#Elise deserved better
pixelheartthrob · 5 months
In Defense of Princess Elise.
When I first got heavily into the Sonic franchise in 2020, I had already heard of how bad 06 was and that Elise was the worst part of it. While 06 isn't a great game by any means, Elise is definitely not the biggest problem. The fandom made me believe that she was an uncaring, selfish person who liked doing...inappropriate things to animals. Once I played the game, however, I saw that this is the complete opposite of how she is. The fandom and the entire internet (because the hatred people have for Elise extends far beyond the fanbase) lied about this character and everyone went along with it for decades.
She had an arc where Sonic taught her to open up, enjoy life, and made her feel genuine happiness for the first time since her father died. I thought it was a sweet and simple arc, and compared to how headache-inducing the time travel stuff can be, I prefer the simplicity of Elise's story. A lot of people blame Elise herself for getting kidnapped but it's not really the character's fault, it's the contrived plots fault. It's common for fan rewrites to try and fix this by changing Elise into a fighter with capabilities on the same level as the other characters, but that's not really fixing. It's more akin to replacing because Elise isn't a fighter. Even worse, there are rewrites of 06 that straight up replace Elise with Sally or Blaze. It reminds me of people saying Elise would be better if she was an anthro character, but her being human isn't a problem. It's just the art direction that needs improving. I actually think Elise being human is one of the things that makes her unique (and her controversial status as Sonic's human love interest is what she's most well known for, so if Sega was to remake 06 and she suddenly showed up as an entirely different species, it'd be a bit jarring lol). You can also considerably lower the number of contrived kidnappings without changing Elise into something she's not. Elise's story and character are more emotion-driven than action-driven, so there are other ways she can be strong. She's already a strong character in an emotional sense. In fact, she's the most emotionally strong character in the series.
For example, I think Elise blowing out the Flame of Disaster (or the Flame of Hope, as it was previously called) is one of the most powerful moments in the franchise.
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People give Elise a lot of crap for her breakdown, mostly her "I don't care what happens to the world!" line. This line gets blown out of proportion by a lot of Sonic fans and gamers in general because they aren't very observant and take everything at face value. People call Elise "selfish" for this outburst but just put yourself in her shoes. Imagine if you had to give up the only friend you've ever had ‐ the only person who made you feel genuine happiness in years. All the moments you spent together would be erased from both of your memories. I don't think most people would be able to make such a sacrifice. Get off her back, guys. She's not selfish. Everyone has had moments where they got upset at how unfair the world is.
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She obviously didn't mean it, because she regained her composure when remembering Sonic's words and blew out the flame shortly afterwards. People also claim she's being dramatic and crying over someone she's known for a few days, but they conveniently forget that Sonic was literally her only friend and the only one she felt happiness around since the death of her parents. It's understandable that she'd get attached. The fact that Elise blew out the flame and put the world's needs above her own despite all she's been through and despite knowing that she'll lose her only friend shows how selfless she is. She does care about the world.
So, how would one fix Elise without completely altering her character? It's simple, really. Just give her more screentime. Maybe explore how she feels about her parents (especially her father) and how she coped with their deaths. The "not crying for 10 years" thing is the only problem people seem to have with Elise's backstory, but I think there's an easy fix for this, too.
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In the scene where Sonic is killed, we see a glimpse of Elise remembering her father's words. At first I wondered what this flashback was showing, but I think this is meant to show Elise's reaction to the news of her father's death. As we can see, she's not crying, but is gently clutching the blue chaos emerald and seems to be in a trance-like state. My idea is that maybe the energy of the chaos emerald regulates her emotions and she carries it around for comfort. It could also help her cope by detaching from the situation or reality altogether.
We can see her clutching the emerald during the first cutscene at the festival when Eggman threatens to take it from her, too. She is understandably reluctant to hand the emerald over because it was given to her as a charm to ease the pain of her father's death, so she holds it dearly. She probably had the emerald in this cutscene as emotional support just in case anything went wrong during the festival because other than that, I can't think of a reason for her to be carrying it. There are also moments where she blanks out or has hallucinations.
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So that's my idea as to how Elise went for so long without crying. Elise is a decent character that just needed more screentime, not a complete character overhaul like people say. In my proposed fixes, I didn't make many drastic changes or remove anything from Elise's character or backstory, I just added to it. The main problem is that Elise was underwritten, not badly written, as there were things that should've been explored more regarding her backstory and her parents. I'd like to mention what I said at the start about people portraying her as a creep whose into necrophilia and beastiality, mainly because of her kissing Sonic. People really overreact to the kiss scene as if it's a scandalous moment that Sega tried to sneak into a kids game, but it's...really not. It's clearly meant to be reminiscent of a fairytale and the kiss was obscured by a light. It's quite literally the most tame thing in the universe. Plus, Sonic's spirit was present during the kiss and the first thing he does upon being revived is thank Elise. It's also not beatiality because Sonic isn't a literal hedgehog. He's an anthropomorphic cartoon character that's able to walk, talk, and think like humans do.
Just like how people will portray Elise as a creep, they'll portray Sonic as being disturbed by her very presence or Amy wanting to kill Elise because she "stole her man". This obviously contradicts everything in the actual game because Sonic is shown to enjoy Elise's company and Amy has a lot of respect for Elise. It's kind of misogynistic to think that just because two female characters have a crush on the same guy, they have to be at eachothers throats. It's also strange because Sonic fans will throw huge fits when the characters are written poorly, out of character, or flanderized, but that's exactly what they're doing to the characters. Writing Amy as hateful and violent towards Elise just turns Amy into the crazy, overprotective, Sonic stalker that fans hate to see people accuse her of being. If Sonic was to act like a jerk towards any of his other friends, fans would consider that out of character, so why do those same fans portray him as acting like that towards Elise - someone he is shown to appreciate and consider a friend? I guess it's okay to wildly misrepresent a character or flanderize them, but only when it's directed at another character that you don't like. This fandom makes no sense.
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kittydoremi · 6 months
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
I'm so so mad Chuuya was still with the pm in Beast!!!! Give Chuuya a universe where he can be happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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lilcookiebugg · 22 days
I’ve seen so many people constantly say it’s weird to ship Sonelise. Cause Elise is a human and Sonic is a blue hedgehog. But never elaborate past that.
But like what makes it weird? Sonic clearly isn’t a normal hedgehog. And it’s not like couples like Sonelise haven’t existed since the beginning of time.
They always say it is weird. But never why then “she’s a human and he’s a hedgehog”. And I’m genuinely curious. Cause I never saw it as weird. Nor did I ever think it was the illegal stuff. I can clearly distinguish between the stuff. And let me tell you.
All you have to do is Google the definition to the illegal term to what they accuse Sonelise as. And it’s not even close to being that. Especially when I’ve ever only seen people call Sonelise that. But leave other ships alone. With the same “problem” Sonelise apparently has.
Also the whole “Elise is bad cause she kissed Sonic without his consent!” Is just stupid.
It was a fairytale kiss and was the only way to bring him back. What did you want her to do? Leave him laying there dead? Great plan. And Sonic didn’t seem mad about it at all. And neither did anyone else. And there’s no need to make the scene have all these unnecessary weird things.
Elise kissed Sonic to bring him back. Then gives power ups to Shadow and Silver. And they rush off to save the day.
That’s the whole scene. It’s y’all who’s making it weird. I doubt anyone there is actually caring about the kiss itself. And more about the world possibly ending.
There’s technically nothing wrong with it. Y’all just wanna be salty cause Elise just happens to exist.
I love this poor princess so much. She needs a hug. Why can’t we all just move past this already. It’s been over a decade. And the whole situation was technically retconned. So why should we still care.
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rylxdreams · 2 years
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pendwelling · 2 years
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"Prince Consort Werner and his two beloved daughters, Crown Princess Elise and Princess Cornelisse." And his... son, Prince Jesse.
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rubywolf0201 · 2 months
Princess Elise, Amy Rose and all of the Sonic females can never catch a fucking break from the misogyny in the Sonic fandom.
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sskklvr · 1 year
Aya, my dear <//3
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Fandom vs Canon elise
Fandom Elise: "mmm hot damn!🥵 can't wait to get me some of dat dead cold hedgehog. Rigor mortis is so hawt😳. I wanna ride Sonic's cold dead ass all night long. Dead hedgehogs are the best. They can't say no!🤤"
Canon Elise: "I'm an orphan who was forced to run a Kingdom on my own ever since I was a little child with no say in the matter. I can't even cry about lest a I release a bloodthirsty demon(that was sealed inside me without my consent )upon the world.
I never wanted this responsibility. All my life I was expected to be stoic and selfless .I just want to be free. Sonic makes me feel like an ordinary girl and I don't ever want to lose him. He was the first genuine friend I ever had"
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ladyseidr · 10 months
okay but wishlist item: literally anything with elise and william but post divorce. i think they should have the most stilted, uncomfortable conversations you've every seen and then immediately hook up again and then never talk about it. it didn't happen. they totally hate each other now ( still totally in love ).
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winterr-w0nderland · 7 months
I'll give the hot take that Sonelise as a ship is fine and that generally shipping mobians with humans is okay. People who claim its "beastality" clearly don't understand that term, mobians are not the same as animals, they can talk, they can have a conscious stream of thought and they can have just as complex feelings as humans do
Honestly I'm pretty sure half the reason Sonelise gets so much hate is just the art style of Sonic 06, Elise looks like she's from final fantasy and Sonic looks like Sonic. The reason why Topaz x Rouge, Roger x Jessica Rabbit, etc are more widely accepted is though obviously one is an anthro species they're drawn in the same art style. Personally, if they went more of a Sonic Unleashed route then Elise would just look more natural next to Sonic as opposed to the uncanny valley
The only pairing I can think of that's gotten a lot of hype and has two characters in conflicting artsyled is spider noir x spider ham (I forgot what their ship name is) in which we have the cartoon pig with the angsty black and white character, however that's intentional and arguably not as exaggerated as the style clash in Sonic 06. Hell, the entire point is there are several different characters in various art styles that contrast against each other. As opposed to 06 where we're just supposed to accept that this hype realistic girl looks natural next to a cartoon hedgehog
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childofaura · 2 years
I love your art reviews! Could you do resplendent Elise?
Ahhh, I will always love the baby sister, but when it comes to the Resplendent I do have some minor gripes ;w; But again all of this is just my personal opinion so it’s really more up to personal taste.
Pukyunosuke drew Resplendent Elise:
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Elise is cute no matter what, but… the incorporation of Ljosalfheim is very janky and not a smooth blend. Rather than leaning into the nature aesthetic where the clothes look like they’re made out of plants and flowers, Pukyunosuke simply picked pink and purple colors and made the edges have a petal-style trim. Additionally, she still has her Nohrian styled sleeves and top, plus a very non-fairy skirt underneath her outer skirt. I also feel the use of the dark maroon-ish color doesn’t compliment the Ljosalfheim visuals. And finally I wish the wings had a little more flair to them, they look very flat.
Despite all that, the art is still adorable and captures Elise perfectly. Great expression, posework, color, and anatomy.
Honestly, Ljosalfheim is perfect for Elise. I know some people wanted to see her in Hel clothing due to her demise in Birthright, and while that would have been interesting (and kind of funny), Elise would never wear clothing so dreary. Fairies and dreams is her aesthetic.
Overall, Resplendent Elise is a 7/10. This Resplendent is an example of a less than stellar costume study. Also, I feel like they wasted the opportunity to explore a new color scheme for Elise, like how Celica and Eirika did; this artist just played it safe instead.
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kittydoremi · 5 months
Idk why it's so widely accepted in fanon that Sonic hates Elise, when in 06 that's far from the truth.
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Sonic never hated Elise, yet people characterize him in fanon to hate her so often. People in the fandom now will usually call out if Sonic is made to hate any of his other friends from the games in fanon, yet with Elise it's just so accepted for him to hate her, it's often seen as "canon".
I think that's sad because Sonic and Elise's relationship and bond in 06 was so sweet. You see how much they care about eachother in the game. It was even heavily implied that they had mutual romantic feelings for eachother.
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masquenoire · 2 years
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“Not now, Elise. Black Mask’s a busy man...”
FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other
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holybibly · 2 months
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𝔒𝔫𝔢 𝔩𝔞𝔰𝔱 𝔱𝔦𝔪𝔢 | Seonghwa x reader
Pairing: Toxic idol Seonghwa x reader Summary: You promise yourself: This is the last time you let Seonghwa use you for his entertainment. But old habits are hard to break. Genre / Au / Trope : Smut, Idol!AU, Angst, Toxic relationship, fuck buddies. Rating: 18+ / 21+ / MDNI Word count: 5.2k Warnings: Toxic dom!Seonghwa, sub!reader, destructive relationship, emotional dependence, humiliation, emotional manipulation, unprotected sex, fingering, degrading, pet names, size kink, face fucking, dirty talk, explicit sexual content, explicit language, oral, overstimulation, manhandling, сreampie, rough sex, rough oral, power play, praise kink, spit kink and more.
net: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity @newworldnet
A|N: At some point I realised that the unholy hours were moving into the mini-ff format, and I think you bunnies will find it much more convenient to enjoy them in this form than just notes. This is really something new to me. I think my bunnies have been wanting to see something with angst for a long time, and now I'm here to fulfil your wishes.
ℌ𝔬𝔩𝔶 𝔅𝔲𝔫𝔫𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝔗𝔞𝔤 𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱 ❣ Part I @tiny-apocalypse @captain-joongz @alicedawitchbish @woohwababes @wlv-asteria @wisejudgedragonhairdo @mingisprincesss @lavishloving @teagietots @spooo00oky @sousydive @hwapou @bunnliix @softwsan @mjyungi @fantasy2wonderland @noirsfantasy @cassies-cookies @renaholicss @luffypants @hyukssunflower @watermelon2319 @peachygiku @bunnyxoxodarling @stolasisyourparent @soranosnowbunny @certifiedmoa @sanglix @slvtiny @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @hecateslittlewitchling @xxawl @pastellbunno @starlletsblog @seonghwasstar @hwanring @vtyb23 @pearltinyy @minjaeum @chasevixx @bomi-ja @onedumbho3 @sanglix @cursedeastern @itza-meee @pinkies-things @atinism @mxnsxngie @nenefix-on @therealcuppicake @annafeebou @sharksandminhos @@lixies-pixieboy @@vampzity @0rangemilk @yellow-foxxing @claimmeyourprincess
ℌ𝔬𝔩𝔶 𝔅𝔲𝔫𝔫𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝔗𝔞𝔤 𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱 ❣ Part II @unholywriters @hey-syia @hrts4nohee @vnessalau @mlink64 @tessakleine @fr34k4c1dr41n @313hwa @lilyuwon @tiziamattaga @un-knew @wiaxul @siyah-staryis @seonghwasbbgirl @mingisfavgf @bunnyluvr25 @roserperfume @lose-lose07 @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @lelaleleb @bubblebisk @silverlight-h @ chloe-elise-2000 @cookiesandcreammy @mxnsxngie @miyaluvvsyou
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You deserve better; you know you do. You deserve someone special—someone who will treat you well and take care of you. You know you can find someone other than Park Seonghwa who doesn't deserve you, someone other than Seonghwa who doesn't care about you, Seonghwa who leaves after himself nothing but rot and destruction. 
Your relationship with Hwa is a corrosive, poisonous acid that eats away at your skin and your feelings until there's nothing left of you, but you're sure that's not enough for him either. 
This relationship is eating you alive, and yet you can't give it up. 
You go back to him again and again and let Seonghwa fuck you until you're unconscious, until you have scrapes, scratches, and bruises, until you have that infamous and overrated 'bad boys will get you to heaven' feeling. But the sweet euphoria of lust after rough animal sex on the edge of the tolerable always fades, leaving an emptiness and a ruination of bitter emotions after he kisses you lightly on the cheek and asks you to get the hell out of his dressing room so he can get ready for the concert.
You swear to yourself that this is the last time you'll let him wipe his feet on you, but Hwa waves his finger at you like the beckoning of an inexperienced, trusting kitten, and you're back on your knees in front of him with your mouth full of his big, thick cock. 
You're still wondering why Seonghwa chose you. Why did the gaze of his gorgeous, feline eyes fall on such an ordinary and unimpressive you?
Maybe this happened because Wooyoung was endlessly flirting with you, or because Yunho was paying you too much attention to you, complimenting you, and looking at you like a lovesick puppy with his big twinkling eyes. Or maybe he just did it because he wanted to, and you were never able to find an explanation for why he was doing it. 
But who were you to him? Just one in a million, and Seonghwa, well, Seonghwa was really something special. 
The gorgeous, handsome, talented, devilishly sexy lead singer of Ateez, known for his charisma and incredible stage presence, with crowds of people always at his feet, wanting to touch the divine even for a second, perfectly knowing that would kill them. Every time he performs, his name goes viral, and the number of fans who say they'd give anything to spend a night with him runs into the millions.
You weren't blind. You saw what the girls he brought with him backstage looked like—the girls who spent the nights in his hotel rooms, the ones he kissed and danced with, the ones he pressed against his hot, lithe body in the darkness of the nightclubs. And yet Seonghwa would always come back to you—not to them, but to you. Maybe that is why you keep coming back to him. Over and over and over again. 
This is Seonghwa, who makes you as special as he is.
He's the shining star, showering you with magical light, but night melts like his kisses, and the rising sun brings a sense of bitter reality. While Seonghwa continues to shine, you remain shadowed, waiting for the star to light your sky again.
It's a very dangerous thing to be so dependent on such a feeling. To be so dependent on a relationship like that and on a guy like Hwa. So you try to distance yourself from him, to create a distance where he can't get to you anymore. You try to avoid him, you pay more attention to the gentle and kind Yunho, and you spend more time with your friends. You feel brave when you shamelessly flirt with Woo, and in general, you try to convince yourself that you don't want to be with Seonghwa any more. You have no desire to have a sense of 'heaven' anymore. Nevertheless, you keep checking your messages, hoping to see what he's been texting you, and waiting to hear that sultry, hoarse "come to me, baby" again as Seonghwa tries to screw you before the concert. 
You're going crazy for him. For a man who was never really yours to begin with. It's stupid, all these feelings, all this possessiveness and childish jealousy, all this pettiness and anger that he's showing you, especially when you think that he doesn't care about you at all. But Seonghwa doesn't like to share; even if he doesn't want you to belong to him, he still does it because he can. You can flirt with Wooyoung all you want; you can blush at Yunho's compliments, but he'll be the one who shoves his cock down your throat; he'll be the one whose touch makes you cum.
Another night, another bar, another group of friends—then you hear the familiar ring of your mobile phone. Seonghwa. You're not surprised at all; Ateez is performing tonight, and he's obviously stressed. You know that Hwa has been acting like a bitch and that he is driving all the people around him crazy. He needs to fuck; he needs to fuck all the anger and tension out of him; otherwise, he won't be able to pull himself together. 
You've promised yourself that you won't be his puppet to relieve stress any more. So you turn down the screen of your mobile phone and go back to having a chat with your friends, but your phone still rings. Again. Once more. And once again. And then Seonghwa stops calling. Your phone goes silent, and the silence seems to swallow up the whole bar to plunge you into an icy, dark depth. You have the feeling that something inside you is on the verge of breaking. 
Your body moves almost automatically, you apologise to your friends, get into a taxi, and try to get to the venue of the show as quickly as you can. As you sit in the dark interior of the taxi as it speeds along the night road, you think about how Seonghwa is too bad for you—poisonous and bitter, like a forbidden lethal drug that poisons your blood—bad blood—a bad habit that you can't get rid of. 
But still, the thought that Seonghwa doesn't want you any more is driving your mind into a frenzy. You just can't bear it if he doesn't ever kiss you again. 
And for the umpteenth time, you swallow your pride and self-respect and choose Seonghwa instead, if even though you know damn well he doesn't want you as much as you want him. 
Before you open the door to Seonghwa's dressing room, you catch a sympathetic glance from Yeosang, and it makes you feel so disgusted, even though you know he's not ashamed or judging you. But you still feel like a dirty whore, running to Hwa at the snap of his fingers, even though you know exactly how Yunho feels to you. And something in the depths of Yeosang's hazel fox eyes almost makes you want to turn around and get the hell out of here. But instead you turn the metal handle and step into Seonghwa's personal dressing room.
As soon as you're inside, Seonghwa is smiling at you with a smug and victorious smile, stretched out on the couch with his long legs stretched out. He's gorgeous, as he always is, but there's something about the way his entire body is wrapped in black leather, chains, and straps that almost makes your knees weaken and your mouth fill with drool. 
"Here's my baby girl. Seonghwa pulls himself up from the couch and approaches you slowly, like a large, graceful cat. All his movements are refined and calculated, as if one wrong move could scare you away. "I knew you would come; my doll always comes back to me. Doesn't she? But I must say you had me worried today, baby, and I don't like that at all." He purred velvety and pulled you to him for a deep, dirty, but too short for your liking, kiss before pushing you roughly against the closed door. "My little pet must never forget who her master is. To remind you, I'm going to fuck you harder than usual tonight, doll."
You just nod and let him do what he wants. Seonghwa laughs grimly and presses his whole body against you, and you can clearly feel his hard-on as he presses his hips into you even harder. 
"We're going to have a lot of fun tonight, baby. And we'll take it slow; I'm going to fuck you so good, doll, that you'll feel my cock in your little cunt for days." Hwa whispers sultrily and hoarsely into your ear before he pulls away from you and starts to unbuckle his trousers. With his long, graceful fingers, he skillfully pulls the leather strap out of his trousers and wraps it around your neck like an improvised leash. 
There it is again; he loves to humiliate you so much to show you your true "place,"  but still you happily fall to your knees to please him.
You raise your wet, puppy eyes to him and look up at Seonghwa through your fluffy eyelashes before you begin to pull his impossibly tight leather pants down from his thighs. Of course Seonghwa has no underwear on; he's always ready to fuck, and somehow you're not surprised at all. 
Everything about him is awesome, even his cock, so damn ideal, so perfectly long and thick with those deliciously swollen veins and reddened, wet with pre-sperm head;
You curl your palm around the base of his cock and run your tongue along the wet, velvety length, sucking in bitter drops of pre-cum.
Seonghwa purrs contentedly, rolling his eyes in pleasure and tossing his head back as you run your tongue along the thick, swollen head of his cock.
"Fuck, yes, like that's." You practically stop breathing for a second, admiring the way his chest rises and falls with his heavy, slow breathing, and the beads of sweat run down the length of his seductive neck; you want to lick them off with your tongue. 
You hum softly somewhere in the back of your throat, sparks of excitement running down your spine and your stomach clenching at the soft purring of his voice and the rough pressure of the leather strap around your neck.
Hwa growls, harder tightening the belt and cutting off your oxygen supply almost completely as you insert the tip of your tongue into his oozing slit, licking and circling around the spongy crown.
"I always knew you were the ultimate filthy slut. And when it comes to sucking me off, you always live up to my expectations." Seonghwa spoke, his voice slightly choked and broken. 'Now are you ready to be a good girl and swallow my cock all the way down?" He pulled harder on your belt, bringing you closer to him, and you immediately relaxed your jaw, opening your mouth obediently for Seonghwa's dick. "Careful with your teeth, bunny." That was the only warning you heard from him.
You know exactly what's going to happen next, so you relax your throat completely and take a deep breath through your nose, allowing Seonghwa to slide his cock into your mouth unhindered. The slide is smooth and familiar due to the copious amounts of pre-cum and drool that coat its silky length, and your lips stretch out prettyly around the thick, hot cock so that you can take in its entire girth in your mouth. 
Seonghwa hisses like a cat as your teeth lightly scrape the sides of his sensitive cock as he penetrate deeper and deeper. The pain is deep in the muscles of your neck, and you can feel small jolts of discomfort on the sides of your tight jaw as the wet, swollen head of his cock rests against the back of your throat. His thick, heavy cock rests all the way on your tongue before you swallow, which allows Seonghwa to penetrate even deeper into your throat.
"Oh fuck, that is so hot. I can see the bulge of my dick on your neck,  baby." Hwa moans lewdly, and what he says turns you on more than you'd like to admit. 
Your pussy clenches, sweat begins to collect under your knees, and your thighs tremble with the need to move to find some friction that will ease the growing pain between your legs. You can almost feel how your clit is tingling with excitement. You let out a helpless whimper—a hoarse, muffled sound as your tongue flicks along the underside of his shaft. 
"So cutie." Seonghwa chuckles wickedly and finally begins fucking you in his mouth. He still holds your improvised leash tightly and has complete control over your breathing. The pace of his thrusts gradually increases, getting faster and sharper until he begins to thrust roughly into your throat, pulling you as close to him as he can with the leash until your pretty face is actually pressed against his flat, embossed belly. 
The smell of his skin is spicy, with a sweet hint of vanilla. The heavy musk of his perfume is earthy and intoxicating. The bitter saltiness of his pre-cum, his hot, velvety cock throbbing in time to his thunderous heartbeat as you reflexively gulp around him—it is enough to make you tremble with desperation, with the desire to feel him cum down your throat, to feel the taste of his pleasure. And it is this sweet yet pernicious desire that drives you to continue to pleasure him, even in the face of all the shame you feel about it. 
You struggle to keep eye contact with him, dabbing away the tears as he stares down at you with all his majesty, like some ancient pagan deity who brings nothing but torment and destruction. Your drool drips from your mouth onto the cold dressing room floor, running down his balls and bubbling at the corners of your lips. The sight is disgusting, but it only seems to turn Seonghwa on more, and through the squelching, wet sounds, you can hear him moaning hoarsely, "Take it, baby," between heavy sighs and wheezes, and you're more than happy to oblige. 
Your head becomes light and starts to spin from the sudden loss of oxygen as he suddenly tightens the leash. You are catastrophically short of air, the walls of your throat spasm as they flutter around his cock, and tiny darck spots appear in your eyes. 
It seems like an eternity before Seonghwa is completely out of your mouth, long strands of saliva mixed with his pre-cum stretching from his thick, swollen head to your lips. Through your tears, you can even see the slight sheen of your pink lipstick covering the velvety length like icing on the birthday cake.
You gulp for air, desperately trying to fill your lungs with oxygen, but he doesn't give you enough time to breathe, shoving his cock back into your mouth almost immediately, the movement rough and fast, the head almost hitting the back of your throat. 
"Fuck, baby!" Seonghwa curses, his voice dropping a couple of octaves to become rough and sultry, and you can even detect a slight hint of satoori in the pornographic tone of his voice. 
His body trembles slightly with tension as he feels the narrow, slippery walls of your throat tighten around him once more, like a silk vise, milking out all that you are able to take out of him. Mentally preparing yourself for when he starts to move again, you concentrate on breathing through your nose and letting Seonghwa warm his cock deep in your throat. 
"Feels so damn good, doll. I always knew that that pretty mouth of yours was made for sucking on my cock'. You swallow weakly, letting his cock slide deeper into your throat, letting Seonghwa know you're ready for him to start moving again as the animal panic inside you subsides, leaving a tingling sensation of pleasure in your limbs and a throbbing cunt. 
And then Hwa begins to fuck you down your throat with all his strength and passion, entering you sharply and roughly, his balls slapping against your wet chin with every thrust. He mercilessly uses your throat as a toy, dragging his thick, veiny length between the slippery, narrow walls of your throat until, at one point, the head of his cock slips into your gullet, causing you both to gasp for breath. 
"Fuck, fuck, fuck baby, you're driving me crazy...' Hwa growls, tightening the leash. "My favourite slut, you love sucking my cock more than anything, don't you?" Seonghwa's gaze was so hot as he watched his cock bulging out from your throat. He couldn't take his eyes off your stretched neck. You looked so damn beautiful when you were being used. "Such an obedient girl for me, my sugar doll." His praise sends a liquid fire pulsing through your veins, and the lust burns through your insides until you feel a hot throbbing in your clit. Your slime seeps through your panties and you feel so full and so empty at the same time. You try to shake your head to the beat of Seonghwa's relentless, fast thrusts and cling to his hips with your fingers to pull him deeper into your face, faster, harder. You want to feel his cum rushing down your throat.
And all this effort just to hear more of that sweet poison pouring out of his lips like ambrosia. Seonghwa is poisoning you, you know it, but you're too deep in his web to be able to give him up. 
He needs a few more thrusts before he decides to come out of your mouth in its entirety. All of a sudden, Seonghwa is crouching down in front of you, holding your face in his palms and running his thumbs over your hot, flushed cheeks, smearing more drool and mascara all over your face. 
"You're always so good to me, doll. So obedient, so lovely, the best girl I've ever fucked in my life." His words leave scars on your skin that you're sure everyone can see. Sharp, bleeding marks to cement his claim on you. So that even when he no longer needs you, you'll always remember that you belong to him. "Only mine..." Seonghwa snarls, his sweat-soaked forehead resting against yours, a beautiful, almost demonic grin spreading across his swollen lips. 
You watch in fascination as he licks his fucking, sensual lips, leaving them glistening with his saliva. His big hand runs through your hair and down the back of your neck, until it is squeezing the back of your neck in a painful grip that makes you feel dizzy. 
"Open...' He whispers to you, and you comply. Your mouth opens obediently, soft tongue protruding, waiting for the warm, thick glob of his saliva to land on your slippery appendage. 
Seonghwa is almost shaking, moaning softly as he sees it melt against your pink muscle, his cock twitching between his thighs. You don't even have time to close your mouth as he greedily licks your chin, collecting all the drool and his own pre-cum before he pushes his tongue into your mouth and kisses you wet and dirty. He only stops for a moment to spit into your mouth again and seal your lips with his own in another lewd kiss. 
You whimper into his lips and look up at him from under your wet lashes to meet his famous siren's gaze. His eyes are practically black, the dilated pupils having completely engulfed the gleaming chocolate irises like a demonic veil.
"That's my good girl," Seonghwa breathes out and slides his saliva-slicked lips over yours.
His other hand slips between your thighs, and you squirm as you feel his fingers slide along the wet edge of your panties. He runs his fingers along the silky folds of your cunt, teasing and savouring the viscous moisture of your arousal that coats his knuckles with a transparent glaze. 
"I'll fuck you now, baby." His voice—a low murmur, vibrating in his chest and penetrating your pussy, making it clench around nothing. 
You let out a faint hum of agreement, ignoring the meaning of his words and instead rocking your hips to try and get more of the delicious friction of his fingers on your wet pussy. 
You were desperate to feel those long, ringed fingers stretch your tight hole in as pleasurable a way as possible. Seonghwa seldom fucked you with his fingers, preferring to shove his thick cock into you straight away, but when he was in the mood, you squirted for him endlessly. He loved to see you writhing and moaning as the clear streams of fluid poured out of your cunt like a waterfall. Sometimes he would even be able to lick you afterwards, lapping up all of your juices as if he were dying of thirst and only your cunt could satisfy him.
The time you come back to reality is when Seonghwa suddenly gets up on his feet and pulls you up behind him. Immediately, he turns your back to him and presses your body against the coarse wall. Seonghwa presses himself against you with his whole body, his hot, heavy cock touching your naked buttocks, and you hope that he won't fuck you in the ass this evening. The memories of last time are still too vivid in your mind, and let's say it wasn't the most pleasant experience for you. Your hopes are fulfilled when you hear the sound of the lace being torn before his two fingers enter you at the base. Acceptance isn't difficult at all, and apart from the fact that you're so damn wet right now, it's almost routine for you, considering how often Hwa fucks you. 
"You always are so wet for me, doll. You can't wait to get my cock in you, can you?" Seonghwa whispers in your ear as he runs his fingers over the silky walls of your pussy and makes you see the stars. The cold metal of his rings cools down your inner heat a little and gives you some relief, even if it is only fleeting. "Beg for it, doll. Beg for my cock or you're not going to get any." 
"Please, Hwa, I want your cock so badly. Please fuck me, please take me like the slut that I am. Use me like a toy." You whimper as you squeeze his fingers into your pussy and arch your back against him. Your cheek rubs uncomfortably against the rough wall of the dressing room, but you don't care, you need Hwa to fuck you. You want to go to that goddamn heaven, even if you have to go straight to hell afterwards. 
"Whatever my doll's wishes are." Seonghwa suddenly pulls his fingers out of you with a loud, crunching sound and immediately replaces them with his cock. He enters you with a one sharp thrust until his balls are pressed against the soft underside of your buttocks. Seonghwa spends a few moments savouring the sensation of your hot walls enveloping his cock, pulsing and contracting around its massive girth before he begins to move. 
The first thrust of his hips was enough for you to make your legs go weak at the knees. God, once again you're convinced: Seonghwa knows exactly how to use those hips. Smoothly rolling over and over again, getting harder and harder until it becomes a steady, rough but deep rhythm. You let out a soft, panting moan with each hard thrust, your eyes rolling with pleasure and your legs shaking as you fight to hold your position and keep from falling to the floor. You feel Seonghwa everywhere - in your pussy, in your thoughts, in your heart, and the way he presses his body against yours. One hand grips your thigh, digging his fingers into the soft flesh until bruises start blacken on the skin, the other next to your head against the wall, almost cutting you off from the world. You're completely surrounded by Seonghwa, trapped in the cage of his body, and if you could, you would like to stay here forever. 
"You're such a dirty little girl. What do you think Yunho would think of you if he could see you now? Would he still be in love with you like a puppy, if he saw how I made you my toy by fucking you on my cock like a fool?" As he whispered this to you, Seonghwa pressed his chest against your back, his hot breath touching the sensitive skin of your neck. 
'I, I don't know, Hwa...' You mumble incoherently, completely lost in pleasure and feeis of Seonghwa, he could call you the most insulting names in the world right now and you wouldn't care. 
He doesn't say anything else, but instead he starts to leave wet, purple hickeys on your neck, which penetrate deeper and deeper into your soft body. Everyone can probably hear exactly what the two of you are doing - the sounds of sex are always recognisable - wet, dirty and fucking loud. And to top it all off, Seonghwa liked to show off, he wanted everyone to know how well he was fucking you. 
You start to feel the knot of pleasure inside of you getting tighter and tighter, letting you know that your orgasm is just around the corner. Which you immediately tell Hwa about.
"God, Seonghwa, I'm going to cum". You are whimpering.
"Do it doll, cum on my cock like a good girl". He growls, jerking your hips with such force that your back arched in pain. The change in position has forced his cock into you at a new angle, the thick head hitting a super sensitive cluster of nerves each time, sending you to heaven with each sharp moves of his hips. 
Your orgasm hits you with such a force that you can almost taste it on your tongue. Your whole body begins to tremble. Overwhelming hot pleasure flows through your veins like boiling lava as the shroud of euphoria overtakes you and you feel yourself beginning to lose touch with reality. But Seonghwa continued to move, ignoring your whimpering and plaintive squeals.
"What a good girl you are." He praises you and leans down to kiss the curve of your neck, it's position that allows him to increase the amplitude of his thrusts as he fucks you deep and hard. Seonghwa really knew how to fuck you into unconsciousness, how to fuck you so well that you wouldn't be able to think of anyone else. 
"You like being a little slut for me? Don't you? You are just a toy for me to use for my own pleasure. Always so ready." With these last words, his thrusts became sharper and more aggressive than they had been before. "I'll just use you as a cocksleeve because that's all you are. My beautiful slut that I can use however and wherever I want.". 
You could feel how the overstimulation was hitting you; it was almost burning you from the inside out, mixing the pleasure and the pain into a searing, intoxicating cocktail. But if Seonghwa had any intention of taking advantage of you, you were at his disposal without any objections. Hwa pressed his chest against the back of yours once more, his soft lips touching your neck as he did so. 
"God, I'm going to fill you up, damn it. You'll take all my cum, and everyone will know you're mine." He growls and bites down hard on your neck. You sob and feel his hot, viscous cum filling you as you writhe weakly in his arms. 
"Seonghwa, I feel so fucking good with you." You groan; turn over your shoulder to look at Seonghwa.
Fuck, he looks like he is completely fucked. Hwa's face is almost glowing from the experience of his orgasm, and he's giving you the most unbelievably demonic look he's capable of. You want to say so much to him; you want to beg him to never leave you alone, but instead you swallow your feelings and turn your back on him.
It takes a few moments for him to recover before he is able to come out of your pussy completely. Hwa watches in awe as his cum begins to drip from your distended cunt, your hole still clenching around nothing and spurting out the viscous milky liquid. He scoops up his cum with his fingers and smears it all over your swollen labia before shoving it back into the hole he just used. 
When you start to whimper and wriggle, he finally stops playing with his cum and calmly walks away from you to his makeup table to check on his mobile phone how much time is left before the show starts, while you fall to the floor in exhaustion. 
The sweet euphoria of pleasure, mixed with the adrenaline, gradually gives way to a cold emptiness and bitter disappointment. You feel so used by him. 
"Shit, I need to get ready. Can you leave now, baby?" Seonghwa says as she starts to fix his hair and looks at his reflection in the mirror. 
'You know, Hwa...' You start to say, but you stop yourself when he turns around in your direction and looks at you with big, shining eyes that seem to have the sparkle of a million stars gathered in them. He has a relaxed look about him, so calm and collected, so different from the Seonghwa you saw an hour ago. 
"What is this, a doll?' He asks, tilting his head to the side like a curious kitten. 
'Nothing at all; I wish you had a good show.' You say as you get up on your wobbly legs, straighten your clothes, and then walk out of his dressing room, shutting the door behind you with a tight flick. You barely manage to hold back the tears as you push your way through the staff and other idols laughing and chatting as they wait for the show to start. Somewhere in the crowd, you notice the tall figure of Mingi arguing with Wooyoung, and you duck your head to avoid being seen by them. 
You reach the rescue door with the bright red 'Exit' sign, and finally you allow yourself to give free rein to your emotions.
You swear to yourself: This is the last time you'll do this. You swear that you'll never let Seonghwa take advantage of you again. 
It's too bad though that old habits die hard. 
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celiaelise · 2 years
So I'm like doing Bad financially, and my mom's caught on, because I'm not lying to her about it, even though I'm trying not to reveal the full truth. But I would prefer not to lie about it? I feel like it would be detrimental to my own progress in certain areas.
But anyway she keeps asking if I'm okay and if I need help, but I very much do not want to tell her how much help I actually need. I do think she would help me; she likes to feel needed. I think she would probably even be nice about it. But I also think she would permanently integrate into her perception of me just how much I'm failing to take care of myself. It would deepen the idea of me as, like, someone helpless and incompetent.
Which, like, may even be true, but I certainly don't want to hear about it from her. I don't think it's even necessarily a pride thing? (though I won't deny that possibility) it's more that she will make "Elise can't do this thing." an immutable fact for the rest of my life. Or, at least, I'm scared she will.
Anyway that's kinda why I did a bunch of job applications last night. Two of them already called me expressing interest, and one of them I might be interested in... (the other revealed I would only be working like 6 hours a week, which doesn't seem worth it.)
But ugh. I still don't really want to get another job lol, even though obviously I need one, and I do want to stop struggling. I hate (am terrified of) change and new environments in the best of circumstances, and these are certainly not those. Honestly what got me through even submitting my resume was the knowledge that if I take a job and it sucks ass, I can just bounce. (real winners quit, etc.) Plus, almost all the jobs I'm seeing that pay even close to decent (without a bachelor's 🙄) are childcare/education, which is a field that I am interested in, but have been burned very badly by before! And tbh I probably haven't recovered from that burnout yet.
There's also some vague, like, administrative assistant/receptionist type jobs, for all manner of businesses. Which I'm a little interested in bc it seems low-pressure, (compared to keeping children alive) and I don't mind data entry, and I feel like I'd do well in an environment where I have a bunch of clear-cut tasks to kind of do in my own time? But other than a two week volunteer stint at the IT dept of the hospital my dad used to work for, I have zero office environment experience, so that could be very scary!
oh my god, my mother just texted that she sent me more money...like, cool, yes. Objectively a positive development. But she did it out of powerful anxiety, which isn't good news for either of us. I do sometimes feel bad for worrying her, or not doing more to ease her worries, but also, she cultivated and refused to treat this anxiety disorder all on her own, and I know very well that it won't help anyone to make (any y more of) her mental health issues mine, too.
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