#Ee Inscribed
bccfggffbgv · 1 year
How well would the SCP-verse fit into Cosmicverse?
It's definitely in the fused world of Cosmicverse and Scp 682 definitely knows more than he lets on about the entire Omniverse.
The first epithet user/Inscribed, The origins of The Absolute Solver, The Titans, The Employers, Jaxis/Loki and Ares, and Etc...
You name it and he most certainly knows something about it...But he won't say anything without a fee of blood...Or if he's in a bad mood...
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mugsy · 2 months
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Hi Cred say hi to Cred my bestest friend Cred. I think they’re a Banzai Valedictorian. Also they work at BEST BUY. There is more information about them but I like keeping secrets cuz I’m fucked up like that
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peepongos · 1 year
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that guy from the anime campaign session i ran a bit ago his names milk boy and he was willed into important character status by my players because he reminded them of
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and hes also becoming a player character in a session my friend is gming so we do a little milk boy gaming
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floofyboi57 · 1 year
Rating Naven x Yoomtah ship names cause damn they have a lot of them-
Yaven - 2/10 - Gets the ship across, doesn’t have a nice ring to it in my personal opinion
Nyoom - 10/10 - Rolls right off the tongue and it’s just cute. Hehe- nyoom
Nyoomven - 3/10 - Starts fun, then ends bad. Not as much fun to say and makes me tongue tied
Electric Apples - 7/10 - Non conventional ship names my beloved. Combines their two most defining traits. Electricity and Apple.
Zap Apple - 10/10 - Very biased since I first started calling them this. MLP callback AND doubles as a ship name. Non conventional ship name too <3
Lemme know if I missed any
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officialrickshades · 1 year
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coloring slightly old sketches rn!! when i have more energy i WILL draw rick shades
icarus (the blue one) belongs to @marblesodaflower !!
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joicthestoic · 1 year
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This is what I drew for February! This is Johnny Joe (though I mispelled his name and only noticed in post) he’s my player’s character in my Anime Campaign game that is based around Epithet Erased. He’s one of my favorite characters, and he is also one of the onl people that didn’t have a faceclaim, so I drew it for him. I have a version with and without background, hope you guys like it!
So yeah, this was for February! finished it on the 21st, posted it now because some things got in the way.
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mythandlaur · 2 years
Epithet Erased Week - Day 6
I admit, I don't really have OCs for this beyond side characters in various RPs and future stories (which is what these three are). I'd love to actually play in or run an EE campaign once the new rulebook comes out though.
Sometimes, Peyton gets unlucky. Sometimes, a customer shows up with the gall to wear a Banzai uniform in public, and sometimes, they have to deal with very long and arduous conversations with the uniform's wearer.
But, of course, they'd rather they have said conversations than any of their coworkers. So when they catch sight of the girl with the sailor collar marking her as a Senpai out on the street, they quickly tug the barista at the counter out of the way by her apron strings and situate themself at her spot.
The girl marches through the door with all the unearned self-confidence typical for a relatively high-ranking Banzai, and Peyton glances away to roll zer eyes. Ze turns back just as she reaches the counter, and offers a standard customer service smile.
"Hey, welcome to the Lovely Latte Lounge, what can I get you."
The girl's smug smile abruptly twists into a scowl, and she squints at them as if they're some sort of alien.
"Excuse me. Do you know who I am?"
"...A customer," Peyton replies, flat enough to be sarcastic but pleasant enough to give zer plausible deniability. "Would you like to try any of our new--"
The senpai slams her hands on the counter loud enough to make several heads turn and several struggling writers and college students in seats nearby grumble before going back to their laptops and triple espressos.
"Don't play stupid with me," she snaps, tugging pointedly at the string tie around her neck. Now that she's closer, Peyton can see her collar is slightly bedazzled and she's wearing too much eye shadow for the weather. It doesn't really add to the uniform at all.
The voice is masculine and absolutely pleading. Peyton raises an eyebrow, glancing around the senpai to see a meek-looking boy in a green sweater with a camo shoulder bag half-hiding behind her. He catches zer eye with a silent apology. "Can we please just...order and go?"
The senpai--Lilly, apparently--turns to him and scoffs. "No one respects me." She sets her cold blue gaze back on Peyton, and Peyton braces zemself for whatever nonsense order is about to come out of her mouth. Sure enough... "I want a chai tea latte, medium but in a large cup, extra milk foam, two scoops matcha powder, three pumps vanilla, and whipped cream."
"...Uh-huh." Not for the first time, Peyton wonders if their customers still have functioning taste buds. "And you?"
She nods at the boy, who looks like he wishes he'd clip underneath the floor. "Uh. Just an everything bagel. That's it."
"Okay...12.50 for you both."
Another round of grumbles from the current patrons. Even Peyton can't suppress a wince. Ze knows what's coming next and speaks up first. "You are going to have to pay for this like everyone else."
"So you DO know who I am!"
"Yes, and you do know this is a small coffee shop with absolutely nothing worth stealing, including the coffee?"
"Hmph." Lilly spins on a heel, making her caramel curls bounce. "Fine. I'll be outside. Waiting."
She proceeds to strut right back out the door, seemingly unbothered by the dirty looks she's getting. Peyton sighs through her nose and looks to her companion. He's got a sad, mousy kind of face. Not quite Australian, but could probably pass for one.
"...Can I get a name for the order?"
The boy lets out his own sigh, thankfully just as loud and annoyed as Peyton wishes ze could afford to be. "Uh...Tad."
"Got it." Peyton finishes the order on their register and prints it off, handing it back to the barista ze'd pushed away from the counter (who's wearing an expression like she'd just barely missed being hit by a truck). Tad doesn't move away from the counter, and neither does Peyton, looking him over.
"So, is she your..."
"Thank god. I was gonna have some words otherwise."
He laughs, genuine but strained, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah...no, I can't just leave. Sorry about her."
"Honestly, I've dealt with worse."
"She's--not actually that bad, the Banzai stuff just went to her head, y'know, and..."
Peyton shrugs. "As it does for all of them, in my experience."
"Well...kind of, yeah."
It sounds like the guy's pretty used to having to say this spiel, and ze feels bad. Ze glances off to the side for a moment, pressing zer lips together in consideration.
"...Hey, kid." Ignoring the fact that Tad has to at least be zer age, if not older. "You got a favorite drink? Coffee?"
"I'm more of a hot chocolate guy."
"Give me one minute."
Peyton ducks back to the machines, quickly starting on a bog-standard hot chocolate, the kind of thing you'd get if you just ordered "a hot chocolate". Before adding the whipped cream, however, Peyton returns to the counter, setting the cup down and pulling a black plastic coffee stirrer from a cup near the register. Tad's brows furrow, and he leans over to watch as Peyton squints down at the hot chocolate, twirling the stirrer between zer fingers.
For half a second, zer eyes and the coffee stirrer flicker lavender. Ze rapidly stirs the hot chocolate, leaving a line of deep purple in it that quickly fades back to the hot chocolate's natural color. Satisfied, they toss the stirrer and gesture at the cup.
"You want whipped cream?"
"...Yeah. What--what was that?"
Peyton grins, clearly pleased with themself. "If your sister had let me finish, I would've mentioned the stamina-boosting drinks we just put on the menu. They're on the website, haven't gotten around to updating the board yet. You look like you could use one."
"Oh?" Tad brightens significantly. "So that's an epithet thing?"
"Yeppers. You want me to drink it first? Promise it won't turn you into a spider or anything."
"No, no, I believe you. And no whipped cream, just--"
Tad reaches into his bag and pulls out a wallet. Peyton quickly raises a hand. "Pay for your sister's stuff. This is on the house."
"Like I said, you look like you could use it."
"You're a lifesaver."
"Least I can do," Peyton replies, capping the drink while the other barista returns with the tea and bagel. Tad digs around in his wallet and pulls out a few bills.
As he returns the wallet to his bag, something shiny on it catches the light. Peyton assumes zer interest must be obvious, because he smiles and holds up the bag to zer. It has a lot of pins of logos ze doesn't recognize, along with--
"Soccer?" Ze points at the slightly iridescent ball pin.
Tad nods. "I've got tryouts for the local team next week."
"Hey, good luck, kid. Don't bring her."
Tad laughs for a couple seconds, before his face turns grim and voice turns solemn as the grave. "No one. In my family. Is coming. Period."
Tad throws his bag back over his shoulder, thanking zer profusely and taking the drinks and bagel. Peyton watches as he heads out the door and meets his sister on the sidewalk. Ze can't hear their conversation through the doors, but they have to assume it's very loud.
Peyton turns to find the barista from earlier staring at them. "Yeah?"
"You can't just keep doing that. The manager's gonna--"
"Fire me?"
The barista opens her mouth, then shuts it again. Peyton shakes their head. "Look, I do my job well enough, I have a relevant epithet. I'm helping where I can."
"I'm just saying you should be worrying about things besides giving people free coffee."
"I could say the same to you." Peyton brushes past her easily, leaving the counter open for her to return to her post. Ze smiles, a little bitterly, once ze's sure she can't see zer face.
"At least free coffee I can do something about."
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tylermileslockett · 8 months
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“Ares, exceeding in strength, chariot-rider, golden-helmed, doughty in heart, shield-bearer, Saviour of cities, harnessed in bronze, strong of arm, unwearying, mighty with the spear, O defense of father of warlike Victory, ally of Themis, stern governor of the rebellious, leader of righteous men, sceptered King of manliness, who whirl your fiery sphere among the planets in their sevenfold courses through the aether…” 
(-Homeric Hymn, translated by H.G. Evelyn white)
ARES (AIR-ees), God of war, courage, and civil order. The raging, wrathful deity unleashes his bloodlust in the fury of battle. His sacred weapons glittering; the golden helmet, spear, and shield. The boar head icon on the shield symbolizes Ares turning into a boar and jealously gorging the youth Adonisto death, for the youth's affair with Aphrodite. The serpents are creatures associated with Ares: the Colchian dragon (which guards the golden fleece in the sacred grove of Ares- from the Jason and the Argonauts myth) and the Ismenian dragon (which guards the sacred spring of Ares near Thebes).  
Flying above Ares' shoulderAres shoulder is his daughter, Nike, the goddess of Victory, Nike. In the upper right are vultures, animals associated with Ares, and his sister Eris; goddess of discord. This goddess who, unable to enter the banquet of the gods, threw in the golden apple inscribed "for the fairest" causing strife for the women and ultimately bringing Paris of Troy to judge, as a precursor to Helen and the Trojan war. Galloping into battle below are three Amazon warrior women, the leader being Ares daughter; Queen Penthesilea, (who Achilles killed in battle at Troy and fell in love with her as she lay dying.)
Want to own my Illustrated Greek myth book jam packed with over 130 illustrations like this? Support my book kickstarter "Lockett Illustrated: Greek Gods and Heroes" coming in early 2024. check my bio LINKTREE
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speyerboot · 1 year
what is Red Stitch report
Red Stitch Report is a newer campaign from surpriseround that takes place in the Epithet Universe, its not connected to any main storyline with EE, but the main cast of characters are also inscribed and have powers that work similar to anime campaign.
The general plot of Red Stitch report is 5 main players, Ian/ GM (Lamp) Cadmus (Nubby) Florence (Roob) Craigor (Hardleg) and Isabelle (Six) are all apart of an insurance company and a need to find out what happened with the disappearance of once of their clients.
I linked episode 1 below:
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zoriizons · 2 years
[Epithet Erased Week!]
(Reblogs are appreciated as always!)
So. Been doing the EE week since last week so uhm. Hey 🥰💝
Here's the compilation. I was gonna post each prompt every day last week but I got busy so here u go
Day 1: Prison of Plastic (Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss Lorelai for you)
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Day 2: Mundie Monday (Material Girl Phoenicia. I had to draw the bimbo)
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Day 3: Inscribed Wednesday (Mera my beloved. Mera my one and only)
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Day 4: Favorite S1 Arc (The Redwood Arc cuz it's the only arc that had the best character, Zora)
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Day 6: Original Characters (Will introduce them fully one day but meet my Inscribed ocs, Charlotte Connelly and Marion Rivera)
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(Skipped Day 7 and 8 because one, I do not have an AU for EE yet, sadly. Two. I got busy so I couldn't redesign at least one character sorry 🧍‍♂️)
Day 9: The Neo Trio (I want the kind of friendship they have so badly)
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That's all kk bye 🤸‍♂️‼️
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amaros-system · 1 year
Prison of Plastic Thoughts
So, finished Prison of Plastic. Here are my spoilery thoughts: - I think I understand better why this show is called Epithet Erased. A very core theme is the pain that these powers cause, mainly to the inscribed themselves. - I really like this decision. I was expecting this to go in the direction of "oh no Inscribed hurt Mundies" like so many stories do. This is really tired, and always rubs me the wrong way because of how they are resolved. The notion of somebody's abilities being fundamental to who they are feels very ableist (looking at you, Legend of Korra). Being blinded would change my life, but it wouldn't make me any less. - On that note, I hope we get to see a character actually have their epithet taken away and to not get it back later in the same arc. I wanna see somebody grapple with what not having it means, and grow beyond their epithet. - The thing that unites all of the antagonists, is how they view powers. Mera's epithet causes chronic pain, Zora's sucks the joy out of life, Lori possibly accidentally caused the death of her mother with it. For these characters epithets are disabilities. This has a ton of narrative potential, and I'm immensely curious to see where Jello goes with this. - When you embrace that both Mundies and Inscribed can be the metaphorical representation of disabled people, EE is actually a very compelling disability analogy. Not sure if that's intentional, but I don't care! - Further on the EE-as-disability-analogy, I think this makes Molly the perfect protagonist. The first thing we see Molly use her epithet for is prevent overstimulation. While for other characters their powers are just nice boons or even active hindrances, Molly is the only one that relies on her Epithet. She runs counter to Bliss Ocean's ideals, in an interesting way. - Moving away from disability now! - Lori is so hatable, but also so lovable. Seeing her actually play along with Molly was so such an amazing moment, very sad to see how it ended. - Also, very conflicted on shipping Lori and Gio. They have such chemistry, but also Lori absolutely does not deserve him. I need her to finish her arc so I can see this ship god damn it. - Rick is the best. I envy his energy. - I totally thought Ricks friends in Ocean Country were killed for helping a slave escape for a sec. - Naven has such twist villain energy. Same vibes as Ralsei. The way he talks to Lori and the fact he has Yoomtah as a driver are all very sus. - I really want to see what Trixie’s epithet is, assuming they have one. I’m expecting something super obscure. There’s also that crow, and the possible Songstress connection I’ve seen some people theorize about. - Giovanni kidnapping Molly is so on-brand. He was really great this arc in general, really. Didn’t have a lot of big, bombastic moments, but I actually liked that. Get to see more chill Giovanni. AKA, what makes him so cool.
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mutiniir · 2 years
EE PROMPT WEEK: DAY 3 (ara draws an inscribed loser)
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the ramsey stans that are deprived of ramsey content:
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mugsy · 4 months
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Decided to completely revamp this guy too (including his name) bc I really just did Not like what I ended up doing with him originally. I’m a lot happier with this and I think it more accurately reflects what I was trying to explore when I first made him (that being the negative side effects an epithet might have on someone’s who’s inscribed). Adding the aspect of knowing it’s probably an epithet but not actually knowing what it is also helped I think
Also I tried to keep things somewhat vague to push the feeling of uncertainty but while trying to condense it I think might have gotten a little too vague? I apologize if it’s a little confusing, I’d totally be willing to clarify more if anyone asked!
Also x2 I do have his epithet in mind already but because I’m EVIL I wanna see if anyone can guess what it is first
That’s all from me goodbye
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I think there's a bit on confusion in EE community
An inscribed word can be anything literally anything from any time period BUT also can be in any language because the EE language is a mashed together language of every single language
So for example
Molly can have dumb
And some other dude might have bobo (Tagalog)or stupid in English
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Epithet Erased magic theory/mostly a headcanon
There's like no evidence for any of this.
EE is world saturated by magic, its energy is in everything everywhere, but its very scattered and without form. Magic can be focused into shape through belief, if enough people come together and believe one thing hard enough that thing will happen, for example;
Giovanni believes that 13 is lucky for him so he gets a critical hit.
Molly fell asleep in her cereal so often other kids in kindergarden thought marshmallows just grew in her hair.
Theoretically any mundie could do what an inscribed does if they had enough faith in themselves to do it, but on the most part they don't because magic is scattered and it takes a fuckton of energy to do anything major with it.
This is where epithets come in. They essentially act as a magic focus based around a certain word, if an inscribed knows their word they will believe harder they can do things related to said word, so will their families, so will anyone who knows their word or sees them doing small things relating to that word, dragging in more and more belief from themselves and everyone around them to get stronger. Technically everyone has a core-word but only some people find it and become inscribed. As EEs world joined its languages more people where able to communicate and share ideas and belief better causing the uptick in people finding their words as time goes on.
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cb-andy · 10 months
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Cole Fehringer, a main character of my novel Anarchist’s Guide to Monsters as an inscribed from Epithet Erased! He’s just the kinda guy to have a self-destructive Epithet, I just know it. However, I feel like if he was given the Amulet he’d turn it down because “this curse pushes me to work harder.” He’s uh…. Got some learning and growing to do in the self-care department. I loved tweaking his design for this style. Also yes, he does look a little bit like Sylvie, the first time watching EE I just saw Sylvie as a “theater kid Cole” lol
My commissions are open! Info in my pinned post or DM me!
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