#Eli Hale icons
slashericons · 2 years
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Vince Mattis as Eli Hale in Teen Wolf: The Movie (2023)
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stereksouls · 2 years
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Eli Hale Icons
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dylanobx · 2 years
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Vince Mattis icons
fav se pegar :)
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ecnmatic · 2 years
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lesyeuxdebb · 2 years
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Eli Hale Stilinski and his fathers.❤
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fabartists · 1 year
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Lucy Hale en Paris para el fashion show de Elie Saab 🖤✨
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amanda666edits · 2 years
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gremlinbabe · 2 years
Things I would’ve liked seeing in the teen wolf movie:
-Laura being the birth mom of Eli & the story of how Derek ended up adopting his nephew
- Scott as a veterinarian following deatons steps but he decided to relinquish his true alpha powers to Derek when he realized he really isn’t cut out to be alpha because he never wanted to be a werewolf but with therapy realized he wouldn’t mind being a beta because it’s much calmer and if he stayed in the area wouldn’t become an omega. Making Scott happier maybe he finds himself a gf/bf
-Alpha Derek encouraging his pack by leading by example became a mechanic and a consultant (also show more mechanic Derek 😭😭)
-Grown fbi emissary stiles with little magics & werewolf strength. Happy & dating Derek with a newly fixed jeep
-Stiles and Lydia reestablishing a good friendship after the break up and the whole thing with the Jeep
- CEO & fashion icon Lydia using banshee powers to find out when corporate Headhonchos die to bet on stocks that will increase pack funds a little but not make it suspicious. still being on top of her game ceo wise excluding her powers
-Seeing more of Lydia’s powers.
-Jackson and Lydia sass offs (but with Margo/Elliot from the magicians dynamics and not whatever they did in the movie)
-Jackson and Ethan wedding👀 or at least cute domestic life
-Liam in meditation classes & a financial analyst, in charge of pack finances (+Liam and Hayden together and maybe have a kid)
-If Liam has a kid Mason to be the godfather
-Peter as a stockbroker so Lydia doesn’t have to dirty her name & maybe some art galleries around the world for when he needs to step away from stocks to not be suspicious.
-Issac happy with a French husband who treats him amazing back in beacon hills & neighbors with Derek & regularly does community bbqs. i’d like to think that Isaac would become an amazing social worker for how badly social workers handled his case.(Maybe a little bit of father figure Chris cuz he took care of him and grieved with him after Allison)
-Chris argent allowed at pack bbqs and functions because he’s proved himself over and over and the pack is the only ppl who can also understand the lost of his daughter
-Peter and Chris regularly attend therapy and grief counseling and sometimes together
-Peter and the sheriff do lunch sometimes and we get stories about all the on goings of become hills cuz they like to gossip like old ladies
-Malia back in beacon hills after traveling the world and has become a pilot and constantly brings gifts for the pack ( maybe she introduces 2 poly partners)
-Kira back from the dessert with a mastery of her powers and maybe a journalist now
-Jordan retires as a cop to get his powers under control & becomes a fitness instructor to keep active but have a more chill pace job. I’d like to think that he recommended meditation classes to Liam.
-Erica and Boyd alive well and happy with some kids(let me be delusional)
-The hale house remodeled to fit all the pack when they visit
- I liked John & Mason as sheriff & deputy. ITs Mason following stiles steps in his own way
-Mason get a cute bf
-Deaton left town to go work with his sister but stays as a hale pack ally /mentor of emissary! stiles
-Cora being a cool aunt, ufc fighter 👀
-Discount kira can stay but she’s just introduced as a part of Satomi‘s pack and not as discount Kira and maybe kira occasionally mentors her
-Eli is adorable as is, maybe give him some friends and show his interactions with his pack and how they spoil him to death 
-Some low-key Chris, Peter, and Melissa dates
-Give the sheriff a girlfriend
-Show the sheriff being a grandpa
-Derek regularly cooking and bringing lunch to the sheriff for stiles
-Kira and Scott getting back together would’ve been cute
-Would’ve rather Allison stay dead for storyline consistency and the emotional development and growth of all the characters. But if she’s sticking around then I would’ve liked for Scott to fill her in and they be friends. She gets to visit Isaac and we get to see that reunions reaction and they’re both happy for each other. we get to see her and her dad reuniting and him fumbling over explaining his current relationship with Peter & Melissa. And maybe she leaves Beacon Hills with Malia to learn more about herself & the world. And when she’s ready to come back she becomes a self-defense teacher. NO HER AND SCOTT DATING HATED THAT.
-For Malia and Parrish to have not been a thing because why🤢
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lazywolfwiccan · 11 months
My Personal Ranking of Teen Wolf Media so far, CONTAINS SPOILERS
1. Season 3B, this is literally the best writing, directing, and acting of the series, with Dylan O'Brien flexing his acting ability, reminder he had no formal acting training, and the death of a main character cemented this as the best season for any YA show in TV history. The Nogitsune aka Void Stiles is fucking terrifying.
2. Season 4, this season is underrated to me, from Kate's return to Derek losing his powers. However this season saw the departure of Tyler Hoechlin from the series as a main cast member, and that may have soured this season for many people. Between the werejaguar and Peter turning heel the villains are at their best and we get the iconic scene of Derek turning into a evolved werewolf.
3. Season 6B, the end of the series kicks into high gear and doesn't stop until the end. Stiles, Derek, Jackson and Ethan all return after long absences and make the show feel like Teen Wolf again, the villain is awful but Theo and Liam easily carry a few episodes.
4. Season 6A, due to Dylan O'Brien needing to leave the show to film Maze Runner, the writer's decided to have new villains called the Ghost Riders kidnap Stiles and effectively erase him from everyone's memories. This leads to the best acting from Tyler Posey imo. This also had the return of Derek via archive footage and Stydia becoming canon.
5. Season 3A, The Alpha pack is severely underrated and I loved how Danny got some character development even if it was small.
6. Season 2, Underrated? Yes. Good? Ehhhhh. The Kanima is fucking iconic and Colton Haynes shows off how fucking incredible he is as an actor. Derek's "Alpha high" is also well played. Boyd and Erica are good side characters but they deserved better
7. Season 5, the first season without Derek and it shows, the show decides to hint at a next generation spin off (which never happened) with extra focus on Liam Dunbar. But it feels like Scott, Stiles, Lydia and Malia are given the backseat. Theo Raeken is easily one of the best villains, manipulating everything to his benefit until it back fires on him. However this season gets boring fast with twenty episodes following one story. My favorite scene is still Stiles finally snapping and punching Scott.
8. Season 1, the start of the series also happens to be the worst. Scott is at his worst but is still likable in parts. The actors quickly get better with every episode, Holland Roden definitely improves fast.
9. Teen Wolf: The Movie, I don't even want to talk about this. This is Scallison fanfiction with all the bad parts of fanfiction, Derek is killed off, Malia and Parrish are a thing, Stydia broke up because of a dream etc. However, I did like Crystal Reed's performance as Allison, balancing being numb and brainwashed and scared because she doesn't know anything, Eli Hale is the best part, and the scene of Derek, Scott and Eli roaring with all the rooms matching their eyes is iconic, the score helps a lot.
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adoribullpavus · 2 years
well now that it's been a couple days since i watched the teen wolf movie and i've sufficiently forgotten 90% of it, i think it's time i told you all what i liked/disliked about it
1. jackson whittemore
he was just so fucking funny, like why was he even there?? did they give colton a script or did they just give him a recap of everything he missed in the show before simply throwing him on set and going "good luck."
i loved him though. it really feels like he's more comfortable in himself now. when he came back in s6, he wasn't as bitter but he still felt quite stiff. now he's comfortable in his sexuality and his place in the world, and he's no longer trying too hard. love that for him. his friendship with lydia also means a lot to me. i originally thought they were gonna put them back together, but i adore them as snarky besties.
also i'm glad they didn't break him and ethan up. we got our lgbtq+ scraps, guys!!
2. peter hale
hasn't changed a bit and i love it. his entrance was iconic and so fitting for his character. the tension between him and chris was obvious (perhaps because of melissa?) and i love how they still have an air of mystery when it comes to him. no one truly knows if he's on the good side or the bad.
also i can confidently say that peter crawling on the floor in human form, sniffing, was the absolute highlight of the movie.
3. eli hale
he was a great addition to the cast. i loved his relationship with derek, but him as a character really refreshed the film and gave us some wholesome but funny moments.
also we all know he's basically a stiles mini-me, so it was nice to have someone there to fill what the film would've been missing because of stiles' absense without full-out replacing him.
4. jr borne
his acting in the movie was absolutely outstanding. i was in shock. he was already amazing in the show but he's outdone himself. i really felt his emotions through the screen. literal chills. what a powerful performance!
5. the hellhound
i'm so glad they gave parrish an important role in the film. the hellhound was one of my favourite supernatural creatures from the show, so it was great to see ryan kelley shine once more.
6. coach finstock
he also has not changed a single bit and it's really refreshing to see. they didn't try to shoehorn him into the story too much. he simply played the part he always has, and made us laugh doing it.
7. the jeep
when they said the jeep would be featured in the film, i didn't think they meant they would try and stick it in every scene possible. i love it.
as a sterek shipper, i love the idea of eli nicking the jeep because he knows derek has some complicated feelings towards it. i won't do a sterek section on this list because i don't know whether i'm happy or mad about it, but this was an interesting addition to the film.
8. melissa had a crossbow
she had a crossbow. it's about fucking time.
now what i disliked:
1. the misuse of key characters
why were liam and mason used as side characters?? why did they barely speak, they're best friends?? why did they introduce hikari and not bother actually giving her a personality outside of being a kitsune?? i have too many thoughts on all of this, but it pissed me off.
2. just general confusion
they didn't specify if melissa and chris were still together or not. no explanation on why scott and malia split up. how did parrish and malia get together? who is eli's mum? why did liam have the nogitsune? why did scott and allison adopt eli?
also where has all the chemistry between the cast gone?? shelley especially felt so awkward with everyone. it's like they're not friends anymore, which i know isn't true.
3. the nudity and swearing
i could've gone my whole life without seeing allison, parrish and malia's bare asses. also the swearing was great, but they all felt like year 7's when they did it.
4. the returns
as someone who didn't really care for allison, her return was just annoying. out of all the characters they could've brought back, allison is the one they definitely should've left alone. hers was a major death in the show, and the start of a lot of character development for scott and chris. they should've come up with a different story not involving allison or the nogitsune. you know they only brought her back so that scallison fans can have their endgame.
and adrian harris?? what?? why?? he didn't even do anything of purpose in the film. what was the actual point in bringing him back??
5. derek's death
i'm not even gonna touch this. but i'm fuming.
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colethewolf · 2 years
All the reviews that I've read from the teen wolf movie say the same. Derek carries the movie and Hoechlin is the best acting. Which is not surprise. Derek Hale being one of the only character with a interesting story and personality. It's shame that they needed to use Eli/Vince as a replacement of Stiles.
Derek is the last character from this series that has any genuine fanbase and offers any emotional impact to the franchise. I'm not surprised that he is the best part of this movie. I also will not hear any Eli slander cause he's the mf Sterek baby and that's the only iconic thing to come from this movie. lol
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knoxious-existence · 2 years
The thing is, the teen wolf movie had so much potential, and it ended up being a train wreck, ngl. The returns of iconic characters, the effects were pretty cool, they had Allison’s resurrection be amazing visually, the references and parallels to the original, and Eli’s personality? Amazing. However, the lack of description as to what happened between the pack (other than stiles and Lydia), a completely ooc Scott, once again queerbaiting, and no acknowledgment of other iconic characters like Braeden or Kira, random and unlikely couples (Malia and Parrish?) and who tf Eli’s mom is. And lastly, the man who blamed himself for his entire families death, an orphan, a man who was groomed, r@ped and tortured, who finally seemed to have normalcy, happiness, and was so determined to keep his son safe he became a true alpha, was then fucking killed?!?! Why does Jeff Davis repeatedly hurt derek hale.
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stereksouls · 2 years
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Eli Hale Icons
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charamult1aes · 19 days
tv shows muses.
CLARE EDWARDS, student at degrassi; drama queen, loves journalisms and vampire literature. nineteen/twenty, ella purnell, bisexual. ELI GOLDSWORTHY, playwright, student at nyu and former student at degrassi, drama king, nineteen/twenty, munro chambers, bisexual. BIANCA DESOUSA, former student at degrassi and college student now, nineteen/twenty, cierra ramirez, bisexual. IMOGEN MORENO, student at degrassi and drama club enthusiats, nineteen, cristine prosperi, lesbian. PAIGE MICHALCHUK, eighteen/twenty-five, queen bee of degrassi high, a lover, bisexual who has an older brother who plays hockey far away from home, renée rapp. MANUELA SANTOS, eighteen-twenty five years, future movie star who loves hanging with band when boredrom kick in, bisexual, cassie steele. JAKE MARTIN, eighteen/twenty-five man who love to build things and do love working on gardens, bisexual, nick robinson. BECKY BAKER, miss sunshine who loves musical and annoying directors, christian girl who is rebellious at times, eighteen/twenty-five, bisexual, madelyn cline. CRAIG MANNING, musician who gets in trouble a lot with girls or boys, loves music as if it was his entiere life, eighteen/twenty-five, bisexual, felix mallard. MAYA MATLIN, cello and guitare enthousiast, loves to educate people with mental illness and is a lead singer in her own band, eighteen/twenty five, olivia scriven, bisexual. ASHLEY KHERWIN, music lover who would do anything to being people back tonlife with her lyrics, eighteen/twenty-five, bisexual, benedetta gargan.
RACHEL BERRY, the drama queen who needs validation but know what she’s worth. eighteen, is going to be the it girl of broadway. rachel zegler. bisexual. BLAINE ANDERSON, warblers prodigy, loves the glee club like a second family, eighteen - twenty-five, homosexual icon, darren criss. MERCEDES JONES, queen latifa and the beyonce of the glee club, isn’t afraid to hurt your feelings, eighteen - twenty- five, bisexual, ryan destiny.
HALEY JAMES SCOTT, once a student, validatorian, singer, producer, mom and wife, twenty-five, bethany joy lenz, straight, BROOKE DAVIS, cheerleader, head of the cheerleading squad alongside peyton sawyer who is her best friend and is the girl behind the red door. eighteen-thrity, bisexual, sophia bush.
EFFY STONEM, witch who’s a part of the frasser coven ( fear streat based ), twenty, marine vacht, lesbian.
KATHERINE PIERCE, vampire who’s living for blood and wrath, twenty in apparence but 545+, melisa asli pamuk, bisexual. KAI PARKER, leader of the gemini coven ( finally ), sociopath without a heart, twenty in apparence but 35+, no shippable, chris wood. BONNIE BENNET, town witch who is tougher than she looks, would do anything for her friends, even sacrificing herself, seventeen - twenty, kat graham, bisexual.
CLARY FAIRCHILD, shadowhunter who’s looking for her mother and tries not to attract the wrong people around but can’t, twenty, sophie skeleton, bisexual.
JESSICA DAVIS, future journalist who survived a lot in her high school years, twenty, alisha boe, bisexual.
LYDIA MARTIN, mathlet who loves shopping too much and skate on the ice when she has the times, is something special, can shatter your skull with her banshee cries, seventeen - twenty, abigail cowen, bisexual. ERICA REYES, seventeen - twenty years old, broken beta who tries her best in a world full of big bad wolf. her, being one of them for sure. always trust and believes stiles, her bateman. bisexual, nicole wallace. MALIA TATE HALE, seventeen - thirty years old girl / woman who lived in her coyote skin almost all of her child / teenage life. is trying to live normally since, bisexual hande erĉel.
CHRIS SCHISTAD, penetrator chris when it comes to parties, love flirting with girls, and is a literature lover, twenty, herman tommeraas, bisexual. NOORA SÆTRE, future madam president, would rather see her friends smile than cry and will sing justin bieber to cheer them up, twenty, bisexual, josephine frida pettersen.
WEDNESDAY ADDAMS, loves to tourment people and solve mistery. eighteen, jenna ortega, bisexual.
KATHERINE WALTER, mother of twelve ( now thirteen ) kids , guardians, ( not all them hers but she loves them all equally. ) , late fourty, veterinarian in Silver Falls and happily married to george. sarah rafferty. JACKIE HOWARD, little city girl who doesn’t like calm city living in silver falls with eleven boys and a girl who she foundly adores.eighteen, bisexual nikki rodriguez. COLE WALTER, ex-quaterback of his high school football team, broody and mysterious, second of twelve bothers, is trying his best but sometimes, don’t succed. eighteen, bisexual, noah lalonde.
PHOEBE HALLIWELL, twenty-thirty verse dependant, witch who loves to prank her sister and be gone for their lives for a thousand years and come back as if nothing bad happened when there is still obviously some bad blood with her older sister, student at law college of san fransisco, bisexual, seb quesada.
WALLACE FENNEL, eighteen/twenty-five, nerd who loves to solve mystery with his best friend, loyal friend who would go down for justice and everything that comes with it, bisexual, percy daggs iii.
ROBBY KEENE, eighteen years old, part of the miyagi-do / eagles dojo. a little bit misunderstood, troublemaker, and have serious daddy issues. tanner buchanan, bisexual.
OLIVER QUEEN, twenty-eight years old billionaire who’s willing to do everything to save the citizens from smallville and metropolis, bisexual and justin hartley.
RIKKI CHADWICK, eighteen years old girl who likes to swim and cause trouble around. is stubborn at times and likes to protect her friends from everything that could harm them, bisexual, cariba heine.
PENELOPE FEATHERINGTON, eloise’s best friend, colin’s wife and anthony’s favorite person. loves to gossip around ( in secret, for sure ) and is a mama’s girl ( unfortunally. ), in her twenty, bisexual, nicola coughlan.
TAYLOR JEWEL, seventeen-eighteen years, belly’s best friend and team jellyfish all the way. loves to be dramatic and shows that she is strong when sometimes, she needs someone to tell her that its okay to let go, pansexual, rain spencer.
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imhidingonceagain · 2 years
Things that might potentially happen in the Teen wolf movie and scare the shit out of me:
(of course this is just my opinion)
1. Allison actually coming back as a real person: I mean... If she's a ghost, a vengeful spirit or if we see her in flashbacks that's cool, but if they revive her somehow I think that's bullshit.
2. The new girl being Kira's replacement: It's almost a fact that she's her replacement but if they make her 100% like Kira I think I might actually throw up.
3. Them making the new girl and Liam a couple (Related to the previous point): I am a big Thiam shipper and therefore this is one of the things that scare me the most. J. Davis recycled Allison and Scott's story with Liam and Hayden so... Also Dylan Sprayberry and the new actress have been suspiciously together but I really really hope I'm wrong.
If you're not gonna give us Thiam at least don't crush our spirits like that. Let Liam's love life ALONE please.
4. Them ignoring Theo's existence: This one is also related to the previous one. Theo was alive and was considered an ally to the pack. He had a redemption arc and was very important for the development of the last two seasons. Also... We have seen that they're going to somehow mention the Dread Doctors (based ok Khylin Rambo's Ig Stories) and Theo was essential for that storyline so if they ignore his existence or just blatantly kill him out of screen I'm gonna riot.
I don't think Jeff imagined how popular Theo Raeken would become. If you want proof go to Teen wolf's Twitter account and see how many people mentioned Theo when they knew about the movie.
5. The possibility that Eli Hale is Stiles replacement: Listen... NO ONE will ever be capable of replacing someone as iconic as Stiles. But I wouldn't be surprised if they try to somehow replicate his personality making Eli Hale a Stiles 2.0 instead of giving him his own personality.
6. Making Kate Argent Eli's mom: Teen wolf's timelines have ALWAYS been messy. But I'm still trying to figure out how Derek Hale has a 15 year old son. Derek would be in his 30's in this movie but for him to have a 15 year old son he would have to have him incredibly young. And we know what a fucking creep Kate Argent was.
I was hoping he would be his and Braeden's child but I obviously don't think that's the case given Eli's physical appearance.
7. Breaking up Stydia: I was watching The teen wolf wiki guy's video and the dude (he's a weirdo by the way but sometimes he brings useful info) and he said that we shouldn't expect to see "teenage relationships" lasting and that ships are not even important in a supernatural/fantasy series. I couldn't disagree more. Teen wolf's writing was messy most of the time and many of us stayed for the characters and their relationships. So why building something so loved by the fandom (or at least many people in the fandom) like Stydia and then destroy it out of camera? People are already pissed that they were cowards who didn't dare to give us Thiam endgame so... If they erase Stydia... Well they might as well sleep with an eye open.
10. Makings Lydia and Jackson super close: I know that people started to like Jackson in S6 but to me... He never actually did something that actually gave him a redemption. And it honestly boils my blood that they acted as if he never was abusive towards Lydia. Listen Jeff... MAKING SOMEONE GAY DOESN'T AUTOMATICALLY MAKE HIM A GOOD PERSON.
11. Them pairing Mason and Jackson: Okay hear me out. I know this is probably a stretch but J. Davis has made the weirdest relationships before and since Aiden and Corey are nowhere to be seen, I wouldn't be surprised if they pair Mason with Jackson just because they're both LGBT.
I don't know dude... I hope I'm wrong.
Ps: English is not my first language so I apologize if my grammar sounds off.
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Teen Wolf Movie Thoughts
Wow. Tyler Posey's acting got even worse. He had 10 long YEARS to take some acting classes and try to learn how to act decently for once, but the Teen Wolf Movie trailer proves that he took none. Tyler Posey still can't for shit. 
I’m so glad that Dylan O'Brien and Arden Cho refused to be in this dumpster fire of a Teen Wolf Movie and that Stiles Stilinski and Kira Yukimura finally dumped Scott's toxic ass. I'm also glad Scott's stepping aside and passing the torch to Eli Hale, the titular teen wolf of the movie. Now they finally might explore some of Derek and Lydia's trauma with Void Stiles/Dark Stiles and the Nogitsune, instead of wasting tons of screen-time on Scott’s whining and on Posey's shitty acting. 
Especially since Jeff Davis was never going to allow Scott to grow up, mature, or be held accountable. So unless any of that was going to happen, there wasn’t really anywhere to go with his character. (which is the same problem they’ve had with Scott McCall since the entire run of the show. From the moment Scott McCall became a Gary Stu and Jeff Davis' self insert, he just became this stagnant power fantasy that stood out like a sore thumb among all the other characters, who did change, grow up and mature.) And Posey brought nothing to the table.
There’s just so much potential still to go with Teen Wolf, now that it's no longer linked to Scott McCall.
Trying to bring back the Nogitsune without Stiles Stilinski – the Nogitsune's Vessel and the unique, iconic character the Nogitsune & Void Stiles story belongs to and revolves around – and without Kira Yukimura – whose family was tied to the Nogitsune and helped Stiles when he was possessed – makes no sense and is extremely disrespectful towards Stiles and Kira. It's just a cheap imitation of the Void Stiles storyline... without the actor and character who made it powerful and successful in Teen Wolf Season 3B. 
The Teen Wolf Movie is going to flop, and everyone is rightfully hating on Jeff Davis and his nepotism baby Tyler Posey (who used his producer credit to involve his dad and brother in the Teen Wolf Movie, just like his dad had used his connection and friendship with Jeff Davis to make him have the role of Scott McCall, despite the fact that Jeff's the only who pushed Posey for the role of Scott because no one else from the TW production was even remotely impressed with Posey's atrocious acting.) This revival will go down in history alright; but not in the way Tyler Posey and Jeff Davis wanted. Serves them right for harassing Dylan and for treating Arden like trash
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