturers from countries that aren’t regulating emissions as strictly, or at all. The tax gives credit to countries that put a price on carbon, allowing importers of goods from those countries to deduct payments made for overseas emissions from the amount owed at the EU’s borders.
7. Genetic Driver of Anxiety Discovered
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An international team of scientists has identified a gene in the brain responsible for anxiety symptoms and found that modifying the gene can reduce anxiety levels, offering a novel drug target for anxiety disorders. The discovery highlights a new pathway that regulates the brain’s response to stress and provides a potential therapeutic approach for anxiety disorders.
Critically, modification of the gene is shown to reduce anxiety levels, offering an exciting novel drug target for anxiety disorders.
That's a driver I'd like to uninstall.
That's it for this week :)
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petrichorpg · 10 months
Il y a deux jours je suis allez faire un tour sur prd. Ça faisait longtemps ! J'étais curieuse de voir les nouveaux forums qui s'étaient montés mais aussi voir quels anciens tiennent le choc après un an ou deux voir plus.
Savez-vous ce que j'ai eu à la fin de ma session de farfouillage ? Une migraine ! On s'en fou non me direz-vous ? Et bien non !
Ma migraine a été provoquée tout simplement par un manque d'accessibilité numérique sur les différents rpg. Je peux comprendre que de vieux forums aient du mal à changer leur charte graphique et encore pas vraiment justifiable ... Mais les nouveaux forums qui se montent ...
Je rêve d'un monde où la police ne serait pas en dessous de 15px, ou les polices de textes seraient lisibles et non justes jolies, que les textes respirent avec des interlignes corrects et que chacun vérifie que les couleurs mises en place respectent les normes d'accessibilité ! Pitié arrêtez avec votre jaune sur du rouge où on doit plisser des yeux pour lire et bannissez aussi votre blanc et noir pur !
Il y a un tas de ressources bien faites qui circulent sur le sujet, prenez la peine de les lire, pour le bien de tous ! Et quand je vois que des personnes qui sont au courant de ces ressources, font des forums sans appliquer les recommandations/conseils ça m'exaspère au plus haut point.
L'accessibilité numérique ce n'est pas seulement pour les personnes avec des difficult��s, si ça fait du bien à une catégorie de personne ça fait du bien à tous !
Dans mon job je milite pour ça au quotidien et je me demande si je ne vais pas faire de mon Tumblr mon cheval de bataille pour les forums !
Il est temps que ça change. On a bien réussi à changer d'autres pratiques pour rendre les rpg plus safe et bien ça passe aussi par offrir un design agréable à sa communauté, c'est aussi prendre soin de ses membres en travaillant son accessibilité numérique !
Un long texte mais j'avais besoin de déverser sur Tumblr ... ✨
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tanadrin · 17 days
Not going to dox myself but I have a background in copyright law and crazy-pages doesn’t have an accurate understanding of copyright law either.
To give an example of what they got wrong: fair use is an exception in US domestic copyright law and does not exist in international copyright law, or even in EU copyright law. For another, copyright law is not international, in the sense that they seem to be referring to it — all IP law is territorial and jurisdiction-specific, international copyright law sets out minimum standards for domestic protection and mutual recognition of other countries’ copyrighted works (ie. the US protects UK copyrighted works in the US as though they were US works and followed US copyright law) but does not directly protect works (when you claim copyright protection it is always under some domestic law or other, and not directly under the international treaties in question).
Honestly it sounds like they’re reasoning more from what they think the law should be and their own sense of the norms around copying, than off any kind of understanding of the actual law in the US or the EU.
Their description of the copyright status of the various acts involved in machine learning is uh. Contested at best in the current discourse. Larry Lessig certainly doesn’t think AI training is theft or copyright infringement, and he’s not the only one; I mention him because aside from being a copyright academic, he was also one of the founders of Creative Commons.
I appreciate your perspective, anon.
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pebblegalaxy · 10 months
European Union Court's Rulings on Headscarves: A Comprehensive Look at Bans on Burqa, Hijab, and Niqab in Europe and Other Parts of World
European Union Court's Rulings on Headscarves: A Comprehensive Look at Bans on Burqa, Hijab, and Niqab in Europe and Other Parts of World #EUCourt #HeadscarfBan #EuropeanLegislation #GenderEquality #Cultural Norms #Secularism
Embarking on a journey through the diverse landscape of headscarf bans in Europe unveils a complex tapestry of cultural dynamics, legal intricacies, and societal debates. The European Union’s top court, in a series of rulings, has shaped the narrative surrounding the wearing of headscarves, setting precedents that ripple across the continent. From Belgium’s landmark decision in 2011 to the…
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