#Eleteo kids
camelottree638 · 2 years
Eleteo Family - Love Power
Originally it was supposed to be just an Eleteo version of Elena and Esteban's forgiveness scene but it grew into a royal family drama from there.
Anita knows that her family loves and supports her no matter what. But Elena is such a great ruler on her own that Anita sometimes fears that she cannot be great enough for the people by comparison. And Christbal feeds into these insecurities by telling her that she is not capable of ruling anyway because she is a girl.
Carlos (named after his Tia Carla) on the other hand, is the only "normal" one in a very magical family and feels a bit left out like Esteban was before. That's why those two bond so well, too. He loves his sister, but still sometimes wonders what it would be like to be heir.
Christobal has taken the throne and wants to make Carlos the heir because he wants male power for the Castillo line. Elena, Mateo and Anita are locked in an ice cave that absorbs magic and Anita feels betrayed and frightened. Mateo tries to reasure her but still worries about his son' safety. He has no magic to protect himself while Anita inherited a unique magic mix of Maruvian, emotion and Amulet magic. Including Sofia's power to talk to animals.
Eventually Elena is able to get everyone, including herself, to hope again and the family love triggers a magic that the cave cannot destroy. With the help of her cousin Reynaldo (Esteban and Dona's son, thank you VERY MUCH to @cartoonfangirl1218 for the name suggestion!) Anita reenters the palace with her parents and they confront Christobal.
But Christobal's offer of ultimate power is not what Carlos thought it would be. The responsibility is too much and he never wanted to actually hurt his family. Now he is just relieved and happy to see his sister is back and not hurt.
In the end, Anita grows more confident because she realizes that Carlos will stay by her side to help her rule and that she is not alone. The siblings end up co- ruling the kingdom until Anita has kids of her own when Elena steps down, sharing the responibility equally.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 2 years
Eleteo: Elena has a thing for gambling. Not for the money but just for the competition and the "chance" to win even though the games are all rigged. It's too much for her to pass up. I can't see Matei with any particular vice. But I can also see him as someone who can get obsessed or addicted to something. Probably some sort of dark spell he gets into researching.
Gababel: Both have the perchance to drink in different ways. Isabel doesn't do it often, but when she does, it's a binge all at once and says the funniest, most ridiculous things much to her embarrassment the next morning. Gabe does it either when he's out with the boys and Isabel has to carry him home because he had to win the three drinking contests. Or he does it more seriously after battle when he wants to forget. 
Estenaomi: I think they both have a thin for cigars, mainly Esteban. He picked them up from Victor when they were teens because they thought they looked all so cool and mature with those big cubanos. Though Naomi will let herself have a smoke or two, she'll get on Esteban's case about unhealthy it is especially on a wooden ship. Naomi can get obsessive when it comes to checking or rechecking everything and drives Esteban crazy. 
Estoma: Esteban can drink, in a bad way. But after living under Shuriki, can you blame him? Also Esteban is just awful with coping so he numbs his feelings away with wine. Drink after drink trying to forget everything. Dona has a thing for gambling. Well cheating at gambling so there's a guarantee not to lose which can get a bit dangerous in seedier casinos when her fellow players get wise to how she keeps winning.
Embarrassing nickname? Eleteo: Probably something like pan dulce monster for Elena because once she gets her hands on pan dulce, she'll devour everything. Thing is, it's hard to embarrass Elena so she takes it in stride. Elena calls Mateo some manner of nauseatingly sweet name like "Honey boo boo kinds" for fun when they're in front of their friends or even Olivia because his blush is adorable. The other nickname, he got in his childhood was Klutzeo since he was so uncoordinated in school. 
Gababel: We already know Gabe's embarrassing nickname. Baker boy. Actually that episode wasn't the first time it came up, he heard a lot in grade school when society was more class conscious and poor people were treated with disdain. Also some kids couldn't believe that the pro olaball player Roberto Nunez would give it up to bake. Isabel's nicknames never stuck but they usually followed the pattern of dull nerd or goody goody which didn't boot her confidence when comparing herself to Elena. 
Estenaomi: I feel like Naomi would have some sort of nickname from her parents that she would tell them to knock it off and they do it anyway like Miss Fiestypants. Which Esteban found out during a family dinner and loves to bring it up because it fits so well. He also makes up some of his own during their many adventures. Naomi's favorite nickname for Esteban is "Geyser" after the one time Esteban got drunk and got a tattoo on his back that looked like a geyser springing up from his butt. Naomi freaked when she saw it and loves making jokes about him blowing his top and stuff even after he got it removed. Estoma: Esteban's embarrassing nickname as we already know was El Segundo which had disastrous consequences on his self esteem. It just reminded him of how he was physically inferior to Victor and how everyone paid attention to Elena, that he was second to everyone in the world. Dona's embarrassing nickname was Whore which started when little kids couldn't pronounce her full name and you try to convince the child to say something else, it only made them more determined to say what he or she wants. 
Sweetest gift they got from each other?
Eleteo: I feel like Mateo would give her a gift of a day without appointments or worry about the kingdom. One day she wakes up to find that her day is surprisingly free with her schedule being taken care of by the Grand COuncil for the day. Mateo comes with a bowl of cherries and a kiss and they go out for a leisurely jaquin ride. Then they just hang out with their friends at the beach or something. For the afternoon they go dancing and a dinner down at his workshop with lights and everything. So there it is a nice spent with friends, family and her favorite wizard. As for Mateo, he is pretty good by himself with just his books and magic practice so Elena's gift to him would be similar. A day free from lessons and missions so he could concentrate on improving his mastery. But the plus would be she's with him whole day, helping, asking questions and admiring his passion for the magic he loves so much. 
Gababel: Gabe got Isabel the complete collection of scientific encyclopedia. She would have gotten them herself but she resisted since she had so many books already and was in the throes of insecurity about being dull and different. So Gabe swooped down and bought it for her to show that he appreciated her scientific side. Isabel got Gabe a brand new sword. Yes, he learned gus kessib from El Guapo but it doesn't hurt to have a fancy sword for show. He enjoys showing it off for her with his fencing skills. She also got a new saddle for Fuego because the guy loves his horse.
Estenaomi: I think her favorite gift that Esteban gave her was a ship. It wasn;y big because she knew she was going to inherit the Wayfarer as a houseboat but she was still very surprised to see that he got a full captain outfit with a hat and everything waiting in her closet. She got Esteban a brand new compass with an ancient map she found in some flea market so they could go on a whole new adventure together. 
Estoma: Esteban received an enchanted music box from Satu. A combo of two things. His admiration and memories of staying in Satu and enchanted that only the one holding the music box could hear the music. So he could safely listen to it even close to Shuriki's quarters. I have a hc that Esteban is quite skilled in realistic drawing. So once he asked her to describe her family and he tried to do a drawing of them based on description. It wasn't perfect but the thought was heartwarming.
What childhood activity do they share with the other?
Eleteo: Elena introduces fencing to her man. She tried to train him through a  less rigorous and more flirty version of Gabe's fencing bootcamp but Mateo fencing is like Mateo with a rope. All thumbs and falling. Not that either of them minds. Mateo tries to coach Elena through potion making. Although Rafa did not overtly teach him magic, he realized cooking recipes and herbal medicine was just a precursor. So he figured he could use the same concepts when teaching Elena. What they didn't realize that much like when Olivia gets into her head to do something, Elena does the same trying to see what would happen if she combined the purple concoction with the fizzing olive one. . . Ba Bam! Since then they have stuck to scepter training. 
Gababel: As we know Gabe does NOT have any fond memories where olaball is concerned so that was out. But Gabe does love baking, especially cookies so that was the lazy weekend activity he and Isabel do together. Though he does tease Isa for her scientific calculation, there's still cookie dough and giggles when they're in the kitchen together. Isabel knows that Gabe isn't always able to follow her scientific treatises or conversations so she showed him a more palatable one. Stargazing. She and Raul used to do it all the time and it is one of her favorite memories with her father.So on clear nights, she spreads a picnic blanket in the royal garden and Isabel points out all the constellations and old stories as her father did for her. 
Estenaomi: This should be obvious from the get go. Sailing is Naomi's thing and always will be. She has had more sea legs than land legs since she was 4 and made it her mission to teach Esteban everything she knows. At the beginning it was less fun as Naomi was serious about sailing safety but then she lets up because she doesn't want Esteban to hate it. Not that he does. He understands why she loves the thrill of the salt air and is kinda a waveholic in that he enjoys the bump and sway of the boat. Esteban's favorite thing is dancing because it has fond memories of his parents in the ballroom and so Esteban teaches her all the waltzes and ballroom dances he knows. She's a pretty quick study and picks them up in a flash so they move on to salsa and merengue and soon they're hitting clubs as the hottest couple on the dancefloor. And they always return to the ballroom for their own private dance too. Estoma: Not only is dancing still Esteban's thing but olaball and goal! Esteban is such a bonafide fan of olaball there is even a baby picture of him in a olaball jersey so he takes Dona to one, Avalor vs Paraiso. Honestly, Dona didn't really watch the game, she was too busy watching Esteban the hilarity that was Esteban next to her pumping his fists and yelling like a maniac.Dona didn't do all the childhood things Esteban did like going to the circus or making ice cream sundays (and did not appreciate Esteban looking at her like her childhood was devoid of happiness) and didn't feel like taking a trip down memory lane. But she eventually relented at the thought of horse riding again. So they did just that and though Dona rode circles around him and laughed at Esteban's saddle sore butt, he thought it was worth it to see her so happy and care free. 
Who sometimes "aww" over how cute they are? Eleteo: Everyone in the royal family and the palace staff have caught Eleteo being adorable together. Special mention goes to the time Armando found both of them asleep in the library, curled up next to the fireplace with their arms around each other on a cold winter's night. He gently placed a blanket over them, awwed and left. 
Gababel: Elena and Mateo keep catching them in private moments like one time they were taking a stroll through the gardens and stopped short at the sight of Isabel talking to Gabe about the scientific properties of some flower. It was in the beginning stages of their relationship and Elena just melted at the adoring look Gabe was wearing as he listened to Isabel who blushed if they maintained prolonged eye contact. 
Estenaomi: Surprisingly it is Captain Chiloya who awws over them since there's not many people out on the open ocean. Whenever they meet up with him, Chiloya is touched by the moments he catches between them like holding hands as they dance together or helping one another with steering. Simple but sweet gestures. 
Estoma: Luisa often sees them together when she is going about her business in the palace like one morning she woke up early to go to La Dulce Vida and found them sitting in the kitchen talking. It kinda reminded her of her own marriage and the nights/days when she and Francisco would sit and talk in their blissful world of two. 
What do they sometimes walk into? Eleteo: Sometimes Elena walks in on Mateo napping after studying too long or working on some new potion. She has learned not to sneak up on him because it can cause explosions. But if he's napping, she is prepared to kiss him or play "Guess who?'' Mateo usually walks in on Elena working or singing and sometimes just adores her singing for a moment before making his presence known.
Gababel: Gabe walks in on Isabel talking to herself about inventions or sometimes rocking on her guitar-accordion. Like Mateo, sometimes Gabe waits before making his presence known so he can be entertained by her carefreeness. Isabel sometimes walks in on Gabe doing his work out or push-ups or going over battle strategies though sometimes Isabel reminds him he needs to leave work at the barracks. 
Estenaomi: Naomi walks into the room when Esteban his primping his hair or deep into his moisturizing routine so she jumps on him to scare him. Esteban sometimes walks in on Naomi deep in thought and pacing around and asks her "Who has one the argument in your head this time?"  
Estoma: Like above, Dona often walks in on Esteban in the middle of his skincare routine. Sometimes he is practicing the booby trap dance (got to keep sharp, yes!). he usually walks in on her primping herself oro doing leftover work of the day. 
Who reads romance novels? 
Eleteo" Surprisingly Mateo. He didn't mean to but when he was little, sometimes Rafa would confiscate his spellbooks because she didn't want him to strain his eyes reading into the night. But during those rainy days when he had no books, he went last ditch and read some of Rafa's which included romances that he got sucked into. Sometimes he imagined himself as the battle scarred hero, but he also enjoyed it hoping that he may have the same kind of passionate, respectful, no holds barred, no matter what love for someone. Luckily, he found that with Elena but the romance did help with making some pretty good love speeches to articulate his feelings. 
Gababel: Isabel though she studiously pretends she doesn't by hiding them in her textbooks. The first time Gabe found out, Isabel turned as red as a tomato but Gabe only teased a little bit. He sometimes asks if she always had a type for knights and copying the poses of the cover leads. In truth, Iabel enjoys the knights but she prefers the realistic books since it's easier for her to fantasize. It's a perfect blend of realism and happily ever after fluff. Gabe prefers the warrior men ones because he did get sucked in one time when Isabel read them out loud and he was immediately invested. 
Estenaomi: Neither at first, but at some point in their travels they ran out of stuff to read and shockingly only romance paperbacks could be found at some stops. Sp they read it. Naomi only does to laugh at the ridiculous descriptions and shake her head at cliche they are but Esteban would be lying if he said he didn't try to copy the hero's smoldering intensity or brooding pick up lines from time to time. 
Estoma: Dina does with no shame because she's old enough to no longer care. Esteban knows and occasionally glanced but found it too cheesy to be believable. Still they have re-enacted some scenes and Esteban is sinfully good at playing a rakish duke. 
Things they taught each other?
Eleteo: Pretty much canon but magic studies all the dang time but they know how to make it fun with each other. Much more an hc, Elena teaches Mateo how to play guitar and is very patient with lots of kisses as encouragement. Mateo taught Elena some recipes that are Rafa's specialties and are amazingly delicious. 
Gababel: Just like in the Princess Knight, Gabe teaches Isabel to fence. Only with more much flirtation and innuendo which flusters Gabe as he's used to calm Isabel that he forgets she's from the long line of indiscreet Flores. Isabel teaches Gabe how to map things based on the position of stars which is useful when he's on stakeout. 
Estenaomi: Esteban already knows how to sail but Naomi improved his knowledge tenfold with little tips on knots and parts of ship building and fixing. Even general woodwork like making ship bottles which is super hard and intricate but he likes the feel of Naomi trying to fix delicate mistakes and how concentrated she is Esteban teaches Naomi classic treasure hunting techniques he used to do with Victor and athletic activities like vine swinging. 
Estoma: Just like with Naomi, Esteban teaches her to dance. She grew up under Shuriki so dancing was not a skill that was encouraged. She clearly needs more lessons. It's better when it's a partner dance and the other person can stop unnecessary shimmnying. Dona showed Esteban how to stay on a wild horse because he didn't want to learn "boringly simple" rope tricks and he was going to do it anyway if she didn't stop him/ So far he's stayed on two seconds on a fake one. He's working on it.
Height differences hc
Eleteo: From what I can tell Elena is almost the same height but at times Elena appears shorter than him. I'm going to go with the idea that Mateo is taller but not by much. But he also has the magic advantage so when neither of them can get anything, he just levitates.
Gababel: Even as Isabel grows to her full height Gabe is taller but that's perfect for her. Isabel adores being able to sit on his lap or be picked up in his strong, muscular arms. It makes her feel safe, admittedly his muscles may be hard but they're alo cuddly. Plus there is something so intimate about going on her tiptoes to reach his lips or being swooped up in his arms. Gabe also likes it for the same reasons. Her in his arms, and admittedly when she ies the tiptoe thing he becomes a blushy mess with her small smirk and the way her arms wrap around his neck like he is the only thing in the world she can hold on to and never let go. Estenaomi: Naomi is the shorter one because even young Esteban is taller than others like a freaking string bean/ Naomi comes up to his nose which forces her to look up into his eyes which sometimes gets her blushy with his intense Estesmolder. He is a weapon with that smolder. Not that it is all gazing into each other's eyes. Esteban can get pretty cocky about it when offering to reach things he can't. She only reminds him that the taller people are, the harder they fall which is apt because he usually unintentionally trips because he doesn't look where he's going. 
Estoma: They're at the same height when Dona wears his heels. The few times she doesn't, she comes to his forehead which gives Esteban plenty of chances for forehead kisses. But when they fight sometimes Esteban would bring it up because he has the belief of fighting at a equa advantage and not look up at him. So he'll teasingly ask if she would like to pause the fight so she can get her heels and be able to glare at his eye level which only infuriates her more. 
Who secretly melts inside when the other says their names? 
Eleteo: I feel like it's equal melting on both their parts. For Elena this is the sort of love she's never felt before. Everything is just so special when Mateo says it. He makes her feel like the most important thing in the world, which is saying something. He' just so sincere and warm and the way he says her name with love and adoration and respect makes her fall for him more. Mateo feels the same way. He's not a "nobody" wizard hiding in his basement. Shr makes him feel like he can do anything, that he's worth so much more to her and makes him want to be more for her. So it continues in an endless cycle. 
Gababel: Isabel dies. It's not hard to get her to blush whereas Gabe is concerned when he says her name, especially in the beginning of their relationship. . . just lots of red face. Part of it is from the disbelief she still has that she's singled out by him. She's used to being seen as Elena's little sister, a burgeoning scientist. It's hard to believe she can step out of that shadow and be noticed by Gabe. But she is and the way he says her name makes her feel safe and respected and with such warmth. . .yes, she loves it and him. 
Estenaomi: Esteban does, he's a secret softie so he secretly melts when Naomi says his name. It is so often that her softer side is under her sassy exterior so the times she says his name with fondness that she gives no one else, its special to him. Especially when he feels like his abuelos are nagging him about being more like Elena or more mature and then he knows he has Naomi who (almost) never says his name in a tone of deep disappointment and he hopes to never disappoint her ever. 
Estoma: Dona does since almost no one knows her real name and Esteban rarely says it in public. So when he does it is in some deep private talk that makes it even more special. He says it like it's the most beautiful name in the world and goes a long way to making her hate it less.
  Little habit that entertains the other? 
Eleteo: Elena is always entertained by whenever Mateo imitates someone else since it's usually so exaggerated or when he gets annoyed. She is not entertained by his annoyance per say, it's just that he's so frenzied and animated so it's a bit funny like when Esteban "ate" his mom. Mateo is entertained when Elena gets all sasy and competitive like in the Scepter Training shorts. It's always entertaining when she gets into her hair flips and sometimes starts goading her competitive spirit. 
Gababel: Gabe gets entertained when Isabel sees a scientific mistake in a journal where there isn't supposed to be any artistic license or suspension of disbelief because it is supposed to be cold hard facts. She goes into a long rant about fact checking and Gabe just smiles at her passion. Isabel is entertained whenever Gabe incorporates his guard training into little things he does like throwing fruit or olaball which she finds cute when he is just so proud of his skills. 
Estenaomi: Like Elena, Esteban gets his entertainment sometimes when Naomi is annoyed or freaking out because it's usually the other way around with them with Naom telling him to calm down his dramatics. Naomi is entertained by Esteban's constant feud with anyone who hasn't heard of or doesn't agree that Avaloran chocolate is the best. She can't blame him though because chocolate is worth fighting for. 
Estoma:m Dona is entertained when someone gives a speech Esteban wrote because you can always see Esteban in the background mouthing all the words with cringing and enthusiasm whenever the person gets it wrong or right. Sometimes Esteban accompanies Dona in shopping and he is always a bit entertained with the way she has her assistant behind her carrying bags and taking all the stuff she points to with "Mine." Not "I think I'll buy that" or "Maybe this one?" Just "Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine." He sometimes asks her if she's even looking at what she's buying or if it depends on how shiny it is. 
Who moves in with the other and who decorates?
Eleteo: Technically we saw Mateo move into the wizard quarters of the palace and have already decorated. When they move in as a married couple it is Elena who decorates the room with some of his books even though he says they can keep it in his workshop and she brings some of the baby pictures Rafa gave her because she finds baby Mateo adorable. 
Gababel: Obviously Gabe has to move into the palace since it's so spacious and technically Blanca swoops in to decorate along with Isabel. gabe can be neat in his guard quarters, he has no idea about aesthetic and neatness in his actual room. Plus Isabel likes to keep things in line with her own system of organization so it's just best to let her take over.
Estenaomi: Since the two are sailing around the world together in Naomi's boat, Esteban moves in with Naomi and decorates his part of the room with his sense of flair of fancy drawings and clothes and health care stuff. Honestly his stuff takes up more of the bathroom than Naomi. 
Estoma: Probably Dona since the palace is very big and I can't see Esteban wanting to be separated from his family. She also decorates it although there are the usual disagreements of his stuff blocking hers, there is no need for that many vases in one room etc. 
Who watches the other sleep? 
Eleteo: Undoubtedly Elena because Mateo takes little catnaps around the palace or sometimes he studies so hard he falls asleep sitting and that's where Elena finds him hours later and she just smiles at him since he looks so peaceful asleep. 
Gababel: Gabe is the one who watches befitting his guard work at night so ISabel doesn't have the same stamina for staying up late unless she's reading something really good. Gabe can't help his heart swelling with love and disbelief that she's lying beside him and just cuddles closer.
Estenaomi: I feel like it would be either one. More likely Esteban would find her asleep standing up at the bow so he has to take over but Naomi has watched him fall asleep, and like Gabe, can't believe she's sharing her life with him. Estoma: Esteban since I picture him as the night owl so he'd stay awake longer and watch her with a small smile on his face.
Who cooks? Eleteo: Both do but Elena more because she has fond memories of baking with her mother while Rafa did all the baking for her. 
Gababel: IS this even a question? Gabe does by virtue of knowledge and skill  but Isabel is no slouch with her chemistry background and precise measurements. They most often do it together on date night. 
Estenaomi: Naomi does since she's used to cooking for her dad when they were out at sea and Esteban was still slowly growing out of his pampered rich boy phase where he wants adventure and not the critty work of cooking over the fire.  Estoma: I think Esteban because we saw on Snow place like home that he likes his food to be made the way he wants it. 
Irrational phobias?
Eleteo: Mateo is less scared about horses than wary of them when they rear or eat apples ut of his hand. Elena is trying to help him by going on horseback rides and showing him how to groom Carnela. Honestly, I can't think of any irrational fears for Elena. The only one I could imagine might be the dark after being in the amulet so long. 
Gababel: Isabel has a fear of lightening and thunder storms, mainly by imagining the many things that can go wrong like blackouts or gloods or tree crashing. Even just the noise freaks her out. Good thing Gabe is there with lots of hugs and kisses in bed. Gabe, we already know, has a phobia of geckos. They just scurry everywhere, they're slimy and ugh he just hates em. 
Estenaomi: Naomi has a fear of clowns. Not that she'll go screaming but she just tenses up. Something about the face is just disturbing to her. Esteban hates small bugs. Spiders, scorpions, occasionally a caterpillar he mistakens for a centipede.
Estoma: Same as above Esteban hates small bugs. Dona has an irrational fear of frogs, they're just disgusting to her. one time Esteban put a fake one in her office to annoy her and she wouldn't go in until she removed it. 
Who plays with the other's hair/toes in the morning?
Eleteo: Both do. Mateo likes to stroke Elena's long soft hair and smell its flower/sunshine scent. Elena enjoys playing with his cute curls. When they wake up in the morning, if either of them curls up close enough, the other will play with their toes. 
Gababel: Gabe does. He likes feeling her wavy curls and spooning her. He plays with her toes on a lazy morning when neither of them feel like getting out of bed. It's almost like he's examining how small they are in his large hands. And if they don't have work, he'll follow it up with a nice foot massage. 
Estenaomi: Naomi plays with Esteban's floppy Bieber hair. Sine he takes so long to wake up Naomi does small braids in his hair in the meanwhile. I also imagine Esteban as a touchy feely B and would play with her toes, scraping off chipped polish and stuff. 
Estoma: Esteban does. He likes to bury his nose in her hair and feel it before she puts it up in her usual bun. If he's bored he'll play with her toes. 
Flaw they try to help the other covercome?
Eleteo: Elena tries to help Mateo with his insecurity and self doubt that eats him up inside. After years of hiding in the shadows of his basement, Mateo really doubts his worth, his ability, and his value within the kingdom as a wizard. He berates himself for not being enough. Elena has a similar problem that people can see her greatness, she can get consumed by her failures as queen. That all the responsibility falls to her all the time.
Gababel: Gabe tries to help Isabel when it comes to her perfectionism and her need to have everything right. Though he adores how her mind works he gets concerned when she overanalyzes to the point of paralysis. Meanwhile Isa helps Gabe with his need to repress his emotions and that no matter how much glory he achieves as Captain, the doubt in his sound in the sound of his father's voice says he's not doing enough and letting people down. 
Estoma: Isn't it obvious what Esteban has? Survivors' guilt, big time. Also overwhelming bouts of depression along with a superiority inferiority complex being "El Segundo." She tries to ease past the sins that make him an "evil man" and help him see that it's okay to allow yourself to be forgiven and loved. Which is almost the pot calling kettle since Dona repress her emotions too or as Esteban says emotional constipation since she hates it so much. She always hides behind a mask. 
Modern day living?
Eleteo: I feel like Eleteo would live in Miami, Florida in a quaint but expensive beach house. Not only because of the large Latin community but it has all the beaches, and it's so colorful and lovely that I magine they'd have lots of fun adventures there. 
Gababel: I see Gabe as the all American guy so maybe some sort of midwestern small town or California suburbs in the mountains with a tigh community that they know their neighbors but close enough for Isabel to commute to her job in the Silicon Valley.
Estenaomi: I think they;d still be travellers, backpacking through Europe and the like but their home base would be a nice apartment in Miami or New Orleans, Louisiana since it's a port town full of diverse restaurants, people, culture and fun holidays like Mardi Gras. Estoma: I think they'd have one of those huge penthouses in NY in the rich people area of the hamptons. All the high end fashions, theatre, and business stuff. And they'd totally be the type to splurge and have an additional summer apartment in Europe. 
Who scares the other?
Eleteo: Elena does. She finds Mateo's yelp and immediate tamborita defense pose funny though Mateo is not opposed to dishing it back at her. Elena tends to be a good sport about it and laugh it off. Mateo needs a moment to get his heartbeat back to normal.
Gababel: Isabel tried one and got flipped over the couch and Gabe apologized profusely but Isabel understood the lesson not to sneak up on the captain  if the guard. 
Estenaomi: Both do but Esteban more since I imagine him as that mischievous teen.Though sometimes it backfires when Naomi gets a jump on what he's up to. 
Estoma: Esteban does, and finds it way too easy. Dona really regrets giving him the key to her apartment. 
Big/little spoon? Eleteo: Elena is usually the spoon because she enjoys the feeling of protecting the one shoe loves but Mateo has gotten to be the big spoon more than once because yes, being surrounded by all that warmth is satisfying. 
Gababel: Gabe is the big spoon and Isabel the little. She enjoys having his muscles around her and feeling safe. Plus his biceps are like little pillows. 
Estenaomi: Esteban is the big and Naomi is the little but they switch it up often depending who feels more sore after all their adventuring. 
Estoma: Esteban is the big spoon, he likes having something to hold. 
Who is the cuddler? Eleteo: Elena is more of a cuddler. She is just so affectionate and after her time in the amulet she just likes to know he is there, next to her, for real. But Mateo is pretty affectionate as we have seen with him and his mom.
Gababel: Gabe unsurprisingly. He is affectionate to those he likes and lets them know it but so is Isabel so they're tied. 
Estenaomi: Esteban is. We've seen him try to hide his emotional side but he's not good at it and comes out with the PDA. 
Estoma: Dona. Total ice queen in public but in private she lets the affection come out. 
Who does the neck nuzzles?
Eleteo: Elena to Mateo or she does nose nuzzles. 
Gababel: Gabe, again. He's the big spoon so he has more opportunity. Estenaomi: Esteban is. He strikes me as attentive.
Estoma: Dona, mainly in her sleep. 
Who strokes the other's hair? Eleteo: They stroke each others hair, hers is long and soft and she likes his curls. 
Gababel: Gabe does since Isabel has such luscious locks, he even braids them sometimes. 
Estenaomi: Esteban usually ruffles Naomi's hair. 
Estoma: Esteban does when it's out of her bun and she plays with his small beard. 
Who starts the fire?
Eleteo: mateo, he can make one that's warm and crackly in seconds thanks to a spell he learned just for the occasion. 
Gababel: Isabel does since Gabe is usually exhausted when he comes home. Not too exhausted to give her a kiss but making a fire is not at the top of his mind. 
Estenaomi: Naomi does the fire since she knows how to do it safely on a boat. Estoma: Estebann does, he likes to plan it all out with hot cocoa, a fireplace, nothing to do but relax and unwind. 
Who will usually fall asleep?
Eleteo: Ekena. Mateo is used to staying up long nights working on his spells while Elena has the weight.work of the kingdom on her so she's pretty tired. Gababel: Isabel will fall asleep before Gabe, usually while studying her science magazine. Gabe has been trained to stay up for guard duty.
Estenaomi: Esteban because he uses up a lot of energy in the day. 
Estoma: Dona. She's a morning person so she goes to bed early. 
What hobby do they try for each other? Eleteo: Mateo learns how to play guitar, he already has a good voice so now he can accompany himself. Besides Elena has such fond memories of learning from her abuelos and her parents. Admittedly it is not that easy for him. He can wield his tamborita with easy grace but guitar strings not so much. But he considers it a challenge and keeps trying. Elena has fallen in love with traditional dances and new modernizations of it that has come up in the past 41 years she's been in the amulet and Mateo happily guides her through it though she doesn't need much help.
Gababel: Gabe tries to do some inventing himself to see why Isabel gets so hyped about it and finds it. . . confusing. He tried but high school math did not prepare him for those kinds of physics at all. Even her suggestions to see it as a battle strategy didn't work. Oh well, it was the effort that counts. Isabel tried some of the guard training Gabe went through and surprisingly got into it. It was like her inner thrill seeker got released or something because she wanted to do the course again and again. Seeing Isabel rule the course made Gabe fall a little harder too. Estenaomi: Naomi decided to try out ballroom dancing without Esteban's help. I mean yes, he taught her to waltz but she was determined to learn new styles by herself so she could impress him. After Naomi nearly upstaged him in ballroom dancing and he learned how much she put into learning it, Esteban decided to try rope tricks as she does. Unfortunately he grew more frustrated the more he did and the more he entangled himself in it even after he requested her help. Estoma: Dona usually read poetry during long rides to other kingdoms and with nothing to do, she'd read aloud to him. It began Esteban's appreciation for it especially during the Shuriki era. The meter and lyricism was the closest he could get to hearing music and he'd start to ask to borrow her books. Dona tried to do the jungle exploring that Esteban was so fond of him in his youth but she couldn't stand it for more than an hour. 
Do they do mani pedis? 
Eleteo: Surprisingly yes, Mateo is much better at it than Elena since he's used to such intricate work with his potions and spells. Elena's liable to get the polish all over. 
Gababel: Isabel does it for Gabe in utmost secrecy and only with clear polish but he admits he likes getting pampered and Isabel gives a mean foot rub. Estenaomi: Esteban does it for Naomi after she tells him that she didn't bother with the stuff since she'll chip off the nail polish, what's the point. But he insisted and like Gabe, Naomi comes to enjoy the pampering.
Estoma: They both do usually on their off days and Esteban has absolutely no shame in being caught in a full face mask. Dona is just happy she can finally get her hands on some of that moisturizer he's been hoarding.
Whose more protective? Eleteo: Since Elena inherited Luisa's fierce mother hen tendencies, she's a lot more outwardly protective like when she gave Gabe those warning glares in Spellbound for dissing Mateo. But that's not to say ateo isn't as protective of Elena when danger comes calling. Spellbound and Song of the Sirenas is a good example of that.
Gababel: Gabe, obviously. It's part of the guard thing. Isabel does want Gabe's protection but sometimes he can go overboard like when they're exploring an island and Isabel just wants a few more rock samples but he thinks its too dangerous for her to trek through jungles even though she's done it thousands of times before. 
Estenaomi" Naomi is generally more suspicious and streetwise than esteban who wants to go adventuring everywhere and willing to talk to anyone to get information. Even if those sources are less than reliable. Plus young!Esteban has a tendency to overestimate his own mortality so she has to pull him away from swinging over lava or a crocodile infested lakes among other things. Even though he assures he can totally climb that thousand feet mountain without proper gear. No problem. 
Estoma: Esteban. Blame it on everything he's lost but he is a bit protective about making sure no one else hurts his family again nor the ones he loves. 
Little scars/imperfections hcs?
Eleteo: Mateo's left wrist is more bendable than his right due to a (Scarring. at least to Rafa) fall at the beach when 7 year old Mateo got pushed around by the waves and broke his wrist among the rocks. I can't think of anything for Elena, maybe a medical scar. 
Gababel: Once Gabe goes to war, you can bet he gets scarred physically and mentally and it is not as cool as he thought it would be when he was young. The mainly form around his arms from sword clashes plus a deep gnash in his right side and few whip scars from unfortunate missions when he gets captured. Isabel's is less noticeable but he has a scar down her leg from a time when Elena and Esteban were roughhousing kids playing catch with a vase and she got caught in the crossfire.
Estenaomi: I imagine young Esteban has a chipped tooth. Not too noticeable as it's a bottom incisor that was chipped during a fall from a waterfall during a mountain climbing dare. That among other broken bones. He also has a small scar on his eyebrow from possibly a knife in a bar brawl. Naomi has a faint white scar on her right side from when she got scratched by a nail on a ship. She was annoyed that it was less epic than how Esteban got his scars. 
Estoma: I already wrote this an angst fic but I hc that Esteban got a whip scar from Shuriki to warn him of her wrath. Or more heroically got it to spare the punishment of another innocent citizen. Once Dona got kicked off her horse when she was young resulting in a broken clavicle. It wasn't straightened completely so now one is slightly lower than the other.
Worst Date Ever?
Eleteo: It was all going well when the whole staff and the Grand Council interrupted their date with a list of things needed to be done and by done now, they meant done this morning when Elena had been off with Mateo. Apparently in her busyness, she forgot to cancel her previous appointments, They tried to salvage the date by continuing somewhat romantic activities in 5 minute intervals but it was hopeless.
Gababel: The abuelos crashed their date sort of. They were pretty well established as a couple during their first Christmas so the families all met up as chatted while they went to sneak under some mistletoe. Well Blanca, Roberto, Luisa and Francisco got to talking and baby stories came out. All of them. All the ones they hadn't wanted the other one to hear. Isabel was mortified when Luisa started bringing out picture albums. And there was nothing they could as the adults pulled them into the conversation. 
Estenaomi: It was a real disaster. First, Naomi gets splashed with mud all over her new dress then Esteban burns his tongue on spicess and spills his water over Naomi. They missed their carriage ride to the olaball game and ended the night back on the ship where they just rested for like half an hour. That's when they realized the food was a little suspect and food poisoning hit them. 
Estoma: I imagine at the beginning they kept their dating on the down low just to make sure it would work out and not be a mistake they'd regret for the rest of their lives. Well one night they go to the opera and surprise, Francisco and Luisa were also having a date night. And since they assumed there was nothing going on between them, they invited themselves along to sit next to them and join their dinner. Nothing like a crashed date by your abuelos. 
Favorite features?
Eleteo: Both love each other's eyes. They are truly the windows to the soul but Elena's love for Mateo's soft sweet smile and his curls comes at a close second. Gababel: Though it might be shallow Isabel likes Gabe's arms. Not only because they're muscular, they just make her feel safe. Gabe likes Isa's mouth, anything that comes out of it is so informative and special and sincere even when she's babbling and then of course, there's the kissing. 
Estenaomi: Esteban adores Naomi's freckles. He finds them so uniquely her and likes counting them. Naomi likes Esteban's swoopy hair which she should considering how much gel and time he spends on it.
Estoma: Dona likes Esteban's expressive face, at times incredibly sweet, hilarious and sinful all at once. Esteban likes her hand, and how they're perfectly manicured. 
Who leaves gifts and flowers?
Eleteo: Elena leaves gifts, she can't help but spoil those she loves. She gives him new materials to help with his potions and spells. Mateo always supplies flowers since Rafa taught him to garden and he can usually grow exotic or unusual ones that he can spell to bloom on command. 
Gababel: Gabe brings the flowers and gifts. Usually for more scientific purposes like flowers for her aromatherapy project or a box set of encyclopedias. Though for Isabel the encyclopedia gift was the best thing ever even if it was for work. She treasures it. 
Estenaomi: Esteban gets all the gifts and flowers. Like the time he gave Naomi a twelve dozen rose bouquet. He really wants to make sure Naomi knows how much he cares for her but he tends to go overboard so Naomi has to gently remind him that gifts don't mean everything and what she wants most is to spend time with him. 
Estoma: Dona does. It's simple really since she owns a store so she usually buys some extra things that she knows Esteban would like. Which usually leads to Esteban being the gentleman he is to buy flowers in return or even try to top some of her gifts. The competitiveness never really goes away. 
Take care of the other when sick? 
Eleteo: Mateo has his hands fill when Elena is sick because she refuses to admit it and wants to continue her work and everything she usually does. But Rafa taught him the perfect sleepytime soup recipe that gets Elena to drowse off so she admit defeat and lets him sing to her. Mateo is also a handful in that he doesn't want to admit sickness as he doesn't want the smothering that comes when Rafa finds out. But Elena isn't having that. They are a couple, she is taking care of him and doesn't care about the germs. Mateo would be lying if he said that he doesn't enjoy the extra attention Elena feasts upon him. 
Gababel: Gabe is an absolute sweetheart when Elena is sick with making specially prepared soups and dropping by from work every time he's free. He even writes down some scientific treatises that Isabel attempts to dictate through a stuffy nose. Isabel has the job of trying to gold Gabe down when he insists that he isn't sick and can go to work. Usually her puppy dog eyes with the charm and Gabe stays in bed so he can be sung to and read stories. 
Estenaomi: Esteban is such a whiny child when he's sick and cranky too about taking his medicine. Although Naomi rolls her eyes she indulges his antics because she finds it funny. And though he doesn't admit it, Esteban appreciates how patient he is. As for Naomi, Esteban treats like a fragile flower near death more than a common cold which annoys her to no end. But she does get massages and being fed food out of it which she admits can be nice too.
Estoma: They generally avoid each other when sick. Dona doesn't have much patience for his complaining about how sick and bored he is and Esteban doesn't have patience when she tells him he is nursing her all wrong. The only time they can't stand each other is when they're peacefully asleep which is promptly ruined when they wake up with 'whad are youd looking ad?" 
Who's more picky? 
Eleteo: Neither really. Elena is very enthusiastic about experiencing new cultures which includes eating their foods. Mateo isn't picky but he is more resistant when it comes to trying things like kelp taco. But he can't resist Elena's enthusiasm when she urges him to try a little bit and that's when he learns that Marisa and Elena had the right idea when it comes to the deliciousness of kelp tacos. Gababel: Isabel is. Not because of the food itself but biology class has made a big impact on how she views the potential of salmonella and e. coli. But that's more with regular food. She'll say yes to any sort of dessert. Especially any Gabe makes for her. 
Estenaomi: Esteban is. Naomi is more adventurous having to eat all different kinds of foods and sometimes likes to taunt him about it like shoving fried squid tentacles in his face. She has also tried to help him get over his pickiness by sometimes dousing it with sugar or using new meat in his tamales. 
Estoma: Esteban still. Though Dona tried to guilt him into eating new foods with this (not my) quote- "I had a pet goat growing up, jenny. When I was eight, my parents ran out of food so they made me go outside and kill her. I had to skin Jenny, cook Jenny and eat Jenny. After that I guess U just tried not to think too much about what I was eating anymore. And well. . . I made damn well sure I wouldn't be in a position where I'd have to eat my favorite pet again." The plan backfired and instead of feeling more grateful for food Esteban lost his appetite completely. And is still a picky eater. 
Whose more protective of their food? Eleteo: Neither is particularly. But Elena can be possessive of her pan dulces when she has them. So when Mateo teasingly takes a few from her plate, then the food fight is on. Of course, that just leads to some licking off each other's cheeks and fingers like Elena putting a strawberry in her mouth and taunt Mateo into kissing her. Or even do an orange smile which they think is incredibly hilarious. 
Gababel: Isabel is. We all know Gabe would do practically anything for Isabel including sharing food. Isa would do the same. Except when it comes to pan dulces. Isabel loves those pan dulces and will basically hoard them in her cheeks if she is able to manage it. Gabe finds the image adorable and always teases her about the chipmunk cheeks. 
Estenaomi: Esteban. Let's face it. Pan dulces and Flores family are like inseparable. So Naomi often teases Esteban by hiding the food or stealing it for herself. Esteban's "tortured" reaction to her "betrayal" is often amusing to watch but Naomi has learned to be careful because Esteban often retaliates with creative pranks that she never sees coming. It also bothers him when Naomi obliviously double dips. 
Estoma: Dona especially if she's already in a bad moon. "IF YOU DARE TAKE MY DANISH I WILL REACH DOWN YOUR THROAT, PULL IT OUT< AND BEAT YOU TO DEATH WITH IT!" (NOt my quote. BUt it's such an overwrought reaction to food being taken I had to use it)
Eleteo: Street performer and illusionist, Mateo comes under the wing of Elena Flores' bohemian musical troupe when he moves to Avalor City. Soon the two form a special connection marred by Elena's family who are desperately searching for the eldest child to take over their company. A job Elena had forsaken after a traumatic death. Mateo is tempted between helping Elena regain her rightful place at head of the company with the possibility of never seeing her again or running away to Paris as she suggests. 
Gababel: Isabel works in a science lab for the boss from hell aka Shuriki and her smarmy second in commander/personal advisor, Javier. What's a single grad student to do but keep on trying day after day on her thesis. Luckily, she has her roomie, Tomko to lean on and unexpectedly, the cute security guard at her building, Gabe Nunesz. Soon life gets a lot more complicated when love hit this young scientist over the head. Fun complicated. But will this burgeoning relationship be able to last after she starts her real job after grad school? And more distressingly after Javier's attempts at sabotage and plagiarism.
Estenaomi: It's a boringly ordinary day at Naomi's part time job at her father's antique nautical shop when her friend's cousin, Esteban comes in searching for a map. A map that leads to a Flores family mystery and a chance for adventure that Naomi can't resist. Especially since that adventure is on the tail of the arrogant college boy with searing brown eyes and no impulse control. Of course, when that mystery leads them directly to the hideout of the notorious yet secretive mob family-the Cuban Delgados. It's clear they're in over their heads and more dangerous still their hearts are on the line as their feelings begin to grow with each adrenaline racing escape. 
Estoma: Working in the same publishing house, Esteban is a publisher for the nonfiction imprint while Dona is an editor for the romance novel section. They rarely associate except at one work dinner where they are forced to sit next to each other and learn of their disdainful views of the other's genre. He thinks her clients write superficial copy-and-paste trash and she thinks his clients are pretentious Pulitzer-wannabe rejects. They strike a challenge to read a list of the "best" of the other's genres. Soon their meetings change from literary criticisms to what others call dates. But that's impossible. No way life is like a book. But soon the lines between fact and fiction begin to blur with meddling relatives, a mystery dinner, a regency style ball and way too many fairytale moments. It leaves them with one question. What exact genre are they in? And whether it has a happy ending?
Reverse AU 
Eleteo: So Mateo is the adopted brother of Prince Gabe thus making him Prince Mateo. However, he still feels like an outsider because he is adopted as well as knowing he is capable of magic skills that royals are not supposed to possess much less study and learn. But like his brother, he decides to sneak out and find a master, that master being none other than Elena, the royal wizard and wielder of the magic of Takaina. Obviously their magical studies bond them in more ways than one. They confide in one another of Mateo's outsider feelings and Elena who is still coming to terms with her grief over her parents' untimely death in battle with her sorceress enemy, Shuriki. So together, they team up to help Elena avenge her family and for Mateo to find the truth of his biological family.
Gababel: so somewhat of a switch but Gabe is the royal prince of Avalor while Isabel is in the army. But not as you think. She isn't a guard but a scientist tasked with making new more efficient weapons, transportations and the like. Anyway Gabe, a la princess Jasmine, wants more out of life than being a prince, occasionally playing sports as his father wants. He wants to go out and defend the people. So he sneaks out to go to the barracks but he is stopped by Isabel when passes her laboratory. He's immediately intrigued (by the lab and by her). Isabel is sort of a working hermit and she'd be lying if she didn' get flustered at seeing the Prince of Avalor in her lab. Well they get to talking and Gabe is amazed that he's never heard of all her contributions and what she has done and vows to help her get the recognition she wants in a non-military experiment. And Isabel promises in turn to help him become a royal guard. 
Estenaomi: So I've seen young!Esteban and I've seen Naomi waiting to become an appropriate age but what if. . . picture a world where Esteban had also been in that amulet with Elena and when they get out Esteban is the young one and Naomi is the one in her 40s. By that time older Naomi hasn't become something special but she is content with it. Sort of. Not really. But she thinks it's too late for her now. Anyhow she gets on the Grand Council for her life experience around the realm and their relationship is a lot like in the show. Only Naomi is the more realistic one who knows how the world works while Esteban inspires her to see she still has a chance to get her dreams. 
Estoma: So in this one, Esteban made the deal with Shuriki but at last minute did the right thing and told King Raul and nothing happened. So the family was a bit hurt and confused by Esteban's feelings of loneliness and they promised they'd work on it. They still feel Esteban needed to be punished. So he is sent to a small village ranch for the summer to learn that work takes responsibility as well as a chance to see how people work together and depend on one another like a family is supposed to. As you can guess, that ranch is Dona's family ranch. And it's a bit like Pride and Prejudice where she thinks he's a spoiled brat and a nuisance she has to teach him. While Esteban thinks the whole summer is going to suck, he finds her attitude an insult to his pride and wants to prove he can totally "slum" it. But then their competitive antagonism turns flirty banter yet there's still obstacles. Namely her fiance and everyone's belief, including Esteban's, that no way he'd go for a poor villager, he's so much better than that.
Eleteo: Sometimes Eleteo imagines what it would be like if they didn't have such high profile roles as the queen and her king consort/royal wizard and what if they were just a regular couple living in Mateo's home village. He as a local wizard, she helping around town and enjoying the festivals and laughter and love surrounding them. A bit like this https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=smash+mr.+and+mrs.+snith&view=detail&mid=BE2C3E558A3068C266A9BE2C3E558A3068C266A9&FORM=VIREBut they also agree they love the life they have now with all its adventures as chaotic and dangerous as it sometimes is. Everything is fine as long as they have each other. Gababel: They have the exact opposite imagining where they sometimes vision what it would be like if Isabel was queen and Gabe was her ever  busy king consort/captain of the guard. It's busy and they much prefer what they're doing now with what they love-science and guarding. But it certainly makes for some fun roleplays in the future. 
Estenaomi: Honestly, they are living the dream sailing around the world and stuff, they wouldn't trade it for a thing. Though they do picture what it would be like if they had stayed around and how they would have shaken up the stuffy noble crowd with their jokes and their adventuring around the kingdom looking for ancient artifacts. 
Estoma: During Shuriki era they would sometimes joke about not returning from an ambassador trip and just stay where they were like fugitives. Esteban would set up a small shop selling his fantastic youth exfoliation and they'd spent the rest of the time, spending the money, Esteban playing his guitar, Dona writing poetry, and dancing in their backyard with no gossip or reputation on the line.
One of the most embarrassing nsfw situations? 
Gababel: It’s a classic mishap but I feel like it would totally happen to them. But it’s one of those nights. They’re spicing it up, they have handcuffs. So after a through few rounds, they go to unlock it, and realize the keys are not on the dresser. They’re under it, too far for her to reach and the guy that usually moves the dresser is kinda locked to the bedpost. Gabe wanted Isabel to make an invention and NOT call one of the guards for help because hello, he had a reputation. But it would take a few days for Isabel to design and make a lifting invention and she couldn’t just drop everything to do it. So they compromised and called Mateo and Elena to help. Though they did an unnecessary amount of smirking and knowing looks as they did so.
Estenaomi: They had been getting a bit cocky about their sexual escapades, and by that, they were trying to see how much they could get away with in public and like in everything... pride goeth before fall. It had been at the theatre, it was some boring philosophical piece that even Esteban had to say it was pretentious nonsense and they decided to have some good ol fashion fun. They went to the empty back row and start with a little oral and then more clothes went off as they tried their best not to moan too loud. Or in Naomi’s case, Esteban literally putting his hand over her. And just as they finished, the house lights came up and people started to exit. Only to pause at the back row at the very embarrassed, very naked couple lying on the seats as they struggled to put on their clothes and leave while the theatre owner banned them for life.
Estoma: Since doña has a store, she gets some massage oils and lubes and it is only fitting that they “test” them out. They got the latest “experience-enhancing” lubricant from Napurna that was guaranteed to make it the steamiest night of their lives. Well, she put it on and 10 seconds in that steam was more like a burning fire down there. And so the mood was ruined and so was her NOT-waterproof lingerie in her desperation to get it out as fast as possible. Plus Esteban had a awkward conversation with Francisco who heard the yelping and screaming from next door and came with a fire extinguisher. 
Eleteo: Another classic. The baby is with Aunt Isabel, the Abuelos are out, it’s their first time alone since they had their kid. What to do? Well they did everything they wanted but it seemed like they had been a bit out of practice in the volume department because no one would like them directly at the eye the next day. Elena was so confused as to why and how skittish Armando was being around her until she asked Isabel. Isabel was blushing but also smirking at how confused Elena was and explained how everyone in their wing of the palace had heard the moans and a bit of the roleplaying dialogue that had been going on last night. *All of it* since no one could hike up the nerve to interrupt them.
Love language? (Acts of service, quality time, words of affirmation, gifts and physical touch) Eleteo: Elena would probably be all of the above. Anything and everything with her wizard but her primary love language would be physical affection. Just after all those years in the amulet, she just needs and loves people to be close to her and that's especially true of Mateo. Mateo's primary love language would be words of affirmation or songs of affirmation like in the magic within. He used to be such an insecure boy and though he's gained confidence, Elena's pep talks always renew his energy and feeling of being loved. 
Gababel: I think Isabel would like words of affirmation. She is someone that I think must be loved through her mind as well as her heart so a few compliments from Gabe has her practically melting because knows that Gabe sometimes has difficulty putting his thoughts into words. So it's just sweeter from him. Gabe is a man of action so his love language would make him totally appreciate acts of service aka the inventions Isabel makes to make his life a little more comfortable or his job easier. He feels cared for knowing she is actually thinking of ideas to help him even when they're not near each other.
Estenaomi: Naomi is someone who loves quality time with a person especially since she's used to moving around so staying in one place with her person is ideal for her. Especially with the way Esteban makes the effort to see her whenever he has a free moment. I feel like Esteban would like gifts. He loves luxury so Naomi shows him the sweet sentimentality of personal gifts and he can't believe he ever got so lucky. 
Estoma: I was gonna say gifts again but Esteban also has a need for words of affirmation (especially needs it after everything he's been through) and Dona has a way with words so he likes the lavish compliments she gives him. Dona's might be acts of service since she is always on the job, it's nice when Esteban does something in return or to cut some slack. 
Who blushes more? Eleteo: Mateo. He isn't used to such enthusiastic affection from someone other than his mother and there's also an insecure part of him that can't believe Elena loves him as wholeheartedly as she does.Also in public while Elena couldn't care about royal etiquette, Mateo still notices Esteban's annoyed shake of his head and Luisa's smile. Elena blushes more than usual with Mateo. She's just never felt this way with another person, the way she can let go of everything and her facade of being a put together leader, Mateo knows her inside and out. 
Gababel: Isabel does. Gabe just has a way of making her flustered and giddy and loved all at the same time. Those rules about science and human reaction to stimuli mean nothing when it comes to Gabe looking at her with that gaze of adoration in his eyes. Though she is alway proud when she manages to have the same effect on him, albeit not as often as he does to her. 
Estenaomi: Hmm I feel like both actually. Young Esteban can be corny but also so smooth and so when he pops out a genuine compliment that isn't some sort of playbook line but a personal one that only she could get, it always catches her off guard and turns her as red as a tomato. Especially when it just a seemingly insignificant gesture like squeezing her hand or a quick brush of the lips. Esteban is the same way for all his swagger and bluster, genuine compliments make him a blushy mess. 
Estoma: Maybe Dona? I feel like older Esteban is more secure when he gets compliments. Genuine or pick up lines, it doesn't matter. He always replies with a "This is true." Dona is less used to real compliments or any that don't involve her beauty. Plus Esteban has a way of laying on the charm. Not that he usually knows he's having an effect on her since she tries to hide behind her fan.
Jealousy hc? Eleteo: Elena wouldn't admit she's jealous. She thinks she is incapable of it which is so not true. So whenever some girl seems to be sniffing out Mateo she rationalizes that she's just being protective in making sure she's not another Rita. Mateo on the other hand isn't jealous. He's still insecure and would believe that as long as Elena likes the guy, he wouldn't bother as long as she's happy. I mean why would she ever go for him? So he becomes a little more distant, trying to pull himself together and not let his feelings show. 
Gababel: Isabel would be like Mateo, drawing in on herself and becoming more distant and sullen. Usually her jealousy would come out, muttering aside under her breath and sometimes even pointing out the other person's mistakes in grammar or whatnot. Gabe is more obvious, pointing out his own attributes and visibly rolling his eyes whenever he thinks the other man is saying something stupid. 
Estenaomi: Naomi is sorta a combo of Elena above and how she reacted in Spy in the Palace. She's sure that every dig is against her, irrational as it seems. Also just general annoyance with the other girl. Esteban gets all pouty and goes into overtime doing ridiculous "Impressive" thoughts to show off his manliness and hotness and greater skills etc. 
Estoma: Neither would admit they like one another much less jealousy. So it's more insults than usual. But these insults target the SO and the person like "You're dating him/her? I guess there's no accounting for taste." "I just can't believe you're dating an idiot. But then again you do get uncomfortable with people who are intellectually superior to you so I suppose it makes sense. "I thought you had high standards. Or did those high standards not like you back?"
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laurens-wrld · 2 years
Can you talk about your Eleteo kids
i can try. i can't go into detail because i hardly ever think about them but anyway...
so they're ages 5, 3 and 6 months.
Liliana Lucia, she's 5 and she looks like a mix of elena and mateo. she has long dark hair and green eyes. she has a lot of freckles on her face, and she's very small for her age. she's pretty outgoing and loves spending time with her parents.
Jose Juan, he's 3 and he looks exactly like elena. he has short, dark brown hair and amber eyes. he has a small birthmark on his elbow. he's very quiet and likes to spend time in his room coloring.
for the 3 month yo, i named him Robert. nope, not Roberto. i don't have much to say about him. he looks kind of like a watermelon with hair, on his head. he has green eyes, which are very dark. he cries a LOT (which wakes up elena and mateo, so they have to decide who takes care of him, that takes a while..) but when he gets older i'll probably make him outgoing like his sister.
thanks for the ask!
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ograndebatata · 5 years
My future Eleteo children
Okay... I’ve been meaning to make this post for some time now, but other things kept putting it off... but recent events have inspired me to finally put it together, so here it is.
These are my versions of the children Elena and Mateo end up having. Technically, they’re part of my Tales of the Ever Realm AU, but I started working on them before said AU was a ‘truly set thing’. I’m not sure how fair it is to count them as ‘future children’, but I still wanted to share them. 
To those interested in knowing more about them, please click below.
Candida Doroteia de Alva Flores (girl) -  The first born child, and the heir to the throne of Avalor, Candida takes very much after her father. Her long hair, facial features and complexion are more reminiscent of her mother (though she wears her hair tied in a braid rather than a ponytail), but her eyes and hair color are inherited from her father, and her general personality is also closer to him.
At first glance, she looks like a vain girl who takes great pride in her appearance, given the dresses, tiaras, hair ties and hair pins that she wears, but any long period of time spent with her leads people to see that she’s a quiet child who goes about her studies dilligently, and a bit of a lone wolf, a big reason for her apparent pride in her appearance is to hide her lack of self-confidence. She is open and easygoing with her parents and their closest friends and their children, but draws into her own shell with people outside that immediate circle. 
She’s shy and soft-spoken enough that some have suggested that she may not be ready to be the future queen, but both her parents insist that Candida will be the one making that decision if she wants to, and both believe she will be a good queen.
Since she was a child, Candida was compassionate to others and tries to do her best to help people if she sees them in trouble. And while she doesn’t make a show of it, she’s determined enough that if she runs into a problem she will keep trying to solve it until she exhausts every possible option.
She likes history and literature, and while she’s not as interested in magic as some of her siblings, she does like it to a degree, and is good at defensive spells. 
She also has a good singing voice, and likes to play more than one instrument, though she mostly sings to herself when she feels she needs to cheer herself up. 
She’s close to her parents, and also to her Aunt Isabel and to her Uncle Desmond. She’s also somewhat close to ‘Tia Val’ and ‘Tio Manuel’.
Alexandro Rui “Alex” de Alva Flores (boy) - The second born child, born a little over a year after Candida, and very much her opposite in many ways, being an impulsive sort who believes in following his instincts and thinks he can take everything that life throws at him.
He has his mother’s hair and eye color, and a skin tone similar to hers, but he wears his hair short. 
He loves sports (his favorites being fencing, olaball, and horse riding) and very much dislikes studying, to the point it can be a struggle to get him to attend his lessons, which is not to say that he is dumb, as he certainly is clever enough to devise ways to sneak pan dulce from trays or explain why he was late for his lessons. Compromises to get him to attend his lessons have to come about somewhat often, and a few times it’s even necessary for his parents to put their foot down, most often Elena. 
But despite how different he is from his older sister, they do get along well, and she’s the first he will turn to if he feels he can’t turn to his parents. And while he can be a bit conceited when he wins, as well as a sore loser if he loses, he’s overall a nice boy. And as much as Elena is the one who puts her foot down with him, he’s closer to her than to Mateo. 
He doesn’t very much like magic at all, typically finding it boring, although like all of Elena’s children, he had to do the ‘required basic training’ to control the magic he was born with.
Outside of blood relatives, the ones he’s closest to are ‘Tio Gabe’, ‘Tia Naomi’ and ‘Tio Marzel’.
Leonor Matide de Alva Flores (girl) - The third born child, and the oldest of a set of fraternal twins, both born a bit two years after Alex. She has her mother’s hair and skin tone, and green eyes like her late great-grandmother Luisa and her late first cousin once removed Esteban. She doesn’t wear her hair as long as her older sister or mother, but it still goes down to the small of her back when she wears it down, which she does most of the time. She most often wears a wizard robe similar to the one her father wore when he started out as Royal Wizard.
She’s one of the spitfires in the family, and while no one will say she’s a bad child, much less evil, she tends to get in trouble for three main reasons.
For one, her passion for magic matches her father’s, and she can’t wait to know all the spells there are to know, which can lead to her trying to cast a given spell before she’s ready for it. 
For another, she’s a very competitive child, who gets offended if anyone doubts her magical sklls, often going above and beyond the call of duty to prove them wrong, sometimes with less than stellar results.
For yet another, she has a very intense rivalry with her twin brother (who’s as interested in and as passionate about magic as her) always wanting to prove she is better than him.
All of these things already lead to some incidents, although both siblings learned to restrain themselves after one of their competitions almost had a very unfortunate outcome. 
That said, for all that she and her brother bicker and compete about magic, both are there for each other when it really matters, and woe be whoever derides or mocks one of them in the other’s presence. Also, for the surprise of many, she’s a very affectionate child,  and when someone she loves is sad, she always goes for hugs first before saying she’ll teach a lesson to whoever made them sad.
While Leonor excels at magic, she’s much poorer in just about every other field, and although her grades still aren’t ghastly per se, everyone thinks she could do much better at everything if she put in half the effort she puts into learning magic. Like Alex, she fares quite well at sports, and more than once tried to copy her father’s elaborate magical acrobatics (not always with the best results).
To the surprise of some, she is actually a very affectionate child, 
She idolizes her mother and father, and other than her twin brother, the sibling she is closest to is her big sister Candida.
Outside of her family, the one she is closest to is Fiero, to the point that out of she is one of only two of Elena’s children who calls him Tio Fiero. Not only is he funny (there is something weirdly hilarious about his near-constant seriousness), but he is very patient when teaching her and her brother magic, and has plenty of stories to tell them about their great-grandfather, which they both love to hear. 
She is also close to Olivia, although the now Royal Wizard has less time to teach her magic. She also likes spending time with Carla, and although the malvaga does not actually teach her magic, she will be open to helping her with magical practice on her free time.
Lucero Ignacio de Alva Flores (boy) - The fourth born child, and the youngest of the twins. Like his twin sister, he has his great-grandmother’s green eyes, and his mother’s hair color, although his skin tone is a few shades darker than hers. 
He also wears his hair rather long (about shoulder-length), as he thinks it ‘makes him look cooler’. He also tends to wear a wizard robe similar to the one his father did when he first started out as Royal Wizard. 
He is as much of a spitfire as his twin sister, and his love for magic matches hers, which is why he tends to get into trouble also (whether alongside his sister or separately from her). He is as competitive towards her as she is towards him, and also tends to take it personally if his magical skills are thrown into question. 
That said, he is as present for his sister if she needs him as she is if he needs her, and he will defend her from anyone who tries to hurt her in any way, just like she does him. 
He is somewhat less inventive with magic than his sister, but he is better at grasping the theory of it, and will often get the handle of a spell faster than she does. He also has more patience to sit through academics, and does better at school work than his sister. However, she has him beat in terms of acrobatics, and if they play olaball against one another he usually loses. 
Like his sister, Lucero is more affectionate than many expect from such a spitfire, to the point that he and his sister have no fights over who gets to comfort anyone they love who happens to be sad near them both at the same time: they always share the task. However, he ia bit shyer about ‘getting affection’.
Also like with his twin sister, his favorite person after his parents is Fiero (he is the other of Elena’s children who calls him Tio Fiero), and he will attach himself to the former malvago at any half-chance, for the same reasons his sister does, and generally has an opinion of him similar to hers: there’s something funny about his constant seriousness, and his stories about Alacazar are wonderful to hear, and he’s a great magic teacher.  
That said, he does think Olivia is much more fun when it comes to showing them the actual fun side of magic.
He also like spending time with Carla, whether it’s practicing magic with her help or listening to the stories of her adventures (although she always turns him down if she asks him to tell stories more related to her confrontations with Elena on the days they were ‘more at odds’).
Núria Jazmin de Alva Flores (girl) - The last born child of Elena and Mateo, born a bit over seven years after Leonor and Lucero. 
She has somewhat darker hair and complexion than either of her parents, and dark-brown eyes. Like her mother and her oldest sister, her hair falls down to below her waist when she wears it down, but out of the whole family, she is the one who tends to change up her hairstyle the most, even outside of formal occasions. 
Like other last-born children, she feels she is the family baby, although her siblings and especially parents try to not make her feel that she is. Sometimes, she worries that she doesn’t help her case by being so much of a mommy’s and daddy’s girl, but she secretly loves that they care when she feels down and loves their hugs when she is sad.
She is also the girliest one out of Elena’s daughters, at least when it comes to her attire, wanting to wear dresses and change up her hairstyle simply out of personal preference rather than to make herself feel confident.
She insists she doesn’t want to be babied just because she is the youngest one, and that she is just as capable as any of her older siblings. And to give her due credit, she can back up her words, as she performs very well in academics, is good at fencing and olaball, and also does well at magic. That said, she is secretly a bit afflicted by the fact she doesn’t ‘truly stand out’ in any field. Candida sings better than her, Alex is better at sports than her, and both Leonor and Lucero are better at magic than her. She may be above average in most things she does, but she does not excel at any specific one like any of her siblings. And that worries her sometimes, as she feels that if she isn’t ‘truly uniquely special’ at anything, she’s less than them.
Both Elena and Mateo reassure her that she is perfectly special and fine just as she is, and Núria knows they speak the truth. 
But all the same, deep down she wishes that someday she will find anything she can be the best at. 
She gets along well with all her siblings, but she does not have a ‘true favorite’ among them. Like all of Elena’s and Mateo’s children, she loves her mother and father. Outside of her blood family, the person she is closest to is Prisma.
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ameliathefatcat · 3 years
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Mateo and Elena’s youngest child Francisco “Frankie” Alacazar
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magicwithineleteo · 3 years
Eleteo: 40, 65, 76
thank you :D
40. Thoughts on kids? - they definitely will have kids, just in the future. i hc they get together a year after elena's coronation so they are still very young. they'd wait for sure.
65. Who loves kids more? - i think elena would! i think mateo loves them too, she just loves them a lot more.
76. What are their parenting styles? - mateo would be the calmer, yet more protective parent. elena would be the fun parent, but can get strict. they are both very loving and patient with their kids :')
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dittomander · 3 years
I remember seeing in your Eleteo Headcanons that Rafa was already coming up with names for grandchildren. Do you have any fankids for any of the amigo ships?
Ah, none that are like, fully fleshed out OCs with personalities or interests or, hell, even names. Most of my OC creation energy is spent elsewhere these days.
I have thought about the concept of amigoship children, for sure, but almost exclusively through the lens of examining the parents rather than examining the kids. How do they feel about having or raising kids? How many kids would they want (or not want)? How prepared are they for it? How do their families react? How do they actually handle the whole 'parenthood' thing? Stuff like that.
Either that, or the kids just end up as part of the setting, so to speak. If I'm examining a plot idea set in some nebulous future of Avalor, I figure it stands to reason that children might Exist, although whose children they are will depend on the exact circumstances of the plot idea I'm examining in the first place, and the kids themselves are rarely important to the story.
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zoeology31 · 4 years
Elena of Avalor 5 Best and Worst Episodes, As Rated By Me
What the title says. The show that’s dominated our lives and hearts for four years is coming to an end, and I’m feeling extremely nostalgic. Before Coronation Day airs, I wanted to try ranking the best and worst of the 76 previous episodes (not counting EatSoA).
Rankings below the cut.
Honorable Mention: Finding Zuzo
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This episode is saved from the bottom five by the Elenaomi moments at the beginning and end and the fact that it introduces Bobo/Cacahuate as a ship. Everything else about it is boring. The spirit tunnels are just a long dark cave with thorns? Orizaba finally enacts her revenge, and it’s dangling people over a pit while monologuing? Lame.
5. Flight of the Jaquins
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Skylar... really works best as a supporting character. Nico’s good in the season finale but very annoying here, and Ciela and Avion each have half a personality trait. Also I lowkey hate the song. This episode does get points for Jaquin Lore and setting up the events of the finale, as well as Troyo’s introduction and arguably his best appearance.
4. Model Sister
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The song is good, at least. But this episode suffers from incredibly strong secondhand embarrassment the whole way through (the dance scene, anyone?), Esteban’s weird early season 1 asshole tendencies, and a terrible moral. Yes, kids, you should always put your family first, even above actual critical foreign policy that might determine the fate of your country!
3. King Skylar
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It looks cool, and the song is good. Alas, once again, Skylar does not do well as a focus character. They just never make his development feel convincing or appropriate to me, I guess, which is especially egregious here because this is probably the end of his arc. But ultimately this rates worse than the last few because of that. fucking. frog. Why is he a recurring character. Why.
2. A Lava Story
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I hate the volcano rocks. Not as much as the frog, but close. Why are they back again. Why is there a girl rock who is smaller and rounder and pink and has eyelashes. Why is volcano rock sexual dimorphism a thing. This is possibly the show's most unbearably heterosexual episode. The one good thing about it is Alonso and his attempts to be a decent person.
1. All Heated Up
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I feel bad for hating this episode so much because there’s nothing wrong with the moral, but that has not stopped me from hating the episode. I am not compelled by the plight of the volcano rock. I hate the song. I hate how Elena didn’t just turn around in the hallway and go “hey council I figured out he’s mad because kids keep stealing his rocks”. Also Esteban’s peak asshole in this one.
Honorable Mention: The Scepter of Light
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The first of many episodes that blew my expectations out of the water. Elena actively using her scepter for the first time is a big game-changer, the escalation of her connection to magic and her role as protector of her kingdom. Orizaba, the show’s second major villain, has a killer design and song, and her threat level establishes a new seriousness to the show. Also 3.5 years later(!) and I’m still not over the hand-holding scene. Eleteo rights.
5. Rise of the Sorceress
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The Magic Within does not make my top five, but this does, because it pulls off the transition of plot arcs, shifting villain alliances, and resurfaced trauma in the midst of a joyful celebration much smoother. It boasts some amazing visuals, like the song lyrics about triumphing over darkness juxtaposed with Shuriki breaking into the treasury and forming her new wand, plus the ending of Team Elena riding back to the castle as the sun emerges from the clouds.
4. King of the Carnaval
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The episode that answered the question, “Will Esteban’s betrayal ever be relevant?”. Establishing the conflict between fear and family that continues to drive Esteban’s decisions, it sets up his arc for the rest of the show, as well as several other arcs. It also introduces two of the show’s most important recurring characters in Victor and Carla, giving both solid characterizing moments from the start. Featuring sweet family moments, a great chase scene, and that amazing song.
3. Dreamcatcher
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One of the series’ most important episodes, tackling grief and complex emotions in a way I've seen very few shows do, ever. Just. Telling kids it’s okay to be upset and have really confusing feelings, but you have to be honest with yourself and process those feelings to move forward? Amazing. And it does so with a truly gorgeous visual and heartbreaking dialogue sequence. The only reason it doesn’t rank higher is we never get to hear Isabel’s feelings about Esteban’s betrayal.
2. The Jewel of Maru
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This episode does for Elena what “King of the Carnaval” did for Esteban, establishing her motivations and personal challenges that return to plague her in season 3, like her stress over an unknown future. It opens season 2 with one of the show’s most moving songs, stunning visuals, a fascinating look at Maruvian history, and the absolute tearjerker of Elena’s parents appearing. The Delgados’ continued villainy and Mateo’s steadfast support also make for an excellent side cast.
1. Song of the Sirenas
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Easily the best special and my bar for the series finale. Filled with evocative character designs and layers of symbolism showing both the new challenges the characters face and how far they have come, “Song of the Sirenas” provides the perfect conclusion to the Shuriki arc. The introduction of the sirenas adds moral complexity to the show, while illustrating a core message: we are stronger when we bridge our differences and work together for a better future. And the climactic fight is one of the show’s best, giving everyone a chance in the spotlight and seeing Elena deliver the justice her family and people deserve by killing Shuriki for good.
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heythatpenguinhere · 5 years
*Hello again Elena of Avalor friends! Have you ever wandered what it would be like if Elena and Mateo switched places? Well... Now you can have an idea! Please enjoy an ongoing series of Eleteo shorts: Switched!
The kingdom of Avalor glowed under the summer sun’s rays; flowers bloomed and the waves crashed gently on the shores around it’s edge. Today was one of those days where families made an effort to be out and about to enjoy the outdoor weather which was prime. Everyone except the Crown Prince. 
Inside the colorful palace, behind the pillars, Crown Prince Mateo de Alva stood admiring the kingdom from his room’s balcony. He watched the families and children laugh and play games with the breeze, wishing he too was able to partake. Being a Crown Prince was not all it was cracked up to be.... Ever since his parents had passed, Mateo had begun to feel so alone within the clay walls around him. He had been an only child which meant he was given the crown he had never really wanted to take. He didn’t feel like he was worthy of it truthfully and felt that his personality would never be that of a strong ruler. His heart wasn’t in it and belonged out there, with the people and exploring the world. But fate had other plans and now with his Grand Council he had to rule over Avalor as best they could. 
He did have friends though, don’t get him wrong. He even had some family left: his grandparents. But there was a void in him, longing to be filled and he knew would never be as long as he sat on a throne…
A heavy sigh left his lips as he pushed off the balconies edge and walked back into his room. He had a council meeting he could not neglect. With each footstep, he felt he was sealing his fate further. 
“Now onto our final items. Does anyone have anything to bring up?” Mateo asked rolling up a scroll in his hands. 
His grandparents, the Chancellor, and his friend Naomi looked at each other, before Naomi cleared her throat. 
“There is actually something I wanted to bring up Mateo…” She said apprehensively. 
Mateo looked at her in worry. Naomi wasn’t one to shy away from saying what she had to; what was it that had her so hesitant to bring it up to the Council?
With a reassuring nod of his head to Naomi, she continued. 
“I don’t know exactly how to tell you this… but we’ve received reports of a Sorceress in Avalor…” She said avoiding eye contact. 
Several gasps were heard in the room. The last time a Sorceress appeared in Avalor it had resulted in the deaths of his parents and the near downfall of the entire kingdom… Shuriki had been a cruel dictator for several years having overtaken the throne by force the way she did. Mateo, being the only child and heir to the throne, had been taken into hiding and placed under protection until she was finally overthrown. Living hidden as an orphan had changed his life. He grew up under the protection of the royal guards and several brave townspeople who moved him from safe house to safe house. He grew up with the children of the town which is where he had met his friends Naomi and Gabe. Living in fear of being caught, living in fear of being killed, and living with the hurt of having lost his parents shaped his young life and now it seemed it was starting all over again. 
Mateo sat still as can be trying to process the information given to him. 
“A Sorceress?! Where are these reports coming from?”
“We should dispatch the Royal Guard to search immediately!”
“I cannot believe this is happening again… Have we not hurt enough?”
All the voices and opinions in the room chimed at once around him. Mateo didn’t know how to feel. A cold seeded fear began to sprout in him. He felt like he was going to drown. 
Mateo stood up quickly and ignoring the pleas of the others, he walked out of the Grand Council room. 
Donning a deep maroon cloak, the crown prince secretly made his way into the village. This was a hobby of his that he liked to indulge with occasionally trying to feel normal. With the help of Gabe, he could sometimes sneak out for a brief break and to visit those who he’d grown up with: his extended family. It never ceased to amaze, inspire, and refresh him how the kingdom was thriving now under freedom. If he ever felt too overwhelmed or like he was losing touch with the importance of his role he remembered them: the brave people. 
Walking around, he had no suspicions that a Sorceress was on the loose. The people were smiling and going about their days normally and yet he couldn’t help but be slightly on edge; the Sorceress could be anywhere
After stopping for some fresh Pan Dolce at his favorite bakery owned by Gabe’s family, Mateo wandered towards the edge of the town towards the forested areas he would hide in often before. As a child he would pretend he was a strong knight or even a wizard himself to take on Shuriki; waving around any stick he found and cast imaginary spells at trees and bushes. It was nostalgic to go back and see other children openly playing in that area now without fear. 
He watched as a particularly brave small child began to climb one of the trees as her friends egged him on. Every limb higher made Mateo begin to worry a bit more. The little girl however seemed almost calculated in the limbs she chose and would pause to carefully step, clearly skilled in doing this.
“Be careful Isa! You’re getting awfully high!” Another little girl yelled up. 
A larger boy laughed, “You got this! Remember, you owe me your bag of chocolate if you don’t!” 
The girl, Isa, paused looking down. “Yea right! You’ll be giving me your bag after I-” 
With a large crack, the tree branch supporting her snapped. 
Isa and her friends screams filled the air as she began to tumble toward the ground. Mateo felt his feet move and he ran towards the tree. He had no idea what he could do, but he was determined to at least do something to help the poor girl. As he neared and the girl nearly hit the ground he heard another voice yell. 
“ISA!” A voice exclaimed followed by a strange word and a thump sound. 
Right before their eyes, Isa was engulfed in a sparkly orange glow and she was slowly set on the floor, unharmed. 
Mateo could not believe his eyes. Her friends quickly gathered around the girl checking on her and hugging her. He however was still stunned. Slowly, his eyes shifted to the side of the scene. 
Standing there was a young woman, about his age and stature. She had long flowing chestnut hair in a ponytail and a red dress. She stood breathing heavily and still in shock it seemed, but what caught Mateo’s attention most beside her undeniable beauty was that she stood with a Tamborita extended out still. 
“The Sorceress!” He thought immediately as fear and anger began to fill him. The young woman, or Sorceress, quickly packed her Tamborita into a side bag and ran towards the kids. Mateo, clearly confused and deeply emotional, ran. He could not let this woman hurt those kids. With a strong push and unknown courage, Mateo tackled the young woman to the ground. 
The two began to struggle for the upper hand before finally he somehow managed to pin her to the floor, internally thanking Gabe for teaching him how to defend himself. The young woman below him glared at him intently. This close up he could see her amber eyes glowing with a fire inside them. Her cheeks were a soft rosy color and her skin soft under his grip. She… She didn’t look like a Sorceress…? 
“You’ve got me. Go ahead and turn me in like I’m sure you’re going to.” She said defiantly. Her voice was melodic and pure to his ears in a way he had never experienced before. 
“Who are you?” Mateo said, voice coming out softer than he intended to. 
With all the confidence she could muster, the girl spoke and then faltered, “ My name is Elena. You can turn me in if you want to, I don’t care, but please let me say goodbye to my sister…” 
“Your sister?” He said confused, looking at who he now knew as Elena. 
“Elena!” A young voice called out. 
The little girl that had been falling, Isa, came running towards them. She stopped just beside them in fear and a sort of understanding. 
“Elena… Why…” She spoke, beginning to tear up. 
The young woman under him began to slightly tremble, “I couldn’t let you get hurt… even if it meant using my magic and being exposed. I’m sorry Isabelle.” She said and suddenly everything Mateo thought he knew about the “Sorceress” was rocked. 
He looked back and forth between the two and climbed off his grip on Elena as if she had burnt him. She looked at him with confusion and apprehension before sitting up. 
“You… You aren’t an evil Sorceress are you?” He asked; it came out more like a statement than anything.
Isabelle ran toward her sister and embraced her tightly, maintaining eye contact with Mateo. Her eyes were captivatingly strong and fiery even now. 
“No, I’m not.” She said back with a bite to it. 
“B-But how? How can you use magic?” He found himself asking, desperate for answers. 
“Why should I tell you? So you can tell the guards and collect your reward in full?” Elena said, pushing herself to stand. 
He could see her discarded bag off to the side where her Tamborita still resided. He found himself sifting through all he knew of magic. While magic had scared him to a degree, he had felt himself inexplicably drawn to it as a child. He remembered sneaking books and scrolls to learn what he could about magic, where it came from, and who had it. He learned magic hadn’t always been seen as bad and been used even by the Royal Family through appointed Royal Wizards as needed. That had all been shattered when Shuriki invaded. She had banned learning magic or using it in the land and even after she was gone, no one had bothered to take that down. The people still lived in fear of magic. And yet somehow, above all odds and public opinion, here was this beautiful young lady who could use magic...
“You… You studied magic!” He said in awe and realization. 
Elena looked as if she was torn between running and staying before she spoke up once more in that confident tone of her’s, “Remove your hood.” 
Mateo’s hands moved against his will at her command and soon his wavy locks and hazel eyes were exposed for the world to see.  
Elena’s eyes widened; in fear or awe he could not tell. 
“P-Prince Mateo?!” 
She was going to be locked up in the dungeons for sure. 
When the hood fell on the young man’s form in front of her, she hadn’t been sure what to expect but this definitely wasn’t it. The Crown Prince of all of freaking Avalor was knelt in front of her. 
Everyone knew of Prince Mateo de Alva, though not many personally knew him. It was always known he was guarded within the palace walls as the only royal left after Shuriki’s reign of terror. While Elena hadn’t personally seen him before, she knew enough of him to know that that was exactly who had witnessed her use magic to save her sister. The same young man whose parents had been killed by someone with magic. 
Today wasn’t going like she had planned. 
Elena immediately fell to her knees. 
“Crown Prince Mateo. I am so sorry for the way I addressed you. I-I have no excuse for my behavior… or breaking the law. I understand the punishment…” She said, unable to look at him as embarrassment and shame was written all over her. 
Gone was the fiery flame of challenge within her and it was now replaced with the reality that she was sure was to follow: she was going to be imprisoned and tried for practicing magic. 
Elena knew it was against the law and yet she felt it was part of her destiny. Long ago when magic was allowed and celebrated, her grandfather had been a royal wizard once. The ability to do magic ran in her veins and she couldn’t ignore it. Studying magic under Shuriki had nearly gotten her killed… but instead her parents paid the price to protect her. They were killed when she was young and Isabelle was barely a toddler. And while that should have stopped her, it fueled her to continue studying magic to become strong enough to overthrow Shuriki one day and avenge her parents. Revenge had once been her drive, but compassion was now her motive. She currently used her magic, when she could do so carefully, to help others. She had to be careful not to be caught as magic was still greatly frowned upon and misunderstood and recently she had made a few slip ups that resulted in others seeing her abilities. She had promised her sister to no longer practice magic for others and protect herself, but when she saw her sister falling to harm she knew she could not keep that promise. 
She had expected the prince to come over to her angrily and take her away at once… but he hadn’t moved. The young Prince stood shyly in fact. He didn’t seem all too confident in himself if she was honest. He was only a bit taller than her, with a small frame to him. Instead of polished hair, his brown hair fell in waves and was a bit messy around his face. He had large, bright hazel eyes that gleamed a sort of green color, but seemed so innocent. He didn’t give the impression of a big and proud ruler and that was throwing her for a loop. His voice was a bit shaky at times and yet she felt… drawn maybe to his words? The more she stared at him and into his eyes, the more she felt a strange pull towards him as if two strings were tied around them pulling them towards each other. 
What were the odds that they would ever meet? He, a royal in a palace, and she, a lowly orphan living on the outskirts of Avalor. There was no real reason the two should have ever met and yet here they were facing each other, both seemingly caught in a strange frozen moment waiting for something to happen. 
Magic was a tricky thing Elena had learned. It didn’t always go how you wanted it to and sometimes it had a mind of its own. It was powerful and yet could be so gentle as well. Living in a world where magic existed, she knew that there were forces beyond her control and magic was more around them they people realized. Had magic somehow brought her here? 
“I-I’m not going to arrest you… Elena.” The Prince spoke up shaking his hands. 
The way he said her name sent a strange tingle down her spine. 
“... Why?” She uttered. She could sense her sister standing frigid behind unsure of what was happening as well. 
He looked a bit confused himself. He was fidgeting a bit with his hands and scratching the back of his neck. Why wouldn’t he arrest her? She had broken the law. She should be seen as the enemy by him and others for who she was and what she could do. She had long accepted magic as a part of her and that she would never apologize for that, but she would never get used to how scared it made other people feel… all because one magic user had tainted magic in an evil way for them all. So why now, was the crown prince showing her mercy? 
Clearing his throat before speaking up, he looked at her once more in the eyes. That familiar shock ran through her again as his words broke through the air.
“W-Will… Will you show me... how to use magic?” 
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newtnoir · 5 years
Cartoon Crush
It bothers me so much when my friends ask me who I have a crush on because I hate telling them. The truth is... I have a huge crush on both Adrien Agreste and Mateo de Alva, both cartoon characters from shows that my friends say are for little kids. (plus I ship LadyNoir and Eleteo which they also know) I don’t care what they think. I’m just sick of all the teasing for both watching the shows and having a crush on a character from these shows that they think I’m too old for. Well guess what. I’m gonna stick with my fantasies and you can stick to yours.
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Esteban Color Analysis
Having had so much fun doing the eleteo color post (and taking a request from my siblings AKA the two person Esteban fanclub) I figured I should look at the colors attached to our one and only Chancellor Esteban. This time, instead of just looking at the main most-likely-to-be-focused-on colors, I’m going to look at all the colors in his main outfit. Now on to analyzing Esteban!
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The first thing that one will notice about Esteban’s outfit is that the main color is red, much like Elena and Mateo, though a bit darker then both. That shade difference is important, but I’ll get back to that in a bit. As was mentioned in the eleteo color post, red symbolizes power. With this in mind, red is a perfect color for Esteban. He’s the Chancellor, he is (or at least was) ambitious, he wants power (Island of Youth), has connections with just about every high-up person in Avalor (First Day of Rule), not to mention that he’s on the grand council.
Another meaning of red that is important with Esteban is that it is connected with desire, usually of the not kid-friendly version, but I don’t think Disney is going to be inappropriate with Esteban. With Esteban, I think it’s a desire (and a longing, which is connected with dark red) to be loved unconditionally by his family. He does feel that his family loves him, but with a huge condition. The condition is that they never learn that he betrayed them 41 years ago. We learn all about this and more of his motivation in King of the Carnaval. In Something I Would Never Do, he sings “years ago, I did not know just how much they cared for me”. This suggests that he didn’t feel loved, he’s probably been longing for unconditional love and affection for the majority of his life, not an easy thing to deal with.
Now for the signifigance of the darker shade, it has associations with longing (which I just covered with desire) as well as less energetic (nowhere near as energetic as Elena), and courage.
Courage we saw all the way back is SOA when he ripped Shuriki’s wand out of her hand and tossed it to Elena. Considering how long he’d been living with her, I’d say that was pretty courageous on his part.
Esteban’s outfit also has some black. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure Esteban is the only one of the main not-evil characters that wears black on a regular basis. I do find that significant.
Black is associated with power, elegance, formality, and mystery.
I covered power earlier, but I do find it interesting that he has two colors associated with power while Elena only gets one.
Elegance and formality are sort of connected with Esteban. He cares a lot about formality (First Day of Rule, Model Sisters, just look at most of his interactions with Elena). He is fairly elegant (King of the Carnaval, he dances beautifully through booby traps while stealing and feeling conflicted, can’t get much more elegant then that).
Mystery, I think, is more connected to his arc then his overall personality. We know more about Esteban than the other characters do. The mystery is what their reactions will be when discovering the betrayal and how Esteban will react to their reactions.
Light blue is associated with healing, tranquility, and understanding. I think all these describe the desired end for Esteban’s arc perfectly. Healing and understanding between him and his familia, and tranquility for himself.
Light yellow is associated with intellect, and Esteban is fairly intellectual and likes to be in a Library(Island of Youth).
I couldn’t find much for cream color, so I’m just going to say darker white. He has goodness, but he has been tainted by his betrayal. We’ll just see if he can fully recover from and make up for it. For the sake of Esteban and his family, I sure hope he can.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 2 years
Baby and beach hcs
How did they announce their pregnancy? Eleteo: After Elena told Mateo, they were just caught up in the thrill and excitement of it. As well as some nerves over this new stage in their lives and the possibility of becoming parents. Mateo especially so without a father figure in his life. But after all the assurances, they ran down the halls for everyone to come into the meeting room and burst out the news.
Gababel: Isabel and Gabe were just as thrilled as Eleteo but they managed to control their excitement for a more formal announcement. Even building up the suspense as they tip toed around the subject though Luisa and Francscio had a good guess as to what they were getting at. There was no hiding the glow plus Gabe couldn't stop staring at Isabel's face and then her stomach and then her face again in utter amazement.
Estenaomi: They had some fun with the announcement as they were still at sea so they sent the family some buns. No message attached. Just buns. And when they arrived back, Naomi was only 3months and not showing yet so basically they had a lot of fun with the baby innuendo that only the two of them understood. And when Elena asked what was the buns about, Naomi replied, "You were supposed to put them in the oven. Buns in the oven. Get it?" And then the squealing came.
Estoma: They had the opposite reaction and just waited in case that it turned out to be fake. And then waited some more in case something went wrong. Basically, they waited until they couldn't hide it anymore and Doña walked into breakfast with her 5 month baby bump and watched the jaws drop.
How did they announce their pregnancy? Eleteo: After Elena told Mateo, they were just caught up in the thrill and excitement of it. As well as some nerves over this new stage in their lives and the possibility of becoming parents. Mateo especially so without a father figure in his life. But after all the assurances, they ran down the halls for everyone to come into the meeting room and burst out the news.
Gababel: Isabel and Gabe were just as thrilled as Eleteo but they managed to control their excitement for a more formal announcement. Even building up the suspense as they tip toed around the subject though Luisa and Francscio had a good guess as to what they were getting at. There was no hiding the glow plus Gabe couldn't stop staring at Isabel's face and then her stomach and then her face again in utter amazement.
Estenaomi: They had some fun with the announcement as they were still at sea so they sent the family some buns. No message attached. Just buns. And when they arrived back, Naomi was only 3months and not showing yet so basically they had a lot of fun with the baby innuendo that only the two of them understood. And when Elena asked what was the buns about, Naomi replied, "You were supposed to put them in the oven. Buns in the oven. Get it?" And then the squealing came.
Estoma: They had the opposite reaction and just waited in case that it turned out to be fake. And then waited some more in case something went wrong. Basically, they waited until they couldn't hide it anymore and Doña walked into breakfast with her 5 month baby bump and watched the jaws drop.
How’s the baby shower? Eleteo: Obviously Isabel planned her big sister’s baby shower (with Luisa’s help) and it was wonderful. Almost every friend or ally Elena made dropped by for the shower, there was a private room just for gifts, Isabel devised a pregnancy friendly olaball game, lots and lots of treats and of course, musing about when the lost cuatros amigos were kids, Elena was particularly fond of Rafa’s stories of baby!Mateo. Even so, the days leading up to the shower were mega stressful for Isabel because she wanted it to be the perfect royal baby shower (think Esteban with Naomi’s quinceñera but more panicky) but the slight panic attack over whether the decorations should be pink, blue or gender neutral were worth it to give Elena the best bash ever.
Gababel: Similarly Elena was determined to make the best baby shower ever with some bumps since Elena wanted to make it stem-themed but as we know she sucks at the technical terms. Thankfully Tomiko was more than eager to help (she practically fainted at the thought of helping at a royal baby shower for her bff) to do cute little chemistry tricks that will “predict” what the baby’s gender would be, inventions that would help with feeding, diapering etc. There was a few mishaps like the pan dulce causing Isabel to throw up thanks to her food craving changes but after that small bump and giving all the dulce to Francisco, it was smooth sailing and STEM squealing from the guests. Though Amara and Elena were still very confused by the terms.
Estebaomi: Since Naomi surprised everyone with her baby announcement, and there wasn’t much time to start arranging it before they set sail again (though Luisa did furiously argue that she’d rather have her future grandchild born on land and not ship), Naomi had a hand in planning her baby shower which included so many games like scavenger hunt when she gave each guest a list of a few baby things she wanted/needed (though some were a bit suspect like the lullaby singing monkey. Though it was still very impressive that Veronica managed to find one) and changing drinking songs into appropriate baby songs and all sorts of fun stuff.
Estoma: Originally Doña didn’t want a baby shower because she wanted to buy the things herself and not rely on other’s “plebeian tastes and small wallets.” But Luisa insisted on having one because baby showers, like Navidad, is not about the presents you get but family and celebrating the newest family member coming. So with the finest chocolates from La Vida Dulce, she set to work on a tasteful affair and because Doña insisted a gift register.
Who cries if the other cries? Eleteo: I feel like Elena is more likely to as she is such an empathetic person. Mateo, I feel, wouldn't cry but be overcome with the urge to try to help Elena and comfort her.
Gababel: Gabe because he is a soft boy though he tries to deny it. Also Isabel crying is just awful to him, especially if he is the cause of it. He is so strong but when it comes to Isabel, he’s weak.
Estenaomi: Hmm neither but then again. Esteban because he is a soft boy too.
Estoma: Neither. But I feel that they might get choked up like when you feel the waves of sadness coming from someone you love and it’s just so palpable that you can’t help but feel it too.
What do they to celebrate the beginning of summer? Eleteo: They first celebrate with a day at the beach with their friends and family with lots of playing in the waves and making sandcastles. Sometimes by hand and sometimes with Mateo trying out new spells. Then in the afternoon they’d make dinner together or go out and explore local restaurants in Avalor and just talk about anything and everything till the sun goes down.
Gababel: At first, Isabel doesn’t seem to know it’s summer because she’s excited that she’ll have more time to work on her invention which Gabe helps. He understands that even though it’s something she does during the school year, she finds it fun and it helps that she doesn’t have to be graded on said inventions. They would also go to be beach but I’d think they’d go to Obsidan Island for more exploring combing Gabe’s love for adventure and Isabel looking at new plants and minerals.
Estenaomi: At first it doesn’t seem much different from their regular traveling around on the ship. Part of that is because it’s hard to keep track of time while at sea. But when they get the correct date, they go celebrate with setting off fireworks, surfing and windsurfing and all those fun activities.
Estoma: Siestas, lots of siestas for Esteban along with joining his family at the beach. Together, they don’t do much. Just lazing around, gossiping about the present, reminiscing about the past. They might do it in a jacuzzi with a floating tray of tapas and wine.
Favorite beach sport activity Eleteo: Parasailing. It’s like flying on jaquins. But you know, not. Also they get to cuddle up on the same hang glider and enjoy the view.
Gababel: Snorkling. Such a beautiful ecosystem to explore together and maybe a tiny bit of hand holding, you know because of the pushy currents 😉
Estenaomi: Swimming with the sharks or surfing contests. Something to get the adrenaline running and share a unique memory.
Estoma: Volleyball with their usual competitiveness
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sunflowersolace · 3 years
Do you have any Eleteo fankids
no, i don’t tend to make fankids. but i think they’d adopt an older kid, around 8-13. there’d probably be pressure on them to produce an heir though, which would make them averse to the idea of having kids.
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Eleteo AU Headcanon Time!!!
🌹 They form the first co-ed mariachi club at their community college. 🌻 Mateo has a green thumb; he grows herbs and tomatoes on his apartment balcony. 🌹 Elena teaches local kids how to play the guitarra in her spare time. 🌻 Mateo gets Elena a Colombian roast coffee and a concha every morning before going to work at the local Whole Foods market. 🌹 Elena works at a bookstore. She loves helping people and knows a lot about books! 🌻 Mateo has a degree in social work, with a minor in music; he enjoys helping disadvantaged children go far in life. Elena majors in music theory and Spanish. 🌹 Elena wants to be a full time Spanish teacher one day. Mateo either wants to be a social worker or a musician. 🌻 When they first start living together, Elena and Mateo get a little house about thirty minutes away from the nearest suburban town. They grow their own produce and they host the best garden parties!
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ameliathefatcat · 3 years
I was inspired by @lieutenant-amuel picrew of her Gabaomi kid Frausto to make picrews of my fankids. I made my Jasabel, Hugfia, Eleteo, and Gabaomi kids
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magicwithineleteo · 3 years
Hey! I love your posts about Mateo but lately I’ve been wondering about one specific person in Mateo’s life: Rafa. Do you have any headcanons for how “Meet the Parents” would go with Rafa if Mateo brought his partner to meet her, and what are your headcanons on Rafa as a grandmother, (regardless of ship)?
hi anon! thank you <3
i don't think mateo would necessarily have his s/o meet rafa because she probably already knows them. (like w eleteo, gabteo, etc.) the only situation i could see the "meet the parents"thing happening is w carla because rafa doesn't really know her. i think rafa would be very supportive of mateo and his s/o.
i don't really have any hcs for mateo children, but rafa as a grandmother is so cute to think about!! i can definitely see her being protective of her grandchildren, not as protective as she was w mateo, as she trusts him to be a good father. when mateo told her that she was gonna be a grandmother, she was ecstatic! she definitely was one of the first people to hold the child (or every one, depends on how many mateo would have) and his kids would love visiting abuela :') she would also make things for them (like she did w mateo, that talent is very handy lol)
i hope this was a good answer for you anon :D
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