#Elephant Six
toiletpapercosmos · 6 months
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caardamoom · 7 months
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i cracked the code
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What if the apples in stereo were WOKE?
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tweehearts · 17 days
yes. its one of their most famous songs. BUT! if this song doesnt make you giggle and do a cute little dance, there's something wrong with ya!!!
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polaringcircus · 3 months
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Now playing : Chocolate USA’s albums All Jets Are Gonna Fall Today and Smoke Machine
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gr4cel4nd2 · 1 year
little birds is such a goated song
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
Immaterial Possession — Mercy of the Crane Folk (Fire)
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Photo by Carolyn Schew
Mercy of the Crane Folk by immaterial possession
Immaterial Possession makes giddy art punk with an exotic undertow. Here 1960s Cambodian rock swagger collides with careening casbah choruses, a surf rocking bassline underpins intoxicating runs of hippie flute. If you’ve ever wondered what the B-52s might sound like on a serious Incredible String Band bender, well, possibly a lot like Mercy of the Crane Folk.
That B-52s nod may tip you off that this is an Athens, Georgia pack of eccentrics. The two principals—bass player Cooper Holmes and singer Madeline Polites—met at a DIY art commune. Kiran Fernandes, who plays keyboards, clarinets and flutes, is the son of John Fernandes, who was in two foundational Elephant Six bands, Olivia Tremor Control and Circulatory System. Multi-layered, ethnic-accented percussion comes from regular drummer John Spiegel on most tracks and Jon Vogt on a couple of them.
The disc starts in the glorious, headlong rush of “Chain Breaker,” where Polites alternately wails and flutters, her voice an untrammeled joy as it caroms over a sinuous, not-exactly-Western melody. A clarinet erupts in Middle Eastern flourishes. The drums clatter and clash. And under it all, Holmes bass bucks and rears, bounding up and down the scale at an exuberant, agile gallop.
Polites is apparently fascinated by alternate scales, specifically the modal ones in use in traditional Greek and Spanish music.  Thus her melodies—and the accompaniment in flute and clarinet—have a shadowy, minor key slant to them which contrasts in interesting ways with excitable positivity of her voice. The foreign-ness of the melodic structure fits more neatly than you might think with the surfy bravado of guitar and bass; remember Dick Dale’s big hit “Misirlou” had Greek and Arabic origins.
It all makes for a volatile and rather thrilling mix, especially on the quicker, more propulsive tracks. The title cut thunders like a herd of wild horses, the bass notes pounding like hooves on sound, while the verses zoom and wheel overhead in crazy abandon. Spooky female “whoo-oohs” waft over intricate figures of belly dancing guitar. There’s some sort of mythology at work, perhaps; we don’t really know who the crane folk might be or what they want, but the lyrics add another layer of magic.
You could listen to underground rock and punk all year and not hear anything remotely like Mercy of the Crane Folk. Its elements—surf, Middle-eastern music, freak folk and punk—are not so rare, but they they’re put together is. You might check out Immaterial Possession for the wild, weird juxtapositions it offers, but you stay because it works so well.  
Jennifer Kelly
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nataszaluiz · 4 months
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Day 9: Tangles.
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uncharismatic-fauna · 11 days
Round Six: Championship
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Sperm Whale vs African Forest Elephant
Arena: Arctic ice
Remember, it's not a popularity contest-- it's a fight to the death!
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gallusrostromegalus · 7 months
In honor of the season, what are holidays like in the spirit world? Have they been infected by Christmas yet? I imagine they inherit some popular ones from the world of the living, but also the unique holidays of the afterlife must be wild.
You come to me, on the eve of the High Holiday of Halloween, and ask me about Christmas??
I'm kidding, you're asking about holidays in general but my unsuspecting Agnostic Ass just got jumpscared by Mariah Carey, and I'm sensitive. It's not the season. Not for another 48 hours at least. Do Not Violate The Sacred Treaty.
Anyway, this ended up in my drafts for a few days, so: Christianity has not really gotten a foothold in soul society, but via cultural osmosis "Xmas" has. Nobody in a Shinto afterlife believes in monotheism, but they love a holiday and a Saint is practically a Kami anyway, but.... It's "Xmas" because the holiday in no way remotely resembles Christmas as practiced in the living world.
Scene: 4th Division hospital, a few days after Rukia is rescued and Aizen departed for Las Noches:
"-CHAD!!" Ichigo bellows, almost falling in through the doorway of the hospital room, wheezing.
"I am very sure you are not supposed to be out of bed." Chad frowned, looking up from the copy of the history of soul society Captain Komamura had lent him to read while he recovered.
It was strange, to be in the care of the very people he had thought to be senseless killers not two weeks ago, but he was finding the Shinigami a generally agreeable lot. Even if the captain that controlled the hospital reminded him unpleasantly of a nun with her chaste dress, soft voice and understated but constant threat of violence.
"YOU NEED YO HEAR THIS-! He- hee-" Ichigo stumbled over to his bed and curled up on his side overcome with giggles.
"... I'm beginning to think I am incorrect." Sighed the pale-haired man at the door, frowning down at Ichigo.
"Jushiro Ukitake, I don't think I've had the pleasure of your acquaintance yet, Mr.-?" The man introduced himself and offered Chad a hand.
"Uh. Yasutora. Sado Yasutora. But everyone calls me Chad." He mumbled, cautiously shaking hands with the stranger. "You're um. You're Miss Rukia 's boss, right?"
"Yes! I believe you are her friend with the pet parakeet and good throwing arm, yes?" Ukitake beamed at him and Chad was suddenly struck by the idea that he'd seen Ukitake at a family reunion before - Impossible, obviously, but the man had the intense aura of a distant uncle. "Good show that, she loves being hurled at an opponent!"
"Oh. Thank you." Chad mumbled, Ichigo finally catching his breath. "...What are you incorrect about?"
"Christmas, apparently." Ukitake frowned, and Ichigo dissolved into snickering again. "He says you're something of an expert on the actual mythology, I only have third-hand accounts, you see-"
"No!" Gasped Ichigo, reaching over to tug at Mr. Ukitake's sleeve. "You gotta tell him!"
"I am Catholic, yes." Chad nodded. "-go on. It can't be less accurate than the version Dr. Kurosaki- Uh, Ichigo's dad- gave me last year."
"Yeah it can-" Ichigo wheezed.
"Well, ah- Christmas is a birthday celebration for an important religious figure, right?" Ukitake tried.
"Yep!" Chad nodded, giving Ukitake a thumbs up.
"The birth of Rudolph, the Star-nosed reindeer?" Ukitake tried.
Chad stared at him blankly for a moment, before his thumbs-up slowly wilted into a thumbs down and Ichigo vibrated silently with hysterics. Chad opened and closed his mouth a few times, hand waving, then covered his mouth, searching for words. Eventually he reached out and gently put his hand on the captain's shoulder to explain as delicately as possible-
"...No." Said Chad.
Ichigo rolled off the bed with a dull thud.
"-I am, however, fascinated." Chad elaborated. "Please continue."
"...I'm really sorry that I am this ignorant of your religious dogma." Ukitake winced.
"It's- don't worry about it. Tell me what you think happens on Rudolph's birthday." Chad said, sitting back and pressing his hands together.
"Well- oh, how does it start? Right- there's the Monks- Saints? that give out presents to well-behaved children during the winter holidays- Saint Claus, Saint Nicolas and Saint Kringle. And they're all very old men, and with good judgement about who does and does not deserve presents, so they're called the three wise men!"
Ichigo made a noise like a teakettle from the floor.
"Oh. Oh no." Chad giggled.
"And they travel the entire world giving out presents, but that's A Lot of houses and it was taking them longer and longer so they prayed to... I forget the name Catholics have for Amaterasu. Guadalupe?"
Chad made a noise not unlike a violently squeezing a rubber duck, and started to shake.
"-So they pray for some help getting all the presents to the children, and Whoever She Is says they're doing good deeds, but she wants to see if they're REALLY worthy of that kind of miracle, so she sends them on a journey to recover some lost holy treasures, and on the way each of the holy men wrestles with and tames a demon representing some vice or another-"
"-I. I think you've gotten the Star of Bethlehem mixed up with The Journey West." Chad realized, hands pressed together in front of his face.
"Yes that's right! She marks the direction they're supposed to be going with a bright star! So they go West, following the star! "-Ok the three wise men traveling from the east following a star part is, in fact, accurate. What's this about demons?"
"It's some sort of allegory about how all the Saints are virtues so the demons represent the vices people fall into around the holiday- Being punitive or penurious and ruining good things for others. They all had weird names-" Ukitake frowned.
"What's going on?" Captain Kyorauku asked, sticking his head in the door.
"You'll know!" Ukitake chirped with excitement. "-What are the three demons the saints conquer in the Christmas myth?"
"Krampus the Child-beater, Scrooge the Miser, and... Ah fuck I always mispronounce the last one. He's green and he sucks? The Goonch?" Shunsui frowned.
"THE GOONCH?" Ichigo shrieked from the floor.
"I. I think you mean The Grinch." Chad said, experiencing a brand new combination of horror, delight and fascination that felt like the emotional equivalent of a shrimp color.
"That's him! Oscar The Grinch!" Shunsui nodded. "Why, its only August? Also, what's Kurosaki doing on the floor?
"We are apparently very misninformed about the mythlogical origins of Christmas. This amuses Kurosaki to the point of hysterics." Ukitake explained, lightly nudging Ichigo aside with his foot and sitting on the foot of Chad's bed.
"Your version is so much better." Chad said, vibrating with excitement. "What are these treasures they're supposed to get?"
"Oh you had to ask- Shunsui love, you were the one that heard it all from Captain Kuchiki when he did his tour in the living world."
"Oh for fuckssake of course it's Byakuya-" Ichigo groaned from the floor, and Ukitake gently kicked him in the ribs to shush him.
"Uhhhh... Let's see-" Shunsui scratched at his beard."There's Eight Lost Treasures, they're all magical bells that give anyone who rings them supernatural abilities- there's the Bell of Speed, Bell of Grace, Bell of Balance, Bell of Cunning, Bell of... ah fuck. I always forget the two in the middle... -Oh! Bell of destination- not like fate, like, always being able to find your way to where you're going. Bell of Affection, Bell that gives power over wind and Bell that gives power over lighting!"
Chad blinked at him, then slowly crumpled into a ball.
"...Mr. Yasutora?" Ukitake asked, gently touching his shoulder.
"This is amazing. I love it. I'm going to die." he whimpered, voice high and tight as he struggled to breathe from laughing.
"We may have already lost Mr. Kurosaki." Shunsui muttered, poking Ichigo's shoulder with his toe. "Anyway, they conquer the demons, get all the magical bells and make it to the distant city, aand Amaterasu says 'Great job!" Ukitake continued, enthusiastic as they approached his favorite part. "-But she says 'Here's your final test: I'm going to give a special gift to one of these creatures, you tell me which is the most deserving of my favor.' and then she turns them loose in some kind of farm with talking animals. They're all good and noble animals that have done many brave deeds- dogs saved children from drowning, horse that ran across a battlefield to deliver a message that stopped a war and so on- eventually the saints find a brand new baby fawn with a bright red nose. Since it was born just that morning, it's never done anything of note, and the other animals don't really like it because it's red nose means its kind of sickly and it cant see well so they don't want to play with it."
"YES!" Chad cheered, making the connection.
"Oh, that part is right?" Ukitake perked up.
"Not even remotely, but it's amazing. They pick the fawn right?
"That's right! The saints tell Amaterasu that the Baby deer Rudolph is the one that deserves her blessing, because while all the animals here are noble and good, no good deed is better than another, and of all the animals, the sickly little deer is the one that really needs her help."
"Oh no." Ichigo whimpered from the floor. "That's actually like. genuinely heartwarming."
"Amaterasu applauds them, because they've made the right choice, and she gives the power of the star to the baby deer so it very literally glows like a headlight, and She turns the eight magical bells into a herd of deer that all have the powers the bells they were made from had, so Rudolph has a family and the three wise men have a team of nine magical deer to pull the flying sleigh she gives them, and then they are able to deliver all the presents to all the children of the world in one night, and they do it every year on Rudolph's birthday, because he was the first one to receive a proper Christmas present!" Ukitake finished, giving Chad an excitable two thumbs up.
Chad, slowly tipped forward, faintly hissing with silent laughter, then rolled off the bed to join Ichigo on the floor. Ukitake peered after him with concern, until chad slowly raised a weak, shaking hand up to give Ukitake a thumbs up back.
"-What I can't figure is how the bucket of fried chicken fits into all that?" Shunsui pondered, and the boys shrieked with laughter.
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sleepy8 · 3 months
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caardamoom · 1 year
Dutch Interior by Gluepot
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Based out of Naarm (Melbourne), Gluepot partakes in a small but thrilling scene of avant-folk musicians featuring acts like Mouseatouille, Jim & Nadia, and Finn Quaid. 
Their latest full-length release is titled Dutch Interior. 
Sporting a gently orchestral sound, the group of 6, lead by Fergus Menner, pushes the limits of the lo-fi label, managing to pack in weeping violins and malleable horns without losing the charm that comes with a rough edge. 
Smothered in a pure, rustic identity, the bands music is the essence of what modern folk should sound like, always exciting and experimenting, and never playing into overdone “indie” tropes.
Black Country New Road gets a lot of love when it comes to orchestral folk, and rightfully so, but this handful of Australian artists have nearly perfected the craft, and have been working in the realm since 2019, predating much of BCNR’s work. These bands are at the heart of the sub-genre.
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luxthestrange · 11 months
LMK Incorrect quotes#56 Upgrade
Azure and Yellowtusk telling Peng that Celestial You moved on and are dating someone new...disclosing who it is for good reason-
Peng*Rolling their eyes*HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY IT?-I don't care who they date, We broke up
Peng: They can ask out any boy/girl or whatever they want
Azure*Sighs in relief and looks at Yellowtusk*See? I said we should tell them, Y/n accepted going out with Macaque!
Peng*Snaps their neck to look at Azure*MACAQUE!?!
Yellowstuck:...oh boy
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 month
Just imagining, in a world where Wukogn wasn't immediately trapped in the scroll of memory after Azure freed the rest of the Brotherhood, he'd have some things to say. I'm thinking TMKATI au post Wu is Wikong reveal
Wu: MK... who helped you get me out of there?
MK: Oh, this only friend of yours. Called himself the Azure Lion?
Wu, immediately going pale as a ghost: Azure Lion!? MK, please tell me you didn't listen to him or make any deals!
Pigsy: What? Why would it be such a big deal? He's your friend isn't he?
Wu: Azure is anything but a friend! He's the reason I was trapped on the Furnace and under the Mountain to begin with, him and his rebellion!
Tang: Uh, what? But all the stories say it was because of the Havoc you caused!
Wu: The Peach Festival I crashed and ruined was hardly important enough for Heaven to do what they did to me, even with the pills and immortal peaches and wine I had stolen. It was just the catalyst. I was still a cub back then, a stupid, reckless cub who was impressionable enough to trust the wrong person. And then Azure had left me to take the fall for the rebellion he had started! Whatever you do, don't trust Azure!
Tang, taking in the implications: ...I'll kill him.
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Even if Azure did not realise it himself, he had built Wukong up in his mind to be the matyr of the Rebellion. And when Wukong surrendered, rather than die for it, Azure became convinced it was a great betrayal.
There's even hints of Macaque recognising/suspecting this sort of manipulation all the way back during their carefree Brotherhood days. There's a split second in "New Adventures" just after Azure convinces the others to make Wukong the leader of the rebellion, when Macaque is clearly unhappy/thinking about the situation. The only reason he doesn't speak out then and there is because Wukong seemed so sure of it. We see a similar look again just before they head out on their first attack.
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And of course there's the memory Tang wanders into in "Court of the Yellow Robed Demon" thats very telling;
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Peng: "Wukong is a traitor! He'll end us the first chance he gets!" Yellowtusk: "Yes. The Stone Monkey is unpredictable. Now he's thrown his lot in with the Celestial Host, there's no telling where his true allegiances lie." Peng: "You're characteristically quiet, Macaque!" Macaque: "I just think we should consider all our options before we—" Peng: "What's to consider? Wukong's made his choice. I say we strike him down now while we have the chance!"
The Trio are discussing attacking Wukong for aligning himself with "the Celestial Host" [i.e helping Tripitaka on the Journey so he can do parole] - the memory taking place within Camel Ridge.
Macaque's reaction brings up a super interesting twist to the story told in JTTW. Was the whole plan of disguising himself as Wukong and taking the scriptures not his own? Did the other three or an unknown villain working in the background insist he do so? Did he do it to stall Wukong so that his best friend/mate did not fall into a trap from the rest of the Brotherhood? Did Macaque die trying to give Wukong another option less the Monkey King risk being captured or worse at the hands of his former sworn brothers?
Macaque recognised that *something* was super wrong in how the Brotherhood treated Wukong, especially how Azure directed the situation. But being the same, barely-a-cub, age Wukong was at the time, Macaque wasn't sure/confident enough to speak out about it.
And ofc this whole thing with the Brotherhood would come to a boil in the TMKATI au when Macaque and Wukong are having their Big Fight.
Wukong/Wu had long since recognised that Azure was grooming/manipulating him for the fall, but isn't sure why he tried attacking him afterwards. Macaque is a bit proud in a "I told you so"-way and says that Azure had expected Wukong to *die* in the war as a matyr rather than live as a prisoner.
Wukong: "Why didn't you say anything!?" Macaque: "I was as young and stupid as you were! I only wanted to see you happy!" Wukong: "Oh yeah! Like you did when you left me under that mountain!" Macaque: "You weren't exactly grateful for the company at the time." Wukong: "Uh, need I remind you that before I was imprisoned, I had just spent 49 days being broiled alive!? I wasn't exactly firing on all cylinders. You could have atleast tried to visit me after a few years!" Macaque, uncharastically quiet: "I wanted to..." Wukong: "Huh?" Macaque: (*goes silent and leaves the room*) Wukong: "Wait! Mihou! What do you mean "you wanted" to!?"
note: Tang is accidentally privy to this convo cus he was in the stairwell when it started and got nosey. Then he kinda gets kidnapped by a baby bull demon before he can ramble his discovery to Pigsy and/or Sandy.
Wu gives the clipnote version of events to the gang as he's trying The Big Stupid, and they are horrified. The Monkey King, one of the most infamous tricksters in folkore, was ultimately a groomed teenager at the time of his punishment! And the Macaque was in the same boat, just more cautious...
When things are said and done - Wukong and Macaque go out of their way to tell their kids to always be wary of powerful people who put you on a pedestal. Perhaps not delving into their personal history (they are Normal Demon Parents™ afterall), but using the story of the Monkey King and his Brotherhood as an aesop. The Monkey King had many friends who thought he should lead them, but they shrunk away for whatever reasons when he chose to live and not die in heaven.
MK thinks its the saddest "superhero backstory" ever.
So when S4 of TMKATI comes about and the memory curse gets loose...
Azure Lion: "Ah, Monkie Kid-" MK:
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Legit the only reason Azure is able to get away unscathed is because he's the only one who knows how the Scroll works and MK and the rest of the babus want their parents back.
Red Son is on standby (fire ready) outside the Scroll in case Azure tries some sh-t. But of course that doesn't last long.
Tang, Pigsy, and Sandy: (*released from the scroll. Sees Azure Lion*) All three: "YOU."
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Then again this is all with the idea that someone else was additionally pulling the strings to ensure the demons downfall...
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polaringcircus · 4 months
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Orbiting Human Circus Album’s Quartet Plus Two CD along with the fall sampler
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gr4cel4nd2 · 1 year
me when scott spillane solo in the live version of gardenhead aaaa i’m filled with pure raw emotion idk how to describe it
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