#Eddie Munson x non binary reader
where-is-francis · 2 years
Eddie Munson x Goth!NonBinary!Reader
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Prompt: Eddie has slowly but surely become obsessed with your makeup routine. Now it’s time for him to join the fun.
Request: Yes but I already had it in the works. Just made me get it finished. For @sprizzaic
Pronouns: They/Them [fem aligned readers DNI]
A/N: I had this idea before but when I saw this post I knew I absolutely HAD to write something for it. The Eddie brainrot is real, he’s all I can think about. Also I’m aware that a lot of trad goth makeup used straight up white foundation but goth is for every complexion so you’re not wearing that in this fic. :)
TW: Nothing!
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The sun was beating down in the summer heat of Hawkins as you sat in Eddie’s trailer. A cracked mirror before you presented your reflection; bare faced and fresh from the shower. Mixes of your clothes and his flooded the carpeted floor, only parting in certain instances to make a path. A smile passed your lips as you watched your boyfriend lazily strum his guitar, relaxing on the bed.
Both of you were excited for the night. Your plans consisted of going to a concert in Indianapolis, then grabbing some late night pizza, and crashing in the back of his van before driving back home in the morning. It wasn’t going to be cheap, but he always made it work for you.
Makeup sponges and wipes littered the small table you sat at, using some of Eddie’s (most likely) dirty shirts as a cushion. You began to start your makeup — although you never needed a reason like a concert to go out with black eyeshadow.
Your boyfriend’s gaze followed as you focused, messily applying some foundation. He usually wondered how you always seemed to know what you’re doing, just having a sense of where to put everything. Eddie moved his guitar to your side of the slightly-made bed and readjusted, his torso now near the footboard.
His reflection in the smudged mirror made you smile. “You act like you haven’t seen me do this about half a million times.”
“I know, but I like it. Seeing the process and everything.”
He smiled when you rolled your eyes, his hand slowly creeping up your back to make swirls and outlines in the wet hair that ran down your neck. You had been looking forward to the concert forever, and now it was finally time.
He watched as you focused on your makeup again, using your fingertips to pack on some gray and black eyeshadow. The dark colors in the sockets made the whites of your eyes seem a bit more vibrant. A familiar feeling of slightly rough skin reached the back of your neck as your partner moved the damp hair aside.
“Man, come on, I gotta look good for the concert. I gotta focus.” You laughed.
He smiled, stretching off the bed to rest his head against yours. You found his arms beginning to coil around your shoulders, like a snake slowly beginning to strangle its prey. But this was more genuine, more loving. Something about the way the sunlight hit your face during golden hour was like out of a painting. Through all of the excitement, it was still nice to have something peaceful.
“You always look good. So damn good. It’s, like, I’ve never seen somebody as good as you when it comes to all of this.” He mused to your reflection.
Despite the distraction of your wonderful ‘helper’, you continued on. A black liner pencil sketched out the design of your eyebrows before being filled with mascara to match; blending in the hair to make it seamless. You used the wedge to pick up some more color for the shadows in your cheeks. The way your pink tinted lips were practically begging for a quick peck, which was always a wish granted.
Time and practice had brought the skill of being ready in under half an hour. With the final touches, you took a last look at the now finished makeup.
A smile passed Eddie’s lips as he began kissing at your neck and jawline, making obnoxious kissing noises in your ear as he did so. Though a regular occurrence, you couldn’t help but laugh and take in the moment. Mixes of music and whatever Wayne had on the tv flooded your senses, along with the ever present hint of weed.
It was perfect.
Your boyfriend’s soft brown eyes began to glaze over in thought, his nose pushed into your neck.
“Eddie Munson, are you getting shy all of a sudden?” The taunt in your voice drove him crazy.
Instead, he just pulled away and returned to his spot on the unkempt bed. Said mattress groaned under the added weight as you climbed over top of the main occupant, straddling him in the process. Droplets of water ran down your shoulders, some falling on the sheets, others falling on Eddie.
His calloused fingers tangled in the damp waves of your hair as they hung over him. “You look beautiful,”
“Mhm, is that why you’re so shy all of a sudden?”
“I’m not shy.”
An overdrawn jet black eyebrow was raised at his statement, causing him to laugh. The sun emanated from behind your silhouette, making you look like the closest resemblance he’d ever seen to an angel. Sun streaks got caught in his eyes as he sat up, one hand on the small of your back as he did so.
If this is what angels looked like, maybe heaven wasn’t all that bad.
“Could you maybe… I mean — if you want — do something for me? I’ve never really… worn makeup before.”
He could’ve sworn your eyes became more vibrant in the moment.
“Of course,”
Your position over his lap didn’t change, save for grabbing the makeup. There wasn’t much, most of it looking beat to hell after continual uses over the year. In the city, you’d have to get more; Hawkins certainly didn’t have much — save for the Clinique counters in the mall.
Eddie tried not to grin as you began to started to work, even after telling him it would mess it up. Every product you used had him curious, asking what it was for.
“Are you doing the same look on me? Do I have to paint my face white? What about my eyebrows? Wait — you’re not going to shave them, are you?”
Needless to say, it was like trying to do face paint on a child at first. The longer it went on, he found himself melting into your words and touch. It was gentle and precise, like most other things you did. Influences from his own favorite bands gave you ideas in how to shape the liner.
He was completely in love.
How you commented on his bone structure and managed to make it sound like poetry, like something he could grow to love about himself. Sweet honey words mixed with music, filling his senses: an overdose on his partner.
“Does it look good?”
“Why don’t you see for yourself?”
Eddie stood as you moved, finding his way to the mirror and taking everything in. The inner corners of the liner trailed the sides of his nose in the resemblance of a crow, as the outer edges flicked in similarity to a bat wing. His eyebrows were more arched and precise, jet black to match, with a ring of gray smoke underneath. He was at a loss for words.
“Do you like it?”
Loud claps and a few fist pumps were the only response you got. His smile couldn’t be toned down — not around you. Your arms around him just made him smile more as he pressed his head against yours. The warm breaths fanned across your face. For what seemed like an eternity, a sensation of hope formed that he would say it.
“I love you. I love you, (Y/N) (L/N).” He pressed into your lips.
“I love you too, Eddie.”
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canislupus-exe · 2 years
Fits of Passion and Idiocy | eddie munson
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>> gif credit to @/munsuneddie on tumblr <<
fandom | Stanger Things
character | Eddie Munson
reader | they/them (she ver.)(he ver.)
requested | anonymous
warnings | brief mention of drugs, canon character death, fandom typical blood & violence, mild angst
word count | 14,814
keys | (Y/n) = Your name, (L/n) = Last name, (f/c) = favorite color, (D/n) = Dog's name
summary | eddie fix it fic PLEASE im begging literally you an do anything you want just fix it my heart was BROKEN
editor | @feliscatus-exe
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“So, uh, speaking of monsters, uh, Lucas has to do his, uh… balls-in-laundry-baskets game. So…” Dustin trails off, chuckling. “He’s not gonna be able to make it to Hellfire tonight.” His attempt to lighten the mood while talking about such a thing seems to have no sway on Eddie.
“And I know there’s no way we can beat your sadistic campaign without him. So, me and mike, we were talking, shooting the shit, and we were thinking that ma-maybe we- we might-”
“Postpone.” Mike cuts his rambling short.
“Postpone!?” The rest of the Hellfire Club shouts in anger. They begin talking over each other, most of their sentences overlapping and inaudible.
“Shut up!” Eddie shouts over everyone else. Gareth sighs and swallows his frustration.
“You saying Sinclair’s been taken in by the dark side?” Eddie asks.
“Uh. Something like that.” Mike replies.
“Something like that?” Eddie hisses as he throws a pretzel at him.
“Jesus Christ.” Dustin whispers, his voice high-pitched and somewhat trembling.
“And rather than find a sub for him, you want… you want to postpone ‘The Cult of Vecna’?” He asks, another pretzel in his hand. Whether for eating or throwing, they’re unsure.
“I… I don’t want to postpone it. We don’t want to postpone it. It’s just that, you know, most of the subs will be at the championship game.” Mike begins to plead his case, but Eddie stands up from his chair halfway through his sentence.
“Oh, it’s the championship game?” He asks.
“Yeah?” He replies, his words coming out as more of a question than an answer.
“Can I level with you? Jeff graduates this year. Gareth’s got, what? A year and a half? Me, I am army-crawling my way toward a D in Ms. O’Donnell’s. If I don’t blow her final, I’m gonna walk that stage next month, I’m gonna look principal Higgins dead in the eye, I’m gonna flip him the bird, I’m gonna snatch that diploma, and I’m gonna run like hell outta here.” He’d made his way around the entire table by the end of his spiel, pumping up the theatrics as he always did, which made Dustin laugh.
“Didn’t you say that last year?” Gareth asks.
“And the year before that?” Jeff chimes in. Eddie half jogs back to the table.
“Yeah, yeah, and I was full of shit. This year’s different. This year is my year. I can feel it. ‘86 baby.” He relays with a shit-eating grin—the rest of the group chuckles.
“You know what that means?” Eddie asks. Dustin and Mike shake their heads.
“It means you boys are the future of Hellfire. I knew it the moment I saw you. You sat on that table right over there, looking like… looking like two little lost sheep.” He says, leaning down to the boys' level with his hands on either of their shoulders.
“You were wearing a Weird Al T-shirt, which I thought was brave,” Eddie says to Dustin.
“Thank you.” He replies, his voice hardly even a whisper.
“Mike, you were wearing whatever shit your mommy bought you from goddamn Gap,” Eddie says to Mike, causing them to laugh much louder than before. At the moment their guards were down, Eddie pulls them up from their chairs by their shirts, forcing them to walk alongside him. 
“And we showed you that school didn’t have to be the worst years of your lives, right?” He asks.
“No,” Mike replies.
“Okay, no, no. Well, I’m here to tell you that there are other little lost sheepies out there who need help. Who need you. And all you guys gotta do is get your Bo-Peeps on and go and find one.” He says, giving them one final shove away from the table.
Mike and Dustin groan as they sit on the brick wall surrounding the outside benches.
“I hate high school,” Mike says. Dustin grunts in response. As he looks away from Mike, he notices something in the distance.
“Hey hey look, two o’clock.” He says. Mike looks in the opposite direction of two o’clock, seeing as he’d never learned what that meant. Dustin rolled his eyes and pointed.
“Over there dipshit.” He said. They watched as a (f/c) backpack with a D20 keychain on the zipper disappeared into the library. He looked at Mike as Mike looked at him, presumably having the same thought. They both stood up and rushed toward the building, throwing the doors open fervently.
“Where did they go?” Dustin whisper-shouted.
“I-I don’t know Dustin! Maybe we should look for them in the aisles.” Mike replied. Dustin sighed as he walked further into the library, checking behind every shelf for any sign of life. Finally, he’d found you, all the way in the back where you were putting books back on the shelf. 
“You!” He shouted. You jumped, so startled by the loud outburst that you dropped the book you were holding. You bent over to pick it up and turned around to see who was bothering you. You looked down at who you could only assume was a freshman.
“Please keep it down. Library policy. Do you need help finding a book or something?” You asked. A second freshman rounded the corner and walked to stand next to the first.
“You play DnD.” The one with curly hair stated, almost matter-of-factly. You raised your eyebrows.
“Um… No. I don’t.” You replied as you turned away from him, starting to put the books back once again.
“Then why do you have a D20 keychain?” He asked. You sighed.
“Because I used to play.” You said.
“So you know how?” He asked.
“Well, yeah, but the last time I played was like four years ago. Plus, why do you care? I don’t even know you.” You replied.
“I’m Dustin Henderson and this is Mike Wheeler. We’re part of the Hellfire club and we need someone to sub in for the campaign tonight. So will you?” He asks, his voice desperate.
“No.” You reply simply.
“W-What? Seriously?”
“Yeah. Seriously. Truly. No.” You say, turning around to face him. Dustin looks at Mike, silently asking him for help but Mike only shrugs in response. Dustin sighs and turns back to you. He notices the school ID around your neck and reads your name, before deciding to take a page out of Eddie’s book.
“Can I level with you for a moment (Y/n)?” He asks. You raise your eyebrows at the use of your name.
“We need you, so I’m willing to sweeten the deal on your end.” He says. You scoff. 
“Dude, you know nothing about me. How could you possibly ‘sweeten the deal’?” You ask, putting air quotes around what he’d said.
“Well everybody loves movies! I can make it so you don’t have to pay to rent a movie for the next month.” He replies. You raise your eyebrows.
“Oh yeah? And how exactly are you gonna do that Dustin Henderson?” You say, leaning on the cart of books.
“I have a buddy who works at Family Video. He’ll wave your fee for the next month, I swear.”
“And if he doesn’t?”
“I’ll pay!” He shouts. 
“Shhh!” You shout back at him.
“Sorry. Sorry.” He whispers. You roll your eyes.
“So you’ll get your buddy to waive my movie rental fee for the next month if I play DnD with you for one night?” You ask. Dustin nods. You think for a second before sighing. 
“Alright fine. But I swear to God if you try to pull a fast one on me, I’ll make your life hell. And I mean it, kid.” You say, poking your finger into his chest.
“Yes! You won’t regret this (Y/n)! Come on Mike!” He says as he bolts out the library doors with his friend in tow.
“You think Steve will let them rent for free?” Mike asked.
“Who cares? We have found a sub for tonight and that’s all that matters.”
The leader of the Hellfire Club sits on his throne. Hands folded together as he eyes you standing next to Dustin and Mike.
“Absolutely not.” He says after a pause of silence.
“You asked for a sub. We delivered.” Dustin said as he motioned toward you.
“This is Hellfire Club. Not Sports club.” He says, pointing at your Indiana Hoosiers T-shirt. You rolled your eyes.
“It was the only shirt I had clean. Plus, it’s comfortable you elitist piece of shit.”
“My, my. The sports fan knows big words.” Eddie replies, eliciting chuckles from his friends. He stands up from his throne, walking toward you.
“So, what’s your name, sports fan?”
“(Y/n) (L/n).” You reply. He laughs.
“So you’re the person who works in the library.”
“Wow, intuitive, isn’t he?” You say, earning a laugh from his friends. He turns and glares at them, shutting them up immediately.
“What’s your class and level? Level one half-orc?” He asks, once again earning laughter from his buddies.
“My name is Akzire the Wretched. And I’m a chaotic neutral Tiefling Fighter, level 15. And I will valiantly protect my party members by beheading any monster you throw my way with my scimitar. And I will brandish their head for all to see as a token of my victory. So, we gonna do this, or are you gonna keep pestering me like you’re a little girl in need of attention?” You ask. The five members stare at you as you face off with Eddie, shocked at how effortlessly you’ve challenged him. They wait in stunned silence, but after a moment, he breaks out into a cheeky smile and offers you his hand to shake.
“Welcome to Hellfire.” He says. You roll your eyes one last time, but this time with a smile as you shake his hand.
You sit at the table, listening intently as Eddie relays his campaign onto the club.
“The hooded cultists chant, ‘Hail Lord Vecna. Hail Lord Vecna.’ They turn to you, remove their hoods. You recognize most of them from Makbar. But there is one you do not recognize, his skin shriveled, desiccated. And something else. He is not only missing his left arm, but his left eye!” He shouts, covering his own with his hand. The party erupts in protests, strings of “no”s and “come on man”s.
“Vecna’s dead!” Jeff shouts.
“He was killed by Kas!” Mike yells, to which Eddie smirks at.
“So it was thought, my friends. So it was thought. But Vecna… Lives!” He exclaims, placing the figurine on its podium with unmatched vigor. He resigns back to his throne.
“You are scared. You’re tired. You are injured. Do you flee Vecna and his cultists? Or stand your ground and fight?” He asks. Mike reclines in his seat as Dustin ponders the options.
“Come on.” Eddie prods. After a few seconds, he speaks up.
“I say we fight. To the death.” He states.
“To the death.” Mike agrees, nodding his head. They look toward you. You sigh.
“Fuck it. To the death.” You reply. The rest of the table breaks out into smiles.
“To the death! To the death! To the death! To the death! To the death! To the death! To the death!” Everyone chants while slamming their palms down. Eddie’s large smile is plastered on his face as he watches.
“To the death!” Dustin screams as he pumps his fists in the air. You grab the dice and roll, watching as they slide over the surface of the table. They all shout in triumph, some even clapping. It’s Mike's turn to roll, but it lands on 8, a miss. Eddie pushes over his figurine and the club begins to groan in protest. Jeff rolls. Miss. Miss after miss after miss and Eddie begins to laugh maniacally.
“Time out time out!” One of the members calls. You all step away from the table and huddle up.
“Guys, I hate to say this, but we've got to flee,” Gareth says, clear tiredness lurking in his tone.
“I concur.” The person who called the time-out replies.
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t we just agree on ‘to the death’?” You asked.
“That wasn’t literal,” Gareth replies.
“Vecna just decimated us. We can’t kill him with two players.” Jeff argues. You sigh and turn to Dustin, who’s already on the defense.
“You too? He only has 15 hit points left. Don’t be pussies.” He practically growls.
“Pussies? Really? Cause we’re not delusional.”
“Delusional? How about ‘not cowards’.” You retort.
“Hey!” Eddie calls from across the room, grabbing everyone’s attention and breaking the huddle.
“If I may interject gentlemen, Akzire the Wretched. Whilst I respect the passion, you’d be wise to take Gareth the Great’s concern to heart. There is no shame in running. Don’t try to be heroes. Not today, ‘kay?” He says that cheeky shit-eating grin back on his face. It would make you furious if part of you didn’t find it so cute. Dustin holds up a finger.
“One sec.” He says before reforming the huddle circle.
“What do you think Mike?” He asks.
“How many hit points do you and Akzire have left?”
“Twelve.” Both you and Dustin proclaim in unison.
“It’s risky as hell… But you’re the ones on the battlefield. So it’s your call.” Mike says. You sigh and look at Dustin.
“What do you say Akzzire the Wretched?” He asks. You smile.
“Do you even have to ask?” You reply. A moment of silence hangs over the Hellfire Club as Dustin contemplates.
“Screw it.” He finally mutters, pulling away from the huddle.
“Let’s kill this son of a bitch.” He states. Everyone approaches the table.
“The chances of success are 20-to-1,” Jeff says. Dustin holds up his finger.
“Never tell me the odds. Give me the D20.” He demands, holding his open palm out. Eddie picks up the die with that damn smile painted on his face and tosses it toward him. He catches it and holds his hands over his shoulder, shaking it vigorously. You watch with bated breath as he tosses it. It rolls and rolls and rolls until finally… 11.
“That's! A! Miss!” Eddie calls out, shaking his head after every word.
“Shit! Shit” Dustin shouts, and in his anger, he knocks one of the soda cans off the table. But now, you were up. The entire game hinged on your role, and you could feel every bit of pressure as you picked up the die. You closed your eyes and shook it in your hands, feeling the intense stares on you as you did so.
“Please!” You could hear Gareth shout beside you.
“Come on!” Dustin called out. But their words fell on unlistening ears. You were too focused on the cool feeling of the dice gently hitting the palms that encased it. Finally, without thinking about it, you released it. Watching with unmatched intensity as it rolled, the quiet clacking against the wooden table sounded immeasurable in magnitude. And then, it reached the end of its road. No more cascading down the table. It stopped. And it landed with the 20 side facing up.
“Crit hit!” You shouted, the rest of the club exploding in cheers alongside you.
“What? What?” Eddie shouted in disbelief, laughing and clapping his hands.
“That’s why we play!” He said, bending over and extending his arms, almost as if he was presenting your victory to someone. You smiled, much brighter than you had in a long time. Maybe this Hellfire thing wasn’t so bad after all.
You whistled as you pulled your car into the parking lot of the Family Video, double-checking the address Dustin had written down for you. It seemed like it was the right one so you put your car in park and gathered your keys and wallet. As you were doing so, you saw Dustin rush into the store, a redheaded girl following right behind him. What perfect timing. 
Nobody paid you any mind as you walked into the store, perusing their many isles of movies, searching for something that may come of interest to you. Dustin was behind the counter with the redhead you saw earlier and two people you vaguely recognized from school. 
You shuffled through the shelves closest to the front counter. It was by pure happenstance that you heard their conversations. Dustin, along with the two girls you didn't know were all on the phone, and it sounded like they were talking about Eddie, meanwhile, the older guy was cheesing up a customer with some romcom, which you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at.
“Hey, guys, I might have a lead.” The redhead called out as she hung up the phone.
“Seriously?” Dustin asked as he turned around in his chair to look at her.
“Yeah. Apparently, Eddie gets drugs from some guy named Reefer Rick, and sometimes Eddie crashes there.” She replies. You whistled as you approach the counter, having decided which movies you wanted to take home. 
“Now that is a name I haven’t heard in a minute,” You say, setting your items down.
“(Y/n), what are you doing here?” Dustin asks. You shrug and push your tapes toward the worker.
“Cashing in on the sweet deal Dustin gave me to play DnD with him.” You reply. This statement catches the older guy's interest and he walks over.
“Wait wait wait. What’re they talking about Dustin?” He asks. 
“Shit. Now, before you get mad at me Steve, I was desperate.”
“Dustin. What. Did. You. Do.” He demands, dropping his palms on the counter. Dustin sighs and closes his eyes.
“I may or may not have told them they could get movies here without paying the rental fee.” He says, getting the words out as fast as he could.
“You did what?!” Steve asks. You smile and lean your head on your palm, which you lean on the counter.
“For a month.” You interject. Steve looks at you and then at Dustin.
“For a month?!” He shouts. Dustin rolls his eyes.
“H-Honestly Steve it’s not that big of a deal. You can just-”
“Not that big of a deal? Not that big of a deal!? You have the nerve to- to-to-”
“Pimp you out?” You suggest.
“Pimp me out! Thank you (Y/n). And then tell me it’s not a big deal. Who do you think-”
“Guys shut up!” The redhead silenced them. They did so without question and she turned to you.
“You said you hadn’t heard that name for a while. Reefer Rick?” She asks. You nod.
“I used to hang at his place and get high before he got busted.” You reply, tracing your finger along the cover of the VHS on the counter.
“You smoke?” Steve asks, obviously perplexed by this fact. You shrugged.
“There ain’t exactly much else to do in this shithole town.” You reply.
“But that means you know where he lives? That-That’s great! Get me a pen so I can write it down!” Dustin says, searching for a piece of paper. 
“Now hold on there Dustin. I’m not just gonna give you the address. What kind of a person would that make me?” You reply innocently, but before he can speak, you continue.
“At least… not for free.” 
“Jesus Christ (Y/n) seriously? Now is not the time to dick around.” Dustin practically yells at you. 
“Who’s he gonna pimp out this time?” The older girl said as she nudged Steve. You chuckle as you hold your hand up.
“I don’t want anything supermassive. Free movies for a month are profit enough. I just want to tag along. Be a part of the know, you know?” You reply. Dustin looks at the redhead who shakes her head.
“(Y/n), I don’t think you want to know this know, okay. It’s in your better interest to just give us the address and forget this ever happened.” He said, placing a sticky note and pen in front of you. You raise your eyebrows and sigh.
“Alright, fine.” You say, grabbing the pen and writing on the paper. Once you were done you slid it over to him. He grabbed it with fervor but paused when he read it. Not a chance kid.
“I told you. I want all the details, or you guys will never find Reefer Rick. Well… you might but, it could be too late.” You say, gathering the VHSs you’d set down.
“But if you guys don’t want to know, I'll just be on my way.” You walk away from the service desk, hearing Dustin string out profanities.
“(Y/n)! Wait.” He calls out. You turn around, a coy smile on your face.
“We’ll tell you on the way there, 'cause it’s kind of a long story.” He says with a sigh. You smile and grab your car keys from your pocket.
“Shall we?”
“So just to recap. Chrissy Cunningham is dead, last seen with Eddie Munson in his trailer by you, Max Mayfield, but you didn’t go straight to the cops with this information, instead, you go to Dustin Henderson's house to tell him, and even after that you still don’t go to the cops, you go to Family Video where you relay the entire situation to your friends Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley, and might I just add it’s a bit concerning how many young adults you’re friends with. What is it now, four?” You say, your hands on the steering wheel of your car.
“Wow, they’ve got a great memory. When did we even tell you our last names?” Robin asks.
“I recognized you two from the yearbook.” You said with a shrug. The familiar sound of gravel on your tires was somewhat pleasant as you pulled to the side of the house. The sun had long since set, so most of them were carrying flashlights as they approached the door and rang the doorbell. Waiting not even a second before the first bell finishes, he rings it again. He rings it seven more times before he starts to bang on the window.
“Okay. Well, that’s settled. I guess he’s not here.” Steve says, but you knew he wouldn’t give up that easy. And true to your thoughts, he leans over and yells into the window.
“Eddie! It’s Dustin!”
“Look, we just wanna talk okay? No cops, I swear. We just wanna help.” He shouts as he pounds on the glass pane.
“Shhh!” Robin shouts at him. He begins to ring the doorbell again.
“Rick!” He calls out as he pounds in the door.
“Is he always like this?” You whisper to Steve. He sighs and nods.
“Reefer rick!” Dustin yells.
“Don’t scream that.” Steve scolds him.
“He’s not there!” You turn your attention away from the loud door pounding and their incessant bickering to see Max making her way around the house.
“Reefer Rick!” Dustin’s shouting pulls your attention back to him.
“He might just be really high…” Dustin suggests.
“Is that a foot?” Steve asks. You roll your eyes.
“No, that’s just a shoe,” Dustin replies.
“Obviously dumbass.” You mutter.
“Hey, guys!” Max shouts. Everyone looks at her for a brief second before leaving the front porch and stationing behind her. There was an eerie-looking boat house staring back at you.
“Despite it being a terrible idea, why do I have the feeling that we’re gonna go poking around in there?” You asked. Max looked over her shoulder at you before looking back at the boathouse. She slowly approached it, shining her light in the windows. You sighed.
“Yep. How did I know?” You say as you roll your eyes and follow close behind her. Once you’d made a full circle around the building, you reached the door. Robin was the first to push it open.
“Hello?” She called out to the vast darkness.
“Is anyone home?” She said, sweeping her flashlight across the room. She stepped inside, Max following her. Then Dustin, then you, then Steve bringing up the tail end.
“What a dump.” He said, looking around.
“Yeah well, I’m sure Eddie wouldn’t be hiding out in the Hilton.” You replied. Steve rolled his eyes and clicked off his flashlight so he could put it away. Once he did, he grabbed what looked to be an oar off the wall and began to violently poke whatever the tarp covered in the center of the room.
“What are you doing?” Dustin asks. Steve responded by poking it again. Dustin repeated his question and Steve shrugged.
“He might be in here.”
“So take the tarp off!” Dustin exclaimed while Steve continued to mess with it.
“If you’re so brave, you take the tarp off.” He replied. They both continued to circle the boat, neither of them removing the tarp.
“Hey, look over here,” Max called. You and Robin walked to her side, examining whatever she was ushering to.
“Someone was here.” She said, picking up the wrappers scattered access the surface.
“Maybe he heard us. Got spooked and ran.” “Don’t worry. Steve will get him with his oar.” Dustin replied sarcastically.
“I know you think you’re being funny Henderson but considering almost everyone in this room has nearly died a hundred times, personally, I don’t find it funny in the slight-” Steve was cut off by the sound of glass shattering and movement so fast you could barely perceive it. Eddie had emerged from the tarp and was backing steve against a wall, holding the jagged edges of the broken glass bottle toward his throat.
“Wait wait wait wait wait!” Steve shrieked in horror. You speechlessly watched, unsure of what you could do.
“Woah, woah, woah, Eddie! Eddie! Stop! Eddie! Eddie!” Dustin called out as you all rushed toward him but still kept a reasonable distance. Eddie turned his head to stare at him. His eyes were wide with terror, and you couldn’t help but wonder what the hell you’d gotten yourself into.
“It’s me. It’s Dustin. This is Steve. He’s not gonna hurt you, right, Steve?”
“Right. Yeah.” Steve replied meekly, his voice hardly above a whisper.
“Steve, why don’t you drop the oar?” Dustin asked. There’s a quiet thud as Steve does what he’s told, but in doing so Eddie only pushes the bottle closer to steve's neck. He groans in pain and fear.
“He’s cool. He’s cool!” Dustin shouts.
“I’m cool, man. I’m cool.” Steve practically begs.
“What are you doing here?” Eddie asks, his voice is rough and terrified, so much different than the way he’d sounded that night at hellfire.
“We’re looking for you,” Dustin says softly.
“We’re here to help.” Robin chimes in.
“Eddie, these are my friends. You know Robin, from band.” Dustin says, ushering to the girl behind him, who mimics playing trumpet.
“And (Y/n), from Hellfire. You remember them, right?” He says. You give a weak smile from behind Dustin, waving at Eddie.
“This is my friend Max. The one who never wants to play, D&D. Eddie. We’re on your side. I swear on my mother. Right guys?”
“Yes. Yes. We swear.” Max pleaded.
“On Dustin’s mother,” Robin replied.
“Yeah. Dustin’s… Dustin’s mother.” Steve chimed in. There’s a moment of silence that seems to last forever before Eddie finally pulls away from Steve, who gasps in relief.
“Jesus christ…” He mumbles to himself. You watch Eddie walk away, sinking down the wall until he’s sitting. Dustin approaches him.
“Eddie… We just want to talk.” His words are slow as he stoops to Eddie’s level. He gently reaches for the broken bottle, but Eddie flinches away.
“Okay…” He whispers, removing his hands.
“We want to know what happened,” Robin said as she knelt next to Dustin. Eddie sniffles and shakes his head, looking at her.
“You won’t believe me.” He says, making eye contact with you for a split second before looking away. 
“Try us,” Max replies. Eddie stares at her before standing up and slowly beginning to pace. He seems to be psyching himself out. Dustin adjusts his position, as do the rest of you as you wait for him. He pulled a chair in front of everyone and sat down, looking at his hands in his lap for a few more minutes before finally looking back up.
“Her body just, like, lifted up into the air and, uh… and she just, like, hung there. In the air. And her bones… Uh, she…” He seems to whimper at the thought and his voice becomes shakier as he continues.
“Her bones started to snap. Her eyes, man. It… It was like there was something, like, inside her head, pulling. I… I didn’t know what to do, so I…I ran away. I left her there.” He pauses for a second before scoffing.
“You all think I’m crazy, right?”
“No. We don’t think you’re crazy.”
“We don’t?” You whisper, not wanting him to hear. Steve nudges you in the side and gives you a look which you’re tempted to argue with but stop when Eddie begins to yell.
“Don’t bullshit me, man! I know how this sounds.” His voice cracks.
“We’re not bullshitting you,” Max says.
“We believe you,” Robin interjects. Maybe you missed the memo because it seems like everyone else was on the same page. Dustin was right, you were in way over your head.
“Look, what I’m about to tell you might be a little, difficult to take,” Dustin says.
“Okay,” Eddie replies.
“You know how people say Hawkins is… cursed? They’re not way off… There’s another world. A world hidden beneath Hawkins. Sometimes it bleeds into ours.” You were just as perplexed as Eddie seemed to be.
“Like ghosts and shit?” He asks. You snicker quietly, earning a glare from Max before she turns back to Eddie to continue.
“There are some things worse than ghosts.” She replies.
“These monsters from this other world… we thought they were gone. But they’ve come back before. That’s why we needed to find you.”
“If they’re back again, we need to know,” Max says, her voice firm, demanding almost.
“That night, did you see anything?” Robin asks.
“Dark particles, maybe?” Max adds on. Eddie shakes his head.
“It would almost look like dust, swirling dust.” 
“No, man, there was nothing you could see or, uh… or touch… You know, I tried to wake her, man. She couldn’t move. It was like she… she was in a trance or something.”
“Or under a spell,” Dustin suggests. Eddie looks at him.
“A curse.” He whispers.
“Vecna’s curse.”
“You don’t mean from…” You trail off, mostly thinking out loud rather than talking to anyone. Dustin nods, and steve looks at him confused.
“Who’s Vecna?” He asks.
“An undead creature of great power,” Dustin replies.
“A spell caster,” Eddie adds, meeting his gaze with yours.
“A dark wizard,” Dustin whispers. You remembered the horrors you’d read about him in your books. But that’s all they were. Books. Works of fiction. These people you’d known for a combined total of a few hours couldn’t possibly be trying to convince you otherwise, right?
“Sorry, did I miss a chapter or something? Cause if Eddie’s not the crazy one here then I think I might be. What the fuck is going on?” You asked. Max sighed.
“It’s a long story.”
“And very unbelievable,” Robin says with a slight chuckle. You closed your eyes and rubbed your temples.
“Condense it and consider me open-minded.” You replied, leaning against the wooden pillar behind you. 
“A few years ago our friend Will was kidnapped by a monster from the upside down, that’s what we call that other world we mentioned earlier. We found this girl, Eleven or El as we called her and she has superpowers. She fought the Demogorgon, the monster that kidnapped Will, and we thought she died after that but turns out she was just being kept hidden by Hopper, the chief of police. Will tried to return to normal life but failed since he now had some sort of connection to the upside down and could see into it, causing a new monster to possess him, The Mind Flayer. We were able to defeat him, or so we thought. He returned, this time with Russians on his side.” “Russians!?” You exclaim.
“That’s where we come in!” Robin said with a smile. Steve scoffs.
“Correction, that’s where you come in. I was there since the Demogorgon.” He replies.
“Ehhh, more like since Dart,” Dustin says.
“Who’s Dart?” You ask.
“Not integral to the story. Back to the Russians. They were running an underground operation with a mall as the front. Eleven returns, another victory, yadda yadda. They move to California to get away from the craziness of Hawkins but we’re still here, thus still having to deal with it.”
“And now there’s a new monster… Vecna… who’s… framing people for murder?” You ask. Dustin looks at Eddie and shrugs.
“More or less.” He says. You sigh, trying to take in the information you were just given. 
“I tried to tell you (Y/n). You didn’t want to know this know. It’s not too late to back out now. Just go back home and pretend this never happened.” Dustin said as he stood up. You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah right. If any of this shit you’re saying is the truth, it’s gnarly as hell. Besides,” You hold up your keys. “How else would you guys get home?” You say with a smile. Dustin sighs.
“You really wanna do this?” He asks. You nod.
“In fact, I’m about to get myself into even deeper shit. Eddie can’t stay here.” You say, pointing at the subject who was still sitting in his chair and chewing on his nails. At the sound of his name, he stared up at you.
“Why not?” He asked. “You have a very tangible connection to reefer rick. If I knew that, other people are bound to know that. If some dumbass kids were able to find you, I doubt the cops are that far behind.” You reply. 
“They’re right,” Max replies. Dustin groans.
“Of course they’re right but where else could he go? This town isn’t exactly crawling with good fugitive hiding spots.”
“Why can't he just stay with me?” You ask. Dustin looks at you, along with everybody else in the room. Steve is the first to make a noise, which is a somewhat awkward laugh.
“Listen, (Y/n), as much as we love the knight in shining armor move, I doubt your parents will be too keen on you hiding-”
“Who says I live with my parents?” You cut him off. He raises his eyebrows.
“You… don’t?” He asks.
“No. I live on my own. In a pretty secluded area. My neighbors are at least ten minutes in either direction so they wouldn’t see anything. The only people who know I’ve ever interacted with you are the Hellfire club. And considering I was only there one night, there are probably plenty of other people they’d talk to first. It’s perfect.”
“How old are you?” Steve asks, still seemingly shocked that you live on your own.
“19.” You reply.
“How do you-”
“Steve. Shut up.” Robin cuts him off. He looks at her, his face almost offended that she would do such a thing.
“That could work… Eddie, what do you think?” Dustin asks as he turns to the man of the hour.
“You’re asking me what I think?” He replied. Dustin shrugs. Eddie sighs, standing up from the chair and crossing his arms.
“You’re really gonna harbor a fugitive (L/n)?” He asks. You shrug. 
“Why not? I’ve already done plenty to get me jailed tonight, might as well make that list as long as possible. Get me more cred in the yard if we get caught.” You say with an almost devious smile.
“(Y/n)’s house it is. Anything beats this shithole.” Eddie replied. 
“Let’s get a move on then.” You grabbed your keys out of your pocket but pause for a second.
“Hold on, I’ve got an idea.” You said, putting your keys back into your pocket and removing the tarp from the boat. 
“What are you doing?” Dustin asked. You began to unhook the boat from where it was being held.
“Sending this bad boy out to sea. With any luck, the police will find it and think Eddie jumped off ‘cause he couldn’t handle the guilt.” You reply. Eddie smiles.
“Smart.” He says as he crosses his arms. You return the smile.
“I try.”
You pulled into the driveway of your house, hearing your dog barking. Poor boy hasn’t seen you all day, he must’ve missed you. You quickly locked it down before stepping out. You held your keys in your hand as you turned around.
“The dog is very friendly, don’t worry. He’s a total sweetheart. He might nibble your arm but that’s about it.” You say as you unlock your front door. True to your word, your dog came barrelling toward you, greeting you by jumping on your legs. You laughed and pet him gingerly, waiting for the others to pile in.
“Everyone in? Good. I’ll lock up, you guys can make yourself at home.” You said. He weaseled around you to sniff the new people. Max smiled as she began to put him.
“He’s so cute… What's his name?” She asked.
“It’s (D/n).” You reply, walking toward your tv so you could kneel and store your new VHS rentals with the others. Once everything is neatly sorted, you stand back up and turn around to talk to others.
“Since we dropped by your place to grab your car Steve, you should get these kids home now. It’s pretty late. Eddie and I will be fine.” You say.
“Are you sure? What if the cops come?” Dustin asks. You laugh and gently push down his hat.
“You worry too much. Get out of here already.” You reply, walking back toward your door to unlock it for them. He begrudgingly makes his way over, pausing for everyone else to follow him. 
“We’ll be back tomorrow to check up on you two,” Steve says. You nod.
“Fine by me. See you all then.” You say as they slowly begin to exit. Once they’re in their car, you lock the door and turn to Eddie who stands awkwardly. You laugh.
“Relax dude.” You say.
“Relax? I’m on the run from the police and you want me to relax? I’m surprised you’re not losing your head right now considering you’re the one hiding me.”
“We’re just two friends hanging out, alright? Listen… You look like shit. Why don’t you take a shower while I cook dinner?” You suggest making your way into the kitchen to check what you could make.
“Shower? And what exactly do you propose I change into?” He asks.
“I’ll let you borrow some of mine while I toss yours in the washer. I’m sure I have something that’ll fit you. Might be a bit big though.” You say, exiting the kitchen and walking down the hall to your bedroom. You can hear him follow behind you. You push open the door and make your way to your dresser, beginning to shuffle through the top drawer.
“Oh… Wasn’t expecting your room to actually be cool.” Eddie says as he leans on the door frame. You glance at him with a cocked eyebrow.
“And why is that?” You ask.
“Well, you’re like a sports fan aren't you?” He asked. You rolled your eyes and went back to sifting through the clothes.
“Like I said. It was laundry night. I got that shirt from my dad ages ago. Couldn’t you tell from how beat up it was?” You replied, grabbing a couple of garments before standing up and tossing them toward him. He fumbled to catch them but eventually did. He unfolded the shirt to see a Mötley Crüe album cover staring back at him. He smiled.
“You’re hard to pin down (L/n).” He said. You rolled your eyes and tossed him a towel.
“That’s cause I like to be on top Munson.” You reply with a playful wink. Eddie’s face became red, holding the clothes close to his chest. He opened his mouth to reply but only sputtered. In order not to embarrass himself more, he opted to make his way to the bathroom for that shower. Maybe even a cold one.
“Make sure you toss your clothes out so I can wash them.” You shout. You see Eddie reach his arm out and drop everything in the hallway. Once you gathered his items, along with a couple of your own to make the load more substantial, you started the washer and made your way back to the living room.
You quietly whistled as you gently ran your finger along your shelf of cassettes, deciding which you wanted to listen to while you cooked. Eventually, you settled on Black Sabbath’s self-titled album and popped it into your radio.
The familiar sound of the rain from the opening song soothed you as you pulled out the pot you needed to boil water in. You hummed along once the music began to pick up. You continued cooking, enjoying the music in pair with the sound of the shower in the background.
A substantial amount of time had passed and you were close to finishing the meal you were preparing when you paused. Your favorite song on the album was starting. N.I.B. Instead of humming, you began to sing along.
“Some people say my love cannot be true / Please, believe me, my love, and I'll show you / I will give you those things you thought unreal / The sun, the moon, the stars all bear my seal.” You sing quietly to yourself.
“Woah, you’ve been holding out on me.” A voice spoke from behind you. You were startled, jumping slightly and flinging sauce onto your shirt. You groaned.
“Come on man.” You said, turning around and placing your hands on your hips. You planned on being annoyed but when you saw him standing in front of you with his curly hair damp and sticking to his forehead, you couldn’t help but swoon. Your shirt looked great on him, which caused a smile to creep onto your face.
“Tomato sauce?” He asked. You nodded.
“Spaghetti. I hope you like it.” You reply, turning back around to stir the sauce. Eddie leaned on the counter next to you, watching as you did so.
“I meant it though. Your voice was good. And your song choice? Impeccable.” He says. You roll your eyes and push him with your shoulder.
“Quit fucking with me Munson.”
“I mean it! Seriously.” His voice is soft and gentle, and your heartbeat starts to thump loudly in your chest. You turn the heat off your stove and look at him with a smile.
“Dinner is done.”
Eddie sighed as he reclined on the couch.
“Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve had a home-cooked meal like that?” He asked with a laugh. You smile.
“So, you liked it?” You ask.
“Are you kidding me? That shit was delicious.” He proclaimed. You stood up and collected both of your bowls, placing them into the sink before standing in front of him.
“I'm glad you liked it. Wanna get some sleep now? It’s super late.” You said. Eddie checked his watch and nodded.
“Wow, you’re right. It is late. Am I taking the couch?” He asks. You shake your head.
“Nah, you can take my bed, I’ll take the couch.” You reply. Eddie raises his eyebrows.
“Wait what? Seriously?” He asks, sitting up straight.
“Well, yeah. The couch is super uncomfortable.”
“So why are you sleeping on it?”
“Because I don’t want you sleeping on it.”
“So… neither of us should sleep on it.”
“Where am I gonna sleep then? The floor?” You asked with a laugh.
“We could both sleep on the bed.” Eddie was quick in his response, almost too quick. You were a bit surprised by this and felt that funny feeling start to well up in your stomach again.
“We could… If you’re okay with that.” You say, trying to sound nonchalant. He shrugged, averting eye contact.
“I am if you are.” He says. You smile.
“Yeah. You can go to the room and get comfortable, I have to use the restroom so I’ll be there soon.” You say, stretching before walking down the hall.
Eddie did as you said, going into your room as you went into the restroom. He laid down on your bed, sidling under the covers and finally relaxing for the first time in a long time. He hadn’t realized how tired he was until he was resting. As he held the blanket close to him, he inhaled. It smelled like your shampoo. He’d only ever caught gentle hints of it when you stood close to him, but now, he could smell it as clear as day, and it was so soothing.
What has been going on with him lately? He’d only known you for two days and it seemed like everything about you was making him act a fool. He needed to get himself together, he had bigger things to worry about now. Not how good your shampoo smelled or how comfortable your shirt fit him or how melodic your voice sounded or how you were honestly starting to look like the perfect person for him the more time he spent with you. 
You walked back into the room, hairbrush in hand as you raked it through your tangled locks. Once you finished you placed it on your nightstand. You smiled at the sight of him all cozy and comfortable in your bed. He seemed like he was already starting to drift off to sleep. God knows he needed it.
“I can’t stand the feeling of sleeping in pants, do you mind?” You asked, hands hovering over the button of your jeans. He raised his eyebrows but shrugged.
“Go ahead.” He muttered before breaking into a yawn. You chuckled.
“Sleep Eddie. You need it.” You replied, gently crawling into your bed so you didn’t disturb him. He looked at you with half-lidded eyes and gave you a sleepy smile. 
“Thanks. For everything.” He mumbled before closing his eyes. You opened your mouth to respond but seeing as it seemed he’d already gone to sleep. You opted for a fond smile as you stared at him for longer than you would’ve liked to admit. The funny feeling in your stomach and heart was back, but you didn’t fight it this time. You laid with it as he laid with you, your hand only centimeters away from his. So close, yet so far. But that was okay. He was there, and that was okay.
The horrible sound of bones crunching met his ears as he stared up at her floating body. Blood was pouring from her empty eye sockets but it still felt like she was staring right at him. Into his very soul. Despite her broken jaw, she spoke to him.
“It’s all your fault, Eddie.” She whispered. Her voice was so hoarse it didn’t even sound like her own.
“No…” Eddie pleaded.
“It’s all your fault!” She was yelling now. Eddie collapsed to the floor and began to cry, covering his ears in an attempt to block out her screaming. He rocked himself back and forth, sobbing uncontrollably.
Eddie sat up with a fervor, his hands shaking violently as he swung his head around to look at the room. His eyes trained on the ceiling, waiting to see if she’d appear there. It was so hard to breathe and he was so fucking scared. He was goddamn terrified.
All the motion had woken you up. You rubbed the sleep from your eyes and planned on asking what was wrong, but quickly sat up when you heard Eddie crying. You could feel his body tremors on the mattress due to how violent they were. What had happened to him while you were sleeping?
“Eddie? Eddie, what’s wrong?” You whispered. You kept your voice low and avoided touching him in case it would upset him further.
“She was there… She was there and she- s-she-”
“Who was there Eddie?” You asked.
“Chrissy! She said it was all my fault and-” It was hard to catch the rest of his words over his sobs. 
“Hey hey hey i-it’s okay! Chrissy isn’t here. None of that was your fault alright? Just breath. Can I touch you?” You asked gently, hovering your hands over his shoulders. He nodded something no short of desperation, and you wrapped one of your arms around his back, the other holding his arms. “It’s okay Eddie. It’s okay…” You whispered. He cried harder as he clutched fistfuls of your shirt with an iron-tight grip. His entire body was shaking in your arms. You weren’t sure what else you could do other than whisper that he’d be alright and gently rub his back. 
“You’re safe here, okay? You’re safe…”
Eddie woke up, the smell of your shampoo much stronger than it was when he’d gone to sleep. He opened his eyes and yawned, taking a few seconds to blink away the sleep before realizing he was laying on your chest. His arms were wrapped around your midsection and yours laying atop his back. 
He vaguely remembered what happened. Having that horrible nightmare, waking up in tears, and you soothing him back to sleep, but he didn’t remember this level of intimacy. Had he really fallen asleep clutching onto you like this? And furthermore, you let him?
He pulled his arms out from under you, trying his best not to disturb you, but it was fruitless. You slowly began to stir, stretching your limbs and shaking them gently in an attempt to wake yourself up further. You looked at Eddie and gave him a small smile, remembering the events of the night clearly.
“You alright?” You ask quietly. Eddie gives a half-hearted laugh before leaning against the headboard of your bed.
“Yeah. Sorry, you had to see me like that. How embarrassing.” He muttered. You chuckled and sat up as well, bumping your shoulder into his as you did so.
“You went through something traumatic Eddie. Don't be so hard on yourself.” You replied. He looked at his hands which he’d folded in his lap.
“I was acting like a baby though. Crying and shaking? I mean seriously-”
“Eddie.” You cut him off. He looked at you with those big brown eyes that made you weak in the knees.
“You’re okay. I mean it.” You say, placing your hand on his shoulder. He stared at you, his cheeks dusting that familiar shade of pink that seemed to be happening much more often now that he was around you. He looked away, a small smile on his face.
“Just don’t tell Henderson, alright? I don’t want him to think I’ve gone soft.” He says. You laugh.
A few days passed and you found yourself growing much closer to Eddie. You bonded over music and books, played board games, and marathoned some of your favorite movies. The more time you spent with him, the harder you seemed to fall for him, and unbeknownst to you, it was the same for him.
Every time he looked at you from across the couch he felt his heart beat faster than it ever had in his life. He had crushes before, but none like this. None that would've given him a second glance, let alone let him stay in their house as he was suspected of murder.
You were reclined on the couch, your dog wedged between you two. Eddie had grown quite fond of him, and it was mutual. (D/n) loved having another person around to play with. It started to make you feel like you were your own little family. But a loud knock on your door disturbed that peace, causing (D/n) to start barking.
“Who is it?” You called. 
“It’s Dustin! Let us in!” He yelled through the door. You sighed and got up from your comfortable position, unlocking the door for the others to pile in. But there were two faces you didn’t quite recognize.
“Hold on there kid. Mind catching me up on these two characters?” You asked.
“Oh, right. (Y/n), this is Nancy and Lucas, Nancy and Lucas this is (Y/n). We’re all caught up now? Great, good, because shit just hit the fan.” Dustin replies. You raise your eyebrows, and Eddie adjusts his sitting from being reclined to attentive listening.
“On our way here, we drove by Rick’s place. It was swarmed with cops and reporters. Patrick was Vecna’d last night at Lover’s Lake. Jason managed to convince them that it was you and they’ve just released your name to the public.” His words come out so fast that you almost don’t register what he’s saying.
“Shit. shit… fuck man!” Eddie yells, standing up and beginning to pace the room.
“But, there’s a bright side to this,” Dustin says.
“Oh is there Henderson? Please do enlighten me.” Eddie replies sarcastically.
“Another thing I noticed on my way here was that my compass was slipping the further east we went.”
“And we’ve seen this before.” The one named Lucas chimed in.
“Mhmm. In the presence of a stronger electromagnetic field, the needle will deflect towards that power.” Dustin says.
“Meaning…?” You ask.
“There’s another gate.” He answers.
“So what do we do now?”
“We follow the compass to the gate,” Dustin replies excitedly. 
“Eddie’s still a wanted man. What do you expect us to do? Go for a nice stroll in the woods?” You ask.
“This little steel capsule might be the key to saving both Max and Eddie. What say you Eddie the Banished?” Dustin asks. Everyone fixes their eyes on Eddie, even you. You’re not sure what you’re hoping his answer is.
“I say you’re asking me to follow you into Mordor, which, if I’m totally straight with you, I think is a really bad idea. But, uh, the shire… the shire is burning. So Mordor it is.” Dustin excitedly opens the front door, waiting for Eddie to walk out. You walk to step out after him but pause to speak before you do.
“For the record, if anything happens to him, you’re all dead meat. Got it?” You say. A couple of shocked faces dance around the room, but there are nods of agreement. Once your gone, Steve looks at Dustin.
“Since when do they care so much about Eddie?”
“Young love Steve. Young love.” He replies as he pats his arm. Steve makes a noise of shock as Dustin walks out of the house.
“A little bit of elaboration would be nice.”
“Dustin? Can you slow down? Dustin?” Eddie called out. You felt like sheep, blindly following this kid through the woods.
“I think we’re getting close,” Dustin yelled over his shoulder. In his distraction of telling you so, he didn’t notice that he was about to walk straight into Lover’s Lake. Eddie grabbed his backpack and placed his arm in front of him, stopping him in his tracks.
“Watch your step big guy.” He said. It took everyone else a little bit to catch up, but once you did, you sighed.
“Oh, man. You gotta be shitting me.” Steve groaned.
“Yeah. I thought these woods looked familiar.” Eddie replied.
“Lover’s Lake.”
“This is confounding,” Dustin whispered.
“There’s a gate in Lover’s lake?” Max asked.
“Whenever the Demogorgon attacked, it always left an opening. Maybe Vecna’s the same way.” Nancy suggested.
“Yeah, only one way to find out,” Steve replied. Eddie sighed and cracked his neck, walking down the shoreline. He pulled the tarp off the boat which seemed to be an integral part of this story. Steve and Eddie began to push it onto the water.
“Easy I… I said easy, man.” Steve said.
“Sorry, dude,” Eddie mumbled. Steve holds his hand out to help Robin into the boat but she opts to use their heads instead. 
“Yeah that works too.” Steve mumbles. Eddie climbs in after, offering a hand to help you in. You snicker.
“How gentlemanly.” You reply sarcastically as you climb in. Nancy quickly follows behind you. Dustin is right on her heels, but Eddie flicks his hat downward and pushes him away.
“Hey, hey, hey, you trying to sink us? This thing holds four people tops, okay?”
“It’s better this way, okay? You guys stay here with Max. Keep an eye out for trouble.” Nancy said.
“You keep an eye out!” Dustin rebuttals. Nancy furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
“It’s my goddamn theory!” Dustin argues.
“You heard Nance.” 
“Who put her in charge?”
“I did,” Robin states, almost matter-of-factly. Dustin looks at her confused while Nancy holds out her hand.
“Compass.” She demands. Dustin begrudgingly forks it over as he walks back to stand next to the other younger teenagers. Steve stands up and tosses his backpack before pushing the boat into the water and hopping in.
“You said four!” Dustin protests.
“Sorry,” Steve whispers.
“Bedtime at nine kiddos! Miss you already!” Robin yells. You chuckled.
Robin and Eddie use the oars to propel the boat on the water while Nancy watches the compass. You quietly begin to whistle a tune, one that Eddie recognized. The same one you sang the first night he stayed at your house. He was sure his face was flushed, but he didn't mind since it was shrouded in the darkness of the night.
”Whoa, whoa, woah, woah, slow down. Slow down, guys.” Nancy called out. Robin and Eddie stopped rowing, turning around to look at her. You all gathered around the compass, staring at it as the needle went crazy. You heard the walkie talkie chime with Dustin’s voice.
“Guys, what’s going on? Come on, talk to me. What’s going on?” He asked. Robin grabbed the walkie and spoke into it.
“Uh, Dustin, your compass has gone from wonky to wonky with a capitol ‘aah!’” She replied. Steve began to pull off his shoes and socks.
“Steve, what are you doing?” Nancy asked. 
“Yeah, seriously man, nobody wants to see those. Or smell them.” You say, fanning his feet away from you. Steve rolls his eyes.
“Somebody's gotta go down and check this thing out. Unless one of you four can top being a Hawkins High swim co-captain and a certified lifeguard for three years, then… It’s gotta be me. No complaints, alright?” He asks.
“Hey, I'm not complaining. I do not wanna go down there.” Eddie replies as he fishes a grocery bag from his battle vest pocket. Steve pulls his shirt off and you roll your eyes.
“Show off.” You mumble. Eddie looks up at you and smiles. 
“Tell me about it.” He whispers before handing Steve the flashlight wrapped in the plastic bag safeguard.
“Hey. Good luck.” Eddie says. He pulls out a cigarette while Steve thanks him but Robin quickly grabs it and throws it in the lake.
“Steve?” Nancy calls out. He looks over his shoulder at her.
“Be careful.” She says. He nods before diving in.
“Gross.” You mumble, taking off your hoodie and bunching it up. You toss it in Eddie’s lap before laying your head onto it, reclining as comfortably as the small boat would allow. Eddie’s a bit surprised by this, looking down at you as if questioning why.
“Who knows how long he’ll be down there? Might as well get comfortable while I can.” You reply with a shrug. He relaxes a little but is still somewhat on edge.
“Where we at, Wheeler?” Robin asks.
“Closing in on a minute,” Nancy replies. She exhales and nods. More time passes as both of them stare intensely at the water, wondering when he’s gonna resurface. You, on the other hand, find yourself close to drifting off. You wouldn’t have expected it considering the high-stakes situation you were in, but something about laying in Eddie's lap made you feel safe enough to doze off. You were snapped out of that peace quickly though when Steve burst through the water gasping for air.
“I found it!” He exclaimed. You sat up and pulled your hoodie back on.
“You found it?” Nancy asked.
“I found it. Yeah. I found it.” He replied as he clutched onto the side of the boat. Robin smiles and grabs the walkie-talkie.
“Dustin you are a goddamn Einstein. Steve found the gate!” She spoke into it. She waited for a response, but nothing came. She furrows her eyebrows in confusion but disregards it when Steve starts talking.
“It’s pretty wild. It’s more of a snack-sized gate than the mama gate but still, it’s pretty damn big.” He says, almost out of breath. When his sentence finished, he dips back under the water, seemingly struggling against something. He pops back up with a look of confusion on his face before being pulled fully underwater.
“Steve!” Nancy calls out.
“No no! What the hell was that, man?” Eddie yelled.
“Nancy, really, what happened?” Robin asks, her voice filled with terror. Nancy stares at the water for a moment before she stands up. She looks like she’s going in after him.
“Wait, wait, wait. You’re not going in there, are you?” Eddie asks, grabbing her arm to stop her.
“Just wait here.” She demands.
“No Nancy!” Robin yells, but she’s already in the water.
“Goddamnit!” Eddie yells, running his fingers through his hair. Robin begins to perch herself on the edge of the boat.
“No no no no no no. What are you doing? She said wait.” Eddie protested.
“Yeah, I heard her.” She replies.
“She’s in charge.” 
“Are you kidding me? I made that shit up.” She says before plugging her nose and beginning to lean back.
“Don’t you go. Don’t you-” His words are cut off by the splash of Robin's body meeting the water.
“Goddamn it!” He bangs his open palms on the edge of the boat. You stand up, causing him to look at you.
“(Y/n), don’t even think about it!” He says. You smirk and hold out your hand to him.
“Come on, don’t make me do this alone.” You reply.
“Son of a bitch. This is so stupid. This is so stupid. This is so stupid.” He practically chants to himself, but he grabs your hand anyways. You dive into the water together, all while he’s stringing out profanities.
You all huddle under skull rock, shaking from fear and possibly hypothermia. After saving Steve from those creatures and running through the entire forest to hide from them, it was safe to say that you were exhausted. The screeching becomes more distant, and Robin is the first to peek her head out.
“Oh… okay. That was close.” She says.
“Yeah. Too close.” Eddie replies, his voice shaking with fear. As you begin to walk farther out, you hear steve mutter something. You turn your head and see him lean against the rock.
“Steve? Jesus.” Nancy says as she notices the same thing you had.
“I’m fine. I’m fine.” He protests.
“No, no, no. You’re not. You’re losing blood. Come on, sit. Alright?” She coaxes him down He groans in pain as he removes his hand from the open wound. Robin kneels next to him as well.
“Okay. So the good news here is I’m pretty sure wooziness is not a common symptom of rabies. But if you start having hallucinations or muscle spasms or you start feeling aggressive, like you wanna punch me or something, then you should totally let me know, okay?”
“I kinda wanna punch you.” He replied. Robin laughs.
“Sense of humor’s still intact. That’s a good sign.”
“Yeah…” He mumbles. Nancy finishes tearing off the piece of fabric that she needed to dress his wounds, so Robin steps away.
“You ready?” Nancy asks. 
“Yeah. Just do it.” Steve replies. She pushes the fabric against him and he stifles his groans. He locks his hands behind his head as she apologizes, doing her best to wrap the fabric around him properly.
“Too tight?” She asks.
“No, that’s good.” He replies. He lets out a few final grunts of pain before she finishes by tying it into a knot. You hear Eddie walk away from you, so you turn to see what he’s doing. He’s climbing up a rock, trying to get a better view of the land in front of him.
“So, uh, this place is like Hawkins, but with monsters and nasty shit?” He asks. Nancy helps Steve stand, putting his weight on her shoulders.
“Pretty much.” She replies. He nods and starts to walk back down, but Nancy stops him with a warning.
“Wait, watch out for the vines. It’s all a hivemind.”
“It’s all a what?”
“All the creepy crawlies around here dude. They’re like, one, or something. You’re stepping on a vine, you’re stepping on a bat, you’re stepping on Vecna.” Steve says.
“Shit,” Eddie replies, now very carefully stepping around the vines.
“But everything from our world is still here, right? Except people obviously?” Robin asks.
“As far as I understand it, yeah.” “So, theoretically, we could go to the police station and steal guns and grenades and whatever we need to blow up those bat things that are guarding the gate.” “I highly doubt the Hawkins PD has grenades, Robin. But guns, yeah, sure.”
“Well, we don’t have to go all the way downtown for guns. I have guns in my bedroom.” Nancy replied. Eddie finally manages to jump down from the rock.
“You, Nancy Wheeler, have guns, plural, in your bedroom?” He asks.
“Full of surprises, isn’t she?” 
“A Russian Makarov and a revolver.” She states.
“Yeah, you almost shot me with that one,” Steve says.
“You almost deserved it.” She replies. Eddie rolls his eyes and slips off his battle vest, tossing it at Steve.
“For your modesty, dude.” He says. You can’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy culminate in your abdomen, but before you have time to even think about why that is, a loud rumbling shakes the earth. It’s so intense that you lose your balance, falling into Eddie as the others fall into each other as well. His arm falls onto your waist and you would've been flustered by the fact had you not been preoccupied with the earthquake. There was a loud snarling in the distance that sent chills down your spine.
“Yeah, so guns seem like a pretty good idea to me,” Eddie said.
“Yeah, me too.” You reply, realizing how close he is by how loud his voice is in your ear.
“So what are we waiting for?”
After the highs and lows of finding the wheeler house, realizing there were no guns because the upside down was three years stuck in the past, finding a way to contact the overworld, and biking seven miles to Eddie’s trailer, you were almost relieved when you saw that fleshy interdimensional portal on the ceiling. But something about the way it squelched and breathed as if it were alive made you have second thoughts.
“This is where Chrissy died. Like, right where she died.” Eddie said, looking over his shoulders at you and the others. You could tell there was a lot of pain in those memories.
“I think there’s something in there,” Robin replied, her eyes never leaving the ceiling. There was a crackling sound as the red barrier was pulling downward as if something were pushing it in. You felt your stomach go queasy at the sight.
“What the hell is that?” Eddie asked. Seconds after the question left his mouth, the gate popped open, the fleshy parts and vines all retreating into the ceiling. The sudden movement made all of you yelp in fear and back up, eyes still fixed on the now open gate. You exchanged worried glances with Eddie.
Steve slowly began to approach it, and you followed his lead, right behind Nancy and Robin. The steps you took toward it were slow and timid, waiting for the slightest sign of danger. Finally, as you got closer, you could see into it.
“No way,” Steve muttered. On the other side of the gate stood Dustin, Lucas, Max, and a little girl you didn’t recognize. Dustin had a huge smile plastered on his face, jumping on the balls of his feet.
“Hi there.” He said as he waved, prompting Lucas to do the same.
“Hi…” Nancy, Steve, and Robin replied. You were too shocked to speak.
“Holy shit, this is trippy,” Robin said.
“Tell me about it…” You mumbled. Dustin laughed again, excitedly looking at his friends before looking back up at you.
“Bada bada boom!” He exclaimed.
“Henderson, your childlike joy is refreshing, but could we maybe, I don’t know, figure out a way to get us the hell out of here!” Eddie shouted. Dustin stopped giggling and nodded.
“Right right sorry, Eddie.” The children began to disperse out of your view. You could hear shuffling and after a few minutes, Max and Lucas dropped a mattress below the portal. You raised your eyebrows at the state of it.
“Those stains are, uh… I dunno what those stains are.” Eddie said.
“Mmm,” Robin replied, a questioning look on her face. Dustin walked into view, a makeshift rope of tied-together sheets in hand.
“Not quite sure how these psychics are gonna work. But uh… here goes nothing.” He says as he throws it up through the portal, but once it meets your end it begins to cascade down.
“There we go. And if my theory is correct…” He says before removing his hands from the rope. It stays in its place, causing him to smile.
“Abracadabra.” He whispers.
“Holy shit,” Max says, looking up at the rope on your end.
“All right, pull on it! See if it holds!” Dustin shouts to your group. Robin looks around before grabbing onto the rope, giving it her best yank. She smiles and laughs incredulously.
“This is the craziest shit I’ve ever seen in my life. And I’ve seen some crazy shit.” The girl you don’t recognize says as she high-fives Dustin. You laugh.
“Starting to think that’s a common experience.” You reply. Robin grabs hold of the rope once again.
“Guess I’m the guinea pig.” She says as she begins to climb up the rope. The younger teens on the other side begin to disperse to make room for her on the landing pad. She grunted as she climbed upward, but once her head was on the other side, she fell onto her back on the mattress.
“Oh thank God. That was fun.” She said with a sigh of relief. You watch her grab Dustin’s hand to help pull her up. You look at the others, Nancy looking at Eddie, then you, then Steve, the other teenage boys looking at each other until somebody volunteers.
“All right, guess I’ll go,” Eddie says with a shrug as he approaches the rope. He grunts as he begins to climb it, inching his way back to the overworld. Finally, gravity takes hold and he falls onto the mattress. He sits up abruptly.
“That… was fun. Shit.” He says with a large smile before getting up.
“Don’t mind if I do.” You say, grabbing onto the rope. Climbing it felt reminiscent of gym class, which made you feel a bit queasy, but once your head passed that gap between the worlds, all the blood went rushing to your face and you felt like you were freefalling. You laughed as you began to cascade onto the mattress and blinked a few times once your back finally hit the surface. 
“(Y/n) approved.” You said as grabbed Eddie’s hand so he could help you up.
You sat wedged between Dustin and Eddie, on your way to what could very well be the end of your life. Thanks to Nancy being Vecna’d and that trip to the War Zone, you were as well prepared as you could’ve been, but that didn’t quiet the loud thrumming of your heart, or the sinking feeling growing in the pit of your stomach.
The car slowed in front of the dilapidated Creel house to drop off the Sinclairs and Max. And then it kept driving. You looked out the window, watching their bodies become smaller as you drove further and further away. The sun was dipping lower into the sky as the drive continued. It was nightfall by the time you reached your destination. Nancy stood up from her seat and turned to look at every one.
“Okay. I wanna run through it one more time. Phase one.”
“We meet Erica at the playground. She’ll signal Max and Lucas when we’re ready.”
“Phase two.”
“Max baits Vecna. He’ll go after her, which’ll put him in his trance.”
“Phase three?”
“Me, Eddie, and (Y/n) will draw the bats away,” Dustin replied. Eddie nudges you in the side with a smile before giving Dustin a noogie, an oddly pure moment despite the given circumstances.
“We head into Vecna’s hopefully newly bat-free lair and… flambe,” Robin replies, sloshing around the Molotov cocktail in her hand.
“Nobody moves on to the next phase until we’ve all copied. Nobody deviates from the plan, no matter what. Got it?” Nancy asks. You all chime in with ‘got it’s before dispersing and piling out of the RV. You trek through the small span of woods in front of you before making it to the trailer park and shortly after, Eddie’s trailer. Once you're inside, you’re relieved to see the makeshift rope is still intact.
“Be careful,” Dustin says.
“Thanks, buddy. Here goes nothing.” Steve replies as he begins to climb the rope. Since there’s no mattress on the other end, he’s extra careful to land on his feet, which he does somewhat majestically. Robin sarcastically makes noises of praise.
“What does he want us to do, applaud?” She asks. It takes Steve a few seconds to bring the upside-down mattress under the portal, giving those athletically challenged a safer landing strategy.
“Alright, let’s go.” He calls up to you. Nancy is the first go, Robin kneeling next to her to provide even more assistance. She nods at her before climbing and subsequently falling onto the mattress. After Nancy, Eddie drops down his gear and follows right after. Then you, then Robin, then Dustin, who takes far too long to stand up which results in him being pulled to his feet by you and Eddie. You begin to walk out of the trailer right behind Steve, with the rest of your team in tow. He turns back to you.
“Hey, guys, listen. If things here start to go south, I mean, at all, you abort. Okay? Draw the attention of the bats. Keep ‘em busy for a minute or two. We’ll take care of Vecna. Don’t try to be cute, or be a hero or something. Okay? You guys are just-”
“Decoys. Don’t worry. You can be the hero Steve.” Dustin cuts him off.
“Absolutely. I mean, look at us. We are not heroes.” Eddie says with a laugh as he looks between you and Dustin. You feign offense as you nudge him in the side. Steve hesitates for a moment before turning around and walking toward Robin and Nancy. Eddie takes a step toward him.
“Hey, Steve?” He calls out. Steve turns around.
“Make him pay.” He says. They nod at each other before Steve’s team begins to walk off. 
“Now that all that mushy gushy bullshit is over, it’s time for the fun part.” You say, hitting Eddie’s stomach with your arm. He laughs as you make your way into his bedroom. Once he’s in, he stops.
“Jesus christ… It’s like… She was destined for an alternate dimension…” He mumbles as he approaches his guitar.
“What do you say, guys?” He asks, picking it up from where it hung.
“Are you ready for the most metal concert in the history of the world?” He asks, turning to face the two of you.
“That a rhetorical question?” Dustin asks. Eddie smiles and puts the strap over his shoulder.
“Let’s do it.” He says, swinging it over his back. As if you didn’t find him hot enough as it is.
You waited tentatively for the crackle of the walkie-talkie to sound and tell you when to move forward. Finally, after what seemed like hours, you heard Robin’s voice on the other end.
“She’s in. Move on to phase three.”
“Copy that. Initiating phase three. Let’s hope they hear this.” Dustin said as he pulled the extension cord up to plug in the amp and subsequently turned them to their full volume. He looks at Eddie, who grabs the pick from around his neck.
“Chrissy, this is for you.” He mutters, mostly to himself, before he starts to strum. You recognize the beat immediately.
Dustin is crouched beside you as you lean one hand on the amp, enjoying Eddie’s impeccable performance of one of your favorite songs. You would’ve enjoyed it more, had it not been for the predicament you were in. Dustin checks his binoculars a few times, but this time, he calls out to Eddie.
“We gotta lock down in T minus 30 seconds.” He yells over the noise. Eddie nods, focusing back on playing his guitar.
“T-minus 20!” Dustin shouts. You look over at Eddie, who’s now shredding the guitar solo, which you wish you could appreciate more, but the screeching bats inching closer in proximity make it difficult. Dustin begins to count down from 10, and Eddie finishes right as he reaches one. The bats are way too close for comfort, so you shove Dustin in the direction of the truck you used to get on the roof. He begins to climb down, you following and Eddie just behind you.
They’re shouting incoherently at each other as you rush into the gated area, which Eddie shuts just in the nick of time. You watch the bats attempt to claw at you through the fencing, but they have no luck. You give a relieved half laugh half sigh, but it’s short-lived as more begin to fly toward you.
“Hurry! Come on!” Dustin calls to the two of you. Once you’re inside, you lean against the wall, panting heavily.
“Dude. Most metal ever!” Dustin yells, causing both him and Eddie to jump with excitement. You laugh and can’t help but smile at the two fondly. They take a few minutes to bask in their excitement before finally winding down and walking to the portal. There’s a thump against the trailer wall that makes you turn your head. Then another. And another. And then they’re not stopping. The bats outside seem to be thrashing their bodies against the walls. Hard. But then, just as soon as it started, it stopped.
“Hey, dipshits! Give up that easy!” Dustin yells.
“Is that really necessary?” Eddie asks.
“Both of you shut up!” You hiss. They stop bickering long enough for you to hear the bats have moved.
“They’re on the roof,” Eddie says, looking upward. Dustin begins to string out profanities as you all follow the sound of the bats traveling. You fix your eyes on a small circular vent.
“Uh oh.” You whisper.
“They can’t get in through there, can they?” Dustin asks, but right as the words leave his mouth, the demobat breaches the flimsy metal. It screeches, and the three of you begin to stab at it furiously with your spears. After a few seconds, Eddie backs away, much to Dustin’s protests. 
“Get out of the way! Get out of the way!” He calls to the two of you. You back up just in time for Eddie to throw down a chair and wedge his nail shield into the ceiling.
“Holy shit… Holy shit.” He says in between pants.
“Nice,” Dustin says.
“Thanks.” He replies, giving him a high five.
“Are there other vents?” Dustin asks. Eddie seems to realize his answer is not the one you’d hope for as he rushes to his bedroom. You all begin to run toward it, and as soon as you enter, bats come flying through the vent on the floor. He pushes you and Dustin out, shutting the door as quickly as he can.
“That’s not gonna hold!” Dustin yells as you back away.
“No shit genius!” You yell back.
“Let’s go!” Eddie yells. Dustin begins to climb the rope. You’re quick to follow, not sparing another second. Once you're on the other side, you look at Eddie who starts to climb but stops halfway.
“Eddie, what are you doing? You have to hurry!” You yell at him. He stares at you and then at the door before dropping back onto the ground.
“Eddie! Come on man!” Your shouts seem to fall on deaf ears as he walks away to grab a spear.
“Eddie don’t you fucking dare! Eddie-” He cuts the rope, severing the way to travel between the worlds. He moves the mattress and you can feel tears begin to well in your eyes. Dustin is watching this unfold with you.
“Eddie, what are you doing?” He asks. Eddie looks at the two of you with a smile on his face.
“I’m buying more time.” He says before walking out of your view. Dustin looks at you as if he’s asking what to do and for the first time in a long time, you don’t know. You’d never felt this way before. Scared and lost and heartbroken all at the same time. You couldn’t breathe.
“No fucking way. You’re not fucking running this time Eddie.” You say as the tears fall out of your eyes, but you wipe them away ferociously. You grab the chair and set it right underneath the center of the portal. Standing on it, you’re just tall enough to reach it when you jump. So you do just that. Grunting as you pull yourself through, you hang on for dear life when the gravitational pull hits. You sigh and swing back and forth so you can roll when you let go. It’s messy, and you're gonna be left bruised, but it’s enough to have gotten you down. You pull the mattress back, giving Dustin a safer way to land than you had.
“Come on!” You yell, offering a hand to help him up. Once he’s on his feet, you rush out the door, him following close behind you. You run as fast as you can, pushing yourself farther than you ever have before. You can see the bats swarming him. God, why did you have to fall in love with an idiot? 
You see them wrap around his legs and arms, rendering him defenseless. More begin to pile onto him and you can only imagine what they’re doing. Tears blur your vision as you start to run even faster, faster than you thought was in your capability. You pull the machete you’d nabbed from the war zone off your back as you were finally in distance. You swung it at the bats in your path but saved your deadliest blows for the ones gnawing on his torso.
Dustin was close behind you, picking off those that he could as you fought with the ones latched onto Eddie. He seemed to recognize you, a bloody smile on his face. You kept swinging and crying and fighting, all at the same time. It seemed like an impossible fight that you swore you would’ve lost, but then, out of nowhere, the bats all fell from the sky.
You dropped your machete and began to cry harder. You were going to hold Eddie but found his wounds held a higher precedent. You wiped away your tears in an effort to see better as Dustin kneeled next to him as well.
“Bad, huh?” He asked.
“No. You’re gonna be fine.” Dustin replied.
“Damn fucking right you will.” You yelled, pulling off your hoodie. You sliced through the fabric with the pocket knife you had and began to tie it tightly around his torso.
“You’re not dying on me that easy Munson. Don’t even fucking think about it.” You reply. He opens his mouth to respond, but you cut him off by placing his arm around your shoulder.
“Whatever sappy shit you’ve got to say, you can save it, 'cause I already told you. You’re not fucking dying today.” You say as you stand up, carrying his body weight as well. He groans in pain.
“Help me out here Henderson.” You say, staggering to hold him up by yourself. Dustin rushes to your side and grabs Eddie’s other arm, splitting his weight between the two of you as you hobble back through the upside-down.
Eddie sat up in bed, gasping and looking around, then clutching his sides in pain. He recognized the room he was in, but he wasn’t sure why. The door to his right creaked open, and you walked in with what looked like medical supplies in your arms.
“(Y/n).” His voice was hoarse as he spoke your name. You were surprised to see that he was awake, and felt tears prick the corners of your eyes,
“Finally you’re up. I was starting to think you were holding out on me.” You said, trying to act as if you weren’t bursting at the seams with excitement. He chuckled.
“Why am I here?” He asked. You shrugged and sat next to him on your bed, pulling the covers off of his body. He hadn’t noticed he was shirtless until he felt the cold chill nip at his body.
“Would you rather be at Hawkins High with the rest of the town? I’m sure they’d all love to see their darling Edward, wanted murder suspect.” You reply. He smiles.
“Guess you’re right.” He says as you begin to unwrap his bandages.
“Someone’s getting a bit handsy.” He teases. You roll your eyes and finish unwrapping the bloodied bandages before starting to wrap him with new ones.
“That was really stupid, by the way.” You say.
“Running into that swarm. You could’ve been killed.” You scolded. Eddie sighs.
“They needed more time and even if I had been… What difference would it have made?” He said with a shrug. You felt tears well in your eyes again.
“What difference would it have made? Just because Jason got a few hicks to be against you doesn’t mean everybody was. There are still people who care about you and love you, Eddie. I fucking love you! Do you really think I just ran back into that hell dimension because it wouldn’t have made a difference whether you lived or died?” You said angrily, pulling his bandages around him tighter.
“Wait wait wait. Do my ears deceive me? Did you just say you love me?” Eddie asked. You were so frustrated that you couldn’t take it anymore. You grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him into a kiss.
At first, you were angry, pressing your lips against his just to get him to shut up for once in his goddamn life but then, as his hands gently held onto you as if you were a delicate piece of fine china, you broke. Tears began to stream down your face as it all hit you at once. You needed this. You needed him.
He pulled away, far too soon for your liking, and stared at you as his chest heaved to catch his breath. He blinked his beautiful brown eyes and smiled his stupid grin. There he was, in all his glory, and you’d just kissed him in a fit of passion and anger at his pure idiocy.
“If I get a kiss like that every time I act a fool, then I’ll have to remember to risk my life more often.” He whispers. You laugh and wipe your face of your tears, shaking your head before standing up.
“Eddie Munson. You have changed my life.” You say with a laugh.
“Then I guess we’re even. Cause I think you saved mine.” He replied. You gathered the bloody bandages and began to walk to the door. Your hand was just above the knob when you paused at the sound of Eddie’s voice once again.
“If I ever beat these charges and things ever go back to the way they were… or at least as much as they can… I’d like to take you on a normal date.” “If I liked normal, I never would’ve found you.”
“Then can I take you on a not normal date? Affective immediately?” He asks. You laugh and open your bedroom door.
“Tell you what Eddie. You heal from the damage those hellbats did to your stomach, and I’ll think about it. Deal?”
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prettybillycore · 2 years
Eddie x non-binary! reader ????? Yes?????
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themostfinalofpams · 1 year
Actually wrote a little bit of fan fic last night. Haven’t written any fic since 2020. Who knows if I’ll finish it, but I wrote, so hopefully that counts for something.
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beautifulblooms · 2 years
Eddie Munson x Male reader who is hard of hearing and eddie finds out it’s because y/n used to blast music in his ears, but he is very self conscious about it because he always has to ask people to speak up or repeat things and eddie is just very sweet about it. :))
Can Ya Hear Me? - Eddie Munson x Male!Reader
Alex you have too many crack fics in that head of yours it’s concerning.
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
Tags: @eddieverse, @alexs-playground, @mother-dragon-and-her-hatchlings, @mazettns, @qthetherapist, @rlmt1
“Hey babe?” Eddie called out to me but I really wasn’t able to hear him from the bedroom. “Babe?” He tried again to no avail. Finally walking into the living room where I was sat on the couch with the TV at a rather loud volume.
“(Y/n)?” He touched my shoulder while calling my name, making me jump slightly and turning around to look at him.
“Hey, what’s up?” He seemed confused, doe eyes somehow more soft than normal.
“I called for you a few times and you didn’t say anything, are you okay?“ I was just as confused cause I really didn’t hear him, then I realized I never told him.
“Um, I should probably tell you, I’m um, I’m hard of hearing, I used to blast music on my Walkman and from stereos so eventually I just lost my sensitivity to sound.” He looked shocked, and still just as confused as before.
“So that’s why you’re always blasting the TV, cause you can’t hear it normally.” I nodded along to his words, I really hope this doesn’t make me seem like I’m crazy to him. “Well, I guess that means I just have to yell louder, and I don’t have to worry about scaring you when I play on my guitar.” Leaning down he pecked my lips a few times before going back to our shared bedroom, how did I get so lucky?
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dumbslxtclub · 1 year
you’re on your own, kid | e.m - part ten
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eddie munson x singlemom!reader
summary: set after the events of season four, Steve has disappeared and is presumed dead in the upside down. broken and now left to deal with your pregnancy alone, Eddie takes it upon himself to support you to the best of his abilities in Steve’s absence.
chapter summary: emotions reach a fever pitch, resulting in some unexpected revelations
content warnings: fem!reader, adult language, adult themes, unplanned pregnancy, angst, hurt/comfort, some canon divergence/au, mentions of death, reader is 19, anxiety, angst, fluff, no use of y/n, slow burn, mentions of a fight and wounds
word count: 8.4K+
a/n: here we go guys, gals and non-binary pals! shoutout to my zoom bestie @dickfics69​ for beta reading. hope you enjoy, this chapter was a labor of love!
taglist: @lezzy-bennet @harrypotteranna23-blog  @reidstea @sashaphantomhive  @bexreadstoomuch @audhd-dragonaut @littlepotatobeansworld @ches-86  @tlclick73 @fckyeahlames @gnocchey @astrolockley @sidthedollface2 @micheledawn1975  @3rd-conchord @eddiesbabe95​
↳  one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight  / nine / ten / eleven
Part Ten: Isn’t It Delicate?
It’s not until a streak of morning sunlight creeps across your delicate eyelids that you’re awoken from an unusually heavy sleep. Bright rays assault your corneas as you peel your eyes open, smooshing down into the feathery pillow to escape the call of a new day. God, your body feels so heavy but your mind is crystal clear, none of your typical morning grogginess present. Tossing over to your side, you catch a glimpse of the alarm clock perched on your bedside table, it’s steady ticking the only sound in the otherwise silent bedroom. 
Surely that can’t be right. 
Hoisting yourself up, you peer over to re-read the clock. Maybe one of the hands stopped moving during the night? But no, the seconds continue clicking away, making a sure revolution of the face as it has countless times before. It dawns on you.
You slept through the whole night.
You slept through the whole night.
Oh, god.
You slept through the whole night.
Panic surges through your body, jolting you out of bed and racing to the door on unsteady feet. How could this have happened? Even during the deepest of REM cycles, Audrey’s cries are enough to pull you out of your slumber and to her beckoning call. That familiar pang of dread hangs heavy in your stomach, is she okay? Did something happen to her during the night? She’s gone a whole night without a feed, a change, you push away the thought creeping in that something bad has happened…
Swinging open the door frenetically, the sound of it hitting the wall somewhat compensates for the fact that your eyes haven’t properly started working yet and helps you orientate yourself. Eyes darting to the crib, which is completely empty, only further exacerbates your stress.
“Mornin’, Sleeping Beauty.” 
The blinds have been pulled open, an abnormally sunny March morning casting a sheet of buttery yellow across the living room. Smack bang in the center of the ancient carpet, a play mat that was previously stuffed into the corner has been rolled out. A mobile hangs above it, brightly colored bunnies, foxes and barnyard animals dangling from the twine and twirling with the sudden influx of air caused by the door slamming. A small pillow props up Audrey, who is situated on her stomach with her hands greedily but aimlessly grabbing in front of her cheerful face. Across from her, mirroring her position, is Eddie, holding a rainbow sensory caterpillar toy, beads bouncing off the crinkly interior as he waves it in front of her. Like two dogs at an impasse as they stand their ground over a stick, both fighting for ownership of the plush insect. Eddie shoots you a wide grin, shadows cast into the deep dimples in his cheeks. Mentally, you should politely return the gesture, but you’re too desperate for an answer to worry about your expression.
“Oh my god, you should have woken me up during the night!”
“Didn’t need to.” Eddie retorts smugly, tightening his grip on the toy which emits a squeaking noise. “I had it all handled.”
“But- did you feed her?” 
“Sure did.”
“-Two hours? Like clockwork.”
“But what about-” “Changing her diaper? Sorted that too. Can’t say it’s my favorite pastime but we survived.” He chuckles, edging the caterpillar closer to Audrey’s desperate fingers. “Would’ve put her back to bed for a while, but thought she could use some time out of her straight-jacket to play.”
“It’s not a straight jacket, it’s a swaddle.”
“Well, it’s not as cool as what she’s wearing now.”
Printed on the back of the faded gray t-shirt is a tiny motorcycle, something you don’t recall purchasing for her. Eddie loosens his grip on the toy to readjust the one-size too big shirt she’s wearing, bare legs kicking excitedly on the plush mat. Her clammy fingers clamp down on the poor creature's head, which is swiftly brought into her drooling mouth for chewing. Eddie simply giggles at her antics while you try to slow your heart rate down with a calming exhale. As he rolls over, the sight before you causes your hazy vision to clear. Propping himself up on his elbow, hip taking the brunt of his weight to move his body in your direction. His hair is somehow even more unkempt than usual, but pales in comparison to Audrey’s, which looks like a half-sucked mango seed. But it’s not his hair that your eyes fixate on.
The shirt he borrowed last night has been discarded.
Light reflects off his pale skin, casting shadows into every groove and curve of his taut chest. It’s much easier to make out now the fine ink etched into his torso in the light of day, and much harder to hide your gawking. It’s not like you mean to stare at his uncovered body, but the contrast of the dark ink on his skin is positively eye-catching. Like a marble statue in a museum from centuries ago, made to be studied and appreciated for its beauty. Eddie, suddenly feeling slightly self-conscious under your gaze, clears his throat.
“Sorry- she spit up on me about 20 minutes ago and I didn’t want to wake you up to grab another one. She’s clearly not a big Bowie fan, not that I blame her.” His cheerful demeanor and Cheshire-cat smile compensates for the clear tension between the pair of you, neither wanting to address last night’s almost-kiss. Heat rises to your cheeks, the image returns of his lips hovering mere millimeters from yours, the groan caught in your throat threatening to release- “I’m gonna make some coffee.” Excusing yourself to the kitchen, you busy yourself clunking around in the cupboard looking for two clean mugs. “How did you know to feed her every two hours anyway?”
“Robin. She’s like a walking, talking baby book. Spits random facts out all the time to me.” His voice calls back from the other room.
You prep the percolator, taking care to spill a good amount of coffee grinds all over the counter and floor. All the while, the pair of best buddies giggle over something in the living room. With two cups of fresh coffee poured, you take them in either hand and carefully dodge the mess of clean laundry and assorted baby toys scattered in the doorway. The laughter only escalates as you draw nearer, placing the coffee on the ground beside Eddie, who has assumed the same tummy-time position as your daughter. Studying the pair closely, you can see that Audrey has a fat hand firmly grasped around a lock of Eddie’s hair, laughing her head off at him.
“Ow, ouch! God, you’ve got muscles, miss.” He chuckles, wincing slightly as he attempts to free his long strands from her tight grip. But he never lets his smile falter, which only further eggs her on, pulling his face closer to hers as she squeals with delight. You chuckle, taking your thumb and forefinger and placing them on Audrey’s cheeks, smooshing her mouth together with a smile.
“Get ‘im, Audrey! Kick his ass.” If Eddie could move his head more than an inch in your direction, you’re sure you’d be on the receiving end of a dirty look. Proud of yourself, you take a sip of your beverage and allow the caffeine hit to clear the remaining brain fog, placing the cup down beside you. “Aha! You’re in trouble now, Squid.” Eddie manages to free his curl from Audrey’s paw, bringing his fists up in a fighting position. He throws a couple of soft swings towards her outstretched hands, barely making contact with her palms. Back and forth, causing the baby to emit the most gorgeous laughter you’ve ever heard, pure music to your ears. As he lands his final blow, her tiny palm locks around the top of his knuckle with a squeal. Eddie dramatically collapses to the ground, a mess of hair flying around him as his face lands on the plush play mat. “Oh no, she’s twisting my arm! Have mercy, please!”
His grinning face flies back up to eye level, her eyes completely transfixed on his every move. Grabbing her small wrists gently with his hands, her gummy smile somehow grows wider as he begins colliding her hands with his face. With each mimed blow, he falls to either side like a WWF wrestler putting on their best show, complete with an agonizing groan as he feigns pain. Left hook, right hook, uppercut. Each movement is complete with a mimicked ‘whoosh’ sound from the metalhead. Clearly, the bounty of fresh toys you’d been gifted are rendered useless when Eddie is around. Audrey remains transfixed, giggling and squealing so hard you wonder if a hiccup attack is due soon. Her gaze drifts to you, the sparkle never leaving her eyes while she continues her assault on Eddie. God, she was beautiful. You wish you could bottle everything about her. Her smell. Her laugh. Her chubby legs kicking frantically. Time is moving entirely too fast for your liking.
Eddie sees her watching you, and pauses his motions. He studies your face, then hers, a voyeur encroaching on a private world in which only mother and daughter exist. Trading mutual understanding he will never completely relate to, the safety and bond formed long ago. How you look at her, and see your whole world gazing back at you. It’s beautiful. Painful. The love simmering within his core begins bubbling too quickly for him to contain it, unless he can interject in some way.
Eddie is a soldier, and his weapon of choice is outlandish humor. The perfect deflection, in his mind, to quell any tension between himself and those around him.
A tell-tale cheeky smile spreads across his face, sending up alarm bells once you clock him. 
“What?” Your tone is dripping with distrust, shooting him a warning look which does little to wipe the shit-eating grin off his face.
His eyes dart back to Audrey, who has been studying the interaction between the pair of you. As soon as their eyes lock, her gummy smile grows significantly, and you wonder if they have some psychic connection, the pair already cooking up trouble. He leans in close to her, holding his ear up to her babbling mouth as if she’s divulging some deep secret. Nodding knowingly, his expression drops and he turns his solemn attention to you.
“I’m sorry, my ladyship, but the queen has spoken. You are a traitor to the kingdom, and must be executed.” On his final word, he runs his forefinger along the length of his neck, spelling out your demise.
“Eddie, n-” Before you can finish, Eddie launches at your mid-section, spear tackling you to the soft carpet beneath you, barely avoiding the half-full coffee cup beside you. Lungs emptying with the impact, you are powerless in stopping the laughter already making itself known as a result of his antics. Eddie grin is back in full force, towering over you. You tuck your knees to your chest like a turtle stuck on its shell, arms outstretched and ready to fight. With one quick motion, he swiftly clasps his fingers around your wrist, pinning it to the floor and rendering it useless. 
“Accept your fate! It is for the good of the people.” A squawk not dissimilar to Audrey’s exits your throat as Eddie’s free hand bears into your ribs, tickling you as hard as he possibly can. His hair hangs haphazardly around his face, doing little to conceal his elated expression at his physical victory.
“Eddie! S-st-” You words are cut off as he hits a particularly sensitive spot on the side of your abdomen, your whole body tensing as you fail to control your hysterics. Eddie relishes in your discomfort, keeping a firm grip on your wrist glued to the ground. You never doubted Eddie’s strength, but seeing it in action is a different story. The brunt of his weight bears down on your wrist, but not to an uncomfortable extent, just enough to keep you in place. Mentally, you know, on your word, he would not hesitate to release you, prioritizing your comfort over any momentary joke. But the rush of endorphins rendered you drunk off their addictiveness, steady giggles vibrating in your chest and demanding more.
But you were never one to give up that easily. 
With your free hand, you snatch a clump of curls and grasp tightly, tugging slightly to bring his face nearer. His eyes light up, clearly tickled over this struggle for power and your willingness to indulge in his antics. Instead of resisting, he leans in closer to lessen the pull on his scalp.
“Pulling an illegal move on me, sweetheart?” His words are honey-sweet, juxtaposing his imposing demeanor. “Sorry, that one’s only reserved for the queen.”
“Yeah? What about this one?” Years of play fighting with distant cousins pays off in this moment, thinking quick before wrapping your legs around his small waist. The sudden contact about his midsection is enough to throw Eddie off his groove, giving you a window of opportunity to invest all of your energy into swinging your knees to one side. Thankfully, you’ve chosen the side opposite to where you’ve placed your coffee, leaving more than enough room for an Eddie-sized shape to land in the small expanse of your living room. With perfect momentum, Eddie topples over with your legs still firmly squeezing into his sides, forcing him onto his back as you take your winning position atop him. Straddling him like a schoolyard bully about to steal some poor child’s lunch money, you shoot him a smug smile to rival his own. Eager fingers find his ribs, poking and prodding and relishing in how he squirms helplessly beneath you. 
“Okay! Okay! I concede, you win.” His words are punctuated by grunts and laughter, along with frantic swats to your unrelenting hands. His flair for the dramatics has apparently rubbed off on you, throwing your fists skyward in victory. 
“Yes! In your face, Munson.” Encroaching on his space slightly, you raise your eyebrows as you relish in your triumph, drawing your face closer to his to ensure he doesn’t miss a moment of your pride. His cheeks are flushed, strands of hair littering his forehead and lips curled into a permanent smirk. Adrenaline courses through your veins, the way one would experience after a heated game of gym class dodgeball during childhood years. Giddy pride, pure indulgence over something so trivial. With a flourish, your pointer finger boops his nose condescendingly. “I own you.”
It’s hard to miss the way Eddie’s chest rises beneath you at your utterance, how his already racing heart somehow paces up a notch. He knows better than to wriggle, to give any unjust indications of discomfort beneath the soothing weight of your figure. Instead, his outlet for his energy manifests through the tips of his fingers, snaking their way around your hips. Through the thin cotton of your sweatpants, you feel the firmness of his touch. Calloused fingers mindlessly caressing circles over the fabric, setting the nerve endings hidden beneath alight. 
“You sure do.” Words barely a decibel above mumbling, as if they had slipped out with no intention of being heard by anyone other than the thinker. And unluckily, they don’t go unnoticed by you. 
Suddenly, you drop back into your body. The body currently situated above Eddie, knees either side of his waist caging him. Straddling him. Your breath catches, intellectualizing that you should probably dismount him and put much needed distance between the pair of you. But every square inch of Eddie’s framework refutes, screams and aches for this moment to last a beat longer. Begs for indulgence, fingers gripping at your waist a hint firmer, willing you to linger about his figure for an eternity. Shock waves seep through the pores of his fingertips, nullifying the internal debate you wage with yourself, leaving you needy. Possessed by comfort. Driven by the need for connection. 
Every shaky rise and fall of his chest, every circle completed by talented fingers, every miniscule shift of his waist beneath you, left you desperate for more. Simultaneously, these actions were more than enough and not even close to being enough. 
But, as with all good things, this comes to a short and sharp end as a firm knock rings out against your door. Your response isn’t immediate, no knee-jerk action to jump up and attend to your visitor, just an acknowledging head turn in the direction of the entrance. Instead, you linger, as if to mourn a moment cut short. Not knowing, but praying, there will be another like it soon.
“I’ll get it.” As if Eddie, pinned beneath you, could have any say in the matter. He relinquishes his grip on your waist, freeing you unwillingly. Climbing somewhat unsteadily to your feet, you turn your attention to the door, swinging it open to reveal a tired-looking Wayne. 
“Mornin’, darlin’. Hope I didn’t wake you.” He apologizes, placing a hand on the door-frame.
“Not at all! Eddie and I were just-” 
“What’re you doing here? You should be sleeping, old man.” Eddie’s voice cuts in behind you, you don’t need to turn around to hear the cheeky grin spread across his face.
“‘T’s what I was tryin’ to do, but I got a call from the shop. Somethin’ about one of the guys being sick, they want you to come in.” 
“Ah, but of course. No place I’d rather be on a fine day like this.” His words are dripping with sarcasm. “Let me just grab my clothes, I’ll be out in a sec.”
Feet scuffle into the bedroom as you take a step back to invite Eddie’s uncle inside. 
“Would you like a coffee, Wayne?” He takes a step into the living room, eyes landing on the playmat spread out. 
Shit, Audrey. 
For someone concerned over whether or not she was alive ten minutes earlier, your motherly instincts evaporated quickly. Lucky for you, you were blessed with a low maintenance baby, her greedy hands attempting to pick up the discarded caterpillar once again that has landed far too out of reach. Wayne’s weary eyes light up at the sight of her. “Oh, hang on, let me introduce you!”
A few short strides is all it takes to reach the mat, arms extending downwards to pick your daughter up and interrupt her important retrieval mission. Her knees scrunch up to her chest, a steady stream of drool leaving her parted lips. You settle her on your shoulder, tucking her face to your chin so you can leave a quick kiss on her forehead before turning back to your visitor.
“Wayne, this is Audrey.” It’s hard to hide your pride as you present her to him, like all mothers you’re sure you’ve got the cutest baby in the whole world. And her, a picture of big brown eyes, chubby cheeks and a gummy smile, does little to quell this notion. The older man’s weathered face transforms into a smile, extending a hand out to her.
“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Audrey.” He shakes her tiny palm in his, the formality of it causing you to giggle. He runs his hand across her mess of hair, which seldom tames it. “She’s as pretty as a picture, sweets. Glad to finally see her in the flesh, swear Eddie never shuts up about the two of you.”
“Is that right?” You don’t get an answer before Eddie comes strolling back into the room, clothes in hand and boots unlaced.
“Time to make some money! You two stay out of trouble, especially this one.” He wants a warning finger at Audrey, who shoots him her best puppy dog eyes. Grinning, he presses his lips to her chubby cheek, leaving numerous obscenely loud wet kisses behind. Audrey giggles, Eddie’s attention is her favorite kind. Once satisfied, he places his palm on the side of your head to give you a quick peck on your crown. Funny, you can’t help but feel jealous of your daughter at this moment. “See you later.”
And with that, Eddie heads out the door past his uncle, who shoots you a small wave.
“Come knocking if you need anything, darlin’.” 
“I will, thanks Wayne.”
Closing the door behind you, you look down at Audrey before heading to the kitchen. The day is still young, you have plenty of time to indulge in a slow morning with your daughter in your arms.
“Looks like we’re having a girls day.”
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“I’m sorry, you what?!” Robin’s shock is enough to cause Audrey to stir in her capsule, nestled on the desk in the back room. Being the good friend that you are, you elected to grab Robin a coffee for her lunch break, the pair of you now sitting opposite one another on unsteady metal chairs. Her tuna salad is now all but forgotten with your revelation, giving the side of the black capsule a comforting tap. “Sorry, Squid. You rest that gorgeous big head of yours. Didn’t mean to wake you since your mom just dropped the bombshell that she and Eddie nearly k-“
“Oh my god, I don’t know if that’s what it was!” Your fingers drum nervously on the cardboard cup, trying to avert Robin’s stern gaze, like a student being lectured by their principal.
“Sure, he was probably just leaning in to count your freckles.”
“Shit, I mean, maybe I gave him the wrong idea?” You contemplate the idea with furrowed brows. “Like, y’know, asking him to share my bed and all…”
“Oh no, Eddie’s not like that.” Enthralled in your story, Robin chimes in through a mouthful of pasta. “Douche-nuts like Andy? Totally. A girl in his bed is free game. But Eddie? He treads carefully when it comes to the ladies. He must have been getting some serious vibes from you.”
“Did you give him vibes? Oh, you so did.”
“No!” You think for a beat. “I mean, I don’t think so- I don’t know! It was just- it was nice.”
“Nice? Dude, the last time you kissed a guy for ‘nice’, you ended up with her.” She points her fork at Audrey, raising her eyebrows all the while.
“Well, yeah, it just felt, like- comfortable. He’s just a good guy, and it’s been a while since I was around someone like him. And Audrey loves him to death. But, I don’t know- maybe it was a stupid thing to do…”
Trailing off, you take another sip of your coffee, the much needed caffeine picking you up from your post tickle-attack adrenaline dump earlier. Robin picks around at pieces of flaky fish stuck to the sides of the Tupperware container, uncharacteristically quiet. It makes you nervous.
“What? I can smell your hair burning from how hard you’re thinking.” You chuckle somewhat shyly. Robin takes a deep inhale as her eyes meet yours with a small smile, eyes fixating on a small paint scuff on the wall.
“Do you think it’s maybe… too soon?”
Eyes widening slightly at her insinuation, you shuffle forward in your chair.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean- you’ve had a huge year. We all have. And Eddie’s wonderful, but I just can’t help but think-“
“- that maybe you just need to give it a bit more time. Before, y’know, you get involved again.”
“Well, shouldn’t I be doing things like this? You know, the whole moving on thing?”
“Of course you should! It’s just-” Robin takes a sharp inhale, balling her hands into fists the way she does when she’s suppressing something. You can tell there’s more she wants to say. Words dancing on the tip of her tongue remaining caged, mind ceasing the unshared notion before it can spill out. You know better than to press, and so, you say nothing. “- you don’t know what the future holds. Things change, Audrey’s going to grow up so fast so I just want you to savor these moments with her. Give yourself some time, okay?”
It’s hard to avoid the Steve-sized elephant in the room right now, you understand what she’s implying. But the more time passes, the more you come to accept the fact that he’s not coming back, you find yourself looking at the future. After all, you have needs, not necessarily just physical, but emotional. Longing for comfort, safety, care to give and receive with someone outside of platonic friendships. You’ve spent months upon months trying to work out where to put your love for Steve now, shoving it into the quietest corners of your mind and doing your best to ignore it. But that care will always be there, it’s a monster you’re learning to become friends with. A beast with whom you can live side by side.
But you know Robin’s right. I mean, Audrey has been earthside for six weeks, and you’re just coming to terms with your new identity as a mother. Mentally, you understand that you need to prioritize yourself, begin standing your own ground for the sake of you and your daughter. Unfortunately, your heart is telling a different story.
With a defeated sigh, you shoot Robin an acknowledging smile.
“Yeah, you’re right.”
“I know, I’m always right.” She quips back, polishing off the rest of her tuna salad and placing it beside a snoozing Audrey. “Oh shit, before I forget-“
She rummages around in her coat pocket, pulling out a slim, black wallet.
“This is Eddie’s. Accidentally grabbed it on my way out last night thinking it was mine. Take a couple of bucks out and give it back to him later, would you?”
Smiling, you shove the wallet into your bag, knowing full well you’re not about to rob the metalhead after the amount of diapers he’s changed in the last 12 hours.
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Just go home.
You don’t need to drive all the way out there.
You’ll see him later.
Thoughts on repeat like a broken record plague your drive to the auto repair shop, located on the outskirts of Hawkins. Close enough to drive to without it being an inconvenience, but far enough out of the way for it to not convincingly qualify as “oh, I was just passing by!”. By the time your car is rattling along the gravel driveway to the shop, you wish you’d taken the time to straighten out your story, hoping you won’t be bothering Eddie in the middle of his work day. Audrey, clearly tired from this morning’s antics, is dead asleep in her car seat. You take care not to stir her as you swap her back into her capsule, readjusting her beanie and tucking her duck-covered blanket in around her tiny frame. As you swing the car door closed, you catch a glimpse of yourself in the window. The sunny day has been a perfect excuse to put in a bit of extra effort, a long floral dress the perfect scapegoat to leave constricting jeans at home. A small gust of wind blows through your freshly washed hair, doing little to dull the warmth on your skin from the unobstructed sun. Black Converse scuff along the gray gravel, sending small stones flying before your free hand pushes open the office door, the bell above jingling to alert the building of your presence.
The hum of the aircon is the only noise heard above the distant tinkering in the adjacent workroom, the steady flow of air causing paper’s on the receptionists desk to flutter beneath a cat-shaped paperweight. A mess of graying curls shoots up from behind the desk, an older lady shooting you a smile as she takes her seat. “May I help you?” Readjusting the baby carrier in your hand, you make your way to the desk before placing Audrey down on the carpet. “Oh, hi! I’m just here to see Eddie. Is he around?”
Her eyebrows raise slightly, she must not be accustomed to customer’s coming in and willingly seeking out an acquitted murderer. “I think so, he should be in the workroom-”
“He is.” A gruffer, older voice interjects from the doorway to the break room, a half-eaten PB&J sandwich in hand. A man, likely in his late forties, wearing the same brand of work overalls Eddie does, enters the office space, meandering behind the desk. “He’s working on the silver minivan at the moment.”
“Oh, wonderful! I’ll go and grab him for you, doll. Won’t be a moment, take a seat.”
“Thank you.” Shooting her a grateful smile, you oblige, picking up the capsule and making your way to the worn sand-colored loveseat in the corner. Placing the capsule down beside you, you give a stirring Audrey a small tickle on her side. 
“Good morning, miss.” Audrey’s eyes flutter open, taking in the unfamiliar building. The man behind the desk watches the pair of you, taking another bite of his mediocre lunch.
“She’s a cutie. I remember when my daughter’s were that small, long time ago now. Miss those days before they saw me as a walking credit card.” The older mechanic chuckles, taking a few cautious steps towards you. With maybe three regular faces to make conversation with, one being a baby, you welcomed the opportunity for a chat.
“Thank you! Don’t worry, she’s cute but still gives me plenty of grief. But with a face like that, she knows she can get away with it.” Your joke lands well with the older man, who shoots you a kind smile in return.
“What’s her name?”
“Audrey. Although she goes by Squid, most of the time.” The man’s expression further lightens, brows quirking as he studies you from head to toe. 
“Oh, this is the famous Audrey!” Chuckling out a confused exhale, the man elaborates. “We’ve heard all about her, she’s a legend ‘round these parts. You, too.” Heat flushes your cheeks, that embarrassing yet flattering notion of gossip around you causes a million thoughts to rush through your head.
“Good things, I hope?”
“You bet. Eddie’s got a picture of you stuck in his locker and everything, came in looking proud as punch after she was born. Told us everything, how your friend passed out in the delivery room-”
“Yeah, my friend, Robin.” You can’t help but smile and shake your head at the memory, hilarious in hindsight.
“- What a classic! Not that I blame her, nearly did the same thing with my missus. But Eddie, y’know he’s not much of a talker, wouldn’t shut up about how well his girl did, how perfect the baby is-”
“Sorry, his-”
There’s no time for answers when the workroom door swings open, the receptionist returning with Eddie. Wiping oil residue off his fingers with an old rag, he’s a perfect picture of the modern working man. His hair is tied back in a ponytail, loose strands stuck to his temples from the day’s work. His overalls are unbuttoned to his navel, a stained wife-beater underneath clinging to his sweaty skin. Oh, god.
“Hey, you.” His expression is laced with concern. “Everything okay? Wasn’t expecting you to swing by.” “No, no! Everything’s cool, um. I just-” The rugged image of a man before you causes you to trip over your words, rendering you a giddy school girl talking to her crush.
“Squid missing me already, isn’t she?” He shoots a wide smile into the capsule, Audrey, now waking up and smiling at Eddie, sticks her tongue out slightly as her gummy smile grows. Reaching into the carrier, he gently untucks her blanket and pulls her out, admiring your outfit of choice for her today. Snuggled up in a sherpa-material pink onesie, he gives her a quick kiss on her forehead before propping her into the crook of his shoulder. “Thought I told you to stay out of trouble, hm? Wanna tell me what you did?”
With each sweet word Eddie mutters to Audrey, Robin’s sensible ideas are thrown right out of the metaphorical window. Hell, maybe a second baby wouldn’t be the worst idea.
“Oh, Bob! Gary needs you out back, can’t find his drillbits.” The receptionist calls out to the older man from behind the desk, busying herself flipping through the address book of clients.
“Right, I best get back to work then.” Bob gives the two of you a small nod. “Nice to meet you darl, hope to see you around.”
The mechanic leaves, but his words linger in the space like thick smog. His girl. Surely you didn’t hear that right. But, the words evoke a distant memory of being at your ultrasound appointment, how Eddie buttered up the receptionist and joked about not letting his girl go into the room by herself. He was joking. That must be what happened here, he’d just made a similar joke to his co-workers. No big deal…
“Did you, uh, need something?” Eddie’s question snaps you out of your thought spiral. “Or did you just want to give me a tiny apprentice for the day? Which I’m not opposed to, but I should warn you there’s quite a few sharp objects in there, plus I don’t think she’s strong enough to hold a wrench for me.”
“Sorry, yeah. Didn’t mean to bother you at work. Uh, Robin accidentally took your wallet last night and wanted me to drop it off to you.” Pulling the sleek wallet out of your bag, you hand it back to its rightful owner. Eddie studies the object with confusion, flashing it your way.
“Thank you, but- you drove all the way out here to drop my wallet off?”
“Yeah, well, I was kind enough not to rob you, but given how ungrateful you are for me driving all the way here to return it, I’m rethinking my good nature.” Eddie’s smile grows at your sarcastic retort, he loves having someone around that he can spar with when it comes to banter. 
“You gonna hold me hostage and drive me to the nearest ATM?”
“Actually, I’m just gonna let Audrey drool all over you until you sign the deed to your trailer over to me.”
Eddie’s expression turns deadpan.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
���Oh, but I would.” You quip, equally as serious. “Actually, I’m just gonna watch you hold her for a while. But, you know, I think she’s due for a diaper change…”
“Fine! Take me for all I’m worth, god.” He hands your daughter back to you, nose scrunched up but doing little to hide his growing smirk. “Well, I’d repay your generosity with dinner tonight, but I’ve gotta stay back late. Shop’s closed tomorrow and need to get everything ready for the customer’s Monday morning. Can we take a raincheck?”
“Of course. I mean, I know where you live, so…”
Eddie shakes his head as he picks up the capsule, gesturing for the door. 
The receptionist gives you a friendly wave as you exit, Eddie giving you a squeeze on the shoulder before retreating back inside.
“Get home safely, trouble.”
A new record plays on repeat as you drive home. 
His girl.
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The days roll on, another week passes without incident. With a quiet Friday night on the cards, Robin joins you for a movie night before the pair of you inevitably pass out on the sofa together. 
Life is peaceful. Uneventful. Bliss.
Until you’re awoken by the flash of red and blue through the living room windows, breaking you out of your slumber. It’s well past midnight, and the commotion outside your door causes your blood to run cold. Leaping to your feet, you tear the sheer curtain ajar to see the doors of the police van slamming shut, a man in uniform escorting a familiar silhouette to the patio of the opposing trailer.
“Robin!” Rushing to your friend’s side, you give her a firm shake.
“What?” She grumbles, still fighting off the call of sleep.
“The police are outside.” Her eyes shoot open at your revelation, launching herself across the room to the window. 
“Oh, shit.”
Before you can comprehend, she’s swinging the door open and running outside, shouting out to the pair in the dark trailer park. Audrey remains oblivious to the commotion, and you make the snap judgment that she’ll be okay if you leave her for just a moment to join Robin outside. Pulling on the nearest pair of shoes and grabbing your keys, you dart out the door and jog across the gravel road to the vehicle. 
The cold night is illuminated by the flashing lights refracted off the walls of Eddie’s trailer, making shadows out of the two men at the doorstep. As you draw closer, you realize the red splotches marking Eddie’s face are not resulting from the lights. His nose is bloody, a small cut on his cheekbone prominent and angry, face contorted into a permanent scowl. He’s a mess.
“Hop! What the fuck happened?” Robin calls out to the older man, who shoots her a disapproving look.
“This one thought it would be a good idea to start a fight.” Hopper has a firm grip on Eddie’s collar, soldier-marching him to the front door. “Got there before he could break any bones.”
Eddie scoffs. “Would’ve if you let me get a few more punches in.”
“You got in a fight?” Shock and disbelief lace your warranted reaction, words small in the vast night. The underlying hurt in your voice hurt Eddie more than any blow landed that night.
“No! I mean- it wasn’t like that. You should have heard him, he started it-”
“I don’t care who started it! I’m gonna be getting a call from some trust-fund baby’s dad tomorrow wanting your ass in a cell.” Hopper roughly yanks Eddie towards him, getting right in his personal space. “Now, is that what you want after all the strings I pulled for you last year?”
“Shit, Hop. We’ll take Eddie from here, clean him up inside.” Robin pleads with the policeman before turning her attention to you. “Let me deal with this, okay?”
All you can do is nod. With a loud sigh, Hopper releases the metalhead from his grip, and you quickly rush to his side and grab a fistful of his jacket, leading him towards your patio. 
You swing the door closed behind you so violently it causes Eddie to jump. Pure anger courses through your body like poison, unable to stop the venom spilling out.
“What the fuck? You got into a fight?!”
“Listen, I-” Eddie raises his hands in defense, but it’s hopeless to stop your lecture.
“Who was it?” He looks down sheepishly, avoiding your gaze. “Eddie, I said who was it?”
“Andy.” Mumbling his words, it does little to calm you down.
“Oh my god, you can’t be serious.” You run your hands down your face with exasperation as you begin to pace the room.
“Please, I can-”
“Do you understand how dangerous that was? You could have gotten hurt.”
“Well, I didn’t.”
“Your face is busted up, Eddie! Why would you do something like that?”
“Look, everyone is just making a big deal over nothing-“
“Nothing?! Eddie, you need to be keeping a low profile, if the town starts talking about you-“
“They already are, sweetheart.” Eddie spits back, much more harshly than he wanted to. He is quick to readjust his tone, scoffing his next words. “I could turn into fucking Mother Teresa and it wouldn’t do a damn thing to change what this town thinks of me.”
“Why did you do it?” For a moment, your fury subsides, genuine curiosity taking its place. Eddie sighs, pacing the room nervously.
“I, uh- ran into him when I went to grab some dinner for us. He was with a few of his meathead friends, probably out drinking. Started mouthing off to me, nothing I wasn’t used to, so I just tried to ignore it. Then he mentioned you-“ His fingers curl into his fist as he recalls the incident. “- I’m not gonna repeat what he said, but it fucking boiled my blood. I warned him to stop, but he didn’t, his friends were egging him on. So, that’s when I threw a punch, before I knew it Hopper showed up and pulled us apart- it was fucking stupid.“
“You got that right.” Expression stony, contrasting the erratically pumping heart within your chest. “I’m really disappointed in you, Eddie.”
“Join the five-mile queue, sweetheart.”
He looks completely pathetic right now. Dried blood clinging to his upper lip, the shiner beneath his left eye growing aggressive. Maternal instincts tell you to clean him up, ice his wounds and tell him he’s going to be okay. But anger permeates through your pores, causing your palms to grow clammy and making the room entirely too hot for your liking. 
“I think you should go home.”
“Just go, Eddie! I can take care of myself, alright? I don’t need you out there defending me.” You’re hurt. You’re angry. You’re scared. And you know you’re not about to take it out on him. 
His brows furrow, mouth warping into an exasperated smile, devoid of any happiness. Shaking his head, he makes a beeline for the door. 
“Sure. It’s not like you’ll need me around anymore soon.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“It’s cool, Audrey doesn’t need a fuck-up like me around.” His hand clenches around the door handle, tendons in his jawline flexing as he grinds his teeth. “Never signed up to be a dad, anyway. I don’t deserve this.”
Eddie slams the door before he sees the tears swelling in your eyes. He’s not sure if he could survive that heartbreak, knowing the words he just uttered hurt far worse than anything that left Andy’s lips that evening.
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This is what drowning feels like. 
Eddie shuts the front door to his trailer, palms pressed to the cool glass window. Breathing feels like a chore, an activity of conscious choosing in which he has no interest in partaking. Eyes screwed shut, he tunes into the sounds of Robin and Hopper hushedly discussing something, rarely is Eddie so close to his own gossip. 
Emotions suppressed deep in his subconscious trickle out of his eyes, his nose, his mouth, wetting the matted stain of blood stuck to stubble. It aches, how his stomach knots itself with every heaving sob manifesting in hot tears streaming down his cheeks. He curses his wicked tongue, the drawbridge having dropped to let forth indelible confessions flow into the small confines of your living room. He’s lost you. A fuck-up, despite every effort to do right. Inevitable, Eddie supposes, knowing fully how the cycles of relationships end in his life. And still, the regret hangs heavy in his gut, like a corpse weighed down with rocks in some desolate lake, never to be found. He would consider himself lucky to meet such a fate.
It's unclear how long he remains there, forehead pressed to the white partition, exorcizing the hurt from his body. With every convulsing gasp, every unsteady shake of his hands, he wills the pain to evaporate from the trailer. It hangs heavy in the room, engulfing him in a blanket of man-made misery, suffocating him.
The muttering between the pair outside subsides, bookmarked by the sound of tyres on gravel and the shutting of an adjacent door. The room is no longer washed in flashes of primary colors, rendering the interior dim bar the streak of moonlight making its way in. Silence and desolation fill the small room, now simultaneously too small and too large for Eddie to comfortably exist in alone. 
With unsteady steps, Eddie makes his way to the kitchenette, flicking on the overhead stove light. The room is bathed in sterile fluorescents, illuminating the stack of unwashed dishes in the sink as his eyes search for a wet rag. Ringed hands grip the lip of the bench, craving any form of physical stability. The burnt cheese stuck to the cast-iron griddle mocks him, craving his attention. He can’t look at the neglected chores a moment longer.
Like a specter floating through the room, he crouches down before his cassette player, mindlessly flicking through options in hope of drowning out his sorrows. Landing on Aerosmith’s self-titled album, he clicks open the contraption and places the cassette inside. Clicking it closed, he allows Steven Tyler’s voice to fill the empty airspace around him, Dream On playing at a comfortable volume to keep him company. 
The raspy vocals transport him back to his van, parked in the parking lot of some diner. And you, in the passenger seat, happily chowing down on a hearty burger like it was the best meal you’d ever had. How simple it was, such a small gesture on his behalf eliciting such a fulfilling happiness within you. That was the day that Squid first kicked. He could never forget the sensation, tiny feet against tender skin, his palm pressed down on your growing belly. The first hello. 
The pot begins to boil over once again, fresh tears pricking the corners of his eyes and threatening to fall. The words rattle around the inside of his head like the beads confined to Audrey’s caterpillar toy. He wishes he could take them back, his careless tongue letting his facade drop for a brief moment and exposing his deepest fears. 
Beyond the crescendoing music, he hears it.
A faint rap at the door, hands meeting glass.
Like a fawn finding its legs, Eddie stands, consciously placing one foot in front of the other. Unsure of his fate awaiting him on the other side of the partition. 
He swings the door open, and should feel a wash of relief.
Instead, he is hit with a fresh pang of guilt at the devastatingly beautiful sight before him. 
There you are, eyes wide and sparkling with unshed tears against bloodshot rims. Lip curled inwards, quivering slightly. So delicate. Your previously witnessed anger has dropped its deceitful mask to reveal its true identity; grief.
“Eddie.” He thought he would never tire of you uttering his voice, and yet, his name feels dirty being spoken by such fragile lips. Unworthy of a place within your mouth. He doesn’t reply. “I’m so sorry.”
Eddie shrinks in on himself, quickly facing away and retreating into the safety of the kitchenette. He won’t be accepting any apologies from you, knowing they’re completely unnecessary. Your comforting words twist the knife buried deep into his abdomen, further exacerbating the guilt he’s experiencing.
“Please-” Glancing over his shoulder at your quivering words, he watches you take a cautious step towards him. “I- I overreacted. It- I was just scared.”
Eddie’s face contorts into a grimace, the sudden muscle movement in his cheek causing a fresh wave of pain around the tender wound. As a steady stream of tears decorate your flushed cheeks, words begin spilling out uninhibited in their wake.
“I’m sorry I told you to go, I didn’t want you to. I just, I needed to process this. You fucking scared the shit out of me, Eddie. But I-” A hiccup contracts your diaphragm, dismantling any remaining composure. “- I really don’t want to lose you. I don’t know if I could survive that again. And what you said earlier, I know you didn’t sign up for any of this-”
Eddie wishes the ground would open him up and swallow him whole. Relieve him of the regret that is eating him alive from the inside out.
“- And I’m trying my best, but it’s so fucking hard. I know I can do this on my own.  But I want you around, I want you in Audrey’s life but I know it’s a lot. And I don’t want you to feel like you need to stay if it’s not what you want, and I’m so sorry. You were right, you don’t deserve this. And-” A sob dictates your quivering words. “- I’ll let you go if that’s what you want. I don’t think I deserve you.”
For the first time since getting home, Eddie feels like he can breathe. Like you are the source of the world’s oxygen, allowing you to fill his lungs. Standing stock still, glued to the floor beneath you, he understands that you are expecting no particular response. Filled to the brim with such strength, such self-respect, it’s contagious. 
There is no logic to his next moves, driven purely by the desire to comfort you. To be unabashedly close to you. To indulge, even for a fleeting moment, in you. His eyes locked onto yours, watching as he closes the gap between the pair of you. Clumsy feet met yours, sending shockwaves through Eddie’s system. Clasping your soft cheeks beneath his palms, running his thumb along your cheekbone, finding the firm ridges beneath supple skin. He wastes no time in pressing his wanting lips to yours, relishing in their plump sanctuary. It’s greedy, the way he laps you up, ringed fingers snaking along your jawline in a firm hold. The tip of his nose brushes against your cheek, growing damp from the residue of tears staining your face. You soften into his touch, hands finding the front of his shirt and balling it up into fists, desperately clinging onto him. As if to close off any remaining space between you, desiring to be fully consumed by one another. Boldly, his tongue meets your parted lips, relishing in their salty taste. A panting sign releases into his mouth, breaths intermingling under the sweetest of circumstances. The kiss is fumbling, entirely imperfect, teeth clashing as you greedily lap each other up. Neediness only somewhat satiated as Eddie feels the thrum of your pulse beneath his palm, the quickening of your heartbeat. A spiraling loss of control, motions dictated only by instincts. But restraint takes over, intellectualizing that you need verbal comfort in this moment too. Fighting off every screaming nerve ending in his body, Eddie’s lips pull away from yours minutely, catching much needed breath. Hot air fans across his sensitive lips as you do the same, opening your glossy eyes to gaze up at him. As your gaze bores into his, the regret within his belly is blanketed by an overwhelming sense of comfort. The bridge of his nose meets yours, bone on bone, shutting his eyes to relish in the sensation of his fingers laced around the crook of your jawline. The scent of your drugstore perfume lingering on your clothes, the track forgotten in the background drawing to a conclusion. For the first time in his sorrowful life, he is living for the moment.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
304 notes · View notes
maladaptivewriting86 · 2 months
Welcome Home - September Ch1
Eddie Munson x Reader, friends to lovers, slow burn
Also posted on ao3! This is part 1!
Summary: Reader has moved to a new city/state every few months since she was born. She shows up to Hawkins in '85 having to repeat her senior year after learning nothing last year due to changing schools 3 times.
Eddie is repeating his senior year as well, lucky for him. He meets reader in class two weeks into the year and is immediately drawn to her due to her I-don't-care attitude and her Metallica t-shirt.
The two hang out often, studying, drinking, smoking, and healing their respective traumas. But how long does reader have before her dad announces that they're packing up and leaving Hawkins forever, leaving Eddie and the new friends she's made behind forever?
Reader uses she/her pronouns but is non-binary. The term didn't exist in the 80s so she describes it as "I'm only vaguely a girl, you shouldn't really think of me as one."
Reader is AFAB, there will be references to anatomy (smut), but for the most part, she's not really "girly".
AU, the upside down doesn't exist, Eleven and Will aren't mentioned (sorry).
CW for this chapter: mentions of parents with substance abuse issues
AN: This is absolutely just self-insert for me but I really like it and maybe it will be relatable to a small number of people or just entertaining, I don't know. But thanks for reading either way!
I'm planning on each chapter being somewhere between a day to a week of in-story time. Some might be super long and others kinda short, I'm not sure. This is my very first work that I've ever written so I have no idea how its going to work. Each month will have its own chapters (all contained here in this one work) and the story will just kinda flow through the months that reader is in Hawkins. Bear with me, this all might change at some point haha. I have a lot of ideas though as this is literally just my maladaptive daydreams put to paper. Eddie makes my brain melt. Enjoy!
Walking out of the school office with your class schedule in your hand you sigh, taking in the new surroundings once again. This is the eighth high school you've been to in the past four years, and the second time you've been a senior in one of them. After moving three times last year and missing so much of your first senior year, you had to start from scratch in a new school, Hawkins High. Pretty boring to name a school after the city, but you've seen it done so many times that you don't give a shit anymore. Just as long as this is your last one.
The receptionist in the office had pointed you in the direction of your assigned locker and handed you a sticky note with the combination on it. Memorizing the numbers on the gross-yellow paper, you head in the direction she told you to go. 982, 983, 984, 985... 986. That was yours. You stop in front of it and rest your head on the door as you look down and turn the lock in the correct order. You had no faith that this year would be your last, you already accepted that if you couldn't finish high school on your second attempt, then you would just drop out and figure out what to do after that. School is fucking tiring.
The bell rang to signal change of classes and students began to flood the hall. Already missed the first period and study hall, off to a great start. As you pop the lock open and step back a little to open the door, a solid body slams into your side and a book goes sliding down the corridor.
"Hey, watch it freak!" The body yells at you.
You turn to look at who just walked into you. It was a girl with platinum blonde hair in a super high ponytail; a cheerleader uniform; and her tits on full display, absolutely breaking the dress code.
"Sorry, didn't realize you liked to walk with your eyes closed." You grumbled as you rolled your eyes and turned back to your locker, beginning to unload your binders from your bag. She walked into you , that was definitely not your fault.
"What?" She snapped. She took a few steps to the side so that she was right next to you continuing to stare at the side of your face, and at your Metallica shirt, and your ripped black jeans, and dirty shoes. She instantly clocked you as someone who was beneath her so she narrowed her eyes and gave a sickening smile. "Ohhhh... great, another freak to join the freakshow. Just watch yourself okay? And don't get dirt on my uniform." She accented the last line by wiping down the front of her skirt with her hands aggressively a few times before stepping away and bounding down the corridor with her group of friends who looked identical to her, ponytails swishing in unison as they walked. One of them stopped to pick up the book that was dropped and handed it back to who you assume was their leader. All five of them turned to sneer at you before continuing on their way.
"I fucking hate cheerleaders." You thought to yourself as you closed your locker and looked at your schedule again. Your second class was English. An easy enough class, after a bit of a rough start in the hall.
As you entered your classroom you made your way to the desk at the front where the teacher was sitting.
"Hi, I'm y/n. I'm new, I just moved here yesterday and I was told to introduce myself to my teachers when I got to class so... hi." You said quietly to your new English teacher.
"Well hi! I'm Ms. Davies, it's nice to meet you. I'll write your name into the class list. Can I see your schedule?" She seemed way too smiley and chipper for your liking, but at least she didn't seem like she was going to be a hard-ass.
You handed her your schedule and she nodded and confirmed that you were in the right class. She copied your name down on her attendance list and then stood up, handing back your schedule.
"Please don't-" before you could ask her not to, she began announcing your name and welcoming you to the class.
"We have a new student today! Y/fn. Everyone please be kind, she'll be a little bit behind as we've already gotten through two weeks of curriculum but I'm sure she'll catch up quickly!" Smiling, probably very proud of herself for embarrassing you, she turned to you and pointed to an empty pair of seats at the back of the class. "You can take a seat back there... I would say 'next to Mister Munson' but it seems that he won't be joining us again-" just as she said that, a boy with long, curly, brown hair, a denim jacket adorned with pins and patches, ripped jeans, and absolutely no school supplies walked into the class. "Well, never mind. Here he is." She said, a little surprised by this guy's sudden appearance.
Keeping your head down to avoid the stares that you were most certainly receiving, you made your way to the back of the class and sat down in one of the seats Ms. Davies had pointed to.
The long haired boy's eyes hadn't left you since he walked through the door. He also made his way to his seat and sat down just slightly after you. "Metallica fan eh?" He said, nodding to the t-shirt you were wearing.
"Yeah." You said, a little more blunt than you meant for it to sound. "One of my favorites." You added, noting that most of the decor on his vest were metal bands.
"You've got good taste." He crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, clearly not intending to pay attention to the class.
"Thank you." You said, honestly. "You seem to as well," pointing at one of his pins, you said "Judas Priest is pretty good too."
The boy beamed. He was honestly really cute, especially when he smiled and his dimples were on full display. He squeezed his crossed arms tighter and wiggled a little, obviously a little giddy, and leaned over to you a bit "I like you. I think I'm going to annoy you for the rest of the year." He said with a sort-of-joking-sort-of-not tone.
You let out a soft laugh and smiled back at him. "Sounds good." You replied, somewhat sarcastically, though you also weren't going to say no to gaining a friend immediately. Especially one who seemed to have the same taste as you. 
He extended one of his hands toward you, intending for you to shake it. "My name’s Eddie." He introduced himself smoothly, his name sounded so royal leaving his tongue.
"I'm y/n." You replied, shaking his hand gently. His fingertips were a little rough, he probably played guitar. "I guess you missed when my name was announced to the world by Ms. Davies up there." You let go of his hand and gestured lightly up to the front of the room where Ms. Davies was writing something on the board. Something you're already not learning.
"I did miss that, unfortunately. I'm sure it wasn’t embarrassing at all and everyone was all 'hi y/n! Welcome to Hawkins High! We hope you have a wonderful time here! Go Tigers!'" He raised the pitch of his voice when he imitated the students, making you laugh a little harder than before.
"That's absolutely horrifying! You make them sound like a cult! I'm glad they didn't say that to me, I think I would've walked right out the door and never came back!"
"I think anyone would!" He chuckled. He looked very pleased with himself that he made you laugh as he leaned back in his chair, arms crossed again, but still smiling wide.
As the two of you settled into comfortable silence, you took your notebook out of your bag and attempted to take notes on… MooBath ? With the fantastic mixture of Ms. Davies’ terrible writing, your terrible eyesight, and your lack of glasses, the board at the front of the room was nearly unreadable from where you were sitting. Squinting your eyes and leaning forward you could make out that it was actually MacBeth that she was teaching, not something a cow would say while getting cleaned.
“Forgot your glasses at home?” Eddie asked softly. 
“No, I don't have any. Can't afford them.” You said simply, trying not to make a big deal over the fact that your parents didn't care enough about you to spend less money on their addictions so they could actually take care of their child. 
“Oh. Well that sucks. You should sit closer to the front then.” He said, like it wasn't the most obvious solution. 
You laughed lightly, “I would've but this was the only seat open and I doubt anyone would be kind enough to move just for me.” You looked back at him, he looked very comfortable leaning back in his chair, his eyes still fixed on you. 
“Don't ask ‘em then. Just sit. We don't have assigned seating so you can sit wherever you want.” He shrugged and leaned forward, putting his crossed arms on the desk. “Plus it would be fun to see the cheerleaders whine about not getting their way.” A somewhat devious smile spread across his face. 
“We'll see.” You said with a small smile, turning your attention back to the teacher. You decided that after missing the first half of the lesson you should at least try to take notes from just her voice alone. It was a struggle, she talked very fast and went on plenty of tangents that didn't have much to do with the subject matter. By the end of the class, you had about a page and a half of notes that you were only 60% confident in being correct and a bit of a headache from squinting at the board. 
The bell finally rang while Ms. Davies was mid-sentence. It startled her a bit but she dismissed you all and wished everyone a good rest of the day. On to lunch!
As you packed up your things and exited the classroom, Eddie stuck right by you chattering away. “Hey you should come sit with me and my friends for lunch! You'll fit right in! They're metal fans too!” He seemed to have a ton more energy than he did in class for some reason, or maybe he was quiet on purpose so that you could try to take notes. 
Stopping at your locker to exchange your books for your lunch, you smiled at him “Okay, I'd love to.” Why not? Worst that could happen is they hate you and you spend your time at another school completely alone. Best case? You gain some friends for a bit, until you have to pack up and move to another town in a month or two. 
You could feel that Eddie was practically vibrating as he led you to the cafeteria, eager to introduce you to his friends. He kept his hand on your shoulder like he was afraid you'd run away or get lost on the short journey. Approaching the long lunch table he waved his hand toward a few younger boys on the left, probably freshmen or juniors, and ordered them to “Scoot!”. They looked at him like he asked them to sacrifice themselves. “I said scoot!” He repeated, now using both hands to usher them all down one seat. 
“Well, you don't have to-” you tried to stop the disruption of their natural seating but Eddie just waved at you stating “They're fine. Have a seat!” He beamed once again when you took your seat, every single boy at the table staring at you like you'd just appeared out of thin air. 
“Friends, this is y/n.” Eddie gestured to you like he was unveiling a masterpiece at a museum. The rest of the table greeted you with tentative “Hi.”s. One guy in a leather jacket, on the opposite side of the table asked “You managed to bring a girl to our table? How'd you do that man?”
You chuckled a little “Well, I'm only vaguely a girl, you shouldn't really think of me as one if that makes you more comfortable. You can call me whatever you want, honestly. I’ve heard it all. But I wouldn't be caught dead hanging out with cheerleaders and doing my makeup and giggling and shit. I'm not into all that girly stuff. But uh… anyway… hi.” You gave a little wave and looked at everyone around the table. Most of the older guys looked similar to Eddie in terms of clothing style. They looked pretty metal and some of them had jackets like Eddie. The younger boys were a little more toned down but they seemed to fit in really well with the general vibe of the table. 
Eddie smiled at you as he pulled up a chair and sat at the head of the table, like a king, you thought. “y/n here, is a new kid. Just moved in from…” He looked to you to finish his sentence for him. 
“I don't even know, I only lived there for three months. Somewhere in south Indiana. Started with a B I think?” you shrugged. You genuinely couldn't remember the name, and the city itself was already a blur in your memory, as with most of the cities you've lived in. 
“Bloomington?” one of the boys to your left asked. He had very curly hair tucked up into a hat that said Thinking Cap .
“Yeah, sure, that sounds right.” You replied, opening your lunch bag and taking out the sandwich you made this morning. “Pretty boring place if you ask me.”
“Hey, wait, are you the one that just moved next door to me?” Another boy to your left asked. This one had shoulder length black hair and bangs, it kind of seemed like he was trying to look like Eddie if you were being honest.
“Probably? I just got here, dude. I don't even know my own address, let alone yours!” You laughed, trying not to sound mean, but wanting to get the message across that you don't know anyone or anything in this town. You took a bite out of your sandwich and looked towards Eddie, who was once again leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed, looking at you.
Eddie laughed and adjusted his sitting position so that he was leaning back just a little bit more, legs spread apart like he owned the place. “She’s new, like I said. But I think she fits in with us already. An outcast, a metal head, possibly a freak like yours truly.” He meant “freak” in the same way that the cheerleader had meant it when she walked into you at your locker; a person who doesn't conform to the normie bullshit and instead proudly displays their true self to the world.… that's probably how he meant it, you think. 
“I appreciate that, Eddie.” you said, smiling at him. Something in his eyes flashed as you said his name, fear? Arousal? Just simple appreciation? You weren't sure.
The rest of the table appeared to accept that you were part of the group immediately. It seemed that Eddie was their leader and they would follow his every word. Again, like he was a king. Unlike other “kings” you had met, Eddie actually seemed to take pride in being a leader; he accepted the responsibility and he cared about his “subjects” a huge amount. He certainly had power, but his friends respected him and his ideas. It felt very fair. 
“So what do you guys do in this town?” You asked between bites of your sandwich. “Sex, drugs, alcohol and loud music?” You were only half joking with that suggestion, they were the main things most people did in every place you've been to, but you were looking for more of a “places to go” answer.
“I mean, you're pretty spot on.” The guy right across the table piped up. He had sort of poofy hair and a plaid vest that had a bunch of pins on it. “We’re in a band so… we’re the loud music bit.” He gestured to Eddie and the two other guys on his side of the table.
“Woah really?” You were honestly a little excited about this information. “I assume a metal band, yeah?”
“Duhhhhh!” Eddie droned, rolling his eyes dramatically. “Nothing else is worth playing.”
“Well, slow down there cowboy.” you laughed, “Other music is good too! Doesn't all have to be sick guitar solos and screaming your lungs out. Sometimes it's nice to chill out to some Elvis.”
“Oh god.” Eddie suddenly looked scared and sick as he stared directly at you. “I was wrong… you're secretly… a normie!” He dramatically flailed his arms and pretended to pass out, like the shock of your extended music taste had killed him. The whole table laughed at him, you included. The sheer drama of this man was keeping you hooked, you were already having fun and you had only just met him. He was comfortable to be around though, like you’d known him since childhood. When he opened his eyes and sat up, you were the first thing he looked at, your smiling face, laughing at his little act.
“You should come watch us play some time!” The guy in the plaid vest offered.
Pulling your eyes away from Eddie, you answered, “I’d love to! Where do you play?” You absolutely would love to see them play! You just hope that they’re some kind of good.
“Every Tuesday at a bar called The Hideout. It's a little far from here.” 
“Oh… well I don't have a car, anyone I could hitch a ride with?” You asked, looking around the table. The younger kids probably didn't have cars either but maybe they had other friends who went to see the band play.
“We can drive you.” Eddie answered quickly. “You can be our first groupie.” You think you saw him wink at you.
“Hold on, really? You never offer rides to non-band members. Something about the sanctity of the van or something?” Plaid vest looked shocked at Eddie’s immediate offer.
“Yeah, well, I've made an exception.” Eddie waved his hand and his words were accepted.
“Really, you don't have to if that's not your thing. I can find my own way there some time, or I'll watch you play someplace else. No biggie. Don't make exceptions for me, I'm not special.” You pleaded. You really didn't want to just force your way into their group, it could end badly if you pissed people off. You could handle being alone or kicked out but you wouldn't be able to handle being the reason the band or the friend group broke up.
“No, really, it's fine. If we bring you along then you'll be forced to listen to our whole set and then maybe we'll finally have a fan!” Eddie explained. “We play tonight if you want to come?”
Suddenly feeling a bit overwhelmed, you pulled away, “I… can’t tonight. I have a lot of unpacking to do. I still have to find all my clothes.” You laughed a little uncomfortably. “Next time though, yeah?”
Eddie looked a little saddened by that, but understanding nonetheless. “That's okay!” He reassured, “Next time.” He gave a warm smile to let you know he wasn't trying to pressure you.
“We- we also have a DnD club!” Thinking Cap kid said excitedly.
At this, your eyes brightened. You'd played DnD a few times at different schools, they always ended on cliffhangers though, because you left before the campaign could really get going. “Really!?” You asked. “That's so cool!”
Everyone at the table got excited then; asking you if you were serious, what kind of character you played, if you've ever DM'd, just question after question, none of them getting answered. You laughed as the boys bombarded you with queries and Eddie progressively got more and more annoyed with them. 
“SHUT UP! SHUT UP!” He yelled, silencing the table immediately, and a few others next to yours. He was standing now and he turned to you, “You're lying right? There's no way you're actually into DnD.” He looked a little hesitant waiting for your answer. Hopeful, maybe, that you were telling the truth. 
“No, I'm not lying! Honestly, I've played a few times but none of the campaigns I've been a part of have gotten anywhere because I moved before we could get to the good stuff.” You explained. 
“Ho-ly-shit!” Eddie said, emphasizing each syllable. “You're perfect. You're actually perfect. Sent from heaven, we've gained an angel, boys!” He raised his arms to the air like he was praising a God, the table roared with excitement again. Then he dropped his hands down onto the table with a bang! Making you all jump a little. 
Suddenly very serious, he leaned into his hands, looming over you slightly and asked “What's your class and level?”
Realizing he was quizzing you, or maybe this was a hazing? You answered immediately, “I play a Half-Elf Paladin named Sebastian. With my limited amount of play time I've managed to eke him up to level 5.” proud of your answer you lifted your chin up to Eddie, showing him you weren't lying and you definitely knew your shit. 
The table was silent again, watching the two of you battle. “Backstory?” He questioned. 
“Sebastian was abducted by a group of thieves when he was 15. He spent 20 years under their command, being the muscle to their brains. One night, the thieves’ camp was raided and Sebastian joined the raiders’ side, killing the people who took him hostage. Now, he's sworn an oath to kill or punish every thief or criminal who holds prisoners or slaves captive. He’s also searching for his lost parents that he was ripped away from.” You held eye contact with him the whole time you told your story. Your character's backstory was something you were very proud of and you weren't going to let him make a fool of you. 
Eddie leaned back away from you, sitting comfortably in his chair again. “Not bad.” he praised. “I'm thoroughly impressed. I guess we can add ‘nerd’ to your list of qualities that make you fit in here.”
You smiled at him, a warm feeling in your chest growing as you felt the validation from him. “Thank you. I wear that title with pride.”
“Okay! So she's joining us right!? This is fricken awesome!” Thinking Cap shook his clenched hands in front of him in excitement. 
Still staring at Eddie, you raised an eyebrow to him, questioning if he wanted you to join or not. 
“That's up to her.” He stated. “I think it's clear that the invitation is open.” 
Glancing at the table full of smiling guys, all of them on the edge of their seat, waiting for your answer, you simply said, “Then I accept.”
The table roared a final time and you received a few pats on the back and a few “Welcome to hellfire!”s. Meanwhile, Eddie was grinning from ear to ear, trying to play down his excitement, but you could see the way he squeezed his crossed arms together, the same way he did when you talked about music in class. He was definitely happy that you said yes. 
When the excitement finally died down and everyone settled into a lighter conversation, Eddie scooted his chair closer to you and whispered somewhat close to your ear. “If we're too much for you, you can tell us to back off. I didn't mean to bombard you with so much shit on your first day. You just seem really cool, and that's rare around here, so I wanted you to have some equally cool friends.”
Turning your head slightly to look at him, you noticed how comfortable he was with being so close to you. And how comfortable you were with it as well. “I'm enjoying it actually,” you whispered back. “I've never felt this welcome before.”
“Good.” Was all he said as he moved away from you, showing off his dimples again with a smile. 
You finished your lunch while listening to the multiple conversations happening around the table. Two boys were bickering, three were talking about guitar solos, and Eddie and Plaid Vest were discussing something very quietly. You thought to yourself “Okay, I definitely think like it here for once.”
“Hey, lunch is almost over,” Plaid Vest announced, looking to you. “What class do you have next?”
Reaching into your back pocket, you pulled out your schedule. “Ummm… History, with O'Donall.” 
“NO WAY!” Eddie yelled from right beside you, startling you a bit. “So do I! Let me see your schedule!” 
You handed the paper over to Eddie and both he and Plaid Vest (you really should have asked everyone’s name) looked over every class. “None of those are with me, unfortunately.” Plaid Vest said, slightly disappointed. The end-of-lunch bell rang and students began packing up their lunches, returning their trays, and leaving the cafeteria. “I'll see you later tho!” He waved at you with a genuine smile and left the cafeteria.
“You’ll never fucking believe this, but we have every single class together!” Eddie said excitedly.
“No way.” You said flatly, you did not believe that one bit. The rest of the table started packing up their things as well and heading out. Everyone gave you a polite “bye” on their way out.
“I'm serious! Well, except for first period, but the rest of today we do! I’d show you my own schedule but it's in my locker.” Eddie insisted. He stood up as you did and kept to your side as you made your way back to your locker to gather your things. 
“So what you're saying is: I'm never going to get rid of you?” You joked, opening up your locker.
“Oh absolutely!” Eddie said with a devilish grin on his face. “Guess you and I have to be friends forever now.”
“Well… forever for me might only be a couple months before I move again, but I think I can handle you for that long.” You teased, pulling the last of your class stuff out of your locker and shutting it.
“You're going to move again? You just got here.” Eddie asked. You both started down the hall towards history class, Eddie leading the way.
“Well, I've moved probably near fifty times in my eighteen years of life, so… it's not unlikely that I'll move again.”
“FIFTY!?” Eddie yelled
“Calm down,” you laughed at his sudden outburst, that number usually surprises people. “Yeah something like that. Makes it hard to keep friends.” You said, sounding a lot sadder than you meant to.
“That fucking blows. Why do you move so much?” Eddie was genuinely curious about you, he was leaning in and listening to your every word.
“You'd have to ask my dad. He pisses off a lot of people and then we’re forced to skip town before he gets his ass beat.” You explained. “He's not in trouble with the cops or anything, just like… landlords, neighbors, bar owners, liquor store employees… pissed off a mayor once too.” God your dad’s a mess.
“Wow, what an asshole.” He stepped through the doorway of your history class and held his arm out in front of him, waving you through like you were royalty. It made you laugh, and made other people stare.
“You're telling me.” You said, exaggerated. You walked past Eddie and quickly made your way to the teacher at the head of the room, wanting to introduce yourself quickly this time so that there weren't so many students in the room for her to announce your presence to.
This teacher, once again, confirmed that this was the right class and welcomed you to Hawkins High. As she finished writing your name on the attendance sheet, a shrill voice let out an exasperated “UGH!” from behind you. 
“This is my seat, you freak! Go find a trash can to sit in, or better yet! Go jump off a bridge!” The same blonde haired cheerleader who had smashed into you in the hall was currently screaming at Eddie, who was sitting at a pair of desks in the third row with his feet on the table, not looking at her at all.
“Miss Blackwell! That is enough! None of these seats belong to anyone! Please find another desk to sit in. Mister Munson has already chosen that one.” Ms. O'Donall stated, sternly. She then sighed and added, “And thank you for joining us today, mister Munson.” sounding like she was annoyed that he showed up at all.
The cheerleader and her friend stomped away from Eddie who was now smiling at you, very proud of himself. They sat down at a different pair of desks which caused another two students who had just walked in, to be upset and move back a row, they caused another two to move, and another, and another, and another. Eddie had just disrupted almost every student’s seating habit single-handedly.
“What are you doing?” you whispered to Eddie as you took your seat next to him. “You really wanted to hear the cheerleaders whine huh?”
“Of course! It sounded like fun when I suggested it, and I didn’t think you would do it, so I did.” He took his feet off the desk in front of him and leaned toward you so only you could hear him. “Plus, I figured this was a good spot, you can see the board from here right?”
Did he really just force some cheerleaders to move seats just so that you wouldn't have to sit at the back of the room and squint to see the board? “Eddie!” You whispered, scolding him a bit. “You did not just do that so I could see the board.” You were looking him directly in the eyes, searching for some other explanation than kindness towards you, someone he just met.
Eddie just shrugged his shoulders with a big smile on his face and leaned back in his chair, assuming the same position as he seemed to always do, arms crossed, legs spread.
You continued to stare at him, bewildered that someone would do that for you. A loud voice pulled you away though, “Miss y/ln. I don't think today's lesson is on mister Munson’s forehead, so could you face the board where it actually is, please?” Ms. O’Donall, who you now know will be a hard-ass, was looking directly at you, lips pursed together. “Sorry.” you said quietly, and turned to face her. She nodded sharply and went back to the lesson. You heard a few giggles from behind you, probably the cheerleaders. 
You took out your notebook and began copying the notes Ms. O'Donall was writing on the board, trying your hardest to not look at Eddie. Something in your head kept wanting to stare at him, to get closer to him, to really make a friend this time around. But you knew if you did that, it would end in heartbreak when you were dragged off to another city with your parents. So you pushed it all down. Hanging out with the boys won't be so bad, there's no harm in having fun, you just won't let yourself get too attached to them and the break will be clean. Hopefully. 
The rest of the day went by smoothly. You managed to get some notes from Ms. O'Donall on the two weeks that you missed so you wouldn't be so behind. And your last class of the day was biology, probably the only class that you learned anything in during all of last year, so it felt like more of a review than new information. Eddie chose to sit you near the front in biology as well, though no one yelled at him in that class, which was honestly surprising. 
When the final bell rang, Eddie followed you once again to your locker. “How did you understand a single thing that Mr. Grinnell said?”
“I've been through it before. This is my second senior year. Fuck every other class, but bio? That's my shit. Well, and art, but that doesn't count.” You explained, pulling your jacket and backpack from your locker. 
“I dunno, I've been through it before too, but I think it made even less sense this time around.” He rubbed his forehead like thinking made his brain hurt. 
You closed your locker and placed your hand on his shoulder. “If you need some help, I don't mind. After all you've done for me so far, I think I owe you something. We can help each other finally finish our senior years. Well… help each other for as long as I'm here.”
Eddie pulled his hand away from his face and looked up at you. “You serious? Because I think I could really use the help. I'm dumb as shit so it might be a challenge, but I'm not gonna say no if it means we get to hang out.” He seemed to be excited about your offer. 
“Yeah, I'm absolutely serious. Gives me a reason to stay away from my house and my parents.” You really hated sitting around the house with your dad who was always drunk and mad, and your mom who was always high and stupid. “But not tonight though, I really do have to find my clothes or else I'll be showing up to school tomorrow in this exact outfit. Plus, you have a gig to get to.” You smiled at him warmly, making sure he knew that you weren't just being nice for the sake of it. You really did like the idea of having someone to keep you on track in school, and you had no problem with helping him do the same. 
“Deal!” He excitedly accepted and stuck out his hand for you to shake. 
You took his hand and gave it a firm shake. “No taking that back now, we've made a deal!” You said, pointing at him. 
He grinned. “Scout's honor!” he swore, raising his hand to place it over his heart, his other hand still holding yours. 
The two of you made your way outside, ready to head home. “Need a ride?” Eddie offered. 
“No, that's okay, I'll walk.” You politely declined. 
“Are you sure? If you live near Wheeler, that's a pretty far walk!” Wheeler must be the kid you moved in next to. The one with black hair that looked like Eddie’s. 
“Honestly, it's not that bad of a walk. I made it to school that way.” Granted, you were late two periods, but that wasn't entirely your fault. You didn't have your alarm clock unpacked yet and you woke up later than you meant to. “It's pretty straightforward. Plus, it's how I usually learn the city. If I get lost, I'll just wander till I find my way back.”
Eddie looked a little worried for a moment so you patted him on the shoulder and reassured him, “I'll be fine. Promise. I'll see you tomorrow, yeah!?” 
He hesitated for a moment but you could see him decide against arguing with you. “Alright then, yeah. See you tomorrow, y/n.” He said, nodding and smiling. 
“Bye, Eddie.” You gave him a big smile and a little wave and headed off in the direction of your new house. 
The walk home took about 20 minutes, plenty of time to sort out your head and take note of all that had happened in the day. You made six friends in one day, definitely a new record for you! You joined a DnD party, possibly became a groupie, pissed off some cheerleaders, and gained a study buddy. There's a good chance that this town wasn't going to be the worst you've ever stayed in. But the looming question of “just how long will this last?” would never leave your mind. 
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sleeeeping · 1 year
       ✿ 、𝗺asterlist  ﹗
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    warnings !
english its not my firts language, lazy, request whatever you want, im still editing my profile
      ─────────̸ ♡ ─̸────────
    𔖱  𔓕 fand𝗼m̲s i writ𝗲 𓏲 ٬
Wednesday Addams, Enid Sinclair, Xavier Thorpe, Bianca Barclay, Ajax Petropolus, Tyler Galphin
Jake Sully, Neytiri, Neteyam, Lo'ak, Kiri, Ao'nung, Tsireya, Roxto, Tonowari, Ronal
Mike Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair, Dustin Henderson, Jane Hopper, Will Byers, Max Mayfield, Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Chrissy Cunnigham, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buclay
       𝇄 ꩜   𝗶 write   〟
☆ smut, fluff, angst, lgbtq, male reader, fem reader, non binary reader, anime/ character! Reader, tall diferents, kinks , ect.
      𝇄 ꩜   𝗶 dont write   〟
☆ family x reader (just platonic stuff, or if my dignity decides to write adoptive family x reader), pedophilia, zoophilia, extreme gore scenes, no exact name for reader
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wolfman-moony · 1 year
 Fanfic requests open!
My requests for stories are open!!
I’ll write any character on this list x male reader, non-binary reader, gender neutral reader, gender fluid reader, any specific pronouns you request I’ll do.
My rules on what type of stories I will, and will not right↓
Fandom and characters I’ll write for!
~Harry potter~
Draco Malfoy
Blaze Zebini
Viktor Krum
George Weasley
Bill/William Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Cedric Diggory
~Stranger Things~
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Gareth Emerson
Billy Hargrove
Nancy Wheeler
~Julie and the phantoms~
Alex Mercer (i’ll only write male reader for him)
Reggie Peters
Luke Patterson
Harry Hook
Gil LeGume
Carlos De Vil
~The 100~
(Note: I’ve only watched the first two seasons of the 100 so far)
Jasper Jordan
Monty Green
John Murphy
~D & D Honor among thieves~
Simon Aumar
~The school for good and evil movie~
Hort Hook
~Z nation~
Sarge/Lilly Madison Mueller
~Words on the bathroom wall~
~Diary of a wimpy kid~
Rodrick Heffley
~The Entitled~
Dean Taylor
~The Santa clause movies~
Bernard the head elf
~Evil Dead Rise~
~Matthew Lillard Characters~ 
Tim LaFlour
Stu Macher
Shaggy Rogers
Emmanuel "Cereal Killer" Goldstein
William Afton
Brock Hudson
Roger Sperling
And most any other character Me has played as long as I know the character 
56 notes · View notes
If you're not comfortable writing this that's completely okay
Can I request Eddie with an FTM Reader boyfriend who has really bad cramps and he's dysphoric because he's on his period, and Eddie tries his best to help?
This could go from cuddles to "sex helps with cramps right?" With a sprinkle of breeding kink?
Again if you're uncomfortable, I understand
Hi, thanks for the request and your patience. I feel really touched that you feel safe enough to come with me for this request! As a note, I am not a trans man and thus, my depiction of this event will not be fully accurate. If there is anything that I have portrayed inaccurately, please let me know and I’ll be happy to correct it and learn more. I am completing this request in the hopes to allow others to be seen and to create more space for trans people in the community. 
Disclaimer: Some of what has been portrayed in this blurb is based off the interviews and research conducted in the article, “Queering Menstruation: Trans and Non-Binary Identity and Body Politics” by Sarah Frank. I recognize one article is not enough to get a full picture of an entire community. But I hope there is something that this fic gets right for folks and that it expands this conversation even just a tiny bit. 
CW: This request does deal with periods and feelings of dysphoria. If that triggers you, please do not read. Seriously--don’t do it. There is a read more higher up than I usually do to accommodate. 
Eddie Munson x Trans!Male Reader. Reader is 20.
Send me a request here! Currently writing for Eddie Munson. I write for a variety of reader inserts (male, female, gender neutral, POC too).
Feel free to look through my masterlist here!
There is a cruelty to it all--you’re sure of it. As you’re curled up under the sheets, back of your hands wiping at your cheeks, you are sure that this has to fall under the stark definition of cruel and unusual punishment. The worst part of it all is that it’s not unusual. One week out of every month--it’s supposed to be natural and yet, something about it hangs like an anvil ready to take your head. Maybe it’s the language--what you grew up around. Maybe it’s more than that, maybe it will always be more than that. But the inescapable fact of your reality is that you are here--curled up under sheets. 
To make matters worse, the cramps are horrible this time. So much so you puked at work and got sent up. It’s a reminder of a simple fact: this body isn’t really yours. Not yet anyway. This body is not doing everything you wish it wouldn’t. This body still doesn’t show who you really are. But you’re carrying it around, all 206 bones, all twenty feet of small intestines, fingers, toes, elbows, eyeballs. You’re carrying around a body that still mocks you for an entire week out of the month. Twelve weeks in a year. Much too long to suffer and too many times to feel like the butt of a cruel twisted joke. 
You turn your head, pulling it up off the pillow just enough to see Eddie’s head peeking in through the door. His eyes are still big, wet, and bright even in streaks of daylight behind the partially open curtains. “Hi,” you whisper. Your voice is thick and rough--probably from the lack of water. 
“How-how can I help?”
It’s like Eddie knows. You rest your head back onto your pillows and let out a sigh. “I-” you start, and then stop hearing how your voice catches in your throat. When you blink, tears fall down your eyes, along the apple of your cheek down to your ears. “Don’t know,” you conclude.
Eddie’s careful and quiet as he approaches. The bed dips and you can hear him shucking off the layers. He doesn’t unravel you from your sheets. Instead, he curls one arm around your waist and rest his cheek against yours. There’s some scruff, no doubt from the couple of days that have lapsed since his last shave. 
The thought lights your chest on fire. It’s a soothing tactile sensation. You wish you could bury it pores of your skin. You want turn, face Eddie better and when you go to plant your feet, a sharp zing of pain runs from your spine to your stomach. The movements are paused and you bury your head in your pillow before the shaky shout climbs out of your chest. The frustration--sadness and fear intertwined as well--bubble up and out of your lips into the pillow. Eddie’s arm squeezes around your waist. “Hey,” his voice is soft against your cheek. “Hey, I got you, sweet boy. It’s okay.”
He means well. You know he does. You try to focus on the soft and steady pass of Eddie’s palm over your stomach. It’s reassuring just a little. It lets you know you’re not physically alone. 
“There’s gotta be something I can do. Tea? I think I can be trusted not to burn down a kitchen to fix some tea. Hot compress?” Eddie’s fingers find your chin, sliding up to your cheek. He wipes away some of the fresh tears that have fallen. “Please,” he whispers. 
You can’t tell if he’s pleading with you or some unfathomable force of the universe. You hope whoever is out there listens. 
“I don’t know if I can move right now,” you whisper out shakily. “I’m not even sure I’m thinking at all.”
“Greg said he had to send you home. Said you puked.”
You nod. “I did.”
“You take anything yet for the cramps?”
The words makes your skin crawl, and you try not to react physically to it. “I fell asleep once I got home. I think I got crackers and ginger ale down.”
The bed shifts again. Eddie’s warmth leaves your back and side with the shift. There’s a crinkle somewhere to the left of you. “If this is a fresh sleeve, you only got a couple down.”
“Sounds about right,” you hum. 
“Did you keep it down?”
“Yeah, I did.”
Eddie’s hair greets you before he does, some wisps of the ends falling around your nose. “You stay here. Don’t move a muscle and I’ll be back in a minute okay?”
“Okay.” That much you can do. 
You can only listen to the shuffle. The bathroom door cracks open, the medicine cabinet clicking open. There's a rattle and you're pretty positive that it’s Eddie grabbing some meds. There’s more clicking. The light from the hallway dims and then Eddie’s shadows pass along the walls. He’s further now from you, probably in the kitchen. You listen and listen and listen. 
“Can you do me a solid?” Eddie asks. 
You catch his body halfway hanging inside the room as he rests his weight against the wall and the door. “Depends.”
“Ah, there he is. But what’s your favorite mug?”
Your brows furrow at the question. “I-I don’t have a favorite mug.”
“Nonsense. You have to have that one mug or cup that if you drink something out of it it just tastes better. Now c’mon cough if up.”
You laugh--not that you really want to, but because the question is so ridiculously Eddie that you can’t help it. “Uh, there’s a mug from my trip to Arizona that I really like.”
“Got it, Arizona mug. Thank you, lovebug.” Eddie’s gone again, you watch him disappear this time. 
“Arizona mug does have a nice ring to it,” you mutter to yourself. You blink your gaze over to the alarm clock to check the time. It’s just before 4. You got sent home from work around 11 this morning. 
Eddie has a ritual--comes by your job after work and hang out until the end of your shift, usually around 4:30. You two usually head to someone’s place--his or yours. There’s some TV or a rental if you two didn’t get to it over the weekend. Usually you play a game with Eddie---he barters with you about helping with dinner and you tell him he has to complete at least two homework assignments. It always ends with you letting him do some of the prep if it’s more involved and then you taking over at the end. 
And it means today, Eddie went to your job, probably worried about the lack of your car being there and then came racing to your place once your boss let Eddie know you’d been sick at work. You hope it wasn’t too bad of a scare. There was no way for you to get the information to him while he was in school that wouldn’t cause him to skip. Maybe it’s selfish. But if you’re honest, you just couldn’t deal. You didn’t want to verbalize it. Thankfully, you hadn’t to fully. 
You’re sure after the first two waves of this, Eddie can put the pieces together. You’re grateful that he’s giving you the grace. But you know you have to push yourself up soon. It’s going to suck. You hope you don’t vomit again when you do. If only could have a body that didn’t hate you. 
You take a deep breathe--inhaling in through your nose and then pushing it all out through slightly parted lips. “Just to the bathroom. It’s okay.”
“Didn’t I tell you not to move a muscle?”
“I-it’s just I gotta go to the bathroom.”
Eddie nods, a hum leaving his throat. “Not before some meds.” You nod, taking the few pills from him and swallow it down without taking the cup of water. “Metal,” he snorts in return. 
“I try to when I can. Can you help me up please?”
“Of course, yeah.” Eddie sets the mug, denoting the stop in Phoenix, Arizona, and scoops you up from your seated position. 
“I am a full human being, you know, right? A grown man, thank you,” You huff, allowing Eddie to carry you to the bathroom. It’s a little shaky at first, but he gets you there. 
“Just because you have a tax paying job does not mean you get to boast about it.” 
“It’s not like I’m making the big bucks, or anything.”
“It’s something. A job someone has to do.”
“Riveting work it is to be a line cook,” you snort. The two of you cross the threshold into the bathroom then. Before Eddie sets you down, you bury your face in his shoulder. You want to tell yourself it’s okay. But it doesn’t feel okay. Nothing feels okay. “Just one more second.”
“Take all the seconds you need.”
You don’t need to tell Eddie that if you wait too long you’re probably bleed all over him. But you highly doubt he’d care. But it’s already awful enough dealing with the period by itself, you don’t think you’d have the mental capacity to handle ruining Eddie’s clothes and yours at the same time. 
You inhale--the musk of Eddie’s cigarettes, cheap cologne, the slight twinge of sweat from P.E. no doubt and try to still the racing thoughts. Just a few more days. But that’s just for now. Then there will be a next time. “Fuck this!” you huff.
“I’ve got something else you can fuck that’s for sure,” Eddie snorts. 
You huff a life, nothing serious, but it’s just enough. Eddie kisses your temple. You take another inhale and then nod. “I’m okay.”
It’s not without a grunt and the crack of a knee that Eddie sets you down. “Good God,” you tease. “You’re getting old.”
“Fuck off,” Eddie laughs. 
“Yeah, I’m sure you have something I can fuck.”
Eddie’s touch on your cheek is tender. “I do. I always do, but only if you want it.”
“Such a gentleman,” you coo. You mean it to come out with some bite, but it comes out gooey like melting chocolate from your throat. 
“Only when you deserve it,” Eddie snarks. “I save it for special occasions.”
“Like you don’t look at me like I’ve hung the stars when you have sex.”
“While that may be true!” Eddie huffs, cheeks turning red. “Fucking sue me for loving my boyfriend, okay? God. Now, I’m going to leave. And you only need to shout if you need me okay.”
You nod in response. “I love you too, Eds.”
Eddie’s grin lights up his whole face, like it always does. Watching him smile feels like you’re basking in a ray of the sun. It warms you top to bottom, and you’re never really able to stare him directly in the face, lest it blind you. He presses another kiss to your lips. “Now, all offers are still on the table once you’re done. I’ve read orgasms help with cramps.”
“Maybe once the meds dull some of this.”
“Sounds delicious. I await with bated breaths.” Eddie’s steps take him over the threshold, hands locked aroun the door handle. “But seriously, holler if you need me, okay?”
You nod, a soft affirmative falling from your lips. The door slips shut. You wait a beat, then two. You pop the doors to the under sink cabinet, grab what you need and then watch the door again. “Holler,” you state. Nothing louder than your usual volume and the door cracks open. 
Eddie’s face peers around the crack. “Yes, baby?”
“Just missed you,” you return. That and you’re trying to ground yourself again, remind yourself you’re on Earth. 
“Missing you too. You good?”
“Yeah, I’ll be done in a second.”
He nods, backs out of the crack and then shuts the door again. “I was thinking though, like, there’s a really cool mug in the cabinets you got. It’s a Scooby Doo mug. And I’m thinking there’s no way the Arizona mug is your favorite. I mean, Scooby Doo is right there.”
You’re still on Earth--and whatever that meant you weren’t sure. But you’re glad to be Earthside with Eddie. Poised with the pad in hand, you sigh. “Eddie, you cannot berate my mug choices while I’m sitting on the toilet. Didn’t Wayne tell you to never kick a man while he’s down?”
Eddie’s laughter floats in through the crack under the door.
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artmsmaid · 9 months
𝔗𝔥𝔞𝔱'𝔰 𝔪𝔶 𝔡𝔬𝔤!
eddie munson x non-binary reader
sinopse: You are shy and keep to yourself, mainly having your dog's companionship. But when you go to summer camp for an extended weekend, you come back to find that your dog has made a new friendship with the infamous town metalhead, Eddie Munson.
cw: underage drinking, drug use, canon divergent, eventual sexual situations, bisexual reader.
wc: 1447k
chapter (2/?).
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"Absolutely not! That's MY dog!"
You were baffled by what he said to you next.
"Well..." he slowly sat down and continued to pet Fuffly, if you didn't know that your dog couldn't understand the conversation, you'd think it was waiting for the confrontation while happily being fondled. "Prove it."
Blinking in confusion, what the hell does he mean by that? So, you cleverly asked: "What the hell do you mean prove it?"
"I mean for you to prove it." And he had the nerve to smile at you???
Does he think that you were just up and around Tuesday morning walking around a forest and then decided to go and lie about having a dog?
"Fluffly has a name tag on its collar and it says Fuffly with a date, the date he was born." You finally said, after a moment of silence where you're shocked and the stranger was staring at you, still petting your dog.
"And what day is that?" He turned his head to the side, eyebrows going up just a little.
"Are you fudging kidding me?!" You angrily let out, your fists closing down.
He giggles, "No, no, no, no, I'm for sure not fudging". 
You set aside the slight mockery you heard in his voice to puff out your answer, "15th of July, a true Gemini."
He nodded, looking like he was finally realizing something, "that's why it looks so small then".
"What?" You approached two more steps, looking offended.
"It's that thing you said, a gemy."
"Gemini!" It has been a long time since someone made you feel so many emotions in so little time, but again it has been some time since you had a conversation with someone close to your age, "and he is a Yorkshire, Gemini is his birth sign."
When you came close again, he put his arms a bit more protective around the small dog, surprising you. You weren't going to hurt your dog, but he was looking at you suspiciously like you were going to take it and run away. Shouldn’t you be the one more worried in this scenery?
"Okay, maybe this is your dog," he starts and pauses when you roll your eyes to mumble 'well it is', you were ignored, "but that doesn't mean I should give him to you."
You went from annoyed to shocked to angry, and it looks like this boy in front of you was angry as well. He continued, "For days Curly was walking here alone, why would you let your dog walk around like this?".
This was confusing to you, as your mother promised to walk Fluffy while you were gone at camp. Did she forget? But another thing caught your thoughts right after, "Curly?".
"Aren't you going to answer me?", now he was the one rolling their eyes.
"Its name is Fuffly", you gave one more step, now completely in his personal space, only your dog between you both. You didn't like invading people's personal space, but you had to assert your control over the situation.
It didn't work that well though, as he got up and was taller than you, especially with that annoyingly soft-looking big hair of his. You could also smell his perfume, or some time of body deodorant since perfume seems to fancy for him, it was a very different smell from all the french fragrances you are used to in your home, definitely stronger musk smell."It's a stupid name, Curly Destroyer is better."
Now, Eddie didn't think your name was stupid, but he was still a bit angry at you and wanted to be annoying just for the sake of it.
"Curly Destroyer is way more ridiculous", you were, as well, being annoying for the sake of it. You puffed, and he puffed back. You put your hands on your hips, and he put his hands on as well.
"It's bad-ass, and you still haven't answered me, cutie, why was Curly all alone?"
You would've been taken by surprise by the pet name if it wasn't for the worried mixed disappointed look he was giving you. You finally stopped ripping his hair strand by strand in your mind to evaluate the situation. How did he know Fuffly? He even named him a different name... Was he telling you the truth? Was your dog walking around unchaperoned in the woods these last days? It wasn't the worst thing in the world, but it was still dangerous.
"Fuffly wasn't alone," you start to answer, and he looks like he's going to interrupt you when you amend "Well, he wasn't supposed to be alone, my mom should've walked him every morning".
Eddie calmed down a bit with your words. Even if he was still upset by the situation when he looked into your eyes and saw nothing but honesty and confusion, he had to cave in. And they were beautiful eyes, shining in the soft morning light making his heart beat irregularly and being a bit disappointed that you would look away so quickly.
"She didn't", he lets out, trying to come back from the haze, "I mean, I didn't see her, I only saw Curly." He amends when you moved back your face twitching a little at the rash statement. You would have to talk to your mother to know what happened. Although, you’ll hate the confrontation, never enjoying asking more than necessary, sometimes not even to your parents.
"Fuffly," you made a point to correct his name again but only gained a smile back and a roll of eyes as he muttered a ‘not happening’ , "is very used to the forest. We walk here every day. Maybe... he walked off from mother and later came back, so she knew he was safe."
He didn’t seemed very impressed by your excuse, and watched you with hawk eyes as you lowered down to your dog, who happily licked your cheeks with not a worry in his canine eyes. You swiftly glanced at Eddy, was that a jealous look? He got attached fast to the small dog. Even if it wasn’t your responsibility, you would feel horrible to just take Fuffly away by now, and leave those big chocolate rich brown eyes drown in sadness.
Not that you care that much about him, of course, you were just such a good person.
So, with a not subtle at all throat clearing sound, you settle down on the floor, “you know… I’m a bit tired, but Fuffly likes to play a lot”.
“Yes?”, you don’t look, but you know he has a smile on that dumb pretty face. “He does have lots of energy for something so small… You don’t share the genes?”
This makes you look, a frown in your face as you decide if he is calling you short, lazy or both. And yes, the smile in the dumb pretty face gets bigger. “The nerve of you… I just arrived from traveling!”
“Such a pity” he mocks, “didn’t have the energy to stay longer?”
“You know what? I’m not that tired”, you decide, getting up, “I will play with Fuffly.”
“Do you want me to throw it so you both can try to catch?”, he’s reveling on it now, it has been the longest time you looked at him without turning away.
“I beg your pardon?!” a pink flush covers all your face and ears, and he laughs, the sound is a bit like a toddler’s laugh, carefree and full of life.
“Come on, cutie, I won’t throw too far.” He tilts a bit, looking really deep in your eyes, and that’s maybe the first time you don’t mind it at all.
“I bet you couldn’t catch it if I throw it in your face” You make up a mean smile, trying to tease him to, but something went sideways, as a glint in his eyes makes him get closer to your face to whisper.
“Oh, cutie, you can throw it to me any day.”
You don’t get when in the conversation you both stopped talking about an actual wood stick, but now you are more flushed than ever, noticing you can smell his toothpaste with how close he is of you. He also looks disoriented, brown eyes going all over your face to stop on your lips.
Something touch your legs, and you both step back and look down with wild eyes. Fuffly got a wood stick and is expectantly looking at both of you. Laughing, this time more bashfully, Eddy gets the stick from the dog, not being capable of looking at you as his heart is fighting to stay in his chest. “Looks like someone wants to play.”
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author's note: I promise the next part won't take a life-time, I got ill but I'm better now.
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kittenwhiskers · 2 years
Eddie makes plans to go out for a date with you, but you just want to spend this date at home with him. When the two of you can't come to an agreement, Eddie has a mischievous idea...
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(This fic is Eddie x gn!reader, I'm thinking I'll make my next two fics include a male reader and a non-binary reader so everyone can have a little piece of the pie! Reader is 19-20 years old in this story. Enjoy!)
"Come on, sweetheart, we don't wanna be late~" Eddie beckoned in the doorway of his trailer, his leather jacket draped over his shoulder as he leaned against the doorframe.
"Late? What, did you make reservations?" You snickered, "it's a diner, darling."
Eddie rolled his eyes with a small grin. "You know what I mean, let's goooo!"
You sighed, shuffling toward the rack your coat was hanging from.
"Lunch sounds nice and all," you hummed, suddenly stopping in your tracks at the coat rack, before dramatically flopping down onto the couch behind you, "but having it here just sounds soooo much better..."
"What??" Eddie scoffed, leaning back into the living room just a bit, "you love Benny's!"
"Yes, you're right, I do," you agreed, your head slumping back and lazily dangling over the arm of the couch, "but I just wanna stay in today, can't we make an exception this once?"
Eddie gasped sharply, slamming his hand over his chest dramatically and stumbling against the wall. 
"Oh no, my fair (y/n) doesn't like my date ideas anymore!" he cried theatrically, crumpling over on himself, "my soul is shattered, I can't go on!"
You grinned and giggled at his little performance, lifting your head up a bit.
"Oh, come on, is having a date at home really that awful?"
Eddie peered up through his curly locks for a split second, before charging toward the couch and jumping to sit on your legs, grabbing you by your shoulders and pulling you up.
"It is when I want to show the world that I'm with the most charming, irresistible beauty that's ever existed!" he growled, playfully shaking you back and forth.
"Lies," you remarked with a smirk, "all lies, all of it."
Eddie's face twisted with false anger at your denial of his compliments, glaring at you through a squint.
You flinched and began to giggle nervously when Eddie's hands dove for you, grabbing wherever he could. "Oh, you little-"
But nothing happened, he stopped in his tracks suddenly. Still giggling under your breath with a nervous grin, you looked up at him, confused.
"Y'know what...? I just had an idea," he said while cocking his head, before shifting around to turn his back toward you, still sitting on your legs- and keeping you pinned to the couch.
"Munson," you spoke with suspicion in your tone, "what are you planning...?"
"Ohhh, just something to settle this little disagreement," Eddie hummed, easily working the sneakers off your feet, leaving you in just your little patterned socks. "I will keep you right here fooorr... 5 minutes," he said, looking up at a clock on the wall, "if you tap out before then, we go with my plan, and if you hold your own for those 5 minutes, we stay home just like you want... sound good, darling~?"
"Oh, you dick!" You cried, already trying to worm your legs out from under him, "there's literally like, an infinite amount of other ways we could settle this!"
Eddie placed his hands over your ankles with a gentle grip to stop your squirming, that action on its own eliciting a decent yelp from you- which only caused him to chuckle at how utterly adorable you were.
"Yeah, but... we're already here like this," Eddie rebutted, "it'd just be easier to stick with this method instead of wasting time we could be spending on a date to think of something else."
You knew that at this point, no matter how much you bargained or protested, Eddie was going to do this- and if you surrendered (or didn't go along with it at all), you two were going to that diner.
You opened your mouth to speak, but before you could say anything, Eddie was already scribbling his fingers along the bottoms of your feet, sending you into a cackling fit as you threw your head back into the couch.
"I did so warn you!" he sang back like a child, a smug smirk on his face, "I told you exactly what the plan was!"
"Oh, was I supposed to?" Eddie hummed, dragging his blunt nails up your soft arches, his weight keeping you from instinctively yanking your legs back, "I didn't realize that was part of the rules.... the rules that I made."
You only freaked out more when you felt a rush of cold air hit the bare skin of your feet as Eddie yanked your socks off, carelessly tossing them to the side.
"I don't remember a rule saying these had to stay on, either~" he teased cheekily, ever-so-lightly dragging his fingertips up your bare soles and relishing in the ticklish squeal that rang past your lips.
"YOHOU DON'T PLAHAHAY FAHAHAIR!" You cried, bucking and wiggling beneath the metalhead.
"Hey now, you should be thanking me for giving you a chance here," he chuckled, "we both know I could've easily dragged your ass into the van!"
Another minute went by with Eddie targeting every inch of skin on your soles, making sure not to miss a single spot, but you held strong, not calling for a break even once. You didn't think it could get any worse, until you felt his touch move up, his fingertips brushing across the tops of your feet.
"Ohoho my god!" Eddie laughed, surprised and delighted by your intense reaction to the new sensation, "ahare the tops worse than the bottoms?"
It tickled so bad, but you were too stubborn to call it quits, so all you could do was sit there and scream your little heart out while your boyfriend teased you with his words and tortured you into submission... well, at least he hoped it would lead to that.
You couldn't tell how much time had passed before his touch finally relented, and you thought that was finally the end of it... until you felt him turn back around to face you.
"Alright, I'm pretty bored of that spot, time to focus elsewhere..." he huffed with a cheeky grin. As he raised his hands above you with wiggling fingers, you felt the rest of your body tense up in anticipation. These five minutes were really starting to feel like an eternity...
Once again leaving you with no warning, Eddie's hands dove for your ribs, squeezing around and scribbling into as many soft spots as he could find, giving you a dramatic evil laugh as you quickly dissolved into hysterics yet again.
"Give up, young hero!" He bellowed in the most cheesy villain voice you'd ever heard, "your strength is no match for my claws of tickly doom!" Admittedly, if you hadn't already been laughing from the attack, you probably would have laughed at his stupid theatrics. It was one of those things you really loved about him.
You didn't notice how Eddie's eyes widened as he glanced up at the clock on the wall. Shit, he only had a minute left before you'd win the bet. If his final move didn't make you throw in the towel, nothing would.
"You've presevered well through my attack, young hero," Eddie hummed, rolling up your top to expose your tummy, "I'm afraid you've left me no choice but to deal my most devastating attack~!"
  You tried to protest through your babbling, weakly fighting off Eddie's hands before he grabbed your wrists and pinned them on either side of you. Once he had you firmly down, he planted his lips right over your bellybutton, and blew a series of long, ticklish raspberries right on your tummy!
Even if you wanted to tap out, you had no words to say so. All you could do was lay there and scream till your laughter fizzled into silent wheezing. Even though he knew he was gonna lose this bet, Eddie was just in heaven. His heart melted over the sound of your laughter. He loved making you smile, he loved making you laugh, he loved being the one to bring that beautiful blush to your cheeks. 
He knew when enough was enough, however. When he heard you start to wheeze, he let up. He didn't even have to look at the clock to know the 5 minutes was up.
"Ugh, damnit," he groaned, throwing his head back as he fell to the other side of the couch, "you're too resilient, (l/n)."
"Fuh.. fuhuhuck yohohou..." you giggled breathlessly, not moving a muscle as you lay on the couch and recovered your air supply.
Eddie couldn't help but smile as he climbed across the couch and lied down next to you, scooping you up into his arms.
"Yeah, I deserved that," he chuckled, "guess we're staying here today."
Good. After the shit he just pulled, you needed a good cuddle session with your favorite metalhead.
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mercedesvince · 1 year
Hello I’m Vince!!
I am a writer who is open to writing requests for x reader
Just a heads up that English is not my first language so apologies for any grammar or wrong use of words :(
This is meant to be a blog for x male or non-binary x readers
I will not write for female readers as of now (but might change in future)
I will only write for series listed below
no smut (I am not comfortable with that)
There are characters listed below underage, all characters will at least be aged up to teenagers, but even so I will only go as far as kissing
I will not write any sort of NSFW for any character under 18 (what i mean when i say NSFW I mean in a sexual way, things like cussing or slight violence I can do)
I can write angst, fluff or both
If you see a mistake in my writing please inform me on it so I can improve in future :)
If i missed a TW or you notice something i should let the readers know before reading PLEASE let me know, i’d hate for someone to be negatively affected by my writing
Please be nice and respect everybody and there wishes!!
(If there is a character I have missed that is not on the list for a specific series and you would like a x reader for please ask and I will let you know whether or not I can write for them :))
South Park
Stan Marsh
Kyle Broflovski
Kenny McCornmick
Eric Cartman
Tolkien Black
Wendy Testaburger
Bebe Stevens
Heidi Turner
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Emily Prentis
Jason Gideon
Jennifer Jareau
Penelope Garcia
David Rossi
Elle Greenaway
Matthew Simmons
Like Alvez
Kate Callahan
Tara Lewis
Sam Cooper
Gina LaSalle
Beth Griffin
Jonathan Simms
Mick Rawson
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
Scott Pilgrim
Ramona Flowers
Envy Adams
Knives Chau
Kim Pine
Julie Powers
Wallace Wells
Lucas lee
Gideon Graves
Matthew Patel
Todd Ingram
Young Neil
Roxy Ritcher
Stacy Pilgrim
Stephen Stills
My Hero Academia
Disclaimer I have not watched the series recently, so I do not have everything up to date and can only write up to season 4 :(
Anyone from Class 1A
Anyone from Class 1B
Any Pro Hereos
Any Villians
Mirio Togata
Nejire Hado
Tamaki Amajiki
Saiki K.
Kusuo Saiki
Shun Kaido
Aren Kuboyasu
Aiura Mikoto
Kokomo Teruhashi
Reita Tortisuka
Riki Nendo
Kineshi Hairo
Chiyo Yumehara
Metori Saiko
Chisato Mera
Hunter X Hunter
Disclaimer I am only caught up on the series not the manga
Gon Freecss
Killua Zoldyck
Leorio Paradinight
Hisoka Morrow
Chrollo Lucifer
Any Phantom Troupe Memebers
Ging Freecss
Any Zodiac members
April O’neil
Stranger Things
Mike Wheeler
Will Byers
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
Max mayfield
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Nancy Wheeler
Robin Buckley
Jonathan Byers
Disclaimer I have been trying my best to see the second movie but I have only managed to watch the first so I can only write for things relevant in the first movie :(
Stanley Uris
Ben Hanscom
Beverly Marsh
Bill Denbrough
Richie Tozier
Eddie Kaspbrak
Miles Morales (earth 1610 & earth 42)
Gwen Stacy
Peter B. Parker
Jessica Drew
Miguel O’hara
Hobie Brown
Pavitr Prabhakar
Spider Noir
Penny Parker
This Masterlist includes all works i’ve written on this blog so far!
That is all for now! Thank you so much for reading and feel free to request, I am new to tumblr so please feel free to let me know if I need to add or be more specific on something :))
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tiannasfanfic · 2 years
Kickstart My Heart
Eddie Munson x Reader Headcannons (Slightly perv!Eddie x NotSoInnocentReader)
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Rating: Mature
Author Note: My first time writing for Eddie Munson. Technically a non-binary reader, but I tried to navigate things in the way an afab non-binary might in 1984 when they were finding themselves and having to hide it. She/her pronouns are used as a result. Clothing is described twice but no features of readers. This scenario popped into my head while reading perv!Eddie x InnocentReader fics. I have more ideas. If people like this, I’ll write more.
CW: Heavily implied innocence kink and corruption kink. Obsessive behavior towards another person. Spying on someone through their bedroom window.
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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You moved to Hawkins in your Junior year during Eddie’s first senior year.
Eddie noticed you right away. How could he not? You radiated a very odd type of virginal innocence that intrigued him.
You didn’t dress like any of the other girls at Hawkins. It almost looked like your parents were dressing you for Bible Camp but completely forgot what gender their kid was. It was all polos, khakis, button up sweaters and sneakers in neutral colors. Every now and then you’d add a splash of color, maybe a denim jacket or colorful hat, but that was it. Your backpack was a dull brown.
For the first few weeks, Eddie took it upon himself to keep an eye on you. To make sure no one messed with you, of course. If someone did, he fully intended to swoop in and be your knight in shining. Maybe he’d even get a kiss as a reward.
Luckily, no one ever did. People may have thought you were odd, but generally paid you no mind. Eddie noticed you seemed to like it that way.
Eventually, he starts talking to you and finds you even more fascinating than he initially thought. But it wasn’t anything that you actually said that he found so interesting. It’s what you’re weren’t saying.
From the very first time you two spoke, it felt like you were deliberately holding yourself back. You started to say something a few times then stopped yourself. It was very intriguing. This habit continued in other conversations and Eddie assumed you were just shy. That tipped his interest in you towards a fixation.
The end of the school year came. You became a senior, Eddie was held back for the first time.
He wasn’t upset about it once he realized he now had three classes with you. Maybe now he could figure you out and figure out the best way to make you his.
As the two of you eased into friendship, Eddie was surprised to find out exactly how hard it was to get you to open up about yourself. You talked just fine when the conversation was about school work, people at school or things coming up at school, but you clammed up when it came to anything about you.
At that point, everything was pointing towards you being a perfectly normal and average teenage girl, just a wildly innocent and possibly naive one. Your body language virtually screamed “virgin” when sexual topics came up. You really clammed up then.
Eddie became determined to be the first one to ruin you.
After giving you a ride home a few times and failing to have any sort of meaningful conversation with you in the process, Eddie decided that the best way for him to figure you out was to spy on you.
So, one night when he knew you’d be home, he parked his van a few streets over from where you live, walked the rest of the way over, hopped the fence and shimmied up the tree that looked into your bedroom window.
What he saw nearly made him fall out of the tree.
Eddie lost his footing and had to scramble to hold on.
Once he’d gotten himself situated again, he gawked at the scene through the window before him.
Your room was, for the most part, painted and decorated about like he expected. The walls were pink with white trim and a white ceiling. Your bed was straightened but unmade, showing off white flowery sheets, a light gray and white blanket, and white comforter with pink flowers. The furniture was your standard white pieces you’d find in every girls room, with books and various knickknacks decorating your bookshelves and dresser. A shelf on one wall was piled high with stuffed animals of various ages; some looking extremely worn down with multiple repairs, some looking pristine.
That’s where Eddie’s expectations ended though.
First, his eyes took in the life sized poster of Freddie Mercury that was attached to the back of your bedroom door. Freddie was donning one of his more recent looks; slicked back hair, mustache, sunglasses, tight pants and a leather jacket with no shirt.
Then, Eddie’s eyes flicked to the wall your dresser was on, which was nearly papered over with posters. Some of the bands included Fleetwood Mac, Iron Maiden, Jimi Hendrix, Black Sabbath, Metallica, Frank Zappa and The Beatles.
Then, on the last wall he could see, which was the wall by your bed, you had a collection of fantasy art that looked like it had been ripped out of magazines. It ranged from High Fantasy scenes, like you might see in an illustrated Lord of the Rings, to images from the highly sexualized genre of sword and sorcery, where the men have big muscles and the women are all scantily clad.
Finally, there was you. You took his breath away more than anything else.
You were sitting on the floor on the middle of your room, your legs crossed under you. You were dressed for bed already in a baggy t shirt and what looked like pajama pants. Your hair was up in a messy ponytail.
It was the first time he had ever seen you in black and with your hair up. You looked absolutely stunning.
It felt like he was truly seeing you for the first time ever as you sat there, singing along to music he couldn’t hear through the closed window. You looked relaxed and happy, the exact opposite of how you always looked at school.
Eddie finally broke his gaze away from you long enough to glance at what you were doing.
Sitting in front of you on several layers of newspaper was a medium sized dollhouse. It wasn’t one of those fancy ones. Eddie recognized it as the same one Garth’s older sister had a few years ago, only this one looked almost the complete opposite from hers. Yours actually looked really cool.
You had completely repainted the outside of the house. The white siding was now black, the gray trim was now a darker gray and it looked like you were in the process of shading the already black roof to make it looked aged and weathered.
Eddie watched you for awhile, then made his way out of the tree.
On the drive home, he realized he was coming away with no answers on how best to woo you. He only had more questions.
And that only made him more obsessed.
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l1tw1ck · 2 years
I write: AFAB Characters & AMAB Characters (genderfluid, cis male, ftm, non-binary, and any masc-aligned gender)
Anybody 18+ is allowed to read and interact with my work as long as you're respectful and don't ask me to write female reader
DNI: Basic DNI criteria, if you support or write fics about real people
The more specific the request, the better. Don't be afraid to go into alarming detail.
Please don't copy and paste your request (in another ask or in my comment sections) if I don't respond to it. I won't answer a request until I've finished it so please be patient
If you want a part two, you're more likely to get one if you specify what you want in it. Most of the time I don't have any ideas if I planned on it being a oneshot
What I will NOT write:
Female Reader, Female Character, Scat, Incest (Pseudo-Incest is Fine), Age Play, Misgendering, Transphobia
Things You Can Request:
- Fics, Thirsts, Shorts, Headcanons, Drafts
- For shorts you can just give me a character (up to 4 per post) and a prompt or trope or whatever and I'll write a small little piece about it
Bottom Reader
tell me if you're okay with afab language or not if asking for ftm reader. i wont use it by default
Characters I'll write for bottom reader: Zhongli, Ajax, Itto, Ayato, Diluc, Diavolo, William Afton, Enji Todoroki, Scott Howl, Hopper, Joel Miller, Michael Myers, Ghostface (Danny, Billy),
I will not write bottom reader for anybody not listed above
Fandoms I write for
feel free to ask if I would write for any fandom not listed here
The fandoms I've been asked about but don't write for: AOT, COD, Twilight, Sk8, JJK, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss,
Genshin Impact
All Male Characters (Not including Fontaine)
My Hero Academia
Class 1-A, Aizawa, LOV, Monoma, Tamaki, Mirio, Shinso, Enji Todoroki
All male characters in Trigger Happy Havoc and Goodbye Despair
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Jonathan Byers, Argyle, Jim Hopper, Billy Hargrove
Kenma Kozume, Testuro Kuroo, Karasuno Volleyball Team, Keishin Ukai, Oikawa
The Disastrous Life of Saiki Kusuo
Saiki, Kaido, Kuboyasu, Saiko
Twisted Wonderland
Idia, Lilia, Leona, Malleus, Jack, Vil, Rook
Detroit Become Human
Markus, Connor
Obey Me
The Demon Brothers, Diavolo, Simeon, Solomon, Barbatos
Michael Afton & Michael Schmidt, William Afton
Monster Prom
Scott Howl, Damien LaVey, Liam De Lioncourt, Oz, Brian Yu
Stardew Valley
Shane, Sebastian, Alex, Demetrius, Kent, Harvey, Elliott, Sam
Horror & Slasher
Michael Myers, Ghostface (Danny Johnson, Stu, Billy), Dwight Riley, Losers Club (1990, 2019), Patrick Bateman, Kurt Kunkle, John Doe, Chad Meeks-Martin, Wes Hicks, Ethan Landry
Bungou Stray Dogs
Atsushi Nakajima, Osamu Dazai, Doppo Kunikida, Ranpo Edogawa, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke, Chuuya Nakahara
One Punch Man
Genos, Speed o Sound Sonic
Hunter x Hunter
Kurapika, Leorio, Feitan
Harry Potter
Harry Potter, Ron Weasly, Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape, Tom Riddle, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black
Honkai Star Rail
Caelus, Dan Heng, Sampo, Welt, Jing Yuan, Gepard, Luocha, Blade, Luka, Argenti, Veritas Ratio, Gallagher, Sunday, Aventurine, Boothill
Spider-Man (Raimi, TASM, MCU, Insomniac, Miguel, Peter B. Parker, Hobie Brown), Spider-Noir, Tony Stark, Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Harry Osborn, Eddie Brock, Loki, Thor, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Deadpool,
Scott Pilgrim
Scott Pilgrim, Lucas Lee, Gideon Graves, Matthew Patel, Wallace Wells, Stephen Stills, Young Neil, Todd Ingram
Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
The Amazing Digital Circus
Jax, Caine, Kinger
Dungeon Meshi
Laios, Chilchuck, Senshi
Bruce Wayne, Edward Nygma (The Batman), Clark Kent (MAWS), Jimmy Olsen (MAWS), James (Pokémon), Arven (Pokémon), Joel Miller (TLOU), Leon Kennedy, Luis Sera, Stein (Soul Eater), Spirit (Soul Eater), Reigen Arataka, Link, Omni Man
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beautifulblooms · 2 years
tee hee, so, hear me out...Kas!Eddie Munson x male!harrington!reader where Eddie makes it back and Steve comes home and him being like "what are you doing?" and the reader is just like "we're blooping!!!!" and Steve is freaking out yelling "HE IS A VAMPIRE!!!"
I will one day give you the most cracked out request. hehehehehhehhehhehhehhehhehehhehhhehe >:D
We're Bloopin'! - Kas!Eddie Munson x Male!Harrington!Reader
This is crack, literally just crack
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
Tags: @mazettns, @mother-dragon-and-her-hatchlings, @eddieverse, @alexs-playground, @samthecultist, @qthetherapist, @rlmt1
Steve came home to quite a surprise, his baby brother sitting on the living room floor with a slightly different version of one Eddie Munson. One that now sported large wings, sharp fangs, and was somehow much taller than before.
"What the fuck are you two doing?" Panicking over the current situation, the two of us turned to look at Steve with huge smiles plastered on both of our faces.
"We're blooping Steve, he loves it, look!" I continue what I was doing before, poking Eddie's cheeks while saying 'bloop' with each poke.
"He's a fucking creature (y/n)! He's dangerous!" He tried to come towards us only for Eddie to stretch his wings out and block him from coming too close to me.
"He's not dangerous, protective maybe but he would never hurt me." At that point I just used my hands to squish his cheeks and make his lips look funny and squished together. Giving up Steve just sighed and let his shoulders drop, he worked a full shift and just needed to pass out.
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