#Eli Finch
wordsbymae · 2 years
Title: Western Anarchy Part 2.
Pairing: OC (male) x GN! reader
TW: yandere behaviour, whole lotta pet names, threats of violence, manipulation, perv behaviour.
Plot: werewolf cowboy man kidnaps his crush. Part one here
 Notes: Eli my man! I'm back with my main man Eil who I legit have written the least but anywho. very short but yeah
"But I don't wanna leave Eli" you murmured, face deep into his chest. You felt his arms constrict around you tighter and his chest take a deep influx of air.
"It ain't safe here no more sweetheart," he stated, his tone leaving no room for hesitation. You look up at him. His face was covered in grime, sweat lines cut through the thick taint of the dust that lingered on his skin. You spotted what looked like dried flakes of mud on his cheek and carefully you lifted your fingers up to scratch them off, you came away confused at the dulled redness of the mud. You decided to question him further, despite his tone, you always had a knack for ignoring his orders.
"But why?"
"Oh come on darlin, we spoke about this" he scoffed, leaving your arms to reach for his hat laying on your bed.
"No, we didn't" you tried "You fell through my window and just demanded I leave with you. You never told me why"
"For good reason!" he shouted, only for you to quickly quiet him, hands finding his chest to shush him. Your parents may be heavy sleepers but Eli Finch could awaken a deaf man three miles away if he pleased.
"For good reason," he whispered, slapping his hat on his head, turning away from you to rummage through your things.
"Now where's that travel bag of yours" he grumbled.
"Eli...Eli, please...Eli stop!" you demanded. Eli gave a sigh and dropped your newly discovered bag to the ground.
"Sweetheart, I've been real patient with you so far but we don't have time for a tantrum of yours, now start packing."
"But why" you urged "The sheriff wants to talk to you and if I leave now won't it look like I have something to hide? With the happenings and now the body, the towns on the edge Eli. Not to mention the fact I don't wanna go in the first place! Eli please just tell me what's going on"
A moment of silence passed. And then another
"The sheriff wants to talk to me? But I had nothing to do with Hudson's death"
"Then just talk to him, he's just crossing his t's and dotting his i's thats all. You went droving with the Hendersons and now one dead and the other missing, so of course, he wants to know where yo-" you stopped with a gasp.
"what? what is it Darlin?" his face twisting into concern.
"How did you know?" you whispered, taking a slow step back.
"Know what?" he laughed, but it felt cold, detached.
"That it was Hudson? He didn't have a face, we, we couldn't identify him... and how, how did you know he was dead at all. I didn't tell you" you were shaking now, inching your way to your door.
"I heard it in town of course sweetheart. You've been reading too much of that sherlock nonsense. Now come and-"
"but you said you hadn't been to town yet. You said you come straight here from the plains. Eli, I don't... Did you..?" you began to tear up, the flaking mud seemed to burn a bright red on his face as it occurred to you the sheriff hadn't been worried Eli was a victim, but instead the aggressor.
"Sweetheart. You don't know what your thinking" his tone had turned cold, it chilled your heart with fear. " So help me pack and we can forget all about your little meltdown alright? We really gotta get going"
"I'm not going anywhere with you!" you shouted, turning to your door and reaching to rip it open. You were dragged back by tight hands to your arms, both snaking around your chest and waist.
"oh for fucks sake! You just couldn't just shut up and do as you told huh?" he growled.
"Pa!! Ma! Help!" you sobbed, desperately trying to pull away.
"Sweetheart I really don't wanna do this but I don't think you want your darling parents in a room with me? Wouldn't want your lovely ma to be without a face like dear old Hudson huh. Or what about your father hm? He's not as young as he used to be, don't think he would be a match for me would he?" he growled, fear sinking into your skin.
"Please don't hurt them" you begged
"then be good for once and do as your told."
you quickly nodded, trying to hold back the tears.
"I did it for you, you know." his voice became soft again and oh so sweet, his lips finding your neck. You flinched and tried to ignore one of his hands drifting south. "He just wouldn't keep his trap shut. I won't taint your ears by telling you what he said about ya, but oh darlin that man was a fucking bastard alright. I warned him, but he just kept fucking talking. Told him if he kept talking about you like he did we would be having words. And well then I guess you could say I had a change of heart and words become me ripping his fucking face off. Of course, his stupid younger brother had to come to his rescue. Can't remember where I dumped him." you choked back a sob "So now you know, why we gotta leave, why you're gonna do as I say, why I'm not lying when I say I'll burn this place to the ground if you try anything I don't like."
" I'm just trying to protect you, sweetheart." he groaned as his wandering hand squeezed your backside. "All I've ever done is protect you" As he continued to hold you, you stared directly at the yellow eyes glowing in the reflection of the mirror in front of you. Something happened to Eli out on those plains and now it was coming back to bite you.
First drabble in a long time! How was it? kinda sad it's not very long but I've gotta plan where I wanna take eli's story and this felt like a good place to stop. Happy new year!!
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sweet-mae · 1 year
Western Anarchy - The Werewolf
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✪ Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
✪ The Unveiling
✪ Bad Moon
✪ Alphabet
✪ Eli Finch Himself
Thank you @mmadeinheavenn for the amazing divider!
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aceofspades-sml · 1 year
FINCHh making friends with other boroughs mostly queens after specs introduces them!
Elmer being semi adopted by the brooklynites!
Darcy and Bill adopting elmer and skittery!
Nodding frantically anon I love your thoughts
No but also I can totally picture finch as that guy who just. Has friends in all boroughs. To the point nobody actually knows where he comes from anymore or that he wasn't part of the group before
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weirdlittleberry · 2 years
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10 favorite character to get to know me
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aimescoolkid · 9 days
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Some of my ocs :P
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bleakbluejay · 2 years
i miss the birds in the places i've lived!
i miss the mourning doves that nested in the eaves of the patio of my childhood home in california, and their soft boooo-hooooo-hoo!
i miss the red flashes of cardinals and the whistly whip-per-will!s of the whippoorwills at my grandma's farmhouse in missouri
i miss the loud, boisterous calls of the grackles of oklahoma and texas and their long tail feathers
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pupsmailbox · 4 months
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NAMES ⌇ amber. andrew. archie. archo. aroara. azhdarcho. bailey. barney. bowser. bronto. burgess. cambria. cera. charlie. cory. daemon. darwin. dee. devon. devonia. dina. dino. dinora. draco. eddie. ediacara. eli. felix. finch. finn. fleet. fossil. grover. holocene. huxley. jade. kaisen. kermit. kimberella. leo. lichida. luca. marrella. max. mite. mosa. nuna. oscar. phyla. pteraspi. quetzal. raptor. rex. rexie. reximus. rexley. rhino. roardin. roarke. rocky. ronaldino. roryn. roy. sage. sara. scout. shale. spike. stega. strata. tank. theodore. thesaurus. thumper. trexler. trilo. ty. verdi. ziggy. zircon.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ bone/bone. cera/cera. cera/top. cerat/cerat. ceratops/ceratop. claw/claw. dig/dig. dino/dino. dino/saur. dinosaur/dinosaur. don/don. evo/evolve. flora/fauna. fluff/fluff. foss/fossier. fossi/fossi. fossil/fossil. geo/geology. hx/hxm. hy/hym. jur/jurassic. mammoth/mammoth. mim/mim. mimu/mimus. mimus/mimus. paleo/paleo. paleon/paleon. phy/phylum. plush/plushy. pteryx/pteryx. rapt/rapt. raptor/raptor. rawr/rawr. rex/rex. roar/roar. saur/saur. saur/saurus. saurus/saurus. scale/scale. shx/hxr. shy/hyr. spino/spino. teeth/teeth. tetra/tetrapod. thxy/thxm. thy/thym. tri/trilobite. tyra/tyra. tyrant/tyrant. tyras/tyrant. ven/ven. vena/vena. venator/venator. zo/zoa. ⭐ . 🌋 . 🍖 . 🦕 . 🦖 . 🦴 .
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holycompendium · 2 months
Ascendants OC Masterlist ⛊ Pt. 1
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⚔︎ quick context : ascendants is my upcoming descendants fic series centered around merlin academy. you can catch the first chapter of the first installment right here!
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Fate : Become cursed to live as a beast & marry Belle. Face Claim : Maxwell Jenkins
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Legacy : Daughter of a Neverlandian mermaid. Face Claim : Daniela Avanzini
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Legacy : Son of King Arthur of Camelot. Face Claim : Joshua Bassett
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Legacy : Adopted daughter of Erato, muse of lyrical poetry. Face Claim : Bailey Bass
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Legacy : Son of the Blue Fairy. Face Claim : Omar Rudberg
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Fate : Marry the beast king Adam & establish the United States of Auradon. Face Claim : Zoe Colletti
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Legacy : Son of Arista, nephew to Ariel & Eric. Face Claim : Reece King
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Fate : Become the all-powerful enchantress who curses Prince Adam. Face Claim : Choi Yunjin
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Fate : Become the villainous archdeacon of Notre-Dame. Face Claim : Case Walker
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Fate : Descend into madness and become a tyrannical heiress. Face Claim : Riele Downs
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Fate : Inherit his family's business and become a wealthy sugar baron. Face Claim : Maxwell Acee Donovan
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Fate : Abandon his royal heritage and become the thief Flynn Rider. Face Claim : Aryan Simhadri
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Legacy : Illegitimate son of Robin Hood. Face Claim : Brandon Severs
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Fate : Become an arrogant and selfish game hunter. Face Claim : Belmont Cameli
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Fate : Become the Evil Queen & stepmother to Snow White. Face Claim : Ariana Greenblatt
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Fate : Become the scheming royal vizier of Agrabah. Face Claim : Jahed
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Legacy : Daughter of Anna & Kristoff, niece to Elsa. Face Claim : Shay Rudolph
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Fate : Marry King Stefan and give birth to Aurora. Face Claim : Dior GoodJohn
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Fate : Sell his own soul in exchange for the power of a Hodou bokor. Face Claim : Niles Fitch
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Legacy : Granddaughter of Mad Madam Mim. Face Claim : Avantika Vandanapu
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Fate : Become the head of the house of Tremaine & become Cinderella's stepmother. Face Claim : Kang Haerin
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Fate : Defeat the Hun army and save the Imperial Kingdom. Face Claim : Zhou Xinyu
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Fate : Become an eccentric & benevolent Houdou priestess. Face Claim : Whitney Peak
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Fate : Serve as Captain Smith's boatswain and first loyal mate. Face Claim : Owen Joyner
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Fate : Marry Queen Leah & father Aurora. Face Claim : Kahlil Beth
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Fate : Become a fearsome sea witch. Face Claim : Chandler Kinney
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Legacy : Son of Yzma. Face Claim : Charlie Bushnell
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princeescaluswords · 4 months
Alma Mater
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Written for @teenwolf-meta's Meta May Monday prompt: Place.
Teen Wolf put a lot of focus on Beacon Hills High School as a location. Even the 2023 movie, which took place in 2026, spent significant time at the school. Scott McCall, the lead protagonist, had been graduated for thirteen years; why was this one location so important?
On the surface, it could be as obvious as the show being about teenagers, but I don't think the decision was that shallow . I think there were three very important reasons that it was a primary setting.
To serve production needs. At the end of Season 2, the production moved from Georgia to Los Angeles. The reasons for this I have only encountered peripherally, but none-the-less, it did create a certain disconnect in the minds of the viewers. Beacon Hills High School not only had a sudden change in floor plan but it had a definite change in climate. There were now palm trees! Yet, the series did not avoid the contradictions. Of course, all productions face financial limitations; this production seemed capable of having only a certain number of sets, which, for example, is why the new library in Season 5 was clearly Derek's loft repurposed. Practically, a high school would be an easy location for the principle cast to encounter each other. There would no need to explain why, for example, Stiles and Scott would see Lydia coming up the sidewalk as in Wolf Moon (1x01) or why Mason would be talking about their Friday night plans with Garrett and Violet in The Benefactor (4x04). In addition, it would be an understandable way to introduce new characters, both adult and teenager. There could be new hires, new transfers, or even characters the audience had not met before that the principle cast had and yet not discussed.
To serve thematic needs. I have stated before and I will state again, that I absolutely believe that Teen Wolf is a bildungsroman -- a story exploring the spiritual and psychological transformation of a child into an adult. In our modern culture, this frequently happens in high school, for this is where the protective authority of parents and family begins to give way to acts of self-determination. Relationships with friends become more complicated, with the increased importance of social strata, the emergence of sexuality, and the recognition of impermanence. For the teenagers undergoing this transformation, the world becomes less welcoming even as they gain more agency, and part of that is the transformation of school from a safe space (sorry, Natalie) to an area of contention. There are suddenly consequences to action and inaction. The gulf between the protagonists, who have up until this point been children, and adults becomes less and less clear as they begin to share both opportunities and complications. The teenage protagonists also discover that there is no guarantee of fair treatment from adults, evidenced by the bitter hostility of Adrian Harris to the incomprehensible and comedic self-absorption of Coach to the well-meaning but predatory academic ruthlessness of Mrs. Finch. To be in high school no longer means that is is beneficial to allow others to make their decisions for them. Who are you, really?
It also serves one of Jeff Davis's favorite themes: recursion. Students graduate and are replaced by new students, who must face similar crises in the process of growing up (though hopefully not as violent). Beacon Hills High School showing up in the movie was no more nostalgia than the flashback to Derek Hale's high-school experiences in Visionary (3x08) or 117 (4x02). What Derek experiences in high school has bearing on what Scott experiences in high school has bearing on what Eli experiences in high school. In the series, the differences between Derek's and Scott's and Liam's experiences are compared to each other, such as in the outcomes of their first loves. Likewise, in the movie, Scott isn't longing to be a teenage alpha/lacrosse captain again; he's coming to terms with the terrible trauma of his high-school-era experiences by helping Eli through the terrible trauma of his high-school-era experiences.
To serve as a storytelling tool. Teen Wolf is a tale of danger, terror, and horror. One of the easiest ways to create that tension is to transform the common everyday parts of life into something that is threatening and out-of-control. Think about Night School (1x07), and the utter menace of Beacon Hills High when there are no lights and no people. Think about the twisting of normal fun activities -- lacrosse games plagued by a star player suddenly tearing himself open or pursued by a gigantic beast or being stalked by extra-dimensional cowboys. Think about how many times the locker room -- a place where students are frequently vulnerable while changing clothes -- is a place where teenagers get trapped in lockers or showers or darkness.
It's also a way to signify danger. The enemy invades a place that is supposed to help teenagers learn and grow while hanging out with their friends, and this perverts into a place where they have to constantly be on their guard. The principal is suddenly a man who wants to manipulate teenagers if he can or kill them if he can't. The guidance councilor has her own agenda in fomenting supernatural genocide. Teachers, who are supposed to be showing teenagers the truth of the world they are going to responsible for living in, turn out to be never what they seem, whether as harmless as protecting his nine-centuries old wife by lying or by offering teenagers as human sacrifices or by being a temporally-displace Nazi.
High school, just like the world, isn't all bad of course. High school has a benevolent purpose, just like many people have benevolent intentions. Other guidance counselors can present characters with alternatives to being a victim or running away in terror. Friends made there who will stand together against the darkness. Teenagers can learn leadership skills on the lacrosse field and can learn knowledge in the library that can help one survive. A benevolent and influential family might even have arranged the high school be built on the confluence of ley lines, not only to protect their secret vault, but also because it might keep certain supernatural creatures out.
Beacon Hills High School played a significant role in Teen Wolf not out of lazy decisions but about the focus of the story on transformation. Children become teenagers become adults who help other children become teenagers become adults. Or, those characters with sinister intent transform twist a civilized location into threatening one so often that it becomes an identifying mark. The production made proper use of this setting.
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absumoaevum · 7 months
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Jury of Hearts (53,750 Words || WIP) by absumoaevum
Chapters: 9/?
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: Mature
Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy
Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Crookshanks (Harry Potter), Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Eudoria Merrythought, Luna Lovegood, Patience Bright, Pomona Sprout, Minerva McGonagall, Horace Slughorn, Violetta Hitchens, Percy Weasley, Leta Brindlemore, Gertrude Meads, Filius Flitwick, Poppy Pomfrey, Eli Cresswell, Prescott Cadwallader, Jameson Terwilleger, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Ryan Oaklane, Rory Oaklane, Zacharias Smith
Additional Tags: Hogwarts Eighth Year, POV Draco Malfoy, POV Hermione Granger, POV Third Person Limited, Draco Malfoy Needs a Hug, Slow Burn, Angst and Feels, Hermione Granger's Parents Are Missing, Post-Second Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter), Eventual Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Bullying, Grief/Mourning, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Blood, Violence, Brooding, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Canon-Typical Violence
With his family's trials on the horizon and nothing holding him to his home apart from his despondent mother and perpetually-drunk father, Draco Malfoy jumps at the opportunity to return to Hogwarts to repeat his final year. At Hogwarts, he can escape his wretched home life and perhaps even rehabilitate his reputation. Things are looking up. That is, until he gets to school and realizes that his entire House hates him. Now Draco must decide between his old life and something new.
New is the last thing Hermione Granger needs. All she wants is for her life to go back to the way it was before the war. When a hearing at the Ministry goes sideways, Hermione accepts Headmistress McGonagall's offer to return to Hogwarts, sure answers lie hidden in the school library that will help her find her missing parents. But Hogwarts is a very different place than she remembers, and Hermione must change as well if she has any hope of overcoming her past to reclaim her future.
Fates intertwine and loyalties are tested in this Post-War 8th-Year Slow Burn Dramione Drama/Suspense/Romance.
Updates Mondays.
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wordsbymae · 2 years
Mae's OC Masterlist -OLD new one tagged on pinned post ----------------------
Mae's Horny Thought of The Week/Day
A fugitive on the run
Freddy and werewolf!Fem!reader AU , part 2
Men of the hills
Dark gods
stream this
The harder they fall
Time travel is real?
Survival buddies
Heathen ways - wip
I know what I saw! - wip
Breeding Bitch Wanted - wip
The Mad King -Fem!reader
The First Night
The Werewolf (Eli Finch) -Gn!reader / leaning towards fem!
The Start
How'd you know?
Request: full moon
Killer - Gn!reader
Chop Chop
Bloody Valentine
Blurbs: 1
The Hunter (Freddy Gibbs) - not yandere- werewolf! fem!reader
Get out
Blurbs- 1, 2, 3, 4,
The Viking - Gn!Reader
The Raven
The Outlaw King (Alwyn) - Fem!reader
Getting hitched
blurbs- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
The Farmer - Gn! Reader
Not gonna lie this is just for the bitches with breeding kinks.
blurbs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
Baby Trapp'n Time AU FEM reader
The Farm
Not exactly full fics but have a continuous storyline -> Mousey Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8 Drabbles: 1,
Fugitive ideas -some fem/some gn
under the tag oc fugitive (hopefully can't really remember)
Dumb Bunny
Soldier -mostly fem reader
Fisherman- fem reader
The prologue
Game rec
Drabbles: 1, 2, 3, 4,
Other, Other Ideas
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Bad cop
House sitting - wip
The dump
End of the world
This is purely done for fun. I like to keep my OC's physical description vague so you can imagine them as you like. However, this includes images of people I think best match the "vibe" I am going for. If politely asked I would be open to doing them for the reader. I would like to thank @floraroselaughter for inspiring me to do this. They made lovely ones for @autumnworld19 and my soldier oc. Those will be linked down below as well!
The Fisherman I, II, selkie AU
The Mad King I, II
The werewolf (Eli Finch)
The Killer
The Farmer I, II, Pancho and Lefty
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axoqiii · 11 months
hello !! welcome to my blog :]
im eli or finch (either works!) and this is a blog for pretty much everything, though i mainly post art and rb!! art will mostly be sketches and doodles with the occasional rendered piece!
1. can you draw this/that?
- sure !! drop the drawing requests in my ask box and ill try to draw them if i can 🙏 (usually takes me months to get to them but ask box is always open)
2. program/brushes?
- i use ibispaintx and procreate! i rotate brushes pretty often so if you're ever curious which brushes i used on a certain post just shoot me an ask!
3. art boundaries?
- no reuploading, tracing, selling, or stealing my art 👍 im fine with usage in layouts as long as theres visible credit somewhere :]
my art tag is kind of broken im ngl so if ur looking for specific art on my acc just check the fandom tag instead 😭 im so sorry
other than that please don't be weird i am a minor !! my interests also change very often/quickly so the fandoms i post for change quick too (basically if you're following for art of specific series .... spreads my arms. i have bad news)
thanks for reading and i hope u enjoy ur stay here 🫶
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aceofspades-sml · 1 year
Snyder making finch cry telling elmer that he's never leaving the refuge that he's not important enough for someone to save, threatening specs and blink, telling Jack he's gonna petition to adopt him so he can never leave
(Sorry snyder has such potential for evil)
All of those have so much potential however you're gonna have to excuse me because I saw "Snyder making finch cry" and immediately blacked out
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kwebtv · 1 year
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Raid on Entebbe - NBC - January 9, 1977
Historical Drama
Running Time: 150 minutes
Peter Finch as Yitzhak Rabin
Charles Bronson as Brigadier General Dan Shomron
Yaphet Kotto as Idi Amin
Martin Balsam as Daniel Cooper
Horst Buchholz as Wilfried Böse
John Saxon as Major General Benny Peled
Jack Warden as Lieutenant General Mordechai Gur
Meshach Richards as Major General Allon
Sylvia Sidney as Dora Bloch
Robert Loggia as Yigal Allon
Tige Andrews as Shimon Peres
Eddie Constantine as Captain Michel Bacos
Warren Kemmerling as Gad Ja'akobi
David Opatoshu as Menachem Begin
Allan Arbus as Eli Melnick
Stephen Macht as Lieutenant Colonel Yonatan "Yoni" Netanyahu
James Woods as Captain Sammy Berg
Harvey Lembeck as Mr. Harvey
Dinah Manoff as Rachel Sager
Kim Richards as Alice
Aharon Ipalé as Major David Grut
Mariclare Costello as Gabrielle Krieger
Larry Gelman as Mr. Berg
After the Uganda–Tanzania War, Tanzanian troops discovered Bloch's body in 1979 in a sugar plantation around 20 miles (32 km) from Kampala, near the Jinja Road. Visual identification was impossible because her face was badly burned, but the corpse showed signs of a leg ulcer. A pathologist working with the Israel Defense Forces formally identified Bloch from the remains. Her remains were returned to her son in Israel, where she was given an Israeli state funeral. She was buried in Jerusalem's Har HaMenuchot Cemetery. (Wikipedia)
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albertfinch · 12 days
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1 Samuel 3:1 -- "In those days the word of the Lord was rare;  there were not many visions."
          If Eli could not hear from God, the people would not receive messages from Him. 
          The only words that we receive that are of help to people are words from God.  If we don't spend time LISTENING to Him, then we will not receive words by which we will bless and encourage His people.
1 Samuel 3:7 -- "Samuel did not yet know the Lord:  The word of the Lord had not yet been revealed to him."
          He'd never heard God speak, but he still enjoyed His presence. 
          We need to hear from God; we need to hear the word of the Lord.
          We can only hear from God if we spend time with Him. We can only hear from Him if we have a relationship with Him.  Our relationship to God is the most important thing in our lives, therefore we need to give it the utmost care.
Psalm 91:1 -- "He that dwells in the secret place of the Most High God, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."
          There is a secret place inside us where God dwells, where we abide with Him in the Spirit.  In that secret place, we will experience the evidence of His presence with us.
          We have the greatest calling to fulfill in the universe:  to live out our DESTINY in Christ with God's power living and working through us.
          The secret place is not a physical place like it was in Samuel's day.  Our secret place is in our own hearts.  We can go anywhere and still focus on Him in our spirit and be in the secret place of the Most High.  We might be at work, yet we can enter into the presence of the Lord by simply going to the quiet place in our spirit and find Him there waiting for us.  It is in this place where the Lord speaks and we listen.  In the secret place is where we will find God's earthly purpose (DESTINY) for our life.
          Samuel had never heard God until he spent time in His presence.  They developed a relationship with each other.  We pursue the love of Jesus by letting His love flow into our hearts and back to Him.  His love flows through our heart as we meditate on it all day long, allowing it to flow into the life of others.  His love is manifested as we disciple others into a knowledge of Christ and also their Christ identity.
          We need to hear the voice of the Lord!  We need to hear His voice now more distinctly than ever before, because we need a personal revelation of our CALLING in Christ.
          Eli had gotten used to residing in his "usual place" in the house of God.  We, too, can get too used to our relationship with God the way it is.  But God wants us to come out away from our "usual place" and seek Him afresh and anew -- to turn from all else and seek only Him.  He wants to infuse us with His love into our heart so it can flow into the lives of others that we are helping with their walk with Christ.
I resolve to get to know Him in a fresh way and come to understand my Christ identity so I can advance His Kingdom through my Christ calling.
As I abide in the secret place in silence, I lift up my heart to Him in love and experience the communion of His presence.
As I receive His love in my heart, my capacity to love others is enlarged.
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fictionkinfessions · 25 days
CW: Vague references to suicidal ideation, SH, animal violence/general violence (added by a headmate because he won't do it himself.<3)
UGHHHH this shit is so boring, I get out of dormancy and BOOM all the funnn people are gone and we don't have people around us daily to fuck with, and now front and the entire system is run so fucking strictly i cant do anything fun!!!!! I'm not allowed around pills, anything sharp or metal, anything heavy, anything hot, or literally ANYTHING fun without another person right next to me in front >;(
At least it's Finch idk he's cool but fuck it's BORING!!! And I also get stuck with the shittiest fucking source and memories Abt "redemption" and blah blah but IDC!!! IDC about redemption bullshit bc the people I liked being around in source aren't here so why should I give a shit??
Wahh wahh they can whine to me all they want Abt that shit but Shooting Star ain't here and neither is Pinetree and WHYYY should I care if no one who felt like?? Home ig are here?? And Fordsy ain't here and neither is his dumbass brother and I have NO ONE here who is fun except for MAYBE Finch and Eli >:(
This sucks, I'm bored, and I want OUT!! might send more shit here just for entertainment and attention idk so I'm gonna put a tag for funsies but UGH
-Bill Cipher (Fictive) (#👁️💛)
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