#EXCELLENT Ambulance Conversion.
teaboot · 2 months
I'm a 911 operator in the u.s. we're trained to answer the phone by saying 'this is 911, where is the emergency.' sometimes the phone number hasn't been captured so we try to get that after the address. That way if we're disconnected we can call back. We want a name at this point too. After we get all those things we're supposed to say 'tell me exactly what happened' we'll start to lead the conversation after we get an idea of what's going on. We do have specific ways that we want pertinent info and will ask for what we need if you can just keep calm and listen. But that can be really hard for people to do and we might have to get a little hardass to get you to concentrate for us. I understand you're scared and the adrenaline is pumping but I'm trying to get you help and I want the helpers to have as much info as possible before they get on scene. Your list is an excellent start.
Rural Canada. In my area, we get "911, what city? Police, Fire, or Ambulance? Where are you at? Describe what you see. Anyone in immediate danger? Instructions on how to proceed. Police/fire/ambulance are on their way. Personal information. Stay on the line/letting you go now"
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so I keep learning about The Horrors™️ of American healthcare and I keep hearing Americans talk abt this shit like it’s totally fine and let me tell y’all. It’s not. Apparently and ADHD or Autism test costs like 500$ for you guys? And then when you do get diagnosed you gotta think abt shit like “okay but do I actually need meds?” Bc apparently that’s a financial decision? But it,,, it shouldn’t be right? Right okay bc
I live in Europe, specifically Austria, and this is how healthcare works here: if you have a job you have healthcare. Your employer pays for it. They have to. It’s absolutely illegal and unheard of not to. They do take about 20% out of your pay-check every month to pay for that and other legal things that I don’t quite understand (my dad explained it to me once but I’m 20 so I still don’t get it bc I don’t really have to but every cent they take out benefits me I think so it’s fine).
Now irl this is a lot more complicated but basically, you have public healthcare and private healthcare and then just stuff that’s up to the government (like ambulance rides, I think. Even if you don’t have insurance u don’t pay for that. I know this bc an American friend of mine didn’t and had to go to the hospital and called a cab and when they told me I was like “??? BRO WHY NO AMBULANCE” this is also how I found out that Americans have to pay for ambulance rides. wtf.)
Basically your insurance covers all medical expenses from doctors who are in your network (public practice). This is your GP, hospitals, and pretty much all specialised docs (dentist, internists, cardiologists, etc.). However, the public offices are much busier than the private ones (obvi) so if you’re in a rush, want special treatment, or just be a little fancy you can CHOOSE to pay for private doctors. And even then you can hand in those bills to your insurance and you get part of the money back (abt 30% which you receive abt 4 months after handing the bill in).
If you keep your bills for private care doctors you can hand them in to,,, someone somewhere somehow (idk man) and get a bigger tax return. (bc we don’t calculate our taxes ourselves. it just gets taken out of your pay-check by your employer every month and then at the end of the,,, fiscal year??? I guess?? Idk man idk how shit works — you get any money that was like,,, extra (????) back)
Now you might ask yourself: “phi, why would I pay for doc if I can go to free doc?” Which is an excellent question. Again, for most people it’s about waiting times but there is one field where it just really makes more sense: mental health services. Private practitioners have less clients and more high quality care than public ones because they choose their own funding, which, surprise surprise, is better than public funding.
I will now take you through my own personal journey so you can have a practical example of how good healthcare CAN AND SHOULD BE (keep in mind here I have parents who after messing me up and being terrible but learning their lessen once I became an adult and told them how horrible they were are very supportive of me pursing my mental health)
When I was about to turn 20 I went to my GP and had a conversation with her about how I think I might have ADHD. She asked me about my complaints and agreed there definitely are symptoms indicating it. She wrote me a referral to a Psychiatrist. When I got to my Psychiatrist she tested me and because of the referral she could tell the insurance company that this test was necessary and not elective, meaning insurance payed for it in full and I never even saw that bill.
Now I had a diagnosis all but a week later. I spoke to my parents who agreed to support me in finding private care. My Psychiatrist charges 160€ (insurance returns 48€) per appointment which my mum graciously pays for. I see him once every couple of months to check in on my use of medication and how I’m responding and to see if my dosis needs adjustment. If and when I need a refill, I only have to write him an email. Before he could put me on medication I needed a blood draw and cardiac test, to ensure that I qualified for a stimulant, since they can be harmful in some cases. He wrote me referrals and I went to my GP and a public cardiologist for those tests, which were all free of ANY charge.
I was then cleared to take my meds within a few weeks (cardiologist had a bit of a waiting list). I was prescribed Ritalin and some sleeping pills by my psychiatrist. He gives me the prescriptions and a letter to the insurance company asking them to cover the cost, as I have a diagnosis which he confirmed again in his initial assessment of me. Now that I’ve gotten approved, all I pay for is the prescription, not the actual medication. Which is about 6-7€ for the Ritalin and 4-5€ for the sleeping pills (monthly supply each).
My Therapist is also a private doctor. She charges 120€ per session and I go twice a month, which is 240€ per month. My dad contributes 100€ and my mum contributes 30€, which means I’m down to 110€ per month. Insurance pays 30€ per session (so 60€ per month) so I pay a grand total of 50€ or 25€ per session.
So my medical treatment each month costs me just about 62€ AT MOST (since I don’t always need my sleeping pills refilled).
Now, just for fun, let’s assume my parents don’t support me and I see both my therapist and my psychiatrist in the same month and need both my meds refilled. This would come to just about 304€ (because of insurance deductions).
But you have to consider that I DON’T see my psychiatrist every month, so the more realistic monthly cost would be 187€. And should I decide I can’t pay for that I can still get on a waiting list for public mental health practitioners, in which case the only thing I’d ever need to pay for are the prescription costs for my medication which would still be up to 7€ for the Ritalin and up to 5€ for the sleeping pills putting the grand total at 12€ PER MONTH.
My family and I simply chose the quicker, more efficient option, but no one twisted our arm into paying this amount of money FOR BASIC CARE.
And yes, it’s a lot of bureaucracy (it took me WAY too long to spell that) and paperwork, but I’d much rather that than have to decide between mental well-being or being broke.
So, my conclusion: Cancel America, move to Europe, OR just tell the American People In Charge Men that it is that easy and they really should try a little harder and you citizens shouldn’t settle for the shit you have to put up with right now because wtf
if you wanna cry a little it’s okay lemme know I’ll come sit with you and offer a hug but you can say no if that’s not your thing
anyways love ya
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dragonsarecool · 7 months
Febwhump Day 25 - CPR
A/N: Why does Marty know how to do CPR? Sadly his mother gave him no choice. Set prior to Part I.
"911, do you require police, fire or ambulance?"
"A-ambulance, please!" Marty's voice trembled. "Hurry!"
"Thank you sir. Can you tell me what city and state you're located in?"
"Uh, H-Hill Valley, California. D-Do you need my address?"
"Not yet, sir. Please hold for a moment," The line went quiet, which did nothing to ease Marty's anxieties. "911, what's your emergency?"
"Uh, hi. I-It's my mom, I d-don't think she's breathing!" Marty's voice cracked. He'd tried so hard to be strong and sound mature, but quickly realised that he was underprepared for how stressful this conversation was going to be. "I-I've tried shaking her and t-that usually works but she's not moving and I don't know h-how much she's had this time a-and dad hasn't finished w-work yet-"
"Okay, okay, just breathe for me," The soothing voice of the operator instructed. "What's your name, young man?"
"Okay, Marty, and how old are you?"
"I'm eleven. Is my mom gonna die?!"
"I'm going to help you help her, Marty okay?" The operator said kindly. "Can you tell me your exact location please?"
"Uh, i-it's 9303 Roslyndale A-Avenue, Hill Valley."
"Okay, thank you Marty. Where is your mother at the moment?"
"I-In the kitchen. She's lying on the table."
"Okay. Can you see if there's any spit or blood in her mouth for me?"
Marty pushed his mom's head to the side, feeling sick at how easily it rolled. "How do I open her mouth?! It's closed!"
"Press your thumb on her chin, Marty, and gently pull down for me."
The boy did as instructed, surprised to find that the gesture actually worked. Of course it worked, you idiot. She's the doctor after all!…I think. "I don't see anything! Is that good?"
"Yes, Marty, that's excellent," He could hear the operator typing furiously in the background. "Is your mom breathing normally?"
"I-I don't think so-"
"I want you to put your hand on her tummy, Marty, and I want you to tell me if you feel it move."
Marty manoeuvred his hand underneath the table, placing it as best he could across Lorraine's stomach. He waited for what felt like forever, praying that he would feel some sort of movement, yet his mother remained still. "No, she's not breathing!"
"Okay, Marty," He could hear the operator sigh in the background, and he hoped it wasn't from disappointment. "Is there anyone else in the house with you?"
"N-No, it's j-just me," Marty's lip wobbled violently as he began to cry, the tears blurring his vision of his currently-deceased mother. "Mom, please wake up! Please!!"
"Marty, I need you to take a breath for me," The operator spoke firmly. "I'm sending someone to help you, Marty, but in the meantime I need you to be really brave and follow my instructions, okay?"
The young boy sobbed harder. "Mommy…"
"Marty, take that breath for me," The operator's voice was slightly harsher. "I need your help to help your mom, remember?"
"Y-Yes, ma'am."
"Good boy. Now I need you to try and push your mother onto the floor for me, okay?"
Marty's brow furrowed, wiping his nose on his sleeve. "Wait…so I have to push her over?"
"Yes, Marty. She needs to be flat on her back on the floor, okay?"
"B-But what if I hurt her?!"
"She'll understand, Marty, I promise she will. Now can you push her onto the floor for me?"
"Okay, one sec!" Marty put the receiver on the table before throwing his full body weight into his mother's shoulder. Her head lolled slightly, but she remained stubbornly on the dining room chair. "Mom! Please!"
Marty decided that he needed more power to knock his mother over. He took a few steps back before charging head-on into his mother's limp form, gasping at the force of the impact. To his delight, Lorraine's head rolled off the table, with the rest of her body quickly following suit as she crumpled to the ground.
He wasn't sure if there should've been a loud crack as his mom's head made contact with the floor, but Marty decided to ask later if he remembered. Pulling the dining chair out of the way, he crawled around to the other side of his mom's body and pushed her away from him.
Grabbing the receiver, Marty pulled on the cord to reach his position on the floor. "I've done it, ma'am!"
"Well done, Marty!" The operator cheered. "Now the next thing I need you to do is a bit complicated, but I'm going to talk you through it the whole time, okay?"
"I need you to place one hand in the centre of your mom's chest for me, and place the other hand on top. Can you do that for me?"
"But how will I hold the phone?"
"Tuck the receiver into the crook of your shoulder, Marty, and use the side of your head to keep it in place."
"Okay, I think I get it."
"Good boy. Are your hands on mom's chest for me?"
There was a brief pause as Marty shuffled the receiver into position on his shoulder. It hurt to tilt his neck that far, but he knew he had to if he wanted to save his mom. "My hands are on mom's chest!"
"Okay, excellent. I need you to press down hard on mom's chest for me."
Marty was confused. "B-But won't that hurt her?"
"It'll keep her heart breathing so she keeps getting oxygen," The operator explained. "Now you need to press hard, and there might be some ugly sounds, but you need to keep pressing hard or it won't work. Do you understand?"
"Y-Yes, ma'am."
"Use your full body weight and lean over your mom so you'll have enough strength to press down, okay?"
"Okay. I-I'll try," Marty placed his hands in the requested position, hesitating for a brief second before pressing down with all his weight. A nauseating crack came from his mom's chest, and he let out an involuntary yelp. "GAH!"
"Marty, remember I said there would be some unpleasant sounds?"
"D-Did I break something?!" Marty shrieked. "Oh my God!"
"Marty, calm down," The operator spoke firmly, her voice carrying an air of authority. "You need to keep going with that pushing, okay? That's what's going to make your mom better."
Marty wiped his face, struggling to slow his breathing. "I-I'll try…"
"Good boy. Now put your hands back on mom's chest and keep pushing down for me."
It took several weeks before Marty stopped hearing the cracking ribs at night.
Or before he could look at his mother without also seeing the lifeless expression and rolled-back eyes adorning her face.
While the rest of the family eventually recovered and chose to bury the incident, Marty found he couldn't. For some reason, he couldn't let go of what had happened.
When the nightmares started rousing him at night, he didn't bother telling his parents.
About how he would press down on his mother's chest and it would explode, showering him in blood.
Or how he would work until he collapsed with exhaustion and watch her die before him.
If they didn't console him over literally bringing his mother back from the dead, he knew they wouldn't bother comforting him over something as small as a nightmare.
He was almost fourteen when they finally stopped. And when they did resurface, all they could do now was fill with him a dull anger before he fell back asleep, wishing things had been different.
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Gil is always the patient sweet teddybear we all love dearly!
What if he loses his patient towards someone who won’t stop flirting to Thena? Who won’t listen to Gil’s 2 warnings? Him being so bold to even touch her and press her to his body? This would be the final straw where Gil finally loses his patient and just gives him a clean hard punch! (You can do a little fight or you can make him unconscious after the first punch. However you like!)
You choose the AU! I’m looking forward to read it :)
Thanks for your work!
Gil had told him--he had told Eros multiple times at this point that he needed to back up when talking to Thena.
Not that the little whelp seemed to really excel in listening to people and behaving respectfully. And he already had a history of not listening to Thena when she was trying to be clear that he was in her space.
But this was different.
Gil was on the outskirts of the after-party, as were plenty of other personal security guards. They could enter and mingle if they liked, but most of them weren't willing to risk lowering their awareness of the environment. Gil in particular was keeping a very close eye on Eros and how close he was getting to being in Thena's space.
These sort of after-events were just as crucial to mingling in the business as the awards themselves. It was at Kingo's insistence that she was here at all, all things considered. Although it did put her in the position of not being able to refuse any unwanted conversations.
"Do you've any idea?" Eros squeezed his eyes shut as he slurred out his words, "how good we'd be t'gether?"
Thena - who hadn't drank a drop and was really feeling the gap between her sobriety and Eros' intoxication - squirmed. "I suppose I don't."
"Thena, Thena, Thena," the young pop star shook his head, his perfectly coiffed hair swaying and bouncing after the long night it had endured. "We were made for each other, I just know it!"
Thena turned her head away from him as the stench of his breath puffed into her face.
"Aw, don't be shy, dearheart," Eros purred, leaning closer and wrapping his hands around her lithe little arms.
"Believe me, that's not what is happening," Thena grumbled, trying to pull away from him without making a big deal of it. She pulled, but it only ended up pulling Eros with her. "Let go."
She could have screamed the words or she could have whispered them, but Gil heard them loud and clear, turning around with a look of fury on his face.
"C'mon," Eros attempted to sway her again, leaning his head closer to hers as she squirmed in his grips. He moved closer, his knee now pressing into the inside of her thigh. "I'm called the God of Love for a reason, you minx."
"Get off me!" Thena hissed at him, fingers pressing into his skin as he tried to lean in for a kiss.
It was all Gil needed to hear. He had been on his way over to them already, and hearing it even more loud and clear from Thena made him break into a jog. "Hey!"
Eros barely turned around before the crack of Gil's fist meeting his cheek caused half the room to turn and look at them. Eros stumbled before falling flat on his back. He looked just as drunk as he did before, although he was remarkably more sober after a hit like that.
"Oh my god, someone call an ambulance!"
That seemed like a bit of an overreaction, Thena rolled her eyes. She looked up at Gil, who was already leaning over her closely, making sure she was okay. She leaned into him and the safety he offered her just by existing.
"Sorry," he whispered to her as he wrapped his jacket around her shoulders. He held her hand in his as he moved them out of the way of people rushing to Eros' side. He was of a certain fame of his own, being Thena's bodyguard. She was rarely seen without him, after all. But at an event like this, he could offer Thena the distinct protection of anonymity. "Let's get you outta here."
Thena just nodded, happily huddling close to Gil as he led her out of the eye of the storm. "I don't think anyone's ever seen him like that before."
"He's lucky I didn't break his jaw," Gil growled out, and really he only resisted it because he really couldn't afford to be sued for it by Eros or his agency.
Kingo appeared beside them, although he didn't stop them in their rush to get Thena outside and - hopefully - in a car and on the way home. "You wanna tell me what that was before I start getting DMs asking if Thena beat the shit out of Eros?"
"He was harassing her, Kingo."
The usually chattery manager/stylist went deadly serious. He looked at Thena, who was opting for silence, holding onto Gil's arm. "Thena?"
She sighed, as if every word she had to speak was a chore. "Kid was drunk, tried to kiss me--even grabbed onto me."
"We'll find footage of it, or we'll come out with a statement," Gil mumbled for Kingo's sake, although his focus was getting Thena away from people so she could try and relax. "But that little bastard does not get to play the victim about this."
"I'll get on it," Kingo answered readily, already with a phone in each hand. "You take her home."
Gil was way, way ahead of him on that one. He led Thena straight to the car, which he always had waiting in case she wanted to leave at any given moment. It wasn't very standard practice, but Gil always told their rental services that he always wanted to be ready.
"At least this gets me out of that party," Thena sighed as soon as Gil closed her door for her and was in the backseat with her. She ran a hand through her hair, "even if I do need a shower after that."
Gil moved over on the seat, letting her know he was there for her in not so many words.
Thena already knew, moving over eagerly and setting her head on his shoulder. "Thanks for coming to my rescue--again."
"It's my job," he settled on saying, although it was so much more than just a contract he signed. He rolled up the divider between the backseat and the driver escorting them, offering Thena true and genuine privacy. He turned his head against her hair, "you okay?"
"Hm," she sighed heavily, letting go of herself against his shoulder. "I was getting ready to claw his eyes out, but I should have known you were already on your way to save me."
"Every time, Thena," Gil promised, letting her lean all her weight on him as they drove him. She would probably be asleep by the time they got to her building, but the staff knew who he was by now.
And he still had a key to her place.
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jamesxbennett · 11 months
Intro — James Bennett
Tumblr media
Full name: James Anthony Bennett Nickname(s): J or JJ Age: 35 Birthday: August 22, 1989 Hometown: Albany, New York
Languages spoken: English, Spanish, ASL, some Pashto, Dari, and Arabic Accent: Typical American accent
Smells like: Old Spice, coffee, a hint of peppermint from the mints he chews, a slight woody musk from his usual cologne
Family: Josephine Amelia Bennett née Walker [Mother], Joseph Anthony Bennett [Father, deceased], Amelia Marie Bennett [sister], Rey Skywalker Bennett [dog and buddy]
Relationship status: Single
More under the cut!
Hair color: Dirty blonde Eye color: Blue Height: 6'0
Occupation: Head of the Literature Department at Blue Harbor University Neighborhood: Deer Park Time in Blue Harbor: A week or so
MBTI: ISTJ Positives: Resilient, friendly, goofy, caring Negatives: Reclusive, overbearing at times, stubborn, sometimes lives in denial, self-deprecating to a fault, doesn’t trust other easily
Defining traits: That bright smile; always whistling what seems to be a crooner tune but it’s probably Guns ‘N Roses or AC/DC; at a park, he’s most definitely the guy conversing with his dog; always has a coffee and book in hand; at a party, he’s easily spotted as the guy not drinking as he doesn’t drink at all.
Scars: Random small scars scattered on his right chest and part of his right arm from explosive shrapnel; a diagonal slash on his back on the left side about 10 inches in length from a knife.
Pets: Rey, a golden retriever named after the Star Wars character
Bio: [TW: Alcoholism, abandonment, divorce, death]
The Bennetts seemed like the picture-perfect family. James was an energetic little boy, followed five years after by Amelia, who just added joy to their already happy family. The siblings grew up loved and wanting for nothing, doted on by their parents who strove to provide and make ends meet. They weren’t necessarily poor but there were times when things got tough. But as long as they were together, they’d be fine.
That all came crashing down when the siblings were sat down by their parents one night and were told that mommy and daddy were separating. They didn’t understand it then. It took a few years before James learned what an affair was and that his mother was having one for a good two years.
Still, James thought it was fine. So what if he and Amelia split their time between their mom and dad? But then his mom moved to a different coast and his dad took up drinking. The Reed siblings suddenly had a rude awakening: they only had each other—but they resolved that that would be enough. 
Their dad fell deeper into the bottle while their mom virtually disappeared, only for them to find out she had a different family now. James knew it was on him to take care of his baby sister so he worked odd jobs starting from middle school to provide for the both of them since their dad was pretty much absent since he was always so drunk. 
James also found himself getting into more than a few fights, something that irked his teachers because he was such a gifted student. “You would excel so much more if you used your brain more than your fists,” they told him. What they didn’t understand was that he was simply standing up for his sister who was getting bullied. They would always retort that he should simply report what was happening but nothing ever came of it.
And then one day, the siblings returned from school with their house surrounded by police cars and an ambulance. Their father had died—he fell down the stairs and broke his neck. Asked for next of kin, they brought up their mother. She didn’t want them. 
Now he felt more responsible than ever before because Amelia had literally no one else to rely on—and he felt more lonely than ever before. Thankfully, someone took them in as foster kids. Realizing that there wasn’t much of a future for him or his sister unless he did something about it, he resolved that he would join the Army. He thought it was the best course of action to give Amelia a future. His sister, however, felt like she was abandoned. Unbeknownst to the elder Bennett, their relationship would suffer greatly—and it still hasn’t fully recovered.
His time in the Army taught him to trust. It was there that lifelong bonds were formed, but only one that he cherished the most. Sophia was someone who caught him off guard, and in the midst of a warzone, the two fell in love. They were looking forward to their life of normalcy back at home and had planned to live a romantic city life together before moving to the country to start a family with probably six to eight dogs and a farm.
Life, yet again, was unkind. Sophia was killed in an ambush a month shy from being discharged. 
Devastated, he pushed through, leaving his pain and trauma untreated and unchecked. He had a stint at a private security firm and flew to Egypt to provide security at an archaeological dig. It was here that he met Nilay, the one who would fill in the sibling-shaped void in his heart though he certainly wasn’t planning on it. The two became fast friends, and she would pretty much save his life a few years later. 
Having acheived a Bachelor’s while in the Army, he pursued a Master’s Degree when he got back while teaching high school. Once he got it, he became a professor, but as his career progressed, his trauma remained, and he didn’t realize that his reclusive ways had returned once again in full force. Fortunately, he had Nilay who helped walk him through it. 
He’s slowly trying to recover and deal with the trauma of his past while also moving on. Nilay suggested Blue Harbor as a place to get a fresh start, and since the University was hiring, he jumped on the opportunity. But would his new home truly be the fresh start he’s looking for and finally help him move on with his life?
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sincerelyveronica · 1 year
His Name Is Ralph Yarl
Is enough, enough? America is a cesspool of blood and violence. If it's not one thing, it's most certainly another thing. An ending to all of this terribleness seems so unlikely. I feel like I can't even find the words to truly express the thoughts and emotions racing in my brain. I can't even begin to think about what the Black community must be going through.
Seriously, how many times do Black mothers and fathers have to have conversations to their kids about how to be safe in this hellhole? Tell me, how many times do they have to reopen a wound that barely healed the last time? Everyone right now should pay attention. I wish things weren't getting bleak, but they are.
What bothers me and will forever bother me, is the indifference. The sheer lack of compassion or concern. Everyone keeps talking about how tired they are hearing about racial issues. BUT no one seems to listen. NO ONE WANTS to make it better. No one wants to learn and understand racism. Newsflash, it's not going away. Establishing a superior race that is only white throughout history goes to show that always been about race. Using that notion as dominance for centuries and constantly reminding other races that they are less--is exactly why this country has never excelled.
I will never be ok with this form of violence. Ralph Yarl was on his way to pick up his sibling. THAT WAS IT. I don't know what happened in between but I can tell you that all of this could have be prevented. Ralph Yarl could have been turned away. He could have gone picked up his brother at the right address. It's a miracle that boy is alive. But he shouldn't had to fight for his life.
I hope he continues to recover. I hope he still finds joys after this experience. I'm sending all my love to his family because I can't even imagine what they went through when they received the news.
Check on your friends, make sure your friends are ok. Be mindful of the Black Community. Don't ask, don't talk about it unless they want to, and just show up. Be there for them and more.
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autumnrose11 · 2 years
Julia Locke in My Dear, I Wanted to Tell You (spoilers!)
While reading the book for the very first time, the character that interested me most was Julia Locke. It's weird, really, given that this is a war novel, and Julia is never directly involved in the war. Indirectly, though ... there's so much in her that no one quite realises.
From the very beginning, it's made clear that Julia's life revolves around her husband, Peter. She adores him. Every single thing in her life revolves around being Peter's wife, being mistress of Locke Hill. That's what she's been raised to do - and more to the point, that's what she excels at doing.
But what's really deep about her is ... her beauty. One thing's for certain: Julia is beautiful. She is also vain. But is this an inborn character trait, or is it something that has been cultivated? Julia (and Rose) seems to feed into the stereotype that beautiful women can't be brainy, and vice versa.
But Julia had learnt to love her own beauty, because beauty was her currency, and other people valued it so highly.
Her entire life, her looks are all she has. And when the world she's always known crumbles, her beauty works against her. Suddenly, it's become an impediment. At the same time, it's the only source of self-worth she has (apart from Peter).
But what I found really, really telling is how often Louisa Young herself defends this character.
Though beauty was not Julia's first quality, it could only be the first thing about her. When she entered a room, nobody thought: There is a generous, determined, kind-looking woman. Her kindness, her determination and her flashes of wit were, in everyday life, dazzled out of view by her rich pale hair, her tiny waist, her glowing skin, the surprise of her dark blue eyes, and the slight dip at the bridge of her straight nose, 'the imperfection which makes you perfect,' as Peter called it. Few people cared about her better virtues.
But Rose wasn't being entirely fair. Considering that Julia had been bred and trained to be a beautiful wife, and nothing else, she wasn't doing too badly.
What Rose didn't know was that Julia spent every night with the same phrases and memories and resentments and ancient conversations lining up at the end of the bed, waiting to take their turn in tormenting her, and woke every morning in howling loneliness for her husband, her sheets too smooth and her bed too tidy, with a hunger for things to be right just as strong, desperate and justified as that of any scared soldier, any exhausted ambulance driver, any battle-weary medic.
The author is directly telling us that Julia's fears, her loneliness, her pain, is valid. Everyone judges her, and dismisses her, and thinks she's incapable of doing anything useful - from Rose down to herself. But the point is ... Julia is nothing but a sweet, devoted, kind-hearted woman. All she wants is to be loved. Throughout the book, she's desperately trying to reclaim what she and Peter once shared. A happy, adoring marriage. She keeps getting hurt by him over and over, and yet ... she keeps at it. She doesn't understand that the war is to blame, not her. She's got so much love to give. She'd do anything on earth for the people she loves. She's absolutely devoted to them. The sad thing is, circumstances continually work against her, leading to her being misjudged.
She would have been an adoring mother to Tom, but her monster of a mother takes him away. She's madly in love with Peter, but the war has changed him and scarred him and turned him into a stranger to her. And of course, how could she possibly understand? But even then ... despite having been hurt and rejected over and over again, she does everything in her power to make Peter happy. She can't do anything to help with the war itself, so she puts herself through every facial, every beauty treatment there is, to please him. Perhaps it was partly to satisfy her vanity? I don't know; to me, it looks like it was first and foremost for Peter's sake. She even says at one point in the book, to the doctor trying to fix her facial imperfections: "My husband deserves a perfect wife."
She turns down the propositions of a man flirting with her in a pub. Considering how neglected she feels at this point .... she could easily have given in. She was sorely in need of love. All she wanted was to be loved in return. But she's still fiercely loyal to her husband: "My marriage is good. I love my husband and my marriage is good. There is nothing I would not do for him. I have turned down temptation for him."
This novel is in essence a story of battle. Every character fights their own war. Some of them win it and some of them lose it. Every one of them are soldiers in their own right. But with Julia ... there are tw parallels in the book that are strikingly noticeable.
The first is when she gives birth to Tom, the parallel is spoonfed to the reader directly:
She had liked the pain, though. The thrill of involvement and deserving suffering had, she felt, united her with Peter. She, too, had had a bloodbath, a dreadful wound in a good cause. Her body had been ripped like a soldier's.
Giving birth and becoming a mother was the one thing that made Julia feel useful. She wants to be useful. She wants to be something other than beautiful. In childbirth, Julia has fought her physical war.
The second parallel is when ... Julia destroys her face with a beauty treatment (cue me tearing up).
A huge part of this book is about facial reconstructive surgery for soldiers with disfigured faces. Their mutilated faces are artificially rebuilt with plastic surgery. Shortly before her husband's return for good in 1918, Julia, in an act of desperation, burns her face with a chemical treatment. And she loses her beauty forever. Her face is never the same again. Isn't that exactly what happened to millions of soldiers, including Riley Purefoy? They fought in a horrific battle. Julia Locke fought an emotional battle. This is what made her character so poignant to me. Julia accidentally disfiguring her face and looks (essentially, everything she possesses) is a parallel to all those soldiers whose faces were destroyed during the war.
For the sake of love - misguided love - she permanently mutilates her face ... all of it for her husband. For Julia, there's no surgery to fix her face. There's no mask. She is a soldier who fought her war, and her face bears testament to it. Her ruined face is proof of the lengths she'd go to for the sake of being loved back.
I love her character so, so much. She broke my heart, and I'm still going to have to reread this novel many, many times so that each time I'll notice something new about this incredible story.
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awesomediecast99 · 2 months
Upgrade Your Display with Premium Emergency Diecast Vehicles
Ready to elevate your diecast vehicle collection to the next level? Premium emergency diecast vehicles are the key to transforming your display from ordinary to extraordinary. These high-caliber models aren't just about looks—they bring unparalleled quality, detail, and authenticity that can redefine your collection. Here’s why premium emergency diecast vehicles are a game-changer and how they can boost your display.
Why Opt for Premium Emergency Diecast Vehicles?
Top-Tier Quality: Premium diecast vehicles are engineered with superior materials and cutting-edge production methods. This results in models that are not only durable but also incredibly detailed and lifelike.
Unmatched Authenticity: Many of these models are officially licensed, which means they come with accurate logos, markings, and features mirroring real emergency vehicles.
Exquisite Detailing: Premium models capture every nuance of their real-life counterparts—from intricate interiors and operational components to flawless paint jobs and exact scale proportions.
Increased Collectible Value: With many premium diecast vehicles produced in limited runs, they are highly coveted among collectors. Investing in these models can significantly enhance the value of your collection.
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Enhance Your Display
Achieve Realism: Premium emergency diecast vehicles bring a level of authenticity and realism that standard models can’t match. Their superior detail makes them the centerpiece of any display, grabbing attention and fueling conversations.
Boost Visual Appeal: The meticulous craftsmanship of premium models enhances the overall look of your display. Whether they’re in a diorama or on shelves, these vehicles add a polished, professional edge to your setup.
Create a Showstopper: Pick a standout premium model as the focal point of your display. Opt for a vehicle with eye-catching details or historical relevance to anchor your collection and showcase your dedication to emergency vehicles.
Spark Curiosity: Each premium diecast vehicle has a story to tell—be it a classic fire truck, a sleek modern police car, or an advanced ambulance. Incorporating these models can ignite interest and engagement, encouraging viewers to dive deeper into the history and roles of these emergency machines.
Pro Tips for Displaying Premium Emergency Diecast Vehicles
Optimize Lighting: Use adjustable LED lights to highlight the fine details of your premium models and create a captivating ambiance.
Strategic Arrangement: Play around with different layouts to find the best way to present your premium vehicles. Organize them by type, era, or theme for a cohesive and impressive display.
Rotate Regularly: Keep things fresh by rotating your diecast vehicles. This prevents display fatigue and allows you to showcase different models and themes periodically.
Protect Your Investment: Use enclosed cases or shelves to shield your premium models from dust, moisture, and damage. Regular maintenance will keep your display looking pristine.
Upgrade your diecast vehicle collection with premium emergency models and watch your display transform into a showcase of excellence.
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7994257745 · 2 months
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Dazzle: Leading the way in converting vehicles in UAE. Specializing in ambulance manufacturing, Dazzle offers top-quality conversions including Land Cruiser ambulances, all at competitive prices. Discover excellence in vehicle conversion today.
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haroldgross · 6 months
New Post has been published on Harold Gross: The 5a.m. Critic
New Post has been published on https://literaryends.com/hgblog/3-body-problem/
3 Body Problem
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[3.5 stars]
TL;DR: An interesting interpretation that isn’t all I’d hoped but which picked up aspects the previous adaptation didn’t. But I am hooked and want to see where they take it all now that they’ve set up what really interested them in the story. So, yes, you should see it. It isn’t an instant classic, but they’ve, ultimately, built some good bones.
Now the long version: Dune, infamously, had all manner of attempts to adapt it over the years. From the unproduced Jodorowsky, to the Lynch attempt of the 80s, to the dual 200X SyFy Channel entries to, finally, the Villeneuve masterpiece. Like Dune, I think we’re in another decades-long saga of waiting for the person who can do this story right.
I have to admit, I am having a hell of a time getting the book and the Tencent adaptation of the same out of my head enough to give this a clean review. But suffice to say, neither adaptation really nails the full story. And both have aspects they do better than the other. If we could merge the them, we’d get a better overall experience.
The Chinese series excelled at taking its time, really sinking into the pace and structure of the books. Liu created a wonderful slow boil in the books that only slowly revealed itself to the reader. This new version rushes to provide answers, speeding past the suspense and shifts rather than mirroring the whole point. And this is where the latest adaptation reveals itself.
What interested the writers in the newer version is what comes up in the last three episode. Conversely, this is where the Chinese series peters out story-wise (despite one extraordinary moment that both series share). The Netflix version, however, is just getting its legs by the end. Weiss and Benioff (Game of Thrones), along with Alexander Woo, were most intrigued by what comes over the long haul of the story. And it is a great story (Liu got two more brick-sized novels out of it). But the series really compacted too much into the 8 episodes. We never got to enjoy the sense of mystery and the peeling back of the layers. 10 or 12 episodes would have been more appropriate.
But I was thrilled that they provided better motivations for the main instigator of the plot and were less jaundiced in their depiction of history. They also tackled the more complicated aspects of the response to the events of the tale around the world. The Tencent version sort of glossed and then dropped that thread, capturing the despair, but not the long vision of how to deal with it.
But this series also took some liberties with the plot to get it into present day as well as gender-flipped and splintered some characters to create a larger ensemble. Frankly, those changes mostly worked for me, though it was a bit confusing at first knowing the original material. Fortunately, it’s mostly a great cast. Rosalind Chao (Together Together), Benedict Wong (Raya and the Last Dragon), Jovan Adepo (Babylon),  Alex Sharp (Living), Liam Cunningham (The Vault), John Bradley (Moonfall), and Jess Hong are all solid in their roles.
In fact, only Eiza González (Ambulance) didn’t work for me. And boy she didn’t work. Her character, one of the gender flips and splinters, didn’t seem at all to have the intelligence and presence she needed to be at the crux of world-changing events. Emotions, yes, but there was no understanding behind her eyes when she spoke about anything other than that. A cardinal sin in good science fiction.
All of that said, I hope they get to continue the tale. I can’t really give it the clean watch I’d have loved to provide, so I also am not able to properly assess it at the moment. But I am intrigued by where they’re going now that they’ve set up the foundation of what they really wanted to do. I do think they made some major mistakes building the season that way, but perhaps it works better for those that don’t know anything going in? I dearly wish I could combine the two series to get something that better captures the feel of the book and the scope of the story. However, like Dune I suspect we’ll have to wait for another attempt down the road. For now, this is far from bad…just not perhaps everything I’d have hoped. And the subsequent seasons may still succeed in ways I haven’t anticipated.
Where to watch
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vehicles45669 · 6 months
Transforming Emergency Response: The Innovation of Converted Ambulances
In today's fast-paced world of emergency medical services (EMS), traditional ambulances are evolving into multifunctional vehicles known as converted ambulances. These vehicles undergo custom modifications to serve various medical, logistical, and operational needs. Let's explore the versatility and innovation behind converted ambulances.
Understanding Converted Ambulances
Converted ambulances are vehicles that have been repurposed or modified to fulfill specialized roles beyond traditional emergency transport. These conversions involve customizing the vehicle's interior and exterior to accommodate specific equipment, medical supplies, and patient care requirements.
Types of Converted Ambulances
Specialized Medical Transports: Some types of ambulances are tailored for specialized medical transports, such as bariatric transports, neonatal transports, or critical care transports. These ambulances feature customizations to ensure the safe and comfortable transport of patients with unique medical needs.
Mobile Treatment Units: Other converted ambulances types serve as mobile treatment units, providing on-site medical care in disaster response scenarios or mass casualty incidents. These units may include triage areas, treatment stations, and medical supplies to support emergency medical operations in challenging environments.
Ambulance Command Centers: In emergency response operations, converted ambulances can function as mobile command centers, facilitating communication, coordination, and decision-making among EMS personnel and incident commanders. These vehicles are equipped with communication systems, command consoles, and logistical support capabilities to manage emergency incidents effectively.
The Role of EVC Converted Ambulances
At Emergency Vehicles Conversion (EVC), we specialize in designing and manufacturing EVC converted ambulances that meet the unique needs of modern EMS providers. Our converted ambulances are custom-built to align with operational requirements and deliver exceptional performance in demanding environments.
From concept to completion, we prioritize quality, safety, and innovation in every ambulance conversion project for every ambulance type. Our team of skilled technicians and engineers works closely with clients to develop tailored solutions that optimize functionality, efficiency, and patient care.
A converted ambulance represents a new frontier in emergency medical services, offering versatility, adaptability, and innovation to meet the evolving needs of healthcare providers and communities. Whether as specialized transports, mobile treatment units, or command centers, these vehicles play a vital role in enhancing emergency response capabilities and delivering lifesaving care to those in need.
At EVC, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of innovation and excellence in ambulance conversions, empowering EMS providers to overcome challenges and deliver exceptional service and care to their communities.
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The Skilled Professionals of Panchmukhi Train Ambulance in Patna is Second to None
Organizing a medical transfer with a skilled team can be extremely beneficial for the health of the patients as it allows them to travel with stabilized conditions and doesn’t cause trouble on the way. Panchmukhi Train Ambulance provides Train Ambulance Service in Patna with medically facilitated train ambulance that helps deliver risk-free journeys to patients at a very nominal price and with effectiveness.
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We offer a hassle-free journey for the betterment of the patients and make sure the entire journey is favorable and smooth for the ailing patients. Our booking process is completely transparent and in the best interest of the patients! Utilizing an advanced set of protocols, each conversation made by the helpline crew of the Train Ambulance Services in Patna with the caller is carefully monitored to gather all the pertinent information for providing care during the transport.
Panchmukhi Train Ambulance in Guwahati Provides Support of Transportation Amidst Medical Emergency
Through an excellent quality assurance and improvement program, each call made to the helpline crew of Panchmukhi Train Ambulance in Guwahati is recorded, reviewed, and evaluated to ensure full convenience is maintained while scheduling the repatriation mission to the opted destination. We help in arranging the best relocation mission for the patients with the best-in-line equipment and supplies installed for the benefit of the patients.
At Train Ambulance Services in Guwahati we plan and execute the process of evacuation as per the necessities of the patients ensuring the journey is filled with life-saving facilities. We have a trained paramedic and nurse inside the train ambulance to manage the delivery of care and medical assistance throughout the journey in an efficient manner.
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bestshirtcanbuy · 9 months
St John Ambulance Northern Territory (st John Nt) Patient Transport Aloha Hawaiian Shirt
St John Ambulance Northern Territory (St John NT) is a reputable and highly valued organization that provides essential healthcare services to the people of Northern Territory, Australia. With a mission to save lives, enhance health, and deliver care to those in need, St John NT plays a crucial role in the community. One of the key services offered by St John NT is patient transport, ensuring safe and efficient transportation for individuals requiring medical attention. Patient transport is a critical component of the healthcare industry, allowing patients to access medical facilities and receive the necessary care and treatment they require. St John NT, with its fleet of well-equipped vehicles and trained medical professionals, plays a fundamental role in this process. To further support their efforts and increase awareness about the organization, St John NT has introduced an exciting initiative – the St John NT Patient Transport Aloha Hawaiian Shirt. This unique attire is not just a fashion statement but also serves as a gift for everyone, spreading the message of care and compassion. The St John NT Patient Transport Aloha Hawaiian Shirt is designed to be inclusive, catering to both men and women. It features a vibrant and colorful Hawaiian print that exudes a sense of positivity and joy. The relaxed and comfortable fit of the shirt makes it suitable for various occasions, whether it be worn casually or at special events. By wearing this shirt, individuals can not only support the work of St John NT but also create a sense of camaraderie within the community. Aloha Hawaiian shirts have always been associated with a laid-back and friendly atmosphere, and the St John NT Patient Transport Aloha Hawaiian Shirt embodies these traits. It serves as a conversation starter, allowing wearers to share the story and purpose behind the shirt and the organization it represents. This simple act can help raise awareness about St John NT and its vital role in the community. Moreover, the St John NT Patient Transport Aloha Hawaiian Shirt makes for an excellent gift for anyone. Whether it be a healthcare professional, a volunteer, or a community member, this shirt can serve as a token of appreciation for their dedication and commitment to the well-being of others. By giving this shirt as a gift, individuals can express gratitude while also supporting the organization's ongoing efforts. In conclusion, St John Ambulance Northern Territory (St John NT) is a prominent healthcare organization that provides vital services to the people of Northern Territory. Their patient transport service ensures the safe and efficient transportation of individuals requiring medical attention. To increase awareness and support for their cause, St John NT has introduced the St John NT Patient Transport Aloha Hawaiian Shirt. This unique attire serves as a gift for everyone, spreading the message of care and compassion while creating a sense of camaraderie within the community. With its vibrant design and inclusive nature, the St John NT Patient Transport Aloha Hawaiian Shirt is the perfect way to support the organization and raise awareness about their important work.
Get it here : St John Ambulance Northern Territory (st John Nt) Patient Transport Aloha Hawaiian Shirt
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
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progiftreview · 9 months
Tropical Ambulance Hawaiian Shirt For Men And Women
The Tropical Ambulance Hawaiian Shirt for Men and Women is a vibrant and stylish clothing item that is suitable for individuals of all genders and ages. Whether you are looking for a unique and eye-catching shirt for yourself or searching for a gift for a loved one, this Hawaiian shirt is sure to impress. One of the most notable features of this shirt is its tropical ambulance design. The lively and colorful pattern features an array of ambulances decorated with Hawaiian flowers and palm trees. This unique combination of elements creates a one-of-a-kind design that stands out from other traditional Hawaiian shirts. The striking colors and intricate details of the design make it a great conversation starter at any gathering or event. Crafted from high-quality materials, this Hawaiian shirt ensures both comfort and durability. Made from a lightweight and breathable fabric, it is perfect for hot and humid weather, such as summer vacations or tropical destinations. The loose and relaxed fit of the shirt ensures freedom of movement, allowing for comfortable wear throughout the day or night. The Tropical Ambulance Hawaiian Shirt is available in a wide range of sizes to accommodate both men and women. This makes it an ideal choice for couples or friends who want to dress to impress in matching or coordinating outfits. The versatile design can be easily paired with shorts, jeans, or even a skirt, making it suitable for various occasions, such as beach parties, family gatherings, or casual outings. Additionally, this Hawaiian shirt is an excellent gift option for anyone who appreciates unique fashion or has a fondness for tropical themes. Its vibrant and fun design is sure to bring a smile to the recipient's face. Whether it is for a birthday, anniversary, or any other special occasion, this shirt will make a memorable and thoughtful gift. Furthermore, the Tropical Ambulance Hawaiian Shirt not only offers style but also promotes a sense of relaxation and vacation vibes. By wearing this shirt, one can mentally transport themselves to a tropical paradise, even if they are physically miles away. Its lively design evokes a carefree and laid-back atmosphere, making it a perfect choice for unwinding and letting loose. In conclusion, the Tropical Ambulance Hawaiian Shirt for Men and Women is a versatile and unique clothing item that is suitable for people of all genders and ages. Whether you are looking to add a vibrant piece to your wardrobe or searching for a gift that will make a lasting impression, this shirt is an excellent choice. Its tropical ambulance design, comfortable fabric, and wide range of sizes make it a great addition to any fashion collection. So, why not grab one today and bring a touch of paradise to your wardrobe or someone else's?
Get it here : Tropical Ambulance Hawaiian Shirt For Men And Women
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
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fangyi-blog7 · 11 months
What framing questions are you asking yourself in order to create an equitable co-creation process with your selected museum participant community?
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Yes, there are so many questions we need to think about when we need to co-create with a group of people, to make it a excellent experience.
First of all, when we choose a community, it's important to do as much as research to know more information about them, so we can do the next steps more smoothly and better. Some questions about this step can be:
Who Are the Participants?
Who are the key stakeholders and participants in this co-creation process? What are their background? and what their needs are when they want to come into museum?
We suppose to be in the museum for connecting the museum and participants, so it's the most important thing for us.
What is the goal of Co-Creation?
Why are we engaging in co-creation with the museum community?What specific goal or purpose we want through this process?
From last semester, we have been trying to create programs on our owns, so before I create it, I need to think about what I want it to be, so I can plan how much effort and time I need to be on it.
What methods will I use for participants?
What objects will maximize participant engagement?
As the article below said: "Objects that directly and physically insert themselves into the spaces between strangers can serve as shared reference points for discussion. If an ambulance passes by or a fountain splashes you in the breeze, your attention is drawn to it, and you feel complicit with the other people who are similarly imposed upon by the object. Similarly, in bars, darts or ping pong balls that leave their playing fields often generate new social connections between the person looking for the flying object and the people whose space was interrupted by it.In cultural institutions, active objects often pop into motion intermittently. In some cases, like the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace, the action is on a fixed schedule, and passersby naturally strike up conversations about when it will happen and what’s going on. Other times, the action is more spontaneous. For example, living objects, like animals in zoos, frequently motivate conversation when they move or make surprising sounds. Inanimate objects can also exhibit active behavior—think of the discussions among visitors that naturally arise as model trains chug along their tracks or automata perform their dances."
So it's very important that we find objects that resonate with everyone.
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dazzleuae · 11 months
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Ensure safety at its best! Explore top-notch vehicle conversion in UAE for ambulance safety. We prioritize life, delivering excellence in every transformation. Your safety, our mission. Visit: https://www.dazzleuae.com/ Call: +971 50 626 8155
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