#Marianna Sokolova (Female Reader)
ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
Leave a Mark
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Marianna (Female Reader)
Dialogue Prompt(s): "You're sick. Go back to bed and I'll figure it out." + "What do you want in exchange for it?" + "There was nothing you could've done." 
Sentence Prompt(s): Marianna pressing their forehead against Eddie's forehead to check if they have a fever.
Genre: Sci-Fi / Horror / Fantasy
Rating: MA 15+
Prompt List: Part One / Part Two / Part Three
Author's Note: The two linked are in the same universe as this one. Just to make sure they link with one another. Also I set this in an alternative timeline where Eddie didn't die. Just to make it have a happier ending.
Little Known Memories - Marianna's Backstory - Link
One of Our Better Angels - Eddie Munson x Marianna (Female Reader) - Link
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"I've been ready to die for a very long time. I don't expect you to understand and part of me doesn't want you to either." Marianna continued to speak into the tape recorder, as she stitched herself back up as she often did in the past. Kolya didn't get hurt nearly as often as she did and she wanted to keep it that way.
"You're sick. Go back to bed and I'll figure it out." Marianna said to Kolya waving as headed back home to get over a cold or possible flu. She had made sure to take extra precautions to keep Kolya safe, determined not to take any chances with his health.
"I thought you two would have stopped talking to each other after everything that happened." Eddie said to her after she hopped in her car.
"He's been there longer than I have, the same mental space and the same mindset. The numb feeling, the void inside yourself after you see death more often than not." Marianna added, "You don't have to be brave all the time. It's not helpful for your health."
Marianna knew that pushing Eddie beyond what he was comfortable with wouldn't do anyone a favor. Not even her. Therefore, she decided to take a step back and gently suggest a different approach.
"Are you sure you're fine with that?" Eddie asked her.
"Why wouldn't I be fine with it?" Marianna answered with another question.
"You know exactly why I think that." Eddie answered.
"I hate to break this to you but I'm fine with risking my life. But I'm not fine with risking your safety or anyone else's. If I can avoid that happening. I most certainly will," Marianna said. She understood the risks associated with her actions, but wanted to do everything she could to ensure that no one else got hurt in the process. She was willing to take risks with her own life but not with anyone else's.
Marianna proceeded to press her forehead against Eddie's to check if he had a fever. Without a moment's hesitation, she took the necessary precautions to ensure his safety. "You're sick, unwell and you also have a fever." Marianna said to him.
Eddie remained silent the whole trip back to her place to recover, the same place she said would keep him from harm. "Concentrate on recovering and I'll do what I can to make a spot in my house to keep you safe in." she said to him.
"Why are you helping me?" Eddie asked her.
"Because I care about you." Marianna answered honestly. "Take this with you. It'll help." She handed him a care package that would help him recover, the one of many he would receive while she worked on her project that would help them in the future.
"I don't give to get Dustin. I don't do that to people I consider to be my friends." Marianna replied confused by his question. By having multiple copies, Marianna would be able to maintain the integrity of her journal, even if one of her friends lost or misplaced it. This way, she could ensure the memories and experiences she had written down would always be accessible, no matter where she or her friends were.
"I told you we should have trusted her sooner." Dustin declared to the rest of them.
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"I thought you died." Eddie said.
"I thought I did too. For a brief moment I was sure I was dead." Marianna admitted, confused as to why she didn't die instead. "Although I wouldn't have been surprised if it did happen, I am grateful that it did not," Marianna said with a sigh of relief.
"There was nothing you could've done." Eddie told her, stating that no matter how much she tried she wouldn't have been able to save her friend, Ivan.
"I wish I had known that then, but believe me, I know it now." Marianna had to concentrate on recovering and she felt like it was driving her to insanity. Even though it's only been almost three days since the incident. "Despite the short time since the traumatic event, I can confidently say that I have gained invaluable wisdom and a newfound strength," Marianna thought to herself. "Even though it still hurts to walk with this injury I won't be in bed all the time. Even though they might want me to be."
Marianna had sustained a bear trap injury on her ankle when she had stumbled upon a bear in the forest. She had been walking in the dark, not knowing what lurked in the shadows. She had been so scared, and she felt a sharp pain as the trap clamped down on her ankle. The trap was designed to catch animals by clamping down on their legs or other appendages, and it had done just that to Marianna. The trap had two powerful jaws that closed when it was triggered by the weight of an animal or person stepping on it.
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"You get more injuries than he does." Steve pointed out.
"Yeah and he runs just as fast Eddie when he gets spooked. Like a deer getting spooked by a loud sound in the distance." Marianna explained. "Someone had to make sure he didn't do anything stupid or get himself killed."
Marianna had taken a liking to Eddie and she couldn't really explain why. She knew how it happened, but she could never really understand the why of it. She started getting in harm's way so that he wouldn't have to and the promise to keep him safe came from an instinct that she had inside her. She was drawn to him in a way that she couldn't explain and her actions were driven by a strong desire to protect him. It seemed like a natural instinct that was beyond her control, and she felt compelled to keep him safe from any harm.
Kolya explained it as falling in love. Like he fell in love with someone after both Ivan and Masha passed on.
"It was love at first sight," he said, "a feeling that I couldn't describe or ignore."
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ryuzakemo128 · 1 year
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Pairing: Eddie Munson X Marianna (Female Reader)
Masterlist: Link
Trigger Warning(s):
Mention of blood.
Author's Note: This is only written in Eddie's point of view. You'll find out why soon. Plus every character including the reader is over the age of 18 and no you're not allowed to imagine the reader as someone underage.
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The blankets on the bed were a faux fur, thick to hold in the warmth and keep out the cold. The colour of the blankets are black and brown like the colours of the American Black bear. The sheets were white and flannel, providing extra warmth and a comfortable sleeping environment. Decorative pillows along the wall and against the black curtain covering the tiny window.
At first I found it difficult to imagine a younger Marianna asleep inside this caravan. But ever since I found out that she loved sleeping in small, cramped and tiny places. I found the photo of a 14 year old Marianna, long curly dark hair and bangs that covered her eyes. It was her blowing out candles on her 14th birthday cake with Kolya sitting beside her.
As I looked closer at the photo, I could see the resemblance between both the young Marianna and the adult version of her I had met. The sharp jawline, the same piercing blue and grey eyes, the dimple in her left cheek when she smiled. It was as if time had stood still for her, and I couldn't help but wonder how many memories were made in this tiny space.
As I sat there watching Ivan work on the caravan, I couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness. It was clear that restoring the caravan was a way for him to keep his mind occupied and to feel closer to Marianna. Marianna has to come back because I don't think Ivan would be able to live with himself if she doesn't.
Ivan had been working on the caravan for weeks now, and I had been helping him whenever I could. Marianna's disappearance had hit him hard, and I could see that he was desperate to find her. But as time went by, it seemed like we were no closer to finding her than we were before.
Ivan had asked me to come over to help him with some wiring, but I had arrived early and had been looking around the caravan while he finished up some other work. It was then that I found the photo of a younger Marianna.
I couldn't help but think about all the things that Marianna had gone through in her life. From growing up in a small town to being experimented on by her mother, it was clear that she had been through more than most people could imagine. But through it all, she had remained strong and had never lost her sense of humor or her kindness.
Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months and still there was no sign of Marianna. Ivan's desperation had turned into a constant state of worry, and I could see the toll it was taking on him. We had searched every inch of Hawkins and the surrounding areas, but there was no trace of her.
I often found myself thinking about Marianna and what she could be going through. Was she scared? Was she hurt? Was she even still alive? It was a thought that haunted me, and I couldn't imagine how Ivan must feel.
One day, while we were searching through the woods, we stumbled upon an abandoned cabin. It was old and rundown, but it looked like it had been recently used. We cautiously made our way inside, our hearts racing with anticipation.
She was here, I don't know when or how, but I could feel it in my bones. As we searched the cabin, I could see the hope and relief on Ivan's face. It was a feeling that I shared, but it was also mixed with a sense of dread. What if she wasn't okay? What if we were too late?
It was damp, illegible and looked like instructions for something. But it was a clue, and it gave us hope that we were on the right track. We knew that we had to follow it and find out where it led us.
As we made our way back to Hawkins, Ivan was more determined than ever to find Marianna. He had a renewed sense of hope, and I could see that he was not going to give up until we found her.
Days turned into weeks once again, and we followed every lead we could find. We talked to everyone we could, and we searched every corner of the town. But it seemed like we were getting nowhere, and our hope was starting to fade.
What we did find was the campsite she was staying in for a while before moving off again. I see blood too, and I knew that this was not a good sign. Ivan and I exchanged a look of worry, and we both knew that we had to find her before it was too late.
The second note had "Need to move faster, I can't let them find me." I frowned looking that the word them and how it was underlined three times. We quickly decided to split up and search for her. I ran off in one direction while Ivan headed off in the other. I kept praying that we would find her in time.
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
Stranger Things Incorrect Quotes Part Seven
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Part one / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven
Dividers Used: Link
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Eddie: I told Marianna their ears flush when they lie. Steve: Why? Eddie: Look. Eddie: Hey Marianna! Do you love us? Marianna, covering their ears: No. Steve:
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*context*: Marianna only just started hanging out with Eddie and Steve.
Eddie: I can’t believe you live nearby, and you won’t let anyone crash at your place. Marianna: You people already know too much about me. Steve: I know exactly three facts about you, and one of them is that you won’t let any of us crash at your place.
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Eddie: Please bring home PURIFIED water with NO minerals added for taste Marianna: We got spring water Eddie: NO. Steve: with EXTRA minerals Marianna: it's like licking a stalagmite Eddie: DON'T COME HOME. Steve: Mmmmm cave water
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Eddie: In your opinion, what’s the height of stupidity? Marianna: *turning to Steve* How tall are you?
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Eddie, at a restaurant: You guys should get the orange soda, it's amazing. Marianna: Okay Waiter: Can I get you guys anything to drink? Eddie: Orange soda, please! Marianna: I'll have the strawberry soda. Steve: Me too, strawberry soda. Eddie:
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Marianna: What if mayonnaise came in cans? Steve: Well, that would suck because you can't microwave metal. Eddie: Good morning to everyone except these two people.
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Marianna, to Eddie: My life is in the hands of an idiot! Eddie, motioning to themself and Steve: No no no no no, TWO idiots!
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Marianna: Come on, I wasn't that drunk last night. Steve: You were flirting with Eddie. Marianna: So what? He's my partner. Steve: You asked them if he was single. Marianna: Steve: And then you cried when he said he wasn't.
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Marianna: If Eddie and I were drowning, who would you save? Steve: You two can't swim? Eddie: It's a hypothetical question, Steve! who would you save? Steve: my time and effort.
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Marianna: Hey, did you know as a kid I accidentally ate paper? Steve: I feel like we've all done that at least once. Eddie: I ate it too- Steve: See? Eddie::-On purpose... Marianna & Steve: ...What?
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Marianna: Yo dumbass, get over here. Steve: Okay Eddie: * gleefully runs past* I'm coming! Steve, sadly: I thought...I was dumbass...
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The squad is trying to con some random guy Marianna: Um, Eddie, why are you pretending I'm this guy's family? Eddie: We need money! Marianna: You're scamming him? Eddie: I was thinking more like flat- out stealing from him? Marianna: What?!No way! Eddie: Why not? We already stole Steve! Steve: Hey guys Marianna: No, we didn't. Steve can think and talk for himself, he can do whatever he wants! Steve: I wanna steal
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Marianna: Look at the buns on that guy! Eddie: *lying on the floor, covered in hamburger buns* Steve:: This is the comedy police! The joke's too funny! Marianna:: I'm not going back to jail!
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Marianna: Do you ever feel bugs on you when really there's nothing there? Eddie: Those are the ghosts of the bugs you killed before. Marianna: Marianna: *sobs* Steve: You fucking scared her, you idiot.
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Marianna: Do you think different paints have different tastes? Eddie: They do. Steve: Why did you say that with such...certainty?
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Marianna: *accidentally brushes Eddie’s hand with her own* Eddie: *aggressively holds her hand* Fucking commit to it!
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Marianna: Kissing can burns 26 calories in a minute, wanna work-out with me? ;) Eddie: Are saying that I'm fat? Marianna: No that's not what I meant I-
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Marianna: Eddie, stop! This isn't you, you've gone mad with power! Eddie: Well of course I have. Eddie: Have you ever tried going mad without power? Eddie: It's boring.
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Marianna: I was going to suggest we do Marilyn Monroe and JFK roleplay, but I’d get way too into it. Eddie: What- how? Marianna: You’d be like 'come to bed … Mr. President' and I’d be like, 'I need to increase the amount of American military advisors in South Vietnam by a factor of 18.'
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Marianna: I slept for almost 12 hours but I might still be tired so lets go for 12 more just incase. Eddie: Marianna, that's a coma. Marianna: Sounds festive.
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Marianna: Eddie... Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor? Eddie: Your text told me to satanize the house before you returned. Marianna: Marianna: I wrote sanitize, Eddie.
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Marianna: I don’t do relationships. Eddie: *exists* Marianna: Shit.
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Marianna: Change is inedible. Eddie: Don't you mean inevitable? Marianna, spitting out coins: No, I did not.
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Marianna: English is a difficult language. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though. Eddie: You need to stop.
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Marianna: Stop buying plastic skeletons for Halloween! It's terrible for the environment! Eddie: Yeah! Locally sourced, all natural skeletons are much more environmentally friendly!
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Eddie: I went through an entire character arc during quarantine Eddie: I became more evil if you’re curious Marianna: We're still in quarantine, don't worry, there's time for a redemption arc still! Eddie: I'm going to get worse on purpose
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Eddie, tending to Marianna's wounds: How would you rate your pain? Marianna: Zero stars. Would NOT recommend.
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Eddie: Someone will die. Marianna: Of fun!
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
Stranger Things Incorrect Quotes Part Six
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Part one / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven
Dividers Used: Link
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Eddie, struggling to keep upright in his 1 inch heels: Yeah, I-I don’t really think heels are for me Marianna, pointing at him and walking flawlessly in sparkly golden 6 inch heels: WEAK.
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Eddie: If you were to vacuum up jello through a metal tube, well I think that’d be a neat noise Marianna: I beg to differ Eddie: Then Beg
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Eddie: This is bothering me. Marianna: Well, you are digging up a corpse. Eddie: No, not that. That's, uh, pretty par for the course, actually.
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Eddie: petition to remove the 'd' from Wednesday Marianna: Wednesay Eddie: Not what I had in mind, but I'm flexible
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Eddie: Oh just so you know, it's very muggy outside Marianna: Marianna: Eddie, I swear, if I step outside and all of our mugs are on the front lawn... Eddie: *Sips coffee from a bowl*
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Eddie: Marianna and I have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other's- Marianna: Sentences. Eddie: Don't interrupt me.
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Eddie, trying to cheer the group up: Things could be worse, you know! Marianna: How? Eddie: How what? Marianna: How could they be worse? Eddie: They couldn’t, I lied. Marianna:
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Eddie: Please, I'm begging you go to a doctor. Marianna: I'm sorry is this OUR stab wound? Stay out of it.
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Eddie: This is such a bad idea. Marianna: Then why are you coming along? Eddie: One of us need to be able to talk the cops out of arresting us when this inevitably goes wrong.
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Eddie: You know, not every problem can be solved with a sword. Marianna: That's why I carry two swords.
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Eddie: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming Marianna: Does anyone in this godforsaken group ever think before they speak
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Eddie: We need a distraction. Marianna: Is anyone here good at jumping up and down and making weird noises? Steve, whispering: My time has come
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*Eddie and Marianna sitting in jail together* Marianna: So who should we call? Eddie: I’d call Steve, but I feel safer in jail
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Eddie: Hey Marianna, Marianna: Yes? Eddie: Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on? Marianna: Marianna: Where’s Steve?
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Eddie: What if I press the brake and gas at the same time? Marianna: The car takes a screenshot. Steve: For the last time, get the fuck out.
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Eddie: So, what, now I’m just supposed to do anything that Marianna does? I mean, what if she jumped off a cliff? Steve: If Marianna were to jump off a cliff, she would’ve done their due diligence regarding the height of the cliff, the depth of the water, and the angle of entry, so yes. If you see Marianna jump off a cliff, by all means, jump off a cliff. Eddie: You jump off a cliff! Steve: Gladly. Provided Marianna did first.
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Eddie: WHY. why did you give Steve a KNIFE?! Marianna: I’m sorry. He said he felt unsafe. Eddie: Now I feel unsafe! Marianna: I’m sorry. Marianna: ... would you like a knife?
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Eddie, in a high voice, holding barbie: hey ken! I was thinking about going back to school and starting a career! Marianna, in a deep voice, holding ken: nonsense, barbie. you’re staying home and having my kids Steve: what the fuck are you guys doing? Eddie: playing systemic oppression
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Eddie, texting Marianna: Marianna! Help I’m being kidnapped Steve: Where are you? Eddie: I’m with some strange person. In a car. Help. Marianna: I’ll call Steve. Steve, answering their cell: Y’ello? Marianna: Where’s Eddie? He texted me that he was being kidnapped. Steve: Eddie? Whaddya mean, he's right next to me- Steve: Steve: I’ll call you back. *hangs up* Steve: THE NEW HAIRCUT ISN’T THAT BAD! Eddie: WHO ARE YOU?!
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Eddie: Marianna and I don’t use pet names. Steve: I see. Hey, what do bees make? Eddie: Honey? Marianna: Yes, dear? Eddie: Steve: Don't ever lie to my face again.
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Eddie: Marianna and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us Steve: *Sighing* What did Marianna do? Eddie: She chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and... Marianna: *out of breath* Who wants a steering wheel?
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Eddie, trying to ask Marianna out: Would you like to stay for dinner? Steve: WOULD YOU LIKE TO STAY FOREVER?
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Eddie: What do you think Marianna will do for a distraction? Steve: probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do. *Building explodes and several car alarms go off* Steve: ... or she could do that.
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Store Worker: Would a Mr. Eddie please come to the front desk? Eddie, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem? Store Worker: points to Marianna and Steve Store Worker: I believe they belong to you? Marianna and Steve, simultaneously: We got lost :( Eddie: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me-
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Eddie: Fitness tip: never stop pushing yourself. Some say 8 hours of sleep is enough. Why not keep going? Why not 9? Why not 10? Strive for greatness. Marianna: Next time you’re working out do 15 push ups instead of 10. Run 3 miles instead of 2. Eat a whole cake instead of just a slice. Burn your ex’s house down. You can do it. I believe in you. Steve: There were so many mixed messages in that I can’t-
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Eddie: Who thinks I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth? Marianna: You’re a hazard to society Steve: And a coward. DO TWENTY.
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Eddie: If I accidentally sat on a voodoo doll of myself, would I be trapped forever in that position, doomed to starve to death? Marianna: How am I supposed to know? Steve: You say, as if we don’t use you as a source of knowledge of the occult. Marianna: *sighs* Marianna: You wouldn't be trapped.
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Eddie, driving Marianna and Steve: So how was your day? Marianna: We almost got surprise adopted! Eddie: What? Steve: We almost got kidnapped. Eddie: Oh, okay. Eddie: *slams on the breaks* WAIT WHAT?!
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
Accepting My Fate
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Prompt Lists: Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four
Prompt(s): "Latin is an old language that is considered to be deceased. I find it quite fascinating that it is. It's the main reason I learnt it in the first place, besides most of the Latin phrases are quite beautiful." + "It wasn't a fucking accident and you know it." + "Fine. Hand me the gun. I'll kill them myself." + "I have a better chance of getting in and out of there on my own. You lot, can stay out here and make sure you don't get yourselves killed." + "We did things no one else wanted to do. So we're used to the disappointment and the cruelty. It also means that you have to be."
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Marianna (Female Reader)
Genre: sci-fi / horror
Rating: M15 +
Trigger Warning(s):
mention of violence and death
swearing, cursing
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(The general vibe of Marianna's aesthetic and look.)
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"Latin is an old language that is considered to be deceased. I find it quite fascinating that it is. It's the main reason I learnt it in the first place, besides most of the Latin phrases are quite beautiful." Marianna said to Dustin. "There's a reason why you have to study it. In addition to its beauty, Latin is still used in many aspects of modern life today," Marianna continued, "from some legal and medical terms, to the language of the Vatican - Latin is still very much alive in the modern world."
Marianna couldn't help but think about what she should or shouldn't have said to them. But she didn't want to turn back. She was already half way to the agency and she wasn't going to let a child die for whatever the reason they might have. She was determined to see her mission through and make sure the child was safe, no matter the cost.
"It wasn't a fucking accident and you know it." Marianna thought to herself, "Don't back out now. If they knew the truth they would have no choice but to hunt down the person who asked for them to kill her. They kill adults, not children. They would never allowed this to happen." She was certain that if the truth was revealed, there would be consequences for whoever was responsible for the crime, for no one could condone the killing of a child.
Marianna reached out to the agency, but she felt like she didn't have much of a choice but to do so. The agency backed her when she reminded them of their own rules about killing other humans. They avoided taking the lives of both children and animals. Marianna was able to appeal to the agency's sense of morality, as they had their own set of standards that they abided by. She was able to remind them of these standards and how killing either children or animals would go against them.
"God doesn't want me and the devil isn't finished." Marianna remembered saying to Eddie and Steve.
"I have a better chance of getting in and out of there on my own. You lot, can stay out here and make sure you don't get yourselves killed." She remembered also telling them over the phone two days after she reached the agency. "Besides," she added, "I'm sure I can handle whatever comes my way."
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"Fine. Hand me the gun. I'll kill them myself." Marianna heard as she walked inside. She clenched her fists and felt an unbearable rage bubbling within her - it was time to take matters into her own hands. She slammed the door shut behind her, causing the two men to jump in surprise, and in a loud voice declared, "I won't let anyone take away what I have worked so hard for!"
"You two are traitors to our cause," Marianna started, "Get out or I will kill you myself." She had a hand on her gun.
"I don't think you understand why this was given to you," one of them said to her.
"No you don't understand what this agency is designed to do. Kill adults not children. Do this again and I'll make sure you never work in this industry again. This isn't a game - these lives are not disposable. Make sure you respect the purpose of this agency, or you'll face consequences."
"This is no normal child," the other said to her.
"There are no normal children in the stupid agency you mindless man child." Marianna yelled at him.
"She referred to the countless amounts of surgeries, alterations to make them the ideal spies and killers for their cause." the older looking one said to her.
"My mother is a monster just like you." Marianna killed the two of them. She had no remorse for what she had done, driven by a powerful sense of justice.
"We did things no one else wanted to do. So we're used to the disappointment and the cruelty. It also means that you have to be." Ivan said to her when she reached the more advanced parts of her training. "But it also means you have the strength and resilience to overcome anything that comes your way," Ivan continued, giving her a reassuring smile.
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"I received your letter a few hours ago." Eddie said to her.
"OK. I'm guessing this is the part where you say thanks but no thanks." Marianna replied sitting in the same room as the two older guys she killed that would have followed after Eleven. She had just saved Eleven from being kidnapped and beaten, and she wanted to make it clear that she didn't expect Eleven's gratitude. She was determined to protect Eleven from those who wanted to harm her and was not interested in being thanked for it.
"I was thinking we'd hang out once you get back from wherever you are," Eddie said.
"You want to hang out? After the weird shit I said to you?" Marianna asked.
"You don't want to?" Eddie looked confused.
"No. I want to hang out with you. I just thought you wouldn't," Marianna explained. "You're a good friend. One I certainly don't deserve and I love you for it."
Marianna expressed her gratitude for their friendship and was surprised that her friend wanted to spend time with her in spite of her sometimes negative behavior. She acknowledged that her friend had been kind and understanding, and that she was grateful for it.
"There are no secrets left, right?" Eddie asked.
"I told you everything," Marianna answered. "I pretty much told you everything. So yeah nothing else to add."
"Promise?" he asked.
"I promise," she answered.
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ryuzakemo128 · 1 year
Sleep Specialist's Results (Part 2)
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Prequel: Disassembled Creatures
Part one - Link
Masterlist: LINK
Trigger Warning(s):
Nightmares, Night Terrors, Bad Dreams
Swearing, Cussing, Cursing
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(Marianna Sokolova's Point of View)
Over the next few weeks, I continued to attend appointments with the sleep specialist, Dr. Adams, in order to unravel the mystery of my sleep issues. One of the main concerns on my mind was whether this problem could be something genetic, potentially impacting our plans to have children in the future.
"I don't think I stress about much, I usually get enough done within the day or at least as much as I can. Before I go do anything else." I told the doctor as the appointment continued. As he looked over the results that the device picked up on after weeks of using it.
Dr. Adams nodded, his eyes focused on the results. "Stress can certainly contribute to sleep disturbances, but it seems that there may be other factors at play in your case. The data from the device indicates some unusual brain activity during your sleep, particularly during the REM phase. This could be linked to the nightmares you mentioned earlier."
I listened intently, my heart pounding in my chest. Finally, some answers were starting to emerge. "What does that mean exactly? Is there something wrong with my brain?"
Dr. Adams leaned back in his chair, his expression thoughtful. "I wouldn't jump to conclusions just yet. Unusual brain activity during sleep doesn't necessarily indicate a problem. It could be a result of various factors, such as stress, anxiety, or even certain medications. We'll need to conduct further tests to get a clearer picture."
Relief washed over me as I realized that it might not be a severe neurological issue. Still, the uncertainty lingered in the back of my mind. "What kind of tests do you recommend, Dr. Adams?"
As each test, scan and blood test occurred through out the two weeks. Dr. Adams explained the various tests he wanted to conduct to gather more information about my sleep issues. This included a polysomnogram, which would monitor my brain activity, eye movements, and muscle activity during sleep. He also suggested a multiple sleep latency test to assess daytime sleepiness and evaluate the possibility of other sleep disorders.
I have called Eddie after appointment, but tonight I might not be able to.
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ryuzakemo128 · 1 year
Sleep Specialist's Results
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Marianna (Female Reader)
Genre: Fluff, Horror
Masterlist: LINK
Trigger Warning(s):
Nightmares, Night Terrors, Bad Dreams
Swearing, Cussing, Cursing
Sequel to: Disassembled Creatures
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Marianna's Point of View
The waiting room is eerie silence as I anxiously awaited my turn to see the sleep specialist. I fidgeted with the sleeves, wiggling around in my seat and my foot tapping. I couldn't help but feel like I was being swallowed whole by my nervous erratic behaviour. I have this issue for years.
Since I can remember, sleep has always eluded me. The countless nights of tossing, turning and then staring at the ceiling while Eddie slept peacefully beside me. The longing need to have great night's rest, to wake feeling like I didn't need more sleep and to feel like a normal functioning human being. After what it felt like an eternity until my name was finally called, a nurse came over and lead me to the doctor's office.
The sleep specialist's office was dimly lit, with soft ambient music playing in the background. The air felt heavy with anticipation as I took a seat across from the doctor's desk. Dr. Adams, a middle-aged man with kind eyes, greeted me with a warm smile.
"Good morning, Ms. Sokolova," Dr. Adams said, his voice soothing and calming. "I've reviewed your case history and conducted some initial assessments. It seems you've been struggling with sleep-related issues for quite some time."
I nodded, my hands tightly gripping the edge of the chair. "Yes, it's been going on for years. I've tried various remedies and therapies, but nothing has worked so far. It's affecting my daily life, my energy levels, and my relationship with Eddie. I have no trouble falling asleep that's not the issue, I have a sleep schedule which I do each evening before I get ready for bed." I handed him the detailed written form of my sleep schedule to him from my folder.
The schedule has things like exercising on a treadmill for an hour, drinking a herbal tea to help me relax enough to sleep through the night. Then I would have a pleasant warm shower. I have listed the medications I have taken in the past to help with sleep deprivation. Sometimes I even just stick to having three hour naps and just do work stuff I haven't finished yet until I'm tired enough to back to sleep.
"These nightmares also occur when I sleep on my back," I added as he went through the sleep schedule.
Dr. Adams nodded, studying the sleep schedule intently. "Nightmares can certainly contribute to sleep disturbances," he acknowledged. "Sleeping on your back may be triggering them in some way. We'll delve deeper into that aspect during our assessment."
I shifted uncomfortably in my chair, feeling a mix of hope and apprehension. Finally, someone who might be able to understand and help me. Dr. Adams continued, "Based on your sleep schedule and the information you've provided, it seems like you've been doing everything right to promote good sleep hygiene. However, there might be underlying factors at play that we need to explore."
The appointment went better than what I thought it would be and as soon as I got back home I called Eddie to make sure he knew what happened, what the plan was going to be and that he didn't have to worry.
Eddie picked up the phone on the second ring, his voice filled with concern. "Hey, Marianna. How did it go? Are you okay?"
I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing thoughts. "Hey, Eddie. Yeah, it went okay. I saw a sleep specialist, Dr. Adams. He seems really knowledgeable and empathetic. He believes there might be some underlying factors causing my sleep issues, so we're going to delve deeper into it. There will be a few more tests run, but it's a lot more complex than just Insomnia like I thought it was. Don't worry you'll be the first person I'll call if anything happens or if anything goes wrong. Once I figure this out, we can talk about whether or not we still want to have kids of our own or go ahead with adoption."
We were talking about whether or not we wanted to adopt or have children of our own three months ago. I didn't know whether or not my sleeping problem would be something genetic and could be passed down, if that was the case we wanted to consider other options. Eddie remained silent on the other end of the line, and I could sense the weight of the decision hanging in the air.
"We'll talk more about this later, don't worry about needing to speak about right now and I know how much you would rather speak about it in person." I added before he said anything else.
Eddie sighed on the other end of the line, and I could almost picture the worried expression on his face. "You're right, Marianna. We'll discuss it in person when you're ready. Your health and well-being come first. Just focus on getting the answers and treatment you need."
A sense of relief washed over me as Eddie's words sank in. Despite the uncertainty surrounding my sleep issues and the impact it could have on our plans for the future, Eddie's unwavering support gave me strength. I knew we would face whatever challenges came our way together.
Eddie told me about what they planned to do with the tour and where they were going in America. By the sounds of it, a lot of work has gone into this and I am proud of him. As Eddie shared the details of their upcoming tour, my mind began to wander. I couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy as he talked about the excitement and adventure that awaited him on the road. While I was grateful for his support, a part of me wished I could join him on this journey, free from the shackles of my sleep issues.
"I'm really proud of you, Eddie," I said, genuine admiration lacing my voice. "It sounds like an incredible opportunity, and I know you'll do amazing things. Just promise me you'll take care of yourself while you're away, okay?"
Eddie's voice softened, and I could tell he understood my unspoken longing to be with him. "Of course, Marianna. I'll make sure to prioritize my well-being too. And hey, maybe someday we'll have the chance to go on an adventure together, without any worries or sleep troubles holding us back."
I smiled, the image of us embarking on an adventure together bringing a glimmer of hope to my tired soul. "That sounds wonderful, Eddie. I look forward to that day."
I smiled, the image of us embarking on an adventure together bringing a glimmer of hope to my tired soul. "That sounds wonderful, Eddie. I look forward to that day." I added. "I certainly hope you've eaten dinner, don't tell me you haven't."
Eddie chuckled on the other end of the line. "Don't worry, Marianna. I just finished dinner before we started talking. I'm taking care of myself, I promise."
"Did you take one of my jackets with you? I know you said you wanted to take one or two of them with you." I asked thinking about it more. "I added an oversized hoodie in case it gets cold."
Eddie laughed. "Yes, I did. I couldn't resist taking one of your jackets with me. It's like having a piece of you with me on the road. And the oversized hoodie sounds perfect for those chilly nights. I'll make sure to wear it and think of you."
"If you need anything else, I find a way to get it to you as soon I as I can." I mentioned thinking about it still. "Just because I can't sleep well, doesn't mean I can't make sure you have what you need." I added rather quickly.
Eddie's voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Marianna. I appreciate your support and willingness to help, even with your own struggles. You're incredible, you know that?"
"I can go on and on about how cool you were. I have a feeling one of us is getting rather sleepy and it's not me." I replied stifling a giggle.
Eddie chuckled, his voice filled with warmth. "Yeah, I think you're right. Tour preparations have left me exhausted. But I'll be fine. I'll get a good night's rest before the tour kicks off. You take care of yourself too, Marianna."
"I will. I'll call you tomorrow okay?" I replied sipping my cup of sleep tea.
"Sounds good," Eddie replied, his voice becoming softer. "Sleep well, Marianna. I love you."
"I love you now and forever. Sleep well and don't let the bed bugs bite." I replied with a contented sigh, I hung up the phone and set it aside. The weight of the day's events began to settle, and I knew it was time to take care of myself. Dr. Adams had given me a glimmer of hope, and although there were still uncertainties ahead, I felt a renewed sense of determination.
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ryuzakemo128 · 1 year
Disassembled Creatures
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Marianna (Female Reader)
Genre: Fluff, Horror, Angst
Masterlist: Link
Trigger Warning(s):
Nightmares, Night Terrors, bad dreams
Swearing, cursing, cussing
Summary: Marianna (Female reader) has a rather vivid nightmare, the same one occurs each time she tries to fall asleep. Most of the time this occurs when she sleeps in a particular way and whenever she sleeps alone. Eddie and his is also going on tour through America.
Author's Note: Eddie is still alive in this universe. Years after season four. I have to warn you this one is pretty long.
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Marianna's Point of View
I tossed and turned, I couldn't sleep and I didn't know why for a very long time. The night heavy, silence broken by distant hums of crickets as I lay in my bed and my mind raced, thoughts about my nightmare, how it never changed and it always ended with me swimming in my own sweat. I could never tell anyone why that was the case and even putting a fan into my room or even opening my window made my nightmares horrible.
I have tried drinking warm milk, herbal tea, practicing relaxation techniques before bed and I have even tried just exercising an hour or two before bed. Nothing seemed to work and things that worked, they were hugging pillows while I slept. Hugging people while I went to sleep too.
I peaked at the clock on the bedside table near me, it was 3:00am. sleep wouldn't come easily tonight. Darkness engulfed my room, amplifying the weight of my restless thoughts and the cricket sounds outside felt like they were mocking me with their rhythmic chorus, their incessant hum accentuating my insomnia.
Nightmares had plagued me for as long as I could remember. Each night, I found myself trapped in a terrifying world, a realm of twisted horrors that left me gasping for air and drenched in perspiration. And no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't escape the clutches of these relentless terrors.
Sleep had always remained elusive as the creatures of the Upside Down, with their disassembled forms and haunting eyes, invaded my dreams. They lurked in the shadows, their grotesque shapes contorting and shifting with an eerie fluidity. Their presence was suffocating, their whispers echoing through the darkness, filling my mind with a paralyzing fear.
"What are you doing awake this early?" Eddie said one morning walking into the kitchen, as I sipped my third cup of coffee.
"I haven't slept, I tried sleeping for three hours and I stayed awake for the rest of the night." I replied rather bluntly. "Don't ask about whether or not I have tried anything because the answer is yes." I added.
Eddie looked at me with concern in his eyes. He was my closest friend, always there to lend a listening ear and offer support. We started dating two years ago, and despite the challenges we faced individually and as a couple, our bond only grew stronger over time.
Before he could say anything else, I pointed out the medication I have been taking for a month and explained the side effects and the lack of improvement it had brought. "I thought this would help, Eddie. It's not working like I thought it would. I'm tired of these nightmares, of feeling exhausted all the time."
"I hate seeing you like this," he said softly.
"I have an appointment with a sleep specialist this afternoon. Fingers crossed I get it worked out." I continued. "Don't worry about me and go on tour, you earned that."
Eddie sighed and reached across the table, taking my hand in his. "Marianna, you know I would never prioritize a tour over your well-being. We're in this together, remember?"
"And I won't have you delay something you've worked on for over a year. Your music is your passion, Eddie. I don't want my struggles to hold you back. I'll figure this out, I promise," I said, trying to reassure him.
Eddie looked into my eyes, searching for any signs of hesitation or doubt. After a moment, he nodded, his grip on my hand tightening slightly.
"Okay," he said softly. "But promise me one thing."
"What?" I asked, my heart pounding in my chest.
"Promise me that you'll keep me updated, that you won't face this alone," he said earnestly. "No matter what happens, we'll face it together."
"Don't worry about it, once I figure it out and I will finally sleep like a baby."
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ryuzakemo128 · 1 year
Autumn’s Farewell, Winter’s Arrival
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Pairing: Unknown
Genre: Slight Angst, Fluff
Trigger Warning(s): N/A
Author’s Note: This is is the start of a mini series, based on 16 year old Marianna and I haven't decided what kind of pairing to go with just yet. So expect at least three more season based one before I figure it out.
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You would think I would be used to moving around frequently, the amount of it done while I was younger should have been enough to hammer it down that we could not stay in one place for too long. I still got attached to places, I still fell in love with the general vibe of the place and I was heartbroken every time I had to leave.
Like the changing of seasons, nothing lasts forever and nothing is meant to stay the same. The end of autumn came creeping in, with each passing day of the month of May and the leaves came falling, leaving a brown murky mush on the ground. The trees shed their autumn colour coats, getting ready for the air and chill of winter. As I watched the leaves fall from the trees and the wind take them away. I couldn’t help but feel a sense of sadness. As I knew we would have to leave again soon.
“Come on, we have to get this packed up and ready for us to leave before the end of the month Marianna!” Ivan yelled out from the kitchen.
I groaned, knowing I wouldn’t be able to come back to this place and feel the same way about it again. I walked into my closet and went back to packing my things so we could leave again soon. The familiar feeling of sadness and longing to stay, just for a little while longer lingered as my things were packed into the truck. 
We drove away, leaving the places barren of the beautiful Autumn leaves and somehow it would never be the same again. I would never be there again and feel the same way about it. 
As we continued the drive away from this small town, I saw the first signs of winter’s arrival. Trees were bare, branches reaching out like boney fingers against the gray sky. Air crisp, cold and gentle like a soft kiss on the cheek. The seasons change from Autumn to Winter. Like the changing of the ocean’s tides, as life will continue to ebb and flow with the currents of time.
As much as I hate the changing of seasons and the move from one place to another. I wanted to also know what kind of change could come from it and I was eager to know it. I just hated having to leave behind so many people I have learned to admire and adore. 
As the falling leaves and the bare trees, I knew that everything has its time and place. New beginnings are waiting for me, I just need to learn to adapt to its changes and embrace them, like the changing of seasons. 
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ryuzakemo128 · 1 year
Marianna's Estate (Part 2)
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Part One
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The house didn't have carpet anywhere, the entire place had Mahogany wooden floor. The large windows to let in as much natural lighting as possible during the summer. Thick curtains to keep the cold out during the winter. Her house has seven bedrooms and each bedroom has an ensuite attached.
Her office is right next to the library, so she doesn't feel like she's not doing much or not doing enough, even though she works from home most of the time sometimes. She had a large office, the office chairs were black vinyl because she didn't like the way leather felt and she preferred vegan leather.
As they walked through the hallway, they passed by a grand staircase with dark wooden steps and black iron railings. The staircase led to the second floor where the bedrooms were located. The hallway had a few oil paintings hanging on the walls, depicting her ancestors in their finest clothes. Adding a more haunted feel to the estate. As most of the people in the paintings are dead now.
The back of the mansion had the bar, which had shelves filled with different types of alcohol in them. Beer is on tap like both Gin and Vodka. Large couches were also in the bar area to make the area look cozier. There were cushioned bar stools on the other side of the bar. Mainly used for parties most of the time. The bar had a sink with two sides, one to wash dishes and the other side to fill up ice trays and wash them. Three fridges store some of the alcohol from either the shelves or from one of the backup fridges in the cellar.
The large greenhouse is the place she has herbs for cooking in, as most of the flowers are decorating the front and back yards.
There were secret storage areas in the mansion only Marianna knows about. Large and small storage areas which blend into the walls and the furniture.
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ryuzakemo128 · 1 year
Marianna's Estate (Part 1)
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Author's Note: This is what Marianna's Estate looks like. This description won't fit one single post. So this one will be Series of posts of a description of this estate, so in future the estate will be more clear to you guys.
Part 2 / Masterlist
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The fence had brick on the bottom and black metal fence on the top of it. It also surrounded Marianna's estate as they approached. A lovely hedge trims around the inside and outside of the fencing. The roof of the house was blood red, and the house was light gray. A pond was in the centre surrounded by sweet pea flowers. Red Snapdragons and Hyacinth 'Midnight Mystic' flowers were along the outside of the inside hedges.
The white gravel driveway stands out against the grass and hedges, and it also wraps around the pond. The pond had an extremely detailed mermaid statue looking into the pond from the front. They had access to a garage while they were there. There were two garden sheds, one for the front yard and one for the backyard. White garden urns were on each side of the front door with Black Baccara roses in them. Chocolate Cosmos in the window planters on the front of the mansion. Mystic Dreamer Dahlia flowers are the ones she usually gives to her friends. This was primarily a sign of trust, and she didn't like pink as much as the darker shades like Black, Purple, etc.
In her backyard, the large estate blended into the forest after a few yards. The estate could have continued for many years if she had kept up with maintenance. Her father was wealthy, and he had invested a lot of money in maintaining it. Therefore, she was the only one living there despite her father's disappearance and her mother's death.
The heavy dark wooden, bronze edged double doors had a gold lion's head knocker on both doors. The floor of the mansion are dark red mahogany wood, the mansion also had high ceilings and burgundy red with gold trimmed walls except for the bedrooms. The guest bedrooms had pastel pink, blue and green with clouds. As soon as they walked inside the mansion, a huge painting of Kronos eating one of his children hung in the entry foyer. The bust of Marianna’s father on the table underneath it.
The kitchen is open, large and gothic to match the rest of the mansions theme. The black granite countertops and stainless steel appliances give the kitchen a modern touch. There is a large island in the center of the kitchen with bar stools on one side. The cabinets are made from a dark wood and they have intricate details carved into them. The center of the ceiling of the kitchen had a lovely black iron chandelier with dripping crystal accents that added a touch of elegance to the room.
The kitchen also had a large pantry with glass doors, showcasing Marianna's collection of antique plates and silverware. A large gas stove with six burners and a griddle was against one wall, and a double oven was on the opposite wall. The refrigerator and freezer were built into the cabinetry, making them look like they were part of the wall.
The corner of the kitchen, there is a cozy little breakfast nook with a round wooden table and dark cushioned chairs. Windows surrounded the nook let in plenty of natural light and provided the view of the front yard.
Adjacent to the kitchen was a formal dining room with a large, rectangular mahogany table and elegant chairs. The room was adorned with dark red curtains and a crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling. The walls were painted a cream color with gold accents, giving the room a warm and inviting feel.
The dining room had a large table that could seat up to at least ten people, the chairs were burgundy velvet and the table is wooden with a red colour. A black and white Russian rug underneath the table. The room also had a large painting she did a few months ago, in the same style as Bob Ross. The painting depicted a peaceful forest scene with a small stream running through it. It was placed on the wall opposite the entrance, making it a focal point of the room. A wooden cabinet was against one wall, filled with Marianna's collection of antique dinnerware and silverware.
The dining room was attached to the Main Lounge room. The walls were still a burgundy red with gold trimmings like the rest of the house. Floor is still the mahogany red wood. It also had black velvet couches, the large ones were against the walls and there was a small on top of the tv unit. Fireplace near the second couch, only ever used during the winter. The curtains in the Lounge room matched the couches and the dining room curtains were matching the walls. They were also a Burgundy red.
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ryuzakemo128 · 1 year
Burning Pile
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Marianna (Female Reader)
Genre: Sci-fi / Horror
Trigger Warning(s):
Nightmares are mentioned
Masterlist: Link
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All my style, all my grace All I tried to save my face All my guts, try to spill All my holes, try to fill All my money been a long time spent On my drugs, on my rent On my saving philosophy It goes, one in the bank and the rest for me
It goes, all my troubles on a burning pile All lit up and I start to smile If I catch fire then I change my aim Throw my troubles at the pearly gates
Marianna's point of view
"I don't remember the last time I had an excellent night's sleep. I don't think I ever had that." I pulled the curtains together, closing them to block out the sun from pouring into my room. My head pounding like an old drunk pounding his fists against a metal door.
I dragged myself to the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face, hoping to wash away the fatigue and the dull ache in my head. It was another restless night filled with nightmares and visions of the Upside Down, a place that I had been so many times. It's like I knew it better than this place I'm currently in.
I lived on my own, so I didn't have to worry about noisy roommates at this hour. Even in my estate's silence, I couldn't escape the Upside Down memories. Horrors I have witnessed, friends I lost and the fear of always lingered beneath the surface. As I looked in the mirror, I sighed and debated whether I should continue my project or return to an old one.
I heard a knock on my front door. I grabbed my glasses as I didn't want to put on my contacts today. I went to the door and opened it, expecting a delivery man or a salesman. But to my surprise, it was Eddie, one of my closest friends.
"Eddie? What are you doing here?" I asked, still half-asleep. Eddie got the brunt of it worse than me and I had to get heaps of stitches afterwards. "I thought I had told you to stay home."
"It's not safe for you to be alone right now, Mari," Eddie replied, using my nickname. "I thought you might struggle with those nightmares again."
"I've had killer headaches, no vivid night terrors yet."
"Still, I don't want you to be alone with those thoughts," Eddie said, concern etched on his face.
"I take medication which blocks most of it." I replied to Eddie, "I don't dream whenever I take them."
The medication I take usually block out the night terrors, but I don't always remember to take them and whenever I take them sometimes, it just make them vivid to the point of being almost real.
"I understand that, but sometimes it's good to have someone here with you," Eddie said as he followed me to the living room. "You don't have to go through this alone, Mari."
The injuries he sustained, he almost died and part of me snapped. I wasn't the same after seeing that. I saved his life, but I also lost myself at the same time.
Eddie followed me into the living room and sat down on the couch. I walked to the kitchen to make some coffee, hoping it would help with my headache. As the coffee brewed, I heard Eddie playing with something on the coffee table.
"What's this?" he asked, holding up a small pile of papers.
"Oh, just some sketches I've been working on," I replied, pouring coffee into two mugs. "Most of them were from night terrors."
Eddie looked through the sketches, nodding thoughtfully. "These are amazing, Mari. Have you thought about turning them into something more?"
I shrugged, sipping my coffee. "I don't know, it's just something to distract me from the nightmares I have been having lately. But it's not like I have any talent or anything."
"That's not true," Eddie said firmly. "These are really terrific."
From the time I was a teenager, I worked at the tattoo shop in town as tattoo artist. My tattoo artist apprenticeship even led to me becoming a tattoo artist myself. In fact, I started working there when I was in grade 8 in 1982 and have been working there since Eddie and I graduated high school in 1986. In fact, I have been working there for the past seven years, almost eight years now.
During the process of drawing them, I did not think about turning them into something more, like nightmares or night terrors, and just concentrated on making them look good. My current situation was that I was content with my job at the tattoo parlour as well as drawing in my spare time as a hobby. Making it into anything else has never even crossed my mind as a possibility. There was just something about it that I did not want to think about.
There was still a faint sound of Eddie's screaming whenever the environment became quite enough for me to hear it. Even though I know he is alive and right in front of me, the sound rings, echoes in my ears, even when I know he is alive, standing right in front of me. The sound stuck to me like layers of screams I have heard from my friends. I never spoke about it to any of them, for fear of how they might respond to it.
"I still have nightmares about what happened to him, repeated over and over again. He's alive, right in front of me and sometimes it's the only thing inside my head." I think to myself as he is talking. I am afraid to hug him sometimes because I do not want this to be just some dream and end suddenly. I want to tell him how much I care that I am still here for him, but the words do not come out. I am scared that if I am too close, the nightmare will come true. I just stand there, hoping he knows that I am here, that I understand.
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
Young Marianna's Bedroom
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Author's Note: This is a description of what her old bedroom looked like when she was younger. If you want an updated version of it. Let me know.
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It's a large room with light grey walls, an egg shell white roof and a window that faces the open streets that overlook a large park across the road. Her door is black with 312 on it. There weren't 312 rooms in the building. It was there to make sure everyone understood it was her room. The actual room number is carved into the door handle.
Her desk stood under the window and a medium-sized bookshelf was to the right of it. She also had a pocket-sized silver sundial, a candle that smelled of desert sands and the skull of a rat on the top of her bookshelf.
A crystal figurine of a mythical creature sat on her bedside table. Her mentor Ivan bought her for her 10th birthday. It was the Ouroborus and he said that she would understand the meaning behind it when she got older.
She had a few rose gold fountain pens in her desk drawers to use while she studied. Her notebooks sat on top of the desk along with books she was currently reading. She chose rose gold fountain pens because they were a subtle way to add a hint of color to her work area while still looking professional. The notebooks and books were placed on top of the desk so they were easily accessible and the pens were stored in drawers to keep them organized and out of sight.
Her bed covers were charcoal grey and black a stark contrast to most of the others in that building. She had a blue and rose scarf clearly crocheted by a beginner at the end of the bed given to her by her friend, Tatianna last winter. Two pillows with a spare one underneath her bed beside the suitcase that she had in case of any kind of emergency.
She had a stash of tea that smelled like juniper in her beside table. She had it with her everywhere she travelled, as that was the only type of tea she ever drank. Her room looked pretty bare from when she started using it as she was a child and she didn't do much outside of attending her classes. Her mentors got most of the stuff in her bedroom as they felt morally responsible at the time.
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Most of the books in her book shelf were on various topics that interested her at certain points in her life there. Most of them were recommended by Ivan to make her better at her job at hunting other people. While the books Kolya gave her focused more on being a better spy.
Only two of the room's walls had something on it. Which was a wall clock and the other was a poster of cat hanging onto a wire that said "Hang in there baby."
Most of her guns were hidden away in nooks and crannies to keep them out of sight. Which often spooked her mentors with how many she had by the time she reached sixteen years old.
(Pictures below are examples of it)
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
Dance with the Devil
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Marianna Sokolova (Female Reader)
Trigger Warning(s):
Swearing/ Cursing
Mention of Death
Hint of Smut
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Marianna's Point of View
I thought I knew what I wanted when I was fifteen. I continued to believe that even after I came out to the people that took me in after my parents died. I thought I knew I could trust them enough to do that. But three months later, after I turned sixteen, I was kicked out. They said I would have made the rest of that family feel far more uncomfortable if they ever found out. Luckily, I had my parents' house that I inherited. I wasn't allowed to leave with much other than my clothes that I had at the time. Which wasn't a lot.
At the time that I was kicked out of their house a part of me wanted to die right then and there. I don't understand why I never did and I don't understand why it never happened. Even though I felt it was justified and would have proven them right in the first place.
“The Devil" is what they call me. However, I would have preferred if they called me a demon instead. Unless they forget that the Devil is technically still an angel, it's not something to throw away without knowing who it once belonged to. My friend Eddie Munson came over a few times while I started getting furniture for the place. For once, it felt like I had regained control of my life and for once things were finally going my way.
"The Devil is in the details," Eddie said from the kitchen.
"I wish you'd use a different metaphor." I told him as I shifted the coffee table towards the wall underneath the window facing the street a few meters away.
"Just because your family called you the Devil doesn't mean you are the Devil." Eddie reminded me.
"And I think you should broaden your vocabulary." I replied, shrugging with a smirk.
The rest of that day was spent talking and planning what to put where. This was the beginning of something new and profound, a long-overdue rebirth. Like a phoenix dying and rising from its own ashes.
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Even after I found out the truth behind the weird looking marks on my arms, legs and hands. I knew I could turn to him whenever I needed to talk to someone. He had been described as violent by some of the other students. Mainly because of where his interests lie.
I appeared to be violent because that's what I aimed to be. Unapproachable by any standard. Yet the friends I made while I was in grade 8, 9 and the start of grade 10 remain with me today. Even though some of them are no longer alive.
"Thank you for listening to me and watching through the amount of weird shit. I don't want to burden you further." I wrote on a note to leave behind. I went out drinking and things got a little heated by the end of it. One thing led to another and before we knew it were in bed together.
"I'm sorry I won't be there when you wake up. But I hope you can forgive me. As I don't want to hurt you." I continued to write in the note. "You are the best thing I have in my life and I don't want to see you get hurt."
"Please forgive me, this is to protect you from me."
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