#rhaella x elia
Rhaella Targaryen x Elia Martell
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florzzzs2 · 5 months
Elia Martell ☀️
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My girl from sun✨☀️
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spearsndragons · 2 months
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This indifference, Rhaella realized, was the kindest she could afford to be towards them. The alternative was a bitterness that would consume her entirely. She could not muster the warmth she might have given under different circumstances, but she could at least avoid the cruelty that simmered beneath the surface. It was a fragile balance, maintaining this indifference, but it was all she had left to give
Come get y’all’s juice!!! AND PLEASE LMK WHAT YOU GUYS THINK! Ok bye 🥰
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Rhaegar's rubies = Rhaegar’s blood.
Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought honorably. And Rhaegar died.
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dalekofchaos · 2 months
Targaryen restoration au
Imagine if the following happened.
Rhaella lived through childbirth and got to take care of Dany and Viserys
Elia, Aegon and Rhaenys were able to escape to Dorne before the sacking of King's Landing
Arthur Dayne took a pregnant Lyanna to Starfall to find proper care to deliver Jon. But let's say in this au Rhaegar told Arthur the Prince that was promised must be named Daeron III
Jon Connington is called and returns to serve his lord's children
At some point they all link up and begin to plot to restore House Targaryen and take what is rightfully theirs. With Fire & Blood
With Rhaella, Ser Willem, Elia and Arthur around. Viserys never descends into madness and becomes more well adjusted.
Lyanna survived childbirth. Lyanna could not return home. She's too ashamed after her actions led to the deaths of Rickard and Brandon and she knows if she returns with her son, Robert would kill them. Arthur and Lyanna raised Daeron together. One thing led to another and they fell in love.
With outside forces preventing the crown from finding them(Doran, Varys and Illyrio) the Targaryens are never found.
Dany has a happy childhood and while they move every often, she has happy memories with her mother, brother and cousins.
With Rhaella, Doran, Oberyn Arthur and Jon Connington around, Aegon, Rhaenys, Viserys and Daenerys all grow up well versed into politics. Arthur and Oberyn properly turns Aegon, Daeron, Rhaenys, Dany and Viserys into warriors.
Because of Arthur's presence, he would not allow or tolerate Jorah Mormont.
With the vast wealth of Illyrio and Varys influence, an army of sell swords are at their disposal. They have the Golden Company, Windblown, Second Sons, Unsullied, and Storm Crows
With an alliance with Dorne, Aegon is betrothed to Arianne, House Tyrell are known Targaryen loyalists. Daeron is betrothed to Margaery and Daenerys is betrothed to Willas, The Targaryens could reach out to the Greyjoys and promise revenge and plunder. Viserys is betrothed to Asha.
I don't know if the dragons would factor into this au. Maybe there is a ritual, magic via the red priests/priestesses or something they found that could hatch the dragon eggs. If so the dragons are given to Rhaegar's children because prophecy. Aegon's Dragon will be named Visenya(Drogon) Rhaenys' dragon will be named Meria(Rhaegal) and Daeron's will be named Ghost(Viserion)
The War of the Five Kings turns into the War of Kings & Dragons.
Renly runs back to Stannis after he finds out the Tyrell's true allegiances. The brothers put behind their grievances and stand together.
When Cat goes to treat with Renly, she is surprised that Stannis and Renly stand together. They offer Robb a choice, join us. The Lannisters must be dealt with and then deal with the invading Targaryens.
Battle of the Blackwater ends with the Stark-Baratheon alliance victorious. Robb rescues Sansa and Joffrey is executed. Cersei is executed and Tommen is fostered at Casterly Rock by Tyrion. Tywin falls in battle.
Littlefinger is executed and Varys escapes in time to meet with the Targaryens.
The Targaryens arrive. They are met with Dorne, the Ironborn and the Reach.
All out war.
The Targaryens obviously win. But they are smart. They give their enemies the chance to bend the knee.
Then the Targaryens, Starks, and Baratheons unite their forces and marches North. to face their true enemy.
Aegon VI's small council
Hand of the King:Jon Connington
Grand Maester:Marwyn
Master of Whispers:Varys
Master of Laws:Oberyn Martell
Master of Ships:Mace Tyrell
Lord Commander of the Kingsguard:Arthur Dayne
Meanwhile I can see Euron return and hire a Faceless man to kill Willas Tyrell. Euron tries weasels his way into Dany's good graces. There are two ways we can play this. Dany sicks the Kingsguard to kill him or he slowly begins to corrupt her. Blame Viserys and cause Targaryen infighting. And after Viserys is out of the picture. Euron helps Dany take the throne and cement the Targaryens and the Greyjoys alliance through marriage, let the Long Night kill her cousins and they can rule the Iron Throne together and he has the means to bind the dragons to her will.
In the scenario where Dany stays loyal to her family. Euron is captured and is awaiting his execution. With no dragons to burn him. Dany has him executed by Wildfire. "Dracarys"
Ending 1:Rhaegar's prophecy is true and his children save the realm from the Long Night
Ending 2:Aegon, Rhaenys and Daeron sacrifice themselves to end The Others, while Dany brings peace to the realm
Ending 3:The unholy union of Euron and Dany plunges the world into darkness.
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forestcat000 · 8 months
This was a comment in response to me wanting an excuse to ramble about my Targaryen's survive AU so thank you @celerieth for this opportunity and thank you for the follow (:
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Btw I am sorry to everyone who only follows me for aphmau content because I keep posting game of thrones stuff.
Warning, long post
So I've mentioned my AU and it's concept on my blogs before. The premise is basically all the Targaryen's survive the rebellion and kill the Baratheons, Starks, Arryns, and Tullys for their treason. Aerys remains king but I kinda stall his madness for the sake of story telling so Jaime does not kill him.
My fic starts at the same time as the Canon books except it basically only (so far) takes place in kingslanding. All the Targ kids (Aegon, Rhaenys, Daenerys, Viserys, Jon) get their own chapters, Rhaella and Elia, get them as well. Rhaegar is the only one so far without a chapter in progress.
The story mainly follows the more domestic drama and relationships between the characters so far, with everyone having to endure Aerys. But I do add in a lot of fluff for the Targ kids so it can be sweet.
Aegon is the picture perfect prince, smart, funny, kind, good looking but he has a few problems. Aegon has some pent up hatred towards Rhaegar for abandoning the family during the rebellion, this results in Aegon being more critical and distrustful of Rhaegar, viewing Rhaegar as mad for chasing a prophecy. This extra tension since Aegon is the child who Rhaegar views as the prince who was promised and thus pays extra unwanted attention to Aegon. Aegon is very close with his siblings, and mother, feeling extremely protective of them.
Rhaenys is an intelligent, witty, charming girl. Rhaenys shares Aegons feelings towards Rhaegar for the rebellion but she's much calmer and more lenient with Rhaegar, mainly because she doesn't talk to him often, he's distant and often in his head so neither cares enough to reach out. Rhaenys is loving towards her family and often tries to keep them in line, especially Daenerys. She has a slight rivalry with Daenerys but it's largely loving. She is the only one of her siblings in a relationship, she is secretly courting Willas Tyrell, heir to Highgarden.
Viserys is much nicer and calmer than in Canon since he never had to go through the trauma of being on the run and having his family die. Viserys is a loving older brother and uncle. He's a mama's boy, he tries his best to support his mother while she deals with the abuse at Aerys hand. He has a slightly odd relationship with Aerys. Aerys spared Viserys a lot of the abuse that the other family members suffered because Viserys is his favorite son, while he was saved from the physical and mental abuse he developed a guilt of sorts, feeling guilty that while his family is hurt he is safe. This guilt causes Viserys to be a bit protective and he tries to remove his family members from the area when Aerys get violent and loud.
Daenerys is reckless and chaotic but loving. She has a complicated relationship with her father. Aerys goes from doting on his daughter in every way to yelling and screaming at her at an instant, as a result Daenerys tends to avoid being around her father unless necessary. She's extremely close to Viserys with him being her safe person, kinda seeing him as a father or a caretaker more than a brother.
All the family members that have POVs are the main characters but Jon (Aemon in my rewrite) has the biggest one planned out. Jon is the last known member of the Stark family since he's Lyannas son. Jon is raised as something similar to a prisoner, being a symbol of the war and all the people the Targaryens demolished. Jon is antagonized by Aerys frequently to the point Jon loses sleep every night over the possibility of being murdered and having dreams of being burned alive by Aerys. He feels something similar to survivors guilt, believing he didn't deserve to live, and viewing his birth as the cause of the rebellion (will alaborate if needed)and as a result the cause of death of everyone who died in the rebellion, including all the Starks and his mother. Jon is extremely paranoid and fearful. Hes so paranoid that he went mute because he was scared of saying the wrong thing and being killed, his fear is intense that he can't talk if he tried, he created a mental block to stop him. he is rarely away from Aegon who he is close to, if Aegon is in a room Jon cannot go in he'll wait by the door for Aegon to come out. Jon is close with Rhaenys as well, often going to her for comfort.
That's base info, I know there's a lot, and that's just the stuff that I'm posting, I have pages of lore I'm waiting to implement.
If anyone is interested in any of this feel free to ask questions. Also thank you Celerieth.
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forestcat222 · 7 months
Hey guys I created a new blog just for my 'Targaryen's survive AU, this blog will still post stuff for the AU but the other blog will be exclusively for things related to the AU.
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targaryenssurvive · 7 months
Chapter 14 Rhaella
Rhaella was breaking her fast with her family, or most of her family, Rhaegar and Aerys were discussing something together and had given everyone else the go ahead to eat breakfast without them, which made for a nice quiet breakfast, the children were joking and talking to each other, Viserys and Rhaenys were teasing each other as per usual, Aegon was trying to calm them a bit, and Daenerys and Aemon were drawing together.
Elia cleared her throat to get everyone's attention. “So, as I'm sure everyone remembers the Tyrells are coming to visit, they should arrive today.” Rhaella saw Rhaenys eyes light up at the mention of the visit, though Rhaenys had never explicitly stated how she felt about the Tyrell heir but Rhaella had always known what it was.
“I want everyone on their best behaviors.” Elia spoke. “Aren’t we always?” Viserys replied. Elia chuckled “no….they should be here around noon, once we get word they’ve arrived we’ll wait outside for them.” Elia spoke.
‘Ah outside, outside the red keep, how I would love to be outside the Red Keep, alas Aerys hasn’t granted me that privilege in years.’ Rhaella thought. She hadn’t been allowed outside the Red Keep since she was pregnant with Viserys. yes she could go on her balcony, or in the garden but that was all in the keep, it wasn't truly being outside, she longed to be outside, she remembered as a child her family would occasionally go on hunts and trips, she remembered when her father wasn’t sick, her parents would walk outside with her and Aerys, they would pick flowers and have picnics, it was one of the few times Rhaella could remember being happy with Aerys being around.
Elia, Viserys, Daenerys, Aegon and Rhaenys were all at the gates waiting to greet the Tyrells, Rhaella was sitting on the couch in a sitting area with Aemon next to her. Due to Aemons bastard birth he was forbidden to greet nobles and hold the same prominence as the other members of the family which meant during times like this Aemon would sit with Rhaella and keep her company. When Viserys was younger he wasn’t allowed outside much either so he would be by Rhaellas side but as he grew and his risk of death lowered he was given more freedoms, which meant when company arrived he would be there to greet them, he wouldn’t be by his mothers side. Rhaella couldn’t blame Viserys, she would be just as desperate to get some fresh air if she was given the chance. Rhaegar used to keep her company as well, but as Rhaegar grew into the man he is today he became distant, not just from Rhaella but from everyone, his wife, his children, his siblings, he got even worse after the ugliness of the rebellion. Now it seems that the only person he talks to regularly is Jon Connington, and even then it seems like it’s mostly Jon doing the talking. When Daenerys was born Rhaella had her as company, her baby girl would sit and cuddle with her during lonely times, of course Daenerys was always an adventurous curious girl, and as soon as she learned to crawl she started getting away from Rhaella.
Rhaella missed when both her sons were close to her, before Rhaegar grew, when he was her boy, when he would comfort her with his presence after a particularly bad day, when he would let her old him while she cried, when he was her little boy….but at least she had her younger children and her grandchildren.
Aemon was sitting up straight, he looked stiff and uncomfortable, like he was afraid to move. Rhaella understood why, of course. When Aemon was small he had been a cuddly little child, always wanting to be held and cuddled. Once she had picked up Aemon and cuddled him, Aerys had come in and something snapped, he had one of the kingsguard beat Aemon for ‘touching the queen in an inappropriate manner’, the poor boy was so scared and confused, he was crying and screaming, Rhaella could even tell that the kingsguard felt bad for doing it. Ever since that day Aemon had become much more uncomfortable with affection from Rhaella, worried that he would be hurt, now he only became affectionate when he was sure Aerys was nowhere to near.
Rhaella gently took Aemons hand in hers and held it, Aemon flinched slightly but still held her hand. Aemons eyes would look around the room, watching nervously in case Aerys made an unannounced appearance. Rhaella took a deep breath and prayed that Aerys would keep his temper controlled while they had guests
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tweedfrog · 2 years
Quick fix it fic where Brandon Stark crowns Elia Martell at the Tourney at Harrenhal
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katshuya · 7 months
If Elia and lyanna's positions were reversed
If Rhaegar left his willful, tomboyish, and not like other girl wife for assumingly more feminine, Elia, would the reaction be the same?
Would R x L shippers say it's not their fault and we shouldn't blame R or E because R's marriage was forced to Lyanna?
That we just hate Elia being a girl who chooses who she wants to be with?
Or was it going to be a man who can't bear a woman being independent and strong and feeling challenged because Lyanna has a strong personality?
Would they say that Lyanna wouldn't mind as long as her child is heir and she gets to be queen and get rid of her jerk husband? or would it be humiliating for her?
Or maybe they would say Lyanna wouldn't mind because she is Brandon's sister as Elia is Oberyn's sister, and she is too independent her rough northern self doesn't care if her husband left her ? since she absolutely doesn't love him and because complicated relationships mean zero attraction/love and zero attempts to love each other
Would they say that it is alright because Rhaegar and Elia can be together? or are they going to blame Elia's Dornish nature for thinking she can be with a married man because she sees nothing is wrong with having bastards nor being with a married man? Are they not going to slut shame Elia?
Would they blame Lyanna's impulsive and more tough self for Rhaegar leaving her? like how it's justified that since Elia isn't as fiery or healthy as Lyanna for Rhaegar to leave her? or would they blame Elia for seducing Rhaegar with her more feminine and more allegedly submissive AND her seductive Dornish nature?
Would they write fanfiction about how Rhaegar prefers more feminine delicate desert flower than willful impulsive winter rose like how they do with Elia? Or maybe in their fanfictions, Elia's thrones would represent the stings she caused for Lyanna?
Would they accept the North not being angry and hateful with the Targaryens like how the Dornish shouldn't because the Dornish understand true love and don't mind mistresses or second wives at all in all scenarios?
Would people think Elia was kidnapped and raped? or are they going to be sure that it was consensual since Elia was adult and the sterotypical seductive Dornish, who doesn't mind mistresses and taking married man as lover?
Would they be it's fine because True Love! ? Or would they be furious for Lyanna because she helped and gave Rhaegar everything only to end up overshadowed by Elia?
Would they accept it if George's made it thay Lyanna was fine with Rhaegar having Elia because Lyanna was forced to marry Rhaegar and she and him have a very understanding paltonic love to the point Lyanna care not for her dignity nor all that she gave because she only cares for her child to be king and herself to be queen? Maybe Arthur Dayne, the knight who took his vows seriously, would break them to be Lyanna's lover in this scenario, so everything is ok?
Would they doubt that Rhaella ever cared deeply for Lyanna and Ashara was actully never close to her and just one of many handmaidens, as they do with Elia? Would they say it is because Lyanna is so minor and just a plot device for the North to hate the Lannisters, like how they did this with Elia and Dorne?
Or perhaps Lyanna would be fine because she wants Elia too?
Would the fandom be as apologic with Elia as they are with Lyanna in case she eloped willingly and say that she was totally faultless? and shouldn't be held accountable because of "girl's girl" and "don't put woman against woman," so no accountability? Or that Elia was manipulated by Rhaegar?
And Rhaegar, would the fandom see him as blameless/not that guilty as they see him when he left Elia? Would they also sympathize with the melancholic prince and say: let the poor man have a break and be with his true love! ?
is it a work of art and star-crossed lovers between Rhaegar and Elia in their eyes now? And as someone said, a progressiveness?
Or Would they criticize George for doing this to the cool willful not like other girls Lyanna?
Anyone associated with polygamous culture knows how unrealistic it is for Elia to accept a second wife without being upset about it and has no other choice. And we all know that most will not just be unbothered by it. Women in polygamous/polymorous culture do/would not simply accept it, and when they do, they aren't happy and ok with it. We are humans, and the Dornish are humans, too.
That's just in George's head.
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florzzzs2 · 5 months
Princess Rhaenys 🌺
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She should have been the delight of the kingdom ☀️🥹
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spearsndragons · 9 months
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“What’s your end goal here, Elia?”
To avenge myself and my children. To rid unworthy men of significant power. To ensure a realm where innocent blood does not water our soil.
“I’m tired of war,” Elia said. “I’ve been given this life to make things right. But we cannot move forward without removing the weeds by the roots, lest they fester again.”
this post will be updated as the story progresses! as always, thank you for the endless love and support.
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untilmynextstory · 3 months
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Elia Week 2024
Day 4: Elia x Rhaegar, Betrayal
SUMMARY: Bruised and battered, Elia Martell watches as Rhaegar returns victorious from the Trident.
This piece was inspired by  Crooked Kingdom by @martellspear
In the early days of her marriage, Elia harbored a hopeful belief that love, though not a currency in her union, could still find a place. She yearned for friendship, respect, and perhaps a love that would be reciprocated. A love that may not burn hot and bright but hopefully steady. She understood that survival in the treacherous realm of King’s Landing necessitated a way to love her husband. 
After all, the Crown Prince should have been easy to convince herself to love. She remembered him from before when he had visited Dorne. She couldn’t deny the strange beauty he possessed, a beauty that seemed to have faded with time in her eyes. He was quiet, bookish, and respectful, traits that had once endeared him to her. He had treated her with respect and as an equal, a memory she clung to when her mother had informed her of their marriage, a memory that now seemed distant and elusive. 
Even during the first year of marriage, she had thought they formed a friendship. They could be companions. Love would come with time, as she could recognize the outside pressures, as his father would never allow them a time and place to nurture something distinctly their own. 
It was after the birth of Rhaenys that Elia's hope for love in her marriage was shattered. The love she once believed could grow and flourish had been petrified like elusive dragon eggs. This painful realization left her with a sense of profound sadness and resignation. 
She foolishly thought her husband had not inherited the Targaryan madness. She spent plenty of time with Rhaella, and despite the cage Aerys had her in, she was always very level-headed. She knew how to play the game of thrones better than the King and her son. 
Yet, she ignored the first tint of it from her husband. She had been recovering from Rhaenys birth. She remembered the comet and Rhaegar’s mutterings about a prince. She was so tired and hurting, but she had wifely duties. She remembered Ashara helping clean up the blood afterward, and she felt that was more prophetic than the scrolls her husband buried himself in. 
Any fondness had been hard to grasp, scattered like wind. She no longer felt the fire from his gaze or the warmth of his touch. Everything had turned to ice, colder than she imagined the Wall to be. By then, she didn’t know if she was even upset at what happened at that tourney. 
Sure, she had her pride. She expected her husband to have a mistress at some point. No matter how discreet he could be, the walls talked in the Red Keep; she had prepared herself for that as a wife of a Prince and soon-to-be King. She couldn’t stand the cloak of pity and embarrassment his actions had bestowed on her. He forced her into the role of being the meek, spurned older wife. She already heard talk about how a Dornish woman couldn’t keep her husband.
Then she became pregnant with Aegon, and she regretfully thought she might die and Rhaegar could be happy with the wolf girl. Elia was not a fool to believe the two were not keeping in contact no matter how much he caressed her belly and played with their daughter. 
Then Aegon was born, and Elia felt relief that he had his heir. Then, relief turned to anger once she woke to find her husband gone from Dragonstone without a word. Their child was barely a week old. Ashara told her what the maester had said about the prospect of a third child. 
The dragon must have three heads. 
All Elia could do was laugh. Yet, her laughter turned to rib-cracking sobs as she mourned what would never be. Her husband didn’t care for her as his wife. She was only a vessel to be used for his prophecy - their children were just pieces to the prophecies he needed to fulfill. He only loved them for what they could do for him, not because they were part of him. 
She was truly on her own, both for herself and her children. 
The princess wasn’t surprised when word reached the island of the Stark girl disappearing with her husband or Aery’s summoning. His insults about her heritage and useless womb barely stung anymore. 
Nothing really hurt her anymore when it came to herself. The only hurt she felt were potential wrongs that may or could happen to her children. 
Elia looked at the desolate Red Keep. The sun was setting, cloaking the city in colors reminiscent of her house colors. When she could, she clung to any reminder of Dorne. It was Dorne who gave her strength. 
Elia didn’t know how the Crown would recover from this. She didn’t know how she would work to secure her son’s reign. The taint of his grandfather and father would forever stain him. 
She took a shaky breath, and she felt the wound on her head bleeding again. She moved to the small table that contained fresh water and cloth. 
She could still feel Ser Gregor's hands on her. Her dress was torn to shreds by him. She was surprised by being in his grip; she wasn’t crushed, and maybe the Gods were on her side that he was too slippery with blood. Grateful that Oberyn had shown her how to poison small knives. It was because of her brother she was alive. She remembered laughing and being dismissive when he had given her the knives, but she remembered the look in his eyes that made her go quiet and take him seriously. 
Oberyn had always been the one to treat her like everyone else - an equal despite her gender and health. He didn’t let her sickness hinder her despite all her scares throughout her childhood. But for the first time, she saw her brother fear for her being in King’s Landing. 
She hissed as she touched the sensitive wound, and at the same time, the door to her room opened with no preamble. She jumped, startled; her husband stood frantic in the doorframe.
It had been nearly a year since she saw her husband. 
She recalled thinking that when the raven arrived from the Trident with the words, he had survived his battle with Robert Baratheon. She recalled darkly wishing he was dead.  
Her eyes moved behind him, and she glanced at Jaime Lannister's apologetic gaze next to Arthur Dayne, the Sword of Morning. She thought his actions hurt the most. 
She wanted to tell Jaime to keep the door open, but Arthur closed it. 
She didn’t realize Rhaegar’s lips moved until he approached her. His hands encased her bruised and swollen face, and her gaze locked with his violet ones. She thought she was beginning to detest the color purple, but she was surrounded by them in the eyes of her children and her best friend. 
Her brown eyes appraised him. She thought bitterly that he didn’t look like he had gone through battle despite the dry blood flaking on him and his armor missing rubies, dented, scratched, and stained. Yet, his face showed no trace of a battle. 
The sound of her name broke her out of her trance, and she winced. His touch burned. She realized he was like his father’s dreaded and beloved wildfire—all-consuming and only leaving ashes behind. 
She created space between the two of them. She could have snorted at him, looking hurt from her rejection. 
“Your Grace,” she replied hoarsely. She had only begun to be able to talk as the bruises on her throat faded. The Maester had been concerned they would have to fasten some type of neck brace due to her injuries. 
Rhaegar winced; she didn’t know from her address or realize the extent of what his actions caused her. 
She pondered the man she married. Everyone hoped this man wouldn’t be his father, but she thought bitterly that he was the same or even worse. 
“Elia…you don’t - you don’t have to address..we’re in private...”
She thought bitterly there was no such concept of privacy in the Red Keep. And now, with his actions, everyone would dissect their every move. 
She didn’t reply as she stared at him with unblinking eyes. She cursed her son for being saddled, being the image of his father. At least Rhaenys had only been given his purple eyes. 
“What happened?” He asked. 
“The Keep was attacked,” she replied succinctly. She could tell he wanted more, but she had nothing to offer him. He clearly didn’t care about her well-being the year he was gone. 
His eyes flickered around the room. There was no crib or children's toys strung about. Gregor had destroyed Aegon’s crib while looking for him, and during the clean-up, the maids had placed the toys away. 
“Where are the children?”
Elia walked back to the window where she could hear the cries of widows, children, and broken people from Rhaegar’s heads being in the cloud. 
“Not here.”
“Elia -”
Her eyes narrowed into slits. “It’s not like you cared the year you were gone. They are safe.” Away from you is implied. 
“I thought you would be in Dragonstone,” he argued weakly. 
Elia snorted. Her husband - king- was a naive boy, and she didn’t feel like arguing. 
He was quiet, and she prayed he would leave, but he didn’t. “I’m still their father.”
Elia hummed but didn’t comment further. 
Instead, she walked over to the letter she had received from a rider from Starfall. She passed the missive to her husband. She didn’t miss the shaking of his hands. 
“Your lover and her son are dead. Her Lord brother found her,” she sneered. It was one thing to have a mistress but to defile her homeland. She would never forgive him for what he has done to their children and the Realm. 
Those violet eyes became teary-eyed. Her once tall, lithe, strong husband looked pitiful in her eyes. 
“Elia, I didn’t - I just needed the third head,” he explained. 
She eyed Rhaegar and contemplated how she would spend her days—years—in his presence. She knew nothing would change with him and would prefer not to have him around moping about his life decisions. His family was a prophecy of what not to do. She wished he would have gleamed that in his studies, but hubris always seemed to get in the way. 
He flew too close to the sun, and she would burn him. 
“I would like to be left alone.”
“Elia, please, we need to talk.”
“It’s way too late for talking, your Grace.”
“Elia -”
“LEAVE!” she shouted at him for the first time in their marriage. They both seemed startled at her outburst. The door slammed open in response. Ser Jaime’s eyes were frantic as he assured her safety.
“His Grace is leaving, Ser Jaime,” she told him, leaving no room for argument. She didn’t look at her husband again as he reluctantly left her room. She didn’t glance at the other pleading purple eyes following her husband. 
Instead, she picked up the second letter that Ashara had sent in their secret code, promising to raise the boy as the twin to her newborn daughter in Winterfell with her husband. 
She burned the letter and inhaled the flames. 
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sunsetstarrogue · 7 months
Sunsets Masterlist
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Ghost: Rhaenys-centric, angst, angst and more angst.
Since the death of her mother Rhaenys had longed to go to her homeland. Elia Martell had spoken of her home so fondly that her daughter could not help but long for it, especially after her mother had left her.
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You're On Your Own, Kid (You Always Have Been): Rhaenys-centric, Rhaenys Targaryen x Robb Stark.
Rhaenys never wanted to marry Robb Stark, but here she was; with the King and his men on her way North to pay for the sins of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark.
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Right Where You Left Me: Rhaenys-centric, Rhaenys Targaryen x Robert Baratheon(political), angst.
Rhaegar's life is spared by the valiant intervention of Arthur Dayne, moments before Robert deals the fatal blow. With their lives preserved, Rhaegar and the remaining Targaryens seek refuge on Dragonstone, eventually making their escape to Essos. Regrettably, Rhaegar is forced to leave his eldest daughter behind. Left in the midst of her adversaries, Rhaenys grows up surrounded by those who view her as an enemy. As time passes, she becomes entangled in the treacherous game of thrones, particularly in the aftermath of Cersei and Jaime Lannister's public execution for their incestuous relationship. Caught in a web of schemes and deceit, Rhaenys finds herself compelled to employ similar tactics in order to ensure her own survival.
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Sequel to Right Where You Left Me - Ptolemaea: Rhaenys-centric, angst, family drama.
Seventeen years have passed since Robert's rise to the throne, forcing Rhaegar and his kin into exile in Essos. Now, Rhaegar has journeyed back with a singular yearning in mind: to reclaim his daughter, Rhaenys. She had been held captive, first by Aerys Targaryen as a pawn against the Dornish, and then again by Robert Baratheon. However, Rhaegar's return unfolds in a manner he never foresaw. The longed-for reunion he had pictured is tempered by an unexpected chill. The reality before him dashes his hopes of a heartwarming reconnection. Enraged by her father's culpability in her king's and husband's deaths, and his seizing of the crown from her son, Rhaenys is resolved to seek retribution for the wrongs inflicted upon her, her children, and her mother.
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Fires of Fate: ASOIAF/Silmarillion crossover, Rhaenys-centric.
In which after her death, the Gods of Old Valyria send Rhaenys Targaryen to the lands of Aman.
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Baelon The Cruel And His Queen Of Love And Beauty: OC/Elia Martell, Elia Martell/Rhaegar Targaryen, crack.
Baelon Targaryen, the second-born son of King Aerys and Queen Rhaella, and the twin brother to Crown Prince Rhaegar, possessed an ethereal beauty expected of one with Valyrian blood. Yet, behind his captivating face, an aura of cruelty and ruthlessness lingered, casting an unsettling shadow over his reputation. And his sudden appearance at the Tourney at Harrenhal unknowingly changes everything. (or just a crack fic about Rhaegar's 'cruel' twin brother and his shenanigans at the famed Tourney at Harrenhal)
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You Were My Crown(Now I'm In Exile): Elia-centric, Elia Martell/Rhaegar Targaryen, Elia Martell/Baelor Hightower.
Shortly following her death, Elia Martell is granted an unexpected opportunity for a new beginning. Armed with insight into her own future, she's resolute in evading the path she once walked. Yet, unbeknownst to her, one of the individual's implicated in her tragic end has also been granted a chance at redemption. Will Rhaegar Targaryen manage to rectify his past transgressions, or will he once again succumb to the labyrinth of his own thoughts?
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We Fall Apart As It Gets Dark: Elia-centric, Elia Martell/Brandon Stark, Elia Martell/Rhaegar Targaryen.
The apparent abduction of Lyanna Stark sets off a chain of events: Brandon Stark and his allies march to the Red Keep, where Brandon demands Rhaegar's head. A duel is called by Aerys, and fire serves as his champion, leading to the death of Brandon's father and Brandon's own imprisonment. It's only after these events that a letter arrives at Winterfell, written by Lyanna herself, explaining that she left of her own accord. The deaths of the Lord of Winterfell and the Heir of the Eyrie, along with Aerys' demand for the heads of Robert and Ned, ignite a rebellion. Elia, isolated in Kings Landing without her children, must play her role as the dutiful wife. However, complications arise when the man who once demanded her husband’s head becomes her constant companion, the Kingsguard sworn to her. Will she stay true to her duty or follow her husband's example and forsake it?
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Reckless: Elia-centric, Elia Martell/Rhaegar Targaryen, angst.
"Get out," she tells him. "Leave." "You're not going to talk to me?" His voice comes out hoarse; she wonders why. "You've done enough!" she lets out. He looks disappointed when she says it, his eyes clouding over. She almost apologizes for snapping at him. But she reminds herself that he shouldn't be here at all, he shouldn't be here with her. "Goodbye, Rhaegar," she says gently, not allowing any trace of emotion to surface in her voice. The name sounds foreign coming out of her mouth, as though it belongs to someone else. She wishes for the days to go back to before he met Lyanna. Before everything turned sour. Before it was too late. or Rhaegar returns to her but things are difficult now.
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What Is Meant For You Will Stay: Rhaenys-centric, angst.
Rhaenys was gently shaken awake. The sheets beneath her rustled a bit as she moved, the night shift she wore rode up as she squirmed trying to get away from the callous hands that shook her awake. Her mind was foggy and disoriented as she stirred awake. Rhaenys sprung to life when her mind finally registered that someone was with her, in her chambers, late at night. Her eyes searched wildly in the darkness, desperately trying to catch a glimpse of the stranger. “A man does not wish to harm the Princess,” the voice came out in a low tone, almost like a faint whisper, “The Princess must remain calm,” the voice was masculine and Rhaenys felt the fear within her tremble. or Rhaegar flees to Essos with his family, though he leaves his daughter behind. Years later, he hires a faceless man to bring her to him.
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blissfulphilospher · 8 months
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Who Brings the Dawn?
Rhaenys × Robb Aegon × Aeolian
Rhaenys and Rhaella survives and are alive in King's Landing as Robert's Hostage. Aegon and Dany survived too but are not in Westeros. There are more Targaryens in Lys.
High fantasy fic. This was my first.
Freeze my Heart and Cease my Soul ❄️
Jonnel x Sansa Jon x Sansa
Reincarnation of Jonnel and Sansa who once ruled as the Lord and Lady of Winterfell after Cregan Stark's death. But it follows how and why they married.
This was my second and for my favourite OTP Jonsa!!
Your Daughter, Your Grace
Rhaenys × Viserys Rhaegar x Many
Rhaegar as Henry VIII with one daughter, six wives.
Rhaenys as Queen Mary Tudor. The first reigning queen of the Seven Kingdoms.
Lost on You
Rhaenys x Viserys Aegon x Shireen
Targaryens exiled in free cities but they all were kids. Elia married again to Stannis and had Shireen. Years after war happens Targaryen come back but not with Fire and Blood.
Plus it is my favourite actually. I wrote seven books worth plot in one chapter.
The Queen and her Bastard
Aegon x Aeolian Viserys x Rhaenys
How Elia would have treated Jon Snow?
Plus it has more of my AU in which Rhaegar won the Rebellion. So this is not just about Elia and Jon's relationship but about more people too like Aegon, Lyanna, Jaime.
Yes they have povs.
Born to Die
Aegon II x Viserra
A modern fashion queen is reincarnated in Dance of the Dragons.
My first SI kind of fic.
Viserra Velaryon is Rhaenyra's eldest child and daughter. She expects her mother to name her heir but that never happens so she starts her own dance.
Tears of Labour
This is going to be about every queen and queen mother of Westeros since Aegon's conquest.
There are more queens then kings.
The POV will be through Aeolian Dayne. My OC who will be Aegon's queen in WBtD and TQahB.
Not started yet. 😅
The Grudge
Alyssa x Gwayne Aegon II x Helaena Aegon III x Jaehaera
I am gonna explore more of my Targaryen history with this one. Dance of Dragons and aftermath but a lot different.
Alyssa is Daemon and Rhea's daughter. My OC. Rider of Silverwing.
Not started yet.😅
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I have to respectfully disagree with you on Lannister being Sansa's "proper" title. Firstly, Stannis is the only person who calls her that after she's married. In contrast, nobody else including other Lannisters (Tyrion, Kevan, Tywin etc) calls her that. Which I think is more significant on a meta level than Stannis using it twice in a context where he's trying to convince Jon to accept his offer.
But also using Catelyn as an example doesn't really prove anything because the fact remains there are plenty of other examples of highborn women who do retain their last names after marrying. Cersei Lannister, Margaery Tyrell (She's married three Baratheons at this point and nobody in this series has ever called her anything but Margaery Tyrell lol), Elia Martell etc. There are obviously more but these are the ones that come to mind first in the timeline. In the wider universe like Fire & Blood, we have Alicent Hightower and the same is true for all the non- Targaryen consorts. (Alyssa Velaryron, Mariah Martell, Dyanna Dayne, Betha Blackwood etc.) Sansa is just meant to be another example of that.
Furthermore I feel like if the author wanted to he could have had the appendix of Feast or Dance to reflect it. (Maybe not Storm because that might have been accidentally spoilerly lol for some readers) but in the following books.
I genuinely hope this doesn't come across as rude or defensive but based off everything, it's inaccurate to say that people in the fandom only reject it just out of being uncomfortable (and I'm not saying that's not a factor at all for some, I know for me I still wouldn't call Sansa that for a number of reasons even if it was her proper last name). People don't use it because it happens to be factually incorrect.
The examples you listed are all queens or future queens (in Elia's case). Since the ruling family for 300 years (Targaryen) often married within family , it makes sense to address the Queens or princesses consorts by their family names to distungish them from those who are born into House Targaryen, like Rhaella Targaryen for example.
Unlike loyality, nobles ladies are more often than not refered by their husband's name: Olenna Tyrell, Alerie Tyrell, Lysa Arryn, Barbara Dustin etc.
According to Martin: Most of the ladies of Westeros do change their names when they wed, although usage varies. If the wife's family is significantly higher born than the husband's, she may use his name little, if at all. (x)
I think Martin's reply further supports my original point. House Lannister isn't inferior to House Stark, therefore any Stark ladie marrying a Lannister lord would be Lady Lannister.
I don't see how apprendix proves or disproves any point. Because it's not part of the book's universe. It's a tool for readers to understand all the major Houses better and therefore all the characters are listed on the Houses they are born into.
I never said that fans have to call Sansa Lady Lannister in my original post. I was talking about characters in-universe calling her so, and that they are entitled to do it because it's not a factually incorrect title for her.
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