#Elia Nymeros Martell
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Tyrion IV ASOS / Portrait of A Lady by Remzi Taşkıran / Eddard XV AGOT / Portrait of A Lady by Sir Francis Bernard Dicksee / War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy / Semper Vivit Amor by Eugen von Blaas / Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) by Cher / Penitent Magdalene by Antonio Ciseri / The Colossus by Sylvia Plath / Sunspear by Juan Carlos Barquet
Martell Week Day 1 - Favorite Martell: Princess Elia Nymeros Martell of Dorne
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martellspear · 5 months
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green-ajah-aes-sedai · 11 months
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Princess Elia Nymeros Martell
"The Sun of Dorne"
Princess Elia was a good and gracious lady, kind and clever, with a gentle heart and a sweet wit.
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starry-aesthetic · 6 months
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Princess Elia Nymeros Martell of Dorne, Consort of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen.
Princess Elia was a good woman, kind and clever, with a gentle heart and a sweet wit. (ADWD, Daenerys IV)
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atopvisenyashill · 8 months
What Tywin decided to spare Elia?
I mean.....its very hard to see him sparing her or her babies. And even if he said "kill the kids but not Elia, we need her as a hostage" Amory and Gregor are not the sort of men who are going to see a wailing woman trying to fight them off from killing her kids and not do some deeply disturbed shit to her. So he sends different men, maybe, but I just don't see a scenario where he takes the capital and doesn't try to off his enemies - look at the Reynes. Look at Vargo Hoat. Look at the Starks and the North in general. This is not a man who leaves loose ends around, to his own detriment, because Elia being used as a bargaining chip with Dorne - even a widowed, baby less Elia, potentially even a brutalized Elia - is SOMETHING and he gives Dorne NOTHING and expects them to take that shit.
The only way Elia is spared is if JAIME puts her in a more secure location and if he has her secured and baby Aegon is alive to be crowned - I mean completely changes the rebellion. The rebellion doesn't want anything to do with the Targaryens at this point, they didn't even crown Viserys as a puppet the way the Blacks and Greens attempted with Aegon III, they chased them off the continent. Jaime is probably not letting Elia and her babies out of his SIGHT once they take the capital, and NED certainly isn't gonna let some baby killing happen. Do they crown baby Aegon? Do they disinherit them but send them all to Dorne as a peace offering? Does Doran take that "hey we are disinheriting your sister's entire line and replacing it with our own okay byyyyyyyye" offering? I mean hell, does a 15 year old Jaime attempt to crown baby Aegon after murdering Aerys and hearing Rhaegar has died? How does that affect whatever the hell is going on with the Kingsguard at the Tower of Joy (which Jaime was clearly not let in on)?
The answer in short is: everything lmao.
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dyannawynnedayne · 10 months
Who Has The Most Gender?: Round 1
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Daemon: art by lotreckk, AWOIAF Page
Elia: art by hylora, AWOIAF Page
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nocheiraia · 1 year
Have been thinking about the Grishaverse for a while and-
Elia as the Sun Summoner who can defeat the Others bc they are afraid of sun's light.
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themockingpoint · 2 years
for the shipping game elia/baelor
Who Cooks?
Baelor taught Elia, and usually does so so that she isn’t having to stand around for long periods of time
Who does Laundry and other chores?
Elia does laundry
How many children do they have?
Baelor calls Aegon and Rhaenys his kids with no real issues. They want children together but aren’t willing to risk it with her health
Who’s more dominant?
Favorite Non-Sexual activity
They’re writing a book together
Favorite place together?
Anywhere besides the Hightower. Elia gets a really bad case of the giggles whenever they are there together.
Any traditions?
They met again when Baelor brought Margaery and Loras to Aegon’s birthday party. So that day (the birthday party was the Saturday after his birthday) and they go out for a picnic that day every year
Their “Song”
Baelor says it is “Girlfriend” by Avril Lavigne. Elia claims she hates it but secretly thinks that it kinda fits a little to well
What do they do for each other on Holliday?
Baelor brings the kids to their fathers on Father’s Day so that Elia doesn’t have too
Where was their honeymoon?
They did not have one. They A)eloped and B) did it in the middle of a school year so didn’t have the opportunity
Where did they meet?
They originally met when her mother introduced them to set them up. While it didn’t work out years later they met at Aegon’s birthday party
Not many animals that don’t trigger Elia or Aegon’s allergies
What do they fight over?
Elia was quite open about shitting on Rhaegar in front of the children. Baelor thought it was inappropriate to do since he is still their father. He interacted with Rhaegar once or twice and his complaints died down after that.
Where do they go on vacation?
They really like Staycations
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sunspearesque · 4 months
i have a bone to pick with people who claim Oberyn got killed because “he was arrogant” or “he talked so much shit instead of just killing the Mountain” or “he was so full of himself yapping instead of fighting” etc..
this just tells me that some don't understand why he did it in the first place. if he wanted to “just kill”, he could've done so secretly with his poisons or in a way that wouldn't trace back to him.
Oberyn was determined to make the Mountain confess before his death in front of the crowd that he indeed r*ped and killed Elia and her kids by the orders of Tywin, so Dorne could prosecute Tywin for his crimes.
if the Mountain had died before Oberyn could force him to confess, the entire effort to bring justice for Elia and her kids would have been in vain, and the main offender would be on the loose, forever.
Oberyn's desperation for the truth to come out was the reason he didn't deliver a lethal blow to the Mountain, which unfortunately led to his own demise. Although he succeeded in killing the Mountain by poisoning his spear and giving this bitch a slow, painful death; it came at the cost of his own life and Tywin escaping justice.
So, when people talk about him 'talking shit,' the whole speech wasn’t about the Mountain or Oberyn's pride; it was Oberyn's desperation for the Mountain to confess and unveil the rumors, revealing the heartbreaking truth. Oberyn didn't deserve this ending, but what can we say?
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lionlena · 2 months
I Hold You (Oberyn Martellxf!reader) one shot
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Summary: Oberyn has a nightmare about his sister's death, which makes him fear that he will lose you too.
Warning: angst, hurt/comfort, canonical death of a character, tragic death, blood, mention of rape…
Title inspired by the song: CLANN - I Hold You
A/N: I am obsessed with thinking, how tragic and terrible was the fate of Elia Martell.
Also, watch this: Robert's Rebellion by Oberyn Martell
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Hot air blew across their faces as they ran through the courtyard filled with the Dornish sun. From time to time, the shadow of the palm trees growing along the courtyard fell on them. Her dark hair bounced on her shoulders and her bare feet hit on the ground.
She held his hand tightly. With strength so contrasting to her petite body.
And she laughed. Oh… What a sweet sound that was. Like the nectar they drank for breakfast in the morning.
He didn't resist her as she pulled him towards the fountain. He never resisted her.
Even though she was weaker and so delicate, she was able to capture anyone's heart, especially his. She walked gracefully among the vipers and knew that no one would dare to hurt her. And if someone like that was found, he would make sure that such a fool suffered unimaginable torment.
Oberyn loved her like no one else. His sweet sister. Elia Martell. His friend, confidant of secrets, and comforter. He spent so many long hours with his head on her lap as she ran her hand through his raven hair and explained to him that not everything could be solved by force. And that he can't be mad all the time. She taught him how to read poetry. For her, he began writing poems.
She wasn't just his sister. She was part of him. An integral part of his wild soul. It was like a cozy, cool hole in which an angry desert viper hid when the desert heat was deadly.
When she jumped into the fountain and started splashing water on him, he laughed happily and his dark eyes sparkled. She took a step back so that the water flowing from the marble snake's mouth soaked her head. She waved her hand at him, encouraging him to do the same. He wanted to do it and feel the pleasant coolness of the water. But when he took a step forward, the water flowing down his sister's head turned red. His heart stopped and she looked at him in surprise, as if she hadn't realized that her face was turning red with blood.
She extended her hand towards him. With a heavy heart, the prince took a step closer but stopped when he noticed the bodies of two children floating in the red water. He heard his sister scream as she was now holding her dress covered in blood. She lifted the material up, revealing her thighs covered in slippery goo and blood.
He felt bile rising in his throat and struggled to find his voice.
"Elia," he croaked. "Do not leave me!"
His sister looked at him with eyes full of suffering, and suddenly her face turned into yours. The prince suddenly stretched his hand towards you, grabbed your dress, and shouted:
Oberyn woke up and sat on the bed, breathing heavily. His body was covered in sweat, his hair was stuck to his forehead, and he felt a bitter taste in his mouth. He glanced sideways at you and his heart tightened. You looked so peaceful as you slept next to him, still with a blissful smile on your face after he took proper care of you and brought you to multiple orgasms.
He carefully leaned over you and brushed your hair away from your face. You lived, you breathed and you were fine. And yet he couldn't shake the feeling that your life was as fragile as his sister's was. You reminded him so much of her. You were delicate and intelligent, sensitive and full of empathy. It was both a blessing and a curse for him. Sometimes he even thought that it was his sister's spirit that put you on his path. To remember again what it's like to have someone he will trust with all his heart and who will surround him with care and love.
Oberyn sighed heavily and moved away from your warm body. He sat on the edge of the bed and was lost in his thoughts. He was the best warrior in Dorne, and yet he failed to protect his sister. What if he fails you? Would you be safer without him? No... He shook his head. The thought of not knowing where you were or what was happening to you was even more terrifying to him.
While he was lost in his thoughts, you woke up and immediately realized what the problem was. This wasn't the first time he had nightmares. Your sweet prince was full of life every day, full of jokes... He was also arrogant, conceited, and proud, but when nightmares came, he was sad and needed support. His entire demeanor changed and you saw a side that few people saw.
You carefully stood up and sat down behind him. You hugged him from behind and placed your chin on his shoulder. You didn't say anything, you just waited for him to speak.
Oberyn sighed, feeling the comforting warmth of your body against his back. In moments like these, he was grateful for your love and understanding. You were a special woman to him. He had never opened up to any other lovers like he did to you. And maybe that's why, paradoxically, he had nightmares more often than before.
He placed his hand on top of yours, which was resting on his belly.
"I'm fine... You can go back to sleep... I'm sure you're still tired from what we did." He tried to make his voice sound convincing, but you could hear the note of sadness and desperation.
You nuzzled his neck as a signal that you weren't going anywhere and tightened your grip. For a moment, a small smile appeared on his face. Then he sighed and took a few deep breaths. And finally, he whispered:
"I saw her again... First it was a memory from our youth. Happy life at Sunspear. We ran to the fountain to cool off..." His voice suddenly became quieter and trembling. "When she entered the water... The water turned to blood, and then... Her face... Her..."
You noticed a tear rolling down his cheek and hugged him even tighter. You pressed your lips against his cheek, feeling the salty taste.
"Her face turned into yours…" Oberyn finished and you sighed softly.
Sometimes you would give anything to take this pain and these terrible memories away from him. Not only were you hurt by your loved one's suffering, but by poor Elia's suffering. When you first heard her story, you cried. You didn't know her, but it seemed so unfair what happened to her and her children. And even though House Lannister had done nothing wrong to you, you hated them as much as Oberyn did.
However, you knew that no one in the world had the power to undo what had already happened. Living in memories led nowhere. So instead of thinking about the past, you focused on the present and comforting your loved one.
"But I'm here... And I'm holding you. You feel my warmth and my breath."
Oberyn nodded.
"But what if one day I can't protect you from the horrors of this world?"
You thought for a moment. His question was one that had no easy answer. Neither of you could promise that nothing bad would happen. You finally answered slowly.
"If something bad happens to me, I will be sure that you did everything to protect me. And I will die with the feeling that I was loved... And that I will be mourned."
Oberyn took a shaky breath and gripped your hands tighter. Your answer was honest, painful and... somehow comforting. But... No, he didn't do everything to protect you. Suddenly he turned towards you and cupped your face in his hands.
"Be my wife."
His sudden reaction took you by surprise. The candlelight reflected in his brown eyes, and you could see the sincerity in them. It definitely wasn't one of his jokes or teasing.
"Be my wife." He repeated, his voice becoming more confident, almost demanding, even though you knew he would never force you to do anything.
"I thought that... That you didn't want this... That you were comfortable with our relationship."
Oberyn smiled softly at you and rubbed his thumb against your cheek.
"Because it suits me, but... As strange as it may sound, since I found you, I no longer need other women and I want to provide you with even greater security. And this will happen when you gain the title of princess. Hurting a prince's lover is not the same as hurting his wife. Everyone will think twice. Besides, if something happens to me, you will be left with my estate and under the full protection of the Martell family."
You frowned and looked away from him, and he didn't understand your reaction. He thought you would be happy.
"What happened, my love?" He asked tenderly and gently grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him.
"You talk about marriage like a business. Something that will make you sleep soundly at night."
He finally realized what the problem was and immediately kissed your forehead.
"Oh, forgive me, my desert flower. It wasn't meant to sound like that. Your safety is important here, but... I want you to be my wife because I love you like no one else. Because you are part of my heart and the air that I breathe. Because I can't imagine a day without your kiss, without your look. I just want to make official what I have known for a long time... I am yours and only yours."
Even if you tried, you couldn't stop the smile that appeared on your face. His words easily warmed your heart and all you could do was whisper:
"I agree."
Oberyn smiled and kissed you gently on the lips. However, you could see that he still hadn't fully recovered from the nightmare. So you stroked his jaw and pulled him towards the center of the bed. You knew that in the morning you would want to discuss your wedding and that you would have many questions, but you knew that you both needed to rest.
"Let's go back to sleep. You're tired."
You could tell he wanted to argue with you, but you had a trick up your sleeve. You laid on your back and patted your belly and you knew he would always take him up on that offer. It was his favorite way to fall asleep after a nightmare. He always wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his head in your lap as you stroked his hair soothingly.
It was like that this time too.
He snuggled into your body and you started stroking his dark hair.
"Rest now, my love. It's all right. I'm here and I'm holding you."
Oberyn closed his eyes, listening to your calm voice. The fear of losing you was still there in him, and he squeezed you a little tighter as if hoping that the gods wouldn't be able to break you free from his grasp.
"I've got you." He whispered and slowly fell into sleep, hoping he wouldn't have another nightmare.
Rest now, my love It's all right The dark is gone I am here I hold you
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Pernament tag list: @harriedandharassed
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chic-beyond-the-wall · 3 months
What one of the sand snakes would wear
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martellspear · 3 months
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"In Dorne, she walked among vipers and none would bite her."
i know what i said about hiatus, but I've been missing the princiest princess to ever exist, ok?!
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martellweek · 5 months
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— Elia Martell
"But, rare for a woman of our land, her flower came with no thorns. She was kind and clever, with a gentle heart."
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green-ajah-aes-sedai · 11 months
Rhaella Targaryen x Elia Martell
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the-well-known-scout · 6 months
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more oberyn martell + elia martell design! and ambrosia :3
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months
What if soon after her death some red priest or something found Elia's body and resurrected her? Basically, what if Elia became Lady Stoneheart instead of Cat?
oooo interesting scenario. so the main differences here between UnElia and UnCat would be
location - obvious but major. cat is in the riverlands, the scene of the crime, her homelands, a region already in turmoil. elia dies in kl, the scene of the crime, the heart of westeros, and not her home. if the priest doesn’t find her until her body is on its way to dorne, then she’s in her homelands, but nowhere near the scene of the crime & those responsible.
magical awareness - thoros never purposefully brings beric back, he just does the rites and beric comes back. similarly, beric was working off pure instinct when he kissed UnCat into life. this would be very different from a random priest bringing Elia back, bc they’d be doing it on purpose.
motivation - again, thoros was just mourning his lover friend who had fallen in battle. beric saw the wife of the man he swore himself too & felt moved to safe her. WHY is this random priest bringing her back? are they a targaryen loyalist? do they just really hate robert/tywin/jon arryn? did they perform the ritual at the behest of oberyn perhaps? hell, we know oberyn is a smart, intellectually curious man, did HE perform the ritual?
it's kind of unclear how much UnCat is "aware" of so to speak - while regular, living Cat would probably understand Brienne's argument that Jaime has been helping her (she might not spare Brienne regardless, but she would spare Podrick!), UnCat can't even comprehend it. To her, morality is very simple - good people live, bad people die. Is this a part of Cat simply deciding to kill the compassion in her ("kill the girl" so to speak) or is this the corrupting trauma of being brought back to life? Beric's memories were hazy but his sense of morality was not changed by his magic, whereas UnCat's seems much more callous than her living self! So is UnElia capable of some sort of rationale, of planning, and is purposefully pushing down her more gentle nature, or is she just a vessel of fury and vengeance?
so taking all that into account - and reminder this is just my own read on the characters - i think the location she is brought back in is the biggest factor into how capable she is of doing damage. if she’s brought back in dorne, i imagine she just instinctively tries to get back to the water gardens (a place she associates with safety, her family, and children), and the image of doran, oberyn, and little arianne, obara, tyene, nym, and sarella walking into the water gardens to a zombified elia just standing there?? chefs kiss, amazing, horrifying!! after that, i’m not sure what she would try - if loreza is still alive, does she attack her mother for marrying her to rhaegar? does she attack doran for “failing” her? does she prefer to haunt sunspear until someone comes looking for the mysterious ghoul or does she approach her brother right away, attempting to convince them to help her avenge her children with fire and blood? hell, does she get wind of doran’s plans & try to get to dany & viserys herself??
if she’s brought back in KL, i think this is the spiciest conflict because i think she could do the most damage here. I think a vengeful ghoul type would have a really easy time disappearing into Fleabottom or the woods around KL, gathering some loyalists, and sending them out to do her violent bidding. I think she would even need some help getting around a bit - we see Cat and Beric's injuries do heal, but at a human slow rate, ie Cat is capable of some short sentences because her vocal chords have started to heal but not completely (and the time frame from when he first meet her at ASOS to when we run into her again in AFFC roughly fits how long it would take vocal chords to heal from being damaged. someone made a post about this years ago, i'm too lazy to find it, you just have to take me at my word and experience with my mama's surgery that accidentally damaged a vocal chord haha). So while Elia would probably eventually be healed up enough to move around, she likely has a lot of internal bleeding, crushed bones, and a caved in skull. That skull is going to grow back last, so she probably, like Cat, wears something to cover it - a creepy cloak or mask for the back of her head. That damage being so obvious will definitely spur some Dornish or Targ loyalists to her side, the way Cat's injuries clearly disturb Thoros and the BWB when they discuss her. They're a constant reminder of what Elia and her babies went through, and a firm rallying cry for her.
In KL, too, is where Elia's enemies are. Imagine being Robert, new to your throne, and then getting reports of a secret, shadowy woman building a group in Fleabottom of Targaryen loyalists, who is always just out of his reach? Imagine Elia's fury when Cersei is crowned queen, her family rewarded for the brutal murders of innocent children! And remember the secret passageways of the Red Keep, how effective a group of righteously angry people can be at using them to get to the new little queen or the big bad king.
If Elia were to be raised in KL, regardless of how she's raised or whether she keeps much of her nature, I think walking around with a broken body and a missing skull, surrounded by the family who slaughtered yours mercilessly, would be enough to drive anyone to anger and violence. And we know there are plenty of people who are willing to exploit those feelings, especially after Tywin has sacked the city, Jaime has murdered Aerys, and anti Lannister sentiment is probably a bit high. God, imagine Elia meeting Jaime again. Convincing poor traumatized, drowning in guilt, 16 year old Jaime to help her get justice for her murdered babies, what's a little kinslaying after he's already killed the king after all, and didn't he swear to protect her and her children, and do as she says? Oh delicious.
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