#Eddie Munson x Marianna (Female Reader)
ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
Leave a Mark
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Marianna (Female Reader)
Dialogue Prompt(s): "You're sick. Go back to bed and I'll figure it out." + "What do you want in exchange for it?" + "There was nothing you could've done." 
Sentence Prompt(s): Marianna pressing their forehead against Eddie's forehead to check if they have a fever.
Genre: Sci-Fi / Horror / Fantasy
Rating: MA 15+
Prompt List: Part One / Part Two / Part Three
Author's Note: The two linked are in the same universe as this one. Just to make sure they link with one another. Also I set this in an alternative timeline where Eddie didn't die. Just to make it have a happier ending.
Little Known Memories - Marianna's Backstory - Link
One of Our Better Angels - Eddie Munson x Marianna (Female Reader) - Link
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"I've been ready to die for a very long time. I don't expect you to understand and part of me doesn't want you to either." Marianna continued to speak into the tape recorder, as she stitched herself back up as she often did in the past. Kolya didn't get hurt nearly as often as she did and she wanted to keep it that way.
"You're sick. Go back to bed and I'll figure it out." Marianna said to Kolya waving as headed back home to get over a cold or possible flu. She had made sure to take extra precautions to keep Kolya safe, determined not to take any chances with his health.
"I thought you two would have stopped talking to each other after everything that happened." Eddie said to her after she hopped in her car.
"He's been there longer than I have, the same mental space and the same mindset. The numb feeling, the void inside yourself after you see death more often than not." Marianna added, "You don't have to be brave all the time. It's not helpful for your health."
Marianna knew that pushing Eddie beyond what he was comfortable with wouldn't do anyone a favor. Not even her. Therefore, she decided to take a step back and gently suggest a different approach.
"Are you sure you're fine with that?" Eddie asked her.
"Why wouldn't I be fine with it?" Marianna answered with another question.
"You know exactly why I think that." Eddie answered.
"I hate to break this to you but I'm fine with risking my life. But I'm not fine with risking your safety or anyone else's. If I can avoid that happening. I most certainly will," Marianna said. She understood the risks associated with her actions, but wanted to do everything she could to ensure that no one else got hurt in the process. She was willing to take risks with her own life but not with anyone else's.
Marianna proceeded to press her forehead against Eddie's to check if he had a fever. Without a moment's hesitation, she took the necessary precautions to ensure his safety. "You're sick, unwell and you also have a fever." Marianna said to him.
Eddie remained silent the whole trip back to her place to recover, the same place she said would keep him from harm. "Concentrate on recovering and I'll do what I can to make a spot in my house to keep you safe in." she said to him.
"Why are you helping me?" Eddie asked her.
"Because I care about you." Marianna answered honestly. "Take this with you. It'll help." She handed him a care package that would help him recover, the one of many he would receive while she worked on her project that would help them in the future.
"I don't give to get Dustin. I don't do that to people I consider to be my friends." Marianna replied confused by his question. By having multiple copies, Marianna would be able to maintain the integrity of her journal, even if one of her friends lost or misplaced it. This way, she could ensure the memories and experiences she had written down would always be accessible, no matter where she or her friends were.
"I told you we should have trusted her sooner." Dustin declared to the rest of them.
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"I thought you died." Eddie said.
"I thought I did too. For a brief moment I was sure I was dead." Marianna admitted, confused as to why she didn't die instead. "Although I wouldn't have been surprised if it did happen, I am grateful that it did not," Marianna said with a sigh of relief.
"There was nothing you could've done." Eddie told her, stating that no matter how much she tried she wouldn't have been able to save her friend, Ivan.
"I wish I had known that then, but believe me, I know it now." Marianna had to concentrate on recovering and she felt like it was driving her to insanity. Even though it's only been almost three days since the incident. "Despite the short time since the traumatic event, I can confidently say that I have gained invaluable wisdom and a newfound strength," Marianna thought to herself. "Even though it still hurts to walk with this injury I won't be in bed all the time. Even though they might want me to be."
Marianna had sustained a bear trap injury on her ankle when she had stumbled upon a bear in the forest. She had been walking in the dark, not knowing what lurked in the shadows. She had been so scared, and she felt a sharp pain as the trap clamped down on her ankle. The trap was designed to catch animals by clamping down on their legs or other appendages, and it had done just that to Marianna. The trap had two powerful jaws that closed when it was triggered by the weight of an animal or person stepping on it.
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"You get more injuries than he does." Steve pointed out.
"Yeah and he runs just as fast Eddie when he gets spooked. Like a deer getting spooked by a loud sound in the distance." Marianna explained. "Someone had to make sure he didn't do anything stupid or get himself killed."
Marianna had taken a liking to Eddie and she couldn't really explain why. She knew how it happened, but she could never really understand the why of it. She started getting in harm's way so that he wouldn't have to and the promise to keep him safe came from an instinct that she had inside her. She was drawn to him in a way that she couldn't explain and her actions were driven by a strong desire to protect him. It seemed like a natural instinct that was beyond her control, and she felt compelled to keep him safe from any harm.
Kolya explained it as falling in love. Like he fell in love with someone after both Ivan and Masha passed on.
"It was love at first sight," he said, "a feeling that I couldn't describe or ignore."
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
Stranger Things Incorrect Quotes Part Seven
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Part one / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven
Dividers Used: Link
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Eddie: I told Marianna their ears flush when they lie. Steve: Why? Eddie: Look. Eddie: Hey Marianna! Do you love us? Marianna, covering their ears: No. Steve:
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*context*: Marianna only just started hanging out with Eddie and Steve.
Eddie: I can’t believe you live nearby, and you won’t let anyone crash at your place. Marianna: You people already know too much about me. Steve: I know exactly three facts about you, and one of them is that you won’t let any of us crash at your place.
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Eddie: Please bring home PURIFIED water with NO minerals added for taste Marianna: We got spring water Eddie: NO. Steve: with EXTRA minerals Marianna: it's like licking a stalagmite Eddie: DON'T COME HOME. Steve: Mmmmm cave water
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Eddie: In your opinion, what’s the height of stupidity? Marianna: *turning to Steve* How tall are you?
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Eddie, at a restaurant: You guys should get the orange soda, it's amazing. Marianna: Okay Waiter: Can I get you guys anything to drink? Eddie: Orange soda, please! Marianna: I'll have the strawberry soda. Steve: Me too, strawberry soda. Eddie:
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Marianna: What if mayonnaise came in cans? Steve: Well, that would suck because you can't microwave metal. Eddie: Good morning to everyone except these two people.
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Marianna, to Eddie: My life is in the hands of an idiot! Eddie, motioning to themself and Steve: No no no no no, TWO idiots!
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Marianna: Come on, I wasn't that drunk last night. Steve: You were flirting with Eddie. Marianna: So what? He's my partner. Steve: You asked them if he was single. Marianna: Steve: And then you cried when he said he wasn't.
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Marianna: If Eddie and I were drowning, who would you save? Steve: You two can't swim? Eddie: It's a hypothetical question, Steve! who would you save? Steve: my time and effort.
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Marianna: Hey, did you know as a kid I accidentally ate paper? Steve: I feel like we've all done that at least once. Eddie: I ate it too- Steve: See? Eddie::-On purpose... Marianna & Steve: ...What?
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Marianna: Yo dumbass, get over here. Steve: Okay Eddie: * gleefully runs past* I'm coming! Steve, sadly: I thought...I was dumbass...
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The squad is trying to con some random guy Marianna: Um, Eddie, why are you pretending I'm this guy's family? Eddie: We need money! Marianna: You're scamming him? Eddie: I was thinking more like flat- out stealing from him? Marianna: What?!No way! Eddie: Why not? We already stole Steve! Steve: Hey guys Marianna: No, we didn't. Steve can think and talk for himself, he can do whatever he wants! Steve: I wanna steal
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Marianna: Look at the buns on that guy! Eddie: *lying on the floor, covered in hamburger buns* Steve:: This is the comedy police! The joke's too funny! Marianna:: I'm not going back to jail!
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Marianna: Do you ever feel bugs on you when really there's nothing there? Eddie: Those are the ghosts of the bugs you killed before. Marianna: Marianna: *sobs* Steve: You fucking scared her, you idiot.
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Marianna: Do you think different paints have different tastes? Eddie: They do. Steve: Why did you say that with such...certainty?
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Marianna: *accidentally brushes Eddie’s hand with her own* Eddie: *aggressively holds her hand* Fucking commit to it!
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Marianna: Kissing can burns 26 calories in a minute, wanna work-out with me? ;) Eddie: Are saying that I'm fat? Marianna: No that's not what I meant I-
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Marianna: Eddie, stop! This isn't you, you've gone mad with power! Eddie: Well of course I have. Eddie: Have you ever tried going mad without power? Eddie: It's boring.
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Marianna: I was going to suggest we do Marilyn Monroe and JFK roleplay, but I’d get way too into it. Eddie: What- how? Marianna: You’d be like 'come to bed … Mr. President' and I’d be like, 'I need to increase the amount of American military advisors in South Vietnam by a factor of 18.'
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Marianna: I slept for almost 12 hours but I might still be tired so lets go for 12 more just incase. Eddie: Marianna, that's a coma. Marianna: Sounds festive.
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Marianna: Eddie... Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor? Eddie: Your text told me to satanize the house before you returned. Marianna: Marianna: I wrote sanitize, Eddie.
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Marianna: I don’t do relationships. Eddie: *exists* Marianna: Shit.
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Marianna: Change is inedible. Eddie: Don't you mean inevitable? Marianna, spitting out coins: No, I did not.
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Marianna: English is a difficult language. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though. Eddie: You need to stop.
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Marianna: Stop buying plastic skeletons for Halloween! It's terrible for the environment! Eddie: Yeah! Locally sourced, all natural skeletons are much more environmentally friendly!
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Eddie: I went through an entire character arc during quarantine Eddie: I became more evil if you’re curious Marianna: We're still in quarantine, don't worry, there's time for a redemption arc still! Eddie: I'm going to get worse on purpose
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Eddie, tending to Marianna's wounds: How would you rate your pain? Marianna: Zero stars. Would NOT recommend.
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Eddie: Someone will die. Marianna: Of fun!
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
Stranger Things Incorrect Quotes Part Six
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Part one / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven
Dividers Used: Link
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Eddie, struggling to keep upright in his 1 inch heels: Yeah, I-I don’t really think heels are for me Marianna, pointing at him and walking flawlessly in sparkly golden 6 inch heels: WEAK.
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Eddie: If you were to vacuum up jello through a metal tube, well I think that’d be a neat noise Marianna: I beg to differ Eddie: Then Beg
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Eddie: This is bothering me. Marianna: Well, you are digging up a corpse. Eddie: No, not that. That's, uh, pretty par for the course, actually.
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Eddie: petition to remove the 'd' from Wednesday Marianna: Wednesay Eddie: Not what I had in mind, but I'm flexible
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Eddie: Oh just so you know, it's very muggy outside Marianna: Marianna: Eddie, I swear, if I step outside and all of our mugs are on the front lawn... Eddie: *Sips coffee from a bowl*
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Eddie: Marianna and I have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other's- Marianna: Sentences. Eddie: Don't interrupt me.
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Eddie, trying to cheer the group up: Things could be worse, you know! Marianna: How? Eddie: How what? Marianna: How could they be worse? Eddie: They couldn’t, I lied. Marianna:
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Eddie: Please, I'm begging you go to a doctor. Marianna: I'm sorry is this OUR stab wound? Stay out of it.
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Eddie: This is such a bad idea. Marianna: Then why are you coming along? Eddie: One of us need to be able to talk the cops out of arresting us when this inevitably goes wrong.
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Eddie: You know, not every problem can be solved with a sword. Marianna: That's why I carry two swords.
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Eddie: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming Marianna: Does anyone in this godforsaken group ever think before they speak
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Eddie: We need a distraction. Marianna: Is anyone here good at jumping up and down and making weird noises? Steve, whispering: My time has come
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*Eddie and Marianna sitting in jail together* Marianna: So who should we call? Eddie: I’d call Steve, but I feel safer in jail
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Eddie: Hey Marianna, Marianna: Yes? Eddie: Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on? Marianna: Marianna: Where’s Steve?
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Eddie: What if I press the brake and gas at the same time? Marianna: The car takes a screenshot. Steve: For the last time, get the fuck out.
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Eddie: So, what, now I’m just supposed to do anything that Marianna does? I mean, what if she jumped off a cliff? Steve: If Marianna were to jump off a cliff, she would’ve done their due diligence regarding the height of the cliff, the depth of the water, and the angle of entry, so yes. If you see Marianna jump off a cliff, by all means, jump off a cliff. Eddie: You jump off a cliff! Steve: Gladly. Provided Marianna did first.
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Eddie: WHY. why did you give Steve a KNIFE?! Marianna: I’m sorry. He said he felt unsafe. Eddie: Now I feel unsafe! Marianna: I’m sorry. Marianna: ... would you like a knife?
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Eddie, in a high voice, holding barbie: hey ken! I was thinking about going back to school and starting a career! Marianna, in a deep voice, holding ken: nonsense, barbie. you’re staying home and having my kids Steve: what the fuck are you guys doing? Eddie: playing systemic oppression
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Eddie, texting Marianna: Marianna! Help I’m being kidnapped Steve: Where are you? Eddie: I’m with some strange person. In a car. Help. Marianna: I’ll call Steve. Steve, answering their cell: Y’ello? Marianna: Where’s Eddie? He texted me that he was being kidnapped. Steve: Eddie? Whaddya mean, he's right next to me- Steve: Steve: I’ll call you back. *hangs up* Steve: THE NEW HAIRCUT ISN’T THAT BAD! Eddie: WHO ARE YOU?!
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Eddie: Marianna and I don’t use pet names. Steve: I see. Hey, what do bees make? Eddie: Honey? Marianna: Yes, dear? Eddie: Steve: Don't ever lie to my face again.
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Eddie: Marianna and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us Steve: *Sighing* What did Marianna do? Eddie: She chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and... Marianna: *out of breath* Who wants a steering wheel?
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Eddie, trying to ask Marianna out: Would you like to stay for dinner? Steve: WOULD YOU LIKE TO STAY FOREVER?
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Eddie: What do you think Marianna will do for a distraction? Steve: probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do. *Building explodes and several car alarms go off* Steve: ... or she could do that.
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Store Worker: Would a Mr. Eddie please come to the front desk? Eddie, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem? Store Worker: points to Marianna and Steve Store Worker: I believe they belong to you? Marianna and Steve, simultaneously: We got lost :( Eddie: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me-
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Eddie: Fitness tip: never stop pushing yourself. Some say 8 hours of sleep is enough. Why not keep going? Why not 9? Why not 10? Strive for greatness. Marianna: Next time you’re working out do 15 push ups instead of 10. Run 3 miles instead of 2. Eat a whole cake instead of just a slice. Burn your ex’s house down. You can do it. I believe in you. Steve: There were so many mixed messages in that I can’t-
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Eddie: Who thinks I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth? Marianna: You’re a hazard to society Steve: And a coward. DO TWENTY.
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Eddie: If I accidentally sat on a voodoo doll of myself, would I be trapped forever in that position, doomed to starve to death? Marianna: How am I supposed to know? Steve: You say, as if we don’t use you as a source of knowledge of the occult. Marianna: *sighs* Marianna: You wouldn't be trapped.
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Eddie, driving Marianna and Steve: So how was your day? Marianna: We almost got surprise adopted! Eddie: What? Steve: We almost got kidnapped. Eddie: Oh, okay. Eddie: *slams on the breaks* WAIT WHAT?!
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
Accepting My Fate
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Prompt Lists: Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four
Prompt(s): "Latin is an old language that is considered to be deceased. I find it quite fascinating that it is. It's the main reason I learnt it in the first place, besides most of the Latin phrases are quite beautiful." + "It wasn't a fucking accident and you know it." + "Fine. Hand me the gun. I'll kill them myself." + "I have a better chance of getting in and out of there on my own. You lot, can stay out here and make sure you don't get yourselves killed." + "We did things no one else wanted to do. So we're used to the disappointment and the cruelty. It also means that you have to be."
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Marianna (Female Reader)
Genre: sci-fi / horror
Rating: M15 +
Trigger Warning(s):
mention of violence and death
swearing, cursing
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(The general vibe of Marianna's aesthetic and look.)
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"Latin is an old language that is considered to be deceased. I find it quite fascinating that it is. It's the main reason I learnt it in the first place, besides most of the Latin phrases are quite beautiful." Marianna said to Dustin. "There's a reason why you have to study it. In addition to its beauty, Latin is still used in many aspects of modern life today," Marianna continued, "from some legal and medical terms, to the language of the Vatican - Latin is still very much alive in the modern world."
Marianna couldn't help but think about what she should or shouldn't have said to them. But she didn't want to turn back. She was already half way to the agency and she wasn't going to let a child die for whatever the reason they might have. She was determined to see her mission through and make sure the child was safe, no matter the cost.
"It wasn't a fucking accident and you know it." Marianna thought to herself, "Don't back out now. If they knew the truth they would have no choice but to hunt down the person who asked for them to kill her. They kill adults, not children. They would never allowed this to happen." She was certain that if the truth was revealed, there would be consequences for whoever was responsible for the crime, for no one could condone the killing of a child.
Marianna reached out to the agency, but she felt like she didn't have much of a choice but to do so. The agency backed her when she reminded them of their own rules about killing other humans. They avoided taking the lives of both children and animals. Marianna was able to appeal to the agency's sense of morality, as they had their own set of standards that they abided by. She was able to remind them of these standards and how killing either children or animals would go against them.
"God doesn't want me and the devil isn't finished." Marianna remembered saying to Eddie and Steve.
"I have a better chance of getting in and out of there on my own. You lot, can stay out here and make sure you don't get yourselves killed." She remembered also telling them over the phone two days after she reached the agency. "Besides," she added, "I'm sure I can handle whatever comes my way."
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"Fine. Hand me the gun. I'll kill them myself." Marianna heard as she walked inside. She clenched her fists and felt an unbearable rage bubbling within her - it was time to take matters into her own hands. She slammed the door shut behind her, causing the two men to jump in surprise, and in a loud voice declared, "I won't let anyone take away what I have worked so hard for!"
"You two are traitors to our cause," Marianna started, "Get out or I will kill you myself." She had a hand on her gun.
"I don't think you understand why this was given to you," one of them said to her.
"No you don't understand what this agency is designed to do. Kill adults not children. Do this again and I'll make sure you never work in this industry again. This isn't a game - these lives are not disposable. Make sure you respect the purpose of this agency, or you'll face consequences."
"This is no normal child," the other said to her.
"There are no normal children in the stupid agency you mindless man child." Marianna yelled at him.
"She referred to the countless amounts of surgeries, alterations to make them the ideal spies and killers for their cause." the older looking one said to her.
"My mother is a monster just like you." Marianna killed the two of them. She had no remorse for what she had done, driven by a powerful sense of justice.
"We did things no one else wanted to do. So we're used to the disappointment and the cruelty. It also means that you have to be." Ivan said to her when she reached the more advanced parts of her training. "But it also means you have the strength and resilience to overcome anything that comes your way," Ivan continued, giving her a reassuring smile.
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"I received your letter a few hours ago." Eddie said to her.
"OK. I'm guessing this is the part where you say thanks but no thanks." Marianna replied sitting in the same room as the two older guys she killed that would have followed after Eleven. She had just saved Eleven from being kidnapped and beaten, and she wanted to make it clear that she didn't expect Eleven's gratitude. She was determined to protect Eleven from those who wanted to harm her and was not interested in being thanked for it.
"I was thinking we'd hang out once you get back from wherever you are," Eddie said.
"You want to hang out? After the weird shit I said to you?" Marianna asked.
"You don't want to?" Eddie looked confused.
"No. I want to hang out with you. I just thought you wouldn't," Marianna explained. "You're a good friend. One I certainly don't deserve and I love you for it."
Marianna expressed her gratitude for their friendship and was surprised that her friend wanted to spend time with her in spite of her sometimes negative behavior. She acknowledged that her friend had been kind and understanding, and that she was grateful for it.
"There are no secrets left, right?" Eddie asked.
"I told you everything," Marianna answered. "I pretty much told you everything. So yeah nothing else to add."
"Promise?" he asked.
"I promise," she answered.
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
One of Our Better Angels
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Prompt(s): "I yell back when I'm scared. Mainly both out of fear. But I also do it to establish dominance over the creature scaring me." + "When in doubt, yell at the thing that scared you. Not only to retaliate, but to establish dominance." + "Take this jumper it'll keep you warm."
Prompt List: Part One / Part Two / Part Three
Masterlist: Link
Marianna's Backstory
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Marianna (Female Reader)
Genre: Sci-Fi / Horror / Fantasy
Rating: M - Recommended for ages 15+
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"I yell back when I'm scared. Mainly out of fear. But I also do it to establish dominance over the creature scaring me." Marianna said to Eddie explaining why she never was scared to go in first into a dangerous place or haunted buildings.
"That still doesn't make sense." Eddie replied, still confused by it.
"It does to me. It's really soothing and cathartic." Marianna replied. "Try it sometime and see how it turns out,"
"I don't have to do that right now, do I?" Eddie asked.
"No. I won't embarrass you further, I'm not that cruel." Marianna answered, still working on a crossword.
"When in doubt, yell at the thing that scares you. Not only to retaliate, but to establish dominance." Kolya mentioned looking outside the window to scare away anyone that was looking for either of them.
"I still can't get over the fact that you had the need to lie about who you were." Eddie stated.
"I know. But at the time, I didn't know anyone here and I most certainly didn't trust anyone here either. The exception is Kolya over there. He came to America with me," she said.
“And you only just started to trust me?” Eddie paced around the room confused about the whole ordeal.
“You said you wanted to think about it and get back to me to decide whether or not you still wanted to be my friend.” Marianna explains to him, still focused on the crossword in front of her.
“And you can hate me for it later. But as far I am concerned we can help you and make sure you stay alive in the upside down. I would have told you sooner if I had it my way. But I didn’t know if you could be trusted or not.”
“And you can hate me for it later. But as far as I am concerned, I can help you stay alive. I would have told you sooner if I had my way. But I didn’t know if you could be trusted or not.” Marianna says as she finishes her crossword puzzle.
"We have been there multiple times," Kolya explained. "We're suited to that type of work."
"That's why I waited so long," Marianna replied. "I wanted to be sure that you could handle it."
"I'm not doing a thing." Eddie yelled at her.
"I'm not asking you to do anything. All I want you to do is not die that's all I'm asking you to do." Marianna stated clearly stating that she wanted to show him that she could be trusted. "If you have any other questions. By all means ask them either today or tomorrow."
Marianna handed him a large jumper, "Take this jumper it'll keep you warm." she said, clearly a gift to hammer it home that she wanted him to trust her.
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"I know this might come to you as some kind of shock, but I have been to the other side of that type of gate multiple times." Marianna started to say into the tape recorder. "What I am about to explain will confuse and explain everything I haven't gotten the chance to tell you."
Marianna continued to explain everything that had already happened to her and her two close friends. But she also disclosed any information she learned about the Demogorgons. She also said that if they wanted her to help them. They would have to say it to her face. She wanted to make sure they were sincere in their request, so she wanted to hear it from them directly, rather than relying on secondhand information.
"I can make sure they can't find Eddie." Marianna promised them that and she was more than happy to make sure she fulfilled that promise. She knew some people who could help her keep Eddie hidden and out of sight, so she was confident that no one would find him and compromise their safety.
"You trust her?" Steve said to Dustin.
"Yeah, Of course I do. I mean I want to." Dustin replied with a shrug.
"We have to. We don't have a choice." Mike told them.
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ryuzakemo128 · 1 year
Sleep Specialist's Results (Part 2)
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Prequel: Disassembled Creatures
Part one - Link
Masterlist: LINK
Trigger Warning(s):
Nightmares, Night Terrors, Bad Dreams
Swearing, Cussing, Cursing
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(Marianna Sokolova's Point of View)
Over the next few weeks, I continued to attend appointments with the sleep specialist, Dr. Adams, in order to unravel the mystery of my sleep issues. One of the main concerns on my mind was whether this problem could be something genetic, potentially impacting our plans to have children in the future.
"I don't think I stress about much, I usually get enough done within the day or at least as much as I can. Before I go do anything else." I told the doctor as the appointment continued. As he looked over the results that the device picked up on after weeks of using it.
Dr. Adams nodded, his eyes focused on the results. "Stress can certainly contribute to sleep disturbances, but it seems that there may be other factors at play in your case. The data from the device indicates some unusual brain activity during your sleep, particularly during the REM phase. This could be linked to the nightmares you mentioned earlier."
I listened intently, my heart pounding in my chest. Finally, some answers were starting to emerge. "What does that mean exactly? Is there something wrong with my brain?"
Dr. Adams leaned back in his chair, his expression thoughtful. "I wouldn't jump to conclusions just yet. Unusual brain activity during sleep doesn't necessarily indicate a problem. It could be a result of various factors, such as stress, anxiety, or even certain medications. We'll need to conduct further tests to get a clearer picture."
Relief washed over me as I realized that it might not be a severe neurological issue. Still, the uncertainty lingered in the back of my mind. "What kind of tests do you recommend, Dr. Adams?"
As each test, scan and blood test occurred through out the two weeks. Dr. Adams explained the various tests he wanted to conduct to gather more information about my sleep issues. This included a polysomnogram, which would monitor my brain activity, eye movements, and muscle activity during sleep. He also suggested a multiple sleep latency test to assess daytime sleepiness and evaluate the possibility of other sleep disorders.
I have called Eddie after appointment, but tonight I might not be able to.
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ryuzakemo128 · 1 year
Sleep Specialist's Results
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Marianna (Female Reader)
Genre: Fluff, Horror
Masterlist: LINK
Trigger Warning(s):
Nightmares, Night Terrors, Bad Dreams
Swearing, Cussing, Cursing
Sequel to: Disassembled Creatures
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Marianna's Point of View
The waiting room is eerie silence as I anxiously awaited my turn to see the sleep specialist. I fidgeted with the sleeves, wiggling around in my seat and my foot tapping. I couldn't help but feel like I was being swallowed whole by my nervous erratic behaviour. I have this issue for years.
Since I can remember, sleep has always eluded me. The countless nights of tossing, turning and then staring at the ceiling while Eddie slept peacefully beside me. The longing need to have great night's rest, to wake feeling like I didn't need more sleep and to feel like a normal functioning human being. After what it felt like an eternity until my name was finally called, a nurse came over and lead me to the doctor's office.
The sleep specialist's office was dimly lit, with soft ambient music playing in the background. The air felt heavy with anticipation as I took a seat across from the doctor's desk. Dr. Adams, a middle-aged man with kind eyes, greeted me with a warm smile.
"Good morning, Ms. Sokolova," Dr. Adams said, his voice soothing and calming. "I've reviewed your case history and conducted some initial assessments. It seems you've been struggling with sleep-related issues for quite some time."
I nodded, my hands tightly gripping the edge of the chair. "Yes, it's been going on for years. I've tried various remedies and therapies, but nothing has worked so far. It's affecting my daily life, my energy levels, and my relationship with Eddie. I have no trouble falling asleep that's not the issue, I have a sleep schedule which I do each evening before I get ready for bed." I handed him the detailed written form of my sleep schedule to him from my folder.
The schedule has things like exercising on a treadmill for an hour, drinking a herbal tea to help me relax enough to sleep through the night. Then I would have a pleasant warm shower. I have listed the medications I have taken in the past to help with sleep deprivation. Sometimes I even just stick to having three hour naps and just do work stuff I haven't finished yet until I'm tired enough to back to sleep.
"These nightmares also occur when I sleep on my back," I added as he went through the sleep schedule.
Dr. Adams nodded, studying the sleep schedule intently. "Nightmares can certainly contribute to sleep disturbances," he acknowledged. "Sleeping on your back may be triggering them in some way. We'll delve deeper into that aspect during our assessment."
I shifted uncomfortably in my chair, feeling a mix of hope and apprehension. Finally, someone who might be able to understand and help me. Dr. Adams continued, "Based on your sleep schedule and the information you've provided, it seems like you've been doing everything right to promote good sleep hygiene. However, there might be underlying factors at play that we need to explore."
The appointment went better than what I thought it would be and as soon as I got back home I called Eddie to make sure he knew what happened, what the plan was going to be and that he didn't have to worry.
Eddie picked up the phone on the second ring, his voice filled with concern. "Hey, Marianna. How did it go? Are you okay?"
I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing thoughts. "Hey, Eddie. Yeah, it went okay. I saw a sleep specialist, Dr. Adams. He seems really knowledgeable and empathetic. He believes there might be some underlying factors causing my sleep issues, so we're going to delve deeper into it. There will be a few more tests run, but it's a lot more complex than just Insomnia like I thought it was. Don't worry you'll be the first person I'll call if anything happens or if anything goes wrong. Once I figure this out, we can talk about whether or not we still want to have kids of our own or go ahead with adoption."
We were talking about whether or not we wanted to adopt or have children of our own three months ago. I didn't know whether or not my sleeping problem would be something genetic and could be passed down, if that was the case we wanted to consider other options. Eddie remained silent on the other end of the line, and I could sense the weight of the decision hanging in the air.
"We'll talk more about this later, don't worry about needing to speak about right now and I know how much you would rather speak about it in person." I added before he said anything else.
Eddie sighed on the other end of the line, and I could almost picture the worried expression on his face. "You're right, Marianna. We'll discuss it in person when you're ready. Your health and well-being come first. Just focus on getting the answers and treatment you need."
A sense of relief washed over me as Eddie's words sank in. Despite the uncertainty surrounding my sleep issues and the impact it could have on our plans for the future, Eddie's unwavering support gave me strength. I knew we would face whatever challenges came our way together.
Eddie told me about what they planned to do with the tour and where they were going in America. By the sounds of it, a lot of work has gone into this and I am proud of him. As Eddie shared the details of their upcoming tour, my mind began to wander. I couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy as he talked about the excitement and adventure that awaited him on the road. While I was grateful for his support, a part of me wished I could join him on this journey, free from the shackles of my sleep issues.
"I'm really proud of you, Eddie," I said, genuine admiration lacing my voice. "It sounds like an incredible opportunity, and I know you'll do amazing things. Just promise me you'll take care of yourself while you're away, okay?"
Eddie's voice softened, and I could tell he understood my unspoken longing to be with him. "Of course, Marianna. I'll make sure to prioritize my well-being too. And hey, maybe someday we'll have the chance to go on an adventure together, without any worries or sleep troubles holding us back."
I smiled, the image of us embarking on an adventure together bringing a glimmer of hope to my tired soul. "That sounds wonderful, Eddie. I look forward to that day."
I smiled, the image of us embarking on an adventure together bringing a glimmer of hope to my tired soul. "That sounds wonderful, Eddie. I look forward to that day." I added. "I certainly hope you've eaten dinner, don't tell me you haven't."
Eddie chuckled on the other end of the line. "Don't worry, Marianna. I just finished dinner before we started talking. I'm taking care of myself, I promise."
"Did you take one of my jackets with you? I know you said you wanted to take one or two of them with you." I asked thinking about it more. "I added an oversized hoodie in case it gets cold."
Eddie laughed. "Yes, I did. I couldn't resist taking one of your jackets with me. It's like having a piece of you with me on the road. And the oversized hoodie sounds perfect for those chilly nights. I'll make sure to wear it and think of you."
"If you need anything else, I find a way to get it to you as soon I as I can." I mentioned thinking about it still. "Just because I can't sleep well, doesn't mean I can't make sure you have what you need." I added rather quickly.
Eddie's voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Marianna. I appreciate your support and willingness to help, even with your own struggles. You're incredible, you know that?"
"I can go on and on about how cool you were. I have a feeling one of us is getting rather sleepy and it's not me." I replied stifling a giggle.
Eddie chuckled, his voice filled with warmth. "Yeah, I think you're right. Tour preparations have left me exhausted. But I'll be fine. I'll get a good night's rest before the tour kicks off. You take care of yourself too, Marianna."
"I will. I'll call you tomorrow okay?" I replied sipping my cup of sleep tea.
"Sounds good," Eddie replied, his voice becoming softer. "Sleep well, Marianna. I love you."
"I love you now and forever. Sleep well and don't let the bed bugs bite." I replied with a contented sigh, I hung up the phone and set it aside. The weight of the day's events began to settle, and I knew it was time to take care of myself. Dr. Adams had given me a glimmer of hope, and although there were still uncertainties ahead, I felt a renewed sense of determination.
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
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Prompt: "I heard you were feeling sick, so I made you some soup." + "There's no way I'm leaving you like this." + "Just let me do this for you."
Prompt List: Link
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Marianna (Female Reader)
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Marianna went out drinking a few nights ago, she had a hangover and a headache that never went away. She thought it was mainly due to the lack of water. She called Eddie and told him she wouldn't able to go over to his place to hang out that afternoon as she wasn't feeling well.
A few hours after calling him, she heard a knock on her front door and Eddie outside in the rain. "Get in, get in. You'll catch your death otherwise."
"I thought since you weren't able to hang out at my place, I'd come over and hang out at yours." Eddie stated walking into the kitchen.
"I didn't want you to get sick. So I called to say I couldn't." I said.
"Go, have a shower and go back to bed." Eddie said looking for where I kept everything.
"Fine." I muttered going to have a shower. "I have dry clothes in my room if you need any. I'm not letting you get yourself sick."
But he never budged and insisted that he needed to stay in order to make sure I get well faster. Even though I would have done fine without help. I also didn't have the heart to say no.
"I heard you were feeling sick, so I made you some soup." Eddie said, bringing it in from the kitchen. I groaned after throwing up for the fifth time that morning. 
“I still think it’s unwise for you to get this close. I get you sick, you know.” I told him walking into my room after brushing my teeth after throwing up. 
"There's no way I'm leaving you like this." Eddie reminded me.
“There’s no way I’m letting you get yourself sick.” I replied, remaining firm on the idea that I should keep him away while I’m still sick. 
"Just let me do this for you." Eddie pleaded. "Let me take care of you for once, alright?" He added.
"Fine." I sighed laying back down in bed. "Just don't burn the house down. If you need anything I'll order it or pay for it."
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
Memento Vivere
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Dialogue Prompt(s): “Sure, I’m Satan’s second favorite love child sent to drive you insane.” + "For the last time, stop doing that shit. Now's not the time to try out what does or doesn't scare me." + "You've been quiet." + "You need sleep." + "I was beginning to think you weren't coming back."
Prompts: Marianna is frustrated because they want to kiss Eddie but is shy and nervous because they only started dating last week.
Prompt List: Part One / Part Two / Part Three
Masterlist: Link
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Marianna (Female Reader)
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“Sure, I’m Satan’s second favorite love child sent to drive you insane.” Eddie said to Marianna sarcastically.
"Doubt it. Truly doubt it," Marianna said as she reapplied her red lipstick.
"I still don't understand why you trust Steve to drive your car. But not me." Eddie whined crossing his arms.
"I trust you with her." Marianna replies, ignoring the part where he said that he trusted Steve more than him.
"Hey guys." Dustin appeared from Marianna's side of the car causing Marianna to get scared and flinch hard enough to crack her left thumb.
"For the last time, stop doing that shit. Now's not the time to try out what does or doesn't scare me." Marianna says hoping this would be the last time either Eddie or Dustin would try doing that sort of thing.
"Sorry Mara." Dustin said getting into her car. "Where's Steve?"
"He ran to get Marianna more mozzarella sticks," Eddie replied, looking at the time.
"What does this mean?" Dustin asked Marianna, pointing towards her open journal that had various Latin phrases written into it.
Marianna replied, "Remember to live, the polar opposite of the more well known Latin phrase. Memento Mori. Which means, remember you must die."
"Cool" Dustin replied, "Can I take a look at the other notes?"
"Yes. It's helped me more than it hurt." Marianna replied, handing her leather bound journal.
"You've been quiet." Marianna stated looking over at Eddie.
"I'm just worried this won't end well for any of us." Eddie stated looking back at her.
"You need sleep." Marianna suggested getting closer to him and examining his face up close. "Yeah, you definitely need some sleep."
"I was beginning to think you weren't coming back." Dustin said to Steve when he got into Marianna's car.
"It took a while. But I finally got them." Steve says handing her mozzarella sticks and a diet coke.
"Why don't you stay the night? I'll take the couch." Marianna stated looking over at Eddie.
"What did I miss?" Steve inquired, wondering what Marianna was talking about.
"Something about Eddie not sleeping." Dustin said to Steve.
Hours later, they investigated several houses that seemed spooky. Eddie stayed behind as he refused to walk inside with them. A walkie talkie was handy in case someone tried to reach them by walkie talkie. Despite his fear, Eddie was determined to be a support system for his friends, standing guard outside and listening carefully for any possible messages.
Marianna had to go in, in case there was a door that had to be kicked down somewhere in the abandoned house. Eddie knew that his strength and bravery were needed more outside than inside, so he wanted to be ready in case his friends needed him. He also had a walkie talkie so he could communicate with them and warn them if they were to move quickly or if they were in danger.
After Eddie stays over for the night at her place, she is frustrated because she wants to kiss Eddie but is shy and nervous. This is because they only started dating last week. So part of her just doesn't want to make him uncomfortable. Despite her strong feelings for Eddie, she respects his boundaries, choosing to move slowly in their relationship.
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
The Price of Living Forever
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Pairing: Goddess! Marianna (Female Reader) x Mortal! Eddie Munson
Summary: Marianna is the goddess of fire, she has fallen for a mortal that went by the name of Eddie Munson.
Trigger Warning(s):
Swearing/ Cursing
Fantasy Violence
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"In the universe, all of the potentials are available to those who know where to look for them, the art of what is and what could be. My soul is exposed and my bones are cracked. But I never stopped loving you." Marianna says to Eddie from afar.
"You need to stop pining after a mortal. It's getting to a level that is rather unbecoming of someone of your stature." The god of the Earth says to her.
"I don't care what you think, I want to be there. Even though he won't notice me there and even though he may never be able to see me." Marianna sighed, ignoring his complaints as she continued to let the fire burn inside of her heart.
Marianna turned herself into sparking flames to dance in the presence of the mortal that she cherished with every fibre of her being. Much to the dismay of her brothers and sisters around her.
"You speak as if you haven't tried to do the same." Marianna told them.
"We have and that's the reason we don't want the same to happen to you." Her sister Bethany had told her time and time again.
"It sounds more of a reason to try." Marianna said.
"Is this really worth putting yourself through? You'll watch him die and you'll be heartbroken." Bethany explained to her.
In a huff, Marianna says bluntly, "Then I'll die with him."
"I don't think we can allow that." Derek told her with a frown on his face, "You have protected him for long enough. It's time to move on."
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
Ding, Dong the Wicked Bitch is Dead
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Prompt: "I think that's a dead body, but I am not totally sure and I'm not totally sure I want to find out." + "It'll depend on what you're planning to do the next day."
Prompt List: Link
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Marianna (Female Reader)
Trigger Warning(s):
Mention of death
Swearing/ cursing
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"I think that's a dead body, but I am not totally sure and I'm not totally sure I want to find out." Marianna thinks to herself, moving closer and closer towards the body that had her jacket draped over it. Her heart was beating faster and faster.
"Don't be who I think you are," she keeps repeating in her mind over and over again. The forest had a spooky feeling to it now, only getting spookier each second she stayed there.
"I don't understand. I do everything in my power to prevent this, but it still happens no matter what I do." Marianna said to the body in front of her.
"I don't think you understand what you're doing," a creature said to her from the other side of the portal that drew the two trees closer together.
Marianna stepped towards the portal that looked like an open flesh wound. "Who are you? What the hell are you?"
"Stop. You know who I am." it replied from the portal.
"I don't even know you, I have no idea who you are." Marianna said before the creature grabbed her and took her into the portal.
"Am I dead?" Marianna asked looking around as she was in her old bedroom again.
"Where did we go wrong?" it said to her circling around her appearing each time she tried to get a better look at it.
"You should have been better by now." Another creature said to the other.
"You have to be fucking with me right now. I'm not some helpless rat you can torture." Marianna yelled at them. She spotted the door on the other side of the room hoping it would take her back.
They walked away from her, leaving her locked inside the room and the yells echoed as they left her there. Marianna turned to see which of the creatures remained with her.
"Let me out of here! Let me go!" She screamed as she tried to kick down the door every few minutes.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" the creature said to her.
"What do you want from me?" Marianna asked it.
"You have nothing to give, but as much as I would like to say you do. But since you lost your powers, it's only fair that we give them back." It said to her.
"How do you even know about that?" she asked.
"We caused it to happen," It said to her. "We didn't need anyone interfering with what needed to occur."
Marianna is dragged out before she could know the full context of what it meant. "Come on. It can't be that bad." She thought to herself. Unfortunately it was that bad and it seemed to only get worse the longer she stayed there.
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"It appears my trusting nature got the better of me. It's happened before." Marianna thought to herself, as the portal closed behind her and she promptly threw up near a tree on the way to her car.
The noise in her ears rang louder and louder, church bells rang in her ears and her throat burned as if a demon shoved coals heated by hellfire down her throat. Once she returned home, she went to her bathroom and went to have a shower before doing anything else.
"Marina are you ok?" Eddie asked her knocking on the bathroom door.
"I wish I was." Marianna replied while still in the shower.
"What happened? You were gone for hours." Eddie said to her walking in.
"Do you want the good news or the bad news first?" Marianna asked him as she washed her hair again to get the blood from her hair out.
"Bad news first." Eddie says to her.
"Bad news I saw a dead body and I'm pretty sure I saw something afterwards." Marianna explained to him while still in the shower.
"and the Good news?" Eddie asked her.
"Good news is that I feel sick and I know how I couldn't see into the future anymore." Marianna says thinking about it further.
"Which is?"
"I think it's because I wasn't meant to be able to in the first place." Marianna replied.
"Here's your towel by the way." Eddie says passing her towel as she finished showering.
"Did you get my valentine's day present by the way?" She asked him.
"No. I haven't gotten the chance to get to it." Eddie replied getting pjs from her room for her to get changed into.
"It's fine. I haven't gotten round to finishing it yet." Marianna replied thinking about it more. After she got changed in her pajamas she went to get back to work on the sculpture she was making for Eddie. More or less the finishing touches at the very least.
"You got me flowers?" Eddie said to her from the living room.
"Yeah. It's part of the present but not the entirety of it." she mentioned before completely finishing the statue.
Marianna took Eddie to a nice place for dinner and they went to the movies afterwards. She would have to wait until tomorrow before she could give it to him.
"I sleep better in your bed." Eddie stated after they came home from the movies.
"Even though you sleep like a baby in your own room?" she asked him confused.
"I'm not a big fan of the dark." Eddie commented.
"I certainly hope this headache goes away tomorrow." she sighed putting her pjs back on.
"It'll depend on what you're planning to do the next day." Eddie told her. As she got into bed, she pulled him towards her to cuddle him more comfortably for the both of them.
"Goodnight Marina." Eddie says to her.
"Goodnight Eddie."
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
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Prompt: “I’m not doing this anymore, I’m done. If they want more from me, they can wait ten years.” + "I have nothing left to say to you."
Prompt List: Link
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Marianna (Female Reader)
Trigger Warning(s):
Paranormal Events
Swearing/ Cursing
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"Are you sure you're not trying to get us killed?" Marianna asked Dustin.
"Don't ask him that. He'll take you seriously and most likely-"
"I'm sure, just trust me ok?" Dustin answered.
"Feels more like ghost hunting than anything else." Marianna muttered to herself walking into the supposed haunted house.
"I still think this is an incredibly bad idea." Eddie stated staying close to Marianna.
"Ghosts aren't real, if they were real we'd have proof already. So don't worry, the whole this place is haunted is most likely to get children from breaking into the place." Marianna replied trying to rationalize it enough to make it even less scary.
"How does that work for you?" Steve asked her.
"How does what work?" Marianna replied.
"You see all this weird shit and still not believe that ghosts are real" Steve commented.
"If I can't see it, hear it or notice it. It's not real and worrying about a what if is just a waste of time." Marianna replied walking around the house.
Marianna walked off further into the house just to see if there was anything remotely spooky about the place. Mainly just to see what would make it haunted if it wasn't just a rumor to scare children away from it.
A loud noise went off in the distance, loud enough to spook Eddie enough for him to run out of the house.
“I’m not doing this anymore, I’m done. If they want more from me, they can wait ten years!” Eddie shouted running off to Marianna's car.
"Man, I wish he ran that fast most of the time." Marianna says dusting herself off.
"What the hell happened to you?" Dustin asked.
"I tripped over a loose floorboard and tried to use the mirror to slow down the fall." Marianna explained.
"You used a mirror to slow down your fall?" Dustin says trying to maintain a serious look.
"I have nothing left to say to you." Marianna grumbled going to check on Eddie.
"What the hell happened to you?" Eddie asked her.
"I fell over, that was the loud noise that happened." Marianna explained.
"I'm not going back inside." Eddie stated.
"Then I'm not going back in there either." Marianna replied and pulled him into a hug. "I'll protect from the ghosts and everything else." She thought to herself.
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ryuzakemo128 · 1 year
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Pairing: Eddie Munson X Marianna (Female Reader)
Masterlist: Link
Trigger Warning(s):
Mention of blood.
Author's Note: This is only written in Eddie's point of view. You'll find out why soon. Plus every character including the reader is over the age of 18 and no you're not allowed to imagine the reader as someone underage.
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The blankets on the bed were a faux fur, thick to hold in the warmth and keep out the cold. The colour of the blankets are black and brown like the colours of the American Black bear. The sheets were white and flannel, providing extra warmth and a comfortable sleeping environment. Decorative pillows along the wall and against the black curtain covering the tiny window.
At first I found it difficult to imagine a younger Marianna asleep inside this caravan. But ever since I found out that she loved sleeping in small, cramped and tiny places. I found the photo of a 14 year old Marianna, long curly dark hair and bangs that covered her eyes. It was her blowing out candles on her 14th birthday cake with Kolya sitting beside her.
As I looked closer at the photo, I could see the resemblance between both the young Marianna and the adult version of her I had met. The sharp jawline, the same piercing blue and grey eyes, the dimple in her left cheek when she smiled. It was as if time had stood still for her, and I couldn't help but wonder how many memories were made in this tiny space.
As I sat there watching Ivan work on the caravan, I couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness. It was clear that restoring the caravan was a way for him to keep his mind occupied and to feel closer to Marianna. Marianna has to come back because I don't think Ivan would be able to live with himself if she doesn't.
Ivan had been working on the caravan for weeks now, and I had been helping him whenever I could. Marianna's disappearance had hit him hard, and I could see that he was desperate to find her. But as time went by, it seemed like we were no closer to finding her than we were before.
Ivan had asked me to come over to help him with some wiring, but I had arrived early and had been looking around the caravan while he finished up some other work. It was then that I found the photo of a younger Marianna.
I couldn't help but think about all the things that Marianna had gone through in her life. From growing up in a small town to being experimented on by her mother, it was clear that she had been through more than most people could imagine. But through it all, she had remained strong and had never lost her sense of humor or her kindness.
Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months and still there was no sign of Marianna. Ivan's desperation had turned into a constant state of worry, and I could see the toll it was taking on him. We had searched every inch of Hawkins and the surrounding areas, but there was no trace of her.
I often found myself thinking about Marianna and what she could be going through. Was she scared? Was she hurt? Was she even still alive? It was a thought that haunted me, and I couldn't imagine how Ivan must feel.
One day, while we were searching through the woods, we stumbled upon an abandoned cabin. It was old and rundown, but it looked like it had been recently used. We cautiously made our way inside, our hearts racing with anticipation.
She was here, I don't know when or how, but I could feel it in my bones. As we searched the cabin, I could see the hope and relief on Ivan's face. It was a feeling that I shared, but it was also mixed with a sense of dread. What if she wasn't okay? What if we were too late?
It was damp, illegible and looked like instructions for something. But it was a clue, and it gave us hope that we were on the right track. We knew that we had to follow it and find out where it led us.
As we made our way back to Hawkins, Ivan was more determined than ever to find Marianna. He had a renewed sense of hope, and I could see that he was not going to give up until we found her.
Days turned into weeks once again, and we followed every lead we could find. We talked to everyone we could, and we searched every corner of the town. But it seemed like we were getting nowhere, and our hope was starting to fade.
What we did find was the campsite she was staying in for a while before moving off again. I see blood too, and I knew that this was not a good sign. Ivan and I exchanged a look of worry, and we both knew that we had to find her before it was too late.
The second note had "Need to move faster, I can't let them find me." I frowned looking that the word them and how it was underlined three times. We quickly decided to split up and search for her. I ran off in one direction while Ivan headed off in the other. I kept praying that we would find her in time.
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ryuzakemo128 · 1 year
Used to the Darkness (Part 2)
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Genre: Sci-fi / Fantasy / Angst
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Marianna (Female Reader)
Trigger Warning(s):
Mental Illness: Major Depression
Angst (Like a lot)
Nightmares, specifically night terrors.
Swearing, cussing
Masterlist: Link
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Part 2 Summary: Marianna (Female Reader) gets into a fight with her mother early once morning. Then proceeds to lock her mother out of her home afterwards. Chaos ensues.
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Marianna's Point of View
"I didn't say you were, you keep assuming I was talking about you. I don't understand why you can't possibly see that I'm speaking about someone else." I told her for the fifth time. I didn't want to be here now, I just wanted the floor to just open up and eat me whole. This type of argument always happens and I feel like she does this on purpose.
She's also trying to worm herself back into my life, like a puzzle piece from an entirely separate puzzle jammed into the puzzle forcing itself to fit into it.
"I didn't say you were, you keep assuming I was talking about you. I don't understand why you can't possibly see that I'm speaking about someone else." I told her for the fifth time. I didn't want to be here now, I just wanted the floor to just open up and eat me whole. This type of argument always happens and I feel like she does this on purpose. 
She's also trying to worm herself back into my life, like a puzzle piece from an entirely separate puzzle jammed into the puzzle forcing itself to fit into it. She makes it about her no matter what I do, I just don't think I can't much more of her or her bullshit anymore. Yet I can't seem to have the willpower to just kick her out either. I let her move in, she talked me into letting her move in and I didn't say anything about it either. I didn't know whether I should or shouldn't. Eddie seemed bothered by it or at least from what I have seen. 
"Don't worry about it, If I need to I'll just move her somewhere else." I told him once, three months ago. 
"I don't think she will get the hint if you keep letting her walk all over you." Eddie sighed looking over at me. 
"I tried kicking her out a few times, she keeps making me feel bad about it and I don't think I want to go through with it." I shrugged, I continued. "I'll talk to her and tell her to leave." 
"You tried that yesterday, but it didn't end well." Eddie reminded me. 
"I'll try better this time." I frowned, pretending that I didn't hear him the first time. I didn't know how to kick her out, I knew how to. 
She didn't work today, I didn't have to worry about feeling bad about kicking her out, although I have been told I shouldn't feel bad about kicking her out even if she worked today. What she did to me was more than enough to feel uncomfortable around her. Eddie didn’t like her, especially after what I told him about her and what she did growing up. 
I took a deep breath and made my way to the living room where she was watching TV, pretending like everything was okay. "Hey, we need to talk." I said, trying to sound firm and in control.
"About what?" she asked, not even bothering to look at me.
"About you staying here. I don't think it's working out and I need you to leave." I said, my voice getting stronger.
"What? Why?" she said, finally looking at me.
"You know why. You keep making everything about you, you're always starting arguments, and I just can't deal with it anymore. I need my space back." I said, feeling the weight of the words on my chest.
"I didn't realize I was doing that. I'm sorry." she said, her voice softening.
"It's too late for apologies, you've done too much damage." I said, feeling the anger building up inside me. 
I finally took control of the situation, control over it and then she’s trying to make me feel about kicking her out. I wasn’t going to let her take control over the situation.
"I understand that, but I really need a place to stay. I don't have anywhere else to go." she pleaded, her eyes filling with tears.
"I'm sorry, but you can't stay here anymore. You need to find somewhere else to go." I said, standing my ground.
She looked at me for a few seconds, and then got up from the couch. "Fine. I'll leave." she said, grabbing her things and heading towards the door.
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Eddie's Point of View
I watched Marianna as she argued with the woman she had let move in with her. This wasn't the first time they had fought, and I knew it wouldn't be the last. Marianna seemed to have a soft spot for this woman, even though she was causing her so much stress and frustration.
I had tried to talk to Marianna about it before, but she always brushed it off, saying that she didn't want to hurt the woman's feelings. But I could see that it was taking a toll on her, and I didn't want her to keep suffering because of this woman's behavior.
When Marianna finally made her way to the living room to talk to the woman, I stayed back and watched from a distance. Marianna had always been good at standing up for herself, but I knew this would be a difficult conversation.
As they talked, I could hear the frustration in Marianna's voice as she tried to explain why the woman couldn't stay with her any longer. The woman seemed to be playing dumb, trying to make it seem like she didn't know what she had done wrong.
But Marianna wasn't having it. She stood her ground and made it clear that she needed her space back. I could see the anger building up inside her, and I was proud of her for finally taking control of the situation.
Afterwards, Marianna seemed relieved to have the woman out of her house. I could tell it had been weighing on her for a long time. "Thanks for your support," she said to me, and I smiled back at her. "Anytime," I replied.
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My nightmares were getting worse, ever since we left the upside down. I didn't tell Marianna about them at first. I didn't want to seem like I was bothering her about it. Since she only recently went through an emotional rollercoaster from just kicking out her own mother yesterday.
The nightmares have started to take a toll on me during the day. I’m constantly jumping at the slightest sound. 
“You’ve been having nightmares.” Marianna pointed out, like she knew what the cause was before I said anything to her. 
I nodded, “How did you know?” 
“You’re jumpy, you’re constantly on edge and any sound just scares you.” Marianna handed me a hot chocolate. Despite the fact I wanted a coffee to stay awake longer.
I took the hot chocolate gratefully and took a sip, feeling the warmth spread through my body. Marianna always knew how to comfort me, even when I didn't realize I needed it.
"Do you want to talk about it?" she asked from the other sider side of kitchen counter.
I hesitated for a moment before nodding my head. "I don't know...they're just really vivid and scary. It's like I'm back in the upside down, but it's even worse."
"I had nightmares for a while when I first went into it. A lot of people just didn't come back from there. So I understand how you feel," Marianna continued. "If it was up my mother, I wouldn't be here. So I'll protect you for as long as I can. So go to bed after you drink that."
After I finished the hot chocolate, I brushed my teeth and headed to my room. As I lay in bed, I couldn't shake the feeling of fear that had been haunting me for weeks. But Marianna's words gave me some comfort. She had been through something similar and understood what I was going through. It made me feel less alone.
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ryuzakemo128 · 1 year
The Moon, The Stars & Tiny Caravans
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Marianna (Female Reader)
Genre: Sc-fi/ Fluff/ Fantasy/ College au
Trigger Warning:
Angst warning
Author's Note: In the same universe where Eddie is still alive. Second part coming if you want it.
Masterlist: Link
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~Eddie's point of view~
Initially, I didn't understand why she wanted this caravan, mostly because it looked a lot like the trailer I grew up in, and I was aware that it would take more than just hard work to make it look even somewhat impressive.
"There was never a point where I ever implied that you had to help if you didn't want to." she reminded me. I realized that she wasn't asking for my help, she was asking for my support and understanding. I told her I'd do what I could, and that I was happy to help her make this dream come true.
"Are you sure you don't want help with it?" I asked her.
"I'm sure. If I need any help I'll ask my friend." Marianna answered.
Months after her small project started, I couldn't help but laugh at the bickering inside the trailer. The bickering between her and one of her friends, Kolya was more than mildly entertaining. Kolya was always trying to prove he was right, while she was always trying to outsmart him. Despite the bickering, they managed to get the job done in record time. It was a testament to their friendship and understanding of each other.
Marianna used an insult once and I have not heard her use it since then, and I think that's why I laughed more than I should have.
"Your personality is that of a wet muffin that has been soaked in piss." That's what she said to her friend one afternoon. Kolya just laughed. "What kind of insult was that?" he asked as he laughed.
"I swear I try to come up with creative insults and they just don't work." She sighed trying not to laugh.
"Ivan would have loved to hear that one." Kolya commented.
"You sure? The last time I tried he used it over and over again." she responded as they moved back to work. "He did the same with yours too" she added.
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Marianna was still asleep when I walked in. She wrapped her arms around me when I climbed into the bed and whispered to herself, "You're so warm, I could hug you forever," she murmured to herself as she slept. On weekends, I worked very long hours. I often started at 4pm and finished at 2am. Working long hours on weekends made me feel terrible, especially when my wife told me that she didn't mind working long hours on weekends.
As it was a very cold day outside, I turned on the heater and made the weather bearable for us by turning it on. For almost four months now, we have been living in this caravan. Even though she usually worked during the day anyway, she still mentioned her inheritance and said that she was willing to make use of it, if needed. Despite the fact that I never asked her about how much her parents left her, I never felt it was right to ask that question. According to my uncle, one should never ask these kinds of questions to people, because they usually have painful consequences for the people who ask them.
In my uncle's opinion, he never speaks about my parents anymore, and I have no idea if it was out of guilt or something else. Due to the fact that my father is still in jail and my mother is not around anymore, the entire topic surrounding the two of them seems too painful to discuss, so I never bring them up around him.
My uncle seldom spoke about my parents, mainly due to the absence left behind and the fact neither was in our lives anymore. I hadn't asked why he hardly wanted to speak about them. I hardly liked how he looked afterwards and stopped talking to him about them. As I never wanted things to be more uncomfortable than they already were. I only had a few memories of my parents, so I was content with the few stories my uncle would tell me. I never wanted to push him too much, as I knew it was a difficult topic for him. I was grateful for the few stories he shared, it was more than I ever expected.
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
Devil's Paradise
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Marianna (Female Reader) x Steve Harrington
Prompt: College Au
Rating: MA 15+
Genre: sci-fi / horror / romance
Trigger Warning(s):
Mention of violence
swearing, cursing
Prompt List: Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four
Masterlist: Link
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Marianna has shooting pain and whatever position she moves into worsens it. She was in so much pain she could only crawl. In order to check if the bleeding had increased or not, she shifted her hands from her waist to where the injury was located. She tries to keep pressure on her wound but can feel blood running between her fingertips. While keeping pressure on the wound, Marianna was able to determine that the bleeding had not stopped and was in fact increasing. This would explain the shooting pain she was feeling.
"Who did this to you?" Eddie asked her.
"If I knew who, I wouldn't be in this mess." Marianna replied.
Marianna was obviously desperate and frustrated, not knowing who was responsible for the unfortunate situation she was in. Eddie could tell that she was at a loss, and his heart went out to her.
"How bad is it?" Steve asked her.
"Bad enough to cry over," Marianna answered. Marianna's response implies that the situation is so dire that it warrants tears, indicating that it is very distressing.
"Where does it hurt?" Eddie asked.
"Shoulder, you know the one he threw the combat knife at. So fucking precise, you'd think he was a surgeon in his past life." Marianna answered thinking about what happened the night before.
"You'd think they'd stop sending guys after you." Steve said.
Steve was impressed with how accurate the man had been when throwing the knife. He was amazed that Marianna was still alive, considering how many times she had been targeted. He couldn't understand why people kept trying to hurt her and was worried for her safety.
"It's been several years. On June 2nd 1983, they stopped following me in suspicious vehicles. Seven hours after Kolya passed away." Marianna explained, "Then they took his body back to Russia for good measure."
"The people you work for are just as terrible as the ones we saw back in Starcourt mall." Steve said.
"Don't remind me. I got stabbed then too." Marianna replied thinking about it further.
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