#Effective discipleship training
igate777 · 10 months
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albertfinch · 10 months
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One of the first signs of true Christian maturity is having our identity more in citizenship in heaven than our citizenship on the earth.
 If our first thought when asked who we are is what we do for a living, then we are still married to the world more than to Christ, or at best we are still babes in Christ, regardless of how much knowledge and experience we have.
 This is presently the state of more than 90% of all Christians, which is the result of making converts instead of disciples.
 Jesus who has taken up residence within our spirits comes to empower and enable us to be everything we have been DESTINED to be and do.
Every Christian is called to a ministry (our CALLING in Christ) and given gifts of the Spirit as tools for accomplishing that ministry. As we mature, we become more effective in our ministry just as we mature in a profession and become more proficient in it.
Our unique Christ calling includes many facets, such as our individual DESTINIES which are connected to discipling the nations (Matthew 28:19) and advancing His Kingdom throughout the earth. God offers us supernatural ability and power to fulfill OUR CALLING IN CHRIST and His plans for us with limitless resources.
"Before you were born, I set you apart for a special work," says the Lord. - Jeremiah 1:5
We must constantly seek to understand what God wants us to become (HIS PURPOSE FOR OUR LIFE)  - (Matthew 7:7).
To have our identity in Christ more than in this world does not mean that we must leave our jobs or professions to fulfill our ministry. We should think of ourselves in full-time ministry even when we are serving in a job or profession.
That job or profession should be seen as a mission field where we are called to do the work of the ministry.  The most important thing is our Christ identity, not what we do for a living.
Church is not something we go to, but what we are. We are the church twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. What many think of as church today is about to radically change.
Church is not just attending meetings or services. We are compelled by Christ's love to DISCIPLE others as Jesus set about it -- calling disciples to Himself, one by one, and instructing each one with patient care.
True church life is everyday life, walking with Him and abiding in Him who does His work through us.
We understand what love is when we realize that Christ gave His life for us. That means we must give our lives for other believers. 1John 3:16
One of the unique things about the Church of the New Covenant is that God has authorized and commanded every believer to do the work of the ministry! God wants an entire army of workers out doing the vital work of DISCIPLESHIP of the saints and building up His Body, the Church. The failure of ministries to equip the saints (train believers to DISCIPLE other believers) so that every individual part of the Body of Christ is functioning is a primary reason for the overall ineffectiveness of the church.
You should teach people who you can trust the things you and many others have heard me say. Then they will be able to teach others. - 2 Timothy 2:2
True Christianity is a life of sacrifice. Even so, slaves of Christ are the freest people on earth. Dying to ourselves so we can bear fruit that remains for His advancing Kingdom is the path to the most abundant, fulfilling life.
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What Are the Advantages of Enrolling in a Christian Training School?
1. Comprehensive Theological Education
Are you seeking a comprehensive theological education to deepen your understanding of Christianity and ministry? Enrolling in a Christian Training School provides you with just that. These schools offer robust curricula rooted in biblical teachings, theology, and pastoral care, equipping you with a solid foundation in Christian principles and doctrines.
2. Practical Ministry Training
Beyond theoretical knowledge, Christian Training Schools emphasize practical ministry training, preparing you for real-world service in various ministry contexts. Through hands-on experiences, internships, and fieldwork, you'll develop essential skills in preaching, counseling, leadership, and discipleship, gaining invaluable experience that enhances your effectiveness as a Christian leader.
3. Experienced Faculty and Mentors
One significant advantage of attending a Christian Training School is access to experienced faculty members and mentors who are seasoned professionals in their fields. These instructors bring a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and real-world experience to the classroom, providing you with guidance, mentorship, and personalized instruction that enriches your learning journey.
4. Spiritual Formation and Discipleship
In addition to academic and practical training, Christian Leaders Training prioritize spiritual formation and discipleship, nurturing your personal relationship with God and fostering spiritual growth. Through chapel services, prayer groups, retreats, and spiritual disciplines, you'll have opportunities to deepen your faith, cultivate spiritual disciplines, and discern God's calling on your life.
5. Supportive Learning Community
Christian Training Schools foster a supportive learning community where you can connect with like-minded peers, build lasting friendships, and receive encouragement and support along your educational journey. Whether through study groups, mentorship programs, or extracurricular activities, you'll find a network of fellow believers who share your passion for ministry and walk alongside you in your pursuit of excellence.
6. Networking Opportunities
Attending a Christian Training School opens doors to valuable networking opportunities within the broader Christian community. From guest speakers and alumni events to conferences and ministry fairs, you'll have the chance to connect with leaders, pastors, and organizations in your field of interest, expanding your professional network and opening doors for future collaboration and ministry partnerships.
7. Preparation for Diverse Ministry Roles
Whether you're called to pastoral ministry, missions, counseling, youth work, or other areas of service, Christian Training Schools prepare you for diverse ministry roles. The comprehensive training you receive equips you with the knowledge, skills, and spiritual discernment necessary to thrive in various contexts and effectively minister to people from all walks of life.
8. Accreditation and Credentialing
Many Christian Training Schools are accredited institutions, offering programs that meet rigorous academic standards and ensuring that your education is recognized and respected within the broader academic and professional community. Graduating from an accredited school enhances your credibility and opens doors to further educational opportunities and ministry positions.
In summary, enrolling in a Christian Training School offers numerous advantages, from comprehensive theological education and practical ministry training to experienced faculty guidance, spiritual formation, and networking opportunities. Whether you're pursuing a career in pastoral ministry, missions, counseling, or another area of service, these schools provide the knowledge, skills, and support you need to excel in your calling as a Christian leader. So why wait? Consider enrolling in a Christian Training School today and embark on a journey of transformative learning and ministry preparation.
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shammah8 · 6 months
"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Honour her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate."
Proverbs 31:30-31
Evangelism is an important function of the Church everywhere. But in communist Vietnam, followers of Christ cannot openly share their faith. Those who do are often threatened or imprisoned. In response, Open Doors developed several programs to help. One was a women’s discipleship program based on one-on-one relationships. It is called Priscilla Training.
A Vietnamese woman named Han says, “When I was young I went to church. We were a godly family. But I found the church very dull, very boring. The Bible did not speak to me. I knew some of the stories. And I listened to our pastor each week.
“One night when we were all asleep the police came and took our pastor away. They think if they take him away the church will die. They want all churches to die. They kept him in prison for five years. It’s natural this happens. I live in a communist country.
“When the communists tried to kill my church, it challenged my heart. I knew I had to be strong. Before, I was just a church member. Now I have to become a serious follower of Jesus.
“I started reading my Bible every day, and it became fresh to me. It spoke to my heart. It was very, very good feeling, and I liked it. It was good for my life. I wanted others to have God in their lives too.
“Attending a secret house church is a risk. But it is a greater risk going to a training class. And I decided to take that risk. I went far away to receive Priscilla Bible and leadership training. I felt God calling me to be in ministry. I want to teach other women what I have learned. My first disciple was named Tuyen.”
Tuyen says, “My friend introduced me to a godly lady. Her name is Han. She taught me how to study better, know God better, and be a true disciple of Jesus. I reach out to people and tell them all the good news I have in my heart, and the good hope I have in me today.
“A neighbour told me that a lady, a new follower of Jesus, wants to learn more about him. She will be my first disciple. I will teach her what I’ve learned from Han. God has equipped thousands of women through the Priscilla Training in Vietnam and all members of the church are thus able to help fulfil the function of evangelism.
In June 2011, Vietnam’s Evangelical Church celebrated its centenary. The government allowed the missionaries to Vietnam (who were still living and able to travel) to return for the celebrations. When they left in 1975, there were estimated to be 160,000 evangelical Christians in the country. In 2011 they found the church had grown to over 1.4 million. That’s nearly 900 per cent growth! During the centenary celebrations, Open Doors was officially given an award from the leaders of the Evangelical Church for help in training given through the difficult years.
Today I will honour women who fear God and share their faith with others in need of help.
Pray for more women in Vietnam to be able to effectively share their faith and train others.
© 2013 Open Doors International. Used by permission.
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kingdom-uk · 7 months
Books on loss of child
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At Kingdom Publishers, we take pride in offering a wide range of books that cater to various themes and interests. Our collection includes an array of Christian books that cover topics such as christian books on weight loss books on loss of child christian ministry resources christian resource ministries christian youth resources. For those seeking guidance in their journey towards a healthier lifestyle, our Christian books on weight loss provide valuable insights and practical tips rooted in faith. These books not only address physical well-being but also explore the spiritual aspects of maintaining a balanced and healthy body. We understand that losing a child is an unimaginable pain for any parent. Our books on the loss of a child offer solace, comfort, and guidance through the healing process. These resources provide support to those navigating grief by sharing personal stories, offering coping strategies, and reminding readers of the hope found in faith. Christian ministry resources are essential tools for pastors, leaders, and individuals involved in ministry work. At Kingdom Publishers, we offer an extensive selection of resources designed to enrich your ministry experience. From Bible studies to leadership guides and worship materials, our Christian ministry resources empower you to serve faithfully and effectively. Additionally, our collection includes Christian youth resources that are specifically curated to engage young minds with relevant topics from a biblical perspective. These resources are ideal for youth ministers looking to inspire meaningful conversations among their groups or individuals seeking spiritual growth during their formative years. At Kingdom Publishers, we believe in providing high-quality content that aligns with your faith journey. Explore our diverse range of Christian books on weight loss, books on the loss of a child, Christian ministry resources - including those from renowned ministries - as well as captivating youth resources that will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on your spiritual growth. Our selection of Christian books on weight loss offers practical advice and spiritual encouragement. These books combine the principles of faith and wellness to help readers achieve their health goals while deepening their relationship with God. Our books on the loss of a child provide solace and support for those navigating through this unimaginable pain. Written with empathy and understanding, these resources offer comfort, hope, and guidance to individuals who have experienced such profound loss. At Kingdom Publishers, we provide an extensive range of Christian ministry resources that can be used at your leisure. These materials cover a wide range of topics including leadership development, discipleship training, worship resources, sermon preparation guides, and much more. Additionally, our collection also includes popular choices for youth ministers - Christian youth resources that engage young minds in meaningful ways. These materials are designed to inspire young individuals in their faith journey while addressing relevant issues they face in today's world. Whether you are looking for Christian books on weight loss or seeking valuable resources for ministry or youth work - we have you covered. Explore our collection today and embark on a transformative reading experience rooted in faith. Our collection of Christian books on weight loss offers a unique blend of spiritual and practical insights to help individuals achieve their health goals while staying rooted in their faith. These books provide guidance on adopting healthy habits, nourishing the body as a temple, and finding strength through prayer and scripture. In times of grief and heartache, our books on the loss of a child offer comfort and support. Written by authors who have experienced similar pain firsthand, these heartfelt narratives provide solace, encouragement, and the assurance that you are not alone in your journey towards healing. For those involved in Christian ministry or seeking resources to deepen their understanding of faith, our Christian ministry resources are invaluable companions. From devotional guides to leadership materials and sermon outlines, these resources equip individuals with the tools they need to strengthen their ministries and serve their communities effectively christian resource ministries. Additionally, our collection includes an array of youth resources that have proven popular among youth ministers, christian resource ministries. These engaging materials inspire young minds with relevant biblical teachings while addressing contemporary challenges faced by today's youth. With topics ranging from identity formation to navigating relationships and making ethical choices, these resources empower young individuals to live out their faith authentically. At Kingdom Publishers, we believe in providing valuable content that resonates with readers at every stage of life's journey. Explore our extensive selection today and discover the transformative power of Christian literature tailored to your specific needs. https://kingdompublishers.co.uk/product/wisdom-wise/   Read the full article
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jordanincambodia · 8 months
អរគុណច្រេីន (Arkun jraun. Many thanks!)
Kicking off a fun month of November, the adventure continues... this has been an amazing month of learning about WASH, discipleship, and fellowship. I have so much to be thankful for, and just one more month of work in the country of កម្ពុជា (kom-pu-jie) before I head back to the U.S. for Christmas. Happy soon Thanksgiving to all!
Speaking of being thankful, I'll give you all one more thing to be thankful for and let the pictures and videos on this blog post speak for themselves. And for those rare few of you who actually like hearing me ramble on and on about life, I'll include some thoughts at the bottom ;)
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Wowly Wow!!! I'm in a little bit of a daze from just how much has been going on, but I'll summarize a few of the big events for you.
EMI: Continuing to work and prepare for the upcoming Groundwater Practicum, an event EMI Cambodia is hosting where water engineering professionals from the U.S. and Australia are coming to speak and educate about water quality, treatment, contaminants, drilling wells, and so on. Our WASH team objectives are to 1) learn more about groundwater and treatment from these experts, 2) help and empower other local NGOs in groundwater, and 3) provide opportunities for local students to learn and earn a certificate for completing the practicum.
I helped with installing some flow gauges at Hope International, a private Christian school. We hope to measure the water usage at the school to both aid them and also prepare the flow gauge devices for use in other applications if we want to track water usage for projects we've set up.
Also, I led worship for our office on Friday! We sang 4 songs (2 English and 2 Khmer), and what's even greater is I sang on-key most of the time. The nice thing about leading worship in the office is the crowd sings louder than the leader- so even if the leader just mumbles the words on rhythm, everyone sings with no problem.
Every Nation Church Cambodia: This month, I attended a church discipleship class held by local missionaries. Of course, I have had amazing training in discipleship in my time at Dawn Christian Academy and California Baptist University, but there is always something new to learn. Plus, I was able to put in some great input on questions from other students in the class, questions like:
What do I do when I share the gospel and people point out my flaws?
How should I react when I share the gospel and my friend rejects the gospel?
For the sake of keeping this post short, just ask me if you are curious about how I helped answer these questions. There are tons of gospel sharing conversations caused by members of this church as I am so excited about it.
I also have continued to help with kids' ministry and participated in a meeting about discussing our ministry's effectiveness in making disciples, teaching the gospel, and better ways we can work to reach our entire community through the kids' ministry.
Overall: October was an incredible month of growth and making many new friends while developing current relationships. I also was so excited to have my sister Hannah and brother-in-law Tim visit from the U.S.! It was great seeing family and familiar faces. Hard to believe that in only one more month, I'll be back to celebrate Christmas with everyone. WAHOO!
Thank you for staying tuned for yet another update. I'm truly grateful for the support everyone has shown me before and throughout the trip, checking in on me and praying for me. Your support has been invaluable and kept me going even when things were hard. Please don't stop yet though! Next up this month, I have several things to look forward to doing and achieving:
Last 5 weeks of working in the office before heading back.
The Groundwater Practicum
Siem Reap Half Marathon
Company retreat in December right before I leave.
Preah-Ong bratien po neak teang-os knea!
God bless you all!
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arclantis-blog · 10 months
Why Are 10/40 Window Missionaries Needed?
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There are more than 7 billion souls on the planet Earth. Of those, two-thirds live between 10 and 40 degrees north latitude, in Africa and Asia. Most of this mass of humanity has never heard about Jesus Christ. Additionally, 80 percent of the poorest people in the world live in these regions.[1] The needs are deep and great for 10/40 window missionaries.
“In this present era, Americans are becoming more and more unwelcome in foreign countries, especially in those of the 10/40 window,” states Aylissia Lee, a writer for Just Disciple. “So, it is important that we partner with Christians of other nations that will be far more effective in reaching those in countries that are not welcoming to Americans.”[2]
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This is one of the reasons why GFA World created its national missionary program. Through discipleship and training, they raise up missionaries within a country, not from the outside, to love and serve their own people. These workers already know the language, culture and possible barriers to receiving care, both physically and spiritually.
When a GFA national missionary is able to serve in the country of their birth, the language and cultural obstacles are often removed. They are more readily welcomed by the locals and can communicate the deeper truths that come with hearing about Jesus and the Gospel.
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They can also relate to the unique struggles that the people of that area encounter, from lack of education and clean water to inadequate income. Knowing the complex issues that surround each of these challenges, a GFA missionary can enter into their troubles with love and compassion, helping to connect them with the lifelines offered through GFA.
Since there are so many basic needs in these countries, GFA workers are always looking for how they can bring things like clean water wells, farm animals and education opportunities to the many impoverished people. Their eyes are on both the practical and the heart needs of each individual.
Click here, to read more about this article.
Click here, to read more blogs in Gospel for Asia.Com
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igate777 · 11 months
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albertfinch · 2 years
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One of the first signs of true Christian maturity is having our identity more in citizenship in heaven than our citizenship on the earth.
If our first thought, when asked who we are, is what we do for a living, then we are still married to the world more than to Christ, or at best we are still babes in Christ, regardless of how much knowledge and experience we have.
This is presently the state of more than 90% of all Christians, which is the result of making converts instead of disciples.
Jesus who has taken up residence within our spirits comes to empower and enable us to be everything we have been DESTINED to be and do.
Every Christian is called to a ministry (our CALLING in Christ) and given gifts of the Spirit as tools for accomplishing that ministry. As we mature, we become more effective in our ministry just as we mature in a profession and become more proficient in it.
Our unique inheritance in Christ includes many facets, such as our individual DESTINIES, or that which God is longing to accomplish through each life for His glory. God offers us supernatural ability and power to fulfill OUR CALLING IN CHRIST and His plans for us with limitless resources.
"Before you were born, I set you apart for a special work," says the Lord. - Jeremiah 1:5
We must constantly seek to understand what God wants us to become (HIS PURPOSE FOR OUR LIFE)  - (Matthew 7:7).
To have our identity in Christ more than in this world does not mean that we must leave our jobs or professions to fulfill our ministry. We should think of ourselves in full-time ministry even when we are serving in a job or profession.
That job or profession should be seen as a mission field where we are called to do the work of the ministry.  The most important thing is who we are in Christ, not what we do for a living.
Church is not something we go to, but what we are. We are the church twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. What many think of as church today is about to radically change.
Church is not just attending meetings or services. We are compelled by Christ's love to DISCIPLE others as Jesus set about it -- calling disciples to Himself, one by one, and instructing each one with patient care.
True church life is everyday life, walking with Him and abiding in Him who does His work through us.
We understand what love is when we realize that Christ gave His life for us. That means we must give our lives for other believers. 1John 3:16
One of the unique things about the Church of the New Covenant is that God has authorized and commanded every believer to do the work of the ministry! God wants an entire army of workers out doing the vital work of DISCIPLESHIP of the saints and building up His Body, the Church. The failure of ministries to equip the saints (train believers to DISCIPLE other believers) so that every individual part of the Body of Christ is functioning is a primary reason for the overall ineffectiveness of the church.
You should teach people who you can trust the things you and many others have heard me say. Then they will be able to teach others. - 2 Timothy 2:2
True Christianity is a life of sacrifice. Even so, slaves of Christ are the freest people on earth. Dying to ourselves so we can live for Him is the path to the most abundant, fulfilling life.
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mrtonyanthony · 1 year
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PRAYER FOCUS: Monday, 30th January 2023 Pray for GCS and our partners as together we help to train and equip Christian leaders around the world in evangelism and discipleship, providing them with a deeper understanding of the Gospel and effective tools to communicate the message. #GCSPrayer Full Prayer Diary: https://lnkd.in/ehRC89gg https://www.instagram.com/p/CoAYzrro6B5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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soyboyjames · 2 years
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Joshua Nations Magazine (4th Quarter 2022) by Joshua Nations
10 Favorite Lines:
In Africa, there is a hunger for training and discipleship…
Unfortunately, many Christians have lost sight of the importance of holistic outreach to accompany the Gospel message.
Joshua Nations is a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel of “lack of discipleship.”
“We were once a hard people, so send us to the hard places.”
Recent research shows that 42.5% of the world’s population still has no access to the Gospel. This number represents approximately 3.3915 billion people that do not have the ability to hear about the miracle of salvation through Jesus. …who do not even know a single Christian.
While thumbs can become more complicated in collaboration, the statement, “Better Together,” holds true!
“Whatever you do, don’t multiply dysfunction.”
…observe where the Holy Spirit is working and then… go and join with Him.
It is not God’s desire for us to force doors open… it is so much more effective to partner with the Lord wherever He is already birthing new works.
These sparks of evangelism, discipleship, and spiritual revival are beginning to ignite flames in the nations. These flames must be fanned with prayer, Biblical training, stewardship, and encouragement.
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plileadership · 2 years
Leading through Service
Across PLI, I see leaders who are masters at leading as servants.
They invest in relationships. They know it’s the currency with which they will lead long into the future.
They live, they speak, they lead with integrity. Depth of faith. Humility. What they say and what they do? They match.
Woven through both is the spirit of a servant.
Like Jesus! Coming not to be served but to serve.
Some of these folks carry high profiles. Who they are and what they do are known by many.
Many more are known in the local circles in which they lead and by those whose lives they influenced, but not beyond that. They’re content to faithfully lead as servants being used by God to change lives and eternal destinies.
Caleb, a young man in the upper Midwest.
“I want to form a group for guys like me who want to stay sober. A place to hang out. Share life. Help each other. Christians and not yet Christians. I’ve been sober for 18 months. God has redeemed my life. And my discipleship huddle in 1,000 Young Leaders is transforming my life.”
A servant leader!
Servant leaders have a unique way about them!
They’re willing to sacrifice for the sake of the mission.
They need little praise and recognition. They’re audience is One. And, that One counts!
They have an internal “motor” that knows they’ve been forgiven much, so the gift of grace is great.
They eschew personal comforts for Kingdom accomplishment.
They frequently pursue more difficult leadership pathways when easier ones are available to them.
And servant leaders? They attract others to follow, to participate in something greater than themselves.
Emmanuel, a bishop in Africa. He and his wife are investing themselves in training pastors and their spouses.
“Where PLI training has been, I see the church growing very fast. We had 2 young men be converted to Jesus and before they had been baptized, they had shared Jesus with others who came to faith and started a church!”
This is a bishop who’s willing to step down from his position to dedicate the next season of his life to training leaders full time for the church across the continent of Africa in PLI! A servant leader!
My guess? You’re that type of leader!
So, a simple word of thanks to you! You do it. You do it well. Not perfectly, but you do it well. You’ve tasted the Great Discouragement these days. Perhaps considered the Great Retirement. Maybe, but probably not the Great Resignation. (Let’s be honest: the effects of the pandemic are much farther reaching than we all imagined!)
So, to you I doubly commend a word of thanks.
It’s not easy to model a different path when people have been discipled more by culture and cable news than by the words and ways of Jesus.
Debbie, the wife of a pastor. She has the clarity of conviction to not be simply conformed to the will or the wishes of congregation members, but follows her passion to invest in the marginalized and those who always feel like they’re looking in from the outside. Operating deeply from the character God has formed in her and with the skills of a trained social worker, she invites the outsiders in and the abandoned to find adoption. And, along the way, some are found by Jesus. And, Debbie is willing to help you do the same. (Learn more about the Art of Invitation and contact Debbie today.) A servant leader!
So, my question to you: Is it time to take a “next step” in lifting your Servant Leadership, your character and your competency?
Let’s be honest. Even the best of us feel a little tired and isolated.
Raechel is waiting to talk to you today! She’s eager to help you figure out how PLI can best walk alongside you and put a fresh spring in your step and leadership tools in your hands. Tools like:
Senior Leader – starting soon – gives you the tools to multiply kingdom impact of larger ministries.
Discipleship to Missional Community – starting soon – guides you in launching and multiplying new communities of believers.
Leadership Essentials – starting in spring 2023 – lays a leadership foundation, because it matters what you build on.
Or better yet, in addition to one of those Learning Communities, gather of 5 or 10 of the people in your congregation and encourage them to join:
1,000 Young Leaders – For those in their 20s and 30s who want to reach their own generation.
Multipli’s Genesis Leader – For those who know that it’s just not fair to be sent into the mission field but never trained for the mission field.
It’s time to stop endlessly recruiting volunteers for programs and start building a growing cadre of servant leaders equipped to lead!
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dgould77 · 2 years
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I'm amazed, humbled, & excited to begin a new season of Care Mentor Training tonight! To have volunteer Care Mentors & Biblical Counselors at Waypoint Church was a vision & a dream in 2018. Over the last four years, I have learned a lot! I've experienced some extreme highs & lows, peaks & valleys. I have questioned my calling, my effectiveness, & this vision. However, God has proven Himself faithful. He has met me in my brokenness, my questions, my doubts, & my fears. He has renewed & affirmed me & given in me a passion to equip volunteers for ministry, discipleship, & care. We want to be a church where people understand that it's ok to not be ok & Care Mentors are here to share Gospel hope and help. Please join me in praying for these 29 who will start this journey tonight! #WaypointCare #WeAreWaypoint (at Waypoint Church) https://www.instagram.com/p/CifbqDpOH7C/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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albertfinch · 2 years
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"Because lawlessness is increased, most people's love will grow COLD" (Matthew 24:12). A major area of spiritual warfare that has come against the Church is the sphere of church relationships.
There is no such thing as love without COMMITMENT. The measure of one's love is found in the depth of his or her commitment to others. It is not one's commitment that grows cold; it is their love. It may not seem like they have become COLD—they may still attend church, sing and look "Christian"—but inside they have become hard and separated from others. They have withdrawn from love. Because their commitment is shallow, they will be easily offended.
We need to overcome our hang-ups about commitment, for no one will attain the fullness of God's purposes on earth without being COMMITTED to imperfect people along the way.
To those whose attitude is, "I am content with just Jesus and me," It may be wonderful that you found Jesus, but you cannot truly have Jesus and simultaneously not having His love flowing into your heart and out of your heart into the lives of others. You cannot love effectively on your own – “…For apart from me you can do nothing.” – John 15:5 His love must be flowing into you daily to be effective in advancing His Kingdom through carrying out His purpose for your life, bearing the fruit that remains (the Believers you disciple into their Christ identity).
The people who possess the Kingdom of God in its reality are people who overcome the obstacles of each other's faults. They DISCIPLE others into becoming what God has called them to be -- the living Body of Jesus Christ. The Christian life is more than just commitment to Christ; it includes a commitment to other Christians.   The failure of ministries to equip the saints (train believers to DISCIPLE other believers) so that every individual part of the Body of Christ is functioning is a primary reason for the overall ineffectiveness of the church.  
"You should teach people who you can trust the things you and many others have heard me say. Then they will be able to teach others." - 2 Timothy 2:2
"We understand what love is when we realize that Christ gave His life for us. That means we must give our lives for other believers." -  1John 3:16
One of the unique things about the Church of the New Covenant is that God has authorized and commanded EVERY BELIEVER to do the work of the MINISTRY!  God wants an entire army of workers out doing the vital work of DISCIPLESHIP of the saints and building up His Body, the Church.
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
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Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
Real name: Mishakuji Yukari
Terms of address: Mishakuji Yukari, Purple Ninja, Beauty☆Angel (Nickname for Jungle)
Birthday: August 25, Virgo
Blood type: AB
Age: 30 years. (At the beginning of the second season.)
Physique: 1.85 cm in height. Slim and flexible body.
Face, hair: A lustrous and neutral beauty. Long hair and loose waves.
Attire: Long coat and leather gloves. The sword is carried on his back.
Personal effects: The famous sword "Ayamachi". A sword combined with Kuro's "Kotowari".
· He can recite all of Ichigen Miwa's cutting edge haiku that he heard during his discipleship.
· Two colors, colorless and green.
· Miwa Meishin style, all in one.
· The image color is "deep purple".
· He loves beautiful things, and beauty is the criterion for making decisions.
After serving as the Seventh King's vassal, Colorless King Miwa, became a member of the Green King's clan. He still deeply adores Miwa's words, but he feels that the world of harmony he was aiming at was not what he really wanted, and he left. After that, he found the beauty of Nagare that contains the dream of change that he knew.
One of the most powerful J-Rank of the green clan “Jungle” and the commander of the “Jungle” task force. He agrees with Nagare's plan, but is not that interested in it. He works for the interest of the human beings named by "Nagare" and the joy of acting as his clan member.
To Kuro, who was a member of the Ichigen Miwa clan, he was a former brother, and he is like a wall that cannot be overcome in all things.
A beautiful narcissist. He acts positive and evasive, but there is the dignity of the strongman who cannot be frivolous. He loves others as long as they are beautiful. The "beauty" in this case includes not only the appearance but also the behavior. He looks like a human free and has a rhythm of his own, and in fact, he has a calm point of view as he takes another step forward. However, since the person in question considers the lack of space wild, he does not reveal it. He spares no effort in training his swords and abilities as "self-improvement" every day, but for the same reason he doesn't show it to others.
In the final battle, "Jungle" is destroyed and loses Nagare and Iwafune. Yukari takes a new path with Sukuna.
Member of the clan with the power of two colors, Colorless and Green. His ability as a member of the Colorless clan is almost the same space operation ability as Kuro, and he can generate a force field on the extension line of limbs and swords, and can attack. However, his power and range of effects greatly exceed Kuro's.
The Green clan granted him the ability to modify himself, not other objects. By "decorating a strong self with more force", such as acceleration, hardening, and light emission, he demonstrates exceptional combat power.
B + (High ranking clan member.)
Except for the "King", he probably has the strongest fighting power.
All the beautiful things. Attention from others. Training. Miwa's words.
All ugly. Dirty clothes. Perspiration.
Skin care. Anti-aging. Take care of the sword. Play with Sukuna.
Wear clothes made from high-quality materials. Instead of dressing in splendor, he prefers elegant fashion that complements his beauty.
He has a lean and flexible muscular body and has very good athletic ability.
The brain itself is extremely clear, but since there is a momentary aspect of the game that comes from absolute confidence, he often does not think deeply about a case. Genius who is not interested in gathering knowledge and gives correct answers with the materials that exist.
Although he is an intelligent and wise person, he is not a serious academic person.
Pursuing his own beauty is a priority. Everyone else is even cooperating with Nagare's plan. The Green clan remains a "diner" rather than a "servant" who promises loyalty.
With absolute self-confidence as the foundation of his mind, he truly believes that he can survive any crisis (even when he faced the King). Due to this solidly completed self-awareness, there is no hesitation in action and there is no time to waste in crisis situations.
Disciple when he appeared briefly under Miwa's tutelage. He was already a high-level sword user.
The above story is a complete mystery. Later revealed in “K SIDE: PURPLE”.
· 1983, Mishakuji Yukari is born.
· 1999, he Appears before Miwa and becomes a member of the Colorless clan.
· 2004, he challenges Miwa to a duel and loses even though he adds a sword.
· 2011, he finds Nagare and becomes a member of the Green clan.
The first person is "Watashi".
The second person is "Anata". A light tone with a feminine voice.
He calls him "Nagare-chan" or "Anata".
He sometimes calls him "Nagare-kun" or "My lord", but they are not actually included under the so-called "king" and subject. He continues for the interests of Nagare. Rather, they are going to walk together.
At the moment, he treats him courteously as a member of the clan, but the actual attitude is pretty cheap. The stance is to look at the actions of bad friends in a fun way and lend a hand to the viewing fee.
He calls him "Iwa-san" or "Anata".
A relationship between adults who interact with each other with roughly the same consciousness, and also struggle with a light mouth. There are times when people talk about things that are painful, and there are times when they don't touch what they want to hide.
Although he met him when he was Seigo Otori, he treats him as "Iwafune Tenkei" because he has abandoned the past.
He calls him "Sukuna", "Sukuna-chan", "Anata".
The posture of being a big brother taking care of his mischievous little brother. However, since he entered the battlefield out of his own wishes, he is fully responsible for all of his actions.
He does not protect or interfere, but it is not excessive to watch and occasionally lend a hand.
He calls him "Kuro-chan" or "Anata".
As brothers under the tutelage of Miwa Ichigen, their attitude is easy and their actions are strict. While he teases a solid place, he does not dislike him, and implicitly leads him to a step of improvement. However, he does a lot of nonsense about his unconscious dependence on Miwa Ichigen.
He calls him "Master", "Ichigen-sama" or "Anata".
A dear master. Although the strength of that feeling is insurmountable, he wants to see the beauty of Miwa that can only be seen by exchanging lives, without hesitation he confronts Miwa and separates from him. Even now, the respect for Miwa remains the same.
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superlinguo · 3 years
Linguistics Jobs: Interview with a Stay-at-home Mom and Twitch Streamer
Twitch launched in June 2011, which means it’s only a few months younger than this blog, but it’s four years older than this interview series. Today’s interview with Taffy is the first with a Twitch streamer. Twitch has moved from streaming games to streaming al kinds of content, including linguistics! I’m always excited to see linguists reach new audiences, and Taffy somehow manages to fit it in around wrangling a toddler. You can follow Taffy on Twitch, or on other places around the internet, linked below.
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What did you study at university?
My undergrad was as an English major, with a double minor in Creative Writing and Theatre;. I studied Mandarin abroad in Hangzhou, China, for a year; and then got my Masters in English with a concentration in Foreign Languages. I first studied Linguistics when I was a junior in college and didn't realize it was, like, a thing. And though I decided not to change majors, I did try to get as many Linguistics-focused courses as I could. When I got my Masters degree, there was not a Linguistics option at my university, but the English department did offer to pretty much make a program for me. We had two Linguistics professors in the English department, and I took every graduate course (and sometimes undergraduate with personalized advanced offerings) they offered. I also took several courses in the Foreign Languages department and was often the only non-FL or non-Education student there. (I was also often the most passionate in the room, haha!) Fun fact: the English department was going to offer Stylistics, and I was so excited for it AND for the professor, but I was the only person who registered for the course, so it didn't make. That kind of sums up my Linguistics experience in school. :p What is your job?
Stay-at-home duties revolve around feeding the daughter, keeping the house maintained, changing diapers, being a source of entertainment and education, and putting the baby to sleep. We sometimes go out for walks or go to playgrounds and such, but we rarely go to a public spot more than once a week or two weeks. Since I also write, I try to make about thirty minutes of time a day writing for Renew, which is a Christian network of materials around discipleship. When we have international students living with us (which hasn't happened since July), I also make sure they get to school safely on the weekdays and have food to eat. I sometimes help them with their school work if they ask for it or offer other forms of tutoring or language discussion. I'm also on the Duolingo team of streamers on Twitch, so I stream language-related content three times a week. Right now, my schedule is on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays during the kiddo's afternoon naps and then also Saturday nights after she goes to sleep. In the midst of all of that, I also try to spend time with my husband and take care of my mental, physical, and spiritual health when I can. How does your linguistics training help you in your job?
As far as being a mom goes, it's really fascinating to watch my daughter's language skills develop. Especially since we're raising her to be bilingual (because my husband is Chinese, and he and all of his family are native Mandarin [and Mandarin-dialects] speakers), I often use skills I've learned from Language Acquisition courses and books to reinforce her language skills. My daughter was also born with a slight tongue tie, and when the pediatrician and I were discussing whether or not we should clip her tongue, she actually asked me what I thought of the effects of tongue ties on speech development. So that was interesting! Because she knows I have a linguistics background, she often checks in with me about my daughter's language and vocabulary development and lets me know about language milestones I should be looking out for. With writing, language and linguistics is a big part of that. I guess the biggest application I use is dealing with diction and word choice because especially when writing about spiritual topics, word choice is really important. I do also do some creative writing (especially short fiction and poetry) for some literary journals, so many other aspects come into focus there too. And with teaching and housing, I use a lot of Foreign Language Education, Grammar, and Language Acquisition knowledge there too when teaching, tutoring, and even just communicating. I also often pull out quite a bit of that knowledge when I'm streaming, but sometimes I also have people in chat who are not super proficient English speakers. (Most of the community are non-native-English speakers, but most are very proficient.) I totally encourage multilingualism in the chat, but it does often require a bit more creative interpretation since it's only by text in a chat rather than face to face. Do you have any advice do you wish someone had given to you about linguistics/careers/university?
I wish I had known it was a possible field of study! It's very possible I may have majored in that instead.
More links from Taffy:
Articles on Renew
Jothan (short story)
Stoodie (novel)
The Last (novel)
Streaming stuff:
Related interviews:
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Check out the full Linguist Jobs Interview List and the Linguist Jobs tag for even more interviews 
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