#Elijah Mikaelson soulmate au
"i would live this life a thousands more times just to meet you."
"i wouldn't."
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a/n: thoughts and suggestions always welcome, I thrive off picking others brains and mashing ideas together. enjoy part one.
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Sort of like what Mauve thought death would be like. Not like the Christians explained it, it definitely was not a white paradise in the sky or a burning pit in the midst of the earth. Instead, a nothing filled void, no sounds, no movement. Seemingly cramped for something she assumed stretched on forever in every direction, an infinite loop.
She always imagined that, after death, she would just cease to exist. That's what made the most sense to her. Nothing magical. No God to relay and judge her "sins", or some wonderful white world she would meet every person ever lost in her time on earth.That was not ever a possibility in her mind.
She understand, theoretically, that her brain was just firing neurons, electrons, electricity, the only reason she had thoughts or a consciousness was because of evolution and the growth through time.
If those electrons stopped, she would stop. Her consciousness gone forever and she would just, be gone.
That's what she hoped for, at least. To just, not exist. To rid her mind of every memory, every pain, to no longer feel. Anything. Nothing.
Mauve took her own life on October 17th. A few old pain pills from a car accident and some cheap Vodka, she wished to go in her sleep, without a mess for anyone to clean, just a used body bag and possibly a plot in the ground.
She spent the day writing a note, cuddling her dogs and left the television on in the bedroom, watching the show Bones as she took the pills down with vodka from the freezer, thirteen separate pulls to swallow all twenty-eight pills. She had laughed at the show as she began to tire, allowing herself to finally roll over and hug a pillow to her chest, her dog lay curled in the bend of her knees, and she shut her eyes.
Only to open them to this void.
It worked, she thought.
So why, after death, was she still here?
Time didn't seem to pass. She had no concept of how long she could have possibly been in this void. She couldn't see her arms or legs, couldn't move herself. It was just, her thoughts. Her mind. The thing she tried to kill, still seemingly alive.
Suddenly, it flashed. The void. It was moving. More like a pulse. Light steadily thrumming and moving to a beat she did not want to begin to understand. It started taking shape. A room, with a old, stained wood bedroom set. Old wood stained to a dark color forming the bed frame, night stands, dressers and desk. It seemed cozy.
Then it paused.
The whole void erupted in a bright white light, for what seemed like possibly forever, yet no time at all.
Once it the light blinked out of existence, she saw her body again. She was back.
The second thing she noticed, was that she was in that same room.
Examining her limbs and torso, she was whole again.
She spent the next few moments exploring, figuring out pretty quickly that she was not only in a room, but a pretty decent sized home in the middle of the woods. She walked out the front door, met with a small gravel path to a fence, backed by woods that she could not enter. An invisible barrier blocking her from going further.
She had traded the void for another imprisonment. A house with food that replaced its self and grass that never grew.
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The first year of apparent imprisonment, Mauve spent writing letters. Every day. Tracking her time by writing out her thoughts on the apparent never ending stationary on the raggedy old wooden desk that creaked with every shift of her wrist. Shoving the letters into the little slide out drawer.
Only for them to disappear day after day. Every day. She had no clue where they went, or even if they did go anywhere. Just that they'd be gone the next day.
After about four hundred and seventy-two days, she almost gave up. She wished for the void again, almost.
I still feel stupid, writing letters to an imaginary person, when in reality, I am the only person who will ever sees these things.
I've run out room for tally's on the wall in the kitchen, I had to start a new one in the dinning room. That's the one of only thing that sticks here in the house. The things I make and display. Everything else, well, loops.
It's day four-hundred and seventy two.
It's been a year and 107 days.
Time seems irrelevant.
Spending my time unwisely would have sent past me into a spiral, yet here, it soothes me.
Studying things I never thought of before, learning of native plants to different regions. Things outside of the house don't seem to loop as well as the things inside.
Last night, I came across a book on plants in Virginia, I am certain that this hobby has a scientific name of some kind. Not that I could google it to find out.
These bushes drawn in the book are the same that wrap around the fence line. They're called Sweetspires. I am not totally sure if this means I am in Virginia, but my gut says I am.
I spent the morning in the garden. My tomatoes are almost ready to harvest, as well as the green beans. That sounds so dumb to be excited about, I know, but it's a fun hobby. It makes the passage of time tolerable.
Maybe I'll stop writing. See if anything changes. Maybe if I change my routine, I'll see something different. I don't know.
The longer I am here, the more I start to think I should try again. Maybe it'll stick this time.
Probably not.
Sincerely, Mauve
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isimpformikaelsons · 1 year
so it's been a while :]
so I've been gone for a hell of a long time, and now I've had some personal issues alongside pure writer's block it's been a fun time (can you hear the sarcasm?) but I've been planning a complete overhaul of my Soulmate Au and I really love the direction its gone, so im planning on returning to posting soon :] I really hope you like it when you see it :]
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 1 year
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Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x Fem!Reader - Soulmate Au!
Word Count: 6.1K
Warnings: Angst, arguments, Elijah being overly protective but denying himself happiness as always, canon typical violence, a bit of fluff at the end.
Author’s Note: Because I'm apparently on a sequel kick, here's another. I promise I'm getting to the requests that I have and all the things I still need to work on from last year. I'm going where the muse takes me in my writing flow. So there's that. Also please note that you need to read Hidden Marks before reading this one.
I do not and will not ever give permission for my fics to be copied and posted on other sites. Don’t do it. Don’t be that person that ruins it for me and everyone else.Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. While likes are appreciated, reblogs are gold. Seriously, if you enjoyed this in the slightest, please reblog ♥
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It had been months since Elijah had seen the three intertwined circles on the middle of Y/N’s back that made up her soul mark. The first and only time he'd seen it, he'd been pulling a wooden bullet out from her back when she asked for his help. From the moment Elijah helped to remove the bullet, the mark haunted him. 
Seeing her mark should have been a great thing. It should have brought him some peace and happiness to see her mark. That her mark matched the very one he had just below his left clavicle. A perfect pair that made sense for how close they had become as friends over the century. If anything, since seeing her mark he's been conflicted on his feelings. 
Part of him wants and tries to be protective of her. His soulmate that had come into his life when he least expected it. The woman that had become his best friend over the century had been the one thing he never actively searched for. He now knew why she stepped into his life and never left. But it was the other part of him that caused him to fight daily with his feelings. 
Y/N would be in danger because of him. She would soon become a target if even the slightest word had slipped about who his soulmate was. An endless cycle he'd force her into if an enemy ever came knocking. Threats and being captured for the sole purpose of being leveraged against him. 
Not to mention if his brother had ever lost his temper with him. Klaus wasn't one to spare the women in Elijah's life before. What difference would it make this time? All it would take was one action that made Klaus feel the slightest ounce of betrayal and he'd take it out on her. 
Elijah was willing to take on the devil himself if Y/N was in danger. He was reminded of it any time she recklessly put herself in harm's way. An argument he had with her plenty of times during their friendship, but held a deeper meaning as of recently. 
He was also reminded daily how easily she could bend him to her will with a simple smile as she walked into the room. Or the occasional knowing look she'd give him when he or his siblings said something she didn't agree with that would almost instantly change his mind about the situation. Especially if she added in her details that would make it reckless on her part. 
But no matter how many times that feeling of comfort and love started to grow for the woman he believed he could only care for platonically, he could never voice it. He could never bring himself to mention the details that he knew. And because he chose to keep it to himself, it began the yoyo effect of wanting to keep her at a distance and keep her close for his own sanity. 
It hadn’t gone unnoticed by Y/N either. From the moment she offered him a night out to deal with the humans who had put the bullets into her back, she noticed something different. She noticed the way his demeanor changed around her. He grew worrisome over the smallest of things he never had before. And even fought with her longer over details of plans to help take down the threat the Mikaelsons had been faced with. 
She found herself frustrated on the days that he brushed her off and all but ignored her. He had never once been cold to her in the time that she had known him. They had pushed each other’s buttons on occasion, but Elijah had never once pushed her away like he had been doing now. Every time he did, it hurt more than Y/N had ever expected it to. 
They were close friends, she knew that. She knew there would always be moments that Elijah would pick his family over her. That there would be moments where he would keep his family safe and do anything he could to also keep her safe. She knew she was not the highest priority. But why did it feel like someone had staked her when he walked away from her when she felt she really needed him for a few moments?
That's when the thoughts of doubt had been planted in her head. Doubts that were formed and fueled to drive her insane for most of the night that made it almost impossible to sleep. What had she done to earn such coldness from someone that she was close with? Had she crossed a boundary that she had suddenly been unaware of? 
The final straw that broke her had been moments ago when she offered to go with him to deal with the beginning of a threat. It was always something they had done together. A way to have Elijah’s calm and calculated approach and her glimmer of chaos that would always work out in their favor. But when he told her to stay behind, she could no longer keep anything at bay anymore. 
The moment Elijah had told her to stay behind, her face fell at his words. And as he walked past her to leave his expression hadn’t changed. And as she turned to face him, she let it all out. 
“What have I done?” She asked, causing him to stop in his tracks. “Have I wronged you in some way that makes you no longer want to be around me?”
Elijah heard the way her voice cracked towards the end. He had hoped that his actions wouldn’t hurt her. But here she was asking what she had done to him when in reality it had been him to do it. He turned to face her and shook his head slightly. 
“No.” His voice was composed in comparison to hers. “You have done nothing at all.”
She shook her head as she crossed her arms. “I’ve known you for over a century, Elijah. I know well enough to know you are lying to me. If I’ve done nothing wrong there wouldn’t be this shift between us where it feels like you suddenly want nothing to do with me.”
“I assure you that if I had wanted nothing to do with you, you would not still be standing here.” It was as close to the truth he could go to without coming out right with it. “We are facing a potential threat that I feel as though I need to do this with my siblings. We have no idea what they are fully capable of and the last time I checked, you are not as indestructible as you believe.”
Elijah had no idea how this threat would continue to play in their lives. He had no idea what knowledge they planned to use against them in an attempt to try and take him and his family out. That was why Elijah wanted to do this without her. He wanted to make sure that she would remain safe. 
He didn’t want to take Y/N with him with the possibility of allowing them to get an inkling that Y/N had now meant more to him than he let on. He didn’t want her in danger from something he didn’t fully understand. This was the part of him that was willing to do anything to protect her. He just had to slightly push her away in order to do so. 
“That never stopped you before.” She noted as she took a step towards him. “I may not be an original, but I am still a whole lot older than a majority of the threats that walk into the city. I have proven myself over and over that I can handle my own. I’m even better by your side. But ever since you’ve seen my mark, it’s like you don’t want to be near me. All I want is the truth from you. Did I do something or did my mark tell you something that you haven’t told me?”
Elijah looked at the ground for a moment before looking back up to her. He could see the hurt in her eyes as she expressed everything. But he couldn’t bring himself to tell her even though every part of him wanted to. To bring some peace to her mind on his reasoning instead of making her feel as though she wasn’t wanted. 
“I’m going to try to make this as clear as I can." His voice was still even, almost void of any emotion. "This threat is not to be taken lightly. While we do not have the full specifics on who they are or why they are here, I do know they have come close to harming the people I care about." His eyes met hers. "While our normal plan pairs perfectly with the riff raff we deal with, at this moment it does not. So no, you will not accompany me tonight. I need you here." 
After taking in his words, all she could manage was a nod before he was gone from her sight. He didn’t even give her a chance to respond or fight him on what he was telling her. And it left Y/N feeling defeated. 
Her mind still tried to make sense of the changes that had come over the last few months. Every push and pull that happened between the two being analyzed as if it had been some rather important document or experiment being worked on. She was trying to find something, anything, to show what caused Elijah’s sudden change. No matter how many ways she thought about it, it only came back to one starting point: the night Elijah saw her mark. 
Had seeing it really thrown him off to not want to be near her like he had used to? Not showing them their marks had been a preference they decided on early in their friendships. If there was ever a day they felt comfortable in showing what it was, they would have. And that night, with a bullet in her back, it hadn’t mattered if Elijah had seen it or not. 
She ran a hand along her face, trying to shake off the thoughts that had kept her pacing her room for hours after he had left. She no longer cared about the mark or who she may have possibly shared it with. Why did that change now that Elijah had seen it?
It made her wonder if he had seen the mark on someone else. If there was a possibility that he felt guilty in some way after seeing it. There had been plenty of enemies in his existence. At some point he could have easily come across it and not realized it until he saw it on her back.
Did it belong to someone who had betrayed him? Had he seen it on someone that he had taken their life out of necessity? Or had this person been a victim of the many spells he had endured? 
Deep down she knew it was the fear of losing Elijah. Something she had thought about over the century and a half she had known him. Friendships can only last so long before one reason or another comes along. She knew plenty of people who had left her on the back burner after finding their soulmate, even during her human years. 
She had grown used to having Elijah in her life. It would take her longer to find a memory that didn’t involve Elijah versus the ones with. Over the years she had become dependent on the fact that Elijah had always been there for her just as she was for him. He was a constant and part of her hated the thought of her ever losing that. 
At the thought, Y/N had felt her heart sink. A simple thought putting everything into perspective to her. The idea may have been formed from past experiences, but it all made sense. Elijah must have found his soulmate. And if that was the case, she was sure this was the beginning of being put further back on the burner.  
“Y/N?!” Rebekah’s panicked voice had broken her from her thoughts, causing her to move quickly to find Rebekah. 
Upon reaching the courtyard, a gasp left her lips as she found Rebekah dragging a half standing Elijah towards the couch. The majority of his clothing had been covered in blood. Parts of the fabric had been torn in several places. It was as if Elijah had picked a battle he couldn’t win. 
“What the hell happened?” Y/N asked as she moved to help get Elijah settled on the couch. Her eyes had still been taking him in, accessing his injuries. 
“Witches.” Elijah breathed out as he tried to get a hold of reality. He had lost enough blood and his mind had been a distorted mess from the magic he had been subjected to. 
“Everything had been going according to plan but whatever spell they used on him, it threw him off course.” Rebekah took the moment to leave the room to get items they needed to help Elijah for the time being until Freya could get back there. The moment she was back she continued. “The others are still there dealing with them.” 
Seeing the items Rebekah had brought, Y/N reached for the towel that had been sitting in a bowl of water and began cleaning off the blood from Elijah’s face and neck. “I can understand the disorientation, but what the hell ripped into him?” 
There was panic rising within Y/N. She hated that he had made her stay behind. She could have been there to help him in some way. Been there to help prevent him from being hurt as he was now. 
"Between the spell and some of the wolves within the vicinity, he couldn't watch his back." Rebekah said as she picked up another towel and folded it before placing it on Elijah's forehead. Afterwards she began picking up little containers of what Y/N could only assume were herbs and salves that Freya had instructed her to use for the time being. 
As Y/N ran the towel over his neck, Elijah lifted his hand to her hand, stilling her movements. It caused her to look up at him. His eyes had been looking over her face, before they settled on her eyes.
"You're safe." His voice was barely above a whisper. 
She nodded her head. "I am safe. You made sure I was." She wasn't sure if that was what he needed to relax more as she attempted to help clean him. "Freya will be here soon." 
With that, Elijah seemed to relax his hold and it allowed for her to continue wiping up the blood. So far it looked as though any of the injuries he sustained were healing. It may have been at a whole lot of a slower pace, but his wounds were healing. But the moment her hand moved to remove the shredded fabric stuck to his skin along his left shoulder and chest, his hand grabbed a hold of her wrist, not wanting her to continue. 
"I need to make sure your wounds are healing Elijah." She said softly as she brought her eyes up to his once more. "Or to at least give me the peace of mind that this looks way worse than it is." 
"For once let someone take care of you." Rebekah added and pulled his hand away from Y/N. It had been too easy to remove his hand. His strength is almost non-existent given what he'd been through. 
Elijah hated that he couldn't get his mind to process the protest he wanted to give. He hated that he couldn't give a strong enough response to say he'd deal with it later. But the spell within his mind made it difficult to think clearly for more than a second or two at a time. 
Elijah’s eyes never left Y/N’s face as she began to move the fabric away from his chest. He didn't care about the wounds he was facing. He didn't even care that Y/N and Rebekah were caring for him. It was what laid just under the layers of fabric she was removing, that had him worried. 
Quickly dipping the towel into the bowl of water between her and Rebekah, Y/N brought it back up to his chest and began to rid him of the drying blood. There was a part of her that was relieved to not see some gaping wound that he was trying to prevent her from seeing. 
That relief soon turned into curiosity as the blood was being wiped away. The beginning of Elijah's mark became clear as day. With each wipe of the towel the mark continued to grow. And as last of the reminisce of blood was removed from the mark, she all but dropped the towel. 
Just below his left clavicle had been three intertwined circles. It ran horizontally across his skin in the exact same way it ran across the middle of her back. And for a moment she fought herself on reaching out just to run her fingers along the mark. A need to make sure it was really there. 
Elijah had watched her the whole time. Even through his hazed mind he could see the way relief had flooded her eyes before her brows began to furrow. The curiosity in her eyes had been evident and there was nothing Elijah could do to fully protest in his current state. All he could do was watch her as she learned what he had months ago. 
Her soulmate had been right there in front of her for over a century.  
Her eyes snapped to him and Elijah could see several emotions flash through her eyes. He could see the way there was a sliver of excitement before hurt filled them as she tried to stop the tears from welling up. 
"What is it?" Rebekah asked as she caught on that Y/N had stopped her movements. 
Y/N shook her head slightly before looking away from Elijah. "Nothing worth noting." She said as she went back to wiping the blood. 
She kept her eyes away from the mark and as best as she could from keeping them from looking up at Elijah. She could feel his eyes on her. But she refused to look his way. 
All of her wild thoughts that had been going through her head earlier had only been partially right. She honestly never thought this was the case. And if she was being honest with herself, this felt worse. 
He had found his soulmate like she thought.  But she hadn't expected it to be herself. Not with the way he had pulled himself away from her during the course of the last few months. Not with the way she felt that she was losing her best friend. 
Elijah knew that he was her soulmate and he didn't tell her. There wasn't an excitement at knowing that the person they spent decades with had been the one person they both chose not to actively look for. Their life had been great just as it was. Until Elijah saw her mark. 
She tried to stop the spiral of thoughts that began to form. It was already too late to try to spare her heart the pain it was currently feeling. No matter how hard she tried to focus on helping Rebekah take care of him, one single thought played in her mind on a constant loop. 
He knew they were soulmates and he tried pushing her away. 
The moment Freya came running into the courtyard with Klaus and Kol behind her, Y/N pulled herself slowly away from the side of the couch. It was a way to not only keep the now unwanted attention of her facial expressions away but to give the necessary space Freya would need. 
When she moved a little too far for Elijah’s liking, his hand grabbed a hold of hers. This time his grip was tighter in comparison to earlier. He was getting better, stronger. The venom from the wolf bites was leaving his system while the spell kept a tight hold over him.
Y/N's eyes met his one more time. She could tell he was pleading with her to stay there with his eyes. Almost to say that once Freya helped him he'd explain everything to her. That he needed her to stay there.
There was something in her eyes that changed a moment after his words had pierced the air. “Would you tell me if you saw the mark on someone else?” 
“Of course.” He said even though it had been a lie. He knew he wasn’t going to speak of the very mark that was on his chest. 
Her heart ached at the sudden memory that filled her mind. She wanted to break down. She wanted to run to get fresh air. Do anything that would allow her to process the information she had been given in the last few minutes. 
Freya came over and knelt down beside Elijah, giving Y/N the chance to pull her hand away from Elijah. She took several back as she tried to decide if she wanted to stay or leave the area. But a heartbeat later she was mumbling some excuse and left the courtyard. 
It was only when she was safely behind the door of her room, she felt more clarity than she had downstairs. The wave of emotions she felt calmed in comparison.  While silent tears had begun falling, it hadn't felt like her world had come crashing to a halt as it had. 
"For as many times as I've come here to hide away, there's never been another person here." Y/N said as she took in the stranger. "Might have to find a new one if this one is compromised." 
"I can assure you, I've known about this place for a lot longer than you." The stranger looked towards her. "I may have been out of the city for some time, but I will know more about the history than you ever will.”
A laugh passed her lips causing a smile to form on his lips. “What if I told you I watched that town in the distance be built?”
His eyebrow raised slightly before he looked towards the town she had been speaking of. “I’d then ask if you knew what was out there before the town was built.”
“A small village.“ She responded.  “One that was destroyed just a few years after I was born. There are stories of a creature that roamed the woods that surrounded that village. A creature that was hunted but never killed.” She shrugged her shoulders before looking back towards the stranger. “Though I’d love to hear what you have that can top that.”
He laughed for a moment before he placed his hand out between them. “I’m Elijah. And I assure you, I can surpass any story you’ve been told about the area.”
“That’s a challenge I’m willing to take.” She said as she placed her hand in his. “I'm Y/N.”
That year Y/N needed to get away from the life she had found herself in after being a vampire for a few centuries already. The mountaintop just above the town she was born in had always been her go to place to reevaluate her life as a human and as a vampire. That night, Y/N had been debating on watching the sunrise for the last time. 
But Elijah had been there to pull her thoughts away from the sunrise and into a life that she had now thrived in. Elijah had been there when she needed him the most. Her soulmate had been the one to pull her back from the edge and she never knew it until now.
Elijah had saved her that night. He saved her and it wasn't long after he paid off a witch to create a daylight ring for her. A friendship shouldn't be had just in the dark. Those had been his words as he held up the daylight ring for her to take a few minutes before sunrise a few weeks later.
Her heart picked up in pace as her mind continued to accept everything that happened. The details of their meeting to this current moment made sense from a soulmate perspective. No matter how many times the flashes of memories played through her mind, there was no changing the facts. 
"What if I don't want to marry my soulmate?" A young Y/N asked as she kicked her shoe at the dirt. 
Her mother's laugh filled the air. "You don't always have to marry your soulmate. Sometimes it depends on what best suits the both of you. Your soulmate can be a best friend or even a lover. Sometimes they're both." She knelt down to Y/N's height. "There's one thing I know though. Having them in your life in any form is a whole lot better than not having them in your life or losing them. So when you are able to meet the person that knows your soul without needing to try hard, fight as hard as you can. Fight with them, for them and alongside them as needed." She ran her hand along Y/N’s cheek. "I know this doesn't make a lot of sense right now, but I promise one day you'll understand. "
The sound of the knock on her door followed by the door slowly opening had pulled her out of her thoughts and memories. Without even looking she had already known it was Elijah. She quickly wiped at her cheeks before she turned towards the door. 
The moment she had, Elijah could see that the whirlwind of emotions he saw earlier in her eyes had shifted. Even as her eyes welled up, he could see the hurt along with acceptance. And if he was being honest with himself, the acceptance is what scared him. 
He took a few steps further into her room before he came to a stop. "What I've done was-" 
"Cowardice?" She finished for him before he got the chance to even form the next word. It made him raise his brow. "Because whatever reasoning you have for not telling me was the worst decision you have ever made. And I know there have been plenty of questionable decisions you've made." 
"I know I should have told you that night." He gave a slight nod. "For a brief moment I wanted to. But then I realized the danger you would be in because of me." 
She had already begun shaking her head before he finished speaking. "Danger that I haven't already been in from just being close with you. Or to your siblings for that matter." She watched as he opened his mouth to speak but she quickly continued to stop him. "I know it's not the same. Putting it out there makes it more real and practically puts a target on both of us. I know what that target looks like. That just means we'll be better prepared for it." 
She knew from experience how easy it was to use a soulmate as leverage. How easy it was to threaten them to get someone to bend to their will. There was a dark decade in Y/N's existence where she had once toyed with humans and their soulmates. A time where her humanity had been switched and she hadn't cared. 
She knew the tricks that could be played. She knew how much damage someone could take before they snapped. The emotional torment that could be played on both parties to get the point across was something she lived for during that dark decade. 
At least that was until her humanity had been forcefully switched on. She tormented herself afterwards on how she could carelessly manipulate people by using the one weakness they all had. It was part of the reason she found herself heading back to the mountaintop. 
"If today has taught me anything it's that you were safer without me near." He watched as her eyebrow raised before he continued. "While having you by my side would have been beneficial for many reasons, I watched as my worst fear played through my mind because of a spell. A spell that provided sufficient reasons on why I was right on my decision to not say anything." 
"A spell that was used to distract you.” She noted. It explained why he had seemed so relieved at seeing her safe. "And a fear that we could have worked out beforehand if you simply had told me. I spent the last several hours wondering how and when I had become the problem. Part of me knew that you had found your soulmate and that was why you were pushing me away. That maybe you were trying to distance yourself from me to make room for them." Her eyes began to well up. "I just never thought you'd be pushing me away because I am your soulmate."
Elijah shook his head slightly as guilt filled him. He could see in that moment how hurt she had been by it. The emotions she had displayed when he first came into the room broke down bit by bit. And the thought that she believed she was the problem stung him in ways he never believed it would. 
"I don't know if I can be what you need me to be." He said a moment later. "It has been proven time and again that whenever I let an ounce of happiness into my life, it's quickly taken away. I refuse to have the same thing happen to you. And if that means keeping you at a distance or even you leaving the city-" 
"Nothing has to change!" She cut him off as she shook her head. "We have been by each other's side for over a century without even knowing we were soulmates. We have been through hell and back together without even questioning how it was possible. I have fought by your side not caring if I died in the process." She wiped at her cheeks as more tears escaped. "I will continuously be by your side even after this. I don't care if it is as something more or keeping things as it has been. But don't you dare for one moment think that I would be safer with you pushing me away or even deciding that it's better without you in my life." 
He sighed softly before taking a few steps to close the distance between them. "If anything were to ever happen to you because of me, I'd never be able to forgive myself." His hand came up to her cheek before using his thumb to wipe away more of her tears. 
"It's going to happen with or without you in my life." Her eyes met his. "I am no stranger to being threatened by your family. I have had Klaus's hand on my heart and I'm still here in front of you." She placed her hand on top of his as she leaned into his touch slightly.  A way to prove that she was there. "I am not even a stranger to having a witch use me as leverage or even used to fight against you. I can leave tonight and what's to stop anyone from coming after me once it's actually figured out?" She watched as he took in her words. "This isn't just one sided either. I am afraid of what each new threat could mean for you. I want and need you to be safe, maybe even for my own selfish reasons. But I will not let you push me away without at least fighting to stay. I will continue to be by your side no matter how much you push. I will stand there by your side and face the enemy with you and die there with you if it comes to it. I will continue to be your friend or more if that is what you need and you'll never have to worry that I'll leave you. But I will not let you try and push me out of your life for the fear of what could possibly happen to me just because you're afraid to let yourself be happy."
Elijah's eyes never left hers as she spoke. He couldn't bring himself to look away from her. Not when he was seeing everything play through her eyes. Every emotion, every piece of history and hopeful future had been displayed within them. And he could no longer ignore what he'd been trying to avoid. 
He knew everything she said was right. He would hate himself if anything happened to her while she was gone. He couldn’t even begin to imagine how it would feel if he ever learned the news that something had happened to her. He couldn't ignore the fact that throughout the years and even now she was fighting for her place to stay no matter how hard he tried to keep her at bay and safe in his eyes. 
The same safety that he had been trying to provide her since the night they met. How broken her eyes had looked from the moment she took a seat next to him on that mountain top. And how everything within him had told him to protect her from anything. Even himself if it ever came to it. 
But as he looked into her eyes now, he could see the woman that had become his best friend.  The woman that stood there beside him as threat after threat came. How she cared for him in his moments of need even though he fought her on it. The one person he couldn’t go more than a few days without speaking with. It was why the thought of losing her scared him even more than he ever believed. 
After a moment, Elijah nodded his head. “I give you my word that I will not push you away or ask you to leave.” His thumb gently moved along her cheek. He watched as something changed within her eyes. “I don't believe I could actually watch you leave, let alone be alone out there in the world. Nor can I picture a day where you are not in my life in some form or another. You have your selfish reasons and I have mine. But I have never wished for you to look so hurt as you have today and I will spend as much time as needed to make up for it. ” He looked elsewhere for a moment before looking back at her. “I just don’t know how things will change from here.”
The part of Y/N’s heart that expected the worst had felt relief. Relief that he wasn’t going to continue to push her away. Relief that he was willing to accept that they were soulmates and that she wasn’t going to go down or leave without a fight. And if anything, there was a small tug of a smile at her lips at his words. 
“We continue as friends, just as we have.” She offered. “If in the future things change, we’ll go from there.”
A hum of agreement passed his lips as he pulled his hand away from her. As he did, He maneuvered his hand to take a hold of her’s, finding comfort in just holding her hand within his. Her offer of nothing needing to change played in his ears.
There was something within him that agreed with that. Mixed within the agreement was the hope that things would change for the better. But for now this was a step in the right direction. A step that meant he wasn’t going to push her away as he had planned to. It was in a direction that he strongly believed he’d never lose her in the way that he feared.
“We’ll handle things as we always have.” He nodded his head, a small smile pulling at his lips. 
“Together?” She asked as a small hopeful smile pulled at her lips. 
She could joke about how they would work together as she always had in the past. She could have added in how reckless they could be. How the calm and chaosbetween them would keep things interesting. But at that moment, she only needed the confirmation that it would continually be them against everything else that came at them.
“Together.” He promised with no intention of ever breaking that promise. Even when the world learned of the mark they share, he’d keep his promise and keep each other close to their sides. As a friend, as a potential lover, but most importantly as soulmates that would never have to live without the other. 
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spideyanakin · 3 months
elijah mikealson - fic recs
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other fic recs
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works by @wholoveseggs
(series) crimson frost ➾ viking au, you are to be wed to niklaus of the mikaelson clan, but when tragedy strikes and blood is shed in the snowy night, the true strength of family bonds and the power of love are put to the ultimate test. (fluff, smut, angst, everything you can dream about with a viking au)
(series) rules ➾ salvatore!reader, when the mysterious villain elijah comes to mystic falls, everyone is trying to stop him from hurting elena. but you? you might be falling in love... (THIS TORNED ME TO PIECES PIECES I TELL YOU PIECES)
worth the wait ➾ original!reader, you and elijah are childhood friends, dipping in and out of each others lives for the past one thousand years. You hope that one day you will have a chance to be together and find the love you've always longed for.
eyes for you ➾ amidst the clinking of glasses and strained smiles, you find yourself feeling jealous of the way hayley is interacting with your husband... until he shows you exactly why you shouldn't be feeling that way
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works by @starkleila
the five times elijah was jealous
being married to elijah for thousand of years
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works by @xxwritemeastoryxx
hidden marks & interwined ➾ after centuries of being friends, you never realized you had matching soulmate marks
works by @lis-likes-fics
all the things I hate about you
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madwomansapologist · 1 year
mad woman's apologist birthday — ice cream prompts masterlist
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mint chip — how did they court their lover?
⤷ with: aragorn, legolas, boromir, arwen and eowyn ⤷ with: bruce wayne
vanilla bean — what is there favourite activity to do with their lover?
⤷ with: natasha romanoff
cookies and cream — are they protective of their lover?
⤷ with: agatha harkness ⤷ with: charles boyle ⤷ with: elijah mikaelson
dulce de leche — "would you still love me if I was a worm?"
⤷ with: death of the endless
raspberry — how they treat their sick lover and vice versa?
⤷ with: jason mendoza
pistachio — what are their kinks? are they shy about them?
⤷ with: charles boyle ⤷ with: morticia and gomez addams
peach — at what point did they understood that their lover was the one?
⤷ with: kyuma ⤷ with: thranduil
cherry — do they get jealous of their lover easily? do they show it?
⤷ with: billy loomis ⤷ with: jake peralta
peppermint — how would they comfort their lover after a bad time?
⤷ with: stu macher 
bubblegum — how would they propose to their lover?
⤷ with: amy santiago ⤷ with: legolas
cookie dough — are they vulnerable with their lover? do they need time to be really open about their lives?
⤷ with: homelander
caramel pecan — would they make amends quickly after a fight?
⤷ with: jake peralta
neapolitan — what song can describe them as lovers?
⤷ with: daenerys targaryen ⤷ with: morpheus of the endless
rocky road — which soulmate!au would be perfect for them?
⤷ with: zagreus
passion fruit — what are their love languages?
⤷ with: carrie white
coffee — what are their romantic tropes?
⤷ with: queen maeve
if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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averseunhinged · 7 months
it's wip wednesday! hooray. my actual ongoing wip are all kind of at a point of almost doneness where i should stop sharing snippets from them, so here is a thing from the archives. no idea when i might finish this, because of all the other things.
technically, it's a soulmates au, but doesn't really get into all that until like ten pages later.
The young woman who opened the door was none of the three he expected.
"Hi," she said hesitantly, elongating the word. "Can I help you?"
"The answer to your question is entirely dependent on whether you're planning on using that," Elijah pointedly looked down at the crossbow held nonchalantly in her hand.
"Oh!" she yelped and easily swung the heavy weapon up behind her back. "That's nothing. It's...a prop! Made of Styrofoam. My friend's a drama major. No big deal."
He heard a sigh from further inside the room and the approach of bare feet in sandals. A slim, pale hand appeared from behind the door and opened it wider.
"Well, you tried," Caroline Forbes said with an exhausted tilt to her inflection. "Points for thinking fast and coming up with a solid, truth-based lie. Would've been better to avoid flashing medieval weaponry around in the hallway in the first place, but you did stick the landing." She focused her attention back on him. "I thought that sounded like a Mikaelson. Hello, Elijah."
"Miss Forbes."
"Well, at least you know each other. I'm Ivy," the other girl cheerfully introduced herself and held out her hand for him to shake.
"Did you not learn your lesson the last time?" Caroline pushed Ivy's hand down and scooted the other girl back into the room. "Don't try to make friends with supposed friends of friends who turn up out of nowhere!"
"I'm already dead, what else could happen?"
"You could always be more dead, or about a trillion other awful things. Do you want to get shot in the head? I've been shot in the head. It sucks. There. The benefit of my experience. No need to do your own research."
"I give you my word no harm will come to your," Elijah paused and then questioned, "sireling?"
"Adopted. Her sire's an idiot, but he's an idiot I inherited, and unfortunately, I'm attached to him now." She sighed and looked over her shoulder. At what, he wasn't sure. "Okay, I'm kind of on a time crunch, so you should come in. No," she commanded, pointing one stern finger at him, "shenanigans. I will be super upset if you do any heart-ripping."
Elijah solemnly traced an X on his chest and said, with gravity, "Cross my heart and hope to die."
"Oh great. More hilarious jokes." Caroline stepped back and waved him in. "You all have the worst sense of humor. Like it's seriously terrible."
Whitmore was one of the oldest universities in the American South, and a wealthy one at that. Judging by its size and appointments, Caroline's dormitory room looked as though it had originally been a common room. There was typical evidence of young women--cosmetics and jewelry, warring perfumes, several brassieres hanging over the back of a chair--but there were also stacks of old, rough-bound books and an open train case smelling strongly of a witch's tools of the trade. Spread across one of the single beds and the surrounding floor area was an incongruous array of weapons.
The other girl, Ivy, was on the floor, peering at a rectangular, carved box. "Stilettos of Suffering?" she read from the small, engraved plate on it, confused.
"Not shoes, obviously, and not cute. They're like icepick knives with a curse attached, so don't open it. Witches," Caroline shook her head and sketched out an exasperated gesture. "They say we're nasty pieces of work, but I've never wanted to liquify someone's internal organs with a single poke."
With all his family had gone through over the past year, Elijah had to agree. "Vampires do tend to be a bit more direct."
"So," Caroline said cheerfully, taking the stilettos away from Ivy and placing them back in an old footlocker with respectful precision, "I don't know what you need, but Elena had a psychotic break on witch LSD and made the incredibly constructive decision to have her memory erased and Bonnie's dead. Sort of. Maybe." She toed off her sandals next to one of the clear beds and shook a pair of black trousers out of their precise, folded square. "It's complicated. Damon's unavailable, plus he sucks, and Stefan just won the award for biggest jerk ever, and he didn’t even have his humanity off this time. Oh, and there's this stupid Traveler barrier around Mystic Falls. You stop being a vampire and then die the way you died if you cross it. So, probably don't do that. Or do, if you want to. I don't know what's in your life right now. That's between you and Jesus." She squinted at him and tilted her head. "Or maybe Thor, I guess? Because Vikings."
Elijah hummed. "I'm not in correspondence with either one, and my to do list has far too many items left undone, at present, for a suicide attempt."
"You and me both, buddy."
"And as fascinatingly convoluted as that sounds," he began, placidly watching as she tugged on snug jeans under her pretty, pink sundress, bouncing a little bit from their tight fit, "I've already located my quarry."
She froze at his congenial tone, slowly removing her hands from underneath her dress, where she had finished fastening her jeans, and looked at him in quick-dawning denial.
"Oh no," Caroline insisted, shaking her head, her thick ponytail and the late summer humidity ringlets framing her face bouncing from the force of it. "No, no, no. I have my own idiot to rescue from his poor decision-making skills. I don't have time to get sucked back into your idiot's bad choices."
"From what I understand, Miss Forbes, my idiot just so happens to be your idiot as well, and perhaps even more in need of rescue."
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crimsonlyinglilly · 5 months
Day 24 No Time to Rest
Days late for day 24 of whumpril
and a return to the Soulmark Au, which I need a better name for it, any ideas?
Pretty much just JacksonXElijah as Hayley off to yell at Klaus, took me far longer to write this than I planned, also this was the one that started off for 'Touch staved Day 20'.
Jackson had fallen asleep the night before with both soulmates in his arms, it wasn't perfect with Hope not with them and as Elijah had been suffering through their combined venom to settle the new bond that would protect them and the pack from ever suffering the Crescent curse again but it was almost there.
So he wasn't that happy when he woke up to the sound of Hayley getting out of the shower, alone in Elijah's bed.
They had convinced Elijah not to deal with the side effects of the venom alone. And being on the other side of the river was the least amount of distance from Niklaus Mikealson that Jackson could be happy with; he knew that would be shrinking sooner than he’d like.
Like it or not they shared a daughter, because while Hope wasn’t his blood he loved that little girl, she was family, and Klaus’s reaction to them taking her somewhere safe but away from her was to curse the entire pack, so they would settled close enough that Klaus could see and hear his daughter, and with Elijah staying with them he would have even less to complain about.
He was going to miss living in the Bayou but living across from the Mikaelsons would ensure he could keep track of the threats they happen to lure to the city which means he could use it to help protect his pack. 
Elijah had already arranged the apartment across from the abattoir into Jackson’s name during the month since he had been discovered as their third mark while also working to create the spell to free them.
“What are you doing out here?” Hayley's voice carried to the bedroom, the reply came softer forcing Jackson to rely on his supernatural hearing. 
“I had to get a drink.” Elijah sounded better than the night before letting Jackson release the last bit of tension he had been holding since the vampire had revealed his plan to suffer thought to effects of their bites after they had bitten him.
At the reminder one of his hands reached up to trace the small scars left by Elijah's fangs, set in place to match where his name appeared in Elijah's neck.
The anchors for the magic that had joined them all, Hayley had a matching set while Elijah had two larger scars, his bite on the other man's forearm and Hayley’s just above his hip, where they had both had grown up with the strange symbols they had learned were the runes of Elijah's name.
Four scars to bind Elijah to them and the pack and Hayley and himself to Elijah. It had appealed to Jackson when they had explained, an escape from the curse, future protection and Elijah becoming part of the pack in a way no one could argue.
Then Jackson had witnessed as Elijah suffered through the venom and realised Elijah had just added them to the list of people he would harm himself to help and Jackson didn’t like the idea he was now stuck watching as someone who was meant to be important to him care nothing for himself.
Jackson understood loyalty but Elijah took it to another level, he had little to none for himself, which was something he and Hayley would need to change.
“And couldn't make it back?” Hayley’s quip called him from his thoughts, he could see her expression, the slight smile, silent judgement and arched eyebrow.
“I didn't want to disturb either of you.” Elijah excused.
“Waking up to you missing disturbed me more than anything else you could have done returning to bed.” Hayley managed to explain his own thoughts as well.
“Are you going to pick up Hope?” Elijah ignored the clear reprimand in Hayley’s tone to ask.
“I’ll-” Elijah started,
“No,” she cut him off quickly, “you stay here and recover.”
“I'm fine.” Elijah tried to argue but against Hayley and after they had spent most of last night watching as he suffered from the venom and his nightmares he was going to lose. Jackson’s pretty sure if Elijah hadn’t woken up before them Hayley would have found a way to keep him in it all day.
“Still, Freya is going to be there and you said you already arranged for the place next to the abattoir.” Hayley refreshed the plan, Elijah had only managed to tell them before the impromptu bonding ritual and had too quickly fallen to the venom to explain after, however Hayley had been texting Freya for details.
“I have.” 
“Then I'll explain the plan, Klaus can deal with having her out of his sight for the night and we’ll move in tomorrow.��� 
“Are you sure?” Elijah asked.
“Yes, maybe while I deal with your brother, you and Jackson can start packing.” Hayley told Elijah and Jackson listened as she walked further away towards the door, before she called back “Oh and we're taking your bed, large enough for the rest three of us and it may be the months I've spent as a wolf but that was one of the most comfortable things I've slept on.”
Jackson agreed with that as he stretched out on it but it was better with two other bodies beside him though.
“Of course.” Elijah replied just before the door shut.
Jackson forces himself up from the bed as the quiet grows, there was no point being alone in the bed no matter how comfortable, when Elijah was in the living room, it wasn’t like he could get back to sleep, .
He finds Elijah draped across the couch in the sun. Long and lean, for once out of a suit and in looser fitted clothes, Jackson had to drag his eyes away from the bare strip of skin shown from where his shirt had ridden up.
He hadn’t really allowed himself to admire the other man before, only seeing him as competition and since discovering he was their third mark he was mostly dealing with trying not to lose control of his wolf instincts that wanted nothing more than to cover the man in his scent.
Something the other had listened to since Jackson had found more than a few pieces of his clothes in the other man's bedroom, mostly his flannel shirts and Jackson wished he could see the man in them, it would at least help him with the fact he still wanted to drown the man in his scent.
He’s not sure if it easier on Hayley due to her past with Elijah or as a hybrid the wolves instinct weren’t as loud but Jackson is deeply aware that his desire of cover the other is a remnant of his recent time trapped in the body of a wolf full time, it still isn't enough to stop him.
Elijah tensed as he drew closer but he doesn't ask him what he was doing or even open his eyes, Jackson kept watching carefully for any sign that Elijah couldn't remove him, he still wasn’t happy that the pack inbuilt protection for their mates had left Elijah helpless even if it had forced him to stop hiding.
Still he didn't open his eyes as Jackson placed a hand on the back of the couch, his shadow falling over the other making it clear what his plan was, he stayed almost frozen, Jackson noted as he kept watch while he carefully positioned himself over the other.
Slowly so the other could tell him to stop if he wanted.
Once he had settled he moved the hand he had placed on the back of the couch and slipped it under Elijah’s lower back, Elijah reacted only to lift himself up to make it easier.
Jackson was careful with his hand as he realised it had settled just above where Hayley had left her mark, while marvelling that he could wrap his arm around his wrist, the man was slimmer when free of his layer of fabric and suits.
Mentally he sighs, setting his head on the other man’s chest, with his awareness spread out through his body where they touched it was a constant reminder of the freedom from the curse.
Two legs, two arms, fingers, human.
The heart beating under his ear is slower than a humans but still a soothing rhythm.
“You're cooler than you were last night.” he said to fill the silence and to get the other to speak.
“Side effects of the venom,” Elijah explained and Jackson smothered the urge curled around the other tighter from the sheer apathy in his voice as he talks about the thing that had left him crying in his sleep the night before he should care more about something like that, “it caused a fever as my body had to fight it off.”
“So it's more like an infection than venom,” he questions instead of giving into his instinct, “This your normal temperature?”
“Well that explains how you can walk around in suits in the height of summer.” he said to led them away from the more sober topic, he was pretty sure Elijah wouldn’t want to know why both he and Hayley want to kill his mother again.
“Yes, I suppose it does spare me needing to change all my wardrobe every season.” Elijah replies and Jackson has a small moment wondering about his wardrobe filled with suits that cost more than Jackson could ever imagine, some likely older than New Orleans itself.
“You're colder than Hayley.” he says instead, he thinks bringing up the cost of Elijah clothes might make him a little ill if he thinks too much on it, how much did the suit he ruined last month cost? the one he remembers chewing on as a wolf.
“Hayley’s a hybrid,” he explained ”we're both cooler than you.”
“Then I will be sleeping on you during the summer.” he smirks at the idea, it might be nice to have a cool body to rest on during the height of the humid nights, while watching the other’s face for any reaction.
“You prefer a cool pad over a soulmate.” Elijah opened his eyes, raising an eyebrow to look up at him with an almost expressionless face, Jackson looked down to meet the dark eyes.
“Why pick, when I have both in you.” he told him, softening his smirk to a smile he normally only shared with his family and Hayley.
Jackson watched as Elijah slowly grinned.
Jackson starred as he noticed Elijah’s grin was crooked, he hadn’t really noticed before, Elijah Mikaelson was a flawless immortal, near untouchable and unchanging, like a cold marble statue.
Yet he was, flawed, touchable, warm underneath Jackson, he stared more even as Elijah noticed his inspection, smile vanishing to be replaced by once again the cool look and a raised eyebrow.
It's the sheer contentment he feels, free of the curse, his pack safely returned to their families, his missing soulmate now known and in reach and Hayley to return with Hope today to start a new life tomorrow with all of them, that leads him to speak.
“Your smile’s adorable.” he grinned himself at the other man taking even more pleasure at the open shock and almost shy way Elijah looked away from a moment.
It was a shame he couldn’t blush, Jackson thought.
They settled back into quiet and Jackson let his eyes close, he could rest for a while before they had to plan for the move.
It was the surprise, which he blamed as he didn’t stop himself from letting out the almost moan of pleasure as strong fingers carded though his hair, he opened his eyes to look at Elijah.
The vampire once again had his eyes closed but Jackson knew this was a sign of trust and besides the soft smile of his face was one he had only seen being directed at Hayley or Hope, it seemed he was going to be getting the chance to see beyond the mask the vampire normally allowed the rest of the world to see.
His eyes followed the arm up until he had turned his head slightly to catch sight of the new scar on Elijah's forearm.
He smothered the urge to press a kiss to it, to trace the mark with his tongue, he and Hayley had agreed while Elijah was lost in the delirium to take it slower with their soulmate, besides they both knew Elijah would be more receptive from Hayley.
He was still struggling to deal with the idea that Elijah had known for a year and never admitted to it, had pushed Hayley to marry him while knowing he belonged with them, had tried to convince them to forget it after they discovered the truth.
He blamed the witch Celeste for hiding them from him first and then Elijah's family for somehow convincing him that his soulmates would be better off without him.
That was the first thing he and Hayley were going to unteach him.
He was blaming the soulmarks, to explain his own softening feeling to the formally cold manipulative bastard, so now he could see why Hayley was in love with the man besides the fact he looked pretty in the suits.
Not that he was any less cold and manipulating now, it was just that Jackson also knew what he looked like when he was crying out for his mother to stop or wide eyed as his lies were seen though and lost for words. 
He was reminded of that after about half an hour as Elijah’s fingers vanished from his hair and he felt him freeze beneath him. It was strange to realise how relaxed the other man had been before as he was faced with a throwback to the stone faced man who he first met as he opened his eyes to find a flat eyed expressively vampire staring back at him.
“Two of your pack arrived outside.” Elijah explained shifting himself up on his elbows, Jackson already missed the soft half smile.
“Yes,” he nodded, sliding his arm free from Elijah’s waist to place his hand on the arm rest behind Elijah’s head, he ignored the fact he was clearly straddling the other and Hayley would complain if she returned to find them like this, Jackson was meant to wait but he really didn’t want to let the other move to far from him now, ”they wanted to talk.” he explained, he had gotten the call while Hayley had been trying to get Elijah to drink and keep it down last night to he had been short with them, annoyed at their concern over the trust worthiness of his mate while the man in question suffered a room away..
“About?” Elijah asked as Jackson settled other hand on the other side of Elijah’s head, framing him.
“You.” he answered without moving, Elijah could move him by force he was stronger, he could ask him to move instead Elijah hummed in response.
“More of a reason for us to move.” he implied but made no attempt to escape.
 “I’m comfortable here.” he smirked, his weight resting basically on the others thighs.
“Jackson.“ Elijah sighed, and he realised he wasn’t the only one who had missed intimacy, he and Hayley had been trapped as wolves most of the time, Elijah was alone dealing with Klaus, looking after Hope and mourning his lover, the one Jackson had heard Klaus had made kill herself in front of him.
“I’m comfortable here,” he repeated, leaning closer to the other’s face.
“They won’t be comfortable speaking while I'm here.” Elijah reasoned instead of showing any true want to move himself.
“They speak their objections or they forget them.” Jackson shot back, soulmates were part of a pack the moment they accepted the bond, the names marked down in their pack’s book the moment they appeared on the skin. Elijah’s runes had been written in the book before Jackson had officially had his own name.
Besides Elijah was part of the pack, not just because of his marks but for the hours Jackson had watched him suffer from the venom to free them and protect them from the curse. Sure his family, mostly Klaus were a problem but not one they could remove so what were they expecting any of them to do about it.
“It’s not like you won’t hear them in the other room.” he added after a moment.
“I do have noise cancelling headphones.” Elijah replied.
Jackson blinked at a dozen mental images from the strangeness of a big pair of headphones clashing against the crisp cut of his suits to wondering if the vampire had the same oversensitivity that heightened senses caused freshly triggered wolves.
He knew the older the vampires the stronger they got, did that include their senses? Or had the Originals always been the same strengths?
His life was a lot easier when he didn’t need to care about these things.
“You're the reason, we’re back on two legs.” he tried instead,
“I don't need any appreciation for my deeds.” Elijah sighed
“Proof in that after a thousand years of watching Klaus” he snapped back before he could stop himself, there was a flicker of pain in the other’s face before it vanished as if never there, Jackson reacted without thinking, letting his forehead rest on the other man in silent apology before adding “Your part of the pack now, they need to get used to you.”
There was no noise in the apartment as they're eyes stayed locked inches from each other, Jackson smiled when the other gave in as Elijah sighed and dropped back from his elbows.
“Must I get involved in their little fights?” Elijah asked, his head rating on the arm rest, hair a finger breath from his hand, it itched to reach out and touch the surprisingly silky strands as he had the night before when Elijah was too out of it to remember.
“It would help once but i’m sure you’ll wipe the floor with them,” he grinned down before adding seriously  “just no teeth, for anyone, i've seen enough of you sick.”
“You were such kind nurses.” Elijah smiled, only a hint of mocking it his tone, before Jackson could stop himself he started leaning forward.
A knock at the door stopped him before he kissed the other and broke his promise to Hayley so much for needing to go slow.
“No time to rest.” Elijah spoke and Jackson had to swallow as he almost felt the words on his lips. 
“Doors open.” he called, sitting up slightly but not removing himself from Elijah.
He grinned at the pair of men that entered when he caught the reaction, the moment they recognized the shorter brown hair of the body beneath him wasn’t Hayley.
“Afternoon gentlemen.” Elijah greeted them as if he hadn’t just been arguing against his own inclusion, and that his place laying on the couch under Jackson was completely normal for them.  
Jackson wouldn’t mind if it became that.
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evadne01 · 2 months
The crazy soulbond ~ Percy/Harvey/Elijah fic
Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Category: Multi Fandoms: Suits (US TV), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, The Vampire Diaries (TV) Relationship: Percy Jackson/Elijah Mikaelson/Harvey Specter Characters: Percy Jackson, Elijah Mikaelson, Klaus Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson, Mike Ross, Donna Paulsen, Sally Jackson (Percy Jackson), Harvey Specter Additional Tags: The Originals (TV) Season 2, References to Suits (US TV), Post-The Blood of Olympus (Heroes of Olympus), Soulmates, Romantic Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Protective Elijah Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson Needs a Hug, BAMF Elijah Mikaelson, POV Elijah Mikaelson, Jealous Elijah Mikaelson, Possessive Elijah Mikaelson, Protective Harvey Specter, Harvey Specter is Not an Asshole, POV Harvey Specter, Harvey Specter Being Sweet, Lawyer Harvey Specter, Possessive Harvey Specter, Jealous Harvey Specter, Hurt Klaus Mikaelson, Caring Rebekah Mikaelson, Tired Percy Jackson, Percy Jackson is a Mess, Percy Jackson is a Little Shit, Percy Jackson is So Done, Percy Jackson Needs a Hug, BAMF Percy Jackson, Protective Sally Jackson (Percy Jackson)
read on AO3
@fandombingo: Wonderland Bingo: Dark Jealous Looks @fandom-free-bingo: plural edition: Stranger to my eyes @julybreakbingo: Pilot AU @multifandom-flash: Apologies Day: Sorry to interrupt
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No Longer Human
Klaus Mikaelson x angel!reader 
An AU: Prior to the end of s2 Klaus finds out he has an angel soulmate, who he inevitably falls in love with. During the Fall of the Mikaelsons, Hayley gets killed by Lucien. The Mikaelsons choose to run from NOLA and most importantly from Marcel.
Timeline/setting: post s3 finale with the separation of s4 finale. The Mikaelsons separate because of the enemies coming for them, Hope lives  with Rebekah and Elijah who are cloaked by an impressive spell that was concocted by Freya.
Author’s note: fluff
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“Love, you know you don’t need to stay up and keep watch, right? We’re safe now, you need not be afraid.” Klaus calls from his place on his and Y/n’s shared bed.
“ I know you’re right.” I sigh, rolling my shoulders back in an attempt to release some tension. As his eyes trace my stress-ridden frame he remembers, a year  ago a legion of the Hollow’s followers had appeared at the Mikaelson's front door, threatening to take Hope’s life and tearing Klaus’s empire up by the roots. The Mikaelson Clan, was once again forced to separate, because in Kol’s words; “ They can’t chase us all, can they?”Elijah was reluctant to admit Kol was right, that vow of “always and forever” infinitely ringing in my ears. 
It had only been a year since the split, Klaus and Y/n had to co-parent Hope after her mother sacrificed herself for her daughter's life, He needed y/n.
Looking out the window searching for any disturbances, I notice  the sound of wind howling and  feel the moonlight shining  on the rustling sheets behind me, the bed creaked as Klaus stood from it, walking to the window and standing beside me, his skin radiating the warmth and protection I no longer felt without him by my side.
Ada gurgles twisting around in her crib, Y/n insisted that they find a home that Ada could grow up in safely, and so they did. Klaus looks over at Ada, she’s safe. 
He sighs and shifts his weight beside me, wrapping his arm around my waist, “you need rest, love.”
“I’m an angel, Niklaus I do not require rest, besides I was sent here to be your protector.” 
“That was a thousand years ago, y/n. You no longer need to take care of me. Please just let me take care of you for once.” He takes my hand in his, turning me around to face him. 
“Fine, if you insist.” said Y/N, finally allowing myself to let Klaus lead me back into the bed, his arms encasing my body closer to his. 
“Just close your eyes, I promise no one will hurt us.” He comforts, his eyes slowly drifting closed.
 I hum, tracing the outline of his cheekbones, “I will, my love,” closing my eyes with a small sigh and nuzzling into his neck. 
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Sincerely | TVD
"i would live this life a thousands more times just to meet you."
"i wouldn't."
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a/n: writing this as I sit at work doing the most mundane things.
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The house is silent.
He returned back to the sleepy town after weeks of travel.
Legs propped up on an old wooden desk, hand's occupied by a well worn book. One he has read a hundred times, and will read a million more.
Focused on the words dancing across the page, he almost doesn't hear it. The fluttering of papers, dampened by the oak beneath his heels.
Slowly lowering the book to his lap, he returns his feet to the ground. Curiously, he reaches to open the desk drawer as the sound settles.
Where a empty drawer should be, lays a solid stack of paper. Letters. Addressed to no one, signed by one.
He skims the top letter, and then the next, and the next, until he's gone through at least thirty of the more than four-hundred pages.
Writings about feelings, goals and triumphs, doodles on the sides, he almost feels like he's violating some sort of privacy.
He's well into the two hundredths when Niklaus comes barging into the house, door slamming into the wall, puncturing plaster and drywall.
Huffing and puffing like a unsophisticated fairytale, eyes wild and unfocused. Niklaus seeks Elijah, tumbling into the dark study, thoroughly sending unease into his older brother who had not yet seen this flimsy version on Klaus in many decades.
Standing before Elijah, Klaus feels almost foolish to be so unkept by such a seemingly minor occurrence. Staring into his older brothers eyes, he speaks only three words that will very certainly start a downward spiral for the whole family;
"I found her."
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The wolf was gone, it had been for quite sometime now.
Sitting at the kitchen island, any outside projects long abandoned, Mauve planned out her next steps.
Sorting out her lists, notes she’d taken from the many books laying around the house.
She was confident she was in Virginia, most books on gardening and wildlife in the house were based around Virginia. The native plant and animals matched.
It made sense to her.
She couldn’t leave the boundary. Which made no sense to her.
She never was strongly opposed to the idea of magic before, so why would she be now? Her only logical conclusion was that it was a magic barrier. That made the most sense, she couldn’t cross it, that wolf couldn’t cross it, but other living things could. The birds, the squirrels, the insects. She couldn’t.
Sorting out her thoughts.
Why was she effected by this magic? Why did her attempt to ending her own life suddenly turn into her locked away behind an invisible wall?
Was this heaven? It couldn’t be. It was never real, right? Maybe she wasn’t still alive. Maybe she was dead.
She felt alive. She thought she was alive. No way she wasn’t alive, right?
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He followed Niklaus to this supposed house in the woods.
The house his brother claimed to house her.
Twenty-two miles off the no name dirt road east of town. Hidden in the vast expanse of natural preserves of Virginia.
They hadn’t even a chance to discuss the matter further than his brothers inability to approach the house, slammed by a magical force.
Why hadn’t they made a plan?
“Niklaus, please do inform me of what you plan to do.”
Klaus stopped his stomping, halting to turn back towards his older brother, exasperated, “I have no plan, Elijah! I just need to know she is really here, I need you to confirm my suspicions!”
Elijah walked calmly towards him, steps light and cautious, “What suspicions brother? What could you possibly think other than one thing?”
Silent, Klaus kept walking, closing in one the clearing just through the trees.
Elijah continued, “Please tell me you’re not hoping for something else. If what you saw was real, then she really is-”
Breaking through the tree line, he stopped mid-sentence, losing all train of thought.
A girl, no older than twenty five years of age, stood in the middle of a garden, none the wiser of the brother’s presence. Meer yards away.
Humming a song that sounded eerily similar to his dreams, she swooped down at the waist to grasp at a plant when Klaus finally spoke to answer, “Our soulmate.”
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madhare0512 · 2 years
The Chaos Crew
hello and welcome to me explaining/talking about my aus:
today's au is: the Chaos Crew
this started out as a dinky little idea presented to me by my good friend @galaxysanduniversesinmymind. their idea was, "what if Street from S.W.A.T., Deeks from NCIS, and Buck from 9-1-1 knew each other" and then spiraled from there as we added more and more fandoms. the first fic was posted in January of 2021 and a year and a half later, now has 6 other writers and 38 fics with more planned.
let me tell you, if you'd told me two years ago that a universe I made would blow up so much, I'd laugh because nothing I've ever made has ever blown up like that.
the Chaos Crew universe was originally named 'how two LAPD officers and one firefighter accidentally become the most powerful people on earth' and mostly featured S.W.A.T.'s Jim Street. then, as I branched out into other shows, it gained more and more stars. galaxy started writing a chat fic and truthfully, it only went uphill from there.
if I'm honest with myself I couldn't have done this without galaxy or another friend of ours. this universe grew out of my control and I'm happier for it. so, in honor of 1 and a half years (a totally real anniversary I definitely didn't just make up) here's a bit of explaining what the CC is:
the CC refers to the universe of the Chaos Crew. it also refers to the Chaos Crew consisting of 12 members well versed in creating and survived chaotic situations.
the twelve members are: Jim Street (S.W.A.T.), Marty Deeks (NCIS: Los Angeles), Evan "Buck" Buckley (9-1-1), Matt Casey (Chicago Fire), Jay Halstead (Chicago PD), Will Halstead (Chicago Med), TK Strand (9-1-1: Lone Star), Christopher LaSalle (NCIS: New Orleans), Nick Burkhardt (Grimm), Nick Torres (NCIS), Diego Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy), and Clay Spenser (S.E.A.L. Team)
they have a group chat called Chaos Incarnate, which we'll sums up their interactions and their daily lives. the CI chat has a sister group appropriately named the Chaos Caretakers, nicknamed the Caretakers chat. this chat is for the people who take care of or care for a person in the CI chat.
the people in this chat are Chris Alonso (S.W.A.T.), Eric Beale (NCIS: Los Angeles), Josh Russo (9-1-1), Kelly Severide (Chicago Fire), Adam Ruzek (Chicago PD), Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz (Chicago PD), Connor Rhodes (Chicago Med), Judd Ryder (9-1-1: Lone Star), Sebastian Lund (NCIS: New Orleans), Monroe (Grimm), Jimmy Palmer (NCIS), Klaus Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy), and Brock Reynolds (S.E.A.L. Team)
this is also a Soulmates universe. there are three types of Soulmates: romantic, platonic, and familial.
ships include:
The S.W.A.T. Polycule (Jim Street, Donavon Rocker, Victor Tan, Bonnie Lonsdale, Chris Alonso, Erika Rogers)
Densi (Marty Deeks/Kensi Blye)
Calic (Eric Beale/G Callen)
Russley (Evan Buckley/Josh Russo)
Sevasey (Matthew Casey/Kelly Severide)
Mousestead (Jay Halstead/Mouse Gerwitz)
Buruzwater (Adam Ruzek/Kim Burgess/Kevin Atwater)
Rhodestead (Will Halstead/Connor Rhodes)
Tarlos (TK Strand/Carlos Reyes)
Jace (Judd Ryder/Grace Ryder)
Monrosanick (Nick Burkhardt/Monroe/Rosalee Calvert)
Palmtorrezzo (Nick Torres/Jimmy Palmer/Tony DiNozzo)
Lundkingsalle (Christohper LaSalle/Sebastian Lund/Dwayne Pride)
Patchgreeves (Diego Hargreeves/Eudora Patch)
SpiritWitch (Klaus Hargreeves/Elijah Mikaelson)
Reynser (Clay Spenser/Brock Reynolds)
Soulmate bonds work quite similarly to a telephone game. Romantic Soulmates get thoughts and feelings, Platonic Soulmates might be able to catch what you thinking and they can feel what your thinking, familial bonds are muted feelings and work of those feelings alone.
the distinction between Soulmates isn't quite clear, sometimes you end up dating your Platonic Soulmate or someone in your familial bond. most people find their Soulmates, but some people don't have Soulmates or don't want a relationship beyond friends or any relationship at all.
a good example of this is Julie and the Phantoms. Julie and Luke are Romantic Soulmates, however, Julie is dating Carrie while Luke is dating Alex and Reggie.
fandoms for this universe include:
- SWAT (2017)
- 9-1-1
- Lone Star
- NCIS: Los Angeles
- NCIS Hawai'i
- Chicago Fire
- Chicago PD
- Chicago Med
- Chicago Justice
- Grimm
- Umbrella Academy
- SEAL Team
- Scorpion
- MacGyver
- Hawai'i Five-0
- Magnum PI
- Supernatural
- Shadowhunters
- Percy Jackson & the Olympions (and relating books and fandoms)
- Mission Impossible
- Sherlock
- Law and Order
- Criminal Minds
- Flashpoint
- Vampire Diaries
- The Originals
- Legacies
- Charlie's Angels
- James Bond
- Numb3rs
- Marvel Cinimatic Universe -- X Men
- House MD
- The Listener
- Teen Wolf
- Brooklyn-99
- Ghost Whisperer
- Lucifer
- The Old Guard
- Fast and Furious
- White Collar
- Now You See Me
- National Treasure
- Lie to Me
- Baby Driver
- Grey's Anatomy
- Station 19
- FBI Universe
- Julie and the Phantoms
- Doctor Who
- Torchwood
special thank you to my fellow CC writers:
- @existential-bisis
- @chewiemadwriter
- @madddddy
- @bravo-four-seal-team
- @ispeakmorelanguagesthanyou
- two friends who don't have tumblrs I'm aware of
- and galaxy
thank you! and please feel free to ask any questions!
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 3 years
Hidden Marks
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Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
Request:  Hii! If you still taking request I want ask for an soulmate au with Elijah, where which one of them have the same mark. He and his soulmate are very good friends for a long time and never have thought about this, but someday he see her mark and find out about this but don't tell her for being afraid of hurting her because of his family -Anon
Word Count: 1.6K
Warnings: Tad bit of angst, mentions of blood, but that's canon at this point.
Author’s Note: I apologize that this wasn't out earlier today. But there was some things in it that were bugging me and I just couldn't let it post without fixing it! It's still the 7th for me so this is your fic for the day! I hope you guys enjoy it!
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. ♥
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“Oh come on,” Y/N said as she turned and faced Elijah as a smile pulled at her lips. “Are you really telling me that you’ve given up on looking?”
Elijah shook his head slightly as he let a huff of air past his lips. “For as many times as you’ve tried to persuade me to find who my soulmate is, my answer has remained the same.”
“Deep down I don’t think you mean it.” Y/N said with a slight tilt of her head. “You give the advice of your best friend ‘needing’ to find who she is ‘destined’ to be with, but you wont take your own advice or mine for that matter.”
When Elijah was younger, he believed that Soulmates finding each other was something magical. He may have lived with his mother who was a witch, and even a few of his brothers, but this was different. Elijah could remember the stories some of the villagers told him about how they found their soulmates. That the marks they were born with would match the person they were meant to be with.
Elijah had hoped that his soulmate would come along and he’d get to experience that kind of magic that he witnessed. He wondered who his soulmate was. How he would meet them and when they would realize who they were to each other. But when Henrik died, Elijah had felt his opportunity to meet his soulmate had been lost the moment he became a vampire.
The magical feeling he once believed in had been diminished over time. As the centuries had passed Elijah had never once met someone who he would ever be his soulmate. That there was no longer someone out there that would share the same mark as he did. As the years passed, the thoughts of a soulmate had all but diminished.
Elijah’s mark had been just below his left clavicle. The mark is a few shades darker than his skin tone. An intricate design of three circles intertwined in a horizontal line. His clothing always covering the mark from everyone around him. So long as it was covered, he wouldn’t be asked about it.
At least that was until Y/N came into his life. The vampire may have been several centuries younger than him, but they had become close friends over the past century. Elijah had met her during his time away from Klaus. The need to be away from his brother for a while had proved to be much needed. And when he met Y/N there didn’t seem to be anyone else better to spend his time with.
But during that time, he never mentioned what his mark looked like, let alone asked her what her mark looked like. Y/N was like Elijah in some ways. She once believed that soulmates were like fairytales. But when she turned, the notion of having her soulmate found had diminished.
“Was it not just a few hours ago that you reminded me that you’d rather not find them?” Elijah asked as he watched her.
The smile she had on her face faded slightly. “I have my reasons.” she shrugged slightly. “I may change my mind if I see you find yours.”
A light chuckle passed Elijah’s lips as he began walking down the pathway they stopped in moments before. “I wouldn’t hold your breath.”
There were several more conversations similar to that between them. But no matter how many times each of them brought it up, they both believed that they didn’t want to know who their soulmate was. They were content with their lives and it avoided the disappointment if their soulmates were human and lost some time ago. This way, there wouldn’t be heartache.
“Elijah?” Y/N called out as she struggled to keep herself steady as she walked into the compound. She hadn’t ever expected to go to Elijah when she had been injured. But she needed help this time. Someone had attempted to shoot a wooden bullet at her and it was currently lodged in her back.
In a blink of an eye, Elijah was in front of her taking in her appearance. His eyes had widened as he helped her over to a seat in the courtyard. “What happened.” He asked as he took note of the current bullet holes in her shirt.
“Oh you know, failed attempt at making friends.” She tried to brush off the pain that was currently radiating through her. “ I just need you to help take one of them out. The others were easy to do. But this one is lodged in there.”
Elijah moved behind her as came to take note of where she had been speaking about. There had been a tear in her shirt from the attempt to make the bullet hole bigger to get the wooden bullet out. He could see the healed spots from the others that she had been able to take out.
It was as he moved the fabric aside to begin pulling the bullet out that he noticed the mark right above it. He stopped for a moment as he took in the horizontal circles that were intertwined. For as many times as he had seen his own mark, it was replicated on Y/N’s skin.
Y/N could feel how he hesitated; she looked over her shoulder at him. “What is it?”
Elijah shook his head slightly. “I believe that is the first time I’ve seen your mark.” He said before he began to poke and prod at the bullet hole.
She hissed as she felt him digging into her skin and muscle. “There’s a first for everything.”
Y/N knew that while they had joked and pressed the other to go in search of their soulmates, they never once actually saw each other’s mark. For the century and a half that she had known Elijah, she had never once seen Elijah’s mark, just as he hadn’t seen hers until this moment.
Elijah hadn’t said anything in response. If anything he was letting his mind go over everything the last several centuries had shown him. He had been at his lowest, the lowest that he could be as a Vampire, when Y/N had entered his life. They had gotten along so well during that time that Elijah just considered it them having a lot in common.
“I take it now that you’ve seen it, you’re going to go on a mission to find my soulmate for me?” She asked a moment later, hoping to fill the air with voices instead of the sound of blood and muscle being messed with.
“I thought you disagreed with that plan.” Elijah tried to keep his voice normal as he talked with her.
As much as seeing the mark should have made him happy, that he should have stopped right then and there and told her what it was that he realized, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. It had nothing to do with the bullet that he was now pulling out from her back. If that had been the case, he’d tell her the moment he watched her skin begin to heal before his eyes.
“Oh, I do.” Said with a nod as rolled her shoulders, stretching out the muscles of her back where the bullet had been moments before. “That doesn’t mean it will stop you from doing it.”
Her words had caused him to chuckle as he pulled out his handkerchief and began cleaning his hands of her blood. She turned towards him in her seat, watching as he tossed the bullet onto the table a moment later.
“I have no intentions of seeking someone out that you do not wish to meet.” He noted with a nod of his head as he looked over at her. Even after getting into some trouble, she still looked as if she could still take on the world.
There was something in her eyes that changed a moment after his words had pierced the air. “Would you tell me if you saw the mark on someone else?”
“Of course.” He said even though it had been a lie. He knew he wasn’t going to speak of the very mark that was on his chest.
As much as Elijah wanted to express every thought he was having at the moment, he couldn’t allow himself too. Not with the past that he had. Not when there were multiple reasons why he didn’t want her to know.
Not to mention the track record he had with the women in his life. While one would argue that it was all meant to lead up to him meeting Y/N, Elijah knew that even she wasn’t immune to the darkest parts of his family or even himself.
He watched as she stood up from her seat. “Thank you for helping me with that.” She gestured to the bullet. “Would I be able to interest you in a little night hunt?”
There was a smirk pulling at her lips, one that Elijah couldn’t stop one from forming on his own. She was offering him a night of catching those that attempted to harm her. Between the two of them, the sport of keeping each other and his family had been a game of keeping score. His head nodded in agreement at the thought of helping her.
He always promised to help keep her safe. And it was as they began leaving the compound that Elijah realized in order to do so, he was going to have to keep his mark hidden from her.
All WorksTag (The tag to be notified for everything I write):@xoxo-nikki-xoxo @mrs-jackson-kenner @mizzzpink @amariaamaris
Always and Forever Tags (All things TVDU):
@taylordrunkonwhiskey @thewolf-and-thesheep @wayward-dan @neeadinghugs @fafulous @kenmen02 @elizamonet @dora-the-grownup @mschellehitt @xanderling @fandom-princess-forevermore @buckysarm4 @hi-my-name-is-riley @helenasingers @hellotvshowtrash @dpaccione @dumble-daddy @theactressstaringinyourbaddream @maldita-world @nikmikaelsonswife @elijahs-wife @avala-moon @swearingsolemnly @hey-there-angels @akshi8278 @imgoingtofreakoutnow @r13mar @raemikaelson @harpersmariano @ghostwriter20
Stag Tag: (All Things Elijah Mikaelson)
@elejah-wonderland @xxsovereignsarayaxx @asiaaisa77 @astudyoftimeywimeystuff @marvel-at-stucky @silvermercy @cassiopeia-black-brenda @nalledimessi @njeancastro316
The Originals Tag: (All Things The Originals)
@zillahvathek @obsessedwithvampires @malfoys-demigod
Bold tags mean one reason or another I cannot tag you in this. If you would like to be added to or taken off, please do so here!
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madwomansapologist · 2 years
𝜗𝜚 -> my personal favorite
- mikaelson family!
★ mikaelson family being obsessed with you would include (sfw, fluff, blood, yandere, tsundere, stalking, cheating/poly).
★ what kind of yandere each mikaelson is (sfw, fluff, blood, yandere, stalking).
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- elijah mikaelson!
★ meeting elijah mikaelson would include (sfw, fluff, meet-cute, vampire stuff).
★ elijah mikaelson being obsessed with you would include (sfw, fluff, yandere, stalking, voyeurism, sugestive).
★ mikaelson family being obsessed with you would include (sfw, fluff, blood, yandere, tsundere, stalking, cheating/poly).
𝜗𝜚 you are safe now (sfw, angst, hurt/comfort, estabished relationship, sa).
★ cookies and cream (sfw, fluff, established relationship, protectiveness).
★ what kind of yandere each mikaelson is (sfw, fluff, blood, yandere, stalking).
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- klaus mikaelson!
★ discovering that klaus mikaelson is a vampire would include (sfw, angst, blood, death, vampire stuff, established relationship).
★ dating klaus mikaelson would include (sfw, fluff, established relationship).
★ klaus mikaelson being obsessed with you would include (sfw, fluff, yandere, stalking, sugestive).
★ mikaelson family being obsessed with you would include (sfw, fluff, blood, yandere, tsundere, stalking, cheating/poly).
★ being klaus mikaelson soulmate would include (sfw, fluff, soulmate!au, meet-cute).
★ klaus mikaelson being obsessed with you, whos pregnant of hope mikaelson (sfw, pregnancy, faterhood, established relationship, yandere).
𝜗𝜚 have we met before? (sfw, angst, witchcraft, hurt/comfort, bonnieeee).
★ what kind of yandere each mikaelson is (sfw, fluff, blood, yandere, stalking).
★ human!klaus mikaelson obsessed with you would include (sfw, fluff, yandere, developing relationship).
★ klaus mikaelson pampering you would include (sfw, fluff, hurt/comfort, kidnapping, established relationship).
★ klaus mikaelson simping for you would include (sfw, fluff, falling in love).
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@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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bamfjinxy · 2 years
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Writing prompts for elijah and elena (updated)
1: Elena knowing Morse Code and subconsciously taps her thoughts
Elijah understanding it and tries not to laugh at the insults.
He outwardly chuckles when she Morse Code calling Klaus a puppy due to his need for attention
Warns elijah about champagne
2: Selective mute elena-trauma from car crash- elena learns sign language, uses notepad or phone to speak when she can't.
Elijah knowing it cause he be a historian. Elena being comfortable with him and talks to him.
Knows in an instant that Alaric isn't himself (he knows how to sign), tries to make a deal with Klaus afterwords. (Jenna lives due to this, sicko vamp is scafriced instead)
Signs sorry to Elijah after releasing the dagger, also invites him in the boarding house (Klaus still daggers elijah)
Klaus roadtrip with Stefan still happens, elena doesn't try to follow leads.
Stefan compelled elena to talk during the whole drive off the bridge, causes her to go downward spiral in talking.
Klaus learning it and becomes protective of Elena. (Elena staying with the mikaelsons during the dinner party w/ Salvatores )
Hugs Elijah after entering the mansion after bringing shopping bags for Klaus. (Modern clothing for his brothers and food for her, she talked him into undaggering his sibs, Damon/elijah move up the plan a bit)
Soft-spoken but kinda gruff 'I missed you', Elijah worrying about her here. Klaus happy she talked.
Elena apologies to Rebekah for daggering her, via phone, (knows she doesn't understand sign language yet)
Kol, Finn confused. Esther still shows up but surprised elena is there.
Elijah and Klaus stands between elena and Esther.
During masquerade ball she talks to Finn, Elijah translate for her. (Vamp hearing works wonders sometimes) Finn starts to rethink Esther's plan a bit.
Damon getting tired of Elena using sign language to talk due to her not being comfortable near him. Blows up at Elena about using everything esle to talk but her voice, insults her mutism as an excuse not to talk or to gain sympathy.
Elijah overhearing this sort of snaps, knowing it wasn't her choice to have something like this happen to her. (Punches Damon multiple times, Elena calms him down just by saying his name and shaking her head)
Klaus walking over and tells Damon that Elena only talks to people she's comfortable with or trusts. Snaps the younger vamps neck. Someone drags him out (person optional)
3: Elena being a Phoenix as well and not knowing, she did die in the water with her parents
Heat radiates off her, when she's pissed or upset.
Small chirp/purr Like noise when happy, content, or relaxed and excited.
Has to willingly give her blood, otherwise taste like ashes.
Smells human but with a campfire Overtop of the smell.
Heals quick but not too quick.
Danger senses around ingrained, like Stefan doesn't mean to due her harm but she still doesn't feel safe.
Ergo doesn't date Stefan, but still gets necklace
Compulsion only works half way. Ex: Stefan compelling her to dagger Elijah later on, knows she was compelled but not why. (Makes notes of it the feeling)
Elena having no qualms about dying, though she still could die with vamp blood in system.
Elijah being confused why she doesn't smell completely human, questions the change in body heat when he sees her upset or the little noises he hears when she sounds happy.
Will spend time learning about all the small ticks.
He hates that she doesn't seem to care about dying, she doesn't really know why (instinctively knows she already has multiple times maybe?)
Danger sense for eljiah isn't there. She feels safe with him even when alert around Rose/Trevor.
Never mentions it till she suckered punch Damon for trying to feed her his blood. Will state she never felt safe around him or Stefan not like Elijah. Will try to leave the house. One of Salvatores grab to to make her stop and gets burned due to her anger.
Elena brushing against Elijah but he doesn't get burned.
Elena will somehow get caught on fire, Will not notice it and someone puts it out. Elijah finding out (or was there) and checks to see burns and have there be none.
Elijah makes a connection that Elena is another supernatural creature besids a doppelganger. (Secretly looks at lore for what else she is)
He figures it out after being undaggered after the sacrifice. Protective of her even more so.
Jenna still be alive, cause elena healing her without knowing.
Elena being friends with Rebekah since she left a note in the blondes dress after the daggering happened.
Esther linking spell won't work, Elena forced to give blood still isn't being willingly.
Kol bites her and starts choking a bit on the blood to the point of vomiting. (Thought it would be funny to try and tease elijah and annoy Nik)
Elena looks confused and concerned. Elijah just growls at Kol after wrapping an arm around elena first.
Yes, did the whole mate thing. Phoenix mate for life man (in this prompt anyway)
Elena does make an very elated chirp after Elijah does this. (Not sure anyone told her what she was, up to the writer)
4: Elena having tattooed Viking runes mixed with verian after finding out vampires exsit and just after Alaric arrives in town. Ergo,Elena takes no shit, and is protective.
She gets Elijah's name before she meets him
ᛖᛚᛁᛃᚨᚺ- (elder furthark) on the left side of her neck just a little underneath her jaw
She went to Alaric for history purposes on Vikings and she gets her aunts permission for the tattoos
Caroline and Bonnie go with her, she gets two tats.
She did read the bilbe and the name stuck out to her when she was researching.
ᛒᛁᛋᛋ ᚬᚠᚠ - piss off, on the other side of her neck above the clavicle (younger furthark)
Only Caroline, Jeremy and Bonnie know she used verian ink.
Still wears the necklace Stefan gave her, but will act like she was compelled when it gets taken off.
(Her fascination towards Vikings and the language in general could be up to be debate of why, the idea is elena being an old soul)
Tatia behind the scenes of protecting the younger doppelganger, and thinks both Klaus and Elijah deserve happiness. Shows up in Elena's dreams sometimes (No she won't be pit against brothers, polygamy is a thing though but not for prompt)
Elena does let her family know about vamps, she doesn't want them clueless, plus gilbert journals.
Debating if Elena should also learn sword fighting the thought of her threatening people with sword would be hilarious ex: Logan Fell.
Does break up with Stefan before the masquerade ball (or continues to remain broken up after first time?)
Elijah being a confused but adorable vamp when he sees the runes underneath her jaw but puts it in the back of his mind to save face.
She definitely outs Katherine and moonstone, sure she be scared of the situation of being kidnapped
Pokes Trevor's head with finger, confirming he be dead.
She be forced to leave behind Elijah after he was stabbed. Knew he wasn't going to hurt her.
She does try to offer herself to Klaus the same way. Which does allow her to make deal with Elijah.
She begrudgingly admits Stefan shouldn't be stuck in tomb with Katherine even if he deserves it. (Allowed Jeremy to get hurt trying to get moonstone)
Elena finding vamp supplies in lakehouse and does hold her own with help of stefan when Tyler and Brady show up (she didn't invite Stefan inside cause broke up but did allow him to come to help her get away so she could have a calm moment)
Stefan does warn her what happened at dinner party
When she does dagger elijah she takes his body inside her lake house preventing Damon and stefan from getting him
Klaus bodysnacther with Alaric sees runes and asks about getting them, she looks confused at him knowing he was the one to help her research the Vikings, and admits she felt drawn to them.
She also indirectly mentions she choose the name before meeting Elijah, who was helping her keep her friends and family safe while agreeing to do the ritual as something she feels she needs to do.
Klaus decides to not use the suggested vamp and wolf (different vamp for sacrifice, but Jules for wolf)
(Not sure what to do about decade dance) elena disagrees with plan to kill klaus
Undaggers Elijah and gives him blood bags in lake house while she waits for him to wake, invites him in and reads the journals there.
When he does, he's little surprised about the blood bags and not in a basement.
Elena hearing him, let's him know there are clothing in the house and he can keep the dagger.
Elijah definitely asks why she is giving him the dagger as her means of defense against him
Blankly looks at him and just says they had a deal and even if it was broken due to outside interference she's doing the ritual.
Elijah gets the rundown of what happened and he tells her about his family via curse as well ( they are driving back to town as this happens)
Offhandedly mentions that it sounds familiar but still will do it. Also notes to Elijah that she doesn't think he can kill his brother
Kicks Damon in the balls after trying to put his bleeding wrist to her mouth to prevent her from drinking the elixir
Ritual happens, Klaus breaks curse, Elijah doesn't go through killing him, Jenna still lives ( I like her alive)
Elixir has a side effect and she meets Finn, they both get to know each other before she comes back to life(important for later)
Klaus go on road trip with Stefan, Damon still got bit via werewolf
Prank Night Klaus does ask how she is alive, she tells the truth and say Elixir from Elijah. Tyler still becomes a hybrid but only willingly since elena asks due to her knowing via dream tatia about her blood being key
Let's Klaus know as well and will donate blood
Elena befriends Rebekah after whole Prank Night. Even let's her know about the tattos being made with verivan and has to pretend to be compelled or act a certain way to not tip off certain vampires.
Elena getting pissed about Mikael, does dagger Rebekah but for her protection. Tells the truth to Rebekah about her mother being killed by Klaus but to look at it from his point of view. (He was in pain due to wolf being locked and acted on it)
After Mikael dies does tell Klaus she does care even if they barely know each other. She does tell him that she told Rebekah about her mother.
Stefan bargaining Elena happens and Elena pissed punches him and she goes to Klaus, Brotp happens.
Klaus let's Rebekah know she was only daggered to be protected from Mikael whose now dead. And Stefan took the coffins to get back at him (he referred to her as my doppelganger and not her name yet)
Wingman elena for Klaroline.
Mikaelson ball happens, Finn and Elena shocked at seeing each other. Elena Hugs Finn happy to see him.
Elena hugs Elijah and Rebekah as well but all shocked how she knows Finn. She does berate Klaus on not informing her of his siblings so she could have helped get him modern outfits
Klaus rolls his eyes, and toast to dancing happens
Kol does dance with her,she introduces herself, he mentions her similarities to Tatia, she asks about her appearance, jokingly remarks how the same face the braids in her hair, blue dress, and earrings would make much difference.
Gets spinned to Finn before Kol could say anything but Finn overhearing convo does admit that she what Tatia looked like. Elena blinks at him in utter confusion before she realizes the dreams.
She does string out curses, and you got to be fucking kidding me, and finally that fucking protective viking bitch. Finn asks her if she is alright?
Elena nods and then gets spinned into Elijah
Both make small talk, Elijah finally asks about the his runic name being tatted on her
Elena mentions reading it from the Bible when looking for things to translate into Old Norse. Elijah stuck out to her. Tells him she didn't know about him at all.
Elena and Esther meet, she says no. Esther forced elena due to life her her family. (Damon necks also gets snapped, and she admits she has a problem with his love for her and she won't ever feel the same way)
Finn backs out knowing that it could cause harm to Elena.
Elena still lies to Elijah about the link and leaves upset.
All Mikaelson have a meeting without Esther and Finn comes clean about linking spell and Elena's part, clarifies that she didn't want to but forced to. Finn didn't drink the champagne.
Elena texts Rebekah during the meeting, 'trying to get Bonnie unlinked from your psycho mother, think elijah has the how to on elixir making' Elena sending another text to her, 'think Nikki will let be borrow a dagger so I can stab your mom. Legit asking. '
Rebekah sends her brothers numbers to her after laughing. Kol reads over her solider 'I like this one'
Elena to Klaus 'Let's plan a mother dearest murder'
To Ellijah 'How to save life via magical elixir to revive the dead'
(Confessions can be inbound- desperately need to stop been writing for three hours on and off)
5: Elejiah Sentinel Au, I don't think anyone has done that. Know there are fanfic crossover for this type of thing
6: Elena carrying around a shotgun and or mutiple knives on her person with veirvain/wolfsbane coating due to small visions of deadly omens.
When kidnapped curse that she doesn't have her weapons to use against Trevor after trying to bite her.
When Elijah arrives and kills Trevor goes 'aw, damn I wanted to kill him'
7: Agents of Shield Au- Elena being like Daisy/skye, and Elijah like Daniel Sousa. They match each other so well!
8: Star Tear Diease Au- (similar to hanahaki diease)
(Apparently I like writing a Chaotic Elena, feel like we need more of her)
I got more ideas and didn't feel like writing another post
Writing of these is always welcomed when I do prompts, as long as I can read them when finished! :)
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hollowed-hallowed · 2 years
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AU-gust Joker: Soulmates
“Do you think the universe fights for souls to be together? Some things are too strange and strong to be coincidences.” ―Emery Allen
There is a thin line between love and hate, and sometimes that line ties the universe together, connecting the familiar.
A familiar face. A familiar nemesis. A familiar dilemma. The one where a promise comes due, turning a simple twist of fate into a knot.
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lis-likes-fics · 4 years
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x Reader Warnings: None. :) Author’s Note: I’m so sorry this is late! It was supposed to be posted at 5:45 and here it is almost six. It took a while to write the others so this one was written rather quickly. This one makes me all fuzzy inside. Thank you for reading, though! Happy Valentine’s Day!
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In the world of soulmates, everyone was born with black stains that represented the first time your soulmate touched you. There were people all over who had big, black stains on their hands for that one handshake or ones dusting over their knuckles from brushing together with another.
Once that first touch was made, the black stain was replaced with the most beautiful mixture of colors that would brighten up any life and begin a chapter of love for another.
And people felt bad for you.
You did not have a black stain on your hand, or any on your knuckles. You did not have one on your shoulder or somewhere along your arm. Where was your black stain?
It was right on your cheek.
It was enormous and hideous. You hated it. Everyone you encountered would pity you because of the fact that your life with your soulmate would likely begin with a harsh slap to the face. You hated that stupid black stain, and you hated being pitied for it.
You did your best to cover it up. You used makeup, you tried covering that side of your face with your hand, you tried anything that came to mind... but you could not hide it. So you just stayed away from the public eye to avoid the pity party that was your life.
Then your friends dragged you out to a stupid ball because, "You can't be a hermit all your life!"
"Oh, yeah?" You asked, "Watch me, Caroline."
She rolled her eyes, forced you in a dress, dragged you out of your house, and pushed you into a large mansion where the ball commenced. You pouted most of the time, many looked at you funny because of the black stain defiling your face.
Stupid black stain. Stupid soulmates. Out of anyone in the whole world, why were you the one with a black stain on your face that brought nothing to humiliating torment from those around you?
You stayed in the corner of the room, secluded from everyone else as you worked on concealing the filth as best as you could with a drink in hand. After a while, someone finally decided to come over and simply talk to you instead of stare. Why? Probably pity.
"Are you enjoying the party?" he asked with a calm smile. You looked over at the man looking at you, a drink in his own hand. He wore a suit, like every man at the ball. But his was designed in a more special manner, far more sophisticated and important than any man here.
His eyes were the color of chocolate as they squinted in thought. His hair was a deep chestnut and styled to perfection. He was a handsome man.
You did your best to try and conceal the stain, but it only brought attention to the hideous thing. You sighed defeated as you gave up, "Yeah, it's fine."
He eyed his drink, swirling the champagne in his flute before he set it down on the table nearest to you. He looked back up with a light chuckle, "I suppose it could be improved..."
You shared the chuckle, "It's not the party. It's this stupid stain on my face." Your voice almost came out as a growl at the two words. You then mumbled under your breath, "Everyone's staring."
He shook his head, his smile kept as he looked to the crowd and gestured to a man, "Not everyone. He's looking at the floor."
You rolled your eyes and managed a genuine laugh. He laughed with you, satisfied to have worked a smile from you. "Is the stain really so dreadful?"
You nodded, certainty in the way you did so, "Yes, it is." It was evident in your tone that you had quite quickly become agitated with the talk of the stain. "Everyone pities me for having a stain on my face. It's not the greatest feeling in the world to know that the first touch I will receive from my soulmate is a nice strike to the face."
"He may not raise a hand to you. You never know," he told you gently. "Besides... any person, man or woman, would be absurd to hit a woman like you. Let alone a woman at all."
You looked at him then and your lip twitched again into a smile. "What's your name?" you asked quietly.
He smiled back, "I'm Elijah."
You bit your lip, "Y/N..."
"You have a lovely name," He complimented sincerely.
"Thanks. You, too. It'd be cool if this stain wasn't so horrible. Maybe I would be able to meet a lot more Elijahs," you commented with a weak chuckle at the end. "Or are you one-of-a-kind?"
He chuckled himself, "I'm certainly not common... and I, for one, think the stain is quite lovely. I imagine the colors to come will be well worth the wait."
You rolled your eyes a little, "I'm not looking forward to it."
He turned to you, his whole body facing you now. You looked up at him, your expression softening, "Where's your stain?"
He lifted his hand, showing you the black stain dusting the palm. "In common place," he smiled.
You sighed, "Well, it definitely looks normal."
"Well, I don't think normal is a word I would use to describe anything relating to myself," he chuckled lightly.
You laughed with him, "Right, you would probably use the words 'entirely ordinary' or 'conventional'." He laughed at your joke, and it brought another string of laughed from you. You were just glad to actually be talking comfortably to someone for once.
Elijah licked his lips. He moved his hand over to your cheek but did not touch you, "I assure you, lovely Y/N, your stain is beautiful."
He had this softness in his eyes that made you blush. You looked at his hand as it neared your face, drawn to the thought of his warm palm caressing your cheek over the stain. A fleeting thought even had your mind hoping for a second that this was the day...
When he touched your cheek, right over the stain on your face, you gasped suddenly. A strange pleasure shot across your cheek, making its way over you. It traveled down your spine, loosening your muscles and spreading chills all throughout your body.
You brought your hand up, grasping his arm gently as you leaned your face into his hand. When the strange thrill died down, you let go of his arm suddenly. He smiled and looked at his hand, now colored different shades of blue, purple, and yellow, like he had put his hand in brilliant chalk powders. It was the most beautiful stain you had ever seen. When he looked back at your, face he lost all of his breath.
The black stain that was on your face was now the same color mixtures as his own, but they were somehow more decorative and brilliant. It was as though the god of arts had used your cheek as their canvas.
It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
You brought your hand to your face, feeling your cheek where the black spot once was. You could feel the difference under your fingertips. "Is..."
You looked into your drink, looking at your reflection in the clear glass. You saw the colors dusting over your face and smiled, literal tears came to your eyes and a content laugh escaped your lips, "I..." You were at a loss for words.
You looked up at Elijah and bit your lip. You threw your arms around his neck and pulled him down to your level, crashing your lips onto his in a sealing kiss that conveyed all that you were feeling to him. He grinned against your lips and kissed you back, his hands wrapping around your form as he pulled you closer.
When you finally pulled back, your hands held his face so you could get a long look at him. You spoke through your tears, your voice wavering as you beamed at him. It was a smile he would keep with him for the rest of his days. "Thank you," you whispered.
He kissed you again, your touch filled him with such a foreign, but amazing feeling he craved. He pulled away again and told you gently, "You are very welcome."
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Always and Forever taglist: @moon-child-writer​ @xxwritemeastoryxx​ @melodiclovesong​ @thebrotherssalvatore321​ @satedbond​ @strangerliaa​ @njeancastro316​​
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