#Prophetic word for you
igate777 · 1 year
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Kristen and Fig 🤝 Adaine and Fabian
The Prophet and Her Champion
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bonefall · 4 months
i think people are calling for a mass extinction event not because disabled people bad/ugly, but because the amount of incest happening is genuinely horrific. that, as well as to a massive amount of cats that bear no significance. if we were talking about a real situation occurring in real life, no one in their right mind would be suggesting this, but this is just the quick and easy way to do it in the context of the books. besides, any method to try to fix this problem is never going to be implemented by the erins because they don't care
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This is a call for a mass extinction event because of the inbreeding and this is what I'm talking about. No, they're not just saying there should be a cutback on unneeded background characters. Asks like yours are a major reason why I am collecting screenshots for a folder.
Do not clown around and try to convince me that I'm not seeing what is clear as day. I'm not talking about people who want a mass extinction event because they want less background nobodies, or because it would be an interesting plot. I'm talking about people who respond to MOONPAW's EXISTENCE with "we need to kill most of ThunderClan"
And by the way, killing off a bunch of cats for a "mass extinction" is the exact OPPOSITE of what would fix this problem. You want to mass slaughter random characters so the pool is even SMALLER than it was when we started?? You want us to go back to the beginning of these problems in TPB, when ThunderClan only introduced four female kits who lived to adulthood who could mother the next generation??? THINK.
(Sorreltail, Ferncloud, Sandstorm, Brightheart)
Why is the vastly more common response "KILL THE ICKY" and not "USE THE BRAND NEW LAW THAT ALLOWS CROSS-CLAN MATE MIGRATION" hmmmmmmmmm????
We need to back up, too. Why do YOU think the amount of incest happening is genuinely horrific? Because what this "deformed icky inbred moonpaw" discourse has taught me is that we seem to have VERY different reasons for reaching our conclusions.
I think it is genuinely horrific because this series with a theme about "legacy" should have better rules about what counts as immediate family, the careless Erins prevent their newcoming cats like Stormcloud and Fernstripe from having time in the spotlight, and clan culture's extreme social control over the lives of the cast is cultlike and needs to be addressed as a harmful thing. OTHERS seem to think it is "genuinely horrific" because ThunderClan might have ugly disabled kids. We are not the same.
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p4nishers · 9 months
thinking about the relationship between mightily oats' "the worthwhile [words] don't burn" and constable dorfl's "the words in the heart cannot be taken"
#especially the journey both of them had to go through to get to the point of saying that. like the whole of carpe jugulum oats was so TORN#and before that too about what words could you believe and who could you really trust on their word about om and the prophets and he went#out of his way to look up records disproving what the book of om said bc he KNEW nothing they said could be believed and just all the pain#and all that doubt he went thru and the part where he questioned om's 'infinite compassion' as he prayed bc really what compassion?#how many people prayed at the stake just like he was doing in that moment? how many people had to live with the silence of their god just#like he did? but still when his book of om – that he clung to the whole book for reassurance – burned he said the worthily words don't burn#the worthily words are in the heart and in the mind and not feed into his mouth by old man who just#made things up to justify their actions. he had all the words he needded the whole time and holiness was always all around him. he just had#to look#and dorfl being created with words in his head that dictated his every move . words that chained him. then he and the other golems created#'king' for themselves in the hope he'd lead them to freedom but they put too many words in his head and he failed and carrot gave dorfl his#own freedom and his own words and that lead to dorfl destroying his well child basically and destroying himself in the process but the word#in his heart his OWN words remained and they were able to rebuilt him and vimes give him a voice and his words and belief remained in him b#they were always his#god. sorry for the ramble im severally unwell about them#mightily oats#constable dorfl#carpe jugulum#feet of clay#gnu terry pratchett#discworld
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unspokenstydia · 2 years
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LYDIA MARTIN And I've got a lot to pine about. I've got a lot to live without.
You don’t care about getting hurt. But you know how I’ll feel? I’ll be devastated. And if you die, I will literally go out of my freaking mind. You see, death doesn’t happen to you, Lydia. / Unbelievable…you have no idea what you are, do you? The wailing woman.
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try-set-me-on-fire · 1 year
Growing up Buck always got parental love and attention when he when he was injured, so when Bobby (in Buck’s eyes) rejects him after the blood clots it was yanking a rug nobody knew was there out from under him…
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thedeafprophet · 2 months
The Princess scheming to kidnap Jamie's ex down to the neath and harvesting her memories of Jamie....................... The Princess truly is not beating the Most Possessive Woman accusasitions
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finifugue · 6 months
what if max verstappen wanted to be a librarian when he grew up
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The witness is very true!
A Revelation from the Revealer of secrets
Repent the kingdom of the heavens have drawn near.
Prophecy = 42 months, 1,260 days, that is 3 in a half times
Deuteronomy 13: 1-4
In case a prophet or one who foretells by dreams arises in your midst and gives you a sign or a portent, and the sign or the portent about which he spoke to you comes true while he is saying, ‘Let us walk after other gods,’ gods that you have not known, ‘and let us serve them,’ you must not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer, for Jehovah your God is testing you to know whether you love Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul. After Jehovah your God you should walk, him you should fear, his commandments you should keep, to his voice you should listen; he is the one you should serve, and to him you should hold fast.
Daniel 8: 23-25
And in the final part of their kingdom, as the transgressors act to a completion, a fierce-looking king who understands ambiguous sayings will stand up. His power will become great, but not through his own power. He will bring ruin in an extraordinary way, and he will be successful and act effectively. He will bring mighty ones to ruin, also the people made up of the holy ones.  And by his cunning he will use deception to succeed; and in his heart he will exalt himself; and during a time of security he will bring many to ruin. He will even stand up against the Prince of princes, but he will be broken without human hand
Daniel 11:45
And he will plant his royal tents between the grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; and he will come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him.
Revelation 17:17
For God put it into their hearts to carry out his thought, yes, to carry out their one thought by giving their kingdom to the wild beast, until the words of God will have been accomplished
1 Peter 1:10
Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied about the undeserved kindness meant for you made a diligent inquiry and a careful search.
Matthew 15: 10,11
With that he called the crowd near and said to them: “Listen and get the sense of it: It is not what enters into a man’s mouth that defiles him, but it is what comes out of his mouth that defiles him.”
Revelation 13:5-7
It was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and it was given authority to act for 42 months. And it opened its mouth in blasphemies against God to blaspheme his name and his dwelling place, even those residing in heaven. It was permitted to wage war with the holy ones and conquer them, and it was given authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation.
The wild beast has opened its mouth and spoken. How do we know because God Word shines light on it.
James 1:19
Know this, my beloved brothers: Everyone must be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger
2 Peter 1:21
For prophecy was at no time brought by man’s will, but men spoke from God as they were moved by holy spirit.
Isaiah 14: 13,14
You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to the heavens. Above the stars of God I will lift up my throne, And I will sit down on the mountain of meeting, In the remotest parts of the north. I will go up above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself resemble the Most High.’
God said, "Let it be luminaries in the expanse of the heavens." These luminaries will serve as signs for days and years. (Genesis 1:14)
Biblically, they used a lunar calendar, which is based on the cycles of the moon. 🌙 According to the biblical calendar, a year consists of 360 days. 📅
Going off the lunar calendar, 1,260 days is equivalent to 42 months. That's exactly 3 in a half times
Why is this number of months/days important because this is how long the holy city is being trampled on underfoot, 42 months. (Revelation 11:2)
Which is also the same amount of months the wild beast opened his mouth and spoke for. (Revelation 13:5,6). Giving breath/life to the image (Revelation 13:15)
The moon is being mentioned as being beneath the feet of the woman in Rev 12:1.
Therefore, since the nations trampled the holycity underfoot for 42 months. (Revelation 11:2) This refers to the moon. Since the moon is beneath her feet. (Revelation 12:1)
Ironically, walking on the moon was a big milestone, and all the earth followed with admiration (Revelation 13:3). The moon is "underfoot."
Neil Armstrong, "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."
When did this image of the moon start to speak?
Opening of the mouth = the launch of the Apollo 11 mission, which aimed to be the first humans on the moon.
Closing of the mouth = the last moon mission Apollo 17. It was the final mission of the Apollo program, and it marked the last time humans been to the moon to this day
July 16, 1969 December 19, 1972
Keep in mind the Lunar Calendar 📅 360 days a year.
A common year has 365 days. So, for most years, if your birthday was on a Friday, the following year, it will walk forward to be on a Saturday. Because of this walk back a day each year
1972 - 1969 = 3 years
December 19 walk back a day each yr = December 16
(Do not count the leap year 02/29/1972)
July 16, 1969 to December 16, 1972
If counted by the days = 1,260 days
If counted by the month = 42 months
If counted by the year = 3 in a half
Green dot = Apollo 11 (first humans on the moon)
Blue dot = Apollo 17 (last time humans been to the moon)
Red dot = leap year (do not count this day since it adds an extra day)
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dreadark · 9 months
that anna croft doesn't go to 1865 while selena kim does is something I think about perhaps too much
the 1865th turn must have its own anna croft of course... maybe having inherited some early memories from retrocognition, she's already started making plans to reach her "perfect night" knowing she's likely going to have to manipulate everyone around her like what she can remember of last time
but then, she meets selena kim. the selena that isn't who she expects from her those memories, the selena who already Knows knows some of the future somehow--but not just that, she knows anna. knows how hard anna worked in the previous turn, and has a guess of some of what she had to do in all the ones before that too...
so you can take a break this time, anna. let me handle it.
with who selena is, that's not the first time anna's heard something like that from her but maybe... the first time she lets herself believe it
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deathlywounded · 9 months
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Portrait of the pretty and painful Saint Sebastien, & Quote from "The Prophet", by Kahlil Gibran ❤️‍🩹🥀 This is part of another parallel, personal project. You can visit it here: noncursed
Do NOT use my work, do not repost without consent, don't do anything. Have some respect.
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shiryawashere · 23 days
Queen Maeve: From now on, we will be using code names. You can address me as Eagle One. Homelander, code name Been There, Done That. Starlight is Currently Doing That. Translucent is It Happened Once in a Dream. A-Train, code name: If I Had to Pick a Dude. Noir, I'd Be Lying If I Said I Hadn't Thought About It. The Deep is... Eagle Two.
Deep: wait what :(
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wildtornado-o · 1 year
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"Yeah. I know. Im not real."
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veilk · 3 months
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[ID: Two lineless, digital drawings of fan obesk from corru.observer. The first is a once-vel with long, freckled receptors, two cousinly eyes, long hair, and a floor-length robe. Surrounding his left eye are four additional eyes, extending off his face. The second is a tall once-jut with a thin, diamond-shaped body, divided into two sections by a magenta bar. They have long hair, four floating hands, two brightly colored belts, and a single eye in the center of their face. They have several more eyes in their hair, and one on each hand. /End ID]
i have not yet posted these gamers here yet... behold, my silly little corru ocs, zakri from translation (miserable and reckless vel) and kelzil from materials (self proclaimed "innovator"), two of the three members of what i have declared The Side Plot Crew
assortment of doodles featuring them under the cut
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[ID: The two obesk described above, along with a third: A vel with very thin receptors, several large eyes and a body made of many floating pieces. They are wearing a skirt with a diagonal stripe across it. They are noted as being unnamed. /End ID]
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[ID: A comic featuring Zakri and Kelzil. Kelzil, holding up one of their hands, says: "zakri look at my cool hand eyes they are so useful". Zakri responds with: "why did you put them there are they not going to be covered when you are actually using your hands". An arrow pointing to him is labelled "hater". Kelzil then holds up all four of their hands and says: "this is why i have four". Zakri says "that sucks", and Kelzil stares silently. An arrow pointing to Kelzil is labelled: "thinking evil thoughts". /End ID]
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[ID: A drawing of larval Zakri, holding a hand up and saying: "it is always 'zakri at least try to be careful' and 'zakri you are going to die' and never 'how was the surface zakri the surface looked fun did you have fun'. There is a small doodle of unnamed vel in the corner, labelled "live unnamed vel reaction", thinking: "this guy is either a wizard or the biggest idiot on obeski... woah!". /End ID]
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[ID: A relationship chart, featuring Zakri, Kelzil, and the unnamed vel. Zak's thoughts on unnamed vel: "guy who won't leave me alone". Unnamed vel's thoughts on Zak: "science experiment". Kel's thoughts on Zak: "faithful assistant (and the only guy who wlil tolerate me)". Zak's thoughts on Kel: "the only reason i am still your assistant is because i think watching you fail is funny". Unnamed vel's thoughts on Kel: "mostly intersted in their relationship with Zak". Kel's thoughts on unnamed vel: "potentially very useful (unsure)". /End ID]
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[ID: A short comic featuring Zakri, Kelzil, and Akizet, titled: "Zak and Kel in the collapse". Akizet explains: "and so we believe it may have something to do with the groundsmind" as Zak and Kel listen. Kel points and says: "wow that is interesting and sounds true", while Zak loudly says, tilting his head: "so it was not kelzil's fault?". Zak continues to explain that he and Kel thought Kel had caused the collapse through a failed experiment as Akizet looks horrified. Kelzil talks over them to say: "please stop talking". /End ID]
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lotrmusical · 1 month
My high school did a yearly poetry recitation contest (Poetry Out Loud), so Oh Boy do I know some poems. My favorites are Ozymandias and "the world is about to end and my grandparents are in love," by Kara Jackson. Also in 8th grade we had a Poe unit and had a class contest to make the best music video of the Raven, so I still know a good chunk of that.
i hadn't heard of the kara jackson one! just read through it and enjoyed it, particularly these lines > 'grandma returns to her love like a hymn, marks it with a color. // when the world ends will it suck the earth of all its love? /will i go taking somebody’s hand, / my skin becoming their skin?'
#taking this as a challenge to see how much of ozymandias and the raven i can remember. no i'm not bored at work what gives you that idea#i bet ive got most of ozymandias. the raven may be a lost cause#i met a traveller from an antique land / who said: two vast and trunkless legs of stone / stand in the desert. near them on the sand /#half-sunk a shatter'd visage lies whose frown / and wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command / tell that its sculptor well those passions read#...something or other i do not recall / the heart that mocked them and the heart that fed / and on the pedestal these words appear /#my name is ozymandias king of kings / look on my works ye mighty and despair /#nothing beside remains. round the decay / of that colossal wreck . something or other#the lone and level sands stretch far away#decay of that colossal wreck indeed (my memory for this poem)#oh well.#once upon a midnight dreary as i pondered weak and weary / over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore /#while i nodded nearly napping suddenly there came a rapping / as of someone gently tapping tapping at my chamber door /#tis some visitor i muttered tapping at my chamber door / only this and nothing more#?? (it's downhill from here)#ah distinctly i remember it was in the bleak december / and each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor /#something?ly i sought the morrow / vainly had i sought to borrow / from my books surcease of sorrow / sorrow for the lost lenore /#for the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels .name lenore / lost to me forevermore#(then there is another stanza; bird-infested word bonanza / which i used to know at some point but do not know anymore /)#something something something door. darkness there and nothing more#oh it's the 'silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain / thrilled me filled me with fantastic terrors never known before' bit#anyway. deep into that darkness peering something stood i hoping fearing / doubting?? dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before#but the silence was unbroken and the stillness gave no token / and the only word there spoken was the whispered word lenore#(more missing chunks)#oh i remember 'surely said i surely that is / something at my window lattice' because it's such a stupid rhyme#bird time bust time idk#ghastly grim and ancient raven wandering from the nightly shore / tell me what thy lordly name is on the night's plutonian shore /#a billion more stanzas i dont remember. except for 'prophet!' said i 'thing of evil! prophet still if bird or devil!#whether tempter sent or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore /' etc. wait you can only add 30 tags to posts now?? i had more raven chunks#ask#anon
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sibylsleaves · 3 months
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sometimes when people leave nice comments on old fics i reread those fics and i recently reread at every table i'll save you a seat and like i NAILED this. I nailed it. wrote this in 2022 and almost exactly two years later Eddie was saying, in canon, on the show, to Buck's face, "what do YOU think?"
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