vergess · 11 months
"Sounds like Aphrodite" – now I'm pronouncing hemaphrodyke to rhyme
Correct!!!! Thank you for properly pronouncing an extremely silly joke word!
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pandakong · 6 months
Me and the 4 other ppl doing an art challenge 🤝
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lumeha · 19 days
@eiriee (a beautiful new post for you)
My confusion did indeed come from the fact that the very simply titled Fire Emblem on the GBA is FE7, and more comonly referred to as Fire Emblem Blazing Blade now (thanks to FE Heroes, the mobile game). And, uh, Fire Emblem First Of Its Name (Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light) is (was ?) also available on Switch and somehow my brain went "yeah of course this is totally about FE1", having apparently forgotten that FE7 is. just. named. Fire Emblem. in the West
'cause it's the first game we ever got !
And it was also my first ever Fire Emblem !
With this out of the way...
Do you like strategy ? Do you like cool pixel art ? Do you like a story that is a lot more personal in scope than the usual fantasy story ? If yes, then Fire Emblem is the game for YOU !
... More seriously, Fire Emblem GBA was my first introduction to Fire Emblem as games, and despite some potential criticism of the changes to Lyn's Story, it makes for a great introduction to the game and how it works. In the Western version, the game forces you to go through Lyn's Story as an easy mode tutorial, to teach you the ropes through her personal quest after she finds you, tactician, just. yeah. you were out there. She had to help you. And you decide to help her when you get attacked by bandits.
And that tutorial does give you all the tools you will need to play the game, when, once you are done with Lyn's story, you get introduced to Eliwood, main Lord of the game. And once you've done that, you can go through the story from another point of view, with Hector's mode. Which is a huge plus for me - Hector's mode is harder than Eliwood's, but they didn't just decide to give you the same old, same old - there are a lot of scenes that reveal more of what happened in the story, things you didn't get to see during Eliwood's side of the game.
So you get one really well made tutorial, especially if you don't know how Fire Emblem works as a game (only downside is that it's not skippable for people who know how that all works), and then you get two versions of the same story, from different point of views, with a cool difficulty slide. I like that personally ! that really grabbed me !
An interesting thing about Fire Emblem Blazing Blade, to me, and something that absolutely grabbed me as a teen, is that while the story does end up having beats of saving the world... it is not as grandiose as most of these stories. It starts about a son searching for his father, and it always stays somewhat in the shadows, partly because FE7 is the prequel to FE6 and its much more open war. People just kind of. Don't know what happened. And I think that's compelling.
Another cool feature you can enjoy with FE7 : having so many little guys and gals to pick from and become obsessed with. While most characters don't get a lot of dialogue, you can and will find Your Special Boy Or Guy (mine's Kent he's a boring stick in the mud and yet I love him <3 but also shout out to Renault and Vaida). Fire Emblem is often known for its support system, that allows unit to build relations and let you get fun dialogue between those units, and it has always been one of my favourite feature ! and I really like the FE7 cast and the supports ! Having so many guys and gals to pick from is just a plus for me :D
And finally : ... a bit like the point I made about NES FE, I have to say, but... it's worth checking FE7 just for the pixel art. I find myself loving it, not only because it's really pretty, and I think there's a lot of reason why people make GBA FE Style pixel art, but also because it's a genuine asset for the game as a strategy game. I always find it really easy to read and a really solid asset for the gameplay : the maps can be large, but it's usually easy to spot ennemy units VS your own, and get a sense of what's going on where !
... and yes, the game makes the calculations before combat for you, unlike FE1, which definitely makes it easier to play and find your own favoured strategy :D
So... I hope I've sold you on it ?
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nebularobo · 2 years
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Peridot, Lapis and Pumpkin, commissioned by @eiriee !
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eiriee · 1 year
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I think I'm going to stick my burger/foodhead children on artfight this year (one of them is my avatar!) so I used this one as a chance to learn how the masking fluid layer works in rebelle 5
Find me at eiriee on artfight
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the-laridian · 1 year
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My first Artfight attack! Also my first nonhuman character! For @Eiriee, their character Bitterroot!
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atundratoadstool · 4 years
I just read "Good Lady Ducayne" for the first time and it's fascinating seeing another vampire story published ~30 years before Dracula that takes a seemingly so much more modern approach to the concept of vampirism. Also, I loved the practicality and determinism of Bella. Have you read it?
I read Good Lady Ducayne a long long time ago--back before I really knew about Mary Elizabeth Braddon and the novel she was famous for. I remembered being very fascinated the medicalized version of vampirism the story presented, and I was also intrigued as apparently Braddon had apparently written to Stoker congratulating him on Dracula and comparing it favorably to what she termed her “humdrum little story of transfusion." 
I think I should definitely give it a re-read though! Having become a complete Lady Audley fan since I first encountered the piece, I’m probably inclined to read Braddon’s vampire work now with a different eye.
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rudjedet · 4 years
Iirc you like/know about the AE medical papyri? I was listening to This Podcast Will Kill You's episode on toxoplasmosis and they said there may be evidence of it in the papyri, called aaa or something. Do you if they're right?
(cont) Or I think it was hookworm anemia, not toxoplasmosis
They’re right in that the aaa disease was at one point thought to describe schistosomiasis/hookworm anaemia, but it’s an oudated theory, for sure. When it comes to diagnosing backwards in time, we have to remember that certain pathogens we have today might not have existed in ancient Egyptian times, and certain pathogens that ancient Egyptians could have come into contact with can have gone extinct or lost their pathogenicity in the meantime. Other issues surrounding the interpretation of aaa as schistosomiasis lie in the realm of ambigious/unsure terms or terms we don’t have an unequivocal translation for. 
aaa is mentioned 22 times in the Ebers papyrus. Unfortunately, there is no gloss that might give us a better idea of what we are dealing with, but it is clear that it’s both a well-known and a serious disease - even morbid. 
There is only one instance in which aaa is connected to a possible parasite, in Ebers 62:
Another remedy, useful as something prepared for the belly: reeds (? sedge), 1; shames-plant, 1; grind fine, cook with honey, and eaten by a man in whose belly [there are] hereret-worms. It is the aaa which created them. Not killed by any [other] remedy.
The interpretation of aaa as schistosomiasis hinges on the interpretation of the hereret-worms as the adult worms of schistosomiasis. But as Ghalioungui (1987) pointed out, the schisosomiasis worms are small and disintegrate quickly after death of the host, and so it’s unlikely the Egyptians would have recognised these, let alone named them. As far as I know, we still have no clear idea which worms the hereret-worms are. 
Another problem is the absence of a clear term for haematuria, the final symptom of schistosomiasis when no treatment is given. The word for urine (mewyt) and the word for blood (senef) are well-known, but they are not known to be used together in the Egyptian medical corpus to describe the urinating of blood. Elsewhere in Ebers we may have a description of something alike haematuria (Ebers 49: “Another [remedy] for driving out the voiding (wesesh) of much blood.”), but this description is not used in concurrence with the aaa disease. In fact, the aaa disease doesn’t at all seem connected to the bladder or urinating, when we would expect this if it was schistosomiasis. Instead, aaa disease seems to be far more connected to the heart (haty - the physical heart as opposed to ib, the seat of thought).
So that aaa would be schistosomiasis is almost certainly impossible, but we unfortunately don’t have an alternative diagnosis apart from a theory posited by Von Deines and Westendorf (1961) in their Wörterbuch der medizinischen Texte, namely that aaa is a poisonous substance, or poisonous semen deposited by a malignant entity. This seems to be supported by the fact that most remedies for aaa disease have to be taken at night, when such an entity would be active. But it remains conjecture!
--- Sources:
Von Deines, H. & Westendorf, W. (1961): Wörterbuch der medizinische Texte Ghalioungui, P. (1987): The Ebers Papyrus Nunn, J. F. & Tapp, E. (1998): Tropical Diseases in Ancient Egypt  
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woman-loving · 4 years
@eiriee replied to your post “hello! I was wondering if you knew anything about the term ‘bi+’...”
I googled “Bi+” & the first link was to a 2017 PinkNews article from 2017 reporting that at the UK National Union of Students LGBT conference, they voted to change the bisexual in their name to bi+ https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2017/03/28/students-replace-bisexual-with-bi-to-include-people-who-arent-sexually-attracted-to-men-and-women/
I had tried googling it and found it used in a September 2015 entry on the Binet blog.
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intersex-ionality · 5 years
eiriee replied to your post “this is awka on mobile and i still highly rec kakegurui”
Tbh I much prefer the live action kakegurui to the anime. In the anime, FMC really gets sexually into gambling, whereas in the live action she is just very into in a non-specific less explicit way. Plus I find it funnier bc the live actors keep the ott acting from the anime but it's real people doing it!
Live action actors who behave exactly as absurdly as their anime counterparts are the most powerful people on earth and I love them a lot.
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vergess · 2 years
Did you post on Reddit today, or did someone else fuck a cactus? /r/tifu/comments/wqpu9w/tifu_by_having_sex_with_a_cactus/
This one wasn't me, but solidarity between me and the newest cactus fucker on the block tbqh
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pandakong · 1 year
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Splotch Summer entry/entries #16 - The lion, the splotch, and the lantern
(Get it, the cadence is a little bit like lion witch and wardrobe, nevermind...)
The last splotch art pieces before summer's official end! I rotated the paint splotch and then did a couple different things with it. Which was nice!
The original splotch:
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Thanks for the people who played along (mostly on other platforms)! Thanks eiriee! Thanks to everyone that shared! I sometimes do splotch art outside of the challenge, and I'm cool with people trying it out any time of the year! Until next time!
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smart-allec · 5 years
eiriee replied to your post: “My friends are the best. One of them is trying to think of ways for me...”:
Years ago for my A-level German oral exam I gave a presentation on German werewolf/shapeshifter legends and how they differ from UK ones. So maybe pick some folklore or legends you're interested in to talk about?
Ooo that sounds neat!
I think I’ll actually do a presentation on Samhain, with it being so close to the holiday :D
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incoherentbabblings · 5 years
eiriee replied to your post: Moving into my new flat tomorrow and I am PUMPED I...
Nice flat! Looks like a really good kitchen esp. it’s remarkably fulfilling buying your first homeware - mine was a roasting tin!
Thank you!  Shower curtain and an iron for me!  It’s a good size for one person, all you need really!  And it has a cupboard for the washing machine, so there’s actually somewhere to put the hoover without tripping over it in the corner... it’s the little things.
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scotchjolras · 5 years
eiriee replied to your post “I received a penny in the mail from Misha Collins… with no context....”
Gishwshes, or however it's spelled?
I imagine so but I still don’t get it.
Also, I’m really lucky that my dad never questions anything because the letter was addressed to Shay and all he did was yell “Steph! Mail for you!” If it had been my mum, it would not be dropped until I gave an explanation.
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atundratoadstool · 6 years
I thought that Fast and Furious post said "Faust and Furious" like a modern speeding cars action movie based on Faustus
I would watch the ever loving crap out of that. I work with all the nineteenth century Fausts that are not Goethe’s and have therefore developed a massive affinity for Fausts that are objectively terrible, fun, blockbuster spectacles.
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