#ao3 morrowind
redyn-nerevarine · 5 months
Chronicles of an Outlander
Chapter 20: Ilunibi
The team delves into the horrific depths of Ilunibi, where something worse that any nightmare awaits them.
Redyn felt himself fall to the ground. But though the arm was severed, its grip was still tight like a vice. Unable to breathe and his muscles nearly unresponsive, he willed himself to dig his fingers under the hand while squirming on the filthy ground. But nothing would release the grip. His chest convulsed as air deprivation set in. He was vaguely aware of what sounded like one of his friends dealing Gares a fatal blow, followed by a shout of celebration from Julan. Finally, the detached arm relinquished its grip as it disintegrated into a black cloud. Redyn coughed and gasped uncontrollably as he drew in all the air he could, also inhaling the black cloud that lingered in the air. His lungs suddenly burned as if on fire, making him cough more. Now he felt something hot and wet spew from his throat, splattering against the inside of his helmet, and the taste of iron filled his mouth. Worried hands grasped his shoulders as Lyrus called his name. But Gares’ voice returned, his ghoulish laugh drowning out Lyrus’ worried voice. The black cloud that was once the arm sank and seeped into the gaps in Redyn's armor, penetrating his clothes and slithering over his skin like cold mud. The voice of Gares still reverberated through his mind. “Even as my Master wills, you shall come to him, in his flesh and of his flesh…”
Read the full chapter on AO3->
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skyrim-forever · 16 days
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@uesp im ur biggest fan
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aldruiel-scribbles · 1 year
This morning I was reading a fanfic (ao3) and everything was fine until in the comment section the author answered a question about the writing AI she was using. I felt such visceral disgust at that. I dropped the story like it was acid.
To those that use AI. How dare you? How dare you to have the audacity of using a program that steals people's creativity? How dare you feed it, taking that which was granted with love and passion and then transform it into a soulless program? How dare you bend yourself to these corporations that only seek to exploits us further?
I would 100% prefer to read a fic that has mistakes but that has care into every word and a person behind it with immense love for the fandom, than to read Shakespeare vomited by a code that it was written by a thousand cunts that wank themselves at a picture of Mark Zuckerberg.
If you're doing mental gymnastics to justify art theft and exploitation, then there's no mistake. You are wrong. Nothing will change that.
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aladaylessecondblog · 1 month
Author's Note: Another AU of Severed Destiny. I said I wasn't gonna do this. god dammit
"She looks like you."
It was the last thought Sadara had before she grew too tired to keep her eyes open, but - much as she feared it - it was not her end. She woke later, with the babe swaddled in a little crib near the bed she lay in.
She sat up, and watched the little face with a tired smile.
At least I have you, she thought, Despite everything else I've lost.
The babe was beautiful, Sadara thought. So beautiful, so precious. She began to stir, and mewl when her red little eyes opened.
If only he could see you.
"Hungry?" Sadara couldn't help but laugh, whether from amusement or exhaustion or some combination of the two, she didn't know. She picked up her little one, and after somewhat awkwardly lowering the neckline of her gown, tried to direct the babe. After a few moments of difficulty the babe latched and began to nurse.
She wondered what name would suit best, trying not to hear his voice in what she assumed would be his suggestions. Old Chimer names, maybe...a wry little smile as he suggested Nerevar...
Dagoth Nerevar.
It was heard as easily as if he were standing next to her. It hurt, badly enough that she hardly wanted to think more on the subject at all.
She remembered even now, so clearly, what Gilvoth had said when she left - that he was glad she understood Voryn did not truly want her, that she was merely the casing, the vessel, for a second chance at Nerevar, whom he DID want. She had begun to think it herself even before leaving Red Mountain, when she had grown so tired of correcting him and prompting him to use her name, and merely let herself be called Nerevar. She had been so eager to keep up what they had, to feel more of that blazing love that had felt it would burn forever, that she had shut her eyes to all of it.
She assumed he must have told Voryn why she left - because he had not once been in her dreams since she left, when there had before hardly been a night he wasn't. She was alone and friendless in Morrowind once again.
Then had come the little one. There was no pushing the need for a name aside - looking at the little face, so much like his, she kept thinking.
Gandra, for gift...because she was a gift, a little light in the darkness. It didn't seem to fit. Alessia would be beautiful, but blasphemous in some way or another, she was sure.
Im-Kilaya had called the child Haj-deek - saying it meant hidden child, or if he used it of her, Hides-her-child. She'd take that, but it was Argonian...and if she wasn't being raised by Argonians it would be awkward. Perhaps her little blessing--
Then, it became clear. Sunnar. Blessing.
She smiled, and once the little one was done feeding, and had been burped, she lay a kiss on her forehead and spoke.
"Your name is Sunnar."
After eating Sunnar seemed content to sleep again, and after a little soothing was put back into the crib. Once Sadara was certain she was fast asleep, she fixed her gown and looked through her possessions, desperate for something to do to keep her mind off--
Her weapons bag had been turned over to the Argonians, their contents given as payment for keeping her hidden as long as they had. What remained was a dagger, a Dagoth dagger in fact, but there was only a painted symbol marking which was easily washed off. It was a weapon she was most comfortable with.
Her potion bag had several full bottles and a large amount of ingredients she had found no initial purpose for, and there was the thought that a few potions of levitation could be made. They'd sell fairly well, she was certain. Then came the bag she'd used for clothes...the red robe, the one she had been gifted, was first, and the scent of cinnamon and incense filled her mind with memories of happiness.
With a heavy heart she folded it up and put it back. Beneath it was the Sixth House amulet she had been given - that would sell for a high enough price, enough to sustain her until she figured out what she would be doing. Its chain was tangled and knotted around the moon-and-star, which she had removed months ago. She let it be, and began to consider other things.
In her thought of where to go, she had settled after a lot of deliberation on Kvatch. Far (enough) away from her corpse-obsessed cousin, and even farther from Morrowind itself. She would be safe there, safe and unknown. She would say she had lost her husband to the machinations of the Sixth House, and that would be that.
She only hoped those who had dragged her from Leyawiin would not find her in Kvatch.
Im-Kilaya would later come and suggest dyeing her hair to better slip out of Ebonheart. She chose the red dye, and it was a red-headed dunmer woman under an assumed name who would be making the journey to Cyrodiil, baby in her arms as she walked aboard. The Sixth House amulet had been sold, and the bag of gold in her pocket, leftover from new clothes and the ship passage, was a definite added comfort.
And when Sadara departed the ship some days later, she would look down at Sunnar, fuss over her blanket, and say with a resigned hopefulness, "We will make our own way, won't we?"
She had her lute, and enough drakes to be comfortable for a brief period. She had made her way through worse circumstances, and she could make her way through this now.
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xxx-r4tg0bl1n-xxx · 8 months
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Stray Gears chapter 8, ASH STORM BREWING, is up now!
Tensions rise in the citadel of Dagoth Ur. The Ash Vampires are undecided about the Nerevarine, opinions split. Akulakhan’s awakening draws nearer, putting their victory on the horizon.
This painting took me way longer than I thought it would, but I’m happy with the result! I wasn’t entirely happy with the canon Numidium, so I decided to redesign it. I sketched this on my honeymoon, so it brings back good memories. Also, while painting this my iPad crashed twice, I think due to the amount of layers I was using. I have to save up for a new one, hopefully that won’t take too long.
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bjorntheswordsmith · 7 months
On AO3 I posted my fanfic within the Elder Scrolls universe with my own original characters(besides some cameos from in game characters here and there) . Started as my canon Dragonborn’s origin story but has become much more than that. Disclaimer : this story gets very dark and violent and will get darker as it goes on. Be warned before reading!
The first chapter focuses on Bjorn's childhood and early adolescence. His parents are fugitives of the Dominion and have fled to Hammerfell to escape persecution and to settle down to a quieter lifestyle. Bjorn learns how to be a blacksmith from his father, and about music, literature, and history from his mother. Bjorn bonds with a local Redguard girl named Amirah. The Thalmor have hired bandits and spies to do their dirty work in Hammerfell since they can't operate there openly. This is only part one of Bjorn's story. There is more to come
Here’s a link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16784941/chapters/39391648
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victorianasshole · 2 months
Lowkey forgot about my Vivec x M!Reader fanfiction,,,, Would you guys actually like it to continue? Been writing a bit on it since first chapter, but yea
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 5 months
Summary: A Morrowind story about visibility. Iriel is a young, bitterly disillusioned Altmer scholar, struggling from one disaster to the next, never quite sure which is his worst enemy in life: the inadvisable men he keeps falling for, his own traumatised brain, or the universe in general. Or perhaps people in general. Things are so much easier when he's invisible to everyone, but it isn't a permanent solution to his problems. Is it? Is anything? Includes wild headcanoneering of various NPCs and content from the Julan Ashlander companion mod by kateri.
Author: @chameleonspell
Note from submitter: A fantastic fic that ended up making me really emotional
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belle--ofthebrawl · 6 months
I hope Ghost keeps releasing merch I don't want. This is helping me save for concert tickets. and a used Xbox.
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hypvalsqr · 6 months
Wrote this btw. Give it a read and a comment if you like Morrowind and want some St. Jiub fanfic.
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redyn-nerevarine · 1 month
Chronicles of an Outlander
Chapter 38: Saving Shani
Silver-Star has an advantageous occurrence. Julan expresses his desire to mend things with Shani, so they return to the Ahemmusa. Once there, they find Shani is missing somewhere in the wilderness and they head out to save her. But when they think all is right again, yet another catastrophe arises.
His friends chatted with the tribe for a few minutes, but as Sinnammu and another hunter talked with them, their faces changed from happy to grim. Julan’s mind raced wondering what could be wrong and why Shani was not around. A few minutes later, his friends returned to him. “What’s wrong?” asked Julan. Redyn sighed. “... Shani’s missing. She was separated from the hunting party when a Blight storm came through.” “They last saw her a few days ago somewhere west of Tel Vos,” said Secunda. “They sent out a search party, but cannot find her.” Panic washed across Julan’s face and gripped his heart, but he quickly hid it. “She’s… lost? … That little s’wit never did have any sense of direction.” Despite his now neutral expression, he couldn't hide the worry constricting his voice. “I suppose we'd better go and bring her in, although she probably just wandered over to Vos for a drink and got talking to someone.”
Read the full chapter on AO3->
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rhiannon1199 · 1 year
Hello! Here's a question about the Pyandonean! What if Thyra had decided to return to Solstheim the first time she'd felt that home sickness? How would her development as a character change? What about her dynamic with Teldryn? Would they have parted ways upon her turning back? Would she be able to come back from what could potentially be a backward arc?
Hey! I think if she had returned home that first time, for a while she might have tried to settle back into life as it was before. But of course, she is the LDB, so fate is going to push her where it wants her one way or another. I think it only would have solidified her desire to leave more, and possibly led her to feel bitterness towards her home and her people. I remember when I first left the place I grew up I felt a huge relief, but when I was hit with homesickness, I wasn't able to go back - I had nowhere to go. So I had to ride it out. Because of that, when I came back, I appreciated where I grew up a lot more. I think if I had never left that resentment would still be there. Of course, Teldryn would not have returned with her - I guess he would have hung around the Gray Quarter for a while, then eventually left Windhelm to find other work. He took a chance on her in the first place and didn't really expect her to last more than a week or two before either ending up dead or wanting to go back to an ordinary life. I suppose he might have doubted her more if she had gone home, ran off again, and tracked him down.
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mareenavee · 1 year
For the director's cut thing, what's a scene you're really excited to share and why? 🤩
Director's Cut: Favorite Upcoming Scene in The World on Our Shoulders
Hi and welcome!! Thank you so much for asking.
This is a tough one to avoid spoilers for people who haven't had the chance to read yet. I've only just got chapter 10 published today! I am rewriting, but getting to the point where I can keep most of the work I did, and just fix a few things. I have about 52-54 chapters mostly done. Maybe not quite ready to post yet, but there's still a backlog while I'm editing. New content is in fragments, but the whole story is planned out.
So, the tags on my fic are there to set expectations. We know it's a LDB/Teldryn fic. We also know that I've been writing with the hc Teldryn Sero is the Nerevarine theory. I'll share a tiny fragment as a teaser so to speak for this favorite chapter of mine below!
One of my favorite chapters so far is a flash-forward from Teldryn's perspective. Nyenna asks him to tell a story when they stop for the evening on their travels back to Whiterun. It references Morrowind's Bloodmoon DLC and it was entirely a fragment, practicing Teldryn's voice before I actually wrote most of the fic. And it turned out so charming that I turned it into a whole chapter. It was perfect for the flash-forward timeline in the story! And perfect for nostalgia reasons, to be honest.
So here's a fragment, just a tiny one, of Chapter 16: Once Upon a Bloodmoon
“Tell me a good story? It would get my mind off everything,” she asked after a few minutes of companionable silence. He leaned over and kissed her again. He gently brushed his knuckles over her cheek and she smiled softly. The campfire lit up her bright orange eyes perfectly, even now while the sky was still blue and the sun hadn't quite set. She seemed even more gorgeous in this light. It surprised him how she could do that. He wondered if she even knew. But if she wanted a story, he’d do his bardic best while he was making food for them both.
“Alright. Did I ever tell you the one where I defeated a real live Frost Giant? Perhaps the foremost Frost Giant of our time?”
“Yes. Of your time, you mean. Also, I was there when you defeated him…or his ghost, rather… a second time,” she said with a small laugh. “But I like that one. Go on.” 
“Well I did warn you about the skull. That thing felt wrong all the way across the cave,” Teldryn said. She laughed. “You wouldn’t listen. Ah, if only I knew how much more trouble you’d be back then.”
“Hush, you. Tell the story.”
“Okay well. It involved Hircine. So, thinking clearly here, is it a good story, really?”
“FINE. Okay. So I was on Solstheim. It was the Bloodmoon. For whatever Godsforsaken reason, I had roped myself into a situation regarding yet another Daedric Prince and their endless prophecies. But here, I woke up in a room literally filled with werewolves. Disgusting, smelly beasts, if you ask me.”
“Three of my best friends are werewolves,” Nyenna interjected pointedly.
“I said what I said,” Teldryn answered with a wry grin. She playfully shoved him and he cackled. She shook her head and giggled to herself despite her previous faux-indignation.
Anyway :3 I'll post the whole thing in due time. But I hope you like it! It's still my favorite chapter, even as I'm editing, and even though I know how this thing ends, I haven't put it all to prose yet, so it may change...but I love this scene. And I hope you'll all like the whole chapter when it's posted.
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aladaylessecondblog · 11 months
Busy writing smut that fits into an actual serious fic
And yes, it's the infamous "Heart Chamber scene" I've thought about for months now
ETA: This note is getting more attention than the actual post with the link so I'm adding the link here
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xxx-r4tg0bl1n-xxx · 7 months
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Stray Gears Chapter 10, RIGHTEOUS RETRIBUTION, is up now!
Now that Akulakhan has awakened, Dagoth Ur commands him to bring justice upon Nerevar’s murderer. Ur and his brothers travel alongside the Brass Tower to Vivec, bringing the fight to the traitor themself.
I put a lot of effort into this piece, as I do like Vivec as a character. I’m very happy with their pose, it took me a while to get something I liked. I always try to draw the characters as accurately as possible, and I tried my best here. Vivec’s spear design is based off of concept art of Nerevar’s death.
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bjorntheswordsmith · 7 months
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This chapter is a point of view chapter for Amirah and goes into what she was doing before reuniting with bjorn and more of her backstory as well. It also goes into more about Zalam-dar and the Rising Dawn Syndicate as well: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16784941/chapters/118510942#workskin
Here’s an excerpt: Amirah rode through the sands of the Alik'r desert. She had purchased two scimitars and armor with the gold she and Bjorn had earned performing music in inns. On her way there she fought off giant scorpions, sand serpents and other creatures. It was a good opportunity for her to practice her fighting skills. Her father had taught her a few techniques in the past, but it had been a while since then. She was a little rusty. She knew she couldn't be too green if she wanted to join the Swords of Serenity, even though they'd train her.
The first few battles with these creatures were challenging. She was even poisoned by one of the giant scorpions at one point. Luckily, she had brewed herself some potions at Aunt Mahsa's, including a cure poison potion. She drank this potion and quickly recovered. Amirah's fighting skills improved greatly by the end of the trip. She cut off a stinger from one of the giant scorpions to bring with her as a trophy. She planned to show it to the guild to prove she was a worthy warrior.
When Amirah finally arrived in Sentinel she was in awe of the architecture. She looked up and admired the buildings made of stone that seemed as tall as the sky.
Amirah was mesmerized by how magnificent the scenery looked. The sand all around the city didn't look particularly flattering to her, but the beautiful palm trees made up for it.
Amirah felt proud. This was a city her people made. This was the Hammerfell most people saw in their mind's eye whenever the province was mentioned. Sure, she loved her hometown of Dragonstar, but the feeling this place gave her was something different altogether.
Amirah had an interest in joining the Swords of Serenity for a long time before this. Her older brother Jamal was the first to inform her of their existence. He had worked for them a few years, but eventually was let go. Their leader Azzan didn't approve of his unorthodox methods of fighting drunk or his boisterous personality. Jamal told his sister that it was better if she didn't mention his name if she ever wanted to join them. He suggested that she mention her father because he was a respected war hero by Crowns and Forebears alike. Amirah preferred showing Azzan the giant scorpion tail instead. If she were to be accepted into the Swords of Serenity, it would be because of her own courage and bravery, not someone else's legacy.
Read about her and other original TES characters of mine in: Dragonborn Begins: The Ballad of Bjorn the Swordsmith which takes place before the events of TES V Skyrim and references events from other TES games as well
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