#Eggman's voice actor controversy
mashounen1945 · 5 months
About the recent Eggman's voice actor controversy (namely, some Sonic fans' reaction to it)
I'm not gonna go into details on the controversy itself. The tags for this post will probably give it away, and those who still occasionally visit Twitter will know exactly what I'm talking about.
Out of this whole fiasco, something that still gets me is the way some Sonic fans reacted, not by merely taking it too seriously (which is barely a surprise anymore) but specifically by trying to "reclaim" Eggman, to turn that character into some sort of icon of a real-life noble cause for social justice, to divorce the character from something those fans criticize.
In this case, they're pretending to separate Eggman from Mike Pollock and his personal political ideas; there's even a tweet where someone drew Eggman carrying a certain four-colour black-white-green-red flag with... *ahem* some particular relevance in the world's current political climate, and I've already seen similar stuff here on Tumblr. But I've already seen Sonic fans trying to do the same with other real-life issues in the last few years, and just like during the current controversy surrounding Mike Pollock, it was very apparent not only that these fans took it too seriously, but also that they did not properly think it through... at all.
Someone posted a comic strip a few years ago, back when Sonic Boom was still relevant. I can't find it right now, but I do remember it went a little like this: Eggman shows he got a degree in villainy, Sonic makes a crappy joke about that meaning Eggman is a business major, and Eggman is like "I said villainy, not sucking the life-force out of poor people".
And, like… Have those so-called "Sonic fans" ever played a Sonic game? Okay, no, that sounded a little gatekeep-y, let's rephrase it: have they ever consumed literally any piece of official Sonic content? Do they have any idea of what Eggman canonically does in multiple branches of the franchise? Have they really never wondered what exactly is the energy source for many of his machines? Because if those obsessive fans did know, then they'd realize trying to turn Eggman into an anti-capitalist and/or anti-oppression symbol is not the smart move they think it is.
The same goes for turning him into an anti-corporate symbol, or something I've actually seen some Sonic fans do: positing that "Eggman may be evil but he's still better than Elon Musk". The way the character usually behaves in official Sonic content shows that Eggman is pretty much the Elon Musk of the Sonic universe, perhaps even worse because the Muskrat fortunately doesn't have his own private army (yet).
Purist Sonic fans of the Japanese videogame canon will most likely start pointing at this controversy and laughing. Since this mess only involves Eggman's voice actor for English-language Sonic content as far as I know, and Sonic material made in the USA has already gotten a bad reputation due to several other screw-ups of varying magnitude both recently and during the entire history of the franchise, this will seemingly prove once again that all the people working on English-language Sonic media are a bunch of smug and unprofessional dumbasses prone to ridiculously stupid blunders caused by their complete inability to hold back their cringe urges and their insistence that they can do better than their Japanese counterparts, and that any non-Japanese author should be permanently banned from working on this franchise in any official capacity.
As if original Japanese media was always some kind of unproblematic sanctuary of compliance with the source material and the people working on it had the wisdom to avoid getting into bullcrap like this and Japanese society & culture didn't have their own prejudices & complexes to overcome or their own colonial & imperial past that they're still trying to sweep under the rug.
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speedofsoundsketches · 7 months
I'm curious, do you have specific favorite voice actors for the Sonic characters? (Like just the main few, Sonic, Shadow, Tails, etc.) if so, may we know your favorites?
Brace yourselves, this is gonna be a long one so under the cut.
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Jun'ichi Kanemaru is THE standard for Sonic. The guy is passionate about the role and captures him perfectly. Plus, he's a great singer! The English VA that came closest to matching him is Jason Griffith. (honorable mention to Devon Mack. Low as my opinion is of Prime, Devon's voice is actually pretty suitable for Sonic. Would like to hear him in a better product!)
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The late Chikao Ōtsuka for Eggman was wonderful, but I have zero complaints with Mike Pollack. Really, no matter what style or tone he's portrayed Eggman in, he's always done it superbly. I'd say of all English VA's that worked in this series, Mr. Pollack's probably been the one who's NEVER had a miss. Guy's got incredible range even in his work outside of Sonic (using this as a chance to shill the Pluto Anime since he starred in it. GO WATCH IT PLEASE.)
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Tails is really really REALLY hard to mess up. His voice actresses have typically been great at capturing him (save for OVA Tails who talks like he has a cold). Coleen's a fine Tails and suitable replacement for Amy Palant but I may still prefer Palant just because she's the nostalgic one for me being in all the 2000's games plus Sonic X.
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Knuckles voice preference is a tough call. His VA needs to be able to play up both his aggressive and gentler sides. It's a toss up between Dan Green and his current VA Dave B Mitchell. Mitchell has been doing good work in the animated shorts so I like him and he's the best we've had since Dan moved on. His Japanese VA, Nobutoshi Kanna, is great as well for the same reasons. :)
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Amy's best actress is still her JPN VA, Taeko Kawata (who is also a lovely singer!) Lisa Ortiz to this day is STILL her best ENG VA. She captured Amy's youthful, cutesy appeal but can IMMEDIATELY switch to her assertive side naturally. Fantastic range and it's too bad that Amy's assertiveness has been subdued so much lately that this can't be fully appreciated anymore.
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Cream's had far fewer options to choose from. I like both her actresses in JPN (Sayaka Aoki) and ENG (Rebecca Honig) honestly. I do like the almost whispery gentleness to her ENG voice particularly. Just helps her feel very soft and sweet.
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Shadow's JPN VA, Kōji Yusa, is so good. You really can't go wrong here. For the ENG VA, this might be a bit controversial because while I appreciate David Humphrey as Shadow's debut in SA2, I'm still partial to Jason Griffith purely because once he got accustomed to Shadow as a character, he really elevated the role. I think his performance in 06 was one of the best moments for the character overall.
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Rouge might one of the few times where I actually prefer her current ENG voice actress, Karen Strassman, to her older one. Her JPN VA, Rumi Ochiai, is THE standard tho so Karen just suits her best as a close match! Youthful yet still mature and her flirty quality doesn't sound too forced.
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Omega's JPN VA (Taiten Kusunoki) IS SO AMAZING. It's hilariously deeper than I expected but still robotic so something about it just WORKS. His ENG VA is alright too. But I just love the JPN Voice, I don't know why.
May do a part two if I have time for the others!
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sage-nebula · 3 months
I'm not a fan of Neil Gaiman's -- not for any personal reasons, just because his writing style is not to my tastes -- so I'm not going to dig into the controversy currently going on or make any grand statements on it except to say: it sounds like he did some pretty awful things, and I feel for the women who were hurt by him, and I hope that they can heal in time and get the help that they need to do so. No one should ever have to suffer sexual assault, but those who do definitely shouldn't have to do so without support in the aftermath.
The reason I'm making this post, though, is that I feel that this is yet another instance where . . . I don't want to say "tumblr," because it's not everyone on the website, and it's not even just people on tumblr that do this. But this is another instance where a large number of people take someone with some degree of fame and put them on a pedestal, and then when it comes out that said person is fallible and have done something wrong (in this case very wrong), the reaction to that isn't just the standard "wow, you suck," but it's magnified tenfold by feelings of betrayal, because how could you, Pedestal Stander, do that to us? You were supposed to be different. You were supposed to be better.
This has happened so many times. Sometimes it happens as a result of people who, tired of seeing posts about a particular tumblr darling on their dash, go looking for dirt so that they can "expose" the Pedestal Stander as a Bad Person to break the pedestal and get the site to turn on them. Other times it happens because the Pedestal Stander is a complete buffoon and decides to get drunk and shoot their mouth off on twitter. (This happened earlier this year in the Sonic fandom, where Eggman's voice actor, Mike Pollock, first decided to start spouting off on twitter in support of Israel's genocide on Palestine, and then decided to dig in and make it worse by getting drunk and opening up a twitter . . . live? I don't know if that's what it's called, I don't use twitter -- but basically it was like a voice cast thing where he was live streaming his voice and others could join to ask questions via voice as well, if he let them in. He also started talking about his penis at one point I think, though that might have been in his tweets. It got wild. Sonic fans were in upheaval. His PR team made him apologize the next day. IIRC the apology was not great.)
Whatever the case, eventually, something comes out. Because there is not a person on this earth who is perfect. Of course, not all mistakes are equal. There is a huge difference between, say, calling someone a fucking idiot because they pissed you off on twitter, and sexually assaulting someone. One is forgivable and the other isn't, and I don't have to point out which one is which. (At least, I hope I don't.) But the point is, no one is perfect, everyone is fallible and everyone, no matter who they are, has ghouls that would put cracks in the pedestals you'd put them on. The ghouls are there, even if you don't see them at first.
Which is why it would be best for everyone to just never put anyone on pedestals at all. It's easier said than done, I know; when you find someone you really like, the natural human instinct is to see them with a rosy tint over them, to want to gush and glow about how awesome and great they are. I have numerous lowkey celebrities that I think are the bees knees. But even with them, I remind myself that the version of them that I think is just fantastic is the version of them that they've allowed me to see. I love Jenna Marbles and wish for her happiness every day, but also, I know that I love the version of her that she allowed me to see through her videos and podcast. I think K.A. Applegate is a stand-up person, but I think she's a stand-up person because of the version of herself she allows me to see through what she's posted online. So on and so forth.
And this was not a lesson that I always knew. It was a lesson hard-learned through what happened with J.K. Rowling.
It's no secret that I used to be a huge Harry Potter fan. I grew up with those books like many millennials did. I was an abused child, and the idea of escaping abuse to go to a magic school was one that was captivating to me. Growing up, I didn't recognize the many problematic elements in the writing, either because I was ignorant (e.g. I'm not Chinese, so I didn't realize that Cho Chang's name isn't an actual Chinese name), or because I didn't know of her views and thus couldn't catch the dogwhistles she included (e.g. the stairs leading to the girls' dormitories in Gryffindor tower turn into a slide when boys try to climb them -- who wants to bet that they'd turn into a slide for transgirls who tried to go to bed in their own dorms?). I decided that I wanted to be an author when I was in fifth grade, and at the time I idolized Rowling as a writer and I decided I wanted to be just like her. As I grew older and learned about her rags to riches, "writing on a napkin" story, I felt even more inspired. Learning about how much money she donated to charity, seeing her approval of fanfiction when so many authors didn't, how she interacted with fans -- I put her on a pedestal, I really did.
And then her bigotry came to light. She started railing against trans people. Transwomen in particular, but she's also pulled that whole "transmen are really women underneath" bullshit as well. Once her transphobia came to light, it wasn't hard to see the transphobia in her books; aside from the Gryffindor tower example above, there was also her description of Rita Skeeter's "mannish hands," that Slytherin girl Millicent's description, etc.
And lest we forget, it wasn't just transphobia. There was also racism (the Cho Chang example, what she ended up doing with Nagini in one of the later Fantastic Beasts movies); antisemitism (the goblins at Gringott's, Blood Libel the video game, denying aspects of the Holocaust), and so much more. People are capable of change and one could say that some of these were, perhaps, accidents. Designs for goblins are part of a cultural consciousness in fantasy literature, after all; we aren't going to pretend that Tolkien was antiracist in the designs of his fantasy creatures, and he set a huge precedent in the genre. But the blood libel game was recent, and apart from that, Rowling has quadrupled down on everything, and is using her influence and money to try to pass legislature for the oppression of trans people. She has not only not changed for the better, she has actively grown worse.
While this might seem like an anti-Rowling tangent, my point of writing all of this out is -- I've been there. When I was growing up, I loved Harry Potter and I put J.K. Rowling on a pedestal. Then I learned the hard way that she is a fucking horrible person, one of the worst people imaginable. And it was difficult, to let go of a franchise that meant so much to me, that got me through hard times. To be clear, I didn't do it because I wanted to "be morally pure" or whatever; I did it because once I learned about her bigotry, I couldn't read the books without seeing it, and for me personally, seeing it made it so that I couldn't look at them the same way anymore, and I couldn't enjoy them. That doesn't mean I don't read or can't enjoy problematic literature, but it's different when you know going in that something is fucked up, versus when you think something is just a fun children's book series about wizards and then it turns out to be Oops, All Bigotry!.
So I got my shit rocked with the Rowling debacle and realized then that putting celebrities on pedestals is just bad news. Because anyone, no matter how good they might seem to be, has the potential to be awful, possibly more awful than you can imagine. I don't think there's any rhyme or reason to it; I don't believe in conspiracies that the more awful someone is, the harder they try to appear good. I mean, some people might, but for the most part I just think that people are complex human beings who might want to donate millions to charities while also being nasty, scum sucking bigots, because human beings contain multitudes. But the point is, after going through that, I realized that the best course of action is just to remember that putting people on pedestals can only ever lead to heartbreak and disappointment.
So with this most recent thing with Neil Gaiman happening, and tumblr getting its shit rocked yet again, I implore everyone to take this as the final lesson they need to please, please stop putting people on pedestals. It never ends well. Remember that the version of them you see is the version of them they allow you to see. You don't know them. Even when you can chat with them on twitter or here on tumblr, they are still only allowing you to know a version of them. They can cultivate their responses to you. They can think about what they say before they say it. You don't know who they are in their personal lives. You don't know what they are like offline, just like they don't know you. You don't know what ghouls they have shoved under their mattress. Maybe the worst thing they've done is flip off someone who cut them off in traffic. Or maybe they've raped and murdered someone. You don't know, so it's best to tell yourself, "This celebrity seems awesome -- or at least, the version of them they allow me to know seems awesome," so that if it turns out that they did rape and murder someone, you can say, "Wow, they suck actually," and then move on with your life.
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stachehand · 4 years
Sonic the Hedgehog: my voice cast
OK, enough posts dedicated to jabbing at I Don’t Work Sonic. It has overstayed it’s welcome. Time for something that may be a little controversial, but is otherwise much more wholesome. I’m going to present you a list I made some time ago of the voice actors I would choose (and keep in some cases) for the many members of the Sonic the Hedgehog cast, if I were deciding them. This will also include some characters from the Archie series and the characters from the aforementioned comic that doesn’t work. I hope you can understand why I made these choices and enjoy thinking about how they’d perform in the roles.
Sonic the Hedgehog: Max Mittelman Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik: Mike Pollock Miles "Tails" Prower: Amanda Celine Miller Sally Acorn: Cristina Valenzuela Charles the Hedgehog: John Goodman Bunnie Rabbot: Jennifer Hale Amy Rose: Christine Marie Cabanos Nicole the Holo-Lynx: Sara Cravens Knuckles the Echidna: Matthew Mercer Vector the Crocodile: Jamieson Price Espio the Chameleon: Roger Craig Smith Charmy Bee: Colleen Villard Big the Cat: Kyle Hebert Mina Mongoose: Hynden Walch Omochao: Kari Wahlgren Shadow the Hedgehog: Yuri Lowenthal Rouge the Bat: Tara Platt Cream the Rabbit: Michelle Ruff Vanilla the Rabbit: Michelle Ruff Doctor Finitevus: Steve Coogan E-123 Omega: David Sobolov Neo Metal Sonic: Max Mittelman Gemerl: David Kaye Cosmo: Stephanie Sheh Blaze the Cat: Erica Lindbeck Jet the Hawk: Michael Yurchak Wave the Swallow: Laura Bailey Storm the Albatross: Travis Willingham Silver the Hedgehog: Bryce Papenbrook Marine the Raccoon: Wendee Lee Orbot: Kirk Thornton Cubot: Wally Wingert Zavok: Patrick Seitz Zazz: Dave Wittenberg Zomom: Richard Epcar Master Zik: Neil Kaplan Zeena: Erika Harlacher Zor: Sam Riegel Sticks the Badger: Nika Futterman Perci the Bandicoot: Erin Fitzgerald D-Fekt: Derek Stephen Prince Rough the Skunk: Jason Spisak Tumble the Skunk: Fred Tatasciore Tangle the Lemur: Elizabeth Daily Whisper the Wolf: Catherine Taber Doctor Starline: David Tennant Jewel the Beetle: Jessica DiCicco Dodon Pa: Kyle Hebert Mimic the Octopus: Steve Blum Smithy the Lion: Crispin Freeman Slinger the Ocelot: Robbie Daymond Claire Voyance: Sandy Fox
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alpha-centari27 · 5 years
Sonic’s villain never needed a sidekick. Dr. “Eggman” Robotnik had robots, but it was always a solo gig.
Turns out, Robotnik needed Stone, Lebanese actor Lee Majdoub’s assistant character in the new “Sonic the Hedgehog” movie, more than any of us realized — and so do we. So much so, movie fans are now hoping that this new, hopelessly earnest and thirsty new character shows up in a sequel.
Majdoub’s character was initially supposed to be an exposition tool, “to give someone for Robotnik to talk to,” Majdoub told The Washington Post in a phone interview. But as Jim Carrey, who plays Robotnik, improvised, developing his villain into a lonely, Ivy League-educated misanthropic mad doctor, Madjoub in turn made Stone into something of a doting pupil, desperate for attention from his mentor.
“Through chatting with Jim and developing a rapport with him, we turned their relationship into something more fun and personal,” said Majdoub. “Even Jim said at one point that there’s got to be something about Stone. If Robotnik hates humanity so much, why is it this one guy that sticks around? Stone was always reliable, always there for him, and knew what he was going to do before he did it."
The central theme of “Sonic the Hedgehog” is how men deal with loneliness. Sonic wanted friends, and had none. Robotnik wanted no friends, but had Agent Stone. Their relationship bordered on abusive (by way of slapstick physical comedy). 
Now, Agent Stone is developing his own audience of admirers, inspiring fan art which reimagines him as a classic Sonic villain, and notably, art that “ships” a loving relationship between the two villains.
“It’s definitely admiration,” said Majdoub, laughing, recalling the art. “I think more than anything, Stone just wants attention from Robotnik, and wants to mean something to him. There are elements of their relationship he’ll go through that typically someone won’t go through just to get that. He probably sees, ‘Wow this guy stresses out a lot. Maybe I can make him a latte to ease him up and it’ll all be okay.'” 
Majdoub’s character was just another surprise in a film full of them. The film was mocked mercilessly last year for a disastrous first impression of the Sonic design. Yet against all odds (and lots of extra work), “Sonic the Hedgehog” is now Hollywood’s No. 1 film of the moment, and it’s likely to stay that way for another weekend. The Washington Post’s Style review called it “sweet, funny and smart."
Diversity in Hollywood has been a big part of the discourse surrounding filmmaking these days, and “Sonic the Hedgehog” has a diverse cast without ever calling attention to it. James Marsden and Tika Sumpter portray an interracial marriage that simply exists, which the script doesn’t call any attention to, even with its jokes. Majdoub, a Lebanon-born Canadian citizen, called it refreshing.
“I love it, when a production or project doesn’t feel like we have to be like, ‘Hey look at us, we casted diversity, yay us,’” Majdoub said. “It just was. It’s a family movie that just has representation. And the fact that we don’t have to hit you over the head with it is refreshing.” 
Majdoub said he’s lucky to be with an agent that avoided stereotypical roles for Middle Eastern men. For him, it was about the long game, and not being typecast.
“I have friends who have that struggle, having made decisions and feeling they can’t get out of it,” Majdoub said. “I think as an industry, we’re going in the right direction. Could it be better? Of course. Could we be moving faster? Yes. I’ve just been really fortunate."
Majdoub felt genuinely moved by how positive everyone on the project was, even despite the shock and controversy caused by the first trailer, which caused such an outcry that director Jeff Fowler and Paramount Pictures delayed release of the film to completely rework the main character’s design.
“It was more a shock to see how many people were speaking out, and how much engagement there was,” said Majdoub, who grew up with the character but didn’t realize the franchise had a rabid online fan base. “It was realizing how important of a character this was to people. So many people wanted their voices heard, and to see Jeff and that team not miss a beat, to come out and listen, was amazing. It’s a big struggle these days, wanting to be heard, and it’s lovely to see what happens when it’s done right."
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blapis-blazuli · 4 years
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So last night my girlfriend and I watched the live action Sonic movie together! I have Thoughts on it, but in short: I enjoyed it more than I expected! (Put under the cut because I get rambly. Also spoilers I guess.)
In no particular order:
I’m not really a fan of live action/CGI hybrid movies based on an already existing property, but this one seems to be one of the better ones. Not groundbreaking by any means, but certainly watchable.
The CGI for this film is actually pretty good, especially regarding Sonic.
That being said, I do have issues with how the animators were forced to go in and redo so much with him after the severe backlash regarding his first design looking... well, horrible. (I know there’s some people who liked that design but... no, I’m sorry, just... no.) I’m not putting the blame for the older design on the animators as they were just doing their jobs, but I do have to question what was going through the heads of the higher-ups who thought that design was a good idea. I heard the thought process was “well he’s in the real world now so we have to make him look more realistic” but given how most audiences generally don’t seem to like the whole “realistic live-action/CGI character design” thing, you’d think they would avoid doing that.
Actually, I have to question why there didn’t seem to be more involvement from people who had worked on the franchise before (namely Tyson Hesse, the guy who came up with Sonic’s redesign, but is probably better known for his work on some of the comics and some animated Sonic shorts that you can find on Sega’s official Youtube channel which you should definitely look at because they’re cute) from day one. You’ve got well over two decades worth of cast and crew you could’ve worked with, so why not bring more of them in to help? (Just not Ken Penders.)
Ben Schwartz is alright as the voice of Sonic. I won’t go calling him my favorite any time soon, but he did okay. I do feel like I have to question the choice to cast him though, but a little more on that later.
In case you didn’t know, I’m an absolute slut for Eggman, so I had... concerns when I heard that they cast Jim Carrey as my favorite (even leaving aside how I’m autistic, headcanon Eggman as autistic, and as far as I know Carrey is still an anti-vaxxer). For this movie, though, he fits the role of what Robotnik is like in this universe (a bitter orphan who grew up preferring robots to humans and is so unhinged that even the U.S. government thinks he’s nuts even though he works for them) just fine. I don’t think I can ever fully accept him as Eggman (though admittedly I don’t know who could make for a decent live action Eggman), but I could live with his performance in this.
I need to know more about what the deal is between Agent Stone and Robotnik, because I am intrigued more than the filmmakers probably wanted me to be (most likely because Carrey and Lee Majdoub worked together to make their characters dynamic more fun) and now I just want more of them interacting. I’m kinda disappointed that he wasn’t in this more, honestly. I get why since it’s supposed to be focused mostly on the actual characters from the games, but... I want to know more.
Tom the cop... I was really skeptical about this, especially since the first Sonic game I ever played portrayed the police and military as bad people (and, you know, real life cops are bastards), but... honestly, did Tom even really need to be a cop in the first place for this plot to work? I’m sure they could’ve worked something out where he didn’t need to be one. Anyway, there isn’t much to say about him, but he’s alright.
There’s honestly even less to say about his wife, but you know what? Props to this movie for having an interracial couple where them being an interracial couple isn’t the central drama (her sister’s mistrust of him doesn’t fully count as that’s not the focus) and didn’t draw loads of attention to it or have it come off as them doing this in an attempt to seem “woke”, unlike some other studios I could name. (coughDISNEYcough)
Is Owl Mom okay?!
Some of the humor is kinda hit and miss for me, but that seems to be true for the writing of the games themselves, especially after the change of staff since Colors (note to the writers: Baldy McNosehair is not as funny as you think it is), and I’ve seen live action/CGI hybrid franchise movies with worse humor (hell, media in general with worse humor), so I’m a bit more forgiving of it here.
That being said, the joke about Sonic wasting most of a bar/restaurant’s toilet paper to wrap it around some guys in a bar fight and later saying whoever used the bathroom next was going to have a problem... yeah, I don’t think I need to explain how poorly that aged, albeit unintentionally.
Robotnik does not say “Snooping as usual”, but Sanic made an appearance, sorta. That was something.
I’m still reeling from how “The Doctor thinks you’re basic” is an actual line in this movie and not something someone made up on Tumblr as a joke.
Given how people griped about the Olive Garden product placement in this, I was expecting it to be infinitely worse than it really was. Honestly it felt more like a brick joke to me, only with product placement.
The end credits scene with Tails was nice, especially since they brought in his current voice actress from the games to voice him! Though that has me thinking that if they did that then there wasn’t any reason for them not to bring in Roger Craig Smith (or any other former Sonic voice actor, come to think of it) to voice Sonic. Well, aside from “celebrity voice might put more butts in the theater seats (well, couch cushions currently)”. This bothers me so much. You have an established animated medium with an established voice cast, you’d think that bringing them in to voice their character for a big screen adaptation would be more common, but I guess not (unless you’re SpongeBob or The Simpsons I guess). Voice actors deserve way more than what Hollywood does to them, that’s all I’m saying. (This also bothers me given what I know of the First Sonic Voice Recasting Controversy way back when Sonic X was a thing.)
Speaking of end credits scenes, Sonic X, and the voice actors from the games/shows/etc, my girlfriend mentioned that she and her sister thought that in Carrobotnik’s last scene there was a point where it almost sounded like Carrey was doing an impression of Mike Pollock (the English voice actor of Eggman for seventeen years and by far the longest-lasting English voice cast member), and I thought so too. I’m used to voice actors imitating celebrities for their performances even when they’re not voicing said celebrity, so hearing it the other way around for a change even briefly was fascinating (and further proves to me how much of an impact Pollock’s left on the character that even the live-action actor has ended up doing an impression of his take on the same character).
I know they’re already talking about making at least one sequel (and for once Carrey seems to want in on said sequel), and you know what? I’m all for it. Please bring Stone back too, I want to know more about him.
I know it looks like I spent a lot of this going “eh” and “but why”, but I really did enjoy this! If you’re curious about it, please check it out.
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charcoal-zone · 5 years
Controversial opinion time: Eggman’s voices
Chikao Ōtsuka > Long John Baldry > Edwin Neal > Kotaro Nakamura > Deem Bristow > Mike Pollock > Jim Cummings > Jim Carrey > Junpei Takiguchi > Garry Chalk
Please remember that this list is not based on how well these actors act but rather how well I think their voices fit the character.
Not all Japanese voices are included because I haven’t heard all of them.
I know I used to say Pollock and Bristow were some of my favorites, but I since re-evaluated them with less bias influenced by nostalgia.
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firebirdtransam68 · 5 years
What I Want To See More On Tumblr
Tumblr is a sharing/social networking blog site that has a variety of content.  However, there is content that also needs more recognition, and I see little to none of that content; probably because it is underrated and not very many users talk about or mention it.  Of course, there will be plenty of opportunities to add more content, and I still have more information that must be voiced, but it would be nice if others take action and start expanding the site with extra and unlimited content (whether it be pictures, videos, audio, photographs, artwork, fan media, quotes, chats, weblinks, entertainment and media reviews, recaps of different works, memes, tutorials, self-help, GIFs, messages, etc.) as well.
Here are the following content that needs more recognition (it is a long list, so please pace yourselves):
- Skills and techniques with Microsoft PowerPoint (this may include picture making with the shape tool)
- Fictional landscapes created by users
- Synthwave, Vaporwave, and Retrowave (and other retro forms like these)
- OC and fan character bases and illustrations
- Microsoft Windows (1.0, 3.1, 95, NT, 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, etc.)
   * Desktop images (tiled pictures included)
   * Screensavers
   * Logos
   * Screenshots
   * Tutorials
   * Video clips
- Extraterrestrial content
   * Planets
   * Star systems
   * Phenomenon (including black holes, quasars, pulsars, supernovae, etc.)
   * Plants/flora
   * Animals/fauna
   * Fungi
   * Single-celled organisms
   * Landscapes
   * Skies
   * Terrains
   * Montane areas
   * Oceans
   * Habitats
   * Climate phenomenon (rain, snow, wind, sandstorms, thunderstorms, blizzards, sleet, hail, auroras, etc.)
   * Moons and natural satellites
   * Technologies
   * Rocks and minerals
   * Intelligent life
   * Alien languages
   * Science fiction
   * Fantasy
   * Geography
   * Field guides
- Alien/space dragons
- Fictional rocks, minerals, and gemstones
- Real-life landscapes
- Firearms
- Psalms
- Vintage material
- Web-developing/web-designing ideas and blueprints
- Mesozoic Era (including dinosaurs, mammals, early birds, and flora)
- Hybrid/crossbreed animals
- Werebeasts
- Alien skunks
- Alien birds
   * Owls
   * Peafowl
   * Hawks
   * Falcons
   * Birds of paradise
   * Parrots and macaws
   * Sparrows
   * Corvids
   * Shrikes
   * Archaeopteryx (dinosaurs are included)
   * Crossbreeds
- Kitsunes (including alien kitsunes)
- Alien wolves
- Alien hedgehogs
- Exotic birds
- G1 MLP (we have enough G4/FIM already)
- Retro
- Fighter jets
- Cars from 1967-1988
- Quotes and scenes from movies, TV shows, videogames/computer games, anime, books, comics, music videos, radio, podcasts, direct-to-video movies and series, plays, scripts, and websites
- Any LGBTQ+ content that encourages diversity of thought, creativity, and staying true to yourself regardless of sexual orientation
Original Stories:
- Science fantasy
- Alien fantastical creatures
   * Dragons
   * Unicorns
   * Pegasi (flying horses)
   * Hippocampus
   * Cerberus
   * Roc (giant eagle)
   * Griffons
   * Hippogriff
   * Kitsune
   * Minotaurs
   * Ent
   * Basilisk
   * Gorgon
   * Harpy
   * Merfolk
   * Fauns
   * Orcs, ogres, goblins, and ghouls
- Action/thrillers
- Influences from sci-fi authors and writers (including Robert Heinlein)
- Female villains and complex characters
- Influences from Atlantis
- Mpreg and fempreg (hermaphrodites, transgender, reverse reproduction, magic, alternate dimension, etc.)
- Allegories (Christian, Jewish, Hindi, Buddhist, Sikh, Taoist, Shinto, Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Sumerian, Mayan, Muslim, Scientologist, Judeo-Christian, Norse, Jainist, Gothic, any other ideology you can think of)
- Alternate dimensions
- Historical fiction
- Time travel
- Giant robots
- Original anime and manga styles
- Dystopian futures/dimensions
- Conflicts regarding the LGBTQ+ community (gay conservatives, march vs. morality, discrimination based on political party, heroes and villains regardless of sexual orientation, asexuality, intersex couples, coexisting with the majority, etc.)
- Space operas
- Travel and vacationing
- Crossovers (even with official media)
- Even memoirs
Statements and opinions:
- 1980's
- 1990′s
- Anti-identity politics
- Individuality
- Anti-misandry, anti-misogyny, and double standards
- Knight Rider (1980's)
- Sonic X (Japanese, English, or both)
- Transformers Micron Legend
- Transformers Superlink
- Transformers Galaxy Force
- Transformers Unicron Trilogy (sub vs. dub, pro or anti, characters, pairings, etc.)
- Voltron: Defender Of The Universe
- Bumblebee (2018)
- Mpreg and fempreg (pro or anti)
- "Hate is a strong word"
- "Original is better"
- Synthwave
- Bayformers (pro or anti)
- Sub vs. dub
- Anti-trolling
- Equal opportunity vs. equal outcomes
- "I'm gay and conservative; I make my own choice on who to vote, and to tell me otherwise makes you more homophobic than the ones you claim to be"
- Pro-individuality
- Variations of certain pairings (like Sonadow and Megascream)
- Anti-Shradow
- Anti-Sondash
- Sonic x Transformers crossover
- "Fandom abuse kills interest" or similar statements
- "You can be a patriot of your country and support another country at the same time"
- "'Not My President!'  Then move to some other country where he is not your president"
- "This Blog Is A No Threat Zone"
- Supporting underrated characters
- Supporting underrated pairings
- Supporting rarer material that is not mainstream
- Seiyuu and other foreign voice acting
- "Fanboys and fangirls are both annoying" or similar statements
- "Hate a work?  That's your problem" or similar statements
- “Not all Christians are hateful towards gays; not all gays are hateful towards Christians”
- Current news unreported by mainstream media
Sonic The Hedgehog:
- Sonic X (styles and retroactive design is welcome)
   * Bilingual Sonic
   * Fake screenshots
   * Sonic and Shadow
   * Maria Robotnik
   * Adventure 1 and 2
   * Original vs. 4Kids
   * Metarex
   * Molly
   * Scourge The Hedgehog
   * Black Arms
   * AOSTH characters (including Catty Carlisle, Breezie, and Katella The Huntress)
   * Sonic Forces characters (including Infinite The Jackal)
   * Fan characters
   * Transformers in Sonic X style
- Shadow The Hedgehog (2005)
   * Firearms
   * Vehicles
   * Lyrics to theme songs
   * Karma meter
   * Japanese version
   * Screenshots
- Fan character Eggman badniks
- Chaos Emeralds (more colors besides the SEVEN)
- Seiyuu and English-speaking voice actor comparisons
- Sonic OVA
   * Sara (Sera)
   * Old Man Owl
   * Planet Freedom
   * Sonic vs. Metal Sonic
   * Sonic X characters in OVA style
   * Shadow The Hedgehog
- Green Hill Zone in many variations
- Other zones such as Spring Yard Zone and Lava Reef Zone
- Babylon Rogues
   * Jet The Hawk
   * Wave The Swallow
   * Storm The Albatross
   * Sonic X style
- Silver as a Sonadow fan child
- Archie vs. Fleetway vs. IDW
- Controversy memes
- Shadow mpreg (usually in regards to Sonadow or even Mephadow (though I don't ship the latter))
- Fan character creators
- Katella The Huntress
- Female villains and badniks
- Classic style of characters
- Planet Mobius
- Shadow, Silver, and Scourge as werehogs
- Cosmo The Seedrian
- The Transformers: The Movie (1986)
- Super Robot Lifeform Transformers Legends Of The Microns (Transformers: Micron Legend)
- Transformers: Superlink
- Transformers: Galaxy Force
- Transformers G1 Japanese canon
   * Transformers Scramble City (1986)
   * Transformers Headmasters (1987-1988)
   * Transformers Super-God Masterforce (1988-1989)
   * Transformers Victory (1989)
   * Transformers Zone (1990)
- Armada characters with Micron Legend names
- Energon characters with Superlink names
- Cybertron characters with Galaxy Force names
- Armada Demolishor
- Armada Thrust
- Armada Tidal Wave
- Armada Hot Shot (in new coloration)
- Energon Prime Force
- Energon Wing Saber
- Energon Mirage
- Energon Shockblast (should be Shockwave, because he pays homage to G1 Shockwave)
- Cybertron Soundwave
- Cybertron Thunderblast
- Cybertron Landmine
- Cybertron Thundercracker
- Ironhide
   * G1
   * Micron Legend/Armada (the only incarnation of Ironhide that is a Decepticon)
   * Prime
   * Bumblebee (2018)
- Springer
   * G1
   * Superlink/Energon (although he pays homage to his G1 counterpart, he is not a Triple Changer)
   * Live-action versions
- Chromia
   * G1
   * Galaxy Force/Cybertron (the only incarnation of Chromia that is a Decepticon)
- Laserbeak (G1)
- Armada characters in G1 style
- Armada characters in Bumblebee (2018) style, and vice versa
- G1 show fake screenshots
- Armada fake screenshots
- Stunticons and Menosaur
- Aerialbots and Superion
- Omega Supreme
  * G1
  * Superlink/Galaxy Force
- Controversy memes
- Fan character creators
- Sam Witwicky and Mikaela Banes
- Alice (ROTF)
- Charlie Watson
- Shatter and Dropkick
- Tina Lark (2018 Bumblebee film)
- Female Decepticons and villains
- Blackout (Transformers 2007 film)
- Barricade (Transformers 2007 film)
- G1 meets Armada
- Blitzwing (G1)
- Predaking (G1)
- Seiyuu and English-speaking voice actor comparisons (especially the Unicron Trilogy)
- More combiner robots
- Crossovers or stand-alone fan media with humongous Mecha piloted by humans
- Talaria (G1 episode: The God Gambit)
- Transformers with Pontiac Firebird Trans Am alt-modes
Mecha Anime:
- Beast King Golion
- Armoured Fleet Dairugger XV
- Lightspeed Electroid Albegas
- Gatchaman
- Raideen
   * Yusha Raideen (Raideen The Brave)
   * Chouja Raideen (Raideen The Superior)
- Galaxy Express 999
- Space Battleship Yamato
- Star Musketeer Bismarck (Saber Rider And The Star Sheriffs)
- Zoids
- Mighty Orbots
- GaoGaiGar
- Macross/Mospeda
- Space Runaway Ideon
- Queen Millenia (does it count as a Mecha anime?)
- Ergo Proxy (Autoreivs may count as mecha, since they are robots)
- Starship Troopers (OAV)
- Crossovers (including with Transformers)
- Original Mecha artwork as well as stories
- Creatures
   * Paleozoic Era creatures
   * Mesozoic Era creatures
   * Cenozoic Era creatures
   * Megafauna
   * Passenger pigeon
   * Echidna
   * Skunk
   * Peafowl
   * Kitsune
   * Owl
   * Falcon
   * Sonic The Hedgehog characters
   * Star Trek style characters
   * Animal crossbreeds
   * Creepy And Cute parts pack
   * Underwater creatures
   * SporeMaster (extra parts for creatures including extra wings, movable tails, whiskers, and tentacles)
- Flora
   * Pine tree
   * Plants with black trunks and green or blue leaves
   * Berry bush
   * Palm tree-like plants
   * Cherry blossom
   * Eyeball plants
   * Succulent plants
   * Groundcover
   * Fluffy plants
   * Water plants
   * Fungi
- Planets, moons, and stars
- Cells and microbes
- Early creatures
- Land, Air, and Water vehicles
- UFO's that look like fighter jets
- Realistic-looking wildlife and planets
- Asteroids and meteors
- Robots and Mecha
- Comets
- Galaxies
- Fonts
- Humanoid creatures
- Planetary landscapes
- Screenshots
Ships And Pairings:
- Sonic The Hedgehog
   * Sonadow (Sonic seme x Shadow uke)
   * Sonourge/Scouronic (Scourge seme x Sonic uke)
   * Manamy (Manic x Amy)
   * Salamy (Sally Acorn x Amy Rose)
   * Wavouge (Wave x Rouge)
   * Chriselen (Chris Thorndyke x Helen)
   * Metandroid (Metal Sonic x Shadow Android)
   * Jetave (Jet x Wave)
   * Infiniles/Mephinite (Infinite x Mephiles)
   * Geoffershey (Geoffrey x Hershey)
   * Scourgiona (Scourge x Fiona)
   * Juladette (Jules x Bernadette)
   * Soneezie (Sonic x Breezie)
   * Eggella (Eggman x Katella)
   * Robotara/Eggera (Dr. Robotnik x Sara)
   * Knuxikal (Knuckles x Tikal)
- Transformers
   * Ironromia (Ironhide x Chromia)
   * Infernalert (Inferno x Red Alert)
   * Ironratch (Ironhide x Ratchet)
   * Optilita-1 (Optimus Prime x Elita-1)
   * Hotarcee (Hot Rod x Arcee)
   * Springarcee (Springer x Arcee)
   * Shocksound (Shockwave x Soundwave)
   * Optihide (Optimus Prime x Ironhide)
   * Bumblecliff (Bumblebee x Cliffjumper)
   * Megabird (Megatron x Nightbird)
   * Blitztrain (Blitzwing x Astrotrain)
   * Wreckancy (Wreck-Gar x Nancy)
   * Cyclonourge (Cyclonus x Scourge)
   * Hotolishor (Hot Shot x Demolishor); Ironrod/Hothide (Hot Rod x Ironhide)
   * Starclonus (Starscream x Cyclonus); Starsand/Sandscream (Starscream x Sandstorm)
   * Starshot (Starscream x Hot Shot); Starrod (Starscream x Hot Rod)
   * Hotjack (Hot Shot x Wheeljack); Hotpage (Hot Rod x Rampage)
   * Democlonus (Cyclonus x Demolishor); Sandhide (Sandstorm x Ironhide)
   * Radexis (Rad x Alexis); Radexa (Rad x Alexa)
   * Siderust (Sideways x Thrust); Doublerust (Doubleface x Thrust)
   * Blurshot (Blurr x Hot Shot); Silverrod (Silverbolt x Hot Rod)
   * Demolihide/Ironmolishor (Demolishor x Ironhide); Ironbuster/Roadhide (Ironhide x Roadbuster)
   * Ironwing (Ironhide x Wing Saber); Roadsaber (Roadbuster x Wing Saber)
   * Winglock (Wing Dagger x Padlock)
   * Galvarage (Galvatron x Mirage); Galvafleet (Galvatron x Shockfleet)
   * Tidaldagger/Saberage (Tidal Wave/Mirage x Wing Dagger/Wing Saber); Shockwing (Shockwave/Shockfleet x Wing Dagger/Wing Saber)
   * Starwave/Starrage (Starscream x Tidal Wave/Mirage); Starshock (Starscream x Shockwave/Shockfleet)
   * Demolisaber (Demolishor x Wing Saber); Ironwing (Ironhide x Wing Saber)
   * Bulkclonus (Bulkhead x Cyclonus); Springstorm (Springer x Sandstorm)
   * Starblast (Starscream x Thunderblast); Starromia (Starscream x Chromia)
   * Charemo/Memarlie (Charlie x Memo)
   * Shattopkick (Shatter x Dropkick)
   * Wheelarcee (Wheeljack x Arcee)
- Whoever you think need more recognition; there is too many to count.
- Sonic The Hedgehog x Transformers
   * Sonic games x G1
   * AOSTH x G1
   * SatAM x G1
   * Sonic OVA x Headmasters
   * Underground x RID (Car Robots)
   * Sonic X x G1
   * Sonic X x Armada (Micron Legend)
   * Sonic X x Energon (Superlink)
   * Sonic X x Cybertron (Galaxy Force)
   * Sonic games x Unicron Trilogy
   * Archie Comics x IDW
   * Fleetway x Shattered Glass
   * Sonic games x Shattered Glass
   * Archie Comics x Animated
   * Sonic Boom x Prime
   * Sonic Boom x War For Cybertron/Fall Of Cybertron
   * Sonic Mania x Bumblebee (2018)
   * Sonic Forces x Cyberverse
   * Sonic Forces x Bumblebee (2018)
   * Team Sonic Racing x RID (2015)
   * IDW crossover
   * Sonic live-action (2019- ) x Bayformers (2007-2017)
- Transformers x Voltron
   * G1 x Voltron: Defender Of The Universe
   * Armada x Voltron Force
   * Unicron Trilogy x Voltron (1984-1986)
   * Headmasters x Voltron (1984-1986)
   * Victory x Voltron (1984-1986)
   * Cyberverse x Voltron: Legendary Defender
- Alien (1979-2017) x Avatar (2009 film)
- 24 x Transformers (2007)
- Top Gun (1986) x Stealth (2005)
- The Final Countdown (1980) x Top Gun (1986)
- Transformers G1 x Armada
- Transformers G1 x Energon
- Transformers G1 x Bumblebee (2018)
- Transformers IDW x Dreamwave
- Transformers Armada x War For Cybertron
- Sonic OVA x Sonic X
- AOSTH x Sonic X
- AOSTH x Underground
- SatAM x Underground
- SatAM x Sonic X
- Underground x Sonic X
- Sonic Universe crossovers
- Transformers Universe crossovers
Aliens And Extraterrestrial Life:
- Plants
- Fungi
- Bacteria
- Mammals
- Birds
- Reptiles
- Dinosaur-like animals
- Amphibians
- Fish
- Insects
- Arrachnids
- Worms
- Mollusks
- Crustaceans
- Autotrophs (plant animals)
- Humanoids
- Xenomorphs
- Algae
- Hybrids and crossbreeds
- Technology
- Advertisements
- Fonts
- Chrome
- Movie posters
- Art
- Stock footage
- Computer graphics (early CGI)
- Music and soundtracks
- Cars
- Aircraft
- Merchandises
- J-Pop and J-Rock
- 78 RPM and LP vinyl records
- Walkman
- Hairstyles
- Musical instruments (such as synthesizers and drum machines)
Patterns And Textures:
- Memphis-style
- Terrain
- Ocean and sea
- Flowers
- Space
- Faceted
- Planet texture maps
- Sand
- Snow
- Dirt
- Ice
- Sonic patterns
- Transformers patterns
- Geometric
- Grid
- Feathers
Media Reviews:
- Transformers Unicron Trilogy (both Japanese and English)
- Plane and fighter jet films
- 1980's TV shows
- Bumblebee (2018)
- Sonic X (original Japanese version with English subtitles is preferable)
- Voltron: Defender Of The Universe
- G1 MLP TV specials, movie, and series
- Any anime and manga review
- Software and hardware
- Regarding fan media
- Memes in general
- TV Tropes
- Wikipedia
- Conservapedia and RationalWiki (not just negative reviews for Conservapedia, and not just positive reviews for RationalWiki, either; balance them out, see if they have any good points; what are they both right or wrong on?)
- DeviantArt
- Tumblr (the website you are in)
- Top Gun (1986)
- The Final Countdown (1980)
- Avatar (2009)
- Alien vs. Predator media (1979-2017)
- 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
- 2010: The Year We Make Contact (1984)
- Terminator (1984-2019)
- Stealth (2005)
- Legend Of The Guardians: The Owls Of Ga'hoole (2010)
- Cobra (1986)
- Judge Dredd (1995)
- Total Recall (1990)
- Demolition Man (1993)
- Any Garfield TV specials (1982-1991)
- The Land Before Time films (1988-2016)
- Animal Farm (any film or TV show)
- Dragonheart (1996)
- Dirty Dancing (1987)
- Strictly Ballroom (1992)
- Die Hard films (1988-2013)
- Iron Eagle (1986-1994)
- Young Guns (1988-1990)
- The Lost Boys (1987)
- Flatliners (1990, 2017)
- Any direct-to-video film
TV Shows:
- 24 (2001-2010, 2014)
- La Femme Nikita (1997-2001)
- The X Files (1993-2002)
- The Dukes Of Hazard (1979-1985)
- Mr. Ed (1961-1966)
- Any Lucille Ball show
- Stranger Things (2016- )
- The 100 (2014- )
- Knight Rider franchise (1982-2000)
- G.I Joe (1985-1987)
- Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
- Xena: Warrior Princess
- Star Trek franchise
- Star Blazers (1979-1984)
- Voltron (1984-1986)
- Buck Rogers In The 25th Century (1979-1981)
- Battle Of The Planets (1978-1985)
Videogames And Computer Games:
- Halo (1999-2014)
- Sins Of A Solar Empire (2008)
- E.V.O.: Search For Eden (1992)
- Darkspore (2011)
- Unreal (1998-2014)
- Half-Life (1998-2003)
- Age Of Empires (1997- )
- SimCity (2013- )
- Crazy Taxi (1999-2007)
- Nier series (2010-2017)
- Flow (2006)
- Diablo (1996-2017)
- Flicky (1984)
- Ecco The Dolphin (1992)
- Classic Pac-man games (1980-1984)
- Let’s-plays for videogames lesser known in mainstream
- Any fan game
Books And Novels:
- Dragonriders Of Pern
- The Space Trilogy (1938-1945)
- Dune series
- Red Mars Trilogy (Kim Stanley Robinson)
- The Dark Tower (1977)
- The Maze Runner series
- The Chronicles Of Narnia
- Any book and short story by Robert Heinlein
- Bright Lights, Big City
- Space Odyssey (Arthur C. Clarke)
- Guardians Of Ga'hoole
- Watership Down
- The Plague Dogs
- The Rescuers series (Margery Sharp)
- A Brother's Price (Wen Spencer)
- Diary Of A Wimpy Kid
- Any book by Isaac Asimov
- Any webcomic you consider underrated
- Older Garfield comic strips before 2006
- Hyperbole And A Half
- Your own comics
Music And Soundtrack:
- Rush
- Kenny Loggins
- Karen Guys
- Laura Brannigan
- Pat Benetar
- Bon Jovi
- A-Ha
- Rick Astley
- Anime songs
- Off Course
- Brian Eno and Roxy Music
- Collective Soul
- Owl City
- Dead Can Dance
- Cheap Trick
- The Cars
- Cyndi Lauper
- Heart
- Hailee Steinfeld
- Any Sonic shipping fandom
- Transformers Armada (Micron Legend)
- Transformers Energon (Superlink)
- Transformers Cybertron (Galaxy Force)
- AI (artificial intelligence and computers)
- Female villain fandoms
- Seiyuu
- Fighter jets and military helicopters
- Classic cars
- Mecha anime
- Any religious fandom (not that I am religious myself)
(Please note that I may also do some of these, myself, but I encourage others to do so, as well; there are plenty of users who are more skilled and knowledgeable than I am.)
When it comes to content, I leave overrated stuff alone, and yearn to increase underrated stuff, even content that may be overrated in many areas, but underrated in others.  I also encourage differing opinions of such content; people can like a certain content that others hate, and vice versa; I have no problem with that; just as long as no one harasses, bullies, trolls, denigrates, or threatens others who do not think the same way they do.
I also encourage alternative sites for content, as well as many more websites solely for entertainment purposes.
For everyone else in Tumblr, as well as many others in other websites, be creative, bring up new ideas and opinions, teach people something interesting, make what you like, encourage other people to do the same, and be cordial and respectful to one another.  I wish you the best of luck.
This is FirebirdTransAm68 signing out.
15 notes · View notes
blapisblogs · 5 years
I have now officially liveblogged every episode of Sonic X. That was certainly... something. It sure had its ups and downs, didn’t it?
I’ll be honest, this show obviously isn’t for everyone. The English dub in particular has many flaws, to say the least, plenty of which I pointed out while blogging about it. I didn’t go too much into the acting for it because, well, let’s face it, that dead horse has been beaten so thoroughly that you can’t even tell it’s a horse anymore. Though I do feel it only fair to mention the voice acting for one specific reason.
You might recall that way back towards the very beginning of these liveblogs I mentioned that the English dub did at least one thing right, in my opinion. I mentioned something that I called the First Sonic Voice Recasting Controversy where the cast for this show ended up replacing the ones for the games in 2005, as well as the Second Sonic Voice Recasting Controversy where they replaced nearly the whole cast again in 2010. Now you might’ve noticed that I’ve briefly mentioned the actual names of some of the voice actors for this dub here and there, but one I never said by name was the one for my favorite character: Doctor Eggman. It’s not because he’s a terrible person or anything (as far as I’m aware he’s alright), I just wanted to save mentioning him for the very end for the, like, I dunno, one or two people who don’t know this.
In the English dub of Sonic X, Doctor Eggman is voiced by Mike Pollock.
You know how I say “nearly” the whole cast got replaced in 2010? He’s the reason for that “nearly” part of it. They did have tryouts for Eggman, but found that nobody could quite match him, so they brought him back, making him the only one who managed to keep his role after the 2010 recasting. (After he was picked and first went in to record lines for Eggman, out of curiosity he asked “Am I the only one?” The response he got was “You’re the only one [from New York] as far as I know”.) As of this post (2019), he’s been voicing Eggman in the games for fourteen years, and sixteen years total once you include Sonic X, which is longer than any of Robotnik’s previous English actors combined. (Actually if he keeps this up for a few more years he may even surpass Eggman’s longest recurring seiyuu, Chikao Ōtsuka, who sadly passed away in 2015.) He’s also been nominated three times for his voice acting as Eggman since the recasting, so I think it’s safe to say it’s been going pretty well for him.
Personally I think he’s gotten even better at voicing him as time’s gone on, and his acting for Eggman is part of what endeared me to the character and brought me back to the Sonic franchise again. I know he wasn’t always Eggman and can’t be Eggman forever, but at this point it’s hard for me to imagine anyone else being quite as good at being this character than him. (Of course maybe someone else could prove me wrong, but... Let’s just say that person is not Jim Carey.) If it weren’t for this show and the circumstances behind everything, he wouldn’t be Eggman right now, and I’m glad things kinda worked out this way.
I guess this is a long-winded way of saying that sometimes something that doesn’t seem so great can later lead to something better.
And that hearing Pollock as Eggman makes me really happy.
Tumblr media
Also, he helped make moments like this even more worth it.
Thanks for sticking around and hearing me go on about a cartoon involving a tall, adorable scientist with a fantastic mustache- I mean a blue hedgehog. Next time I’ll try to pick something involving monsters, I promise.
1 note · View note
gaminghardware0 · 5 years
Jim Carrey is concerned about the audience dictating the movie Sonic redesign
It's safe to say that the Sonic the Hedgehog live-action movie has already become one of the most controversial and fan-infuriating videogame adaptations ever made - and that includes the 2005 Doom movie which cut out the demons. The release of the Sonic movie trailer earlier this year went down like Sonic underwater when he doesn't grab an air bubble in time.
The main cause for concern in the trailer was the design of Sonic the Hedgehog himself - an attempt at unnecessary realism that strayed into all-out horrifying. This design gave Sonic human teeth, long muscular legs, far-apart eyes, and the internet fell apart voicing its disapproval - prompting a redesign of the character, and a pushback of the movie's release date to February next year.
However, one of the movie's major actors has voiced concerns with the way the whole situation was handled. Veteran actor Jim Carrey stars as the movie's version of Dr Robotnik/Eggman, and he's unsure about the "collective consciousness" that seems to be dictating the redesign - meaning, the audience.
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RELATED LINKS: Sonic Mania release date from https://www.pcgamesn.com/jim-carrey-sonic-movie
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