#Eddie in his onesie
sofiiel · 11 months
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POV: You've taken a picture for your collection of this cheeky fellow.
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buddiebuckley-diaz · 2 years
We all know nobody wants Buck to actually be the dad. And we thought something would come up with his family medical history that would prevent them from using his sperm, but obviously that didn’t happen. So my brain is making one last effort to come up with any possible way that Buck couldn’t be the father. So here’s to hoping and praying that somehow Kameron and Connor managed to conceive naturally (but probably won’t realize until after the baby is born).
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himbobuck · 1 year
I'm watching Sort Your Life Out (an organizing show) and now I can't stop thinking of Buck and Eddie officially moving in the home they bought together and there are a lot of boxes to go through and decisions to be made because there is not enough space for everything and the angst that would cause. It's easy to get rid of the doubles, they keep Eddie's couch (because it's history) and go for the best quality kitchen equipment (mostly Buck's as he had invested in better stuff since learning to cook from Bobby). Getting rid of the more generic items that come from the loft seems fairly easy and they're making progress. But the mood changes as they make progress. Buck having a lot of crates from storage that he had shipped over from Pennsylvania when he knew he was going to be staying in LA but he never bothered bringing them into the loft because that wasn't the place he was going to settle in (and for the lack of space). And as they're going through stuff and Eddie suggests what to keep and what to donate/sell, maybe holds two items at a time one in each hand, Buck is getting more and more upset and can't let go of the most random things. Like he will be getting tearful over a keychain that came out of a easter egg from the last easter they spent with their grandparents or over the little piggy bank that's peeling apart that he got as a party favour at his bff birthday when he was a kid or over a box of dinosaurs plasters that are yellowish and probably don't stick anymore because his dad bought them for him when he was covered in scraps and bruises from getting hurt again over the set of completely new still boxed up moon/sun mugs he bought when he was 16 thinking one day he was going to drink coffee from with the love of his life sitting at the kitchen table on a sunday morning. And he knows that they have already agreed to keep enough mugs and then these are fully packaged and would be much easier to sell even, but he just can't let go of them. Lots of tears and cuddles ensue (and he wakes up in the morning to the smell of coffee..)
more thoughts? A study published in Pyschotraumatol explains that, since humans are a social species, a history of interpersonal trauma or loneliness can push us to overcompensate, sometimes by buying and forming relationships with possessions instead. This stems from being unable to trust people and instead putting faith in objects, Yap explains. (x)
I know technically Buck had Maddie growing up but that doesn't mean this is not something that could happen (and potentially I'd say maybe Maddie did it too, or went the completely opposite way of getting rid of everything except the most sentimentally valuable things - she did only have two suitcases when she ran away from Doug). I can see Buck using things as a mean of comfort, both random little things he had (not carefully chosen important things from his childhood that his parents didn't bother keeping for a baby box - assholes!!) but also things he accumulated for an imaginary/ideal future the used to dream about - the mugs, but also maybe a picture frame he could see himself displaying in the living room etc etc
feel free to gimme all your thoughts, do your worst cause i wanna cry
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colonoscopys · 2 years
buck has been to two santacons in his life and is banned from at least two irish pubs in nyc
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oh-stars · 2 months
Now that I’m back working retail, I can’t get the image of Corroded Coffin becoming one of the vintage band tees you see on graphic tee walls. They’d be up there with Metallica and Black Sabbath, made for everyone to wear for the fashion of it rather than their love of the band.
Everyone would expect Eddie to be outraged when it first starts to happen — all these fake fans and posers wearing his merch without knowing who he is at all. And at first, sure he didn’t love it but at the same time… money is money and he’s got kids to put through school. His own are already out of college, with their fancy degrees and stable jobs, but a slew of nieces and nephews, and a few great ones now (Jesus Christ he’s old) from the Party that are even smarter than their genius parents and those tuitions aren’t cheap. Famous Uncle Eddie feels like it’s his duty to help with their tuitions to the ivys or whatever, so if Jenny, the wine mom from down the street, wants to wear a brand new, yet distressed tee with the logo he designed across the chest? Let her!
That being said, he doesn’t start loving it until they eventually reach the toddler section. Suddenly, Eddie — who previously had no opinion on whether or not his kids had kids — is begging all three of their kids for grand babies. And he’s not being subtle about it either. He buys the onesies and toddler tees, leaving them where Steve and the kids can see, shipping new designs to his kids “just in case.” All he wants is to see a baby, preferably one he knows, all done up in his merch, repping the band in a matching metal outfit. It’s not his fault all his own babies are two decades past the baby phase!
Steve doesn’t intervene, no matter how much their kids beg and plead. If anything, he thinks it’s hilarious that suddenly Eddie’s the one all baby crazy after the years of him laughing at Steve’s baby fever. Sue him.
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libraryofgage · 11 months
Steddie brainrot continues to worsen to a concerning degree but here's a crack idea that is absolutely sending me:
Famous Spicy Six in which Jonathon is a director who decides to work on a passion project: a Scooby-Doo movie. His ideal cast is as follows:
Nancy Wheeler (investigative journalist with a few special appearances on crime dramas) as Daphne Blake
Argyle (an actor with a habit of playing small parts; he acts only because he thinks it's fun, so he's not concerned with significant roles) as Shaggy Rogers
Robin Buckley (a well-known voice actor who is more well-known for her social media posts and clap-backs) as Velma Dinkley
Steve Harrington (basketball star who is also more well-known for his social media clap-backs and for being Corroded Coffin's number one fan) as Fred Jones
Eddie Munson (frontman for Corroded Coffin, an insanely popular metal/punk/rock band and "infamous" for unashamedly posting Steve Harrington thirst tweets) as the voice of Scooby-Doo
Corroded Coffin is also creating an entirely new, original soundtrack for the movie
And because I think it's funnier this way, this is also an AU where the Upside Down still happened, so Jonathon just calls his friends up and is like "Okay, so hear me out"
The absolute insanity that breaks out when both the movie and cast are announced because nobody can figure out how Jonathon managed to convince all these powerhouses to join his movie.
The further screaming online after one of the movie promo interviews where a reporter asks how they all agreed to the movie and Nancy hits them with, "Well, Jonathon asked, and he never asks for anything."
Which leads to the discovery that they all knew each other in high school, and the reporter jokingly asks if that means they've all dated each other, too, which leads to Eddie jumping in with absolute delight like, "Well, that's a funny story, there. See, Stevie here dated Nancy, who then dated Jonathon when they broke up, who then dated Argyle after they broke up. And I thought Stevie and Robin were dating, so I was very confused when I saw Robin and Nancy kissing. But then I found out that Robin was a true-blue lesbian, which meant Stevie here was open for the taking, and we've been banging ever since."
and Steve is just sitting there, head in his hands while Robin cackles and decides to tell the reporter all about Steve's "fuck I have a crush on Eddie" crisis
This interview, of course, leads to even more freaking out online and comments like "I know I asked for poly Scooby gang, but this is ridiculous," and "I can't believe that in this, the year of our lord 20xx, ScoobyXFreddy became a canon ship," and "if I had a nickel for every romantic relationship the Scooby gang actors have had with each other, I'd have five nickels, which is way more than any of us fucking expected to have," and "suddenly Eddie Munson's thirst tweets make a lot more sense, but can we talk about Steve Harrington's CC tweets now," and "everyone say thank you to Eddie Munson for revealing that mess of a relationship map," and "finally, the canon lesbian velma and daphne we deserve"
The movie is a box office hit, btw, and bloopers from filming roll with the credits, among which is Eddie Munson making Steve Harrington lose his shit laughing on set while dressed in a Scooby Doo onesie and singing Corroded Coffin songs with his Scooby Voice
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drivergemini · 2 years
hellfire baby :: e.m.
summary: when starting a new campaign, the hellfire club didn’t except to see a toddler sitting in their club leader’s throne
content warning: parenting & pregnancy, talks about teen parenting, swearing, basically really fluffy, child’s features mostly based off of eddie
word count: 1013
when all of the hellfire boy’s entered through the theater room’s doors, they felt a huge rush of excitement. eddie had been hyping up his new campaign for about a month and told everyone that he was going to do something real special for their first meeting. 
what they did not expect was a small little girl, maybe around 1 or 2 years old, sitting in their dungeon master’s place. she had a pink dragon onesie on and her big brown eyes stared back at the group. 
“why good evening lovely gentlemen.” eddie popped out from behind his throne, holding a small sandwich bag filled with ‘star wars’ cookies. he handed it to the child with barely any acknowledgement and she gladly grabbed it with eager hands. “are you lads ready to start this wonderful campaign?”
each boy had their own looks of confusion on their faces. they looked at eddie and then the child, then back again.
“eddie why the hell is there a baby here?” dustin was the one who spoke up. 
eddie’s face sported a wide grin. “well guys i would like to introduce you to the surprise i mentioned.” he scooped up the little girl and presented her to the d&d club memebers. “everyone this is my daughter mei. say hi mei mei.”
“hi mei mei.” the little voice spoke a she waved a tiny hand to the boys. she tugged her onesie hood down, reveling long, brown hair, just like her dad’s.
“daughter? eddie we didn’t even know you could speak to girls?” mike chimed in.
“well wheeler, if it matters to you, i don’t speak to girls because i already have my fiance.” he raised his eyebrows at the last part. 
you see, eddie munson didn’t become a super-super senior because he was dumb. he became a super-super senior because he accidentally got his high school girlfriend pregnant. they had been together since they were 16. eddie and y/n were going great until the summer before their senior year. y/n’s pregnancy took a large toll to both of their academics, so eddie decided he would try and lighten his girlfriend’s stress load. on april 29th, 1984, their daughter was born. 
he thought y/n’s future was too bright for her to be held back, so after she gave birth he let her continue as an almost normal high school student. eddie didn’t get to graduate that year. but he did get to hold his baby as he watched the love of his life walk the stage. 
he didn’t graduate his second senior year either. he was too caught up in healthy parenting and making sure he was there to watch his daughter’s firsts. he watched her first steps, her first time eating solid foods, and even heard her first word. ‘dragon’.
so here he was, his third senior year, finally ready to walk that stage.
as eddie finished up the story he heard a sniff. all heads turned toward the direction of lucas. 
“dude that story was so beautiful. i didn’t even know that.”
“yeah most people don’t except a few people who were in school during that time like harrington. but y/n kind of chose to drop off the map so it isn’t talked about much.” eddie sat down in his chair and placed his daughter on his lap. “now that introductions are out of the way, shall we get started?”
eddie’s new campaign was centered around exploring an abandoned gem mine to figure out what was terrorizing the near by townsfolk. 
“so little dwarf, you enter the cave with your mates behind you. as you guide them with your light, the air becomes increasingly warm. as you approach the growing heat, you see a shimmer of pink scales.”
“munson you did not...” dustin starts as his hands grip the table.
“you raise your torch higher and you see her in all her glory...” eddie lifts mei off of his lap and places her in the middle of the table. “mei the fire breathing dragon.”
all the boys start to exclaim in frustration. what kind of sick father makes his own kid the first boss of his d&d campaign? eddie munson that’s who. after explaining they all need a time out to discuss, they all huddled in the corner. 
“dude what are we going to do? we can’t slay the dragon. i mean look at her, she’s adorable!” dustin whispered.
“i mean honestly if you think about it, it’s just a game.” mike said. typical.
“yes but the moral principal of it is, eddie knows that we would have to be sick son’s of bitches to kill a kid. especially his daughter.” dustin explained frustrated. 
him and mike felt a little wedge between their legs. they all looked down to see mei still holding her bag of cookies. 
“tooktie?” she raised it up to the air, offering the boys a share of her snack. 
each boy took only one, while politely thanking her for sharing. she unwedged herself from the huddle and waddled towards her dad. 
“juice peas?” she said to him, pointing to a sippy cup sitting on the table. he handed her the cup and looked at the clock on the wall.
“unfortunately boys, time is up for today’s meeting.” eddie tsked. 
just as he said that, y/n opened the door to the club room and walked in scanning around. each person all had their eyes on her.
“mommy!” mei squealed, running towards the young woman. she jumped into her arms, y/n picking her up and spinning her around. 
eddie grabbed a small child lunch box and walked towards the two girls. “as you see i can't stay any later than i’m supposed to tonight guys. but this will give you some more time to think about your next move.”
he trailed behind the two girls, waving everyone goodbye. 
as the door closed, each hellfire member could hear a faint, “eddie why is our daughter talking about slaying a dragon?”
followed by “edward munson why did our daughter just say son of a bitch?”
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queenimmadolla · 4 months
𝐃𝐚𝐝!𝐄𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐱 𝐌𝐨𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 (don't have to read but you'll want to) (𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭. 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐯𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐭)
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“No, that’s too gentle.” You advise Eddie, crisscross on the cushion next to him as you watch him gently pat your days-old baby’s back. You’d just nursed Penny—and cried because it hurt—so you’d handed her over to her dad to burp, except he wasn’t doing much burping.
  “I don’t wanna hurt her.” Eddie frowns. He has Penny on his lap, facing you while one hand rests over her entire torso, thumb and index fingers framing her face to keep her up right in burping position.
  “Well, it’s gonna hurt her if she doesn’t burp.” 
  Truthfully, you hate that she has to burp because she’s already falling asleep, lids drooping over those big eyes and you know the second she gets the gas out, she’ll be awake.
  Eddie knows you’re right and sighs, patting a little more firm, though he maintains a pained wince. He’s not remotely hurting her but this is his baby. The two of you made her, practically from scratch! Penny’s a tiny little thing, so soft and delicate and wrinkly. And she smells good! She’s the most precious thing that’s ever been his and the thought of harming her and making her even remotely uncomfortable causes him great distress.
  Then, blissfully, Penny belches. 
  It’s tiny and soft, sounds a little similar to her hiccups but it’s distinct.
  Eddie grins wildly at you, a burst of pride flowering in his chest and you beam right back at him. Every accomplishment as new parents with each other feels like winning the Nobel Prize.
  “’Atta girl.” Eddie adjusts his hold on Penny, making sure her little head and neck are supported as he lifts her up, keeping her hovering over him, “Bet my baby’s feeling so much bet-AGUH!”
  Eddie’s sentence is cut off on a gag and you gasp, hands flying over your mouth as Penny throws up, the cream colored stream of it trailing across the spit up rag over Eddie’s shoulder, all over the front of his t-shirt and across the lower half of his face. . .and into his mouth.
  You don’t even have time to voice your shock when Eddie vomits, bits of it landing on Penny’s onesie, his shirt and plaid pajama pants.
  There was only one thing to do.
  Your laughter rings out, and it’s hard. The kind that will have your sides aching as Penny stares up her dad with drooping eyelids, ready to go back to sleep as if nothing had happened, as if she and her dad aren’t covered in each other’s vomit, while Eddie stares at her in complete shock and utter disbelief.
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divider ℗ cafekitsune ♡
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carolmunson · 11 months
“s’too hot to be doin’ this laundry ed,” you complain, holding your lower back while you get up from your seat to stand behind him. the fans above work overtime but the muggy air and hot sun have already settled in the light yellow painted laundromat. your sandals skid against the grimy tiled floor, your sun dress swooshing by your knees where there’s no breeze to blow against the sweat that had collected on the backs of your thighs. and it’s everywhere, dripping down your back, between your breasts. it’s too god damn hot.
“you wanted to come,” he shrugs, trying to hide his smirk, “i told you to stay home and lay down, you didn’t wanna listen.”
he folds the whites first on one of the folding stations — his work tanks and tees, socks and underwear, a few of your shirts and dresses. then the colors. hiding in the piles are a litter of onesies and coveralls, little pants and shirts, little socks that you’d lose if you blinked. all new stock from your baby shower a few days ago — as if this little creature didn’t already have enough clothes piling up in the closet you and eddie shared. you had to keep some of the clothes at wayne’s at this point.
“you promised chex mix,” you shrug, “even he’s excited for it.” you run a hand over your belly, firm and sitting low now that you’re closer and closer to your due date. you wished two months would fly by quicker but ed loved seeing you like this.
“i know what i promised, sweetheart,” he nods, loading the clothes up into laundry bags. he swats your hand away when you read for one, “how many times do i have to tell you?”
“i’m pregnant honey, m’not dying,” you laugh. he presses a kiss to your temple and then the apple of your cheek.
“i can carry them,” he assures, smiling, “just waddle to the car for me.”
you pout, a sad one, “that wasn’t nice.”
“i’m just kid— oh, oh no baby don’t cry, don’t cry baby i’m sorry,” he soothes while tears start to poor down your cheeks. he puts the bags down to hold you to him, his curls tickling your face.
“you think i’m huge,” you cry, “i’m huge.”
he tries not to laugh while peppering kisses over your face, “sweetheart you’re not huge, i don’t think you’re huge.”
“yes you do-oo-oo,” you sob, eddie offering the other patron in the laundromat a tight smile while they stare at the scene, “i’m huge and i’m sweaty and i’m hot and i just want my chex mix.”
“okay, okay,” he nods, holding your face in his hands. he nuzzles your nose with his while you start to calm down, “i’m gonna get you your chex mix.”
“and a cherry slush,” you say with a sniffle.
“and a cherry slush,” he chuckles, giving you a soft kiss, “what does the little guy want?”
you run your hand over your belly, both of you looking down while eddie puts his hand over yours. when his palm slides over the top the baby kicks, making you scrunch up your nose at the pressure.
“looks like he just wanted his daddy to say hi,” you say quietly while ed’s hand sits warm and firm. he looks up at you while the baby kicks again, his grin of excitement clear to anyone who might walk by and look in through the windows. he picks up the bags after stealing another kiss from you.
“okay princess. chex mix and cherry slush,” he says while you walk to the car. he walks slow so you can keep up, waddling in your sandals.
“and that cookies and cream hershey bar,” you add.
“and the cookies and cream hershey bar,” he repeats, “you bet.”
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angel-of-the-moons · 6 months
Chocolates vs Aliens Pt. 2
Symbrock x Pregnant!Reader
TW/CW: NSFW, SMUT, PiV sex, unprotected sex, fluff, pregnancy, childbirth, anxiety, mentioned somnophilia (consented), lactation kink(?), oral sex (f! receiving)
Taglist: @yoink-a-doink @jayfall93 @being-worthy @theflamingraven
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Every day passed meant it was another day your baby girl grew, another kick, another day closer to being able to hold her in your arms and see her tiny face.
Of course, Eddie and Venom were excited, too. You guys moved fast, but everything came in stride, as if you were together for years. Despite the strange circumstances surrounding the three of you, you were content. Eddie and Venom treated the baby as if they fathered it, and you couldn't be happier. Even if you and Venom were in a constant battle for dominance when it came to chocolate. (Spoiler: you almost always won.)
You especially loved it when Venom cradled your belly. He did it at every available opportunity he could snag. Eddie meanwhile took care of a few more mundane things, splitting with Venom the duties of helping your changing body as your due date closed in on you.
Eddie would massage your feet and swollen ankles, while Venom's inky body would surround your midsection, taking the weight of the baby up off your hips, easing the strain on your back...
But your favorite day so far has to be today.
Because right now, you were currently watching Eddie and Venom snap at each other as they struggled to assemble the crib you ordered online.
No written directions were included, merely pictures of most of the crib already assembled; and the two already had to take it apart three times to start over.
"No, that part goes to that part and that one goes there!" Eddie snapped as the symbiote held a screwdriver and a piece of the railing in a long inky tendril.
"No the fuck we are not." Eddie huffed. "We're better off buying furniture at a goddamn yard sale!"
You giggled from where you rocked on your reclining chair, your belly heavy and rounded out; effectively making you look like you swallowed a melon whole.
Eddie and Venom snap their heads to pout at you.
"What're you laughing at?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah, we'd like to see you try to put something like this together!" Venom snorted.
"Nah, I already have my hands full putting together something waaaay more intricate." You snort back, looking through the cozy baby clothes you'd bought yesterday.
New Years was approaching, and you knew full well you would be due around then, and your poor tiny baby would be absolutely freezing! So you took the preemptive and bought little newborn winter clothes for your girl, including a cute little fluffy teddy onesie with a hood that had cute little ears on it.
"Oh, yeah?" Venom asked, narrowing his eyes skeptically.
"Yep." You pat your tummy, and the skin shifts as a tiny foot kicks from within.
"...Okay yeah fair point." Eddie chuckled, shaking his head.
"Yeahhh, mommy wins again!" You grin, patting your belly once more, earning yet another eager kick as you imagine it to be a high-five.
"What, are you keeping score now?" Eddie sighs, pointing the screwdriver at you.
"Damn right I am." You grin. "Mommy points for the win!"
"And how many points do we have?" Venom inquired, tilting his head.
"Not enough to beat meeeee~"
Both of them snorted and shook their heads, before turning back to the task of assembling the frustrating crib that would soon, very soon, cradle your newborn daughter.
If Eddie or Venom ever put her down, that is.
Christmas came and went in what felt like the blink of an eye. Your little celebration was small, and you even invited Mrs Chen over to join in on your festivities.
Which mostly consisted of pizza, a sandwich board, and chicken wings, plus a few homemade goodies that Ms Chen brought with her. Not the best meal idea, but it was a party, and damn those wings were good.
You and Venom even gifted Sonny and Cher a nice little seed treat you baked for them as a Christmas present for being "such good birdies".
Baking for chickens, now that was a first. But hearing their happy little clucks as Venom petted them and talked baby to them was absolutely adorable and worth the trouble. As were the large eggs afterwards!
Your mood swings had petered out about two or three months ago (you weren't sure, but Eddie insisted when you didn't break into tears watching a documentary about penguins) and unfortunately, well...
There are other symptoms of a pregnancy that you really thought you could stave off. You tried, you really did, but Venom having such heightened senses and being able to pick up on your scent and hormones? Oh, yeah. You were screwed.
Literally. In several different ways. You'd only had sex once or twice in a previous relationship, and with how disappointing that was, you definitely preferred to handle your urges yourself.
Where your ex-partner previously failed, Venom and Eddie were overachievers.
Taking great care with your belly and baby, they did whatever they could to ensure you were comfortable before making you so strung out your brain could barely form a coherent thought. Between Venom's tongue and Eddie's hands, you were a whimpering, trembling mess when the two would take you to bed.
Venom was especially ravenous in his sexual appetite. After learning more about sex and the pleasure it brought since bonding with Eddie... Where his host was a meal, you were a full-course desert that he would lose himself in.
Some nights, when he would climb through your window, he would immediately seek you out, drawn in by the lingering adrenaline from the hunt and the smell of you.
When you weren't moving about your apartment, Venom could find you in bed, sleeping fitfully. That was when he would crawl up under the blankets and find his way between your legs, not letting up until you woke up a panting mess.
Yeah, definitely the best way to be woken up, in your opinion. There were worse ways. Waaaay worse. Especially because your pregnancy-libido certainly wasn't complaining, the rush of endorphins afterwards would help outweigh the growing anxiety as the days passed.
Every day meant you were closer to your due date. Every day meant you were closer to experiencing possibly the worst pain you will ever feel in your life.
And there was the chance something could go wrong, that your baby could get stuck, or the umbilical cord could wrap around her, or she could be in a breech position...
You feel Eddie's hands gently encircle you, lazily draped over your shoulders as you sat in the shower chair, the warm water pattering over you two. It was New Year's Eve, and you two decided a calm, relaxing shower was a nice way to unwind before you poked your head out of your window to watch the fireworks people would inevitably launch to usher in the new year.
"Hey, sweets." He said to you softly, his thumbs brushing your collarbone softly. "We can feel your pulse jumping like crazy. You okay?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah, I just..." You sigh.
"Liar." Eddie chuckled, bringing his large hands to your shoulders to press his thumbs into your weak spots, making you shiver and drag out a soft noise from you.
"C'mon." He urged gently as he massaged you, sending delightful shivers down your back and to your toes and all the way back up again.
"You can tell us, sweets. You thinking about the delivery again?"
You deflate a little, the bliss of his skilled hands drifting away from your grasp as the weight of your baby's birth came back to your mind.
"...Yeah. I'm just... I'm so, so worried, Eddie." You say, feeling your lip begin to wobble.
"I've read so many horrible things online of how it could go wrong, and..."
Venom's head suddenly slinks around you until his strange body is stretched so he could look you in the eyes.
"But there's also good things." He rumbled. "You might have a quick birth, not having to go through it for hours or even days..."
"And hey, you might even be one of those ladies who sneezes and pop! The baby's out!" Eddie added in, making Venom groan.
You can help but chuckle at how absurd it sounded, and you knew Venom was inwardly cringing at such a naive suggestion.
"I doubt I'll be that lucky." You sigh, a smile finally gracing your soft lips.
"Hey! You never know!"
"Idiot." Venom huffed.
"Shithead." Eddie smirked.
You feel your anxieties settle a bit, at least for now.
Your hands trail over your belly, over the thin purple lines crossing your skin, your fingers gently caressing the rising and falling bumps as your baby shifted and rolled around inside your womb.
"...Willow." Venom suddenly said.
You and Eddie blinked and stared at him, brows raised and eyes large, a long silence filling the shower as the water ran over you.
"What?" You ask him.
"For a name. You're gonna be due any day now." He purred, leaning his face closer to your belly.
"Still haven't settled on one."
"Where did you hear that name, Vee?" Eddie asked, shock evident in his tone.
"In some TV show I flicked through when you two were asleep. I like it." He replied simply, pressing his muzzle to your belly, feeling the tiny feet and hands thrash out from within.
"Okay, as far as names go that's... actually a good one." Eddie murmured.
"...Willow." You repeat softly.
It was a beautiful name. And honestly... You liked it. You had yet to pick a name for yourself, indecision being your worst enemy your entire life made the process that much harder.
Picking a name was one of your fears, too. You wanted your daughter to have a wonderful one; one she could carry with pride, and the pressure you placed on yourself to pick the perfect one was what screwed you up on that.
But this name, the one Venom suggested felt... right.
"Yeah." You smile once again. "Yeah. Her name can be Willow."
Venom grinned a shark-like grin and nuzzled his face into your belly like a happy affectionate cat, purring like one, too.
"Well, I'm glad that's a weight off of you." Eddie chuckled, resuming his earlier massage into your shoulders, earning another blissful sigh from you.
Yeah... Things will work out. After all, as long as you had these two with you, you felt like you could handle anything.
You relaxed and leaned into Eddie's touch, a little whimper escaping you as his thumbs knead into a knot in your shoulders.
Venom grinned up at you, and you knew fell the glint in his eyes meant you were in trouble.
And you knew that Eddie had the same smirk.
"No point in hiding it, sweet thing." Venom growled lowly, his tongue laving out to taste the skin on your hip, tracing the stretch marks etched into your skin.
"We know what gets you going." Eddie said quietly, leaning in to whisper in your ear.
You shivered when Venom's tongue slithered lower, past the swell of your midsection and down to your twitching clit.
"It's n-not my fault..." You whined, your voice cut off by a breathy moan as you felt Venom's tongue squirm past your entrance and into your tight, gummy walls.
"Of course not." Eddie hummed, massaging your shoulders as you arched your spine as little as you could; Venom's inky body slinked around you, enveloping you and keeping you from slipping off the shower chair in the process while he proceeded to eat you out with voracious hunger.
Eddie hissed suddenly, his fingers halting in their ministrations to squeeze you softly.
"Eddie, what--" You panted.
But that's when you felt it. The water was getting cold.
"Maybe we should move this to the bed, hm?" Venom cackled.
"Eddie, fuck..." You whimpered fingers gripping tight into your bedsheets as Eddie rutted his nose against your clit, his lips and tongue dancing through your soaked folds as his hands pawed at your hips, bringing you down closer every time you squirmed away.
As Eddie devoured you, part of Venom's mass was completely surrounding his cock, sucking and stroking in time with his tongue as it pushed and pulled against your weeping cunt.
It was too much, and not enough at the same time. As much as you wanted more, you also wanted to push him away because the sensations were beginning to become too much for you to handle.
Your eyes were rolled back into your head as you felt that blissful feeling begin roll into a roaring crescendo, threatening to overtake you and make your heart patter out of your lungs.
God, you wished your belly wasn't in the way so you could see what he looked like between your legs. One day, soon.
Or, well... At least once you were fully recovered after the birth. Which would probably be a while.
You were so lost in Eddie's mouth working you over that you didn't notice Venom leering at you, saliva dripping around his fangs as his eyes narrowed to barely-there slits, focused intently on your heaving breasts; both long since swollen and sensitive as your milk came in.
You certainly didn't notice the small beads of hazy white liquid beading up and threatening to roll down the soft mounds of flesh as your orgasm approached.
"Oh, fuck--" You gasped, weakly rolling your hips to meet Eddie's eager mouth.
For a split second, you hear Venom snarl softly, before all of a sudden his mouth was on you, latching onto your pebbled nipple, his tongue rolling and squeezing your breast to get out every drop of that sweet liquid he could.
"Fuck." Eddie groaned, pulling back to breathe heavily.
Venom made sure Eddie could taste your milk as he drank from you readily, the flavor coating his tongue and flooding his taste buds to combine with the sweet taste of your nectar that coated his face and chin.
It was an intoxicating combination.
Eddie's eyes rolled a bit as he dove back in, aggressively sucking and nipping at your clit, gently prodding your entrance with his fingers as Venom proceeded to try and drain your breasts of all their milk.
All at once, the combined feelings had your mind blacking out, every muscle tensing as you came; your teeth snagging your bottom lip between them and you made a loud moan, barely able to string their names out of your mouth as they helped you ride out your orgasm.
Eddie pulls his mouth away from you and rises to his knees while Venom pulls himself free (albeit reluctantly) of your breast, licking the stray rivulets of milk that had begun to run down the sides of your tits.
"So sweet, love." He purred, licking his chops. "But we need more."
Venom's head merged back into Eddie's body, his inky mass slinking down his arms until it was comfortably arching your hips and back off the bed while Eddie rutted his sensitive cock against your sensitive cunt, still fluttering and clenching around nothing as the remnants of your orgasm waned.
But every lazy stroke of his hips sent little bolts of lightning arcing through your nerves, stretching out the little aftershocks just a bit farther as he carefully slid his cock into your hungry cunt.
"Fucking tight." Eddie hissed through clenched teeth, his eyes pinching shut.
"Not gonna last long, sweets." He rasped.
Between Venom working his cock over and edging him while he ate you out, and how your silky wet heat enveloped him so wonderfully tight, he could already feel himself getting lost in your body.
"Eddie, please..." You keened, your fingers going to grip at his wrists, your nails digging into his skin with each plunge of his cock into your needy hole.
He was careful with you, trying not to jostle you (and the baby) too much as he fucked you.
You felt the pressure build up low in your belly once more, squeezing down and sending another tight feeling down your spine as you became hyper-aware of every vein in his cock as he glided in and out of your hole.
"Almost, baby, almost..." Eddie breathed, wriggling one of his wrists free so he could brace it in the pillow by your head to give himself a bit of leverage as he rocked his hips into yours.
He could feel his orgasm climbing fast; sweat dripping down his brow as your delicate hands slid over his shoulders. The way you bit your lip and locked eyes with him only drove him further into no man's land.
"Fuck." He moaned weakly, his pace stuttering and dragging out as he felt the first volley of cum shoot out of his sensitive tip.
He had enough control to pull out, rutting his hips over your belly as the rest of his cum shot over your swollen belly and twitching pussy, his cock once more rutting against you as he came hard.
Your teeth grit and your nails dug in as Eddie buried his face in the crook of your neck, panting hard into your damp skin as you feel a sensation you were almost familiar with burst low, a fresh burst of wetness gushing from you are the pressure on your lower spine builds and tingles.
"Oh, fuck." You swallow. "Eddie."
"Yeah?" He asks, pulling back to look down at you with an almost cocky smile on his face.
"I think my water broke."
He and Venom both immediately began to panic.
The scrambling to get to the hospital moved by you in a blur. One minute Eddie was hastily dressing you in one of your sundresses, slippers, and a pair of panties, the next you were carried like some sort of fairytale princess down to the car park.
Good luck getting an ambulance out to your place tonight...
Eddie and Venom bickered the whole time to your car, your hospital bag prepped and slung over Eddie's shoulder as he guided you down to your car.
They sat you in the passenger seat and helped you buckle in as the first set of contractions ripple through you. As the pain flashed, you couldn't help but be reminded by your earlier concerns.
You read that some women felt pain for days, or hours before their water broke. Why were you only feeling it now? Was that a bad thing? Was something wrong?
Fuck, you knew it would hurt, but... you weren't prepared for the sudden sharp stabbing. You expected it to start as a throb and build from there, not immediately start out like someone was hacking away at your lower half.
When you arrived at the hospital, Eddie had actually slipped and busted his ass on the freshly mopped floor in his haste to fetch you a wheelchair.
You would have laughed, if you hadn't been gripping the safety handle in the car, screaming as another sharp jolt stabbed through you.
A few nurses even chased him out, harping about how he could have a concussion from falling, but quieted when they saw what had him in such a frantic rush.
Your baby girl was coming, whether you were ready or not.
It had been close to four hours, and you were almost ready to deliver; nearly fully dilated, as your obstetrician cheerfully announced, a smile so cheerful and calm you almost kicked her in the face.
She was less impressed with Eddie, however, as she pulled him out of the delivery room to talk.
"We'll be right back, luv." She assured you sweetly.
"Uh... Is--is everything okay? You were saying they were okay, and--" He blurted out nervously.
"No, no, she's fine." She assured him, pushing her glasses up her nose once more.
"Then what..."
"I couldn't help but notice how hesitant she was to tell me how she went into labor. But I have to know, did she fall? Injure her belly in any way?" She questions.
"No! No, god no." Eddie said, waving his hands and shaking his head. "Nothing like that!"
She crossed her arms and tapped her finger on her bicep, a thick brow quirking upwards on her freckled brow.
"...Were the two of you having sex?"
Fuck fuck fuck.
"Uh... I, er..." Eddie put a hand on his hip and scratched the back of his head, casting a look into the room where you were read-faced and sweaty while the nurses wiped your face with a towel while your hands gripped the handles in the birthing chair you were seated in.
He blew a puff of air out of his cheeks.
God, he wanted to crawl into a hole and die. The embarrassment of the situation was too much for him, having this teeny tiny Irish woman stare him down.
"I'm not judging you." She says flatly, not letting him escape her microscopic gaze. "But I have to tell you that there is a reason we tell pregnant patients to avoid penetrative sex, or excessive sex this late into their third trimester. It can make them go into labor."
She clicked her tongue and sighed. "You're lucky that she was so close to her due date that the baby isn't in any real danger. But it was still reckless. Regardless if she consented or not, this sort of thing can be dangerous, you hear me?"
Eddie wilted, feeling very much like a puppy who got caught wee'ing on the carpet, shame and mortification filling every inch of his body. Even Venom felt this way, cringing internally at the truths the doctor spat at them as she gave her lecture.
Her rant was cut short when you made a sharp yelp, jerking and clutching at your belly and one of the nurses came rushing to the doorway.
"Doctor O'Halloran, she's ready. We can already feel the baby's head. Looks like this baby wants out now!" She said, absolutely calm and no concern in her voice. If anything, she sounded excited!
Eddie meanwhile was frantic as O'Halloran clicked her tongue again, checking her watch with an almost bored glance. "Huh. Look't that. Well! Let's get this baby out of her! Adjust the chair so she's a bit more comfortable."
She grinned at Eddie, "Well? C'mon, Papa! You better be in here to see your baby girl!"
He felt his heart surge and flop in his chest when she said that. It was finally settling in.
Their baby. Their baby girl.
Eddie had scrambled to behind the chair, leaning forward to wrap his arms around you.
He was glad he had Venom to strengthen his body, because god, could he swear you had suddenly gained incredible super strength as you began to push, crying and screaming as your lungs were squeezed of air, the pain so blinding you had actually fainted for a few seconds, all while not losing your inhumanly tight grip on his hand.
You had shouted more obscenities than Eddie and Venom had ever heard you swear, in between crying and apologizing for saying them and fainting like a messed up cycle.
Doctor O'Halloran assured Eddie this was normal rather calmly as you came to yet again, just to cry and scream again as your body struggled to push the baby free of your birth canal.
The smell of blood immediately had Venom wanting to surge forth, despite knowing there was nothing he could do for you currently except support you from inside of Eddie as you endured the most painful struggle of your life and he bore witness to something he'd never seen with his own eyes.
The bringing of a life into the world.
It hurt the both of them, to see you hurting so badly as you strained to bring Willow out for the world to see. Thankfully, as Venom had hoped earlier in the night, your birth was going quickly.
Not painlessly, of course, oh no. Definitely not painless.
"The moment we get home, I'm bonding with her. I know I can do it." Venom whined within Eddie as you sobbed in pain. "I want to fix her. I don't want her to hurt anymore after this."
Eddie silently agreed, hoping you would consent to melding with the symbiote to heal the damages your body was going through to birth your baby.
They just wished that you didn't have--
All at once, your body went slack and your eyes shut, but before the boys could panic any further, a tiny, ear-piercing wail filled the room.
"A girl! A nice set of lungs on her!" O'Halloran laughed as she scooped up and handed the newborn off to the nurse. She knew that Eddie (and Venom of course) were too preoccupied between staring in awe at the squirming purple body the nurse held to focus on cutting the cord.
All they could think about was her.
She was here. In front of them. Finally.
Those tiny feet that kicked out at them all this time, the little head they could feel shift around in your belly...
The nurses adjusted the chair enough to allow you to lean back, and Eddie covered your face in kisses, waking you up again with a mad grin.
And, heaven fucking bless you; amazing, gorgeous, powerful you, you smiled back. A tired, watery smile as you cried in victory.
Giving birth and being birthed was the closest thing that someone could come to dying and still come out of it. Many were not so lucky, but they were glad you were among the majority that emerged from this bloody struggle with a smile on your face and mirth in your bloodshot eyes.
The nurses wiped your baby down a bit before pulling your gown down to place her squirming, hiccuping body onto your bare chest.
Your hands weakly went to cradle her warm body, kissing the top of her head where a patch of fuzzy hair was.
"Hey, sweetheart." You sniffled, whispering against the wet fuzz.
You could barely get words out as emotions surged out of you all at once, overwhelming your body and mind as you cradled your precious child.
Almost immediately as your voice washed over her, it was as if the angry baby instantly calmed. It was like your soft, happy sobs were a soothing balm to her squirming body.
Neither could tell who moved it first, but Eddie's hand went to cover yours, Willow looking positively teeny beneath his large hand, watching in awe as her tiny, fat little fingers clawed and groped at your chest.
The sounds of loud booms from outside filled your ears, making her jump and wail once more as you coo'd and murmured to your baby.
"Hey, Eddie?" You sniffled, looking up at him.
"Y... Yeah?" Eddie asked, his throat tight as tears began to build at the corners of his eyes.
You tipped your head and kissed his jaw, weak and tired.
"Happy new year."
You were only faintly aware of the nurses cheering; both the healthy baby you birthed and in celebration of the new year ahead of you.
They kept you at the hospital for another two days after you gave birth. After passing the placenta and remaining viscera of the birth, your body felt like literal tons of strain had been lifted from you.
And of course you, at the same time, felt like you had been tackled unprotected by a professional linebacker.
So, of course as soon as Venom offered to ease your comfort and repair the damage you agreed. It would certainly save on the recovery time. Sure, it would be hard to explain during your next checkup, but you'd cross that bridge when you got to it.
Ms Chen had gone to the hospital, as she was practically the closest thing either of you had to a mother and she wanted to see the baby. She carried an armload of supplies with her, too. Including some kinda balm that frankly stunk of something akin to menthol, but whatever it did, it certainly eased the pain on your poor nethers.
And of course, she gave a shit-eating grin when you named her honorary grandma.
Even Eddie's ex, Anne, came with her fiancee to congratulate him and coo over the adorable little bundle he so proudly cradled in his strong arms.
He certainly had nurses swooning, but you knew their eyes were only for you. Especially after he cried some more when you wanted his name on her birth certificate.
Right now, you watched as Willow suckled on her cute pink pacifier that Anne had slipped down to the gift shop to buy while they were at the hospital.
She was dressed in a soft two-piece to ensure the remnants of the umbilical cord weren't too aggravated, her cute little face pinched as she grunted in her sleep, exhausted from feeding and content as you carefully swaddled her.
Eddie came up behind you as Venom's head emerged from his body, all three of you looking down as your newborn dreamt whatever dreams babies had. Probably about her next feeding time.
"She's so fucking cute." Eddie sighed dreamily.
"I know! And she's so chunky." You giggle. "I had a real meatball of a baby. No wonder I was so big."
"Nah, you're beautiful." Eddie chuckled, kissing the skin of your shoulder that had been exposed by your oversized T-shirt. One of his, for sure, but he didn't mind.
Venom purred in a near-silent content, before turning to look at Eddie with a shark-like grin, sending a thought telepathically for only him to hear.
The thought made Eddie choke and start to laugh as he buried his face in the crook of your neck.
"What? What's so funny, you ginormous dorks?" You snicker.
"Ah. Eh..." Eddie said, grinning widely. "...Vee says he calls dibs on the next one."
"Next one..?" You say, your brows furrowing.
"Yeah... the next one. He wants to be the one to knock you up next time."
"Oh, my god!" You gasped, spinning around to slap at Eddie's shoulder while he and Venom laughed. "You two are horrible! Have mercy on my poor body!"
Venom leaned in, nuzzling the pulse in your neck.
"We didn't hear a no..."
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corroded-hellfire · 1 month
Can we get Reader’s first Mother’s Day after Eliza is born? I’m imagining Eliza in a little “I 🩷 Mommy” onesie.
Also manifesting a heartfelt moment between Reader & Ryan ok byeeeee ✌🏻
Eliza in onesie? Check. Heartfelt moment with Ryan? Check. Cheesiness? Check.
Words: 6.4k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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A low whining starts off slow but grows in both volume and intensity. The moment it registers in Eddie’s sleeping brain, he blinks his eyes open and is quick to grab the baby monitor and turn the sound down so it doesn’t wake you. Gently, he sets the monitor back down on his nightstand and rolls to look over his shoulder, checking to see if you’re still asleep. 
A sleepy smile grows on Eddie’s face as he watches you, still out like a light, lips parted, and curled up with the comforter tucked up over your shoulder. If he didn’t have to get up to get your daughter, your husband would burrow under the blankets and cuddle up against you for the rest of the morning. But today is all about you and that starts with Eddie getting up bright and early so you don’t have to.
The moment the door to Eliza’s nursery cracks open, her whines go from half-hearted to insistent. She knows someone is there and she is going to make damn sure they hear her and come get her. 
“Hey, there’s my little sunshine,” Eddie says as he steps into the nursery. 
Eliza watches him with her wide brown eyes as he goes over to her pink curtains, parting them to let some light filter into the room. The sun isn’t even fully out yet, but the brightening gray sky provides enough of a shine to see by.
“How’d you sleep, hmm?” Eddie asks as he picks the seven-month-old up out of her crib. 
Her chubby little fingers instantly grab at the shoulder of Eddie’s faded Hellfire shirt. She sighs contently when her dad presses a few kisses into the wispy baby hairs at her temple. 
“You hungry?” 
The rest of the house is silent as the two make their way to the kitchen. Eliza’s little hums and coos keep her occupied, like she’s having some sort of conversation, as Eddie sets her into her Disney princess highchair.
“I’ll heat up a bottle and then we’ll go watch some TV, okay?” Eddie asks the baby through a yawn.
He receives no reply as he pulls a prepared baby bottle out of the refrigerator and pops it into the microwave. As it heats up, Eddie goes around the kitchen, pulling out a frying pan, a spatula, and some cooking spray. Eliza watches with curiosity, but the moment the microwave beeps, her eyes snap in that direction, and she whines to get the attention of her father.
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” Eddie says, ruffling the tiny bit of hair that Eliza has as he passes by her.
The milk passes the wrist temperature test, so Eddie scoops his daughter up and makes his way into the living room with her. 
“Okay,” he says through another yawn. “What should we watch? Let’s see what’s already in the DVD player. Oh, you like Hercules. Perfect.”
Eddie presses play on the remote and settles down on the couch with Eliza. He kicks out his plaid pajama clad legs and rests his feet on the coffee table as he situates Eliza against his body so he’s best able to feed her. 
The little girl eagerly accepts her food, snuggling back against her dad’s chest as she takes over the responsibility of holding the bottle. Her eyes remain trained on the screen as she drinks, Eddie becoming invested in the movie as well. He even starts to sing to her as she finishes up the last of her milk.
“Like a shooting star, I will go the distance
I will search the world, I will face its harms
I don’t care how far, I can go the distance
‘Til I find my hero’s welcome waiting in your arms.”
Bright, shining eyes stare up at Eddie, making him chuckle once the song is over. Eliza blinks a few times, her dark long lashes kissing her cheeks with each flutter.
“Like when I sing?” Eddie asks her. 
As a response, she drops her empty bottle and snuggles even further into her dad’s chest, making herself as comfortable as possible. Eddie gently rests his head atop her softer, smaller one and keeps watching the movie with her. 
About halfway through the movie, Ryan comes down the hallway, rubbing his left eye as he trudges into the living room. 
“Morning, pal,” Eddie greets.
“Mornin’,” Ryan answers, waving to his little sister as he passes the couch. 
Eddie turns his head to tell his son, “I got everything you’ll need out for you. On the counter by the stove. Well, you’ll need to get the food parts out of the fridge, but I got the other stuff.”
“Thanks,” Ryan says as he continues on to the kitchen. 
Now instead of the movie, Eddie’s attention is on any and all sounds coming from the kitchen. Yes, he trusts Ryan and knows he’s a competent kid—but he’s still only a twelve-year-old kid. After about ten minutes, Eddie can’t take it any longer and places Eliza in her pink flowery walker so he can go check in on his oldest son. 
Ryan’s doing surprisingly well. He has all the ingredients that he needs out, and he has everything set up around him. He’s about to open the carton of eggs when Eddie raises his eyebrows.
“Did you wash your hands before you started cooking?”
“Oh, right.” 
As Ryan goes over to the sink, Eddie hears “Hi, Eliza!” come from the living room. The heavy tread that accompanies the voice lets Eddie know exactly where Luke is until the ten-year-old pops up beside him.
“I’m hungry,” Luke says. 
Eddie musses up the boy’s curls and nods his head.
“Eliza and I will go wake up the star of the day and then I’ll make you breakfast.”
The door to your bedroom slowly swings open, the heads of your husband and daughter popping in. The moment Eliza’s gaze falls on you, she immediately wants to be brought to your side. 
“Okay, okay,” Eddie whispers as he walks over to the bed. He sits down on his side of the bed and lets Eliza go, who wastes no time crawling over to you. She wraps her small arms around your head, hugging it, and making Eddie laugh. “Why don’t you give Mommy some kisses? Wake her up like Sleeping Beauty?”
Eliza just tilts her head to look up at him, not knowing what he means. Your husband demonstrates by leaning over and pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. This motion is what wakes you up, but you give no sign of being conscious, enjoying listening to your husband and daughter. 
The infant does her best to copy her father, but really just slobbers on your face, which makes you laugh and peek your eyes open at her.
“Well, hello there,” you say, wiping baby drool off of your nose before it can run down any farther. 
“Happy Mother’s Day!” Eddie cheers, one hand on Eliza’s back as if he’s encouraging her to say it as well.
“Thank you, Sweet Pea.” You press a kiss to your daughter’s cheek. “And thank you, baby.” Eddie leans in and gives you a peck on the lips. “Where are my boys?”
“Ryan is actually preparing your first gift of the day,” Eddie explains. “And Luke is either helping him or being a pain in the ass.”
As if he knew he was being talked about, Luke rushes into the room and does a running jump onto the bed.
“I’m heeeeeeere!”
Your middle child belly flops on the foot of the bed before army crawling up to you and wrapping an arm around your neck to press a kiss to your cheek.
“Happy Mother’s Day,” he says.
“Thank you, honey.”
You take a look around at everyone on the bed and stick your lower lip out in a pout.
“I’m missing my oldest.”
Eddie presses a kiss to the top of Eliza’s head and makes sure she’s securely between you and Luke before he gets up from the bed.
“Let me go check on him.”
While Eddie walks out of the room, Luke wriggles himself so his arms wrap around Eliza’s small frame and lays his head on your shoulder.
“So,” he says, looking up at you, his blue eyes full of excitement. “It’s a surprise but you gotta know so you’ll be ready on time so I’m gonna tell you my gift!”
“Ready on time?” you ask, brows pinching together.
“Mhmm!” Luke says, letting Eliza chew on his thumb. “The art studio near Dad’s work is having a special Mommy and Me painting day and you and I are gonna go!”
“Luke, that sounds perfect,” you say, a bright grin lighting up your face. “I can’t wait.”
Eddie steps back into the room with Ryan, who has batter smudged on his nose. 
“Happy Mother’s Day!” Ryan says, coming over and giving you a hug.
“Thank you, sweetheart. What have you been making a mess of?” you tease, poking his nose just below the smeared batter. 
“My present to you!” he says excitedly. “I made breakfast. Just for the two of us.”
A gasp of excitement escapes your lips, and you rest your forehead against Ryan’s.
“He’s even set up a nice place setting out on the porch for you guys,” Eddie adds. “I’ll be managing the gremlins inside.”
“Hey! Who you calling a gremlin?” Luke asks, sitting up and narrowing his eyes at his father.
As if in response, Eliza presses her hands flat against Luke’s stomach and gives him a push.
“He was talking about you too, you know,” Luke tells his baby sister with a sigh. She copies his sigh and flops dramatically across his lap. 
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There’s a soft breeze outside as you sit across the table from Ryan, enjoying the French toast breakfast that he made for the two of you. Surprisingly, it tastes really good—better than any breakfast that’s been made for you in a long time.
“I think you should take over cooking for your dad from now on,” you tell Ryan with a playful smirk on your face. Before he can respond, your eyes catch on the mug sitting at your place setting. It’s white with a gold handle, and in the same golden color it says “World’s Best Mom” in a swoopy font.
For a moment you just stare at it, admiring it, and feeling your heart fill up with warmth. Carefully, you reach forward and lift the mug full of coffee towards you.
“This is beautiful, sweetheart,” you tell Ryan, looking at him over the rim of the mug. “Thank you.”
There’s a smile on Ryan’s face that’s a mixture of excitement and that mischievous look he used to get when he was a little boy. 
“You should look at the back,” he says as you’re mid-sip.
Once you swallow your mouthful of coffee, you slowly turn the mug one hundred and eighty degrees to take a look at the other side. The sight that greets you has your eyes immediately filling with tears. Printed on the mug is a family picture of the five of you—the very first picture the five of you had taken together after Eliza had been born. The newborn is still wrapped in her blanket from the hospital as you hold her while sitting on the couch, Eddie right beside you. On his other side is Luke, grinning that hundred-watt smile that can light up any room. And on your other side is Ryan, leaning in close because just before the picture was snapped, he had his head bent over Eliza and was telling her that she was home now. 
As much as you want to thank Ryan for the gift, your throat feels too constricted for words. 
“Oh my God,” you’re finally able to squeak out. It takes you another few moments before you can speak again. “Ryan, I absolutely love it. It’s perfect. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
You set the mug back down on the table and open your arms for him. The oldest Munson boy pushes out of his chair and walks around the table, where you pull him into a bone crushing hug. He laughs as he wraps his arms around you to embrace you in return. Giving a little extra tug, you pull Ryan all the way into your lap, which has him laughing even harder. The pure joy his laughter radiates has you even more emotional than you already were. 
“I don’t care if you’re too big for this now!” you say, words muffled against his back. Ryan tries to situate himself a little better, so you loosen your grip but don’t let him go. He drops his head back, realizing he isn’t going to be let free just yet, and the way the back of his skull becomes cradled in the crook of your elbow reminds you of how you held Eliza when she was smaller. A chuckle stuffed with a dozen different emotions bubbles out of you and you smooth some of Ryan’s golden brown curls off his forehead. 
“I don’t care that you’ll be a teenager soon. I don’t care that you’re almost as tall as me. You’re still my little boy. You’ll always be my little boy.” 
A smile tugs at the corners of Ryan's mouth.
“I’m so lucky that you’re my son,” you say softly. 
Doe eyes that are so much like his father’s and his sister’s stare up at you from where his head rests on your arm, love and curiosity in his gaze.
“Did you love us before you loved Dad?” he asks.
It’s not something you expected him to ask, not something you thought about in a long time.
“That’s a tricky question,” you say, brows pinching together. “Because they’re different types of love. But, yeah, I did love you guys first. It was impossible not to after spending time with you.”
Ryan tilts his head, looking away pensively. He’s quiet and you wish you knew what was going on in his brilliant, beautiful mind.
“That’s pretty cool,” he finally says. “Some people have trouble finding the person they belong with. But you found three.” He smiles. “You were always meant to be my mom.”
The tears that began to build up earlier now fall down your cheeks and Ryan is quick to sit up and wipe them away. 
“I didn’t mean to make you cry!”
“It’s a good cry,” you assure him with a watery smile through your sniffles. “It’s very, very good.”
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The second that you step through the door into the classroom where the Mommy and Me paint session is happening, Luke’s eyes go wide. All the art that hangs on the walls mesmerizes him as the two of you find a pair of empty canvases to sit at. 
Towards the back of the room, you and Luke take seats at a table on the left side. There are two easels perched on the table that hold blank white canvases. Between the two, there are a myriad of colored paints for you and Luke to share, as well as a variety of brushes of different sizes. 
You’re about to redirect Luke into a conversation with you because it seems like all the art surrounding him has him on overdrive, head constantly on a swivel in an attempt to see everything and you don’t want him to get overstimulated. But before you can open your mouth, the teacher at the front of the class calls for attention. 
“Happy Mother’s Day everyone!” she says. “I’m so glad that so many of you wanted to spend time painting with your moms today! I’m Hannah and I’ll be your instructor for this class.” Hannah explains the basic rules, how the class works, and offers to answer any questions. “Sometimes we have themes we work on in these classes, but I’m not here to tell you what to paint. But wouldn’t it be cool if each mom and child’s set of paintings had a common theme?”
Luke perks up at this, instantly loving the idea. He swivels to you in his seat and nods his head so emphatically he reminds you of a bobblehead doll.
When you’re given free rein to work on your paintings, Luke plucks a thin paintbrush out of the holder and taps it against his chin.
“What should we paint?”
“What about…the ocean?” you suggest. “You can paint the pirate ship that’s on top of the water and I can paint the mermaid that’s under the water.”
Luke gets very excited about your idea and nods enthusiastically once more. You swear, you feel like you have to stop him before a spring pops out of his neck. 
“Ooh! We should turn the canvases like this!” Luke tilts both canvases so they’re landscape and would look better one on top of the other.
“Very smart,” you praise. 
Luke appraises his canvas and decides where to start painting the bottom of his ship, when his eyes glance over to your blank canvas and he’s struck with an idea.
“You should make the mermaid look like Eliza! Not like…a baby, but with her color hair and eyes. And maybe a pink tail since she loves pink!”
You chuckle, eyes crinkling in the corner as you nod your head in agreement. “I can’t think of anyone who would make a more magical mermaid than your sister,” you say.
“You would,” Luke says casually as he dips his brush in some coppery-taupe paint. 
Warmth fills your body and your hand stalls on its way to grab a brush at his compliment. You make a mental note to ruffle his curls up later when your hands are clean and press a kiss to the top of his head.
“Like The Little Mermaid?” you ask.
“Yeah,” Luke says, brush stroking from side to side to paint the broad side of the ship. “But, like, the Disney one, not the Brother’s Grimm one where she doesn’t break the spell in time and turns into seafoam.”
Your giggle was pink, the same shade that you’d chosen for your mermaid’s tail.
Conversation flows and ebbs easily between the two of you as the ninety-minute class ticks by—it’s always easy and never boring with Luke around. Occasionally, you ask one another for advice on your paintings or ask how something is coming along. Once the instructor announces that time is up, you and Luke clean up your area while the teacher goes from table to table, taking pictures of the mothers and children with their paintings.
When she gets to you, you squat down so that you can hold your mermaid below Luke’s pirate ship. The ten-year-old holds his painting below his chin, giving the camera a proud smile, while you’re out to the side of the paintings, also sporting a proud smile. But your pride isn’t in your artwork—it’s in having Luke as your son.
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When the two of you get back home, Luke eagerly shows off your paintings and Polaroid to Eddie, who, of course, loves them. The photo immediately goes on the fridge, held up by Luke’s favorite Shrek magnet, and the paintings are set on the entertainment unit until you and Luke can find a good place to hang them. 
“Someone says she just woke up from her nap and is ready to hang out with Mommy,” Eddie sing-songs as he walks into the living room from the hall, where he was picking up the little Liza Bean from her nap time. Your favorite part, though, is that Eliza is wearing a white onesie that says “I 💜 Mommy.”
“Well, look at you!” you say, gleefully accepting your daughter from your husband. “And I heart Eliza! Mwah!”
“She’s got a surprise for you, too,” Eddie says.
You cock an eyebrow at your husband. “Oh, really? If it’s in her diaper I’m handing her back to you.”
Eddie laughs and presses a kiss to your forehead.
“No, not in her diaper. But it is in the bathroom.”
“The bathroom?” you question. 
Eliza babbles as if she’s asking about the location as well.
“What are you asking for?” Eddie teases Eliza. “You know what it is.”
After a small boop to Eliza’s nose, Eddie slips his hand into yours and leads you into the master bathroom. Products in an array of colors are laid out on the counter and there’s a radio with a CD player tucked into the corner.
“What’s all this?” you ask, taking everything before you in. 
Eddie casually strolls over to the counter and begins to present the different items as if he’s Vanna White.
“Hair mask for Mom, baby oil for Eliza’s hair,” he begins. “Oh, don’t worry, before you ask, Eliza and I got help from the people at the store who actually knew what they were talking about. Right, baby girl? Right. Okay, so. Next, face mask for Mom, oatmeal lotion for Eliza’s face. Then, as you can see, you have a variety of scents to choose from for your luxurious bubble bath. And body lotion for Mom, and more baby oil for Eliza.”
You’re overwhelmed by everything Eddie prepared and look down at your daughter in your arms, smiling up at you with her single tooth proudly on display in her lower gums. You’re overcome with how adorable she is and need to nuzzle your face against hers.
“Are we having a Mommy and Eliza spa afternoon?”
“All her idea,” Eddie says, holding up his hands in front of him. 
With a chuckle, you step forward and press a soft, slow kiss to your husband’s lips.
“This is absolutely the sweetest thing ever,” you whisper against his mouth. “Thank you.”
“Anything for you, my love. You deserve some relaxation. Thought this would be some nice time for my girls.” Eddie’s eyes go back and forth from you to Eliza, Eliza to you, and the pure love that shines through his gaze is enough to get you tearing up again. 
“Isn’t Daddy the best?” you ask Eliza, who is too busy looking at everything laid out on the counter.
“I think she just wants to get to it,” Eddie says. “I’ll leave you girls to your spa.”
On his way towards the bathroom door, Eddie presses play and the CD in the player begins playing instrumental, lullaby covers of popular songs that you had purchased for Eliza. 
It makes you laugh, and Eddie gives you a wink, about to head out the door, but he stops short.
“Oh! One more thing.”
He steps back in and closes the door to reveal two lavender bathrobes hanging on the back, one that has “Mommy” embroidered on the back and one that says “Eliza.”
“Eddie!” You say his name with a gasp. “Oh my God, they’re so pretty.”
“Gotta keep my girls comfy even when they come out of the spa,” he says with another wink. “I’ll leave you girls to it.”
Once Eddie is gone and has shut the door behind him, you take a deep breath, wondering where to begin.
“Let’s see,” you say to Eliza. “What scented bubble bath should we use?”
Using one arm to grab all five different options, you lower yourself to the cold tile floor below and let Eliza rest between your spread legs. She leans against you and immediately picks up one of the bottles.
“Wanna try this one first? Okay. Let’s see, this is vanilla scented.” You unscrew the cap and take a sniff. It’s a faint smell, but it’s nice. When you offer it for Eliza to smell, she’s clearly unimpressed as she doesn’t even spare the bottle a second glance. “We’ll call that a maybe.” You set that one to the side and grab another bottle. Rose Water. The scent isn’t bad to you, but it immediately makes little Eliza sneeze. That one gets pushed farther away as you giggle at how adorable your little girl’s sneezes are. The third option is Cherry Blossoms and by the way Eliza wanted to take this bottle from your hands, you’d say she liked it. A definite contender since you enjoyed it as well. Tropical Mango is a hit with Eliza, not so much with you, and Citrus smelled nice and clean but Eliza wrinkled up her nose more than you’ve ever seen her do before. Cherry Blossoms it is.
You let Eliza stay seated on the floor and push the other bottles around while you get up to run the bath water and add the bubbles. Next up, adding the baby oil to Eliza’s hair proves amusing because she keeps trying to roll her eyeballs up high enough to see what you’re doing. It’s impossible not to giggle and you press a kiss to her nose. 
“Silly girl.”
Adding your own hair mask is much simpler, but Eliza still studies you, and you can’t help but wonder what’s going through her little mind as she watches you now—never mind what goes on in your house on a day-to-day basis. 
“You ready for the water?” 
Carefully, you step into the tub—making sure both facemasks are within reach—and lower both you and Eliza into the warm water and bubbles. 
The seven-month-old clearly isn’t sure how she feels about sitting in the water at first, but once she realizes you’re sitting in there with her and it’s warm, she likes it. Slowly, she begins to get a little more adventurous and starts to make small splashes. These amuse her greatly until the bubbles start growing higher; then she seems a little concerned by them. All it takes is you scooping some up in your hand and blowing on them so they scatter and fly around to catch the baby’s attention again. She sits facing you and you gather enough suds to give her a bubble beard. This tickles her both literally and figuratively because she can’t stop laughing once it’s on her. 
The sound is pure joy and so infectious. You laugh with her, silently wishing she could always be this happy. 
The song on the CD changes to the instrumental, lullaby version of You’re My Best Friend by Queen. 
“I love this song,” you tell her. 
“Ooh, you make me live
Whatever this world can give to me
It’s you, you’re all I see
Ooh, you make me live now, honey
Ooh, you make me live.”
Eliza is mesmerized by your singing, and it makes you chuckle. She rests her head against your chest but the oil in her hair has her head slipping around, making you laugh even more. 
With a sigh, you sink a little further into the water to relax.
“When you’re old enough to head bang,” you say, “I’ll teach you Bohemian Rhapsody. But fair warning, once you can head bang your dad is gonna make you do it to his music all the time.”
After you’ve soaked for a bit and both your and Eliza’s fingers are pruny, you reach over the side of the tub and grab the face mask and oatmeal lotion. First you apply Eliza’s and you’re surprised at how still she sits and lets you rub it around her face. Maybe it feels nice to her, just like a facial should. As you apply the mask to your skin, Eliza starts to giggle.
“What’s so funny?” you ask her.
Her ferocious giggles continue, and you realize she must be laughing at how you look because she looks silly even in her little oatmeal mask. The two of you laugh and you have to hold Eliza steady because even though she’s getting very good at sitting up on her own now, she’s laughing so hard that she keeps almost falling over. 
Taking a washcloth, you first gently take off Eliza’s mask and then your own. Though her giggles have subsided, Eliza looks up at you with a smile on her lips and a glimmer of happiness in her eyes. 
“This isn’t my first Mother’s Day,” you tell her, voice soft at first, “but it’s my first one with a baby. My little Sweet Pea. You and your brothers—and your dad—made this such a wonderful day. I’m so lucky to have you all. Thank you for choosing me to be your mom. I’d like to think you chose me, anyway.”
The little girl puckers her lips and makes a smacking sound as if she blew you a kiss.
“Right back atcha, kid.”
As soon as you get both of your hairs rinsed out, all you can think about is the soft plush bathrobe that’s awaiting you. But first, lotion. As you apply yours to your body, Eliza watches the water go down the drain of the tub with complete fascination. She peeks over the side of the tub, mesmerized with the whirlpool collecting near the pulled plug. 
“Ready to be moisturized?” you ask her once all the water has disappeared. “Want that baby smooth skin?” Your own joke makes you laugh as you pop the top on the baby oil.
Eliza isn’t used to the sensation of having something slick on her skin. The slightly furrowed brow and the way she keeps running her hands lightly over her arms tells you she isn’t sure how she feels about it. 
The time has now come for the bathrobes. The mini one comes off its hook first. It’s a little difficult to maneuver her body into the robe, but you soon get it situated on her and tie the fuzzy belt at her waist. She is a purple marshmallow, and the cuteness threatens to make your heart burst. A pleasurable sigh hums through you as you slip into your own robe. The way it feels like you’re wearing a pillow and cuddled up cozy but not constricted or overheated has you daydreaming about wearing this every single day. 
“Come on you,” you say, picking up your fashion twin. “Let’s go see Daddy.”
Footsteps approach the living room and Eddie turns his head from the television to see you and Eliza making your entrance. A laugh of amusement falls from your husband’s lips.
“Look at my girls! A vision in purple!”
You walk around the couch and sit down on his lap, holding Eliza on your own.
“Tell Daddy that we had a nice relaxing time.”
“Good,” Eddie says and presses a kiss to your cheek. A strong hand rubs up and down your back and it relaxes you even further. 
“Where are the boys?” you ask, voice sounding slightly distant as his touch lulls your body practically pliant.
“In the kitchen,” Eddie says, “going over the takeout menu for the Chinese place a few blocks over. So we’ll probably see them in an hour or two.”
Letting out a soft chuckle, you snuggle up against your husband, your baby cocooned between you.
“I love Chinese food.”
“That’s why we’re getting it, princess. It’s your day,” Eddie tells you before looking down at your daughter. “Right, Liza?”
Eliza simply blinks at him in response and buries her face in the soft fabric of your robe.
“Oh,” Eddie says as a thought resurfaces in his mind. He looks over the back of the couch to make sure neither of the boys are coming. “I have to tell you what Luke said. And, well, Ryan too.”
“What is it?”
Eddie’s smile is one filled with happiness and pride and it’s making you all the more curious. 
“When you were in the bathroom—excuse me, I mean spa—Luke was telling us about the art class and how much fun it was. Then he kind of pauses and says, ‘You know…no, never mind. It will sound stupid.’ But I was like, come on, what’s on your mind, kid? And he goes, ‘I’ve always known how much Ryan and I are loved by everyone; our family. But I guess seeing how we’re treated the same way…’ And then he trailed off and sighed, and I think he couldn’t figure out how to phrase what he wanted to say. But I guess Ryan knew where he was going because he took over. He says, “We’re not treated any differently than Eliza. We’re all…’ Then he trailed off, but I caught where they were going then. So, I said, ‘You’re all her kids. Each one of you three is just as much her child as the other two. There’s no difference.’”
Tears flood your eyes but you’re not entirely sure what emotion is provoking them.
“They thought—” your voice cracks and you can’t continue.
“No, no, hey,” Eddie reassures you. “Both of them said it was something they never thought about. Not even after Eliza was born. But I guess a kid in Luke’s class or something says his stepdad doesn’t treat him like his son and Luke thought that was crazy. All he’s known since he was five is you loving him as if he’s your own. Because he is your son. Then I guess Luke talked to Ryan about it and they thought back and couldn’t think of a time where you treated Eliza as more important than them. I think it was an emotional revelation. One that they don’t take lightly. They know that they’re your babies, too. God, I wish you could’ve seen the looks on their faces when we were talking about this. Just the pride they have that you’re their mom. That you chose them and love them as fiercely and deeply as possible. Sweetheart, the only thing that was my idea today was the spa with Eliza. Everything with the boys? That all came from them. I hope you know how much they love you.”
“I do,” you admit with a sniffly smile, cheeks completely stained with tear tracks. “They chose me too. They’re my sons.”
Eliza looks up at you and babbles and coos, clearly wanting to be part of this conversation. 
Both you and Eddie chuckle at her insistence and Eddie takes the opportunity to wipe your face. 
“And you’re my daughter,” you say to Eliza. 
“No denying that with how much you look like Mommy, huh?” Eddie says, running the back of his forefinger down Eliza’s soft, chubby cheek. 
“Hey!” Luke says as the boys come back into the room, Ryan holding the takeout menu in his hand. “Why didn’t we get matching robes too?”
“The color clashes with your skin,” Eddie quips.
“I’d like to be included in these things is all I’m saying,” Luke says as he sits on the couch perpendicular to the one you’re on.
Ryan perches on the arm of the couch you’re on and opens the menu.
“We figured out what we want,” Ryan says, offering the menu to Eddie. “We circled them.”
“In red pen,” Luke adds. “The blue pen is from the last time we ordered.”
“Red pen,” Eddie repeats. “Got it.” 
Reluctantly, you slip off of his lap so he can go call and make the order. Truthfully, you’d rather stay curled up in your husband’s lap, forget the Chinese food, and survive on Eddie’s cuddles alone.
“Want your usual, babe?” Eddie asks you.
“Yes please.”
The sound of footsteps fades the closer Eddie gets to the kitchen. You wave both of the boys over to come sit with you.
“Boys,” you stage whisper.
They come over, Luke plopping down on your left side and Ryan hunkering down on your right. Gently, you tuck Eliza between your and Ryan’s bodies before you wrap an arm around each of the boys’ shoulders and pull them in for a hug.
“Thank you for—oh, yes, Eliza you’re included in this too,” you say when Eliza harrumphs at you. “Thank you for the most amazing Mother’s Day. This was one of the best days I’ve ever had.”
“In your whole life?” Luke asks.
“In my whole life,” you affirm. “And thank you all for making me a mom. It’s the hardest but coolest thing I’ve ever done.”
“Being your kid is pretty cool, too,” Luke says. “Don’t worry, we’ll make sure Eliza knows that as soon as she understands words.”
With a tired but content smile, you lean back against the cushions on the couch and immediately feel little hands and knees digging into various parts of your body as Eliza climbs up your body and makes herself comfortable, her clean head and hair coming to rest on your chest. From the position you were in when you hugged the boys, your arms are still stiff and wide open, and Luke is the first to take advantage of that.
He tucks himself into your side, resting his head on your shoulder. Ryan copies his actions (instead of the other way around for a change) and leans against your right side, careful of Eliza’s tiny head that is so close to his. 
For a few moments you just sit there, thinking. Enjoying this time, with all three of your children in your arms. You close your eyes and savor it, just you and your babies in this moment.
Eddie strolls back in from the kitchen.
“Food is on its way—oh. Well, don’t we all look comfortable?” Eddie smiles as his gaze roams over the couch, taking in every detail of the four of you. His oldest babies who helped get him through one of the worst periods of his life. You, the great love of his life who saved him in every possible way. And the small baby girl that the two of you created together. 
You tilt your head and rest it against Luke’s, looking up at Eddie with a soft smile. 
His eyes meet yours and no words need to be said. Everything you need to express to one another is in that look. The love, the happiness, the gratefulness. Both of you realize the million and one things that had to line up just right for this moment to be a reality. It’s exciting to think about what the choices that were made today will lead you to in your future together. Only time will tell—and right now? This particular moment is one you’d like to pause. Maybe pause it until you can wring every moment of blissfulness from it that you possibly can. But you already know that would be impossible—the joy in this moment is endless.
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whenisthefall · 28 days
Warnings: angst, pregnancy, miscarriage little gory, More angst.
Eddie Munson x fem!reader  
Telling Eddie you got your period while still pregnant.
he freezes for a moment wondering what this means, but then he feels stupid for even asking the question because he knows what it means. 
He tries to stay strong he really does. He does everything you ask of him and more with a silent nod and a solemn expression. For a while he was holding it together so good you thought maybe this didn’t even affect him as much you. 
He knows you’re still going to have to go through labor, all that work just to see that the baby has a blueish tint to it instead of a pink hue. All those gifts just to be shoved into the spare room were a small burden of hope was left behind. 
But once you’re finally just starting to get over it, the smidge of knowing that even though someone you love is gone, someone you never even met, and that there’s life after death. You hear it.
You hear Eddie fucking bawling.
His cries sound like ringing to your ears and for a selfish moment you wish it was small hungry cries from a baby that fill the room instead of your husbands. 
He tried, he tried so hard to be strong for you but he just couldn’t hold it anymore. 
Crying on the living room floor with a small blue onesie in his hands. The package that grandma Wayne sent came later than expected. 
He wants to be mad but who can he be mad at? His son? The little boy didn’t even get to see the light. You? You just tried your best and was grieving just as much—if not more than him.  
Eddie’s tired. So, so tired. And all he can do is cry. It feels like nothing will bring him as much joy again as staying up late holding your body close to his and picking out boy names with you, or practicing his dad jokes in the mirror along with his stern voice. 
Everything hurts. And it doesn’t get easier for a long time, until he finds out he’s having another.
205 notes · View notes
abibliophobiaa · 10 months
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Chapter Three: Roommates
summary: eddie proposes you move in with him, and you do — for the baby, duh.
warnings: mentions of morning sickness; brief vomit mention; but other than that 7.2k of fluff.
eddie munson x pregnant!reader || strangers to friends to lovers, unplanned pregnancy, and then they were roommates, forced proximity.
masterlist | previous chapter, next chapter
Though you anticipated seeing more of Eddie in the upcoming months, you hadn’t expected it quite literally the next day. Chrissy had suggested a ‘family dinner’ that Sunday evening, but Steve ended up meeting a work friend to play some golf, and Melody had been fussing all day. When she had helplessly mentioned she hadn’t been able to go food shopping, you offered to go pick up everything she’d need.
It just so happened to be that when you drove up, Eddie’s van was sitting in front of the house, his head visibly bobbing where it was above the steering wheel, fingers dancing along the steering wheel. Curiosity got the better of you and you pulled into the sprawling driveway beside him, rolling your window down and looking in until he’d realized he had been caught and lowered the dial on his music.
The window beside you rolled down next, his head leaning over the center console so he could ask, “Need help? Backseat is looking a little full there.”
“We’re gonna pretend I didn’t just see you having your own private concert?”
“Please,” he laughed, turning the car off. Before you could even argue with him about the endless grocery bags, he was already out of his vehicle and heading over to your trunk. “Pop the trunk. You’re not meant to be lifting much anyway.”
“How do you know?” You walked up beside him, unlocking the trunk to reveal the endless bags hidden within.
“Steve gave me one of his dad books to prepare,” he said, lifting some of the heavier bags first. You reached in to grab some of the lighter ones, resting them high on your hip. “I stayed up all night reading up through the fourth month.”
“Eddie, that’s crazy.”
“I wanted to be prepared.” He shrugged, walking beside you up to the house. “Did you know that the baby’s eyes are closed right now, but they move around? Kind of cool, maybe a little creepy.”
“Definitely creepy,” you echoed, a little impressed he’d done all of that as you entered the home and Chrissy came stumbling out, now no longer with Melody in hand. “She finally went down?”
“Yes, thank goodness.” She approached Eddie, taking a couple of bags to lighten the weight loaded in his arms. “Just put everything on the island, I’ll take care of putting it all away.”
The second trip to the car proved different. Eddie noticed immediately the giant box of diapers and bag of baby clothes you’d yet to bring downstairs. Paused as he took in the sight of the tiny clothes, thumb running over a colorful onesie that peeked out of the plastic.
“Here,” he said thickly, lifting the box of diapers in one arm and the bag in the other, “I’ll help you bring them downstairs.”
Exhaling deeply, you closed the trunk and led him to the side entrance to the apartment. Robin had gone out with some friends, leaving the place empty. Eddie whistled as he stepped in, kicking his shoes off near the door, still wet from the snow that had fallen the night before.
“Uhm…where are you sleeping?” he asked out loud, taking in the space. “I mean, I’ve been here before. I know Robin has the bedroom, but where is your stuff?”
“I’m on the pullout couch,” you explained, walking him over, snatching a laundry basket on the way.
Waving an arm out to him, he handed over the bag of clothing and dropped down onto the couch beside you, the diapers already laid out on the kitchen table.
“You’re not serious.” He eyed you as you pulled outfit after outfit from the bag.
“I sleep right here,” you said, nonplussed.
“You can’t,” he stated plainly, voice rising.
“I mean…I can,” you retorted, tossing baby socks into the basket to be cleaned, “and I do.”
“Move in with me.”
Now you were convinced he’d absolutely lost it. The man who you procreated with was losing his mind, because there was no way in hell you’d heard him correctly.
“I can’t move in with you, I don’t even know you.”
“Look — I own a home. It’s not huge or anything, but it’s better than sleeping on a couch. There’s a guest bedroom you could stay in and another bedroom we could turn into a nursery. But you can’t stay here.”
“I was saving up for my own place,” you explained, tossing another item into the bin. “This is fine for right now. I can’t come live with you, take up your space, uproot your quiet. That’s silly, Eddie.”
“It’s not silly,” he argued, reaching into the bag and holding one of the little sleepers in his hands. He marveled for a moment and then shook his head, like he’d remembered something. “I told you I wanted to help out. Don’t you think it would be easier if, I don’t know, the baby woke up in the middle of the night and you had someone else there who could take care of things? I want to be able to bond with my kid too, you know?”
In theory, it sounded nice. The thought of having Eddie down the hall to assist with diaper changes seemed like a dream. An opportunity you hadn’t even imagined possible before bumping into him at the supermarket. And yet, the facts remained the same as they were: Eddie was, for all intents and purposes, a stranger.
“Just…think about it?” he asked softly, “please?”
You thought about it. For about five minutes after Eddie returned upstairs to help Steve fix something with his car. Apparently, when he wasn’t working on music, he maintained a job as a mechanic at the nearby car shop.
It just didn’t seem logical — his whole suggestion. Or, rather, you convinced yourself it didn’t.
Robin, however, seemed to be on Eddie’s side in regards to the whole ordeal.
Traitorous by your standards, and only further complicated your already swirling thoughts.
“I mean, you’ll have an extra set of hands. Someone else to help change diapers. Help with midnight feedings,” she rationalized, trailing off with a grin lining her features, “Plus the two of you probably need to learn to get along for the next eighteen years. That’s a long time, babe. Only way to do that is if you spend time together.”
Moving day happened the next weekend. It all seemed crazy when you thought about it. But then again, you hadn’t thought much about it. Your friends had sat around a table with Eddie after dinner on ‘family night,’ and Chrissy had the lovely idea to make a pro-con list.
That pro list didn’t lie, you’d give it that much.
Despite the beginnings of this ‘relationship,’ you were going to need to figure out how best to navigate the next couple months and the foreseeable future if both parties wanted to be involved in the most important person’s life in this situation.
Because when all the pieces had been laid out, despite your innate desire to protect and nurture them, this baby did have two parents.
And both deserved a part in their life — you knew that.
So arrangements were made and you agreed to moving in with the man. Settled on the fact that this was the best option for the baby, as you were not at all inclined to think about that man in any way other than friendship.
Especially not when he’d walked in from (conspiratorially) helping Steve work on his car for a couple days in a row while you waited for moving day, feet up on the couch reading a book, noticing his tee shirt covered in grease, hands the same color, hair pulled back into a ponytail.
It was the hormones, that was all. They were the ones betraying your body, not you. Because in the rational part of your mind, relationships failed. You’d seen it more times than you could count. Loved ones going through a divorce, friends falling in and out of love, your own failed relationships. It wasn’t worth it trying to complicate an already tangled web with feelings. Feelings were fleeting anyway.
The butterflies that kicked up whenever Eddie was near? Fleeting. The way you swore your heart skipped that first afternoon when Steve had helped you unload some of your things on moving day and Eddie entered from the bathroom, shirt pulled up to wipe at his sweaty forehead? Fleeting. The way your insides melted when you perused the living room and kitchen as the guys walked back out to your car to bring in the last of your boxes, only to find his What to Expect When You’re Expecting book perched on his coffee table, and a picture you’d given him from a recent ultrasound on his kitchen? Fleeting, with a capital ‘f.’
Eddie’s home itself was adorable. A small, three bedroom, one bathroom, with one level. The interior was a mix of darker furniture and sparse walls. He’d already agreed that you could spruce things up if you wanted to, and you’d immediately made notes that first day he gave you a tour. You loved the place — from the open plan of the kitchen and dining room, to his bedroom full of music memorabilia and Dungeons and Dragons merchandise (that you definitely teased him about), to your bedroom, with its white walls and olive bedding. There was a tan dresser on the far wall, and a floor to ceiling mirror on the back of the door. Simple, for the time being.
He’d brought you to the additional room next, had smiled at you and leaned an elbow up on the doorframe. “I figure a crib can go on that back wall. The closets are pretty decent sized. Maybe a dresser on the left wall, and the changing table over there. You could probably fit a rocking chair next to the crib, too.”
He sounded so hopeful. So expectant of what the future held. Smiled to himself like he could imagine his son or daughter in this room and radiated pride with it.
“We can get paint after we find out what it is.” He shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest. Those dark eyes of his met yours. “I know it’s not the biggest, but I think it’s good for now.”
“It’s perfect,” you said softly, brushing at your eyes with the back of your hands, overwhelmed by the thought that in just a few short months your baby would be here, sleeping in this room in this house. “Damn hormones. I am not crying.”
“Whatever you say, sweetheart,” he chuckled, moving back down the hall toward the kitchen. “I’m going to start dinner. How do you feel about grilled cheese since we’ve been unpacking all day?”
Maybe you moaned a bit. And maybe Eddie laughed. And maybe you’d actually stepped into an episode of The Twilight Zone, but you found yourself hopeful. Excited for the future standing before you, and followed him back down the hall with dreams of gooey cheesy goodness on your mind.
The first couple of days proved to be an adjustment. On the first night, you padded into the bathroom, eyes still half-closed, bladder full, and screeched as you fell backward and careened into the toilet bowl.
Eddie sprang up out of bed at your terror, nearly crashing down the door, asking, “What happened? Is something wrong? Do we need to go to the hospital?”
“Eddie! Close your eyes, I’m naked!”
“Pretty sure seeing you naked is how we got into this situation.” He clapped a palm over his eyes.
“Do not even go there! You’re on thin ice as it is.”
“Jesus Christ, just tell me what happened, will you?! You scared me half to death.”
“Eddie Munson,” you nearly snarled, snatching a towel from the rack to cover yourself with, “did you leave the toilet seat up?”
“I mean…I may have.”
He rubbed at the back of his neck. “To be fair, I did live alone for the past five or so years here.”
“I could have drowned.”
“That’s a little dramatic, don’t you think, sweetheart?” His lips tugged upward into a grin that made you want to bash your head backwards against the wall. “And I came to your rescue, didn’t I?”
The second day brought long hours at work and a special home cooked dinner when you walked in through the front door. The house smelled amazing, like freshly made sauce and spices, mixed with a candle burning on the coffee table in the living room. You kicked your shoes off at the door and dropped your pocketbook on the ground beside them, shouldering off your jacket and placing it on the coat rack.
Eddie turned around as you entered the kitchen, watching as your hands rubbed up and down the sleeves of your sweater, trying to bring back some warmth into your body. He looked…annoyingly handsome. Feathery curls brushing his shoulders as his head bobbed to the music he had filtering through the radio, dark wash jeans, a thin black sweatshirt. An apron was tied around his waist, sitting low on his hips where his shirt had ridden up just enough to reveal the happy trail you knew slipped beyond his boxers.
Annnd now was not a good time to be thinking about Halloween. Not as you stepped up beside him and asked if he needed any help with anything. “You could grab us some drinks. Maybe grab the cheese from the fridge. I think I have everything else all good to go.”
“So you cook?” you mused, walking over to the refrigerator and grabbing two cans of Coca-Cola and the Parmesan.
“Should you be drinking that?”
“I still have food aversions because of your kid,” you said, pointing down for emphasis, “so I will drink whatever I can keep down at the moment. And right now that sounds like Coca-Cola.”
“Point taken.” He nodded, raising the volume a bit on the radio.
It sounded angry. Something metal, you assumed. Curiosity piqued, you asked, “Is this the kind of music you play? It sounds interesting.”
“Yeah. This one is actually ‘Master of Puppets.’ I learned it in a matter of a couple days back in my senior year of high school. Wayne had gotten me the album since I’d been passing all my classes. Was really nice of him.”
“A couple days?” Your elbows leaned onto the counter beside him, listening to the lyrics about obeying your master, and a master of puppets pulling strings. “That’s really incredible.”
“You could watch us play sometime?” Eddie suggested, dialing down the knob on the radio. “I’d…like for you to meet the guys. They’re also in town. We sometimes play smaller gigs at the Hideout. Kind of where we started, back when we were in high school.”
“That would be really cool,” you said, just as Eddie opened the oven and revealed rows of endless garlic bread.
Normally, you’d be over the moon. Ready to consume said garlic bread by the bucket full. But the scent — oh god, the scent had your stomach churning like waves lashing at the hull of a ship. Had your belly tightening, hand coming up to rest over your mouth as you dry heaved into a palm.
Eddie whirled around with the tray in hand and glanced worriedly at your face, feet carrying him closer as he prattled, “Are you okay?”
You held out your other hand in a silent warning of ‘stay back,’ heaving once more into your palm. “Please.”
He tossed the bread onto the stove top and called out your name, but you’d already rushed down the hall and expelled the contents of your stomach into the toilet, grasping onto the porcelain edges for dear life. A second wave crashed over you and you groaned, forehead dropping down against the wall of the shower, the chilly exterior cooling your clammy skin.
Eddie’s head popped in hesitantly as you lay there, curly hair bouncing about his shoulders as he reached around in the medicine cabinet and tossed one of the ginger candies Chrissy had given you by the bucket full, because while her morning sickness had faded after the start of the second trimester, yours had yet to do so.
“Anything I can do?” he asked, dropping down onto the ground, back against the sink cabinets.
“You’ve done enough,” you grumbled, popping the candy into your mouth with one hand, the other running over your midsection to quell the nausea. “I’m so sorry because I know you probably spent ages working on it, and I’m so grateful, but I need you to throw away the garlic bread.”
“No good?” You shook your head and he grimaced apologetically. “Let me go grab you some water and I’ll make sure to vanquish the evil bread before I come back. I’ll let you know when it’s safe, okay?”
You pressed a hand over your heart, feigning a faint. “My hero.”
He smirked, and you hated that fluttering wings stirred in your belly because of it.
The third evening brought with it a conversation as you readied for a night out with your friends. Chrissy and Steve had gotten a babysitter, and the two of you decided to meet up with them for some food and drinks at a local restaurant.
It sounded like a double date, and with your life already complicated enough being nearly eighteen weeks pregnant as February grew closer and closer to a close, you needed to make sure Eddie understood your friendship needed to remain the one stable thing in your life.
Because, for all intents and purposes, that was exactly what the two of you were. Roommates and friends. The kind of people who greeted each other after a day of work, maybe shared a bit about their day, ate at the dinner table together, and drifted off to bed separately.
An endless, platonic sleepover — with someone who you just happened to have previously slept with. But that wasn’t happening again; not even with the increased hormones running rampant in your body, insistent on keeping you on edge at nearly all hours of the day.
Luckily for you, the shower stall provided just the perfect sound barrier and proper channel to take care of such…urges, and Eddie remained none the wiser to it.
You could do this. You were doing this.
You found Eddie that evening adjusting the sleeves of his leather jacket in the living room. He’d gone with dark pants, a red shirt beneath, and that signature black leather jacket that should be a crime to society because of how well fitted it was to his body. His hair hung loose around his shoulders, a sparkly earring you’d never noticed before dangling in his ear as you approached.
“Don’t make fun,” you groused, stepping into the living area, “I need to go shopping, my sweaters are getting tighter now.”
You’d worn simple black boots, a pair of your newer jeans, and a cream knitted sweater that maybe only had a few weeks left of use in it.
“You look great,” he reassured. “You always look beautiful.”
“Thanks.” You glanced down at your feet, a little bashful, nervousness welling. “And hey — thank you for the past couple of days. I know it has to be weird having me here.”
“It’s different, having another person in the house. But it feels right.”
“I’m really happy that we’re doing this whole…friendship and parenting thing,” you continued, watching the corners of his mouth twitch downward just the slightest. “I just think that’s best for the baby.”
“Is that what we’re doing?” he asked, and you swore you could hear the hurt lining his words.
“Sex complicates things. Obviously, we’ve already learned that,” you began, toying with the ring on his middle finger, “so I think we should keep things friendly. It’ll be better in the long run.”
As in, Halloween was to remain a memory and not something revisited.
“Is that what you think?” He sounded doubtful, but you knew he’d respect it without issue. You’d learned that much in the short while of knowing him.
Even though you craved him. Chalked it up to human instinct to want to be nearer to the man, but you pushed it into the caverns of your mind. Locked it away in a box, to remain untouched.
“Then we’ll work on being best friends,” he agreed, stepping forward to loop his arms around your shoulder and tug you in close for a friendly hug, “for the baby.”
You found out Eddie wasn’t a fan of spinach in his eggs by the fifth day. You had ended up making extra anyway, and since he was kind enough to cook dinner without even asking most nights, you thought you might do the same. He whistled upon entering the kitchen, face growing pale at the plate you smiled gleefully at when you exclaimed ‘I made you breakfast.”
He still ate them despite your countless protests that he absolutely didn’t have to. Poor guy had grinned at you through what looked like terror in his eyes, swallowing each bite with an emphasized hum of forced pleasure. And damn it he didn’t need to look so good like that, freshly crumpled shirt from bed, bicep reaching up to rub at his neck, revealing dark swirling ink on his limbs, hair in a messy bun at the back of his head since he’d end up pulling it back for work anyway.
“Eddie.” You laughed, pulling your chair closer to the table in the kitchen, stabbing at your own eggs. “You really don’t have to eat them. I just figured you’ve been so kind feeding me literally all week, I wanted to help out a bit. Do my own part around the house.”
He shrugged, popping a blueberry in his mouth. “You really don’t have to. I enjoy cooking. Might not be great at it, but I like it.”
“Yeah, but I want to contribute more,” you explained, chewing at a strawberry and swallowing it down with some water. “You’ve given up two rooms in your home. Maybe I can do some of the chores. Dishes after dinner, laundry — I don’t know.”
His mouth twitched at that, dark eyes rising to meet your own. “Deal.”
“Really? I thought I was going to have to grovel. Seeing as you haven’t let me lift a finger in days.”
“I hate laundry,” he stated plainly, as though it were the most obvious thing in the world, “you drive a hard bargain, Buttercup.”
“Then great, I’ll start now —”
“Sit down,” he chuckled, hand curling around your forearm before you could rise from the table, hip nearly bumping the corner in your hastiness. “Finish your breakfast. And the water. Please.”
A twinkle gleamed in his eye. Something that made butterflies burst low in your belly. “What is your day looking like?”
“I have work till around four, and then I thought I would invite some of the guys over since it’s Friday. If that’s okay?”
“It’s your home.”
“Yeah, but it’s yours too now.”
You shrugged. “I don’t mind.”
“Would you want to meet them? I’ve told them about you,” he said, then glanced down beneath the table, “and you.”
“Yeah, sure.” Your back leaned against the wooden chair, a deep exhale falling from your lips. “Do you want to go food shopping together? Get some drinks and snacks?”
“I’d love to, sweetheart.”
Laughter filled the home. Loud and boisterous. A sound that had you beaming from ear to ear, shuffling about the kitchen as you familiarized with where Eddie preferred everything to go. Snacks away in the pantry. Cookies easily accessible in another cabinet in case he ever needed one (you didn’t question it). Placed various paper plates and napkins bought for the evening on the kitchen counter, the plastic utensils in a holder beside them, plastic cups face down nearby.
He made quick work of putting everything else perishable in the fridge, making sure to grab what you’d need for the cookies you decided to make. After perusing the aisles together for what felt like hours, the thought jumped to Eddie’s mind to bake.
A perfect bonding moment, he said, and he was right. There was no arguing about the intimacy of baking with one another. A fact made more prominent as he draped his little apron around his hips and grabbed a giant bowl, some mixing utensils, and a baking pan and placed them down in front of you.
While he did that, you rooted around for the ingredients you needed. Vanilla, flour, brown and white sugar, chocolate chips, eggs, cornstarch, salt and the like. The oven was preheated, the pans slicked, and prepped for baking.
Shoulders pressed together as the two of you worked in tandem. Tossing ingredients into a bowl, taking turns mixing, laughing as you accidentally flicked sugar over the lip of the bowl and a streak of white remained in its wake along Eddie’s abdomen. Tongue dipping out to drag along your bottom lip, you steeled your gaze up above, in the bowl, on the task at hand.
In another bowl, Eddie began mixing the flour, baking soda, and salt. Frantically, he’d done it so frantically, with his smirk you’d grown to love lining those perfectly plush lips. Laughter bursted up from deep within you, flour flicking across Eddie’s cheek at the jolt of the sound, his smile spreading wider as you paused in your own mixing and stepped closer to him.
He stilled on the spot, fingers twitching at his sides as your midsection bumped against the harder lines of his abdomen, palm reaching up toward his face.
At his raised brow, you whispered, “Got a little something…right here.”
A low sweep. Your finger arced in a low sweep against his cheek where flour had painted him a ghostly white. Dark eyes trailed your face, over the lines of your mouth, the fullness of your lips — then flickered up to your eyes, and you heard his breath as it faltered.
Cheeks burning, you whirled away, returning to your bowl. “I got it all. Good as new.”
He leaned in closer, bringing both bowls nearer to one another. “We mix the two now. And then it’s the chocolate chips.”
Watching as he did as explained, you reached across the countertop to grab the chocolate chips. Snipped the top edge off the package when Eddie instructed you to do so, and poured the contents within. Before long, you had a perfectly mixed cookie dough, ripe for baking.
“We’re not so bad at this,” Eddie mused once you began spooning small dollops onto the baking sheets strewn about the countertops. “Granted, it’s not parenting. But the working together thing — I think we’ve got it.”
“It’s baking,” you said, wrinkling your nose at his words.
“Yeah, you’re right,” he agreed, nudging you with his elbow, “but we communicated through every step, and I think that’ll come in handy.”
“If you’re trying to convince me into thinking you’ll be a good father, you don’t have to,” you said, laughing. “I already know you will be.”
He paused beside you, faltering in his movements, and you wondered if you said something wrong. “You think so?”
“I know so,” you promised, understanding from the look on his face, the nervousness in his eyes, the doubt that there was a deeper conversation to be had here. “You know that too, right? That you’ll be a good father.”
Eddie swallowed, mouth settling into a firm line. “I think I’m still trying to accept that this is happening a little bit. It’s only been a week or so. And I guess it’s probably a little different for me —”
“Because you haven’t seen them?” you asked, recalling at your last doctor’s visit he’d only gotten to hear the heartbeat. His only visual was residing on his refrigerator, in the form of a black and white photo he’d not been present for the taking of. “I feel like…it’s also different because I know they’re there. Always. I haven’t really felt them yet. Maybe a little here and there, but I’m not really sure — I just know they’re there. But you’ll get those moments too, you know? You’ll bond with them, Eddie. They’re going to love you.”
“Thank you, sweetheart,” he said softly, a little sadly, placing the baking trays into the oven and setting a timer for the allotted time.
“Hey, Eddie?”
“Yeah?” His head perked up, just as you flicked leftover flour at his shirt. “Oh, so it’s going to be like that, huh?”
“Like what?”
Your tone was teasing, light as Eddie backed you up against the counter, his front against yours, him reaching over your shoulder to grab a handful of sugar from an opened container. Heart hammering at his proximity, you allowed yourself a brief moment to relish in the feeling of his form pressed solidly against yours as he sprinkled the dusty sugar over the crown of your head.
“That’s rude, Edward.”
The man reached over your shoulder again and snatched chocolate morsels in his palm, popping one within his mouth. As your head leaned in, body still against the countertop, he took the hint and pressed two against your lips, grinning as your mouth parted just enough to slip them behind your teeth.
Like this, you could feel his breath against your lips. Could see the dark depths of his eyes, the little honeyed flecks that lay within. The dark swirl of his lashes, the arches of his cheeks, the little freckles you hadn’t even noticed the night he’d worshiped your body over and over again, the curve of his bottom lip, the pillowy nature of the top one.
“I’m really happy you —”
Eddie’s words were cut off by the doorbell ringing. Followed up by a swift knock against wood that had you shifting up and away from the counter. Eddie’s hands were there at your biceps to help steady you as your body swayed with the suddenness of your movement.
“That’ll be your friends,” you stated softly, dusting off the remnants of the sugar from your shoulders. “Introduce me, will you? Little nervous here.”
He rubbed at the soft of your shoulder. “Don’t stress about it. They’re gonna love you.”
All of his friends were charmed as soon as you’d walked in, holding a tray of various appetizers on a plate and settling them down on the coffee table, smiling prettily and laughing as one by one they’d introduced themselves.
Commented on how beautiful you were, how they couldn’t believe Eddie had ever had a chance, how you were glowing. And damn it, he’d never thought someone prettier than you looked at that moment. You had the room eating out of your palm in minutes, Jeff insisting you join in on the fun, nearly tugging you down onto the couch cushions beside him.
“Careful,” Gareth laughed, tossing a chip in his mouth, “Eddie’s got eyes on the back of his head these days.”
Eddie glanced over his shoulder to shoot a glare Gareth’s way. Noticed as Murphy slowly shifted on the couch as the night went on, as he leaned over and tapped you on the shoulder. Watched as your mouth softened a bit as he apologized, as the words he spoke rolled over the room. That he’d thought it was a terrible ploy when you’d called, that he didn’t mean anything by it, that he could never forgive himself for what he’d done.
When Eddie had gotten home the night he found out he was to be a father, he’d nearly booked another flight back out to California to demand answers.
Instead, the phone call came late at night, Gareth nearly half asleep when he picked up and Eddie growled down the line that someone had to speak up and fast.
Apparently, Murphy had truly thought it was a joke. A prank. Someone trying to foist off a baby on Eddie, just conveniently on the back end of their band appearing in the news as rising stars to watch, to try and obtain some money or notoriety. He’d been doing it out of ‘protection’ and to some degree he understood because of situations in the past and with other bands they’d seen in the business, but on the other he’d been robbed of time.
Precious time that had hurt you in the end. For two months you’d lived with the hurt and sting of rejection — with the thought he had wanted you to do this alone. That this was your cross and yours alone to bear. He hated that. Resented it because it reminded him of his late mother’s face, of the sadness she bore when his father had finally walked out and left them high and dry.
Murphy had cried, because he hadn’t known. Hadn’t known it was the same girl from the party. The fucker had cried and Eddie wanted to hate him, wanted to yell, wanted to shout because of it all — but he couldn’t. Because he pictured that little profile of a face on that black and white picture he’d tucked away in his coat jacket, he pictured your smiling face, closed his eyes and thought of that damn heartbeat and he knew he couldn’t.
Wayne raised him better. Wayne. When everyone else had walked out on him, his uncle remained.
But then you had to go and crush his heart further by leaning over and folding your hand over his bandmates, before dragging him closer for a tight hug, forgiving him.
It was hard being friends with you, harder living with you, when you just continued to do things like that. Loved those around you deeply, openly, even though you kept him at a distance.
Kept what he represented at a distance.
And he understood. Understood that with him it was different, the stakes were higher, there were other parties involved. It never stopped the wishing, the wanting, the waiting and wondering though. The ‘what ifs’ that kept him up at night, when you’d long since shut your bedside lamp, shrouding your side of the hall in darkness. But he respected your desires to keep things friendly for the sake of the unborn child. Understood that if this was what you thought best, he’d put aside his own feelings for the betterment of yours.
So for now he watched as his friends crowded around you. As they welcomed you with open arms into the band, as Jeff mentioned you should come over and meet his wife, June, and have dinner over their place soon. As Gareth invited you (overriding the fact Eddie was still Dungeon Master) to their next planned night (he wanted to ask you anyway). As Murphy waited on you hand and foot, making sure you never had to get up for the duration of the movie you all ended up watching, there with snacks and water at the ready.
And later, as the guys left and you fell asleep with your head on the armrest of the couch, Eddie tried to squash down the ache that formed in his chest when he rubbed your shoulder and your eyes fluttered open, your mouth rounding into a yawn, before settling on his dark stare.
Tried to suppress the affection that bubbled up as he helped you to your feet with a hand around yours, the furrow of your brow as you tugged a pillow close to your chest, the soft shuffle of your slippers against the carpeted floor as you both walked down the hall to your bedrooms.
“Goodnight,” you muttered with a soft wave.
It was a punch to the gut, the way you smiled at him in the night, the lamplight spilling into the hall shrouding you in a golden halo.
“Goodnight, sweetheart.” He waved back and you turned in for the night, darkness shrouding your end of the hall.
He remained awake for hours.
A few days turned into another week.
You entered your nineteenth of pregnancy, tossed some clothes that no longer fit into a bin in your closet, and made room for newer things.
Life with Eddie became almost natural. An extension of what you’d known before with Robin. You came home every day to a cooked meal or takeout with him, shared about your days, watched movies and read books together, and slipped away at the end of the night. Every night.
He was easy to live with. Mostly cleaned up after himself (except for the hair he’d left to sit on the inside of the shower curtain some days and the numerous pots and pans he left out whenever cooking). But he’d been a perfectly wonderful roommate, and an even more caring friend.
You supposed part of that was the fact that, because you were growing his kid, he wanted to make sure you were both taken care of. Always asking if you needed snacks for the work day, if you’d drank enough water, gotten enough sleep.
Already concerned, and endearingly so.
A hum spilled from your lips. A familiar Madonna tune playing from the shoddy radio Eddie kept in the laundry room, connected to the garage. A laundry basket sat propped on one hip, as your hands reached down into the washing machine to pluck whites from within.
With a wrinkled brow, you held aloft one of Eddie’s white work tees. Now an interesting pink color, tinged like the numerous other shirts and socks strewn within. The further you dug, the more you found. A onesie for the baby, once white, now pink. One of your tank tops. The edges of some of your socks.
The culprit? A red pair of his boxers, tossed deep within the washing machine, the same color of rubies. A huffed breath spilled from you, laundry basket propped up on the drying machine before you slipped back down the hall from where you came and entered the living room.
He lay sprawled out on the couch, watching a movie, a pair of sweatpants hung low on his hips. His top half was covered in a black tee, and over that one of his red plaid shirts, which resembled that same pair of boxers you’d come to reprimand him about, caught up in the disarming sight that was always Eddie Munson.
That increasingly familiar head of dark hair shifted where his head lay propped against a couch cushion. Dark eyes framed by long lashes lifted to meet yours, the corners of his eyes wrinkling as he smiled up at you, holding aloft a bag of your favorite wavy potato chips.
He knew you’d been craving them and bought a few bags on the way home from work. Damn him for always knowing. A hand reached into the bag and pulled out a few, mouth watering around the salty goodness before you once again remembered why you’d come out of the laundry room to find him.
“Eddie, dearest.”
“Yes?” He lifted himself up at that, waving you over to settle down beside his hip on the couches. “Why do you have that look in your eye?”
“I get a look in my eye?”
“Yeah, it’s the ‘she’s going to kill someone’ look,” he explained, and it gave you pause, brow arching, “hey, hey. I can see that little wrinkle above your brow — don’t be upset with me now, sweetheart. You don’t do it often but I’ve seen it before. Like the other day when I used the last of the milk for my cereal.”
“Yeah, because you used the last of it on your second bowl when I hadn’t gotten any,” you said, brows furrowing higher on your forehead, “but I wasn’t really mad. I was just hungry — and I, well I — are you trying to say you think I’m mean?”
“Oh no. No no no,” he murmured, gathering your shoulders in his arms, tugging you into an embrace that you definitely didn’t protest. As your face pushed into his chest, you sighed, eyes on the television ahead, that extremely hormonal sadness roiling in your gut. “I know that look too. I don’t want you to be sad and cry over it. I’m only joking. What did I do? Be mad at me instead. Just don’t wanna see you cry; I hate that.”
“Left a pair of red boxers in the washer when I was doing whites,” you grumbled into his warm skin. “All our whites are now pink. Even the little baby clothes.”
He gasped, “Not the little baby clothes!”
“Edd-ie.” A whine spilled from you and he chuckled, the abruptness of his laugh jolting your head. A sniffle shook your form and Eddie hugged you tighter. “Gosh, I’m so backwards. Morning sickness? Supposed to be gone by now for most people, and I still have it. Crying at the drop of a hat in the first trimester? Try the second too. Whoever said this whole thing was beautiful hasn’t met me.”
“Hey now.” Eddie shifted you on his chest, finger tipping your chin up to look at the ridiculously goofy grin he had on. “Don’t be mean to my friend, okay? I happen to think she’s pretty fucking great. And she’s beautiful. Plus she’s making this whole growing a literal human thing look like a walk in the park.”
“You mean it?” Your head wiggled up along his chest, rumpling the fabric of his shirt, stopping at his collarbone.
“There are many things people have called me through the years, but I don’t think liar is one of them,” he said, and the sincerity lacing his tone had you easing against his chest, watching the people move about on the television screen. “Come on now. Grab that blanket and watch the movie with me. We can always get new stuff, don’t stress yourself out over my silly mistake. I’ll take care of it.”
Lifting long enough to grab the blanket in question, you reached over and draped it over both your thighs, head looming above where it had been against his collarbone. Eyes searched his face imploringly and he tucked you back down against him, exhaling deeply as you laid there, warmth seeping into his skin, the comforting weight of you against him welcomed there.
Friends cuddled, right? And you were great friends with Eddie Munson.
“What movie is this anyway?” you asked, reaching over for the VHS box settled near his opposite thigh. “Star Wars? What’s that?”
Eddie tensed. “Are you telling me you’ve never seen these? Am I about to take your Star Wars virginity?”
A giggle bursted free from your lips, hand coming to rest over his sternum, rubbing idly. “I’m kidding.”
“I was going to say we needed to fix that and have a full marathon. My kid is getting fed Star Wars even before they’re born.”
“We could still have a marathon,” you suggested, nuzzling deeper into his skin, body relaxing further. “It’s raining, I’m just doing laundry. Perfect day for it.”
He grinned to himself, ringed fingers coming to rest at the top of your head. “Sounds good to me, sweetheart. Now shh, I hate talking during movies.”
“Oh so he’s one of those. Filing that one away for later,” you teased, wincing as he flashed a glare your way.
But he smiled at you right after, and you didn’t know what to do about the stutter in your pulse that followed shortly behind.
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bimbobaggins69 · 1 year
Gamer boy (part two)
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Modern gamer!eddie munson x baby sitter fem!reader
Part one
summary: you’re propositioned to baby sit by your father, but it’s for Eddie “the freak” Munsons niece. You had history, but now you can’t even stand being near him. Will you both be able to put aside your distain? Or will a little gaming bet, bring you closer than ever before?
⚠️warnings: eventual smut 18+ mdni, angst, friends to enemies to lovers, mutual pining, mean!eddie, slight fuck!boy eddie, cocky eddie, perv eddie, panty stealing, gaming bets in exchange for sexual acts, giving hickeys, finger sucking, suggestive cliffhanger.
wc: 4.2k
note: thank you to @corrodedcorpses for lending me her genius brain <3 (don’t forget to tip your writers with a comment and reblog)
eddie photo edit: @themunsonator5000
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You woke up Saturday morning, feeling a little more optimistic. You knew for the sake of the remaining time there was left to babysit Layla, you had to suck up your feelings for Eddie. Play nice is what you kept repeating to yourself. No matter how much Eddie aggravated you, you were here for Layla and to help Wayne. They did nothing to you, whatever is going on between you and Eddie or isn’t going on, it’s not their fault.
Luckily, when you awake, everyone else is still asleep. As you move into the kitchen, body still adorning the black little onesie, Eddie couldn’t keep his eyes off of last night, but he’s a boy, of course he’s gonna look if tits and ass are in his face, in a twisted sorta way, it gave you the confidence to not break down right in front of Eddie. You were confused and hurt, you thought your feelings for him were long gone and instead placed with disgust, but now you know your feelings never left, but they did manifest into resentment for him. Maybe for ignoring you over a rumor, or even believing a rumor to begin with. That was so out of character for Eddie at that time, so the hurt never left you it just snowballed into something that felt like hatred.
Once in the kitchen, you turn on the old 80s looking coffee pot, and search around for a mug that hasn’t been hanging up collecting dust, you find one in the top cupboard, it’s a dark blue with ‘# 1 dad’ etched on it. You assume it’s Wayne’s everyday cup and begin pouring the steaming coffee into the mug. You look around in the fridge for some creamer but you have no such luck. You pull out the milk and search around for some sugar or sugar packets, finally finding some sweet and lows in a junk drawer.
Once your coffee is to your liking, you lean up against the counter and sip on it as you contemplate whether or not you want to make some breakfast, finally deciding on a yes, you raid the refrigerator and pantry for anything that looked appealing. You decide on bagel sandwiches, one of your favorite things to make and luckily you have all the ingredients.
Once you’re done with the eggs and adding the cream cheese to the bagels you hear little footsteps making their way into the kitchen.
“Good morning, y/n!” Layla chirps with excitement
“Well, hello little miss Layla, how did you sleep?” You say as you bend down to get eye level with the toddler
“Good, no bad dreams.” She says as she eyes the food behind you.
“Are you hungry? I’m making one of my favorites.” You say as you stand back up, going back to spreading the cream cheese and flipping the eggs.
“What is it?” She looks at the eggs almost skeptical
“It’s bagel Sandwiches. They’re really good, I promise.”
“Mmm, can I have cereal instead?” Her little face flashing you a look of sympathy, like she didn’t wanna hurt your feelings.
You couldn’t help but chuckle at her, while you find a bowl and spoon for her cereal. Once it’s made, you sit her down in her seat and start to put the finishing touches on breakfast. As you pour Eddie a cup of coffee and get his plate together, music begins seeping out of the crack under his door, it’s surprisingly low. You can’t help but wonder if he’s doing that for you. ‘Yeah right, don’t be delusional.’ You think to yourself.
You walk down the hall with his plate and coffee in hand. Maybe you’re doing too much, maybe you shouldn’t be being this nice after last night, but another part of you, the part that has now realized your true feelings, wants to somehow get back into Eddie’s good graces, or at least for the sake of being cordial while you’re here.
You placed the coffee cup on the plate so you could give the door a couple knocks,
“Uh, yeah? Come in.” The voice on the other side rings out
You hesitantly open the door, pushing it wider with your elbow as you now separate the coffee cup from the plate, holding it up with a smile.
Eddie’s eyebrows shoot up at your presence, swiveling around in his gaming chair to face you.
“Is that for me?” He asks suspiciously
“Yup, hope you like it—” you sat the plate down and glanced to your right, seeing a pair of white panties hanging from the knob on his dresser, your breath hitched. Wait, those weren’t any panties those were your panties.
Eddie followed your line of vision, as he visibly gulped, the look on your face was between anger and curiosity.
“Are those my panties?” You turn back to him, gaging his reaction.
“Oh, are those yours? Sorry I thought uh, never mind.” He says shaking his head
“You thought they were your girlfriends?” You push, of course you wanted to know if the girl from yesterday was serious or just a quick fuck.
“My girlfriend?” He says as he scrunches his face, “I don’t have a girlfriend, sweetheart.”
“Mmm, so you just invite random girls over to your place to fuck them? Good ta know.” You turn to walk away
“Hey, hey! Am I sensing some jealousy, princess?” He gently grabs your arm, now towering over you.
“Pfft, jealous? You wish, pal.” You spit, but your rosy cheeks give you away.
Eddie gives you a few “tsks” while shaking his head, “there’s no need to lie, it’s just you and me here.” He smirks, dimples on display.
‘God, he’d be so hot if he wasn’t such a smug jerk.’
“Just give them back, Eddie.” You say as you hold out your hand to him, raising your eyebrows as a challenge.
“Mmm, I have a better idea.” He rubs his chin, as if he was deep in thought, “how bout we make a deal?”
“A deal? For my panties back? You’ve lost your mind, Munson.” Retracting your hand back down to your side, you scoff as you roll your eyes.
“Just listen, would you?” He shifts on his feet, you could tell he was losing his patience but you didn’t care, this power play between you two was too fun.
“Well go on, I’m listening.” You’re still standing awkwardly by his door, as you begin shifting on your feet.
“Here sit down.” He gestures to his bed while he takes a seat in his chair.
Before you can think about it, you turn around and walk out of his room back to the kitchen.
A couple minutes passed and Eddie’s still sitting in the same position, his once smug face now dropped into a look of despair. Once you come back into the room, his eyebrows shoot up in surprise.
“I had to get Layla situated, now what is this deal?” You say as you sit down on his bed, one leg crossed underneath you while the other hangs off the side.
The smug smirk makes its way back, as he rubs his hands together. That probably should’ve been a telltale sign to get out of there, but apparently you have no thought process in the presence of Eddie, because you sat there curious and intrigued as he excitedly spit out his next words.
“So I’ve been thinking…” he says, leg bouncing as he swivels side to side in his chair. “Uh oh!” You say with sarcasm, making him roll his eyes and huff, dropping his shoulders a bit, as his confidence thinned. “Shut up, and listen” He says back as his knee begins bouncing faster. “I was thinking, maybe we could do a series of bets? Ya know, make your time here more interesting.”
“A series of bets?” Your eyebrows almost shoot to the sky, while your arms fold over your chest, making your tits spill out more between the low cut black fabric. Eddie, eyes them shamelessly as he licks his lips. “Okay, I’m gonna need you to be more specific before I agree to anything.” The knowing giggle you let out, alerting Eddie that he’s been caught ogling your chest, makes him clear his throat and his eyes shoot back up to yours.
He licks his lips again before he begins, “if you can beat me at this game I’m playing then you can have whatever you want from me, whether it be for me to be nice to you the rest of your stay, or maybe even something a little more risqué if you know what I mean.” He says with a waggle of his eyebrows, the insinuation lighting a fire in your belly, and causing your panties to dampen a little. But you were playing a role and he couldn’t know the effects he has on you. “Pffft, you wish Munson.” You say with a swat to the air with your hand. It was suppose to come out way cooler than it did, making Eddie cackle, knowing he had you right where he wanted you.
“Alright, alright,” he says putting his hands up in surrender. “Then whatever you want, princess.” He nods as he bites his lower lip, staring you down like a predator. “I can just be extra nice for you.” He says with a smirk.
“Well what do you get if you win?” You ask as you begin gnawing at the inside of your cheek.
“Whatever I want.” He says with an almost domineering tone and look in his eyes, making your body shiver. Now it’s your turn to clear your throat, “yeah but what do you want?” Your palms were getting clammier by the second. “Oh, I want a lot of things from you, sweet thing.” The nickname made you squeeze your thighs together, the action not going unnoticed by Eddie. Oh he was already winning.
“Okay, deal.” Your mouth and brain were clearly not synced because that came out without you giving it too much thought, you let out a deep breath as you stand up and walk over to his dresser, snatching your white panties off of the knob.
“Hey! I didn’t say you could take those.” Eddie says as he gets up to snatch them back, “they’re mine!” You say back as you try to dodge him, you almost make it around his lengthy body before he snatches you by your waist and pulls you over to his bed, you fall on top of him with your butt up against a very clear hard on, as you both maniacally laugh at the whole situation, once you realize what the hard thing digging into your ass is, you slide off of him but your body freezes as you’re now laid side to side, shoulders touching. Eddie turns his face to yours first, you follow. You both sit there for what feels like minutes just looking over each others features, his eyes darting from your eyes to your lips, yours doing the same.
He hums and then quickly sits up, “well, I think when you put little one down for a nap you should come back and we can get this game started.” He heads back to his chair, turning his back toward you, as he puts his head set on, and immerses himself back into his game.
You walk out of Eddie’s room with mixed feelings. He was so close to kissing you or at least it seemed like it, maybe you were overthinking it, you’ll figure it out once you put Layla to bed. The thought of having Eddie do whatever you asked had you unbelievably giddy, but being at Eddie’s mercy had you down right flustered, butterflies bursting through your torso, hands a little shaky as you did some cleaning up, you couldn’t help glancing over to the clock on the microwave every couple minutes. To say you were excited for this little “bet” was an understatement.
Layla went down with ease, she was such a great toddler it almost made you feel like having kids some day wouldn’t be so bad, all she needed was Mr. Floppy, her pink black out curtains shut, and her sound machine turned on, she was out like a light.
You decided to take a quick shower, throwing your hair in a claw clip, just a quick body wash. When you got out you dried your body, putting on some lotion and spraying a bit of perfume on your wrists and each side of your neck, before slipping on a black thong some black cotton shorts that you rolled up twice just enough to have it cling to your curves perfectly and a cropped deftones shirt you thrifted years back, you decided to keep your hair in the clip, pulling some hair out to perfectly frame your face. Once you were dressed and felt ready, you knocked on Eddie’s door.
“Come in.” He mused, all of his focus was on the game as you walked in, shutting the door behind you. Once he lost, he turned in his chair to look at you, his eyes scanning over your body, but mostly your legs and the way you rolled your shorts up to be even shorter, giving him the perfect outline of your pussy. His breath hitched when he noticed, making him swallow the excess saliva building in his mouth at the sight of you.
“So what’s this game I’m gonna kick your ass at?” You say playfully as you walked closer towards him, “yeah, we’ll see about that, sweetheart.” He says as his hungry eyes meet yours.
“I was g’na have you play the game I’m playing now, ‘Elden ring’ but I decided to go easy on you and pick something for beginners.” His cocky smug smirk makes you roll your eyes. “You don’t have to go easy on me Eddie, I’m up for the challenge.” You reply back, “alright, have a seat.” He pats the gray fold up chair that was leaning against his dresser earlier, he must’ve gotten it ready for you before you came in. The thought makes your heart flutter, surely you shouldn't be getting gooey over something so minuscule. Eddie begins to go into depth about the game, it’s fantasy, you’re not surprised about that, from what you can tell and the way he’s excitedly explaining it to you, it seems pretty fun. You definitely have zero confidence in being able to beat him, but you weren’t really sure you even wanted to, you were too curious about what he was going to ask you to do for him.
You spent about ten minutes on the first round before your character was obliterated by the dragon. You were being a bit of a sore loser, but you knew you wouldn’t win, you really weren’t even trying to beat him but you had to act the part.
He whooped at your loss as he beamed over at you, smug as ever. “Well, well, well looks like I get whatever I want from you, sweetness.” The pet name made you scrunch your face up in disgust, but it had the complete opposite effect on your insides, your heart sped up, your tummy fluttered and you clenched around nothing. “What do you want?” You rolled your eyes as the words flatly left your mouth. He began rubbing his chin as if he didn’t already know what he wanted. He's probably been thinking about it since he proposed the whole plan to you. “Okay, I got it!” He says too overly excited. “You have to let me give you a hickey.” He says smirking as he leans back in his chair, head laid against the headrest. “A hickey?! Out of everything I could do to you, you want to give me a hickey?” You tease, Eddie’s smug smirk didn’t break at your words, instead his eyes went a little wide and his brows disappeared under his bangs at the mention of “out of everything I could do to you.” Now he wishes he could change it to something more sexual but he also wants to work his way up to that. For now a hickey will do, and everything after that will gradually get more and more filthy.
“Lay on the bed, sweetheart.” He motions behind him with his thumb, so you slowly get up and walk over, taking a seat at the edge of his messy bed. You can hear the “good girl” leave his lips as you sit down, you were so close to saying to hell with this game and asking him to fuck you right here on his bed, but you couldn’t be the one to instantly give in, you needed to play his game of getting him hot a bothered so he could cave first.
He stood up and walked over to you, there was something predatory in his movements, the way he looked you up and down, licking his lips. He sat down next to you, but scooted more towards the middle of his bed, “come here.” He says gently putting his arm around your waist to help you scoot closer to him, you turn your body so your chest is almost up against his, but not quite. “You ready?” He whispers in your ear making a shiver run down your spine, you nod your head yes, not looking him in the eyes, apparently for Eddie that was not a good enough confirmation. He grabbed your chin and turned your face towards his, he was a little more rough with you this time. “Be a big girl and use your words for me.” You took a deep breath in and let it of out of your nose before speaking up, “yes, I’m ready.” You whisper, “that’s what I like to hear.” He suggestively says. Your hands felt a bit shaky being in such close proximity to him, you never thought you’d be this close to Eddie Munson again, at least not the way you were the summer before freshman year, he had been everything to you at that time, he was your first kiss and you swore you’d lose your virginities to each other but life had other plans, and now here you both are, it almost felt like no time had passed and all the bullshit you both went through never even happened. You’re quickly knocked out of your thoughts when Eddie’s mouth meets your neck, at first it’s just a little peck before it becomes an open mouthed kiss, then a light suck before it progressively gets harder and sloppier, it felt so good, but you didn’t want him to know that, until he reached your sweet spot right below your ear, ‘fuck, how does he remember the spot that drives you crazy?’ You try not to dwell on the thought of him still remembering information about you.
You knew he’s been with multiple girls from school and not to mention the hook ups he’s probably had at the bar he plays at, so the fact that he remembers your sweet spot is driving you crazy, you can’t help the moans that leave your mouth at his onslaught, he always knew how to make you submit to him in just the little intricate ways he treats your body.
“Fuck” you whimpered, at a pirticularly harsh suck. Eddie removes his face from your neck after one last gentle kiss to the spot he had been assaulting, you feel all the air sucked from you as Eddie’s face inches closer to yours, but he stops to stare into your eyes. You feel stuck for a moment almost frozen in time, before you’re leaning in closer and kissing his lips, they’re so soft and pillowy, just like you remember. Eddie lets out a low groan before you pull away, “I’m sorry.” You softly say as you sit up moving closer to the edge of his bed, “um, how about we keep playing?” You suggest with a tight lipped smile, you stand up and head back to your seat in front of Eddie’s desk, you miss the way Eddie’s face fell in disappointment, he gets up nonetheless and trudges back over to you, plopping down into his obnoxious chair.
He looks over at you giving you a side smile, you see his eyes flicker to your lips for a moment before he turns back to the screen, “okay, if I beat this round you have to do something for me again, if I lose you name your price, got it?” His tone is a little harsh, but you don’t take much offense to it, so you nod as you say “got it.”
As Eddie plays his round, you look over his body, you’re no longer focused on the screen. You couldn’t care less about the game anymore, you notice how his right leg is bouncing up and down, he’s in black sweats that were cut into shorts just above his knees, he had wire fencing tattoos on each knee with a hole where his knee caps were, his white municipal waste shirt clings to his body so perfectly. The print on it is a little disturbing; a corpse with its face being melted off, you slightly wince at it, as your eyes continue to roam, but your sights set on his hands on the keyboard and mouse, the rings adorning both hands almost make you reach out to touch them, but you don’t.
You’ve sat there for at least 15 minutes staring at his hands as you bite your lip. You hadn’t even realized he lost, even after all the “fuck, fuck, fucks.” And “nooooo’s”. Not until his right hand was being waved in front of your face. Your cheeks were a deep red, it descended all the way down your neck. Eddie eyed you knowingly with a shit eating grin, there’s no way you were gonna be able to talk yourself out of this one.
“So I lost, what do you want, princess?” He says with a deep tone, almost dark. You stammer over your words as you’ve spent so much time looking at his hands, you didn’t even have time to think of what you wanted from him, there were so many options you couldn’t just pick one, so you sat there stumbling over your words. “Uh, mmm, I-I uh.” Eddie barked a laugh, he knew it was because of him that you weren’t able to form words, it made his dick twitch in his shorts, knowing he had that power over you, he never thought he’d get it again. It’s something he craved for so long.
The truth is Eddie felt such strong feelings for you, you had gone from best friends to a fucked up kind of friends with benefits way before you should’ve. You were both way too young and he did stupid shit to try and make you jealous, bringing up other girls to get a reaction out of you, being one. But he didn’t want anyone other than you.
And you had to go on that date with Josh, even after Eddie basically hinted at him not wanting you to, he felt betrayed. He didn’t give a fuck about those rumors, well okay that’s a lie, he did believe them at first but after seeing the way Josh and his friends were, it wasn’t hard to tell he was a slimey pig. Eddie knew he overreacted about the whole situation by ignoring you, but he was young and his pride was bigger than him at that time, before he knew it, too much time had passed to apologize, you moved on and he tried to.
As you still stammered, racking your brain at the possibilities. Feeling tiny under Eddie’s gaze, he speaks up, saving you from making a bigger fool out of yourself. “Can I make a suggestion?” He asks, leaning in closer to you, same cocky smile.
“Mmhm, sure.” You breathe out, wishing a hole would open up underneath you and swallow you up, you’d never been so embarrassed.
He brings his heavily ringed finger up to your mouth, “suck.” He says with a chuckle, his eyes were blown black as he began rubbing his two fingers against your bottom lip. “C’mon, I’ve seen you starin’ at them, baby. I know that’s what you’ve been thinking.” You both stare at each other for a couple seconds longer before you give in, opening your mouth and wrapping them around his fingers, you bob your head up and down slightly before you take them further back into your mouth, almost hitting the back of your throat. “Fuck, I knew it.” He groans “mmm, such a good little slut.” His words make your thighs snap together, trying to attain an ounce of friction. You continue to lick and suck at his fingers, making eye contact the whole time. Eddie smiles at you deviously, “I bet you’d suck my cock even better.” He says mockingly, while his other hand is placed right over the very obvious, hard bulge in his shorts. You give one last suck before you’re pulling off with a pop, “wanna find out?”
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Thank you for reading 💚
@emma77645 @local-stoner-bitch @starrthemushroom @ballsacksnumber1fan @eddiesguitarskills @bibieddiesgf @solar-strikes @daniajeyertt @hllfrclb @ummmmbye3 @lolalanaie @mattefic @tlclick73 @lovelylittlemetalhead @dylpicklesblog @corrodedcoffincumslut @steveharringtonswife @miarosso @blue-eyed-lion @fantasticmacaroni @daddyavesxx @chloe-6123 @aol19 @kristinjayjay @cutiecusp @abigailh-a @mrsarellan0 @aysheashea @sinczir @perfectlymellowthing @luna-munson83 @steveharringtonswifey09 @ijustwanttoreadsmutttt @your-nightmaredoll @sashaphantomhive @mandyjo8719 @briasnow-blog @bestofme1996 @darknesseddiem @bisoca @micheledawn1975 @81rain @chelebelletx @bbyhargrove @wormm-mom @xladyluna15x @lfaewrites @1paire2vans @tiannamortis @tecitodementaa @shotgunhallelujah @joantje @myrcellavonswartzschild @asukaslefteye @thepinkluvr @supernatural-1983
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trashmouth-richie · 4 months
Hi! What about a blurb on Eddie taking care of Tooty post Partum
i love this, hope you enjoy it anon
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a small kiss sweeps against your neck, soft and sweet, followed by a sleepy little moan.
“good morning, baby.”
you roll over and face him, still adjusting to the pull of the stitches in your abdomen wincing as it feels like your muscles are literally being ripped in half.
you grumble and yawn, “no way the sun is out right now, i just laid her back down.”
he loves your sleepy voice, loves the way your hair is tangled into a mess on top of your head, the way your sleep shirt is twisted under you.
motherhood was his favorite look on you. it fit you perfectly and you wore it well. whenever Eddie seemed to be losing his mind not knowing what was going on when both the babies were crying, you were gentle in explaining to him what they needed.
he chuckles into your neck and you find his lips with eyes still closed, kissing him deep, sighing into his open mouth when his fingers cup your cheek.
Six weeks of late nights and spit up stained shirts— you wouldn’t trade it for anything. Eddie had morphed into the biggest softie, nearly crying himself when you trimmed the babies finger nails, never wanting to lay them down when they were sleeping. Wayne was right, he was the best dad.
“you’re so beautiful,” eddie whispers running his thumb over your cheek bone, “my sweet tooty.”
the butterflies for eddie never stopped fluttering and you never wanted them to, he was perfect. you open your eyes and smile up at him.
he’s completely dressed, keys stuffed into his pocket.
“going to the shop this morning?”
“ ‘m taking the babies to go see grandpa and grandma—” you sit up but large hands put pressure on your arms and lay you back down, “nah uh sweetheart, this is daddy’s day out, you just stay put, rest.”
tears well in your eyes and you aren’t sure if it’s from being so tired and drained from lack of sleep or from pure happiness and the thought of sleeping uninterrupted.
“wh—what if they n-need me?” you sob, tears rolling down your cheeks in an uncontrollable flood.
Eddie’s calm voice shushes you, “baby, I packed everything we might need—bottles, formula, diapers, wipes, socks, extra onesies, burp rags.. we will be more than fine.”
you didn’t think they wouldn’t be, but you sobbed even harder. “—i’m go, ugh Eddie! i’m gonna m-miss them.”
the bed dips where eddie sits next to you, rubbing your back, kissing your temple, “you need sleep, honey. it’s the only way you’ll heal.”
it took some more convincing from eddie, but when the front door shut and tires crunched on the gravel, your tears dried, and you hiccuped yourself to sleep— waking in the late afternoon to the smell of fried food and the smoky scent of eddie’s cologne.
“brought some food home,” he said kissing your lips and holding two large drinks and a bag of food in his arms, “wayne and karen wanted to watch the kids for the night…said I looked like hell and should go home and sleep— can you believe that?”
you smirk and his dimples display in his shit eating grin, “diet coke for the lady, and a regular coke for daddy.”
eddie unravels the slick wrappers from each hamburger, handing you a carton of fries as you sit up in bed, joining you with a burger in his mouth like a dog holding its favorite toy.
“regular coke, huh?” you say taking a small bite from your burger, “damn livin’ life on the edge.”
eddie snorts and swallows his food, “right, might even get real crazy and finish the whole thing.”
“eddie the freak munson still has it, ladies and gentleman.”
Eddie’s eyes cloud dark, a smirk on his lips as he walks his fingers under the sheets, towards your inner thigh— knowing full well that you slept in just panties and that oversized shirt these days.
your breath shifts and you swallow hard when his finger tips graze over your clit, a small little hitch catches in your throat and he grins devilishly, leaning down into you, eyes ripping holes into you, swallowing your bated breath as he moves his fingers underneath your panties, and you welcome him with knees pulled apart.
“oh baby… i never lost it.”
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queenimmadolla · 1 year
eddie using wayne as a dnd prop
consider me inspired.
𝐃𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
(dad!eddie munson x mom!reader)
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dad!eddie masterlist
Summary: When his newborn baby keeps distracting the Hellfire Club during a session, Eddie gets a little creative with keeping them on track.
warnings: this body of work may give you baby fever. viewers are reminded that eddie munson cannot be your baby daddy. discretion advised. which just means this is fluff.
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“. . . You approach the shopkeeper, wary of the many skeletal remains hanging from the ceiling. You’re not welcome, it’s apparent from the menacing look on his face, not helped by the flicker of the burning candles. Sir Soren notices the shopkeeper’s arm reaching slowly under the table—’’ 
  Eddie snapped out of his revery, stuttering as the rest of Hellfire cooed and Dustin even squealed. He followed their gazes, to the newborn in his lap, weighing no more than six pounds and smaller than most of his big sister’s stuffed animals after his early arrival into the world, and he could see why they reacted like they did.
  His son was mid yawn, plump little lips stretched into a wide ‘O’, eyes squeezed shut.
  Once he was done yawning, the baby blinked owlishly, staring at nothing in particular with heavy lidded eyes.
  “Oh my god, he’s so cute.”
  “He’s so little! Look at those teeny tiny feet!” Dustin was making weird faces at baby Wayne, trying to get some sort of positive reaction out of him. 
  “Forget the feet, look at his hands!” Eddie glanced down to see what Erica was talking about, the newborn had somehow managed to link his  squishy fingers together. “He’s so distinguished! What a proper little gentleman!”
  “FOCUS!” Eddie snapped, sighing when his bellow spooked the baby in his hands. Not enough to make him cry, but Eddie had felt his little body go stiff. He placed one hand over his baby’s front and used the other to rub his back. Sure enough, Wayne relaxed into his hold, leaning forward onto Eddie’s forearm.
  “You can’t tell us to focus on what you’ve been bragging about is the most terrifying part of our campaign when you’ve got cutie patootie front and center.” Dustin argued.
  Eddie rolled his eyes, “I can put him down for his nap—’’
  “What? Why?”
  “Don’t do it!”
  “That’s illegal!”
  “That’s what I thought,” Eddie was smug, leaning back into the recliner. 
  Since his graduation, Hellfire continued both as a school club and out of school with most of the members perfecting their characters and strategizing during their school meetups. Sessions took place on fridays at the Munson trailer.
  Normally, you’d use the Hellfire sessions for some mommy and daughter bonding time with Penny or on occasion, Penny would sometimes stay with him and cheer on the group.
  Bad daddy! Very bad daddy! She’d scolded him after a session a couple of months ago for a different campaign in which Will’s character was killed.
  You’d been low on groceries so you’d planned on running out for more while Hellfire took place but neither you or Eddie had taken the kids out solo yet.  
  It was easy when both of you went, but a routine trip to the grocery store seemed intimidating if you’d be trying to juggle a newborn and mischievous toddler. 
  Eddie convinced you to leave Wayne with him. It’d be easy, he was used to Penny’s crazy antics during those times she stayed with him during Hellfire, so a newborn who was barely active if he wasn’t sleeping would be a walk in the park. He was much more confident as a father this time around, actually knew what he was doing.
  There was only one problem: his baby was just too damn adorable.
  You’d found Penny’s old Hellfire onesie and while it was too big to button, you’d put a pair of baby sweats over Wayne’s little legs, tucking the onesie in. 
  Every single member had promptly lost their shit after seeing Wayne in his arms when they walked in.
  In fact, the session had started late as Wayne made his rounds through their arms. Amy—a new member, a freshman and a cheerleader (she was a little annoying with how often she brought it up)—hadn’t wanted to give him back but none of the party could focus with the baby in such close proximity so Eddie had reclaimed him. 
  If Wayne did anything remotely baby like, they’d go off course. Half an hour had passed and they’d barely made it from the town entrance to a single shop. An astounding amount of progress.
  “Get those big heads of yours back in the game,” Eddie cleared his throat, Dungeon Master persona taking over again. 
  “You enter the shop─”
  Wayne hiccuped against the skin of his arm where he was drooling, it was low and probably would have gone unnoticed had the party not already been paying an intense amount of attention to him. 
  Did you hear that?!
  Oh. My. GOD!
  Eddie, let me hold him.
  “That’s it, the shop is rigged with homemade explosives, Sir Soren triggered them, the shop blows up. You’re all dead. Session over.”
  They all groaned and protested.
  “Okay—okay! We’ll pay attention.”
  They all went into baby talk mode, each of them trying to grab his son’s attention, who managed to somehow avoid looking at any of them while staring off into their general direction.
  Eddie sighed, shoulders caving under defeat as he readjusted his hold on his baby, hands grasping his sides and supporting Wayne’s head as he lifted him to eye level.
  Wayne’s big, brown eyes focused on him immediately, making almost silent baby noises. Eddie softened, corners of his lips twitching out of endearment. 
  “You gotta help me out here, kid.”
  Eddie lowered him, pressing a kiss to his soft little nose.
  The baby let out a sharp squeak, thrusting his head forward. Eddie raised his chin to avoid the collision as his son’s head nuzzled and bumped against his collar, almost as if he was physically trying to seek more affection, encourage Eddie to give him more kisses.
  Baby neck control, man. So bobble-head like.  
  “What am I gonna do with you?” Eddie mumbled, bending to smother the lower half of his face into the fuzz on his baby’s head.
  It was then he noticed how silent the party was, attention finally focused on him. Amy practically had hearts in her eyes (though she had a crush on Will, who was too kind to burst her bubble), “Can I hold him again? Please?”
  “No way! That’s not fair, you already got to hold him!” Lucas argued.
  “Yeah, well so did you!”
  “I meant during Hellfire! You were holding him when we first came into town!”
  “That doesn’t count, Eddie took him away!”
  And so came another argument. Eddie wasn’t even slightly amused as he watched them go back and forth. Until, he had an idea. 
  Maybe they could focus with Wayne in close proximity after all.
  He shielded the back of his baby’s head with his hand, palm covering one ear and his fingers covering the other.
(a/n: yeah, his hand is bigger than Wayne’s head, go ahead and swoon)
  “SHUT UP!” The voices of the party died down immediately. “New rule…”
  You parked alongside the trailer, right next to Eddie’s van and unloaded your groceries. It wasn’t too much, three bags. 
  “I help, mama! I can cawwy!” Penny had insisted, leaning her body against your legs with her arms stretched up and you relented, taking out most of the items save for a few rolls of toilet paper from one bag to hand her. 
  “Such a good helper, thank you so much!”
  “Yes.” She hummed, a satisfied smile stretching her face. 
  The two of you climbed up the steps—you’d had to shift both the grocery bags in one arm to help her hop up the steps and unlock the door—and entered your home, immediately noting the tense atmosphere. 
  Lucas stopped his dialogue and the entire table turned to you with Eddie grinning from his place, lounged back in the recliner, “Hey, baby. Welcome home.”
  On impulse, your eyes scanned the room for your actual baby, spotting him in Lucas’ arms as the rest of Hellfire greeted both you and Penny.
  Penny put her bag on the ground near the counter and ran over to Eddie who helped her into his lap before his arms wrapped around her little frame to hold her in place while he smothered her face in kisses.
  She squealed and wiggled until he released her and she immediately slid out of his lap in favor of Will’s.
  “Sorry to interrupt, you won’t even notice I’m here.”
  “I always notice, why don’t you join us for this last bit?” Eddie asked, beckoning you over with his forefinger in a come hither gesture. 
  “I will as soon as I’m done putting this stuff away—don’t you dare,” You nearly glared at him as he began to rise in order to assist you, “I’ll be right there, it’ll take me like two minutes and you always put stuff in the wrong place.”
  Eddie smirked, “You say this, yet you find it every time.”
  Your glare was a playful one and you shook your head, gaze flickering back over as Lucas handed your baby over to Mike.
  “No, dude, it’s Gareth’s turn.”
  “Oh my bad.”
  Then the oddest thing happened. Mike handed your baby over to Lucas, who passed him to Amy, who then placed him in Gareth’s waiting arms.
  “Is there a reason everyone is playing hot potato with our child?”
  “He’s my potato…” You heard Penny mumble.
  “Outside of Hellfire he might be our son, but inside the Realm of Asmodeus, he is the Ioun Stone of Language Knowledge, a gift bestowed upon the party by King Wolfgang,” Eddie informed you, casting the teens before him an amused look.
  “Because no one could pay attention, the shopkeeper was able to curse them with different languages to create a communication barrier. Whoever holds the stone is understood by the members in their new respective languages. In other words, everyone gets to hold the baby, and move beyond just several feet. Everyone’s happy.”
  Dustin huffed, “Not me, you all left me for dead in the tunnels!”
  Eddie shrugged and checked the time on his watch, “Well, don’t spend your turn with the stone talking about how you want to eat its fingers and toes and maybe you’ll see the trap next time. It’s late anyways, pack it up. We’ll pick up here next week.”
  Without standing, Eddie made grabby hands in Wayne and Gareth’s directions, with the latter handing him over.
  You quickly put your groceries away while everyone stored all the props and joined Eddie, seating yourself on his lap, mindful of the baby resting on his chest.
  Penny was running around after them, trying her hardest to be Lucas and Will’s helper and the two of you watched her until Dustin piped in.
  “You’re not really gonna let them leave me in a ditch though, right?” 
  Eddie smirked and remained silent, one hand moving to slip behind you and rest against your hip while the other played with his son’s wrinkly fingers. 
  “Right, Eddie?”
  “Can’t understand you, you’re not holding the stone.”
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