#My Dear I Wanted to Tell You
autumnrose11 · 1 year
"He had to pull the bayonet out again, which was strange. And that wasn't an end: it was just a moment in a long line of moments, and time went on, and they went on."
I was thinking about this one line today, and how deep it is. Normal, decent people are repulsed by murder. But here ... plunging a bayonet into a stranger's body, and watching them die, and knowing you were the cause of it - it's frightening. And at this point in the story, it's become so ordinary, so normal. When it shouldn't be. It was just a moment in a long line of moments. Murder after murder after murder. What's really crushing is that the soldiers were simply ordinary. They weren't built for war. They had their own lives to live, with families, with wives they loved and children they adored. Millions of Riley Purefoys.
Time went on, and they went on. They were being dragged along for this ride despite never wanting it. Sometimes, we come across descriptions such as "time stood still" when there's something particularly striking happening. Nothing of the sort happened here. Time goes on with each death. Nothing stops, least of all the artillery. Life and death go in tandem. They've been forced to embrace indecency.
(Rambling thoughts, sorry!!)
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kehlana-wolhamonao3 · 2 years
Rereading "My dear, I wanted to tell you" and while the descriptions of ww1, the trenches and general suffering the war brings are harrowing, nothing inspires such sheer rage in me as Julia's mother.
Can some Zeppelin please drop a bomb on Mrs Orris? Preferably mid-speech.
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crezz-star · 6 months
Why Luffy is highly attached to Zoro and why Zoro is highly attached to Luffy, and why the straw hats is aware of this and accepts it.
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(some rare rambles of Mine. This is based on my own character studies and observations. COPY PASTED FROM MY X [twitter] )
Firstly, we have to look at how Luffy grew up.
Luffy was given to Dadan by Garp, told her to take care of him. While Dadan introduced Luffy
to Ace and Ace at first was not very... Friendly. And I will not sugarcoat it, Ace did not care about Luffy as first and went through dangerous places that could have killed Luffy, and Ace again, shows how he did not care if that happened. Yet, just like with Shanks, Luffy was doing his best for Ace to accept him and let him join him.
It was always Luffy who was making an effort chasing after people he admires and began to care for, but was always getting denied.
And so being left alone.
Yes, Ace did accept him but not after Ace mentioned, along with Sabo that they should kill him first.
Luffy, being so young back then, and impressionable even, now have it engraved in his mind that if he isn't useful, he will never be accepted by anyone or anywhere.
And so, its become a fear in Luffy deep down, a fear he would push far back in his mind. But would reflect in his actions when he grows up and finds his crew. Luffy is afraid to be useless and abandoned by people he shows interest and care for. Which is why he gets possessive of what is his. That when anyone shows desire to leave, he gets upset and emotional and... angry. That he doesn't want anyone to leave, doesn't allow anyone to leave. And if they still do leave. It deals a blow to his emotional and mental state. He becomes irrational to the point that to bring the person back, he will let himself be walked on like a doormat.
That's where Zoro comes in.
Luffy first heard Zoro's name and immediately felt intrigued. And when he finally met Zoro, who was in obvious predicament, Luffy was hooked especially knowing that Zoro was a good person, and decided that ah. He wanted this man to be in his crew. So being the typical Luffy to do all he can to gain favor towards people he shows clear interest in, he tells Zoro, if I bring back your swords, you WILL join my crew. Because in his mind, if he's useful, people would accept him then! He was sure of it. Since that's how it was with him growing up.
Zoro would find this odd. Even calling Luffy the son of a demon because of how messed up his thinking is. But I think this would be the start of Zoro's observation of Luffy and how Luffy would need someone to correct him in his thinking and actions later on.
So Zoro joins Luffy not just because he freed him and gave his swords back, but because of the strength Luffy showed. One that Zoro acknowledged and respected.
Luffy gaining his first mate would then start to make Luffy be unconsciously more aware of how his crew acts and he would notice how Zoro, unlike everyone else in his life, got his back the most
Zoro chooses to follow him of his own accord. And this would get even more evident when: Nami, betrays Luffy and Zoro told him they should just let her be. Luffy insisted of course, but it shows Zoro's protectiveness of his captain. Sanji favoring Nami and making it almost seem that his reason of joining was her, (this was cleared up later in the crew barrel vows of course), still Zoro did not like him any better as he still thinks Sanji would most likely value women more than their captain.
Usopp leaving the crew and even challenging Luffy for a duel to be captain, which is a huge disrespect to Luffy. Yet Luffy was about to accept him with open arms again as if nothing happened. That's why Zoro stepped in to keep him in check.
This was one of the important moments
Luffy sees how Zoro really truly have his back. Zoro always returning to his side no matter how many times they got separated throughout their adventures. Zoro taking care of his crew, that of which Luffy all recruited himself (Zoro did not trust them all too easily), and now, + 
Zoro giving Luffy a hard life lesson to be a good captain.
Zoro really was looking out for him. So much. Sticking by him all these times no matter how many times his Life got put to danger.
That's why when Zoro mentioned if he fails as a captain, it will be him who will leave, Luffy would panic at the thought and was enough to make Luffy listen and stop desperately chasing after a crew who disrespected him.
Not Zoro. He doesn't want Zoro of all people to leave him.
So Luffy listens. Reflects. Learns how to be a better captain.
but I think one of the most important moment Luffy saw how Zoro will never leave him , like everyone else he cared for in his life did, was when Zoro made his vow to him in Baratie.
That's when he knew, Zoro will not betray him. Will never leave him. That's when he knew, he can trust Zoro with his life and his future crew. He knew Zoro would keep everyone safe.
Luffy felt like he doesn't have to chase after Zoro so terribly desperately the way he did with Shanks or Ace. For the first time in his life, someone CHOSE to stay by his side. Vowed to stay by his side.
It made Luffy happy. Glad. Acknowledged. For some it would seem like the vow was someone serving Luffy. But in Luffy's mind, Zoro made that vow, not because of a master and servant thing, it was because they would be partners, equals in chasing after their dreams. Someone Luffy can face the world with. Give and take.
And this is why Luffy is so attached to Zoro. Because he knows Zoro will never leave him. Zoro will never betray him like what the others did (even if they had their own reasons). Because Zoro chose to be by his side. To be his anchor. His voice of reason when he's washed over with irrational emotions. Why he listens to Zoro the most, becoming silent to listen close to every word that Zoro would say.
Zoro takes care of him and the crew and family Luffy had built.
Zoro stayed and choose to keep staying and returning to him, and because of this, because of Zoro, Luffy learned that he doesn't have to chase after anyone again. That if people wants to stay, they would. That if people wants to stay, they should be the one to ask Luffy. To tell him. To beg him. Because Zoro knows and sees that Luffy is a person worth following and being loyal to.
Now on to why Zoro is attached to Luffy.
I would be lying when I deny the idea of Zoro seeing some parts of Kuina's personality with Luffy.
Kuina did her best to get stronger and prove herself as a great swordsman despite being female, because Kuina believes that, just because she's female, she was weak. Unless she works hard, but still she still have such thoughts buried in the back of her mind. This is why she desperately pushes herself so much. To make people acknowledge her for her own skills and efforts, because she's afraid to be disregarded, left behind. To be not be taken seriously. To be useless.
Who else have this unspoken desperation to be acknowledged and fear of being useless?
Zoro most likely saw the similar personality traits, and seeing how Kuina is important to Zoro, how their shared dream is what pushes him forward, it may have helped him to somewhat lower his guard, even a bit slightly, towards this funny rubber boy.
Humoring him by joining his crew. And eventually, Zoro being able to see the strength Luffy has, and if there's anything that would gain Zoro's favor and respect? It's strength and heart.
Reason why despite seeing him as his enemy, Zoro respects Mihawk, and even the opponents he had hard time defeating.
And towards Luffy, Zoro sees that endless pool of potential And power.
Making him accept Luffy more and more, not just as his captain or the person he dedicates his loyalty to, but as his equal. Just like he did once with Kuina.
He saw her not just as his goal, but also as his equal.
Zoro's treatment and view of Luffy as a simple naïve pirate became something more and was solidified when he saw how Luffy truly valued his dreams at Baratie. How Luffy took it very seriously even knowing that Zoro might die. Zoro took that as full serious acknowledgement and felt that Luffy DID respect him. That Luffy was serious after all.
The way Luffy stopped Johnny and Yosaku from interfering in Zoro's fight Gained tons respect from Zoro. Because that dream of his, isn't just his. It was Kuina's too, and Zoro felt as if through that, Luffy respected Kuina's dream too, Why Zoro was thankful to Luffy. That's why Zoro began to follow Luffy. Because he knows, if anyone can help him accomplish his dream, a dream he shares with his old childhood friend, If anyone can help him reach his goal, it would be Luffy. His dream is safe with him.
Along the way, Zoro would also see how Luffy is reckless. That his kind - and at certain times naive - heart was also going to be his downfall, that's why Zoro keeps Luffy in check, at first Zoro was doing all of his caring for Luffy as means to reach his goal, but spending time with him and understanding him, Zoro saw something more about Luffy, saw his potential quality for greatness and Zoro wants to.. NEEDS to see it.
The way Luffy carries burdens of others and liberates them.
It's something Zoro finds not just as something respectful, but something he admires.
With Luffy by his side, everything and anything feels possible.
That's why as early on as Alabasta, Zoro had already developed a desire to make Luffy's dream, one of his own, his new dream. But still prefer to keep quiet about it when someone asks.
Zoro's attachment to Luffy started as something reminding him of a long passed friend, but as time passed, began to see and understand Luffy more, seeing him as a person/captain worth following, and as well as his most trusted best friend.
Which is why Zoro will do everything he can to help Luffy. Protect what's his and what he built. Help Luffy in reaching his goal, crowning him as king of the pirates, by making Luffy's dream part of his, and is also now his priority as well.
Now on to why the straw hats accepts this.
They all have their own mistakes and majority of the crew, Nami, Usopp, Sanji and Robin, all 'betrayed' Luffy. I say that with a quotation because they all had their reasons. I'm well aware they really didn't do it wholeheartedly and they were just.... In a certain predicament or internal turmoil
They know how Zoro would do everything he could to protect Luffy. How amongst all the older og crew, Zoro was the ONLY one who never even dared to betray Luffy at all. Not even having thoughts about it. That Zoro was EXTREMELY loyal and protective of their captain. Making Luffy favor Zoro the most even if he doesn't notice it himself.
They can see how Zoro and Luffy once at each other's side, can be immersed in their own little world. How when they fight, the silent looks they give one was enough for each other to know what they were planning.
The crew sees this and accepts this. Because deep inside, they have their own guilts. Except perhaps for Franky , Brook and Jinbei but those three are the mature types to already accept that what level of bond that Zoro and Luffy has, None of them can EVER have nor break.
Thus the whole strawhats understands this.
Understands that Zoro and Luffy is inseparable. Is attached at the hip and that's okay. Because they have their whole faith in them, as captain and vice captain. They trust them with their life. Especially with how Luffy gave them a home and Zoro protecting them.
How both Zoro and Luffy would agree to save them
Strawhats is their family and Zoro and Luffy are the protectors of the family
Luffy, the savior and liberator.
Zoro the guardian and protector 
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featherymainffins · 2 months
From what I've seen the true cluster B experience is actually endlessly wondering if you fit more than one diagnosis or if you just have a few symptoms of the other pds in the cluster because of the inherent overlap and you should stop worrying about it
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ch3rie-pop · 6 months
Whelp, this is the last batch of drawings gang
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Who am I kidding this is like a bite sized chicken nugget with sweet and sour sauce *wheeze*
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vegaseatsass · 9 days
Since I'm still thinking about Ming today... Let us compare Three Mings.
1. Ming when he's Scared*
*caught off guard by domesticity/affection and how much he likes and wants it
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2. Ming when he's Trying*
*to fix the shit he does when he's scared, but still seem cool and controlled (of highest priority always)
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3. Ming when he's Scared*
*deeply fucking terrified, scrambling, on the precipice of a complete break from sense and reason which he shan't recover from for years
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And the thing is, which of these Mings do you think stays with Joe in his bones, in his gut. Which of these Mings are the Mings Joe remembers and thinks of as true?
Ming my babygirl, you have so so soooo much more Trying to try.
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shittywriterbrain · 2 months
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read my differently sized gif captions boy
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respectthepetty · 7 months
I started to watch Kiseki last week thanks to my dash. My original plan was to bingewatch it after it`s finished if it has a happy ending which might have been wiser. However I am obsessed with Ai Di and Chen Yi. I think it`s interesting that Chen Yi tells Ai Di that they have to be quiet during their first night because Ai Di would get angry if he heard. I am not sure how he wouldn`t recognise Ai Di even if he is drunk because they have always been together but that`s not the point. He clearly cares about Ai Di and doesn`t want to upset him. But how does he know that Ai Di would hear them? Has he heard Ai Di with another man and has he been mad? Even though he calls Ai Di brother at that point he seems awfully upset when Ai Di is with other men and drags him away from them.
Anon, you didn't know this when you sent it, but I am the wrong person to ask.
I'm stressed.
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I'm spiraling.
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I'm laying in a field of lavender trying to snort the stems in an attempt to chill the fuck out.
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All because Kiseki: Dear to Me's finale is so close that I feel it, yet I'm terrified the scene we are all clinging to from the extended trailer is a fake-out, and we are about to be MODC-ed all over again.
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If this doesn't make sense to you, GOOD! Stay innocent, anon. Three episodes ago, I was worried about the same thing as you, but here I am on the eve of the eve of the finale, and I can't bring myself to fathom the show will kill someone, even though IT ALREADY KILLED SOMEONE!
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But if you do know what I'm writing about, Anon, HOW ARE YOU SO CALM RIGHT NOW?! At least calm enough to send me this ask on the eve of the eve of the finale?! How is Laws of Attraction the only show to know the value of a bulletproof vest unlike all these mafia BLs WHERE IT SHOULD BE A GIVEN?!
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And you're just as cool as a caterpillar on a leaf. I'm the caterpillar in the cocoon dissolving into liquid mush freaking the fuck out about death and bulletproof vests, while you are munching on the good bits of this story. Teach. Me. Your. Ways. I'm over here praying to all the santos about a FICTIONAL CHARACTER! My ancestors are judging me right now. So is God.
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So due to divine shade, I'll try to answer your question - Chen Yi admitted he was always jealous of Eddie being with other people which is why he was dragging Eddie's ass out of places, (so I can't imagine him being on your level of chill if he heard Eddie having sex with someone else), but Chen Yi didn't realize that it was jealously and possessiveness until Eddie was . . .
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Until Eddie WASN'T THERE!
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See, I'm already detouring again! Because what will Eddie do if Chen Yi ISN'T THERE?!
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I don't care if this chick is Zhang Teng's sister avenging his death or just has a crush on Baker Boy. She is the sole female character, and as a feminist who supports female wrongs, if she is the shooter, Mortal Kombat "FINISH HER ASS"
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I support the gays, the goths, and the girls, but in the words of a woman who got it, Jane Austen,
Had not my feelings decided against you, sus high school girlie— had they been indifferent, or had they even been favorable, do you think that any consideration would tempt me to accept the woman who has been the means of ruining, perhaps forever, the happiness of a most beloved menace?
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She better have really gone to the dumpster to throw that glass she just conveniently broke and helps step in to save Chen Yi when she witnesses the shooting because if not . . .
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stuffedsand · 10 months
innocent voting kazui every day is not enough i need a gun
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wariocompany · 8 months
I don't even know what to say at this point
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alexis-royce · 10 months
Please indicate when you're done with the Starved Event because Pages thoughts are being thought and I wanna know what your thoughts are about one particular scene later in the event.
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My vote's for poison. How quickly we forget that it's been implied that Pages taxidermies authors that it really likes
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autumnrose11 · 11 months
Thinking about how I would LOVE to have a TV series of My Dear I Wanted to Tell You. And my ideal cast.
Peter Locke would be DAN STEVENS. He would be beyond perfect.
Julia Locke - Lily James.
Riley Purefoy - James McAvoy
Nadine Waveney- Keira Knightley.
Mabel Zachary - Zoe Kravitz.
Mrs Orris - Dame Judi Dench.
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pocketfulofvoices · 2 months
JEANPOSTING WILL RESUME EVENTUALLY!! been busy with life stuff but hey at least i can legally drive now !! have a doodle in the meantime
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faksyan · 2 months
Do you ever think about how the reason BB doesn't have any major scars from Ground Zeroes and is able to recover from it earlier is that Medic shielded him from all the impact of the explosion (aka took all the damage meant for Snake onto himself, the same as when he was made into a bait to distract the entire world from the real big boss). Do you ever think about how people around him always take the fall for him, no matter if they want to or not. Or are you normal.
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Head in hands. 'I Spy' with Pulp is such a banger for Zor. It's giving me the urge to finally think about designing them (+ redesigning a couple others..). There's something so good abt some of the lyrics like: "you see I spy for a living // and i specialise in revenge // on taking the things that i know will cause you pain". Like....likee.............
Theres earlier parts that also make my brain tick: "it may look like to the untrained eye // im sitting on my arse all day // I'm biding my time until i take you all on // my lords and ladies, i will not fail // i will prevail, cause i spy"
PLUS the name. That did not help the situation. Alas Different Class by Pulp 🤝 IEYTD Characters. Similar can be said about the Chicago soundtrack but thats a. Whole other ramble
#and that whole other ramble is gonna take place in the tags rn#i have mentioned it a few times tbh but yk. yk i have given it more time.#for starters: roxie's suite is SO PHOENIX dear lord#it's this really upbeat jazz track which sounds SO IN PLACE with the rest of ieytd#furthermore: roxie is a very juniper aong ESPECIALLY early in his acting career brah#and later on is razzle dazzle thats. so juniper i will die on my hill it's SO juniper#when youre good to mama is very fabby to me it just oozes with this confidence and i just. with her higher up postion in zoraxis i like it#i can't do this alone is very fabby trying to convince solaris to work with her. i really like it in a sense she's trying to prove herself -#- to solaris ESPECIALLY because in the musical it's like a disingenuous want to work with the other which i also thinks fits#and then theres mister cellophane which HELLO REGINALD CRANE.#i can't quite place it but i think about it constantly. doesn't help that i love that song SO BAD#i tell ya cellophane mister cello phane should i bend my name mister cellophane#AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHBH GRGRGRRGRGRBBRGRGRGR#im normal i swear#cell block tango. i would love to do that with all the women/fem alligned people in ieytd because not ONE OF THEM have EVER caught a break#that's. all of them. bows.#i LOVE chicago SOOOOOO much its such a good musical#i have taken most of these songs out of context and i would love to do an in context au for them all#but trying to figure out who would be who is a problem tbh#I've mentioned it before qnd it's still something i mull over#sigh#anyways. pleade ask me abt ieytd and music i can yalk a lot as you can see#i think i will put#ieytd#because uhh rambles....auhh
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vulpinesaint · 1 year
i need everybody ever to watch this video actually. the issue is not difficult but if you’re somehow still feeling uncertain in any way about hogwarts legacy watch the video. they say it well and they say it with confidence and i love them actually
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