#Elder Scrolls fanfiction
armisteadrevellion · 3 months
Young Lucia learns a harsh lesson about the world in Windhelm
Based off my alternate telling of the main storyline of Skyrim, where the Dragonborn is none other than the little orphan girl from Whiterun. I’ve had this story stewing in my mind for several years now and I think I might be close to actually writing it. The main premise is that Lucia is unable to adventure on her own (considering her age and lack of survival experience), so a small group forms with the goal of protecting her and saving the world. It’s entirely just because I want to write about my favorite followers and have them interact lol, and I thought that the idea of a Dragonborn that wasn’t fully capable of handling their destiny alone was neat (not to mention my love for found family tropes). I found this audio on TikTok and I found it to be rather fitting of one of the scenes in my mind.
Would you be interested in reading it?
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thana-topsy · 1 year
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I made this short comic for my friend, muldezgron, earlier this year with the intention of coloring it, but I never did! Anyhoo, this is a scene from his AMAZING fanfic “Ingenious Gentlemen and the Persistence of Memory”. If you want a plot heavy, lore rich, absolute banger of a story that will make you absolutely fall in love with Cadwell, I can’t recommend it enough. It’s one of those fics that I know I’ll be re-reading for years to come.
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matri4rch · 6 months
Champion of Akatosh
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More "Thalmor Embassy" arc inspired art because life hates me and I haven't been able to write for weeks now.
I'm still on a sort of Writing Hiatus for personal reasons but take some tasty art.
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igorlevchenko-blog · 1 month
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—When Tyronius's gang does a job for someone—anyone—they duly expect to get paid. Same courtesy was expected of Goris, but the smugglers say that necromancer betrayed them—for the gold never came. But, can one aver Goris did not, in fact, sent the money? Perhaps it was lost (or dare I say—intercepted) en route through Grazelands, along with its skeletal porter. Or maybe necromancer did think the smugglers no different to his other—cadaverous—servants or otherwise to be his lessers in a way that warrants no reward. Anyways this decision looks idiotic— given the job was performed to wizard's satisfaction; and gold's a trifle to someone rumored to have gotten rich through lifetimes of graverobbing.
The smugglers, on their part, weren't going to let it stand, and had a plan to get their dues by stealth. Short prior to the current conflict, Tyronius had, unbeknownst to Goris, made a duplicate key to Venim Tomb, and thus supplied, the thieves were able to sneak in and steal the wizard's gold—the sum extracted equal to the belated payment.
Obviously, the plan was one of temerity—not shrewdness, for after necromancer discovered his trove thus thinned, he promptly dispatched his undead troops to find and murder his former associates. Eventually he had them exterminated to a man, except for one Luven, who had timely switched sides. It remains a mystery how twas that Goris's undead retainers (whose number at one point was prodigious) were absent from the tomb at the time of its burglary.
In the end, the movement of so great (and ghastly) a force couldn't be concealed and the countryside of Vos became aroused to the reality of undead infestation. Upon collating scout reports with ashlander tribes Zainab and Ahemmusa, Tel Vos was able to easily locate the source of evil ( the tomb's very near to the tower) and subsequently Goris was destroyed.
I understand the details around this event are to be kept mostly secret—all parties wary of catastrophic political implications. After all, one could accuse Tel Vos of failing the stewardship over its environs or lay the blame at noble clan Venim, whose neglect of own ancestral charnel, was what allowed Goris to move in. I myself was able to garner all above information solely through correspondence with my client, who, I suspect, was somehow involved in this case I dubbed "The Maggot King Caper".
Funny how—aptly to his name—Goris tried to rule over maggots (bandits, that is) and twas these maggots that dealt the wizard in, in roundabout kind of way.
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emrysthegoodwitch · 2 years
I put The Clockwork City into an AI generator.
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I love these
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lyanndelune · 1 year
Hello everyone, I'm writing my very first fic. It's for skyrim
Just wondering if there's any other Elder Scrolls writers out there :)
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itsfennix · 3 months
A Cure (for Boredom)
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"He’d hear their voice as he worked, making a half-hearted comment of how they were bored of this, their jokes easing his frustration of yet another complication. Her feet swinging a bit as she sat upon a nearby desk, her gray-blue eyes glued to his hands as he worked on the cure." - Fennorian in Chapter 2
"He never shooed her away when he was working on the cure, despite how annoying it must’ve been to have her taking up half the table space while she lounged there." - Eilíse in Chapter 6
Finally, it is finished! I do have a version with just simple shading, but I apparently couldn't stop there lol
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side note: uhhh may be posting comm info soon?? so if anyone's interested, keep an eye out :) Gotta figure out pricing lol
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moriche · 4 months
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Fear in a Handful of Dust - Chapter 18: Dust To Dust In order to deal with the harsh truth that he might be the Nerevarine, Veryn has to travel up north to meet with the Urshilaku. Rating: M Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Hurt/Comfort. Gen with a sprinkling of romance. Summary:
Convict. Blade. Telvanni. Nerevarine. ▲ ▼ ▲ He’d been branded an outcast, left to rot in a cell for years. So when Veryn was offered a deal — to work for the Blades and serve out the remainder of his sentence in Morrowind — he took it with both hands. Yet as the Sixth House continues to rise, Veryn ends up tangled deep within a web of foreign spies, twisted cults and strange dreams. Ever haunted by the ghosts of Cyrodiil, he has no choice to carve out a new beginning within the harsh, alien surroundings of Vvardenfell.
Chapter Art: Fineliner on paper, 6x6 cm.
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abstractredd · 10 months
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y'all are never gonna guess what i just did again
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armisteadrevellion · 2 months
Just a quick note to everyone who followed me for my Skyrim fic idea: I haven’t forgotten about it, don’t worry!! Although I haven’t been able to sit down and type much for it yet, I have been planning for arcs and character developments and recording ideas that I plan to implement. School is just kicking my ass right now and adding work on top of it, I don’t have much time for additional writing at the moment. If you have any questions though, I’d be more than happy to answer them to the best of my ability!
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(here’s a pic of Teldryn enjoying a book from my current Skyrim run :])
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thana-topsy · 1 year
Fellow Teldryn-Enjoyers:
Capitalizing on all the sexyman hype, I wanted to share some of my Teldryn fics for those who might not have managed to stumble across them yet! I enjoyed writing all of these stories SO damn much and I’m always stoked to share with anyone looking for content of the queer variety.  [Note: they’re mostly of the mlm variety, because that aligns with my sexuality and is what I like to write.]
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Pairing: Neloth/Teldryn (trust me) Rating: E (for the last chapter only)  Status: COMPLETE  Summary: Neloth is a scholar, first and foremost.Upon hearing a great rumor, he embarks upon a journey to find The Arms of Chaos: two staves of legend capable of unspeakable power. As a precautionary measure, he hires Teldryn Sero, the self-proclaimed "Best Swordsman in All of Morrowind." However, Neloth is one of the few people still alive who knows Teldryn's little secret. With their fates intertwined, the two Dunmer head for Skyrim, unaware of the trials that lay before them, as well as the rewards their journey might reap.
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Sequel to “Breathing Water” Pairing(s): Neloth/Teldryn; Talvas Fathryon/Brelyna Maryon Rating: E (scattered mature content) Status: IN-PROGRESS (sorry :( ) Summary: A year has passed since Neloth and Teldryn journeyed to Skyrim in search of the Arms of Chaos. Now, a new threat looms on the horizon -- mercurial and shrouded by ghosts of the past -- forcing Neloth, Teldryn, and Talvas to abandon the life they knew. While trying to keep their wits about them and their feet beneath them, they are reminded of this fundamental truth: that the only constant in life is change.
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[This is a series of stories! And to be extra clear, this is a MATURE SERIES. Lots of smut. Click at your own expense and mind the tags! It started as a joke, and then I took it seriously. What else is new. I may continue it eventually once I start playing Morrowind again.] 
And lastly, my oldest Teldryn fics: [Be gentle, my writing wasn’t very technically skilled yet and I was a SKYBABY when it came to lore and understanding the intricacies of Tamriel...] 
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Pairing: Teldryn Sero/Original Male Dragonborn Rating: E (plot with porn) Status: COMPLETE Summary: Teldryn Sero could hardly remember the last time in his life when he truly felt bored. For this, he was thankful. But when a charismatic, unusually tall Nord stumbles into the Retching Netch one late afternoon, the old Dunmer may have finally bitten off more than he can chew. None-the-less, his skills are always for hire... at the right price. A re-telling of the Dragonborn storyline through the eyes of Teldryn Sero - intrepid companion and officially Too Old For This Shit™
(and its sequel)
Pairing: Teldryn Sero/Original Male Dragonborn Rating: E (also plot with porn) Status: COMPLETE Summary: After receiving a mysterious letter, Aerik and Teldryn set out to find its sender, as well as to uncover the mystery behind its message: Aerik's father, a non-existent figure from his past, is alive and well... and heading for Skyrim.The more they discover, however, the thicker and more complex the conspiracies grow. It seems the Thalmor's insidiousness reaches further than simply erasing Talos from the order of the Divines.
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matri4rch · 2 months
Journey to Riverwood pt2
Finished the chapter!
Not my best work but eehh, perfection doesn't exist.
A lump formed in her throat as the evening cold crept up her shoulders, worsening the pain. It was a reminder of her treason, to Ulfric and their vows.
"Until death separates us, and Sovngarde unites us again. You and I will be together, in sickness and in health, in peace and war ."
Those words he'd say over and over when she began to miss her home. When she'd lay awake during the night, craving the warmth of Cyrodiil and the company of her fellow priests. Words that at first seemed terrifying given her age and situation, but that soon became a soothing reassurance that she was safe, that she was not alone. That she was home.
But at the time, it was only the two of them, now she had Bjorn and Hjalmar to think about, as well as her unborn child, and as a priestess and a mother she had to put her children first. Even if it meant breaking her vows and abandoning the man she had learned to love.
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clawedravenwitch · 5 months
Just posted the first chapter of my WIP Elder Scrolls Fanfic! I hope you guys like it!!!💜💜🥀
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Read here
Ravenna is a sorceress with a dark secret. Her people, the Reachmen near the brink of extinction. By Daedric prophecy, Ravenna is tasked with sabotaging the upper echelons of Skyrim and carve her kingdom from the desolation of the Civil War.
But to do so, she must first foster powerful allies, and bring unity to the Forsworn clans. Only then may she take her rightful place as the Matriarch of The Reach!
An Ongoing Elder Scrolls Fanfiction!
⚠️ contains sexual scenes, violence and death! Mentions of many dark themes!
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emrysthegoodwitch · 2 years
Many believe, the Dragonborn found out about their heritage after battling a dragon to save Whiterun.
In fact everyone believed it. They assumed their talent with magic and ancient languages was from growing up in the academic sphere.
Both assumptions were completely and utterly wrong. The Dragonborn found out about their heritage and power granted to them by Akatosh, long before the 4th Era.
They found out about their heritage long before Alduin returned, before the Oblivion Crisis, and before the Tribunal Temple fell.
They found out long ago, when they went by a different moniker. A different title for a different age.
The Dragonborn's first title was The Vestige.
Almost a thousand years ago, when the Three Banners War waged. The Vestige discovered who they were in Elsweyr.
When they accompanied Abnur Tharn on a quest to stop the war, only to release Dragons who had been locked away.
No, no one knew of this. It was a secret they kept dear. Few alive knew of the truth, and even then 'alive' was a loose term.
Were dremora ever really alive?
So when Cultists came to attack them, claiming they were the 'false dragonborn' they felt an anger that hadn't surfaced for a very long time. Perhaps not since Mannimarco dared to sacrifice their soul.
After all the trials and tribulations they had been through, someone wants to claim they were a false dragonborn?
They made their way to Solsthiem, a lonely island they had not been to for a few hundred years. Looking for answers, and not giving up until they found some. They did indeed find answers, their face morphing into a smirk when they realized another Daedric Prince was impeding their way, that would simply not do.
Hermaeus Mora was surprised and extremely alarmed when he felt and saw The Vestige enter his realm. He wanted to assume it was a coincidence, but the second the Thu'um left their throat, Herma Mora second guessed himself for the very first time.
Miraak was surprised to run into another Dragonborn, even more surprised to find out they were far older than they looked. He also appreciated escaping Apocrypha with their aid in one piece.
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bjorntheswordsmith · 3 months
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In this chapter, we shift to Amirah's perspective once again as she grapples with her newfound role as a sword singer under the mentorship of Azzan, a seasoned warrior with a mysterious past. As she trains and prepares for battle, Amirah confronts moral dilemmas and faces the consequences of her actions, and also wrestles with her conflicting feelings about Bjorn and his recent actions. This chapter sets the stage for an epic showdown between the Swords of Serenity and the Rising Dawn Syndicate.
Link to story here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16784941/chapters/137118520?view_adult=true
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redyn-nerevarine · 1 month
Chronicles of an Outlander
Chapter 23: Potion
There may be a shred of hope to cure Redyn, though the risk is high, as it killed every other patient.
“My friends…” said Redyn, tears welling in his eyes. “Just in case I… it’s been a pleasure.” Julan sniffled and gave a resolute nod, his eyes now shining. “Right. Thank you for believing in me when no one else would. Not even myself. You don't know how much strength that gives me.” Secunda smiled, tears in her warm brown eyes. “Hey. If you don’t make it, don’t worry about us. I heard Azura's Moonshadow smells like the finest perfume, and shines bright with all possible colors.” Tears flowed freely down Redyn's boil-covered cheeks. She continued, sniffling, “I… I would give you a big hug if I could.” Lyrus struggled to meet Redyn's gaze. Finally, with a sigh, he looked into his sickly friend's eyes with great and deep sorrow. “S-see you on the other side, whatever that may be.” Silver-Star wailed a heartbroken meow. Divayth handed Redyn the potion, which he took with a heavy hand. Drawing in a deep breath in an attempt to calm his pounding heart, then one final look to his friends, he brought the bottle to his lips and drank the entire thing.
Read the full chapter on AO3->
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